U. S. Government Baking Powder Tests. The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division, Ag'l Dep't, shows the Royal superior to all other powders, and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows: ROYAL, Absolutely Pure, The OTHER POWDERS TESTED, are reported to con tain both lime and inlphnrie acid, and to be of the following trengthi respectively, . . . Royal Baking Powder greater leavening power John I'tai klnloit's Ovation.. A noble ty of the man who knows how to do gtxxl with his motley was John Plankinton, of Milwaukee. Mr. Phtnkiiiton's charitable deeds begun in early life, from the very generosity of his nature, and were continued uninterrupt edly. What he has done is best attested by the fellow citizens of the great pork packer who had shared his public munifi cence and were thoroughly cognizant of hia many private charities. In illustra tion of the esteem and love in which he was held it is related that when Presi dent Cleveland visited Milwaukee in 1887, the applause which greeted him as , hia carriage drove along the streets was as nothing to the ovation given John Plankinton, who rode in the procession. When, a year or two later. Mr. Plank baton's body was borne to the cemetery, all the houses along the line of the fu neral march were draped in mourning and expressions of personal sorrow were beard on every hand. It was a tribute to a rich man who spent his money wise ly and who knew what was beautiful in a life that is worth living.- " " Mutual Interrocatorlea. "William," said she, severely, "how many mora times are you going to ask me to marry your "Clara,"said he, with equal sternness, "how much longer are you going to persist in re fusing: mel" Mrohant Traveler. THE REASON. Let us look into the force, mean ing;, reason or the oft-repeated line : Cures Promptly and Permanently. Pains Endured for 30 Years 25 Years, 20 Years, 10 Years, Have been promptly Cared by EST. JACOBS Oil., By the use of: A FEW APPLICATIONS A HALF BOTTLE OKE BOTTLE TWO BOTTLES. Correspondence with Sufferers shows tire permanence of cure up to this tine, in sons cases covering 5 Years, 7 Years, 8 Years, 10 Years, sd so en, and this proof wa bold. A eopy of the "Offleiel Portfolio rf the World's Coluixtblaa Exposition," deTiptive of Buildings mudi Grounds, beautifully uius Iralxl, In war color effects, wl;l Iw sut to any address ntion receipt of ' in postage stumps t.y Thk fania A. YocLS Co, "August Flower" My wife suffered with indigestion and dyspepsia for years. Life be came a burden to her. Physicians failed to give relief. After reading one of your books, I purchased a bottle of August Flower. It worked like a charm. My wife received im mediate relief after taking the first dose. She was completely cured now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat anything she desires without any deleterious results as was formerly the case. C. H. Dear, Prop' r Wash ington House, Washington, Va. 9 Lab. I GLT The timothy Hopkins Collection of Sweet Peas Containing twenty-ou distinct varieties a large packet of each for Si.5. or a packet of the sama varieties, mixed, for 10 cents. 12 Carnations iiiactnitetiaD . $1.00 12 Chrysanthemums (v) $1.00 12 Pelargoniums tdiactnrist) $1.00 12 Roses dtoisrt varieties) ' $1.00 All ttronj, ieaJUl, pot-frown plant, fret by mall. Flower Seedsrwr6y"ixa! " avvMj varielic. your own Vegetable Seeds iwiectioa- With either of above collection our handsomely muyLcu uwpagt; catalogue is cent tree. jm it admitted to be a work of art. and contains a reproduc tion, in natural colors, of the twenty -one variet ies now omvemallv reroenued as Tha Timnthv Honbins Collection of Sweet Pew. Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. t IWOfstriajfeT4Awiri leadlnf remedy 'or all til unnatural discharges aal' prlvatedlaeaaeaof mea. A I certain core for the deftuj tating weakaees peeaiar to womea. l,rlZr . Iprascribaltendfeelsaff ITsttrurtCMESi-ITPI In racomroaedlag It . swsMi.e.y uaj sai nnirtn. Dranlsi al rsuc inn, .vm subsus COMBsBBtlWM slnif nsonl. whotxave weak luossor Aath ma. should hm Pian'arstM Oonaumptron. It has cnrd (WasMds. ft has not injur ed oue. It is not bad to tttka. It Is tbe best oeuch sTruii, 80M eTeirwhere. IT N. P. W, U. No. m-a. g. S, V. No. 662 LEAVENINO OAS. Pr eant Cubio ia. par as. 13.06. . 160.6 12.58. . .1511 1 11.13 . . . 133.6 10.26. . . 123.2 j 9.53 . . . 114. 9.29 . . . 111.6 8.03 . . . 96.5 7.28. . . 87.4 I 4.98 . . . 