he tfeaoit ptiat SUBSCRIPTION, l.M PER YEAH. St. Hblkns, Fkbbuabv 17. 1893. THB Oregoa legislature nmreatl .knows its own mind on some question. It Iim pasted tlie world's (air appropria tion over the governor's veto. Proba bly this Is the only important measure of this session which could command a two-thirds majority. There has been ft remarkable change of pubio sentl ment upon this question lu two years. The bill pawed over the governor' veto by a Tote of 40 to 17. Senator Maxwell, representing Co lumbia Tillamook and Washington counties, but whose residence is Tillamook, voted against the mortgage tax and exemption of indebtedness bill. -Just what prompted the senator to do this when his constituents in Columbia and Washington counties were so nearly unanimous in its favor we fail to understand. We believe he is the only man from tbis senatorial ' district who voted against the bill. The Union Faoifio has made a gen' eral reduction in its freight tariff from eastern points to the Pacifio coant. On many articles - the rate has been re duced one-third, and a general reduc tion is noted in all merchandise. The . rate on lumber going East has been reduced front 55 to SO cents. The new tariff went into effect last Wed nesday. It is believed that the close competition between the Great North ern and Northern Pacific has forced the Union Pacifio to take the initial in reducing the rates, 'i " Kepek8Entativ Merrill hits made a record for himself in the legislature that his constituents may well feel proud of. On every question of inter- est to Columbia county he has stood up and been counted on the right side of the measure. Unlike his colleague in the senate, Senator Maxwell, he voted to repeal the exemption of in debtedness clause in the assessment law. It is not n accessary or proper for every man going to the legislature to draft a lot of wildcat bills, most of which never reach the third reading, or to endeavor to bring into promi nence measures that art of little con sequence. What we most-need is a man who will use bis efforts In behalf "of tew good measures and be found in his seat voting on the right side when the roll is called, as Mr. Merrill has done in every instance. ' -OREGON LEGISLATURE. The Proceeding of the Two Houses In Detail. Ok of the Important offices to be filled by the incoming democratic ad ministration is that of collector of in ternal revenue at Portland. It is - position which should be filled by practical business man who has bad experience in commercial circles. Such a man can be found in the person of Hon. W. L. Weatherred of that city, at present city salesman for Whittier, fuller t Co., the well-known whole sale firm. Mr. Weatherred has been life-long democrat, and was , for sev eral years, chairman of the county central committee in Washington county, and one of the most earnest workers in the party. ' The gentleman is well known all over Oregon , and Washington, and his appointment to the office of collector of internal rev enue would meet with general approval all along the line. It seems strange that a party which made such a howl about plutocracy should have the cabinet ministers of its president chosen at the dictation of Henry Villard, the railroad magnate but such appears to be a fact. The dispatches state that William E. Mor rison would have received the port folio of secretary of the interior if Vil lard had not objected; but be must relinquish any ambition be has had in this regard because he is not a suitable man for the interests of the . Northern Pacific Thus it happens that the party that has for many years arrogated to itself the especial privilege of being the first to bend the pregnant hinges of the knee to railroad influence, and to ask its permission In regard to the selection of ' those who shall preside over the councils of the nation. Thb question whether the cost of im proved roads should de borne mainly by the agricultural property abutting on the new highways or by the public without regard to location has been topic of warm discussion in the Phil adelphia papers. One view is that as farming property will receive the chief benefit from improved highways it should pay the principal cost. The other warmly points out that the fa mous roads of Europe have been made by the general government; that rural communities as a rule cannot