1 Zk; O tenon .wVe JJultcit Mitri and. Coenty Offlrlal Taper Ht. ILblemb, Dbcbmkcr 80, 1892, ' mmjmiu-J i i aangi'gwgwgs at .' BRIEF MENTION. ' : Bohaol closed last., Friday forthenoii ifasor loonev In at HUUbarO' this week. ' -'-v i ' : Judge Hurley, of rertland, oaraodowii to attend court Monduy, - Arex. McDonald, of Dter Island, was fit the county acatTueday, A groat Win Is anticipated at the calico bull at tli MhsuiiIo liall tonight, probate court next Monday and Tuesday id county court on Wednesday. To the newly married: Fifty pounds extra like feather for tale at Dolninn'i. O. W. lilakesloy l very 111, and baa not onjnyeil good benltli for soni tlmo past. Mr, Kdwln Rom, student at tho Portland medical college, la atboiue fortheholldayi Tomorrow is the lnt day of len-ynr. Tits young ladies have made a good record during ibe past year. iicenne to wed wore Issued by Clerk Quick. Tuesday, to Mrs. M. K. Huul.ii aged SO, uhd J. W. Devlno, aged 29, Mlcse Emily Cox and Mary Burke nrc liiinio frtui the Portlund Uiifvoislty spend- iiir tho holiday vacation. Miss Mary Conyers, of the Oregon City Enterprise, wax vUitlng In St. Helens, tin guest of the Ml.isoi Cox. Tho river 1 rising at tills point very rnp Idly, and a large amount of driftwood flouting seaward. . ' John Dlbblee, of JUliilef, and James tn and Thomas Htulgklns, of Qui mi. wore In ?L Helens, Tuesday. ' Mra. Jacob George, of the St, Helena ho tel, was quite ill for a fuw days, but la now bout again. A number of our young folka(?)attonded the grand ineniuo ball at bcappooso Moil lay nlghl, and report having had royal llino. Killtor Flagg, of the Baloin. Democrat won a caller at this olllce Tneaday lat, and took the night steamer for Aatorla and other polnta. Mr. J. II. Do j tor, advettlslng-aollcltor waa in town Tuesday delivering nicely framed carda containing the ads of the dif ferent buslneia bouses in 8t Helena. Last week the Northern Pacific paid it tinea la Cowlita county, Wash., amount ing to I7.KI2.42. And yet we are told that corporations area curse to (he country. Hubert Futlerton, formerly of Gllllon " who haa been In the mines o( Idaho for aev oral yarn, wai In St. Helens Wcdneaday, eeeralngly not one day older In appearance from tli hardalitpa connected wtui miiier'a lot than when laat here. The rler boata hare been unable, aince the areat storm of las?- week, to niako c.bvdulo time. Since the anow began to melt there haa been denae fog hovering over tho river, and this In connection with limiting Ice lias mado navigation very hax- rdous at night. Sheriff Maude made a trip to Oregan City Tuesday with Osenr Anderson, in search of bonds for the latter, a required by the mandate from Justice Poan'a court at lUinler I'p tothis time Anderson haa hoen unuble to furnish the stipulated guar antee tor hi" appeai-unoo beforo the grand .'. jury, but more than likely it will be iu a fuw days. Owing to tho severpnoss of the storm the miifina who had been engngud for the dramatic entertainment last week were un nlile to be hero.' Hut, thanks to the klnd- nujs of Hlieritt Msssie, Mr. JB. 0. Darling . iind .Mr. W. N. Maserve, the programme waa rarrli'd out with good music aa well as KoihI acting, . to the satisfaction of all ' present. Dr. Willis Morse came down from Snlcm riiiturdsy mjjht to upend Christmas and visit hla mother, Mra. N. E. Polman. The shxttnr is well known in Ht Helena, having lenn lioru unci rotacd here, and hla old friends were glad to shake the hand of their old nchoojnate upon hti arrival, after an ulncneo of aliout two yeara. The doctor ia imw practising medicine at Sitlcni , being asorlulcd with Dr. KIcha'rdson of that lilace, . . Judir McTlrMerame down Sunday night 1,1111 XHUl '- A,h nnil Monday morning opened court (o (in itio business of thia term, which ulahifd up by noon and court ad V 1 for the term. The judge haa net v jlS nexttoconvonccourtforaapecial ft acssion, at which tlmo nioilons will be licard and the preliminary work of the rug' tilur May term will be gone ovor. There will be no Jury summoned for thla day. On Tuesday, while on Ida way to Cowlitz comity, J. W. TinMiam, of Gillton, oalled atTiiR Mist olIU c, where ho met an old friend In the person of our printer, who