65.5 is absolutely pure, and of than any other powder. YOU AND L Ko b who lays It nn the shelf. But he who spends Ills talent savm M. Be gives Indeed who uivos titnisKlf, And host tir worst Is his ho rraves It. A thousand wish our work surcaut; One brings us i-newr hecati lis speaks It. A common I lung Is happlnnM; lie only iivver tinds v. ho seeks It, Thaslnni with the supreme sua Of Nature's plan was made partaken Alike has ess-h its vourw to run. And show ih wbidom ol Its Maker. Tbe slrady season coins and iro; The constant hevdle strangely falter; The moon drawn mt sways lo and frot Opinion, change; truth never altera. W may resist our roe's aimnlta. His sneers that stln his blows that batter; Correction nl our daily faults We And another, harder matter. Self has no claim when duty calls; Our destinies receive our shaping: Escape we may from prison walla. But front ourselves there's no escaping. Tbe cruel conquests of the sword Bring fleet inn Tame that soldier slfth for Tbe cheering smile and winning word Britut love that thousands pine and die for Ad accident, a lucky star Might lead us lo the sutler's nlcheat Not what we have, but what w are Is the imperishable riches. Is there a course we should pursue? Through rum's realm we must pursue It. Is there a work for as to dof ,. Though death confront us we must do It. Not how to die. but how to live. Demands our care and best endeavor. Cor character Its liulit will give When sun ami stars are quenched forerer K. N. INimeroy in Voutlt's Companion. The; Kill, bat lo Nut Smoke. The average Kaluli dot uot regard murder as a crime. It in kill or be killed in hit own country, aud he therefore regitnln the matter of the taking off of a. friend roost pbilo sopbically. "There w nothing to worry about; be in dead, and 1 killed him,'' he will tell you if you should inquire about a companion with whom be wax on tbe best of terms the preceding winter. I bare heard an Afghan, while purcbaxiDg a weapon, tnieak with evident guxto of the occasion when be would utie the gun to murder a friend. It caused him as little concern, this contemplated crime, as if be had said, "Shall kill a chicken, if God so wills it, tomorrow for uiy pillau." And yet there is something child ish and affectii mate about these men. They never seem to forget a favor, and repay it to tbe best of their abil ity. Unlike other Mohammedans, they do not observe the Koran with blind obstinacy, but occasionally Btretcb its precepts to accord with their ideas of religion. They do not drink, for that is directly against the law, nor tlo they smoke. Ban nun Cisco Chronicle. Tbe Kind of Music Baudelaire Liked. Literature is on the lxirder of science, draws inspiration from it, and finds in tbe marvels of pbysi ology motifs of disquietude and fear an unpublished shudder, in fact to ! speak a little after the manner of j Victor Hugo. Charles Baudelaire eer tainly bad an influence on this par" ticular movement. I bear him still telling us with a grimace not to le forgotten: "1 adore Wagner. jHe had been one of tbe first to defend him in Paris. But tbe music I pre fer is that of a cat bung up by bis tail outside of a window and trying to stick to the paues of glass with its claws. There is an odd grating on the glass which 1 find at tbe same time strange, irritating and singu larly harmonious. "- Jules Clairette in North American Review. ; Mttuvj In Electricity A very recent estimate of tbe capi tal investetl in tbe electrical indiw tries in tbe United Stattss ist720,0O0. 000. and of this amount 350, 000,000 represents the projioriion which eleu trie lighting and power have at tained; $100,000,000 is also tbeesti mated investment iu electrical sup plies, of which the electric lighting and railway appliances constitute a large proportion. - Pittsburg Dis patch. The Prince of Wales, simple and unostentatious as he always desires bin private visits to tie, cannot be fit tingly entertained for even two or three days without an exjienditure of 15,000 or O.tXX). So well trained are a pair of horses owned by a farmer in Lancaster county. Pa., that they pull a barrow regularly across tbe field from morn ing until night witli.nn a driver. In Africa and India and in South America monkeys are often employed to wither the fruit which ktows too ..it to lie reached by the uativea Ki;;laud has one horse for every twelve persons, and only an average of four houin of daily sunshine in which to ride or walk. In China wealthy people buy their coffins long before they need them, and exhibit them as ornamental oieces of furniture. AT THE DOOR. I thnoRhl myself Indeed secure. So fast the door, so flrm the lor In But, lol he toddling comes to lure - My pareul ear with timorous knock. Mr heart were stone could It withstand The swvutuoss of my baby's plea. That