The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 13, 1893, Image 4

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    Pay the Price of the
Royal for Royal only.
Royal Baking Powder is shown by actual
chemical tests absolutely pure and 27 per cent,
greater in strength than any other brand.
Many grocery stores -have recently been
stocked with second-class brands 6ft baking
powder; which are urged upon consumers at the
price of the high-cost, first-class Royal. ; .
These powders cost from 8 to'" 30 cents a
pound less than the Royal, besides being of 27
per cent less strength. If they are forced upon
- you, see that you are charged a correspondingly
lower price for them. v
rhara all Is wasta and wild and dark aa!
Tbe deepest silence etlll in deatbt
Ho Hying wing, no winding call th ear
Hear not toeellnlilesl breath.
AIL, all I wild: no .nnshlne fall. Alone,
The very mountain seem to sleep.
Ko pin trees rock In wavy breese. No moaa
Cornea from that allenoa of the deep.
From Tyehot broad chaotic WMte to where
Qassendi's crater spreads,
rhere lurid, darksome moan tains catch the
Eternal o'er their beads.
Where are the souls Xhat once those rales did
That poured their hearts above
nos (ashing stream, now dried np. wasted
rilt t
Ones mnalc soft as lore
Oh, that deserted world above! who k
What hand hath made It aof
What epic strain could sweep In song Its
Dirin what Cans hath laid It low?
Oh, nay, 'tis not for human art to soar -
That rant cbaotic deep!
When time and place and art shall bs m
Twill rouse from mystle sleep,
-K. T. O'Uoshlln la Godeya Lady's Bosk.
City Girls Water Thalr Hon.
W. W. Hall, a young farmer near
Montpelier, enjoyed himself hugely a
few days back in watching a couple of
city girls attempt to water their horse
at the trough at Ma place. The hones
were checked np. and of coarse eoald
not get their Mioses down to the water.
This seemed to surprise the young ladies
t first, bnt finally realizing the trouble
they both got out of the baggy, and go
ing behind lifted np on the hind axle
and after raising the hind wheels clear
off the ground peeped around the sides
of the vehicle to see the horses drink.
Finding that the horses didn't seem to
know enough to stick their heads down
at the same time they raised the hind
wheels one girl remained behind to hold
the buggy up and the other went to the
horses' heads and tried to pull their
noses down to the water. t
After laughing till he shook several
boards off the side of the blacksmith
hop from where he watched the girls
lift on the buggy and pull on the horses'
heads till they were red in the face and
almost ready to cry. Will went to their
assistance and unchecked the horses.
The young ladies gazed at first in be'
wilderment. and then with a kind of
a don't-you-ever-tell look at each other
calmly tucked the robe around them,
leaned back in their seats, and, after wait
ing for their horses to drink, drove off,
leaving Will to sit down on the corner of
the trough aud ruminate over the city
gal and her way of doing things. Mo
desto Herald, i .1; 1
"One of my neighbors, Mr. John
Gilbert, has been sick for a long
time. All thought himpast recovery.
He was horribly emaciated from the
inaction of his liver and kidneys.
It is difficult to describe his appear
ance and the miserable state of his
health at that time. Help from any
source seemed impossible. He tried
your August Flower and the effect
upon him was magicaL It restored
him to perfect health to the great
astonishment of his family and
friends," John Quibell, Holt, Ont
You Think
nv kind of needs will do : but for
tbe best results you should plant
I always toe best, they are recognised I
' me euuMMni btwtwiw.
' Ferry's Meed Anneal is the most
UUporUMll OUOK Ol IDS moil yuv
iUUica. lv m invsiuaoie iv iu
planter, w e seria u i ree.
S Swift's Specific
A Tested Remedy
ror wi
end Skia
A reliable curs for Contaaioas
Blood Poison, Inherited Scro
fula and Skin Cancer.
As a tonic for delicate Women
and Children It has no equal.
Belnf purely vegetable, la harm
less in its enacts.
