The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 13, 1893, Image 3

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    lt (Ovcpon ptot
UhIImI Klntm nml Counly Offleliif Paper
Br. Hki.knh, January 13, 1803.
1M1EK M1OT10N,
T. r. Wntls l In Rnliim this week,
l'rnfuiuior UiH)iii),v.'t Sunday In Illlls-j
1.. J. pyr pelena. was In town
Wi'ilmiii'yiHl Thursday.
Mr. I). J. Slo(,re unit wife, of Portland,
iiimlit s buMmiM trip to this (iluct Monday.
Messrs, W. It. K.vsor and L. I). T)uan,
of llnnvor Valley, wero In tbe county seal
Monday. ,. '
JuiIko I'. II. Ward, a rortliin'l attorney.
u la Ht. Helens last Muudar on legal
liimliiiw. t
llev. Pulri'lillilit, of ilia Portland Univer
sity, r ni liMl In Ht. Helens lust Sunday,
lii'iriiliiK iiml evunttiR.
llt-n Hulli r. tin1 iirout nolillur, statesman
andfttflfof, i.llufr hi Washington Wednes
day mnfuluf. '
Albert Hil!llpr, the tiarUer. lias sold his
fhup mill III turn to C. I.. CoHmrn, Ami loft
MuiiiUiy fur IiIm former home In HIllNboro.
lift. T. T. Vincent wishes us to announce
that (hero will he no irmrlilin by himself
In Ht lli'lotm licit Sunday, bl rcKiilar ep-
oi lit iiicii t.
A. V. k A. M.Rosolved,Tliet' a oteor
thank l Iptiili nil totholadies who assisted
In Urn funeral exerct of our Into brother,
KIIO. Ffintrr.
Mm. I'r. CHIT In setlnualy III with typhoid
fiver, and U lln cared for by Minn 1'owell,
n iMinpdi in nurse o( mauy yan exper
lenve, of I'artliind.
Hilly' Mi, an Indian well known
In thin part, died at Old Milton Wednesday
iilulit. of cntinnnipUon. lie leaves a wife
and several small children,
The new cit defense battleship Mon
terey made lii'r tilal trip In Sail Frnwiaeo
Iiarlmr laal week, and hef behavior proved
entirely HJilUfiictory to the nival trial coin
luiii lit.
W 8. 1-add, Portland's mosteonsplenou
inilliiiimlie.illidlti that diy last I'riday.
"lie leaves a wife, one ami, W.M. Ladd, and
one daughter. Mr. James Steel, to share
Id lrjre 't"i estimated at 'JO,lXiO,,
The Ki'llorg fame down yesterday on the
rrirulur run to Ki-lo. making three trlpt a
wrik. The Toledo tnkee her place on the
round-trip mil. bill will probably not p
further down than Kalatua for the nreennt.
The land eonlest ease of I-awrenee Archl
1all nirnltiMt 1). J. Moore, Involving the
latter' homestead at Jloorosville, has taken
tip most of Ihtt week bufnro the county
rloik. A nu in Iter of wltneea have been
(ixnniliird, and the tentlinony will h nb-mliu-d
lo tho hind ortli.'e for IU decl-lnn.
The anion of the Pinlal TeleKraph Com
In r'lli-v;n Mr. Conley , the operator here.
loii not meet with the approval of our
Vi.l... M r. Cooli-y hai done hla duty well
while here, l'i fad h allundod to the
lul e( of Ihetlll letter than any other
tiimi ever utatioiii-d livre.
Victim Former ltoaldcnt of
Columbia County.
l.Kui-iu, Idaho, Jan. S At n1.1nll.t a
furloui mob of 25 or30iin-n, masked and
nrmod and ih ttrmlned to take the law Into
lliilr own hfiodn, eidlfd Miwn Deputy
MhtI.T Wright, who hn woma at tlie
rnuith oe. and at the point of revolver
tli iiiaiidi d hlint deHvurlo them the key
to the rell of Albert Roberta, who uiur
tiered Jack Hut tiurl oiiil. The key was ob-
and KoIhtU takea from thejull
the mad lo an old grlt null and
liaimxd by the nock. The coroner and bin
Jury kfldnn lin"eit today and found a vor
lli i In anconlaiire with the alva facU.
