The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 10.
NO. 4.
itm eu evuhv rmoAV noAntna
J. R. BEEOLE, Manager.
ufcscrlBllets Hun.
On, copy on year la advance.,,,
On cony slz mouths
Ilngl cony
,.11 M
.. 7
A4verlliaif Mel...
Professional eards on )ff ...
...1 11
vm column oil. year ... .....
Half ooltiinn on year
8uertr oulumn on Vr ..............
it Ineh on anoulh ..................,..
... 1M
On Inch thru imuilli...... I
On louk slz months I
lnel nntifl.,iitpiitprllii(r rt '"''
Hon; pf tin lor win utiint III'
sarllm., II. M 9' leb lor lint, ami 7 aui r men lor eacu iuw
,uut luMfllon.
I'aaiatr Otfle.r..
Jtidg ,... IX-an Blanchard, B.lul.r
C'l.ri K. K. Walck, 8'. Ilelans
u.rllT , . A. Maal, m, Hrl.i.s
Trustor r K, M wbartou.coiaiinKieciiF
(uiil. i.l School T. 1. Claetna, V.rooni
Awnor , W. 11. Kyr, KalulM
urr.yor............ A. B. UUI. Renter
w. H.niM, Maygar.
Society- Well....
M4.omo.-lit. Ilol.n Lodg. No. tt-R.giilar
.'iininiluinKiiuit. nr.. ... ... .i"7
achiumittt U:gor. a. at Masoule hall. Vlatl
I nat members In good .lauding Invltaxl to at
land, MtMNlo.-Ralnlar Lodg. No. M-dtaUd
meetings Saturday on or bator ach lull moon
eirsur a. at Masonln hall, ov.r Ulauchard'a
tot. Visiting inauibar In jood taallnf In
vlldtoU.ud, Oin Fi.i.ow-lt. Helen tads. No. U7
br.thr.n la good landfill surUlalljr tavlwd to
The mall.
Down river (boat) eloen at I M a, M.
to rl.r (be clous at r. a.
1 h. lull lor V.r.Minl. aillt I'ltlsbtir 1V
It, ll.liii. Monday, Wdiiedr and f rldajr at
Tha'mall for MarshUnd. Cletakenl and Ml
Uav tjiiluu Monday, Wadnawtajv and grldey
Malls (railway) north eloo ' M a. M.i lor
Portland at I r. a.
Travalara' ialAe Ml vr Heal...
Ti.aMO. W. hv- ! St. Helens
f..r Portland at It a. a. Tuesday. Thursday and
Itstuntay. Uavt M. llu. tor clatsUnt
Monday, Wdu-lay and Krtday at 1:00 a, m.
first alia..l-I.eva hi. tl.lana for Port
land 7; a. a. raturntug at t:M r. a.
Dratae JoarH Ii.iii-IiI. lUUn
lor t'linlaiid dully ic.(.t Munday . at 7 a. a., ar
riving at I'urllaud at 10 0; returning. Iaa
Puritan at 1 r. a.. arrUIng at Hi. Illiiaat.
jyn, II. R. CUKF,
8t. Helena, Oregon.
R. 1. E. HALL,
Clatakuui. Columbia county, Or.
Kalnlar, Oragos.
8t. Hklkni, - - Ohrqon
All Woik OunranteeJ.
T. A. MoBii.
A. 8. DaiMga,
Oreton Ulty , Oregon .
Prompt attention given land-oltlc bnaln.
Hi. Helen, Oregon.
Onnnty uryor. Land urvy lug, town
nlatiitiK, nd engineering work promptly
W. T. Bokkm.
J. W. DiaPlR.
On-gon City, Oregon.
Twelve vear' expi-rlenc a Rcgiater of
the United .Htnto. Lnnrl Offloe here recom
meml " In on mwfllty ol a kind, of
MmMM tl.e OIU.. or the
Cnurla and liiTolTlng, the General Land
onice. ,
ATT0 11NR Y-at-L A W,
Oregon CUy, OreRon,
(l,alepell agentof General Innd offle..)
Hime'teHd. I'Ve ..inption, and Tli.iber
I a id application, and other Land Oftlc.
huln"Va apceialty. Office, eeiond floor.
