The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 17, 1893, Image 4

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    The New Bread.
T) OYAL unfermented bread, made without
yeast, avoiding the decomposition produced
in the flour by yeast or other baking powder;
peptic, palatable and most healthful ; may be
eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which
is not true of bread made in any other way.
Can be made only with Royal Baking Powder.
Receipt for Making One Loaf.
""NE quart flour, i tcaspoonful
salt, half a tcaspoonfut sugar,
l heaping teaspoonf uls Royal Baking
Powder, half medium-sized cold
boiled potato, and water. Sift to
gether thoroughly flour, salt, sugar,
and baking powder ; rub in the
potato; add sufficient water to mix
smoothly and rapidly into a stiff
batter, about as soft as for pound
cake; about a pint of water to n
quart of flour will be required-
more or less according to the brand
and quality of the flour used. Do
not make a stiff dough, like yeast
bread. Pour the batter into a
greased pan, 4x3 inches, and 4
inches deep, filling about half full.
The loaf will rise to fill the pan
when baked. Bake in very hot
oven 45 minutes, placing paper
over first is minutes baking, to pre
vent crusting too soon on top. Bake)
at once. Don't mix with milk.
The use of Ely's Cream Balm, a sureenre
for catarrh and cold in head, is attended
witb no pain, inconvenience or dread,
which can be said of no other remedy.
I feel it my duty, to say a few words in
rejmrd to Kly'i Cream Balm, and I do so
entirely without solicitation. I have used
it half a year, and have found it to be most
admirable. I have so tiered from catarrh
of the worst kind ever since I was a little
nor. and I never hoped for cure, but Cream
Balm seems to do even that. Manv of tnv
acquaintances have used it with excellent
renuita. uscar uatroin, a vt arren avenue,
Chicago, IU.
Apply Balm into each nostril. It is
quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once.
Price, 60 cents at druggists' or by mail.
Ely Bs ithfks.
86 Warren street, New York.
TT Gamuts tor breakfast.
Bold tg Prjjyu cii lKtien Everytchm.
MECIURLE3 l.r0CEL.1 CO.. BaTJisoft, .
Ily lady Is lovely and noble and kind.
Too noble for me, 1 am sure;
She's the quoen ot all women; rich, true and
I am only gay hearted and poor.
Bile's a leader of fashion, has a home of her
Her mansions are wondrous (air.
I am only a poet; I live all alone;
ily castles are all in the air.
Alas, she's too wealthy and stylish for me.
Yet I love her far more than my life.
Bat I'm too proud to marry; I never could be
A man that's maintained by hU wife.
"We were made for each other;' of this I am
Sue likes me I know by her eyes;
fcut, alas, she's so wealthy, and I am so poor
I cannot support such a prixel
Then what in the world should a bachelor do
Who is busted teetotallv flat?
Way, I'll ask for her hand and her big fortune,
Then work to support her with that.
Larry Crittenden in Galveston News.
-a e-i 7 J -'.r-r
n SlepiiE Sis
to consumption are ailments, we
often deem. trivial a cold and
a cough. Consumption thus ac
quired is rightly termed "Con
sumption from neglect"
not only stops a cold but it is re
markably successful where the
cough has become deep seated. ,.
Bringing the Dead to Lira.
We don't hear of as many deaths from
asphyxia now as we did t;n or fifteen years
ago, when many of the private houses of
oar cities and all of the hotels were lighted
by gas, but there are still thousands of
deaths every year from drowning and from
the inhalation of poisonous gases and other
fumes which science really ouch to be
able to remedy. A few years aso in 1SS8 or
1S8B Professor Poe, of Bridgeport. Conn..
invented what the papers called a "pair of
artificial lungs," intended to be nsed in
ease of apparent death from drowning or
asphyxiation. What has become of Poe'a
great invention? In testing it the profess
or is said to have "completely" drowned a
pet rabbit and restored it to life eleven dif
ferent times.
BiB mode of restoration was to apply his
patent bellows to the animal's mouth and
force oxygen into the lungs. The reaction
of the apparatus, which was provided with
a powerful suction, drew out the water
(Poe said it would act the same with pot
sonous gases), and the artificial respiration
produced a muscular contraction and ex
pansion of the lungs nntil life was finally
tuny restored. II be bas given np his val
name experiment and bis invention it
time for some one else to take the matter
up. St. Louis Republic.