The ci line for which lloberta euftVred wm
the killing of J. A. Sutherland, at Ltland.
Idaho, I Wiilier 15. The row. which cul
minated In murder, occurred in Jouea'
t.lackMiillli Ii at Inland, alxiut fourmllee
from Kemlrlck. over the amount of wages
voiiiliiK to Huberts, who had formerly been
employed by Hiitlierliuid. During theal
tercutl'oii Hol.urtn ralltil Sutherland a liar
mid wan Jumiwd upon by lilm. Robert
had a nun in the bulde brcait pocket of hl
coal which he dloharged three tluien. all
three bot taklni? eirect In Hutherland'a
rheat. Hiilhurland lived about 10 mluutea.
ltnhcrU wu Incirwated In the murdorer'e
rrll of the county jail, having been reman
ded without hall at the preliminary trial.
Wxmen, each having two revolvert, cov
ered the deputy nherih and forced him to
open the Jail and alo the Cell In which
v.i.i ... rondiied. k he waa lylngon
H bed. they Jumped on him and ahut ofl'
1,1, breath before he had a chance to tnea.
He win hmxc.1 and draped u,e
room of the J". where Ilia hamU and feet
were hound, then rushed rapidly lurough
tl,e onurthouMi and up Iheatreet. The offl
rera wero forced to rciimln In the Jail until
the dred was done. Then they followed to
n,i u In the moonllirbt the
body of mii "hort dl-tance away and
moving oir. They returned for their re
volvers, which they discharged and aroused
the surrounding residents, mcimimg oner
..r I..M.. when the oflicera acnln reached
the street no one was to be aeon. Search
was made up and down the street and along
the railroad grade, but without result.
Then closer search was made, and In the
old mill building the body of UoberU waa
found swinging from beam, atiil warm
but lifeless. The body waa cut down and
carried to tho courthouse. Jesse, half
........i ..,.i,,n.o-. said he did not seethe men,
or know bow iuuy ttiere were, as he bid
when they etune. but that Roberts made no
outcry. There were 12 or IS men in tbe
imrty and they oniue from the violnlty of
I elniid, but iKjyond that nothing of their
number or identity is known.
W. 11. DilUtd, ol tho firm of Dillard
i. fvin. roLiiiieu as oouimol for kod-
orta, roliirnwl it few dayfl since. He
i.,l Lnwiston obout 24 hour after
lloberta waa hung by tlie mob. Mr.
Dillard rnys he went through tho pn
porB and evidouoe In the case, and
gives it as hi opinion that Sutherland
waa more to blame than Kuberu, aa
the lathg positively doollned to fight
Sutherland j that he waa just recover
ing from a Hi of eiiltnogg, besides be
j,,g maimod in Ms right arm, and at
.i. no time clutching with hia left
baud ,.a revolver in the inside breast
pocket of hit coat, clearly indicating
to Sutherland that lie would dm it iu
ulf-dofenae' if attacked. Sutherland
attacked him, with the result stated
in the dispatch. Mr. Dillard thinks
Huberts waa unjustly hung, and that
some .of hia murderora may yot be
brought to Justice, Huberts formerly
lived in this county with his father
and brother, near tho held of the
Clatakanie river.
Miss Jewell Wheeler spent last week In
John Roddick has been before the county
court straightening up business pertaining
to his offlce of road supervisor, John Is of
the opinion he might hava rocelved the
honor of an appointment to the same office
for another year, but wanted no mure of It
In his.
Kd Manure, with his wife and baby,
spent a day or two In town the first of the
week visiting friends.