A treatise on Blood and Skin Dts- C
esses mailed rasa on application. ssv
JtrugffUtt StU It. g
Drwsr 3, Atlanta, fta. 3
. P. S. U. So. 476-8. 7. N. U. No. 662 '
Even Fracture by an EarthqaaLa,
The postal inspector's offices are on the
fonrth story of the appraiser s buuUiu
and are lighted by folding windows that
reach almost to the floor In each sash
is single pane of extra heavy American
plate glass, 83 inches in length by 18
inches wide. Daring the recent severe
emrthqnaJie shock one pane was broken
by the oscillation of the building, and in
such a peculiar manner that it became
an object , of general interest. There
were four fractures extending entirely
across the pane, starting from each cor
ner and forming an angle at each edge,
leaving a perfect square in the middle
unrounded by six half squares. ,
The fractures are as straight as though
cut with a diamond and straightedge,
and the proportions of each section as
true as though laid out with mathemati
cal instruments. The jar of the earth
quake seems to have thrown a heavy
pressure npon the corner Of the sash,
and the glass, unable to bear the strain,
gave way; but by what law of mechan
ics it broke in such regular lines and
mathematical proportions is a puzzle to
ail who have seen it It is proposed to
remove the whole sash, and place it in
the State museum as one of the most
remarkable earthquake freaks on record.
San Francisco Examiner.
.. - Jk Here ' ladoed. A ''-
There is a man in Atchison who is a
hero, though if you should call him one
he would scarcely know what the word
meant His wife recently died and left
aim with eight children. He labors hard
by the day and manages his housework
after night After doing a hard day's
work he will begin the family washinn-,
to be finished and hung on the Ik,.,.,,, j
morning, the ironing to be done the
second night He could not afford a
sewing woman, so he has. by constantly
trying learned to run a machine and cut
and fit -
The oldest girl is growing up, and will
be a great help to him in a few years.
His little children are sent to school
very , day, and they appear as neatly
I and comfortably dressed as any in the
school. He did not scatter lus family
among his relatives nor send them to an
orphan, asylum. - He kept them together,
and their home is almost as comfortable
as it was when the mother was alive.
He is a hero, and the greatest kind of a
hero, from the fact that he does not re
alize that he is a hero at all. Atchison
Globe. '
" Aboot Men's Presents.
Various facts became evident during
the holidays. One was that a rule fol
lowed by ninety-nine men out of a hun
derd existed in these words: "When in
doubt give a doll." Another was that,even
if the average man began to procure his
Christmas presents now for the 25th of
December next, midnight of the 4th of
that month would find him wi th his most
important gifts still nnbought; and un
given gifts are as useless as unkissed
kisses. A third fact brought home was
that no woman was ever wholly satisfied
with the presents she got. If they were
for her baby they were not good enough;
if they were for herself she bad others
like them. . Five women met accident
ally in a car the day before New Year's;
they1 were all going to exchange Christ
mas presents, and they all got off when
the conductor called Fifteenth street.
New York Bun. '. j p , (
Dartmouth's Hospital."
Mr. Hiram Hitchcock, of New York,
has endowed a hoepitann memory of his
late wife, Mary Hitchcock. It is being
erected at Hanover, N. H., and will offer
opportunities for clinical study to the
students in the medical department of
Dartmouth college. The hospital will
be less than half a mile from the college,
and will stand in a park of fifteen acres,
on a site overlooking part of the Con
necticut valley. Any patient not suffer
ing from infectious disease will be eli
gible for admission, and it is believed
that the professional staff will be made
np of physicians from the town and the
college. The hospital will probably be
ready for occupancy during the coming
autumn, and will be so liberally endowed
financially as to do away with the neces
sity of soliciting outside assistance.
Harper's Bazar. , ,- J
Gen. Flak's Bequests All Paid.
The administratrix of the estate of the
late Oen. Clinton B. Fisk (Mrs. Fisk) has
paid all the subscriptions made by the
general to various colleges, theological
seminaries and other institutions of the
church, and has, we learn from the
trustees of Drew seminary, paid a large
subscription on which there was no legal
jelaim, the general not having signed the
book. We also learn that the corpora
tion of Fisk university has decided to
erect a memorial chapel, to be named
the Clinton B. Fisk Memorial chapel,
with the 125,000 bequeathed by the gen
eral to the university and paid by the
administratrix Christian Advocate.