llmorous, baby knot-king, and "I'Ii-hks let me In; it's only ma," I threw aside the unfinished book. Regardless of Its tempting charms. Aud, opening wide the door, I took My laughing darling iu my arms. Who knows but In eternity I, like a truant child, shall wait The glories of life to be. Beyond the heavenly father's gate! And will that heavenly father heed The truant's supplicating ory. As at the outer door I plead, "Tisl.0 Father! only 11" Eugene field In Christian Advocate. A DOCTOR'S STORY. I met Itttra at a charity ball. It was a ease of love at first sight on my part, and I sot introduced. "Dr. SprlK Miss Laura Wyatt." The Introduction was made in an Instant. We had one waits, only one, which we danced from start to lliitsu; aud then, when that glorious waits was over, wa both felt as though we had knowu and loved each other all our lives. ' How I manaired it I don't exactly know, but I did manage it. I succeeded in getting tutroduced to old Mr. Wyatt, Laura's papa. I dauced several other dances with Laura, and at the end of those dances I vowed her tho one thing undented That lived and breathed In this world of alni The purest, tendercst, truest child That a man ever trusted In. Vou may say that it did uot take me long to arrive at this conclusion, (t did uot take me long, simply because I am a man of great mental promptitude, and have grown accustomed to arrive rapidly at a correct diagnosis. You have to arrive at a rapid diagnosis when you see a buudred and twenty patients in three hours, which I had been in the habit of doing as assist ant physician to St. Skinflint's. I fancy 1 made a rather favorable Im pression on old Wyatt. I bad cultivated a good professional manner. Some people say that in my profession manner is every thing. I was what may be termed extra professional your young consulting physi cian always is. I had the etiquette and the ethics of the profession at my fingers' ends, and at that time I honestly felt that if it had not been for my peculiarly pro possessing appearance, and the fact that I was deficient in the physiciau's crown of glory (I meun a bald head), a large aid lucrative practice must bemiueeventually. and till the night I saw Laura I was abso lutely devoted to the profession of medi cine, and I longed-I actually longed for that bald bead and the accompanying large and lucrative practice. 1 called, and I was very favorably re ceived. Mr. Wyatt asked me to dinner, and he made a very favorable impression upon me, and be gave me a very good din ner; and the interest the old gentleman took in medicine was something wonder fuL Old Wyatt lived in a very large house, in thoroughly respectable style butler who looked like an archdeacon and two parlor maids. Well, I was very much in love with Laura (it was Qf teen years ago, and I am as much in love with her uow as I wits then). 1 proposed for Laura in form; and then I had to confess to old Wya't that I had only six thousand pounds of my own left I had got through four thousand of my original ten in the rent of consulting room, the hire of a brougham, and tbe usual taxes to which the young consultant is subjected. I told old Wyatt flatly that did not want his money, it was bis daughter 1 wanted and not his ducats. This statement was absolutely genuine, for 1 was very much in love. I explained to Mr. Wyatt that by tbe time the rest of the ten thousand was gone I might honestly expect to be in receipt of the magnificent professional income of five hundred a year. Then old Mr. Wyatt threw himself bock in his chair and laughed aloud. I thought he would never leave off laughing. I re monstrated with him upon bis heartless conduct. "My dear fellow," he said, "I can't help It; It's too ridiculous. Von deliberately throw away 10.000 and the best years of your life for the sake of a possible income of five hundred a year. Now, Dr. Sprigge, I will not attempt to conceal from you that my daughter is much attached to you. You ace young, you are enthusiastic, you are ready to sacrifice everything for your pro fession. .Now, the question is: Are you ready to sacrifice your profession for my daughter? f cm a bit of a doctor myself," he said with a enriotis chuckle, "and I've a great respect ?or doctors, but there are reasons fcod and substantial reasons why my daughter could never marry s medical man, or, rather, to be more accu rate, there are reasons why no medical man could marry my daughter." What could he mean? It was a most mysterious statement. "My dear sir," I said, "if I threw up my profession for your daughter's sake, we should not have enough to live on; 6,000 would not last very long." "You