Tbe Australian Medicine and Mystery
Company is at bom again this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lace, of Astoria, are
spending a fow days in our city visiting
friends and relatives.
When Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tlchenor lift
for l-ortland last week It was pretty well
settled that they would go to tan Diego,
Cal. for the winter, aa Mr. T. has been suf
fering for some time with a cold that he
docs not seem able to get rid of, and pro
poses to try a change of climate, liopiug to
benefit in that direction.
A few frlcada were entertained very pleas
antly one day last week at the residence of
U, M lladgcr and wife.
There Is talk of another meat shop In
the near future.
A package of fifty new song books earns
In on the b haver Monday evening for use
In this community. ,
John Campbell and family returned to
our town on Monday evening after spend
lug some months in Montana. John has
concluded there are worse daces than
Clatskaiile and wants to give It another
After a two weeks' vacation the public
schools are again In session with Misa Mil
dred Boyle In charge of the primary de
partment, succeeding Mrs. Keasey. Misa
lloyle has Just closed a very successful term
of school at Marshland, and will doubUess
do well In her present location.
The attendance at the schools keeps In
creasing uatll It Is fouad necessary to se
cure more desks for accommodation of the
scholars. '
Did you ever know a man to swallow at a
quiidue capsule and get It about half way
down hia throat where It remained to grad
ually dissolve aad wive him the beaent of
Its bitterness T rrofessor Cleeton found a
man of that kind and can give particulars
on application.
Une would not think, to see ourold oitiaen,
Daniel Dixon, sr., that he was a man who
cared much for style-but the community
oMned Its eyes Tueaday morning to see the
new horse, buggy, saddle aad harness he
bad brought iu on tbe Hhaver the evening
before. The new horse is reported to be
very gentle, and aeemed all right when
hitched to the new buggy at the wurorooui ;
but the change from tramping home
through the mud to going in a carriage, waa
too much lo think of at anoa, so when all
was ready to ao the worthy gentleman
started on foot towards home as usual. Hit
son, Dan, followed, leading the horse, and
In this manner tbey were last seen going
out of town for their home two miles away.
They exjwet to take solid comfort in tbe
hereafter, after they get the courage to
make a beginning.
It looks very much like spring had come
In this direction, aa the 90 Inches of saow
baa gono and wo are now having warm
Owing lo the high wind which prevailed
after tbe late snow storm much Umber waa
blown down across the road between this
point and Ht. Helens, and It was Impossi
ble for the mail carrier to get through on
his regular run even on foot. This road
should bo looked after and the timber re
moved.. Tbe report Is that the Carico Stock Ex
change failed last week, It is impossible to
get the names of but few of the stockholders
and they refuse to say much at present,
Mr. Mary A. Frye ia to be our post
mistress In the near future, so It Is rumor
ed. Ws hope so, for we feel that shs would
be as competent for the place as anyone
that could be found.
Frank Myers has not get started for the
Kast yet as was expected aot long since,
but It is sincerely hoped by many that he
will aoon atart.
D. H. Pope went to St. Helens Saturday,
returning Sunday. We are glad to again
know that be Is so hs esa be around again
and fceliag moat aa well as ever.
At the present time the gentlemen seem
to be almost equal to tbe smallpox, the way
tbey are taking tbe young ladiea and
widows from their homes, to make their
own homes happy. This part has but two
young ladiea left, and one them will soon
be gone If the gentleman has his way. Tha
report is be will not take "no" for an
The old saying "when borrowing begins
friendship snds ," has or should have been
found out to be a true saying by one family
In thU vicinity.
Fnbllo Installation.
Lost Saturday night was a happy tints
for tbe Odd Fellows and their friends In St.