That this has been a disastrous season
for theatrical companies every actor and
manager will admit. One hundred and
ninety-two companies have so far re
turned to New York. Of course they
came back dead broke, for no company
would return if there was a ghost of a
flnnirA thai? wnnl1 mru ,il ,1 w
paying audience. New York Letter.
Wheat ts rirat Broken by Rollers and
' Gradually Crashed Into Flour by 8t
ral Series of Other Rollers Separat
es the Fine flour from Bran,
Let us enter a roller process mill aud see
its devices for reduction and separation at
work. First of all we are shown the ma
chines which, by means of sieves and air
blasts, remove from the wheat its admix
ture of cockles, tares, ships and dirt Next
come the scouring machines, stoutly
framed and covered with eases of perfo
rated cast iron. These are fed from th
cleansers we bars just seen, and their
duty is to cut, off the head of the grain,
leaving It In a perfectly scoured and pol'
ished condition for reduction by the roll
ers. Soma millers prefer cases ntade of
very heavy rolled wire of square sections,
whose sharp, impinging edges exert a
greater effect than is possible with wire of
ordinary round form.
Cleaned and prepared, the wheat is now
ready for the first pair of rollers. These
are usually twenty-four inches long, nine
Inches tn diameter and bear twelve cor
rugations to the Inch. In contour these
corrugations resemble the teeth of a aaw,
and vary with the kind of wheat to be
treated. For the hardest varieties of grain
they are not so sharp as for soft wheats.
To prevent their interlocking with each
other they wind around the rollers in a
gentle spiral. To avoid splintering the
bran they are no nearer than is absolutely
necessary to accomplish the work or each
reduction. They are completely boxed in
so as to bs breast high, and through a lit
tle glass window the miller can see how
their work is going on. As a rule the
rollers are of chilled iron, touch enough
not to need recutting until after two to
five years' nse.
Porcelain rollers give satisfactory re
sults, but their employment is limited.
Chilled iron is easier to manufacture and
repair. As we watoh the first pair of roll
ers at work we observe that one of them
revolves faster than its mate, so that a
grain of wheat caught on the projection of
a slow roller is stretched out or unfolded
by the projection of the quick one. This
action it is which opens the grain so as to
shell out the middlings without at the
same time making more than a trifling
quantity of flour. A point just here to
which the miller pays particular attention
is keeping these rollers at the right dis
tance apart If too far from each other
they take no bold of the wheat If too
near they mash it into flakes which resist
the flour separating process following up
the rollers work.
When wheat has passed through the
first pair of rollers the product is con-
dncted to a scalping reel. This reel is a
revolving cylinder, covered with wire, hav
ing about 324 openings to the square inch.
As the meal is carried np Its ascending side
the flour and middlings fall through. The
axis of the cylinder is inclined, and the
portions of wheat stock which cannot get
through its meshes gradually find their
way to the cylinder's end or "tail," there
to be taken ton second pair of rollers for a
second reduction, in principal essentially
the same as the first To the second pair
of rollers succeed others until a fifth or
even a sixth pair Is reached. Each pair
has more corrugations to the inch than its
predecessors, and has its two rollers placed
nearer together. . , . s . t
In following the partly broken wheat to
the second pair of rollers we left behind
us for a moment the flour and middlings
due to the first pair's action. These two
product, the miller reminds ns, were de
livered by the scalping reel as a mixture.
He now submits them to a bolting reel, a
frame clad with silk having hundreds or
thousands of apertures to the square Inch.
This reel is cylindrical, a form much pre
ferable to the six sided shape of old pat
terns. Through Its apertures the flour
readily passvav, leaving the middlings in
the reel. In this way scalping and bolting
reels follow np each successive pair of
rollers, their meshes gradually becoming
finer and finer. How much finer depends
npon the character of the wheat and t he
general conditions under which a mill is
operated... As a rule the silks run on
number or size finer at each reduction.
We are shown a variety of cloths, all of
European make, ranging from 370 to 28,600
mesbes to the square inch.