need not trouble yourself about that," said Mr. Wyatt, "I am fairly well off. I should tie prepared to give you a share in my business it's a very good business ami I'm very fond of my (laugh ter Laura, and she is my only child, you know. Don't, be alarmed," said Mr. Wyatt, "I shouldn't want your money. I should only want your assistance In devel oping my business. I could give you a salary, if you liked say, a couple of thou sand a year; or, as I said before, you could have a share In the business." "But I am not a business man," I remon strated; "besides, I know nothing what ever of tbe nature of tbe business," I add ed, for I was altogether puzzled. "You will not betray my confldencef" said Mr. Wyutt, with an air of mystery; "of course you won't. Well, I'm a bene-, factor of the human race. Did you ever bear of Bumstead's Infallible Tincturef I married Bumstead's widow. Laura is my daughter by a second marriage this will give you all the necessary particulars," he said, as he thrust a little pamphlet into my bands. "I'll come back for your answer In a few minutes." Then he left me, and the room began to turn ronnd and round. Of course I bad heard of Bumstead's In fallible Tincture who hasn't? Who has not read the well known advertisement be ginning: Have yon got a cold in the head? Try "Bum stead." Do you suffer from Indigestion? Try "Bum stead." Is old age creeping upon yon? Try "Bum- And so on for a whole column. Had not I been continually irritated by my patients at the hospital telling me that tbcybad tried "Bumst-cad" before they tried me? Was not "Bumstead" familiar in their mouths as a household word? And my Laura's father bad married tbe widow of quack he was a quack .bimsclfl And I suffered sgonles as 1 remembered that Laura was a quack's daughter. Tbe idea was a horrible one. I read tbe little book. There were hun dreds of testimonials, according to which "Bumstead's Tincture" was infallible. The testimonials were from all sorts and con ditions of men. They were evidently per fectly genuine, for they attached their names snd addresses. Perhaps the mys terious Bumstead bad discovered the Elixir Vita. Then I read on till I came to the description of the remedy itself. It was said to be "prepared from certain medicinal plants round only In Central Arabia, Bel- sn-'tu. fig. "4R"jMsuus regioa et lb northwestern frontier of CrltS Tar tar?." Oh. there could not be anything In It; of eour. It was swlndlo. If it were only genuine. I felt that I would not hesi tate for single Instant. At that moment the door opened and Bumstead I mean Mr. Wvatt entered. "Well, my young friend," be said, with a good humored smile, "What is your ueter- nilnation?" "Mr, Wyatt," I said, and I assumed my very best professional manner, "If 1 could Only believe In the genuineness of these testimonials; if I could only think that the Infallible Tiueture does all that It Is si to do; If I could only honestly believe In I would cast principle and pride and preju dice to the winds aud lustantly jump at four most 1 berul offer." "You don't mean to say that you doubt the genuineness of the testlmouialsl" cried Mr. Wyatt. in evident Indignation. Then be read Lord Addlepate's testimonial very slowly and very softly. "Dr, Sprigge," be said, at its conclusion, "tord Addlepate is a peer of the realm, one of our hereditary legislators. Would you presume to doubt the word of an hereditary legislator? Call on his lordship, you are a physician; you can form your own opinion. The whole of these testimonials, sir, are absolutely genuine!" cried Mr. Wyutt, and be thumped the table with bis list. "I be lieve in Bumstead, sir, and I've never had a day's Illness In my life." I did not think much of that argument. "Look here," said Mr. Wyatt; "I'll make you a present of a gross of It. Take It to St. Skluflint's and try it on your pa tients." The horrible suggestion caused me to shudder iu spite of myself. "Do you care so little for my daughter, Dr. Sprigge," said Humstead I mean Mr. Wyatt very solemnly, "that you actually decline to Investigate the matter? Didn't tbe whole world lielieve the earth to lie flat till it was proved to be round? Wasn't Columbus looked upon as a fool and an tm)OKtor? Let me tell you, sir, the day is coming wbeu nil the world will revere the nume of Humstead." When 1 looked round unon tbe evident iligns of wealth, wbeu 1 looked into that old man's face, and 1 remembered that he was Laura's father, I could uot doubt the honesty of his convictions. I seised his band; there were tears In my eyes bade him an affectionate farewell. "I will Investigate IU sir!" I cried, "and I will communicate tbe result to you In a fortnight." Then we shook hands. e ... I I went into tbe nearest chemist's. I ask ed for a bottle of Bumstead's infallible tincture. 