The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 17, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 10.
Us--,, ,.
J. H. DEEGLE, Manager."
ftubstirlplton Halo.
Cluo cop)' one pr In ailvunca ,.,.1 to
dim riiiy al iiioullia , ., ;o
Hi iik I voyn t
Alt vnrllaiHg Hale.
I'nifraalonitt canla nn yvar I VI
On, i-ti 1 1 1 in ii mm eiir , IM
IUI col. mill uliti your 71
tjuarier ttoliniill on your , - 40
(In, Int'H un inuiiili , V
(Mi. hu ll Ihico limi, Ilia. A
Oil, 1 1 It nix imiiilh. , H
I, initli-ta, Ift I'tmla rr Uiu lur lli.l Iii it ; lu 1 nut. r llim lr verb mibiiiviii In
vrilmi. .vrllpim.iil, II Ml mt Inch llr-l
Inwrtl'Mi, uii. la epiiti iof'h .Him,
(nuiilv Olflrrra.
I...4..M llt,u tll,ititi-rft
llrra K. K ijiilck, H , lid....
Miiorln . . Mini", m. m. i" a
lrtir r K. M. Wharton, riiliimtlarlty
....... ..1 u. i.....t. . ' 1 i?.....r..ii. v...i..itiiM
AMir W. It. K(acr. Itxtnlur
Muittyiir A, h. I.'ulf. lu nl.-r
. ... 11. (I. H ho Miiiwr, 1m1011l
vuinill' I'lurr.
u. . Iiarua,.-,a)'ir.
t. 1 . ...... . i
Bonny NkiIvo.
Masonic Hi. IIHen. IhI(, No. IT) -Hsipilar
ttmnimiuicallm,. Mrl aiH llilnl summit 111
VHi'll iiimiiiii lu t mi r. m k mbxhiw imu. ..-i,.
lim m.iulwra III ama ,1,111111111 Imilail tu at
hUaHBM'.-tltaliilsr l.xli. No. 2lHHtel
mtinlliiK HHIiiMay mi or Uiliirfffiii'li lull immii
at 7 w r. M. al MmmiiiIc liall, oim HlaiM-hard',
I. hp Vlaltlua iimimI)i In I'm1 timi'llitf lu
Ulr.l lomun.l,
linn ri i...w -Hi lletrn I Airs No. 117-
Mwia avery Hatunlay nllil al ? . Traii.lmil
lirviluvn Inaoud aiau.iiuK coMLIiy liivlici m
'Ill .Inll,.
Damn river (tmat) eluaea al SO A. B.
tiii rlr (i.aoloi al r.
1 Im nail lur VeriM'iila au.l I'ltlahur lava
M. ilulwiia kMitUy, ttwlnwlay ami Friday al
1 1
Hi, mall (r Mnr.hlaii.l. I'lal.l.ulc ami Mini
Irani. t( 1I1111, WcIiio-Jk) and Fililay
I ti a.
Uallaralt,r) tuirlli cl"M ' la A. M l lr
r.mlaiiil ai r. a. wnldBlllter Ham,.
Unman tt, '. HHAVas-Ivi lit, Hr1et
Inf 1'otllainl l 11 ; B. Tiwwlav, Thiirwliij anil
HHliir.lay. Mavoa HI. lU-li-u. Inr naikaiil
W.111.U) , HVliic-l-y aid l il.U) al IW a, m.
HraAMKN HI. Ilolniu lur IVrt
latid 4. .liiinli'il
Kr.Aa Jvnaril Ki.l.'in-Iaveii HI. IIcImk
Int ISirilixid il.illr 'l'' iinilajr . al J . M , ar
rlvlnn at I'.irtlantl at 10 Ml; rvliirulnu. Ime
I'MHlaiiir ,1 1 r. arrH i al Hi. Iloleu. at i.
jyt. 11. k curr,
' HI. Jllfli, (lirguii.
Cttkniile, Culiiini'U ct'iiiily. Or.
I JR. W. C. HKI.T.
lialnkT, Orpcoo.
Jj'tt" "wTiXlAM (llimwol.Ui
Ht. IUi.knh, - - Ohkiion
All NVuik Oiwrmilatt!.
T. A. McllHiim. A. H. Dhkh.
jyjc llKlUK & DBKHHKR.
Oh-koii i lly, Onsoii.
J'rnnipt utleiilloii IniiiUolllciiJliuaiiiew.
81. HrlfiiH, Ore(in.
Cmnty aurrryor. l.nmJ aurvcyliiif.towii
pinning ,ml fiiKlnviTinn wrk
W.T.HlIll!V. J. V. llHArKB.
OrnKon Clly, Ori'Knn.
TwMie vfr' exiwrl'-m- 11, ItoilWer f
thl rnii. hwim u") ""ii "i-": ;
, ,u u m . r wty ()", ,(ki
V '.tirTs .nil H.volvii.K !, '-"ml
KO(!KKNBKOUM at COtt'lNll,
Orecon City, Orn.
1 1 air irlnl W"t nf Oi'iiiTKl Iniiil t;fll;. )
J, George, Proprietor.
