The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 30, 1892, Image 1

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    1 :W!'W'Jj.CUiAdkJbi'iv u&S-foU-X. sii&id
VOL. 10.
' . ' -it-', ' .' '
J, R. BEEOLE, Manager.
On copy on yar In Advaui'
On copy sis. mouths
Slnst copy
.11 to
,. 7
AaWerllanig Kale.
Profei.lonal eard nu year
On column una yr. ,
Half column on aar...,.
Quari.r oolnmn mi. yar
On Inch on inonlh
On Inch thre month..,....
On Inch ill muutln. ., ....
Loosl noilos, .Hentspr lln lor tint In er
nan: 10 earns DAMlll lor aen iium"ii.ih in
I..irl .flv.rtlMm.iiti. Il.ty) pr Inch for (1r.t
In.arilon, and 74 r.uu ir lutih lor (ih sub.
a,uutiusriion. r- '
Casuitr Ulcers,
.... Dr. ii Blaiiehard, Rlnlr
........ K. K. Ualitk, 8'. iiiii
8n It A. Man ... . Hrl.i
Tr....r r K. M. W barton, column t;iir
kapt. ol School. T. 1. :irtia, Vrnonia , w. II. ajrser, Baiuier
Surveyor... , A. B, Mill. Hauler
., , . 18. O. Nubo mor.r, V.rnonl
ll. w. Bnii Mayser,
.j ... . Saciaty Halloas.
Masohic t. Hlm Lods, Vo. M-K.fular
smuiuuu cation, ll mi ami iniro namruar in
ub manlli tT.aor. H. t Muonlfl bill..
liif in.iubarslu food standing lnvltd to t
(,,(. I
MASoKc:.-Ralnlr Mft, No. 4.-tal4
aln ttatimlNv mi or liAiura earh full moon
at 7:J r. m. at Masonic, ball, ovr Wanehard's
tor. Visiting utsiiiuer. Ill goon naninin in
sited to tuuil,
in. n vei.i.ow Hi. Helens l.odn No. 117
Meets nverv Hatimlav niitlit at 7:1.0 Tremlent
brethren in ood standing cordially liivltefl to
aueiiu. - - ,
W.'S-.. Th . ntlS.'
Powu rlvr (tioat) clnn. at S:S0 a. at.
' l! rlvMr iliiitttl ilnNN at 4 P.
' Th mall lor Vrnonla ami i'ltubiirr '.ava
St. Melons Mmiia), Wednesday ami. Friday t
I a. at. . . .
Th mall lor Hamuana. t;iataaauie aim .
leaven (41111111 Monday,
, v iiiittOjr ami rriuay
,v (Mall.
rrailwarl mirth elo.
a' It) A. u.; (or
J'iml.ud at P. M. . utde Hlr
HTHAHiad. W. S V- Ive W. Hln
V for Pnrtlmirt at II A. . Tday, 'lhrdav and
HHtuntay. Iav t. Holmi lor ( laukanla
" Monday, Weiliily mnil rrKMyata w a, m.
'Jtkamkii Iiiuiii-Iav Kt. Halciii lor Port.
' . lud 7:46 A. M, ruurulug M f.m r. a.
KtHamkr JoKKPH Ki.i.ono lvHl. Illn.
lot Portland dully exitpt Htitiday, at 7 4. a., ar
' aivlnu &t Portland at I4.IM: . returning, !
Porilanv at 1 v. .. arriving at tit. Helen M.
JR. 11. R. CI.IrF,
81. Heleim, OrcK"
)tt. 1. K. HAM, ,
Cliitikitnl. Col uiu bin county, Or.
Kalnlfir, Oregon.
WILLIAM 0 HIS W 01.1),
St. Hblkn8,
AH Work Oimrnntecd
T. A. McIUidi.
A. 8. 1)iiiua,
Oregon I'lty , Oregon . "
Prompt nttention given lanil-odice btmlnesf.
B. Ll'l'TLK,
Ht, Helens, Oregon.
.Cnniity surveyor. I.und mirvryiug.tnwn
plutllng, Bnfl engineering work promptly
dune. . . . . .f
W.T. Hurnm. J, V, Dbaph.
' ' Oregon City, Ori'gnn.