'It's a very valuable remedy, sir," said tho chemist; "most of our customers flud it a perfect panacea." It was strange, very strange. Your true physiologist never hesitates to make crucial exieriment umm bis own person, I took a double dose of Bumstead that night. It did not have the slightest effect upon me. I tint-shed the bottle the next day; It did uot even make me feel ill. 1 did not think much of "Bumstead" as a medicine. Most valuable remedies make you feel very 111, Indeed that Is my experi ence. Then I called on six of the testi monial givers. They all swore by "Bum stead." "A man must take medicine of some sort, sir," one remarked to me; "when I'm a bit out of sorts I just flies to 'Bum stead,' and it does me a power of good." My next step was to insert an advertise ment ia-the Agony Column of tbe Times. It ran as follows: To the physician who recommended "Bum stead's Infallible Tincture" to an aged noble man sutTcriug from heart disease. In the Ira nian train ruuning to Brighton, on the after noon of Tuesday, the 1. th. Kindly send address. sad greatly oblige Lord A Then followed an address in Mayfalr. I got -17 answers to that advertisement. Over 200 of them saug tbe praises of "Bum stead." Thirty Inclosed prospectuses of rival medicines. One was a very rude let ter. It rau as follows: Dkak UtrMsTEAD I'll give you a testimonial with pleasure on receipt of a postal order for one pound. . The six remaining letters were all from medical men. Each of them declared that they remembered the Incident perfectly, that Bumstead's Infallible Tincture was the very thing, and each of them iutimated to Lord X. that he had better consult tbe writer at his earliest convenience. One was from the senior physician of St. Skin flint's. After such evidence as this, could I doubt any longer? Could any man who pos sessed a well balanced and judicial mind dare to doubt such evidence as this? "Bumstead" must indeed he an Infallible remedy when six eminent physicians, each traveling by tbe Pullman train to Brighton on a particular afternoon, should each bave the good fortune to meet with an aged nobleman suffering from heart dis ease, and each and every one of them from the very bottom of his heart recommended "Burustead" as a matter of coarse. On tbe appointed day I called upon Mr. Wyatt. I respectfully saluted him as a benefactor of the human race. Within three months I married Laura. I gave up the practice of tbe profession as a matter of conviction. I went into partnemhlp with old Mr. Wyatt. He died a year or two ago. He left everything to Laura. I am a rich man now. I live in Kensington Park Gardens, and I bave a lovely place In the country, and 1 became I practically became well "Bumsteod." St. James' Gazette. How tha- Oyster Feeds. How the oyster feeds may seem a prob lem. Fixed to an anchorage, how does it get its food? As seen in a "raw boa," which is always "now open," tbe oyster is shut as close as a clam; but in Its native habitat iu shells are always a little apart, and microscopic waving hairs set up cur' rents which carry the food plants to its mouth, where they are ingulfed and after ward digested. . The oyster feeds every hour, every minute of the day, and turns material otherwise unavailable into one of the beat of human foods. Scientific work by the state and national surveys have prov ed that nearly three-quarters of tbe bay are covered by such- mud, and are fitted to nourish oysters, though only a small partis oyster bed. Why? The embryo sinks in the mud, and is smothered. To thrive, it needs merely some stones or other solid objects to serve as a resting nlace. Dr. w. fewell Martin. In the Visitors' Book. A gentleman who bas just returned from England has scribbled in his note book some of the things which bo found in an inn album in Devonshire, at a country inn where be was detained over a stormy day. His best extract is the comment opon a misspelled word. "I can fully recomend this Inn," one traveler wrote, with more kindliness than orthography. Under this a lutor comer had written: How can you "fully recommend" It Unless nimllier "m" )cmi li-nil Iff Shorn of this It-iier. imi muni sue, The word a thousand fold must be Short of iu full Identity! Youth's Companion. Washington's Fhllanthroplst. William W. Corcoran made millions of dollars in tbe bunking buHinuaa, utid be gave away millions, as every school boy knows. What be has dona for the city of Washington and its vicinity is shown in the beautiful art gallery, the Louise home and other substantial struc tures. What his private charities have been can be learned from thousands of . people he has relieved and assisted.