PL'IWCRtrTION. t.50 VEtt YEAR. St. IIklkns, January 13, 18i)3. COLLECTION OF ROAD TAXES. r Tho question uf what would be the Lest means of colloctiug rod taxes in lining discussed by the jieople all over ' the taievftod is one of great impor iiince. Tlio prosperity of any coun try, county or section, depends largely upon the condition of the publie 'liighways. No section can enjoy the growth desired without the very best moans of traversing the county to in terior points. It is as accessary to reach every farm house by a good road as it is to reach the cities or stores, for without the former the lat ter cannot hope to do much business. A proposition is now ou foot, and re ceives the commendation of a great many people, to have all road tax paid in cash and cyllected in the same wT Rnd at tho same time that other taxes are collected, under the some assess ment, and that the assessor collect the poll tux from transients while making the assessment. By this means it is claimed by road supervisors and other friends of the movement, that a great deal more work could bo done on the roads with the same amount of money. Under the present unsatisfactory sys tem each male over the sge of 21 years i subject to a tax of 13 or work two days on the road, giving eight hours for a day's work. They are warned out by the supervisor to wort on a certain day at a certam place. The time arrives and they appear, in many instances without the proper implements required for the work, and in, consequence the foreman is cenv pcftud to either take the time and ex pense of securing theui proper tools or else allow them to work at a diad vantage all day, and by night not hav ing acooirfplished very much. While it is true that a great many men do an honest day's work tfn the roads, yet there are hundreds who have little or no interest in the matter and endeavor eimply to put in the day and get their tax receipt therefor.' This abuse will be practised as long as the present system is in force. What we wanU and the county will be without roads until we get it is a system by which we can get the best possible service for the money. We do not mean by this that a man who desires to work liisown tax cannot do so, but that the supervisor may have power to dis charger any one who fails to perform faithfully the work laid out for him. urged by most of the supervisors of the county, and no doubt would be the means of great good inroad making, as it is a well known fact that when a man has 4he money to spend he can always get a great deal more work done and at the proper time. Most road work should be done just at a time when the farmers are busily en gaged in cultivation, hence, under the present system, the roads are neglected until times when the work cannot be so conveniently done. TBS ELECTORAL COLLEGE, M last tha official vote of all the states hut been canvassed ana tne complete table of the electoral vote is as follows: btatsu. Aliilxima.,, Arkansas, ......... I'nllfurnU ... ... Colombo ..I....... Cmiiiaouuut,..-.. . Delaware., Florid CilWKi Mario,.,.,. Illinois , Iitiliaua.,. ,,...... Iowa...,. Kansas ..... Kmilucky Uuij(iuia Malu. Maryland Mamaeh metis Michigan Miuiiaaota ......... Mississippi Missouri..... Montana Nebraska Nevada Kcw Hampshire New Jervey. ........ New York.... North Carolina, North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island i-outh Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Vermont Virginia Washington Wtat Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming........... Total Naceasary tor cholcoj "is "ii '"" 12 2T 18 Sloct'r'l Vote, 1KSK, It is a matter of great importance to the lumber region of the stale that the legislature should enact a law providing; for a public scaler of logs for Oregon, similar to the one now in ' existence in Washington. Such a law would be a great protection to loggers and thereby be of great good to the people in general. This would not interfere with a lumber company scal ing