: The durability of these silks Is astonish,
fog. With soft wheat a reel will serve six
or seven years and remain in good condi
tion. Wheat attracts moisture so readily
from the atmosphere that its dampness
foretells a coining storm as certainly as a
falling barometer. On muggy days bolting
is so much retarded that if possible the
miller slows down operations. t
Under his guidance we now retrace our
steps to where we left the bolting reels de
livering their middlings. We are now to
see what bweomes-of them. Mixed as they
are with particles of bran, fiber and other
impurities, they go to a separator, con
trived npon a principle as simple as it is
effective. r
In windy weather, if we Inspect the dust
borne to the window sills at the various
levels of a tall building, we And a decided
difference In its quality. The dnst which
has risen to' the top story Is mueb finer
than the dust deposited at the ground floor.
The wind has carried light particles fur
ther than heavy ones. This action is Imi
tated in the aspirators and purifiers of our
mill. A sharp blast of air Is directed
against the mixture of middlings, bran
and fiber. As the finer and lighter frag
ments can be blown further than the
heavier and coarser, tbey are separated
Into their special boxes or chutes. Puri
fiers are made in a variety of designs. These
machines are set at the task of dividing
middlings into coarse, fine and low grades,
incidentally freeing them from any admix
ture of bran and germ tbey may contain.
As the rollers have gradually turned out
a finer and finer product, a point is reached
where middlings, germ and bran are de
livered In particles very similar In their
minute size and weight. The differences
which exist between tbem are too slight
for any process of separation to seize upon.
The silk of the bolting reel can divide
small particles from large; the aspirator,
or purifier of other type, can disunite light
particles from heavy ones. Here the
effective limit of both is passed. - Now by
bringing bis final mixture of middlings.
germ and bran to rolls of smooth surface
the miller seis up precisely such a differ
ence of structure among them ns a sepa
rating process demands. He breaksup the
middlings into still finer fragment, flat
tens the germ, and thoroughly detaches
the bran from tbe middlings. This last
and finest yield of middlings can now be
separated by tailing reels of somewhat
coarse mesh. Ciuciunatl Commercial Gav
Prior was tbe son of a cabinetmaker,
and himself was fond of mechanical
employments. He once said, "A good
carpenter was spoiled when 1 turned
my attention to poetry." . - Vv
Formerly the greater part of Irish
butter was packed into firkins, bnt the
farmers are now turning their atten
tion to making butter suitable for pre
serving in tins. ,
The world is a comedy to those that
think,-a tragedy to those that feel
Horace Walpola. ' ,
A fount Woman's KeedleM 'AgUatto
About Her raise Hair.
"We are very apt at times to let onr
imaginations make sad cowards of &,"
aid a young American lady Whose ex
periences have been manifold, "1 do
not think that 1 suffered more from ab
ject fright than on one day when riding
in Rotten row during my first season in
London, I had had typhoid fever the
autumn before, which left me rather
delicate, and the following wiuter my
hair came out in such quantities that 1
finally, although very loath to do a,
coucluded to have it shaved and conse
quently was obliged to make my debut
in English society and my courtesy to
the queen in a wig!
"It was a very clever one, however,
and i think that no one suspected that
it was not my own hair. 1 was absurd
ly sensitive about it, considering it was
simply the usual sequence of such a
fever, and 1 concealed the fact of my
shaved head from even my Intimate
friends, growing as red as a peony from
sheer consciousness whenever the word
'wig' -was' even mentioned in my pres
ence. "My chief pleasure in those dnys was
to ride in the park, for I still felt the
effects of my illness. It bad so happened
that somehow or other my wig had
never troubled my wind when I was
equipped in hat and habit; but suddenly
one day a gala day, 1 romomber, when
the prince and princess and no end of
notables were in the row I suddenly
felt that my unfortunate head covering
was slipping, and in an instant I saw
myself in my mind's eye riding with
bald and shaven crown wildly down the
crowded bridle path tbe oynosure of all
eyes royal and otherwise. It was an
awful sensation. 1 did not dare touch
my slipping headgear for fear of hasten
ing the catastrophe, and besides my
horse Was somewhat skittish and it took
both of my hands to manage him. 1
assure you 1 turned fairly sick with
fright and felt ready to faint
V '1 shall be disgraced forever; I shall
be in the papers on both sides of the At
lunticT 1 thought shudderingly; and
then aloud to my escort, '1 feel very ill
indeed, I gasped; 'pray call a cab. And
what can you do with the horses" Mr.