T.i.i iwy wiM '; rtWw
nt .U-llcacler the nmrket tlord.
UttvliifC Vwoii newly refumWied. we
onr prU. nml elicit -U.e of your
putMiingo. '
Utah's Total Gold and Silver
Output for Two Years.
Veritable. Castle pf Delight to be
Built on West Side Above
Willamette Falls.
The Ronthfirn Pad do Ii to bare a new
depot lit Urnl'i 1'tvai, Or.
Phwnlv, A. T., report! tint rln ii
IbIIIiik, the flrit In nearly one year, vototl agnln.t the leaue of $75,
00(1 boudi to complete IU eewttrage
Itrltlali Col urn lila lia. Impoted din
count ot 2U per cent on American allver
Vortland'e fine paiinirir itatlon will
becompletod by AuKiuf. HUt. It ii to
coat HOO.OOO.
The Bunker Ilill and Bullivan mined,
the lariteit illver produceri in the Cuior
d'Alenei, have .hut down.
A traveliiiR iniiaranoe aont ha don
np the larinirt of II nhm county,
Idaho, by leaning ipnriuiii poliolea.
The majority of the Indiana on the
Nei 1'nrona reaervation have alKoed an
agreement for the opening of the recur
vation. Borne of the people of Bolie City,
Idaho, are opposed to the railroad enter
Ins that town on account ot the imoke
killing th tree.
In Lower California enough rain haa
fallen to imure good cropa, though the
drought wat begiuniog to be teverely
felt all over the penlniula.
In th United State Dietrlot Conrt at
Portland Peter Grant, aailora' Imard-Ing-honae
rnnner, waa convicted of har
Imring deserting aeauieu, and waa fined
There I a warm conteat in the Arlxnna
Lmrlalalnr over the paaaaxe of an irri
gation bill, whoae leaturn araeomewhat
ainiilar to th California lawa on the
earn aobject.
It la thonsht that the Vied of the Kraaer
river in Hntiah Columbia la rich with
dermal 1 a of gold, and an attempt will be
mail durin the coming antnmer to ae- j
cure a portion of tbia wealth.
Governor McConnell of Idaho openly
atated In a letter to the Diatrint Attorney
that niemhere of the IKiaUtare of that
Btata were bribed, and that information
will be furniahed to aecar convictiona.
T) 1-1... Uan.knllla A mrk. Mnnrla
DrvivMn1, ...o, v u " 1 ' ' - - Ullnraa In tlia Pari til! (Juant
Bute and Terrltoriea for Die pant week,
aa compareq wun iwoivb lor 1110 iiravmu,
week and fourteen for the oorreapouding
period of 181)2.
TT..I,'. tnial ml.l nntnnt (or 1RHI wa
31.6M; for U2, fMfi'l; ahowin an
inrrea 01 r.'Mg. in enver onipni
lmn aa fi.7b0.352 ounoea: for 1892 it
wa 7,7'I2.2W; allowing an docreaaeof
BS 095 ounce.
W. II. Winn, who went toPhronix, A.
T., om time a to ami took lotiiting with
two widow there, haa not been aoen
ainc r rmay laat. me la'iieagave nun
. . ,v . . 1.11, l,.ll...l
flld 10 pay 111a mrniiuro uiu. 11" imiau
in nilnrn. Winn waa a contractor form
erly of Loa Angelea.
The Nevada Leglalatnre haa adjonrnoil,
and a bill reducing the aalarie of State
ollloer ia found to I ml.alnc. The
Btat Oontrollor aaya th mrnala ahow
11 paea ana ne minii it win uom 1.
It will b enured in the sUtnU book,
with certiaoation that th original waa
Th Arlaona Conatrnctlon Company
of Peoria, III., haa brought ault against
l.. 1111. Il-n.1 P..arvnir ami Irrliration
Ojmpany, whoaeofllcea ar at Tuofon,
and the Ulty UanK 01 w Anajeie".
which hank obligationa in trnat again,!
raal a.tnta anil witter franuhiaeB of tho
canal dam ar held.
nn nf PnrtUml'a wAalthv buainpac
Man whA iwm an limi ihnTI the Will-
ametU Fall on the weat aide, ia con
templating building upon it a veriulilc
caatle of delight. One of the moatim
porUnt featnrea ia to be a huge dancing
hall, ont of which wide glaaa door will
open upon a broad plana.
TI. aklnman fa nf wintar voffetablei
fw,v Crtll llan Palllnrnla 10 the kast in
carload loU ia aaauming large proimr
7. m, 1 1 i ... 1 1 ..... .1
uona. ine oouinoru vii"'a'"
repirt ahipmentafor January, 181)3, al
o Alio nnnmla mnrA than for Januarv.
lH92,'an lncreaae of HX. pot cent. Th
principal vegeuoie enippeu r rair
bage, cauliflower and celery.
a n nl Navaita. on of the
orlirinal promoter of the Ban Franolacc
and Ureat Ban uaneruiMA, uaiiain.