logs, but in case the logger was not satisfied with such scale he could demand that the public scaler be called whose scale would be final and have to. be accepted by the purchaser. The need of such a law has been evident for many years, for it is a well known fact along the Columbia and Willam ette rivers the loggers hate been robbed of their hard earnings by un scrupulous mill men. This has been particularly the case with some of the I'ortland mills where loggers have been indebted to thum. Not only does the present system allow the abuse of tinder-scaling, but in doing so they get their logs so cheap that it shuts out competition in the lumber busi ness, so that the honest mill man who gives a fair scale cannot compete in the lumber market. OREGON'S tiWJIAKBBf, The Convened at Sa lem Last Monday. Balm, Or., Jan. 9. Ths permanent or ganization of the Oregon legislature today resulted in the election of C. W. Fulton, of Clatsop county, as president Qf the senate, and W. P. Keady, of Multnomah county, as speaker of the house of representatives. O. B. Miller was elected chief clerk of the senate on the second ballot, and J. B. Ed dy, of Pendleton, was elected reading clerk bv acclamation. Owing to the illness of Secretary of State McBride, the supreme court was called upon to substitute snofflcer to swear in the newly elected officers, and Judge Bean of that tribunal was empowered to perform that duty. Willi", of Multnomah, offered a resolu tion inviting the clergy of the state to open each morning with a prayer. This, and the rules of the last session, was adopted. IN THS HOUBB. The committee on credentials reported, and there being no contests, the report was adopted. Judge Bean, of the supreme court, then administered the oath ol ouice to the 66 members. W. P. Keady was then chosen speaker and escorted to the chair. After he had thanked the members, the other officers were elected, as follows: For chief clerk D. C. Sherman, of Ma rion, rep., So; J. a, ueara, ot juuitnomau, dem., 17. For assistant clerk William H. Turner, of Yamhill, rep., 36; S. M. Garland, of Linn, dem., 17. For sergt-ant-at-arms J. E. Blundel, of Douglas, rep., 36; Jesse Spencer, of Benton, dem.. 1". For doorkeeper John 8. Vincent, of Um atilla, rep., 33; W. . D'Arcy, of Salem. dem., 18. A resolution that the speaker appoint two pages and one mailing clerk was adopted. A concurrent resolution informing the governor that the two houses are organized and ready for any communication was adopted, and Northup, Miller and Upton appointed to wait npon the governor and so inform him. , Resolutions were then adopted that the secretary of state furnish the members with a copy of the laws of Oregon, session laws of the two last sessions sad the house and senate journals of the last session; adopted. That each member be supplied with four newspapers; that newspaper re porters be invited to seats within the bar, and that the rules of the last house be adopted until further orders and each of the members furnished with a copy. The bouse then adjeurned. By all meatis let us have water. Tliero is but one way to accomplish this end, and that is to pull together. l'lace the matter in the hands ot a committee competent to handle the question mid abide by their action. Thb present law allowing bridge companies to submit their own plans and specifications for bridges to the county Court should be repealed. The court itself should draw up plans and compel all competitors to bid on the Dame specifications, awarding the con tract to the lowest responsible bidder. Tuesday, January 10. JW THB BOCSB. " ' Senate concurrent resolution for commit tees to investigate the secretary of state and state printing offices was concurred in. Senate concurrent resolution for the pur chasing of 80 copies of Hill's code, second edition, for members, was amended to the first edition and then adopted. Upton introduced a resolution against the sale of non-union made cigars in the rotunda; referred to