Scott's Emulsion is the
richest of fat-foods yet
the easiest fat food to
take. It arrests waste
and builds . , healthy
Pmpn red tr Scott ft Bmrne, W. Y- AH iVr ptsH
JRB EVIDENCE That the blood it
wrong, and that nature is endeav
oring to throw off the impurities. '
Not), ting is so beneficial in assisting
nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. S)
It is a simple vegetable compound Is
harmless to the most delicate child, yet
it forces the poison to the surface and
eliminates it from the blood
I contracted a. severe case of blood poison
that unfitted me for business for four years. A
few bottles of Swiff. Specific (S. S. S.) cured
J. C Jones, City Marshal,
Fulton, Arkansas,
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
boa Swur Svacu-ic Co, Atlanta, Ga,
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
Containing twenty-oiie distinct varieties a large
packet of each, or a packet of the same
varieties, mixed, for 10 cents.
12 CarnStiotlS (dlstlactmHetlet) . $1.00
12 Chrysanthemums $1.00
12 Pelargoniums tiiMUKtnrietia) $1.00
12 Roses eUatiactrarlettesI $I.OO
Mlttrong, ktatthu. pot-frown plants, fn by mall.
Flower Seed5-vTw?,,Tfivch,ic
Vegetable Seeds Zr"i'ct"a'
With either of above collections, our handsomely
Illustrated loo-page catalogue is sent rVee. 1 his 11
admitted to be a work of art, and contains a reproduc
no, in natarai colors, of the twemy-one varieties now
Sreewood hall Nursery Co.
' "AH r-"CICO,CAt.
Moorish Slavery
It wonld do those good who write pas
sionate articles oa Moorish slavery to see
the well fed, lazy slave of Wazan lounging
in the sun, kiff pipe in month, and scarcely
doing a stroke of work from week's end to
week's end. The most ordinary English
kitchenmaid would accomplish in a counle
of hoars what a Wazan slave does in a
week. All are free to come and go as they
please, but none avail themselves of this
freedom. The reason is not far to seek.
In Wazan they are fed and clothed by the
shereefs, and on holidays and feast daya
receive presents 01 money.
Thus all the necessities of life are found
them without their having to work for
them, which otherwise they wonld be
obliged to do. or is it only the necessi
ties of life that are thus supplied to tbem
free, but they are given each his room to
live in and married at the expense of the
nereersto slave women. Their children.
by law slaves, are not necessarily so. and
are oiten apprenticed to workmen to learn
some trade, or if they wish are free to seek
their fortune in other lands. Blackwood'
Magazine. ...
Remarkable Reasons for Duels.
Colonel Montgomery was shot in a dnel
about a dog; Colonel Ramsey in one about
t servant; air. i eatherstone in one about
recruit; Sterne's father in one about
goose; and another gentleman in one about
a bottle of anchovies. One officer waa
challenged for merely asking his opponent
to pass him a goblet; another was com
pelled to fight about a pinch of snuff.
General Barry was challenged by a Cap
tain Smith for declining wine at a dinner
on a steamboat, although the general
pleaded, as an excuse, that wine invaria
bly made him sick; and Lieutenant Cow-
ther lost his life in a duel because he was
refused admittance to club of pigeon
In 1777 a duel occurred in New York be
tween Lieutenant Featherstonehangb, of
the Seventy-fifth, and Captain McPherson,
of the Forty-second British regiment, in
regard to the manner of eating an ear of
corn, one contending that tbe eating was
from the cob, and the other contending
that the grain should be cut off from the
cob before eating. Lieutenant Feather-
stonehaugb lost his right arm, the ball
from his antagonist's pistol shattering tbe
limb fearfully, so much so that it had to
be amputated. Major Noah lost his life in
1837 at the duelling ground at Hoboken in
simple dispute about what was trumna
in game of cards. London Tit-Bits.
11 P10' Remedy tor Catarrh Is the
s i mi use, ana Cheapest.
U or Pragirlsta oraent bj mall
We. S. I. ItaaelUne, Warren, Fa.
P. H, V. JNo. 4-8. Fp H. Uf A'o. 6W
She Knew.
Omaha Papa So you are going to marrv.
are you, my son? 1 presume the young lady
you are to wed knows all about housework
and looking after the wants of a family?
umana x own w ell, you Just bet she does.
I wish you could see a cotton battimr doer aha
made last week, and some butterfiiea aha
painted on velvet Omaha World.
The Modern Annie Laurie.
"Her brow waa like tlie enow drift,
Bar neck was like tbe swan.
And her face It was the fairest
That e'er the sun shone on."
But she went to the beach for bathing.
And her fair complexion's spoiled I
Her cheeks are tanned and her nose Is red
As a lobster when its boiled.