A., a good natnred young Englishman,
assured me that he could manage, and
with profuse expressions of symptby
hailed a passing hansom at the entrance
to the park and put me in it 'Are you
sure you can go aloner be asked anx
ionslv, for I must have looked really UL
" 'Yes,' I aaswered impatiently, 'yes,
only tell him to drive quickly.' A few
minutes later I had reached the hotel.
and hastening to my room I locked the
door, and with a great sigh of relief
turned to the glass to examine my head
gear. What was my surprise, relief and
self pity to find that everything was as
tight and secure as possible; there was
and there had not been the slightest
possible danger of the dreadfnl mishap
Conjured np entirely by my hypersen
sitive imagination." New York .Trib
une. ' -
A Bpeelfle Against Snakebite.
I will mention an extraordinary spe
cific for the cure of snakebite which
Genera Sir John Bisset obtained at
Natal. It was called "Croft's Tincture
of Life," and was prepared and sold by
an old Scotchman who kept the nature of
its ingredients and preparation a pro
found secret It was put np in small
bottles about the length and thickness
of a man's forefinger, and these were
sold for half a guinea ($2.73) each.
Of the efficacy the general declared
that there could be no question. He had
himself preserved by it tbe lives of twe
of his servants, who at different times
had been bitten by venomous serpents,
to say nothing of a great many oxen and
a beantiful and valuable horse. Unfor
tunately, Crofts died some years ago.
and it is understood that the secret of
his tincture perished with him. It was
probably a remedy the preparation of
which was imparted to him by some one
of the Zulu witch doctors, whose knowl
edge of the curative properties of all
African mineral, vegetable or animal
substances Is known to be most exten-
re.' ,,; -
But they guard this knowledge jeal
ously, and are seldom won to impart it
to any European. If the secret of the
tincture could be rediscovered its finder
might perhaps be enabled to claim the
reward of 10,000 now offered by the
British government of India for a specific
against snakebites. London Cor. Phil
adelphia Telegraph, . , . ,
Afraid of Taking the Disease).
The late H. L, Undo, superintendent
of the city railroad, was one of the most
genial and large hearted men in San
Francisco. One day he contracted a se
vere cold which turned into quick con
sumption. He consulted his physician,
who told him that Lis complaint .was of
little importance and would pass away
in a day or two with a little care and
rest, but realized that he was already
beyond medical aid and that a change
of climate might do him some good. He
was accordingly ordered to Auburn,
which is tbe resort of consumptive
from all over California. The doctor
was surprised a day or so after to see
him back again, and inquired what was
the matter. "Well," he said, "there was
so mncjh coughing around me that 1 al
most thought J had consumption, and
came back fearing 1 might possibly con
tract it" The following day the poor
fellow was dead. San Francisco Argo
naut . 1 '
Detected by a Misspelt Word.
In a trial of political importance, the
whole case of which hinged npon tbe
question of the genuineness, of certain
letters, the most important witness was,
while nnder examination, suddenly
taken by surprise by being called npon
to write down a particular -word which
occurred in th letters. The slip of
paper was banded back with the word
misspelt in an identically similar fash
ion to that in which it appeared in the
correspondence, and the clever forger
was soon after detected in the witness
himself. Ban Francisco Argonaut
An Indian Know Nothing. '
The Chickasaw Nation has elected Jonas
Wolfe for governor f the tribe. Wolfe Is
ft full blood Indian and belongs to the
Pltra Know Nothing faction of Chickasaw
politicians. lie does not speak a word of
English, and is bitterly opposed to leu'sls
tion having a tendency to advance his peo
ple to tbe white man's plane.
To Sell at Double Fries.
The souvenir half dollars to be Issued In
rapport 6f th World's Columbian expo
sition are to be sold at tbe rate of one dol
lar for each of the coins. Tbe board of
directors has decided to sell th souvenirs
llrect to the public Instead of placing th
mtir issu la th hand of mom ajrndJo,
ns air flavan Daffy Looked.
Mrs. Carlyle, in hoT "Journal," thn
describe Sir Charles Gavan Duffy a he
looWrtd'iii 1844 during a visit he paid to
i,.v. ,sf r'l,l.,.,k-" "Mr. Dnffv nnita
tdbk my huAund'e funey, and mitht also
to a oertain extent,-- Uli the ooarsesl
of human faces, decidedly as like a
horse's as a man's, hot one of the people
twt l slmiilit ont tn think beautiful."