1- .1.. .i.,a,l.a andammred live vertrs
u uiu w. ... 1 . . 7 T
extenaion of the rWht of way acroaa Ne
vada and Utah to Salt Lake and Ogden,
and also the aame extenaion on the bonut
oirered by the StaU of Nevada of 3.(HC
for everv mile of road completed, lie li
now In UUh.
t- rk..mlu taal. Marv Pnahman. an
III uwowm.
Iiihteen-year-old mother, waaarreated
at HUH, MOm.., IOr KIIIIUH " ""J "J
putting plna down lta throat,
the arma and atarvln It. The delenae
1 .11. Tl.a nrovftli to the
aatiafaction of the Jury that ineanity wa
feluned. and after being out Iffti'een
hour the Jary returned a verdict of
Th railroad freight agente In aeaalon
atBanU Barbara. Oal.,liave agreed to
form an aa-ociatlon, to he called the
'ruJ .i p.lht Rata Onmm it-
ITanauuiiuiKmM.. , 1,
tee, in which all transcontinental llnei
except tn urea. auiv"o.u,
rn Paoiflo and Canadian Pacific will be
nartiea. A reaolntion to that effect was
paaaed, but no writUn agreement ha
yet been drawn.
1 n...M TnAtM of Rrltleh
in urauu wi"a- . . ,
Oolnmbia ha. ailopted tfnoltlnpnB
Indoraing Dalton McCarthy, Q. 0 , M. P..
and coniTemning Sir John Thompson and
hi. government for nslng pnbllp funds W
aasiat th Premier', oo-religionlata to
fight th people of Manitoba in their ef-
lorta w inrow uu "TL1' o".j,"rvjz
ayatem, and nrging upon the British 0o
. . i. . larliamnt at Ot-
tlon to anoiian rreuuu --
guag ana flo away viuiuv'
Comparison of Average, Wage In Mas
sachusetts and In England
London's Railways.
The four great ocean routes employ
1,100 steamsulpH.
All th street cars of Toledo ar pro
pelled by electricity.
Leee than 1 cent la th value of th
raw material in a violin.
More than 200,000 men ar employed
In American journallam.
A New York Central locomotive 1 to
go eighty-two ml lee an hour.
There were 000,000,(100 paaaengera on
American railroada last year.
About 4.000 mile of railroad track
were laid during the laat year.
A Maryland canning factory put up
4,000,000 cana of corn laat aeason.
Ohlcagoan expect a $10,000,000
World'e tair revenue from caah admit
aiona. .
The contract for th conatrnctlon of
th Bouth Gila canal in Arizona baa joat
been let. The work when completed
will coat $2,000,000.
An English company haa been Incor
porated with $16,000 capiUl to manu
facture olectrle bicycles. The storage
battery ia to be used.
An Englishman has invented a combi
nation folding bed billiard Uble, settee,
table and bnreau all taking up no more
room than an upright piano.
NotwithaUnding th fact that th
Weatern Union Telegraph Company haa
over 73U 000 miles of wire and nearly
21,000 otlicee, it opena an average of 600
new office annually.
The twin-screw and triple-screw steam
ships with improved engines develop
more power with lets coal than th tingle-screw
engines. Th Etrurla burn
about 300 tons a day.
Engineera are discussing a water-storage
project for a better aupply of water
to the Erie caual, involving; a dam 130
feet in height serosa the Ueneaee river
at a coat of $2,700,000.
It ia stated that in England those part
of locomotives which ar liable to rust
are made of galvanised iron, and that
thia includes the Inside of tender Unka
and also the coal spaces.
Nine renU a mile Is the cost the Ninth
avenue t New York) street-car line re
cently raw a storage-battery experiment
car for. The car weighed aix and one
half tons, and carried 144 storage cells.
A clerk In a bicycle store in Kansas
City haa designed and it building a new
bugey with pneumatio-tired bicycle
wheola and a number ol Improvements
calculated to add strength, lightness and
speml to th vehicle.
Carroll D. Wright, chief of the United
r-Utes bureau of statistics, reports that
wagea in Massachusetts average $1.70 to
very dol ar paid in England, while the
cost of the same mode of living ia $1.17
here to $1 In England.
An alkaloid prepared from atropine
(an active principle of belladonna),
which is used by opthalmio surseone to
expand th pupil of the eye, is said to
sail for $2,100 a pound. The cost ia of
itoelf enough to make one open his eye.
Th wagea paid to Cblneae laborer in
China ar about 6 p-nc per diem, with
ration. The workers ar easily con
Unted, demanding only the plainest ol
food, while for housing they are aat'afled
in winter to creep altogether under a
long, low mat shed with aolld back to
tha north wind.
Within a elx-mlle radlua ot Charing
Grose, London, there are 270 mile of
railway and 256 sUtiona, and within
tweive-mil radiua over 400 mile of line
and 301 eUtiona. The average number
of paasengere carried on week day by
the public conveyances of London, in
cluding omnibuses, it 2,600.000. The
total for laat year wat 777,000,000. j
Bishop Hendrlx to Preach the Commence
ment Service at the Vanderbllt -University
John L. Stevens, the United SUtea
Minister to Hawaii, used to edit the
Kennebec Journal with James tt. Blaine.