Boston Courier.
- Mr. Banklurk (at the close of the game)
What do you think ot me as ball player, Miss
Miss Minnie I think you'd make a splendid
Mr. Banklurk A swimmer? Why act
Miss Minnie Von strike out so beautifully,
yon know. New York Sun.
rrtjotf That They Are the. Only RnfviMnrt of
Opposition to the Elght-hour Day.
An editorial hi that excellent newspa
per, the Cincinnati Times, gives the fol
lowing illogical reasons for opposing the
6-hour working day idea, it boiug there
mark of a newspaper man to a working-
man: "If you succeed in your object'
(that of reducing the hours of work to
eight), says the editor, "you will raise the
cost of the manufactured article on which
you are employed fully 20 per cent, and
don't you know that if that particular ar
ticle goes up 20 per cent other neccssa-
rios of life will be apt to follow in sympa
thy with it, and will you not find at the
end of the month that it will require $50
instead of f 10 to pay your current ex
penses? The article you are making ad
vanced 20 per cent, the price of living, of
rent, of clothing, of food, etc, would be
likely to advance 20 per cent also, and
80 per cent of X) is $10. How are you to
be benefited if your opportunity to save
$10 a month is destroyed? Don't you see
that the burden of 10 hours pay for 8
hours' work will finally fall on your own
No, we won't see anything of the kind
and the suggestion is another sample of
the failure of the general run of educated
men to grasp economic truths. The re
sult of a reduction of the hours of work
to eight per day would not raise the cost
of manufactured articles anywhere near
20 per rent nor anywhere near the extent
it would raise wages.
This can be easily shown.
The cost of the labor on manufactured
articles since the advent of improved
mncbitiery is hardly a htheof the cost of
the finished article itself. In the old days
of hand work the greater factor in the
cost of all manufactured goods was the
labor put into them. It is not so today.
Take almost anything boots and shoes,
clothing, machinery, for instance and 20
per cent added to tbe cost of labor would
not raise tie price of the completed am-
clo S per cent.
Take the labor employed to make a
typewriting machine, for example. A
machine that sells for $100 costs about
$18, and of this cost not more than $13 is
for labor. Suppose we add 20 per cent
to tbe cost of this labor, and we have $3,
which would make the price of the ma
chine $103 instead of $130, as by The
limes reasoning. Take tbe cost of shoes.
again. A shop of 300 hands will make
6,000 pairs of shoes per day, or 20 pairs
to each employee. Suppose the average
wages of all tho bands men, women and
boys were $3 per day, and this is a high
estimate. Twenty per cent on this in
creased cost of labor wonld be SO cents
upon each 20 pairs of shoes, or the sum
of "i cents upon each pair.
In the manufacture of clothing we
hate not at hand exact knowledge of the
cost of manufacture, but it is safe to say
that a factory employing 100 hands wiU
easily make i00 suits per day. Estimat
ing their wages at $3 per day a high
average and we have about 70 cents per
sou added to the cost of clothing as a
result of the increase in cost of produc
tion there, and if we add 10 cents to the
cost of the production of the cloth for the
suit as an additional result of the de
creased hours of work we have 80 cents
added to the cost of the suit. But we
will willingly allow an additional cost of
$1 or $3, and then the workingman could
afford to purchase it if one-fifth were
added to his wages.
Again, the fact that under eight hours
workmen would ultimately receive one
fifth more pay will probably puzzle rea
soners like the one just referred to. But
as the value of everything depends upon
the supply of it and the demand for it
there should be no difficulty in realizing
that the increased demand for workers
would raise the value and cost of their
services. Eight bushels of wheat or ap
pies are not worth as much as 10 bushels,
but when there is no surplus of them
when the demand is equal to the supply
people are often glad to pay much more
for eight bushels of either than they pay
for 10 when their is a glut in the market
There is not the slightest moral or ma
terial reason for opposition to a reduc
tion of the hours of work. All objections
to it arise either from ignorance or preju
dice. New York Dispatch.
tV Bandit Deader Tflta Feigned Dh Id
.Order to Make One More Victim,
During six months the state of Jalisco,
Mexico, mn the Sold of operations for
that unscrupulous bandit, Demerlio
Jauregul, The authorities made many
Miort to put a stop to the robberies aud
murders which Janregui and his band
had been committing, but in spite of
these efforts burglaries, abduetlous and
murders by the score wore committed
by the daring desperado. Things flimlly
t;tme to such a pass that the people of
Jalisco grew desperate, and decided that
a supreme effort must be made to rid the
tonntry of Jauregul. Accordingly a
company of iufantry was put in readi
ness to pursue Jnnregni at a moment's
notice aud capture him and his bund.