A V... , , ... . . -
Twelve year' expi-rli'tu e na Ueginter of
Hie United Ktntos Lanel OHIcc here, reeoni
mends us In oils apecinlty of nil klnda of
biiMlneas before the Lniiil OlHoe or th
trnnrts and Involving the tlniiernl l.nd
office. .... - . .
s ' , Oregon City, Oregon.
( I. ate aperiul agent of ( lenerul lain) office. )
d. I're-eniution. and Tiinher
Ad amilicationa, and other Liuul Offlc
buslneB a apccialiy. Ofllce, uconil floor,
LaudOflh-e BtiiUlinsr,
J, George, Proprietor. .
Tables always supplied with thebent edible
; and delicacies the market atlorda. ." .
Having bcon newly refurnlslied, we
are prepared to give satisfaction t all
our patrons, and solicit a share of your
" patronage, "i 1
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Heal K.tutc brnifdit, sold and maiiairod ua
ooiuiiiImmIoii, rem t collected and
attracts made.
Farmers and Merchants,
German American
And other Inmirnnre Coin panto, nitb
vombliiod Aiauta ofll,IUO,oua.
t'luiatiianle, , '
- Oregon
C. L. COLBURN, Proprietor.
lias Boon
Refitted and
Only Baths in the City.
the htkamuu
la now makliiK regular round
v . trips from .
Daily Except. Wednesdays,
Lcavisu OAK POINT.;. ...,,,4:40 A. M
' KAIAM A ,,.,,,.7:l '
' 8T. IIKI.KN4....; 8:00
AamviRO I'OKTI.AMK... . , . . .11 :0U
...1:10 P.
Tbe GcleLrated Frenclj to.
Warranted A DU Rrt t ITI M C or money
wvura . imwi . refunded.
Is Solo ox a
tocureaur form
or any diiHirUerof
the generative or
(ana oi eittieraex,
whether arlnloe:
Oseot Htlniuwntii,
Tolmi'co or Opium, or throupjh youtlilnl Indlnera.
iioo, over luuuiReuee, dee, alien
i'ower, Wakerulm'NH. Bearlinrdc
Mrk,HemfnalWeaknivn.Hviiter!a. Karvnua Pnm.
tratlon, Noeturnal KinlMioun, l.eni-orrhoa, 1)1..
llneM, Weak Memory, I,o. ol Power and imno.
ii.-7. ui?Hi'ie.ii.neii lean hi premature
old aim and In.anity. I'rli-a J 1. 00 a bm, 6 botes
lor Hent by m.ll on rwh.t of iirleo
every f ...wi onier rereiTCO, n.reniml til moiiev 1(
a permanent cure la not eflorted. We have
thoUKAml.o! teetlmonlal. fmtn nl,l mnA .mm.
of both aoxea, who have liecn iiernianvntly enrid
uy iovuavoi Apuruuitinei t.ireiiiarin. Adureiii
Wuateru ilnuicb. Box 87. Porti amd..'Ih.
For sale by EDWIN 11088, Ir:goist
St. llelon. Or'
Model Saloon.
I. STANWOOD, Prou'r.
, , Choice. Wines.
iouors(8nd Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Billard and Pool Tails
'or ftis Poeommodation of Patrona
)o Wrinl?
von l4 lliul the must divdrable nluce to
purchnso vour' invlgnrntor."
Keeps constantly an hand the fuinous
iiban Blossom Cigars.
lie finest line of Wines Liquors and
Cigilrs to be found this side of I'ort
hiiid. And if you wish to
engnge in it iimne of
hev can asstue you that they have the
best" luble in town. Kverytliing new sod
nent, and your patrotmge Is respectfully
solicited . . : ; ' : , .
St. Helens, Oregon. "
A new and complete treatment, ronalatlusrol
Suppositories, Ointments n (Jaianiles, also In
liox ftun i n is : n rimi i v e v.urp iui cAiuniiu, in
ternal, Hllini nn nteeninir, iieiuns, iiromu,
Iteeent or Hereditary riles, and many other
dlHeanen and female weakueos: It Is altvaysa
liroal boutillt to the awurid health. The tlrst
IHCOVOry Ol a nieilliiai eore " ujiu-iw-
oii with tne knife uimeresnary hereafter. This
Hntoilv hm never been known to fsll. 11 per
ho. fur tfi: sent by moil. Why suffer from this
terrible disease when a written guarantee is
given with 6 boxes, lorMund the. " if
cured. Send stamp '
Issued by WoodaH'
aud Ketail Pruggl'
Turnkey French at Boise Kills
His Convict Assailant.