bear the cost ; and that therefore, if anything material it to be done the state must as sume charge of the work and pay for it by general taxation. There is much to be said for both views. While (he rural property-owners will undoubtedly feel the chief benefit, any material in crease of taxes to those already borne would be a serious matter. Bat this is not necessary. A scientific applica tion of the tax now imposed exclu sively on the rural population will do the greater part of the work of con structing durable highways. j SAtSM. Fob. 9. Tho third reading Of senate bills was the first business of the senate today, as follows; By Cross, changing the boundaries of Clackamas and Multnomah coun ties, passed : Bancroft, to secure the secrecy of the ballot, failed to pass Cross, changing the boundaries of Clatsop atid Tillamook, passed ; Willis, to simplify the mode of assessment, passed ; Vanderberg, senate joint me morial for the issue by the govern ment of fractional currency to the amount of $50,000,000, passed, 16 to 13. Blackiunn, to aid the deaf mute school, passed ; Alley, for precinct of ficers, failed to pass. Matlock's bill appropriating money for the worlds fair passed over the gov ernor s veto. IN THB H0U8K. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Buxton, of Washington, for the re mainder of the session because of sick ness. The third reading of house bills was then taken up as follows: By Sheridan, to protect Mongolian pheasants in certain counties, passed; to protect water fowl, failed to pass; right, to protect game, fish and wild fowl, passed ; Brown, to amend acts for the protection of salmon, passed ; Wil- kins, relating to trespass on land, re quiring the consent of owner to bunt or fish, passed: Durham, amending the election law, passed, 35 to 27; Pax- ton, relatiug to the filing and record ing of chattel mortgages, passed; Hobbs, relating to the duties of grand juries, and providing shorthand re porters for the same, failed to pass ; Wright, relating to the incorporation of cemeteries, amending the code. passed; Brown, to regulate the em ployment of specialists in public schools, passed ; Durham, requiring notice to district attorney of applica tion for pardon, passed ; Belts, provid ing for courts of arbitration, passed ; Brown, to amend the code in regard to suits against public corporations, passed.. The senate joint memorial to con grese for the issue of more legal tender notes to the amount of $50,000,000 was adopted. Senate bill 21, the world's fair bill, with the veto message of the governor, was received from the senate, and laid on the table for the present. The evening session of the house was taken up in second reading of house and senate bills. Seventy of the former were read and referred, and 17 of the latter. Denny's senate bill to prevent persons from trespassing, was amended on its second reading by striking out the dog clause. The bill was then referred to the judiciary com mittee. Weatherford's senate bill, for a homestead law, received its second reading, and after an ineffectual at tempt by Paxton to have it referred to the judiciary committee, it was ordered to its third reading. ITOTBfl. .uayes mil, authorizing county judges to offer rewards for the capturo of criminals manifested its popularity in passing by a large vote. senator Hirscb was pleased today that bis bill creating a uniform stand ard of weights and measures, defeated yesterday by squabble over the weight of a bushel of apples, was re considered and passed. Wilson's municipal court bill sounds the death knell of Portland's iu slice d police courts. The new act, passed this morning, provides for the organi zation of a mnnicipal court in lieu thereof, and is to take effect in 1894. Geer, of Clackamas, entertains hopes of carrying successfully through his bill repealing the law taxing credits. It has passed the second reading and the assessment committee has agreed to report it favorably. The animosity supposed to be exist ing between Senators Hayes and Cross, of Oregon Citv. over their town' amended charter,, no longer prevails. An armistice has been declared and white-winged peace hovers over the senatorial delegation from Clackamas county. Hayes attaches no blame to Cross for bis course in the matter. Cross attempted to kill Vanderberg's loint memorial to congress