Land OMt. e Htilldlng.
0 -
J, George, Proprietor,
Table, alway eupplled with thebeatedlblw
and deltcaclea tb. market all'ord.
Having been newly refurnished, w.
are prepared to gi. aatlefactlon t. aU
our patron., and .olioit a aliar. of your
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Real Ratal bought, Hold and managsd oa
hviuuiUkIoii, rant, oollaoted aud
ab.traM mad.
Farmers and Merchants.
' German American,
And other In.uranr Companlea, with ,
com blued Auwl ol 0,100,tfUQ.
Clalikaal., - Oregon,
--.AND ' "
C. L. COLBURN, Proprietor.
llat Been Thoroughly HefUtod and
Only Batlw in the City.
I now making regular round
trip from
Daily Except Wednesdays,
Lravim OAK POINT... . 4 40 A. M.
" BTKI.LA 6:00 '
" KAINIKK 8:18 "
K ALA MA 7:00 "
" HT. HKLKN9 R:00
AaaiviH fORTLAND 11:00 "
I.tTM PORTLAND .1:00 P. M.
Aaaira BTELI.A 7:45 "
The Gclctrated FrGnc3i tjurt ,
I Bold o a
toeuraanr form
or any disorder of
Ui gen.rallvaor
iivther arl.iu.
RFfnOP tlUtil Htlmi.lanf.. AFTTO
Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful inJlaeiw
linn, over Indulgonc. 4 , such a. Lnaa ol Brmla
Power, Watrtnlnrn, Bearing down I'aluatntli.
bark.Hemlnal Wknc. I ly. tar la, Nertoua Proa
Iratlon, Nocturnal Kiniuloua, Le irorrhaa, Wa
llnew, Weak Memory, jon ol powar and lmpo
tenpy.wlili-hlluealected ollen Irailto premature)
old ar and Innanltv. I'rU- 11.00 a bni, boxe
for ,V(io. fent hy mall on nwljit of price'
very I.VOO onlerrerelrcd. Inrefiind t)imnui-y II
a raraianent cur la not effected. We have
thou'amlao! tcatlmonlals from old and young,
of both Mir,whohav hen tN.rmancutlTcur.-d
by UicuHotAphrodltlne. Circular Ire. Addrea
Wotorn Branch. Vox 37. Puhtiamo. Oa.
For ale by KDWIN UOSS, Drpooist
fit Helena. Or.
Model Saloon.
I. ITAItWOOD, Prap'r.
. Choice Wines.
Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
BiUard and Pool Tablu
fortlbi Poaommodaiion of Patron
Jo You Drink?
vim to rind the moat denirable nlace to
purchaa. vour ' invlgorator."
Keep conatantly on hand the famous
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
Th nneet line of Wines IJqtiors and
Cigars to b found tlilsaiae of 1 ort
land. And if you ili to
engug. In a game of
They can aisur. you that they have the
beat table In town. Everything new and
neat, and your patronage is respectfully
Ht Helen.. Oregon.
pal JJLeE
A new and complete treatment, conaUtlng of
guppoaltoriea, Ointments In Caaulea, aim In
Box and Pills: a Positive Cure for Kxterual, ln
um.i niln.i and HIcMilliur. IU'hlua. Chronic,
Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many other
dlseaM. and female weaknesses: It la alwaysa
Sreat benefit to th gonerKl health. The first
Isooverjr of a medical cure rendering an opera
tion with tne kntle unnecessary hereafter. This
Keineriy has never been known to full. Ill or
box. furls; sent by mail, why Buffer fromthla
terrible disease when a written guarantee I
given with boxes, to refund th money if not
cured. Bend stamp for free Sample. Ouarantc
Issued by Woooxso, CLaaaa A Co.. Wholesale
a4 Kteil Druggist, Bol Ag.nW, forUaad, Ot.
Trouble Brewing Over the
Possession of Land.
A New Industry Opened Up In
Southern Idaho Church
to be So!d.
The Popnll.t of Idaho are organizing
an industrial legion.
Arltona la knocking vigorously for ad
minion Into the Union.
The Idaho Legislature propose to fix
railroad fares at a cent per mile.