a special committee- Upton, Ford and Inninn. Resolution for the election of senators and president by a direct vote; made spec ial order for 2 p. m. Monday of next week, House concurred in senate joint resolu tion for a committee to investigate the state land office. House joint resolution for committee to prepare joint memorial on foreign iiu mi gration; adopted. Joint memorial for opening the world's fair Sundays; adopted. Joint memorial forextention of time for settlers to prove up on forfeited railroad land grants ; adopted. Joint resolution by Ormsby for a commit tee to draft a memorial for the early com pletion of the Nicaragua canal. W. E. Baxter, of Tillamook county, was elected calendar clerk, he being the caucus nominee. A resolution for 1000 copies of the gov ernor's message was adopted, 1H THB SBNATB. Steiver offered a resolution extending the time of making final proof on public lands to September 29, 1893, and that the secre tary telegraph the resolution to Oregon' representatives in Washington. Amended so as to read January 1, 1891, and adapted Gates offered a resolution authorizing the ergoant-at-srms to provide each member with 0 worth of stamps and W worth of newspaper wrappers. Concurrent resolutions were auopwm, providing for invosthjrauons of the stats treasurer's books and the books ot the state land office. A communl-atlon from the Portland Chamber of Commerce asking for the re peal of the mortgage tn law was read. House resolution to appoint a joint com mittee of five to prepare joint memorials to congress on foreign immigration ; praying for the early completion of the Nicaragua canal, and the opening of th world's fair Sunday, were concurred iu, and the senate adjourned. THB OQVSRNOIt 8 MBSSaOK. The two houses ot the legislature went Into joint session and listened to the gov ernor's message, which is too lengthy for publication in detail, but we give below the principal recommendations madeby him: . 1. A change in the assessment law. 2. The abolition of useless commissions. 3. A law fixing maximum rates for rail road and telegraph companies. 4. A law empowering mnnicipalities to fix maximum rates oh all monopolies. 5. A iaw authorising the governor to ira p'oy a proeeoutlng witness. 6. A law giving to all state and county officers a fixed salary. 7. A general municipal incorporation law. 8 . A oliange in the road laws so as to se cure good toads. 9. Providing for the arrest and punish ment ot armed men in private employ. 10. The passage of an inheritance tax law. 11. The enactment of a law similar to that of Washington, exemptiag homesteads from execution and attachment. 12. Authority to the school land com missioners to withhold from an county its school fund until all the state taxes from said county have been received. 13. The creating ot a state auditing board. 14, Ko further illegal appropriation of money by joint resolution. 15. Appropriation for a fish ladder at Oregon City. . 16. A change in the law relating to the conveyance of criminals and insane per sons. 17. Instructions to onr representatives in congress to procure appropriation for a portage road at the dalles of the Colombia; to secure the passage of a joint resolution allowing Oregon to nse the interest on the agricultural college funds for betterments on the college property ; to secure an ex tension of time in which payment may be made by settlers for lands within the for feited limits; to vote for the free coinage of silver; the issuance of the paper money of the country by the government alone, and the enactment ot an income tax law. Wednesday, January 11, IN THB 8ENATB. Senator Myers introduced a road bill which provides for the building of roads by money derived from direct taxation, to be levied by county courts, and expended in the county where the levy is raised. The bill creates the office of road supervisor, who is to spend the fund in conjunction with the advice of the connty court. Fur all repairs or new work not