The soldiers did not have long to watt,
for they were informed that Janregui
intended to rob the plantation of El Car-
riso. The chief of gendarmerie was
authorized to station his forces in the
vicinity of the plantation and to capture
the bandits, alive if possible. While
Colonel Jurrea and Lieutenant Cvlso
Gomes, of the Seventieth infantry, were
stationed with their soldiers lu the vicin
ity of the plantation they saw Janregui
and his bund of six meu entering the
residence of the owner.
The soldiers at once surrounded tho
house aud demanded the surrender of
Jauregui's partv. This demand was
answered by a murderous volley of bul
lets from tho relating ntlos of the
bandits.. The soldiers at once returned
the tiro. The shooting continued till
nightfall, when the bandits ceased firing.
By this time the soldiers, convinced tlmt
discretion was the better part of valor,
decided to wait till moruing before re-
opeumg the buttle.
The following, however, the
soldiers, led by Colonel Jurrea, effected
an entrance to the house and there
found six of tho bandits dead. Their
leader, on seeing the soldiers, fled to the
attic and barricaded the dxr. lie was
followed by two soldiers. One of these
was killed instantly by a bullet from I lie
pistol of the bandit chief. The other
quickly fired at the port hole from which
came the bullet which hud killed lib
companion, and his shot was answered
by a groan which showed Hint it had
been effective.
Thinking that the coast was clear the
soldiers made their way lo the attic aud
found the bandit king lying on the floor
behind nn old bed. He was nearly ex
haunted from loss of blood, but ho man
aged to hold a large revolver in each
hand ami at once opened hre.
Suddenly he fell back apparently nn
conscious. A soldier went forward and
bent over the old bandit to see if there
were any traces or life, when, with a
mighty effort, Juurcgui raised himself to
sitting posture, shot the soldier through
the heart and then died.
In this battle four soldiers were killed
outright mid eleven were wounded, some
of them mortally.
Jouregni 8 baud was one of the worst
that ever visited the state of Jalisco.
One of the outlaw's favorite schemes was
to surround the house of a wealthy
planter in the middle of the night and
demand large suras of money, valuable
horses, and in fact any article that might
be of value to the bandits. If these de
mands were refused the bandits would
sometimes murder the planter, and at
otner times tuey would make him a
prisoner and hold him till an exhorbitant
ransom was paid. Cor. Cleveland World.
From "New Orleans, Oar loutaera
The Louisiana lottery being Wiialiied,
tickets are openly displayed in the shop
windows, aud are tola on the sidewalk
by men, women and children. One
store lor the title of thus tickets bears
such legend as this ou its sign : This
it lucky rinniber Kleven. More winning
ticket sold her than sny where else in
There was a drawing while I was In
the city, and knowing that the lottery
company wa not to ask for a renewal nl
its privileges, I availed myself ol the op
portunity to witness its chief public
operation aud the historic cnaraaiers
who have been induced by large salaries
to tititire for It, The drawing took plaoe
In a theater called "the Academy ol
Music," at eleven o'clock in the moruing.
t'he yellow gas-jets battled leebly with
the daylight in the lobby Into which
the people were pressinv without let or
qualification. The theater was two-
ttitrds lull at last, uu me smite, set
with a parlor scene, was a knot of meu
between two wheals. The wheel on the
right was a band ot silver, with sides ol
glass aud with a door in the melal rim.
a. bushel ol little blank gutta-percha en
velopes tho size ol dominoes had been
toured Into this wheel, and wluto ooy,
blindfolded with a handkerchief, stood
at the handle of the t-rauk by which the
wheel was turned, llo had one arm In
the door of the wheel, and with the
hand of the other arm wasollerlngatiny
envelope to Uen, Beauregard the last
Mirviviug general who served ou either
iide in our late war. A fine, nio-t gen-tleuianly-looklr.(t
man ha i.1, with tlm
features ol a French courtier, with snowy
hair, a white mustache, a little goatee,
nd the pinkest skin a baby ever knew.
lie was isuitiestiy oresteu. Across inn
nam. beside a very much larger wheel
of partl-rolored boards, est Alnjor-Unu-
era) julul a. fcsrtj a perfect type ol tlie
eonvent onal ttaure of feather Tune i tall.
portly, stoop shon'der, ra'tlr la d,
and with a loug, heavy, while beard.
Its was dressed all in the color of the
uniform he distinitutshed by his valor s
a soldier.