Congressman Newlanda of Nevada will
be the only member of the next Houee
who waa elected on the straight-out
silver question,
Mr. Langtry and the Duchesa of Mon
trose have joined John Strange Winter
no-crinoline league. The league now
numbera over 11,000 membera.
George Wheatland, who died at Salem,
Maes., the other day at the age of 89,
waa a contemporary at the bar of Web
ster, Choate, Curtis and Jeremiah Ma
son. President Barrio of Guatemala haa
an American wife. It it aaid that the
practica l? rules the Republic She it
the leader of all woman movement In
that country.
Death haa no terrors for Mrs. Annie
Besant. What the majority of mankind
regard as theory to be dreaded ahe de
fine aa "a choice relief from the burden
of the flesh."
Bishop E. R. Hendrlx, one of the most
eliqnent Bishops of the Methodist
Church (South), will preach the com
mencement sermon at the Vanderbllt
Univeraity in June.
Madame O'Rorke, Mother Superior ot
the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Provi
dence, R. I., who died a few days ago,
waa the widow of Colonel O'Rorke, one
of the most gallant heroes of Gettyt
bnrg. .Rev. Dr. Edward L. Clark, formerly
Sastor of the Church of the PuriUna at
ne Hundred and Thirteenth street and
Fifth avenue, New York, who tendered
hla resignation to the Presbytery of New
York on the day that Dr. Brigga waa ac
quitted of the charge of heresy, claim
ing that he also could not subscribe to
certain articles contained in the confes
sion of faith, will in all probability join
the Wett r-iillVilk Conference of Congre
gational ministers of Boston.
Young men are managing politics in
Bouth Carolina just now. Senator Irba,
who was elected Chairman of the Demo
cratic State Committee, Speaker of the
House and United SUtea Senator, all in
three months, is only 36 year old. Gov
ernor Tillman is only ten year older.
Congressman McLaurln was Attorney
General at 28 and elected to Congress
when 29. Congressman Latimer is a
young man, and nearly all the members
of the two Houses of the Legislature are
younger than the average of legislator
Appointed Apostolic Delegate
to the United States.
Cyclone in Georgia, Alabama, Mis
sissippi and Louisiana Does
Great Damage,
The Kansas City car famine has about
Leavenworth, Kan., ia to have an elec
tric railroad.
The Nebraska Legislature ia consider
ing an anti-l'inkerton bill.
A woman-suffrage amendment will be
submitted to Kansas voters.
A big migration of farmer from 1111
noil to the Northwest is in progress.
Ten carloads of beer were shipped to
Washington for use during the inaugura
tion. The West End electric atreet railroad
of Boston talk of tunneling the Com
mon. A strike of oil near Parkersbnrg, W.
Va., is creating a great deal of excite
ment mere.
On the Hawaiian annexation question
Cleveland's views, ii be haa any, are
Ex Secretary Foster estimates that
there will be $17,000,000 free gold in the
treasury on July 1 next.
Louisville street railway capiUllats are
preparing to gobble up the atreet railway
ayatem of Springfield, 111.
Troop have gone to the Cherokee
Strip, and will keep it clear until the
opening of the land to settlement.
The Cherokee newspapers are kicking
v'gorously at the prospect of being
thrown in with Oklahoma aa a SUte.
The New York Senate haa passed the
bill appropriating $300,000 additional for
the Bute exhibit at the World's Fair.
The Brooklyn police authorities have
decided that no more professional boxing
matches will be permitted in that ci'y.
The prospects of a strike of switchmen
on the Michigan Central are favorable.
A demand for an increase of wages ha
been made.
Goneral Beauregud'a estate in Louisi
ana is said to be worth nearly $2.000,00 ).
This Is exclusive of hit realty interests
in St, Louie.
Dolly Johnson, Mr. Harrison's colored
cook, remains in the White House under
Mr. Cleveland. There ia going to be an
othor era of civil service.
There It a prospect of a compromise
in the Arkansas Lg;latnre. hy which
an appropriation of $20,0 rt) will be made
for an exhibit at the World'a Fair.
The forty-sixth annual report of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company shows
gross earnings, main line and brandies,
of 142,359,640, and a net income ot $10,
794 200.
The House of the Indiana Legislature
has passed a bill prohibiting the working
of the train hands of any railroad in the
SUte for more than twenty-fonr consec
utive hours at a time. ,
It is reported fromOhalUnooge,Tenn.,
that the negroes of the southeast are
preparing for a general exodna to the
West and Northwest, where they expect
to secure small farms.
The enormous rates demanded by the
insurance companies for insuring hotels
erected for World's Fair pnrpoee have
driven proprietor to form a mutual fir
Insurance company of their own.
Somebody hat called Mr. Cleve
land' Cabinet a bar association, because
every man in it except Dan Lamont is a
lawyer. No other Cabinet in recent
times haa contained so many lawyera.
It it reported from Chicago thata syn
dicate haa been formed, having a capital
nf 4 flOO.OJO. to nnrchase twentv eight
! Detroit breweries. The combine will be
able, it is Mid, to produce 826,000 bar
rels 01 Deer annually.
The Senate of the MinnesoU Legisla
ture haa paseed a bill to amend the con
stitution by providing for a tax of not
more than 6 per cent on all inheriUncea
above such sum as the Legislature in 1U ,
discretion may exempt.