Helens. It was ths appointed time for the
Installation of officers for the ensuing six
months. Dlstriot Deputy Grand Master
Henry Warren, of Portland, was tha In
stalling officer, assisted by Fast Grand
Horace Smith, also of Fortlsnd. The very
Impressive ceremonies were witnessed by
about eighty persons, including most of the
members and a large namber of Invited
guests, all of wiiom aeemed to enjoy them
selves Immensely. Musio tor the evening
waa furnished by members of the Brice
family, Of Kldgefleld, Wash., and waa one
of the pleasing features of the evening. At
the conclusion of the ceremonies speeches
were made by Deputy Warren, Judge Ma
Bride, W.J. Kico, U. W. Clark and others,
after which the members of the order and
their invited guests repaired to the Oriental
Hotel and partook of a sumptuous spread
such as we have seldom seen in this city
t-wldch bad been prepared for tbe occasion
by Judge Hlakesley and family. Here tbe
happy orowd gathered around the festive
board and, for a short time, enjoyed tbe
fat of tbe land . After supper all returned
to tbe lodge room and spent ths remainder
of the evening In social chat, music and
toasts, one of the entertaining features be
ing a solo by Mr. Warren, which greatly
pleased all present. At the closing Deputy
Warren moved a vote of thanks to the St.
Helens lodge for the royal manner In which
they had entertained ths guests, which was
liutmlmously adopted.
Preeeetflugs ml lb Jaawary Terssi,
03. '
Court openel January 4th at 9 A
nun Ulannliard. COIintV
judge O. W. Barnes and 8. U. Scboon-
over, commissioners J Xj. Vfulc
clerk, and (i A. Massie, sheriff.
In the matter of the reports of the
several road supervisors. Now on this
day this matter coming to be beard,
and tha ivinft koine fully advised ill
the matter, it is ordered that the fol
lowing road supervisor's reports, as
KtuH hu .ll.iwurl aiul that the clerk
draw warrants in favor of the several
road supervisors, as follows
Karnes of Supervisors.
if l
168 150 00
70 48 00
98 42 00
145 84 00
158 73 60
94 50 00
109 54 00
188 64 00
206 38 00
301 86 00
65 18 00
112 50 00
3051 99 60
57 21 00
159 87 00
177 83 00
129 80 00
110 85 00
98 23 00
351 40 00
A daw Htump....... 1
Harry Weal..., 2
KfaiHiua flaxon 3
Joeiah Konkle... ... 4
A, F. McDonald 0
V. M. Fowler 6
C. W. Mosher 7
W. 0. King 8
R. 8. Payne 9
John Ueddick 10
C. M. Graham 11
J. A. Vanvolkinborg. . 12
A. J. Orwiir 13
I. W. beitriek
J. M. Adams. . . .
FeU-r Walter....
O. W. Kyser....
John Klrkowod..
Jesse Hendricks.
ro& 1893
L ........ . .... ..... .Adam Stump
2... Harry West
8 ................ . . . John Downing
4 . T. C. Watts
5 Peter Smith
0 H. M. Fowler
7 .............. t ... .C. W. Moaher
8 Cbauncey Wilsen
9 John Hendricks
10 Monroe Burford
11 ...... Arnold Graham
12. . .. J. A. Venvolkinberg
13 ....A.J. Orwig
14 I. W. Deitrick
15.......... . ....Clarence Seed
1(J .John Adams
17 .0. E. Wonderly
18. . Albert Wood
19 Clarence Adama
20. A. A. Smith
21 George Clark
JJ .H.A.Corliss
23 ..Frank GHniskie
24 8. R. Hagey
25... .....E. P. Burris
COPBT, 1893.
J B Doan, J F fees State va Oscar
Anderson 10 95
Silvester Griodle.coostablcfees.state
va Oscar Aadcrson 31 80
J K Stewart, special constable fees '
estate ts Oscar Aaderton 3 40
Klmer Grlndle. witness fees. same.. S 70
J B Duncan. J P fees State va W W
West 8
Wm McMain. constable fees, same.. S 50
J B Duncan, J P fees Stale vs I II
Baraett , 8 I
Wm McMain. constable fees, same . . 8 59
J B Duncan, J F fees Bute vs V R
Konkle 3 25
Wm McMain. constable fees, eauie. . 3 SO
HenrvJIenderson, J F fees State vs
Emil Schmidt 8 90
John Stoekenberg, J F fees, same ... 12 86
Henry Henderson, J P fees, same.. 11 85
O Blomaulst. witness fees. same. .. . 1 70
O X Davidson, delivering subpoena.