Bv each general stood a b liiulfol.led
boy, ts king numbers out f the wheels,
and handing them to the general.
'rom the big wheel to Mnlnr-General
Karly came the numbers ol the tickets;
irom the little wheel to General Beau
regard csme the number of dollars that
formed the prise each ticket had won.
By each general stood a crier. Kirly
read out, "Twenty-one thousand' one
hundred and fifty- two;" and Beauregard,
having shelled the gutta-percha case oil'
a billet, read out, "i wo hundred Mol
ars." Then the criers took the billets
and cried the numbers. Tenty-one
thousand one hundred and fi tr two"
iromone; '"Two hundred dollars" from
the other, who, by-the-way, called out
two hundred dotiars'at least two hundred
t nies. But all the prisi were not of
that amount. I churned to hear tho j
iralnat disease.
nature did sot strunle scainai nisw.
ovon in weaJtlyconatltuUons, swift indeed wiiniii
be th eminent s nialadr to Its fatal termina
tion. While nature) thus strug. lei let "..'
worss us'all us, sld her erfoiis with jauivwus
medicinal help, Kxiierlenoe must beour sjuld
In battles w till dl,ua-, aud that "lump to our
text' liidioaus lltwteitnr'a stomach Hitlers si s
safe, tiled aud thorough ally ol nature. "
blond be Infected with bll. , t( the liowais ant
temaeli are iiiauUve, II the kidneys (ail to va
uel Impurities ot which thur am the natural
outlet, a course nf the Uittera la tho aureat
auue ol the eiinerer, oue, moreover, that Is saiio
llulied by nrol, tuloun! Indoiauuieiit aud ut for
uuarly hall aountury. No Atneileauor I inmkii
reuie y has earned aroator dletliitlin as a rem
edy tor and I'ruvmilve el olnonlo liver com.
uluiiil, i alarla, aiiiiallnailoll, kidney aud rueu
mat o trouble aud dtbimy,
I' you have the wrong kind of rvllKlon tn the
atrwl cats, jruu don't have the tlt-nt klud at
We positively ears rupture, plies and all rn.
tal dlaeaaes without pai-i or deivuUon Irom bus!
ueaa. No euro, nn nav. Alan all iViwita dis
ease. Addrraa lor pauiphlel lire. l'orUirneld 4
Low j, Da Market atruel. Hau Vrauolsoo.
Whrnthel.alatr"i-allafur a division" he
doesn't alwaya reftr lo tb vote
A WON o Kuri l,
la no doubt thut man Is a line
mechanism, hut like every other machine
he wears out by friction. It Is said that he
is Item again every two or three years. Ills
body is virtually remade from food. To
retard this making over Is radical y wrung,
as a man limes so muuti vitality la the de
layed process that it takes a louK time to
recuperate. The proems of limning anew
1m so accelerated by purging with Hhan
nsKTii's 1'iLLa that a new man, s It were,
may he made In two or throe months, ami
the change in the mechanism is such that
the worn-out part is replaced by the now
without the usual running down of the en
tire machine. You don't liave to stop for
repairs. Purge away with Hhanpmktii's
1'it.i.s the old, diseuMcd ntid worn-out body.
They are purely vegetable, absolutely harm
lees aud sale to take at any time.
An Admiral Tasto. " Whv dn Die? rail til Mr
daughter 'Oliver"' ' Bvoause a liking or ber
baa tobe acquired. '
Our readers will serve themselves Ij
noticing the remarkable offerings ad vertised
In another column by the Sherwood Hull
Nursery Co. of Menlo I'ark and San Fran
cisco, who are leaders on the ooast In fur
Dishing everything for tho farm and garden.
when you buy
shoes or cloth
lng t ' Don't
you go to the
place ( If you
can llnd It)
where they tu 11
you that you
niny wear the
a ii lules out.
and then, 11
you're not satlsflwl, they'll refund the
money t Why not do the same when
yon titty medicine 1
Dr. Tierce's Gulden Medlcnl Wsnoverr
Is mid on that plan. It's the only blood
pmiller so certain and elVccllva thut It
can be guarantied to bnnellt or cure, lu
every case, or you have your money
It's not like the ordinary spring metll
cliiusorsnrsapiii'llltis. All th veor round,
It cleanses, builds un, and Invigorates the
system. If you're billons, run-down, or
d'yxpcptlot or have any blond-talut, noth
ing can equal It as a remedy.
biota., and
fl.uupor DoHluT
Hue uuut
roundly curve
Tnra roroH t una nm
whero all others fitlL Coughs, Croup. Bore
Throat, Hoarseness, whopping Couun and
Asthma. 1 ' ir Conaumptlcn It Tins no rlvnl
has cured tbouaanrfa. Mid will cuua Ton if
tnltenlo llmo, hold by Imnrglita on a aimr-
ntr. Kor a Mine I In -It or h"t, in
ea pilar prise read out.