fonncrly lived In that part of llllnola from wliii h Mr. Tinkhnm -came in 1871). They were greatly tickled to meet encb other, nd were aa chatty aa a couple of school Hills at home on vacation. ; Mr. Cleorge Anderaon, who baa lived In 'olumliia county for aoveral yeara, left yes terday for 111 old home In Cleveland, Ohio, where ha expect to remain In the future. It is,17 years hinco Mr. Anderaon came to Jlils coast, most of which ilino ha lias lived in Columbia county. Alrhough George aya lie will never return, we predict that ' he will chunga his mind after little dellb- A grand calico ball la on the programme t Masonic hall tonight. The ladies will each wear a calico dress and prepare a necktie of the aopne goods aa the dreas, which will bo plaeed in an envelope and Hold to the gentlemen, and the two with i corresponding necktie and dreaa, reapect ivefy, will be partaers for the evening. T(fts ft "ome thing out of the usual order for Ht, Helens, and all anticipate a splendid evening's aport. The tickets, including the eupper at Mrs. Scott'a, will be sold at 11.25. All art welcome. CAU1CO VAIiliUY. Last week's letter, 1 i Mr II family. Ualley spent Sunday with Ills ; 0. Hauervln went to Portland Thursday ro spend a few days. Mr. O. 0. Mover had the misfortune to lose a tine miluh cow Sunday. F. Myers received a telegram Sunday railing him to the bedside of his sick likither, who is not expected to live. ' It conies to us that on Friday last there was a horse buyer in thia vicinity looking up gooil horses, but owing to the scarcity ( iliose animala he only xunceeded In get v ting live head, including two he brought Willi him. They wure going to Portlund from here, hut as we did not see thoin we uiiuio.t p,o.Juyoly suy it U the truth. ; ti A A' considerable number of - crar' peopl nwent on the excursion to itulnler last Fri . uay eveniiig. They did not got away with in two hours of the advertised time for ! afirtlng, and did not retnfh next morning vtitil 6 o'clock. Hut these Utile Incidenta tin not prevent them from having a aplcn dl time, according to their report after re- tuanlng. Snow and Ice may delay a itoam er.liut did not seem to dampen the enthu slosiu of a crowd of Clatakanltos when bent on having a good time, i Schools are having a holiday vacation tills week, expecting to begin again on Monday next 0, a Illmpel and wife were compelled by tho Illness of their child in Portland, to abandon their contemplated visit to Kansas and retiinied to Clutxkanle Instead. The boy seoula quite bright again. Among those drawn to this city to spend Christmas we noticed Mr. and Mra. King and Mr. and Mra. Monroe and families from Aplaiy. The 21-Inch Bnowfall reported at Portland did not quite all getdown this far, we wen Portland a foot better at St. Helena Ku. but tho foot and a half that dropped down on us here was enough to satisfy all de mands In that direction. . . The snow storm of Inst week put a atop for the time being, to the work of planking Mehak'iu avenue, but a good slurt bad been already made sufficient to note the Im provement, uud the wish to see the work nnished as soon as possible. Bu'jio queer-looking sleds came Into town last wtrk, giving the impression .that some persons nad made tlimr. themselves. They answered the purpose, however, and tan be laid away without much loss. One ex cepllon, however, was noted at seeing' a splendid pair of sleds driven by Cameron for TicheuorH1, tluit looked as though they were InUmled for some country , whore sleighing is in order fur winter time. The sight of these sleds made Kusterners wiah for un old time alclgb rule, , , "Where hoofs keep time to music's chime As merrily on we boiind," Professor Clcetnn, mounted on a long- legged horae, started on l'"rl.lay morning for a visit to Vernoniu, whore h expected to spend l nrntnias. ;, l - Christmas came to CldtakanM 411 time and found the people ready. For days the merchants bad been busy showing and selling Christmas goods, and In addition numerous packages had been coming In on the steamer from large cities. The post- office, too, had been both rending- and re ceiving a variety of shopped packages for the occasion. A fine-looking evergreen tree bad been hauled