SlaU va Kmll Schmidt 70
Henry Woodham, J F fees State vs
Bert Whitney f. 75
O W Blags, eenstable fees same. . . . 8 1
A H Blakealey, wltaeas fees earns 8 90
Jameslluo.kls,Jr., " " " 8 90
J F Loonev. V " " 8 80
Mrs Way, " " "
J Ksgle, " " " 1 60
HP Watklns, " " " 160
Oeorge Lemon t, " 1 50
W W Blakealey, " " " 1 ee
AH Oeorge, .. " 1 80
Andrew King. " " " 160
8 H Harvard, luror. same 1 90
OFYoung, " 1 00
LinkBtehman, " ....109
James M Fowler, " 100
James Hart. - " 1 00
Josenh Pilchsr. 1 00
Henry Henderson, J F, laqueeton
body of Johnnie Hendricks 6 40
L J Meserve, luror .same 1 40
M K Meserve, same 1 40
Louis Sundia, same 1 40
Charlea Sundln, same...; 1 40
0 FBloomquiat, same 1 40
O 0 Wagner, same. 1 40
Ludwig Hendrickson, witness, same 1 60
Oeorge Schmidt, same 1 70
Emma Hendrickson, same.. 160
Kaloh Sanborn, same 1 70
Pittsburg Mill Co, work en county
road, district Xo. 14...... 47 75
Same, work and lumber for same... 144 61
Same, work and lumber for same. . . 5 60
A H Blakealey, J P fees State vs M
Firter .... 5 46
FM Miles, sheriff fees same ....... 8 30
Same, witness fees 1 60
W W Blakealey, sams.. 160
H Bay.same 1 60
J Wellington, same 1 60
T C Watts, Juror's fees, same. ,.... 1 00
James Muckle, Jr, same 1 00
Oeorge Leinont...... 1 00
J Peacber, same 1 00
K M Potter, same 1 00
C Simpson, same 1 00
J A Van, work on bridges inroad
district No. 12 6 75
Olot Anderson, same 8 75
Olof Oleson, same 8 00
J A Van, rafting lumber road dlstriot
No. 12 16 00
C E Messing, lumber for r i No. 12. . 08 00
A M A W K Tlchenor, lumber for
road district No. 10 86 00
John W Boats, work for team and
man road district No. U U 25
J B Beegle, 100 bridge notices , . 6 75
W A Miles, constable fees .......... . 8 00
S W Conyers, supplies furnished
Mrs. JTimoney. 1200
K W Conyers, supplies furnished
Mrs. OB Bice... 9 70
E W Conyers, supplies, road district
No. 10.... 4 64
H K Cliff, medical attendance In
sane man 00
A F McLaren, same . 5 00
Lane Bros, lumber furnished road
district No. 13 57 68
O r Lindgren, nails, sams district.. 7 00
0 Maygsr A Co, supplies furnished
road district No, 10 ... 7 30
J B Beegle, eounty printing 80 28
Mackls Bros, lumber and spikes for
road district no. 4....... w
If uckte Bros, lumber and spikes for
road district No. S 85 36
John IhJan, board of James Moore. 85 00
Mrs. M J Scott, meals lurnisuea
turv and bailiff..... W
W M Boberto, hauling lumber, road
.ll.trbtt No. B ... 80 00
Judaon Weed, making copy of as
Mimeiit roll 153 00
Htussi & Thompson, court bouse
supplies.............. io u
M O Bryant, special constable, elec
linn KnvatnherR. 1U92 8 00
John Campbell-, Juror at December
sdjoorned term circuit court e ot
8 8 Way, same 6
(Continued net weea.)