Sir Charles Uovan Duffy himself tell
this stnryt An artist nnuma wrouuey
painted Ills portrait snu oestoweu on
him a flraiuiiv noetic face which might
have passed for Shelley's. The portrait
was shown to Daniel O'Connoll by th
artist in nresenoeof Duffy, "Isnot that
very like Duffy." said Cromloy. "H'ra,"
said O'Connell, looking from the por
trait to the original, "1 wish Duffy was
very like that," Louoon Star.
' Dieting Rnrthworms,
A man tells how to get earthworm
without digging for them. Take
strong slick four or DVe feet long and
auarn at one end and go to some locality,
such as the back of a barn, whore the
worms are sure to be plentiful. Drive a
stick four or five inches into tbe ground
with a hammer or stone and then begin
to twist It with a rolary motion. Every
few minutes hit the top a rap to drive
the point further Into the ground and
keep on twisting. In five minute the
worm will begin crawling out or thoir
holes, and all yon have to do Is to plot
them up and put thorn in your can.
St Louis Ulobe-Democrat '
' The Effect of a llarrowed Ring,
Maud Cheviot was standing in hor
friend's boudoir. "It worked," site
eaid to her hostess, "Doauunuiy.
There is your ring, and thank you
bo much. I shall always, in some
sort, owe you much of my liapiii'
ness, you know. It is a pretty ring.
I hope your fiance may never object
to my temporary us of it Tom
proposed twenty-four hours after ho
saw it on my flngor. It's always the
way with men. When they think
they have lost you they And they
wanted you all the timo, ana now,
you see, I've got a real engagement
ring of my own; not yours, dear.
But we're to bo married in three
months. You must come to the wed
ding. Tom has very much to thank
you for or your ring. He shall
know that some day," Chicago
Times. ..
' Typhoid Fever Germs In tee.
Innumerable analyses have shown
that water does not purge iteelf
wholly in the act of freezing, as was
formerly ; believed, from disease
germs which may have come into it
with- huninn waste., Tim has been
specifically and repeatedly shown to
be true of that most dreaded and
fatal sewage germ, the bacillus f
tyiihoid fever. T. Mitchell Prudden
in Harpers.
Many persona are afflicted with skin
eruptions, bolls or ulcer. 1Iakdth'
Pills taken freely will In a short time effect
a complete cure of all inch trouble. Ulcers
of long standing have been cured by them
Carbuncles have been checked In thalr In
cinicii .y by them. The worst fever sores,
bed sores, and tbe like have been driven
from the akin hv the.n. Otilv heirin In iitna
ana a lewoi barikth" riLLS win pre
vent many a sicsness.
Hbanohhth's Pills are rtnrelv vegetable,
absolutely harmless, and safe to take at
any lime.
She knitted him some silk wristbands
For Christinas. They we'e lornm,
But now they do not siek. lie thourht
, Tbey were unibr lis rovers.
"Broicn'j Rronehinl Trafkn" are widely
anown as an auuuranio renteay inr bron
chitis, hoarseness, coughs and throat trou-
tile, aoltt only tn barei.
It has been wisely itiptci led that the term be
cuenKcu to paumciHiis. .
We offer tlOO reward lor any case of catarrh
Wat cannot ne rnreo by nail's catarrh curs.
V J.tMIKMRY !,'(.. rmna,. TOHKIO. Ok
We, the nnderthtned. hev known K. J. Che-
nt-T lor the lnt nftoeq rears, and believe him
petfertly honorable In all business Irnusai-tlons
and nnanrlslly sbie to carry out any obllitstions
made by their Arm. WKMT 4 Till AX,
n nnienaie liniRKiNis, l oimio, u.
Wholesale Drnralst.. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken !i ternallt. a. tlrm
directly upon the blood and mucous surbtws ol
in system. , rrme, io cents per bottle. Bom by
an uiuks11' jvsuiuoiusis tree.
The Heliht of Jmimden'e. Taktnt ehe'ler In
an amine. ia snop mini me snower is over.
The disairreeahl oneratlon of forctns
liquids into tbe head and tbe nse of excit
ing "nuffn are beinar superseded bv KIv's
Cream lialm, a cure for catarrh and colds
In th bead. .