The Farieh Reservoir and Canal Oom
pany has been incorporated at Phoenix,
4a X
The Chlno sugar factory ancooncea an
increase in the price of beets the coming
The reported trouble with the Indiana
in me nan Jam gold field! Is declared
wltuout foundation.
A rich strike ha been made In the
Grand Canyon of the Colorado, about
seventy miiea norm ol Flagstaff, A. 1,
The gold mines in Utah are adding
largely to the population of that Terri
tory. The new comers are all anti-
The Yonng Men's Christian Associa
tion at Fresno, Cat., is so deeply in
debt that It wants permission to sell its
property, valued at f30,0J0.
William Welghtman of San Francisco,
who at one time acted as private secre
tary to the late Senator Hearst, will be
appointed State Bank Examiner for
A rancher near San Qiintln. Lower
California, while digging a well tbeother
day found an old George III. penny bur
ied about six feet in depth. The inscrip
tion could be plainly read.
A new Industry has opened no in
Southern Idaho, namelv. the ahlnninv
of elk to Eastern States. A carload of
these animals were sent from Idaho
Falls recently, which will net the lnckv
captor about $260 pair.
The Bradstreet mercantile agency re
ports fourteen failures in the Pacific
Coast States and Territories in the past
week, as compared with eighteen for the
previous week ami seventeen for the
corresponding week of 102. ,
There ie trouble brewing over the
poseession of the land in the South re
cently decided by the Secretary of the
Interior as having been illegally sold to
settlers by the State of California, it be
ing a part of the public domain.
The combination of pottery manufact
urers haa opened war on the Stockton
Terra Cotta Company in an endeavor to
freexe that institution out, and is now
offering s-wer pipe for sale in Stockton
at one-third the price a year ago.
Suit haa been commoced by the Attorney-General
of California against the
Central Pacific Railroad Company and
five other railroad companies to recover
taxes levied for the year 1887, aggregat
ing with penalties about 1,0j0,OO0.
A New York syndicate la now making
survey for reservoir and dam on the
Big Sandy river, near Signal, Mojave
county, A. T. The irrigation scheme Is
an extensive one, and the intention is
to cover with ditches about 126 miles.
At the Fort Yuma Indian 8chool the
cadets are remarkably proficient in mili
tary drill. The commands are made in
English and given by one of their own
member. Yuma was the other day
treated to an exhibit by the Indian boys.
-Nannie 8. McWhlrter, widow of Louis
B. McWhlrter, the Fresno lawyer who
waa mysteriously killed few months
ago, has commenced suit against the
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany to recover (16,000 due on a life-insurance
policy. ,
The Commissioners who are collecting
specimens for Montana's exhibit at Chi
cago have received from Fort Belknap
number of curious Indian relics, among
which are pack of playing cards made
from human skin and a history of the
Gros Ventrea tribe painted by squaws
on hides.
An order was issued by Judge Wade
at Los Angeles granting the Board of
Trustees leave to sell the Simpson Meth
odist Episcopal Church, known as the
Simpson Tabernacle, a leading Methodist
Church of Southern California. The
church is In debt for $10,000, which can
not be paid, and which ia drawing 8 per
cent, interest.
Jacob Mills of Pendleton declares he
has invented a perpetual-motion ma
chine. He haa worked on the contriv
ance since he was 12 years old, and ia
now 60. The machine has three wheels,
from which drop twelve balls the aiie of
marble into aet of cups, which are
thus forced downward, dropping antin
into oth,er cups, and carried up by a
miniature elevator to start down once
David Monnastei. a well-known capi
talist, who haa resided at Portland, Or.,
for forty years, baa been sued by his
wife, Mary C. Monnastea, for a decree of
divorce and a division of property. The
defendant waa married to his first wife
in St. Louis fifty-two years ago, but after
living with her twelve years he left her
and came to Oregon. Hearing that she
was dead, he married again. Monnastea
is worth over $250,000, ..
At San Diego Judge Pierce rendered
an important judgment in the suit of the
city against the failed California Savings
Bank, overruling the demurrer and sus
taining the complaint. The effect is that
while it is a finding for the city it is also
a victory for the depositors, as the city
can recover only a first pro rat of divi
dends. As they come as cash, the oity
will have a prior claim only to $000 more
than the depositors can enjoy. The city's
deposit was $45,000.