Diamond Fields In Idaho Creating
Intense Excitement An
Editor Acquitted.
Phoenix, A. T., has a tree-delivery
postal system. '
o.kxr.l 1 rt . t n i n. tj.l.
iiiBii.Luin.i nmii. , ..'Hi u. ill ...a mm
The diamond field. In Idaho am M J
ina intense excitement at Nam pa and
The (oar-masted barkentine Jane L.
Stanford, the largest wooden sailing ves
sel ever built in California, waa success
fully launched in liuinboldt Bay recent-
y. . K ..
Ttirnkev French waa attacked In th
Tdnhn nAnltjinHarw At RniaA h fiamflA '
llatton, a desperate convict, and in self
defense French stabbed and killed Hat
t' n.
. The Chamber of Commerce at Los An-;
geles by a resolution has requested the
Governor to recommend that a branch '
of the State Treasury be established in
that city.
Citisens of Florence. Or., desire that
that town shall be incorporated, and a
charter is now being prepared for sub-1
mission to the people before the Legis
lature meets.
In the cvart-martiel at Mare Island on
(he Mohican case the testimony so far ,
taken goes to show that there was some .
friction among the officers at the time
i f the accident, and also that the Mo
hican was inefficiently manned. -
Granireville, Idaho, proposes to make
an active fight to secure the location of
the State Agricultural College at that
point. The experiment nation on Camas
t in, . . . ,
orairiB in in excellent conaiLion. ana av-
pertinents will be begun next spring,
mainly with grasses at first.
John Manning, a Los Angeles ouftilist.
who was cut lat week bv a raior in the
hands of Pom per Smith, was reported
dead. As Dr. Bryant was about to cut
him up with the scalpel. Mannina sud
denly came to life. An undertaker was
on hand with a coffin to put Manning in.
An order of the Secretary of the Inte- I
rlor recently issued is of great import
i ! l i. -i : it . i
ance to the horticultural industry of
Southern California. "It creates a reser
vation In San Bernardino county cover
inn about forty-eight townships and ex
tending from Cajon Pass on the north to
8an (Jorgonio Pass on the south, taking
in the watershed upon the mountains.
By a decision of the Secretary of the
Interior a number of persons who have
made beautiful homes on a tract in the
heart of the choicest horticultural re
gion of Los Angeles connty, six miles
northwest of Pomona, find themselves
without any title to their land. The
land was sold by the State, and the Leg
islature will have to be looked to to in
demnify the innocent persons.
The 02 irovernment dike at Snas Isl
and in the Colombia river has been com
pleted, and the gangs of workmen were
taken to the mainland. The dike is 19.-
000 feet in length, and is placed in the
iii ow v loiue viie vurrtms mw Mia
old river channel and to keep the river
river so as to force the current into the
ouuuing as mari points snow mat
the channel is steadflv increasins in
depth. i
The Wolcott reports that in the recol-
leotion of sea-farina- men on tha Coast
there has never been so many drift logs
in tne (Strait oi uca as at tne present
time. Tke biirh freshets have swept
down the fallen logs of ages and sent
them adrift to the sea. Logs that havs
been buried in tho sand for years along
the beach below Port Orescent have been
washed up, and in some places great dama
of logs are formed, rendering ft dancer-
ous lor navigation.
Ti e monster whale that came ashora
at Elk Creek ab ut a month ago is rap
idly melting awsy over hot Ores at Mr.