The New York case of Mrs. Violet 1
Ward Vanderbllt against her father-in- 1
law. Cantoin Jacob Vanderbllt, for
alienation of her husband'a affection to
the extent of $100,000 ha been settled
out of court and finally dismissed.
TheWvoming SUte Legislature has
Sa?aed a concurrent resolution ofconfi-j
ence in woman suffrage and directed
the Governor of the SUte to send copies ;
of the resolution to every SUte and,
every legislative body in the world.
The Bunreme Conrt hat refused the
application of the Illinois Central Rail
way Company for a reopening of the
Chicago Lake-front case: also the case
of the Southern Pacific, involving title
to land granU in Southern California,
which was recently decided.
Under the new diplomatic and con
sular bill jnst passed the President will
have the power to designate as Ambas
sadors all Envoys Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary to foreign
conrU, the new title being regarded as
more high-sounding than the old. ,
The cyclone in Georgia, Alabama, Mis
sissippi and Louisiana did great damage,
and more than 100 people were killed.
It followed the track of what is known
aa the Harris county track, which since
1804 ha been visited periodically by de
structive cyclonea. and thev have alwaya
left a trail of death behind.
The Philadelphia Record calmly re-
fiorta that pianoforte-maker are work
ng for an amendment to the building
law. They want thirteen-inch walla in
stead of nine-inch walls, and their notion
Is that every family in a block will be
compelled to buy a pianoforte, whereas
with thin walls one instrument 1 enough
for an entire row of houses.
The communication from Pope Leo
XIII to Archbishop Batolli, appointing
him apoitolio delegate to United States,
defining his power in connection with
that office ana declaring that whatever
sentence or penalty Monsignor Batolli
may lnfl'ct against thrme who oppose bis
authority will be ratified hvtheapnt"l'0
office, haa been made publio at Wash
Solicitor-General Aldrlch's Opinion on
the Power of the Secretary of the
Treasury to Issue Bonds.
The first postmaster given office under
the new administration ia Newton A.
Hamilton, who waa appointed postmas
ter at Flora, Tenn.
BecreUry Morton haa appointed Don
ald Maccuaig of Nebraska City, Neb.,
chief clerk of the Agricultural Depart
ment, vice Henry Oasaam resigned.
All the promlnentofficialt of the Treas
ury Department, inclnding the Assistant
BecreUry," Commissioners of Internal
Revenue, Comptrollers and all the Aud
itors, except Patterson and Fisher, have
verbally tendered BecreUry Carlisle their
BecreUry Carlisle haa accepted the
proposition of the Denver clearing bouse
to let the government have $1,000,000 In
gold for a Tike amount of treasury notes.
He has token no steps toward issuing
bonds, and haa not indicated what pol
icy he will purine.
In the case of CapUin Pharos B. Bra
baker of North Dakota, imprisoned in
Spanish Honduraa, the President has
transmitted to the Senate in compliance
with iu resolution ot the 3d instant a
report from BecreUry Greeham giving
all the information in the department
relative to the case. The papers show
that Secretary Foster September 30 tele
graphed Minister Pacheco to look into
the matter. October 16 Pacheco for
warded a telegram from Secretary of War
Alvarado ot Honduras, saying Brubaker
waa one of those who took up arms
against the government and captured
TruxilloJune 26. When the uprising
was put down, Brnbaker was captured
and tried under the Honduras laws and
sentenced to seven years' imprisonment,
which be it now undergoing at Ouroa.
President Cleveland the other morn
ing eent to the Senate a message with
drawing the treaty pending in
the Senate. The message was short,
simply requesting the Senate to trans
mit 10 the Execntive the proposed treaty
with Hawaii. The message was received
without comment on the floor of the
Senate. The Republican Senators re
gard this action a in line with the course
pursued by Cleveland in withdrawing
the Nicaraguan treaty, sent to the Senate
by President Arthur in the closing days
of his administration. The Democratic
Senators look upon the act from a two
fold point of view, some tak ng the
ground tbat it shows Cleveland is against
annexation or American domination of
any tort in the Hawaiian Islands, while
others hold he will send in another
treaty more to his liking.
Holman, Chairman of the House Com
mittee, in the remarks which he is pre
paring for publication in the Congret
tional Record concerning the appropria
tions of the Fifty-aecond Congress shows
the appropriations of the eesaion just
closed amonnt to $619,221,861. From
thia point of view the appropriations of
the F'f'y-firat Congress aggregated 11,
036,680.921, and thoseof ti e Fi'tv-econd
Congress amount to $1,026,822X2-, or
$8,862,870 less than thoae of the Fifty
first Congress. Holman will present
statemenUof the appropriations made
by the Fifty-tecond Congress as charged
against it under permanent approp-ia-tions
in accordance with the require
ments of lawa enacted by the Fifty-first
Congress. Tbeee include turns aggre
gating in all $164,172,040. Judge Hol
man sUtet, if these sppropriations had
not been made aa required, the total ap
propriation of the Filty-second Congress
would show a reduction of more than
$163,000,000 than the appropriations of
the Fifty-first Congress.