At Salt Lake, In one of the principal
streets, early the other evening two men
wrenched the lock from United States
mall box, and took out a lot of letters,
many of which were known to contain
drafts and checks for a heavy amount.
Collector Siade saw the men, gave chase,
fired two shots and wounded one of the
robbers. Slade then went for assistance,
and on his return there were found a
pool of blood and about twenty of the
stolen letters, but no robbers.
An Estimate of the Wool Clip of Last
Year An Entire Dinner Cooked
by Electricity in Canada.
The latest luxury ia electrlo light
Babies are more valuable than dia
monds. Bahama Islanders nae American fer
tilizers. Women are practicing dentistry ia
The four ocean routes employ 1,100
There are thirty co-operative dairies
in Ireland.
Boston, it is said, is the favorite city
for tramps.
Women are successful house-builders
in Finland. I
- Pennsylvania is the largest cigar pro-.
ducing State.
Thousands of Bostonlans cling to their
2 o'clock dinner.
The Danes are said to lead the world
as butter-makers.
Aluminum slate pencils are among the
latest inventions.
Canada has produced a cheese weigh-
I no iwt I I
k t ., . . I Dr. McGIynn says he never ridiculed
The editor of Missouri paper takes th, Pop8 .though charged with the eo
opossums on subscriptions. clesiastical offense.
u.uuv.uisj peopio oi r-urope.
Nearly 2,400 negroes are employed in
Washington by the Government.
Twenty tons of gold was taken from
one Australian mine in fifteen years.
There are considerably over 100,000
acres devoted to tobacco in Virginia.
It haa recently been estimated that
ninety meals can be cooked by electricity
for $ti.67.
A new Industry ia reported for Os
ceola, Florida the raising of alligators
lor market.
Minneapolis mills made 9.750.000 bar
rels of flour last year, against 7,878,0U)
oarreis in lavi.
There are 7.000 loan associations in
In this country, with m membership of I In Boston the bosses and the clothing
2,000,000 persons. cutters have joined hands to compel the
With capital stock of $20,000,000 the
wall naoer trnst ia rontemnlatinff an in -
crease to $3d,0OJ,OlO,
There were 4.498.068.233 cifctrs and
8,210,402,937 cigarettes manufactured in
tola country last year.
Artificial grass for the grounds of sea
side cottage ia one of the industries at
Manchester, England.
"The year 1892," says Dun'$ Review of
7VKfe. ''haa been the moat prosperous
ever known in business."
The world's production ol the golden
metal in 1891 waa 6.010,000, ounces; of
silver, I4u,8oo,wu ounces,
The Pennsylvania railroad Is reputed
to transport more paenKers thai any
other line in this country.
The rice crop in the South this year is
,.,-A tJl,.i.,.ii. i.. t,u
reported to be exceptionally large. It is
estimated at 225,000,000 pounds.
It is alleged that the syndicates which
have been buying up surface railroads
in various cities will consolidate.
It is said that Edison haa already se
cured a clear profit of over $1,50J,000
from tne aaie oi ma phonographs.
The Union Pacific has fifteen long and
flwan. r.mkAt A. alii.t hinH. lit.
sreat number of short tunnels, the
aggregate length being 6,6 JO feet.
An entire dinner, comprising several
courses, waa recently cooked by elec
tricity in a hotel at Ottawa, Canada.
Three hundred millions of eggs are
need every year in this country in mak
ing albumen paper need in photography.
According to the beat esUmatea the
wool clip last year was 333,018,406
pounds, a gain of 26,606,898 pounds over
Queen Victoria Receives an Invitation
From the King and Queen of
Italy to Visit Them.
Mr. Laboucbere sot $451,000 for his
share of the London Daily Newt.
Carlisle, it ia aald. really aanlrea to
the Supreme Bench, not the Cabinet.
lie is comparatively a poor man.
William LI ivd Garrison's statue in
bronze, of colossal size, will be unveiled
in Newburyport next Fourth of July.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ia the
beat-paid member of the British govern
ment. His salary is $100,000 per annum.