Logan's ranch. A large force of men
are rendering the blubber, which is in
an excellent state of preservation, and
the result wilt be nearly 100 barrels of ex
cellent unrefined oil. The whalebone,
which averaged three feet in length, was
taken out some time ago, and foots up a
total weiirht of about 300 pounds. Tha
skeleton, as soon as denned, will be set
up in front of the Logan house at Elk
Articles of inorporation of the North
ern American Navigation Company were
filed the other day at San Francisco by
a number of the prominent residents of
that city. The corporation is formed
with a capital stock of $3,000,000 and
for the purpose of purchasing or build-
ing vessels to carry on business as com-
mon carriers between San Francircoand
Panama, and then to make connection
with the Panama Railroad Company's
lines or other agencies that afford com-
mnnication with New York and another
Atlantic ports. Thetermof the coroo-
ration is given as five years. '
On a charae of criminal libel at Port-
land George H. Moffutt. editor of the '
Teltaram, has bnen arouitted. The al- .
Imred Uriel nnnaiatarl In an arflola nnh.
lished prior to the citv election last June, I
charging a nurobr of persons with levy-1
ng assessments on eamblina houses and
SlinBB!j,f 0f the.hone ' il repute
to be i used in carrying the election lor
the Republican ticket. Judge Shattnck
instructed the iurv that the levvinir of I
of assessments to be used in a political
campaign was not a crime, and that, I
tnereiore, no lluoi had been committed. Plains tne ex-uuanceuor s surprising the people, and that they have no
The other night an Individual called ' Impudence in bluffing the German authority to debar the public from en
at the residence of Father O'Riellv. a throne. I tnnna tn It an riav tn the vear.
Catholic priest of dlton, San Bernar-
dino county. Cel., and asked him to '
.n1 r0' y-
ing man beyond Colton. The priest hur-,
rlodly made arrangements, and got into
the buggy of the stranger. After they
had passed Colton the stranger, who was I
aiexicar, overpowered the priest,
robtied mm ol bis watch and money and
. : . 7 . f ft KJVU,
then put him out in the middle of the
l"-vi n him Ia Anil hla wao hAlr
ihe robber waa afterward
The Arid Region of the United States
Incandescent Lamp Rlculously
Cheap in Sweden.
St. Louli leadi in shoe distribution.
Oytter coat 40 centa a quart in Den
ver. ...
There are over 7,000 lalooni in Chi
cago. . . . .
Agriculture employe 3,000,000 Italian
women. J
Electricity Is applied to the blacking
ol boots. .
Paper socks are made and worn in
Baden has a 2,000-horae-power electric
locomotive. ,
A sable muff of approved style costs
as high as $300.
An enormone rice crop has juat been
harvested in Louisiana. '
, . . ... - - - -
.Minneapolis is making 88,000 barrels
. oinonr on an average aaay,
Great Britain has enouith coal stored
in her mines to last her 900 years.
Sixteen women are employed as ticket
agentn on the Brooklyn elevated road.
According to statistics 11,803,000 bales
of cotton were need by the world last
year. .
Skates which sold for $6 and $8 a few
years ago can now be boughfor from $2
.to 14. '
Bicycles are nsed by some of the Chi
cago policemen in the discharge of offi
e tu duty. .
More than 1,000,000 Canadians have
migrated to the United States since the
I year 1800.
i The product of American distilleries
of all kinds last year amounted to 117,
186,114 gallons.
' The old-time quill pen is still nsed in
the British patent office, where the steel
pen is unknown.
It is estimated that about 160,000 In
candescent lamps are burned in New
York every night. . ,
The linen manufactured yearly in'
England could be wrapped around the
earth seven times. -
A single row of pearls as large as peas
nd perfectly round were sold recently
I. D.-t. tm At OA AAA
iiii.iiiwi,iw,imi. i
An apparatus that sconomicallv de-1
livers grains of corn to poultry only as
fast as used is a late invention,
Europe consumes upward of $24,0JO,-1
0 0 worth of gold and silver annually I
for plate, jewelry and ornaments. j
The arid reaion of the United States I
comprises 1,300,0X1 square miles, or j
nMrlv nnA-third of tha untlrsi mnnfr I
t.o..u. .m .t.i:ni.i
cheap in Sweden, the price of those
with all voltages up to 125 being about
20 cents. '
Ten thousand pounds worth of pearls
were in three years' tims during the last
century taken from mussels in the Tay
near Perth.
A single mahogany tree in Honduras
waa recently cut into boards, which when
sold in the European markets realised
nearly $11,000.
During the last six years 1,600 novels
have been published which have Suc
ceeded so far that they were asked for
at the libraries.