Some time ago, when the question of
the power of the Secretary of the Treas
ury to use any part of the $100,000,000
gold reserve was under consideration,
Solicitor-General Aldrich was instructed
by the Attorney-General to look up the
matter. Aldrich'a opinion in brief is :
"First, the BecreUry of the Treasury
baa a continuing power to iasua bonds to
redeem the legal tender of 1862 and 1863
and reissued under the act of May '81,
1-878, but I am of the opinion it ia not at
all necessary. Second, there it no re
quirement for the redemption of the
legal tender to be made in gold. As to
the policy of using silver I am not pre
pared to urge thia action. It might cause
a panic, but it could undoubtedly be
done. Third, the Secretary of the Treas
ury haa no power to issue bonds redeem
able in either gold or silver. The law
stipulates they ahall be redeemed in com,
which means either gold or silver now,
and did so mean at the time of the pass
age of the law." Thia opinion, while
aaked and prepared, was not delivered,
owing to the fact that the occasion did
not demand it. Aldrich aaya: "The
belief that there it no positive provision
of law requiring $100,000,000 reserve
shall he kept is in my opinion correct.
It ia also true under the law, aa I under
stand it, that all legal-tender notes may
be redeemed in coin. This was the rase
at the pericd fixed for the resumption of
specie payments, to-wit, January, 1879,
under the law of 1876."
' To guard against a deficit Henderson
warn this administration to give closer
attention to "moonshiners" and the
"whisky ring" in the collecting of in
ternal revenue than it did from 1885 to
1889, when it collected $51,0P0.62S less
than President Arthur and $115,358,543
less than President Harrison. He savs
the retiring administration paid $296,
316.1131 on the public deht, saving in in
terest $55,852,493 annually. He ouched
on pensions, showing that the pens'on
bureau rolls will reach their highest
point December 81, 1894. with 1,161,918
name on the rolls, including invalids,
widows, orphans and dependent parents,
the annual vain of the rolls at that date
being $165,865,094; that in 1?9 there
will be dropped from the rolls 44,9X2
pensioners, with an increasing ratio
thereafter. Referring to the comp'aint
against widows' pensions, he shows, if
all the widows' claims yet nndiepo'el of
were allowed, there would be 7(9,834
dead soldiers unrepresented on the tolls
by widows, orphans or dependent par
ent. He a' bo points ont the danger to
the treasurv from war claims, and says
Congress now has the dau to show that
about $6 0,0'iO.OiH) mav yet "he drawn
from it to Batisfv their demands. Hen
derson refers to the defeat of the bank
rupt bill In the Honse, the lurial of the
pure-food bill, the slaughter of the anti
option MP, Congress inability to grap
ple with the money question, ita silent
admiration of the McKinlev bill, and
prediota that the Fifty-aecond Congresa
will go down to history as the '' know
nothing " and " do-nothing " Congresa.
Great Increase of Habitual
Drunkards in Erin.
The Chief Source of Supply From
Which Germany Draws ,
Her Grain. .
The only electric railroad In London
ia underground.
Tbouaanda of cotton spinners in Eng
land are suffering for food and clothing.
Cairo in the land of the Pharaohs ia
aoon to be illuminated by the electric
Lord Salisbury will aoon ttump Eng
land in opposition to Gladstone's home
rule bill.
The Spanish government haa issned
orders lor the strictest aaniUry precau
tion at once.
It ia claimed that Ferdinand de Les
sepa .till haa a handsome income from
his Suez canal stock.
The French government haa approved
a proposition to lay a cable between New
Caledonia and Australia.
Turkey ia levying a aubeUntial duty on
all electric apparatus and machinery im
ported into that country.
In many of the English country honsea
there are now rooms aet aside especially
for the ladies to imoke in.
French newspapers will herea'ter be
held responsible for financial advertise
ments published by them.
There has been serious rioting in the
town of Syobosylo, Hungary, over the
imposition of new market tolls.
Madame Christine Nil'con has given
$5,010 toward fruiutn a hospital in
France for the cure of throat disease.
In bidding the English pilgiims fare
well Pope Leo aaid he hoped to com see
England once more a Catholic country.
The French Chamber haa imposed a
tax on 'cycles. It is estimated that the
tax will bring in 1,000,000 franca a year.
An international fire brigade congress
and exhibition it to be held in London
from the 7th to the 12th of next August.
At Vienna 15,000 men, young and
middle-aged, have formed a bachelors'
club, and have vowed never to get mar
ried. The historic chateau at Cirey, France,
has been sold to a rich manufacturer for
45i)O,0OO. It wat once the home of Vol
Uire. Tbe second elecfric cable made in
France ia now being laid between Mar
seille and innis, a distance of about 7t0
Britain ia among the lowest of civil
ized contriee in regard to the tender age
at which it allows child labor in fac
During the vear 1892 the number of
foreigners naturalized in England waa
42. including 14 Germans, 12 Russians
and 2 Americans. '
The I. indon notice now use electrio
bnli's-eye lamps. These lamp weigh
five pounds, and will give a continuous
light for eeven hour.