to Conytrs' building and taken up Into the hall, where, after be ing stood upright, it had becrt so profusely decorated and trimmed as to nearly hide the green foliage. Evergreen boughs were placed elsewhere aliout the room so as to produce a tine ellcct. ly 7:30, on Christ inas Kvo. the hut! was well filled by people from far und near, and a literury and mu sical programme commenced by aaelection from the cornet band. Thia was followed by music by an orchestra of three pieces, uftor which recitations by a few of the school children were intersporsed with vocal music by scholars and adults. The recita tions were from rather young soldiers gen erally, but were very well renderod. HWIth' out disparagement to any, "where all did so well, we may say that, having heard "An nle and Willie's Prayer" previously recited on Christinas occasions, wo take ple&oire In stating that wo never heard it rocltcd so well as on that evening by Mabel Black ford. Following the literary part-of the entertainment the tree was lighted hy wax tapers, and a curtain concealing it from die audience, was drawn. Iti appearance was the slgnul for vigorous applause by the nit- diciic. When this aubsided few young ladles, selected for the occasion, began tho distribution to each one present of a box of candy and cornucopia of assorted nuts. following these popoorrt ana cakes were liberally supplied, qnd then the distribution of presents from the tree began. Almost the whole town had brought presents to be given out from here, and there were very few names not called once at least, and many called a number of times. The com mitten in charge took specie! care to see that children not otherwise provided for should have a present from the tree, besides the candy, etc,, already givon, - It took till 10 o'clock to get through, but the exercises made no one sleepy, and an exceedingly tappy looking crowd dispersed at that our. , Mrs. N, 8, Kcasy, before leaving for her home In the Nehalcm valley, tendored her resignation as toucher of the primary school In tbU city, and asked to be released from her contract to teach an additional Ave months. This action was mude noces siiry by home duties. The school board, we understand, are looking (or a successor while they hold tho matter under adviso- mcnt. Circuit Court. The following cases concluded the bnsl ncss before the adjourned session of the October torm of the circuit court: TJ Haycox va. Nehalom Co-operative colony ; C K Kunyon oppolntced ret'eree, to report at the next regular torin. A D Budiman vs. H K Olrard 1 judgment for plaintiff. ' ' J B Heaerve vs.' Gortrudo V. Meserve; decree of divorce granted. E 8 Larson vs. Dean Blanchard; judg ment for plaintiff for the sum of $222.57 aud costs. Edwin 'Merrill vs. Henry Hubert and T II Taylor; judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $'JOI,04, and the further sum of attorney's foes. Norman Merrill vs. Doan Blanchard; judgment for plaintiff for (120.04. Klias Kinder vs. Dean Blanchard; judg ment for plaintiff foi' 1513.01. Stsle of Oregon va. Michel Pirter; de cision of Justice's court sustained. In the matter of w i Muckle, guardian of Philander Harris, va Henry O Kyck manet al; deeds set aside aud judgment for plaintiff. , ; Matter of bills allowed ; C E Runyon, court reporter, $10;, W N Barrett, district attorney, $1)5. ; Wilfred Miller admitted to citizenship. C C Wlleon'vs. KfBe H armor: motion for non-suit sustained and defendant allowed costs in said suit, . C 0 Prichurd vs. I. F Banter: iudmnent for plaintiff hy default. . H K Uirnrd vs. A D Kiidiman : ludcment for plaintiff for 1230.85. Hex Caoles vs. School District No. 1 1 : continued for the term. Accident Made Cripple. So does Rheumatism, and after a time It kills, tool Dr, Drummond's Lightning Ucmeuy relieves the pain at once, and is larranuiu to cure uuo notue, price live ollars. Is enough for any ordinary case. you cannot get It from your druggist, lie to the Driimmoiid .MeliolncCo..-l,M no Maiden Lune, Now York. Agents wanted. ,i TIDK CHEEK, ' .The country lookavery wlnterlsh out this way, and U they would break the roads we would have tine sleighing. ' Mrs. 1. 