for the is suance of $50,000,000 fractional cur rency, alleged to be greatly needed now, by amendment for $500,000,000, in place of $50,000,000, but failed. The senate adopted the resolution and the repeal the act establishing a stato board of charities, passed ; Alley, re lating to foreign corporations doing business in Oregon, passed ; Willis, re garding the valuation of property for taxation ; Matlock, for an insane asy lum in Eastern Oregon, passed J Alley, regarding the service of summons, passed; Myers, fixing the time of the meeting of presidential electors, passed Senate bill to authorise Pendleton to construct a system of sewerage, passed senate bill, changing the boundary of Multnomah, so as to take in all of Sellwood, passed ; amending the char ter of Oakland, passed ; for the con struction of a bridge at Young's bay, passed; to prevent the running at large of certain animals in Sherman county, passed ; authorising Dallas to maintain water works, passed ; creat ing the county of Lincoln, passed amending the charter of Dallas, passed. to enable Portland to issue bonds for the purchase of the Morrison-street bridge, passed ; to amend the charter of Eogcne, passed. in ins HOUSE, In the house today Upton intro duced a resolution requesting all state officers to make a report of their emul uments. This was adopted, and the house tfien proceeded with the third reading of house bills. By Manley, to secure a more con venient mode of assessment and col lection of taxes, passed ; Upton, to re peal the specific contraot law, failed to pass; Ormsby, to regulate the hours of labor on street railways, recommit ted to labor committee; Daly, for a graded school in southeastern Oregon, passed ; Currin, regulating the prac tice of pharmacy, passed. Third reading of senate bills: By Cross, to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Willamette river at Oregon City, passed ; McAlister, to ex tirpate thistles, referred to agriculture, Woodard, relating to the directors of private incorporations; Gates, to en able women to bold elective offices, passed ; Denny, amending the code in relation to suits in equity, passed. The special order, the house bill by Coon, to provide for a state board of agriculture, was taken up and passed, alter which the second reading of sen ate bills was continued. In the evening session Gill's bill to prohibit the Bale of tobacco to minors was passed to its third reading, and Weatherford's bill to regulate the lia bility of railroad companies passed. The ways and means committee re ported Willis' bill to secure a more equitable valuation of property for tax ation, and increasing the appropria tion for the stale university from $22, 000 to $30,000. The report was adopted and the bill passed. The fol lowing bills were also finally acted upon : By Smith, killing live stock by railroads, passed ; Bancroft, to pun ish breaking into railway cars, passed ; McGinn, relating to trial by jury, passed. ing the objections. Tho vote was ayes hy, CONYERS & CO. a, noes xu, passed over tne , veto. Up ton, to fix the compensation of tho state printer, and to establish a state printing office, passed, 47 to 2. Third reading of senate bills j By Maxwell, to fix the salaries of county treasurers, amended and passed ; Cogi well, to provide for tho marking and branding of domestic animals, passed ; Myers, to provide for the payment of laborers by receivers of corporations, passed. Geer, of Marion, introduced a bill providing that tho act repealing the mortgage tax law should not l feet the assessment and levy of 1802. The message was received from the sonate with the report of the confer ence committee on adjournment, which was adopted by tho senate, fixing 10 A. M. Saturday as the hour of ad journment, but that no new bill be passed after midnight Friday night by either house. The house adopted the report. WE "AUK Tim MANUFACTURERS Real Estate and Insurance Agents I Boa) Kutnta bnnjrht, sold and matured OB ouuuulHimm, rt'nis miumwi u aliilriuiU mails. ACJKNTS FOtt THB Farmers and Merchants. German American, and other Insurance Companies. With combined Ainats of JiUOO.tXiJ. TfOTAHireS rialakaulc, to Having invoiced our Stock wo nnd wo have too many heavy-weight ruuuo. Oregon. CITY -BARBER SHOP SUITS MD OVERCOATS. BATH HOUSE. WE OFFER THEM AT REDUCED PRICES. C. L. COLBURN, Proprietor. Wednesday, February