D, snatches from Congo Free SUte re
ceived at Brussels state that Tippo Tib'
son waa defeated by the an ti-slavery
force and 600 captives liberated.
Trie Brazilian government has ordered
70,01 small caliber rifles and 35,0000,000
cartridges from the Lowe 8 in all-arms
Manufacturing Company of Berlin.
The Queen of Italy haa founded a so
ciety for the reforming of ragged beggar
children, who are to be taken from the
street and Uught tome useful trade.
Five ladies in waiting to the Empress
of China are expected soon in Berlin,
where they are to study tbe German
language and German court etiquette.
If enough bye elections for Parliament
Uke place, Gladstone will aoon have 100
majority in th House ot Comment in
stead of between forty and fifty, aa now.
Thirty miles of underground electric
railway, similar to the City and South
London line, haa been proposed for Ber
lin at an estimated expense of $10,000,
000. The Municipal Council of Rouen haa
decided to change the name of the Quai
de Leasepa, which waa named only a few
years ago in honor of the fallen great
Several mill owner in Hey wood, Eng
land, have closed their factorie so aa to
assist in bringing about the desired re
duction of wage. Thousand of loom
at idle.
Consul Mason at Frankfort haa made
a report to tbe State Department show
ing that the United Sutes ia the chief
source of aupply from which Germany
draws her grain.
Oonnt Leo Tolstoi, who spent hit time
and fortune a year ago in alleviating tbe
suffering of the starving Russians, now
asserts that drunkenness waa on of the
great cause of the famine.
The Bank of England authorities are.
it it aaid, about to Uke proceedings
against certain persons who for trading
purpose nave been issuing announce
ments on atrip of paper resembling
bank notes.
It it stated that Mr. Gladstone baa in
timated definitely his Intentions to ap
point a poet laureate in succession to
Lord Tennvson. The difficulty in mak
ing the selection has, however, not yet
been overcome.
Pesth rejoice in the honor of publish
ing the first telephonic newspaper.
Suhacribera receive the newt of the day
in the form of a verbal summary by tele
phone sent daily between 8 in the morn
ing and 9 in the evening.
Arch bishop Walsh is reported as quot
ing some remarkable statistics, illustrat
ing a great increase of habitual drank
aids in Ireland. The convictiona for
drunkenness in 1887. he said, nnmherei
79 000; in 18S8. 87,000; in 1889,92,000,
and in 1891, 100,628.
Jeanne Blancard is the name of a new
eight-vear-old prodigy that has arisen in
France, where she is amazing the people
by the way in which she n play from
memory the most difficult works of the
masters and improvise in any school
especially if th teacher isn't present. -
Prodnea. Frnl. Wta.
Whiai Valley, L12)i Walla Walla,
$1.06 per cental.
Flocb Standard, $3.30; Walla Walla,
$3.60; Graham, $3; Superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats Choice, 430 44c per buahel ! fair,
40c; rolled, in bags, $6.256.60; barrels,
$6.60(86.75; case, $3.76.
Hat Best, U13.60 per ton; com
mon, $9.00 10.00.
MiLMTorrs Bran, $16017; ahorte, $19
20; ground barley, $23(324; cbop!eed,$18
per ton; whole feed barley, 80 86c per
cental; middlings, $2324 per ton; brew
ing barley, 90Ujc per cental ; chicken
wheat, $1.10 per cental,
BcTTia Oregon fancy creamery, 27
3oc; fancy dairy, 22X25c; fair to
good, 17i20c; common, 12i15o per
pound; pickle roll butter, 3035c per
roll ; California, 4060c per roll.
Chusx Oregon, 11(3 13c; Eastern
Twins, li'Ac; Young America, 16o per
pound. . i
Eaos Oregon, 16c per dozen.
Pouurar Chicken, mixed coops, $4.00
4.60; old hens, t6.006.60; old roosters,
$4; dressed chickens, 9l0c per pound;
ducks. (4.0006.10: geese. 110.00 per
dozen : turkeys, live, 12c ; dressed, U
154c per pound.
VsaaTABLas Cabbage. $1.66(31.75 per
cental ; onions, $1.5J1.75 per cental;
cut onions, 7686c; potatoes, 7585c
per cental; Oregon turnips, ,oc(si.w
per sack; young carrots, 75c$l per
aack; aweet potatoes, $2.604.00 per
cental; Oregon cauliflower, $1.001.25
per dozen ; celery, $1.00 per dozen ; arti
chokes, 84c per dozen ; lettuce, 40c per
dozen ; asparagus, per pound.
Faurra Sicily lemon, 6.0J(S5 .60 per
box; California new crop, $4.605; ba
nanas, $2.503.60 per bunch; oranges,
seedlings, $2.002.75 per box; navel,
$3.50(34.00; cranberries, $12.60 per bar
rel; apples, $1.002.uu per box.
Stanla roataa.
Hoszt Choice comb, 1517e per
pound ; new Oregon, 1820c
Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.60; 100,
$16.60; 60s, $17.60; stock, $10.60(311.60.
Daxan Fruits Petite prune, 10312c;
silver,ll14c; Italian, li 14c; German,
10llc; plums, old, 66c; new, 79c;
apples, 6(3 Uc; evaporated apricots,
16 16c; peace es, 1216c; peart, 7011
per pound.