The Joseph Kellogg Sunk. -Vnn.t.v
marnine: as the steamer Joseph
ir vcndlns? her wav through the
dense fog oa the trip to Portland, she ran
onto a snag Jest below lapies, waao.,
w Una hole lo the bull, and only
for Cast. i. V. Miller's presence of mind
... . . a
she would have sana in several ieev m
tr. Aa soon as thecaotaln was apprised
of the condition of bis steamer be at once
beaded for the Washington shore under a
full head of steam and landed the steamer
hard on shore .before she bad tune to siak.
This was about seven o'clock In the mom
in fimn miter tlm Iralda came along.
which was balled by the Kellogg ana me
passengers from tbe unfortunate steamer
ir.n.trrA tn the little boat, which pro
ceeded oa to Portland with them. The
Kellogg company were st once apprised ot
th facta and tha Toledo was placed on the
route. It ia not known what tbe exact
damage will be to ths Kellogg, but it Is sup-
nnuri It will not ha verv areat.
Later Ths Kellogg passed up Wednes
day for Portland, where she will undergo
repairs.' '
talk ! T. H. Tafia.
The ciltsens of this city were startled on
Wednesday morning by tbe street teport
tbatT. X.Taylor, an old reaident ol una
nlase. waa dead. Judge lilanchard being
In town, was called, and ordered an Inquest
held, which waa dune by Justice Blakealey.
Deceased lived alone in part ef the Banquet
saloon building, and about 8 o'clock in tbe
morning the bartender heard a noise iu his
apartments as of some one In great distress.
Hs at once gave the alarm and other par
ties arrived just ia time to see tbe old gen
tleraan expire. Death waa caused from
appoplexy, which deceased ; had been af
flicted with for many years. On his person
waa found a gold watch and several dollars
in coin, which were taken care of by the
coroner. Taylor bad lived In St. Helens
about forty years snd bad accumulated
considerable wealth. Hla wife preceded
bim to the other world about twelve years
ago. He leaves two daughters, Mrs. God
frey, of Oillton, and Mrs. Cowles, ot this
place, to share his estate. The funeral
took place yesterday at 1 o'clock, from the
Accidentally Killed.
Mr. W H tKnar. of Rainier, brlnw ns
ncu of tha accidental kill In of a 12-year
old bov bv ths nams of John Hendrickson
nl Ifeavar Valla, last Sunday. Young
Hendrickson, in company wttn anoiner
boy named Schmidt, went out bunting,
aad while in tbe woods Hendrickson in
seme manner discharged one barrel of his
shotgunitn bis own breast about six inches
beueath,tbe chin, kilUng'hia Instantly.
Rnndir. Januart a. 1SU3. bv Justice J. D.
Doan. Mr. Albert Slebert and Miss Alice
On the Person of D. Ti. Prettysnaa,
tha Narserman, Who Had Been Af
flicted IS Years With Rheumatism
and Heart Trouble.
To thi Public: For" 15 years I
have been severely afflicted with rheu
matism. at times confined to my bed.
The rheumatism affected my heart, so
I would fall down. Liver and kidney
trouble then set in; in short, I waa a
Dhvsical wreck when 1 commenced
treatment with Dr. Darrin. I took his
remedies, and sot a battery from him
to use at home. I nave been under
hia care four months, and to my great
aatiafaction lam nearly cured, lie-
side at Kilgaver, Oregon.
V. J JraaTTYMAa,
Dr. Darrin still holds forth at 370J
Washington street, Portland, and Re
vere House, Albany, Ur., and gives
free consultation daily from 10 to 5;
eveninga 7 to 8 ; Sunday 10 to 13. He
treats all enrable chronic, acute and
secret diseases at half hia former
prices. The poor free. Circular and
question tut sent free.
New York Restaurant.
Axpebsov A Beamy, Proprietors.
Ha. Itfl first street,
Notice of Sale.