Princess Galitsen. member of one of
the oldest aristocratic families of Russia,
is now stable maid in a French circus.
When Oollla P. Hantinston's adopted
daughter Clara became the wife of Prince
HalsFeldt. the marriage settlements in
cluded monetary arrangements to be
made In case of divorce.
Ex-Speaker Reed is reputed to earn
$3,000 a year by his pen. It is this in
come that insures him the comforts and
luxuries of life, for he has no other in
come besides his salary as Congressman.
Pone Leo XIII. owns a pearl left him
by his predecessor on the throne of St.
Peter, which is worth 20,000, and the
chain oi thirty-two pearls owned by the
Empress Frederick is estimated at 35,
000. Rev. Henry Fairbanks of St. Johns
bury, Vs., has given $25,000 to the
academy at that place to found a scholar
ship in memory of bis son Albert, who
died about a year ago while student In'
that institution.
John Autram of Wilmington, O.,
voted three times for General Jackson,
three times for Cleveland for President,
and eighteen times for President He is
92 years old and is yet one of the best
horsemen of his region.
Theodore Tilton waa among the dis
tinguished guests at Minister Coolidge's
New Year reception at Paris. The world
had almost forgotten him, but he puts
himself in evidence occasionally. . He
spends all his time in Paris.
Susan B. Anthony is already making
her orderly influence felt in the manage
ment of the New York Industrial school,
and from her reforms in its discipline
and control is proving herself to be the
right man in the right place.
The King and Queen of Italy have in
vited Queen Victoria to spend a few
days with them at Rome during her
next visit to the Continent, and. as the
sovereign of Great Britain bas frequently
expressed her desire to visit the Eternal
City, it ia quite likely that the invita
tion will be accepted.
Dr. Briggs Acquitted by New
York Presbytery.
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com
pany of Hartford to Go
Out of Business.
The authorities of North Dakota pro
pose to enforce tne prom Ditto n taw.
The Carnegie mills at Homestead,
Pa., are running full in every depart
ment. The New York theater ladies have
taken to remsving their hats daring the
performance. .
The boys In the State Reform School
at Topeka have just finished patting up
360 tons of ice.
A combination of manufacturers of
g00d, Md cot nails is being formed
by large Western firms.
George G. Bloseon bas challenged any-
body in the world to a match game of
billiards for $1,000 a side.
The principal operators of silver mines
in uoioraao nave practically agreed to
shut down until silver advances.
New Orleans is finding much difficulty
in enforcing the Snnday law, owing to
the apathy of the police officials.
The Carnegie Company was a great
financial loser by the recent strike, and
it is economizing in its management.
Gidon Marsh, the fugitive President of
the wrecked Keystone Bank of Philar
' delphia, is said to be in South Africa.
sweaters to grant tne demands ol tneir
i workmen-
The Comanche, Kiowa and Apache
agreement for the cession ef 2,500,000
acres of land has been sent to the Sen
ate by the President.
The train bearing the old liberty bell
to the World's Fair will run only by
day, in order to give people along the
route a chance to see it.
The industrial and financial conditions
in South Carolina are reported as grati
fy iat because of the improvement in
tne agricultural interest.
It ia reported that unlees prompt meas-
" j" " "InXrtii
, n''"f?"Ji'??ii'nft BnP
P'J, wl" w " ","7 v u
aJ "i ..iim.r" ,w
i Board of Assessment estimates that
fuliv $400,000,000 of personal property
in the State escaped taxation.
Philadelphia is entitled to be known
as the city of sisterly love. According
to a recent police census the city boasts
of 23,000 more women than men.
A New York letter to the Philadelphia
Z ...... Im.!.,.. 4Um Dak. Xn.k Im .
hlve , riyal ,nd the,e wifj Ukely m
.... ... . .. ... .
birth at the White House this spring.
President Harrison has received a cane
made from the wood of a house on Porto
Santo, one of the Madera Ialanda, in
which Christopher Columbus once lived.
Congressman Dalxell is going to make
another attempt to get through Congress
the bill providing for a survey for a ship
canal to connect Lake Erie and the Ohio
river. .