Rice Island, $4.755.00 ; Japan, $4.86
per cental.
Corrxa 3osta Rica, 22c; Rio, 22c;
Salvador, 21c; nocna, Z743duc; Java,
2630c; Arbuckle', Midland, Mo
kaska and Lion, 100-pound case,
26 86-lOOe per pound; Columbia, tame,
25 36-lOOc
Bbajis Small white, 8Kc; pink, Sc;
bayoa, 8c; butter, Iimaa, 34o
per pound.
Sybcp Eastern, In barrels, 4055c;
half-barrels, 4257Jic; in cases, 36(3
80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California
In Darreia, zu(fluc per pwa, i.o Bar
Rno Net price : D. 4c ; Golden 0.
4c; extra C, 4c; Magnolia A, 4c;
granulated, 6c; cube crushed and pow
dered. 6c; confectioner' A, 60 per
pound ; maple sugar, 100 i"c per poana.
Cahkkd Goods Table fruits, assorted
quoted $1.75(32.00; peaches, $1.85(32.10;
Bartlett pears, $1.75(82.00 ; plums, $1.37
L60; strawberries, $2.25(32.46; cher
ries, $2.25(82.40; blackberries, $1.85(1
2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapp ee, $25(3
&0; apricots, $1.65(32.00. Pie fruits: ,
Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1U; plume,
$1.101.20; blackberries, $151-40 per
dozen. Pie fruita, gallons Assorted,
3.153.50; peaches, $3.60(34.00; apri
cote, $3.50(34.00; plums, $2.763.00;
hWkherriM. 14.00(44.50. Vegetables:
corn, $1.60(31.75; tomatoes, $1.00(31.10;
augar peaa, 85c$1.00; string beans, 901
95 per dozen. Meats : Corned beef. Is,
$1.50; 2s, $2.40; cnippeo oeei, t.oovj
4.00: lunch tongue, Is, $4 00; 2s, 16.76;
deviled ham. $1.752.75 per dozen.
Fish: Sardines, Ja, 75c$2.26;
$2.16(34.50; lobaters, $2.80(33.60; ealm
on.tin 1-lb.UUs, $1.26(31-50; flats, $L75;
2 lbs., $2.25(32.60; bbL, $5.50,
The KaM zfarkas.
BuxrPrimesteers, $3.854.25; choice
teers, $3.75(34 00; fair to good steers,
$3.003.50; good to choice cows, $3.15(3
3.60; common to medium cows, $2.60(3
2.75; dressed, $4.50(37.00.
Morrow Choice, $4.60(34.75; fair to
good, $4.00(34.60; dressed. $8.00; lamb,
$4.004.60; dressed, $8 00.
Hogs Choice heavy. $7.00(37.25 ; me
dium, $6.60(36.75; light and feeder,
$6.25(36.50; dressed, $7.00. t
VAtr-$4 007.00.
Bmokbo Mbats Large ham, 17(3
17c; medium ham, 17i316)ic; break
fast bacon, 173182io; abort clear sides,
14)15c; dry Bait aide, 1314o
per pound.
T . . ry In Hnm 1AIS
nre, in tins, 1617o; Oregon, UX3
c per pound, ,
Nails Base quotations: Iron, $3 75;
tteel, $2.76; wire, $2.60 per keg.
Ibos Bar, 2Jo per pound; pig Iron,
$23(325 per ton. ,
Btxbl 100 per pound.
Ttw I. O. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.60(39.00 per box; for crosses, $2
extra per box; I. 0. coke plates, 14x20,
prime quality, $7.50(38.00 per box ; tern
plate I. C, prime quality, $6.88(37.00;
14x20, $14.00.
Lkad icper pound; bar, 6Jc
Shot $1.80 per aack.
HoasxaaoBS $6.
Naval Btobbs Oakum, $4.50(35 per
bale; reein, $4.80(35 per 460 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per
barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 660 per gallon in carload lota.
Baca and Baa-Bink
Burlaps, 7-oa 40-lnch, net caah, Oc;
burlaps, 10-oz., 40-inch, net caah, 7c;
burlaps, 12-oz., 44-inch, 7o; burlaps,
16-oa., 60-inch, Xlo; burlaps, 20-oa., 76
ineh, 14c. Wheat bags, Calcutta, 23x36,
apot, 6xC; two-bushel oat bags, 7c
1-. Coullrmetl CluitialneHH. f
Boylston 1 utisct my up into Miss Ilnp
good's lap nt ilinncr toJay, and when 1 dtli
cately offered to atone (or tho oarelesanm ska
deliberately insulted mo.
Daisy did xho say! .
Boylston She as!;l ma what amount I
waa in the habit of paying, on similar occa-sfoni-rJudge.
Many Ortlora Ahead.
, Mr. Slowpay (alrilyi I wish to get meas
ured for a suit oi clotho, but it will be about
three weeks before 1 can pny (or tbem, as
our pay day comes only once a month now.
How noun can you htivo thein done! j i
Tailor Um let me sue. In about three
week New York Weekly.