I Will On OAlunfAl, wit aw v.
nmilllBV 1HQ. atlln'alock a. m.. sail
... - - a.mvmrt.v .1. - Ju
at nublio auction, at my house on the
. . a. 'I A- tk. Wlll.m.tU
81ongh, in Columbia County, Oregon, two
horses belonging to tha firm of I. F. Pow
ers, described as follows . One bay horse,
will welch about 1200 pounds, and tbe other
. ..I ;.l. . wMta fana. and will waiffh
about the same. Tha said sale ia for the
board and the pasturage of said horses from
. .... . X' iaul mmIII tka nM
ent. amounting to $112, and tha costs of
Mverasiiig saw.
jan. is, ijs r.
Vtaa ska Pla.v Weaaa
Ot the North to the Everglades of the
nrinst nolnta
the foot that tbe Drumraond Medicine Co.,
... a - J -l I V.w Vn.V nffitr a va.
ward of 9BOO for a ease their remedy will
not cure. That kind of answer is satisfy
ing, and the sufferer planks down five dol
lars and goes home and Is cured. Not only
reiievem iwivhwu.
For Sale!
I have a number of registered Poland
China pigs, which I will sell at my
Diana at Soappooie, uregon.
IT . VTmrnrn
jOaO tUSSI ltOlt
with every shade of rheumatism, inquirinr
about Dr. Drummond's Remedy. "Win
i. na.wA m.l1' Anil tha drnrirlst nolnta to
Collided With Ship.
The steamer Telephone, after leaving
Portland Monday morning In a dense fog,
ran Into a ship near the Albina coal bunk-
era, breaking her forward flagstaff. She
backed out from the ship, and In doing so
crashed stern first in the steamer Ocean
Wave, which was lying at the "boneyard"
Just below Weldler's sswmUl, totally de
molishing her own wheel and tearing a
large hole in the side of tbe Ocean Wave.
No one was Injured in tbe collision. Ths
disabled steamer's passengers were landed
safely on shore and returned to the city.
Preaoaueea Hopeless, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hurd, of Groton, 8. D we quote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on my
Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated
In Consumption. Four doctors gave me
up saying I could not live but a abort time.
I gave my self up to my Savior, determined
If I could not stay with my friends on earth
I would meet my aiweni ones anove. siy
husband was advised to get Or. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. I gave It a trial , took in all
eight bottlea: it baa cured me and thank
God I am now a well and hearty woman."
Trial bottles free at Kdwin Boss1 Drugstore
regular sue, ouc and i.ou.
Nat frosa a financial Standpoint.
'T An tint nwutminend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy from a financial stand
point, for we have others in stock on
which we make a larger profit," says
. . a M . . . . . . .
Al. Ainggini, a prominent uruggisi ui
Rraildru-lr. Ppnn . "but hefiatiae manv
of our customers have spoken of it in
the nignest praise, we sen more oi it
ikiM ni anv atmilar nrAnaratioft Wfl
have in tbe store." For sale by Edwin
itoss, druggist.
Chamberlain' Calle. ChelcraaaS
Plarrasaea Benteajr.
I have sold and used in my family
for several vears. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrnoea Kemeay ana
have found it one of the most nseful
and satisfactory remedies I ever han
died. C. H. Lewis, druggist, Salt
Lake City, Utah. For sale by Edwin
Boss, druggist.
Aa lavaleafcle Bemear far Colas.
Sheriff Hardman, of Tyler county,
W. Va.. waa prostrated with a cold
when he began using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. In speaking of it he
says: "It gave me almost instant re
lief. 1 find it to be an invaluable rem
edy for colds." For sale by Edwin
Boss, druggist.
Frasa Rtwserg.
C. V. Moore A Co.. prominent drur-
o-iata of Newber?. Ore., sav: "Since
ourcuatomers nave become acquainted
with the rood Qualities of Chamber
lains Cough Remedy, we tell but little
of any other Kind, vnamoeriam s
medicines all give good aatisiacuon
For aala by Edwin Rosa, druggist.