There will be rare trouble In this country lust
n I nil as man beta i n the wiwg horse.
Tliivovinii .iliinli
tvodtocureyou. l'rlco,6jula. iiijoc
it ir -u ir a
This rrniiulvlssrunraih
You Think
ny Wtml 1 cnn w ill t'o,
miy kin) of m.-o win ti I i u I f
Hood's Cures
e'ght thousand four hundred
and thirty nine, raid r-ariy. "Three-
hundred thousand dollars." said Beau-
The effect waa startling: Indeed tbe
startled senses refused to grasp the
meaniug of the words. The cr ers re
peated tbe figures. The people in the
thea'er craned forward, a hundred pen
cils shot over ra,la or bits ol paper in
men's and women' laps. Then a mur
mur of voices sounded aU over the honse
the routine on the Hag was baited.
for the criers took the two bits of paper
to some clerks who sat at tables in the
farther part of the stage, to allow them
to verify the important fignree. Then
the routine ben anew. By Juban
Ralph in lltrper'a Magasine for Feb
w My face la my fort'ino." qnoth the maid;
I'm a fortune bmifer then,'' he said.
'Working; Women In Columbus,
State Labor Commissioner Lewis of
Ohio has made a special investigation of
women's work and wages in the principal
cities of the state. It appears that Colum
bus makes a better showing than any of
the other cities, and this is attributed
chiefly to the fact that the sweating sys
tem aoes not exist there. It is shown that
women who work by the piece make bet
ter wages than those who are employed
Dy the day or week.
Of the 622 women working by the piece
in Columbus it is shown that 57, or 9 per
cent, earn from $1 to 3 per weekj 195, or
81 per cent, earn 13 to 5; 210. or 34 per
cent, earn 5 to $7, and 160, or 28 per cent,
earn f 7 to $10.. Piecework is done chiefiy
in cigar, coffee and spice, knit goods, pa
per box, printing and binding, shirt, shoe,
tailoring and watch industries. The best
average wages at piecework are made in
watch factories. None of them earns
under $3 a week, and 60 per cent earn
from 3 to 7.
The Landlord's Iron Heel.
A Kentucky coal miner, in a communi
cation to the Louisville Courier-Journal.
in which he discusses the wrongs done to
Troubles Brought hj an Opal.
People laugh at me," said Mr. Hen
derson, a drummer, "because I returned
an opal ring and took a diamond instead.
am not superstitious, but I will tell
you why I will never wear an opal again.
l started on a tonr through tbe south.
Business was good and I put on tbe ring.
for it was a beauty. A few daya after
ward l lost a valuable charm from my
watcn cnaiiL Though l offered a re
ward and advertised diligently 1 never
recovered it. About three days later 1
was robbed of my pocketbook contain
ing a fine diamond, considerable money
and important papers. I began to sus
pect the ring was the cause of my ill
tuck, but 1 couldn t make up my mind
to dispose of it
"A week after I boarded a train going
to uoinmDus, out changed my inten
tions and got off, taking another one.
We were hardly ont of town before the
train rolled over an embankment, and 1
was pretty badly hurt. Then I was con
vinced that the opal was responsible for
my bad streak, and I put it in my trunk.
I have had no accidents since, and this
is the reason why I won't wear an opal
again. The jeweler who sold me the
stone wouldn t put on the ring for 1500.
and he now bas it np for sale in his show
window.r Pittsburg Dispatch.
Row Shells Are Clasnlded.
Shells, as we popularly call them, are
grouped by naturalists under the head
of mollusks, and in the scale of life they
represent the sixth great branch of the
animal kingdom, following the worms.
though some naturalists classify them
differently. The branch is divided into
classes. First we have the shells witb
iwo vaives, as tne oyster, which is a I
Lamellibranch, a long word referring to
me foius in toe animal.
Some of these have siphons and some
have not. Then we come to the single
shelled mollusks, or easterorxids. so
Coughs, colds and sore throat quickly
llcved by "Uruwn'i Bronchial Ttuchet.
cents a box.
Who wants a wnwati with lior l.ea ' ont nl an
enormous wire rat trap? Hip, hoop, hurrah!