The historical egg which Columbus ,
made stand on its little end has been 1
The historical
made the model of a pipe which has Just
been pat on the market
The platinum beds of the Ural Mount
ains are the only ones in the world in
which this metal is found in grains.
Platinum is found in Brazil and in the
, , , . . , . . -
Cordilleras in the hard serpentine rock,
z rrr:":
-ww ora w uie ricuest municipal
government with one exception in the
world. Paris alone surpasses it in the,
".mount of its revenues and In their par-
chasing power. London has a divided
authority and a double svstem of irov-
era menu
Value of the Signature of Three Great
American Generals in the Auto- ' .
graph Market Edison.
Oliver Wendell Holmes will be in
vited to write the ode for the opening of
the World's Fair.
General K. E. Lee's signature is worth
. iv . i. T . ,
n,itbf togr5p Mwkat, Geaersd .
McClellan's $3 and General Sherman's
Mrs. Emmons Blaine has recently!
given to the city of Augusta, Me., $10,
000 to found s library in honor of her
husband's memory.
I A costly pipe is that which the Shah
of Persia smokes on state occasions. It
is stated to be worth $320,000, and is set
with rabies, diamonds and emeralds. .
Mrs. Sarah Kiple of Scranton, Pa., is
09 years old, and has smoked since she
waa 20. She has spent a thousand times
as much in tobacco as in doctors' bills.
M , ,k i,
M. Legouve, the oldest member of the
the wangest. is 43. With the ex-
Ptlon of tfm "ll the demlcians we
m 01 ovw"
Edison, the electrician, is satisfied
with cracked wheat and cream for lunch.
nd dines as plainly as if he was still a
poor operator who had to count every
Quarter he expended.
MIm (nte Stanffer, to whom Samuel
j.Tildenwas once entered, and to whom
u". i ..inn nw i. . i nv.i i
Bhe i8 BtiU beautiful .nd reported to
have refugel many offers. i
Henry Villard says that Prince Bis-
marck owns $50,0(0 of stock in an Amer-
lean street railway company. This ex-
Mr- Q',dstone when a young man
wrot traowdv It ia In blank ,..
modeled Wh." )?HmXZ
He onca resl a part of it to Mrs. tang-
trv thoanb. with what result historv does
noY record. I
. ., , , ,
ax-uovernor noys s aeatn leaves oniy
KT.Onvernor Hovt'a death Imtm nn 1 v
,,7" , j .
men uvissg wno nave neid the chief
executive office of ' Pennsylvania An-
drew G. Ourtin and James A. Beaver.
Jsmea Pollock and General Hartranft
; are two others wno nave recently died.
Boomers Assemblingr5n the
Kansas Border.
The Mexican Bandit Costs
United States Government
. Quite a Sum. '
The tobacco trust has captured the
The Supreme Court of Mississippi has
decided that alcohol is not a beverage.
New York health officers are preparing
to receive the cholera again next sum
mer. About 4,003 men are without employ
ment and on the verge of starvation in
Secretary Foster estimates a deficiency
of $60,000 in the quarantine estimates
for 1893-4. .
Justices of the United States Supreme
Court bar cigarette-smoking from their
The Iowa corn crop is reported to be
far short of the usual average, caused by
the wet weather.
The City Council of Dubuque, la., has
decided to bay the plant of the Dubuque
Water Company. , -
General Boynton asks the House Ap
firopriations Committee for $16000 for
he Chickamaoga National Park work.
For the fun of chasing Garza, tho Mex
ican border bandit, the United States
government has thus far paid $200,000.
A New York syndicate is trying to buy
for $7,000,000 all the rolling-mill and
heat furnaces in and about Youngstown,
,The Hudson river is to be dredged to
a uniform depth of twelve feet from
Troy southward at an estimated expense
of $2,600,000.
The recent advance in stocks has made
tne Gould property worth about $16,'
vvr vrw .! t a x 1 .1
000 000 more than it was on the day of
flnn,lm Aamih
The packing in Chicago since the
opening of the winter season is 632,000
hogs, or 60 per cent, less than the same
time last year.
Among the Missouri exhibits at Chi
cago will be twenty-four varieties of to
bacco from the experimental farm of the
State University.