la. IN TUB SENATE. Third reading of house bills: By Daly, to create Southern Oregon board of agriculture, passed ; Mays, to pro tect timber from firo, -passed ; Oullix- son, organisation of the militia, passed, compensation of militia in time of war, passed; Northup, relief of indigent soldiars, passed; Ford, civil procedure, passed; Myers, to repeal the act creat ing the state board of equalisation, failed to pass ; illis, to incorporate Columbia harbor, passed ; Hayes, for cible eutry and detainer, passed; Weatherford, to peoteot Chinook sal mon, failed to pass ; Willis, to abolish the employment of women as clerks in the legislature, failed to pass; Mc Ginn, compensation of officers of the Oregon National Guard, passed; Wil lis, to add more classes of property to the assessment blanks, passed. IN THE HOUSE. Third reading of bills : By Xickell, for the pay of members of the present session, passed; Brown, providing for tho election of county school superin tendents every four years, and to pro vide a school for convicts at the peni tentiary, both passed ; Russell, regu lating the salaries of circuit judges, passed. Gulliison's bill for the equipment of the Oregon National Guard, with s veto message from the governor, was placed before the house. Ford op posed the bill, and Ueer of Clackamas. Gullixson, Paxton and Northup spoke in favor of same. The bill passed over the veto, 39 to 13. The bill also passed over the veto in the senate, 19 to 9. Senate bill No. 50, providing that sheriffs, clerks and recorders shall be Rearranged. Only Batlis in tho City. ST. HELENS, OREGON. "The Celekated FrcncHaro, toJSir APHRODITINE s Bold or? k POSITIVE OUARANTEt I Children's Suits. to far hot form ultvaid BEFORE of nervon ulwui or&uy Uifeirtltiru th RneraUvoi fffttti ol luierMg, hot her rUltiH from theeiCftMiv or morify $S.G0, $9.00, $tO.CO and Upward . C.50, 7.50, 8.50 and Upward , 2.50, 3.50, 4.50 and Upward 4.00, 7.00, 10. 00 and Upwardg, 4.25, COO, 7.00 and Upward 3.25, 4.50, 0.00 and Upward . 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and Upward Every garment warranted. Money refund ed for all good3 roturncd if not soiled. nunl Hllm.l.m. ACT Tobacco or Opium, or through joutlitul IIOU. OTttr illliu fftMUM. fcfl .Blli.l.a Inanl I Sowar, W.kfi.rnw Writedown rains In tb irk.ifemloal Weakness, Hysteria. Klnoui l'ri "U muiiwioiia, Laiirorrnora, Die winum, nu sioranrr, iximoi l'oworan.1 Itnno. tvney, which f often lead to premature old tin and Insanity, t'rtce 11.00 t but. S bozos lor f.v.00. Hent lir mall on rwlnt of prlw A rRJ!T1iK!' WAMHTi (Iran for Permanent cure la uut ettartwl. We bare I iii.iiuuui imuimiumia immoiti and youuf, pf both sexes, whohave been permaneaUr rurr4 ITUaunoiApnroaitlno, Circular In Addreee THE APHRO MFnioiwc m iarBoKSJ 140 First street Corner of Alder, Portland, Or; 81. Helens. Or. J. M. MOYER & CO., Headquarters far tbe Celebrated Albany Woolen Mills Clotibg. Jo You Drink? of couesejoo do. Farmers' and Merchants' OUCH BKINO THE CASE, It behoove k you to mm tlte ruoet delrable place t purchase vour invtgorator. THE BANQUET." Keeps constantly on hand tho fatuous Cuban Blossom Cigars. The finest lino of Wlnca Manor and Uigurs to ue round tins side ol 1'orfc land. And if you wish to engine in kiiiiic of house concurred without discussion. Monday, February la. IN THE SENATE. The third reading of bills was taken up as follows : By Huston, to prevent the spread . of contagious diseases among animals, passed ; McGinn, to Tuesday, February 14. IN THE SENATE. Third reading of senate bills: By Cross, measurement of logs, passed; McGinn, to prevent tampering with electric wires, passed. A special com mittee on the Willamette canal and locks reported that the state should not purchase the canal and locks, as it was considered a useless expense ; report accepted and 500 copies ordered printed. Willis, to incorporate Colum bia harbor, engrossed. Willis intro duced a resolution authorizing the secretary of state to provide the mem bers with the laws and journals of this session, adopted ; Huston introduced a resolution asking congress to pension the survivors of the Cavnae war. of paid a yearly salary and fixing respect- POOL OR BILLIARDS. lve amounts was passed. Thev can a.nuro you that thov hav. the ininan, amending tne mechanics De" """" ,own- r-vcryiiuiig now and iirnt, aula jruur pairuMUKe rvsPCCUUUV lien law, pawed; Geer of Clackamas, filing the legal rate of interest at 6 and 8 per cent, passed ; Manley, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill to authorize tbe bridge commission to issue bonds of the city of Portland to the amount of $50,000 for tho pur chase of a free furry at Albina. Manley's Albina bridge bill failed to pass me senate over tne governor's veto, ayes 14, noes 16. solicited "THE BANQUET" tit Helena. Oregon. INSURANCE COMPANY, .Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, . . . . $500,009 SECURED CAPITAL, - - . . 247 COd PAID CAPITAL, - . . . . . 74 250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted. For parHculam apply at ths office f Moore A Cole, or Tmi M it offloe. CASH STOKE! Model Saloon, w.j. iviuckle & co. 1. ITlWOOD, Prop'r. ST. HELENS, - . OHEG05. -DEALERS m- Thb East Oregooian thinks if we had no laws for the collection of debts that people who have money could not UOUOrS aflfj ClgafS. BeGf 5 CtS. CrOCkery, Choice Wines, General Merchandise, devote themselves to loaning it at out' rageous rates of interest to "suckers" but would have to engage in enter prises in which they would have to employ much labor, energy and push in order to make their capital earn a return, which would bo much better for the country and everybody in it. Glassware, I Boots, Shoes, Ladies Dress Goods adopted; Myers, for an examiner engineers, failed to pass. The senate refused to concur in the house amend ment to a resolution fixing the hour of adjournment Saturday at 10 A.M. The senate refused to take Manley free bridge bill from the table. Weath enord, that the state appropriate for the Willamette canal and locks, inde finitely postponed; Ford, to amend the taxation laws abolishing a fixed levy for the state university and milj. tia, passed; Miller, for a fish war at Oregon City, passed ; Merritt, fees for certain county officers, passed ; Bishon to make unlawful tbe marriage of first cousins, etc., failed to pass; Paxton cnanging juaoor day from June to September, passed; Merrill, for tbe re net ol Maxwell, passed; Bancroft moved for a reconsideration of tbe vote on the bill of Bishop prohibiting the marriage of first cousins,' and the bill passed. iS THE HOUSJS. a message was received from the governor vetoing the Manley bill for onage across the Willamette at Al bina. The message was read and Man- ley moved that the bill bV) put imme diately on its passage, notwithstand- IT! akin Powder: The only pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum. fJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard . Alwaya Get the Best, Persons who suffer from rbeumauVm want immediate relief. It is not enough that the pain aliould be eased, and the ap petite increased. Anything short of a cure is only prolonging torture. The poikonoua acida ii the blood, which is the direct cause of rheumatism are immediately and effect ually expelled by Dr. Drummond's Light ning Remedy. Where it faila tn norfnrm . core the price is refunded. If the druggi.it cannot furniah it the remedy will be sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price, five dollars. Drummomi Medicine Co. 48-60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents Wanted. Billard and Pool JFaBla vtueensware. Furnishing Goods, fa&a Peeommodation of Pafroni LUMBER RHINHI PQ CTP Produce Taken In Exchange. n m ray tou to Consult Our Prices RAINIER, - - - OREGON. CALL AROUND. TUB TEAfflTEB IRAIiDA Is now making regular round trips from Nettle f r Publication. Land Offloe at Oregon City, Oregon, N ,, , . , . January 25. 1S03. OTICE Is hereby glren that the following named settler haa fllwl noil., t.t hi im.n. nun w iumc nijRi prom id support 01 his claim, and that said proof will be wade before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at 8t. Helena. v'vjvu) vh aawvss au, uvv, V , JOSHUA C. FA BR.. Homestead entry No. A3S3. far th. Int. i e 9 sec 21; lot i. see 16, 1 7 n, r J w. He name, the following witnesses to prov. his continuous iCTmcure upon, ana cultivation or, said land Under sec ml, B.8.; K. C. Winchester, W.' , 11. Aiiix. u. n . rurr. jnnn I : all uint. Columbia county, Orcaon. BmlO J. T. APPEESON. ReH.tKr Lsaviko OAK POINT. " STELLA " RAINIKU M KALAMA ... " BT. IIKLKN3. ASBiviifa PORTLAND. AM