8, Bumgardner'a aunt, Mies Mary Htrstton, of Woodland, Wash., bos been visiting friends for the past week. : ! Mr. -Ar Anderaon has returned to his jiome at Hcappoose. We regret hts depar- ture very much, he being a nice dancer and an agreeable friend. 3 K. II. Olrty mada flying trip to Port land last week, John looks loneaomo since bis visit to the Hill. Call again, John. One of the prominent young men ol upper Tide creek appeared to enjoy his Christmas very much, fr on his way home he was heard singing " J im-along Josey" iu a very high key. The dance at I. 8, Bumgardner'a was a success, it being a surprise to him and in honor of his birthday. A large crowd at tended and a splendid lunch was served at midnight which hts wife and sister, Mils Mary, had the honor of cooking. Dancing was kept up to a late hour uud all went away as happy aa could be. Coons are becoming numerous In this vi cinity. , , . -, THK ENTEHTAINMKNT, An Appreciative Audience Witness 4 "I'lie Spy of Gettysburg." - The St. Helens dramatic club has reason, to feel proud of tho reception tendered llier.i oil Thursday night of lust week when "The Spy of Gettys burg" wits produced at Masonic Hull. Notwithstanding the inclement weath er tho house was crowded to its utmost capacity and utamliug room was at a premium. It whs remarkable the close attention accorded the play and "the players throughout tho performance, and the merited applause from the nil dieuce was evidence that Townsend's military production by home talent was duly appreciated. The play was in four acts, lusting over two hoars. Following is the cast: ; Oenoral Mo.vte.. .Fred Simpson Harry Lenox, a Federal scout u. 14, iiecxer Major Timothy tf'apluy .,, James ltix Uuelo Mono Milker..... Thomas Cooler Cyril Blackburn, the Mack sheep. ...J. K. Heosle Solomon, au independent "ch . L. Colburn I .'111, nun Warren. Federal onicer..C. W. Hlakrsloy Jciilson, Ulankhurn's Handy uinn .Henry Itinut Mala:! Meredith, a true uirl.... Jennie U. Muckle untie Kvans. nercouiiii .....losie v.urovos Mrs. ilo-cs Mult-ay, .Nellie Decker Mis. J. (J. Muckle as the leading lady, supported by Mr. L. L, Pecker, did excellently, and the ease with which her very difficult part was ren derod brought forth the congratula tions of the entire audience." Miss Josie droves and Mr. James Cox, representing the comedy part of the play, were tine, miss jobib is in deed an artist in her role, and with almost every word and gesture from her the house fairly went wild with en thusiasm. Being a natural elocution ist, it was with ease hor part was so well rendered. Mr. Thomas Cooper and Miss Nellie Decker as Mr. and Mrs. Mulveydid their parts well, and although theirs was rather the matler-ot-fact part of the performance, their every action was watched with great interest. Mr. J red Simpson as Oen. Meade did his work with a great deal of dig' mty, while C. W. Uhtkesley and II Runtr as privates in the Federal and Confodorate armies, respectively, were received with repeated applause. Mr. (J. L. Colburn as the colored but ler in a fashionable family was "on deck" on all occasions and provoked laughter throughout the evening. Mr. J. it. Beeule, in the part which the club thought him host lilted for the - villain carried out his little scheme very well for a time, but was finally captured and murdered by tho bluecoius. Taking everything into considers Ubu "The Spy oi Uettysburg" wsb pronounced by Critics to be a very in tcrestitig drama, and some even went so far as to say tliev had seen worse lays at Cordray's and the Marquam ;, ,. A SAD DEATH. : ': Ell Foster, of Ilcuben, reriahed in tho Snow Storm. On i Wednesday of last week Eli Foiled, of the lirm of Foster fc Foster, of Heuben, accompanied by a young man by the - name of iiluokety, went duck, hunting on Deer Island. The two separated at their boat landing on the laliiDd, agreeing to meet there iigriin later in the day. AU day the snow came down In blinding volumes, and when night cunie on Blaukety re turned to the boat ana waited until fur nto the night for Foster's return, und at intervals fired his gun 113 a signal, fearing that his companion had been lost. Finally Blnekety went home and notified Foster's family of the circumstances and a search was at once commenced that night by