It is estimated that Judge Lynch bas
executed during the -past year 236
people an increase over 1891 of forty
one. His victims were 231 men and five
women. .
The railroad construction in the
United States during 1891 does not reach
high figures, being only 4,000 miles.
The total was the smallest since 1878,
except those of 1884 and 1886.
Major General Schofield does not
think the massing of troops at the
World's Fair for display would prove a
good idea or that' it would give any
beneficial return for the expense in
volved. The Cotton Bureau of the National
Alliance at Memphis, Tenn., has issued
an address to planters, advising the
planting of a lees acreage to cotton.
This season's crop is largely reduced,
and the planters have got better prices.
The Mutual Life Benefit Insurance
Company of Hartford, Conn., haa de
cided to go oat of business, anf nas
made arrangements with the National
Mutual Insurance Company of New
York to take all its members who apply
for a transfer.
Michigan's war Governor. Austin
Blair, received a certified check - for
$4,125 as a Christmas gift from promi
nent residents of that State. The ex
Governor is writing his recollections of
the war, and the money will be used in
getting out the book.
In the case of the Dr. Briggs heresy
case the New York Presbytery, without
expressing approval of the critical or
theological views embodied in Dr.
Briggs' address, or of the manner in
which they have been expressed and
illustrated, pronounces Briggs fully ao
quitted of the offenses , alleged against
The Supreme Court has denied the
motion to advance the case of Merrick
ex rel. vs. Charles Foster, Secretary of
the Treasury, popularly known as the
silver brick case. This is the case
wherein the plaintiff sought to compel
the Secretary to coin into dollars a silver
brick offered at the mint for that pur
pose. Bishop Ireland has preferred charges
against Bishop Oorrlgan of having had
recourse to methods unbecoming a
bishop, and designed to discredit and
diBgrace Archbishop Ireland and Mon
signor Satolli. It ia well known there
has long been almost irreconcilable dif
ferences between the two Catholic pre
lates.' r
; A grand wolf drive was participated
in by 260 farmers near Virginia, lit, re
cently. A circle was formed, which waa
narrowed gradually, to drive the wolves
toward the center, there to be slaugh
tered. When the mob of hunters came
all in sight of one another two wolves
only were discovered within the circle,
and somehow in the excitement these
nimals escaped.
Secretary Tracy Awards the Contracts
for the Cruiser Brooklyn and the
Battle Ship Iowa.
Representative Wilson has received
assurance that an appropriation will be
made for the Gray's jlarbor light.
Despite protests to the contrary, it
transpires that Don M. Dickinson of
Michigan is to be in Cleveland's Cab
inet. The President bas sent to the Senate
the following nominations : Postmasters
California, John L. Merriam, 'South
Riverside ; Idaho, Miss Emma F. Ste
vens, Blackfoot.
Baker of Kansas has introduced in the
House A bill for the free coinage of silver,
making it unlawful for any person to
make any contract, note, draft or bill
payable in any specific coin or currency.
Representative Hermann bas secured
a favorable report upin the bill paying
H. W. Shipley $2,487 for excess work
and money expended on the Nes Perce
reservation in 1880. Shipley ia now
resident of Jackson county, Or.
The House Committee on Commerce
has decided to report the two bills to
amend the Interstate Commerce law to
meet the Supreme Court decision in the
celebrated Counselman case, and' also
Judge Gresham's recent decision.
The Senate Mines and Mining Com
mittee bas considered Caminetti's
bill. Senator Felton, ex Representative
Berry and Camlnetti made statements,
a'ter which the bill was reported to the
Senate with Felton's amendments,
heretofore printed, and Berry's pro
vision, prescribing a penalty for viola
tion of the law by the miners.
Celso Caesar Moreno appeared before
the Honse Committee on Foreign Affairs
the other day in support of the bill in
troduced in the House to authorise the
company ia which he is interested to lay
a Transpacific cable. A charter for this
purpose was granted to the company in
1876; but, owing to financial embarrass
ment, it waa not commenced. The com
pany now wants the charW renewed,
and thinks the money for the purpose
will be raised.
Secretary Noble sent to the Committee
on Indian Affairs a communication on
the reports submitted by Special Agent
Cianey of the investigation into alleged
irregularities in connection witu pay
ments to certain members of the Sioux
tribe of the $100,000 appropriated by
Congress to reimburse them for property
destroyed during the recent outbreak.