Stats or Ohio, Cn v or loi.ano (
l.tcABCiieji.v. t
Frish J. DHKNar maka oath that he la the
enlor i.anu.r i.l the tlnn ol T J. i'hemkv Si
i;o doing O'lilueKB m the rily ol Toledo, enmity
.-lutHj Hior'-aio, pom mat saio nrfn win iay
(he sum ol lNK Hi NUKKI) Dol.l.AKH for ea-h
and every case ol ratairn tnt cannot be cured
b, the use ol li all's Cstabbh v.vk..
MiA.i K J. ( HENKV.
Sw-rn to before me and uharribril In mr
presenile tills lith day ol liere'" bt-r. A ft. 1ks.
IREA1..J A. w. lil.r.A'ttl.-i,
SliUlru ,,Af
Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, aud
S't illwtly ,.n the t.loo 1 iil inneo s aurlawe
if thusyetem. Heud lor tn.tlmolltals. free.
r. j. ciiKMir 4 CO., Toledo, o.
&- Hold by drUKgl-ua; 7ft cents.
!se Rnameilbe Stove Polish: no dual, no smell.
l lasiM-&:.4
AFTICK TV-MORROW Vou should write to A.
AFTER TO-MOItltOW Portland, Oreeoo, the
lj adine JfWolur ti tli
AFTER TO-MORROW I'm Itlo Northwest, lor
tiilees on Hiiiiei lor rill.
rer and Plate Tableware. He wl'l save vou
money. It eosta nothing to ask lor bis prlura.
AOfv" i C r -if
lira. O. B. Card
Oakland, Cat,
Made Over Anew
Chronic Hoadacho Cured -Weak
Lung Made Strong and Well.
For rrarj I had sick headaches (very day, and
I alto bad very wrak lusijre. Since 1 hay
been liking Hood's Hwnparllla, I have
been raiirely eared of hradai-hes, and my
luiii,'! are strong and well. I rlomls often say
How Well You're Looking.
I tell them It U due to Hood's ttartaparllla,
am small In sfcituro unver weighed oth
UK) pounds before taking Hood's (Ursapa-
rilla, and at the time I bogan taking It I had
-run down to 85 pounds, but now I weigh
1 1 1 'V Mr friends thought I would be dead
sag ago, but I am perfectly well. I am
unable to express my thanks lor the good
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done me." Mas. C. B. Cajw, ISIS Adeline
Blrott, Oakland, California.
I AlwaAa ttw bent, thi-y are n-t-fstnixeU an i
m eiMitUAi'it eviirywni-ia.
Ferrt 'ateed A annul iM itteninef
lltiirlu,t lifc. I I Hie kln.l t'U'.
llslint. It la inva'iwii x lu ii.)
pianii-r. we ih-M. M i we.
WiisTliiin -aaSasaaaaasaassaaasSaaaa.
-K -
Roda, Riele Lines, vookt Leaders,
Etc., of the Flnost Quality.
'KNl) fO
03 rir t St., Porland, Or.
sS Send for ea aloarna.
Laass- 9
B2S1S cmis
Hood' Pills cure all I.lY-r Ills, nillous.
es, JsnndliH), Indigestion, 81-lt Jl,laidi.
4 hairs
Bark llmls
Hend for Catiiloaiio.
W. A.SCHROCX, L lev MantgomefSt. S.F.
. i - Jcj . jut i if? uL 1 1 i pf VvMjJ jiji bib ;
"ill ent n-y ot Orm
rJo'.i-s, Mt-nt.uilaiu. and i,
linen Cut HiVK- wll
Imilili, H e inirnt. r ol
- ,11 mi t utn m. l-iila-w
ll r-iy tbe beo,
sal ly Mir-mib the mniiiu,
irii1 and p-l li.rm Ii
eoii'liiinii in lay vimi tre
o nin n l trehlKhost prio
and eiu dm-eioii vou
eh'rSs histor than au
otner food
Seed Ureeit (tones aiu
n ( Iteaosnus to kil.
Hie li e. an 1 mil will miks
ci pr Hi more profit
aVmd tut Catalogue aai
ETiiun mmm coan. pmunu. to.
ma MARI(
BV NOT anoae TMI aiMT
nir'w-i it
t0 ten aVS OlALOOua Telia vou ail aame
. a a MnMi . . u
Bicvctxs or evenv JtscniPTiOrt,""
'outs no more than an ordinary clumsy wood picket aft-air that obsirui'ta tlie view and will rot or fall
i""1 lns abort time. I'he llartman" tVnce Is artistic In design, protects the krnimils without cnu
HARiMAN MFC. CO.............. '., T...Z BEAVER FALLS. PA.