Another appropriation for the govern
ment exhibit at the World's Fair of
'." aST r-
I PPt"n $1,000,0J0.
A. supposed ghoet at Flatbush Hos-
.Plul- teWukC "f1 lu
( mn who nd been hustled off to the
. morgue ss dead, but returned,
There is trouble with the Welsh tin-
orkaT. . Elwood, Ind. They refuse to
ai aaa : i I u: u.
Perm!t tn company w operate patent
machines with unskilled labor.
Boomers are already assembling on
the southern border of Kansas in antici
pation of the opening to settlement of
6.000.000 acres of land in Cherokee Strip.
Telephones have been introduced at
"0?rnmeuv rluor"""'"vu
Jdn " mns ' communication
the government rifle ranges at Fort Sber-
between the firing points acd the targets
Elmer Perrin of Long Branch, N. J.,
is reported to have vomited eight green
peppers, each an inch and a half long,
that had grown from seed in his stom
ach. ,
J. F. Lee, the American astronomer,
who has been studying at Berlin for four
rears with iw
Forester, baa been ap-
J-.-t-d tn th. chair of aatronomv at tha
Chicago University.
I Premier Gladstone will be invited bv
the World's Fair authorities, they say,
to cross the ocean in order tnat ne may
deliver the address at the formal open'
ing oi the exposition on may i.
The Eastern railroads are getting
ready for the Chicago Fair. Car builders
are overrun with orders. One Eastern
firm is turning out seventy- five cars per
day, and has orders ahead for 6,000 cars.
Boston is to get gas for cooking, heat
ing and power purposes for $1 per 1,000
feet, while that for illuminating pur
poses is to have a candle power of at
least twenty-five, instead of sixteen n
now. '
Zino miners at Webb Citv, Wis., have
1 noticed lately that a shaft they were din-
Pf has oeen growing notter. At s
uepBth of 163 feet the other day they hat)
to ip workl as Barnes burst through into
the shaft.
a new serpent mound, the largest now
known, uas oeen discovered oy rroi.
Putnam near Fort Ancient, O. It is 1,900
feet long and about ten thick, and is con
sidered one of the most remarkable o'
prehistoric works. :
The Louisville and Nashville railroad
i has brought suit at Cincinnati to recover
from J. McCourt, late the Cincinnati
freight agent of the road, $50,000 on ao
eoant of delinquencies revealed by the
investigation of his accounts.
I One of the strange revelations of the
Massachusetts election returns is the
fact that 68,015 voters voted to retain the
old provision that the Governor of the
State shall own 1,000 worth of land.
They were In a minority, however.
Governor Bnssell of Massachusetts
has certified that he did not spend a cent
to secure his re-election, hut Uoi ne!
Russell, his brother, certifies that he
i collected $2,00J from the brewers of B s
ton beside other amounts to help elect
An annllnation for an ininnction to re-
strain, the World's Fair Commissioners
from closing the fair on Sundays is to be
made before the courts at Chicago. The
.nniitinn la hamd on the assumntion
that the Jackson Park is public property
held by the Park Commissioners in trust
For some Ume John Voprhis Las been
a teacher in the primary department of
pnblio schoof at wTlli.m.barg C ,1
He was also an amateur dentist. When
children were nnruly he extracted their
tooth as a punishment, threatening them
with greater punishment if they should
tell their parents. He extracted ten
teeth from one Italian boy, who told bis
parents. This was the direct eanse of
the mob organizing to lynch tha man.
Voorhis got wind of their coming, aud
mads hit escape on horsebaok. -
SMdaMi Irsll, Wta.
Wotat Valley, nomirral, $1,109
1.12; Walla Walla, $1.02)t'1.06 per
Flocb Standard. $3.60. Walla Walla.
(3.60; Grahams $3; Superfine, $2.60
per barrel. yi "
Oats 42(3 44c per bushel ; rolled, in
bags, $6.25(30.60 barrels $6.60(86.75
cases, $3.75.
Hat $1113.50 per ton.
MiLLnorrs Bran, $.7; shorts, $19:
ground barley, $22.50(825 ; chop feed, $21
(it 22 rjer ton: whole feed barley, f 18(d19:
middings, $2628 per ton: brewing
barley, $1.G0L16 per cental; chicken
wheat, $L 16 per cental.