Secretary Noble reviews the evidence
submitted, and finds it does not sustain
the charges made.
The subcommittee charged by the
House Committee of Commerce with in
quiry into the advisability of amending
the interstate commerce law to permit
pooling has agreed upon a bill, which
nas the approval of the Interstate Com
merce Commission and influential rail
way men. It provides that pooling shall
continue to be unlawful, but may be per
mitted on aucn terms as the commission
may approve whenever in its judgment
it will be to the interest of the public
The Intercontinental Railway Com
mission has prepared a facsimile, in
miniature, of Central America and
South America to show the surveys of
the proposed railroad intended to unite
the systems of North America ana
South America. It is about twenty-five
feet long, and will be sent to the World's
Fair as a part of the government ex
hibit At the last meeting of the mem
bers of the commission the work of the
surveying parties was reviewed ana
found in a satisfactory condition. The
international commission will ask Con
gress for an appropriation of $50 000 to
finish the ofBce work of the survey and
publish the results.
Secretary Tracy has awarded the con
tracts for the cruiser Brooklyn and battle
ship Iowa to the Cramps. In making
the award the Secretary says : " Had I
the power to award the contracts for the
construction of these ships in my dis
cretion, I should distribute them to two
nrms, nut l nave no sucn power, x am
required by the statute to award the con
tracts to the lowest and most responsible
bidder, and there is no doubt that the
Cramps are the lowest bidders, and I
cannot say the Union Iron Works are
better builders than the Cramps any
more than I can say the Cramps are bet
ter bniideis than the Union Iron Works.
I regard both as excellent builders and
equally good. Under these circumstances
it is plainly my duty under the law to
award the contracts for both of said ves
sels to the Cramps."
The President is still giving close con
sideration to the subject of freight
brought over the Canadian Pacific Two
new Dointe have been discovered, viz. :
That the original law specified that the
consular-seal system waa to be applied
to freight which was the product of con
tiguous foreign countries only, and that
by the Canadian law United States con
sular officers guilty of fraud in the
United States are not amenable to arrest
so long as they remain in Canada. A
larra bnlk of the freisbt handled by the
Canadian Pacific, and which comes into
this country under consular seal, is tne
product of other foreign countries, nota
bly Japan and China. Did this class of
freiirht not eniov the privilege of the
consular-seal system, they would enter
this country at an American port ano oe
transported by American railroads.
These two points are considered impor
taut aa riving the President if he
chooses by exercising it, the right of
suspending the operation of the consu
lar-seal system wimoui action oj con
gress. The minority report of the House
Banking and Currency Committee on
the bin to repeal tne soerman stiver
hnllinn nnnthase act was made to the
House by Representative Townsend of
Colorado. It is in argument in opposi
tion to the bill, which, it is charged, is
intended to be the final step towards an
absolute sold standard in the United
States and to suppress every etlort at oi
metalllsm. The minority says to secure
the support of national banks the bill
allows a gratuitous increase of their pres
ent circulation by about $i6,ouo,uuo, ana
also gives them a bonus of the present
circulation oi per year oy re
ducing the circulation tax. The report
attaoka the statement given oy tne ma
jority as the ground for its action, and
predicts the repeal policy will produce
widespread ruin, r iguroe are quoteu
disprove the statement that the country
is drif ing to a silver basis, and the drain
of gold is attributed to European losses
in South America and to the Russian
loan. The silver purchases, the minority
say, do not affect the matter, and to
get American gold Europe haa been pay
ing premium. -.X ... .
v. . .
Eight Austrians Buried Under
a Snowslide.
A German Conductor Receives
Severe Sentence for Kiss
ing a Lady.
Brigandage ia increasing in Russian
Residents of Saxony protest against
the Jesuits' return to Germany.
German army officers, it ia said, are to
be forbidden cigarettes aa injurious to
health. -
The Pope ia said to be writing an en
cyclical on the perils of the European
London music hall singers have taken
up the jewelry-stealing erase of the
aristocrats. .