exceeding J 50, his personal judgment is supreme, but for larger contracts he must'advertise for bids and award the contracts after consultation with the county court. There is to be a poll tax of 12 on all males between the aires of 21 and 45 years, which may be paid in work. Bridge work is to come in under the road law. President Fulton announced the appoint ment ot the following investigating committees: Land department Steiwer and Cogswell. Clerk hire Denny, Looney, Dodson Cogswell and Myers. Jetty and locks Cross and Veach. State university McGinn and Matlock. State penitentiary Willis and Weathsr- ferd. World's fair commission Woodward and Raley, . IN THB HOUBB. The following resolutions were acted upon: Senate concurrent resolution to investi gate tbe state reform , deaf mute and blind schools, and the oOce of superintendent of public instruction; concurred in. Senate loir, resolution for the purchase of 80 sanies of Hill's code, second edition, Air the use of members; adopted. Senate joint resolutions relating to the world's fair, and to examine into the in sane asylum; adopted. Appreciated Luxury. Snmlny and Monday were gala days for the lovers of sport, Ice skating is s luxury not enjoyed in Oregon every winter, but this time the skating fraternity seem to have been favored to their hearts' content furn limit -J time. The lakes back of tbe city were well patronized Sunday and Mon day until far into the night. The avordu .H, mmm, however, was too great for III1IJWIIIUI 111 ' 'tW A Prize Picture Puzzle. BXPtVsVrTATKMT. Tha fcltewfat ptclrs sustains few faces, a man and kit Ihras dauititara, : Any one mm ami in. aian's boa, bni It la not to way 10 dUuiigulih Um fans of tin ibrea young ladies. To piewn was publUhad In a n aewapapna eoaat tuna ago, and attractad aonaWeraole attention to w ttarxlanl raawliee. We now offer a ihjw prut oomimiUon in cnmwcilon with it. Aa tha aula objc( is tokitreovMour axdtouMi into MS) house, tfweswho eintml tha fomw eonipailtlon ara Jl'it Ml to compete ir thU una. Aa to tba reliability of "The Cora PHI Ca.," ana ih. MlmaiUm b whita MdkuM an bald la Toronto, CmuOa, vtr tiny are bnt known, patrons art ntatiwl n tha daily Mwaaajaia, waalaad drnaiuuand Uniting txalnau laxnss gaaanuly of lowao. . tU sreerlM of "The Far Ml Ce.. wffl l an etoeant patr of Shetland POO' Carrlasr and Ham., iad atfBoq.fdfhWri innypot th. v un irif ptrsn WnO an mf HI H1" mPM wauButni tm saw iwaiajsnsm win i ly'St Cold WatCh. i sapphire, and diamonds. To X fT AO ww jmri will uw a" ipnn...i "tV T -jtainamna, a vwiuv iwiuwiv a t.-Alli. an alcianl Hsnuusi To the Aali.acompbta Lawn auovi icDiuiw blamnnrc;plnaa. To th fturik will ha Ow lenrio. fothaSir.,ilU?ivraa Kodak Oamr. J,ortaur,a 8wlj I Box. To tha m1 a franch Mantol Clock. To .-. an tlwuBa ittK. To the wnu. a French Mantel Clock. To t .amn. Jotbe ,apu-of Crown Porby Vases. fentila Setiand manyotbar prua inonwol went. a.vr Cough Curs." Select any a of tha ahove iaedMS yon drnra. Address ru rora PUrVey." Cor. Wellington ft Bay Su., Toronto, Canada. Tba psnon whose nwloiw U powaarkadnra will ba awarded tha rt prist, and tha others in order of merit. Aa this e-lvee-liaement aiMra aimnltaneotulv throuihout (La United Slates, amy one has an equal oopor- tne Mst correct anewsr win ne given an mrn - fiOO.OU. To the fnl Nim trora tne samuiig a mim aueww tnmty. To the parson sending t Grand Piano, valued at t will ba given a gentlainan'a fine Gold kut correct answer will ba given an leaM Upright O.OO. To the fint rwnnn torn tha UU saiuliiig a cn old "Snudoa" Wtttoh, whkb ttrikee the honra i and quarter Boon oa small catmtinu gong ai ptrauna, ana eanwa mx nvvv, w " -. -:"-0-r"l- Safety Bicycle, pnetunatie lira. To tba WfroaibaM.anmatEngliAShot- Csa. Tathawrt fiomtl.eAut aauitaof Parlor Furniture. To tba AM rtcm tha toil, mleoaaa Silvar Tea Bei-Tlow. To tha rt from tha aarf, an elegant Pluo Lamp. To tha .i. t .1 I.., . rJ fa the mt-klh from tha toil, a VenuilHI uul. a aenuu rrlid