A. M.I ,.6:00 ' .6:15 .7:00 8:00 ....11:00 Notice t Creditor. Notice Is berebv iriven that ih signed administrator of the estate of Josiah Fullerton, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons harin? claims xirutnut 11.. i deceased, to exhibit them with tho neces sary Touchers within six months after the linn, puimcauon 01 mis notice t-n ihAai administrator, at tbe office of ('..! Hmit. zer,inrjt. Helens, Columbia county, Ore- Administrator of tbe estate of Josiah Ful lurujn, ueceaseo. f3ni3 Dated St. Helens, Or., Feb. 8, 1893. PIANOS and ORGANS OAK POINT TO PORTLAND a Daily Except Wednesdays, & DAVIS Pianos and rilifii?o k-imhatt rt. ....i,.uU vicuna can kiWATB be seen at my salesroom. All instruments are bought from manufacture direct, and sold at lowest prices for CASH or on EASY PAYMENTS. Old Pianos and Organs taken at their full market value in part payment for new ones. CCall and see me or write for Catalogue and prices b fore buying. LAWSON V. MOORF 305 Washington Street, PORTLAND, on. RETURNING Lkatss PORTLAND.. Aaairi STELLA.... ..IrOOP. ...IM Notice of Administrator's Appoint ment. In the Connty Conrt of the State of Oregon. for the County of Columbia. In the matter of the estate of Titus H. Tay- To whom it may concern, notice is hereby giyen that I, James Dart, hav been ap- lyiiivcu BuiuiiiimrHior 01 tne estate of Titus H. Taylor, deceased, by the honorable County Court of Columbia County, Orceon. All oersonshavinir aclnlm nrni.i....n said estate will present the same to me with the tirnper vouchers, at the office of W. J Kice, luHt. Helens, Oregon, within U months from the date of this notice. Hated January 35. 1893. Jamkhtiadt Administrator of the estate of Titus If Taylor, deceased. W. J. Kics, Attorney. wwa w . t . W.E. NEWSOM. Sheriff's Sale. 8TATE OF OREGON, 1 OimnlvnfOniiimKI. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION 1 and order of sa e 1,ip,I mi ni ik. cuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for the , " " ;", j me uirected, mi favor of Meier A Frank Company, and aRainst lne nehalcra Valley Co Operativs Colony, for the sain of $t58.(W dollars, iude;. ...icruBi l me rate of s percent. fa'.SH?ir?n ,,e22ni d.y.of October 1802, and the further sum nf t.11 on j..u !.. -IT.- - ' iw . .1. . . Z 1 .1 ",sTWf commanding me to make sale of the following-dcscribeJ real property, to-wit: The east half of the north west quarter and the west half of tbe north- .,un ,CI , auutiuu miriy iwo: also the east half of the southeast qnarter'of e?t ,m thirty two. and the west half of the south" ...... ,..,., ,,, aeouon mirty-thrce. In township six north of range four west Will iT e."jbcing 820 acres, more ii. ' . w , r ie tenements, iere ditaments and annnrt.n... il. , i" ' i " , u,l"""ia county ution mat of Oregon. I duly levied upon sa d nrom iseson the 13th day of January. Mm P ' HOW. Ill rUrHIIAIir a.a.,1 and order of sale f Z "1 ? 25th day of February, lwn i if hour of 10 o'clock A. yM. of. aid day at the Courthouse door in raid eniintv Stat, sell at public auction 711 ZZ title, cam and lnt..r...i i ..i .... "K"l described real property of th s, d The fete to- .! -skvsvdi, UIIU UUHin, . . O. A. MASHfR ouerin 01 voiumbis County, Oregon. Wotlco to Creditors. d tlm 1 n 1. " re. J lv"" y un'lorslgn ed, administratrix of the estate of Klfo. Foster, tdeceased, to the creditors of, and aL. ... j . -''"')""" BKBinsi no said deceased, to exhibit them with tbe neces- 73 TSSStfS Wllhl" P. n,onth "o,n the administratrix at hwZttSZZ ZEZSg Columbia county, Oregon. wuoen, -.i-...tJ .L ?'L"TH POSTER, ....... .Liriiru 01 me js.itate of KII O rosier, accessed. Dated, St. Helens, Or., Jan. 20, 1803 117 Notice lor Pabllcatlon, Laud Offloe at Oregon City, Oregon. I-hereby givenWoXg- and that ii J:"' ;!,"".':''"" ?' mum, Oregon, on February is, IS93, vis PKTICR JOHaNBON, an o0r,ii!h.rbj,lv.en th. Pursusntto an order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia oounty dol J made is at. of Nn,er1 gned fdmlnlstrator of the . .. L. licrg, dnceaad wlllxllat in nana, or for one.li r ..j .k. Secured h dU,"f OM th "rfl Helen? ri.?'"?1d0nr ln ih " ur, ay Hie 4th da o( Msrch, A D IMS. rh 1" "L 11 0 P- m. of said day; ...;unsMK unrjcnoefl rem MUM MlODsT Sffign7jurvTrd,,, 10 Dated. Mt tr.i i . ...... ', . T, APPEMON, lUflitsr. 1803 mii wregua, jsnusrr inn, i20fl7