- New York World, Where Allspice Grow. The. Island of Jamaica produuet about all the allspice that Is used. It la known also as pimento, or Jamaica popper. The tree on which the berries grow it ever green, and tn flowers grow tn douse clusters. The) develop into small green aromatic berries, tbe sire of black pop per, If h I lowed to ripen they become pulpy and lose some of their pungency, Cor commercial purposes tbe berries are gathered when green, carefully dried in the sun, and afterward packed In bags holding 100 to 180 K)tinds and shipped. Pimento trees grow In many parts of tropical America, but nowhere do they thrive as tn Jamaica. Tbe trees are never planted by man and receive no cultivation worthy of the name. The seeds are dropixtd by the birds, and tho rains and the tropical snu do tho rest Surplus trees are cut down and become walking sticks and umbrella bundles. This spice is mora mild and inuoceut than most other spices. linker's Helper, The Rarest Place In a Storm, The safest place in a thunderstorm is said to be under a small tree or building or the open kuh, the signal of danger being the loud, reverberating tluuiuYr claps, which indicate thut the lightning is not fur off, and thut the next bolt is liable to strike somewhere In the neigh borhood.- Baltimore Ilentld. NATl'ltK'S Kt'ltKHT ALLY. l in,M, ii, ,,., ,iiirii' irnnai mm-wwi ven 111 wcuklyeoiisft uiloiis.swfll indeed would f .......... I.l ..n, I.. .11....-..., oe tne course- oi n iuamiy to us istai termina tion. W h I in nature Hint song li s let us ht w.iroe Kilstl us, aid her etTtiris with jNdietoti uirilii'tusl help, r-xperlence must Se our guide lu battles with ill-ea e, sud that "lump to our le't ' Indicates UiaiUMtr's !tnuiseh Hitlers ss a afe, tried and tlmmniih s!lv ol nature. II Uiv blood he lulected with till. , If the bowels and tumach am luscllvs, If the klilueys fall to wi pel Impurities of whleh thev are the natural outlet, a course of the Hitters Is the surest reli ance nt the suilerer. one, moreover, that Is nsiip- Uoned hy tirotenfelnna! tmlorsemeiit and um Mr uesrlv ball aeenlurv. No Ameilesu or lirelmi reins y has earned it roster dltlncitoii as a rem ty fur and r-nmnttve of chronic liver coin IUhiiii, "i a'sris, ciwiriuwimi, siuuey aim rneu mat e trouble slid (tihllliy. 11a n t rv ,m m minil matt? I.iit 1 ilrt mt no that thejr will III you." tiaull ck t this Is tae very suit of clothts 1 go your h ba.d sis mouths sgu." i-Koor or MKMir. The proof of the merits of a plaster Is the cures it effects, and tha voluntary tes timonials of those who have used All cock's Poant's l'LAHTKria during the past thirty years la unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should convince the most snei'lical. Bclt-nralse is no recom mendation. Din ceriiucales iroui tliose Who have itted them are. tieware of imitations and do not lie de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for A u- cm s s. ami let no solicitation or explana tion induce you to accept a substitute. Clttletis 1 wo-iter how It l that so few women tu let wheu tluy talk? n itlleus-lbey bsveu I go. t inc. 4rATt or Ohio, Citv or Toi.uo .TOnitiiiur. t Frank t. chunky mattes oath that he Is the euior partner of tha II rm of F i. Chunky Co., duliig business In the city of Toledo, eoniity tuu state turitata, ami mat ai-i nrm win a) toe turn ol ON K Ui MlKKl) lloLl.AKM lor !' iiul every csm of catsira thut esntiot be cured 0 tfiO USO OI HiU LATAHHH l t RK. I-HA.MI . l'lir..1ll, Hvm to berors me siut uticrtiit in tr-v presence uiu stu osy ol iJi-ceinut-r. a. i. isse. IKAL. A. W. UI.1-.AK, Sntnni Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and t ts directly -n the bus) ' and muco s surface f the system, send fur tc.tmoiusla, free. F. J. MI KNKY CO., Toledo, O. ADO" Sold by druggies; 78 cents. "I'd think dree! car would be hull! Ja! silt at both euis " "Wep, they re." "oh, no! Any c udii"lor will tell you there's always ru.ot up irJtit. KUPTUItM ANI riLKS CUKBD. We positively cure rupture, riles snd all ree- uu diseases without pal i or downturn from bust aess, No cure, uo pay. Also all I'rivaU dis eases. Add nuts for pamphlet lira. 1'orlerile.d A Lossy, SO) Market street, aan Franuisoo. A bor soou lesrns that he ran get anything from his mother by asking for It out I nd In h.s prsye s, but that he can't Wbrk his father that way. Tbe good reputation of "Broum'i Bran- ctiml Irochtt" lor me relief ol cougiis.coiiis and throat