1 have been a great sufferer from catarrh
for ten years; could hardly breathe. Home
nieht I could not sleep. I purchased Ely
Cream Halm, and am using it freely; it is
working a cure surely. . I nave advised sev
eral friends to use it, and with happy re
sults in every case. It i the medicine
above all others for catarrh, and it Is worth
its weigbt in sold. I thank Mod 1 bave
found a remedy I can nse with safety and
that does ail that is claimed for it. It. W.
Hnerrv. Hartford. Conn.
Apply Halm into each nostril. It Is
quicKiy stiBornea. utves renoi at once,
Price, 00 cents at druggists' or by mall,
50 Warren street, New York.
raiDS of
I 1 Sold by dnmatsts or sent by mall, f
U toa a,T. BasslMne, Warren, Pa, J
I 9 I
There 1. an snf-wlth whom tha ;
they art o intently batiiiui llH,n,,
short rib.. Avolflta.ttepintlW JJ lh
aud wesketi the Inleei He, '! u"' L
world-famous antl-Wl lous eon 11, w ! J
wis. removes n.slsr si, ,"''"'; U"1I
eoin alius, rheumatism and nr "" ,
a lasatlveol the bowels, pshtMs hut '
It liuoroves bi.ih.IU, sleep " Hie ability lo dl
J, " ndTLLs th. additional advent... ol
standard (juie. . t ,
Borly-Ssy, old mm, do yon think I'd be able
to mk. living out of humor., ,1 njT ad-ltor-1
later J""' kw powtol It sad try.
RcrTUBB awn pitas tiuaao.
We positively era rupture, piles nd 11JJ;
tal dieses. without palu or dutenUpn iln;m i b si-
uieuy, aae autraes wiw "
"Pld yott any Chrlslma. presenu, B.r
tout" ,fNoi 1 bought what I needed,"
Tit Ssiksa for breakfast
Cb Inemellne Stove Polish: no dast. no smell,
Both the method and results whez
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and aeta
gently yet promptly on tbe Kidneys,
l,lvr and llowela. cleanses the IV
tern efletituallr, dispel colds, bead
vuea auju ivvcis emu vuisss uiswiww
ronsti nation permanently. For salt
in 60c and 11 bottles by all druggist
Cores Consnmptloo, Concha, Croup, sore
Throat. Sold by .11 r)niii en . Ou-rssise.
For a Lame Side, Sack or tU Shlloh'. Porous
Plaater will ie grssi sii(sioev-e4 cent.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawklti.C'haMano.Tonn.,sayi
tntuMerit tUbfremWfradrlHlUaUtlrm
Kafloir. r.w .hi iiro.
I ever srl. nsi'rJri"w,wi
trouble II excels. Prior 76 eta,
....iwi.nhl Trv Oils Romedv. Itwll
wllov and Cure you. Prl 60 ola. This 1 n
Wttor for Itsmiocosaful treatment St furnish
fro. Bhllob'e HrnnedM are sold by U4 on
wiutmntwt to five satisfaction.
Driving tha Brain
at the expense
of the Body.
While we drive
the brain we
must build up 1
the body. Ex
ercise, pure air
-foods that
make healthy flesh refreshing
sleep such are methods. When
loss of flesh, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, which not only
creates flesh of and in itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
PiwpanHl nv Seott Bowne, It. All dramrlsia
Tbe Best
In the
The FISH ItHAMD SI.K'KRlt Is wsrrsntrd wsur
proof, and will ksrp you dry In Uiohsrdeal storm. Tfiq
new POMMKL Sl.H Ktll I. a prfe4 ndm oust, null
covers tl'eenllressdots. Hswsrsof ImltsUoas. fhm'tl
iray s eosi ir lit. " run msna- nut on it. junsirai
trd C'stslyns ft re. A. J. TOWBK, Itoston, Mbm.
A3 Iflllla lUHtU C.VHK. Bamvlt mtMrH frt.
COLMNS BK(t. MKIIICINK )(.; HI. Lonls. Mo.