a large pissse, who scoured the island iu till directions, but no trace of tho unfor tunate young man could be found. AlmoBt every foot of the island had been truversed, andthe tracks of the unfortunate man could be seen every where. Saturday evening about 4 o'clock a younger brothor came upon tho object ot their Jong search stand ing in about eight inches of water in a small slough about 600 yards from the residence of Jack iituley. When found the lifeless form of Mr. Foster waa standing erect, covered with snow, and had the -appearance of a stump. But the young man beingniliar with the lay of the country knew that there was no stump there and at opce made an examination, and to his groat astonishment there stark and cold in death stood his lost brother, looking as natural as life wjjen the snow was re moved. In his nidified rk'ht hand was u duck whiob he had killed. His gun has not yet ben found. He was' tanding faced toward home, and it is the opinion tliat, being completely worn out from exhaustion and chilled through, death muet have come from heart failure.. A coroner was at once summoned, but the') inquest revealed the fact that no one was in any way to blame. The dead, man was taken to his home, and from there the inter ment took place at Neer City, under the auspices of the Masonic order, of which deceasml was a member, on Monday, followed by about 150 people, mong wnom were Vi Masons in hue of maroh. : ' I . Mr. Foster was a young man about 26 years of age, und highly esteemed bv all who knew him. He was a stepson of R. R. Foster, of Reuben, where he had resided for many years. In his death the community and eountv loses an honored citizen and the Ma sonic fraternity a boloved brother. Tho loss to the grief -stricken family is irreparable, v . , Sinmrajiteed Dure, We authorize our advortlsod druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted. with a cough colli or any lung, throat or chest trouble, arid will nrtt this remedy as dlfected, giving It a fair ti la!,, and experience no benefit yon may return, the bottle and have your money refunded. We could riot make this otter did we oot know that Dr King s New Discovery rnuld be rolled ou. - It never dis appoints. Trial bottles free at hdwln Iloss drug store. Large size 60c and el. There' Nothing Cneas) About 11 Dr. Drummond's L'chtnlng Ttemedy for rheumatism is put Up fn large bottles, and the price Is live dollars a bottle. It cures every time. All the cheap remedies put tO' izctlicr are not worth one hot tie of Dr, Drniiimond'a Lightning Remedy, and any sullen r wilt bear witness to that fact, and any druggist who bos sold It is ready and willing to offer evidence. One bottle will euro any ordiitary case, and the money will he returned if it fails. Sent to any ad dress prepaid on receipt of unee. Drum mond Medicine Co., 48-f)0 Maiden Lane New York. Agents wanted.;. Not from a. Financial fttaiidpolat, "I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy from a financial stand point, for we have others in stock on which we make a lurger profit," snys Al. Noggini, a prominent druggist of Iiraddock, renn., "but because many of our customers have spoken of it in tho highest praise;-- We sell more of it than of any similar preparation we have in tho store." For sale by Edwin iloss, druggist. A Cure lor Croup. II ynnr children are subject to croup, always keep a bottle of Cham berlain's Couah Remedy at hand. It is a prompt und certain cure. If given as soon n the crouy cough appears it Will prevent the nttaek. For sale by Edwin Rots, druggist. . in Invaluable Hemedy far Cold Sheriff Hardman, of Tyler county W. Va., whs prostrated with a cold when bn begun using Chamberlain's Cotigh Remedy. In speaking of it lie says: "It gave) me nlmost instant re lief. 1 find it to bo an invaluable rem edy for colds," For. sale by Edwin Ross, druggists From New berg. C. F. Mooro & Co., prominent drug gists of Newbere, Ore., say: "Since our customers have become acquainted with the good qualities of Chamber- laius Cough Remedy, we sell but little of, any other kind. Chamberlain's medicines all give good satisfaction." For sale by Edwin Ros, druggist. W H. DOLMAN Has the St. Helens . iftmcv ma pBRADLEYsMETtAlFC!fe , i;l wfcLtBn ATfcD IVWilPV' ESTABLISHED 1843 THE BlOCESThtJOT IN THe WoRLO 1SNX.HMS urvwoHru A Large Invoice of Stylish and ... Duruhlo Footwear Just Received. ' Trices of old Slock Greatly Reduced. PORTLAND Marble Works. Manufacturers of Monuments, Headstones, ' And all - kinds of Jtfnrbio, Granite. rjlonework, Tablets, Curbing, eto. Special esliuiales fur any desired work tarnished on application. - 20S First St., bet. Itiull ion ami Jefferson, I'onlaiid, Oregsll. Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor CoiiiiiiDia eouniy. In the mutter of tho estate of Moses Mo- Grew, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Nancy A. Mc- Grcw, the adniinistrutrix of the estate of Mn.cs MuGrew. deceased, has tiled in said court her dual account and petition for distribution of tho residue of said estate; also that said court lias appointed Saturday, tho 7th day of Jamiury. 13, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day and the courtroom of said court at the City of St. Helens, Culuin bia county, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearineof said matters, when and where any and all persons interested may imni-ar and contest the same. -The follow ing; is a description of the said residue of said estate now ready for distribution, ta nk: The eV of sc and e ofseiand aeji of Ditii of section 13, t5n,r3 w Co- uiiibta county, urepon, ana containing lw acres. MAMJY A. McliltrSW, Administratrix of estate of Moses McGrew. deceased. . . niLf.AKD A COLE. d2d30 ' ' Attya for Administratrix. CKEAPEST WATCH l THE WORLD. AKKHH'ii aortmiMT, sni.a ri BrnaktAM ditflutlltT III SwIllllB KU KKT REUtlRKU, cun furnltih a 000B ERICA! WATCH fQH .50. ttivrtf ore oust to tlio iuUllth of thli tty, ttml 0UARANTEE to ttaep KiM Unto for 0ff TEAR. Vhh((od nm ll will run parftcMy fcw U jMtr. It U Imply triumph of Amtiictui la gonulif nd BkHl, MhiH bj controt lor us m lott of 100,00 tin torguai order lor vlct)V ert flvon. Ifnc m pric In astrffon wtflii mnw 7T mkln(( Umm jeart of experiment uiJ Erwenti It two-thlrdi elM. llnvement li American Law ftiitcrn riiiUm mo boata tumtnuto. fsrlMUy ivUutwd, re Ituintitd and toetwl. IUi patent wtndtnff fcttachinont r OHlrlrn tto key. M allot) pnnt.iiuld tnt l,Oi 8 for C4.0U. nd wo will jKwii'i'tymt with imnUmnKoUl plated chttln Empire Watch Co., New York. 8 W III iik-mi T J ... - li 1 x my -Manufacturers ROUGH - Fir and Cedar Lumber. Clear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Material . Constantly on Hand, Clatskanie, - ' - . - Oregon. Are You Prejudiced Many people tbink it necessary to go to some large city to find a first-class Don't you believe it; because you can be convinced that there is a first-class drug store here by calling on . Edwin ISos, Who carries afine and varied stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, Fresh from the Factory. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced chencist. St. Helens, : : : Oregon. CLATSKANIE LINE.- STEAMER G. W. SHAVER. J. W. SHlVER, Master. Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens, Columbia City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt Cofiin, Uradbury, Stella, Oak .Point, turning Tuesday, Thursday, and MUCKLE Manufacturers of LFHBEE GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ST. HELENS, OK. Josetsli Helloes & Joseph Kellogg FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leaves and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs day, and Saturday at 6a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAINIER at & a. m. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving Returning leaves Portland at 1p.m., arriving at 6 p. m ' on't Buy ANYWHERE BUT DRUG i -YOU WILL Freshest, Purest, and -AT Clatskanie Drug ' Stores v . DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. . Hart & Sweetland, Proprietor. St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats. Saasaare. Fish and vegetables. - ,. - Meals by wholesale at special rates. , ... Express -wacon run to all parts of town. and charges reasonable, , of ana dealers in- AMD - DRESSED and all intermediate points, re baturday. BROS., Co.'s River Steamers, and Northwest. KELSO Monday, Wednesday, at Portland at 