David Ivl. Clarkson, Jr., Portland, Or.
Holly, Mason, Marks & Co., Spokane Falls, Wash.
Best in th-World!
Get tha Genuine
Sold Everywhere!
The Spoolflo A No. I.
fere, wilhou' Ml, all raeea of tS'ani-r-tiern
. and ile. nn niollrr of u,ns lima
sti,iii!lii( I'rnvenls strli lnrn, It VI. .n an in.
P-rniii fi-miity. ftires when evrrrvtliiiia else
tins lulled. H.,1.1 hv nil linwrlsll
alaiiiiri.cturei f lie A.SK-liiwiilial. WadkSna
frfrv.ta.oa. to., rlan Jiaw.Cal.
the poor, says: "Take the poor miners of because they are belly footed
our state, for instance. Go to their homes
and yon will see that they dwell in shan
ties that are not fit for cow stables. Yet
they pay most extortionate rents. I see
miners in this county livinir in houses
that did not cost more than $40 paying
rent at the rate of f42 per year. These
shanties afford no comforts from either
heat or cold. The thickness of a l-inch
board between your little ones and 20 de
grees below zero does not inspire love of
government, but is more apt to generate
anarcny ana Hatred of lawa and prcju
dice for classes.
"Of Two Evila, Choose the Leaner. "
Mrs. Lurnkins Joshua. I am cninir tn the
dentist's to hare a tooth pulled out You
mind tbe baby wlille I'm Rone.
Mr. L. (iumpiiiz for his hatiRnv .
mind the baby, and I'll go and get a tooth
yuueu, you anon-. new Korlt Bun.
Social Trlnmphs.
Hiss Gotham-Does Mary Minknm srho
went to school with me. move in tha heut en.
ciety in Chicago!
Mrs. Lakeside (of Chicairni nne
All of her husbands have been pork packers.
-New York Weekly.
think he's a
A Prize Catch.
Mrs, Prudent But do von
good catch I
Miss Eager-Well, I should rather think he
isl He's tbe captain of a baseball club and
gets $5,000 a season for standing behind tha
bat. Lifa,
Then there are the shell-less forms, the
air breathing mollusks, as snails, and
finally the squids, or cephalopoda, or
neaa footed, all of which have their pe
culiarities, and are well worth special
stuay ir ttie reader la interested in shells.
The oysters are the lowest forms of the
group, the humblest yet the most valu
able. A "blue point" in a deep shell
represents a vast Industry and a deli
cious morsel. Cor. San Francisco Chron
Bough on Da Dade.
ue untie (wno aoes not like a very
mgn collar) These collars are too high.
buow me something lower.
Salesgirl (with dignity) Those are the
cheapest we have, sir. We don't keep
siop-snop goods. Hew York Weekly,
lie Misunderstood.
The Young Woman (on top platform of
jbiirei tower) uoesn't It seem strange to you,
Mr. Hpoonamore, that so little oscillation is
noticeable up here?
The Young Man (eagrly)-Not at nil, Miss
iLineL i nave no doubt titers Is a great deal
of it indulged In up here, but it can't be seen
from below. The elevation is too great And
now, Miss Ethel, you will, I am sure you
will pardon
The Young Woman (arresting his forward
movement by a freezing look) I said oscilla
tion, Mr. Bpoonamore not osculation. (After
a depressing silence) I think, Mr. Bpoona
more, It is Urns for us to descend. Chicago
Boschee's German Syrup is more
successful in the treatment of Con
sumption than any other remedy
prescribed. It has been tried under
every variety of climate. In the
bleak, bitter North, in damp New
England, in the fickle MiddleStates,
in the hot, moist South every
where. It has been in demand bv
every nationality. It has been em
ployed in every stage of Consump
tion. In brief it has been used
by millions and its the only true and
reliable consumption Remedy, 4
Moore's Revealed Remedy.
Antosia. Ou m I-.... .
" -
Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts
"' "! of mill saws "if." r.r.L
W "e
Agents wanted in ov-ry town in Oregon and Washington to soil tho loadino
fn all grades manufactured in America.
mema. write tor catalogues and terms
New and second-hand machines from $20 up. Cn.h or on install.
sTDCPI aaV. ... .
Pioneer Dnalnr of thn Vnnittn r.nauf aoi ?fr.ff. K K 1 1. 1 .
Free 'Cycling Academy in west wing of Exposition building. H",nKton Htrut. i'ortlatid, Or.