It the name ol Woman' Friend. It I
ful in relieving the back.che. headaobe
which burden and hurien t woimn'i
r.i -,!. I..- Ik T . 1.1 I 1
ui swhu 7Bi,iiy ivs 11,- as win Kivi nonidti snu strenittn
nd make life a pleasure. FOR BALE BY ALL
Printer or Publisher:
Have you tried Tube Inks ? No!
Then do not waste any more time
or Ink, but try them and you will
use no other. Jacnecke & Ullman's
Tube Inks are the finest; we sell
them; also their celebrated Book
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etc. A complete stock at our
Food Made Mo Sick
riml t tiad plu In my uae iid nt,witn
i..,ii.ttho iwmath.snd wheal would
lain, w- nt laiwwumu.
make tn. dealliljr K'.
Ot eourw I ru uuwti
raptatjr, ud lost .
pounds. Mr wl( a
i.,ii ware much id t 1bm4
my stny on wlm,u
be ihort u 'rleti4
advlied w to (".
Hood' SaoMtparllla wl
n atiiMtiu cam. i. rzzr
out distress, l"' " f""'"1' w?rt' 1 T
Hood's Sii; Cures
I), C. A.SH, snK'vr, t.'anltxi'l W.
Inui? "sdoii, naiotisiMtBfc bolu H druggLta
Hercules Gas Enginu
Mad tor Power or Pumping Purpose.
Tb. Cheapest Hsllstde (Is. u!ue
oo Uw MartW.
UUV V BPrama pmsj
Tor Simplicity It Heat th World.
II oil. Itself from lleeervolr,
Mo llntl.rl.. or Blaxlrl Spark.
It run. wllb a Tiir flmrtenf OaeeUna than any
other Kosliie,
.snu so vat suaipa TO
. 40. tuttfM Stmt, ill frwck, CL ,
win en, lry or Owe
Bonos, Uaf,irlttli.ndall.
Un-ea Out HONKS wlU
dnttbl. th numbor of ma
will make iiu-m more for
tils will ferry Uie hen
salKly ihrmuth the atolUu
period and pnt then la
condition lo lay when em
ronttasnd Ihehlshvetprin
and will dov.toi yam
cliloks leave Uia4 any
other food.
reed lrn Tbwie and
ess . to kill
the lire, and yon wilt make
Afr Prf.a'' wore profik
Send lot Casalottt aad
I D'.Ssl.thea'banwbiAstsI
Issdltiff reatMfy lor all lea
nnnatural dMcaar. aai
pnvaie dissasss f was.. J
eertala mtre fer lb debla
lailii waakae. peoaJa?
ID VflRlft.
I arssslrsr isaenbeilan4realaaf
I TtlssOl"li(V, is reeomneadia Mist
k. ... n All MnfTkMM.
all m
111 Iftl
U d4 b bnsaaUta.
si rauui
Trie Spaotflo A No. I.
him without fell, all w, us of SJesmsp.
Imbus and Ules, no tMll.r ot how fe
sUMiilliia. I'rvvsots strh-lore, It rH-loit ao lo
inou H-tosoy. i-urrewitrnrverytnui ewe
bns iiuimi. pom ny so ifrosirwui,
fcluiutartonrst lbs A.I
Uu., MoJuee.UU.
We Make a Success
Of It,
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Hte.rilly Incresslns; business prove. It. Yoa (.111
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chsrs to join our army of customers, tn thoussnd
Best In the World!
Get the Genuine
Sold Everywhere!
Now Is a splendui tune to apply. For
reliable, prompt, effective srvlce, or In
luruistion in an claim write to
P. O. Boa SIB. Washington, D. O.
()n doaa will stop a eotiRh. It never falla.
Try It. Prlca, rsnu a but le. For sal by all
drugKlsta. rsi-IBc Coast Anents,
8f0. DAHLSINDI C0 DruaglilK
1 Kearny Street, San Franelseo, 01.
Anillf f Morphine Ifahlk
INornhlna If aril Oorad In IO
o oar till onrail.
, Ls.sitsa.uiiia.
the very remarkable and certain
rlef slven wemsn by MOOKK'H
RKVKAI.K.I) niitMb'flV I,., or
si . ss itnifrtrm , v insn.
M f J Hi, an d weakness
nio tv,o...i.
, . . , ' '
PILHER &RET,Soleigentsr.
Printers' Supplies