Wholesale Dealer
Wines i Liquors
til Twmt Street, Portlasaial, Oregeai
Has the St Helens
acrsrv mo
itC fciwiif BOOT m rni. WurtLQ
Tin MMm lis imm isa
A targe Invoice of Btylish and
Footwear Jiist Received.
Prices ot old Stock Greatly Seduced
Marble Works.
Manufacturers of
Monuments, Headstones.
And all kinds of Marble, Granite,
Stonework. Tablets, Curbing, eto.
Special estimates for any desired work
xarnitneaon ppucaviou.
3 08 First St., bet Madison and Jefferson
rartlatael. Oreffeta.
czeatest mm ia tke vsxlo.
It ksWLIftttt.
1 Star XMmmrn, nw - - -
Umj Miao kUs)v thai
. - .111!
SMtUaaasjUSIsvcvifntuu rawsii
111 na parimij Fr a
Tan ! .imp. .
(rt.npk tt Amarkaa la
iw.lll " " a
5. aoatrau S a. la loo
Ol K0.VXI, !.
Mdac tt w. .
rina. erac. tM rto
w lartMl MKSaiM
SMMurli la IB.
world tuMat
aatlu. CutMMUr
pwaial. K tao-uilra. mmx m aai -7 " 7. .2. i
.utomlauw. lraU, WIIl,I
Hu aatnt whrflns
shsv ssjssju. nsa f-""
inlrlnf no key. Malted poet-patd
written irnaraiilsM aeeonipsausM
nirina no .07. kmm ii.-h.w .... ' " , ' .
Empire Watch Co., New York.
a. a siauu vn.
Mm a. 'va.ini.
Manufacturers of
Fir and Cedar Lumber.
Clear Flooring, Ceiling
Clatskanie, -
Are You Prejudiced
Many people tbink it necessary to go to some large
, city to find a first-class
Don't you believe it; because you
jsk st .
is a nrst-class drug store nere ay calling on
JEdLwiix Eoss,
Who carries afine and varied stock of
Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines,
Fresh from
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced chemist.
St. Helens. :
J. W. SHAVER, Master.
Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday tinoriinff at Sauvies Island. St. Helens.Colurabia
City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt Cofiin,
Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point, and all intermediate points, re
turning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Manufacturers ot
Joeeuli Kellogc &
C'1.,.a--' "
Joseph Kellogg and Northwest
NORTHWEST Leaves KELSO Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs
day, and Saturday at 6 a. m.
daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. m.
Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving at 6 p. m
t Buy
Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything
Clatskanie Drug Store
DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. ;
Hart ft Si eetland,
StHelens Meat Market
Jfresh and Baited Meats, Sausage, Flab
and vegetables.
Meals by wholesale at special rates.
Express wagon run to all parta of town,
ana narges seaevnaiue.
and Dealers in-
and Finishing Material
on Hand,
- - Oregon.
can be convinced that there
the Factory.
: : Oregon.
pBALaaa or
Co.'s River Stearaers,
Your E3)rug
. jsvtlea far rIIeala.
Land Offles at Oron City. Owiron.
Deeember , imt,
NOTICE Is hercbr irlTfn, that th. followlnf
aaiaed Mtller naa Sled nolle ol his inten
tion to mas Anal proof in support Ol hie
f l.lra, and that ssid pnioj will be Bil tiefora
tbe County Clerk ol Columbia eounly, M St.
Uel.ns, Oreajoo, en January V,, im, ls:
Homestead entry No. tmi, for the '4 of tit'i,
ivUol nAi'. and oe of te4 of see 30, t u, r 1
w. Hentnnes the l"llolng wUiie- lii"'
tats eontinuoua rel(lewe ttin .iMjri'lthixnn
of said land, ls;, tl. A. Cu.hmau. .i I' . .
flunk Bi.hnp ana E. M. Calllna, ail ef Keunwu,
Columbia eouotii Oregon.