anther trr.l inz Trunk. To tha nimtk bom the Utt, two pieces of gauaiae tfCOX Stat nary, and away other priaas la order of swrk. ftPECi Ai patzFs Fon kacot statu. as a ftnt-cteat aach State in tba A special prba of a 811k Drese Pstttern (tUtaen yards, airy eolotX " .i " .1 .k A...h..r t- 'Si. .h.n .i , BOO) wslnaibla nrlsee. taaklaaapacialariata,rirtheraahoiklbeaoattrryiaii Nocbarge iaowuiafcr homing and taMdunilof piuwa. Tba fauna of tba loading pin winners will ba pnhlUhed in connection with Our udveVunaMnt in laading aawspapara Mil anub. Kxtna prtaiiuaia wUl be givm to only thoM who are I ai aBUoaocing oar aMnianna. nnuing m owrsw " v - rivwa awaytohMmdoot ainiadwiruai "Ford 'a Prise BemedlBa.-wbKharaaaodj tZZtCjZL Lt 1U lm in vM aunilw Ibr weara where the have been once Introdoced. AS priee. wiU heawarded atrictiy in order of awit, and with parfoa ailitfaninn B tha pubiia. lraaadias wiU ba aaat by axil, poet paid, and priaea frwe of doty. A WATCIf FOB EVERY COItltFCT AUTHWITH. AneTtrurjanuOTofaiauulna "Foavrl a" Wmteh. (Meat winder,) will lie awarded toevary rna whoaandaa comet satwer within eodays after tbu advertianMatappeara,b caia they should not founIoocr. on. ot UW praaa. TMia. if anyone canjnd thetluwa fane and HdM then within ao OA VI Irom UM SOI una aawniKmBw mvyumiw " . -.,. , r goarantaad atthar ana of tha leading prbea,.or an at 'i T.Tt, lio ia ha noticed that doaa not contain w emu f one of Fore's Pr la ReiiiaxUea. v AdSrsstTHE FORD PILL CO, "37." Car. WclliRgtoa & Bay Sis., Toronto, Canada. F. R. CHOWN, har 3d "w a. 3r h3 stoves! 212 First and 9 Salmon Street PORTLAND CITY WATER WORKS. A Movement Started to Pat la s . Plant. Amass meeting of the citizens ofBt Helens was held in the courthouse Tuesday night for the purpose of discussing tbe ques tion of how and by what means the city could be supplied with water. J. H. 8 wa ger was chosen chairman and George IJt- mont secretary of the meeting. The dis cussion then began, and nearly every man in the house ventilated bis views on the subject. While there were some pretty hot shots exchanged between the speakers, yet each controversy was received in good hu mor, and resulted in the more interest being taken in the scheme, and tbe meeting was unanimous in favor of some system for sup plying tbe city with water. The favorite plan submitted was to erect large tanks on the bluff Just back of the city with pipes leading up and down the two main streets; the tanks to be fed from the river by means of a large pamp. Mr. James Muckle volunteered .to furnish power from tbe mill, until such time as tbe city was able to purchase a steam engine, for a comparatively small Sum. This plan met With tbe approval of roost of those present, and a committee of three was appointed, consisting of A. H. Blaketley, James Dart and B. Cox, to make an estimate of tbe probable cost of such a plant and report their findings to the meeting held last night. A committee of three, consisting of A. H. Blakesley, W. J. Rice and James Muckle, were appointed to prepare a proposed amendment to the city charter which will Tfe fl PPM! akin e only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Ko Ammonia; No AJ - UiTiaa-ajIomc40 YcarS tfc be presented to the legislature asking that body for the privilege of incurring a larger city indebtedness than provided for in the present charter. This ooromittee was also instructed to report at the next meeting. ' DEER ISIiAMD CO Alt MINE. A Representative of The Mist There on Mew Year's Day. Tor five or six months Mr. Wm. 6 lead -man, sf Cast PorUsnd, a coal mine expert, has been prospecting In tbe bill between Deer Island station and Columbia City , in the vicinity of Caples old mill. People claimed that the coal mine was a fizsle that there was bo coal there. Dr. Caples believed la his mine and that coal existed there, but failed to strike tbe right vein. He found plenty of lignite coal, mixed with slate, and people believed that was all there was in