Cook's agencies are "booking" people
all over Europe to visit Chicago the
coming summer. ,
Three thousand seven hundred and
forty-one bodies were cremated in
France daring 1891.
English capitalists are said to have of
fered Spain a loan of $300,000,000, re
ceiving pay from customs revenue.
It Is announced that the famous Tarn
O'Shanter Inn on High street Ayr,
ooouauu, us uwn sous tor )io,uuu.
The famous Almanach de Gotha, the
bine book of the world's royalty, haa
made its annual appearance for the 130th
time. ;
Emigration from some parts of Alsace
haa been unusually 'ifavy of late, and
is likely to continue for some time to
The Panama prisoners at Paris have
been removed from Masaa prison to the
famous old jail adjoining the Palais de
The Ernst August tunnel in the Harts
mines is nine miles long, and the water
it drains from the mineels used for trans
portation. A unusually large number of well
known and prominent -men in London
have lately Bought the assistance of
bankruptcy courts.
The Duke of Sutherland bas written
to the Secretary of the Bimetallic
League, accepting the office of Vice
President of the league.
; Prince Bismarck says that all the
nations of Europe should drop their
differences for a time and combine
against the Socialists and Anarchists. .
The name of the German Minister oi
Instruction, who, it ia feared, will try to
regulate the religions instruction of
their children, is very appropriately
There are no great difficulties, phys
ical or financial, in the way of the proj
ect for a Channel tunnel between Eng
land and Franne, which haa been once
more revived.
In Vienna it is said Sarah Bernhardt
was compelled to appear before the offi
cial judges in all the eostnmee she was
to wear In the plays produced in the
Austrian eapltaL
The Hamburg Senate bas forbidden
hotel and lodging-house keepers to re
ceive guests from Russian Poland. This
is perhaps Jew-baiting under the gala
of fighting the cholera.
The Sultan of Turkey has granted con
cessions tor the construction of long rail
ways, which will open np his territory
to the east, the north and the scnth, all
having their termini at Constantinople.
At Hersogenborg, Austria, daring the
recent severe storm a cottage containing
a family of eight persons was buried by
snow slide. When succor reached
them, three days afterward, two were
Four Russians, suspected of being Ni
hilists, hkve been arrested in Paris at.
the instance of the Russian Ambassador,
and will at once be conducted to the
frontier and warned not to return to
A frightful accident is reported from
Eischischek in the province of Wilna,
Russia. The boiler of the public baths
at that place exploded, and six persona
were instantly killed and fifteen mortally
For kissing a young lady passenger
against her will, the conductor of a rail
way train running between Chemnits
and Leipsic, Germany, haa been dis
charged in disgrace and sentenced to
four weeks' imprisonment.
The secret of the prevailing agricultu
ral depression in Great Britain is told
by the London Saturday Review In tbe
frank statement "that it is impossible to
cultivate a great part of the soil of En
gland, rent free, at a profit" ; 1-
The experiment made three years ago
to stock the river Seine, in France, with
Caliiornia salmon haa proven succeee-
ful. Two salmon weighing six pounds
each were taken at Nemours and nine
teen at Langres, weighing six and seven
The coal miners in the Saar district in
Germany are receiving accessions to
their striking strength. The miners in
Essen will strike in sympathy.' Thonr
aands of the strikers are unprepared for
a day's Idleness, and the situation la a
! grave one to tne uovern men :
I A Mr. Dine was banged at Port Louis,
Mauritius, a little while ago. because he
believed that if be succeeded in killing a
young girl, eating her heart and drink
ing her blood while still warm, be wonld
be gifted with supernatural powers. He
selected a girl of 7 years, lying in wait
for her, cut her head from her body,
cleaned out her skull and naed it aa
' cup to drink the child's blood, which he
drank while suu hot
The extreme depression into which
the shipping industry of England and
the continent baa fallen is shown by
statistics just made public. Tbe total
number of vessels laid up In English
and Scotch ports is 479 and the total
tonnage 866,000. Besides these there,
ere laid np in continental ports ninety
nine steamers with a toUl tonnage of
100,000. Asareeultof thoieviiffopf ?
so many vessels there are o'.o '.! -
idle, which meazt a loMof iO,iJ n
wag monthly. . .