10:30 a. m. Your rugs AT A REGULAR STORE, FIND THE- Best of Everything THE - Land Offle at Orsson Cltjr, Oreson, Jecmrr o, I Mia, N' OTIC! Is herofcT clran. that tha follow I nansd ttlr has nld notle ot his iuln- tlon to mnk final Dronf In support of his claim, nd that said proof will be made befora tha County Clerk of .Columbia county,, at SL Helans, Oregon, on January 26, 1X93, yU: CHRISTIAN FSLBSB, Homestead entry No. 6024, for the U of neK, swof no!i, and ne'i of of nee ad, t b, r 4 w. lie names the following witneKnea to prore his continuous residence upon and cultiTation of raid land, rli: Kd. A. Cunhman, Kd. Black, Krank BuhopauS E. M. CoUini, alio! Keubeu. Columbia eounly, Oregon. dMl J. T. ArPERBON, Beglater. ShcrlTs Sale. 8TATK OF OTlKOOyT ) County of Columbia.! " ; BY VIRTU1C OK" AN KXKCUTfnM and order of sale tttuied out of li.a nr. uit court of the Ktate of Oregon, for !; county of Onluuibia, toniedlrrcied,fnfavur of John Maynurd and against M. ti. Worjmt , and Pauline aiurKaut fur tuvaum v w dollars, judgment, with interest nt the rat of H per vent, per annum from the 18th day of October, lffe attorneys fees S0 00 dol. lars, and the farther sum of $35.10 dollar coats and accruing cost, commanding mm to make sale of the followiiig-deecribedreal property, to-wit: The northwest quarter o( section 8, In township 7 north, range 6 weal Willamette Meridian, embracing 100 acres; together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereinto belonging or in anywise appertaining; all being situated in Columbia county, Htate of Oregon, I duly levied npon said premise en the iUnl day of November, 1802. Now, In (pnrsuano of said execution, f will, on the 31st day of December. IBM, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. li. of said way, at the Courthouse door in said county anal state, sell at public auction all the right, title, claim and interest in and to the abor described real property of said II. J. Mor- an and Pauline Morgan to the biglieat idder therefor, for cash to satisfy said exe cution, interest and eosta. - li. A. MA881B. d2d30 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or. Notice far Pabllcatloa. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregea, Uccamoer . ISM. NOTIC'I Is hereby given that Ihe followlag named aettler has Died notice of hit Int.a lion to make final proof in support of his elala, aud that said proof will be made before lh County Clerk of Columbia county, at it. Ueleu, Oregon, on February 14, 1SS3. via; . HENDHICK WAISENEM, Homestead entry No. TON, for the swl of see M. tan, raw. Mmnwo luuowing wime tn prove his continuous reldem-e upon, aa4 cultivation of, aaid land, vli: OaearO. Walrene. Henry Tlmonea, Olof Uiemela, John Tolva; all of t'latkaie, Oregon. dSOfS i. T. APPERSOX, Keglstar. Ittlc far rvbllea,tla. Land Office at Oregon City, Orago. December M, 1SS1 NOTTCR is hereby given that the follow lag named settler haa filed notice of his Iniea tlon to make final proof in support of faiaelaiaa, and that said proof will be made befora tk County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena, Oregon, on February 14, ISM, via: , HENBY TIMONBN, Homestead entry No. (041. forth w of eU of ec2, tS n, r If, lie names the following witnesaea to prove hla continuous raaldenr upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, vis: Onatal Iiendrickann, GacarO. Waiaenen, Pater Bon ma in, Peter Wattaon; all of Clatakanie. Orego. daOK l.T. APPKKtloN, Begiata. lie far a?ik)liesilesi. Land OfOr at Oregon City, Orego. December laat. NOTICE Is hereby given that the following named aettler haa filed notice of his lutaa tion to make final proof in support ef his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before lit County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Hole Oregon, ou February 14, 1893, via: OLOF HIEMBLA. nomeatetd entry No. 4B48. for the lot , see to. In, rt w. He names the following witneaeee I prove hla continuous reaidenee upon, and cul tivation of, aaid land, via: Oscar O. Walseneaa, gamits Jolma, Hendriek Waiaenen. Henry Vlaa onen ; all ef UuUakanie, Oregon, dwn 1. T. AFPEKfiON, Beglater Notice far raklscattlasi. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregeei, . NorembsriS, lsts. N OTICE Is hereby given that the following, nuuied settler haa filed notice ot hla inten tion te make tiual proof In aupport of bis claim, and that aaid proof will be mada before tba County Clerk of Columbia county, at St Helena, Oregon, on January 12, lata, vis: HANDEL H. BOYEB, nomeatead entry No. 9182, for the neof see 17. ti n,riw. He names the following witneaace to prove his continuous residence npon. end cultivation of, aaid land, vii: under aection 2301, B. 8.; J. it. Archibald, Hamuel Fowler, John Jaques, Lawrence Archibald; all of Bcoben,C luinbiacounty, Oregon. J. T, APPEKSON, d2j .... Beglater.-'" ISatlc tar fablleatlaa. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregea. December, ISM. NOTICE is hereby given that the fallowing, named aettler has Hied notle of Ms inten tion to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that said proof will be mad before Saw County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens' Oregon, on January 20, 1S93, via: EDWARD BLACK, Homestead entry No. 6982, for the nw M of ae 29, t f n. r 2 w. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous reaidenee npon, and cultivation of, aaid land, via: Ed. A. Castf man, ChrUtian Felber, Frank Biahopand B. ML Collin, all of Reuben, Columbia county, Ore gon. IU9J13 J. T, APPEBSON, Beglater. JExcatra Natle. Notice Is herehr riven that i sisrned executor of the last will and testa ment of Margaret J. NefT, deceased, baa duly qualified as such executor. All par sons having claims against said stat ant hereby notified to present thena sa n watat proper vouchers, at the law ofltoa of DiUarel & Cole, in Ht. Helena, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated at St, Helens, Oregon, thht Mth day of NoTember, 1892. . PKTEtt K. LOneiONODT, Executor of the Last Will anal Tea tarn entef Margaret J. Neff, deceased. - tM3 EUGENE HANNEMI Wholesale Dealer 15 IUPOKTXD AND DOMI8TIC Yines rLiqnors DISTILLER'S AGENT. 4T rreat Street, Partlasial, BvwaTaea. NaUce ta Craaltara. ' Notice Is hereby Griren that the nnder- signed administratrix of the estate of Ott Peters, deceased, nas duly qualified at aach administratrix. All persons haying claim against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me with proper voucher ar. the law office of Dillard & Cole. In St. Helens, Oregon, within six months froaa this dote. Dated at Ht. Helens. Oregon, this 24th day of November, Oti.NAI I. 1-KIK.KH. Administratrix of the estate of Otto Peters, deceased. d3dM CITATI). In the County Court of the 8tte of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Charles Ja pera, deceased . ' The State of Oregon : ' To Mary Jaspers, Leon Jaspers. Gnstara . Jaspers, Peter Jaspers, and to Ervin T. Jaspers, heirs at law of Charles Jaspers, deceased, and to all other heirs un known, if any such there be : Greeting : BY ORDER of this Court, you. the aaid Mary Jaspers, Leon Jaspers, Guatava Jaspers, Peter Jaspers, and Ervin T. Jas pers, heirs at law of Charles Jaspers, do ceased, and to all other heirs nnknown.lf any such there be, you and each of you ar hereby cited to appear before the County Court of tho County of Colniubia, Stat of Oregon, at the Courthouse on the th day of January, 1893, at 10 o'clock A. M. of thai day, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted to the admin istrator of said estate to sell so much of th hereinafter described real astat belonging to the estate of said decedent as may be ne cessary to pay the debts of said decedent, and the expenses and charges of adminis tration. The following is a description f the real estate petitioned to be wild, to-wlt: The southwest K of section 1 in township, 7 north, range 5 west, containing 160 acres; also the northwest X of th northeast j. and the northeast U of the northwest H of section 29 in townsliin 8 north, ran, a .t of the Willamette Meridian, and contain ing fiOacres ; all situate in Columbia eount. State of Oregon. , In testimony whereof I, E. K. Quick, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set ruv hand and affix the seal of aaid ( 'ourt, at office in the Ct t v of 8t. Helens. IUL!l rui uaj w jiuTniuucr, IWi. IsiaM e. e. quick. dlMSO . ' County Clerk.