diseases ban given them a favor- ao e notoriety. Lit le Dot-Oh. I'esr! I wl-h I wmi't s !rl reirher-You dul W rf Utile Dot 'Cakss I like to stt w itb the b Our readers will serve themselves bj optiotag the remarkable offerings advertised in another column by the Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. of Menlo Tark and San Fran cisco, who are loaders on the coast in fur Dishing everything for tbe farm and garden. A new kind ol fist net l called "tramp dsu nel." It shrinks from wanhlus. HOW I'OHTI.ANIJ GKOwH. Another lllg Wholraal House lteeently Mr. Wllllsm M Jink, formerly lu fctulnr'tts nt Hi t-.Mimt .Mr.M.Hiiwar l lately cniun-etcd with he National lube woika Coimiinv or Chicago, aud .Mr. II. a. li ynt n, until recently In charge of trie ounineiis ol tno western raisi company ol Kesrsnee, lit., on this const, have ass iclau-d themsi Ivtm together under tha style o( the W. M. jans l ii.iiu.iiy, Iir the piriso ol carrying on a jobMii btmlneM In the llneol wrought Iron il i, n tlugs, valves sud rocks lor ttesn-, water and sa-, st -arn pii'Biw, iinse, leather and rubber oeitilig, MicaniMiiti, mill su i uiiitiiiccr- supplier, wtt'i the slva-itase that long esrs-rleiies In these. Hues gives, with ample, espltal and a thor ough Kuowleilguol llier'iiiiruaivuii,f the trade tributary to I'ortlsiid, It wouid siiein that the company Is de-lluad to becom-j one ol the lend ing Jibbing lioum-a of Portland, the company oi-enples a lab-feet fmnl, three-story, ciiiiiumhIi oiis building, at 1 1 and In Kiont struct, titled up expressly f -r Us buniness. . Fur new snd olt A0KH. CHILIAN (IUANO. etc , write Kvmti.iSii & Fabkki.1.. eoitland, Or. Tar Oksmka for breakfast. t'o KliiimellneBlovc Polish; uodutt,nosmel1, FACE AND FlOUItB show It, if you're a healthy woman. They'll have a beauty of their own, no matter what your features, l'ei fect health, with its clear skin, rosy cheeks, and bright eyes, is enough to niuke any woman attractive. To get perfect health, use faithfully Dr. Fierce'. Fa vorite Prescription. That regulates and promotes all the proper functions of wo manhood. Improves diges tion, enriches tbe blood, dis pels nclies and pubis, brings refreshing slccn. and restores health, flesh and strength. For periodical pains, nrolnpsti and other displacements, bearing-down sen sations, itiul "female coinplitliits" gen erally, It is to elt'ective tliitt it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benellt or cure, you have your money buck. Is anything tnnt isn't sold in mis way likely to te "just as good." From ioto 40 A (Tit 11 til Wnnfiwl 5.. W,M,WU '""vryiown in wrogoi, and WnnliinKton to soli the lending BICYCLES ! BICYCLE S - In all eradefl manufactured in America. New and Hnmtul.Y.an e - . " .6 , ,u ar,,,u "V""":H" i,ew anu "oconu-nana machinos uiDiiiB. vv rim ior tiataioif uo8 ana lei'ins. rrr Pioneor Doalor of the Pacific Coast, 326 WaMnaton Ht ri v frLi rt ' Free 'Cycling Academy in went wing of Expoeition building. VflB"inton treet. Portland, Or. Hood's Cures Saved MyWlfe'8 Life Woaknosa, Nervouanaaa, Salt Rhoum. John W.Jtne Kalam.1, Wash. "Of my own free will snd sword, unbiased by anyone, and wishing only to do good to the smieled, I wish to tell of llis good qualities oi HtHHl's Harssnarllla and Hood's 1'llls. I IlitnK there are no mndli'lnos equal to them, and hsvs proved their merit by aswrlenee In my owa lam uy, my wne, iiseuei, iuo u-hi ...i.i. ...u..i...i..- ..................... .....i -Kir .l,..iit I won nennup?,-, nut iiHinii-a., hum spent nearly all thst I hail of this world's giHsIs fur doetur'a hills and nieillclite until w dcohlcd tu tiy Hood's riursnisuilla, it uiMotiuteuiy Saved My Wife from tha Crav, The salt rheum h entirely healed and she Is rcalarrd gd health. I have many fili-u.u and relatives lu Uie east who will lis glad to know that Hood's Sarsaparilla Has cured my WII0." ilOHN W. ilONKS, Get IltMiU It, aamnui, vtaaii. HOOD'S eILLa srstli bast aftar dlnnsr fills. ml.i d piwli.n, curs asaiisens. try a voa. w. SMS. UK!ts.,and $1.00 per UotlJoT Oue ouutaUuae. Tnti flHSAT Corron t'BK promptly curt wnere ail omen rau. cougns, iroup. nor Throat, (rloarssossa. Whooping Ceujh and Astnrna. ror -wonauropucn ib ons no nvaij lioseursd thousands, snd will cutis vnu If taken in lime. tMJ tiy Hi-ngil-rts on a gunr sntee. Fur a Ijtmo Ikv-k or Cle-st, ue blilLOIi l BELLADONNA PLASTkftlJ, CHILOH'StCATARRH llave yniu'atarrli 1 This reme.lv la guaran teed to cure you. Price, Wots, injector true. TMtTrsAs MarklsoBftstsst WATERPROOF COAT S? In the World I A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. ELY'S CREAM BUM When spoiled Into the txMtrlla, will bp itiSortH-d, cfteetusll? destining the head ol catarrhal virtu, calm ing healthy secre tions. It allsys lt. Itsmmstlon, protects the nisinbrsne trom nn sud restores soiuw of taste and swell. Try tho Curo. CatarrH SPLbVrsHt mm HAY-EEVER A particle Is applied Into each nostril, snd Is sgrecafiie. rriee.io cents sldruvgiats' or hy rosti. KLV HKorilKKH.ts WnnvtiStre.il, New York. A Pore Norwegian oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Ilypophos- phitesof Lime and Soda are added -l for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak of all ages. Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Prspnrsrl hy Sural k Rawna. K Y. All drsrslHts, Old Oold and HUn HoturAt! ami am nil nU tad Hllfr hi tnsU to tha old sad mllshia h.u nl A Mnusn, 41 Third atroat, San VrandMo; I will Met b ffiturn mail tha oaab, aaaoralsg to m tf; If uw aaumai l not aatlafashsr will rotom sola. ffinlllfl Mornhlna Ifablt Cnrd In 10 llr llSi stosuiinra. no oar tut ourml. wr svHausidiiiarstas, Labanoa.Ohia, X. JH 1IM WVU -S9 ff a. -1 Hllal ay 1 -; I CLE II Jl L I lllv r i "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF " IVIoore's Revealed Remedy. MfMlKR M HKVKAI.KIJ ItKMPI PER CE ill iirtir lfmn tr A m,.- -...1 1IF WAM0KM. lilAMoNp. Undsrstsml that V FtUKflMUKft, ' loa.iu JKVMtUR, rorUand, . . ' Sols Importer Bars Jbwali. flAMoNHa. HAMONUH. ilA.Mt'MJM, -lAMllNI'M. IHAMItNIIS. UJAMuNUS. The Sower Una lift Minii rim hp 1'1 li ifi miiiniivA liln ii.H-i - If Im inkm lu prwuttullua of Ferry's Seed I'rrrr'aHeed Annual, Kir Im,. IIIHllia 1 1 im luut ami best iiruaiilluna istsiilttlaiiletiN and It ui a reeitsuiaed rileiilui itliorlly. Kvary plant r alioiilti have it. Maul iVroon rvqueat. , M. rKHitv to., , ixtnitt MIoM IRRIGATION MINING, Pulsometer Steam PUMP. Ileal and clirasal water v svalor knowu. L. a. POHIf N, Mr. I.vwlatoii, Idslm. BLOOD POISON SPECIALTY; ttpMSffl: Hmiti M iiuimi rruiii iitt ttyttu. 'i Hut f iuit mt uuvwrlm nfijiurtiiirtliuiU-i'tw'. YuuottuInHrtiitit ! it hmi f.'f llH Mm lirtc Hittl utiilor tlm nft'iui Minn4ttiM,titt wtih ihoo wlHM,l' tovueli ru vm will tnmtrnot toOtirulUPiu r rMnnit tl tin iinr uttl inr ottiu9Jitiieio f i'iiitlrir. rutin 1 f'ttn ni i..nl (Mil-. If w0fnilK.Piirw.ir y-'ti liftvuiuwoii tin r wrr, liklultt ith, urn, niut ! 1't. UltCtlil mitMIU III flltllllfl, PWIW ll"n.l M'Ml''t iirr-Ciltiiml HtHttN. liMi.'ri i n f v'( " urn :ui. 1 1 ui r it Krlirimfiiiii-'n(, U I-tliHTt,hii. ttlo MI.hkI il"0 tnt witi,wi. Ui mtr, Sb n n illi'lt itiO limit lliititnitiM eit l ttlifim-o.r0 ttt niirld t.ronio itiin"t inira. Tli il"nu hr. nlw.iVl lnm'tl ttl-kl t 'f Ulfi tlinH t iiH.inM Iit. niHii. A tMrtl.Mrmitrtlit 'um r rutum! itnhir, AUMilUl HHifp tnil Miltlniinttlvil lou. AUUru MuMtulo T-HU-lc llrto, lit -FT CHINA PHEASANTS Wanted In p 't',1 r bntsrMiu ptirios-s. Writ lntittiiilalely, alatliif liiwrsl tisall lu.e"', to 1IUX nil, 1'urtlaud, or, Hercules Gas Enoinu (OAS OR OANOLINK) Made for Power or Pumplnn Purnoeea. TUs CtMiMt nrllahln flaa KnUie oa Hit Mat. Out ca Inoini and . Puaus r..r fUmpllolty It tloaU hs World. It alls Itself from a ltrvotr, No t'arburntor to et out of ordsr. Ko llallnrlva or Klorlrlo Kpark. It runs with a ('besrwr (im.leor (lastillmi Uonany oilier -;uainw, asso roa cstsumi-m to "AL.MER & REV, Manufactuhsih 405 wm iml In Frjrchca, CaL S)U fOKTLANII, OKKIION. wmtsTiiit's JNTIiKNA TJONA h DICTIONARY Swi'iaaiif of UM "tnsUUstal.'' Tan years spent la ravlaliux, 100 editors emplovvd, mora than IJuu.uuu asuoudad. A Crsnd tduutlar AbrMitofthsTlmss A Library In llulf Inrslusliln In tits hnuaettold, and to Umi test Iwr, prnfnaaloiutl man, self tnlucauir. Asicj'oar BooltsofforfosiioH'it foyoa. rnhllalwd by O r.MKRRtAM ca.Sr.iaurm.n.Vaaa.r.S.A. flrSnd for fraa nrrnaetna imualnlnf fusallnan ihiii-.. llliiAirmlluna. tMtliiwHiUla. ia. S t w"lhmitiMynrprliiuiof anptanl adttlons. OONt MARK BE A y hot Moata rw misht nievkf?i r 5tsB tos rMs faiMOovs-Tauj vow so. aaaur V 1 . ft.MnMt . . . U NCRtlipAClriCfYCLKrft bicycles op evenv oeacn iptiom,"" , Maoim Buitoms -POrTTtANp OwcaeN. FRAZEH AXLE BestinthaWorld! GREASE Eet tha Genuine Sold Everywhere! VOUNO MENI The 8peolflo A No. I. Pnrss, wlihnnt fall, all rases of Unumn. nmn and lllaafc no matter of leiw luns auuiilliif I'revsnta atrletilra, It treli-s an In ternal n me.tr. luire when evsrytlUus sis lias lulled. Hold hy all l)ruirln MsMillieUurersi TuA.rfc'liiiiiM.Mdlrhl s-riv. es.no. w.(nwijHiw.iau. V m. h.. i V 11 ",UI 'y t' of from $20 un. RmIi s, (..u bs '" w; ommi- If vou want s . Plsmouit 'at any price fiouf 10 10 11,000 wilt to for lowsat prices, - i -, i j ;ll - f i "I J