it. Last Bmnmer Mr. Bteadraan came here with a small erew of men. In stead of tunneling, be bored holes and kept his findings private which he does as yet bnt bis work shows that be has more than what is in sight. Although there Is no excitement nor booming of real estate, owners are looking forward to the day when ths land will be in good demand. As an evidence that the coal prospecting is not for tbe purpose of getting up a real estate boom, it is only necessary to state that Mr. Steadman does not own a foot of land in this county. .Being an expert eoal miner, having made it a study from boyhood, he is well satisfied with present prospects and is confident of success. Developing Is pro gressing surely, but he thinks it will be sev eral months , before they caa commence taking out coal to any extent. eeteMt ttMke. Good looks are more than skin deep, de pending upon s healthy condition of the vitalorgaas. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look, if your stomach be dis ordered you have a dyspeptic leok and ii your kidneys be affected yonhavea pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the mat alterative and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion, Hold at Edwin Koss' drug store, ouc per oottie. Tbe Best Solve la tbe world for Cnts, Braises, gores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Emotions, and positively cures Flies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded, Fries 26 cents per box. rot Sale Bv Edwin Boss. Always Set the Beet. Persons who surfer from rheumatism want immediate relief. It Is not enough that the paign should be eased, and tbe ap petite be increased. Anything short of a cure is only prolonging torture. The pri sonous acids in the blood, which is the di rect cause of rheumatism, are Immediately and effectually expelled by Dr. Drum mood's Lightning Remedy . Where it fails to perform srenra, the price is refunded . If the draggist cannot furnish it ths rem 'W be sent prepaid to any address on of price, five dollars, Drnmmond i Co., tfWO Maiden Un, Mw mta wanted. Draw Tear Own Conelaelans. Mr. J. O. Davenport, manager of tho Ft. Brace-Redwood Co., Ft. Braeg, Cal., has tbis to say of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy: "I used it for a se vere cold and cougn anu ooiaineu im mediate relief. In the Ft. Bragg Red wood Co.'s store we have told large Quantities of Chamberlains medi cines." For sals by Edwin Ross, druggists. BJ !; far rwkllcaulam. Land O tnce at Oregon City, Orrsns, December t, 1. NOTICE Is hereby given that tha following namrd aettler has Sled notlfe of his inten tion to make Dual Drool in auDuwrl of his claim. and that said uniof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens Oregon, OB January 20, 11WJ1, vis: KIiWAKI) HLACK. Homestead entry no. nwa, lor the nw 'A of see , ttn, raw. He nara tne following wit- naaaes to prove nis continuous resilience upon, and cultivation ol, said land, vis: Ed. A. C'uih Chrlntlan Felber. Prank Bluhop and E. M. Collins, all of Beuben, Columbia county, Ore gon. lUvJl&J i, l. Arrannun, negieiar. Hat ice ter Pwblleallea. Land Ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon. December 20. 1H92. NOTICE Is hereby given that the following named settler tut flled notice of his Inten tion tn make final nroof In suunort of blsclaim. and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at HI. Helens, Oregon, on February It, vm, vis: HENRY TIMONEN, Homestead entry No. SMI. for the wU of eVfof eeJS, ts n, r 4 w. He names the following witnesses to prova nis continuous rssuienre upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: Otiitaf Hendricksou, Oscar u. vvaisonen, rater sonme la. Peter Watteon: all of Clatuksnle. Oregon. d30ft I. T. ArrEKSOn, Kegistsr. Hetlee ter Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, December 1wj2. NOTICE is hereby given thst tha following named settler haa Hied-notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In auuixirt of hia claim. and that said proof will be made before the county uiera ot uoiumuia county, at si, Helens Oregon, ou renruary is, lava, vis: OLOF HIEMELA, Homestead entry Ko. SMS, for the lot t, see St, t t n, r 4 w. Ha names the following wltneuas to firove me oviiiiunoue reeinence upon, ana sul fation of, said land, vis: Oncer O. Waitenen Samlts Joints, Hendrick Walseuen, Henry Tim onen ; all el Clatekaule, Oregon. d0M J. T. Af PERSON, Register. Netlce far Pnblieatlan. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, December m iv2 NOTICE Is hereby riven that the following, named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make nnal proof In aupport of his claim and that said proof will be mails before tha County Clerk of Columbia county, at St, Helens HENDKICK WAIHENEN, Homestead entry No. 70fo. for tha u m ne t S n, r 4 w. He namea the follnwiag witnesses to (in,,, um cuiiiiiiuniia reitiaence upon, and cultivation of, snld land, vlx: OncarO. Walrsnen Henry Tinmnen, Oiof Hiemels, John Tolva; all d 3. T. APPEH80N, Register. Nat Ice far Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, llfAml.. n Ibm NOTICE Is hereby given that the foliowln'r named acttlerhaa filed notice of his Inten tion k mase nnai prnoi in support of his claim end that said proof will be made before tha County Clerk of Columbia St. Helen. PETER JOIltNttON, Homestead entry No. S42S, for the lots ( and lfl sec II, t S n r 4 w, lots 2 and 4 sec 1. 1 7 n r 4 w He namos the following witnesses tn prove his contlmioui resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Joints, Carl Rsntla, Pete. Annunili and Kmll BiuHa. all of CUlskanla ColtimWS,couaty, Oregon. vH.anie, iU L V' APPERB03f. Ulster. NO. 140 niannnrTtn 10 rllii Uiil-Ti Uiawuna. SJLiE.. r..,.,l nor room. V of" o XKatossI nffOpt, rrc must , . , cent, on every suit out. overcoat from regular Marked Pnce,. Men's 112.00 Suits 13.60 " ...... 15.00 " 18.00 " 20.00 " it 2500 30.00 " 4.00 Overcoats. . 7.60 - 10.00 " 16.00 " - 20.00 " ...fio.o ... 12.15 ... 13.60 ... 1980 ... 18-00 , . . 22 60 ... 27.00 ... 4 05 ... 6.75 . . . 9 00 ... 13.50 ... 18,00 Boys' tlOOO Bulls. " 12 00 " . Child's 15.00 " . 6.00 900 .. 10 0 .. 4.(0 640 7.00 " with vssl. .... 1.30 Men's 4.50 runts 5,00 " 6,00 " 7.50 .. 2.00 Umlorwsar , - 5.00 " ...... a" 40 4.60 140 175 1.80 4.50 This reduction is for the entire stock. Our goods are all marked in plain figures. During this wife uw tale ten pr tent. off from every article. Every garment warranted. Money ret unaea j or ui gooa returned, f not soiled. fe Are the Manufacturers. J. M. MOYER & CO., 140 First Street, Corner of Alder, Portland, Or. VNDEB TIIJ0 GILMAW. Farmers' and Merchants' INSURANCE COMPANY, Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - -SECURED CAPITAL, - - PAID CAPITAL, - v. - - - - FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted. Tor particulars spply t Uis oftlce rf Moors Cols, or Ts Muf oOUm. t500,000 247,6W 74,260 EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Streets Portland. Or. DEALERS IN lino. connn Dad Tnn uuuiiv, yav.vv iui lull, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. : Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. Also Fine I.ins cf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS JCASH STORE!, W. J. RliUCECLE 1 CO. -PB1LBRS IK- General" Merchandise, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Queensware. Furnishing Goods, I I Hi rAfn miis 1 .s-n 1 r I I " Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER, - - - OREGON. PIANOS and ORGANS A fine stock of renowned KIMBALL and celebrated HALLET & DAVIS Pianos and reliable KIMBALL Organs can always be seen at my salesroom. , All instruments are bought from manufacturers direct, and sold at lowest prices for CASII or on EASY PAYMENTS. Old Pianos and Organs taken at their full market value in part payment for new ones. SCSCall and see me 0 write for Catalogue and prices be fore buying. LAWSON V.' MOORE. 305 Washingtsn Susst. ; VOLVO'