Boitbb Oregon fancy creamery, 35(3
S7e: fancy dairy. 8032c; fair to
good, 25(g27)'c common, lft(gl7Hc per
pouuu picaie run uuuwir, uui(juu pes
roll. . 1
Chscsk Oregon, ll13c; Eastern
Twins, 14)o Young America, 15c per
Eoos Oregon, 36c Eastern, 27)1'c per
Poultbt Old Chickens, quoted at
$2.60(33.60 young, $2.00(33.00; ducks,
$4.0U6.00; geese, nominal,. $10.00;
turkeys, 1314c per pound.
Vsgktajilss Cab bage, 1.0 1.50 per
cental ; onions, 80U0c per cental ; pota
toes, 80c$l per sack; tomatoes, 409
6Jcper box; Oregon turnips, 76c$1.00
per cental; young carrots, 76o$l per
cental ; sweet potatoes, $1.76 per eental ;
Oregon cauliflower, 75c$1.00 per dozen j
celery, 60c per dozen.
Faorrs Sicily lemons, t6.60; Cal
ifornia grapes, $1.75(32.60 per box ; Ore
gon pears, $1.2691.60 per box; bananas,
$2.6093.60 per bunch; oranges, $3,259
3.60 per box; cranberries, $11.60 per
barrel; apples, $1.0092-10.
Siapl QroMrisa.
Hohit Choice comb, 16917c per
pound ; new Oregon, 18920c
I Salt Liverpool, $16.00; stock, $10.60
911.60 per ton. f
I Kiob island, $4.7695.0) ; Japan, $4.86
I Daiao Fboits Petiter prunes, 10911c;
silver,11914c; Italian, 14c; German,
10Uc; plums, old, oigoo; new, 799c;
apples. ikMW4c: evaporated apricots.
16916c; peaches, 129i6c; pears, 798c
per pound.
Covria Costa Bica, 21 a; Rio, 20 'c;
Salvador, 20c; Mocha, 2793Uc; Java,
27X930c; Arbuckle's, 100-pound cases,
24 85-lOOc per pound; Colombia, same,
24 35-lOOc.
Bbahb Small white, &c; pink, 3c;
bayos, SJac: butter, Slic; umas. 3j94c
per pound.
Svaor Eastern, in barrels, 40956c;
half-barrels, 42J574c; in cases, 369
80c per gallon ; $2.26 per keg. California
in barrels, 20940s per gallon; $1.76 per
8110AB Net prices : D,4Vc; Golden 0,
Aa; extra O, Magnolia A, lc;
grannlated, 6c; cube crushed and pow
dered, be ; confectioners' A, 6o per
pound ; maple sugar, 169 per pound.
Canhkd Goods Table fruits, assorted
quoted $1.7692.00; peaches, $1.b62.1(j;
liart lett pears, $1.7692.00 : plums, $1.37i
91.60; strawberries, $2.252.46; cher
ries, $2.2592.40; black berries, $1,869
2; raspberries, $2.40; pineapp es, $2,259
2.80; apricots, $1.6592.00. Pie fruits:
Assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.26; plums,
$1.1091.20; blackberries, $1.2591.40 per
dozen. Pie fruits, gallons Assorted,
$3.2593.50; peaches, $3.5094.00; apri
cots, $3.5094.00; plums, $2.7693.00;
blackberrioe, $4.0094.60. Vegetables:
corn, $1.4091.85; tomatoes, S6c1.00;
sugar peas, 95c $1.00; string beans, 909
95c per dozen. Meats : Corned beef, Is,
11.25: 2s. U.9592.00: chipped beef.
$2.10; lunch tongue, Is, $3.2 J ; 2s, $5.50 ;
deviled ham, J.&0(gi;.7o jmr aoser.
Fish: Sardines, X, 76c(a$2.25j n,
$2.1594.60; lobsters, $2.3093.60; salm
on, tin 1-lb.talls, $1.2691.60; fiats, $L76;
t lbs., 42592.60; X hbL, $5.50.
Nails Base quotations: Iron,
steel, $2.75; wire, $3.00 per keg
I bom Bar, 2?4'c per pound ; pi"
.'3Ccc..t per ton. ; - .
Steel 10c per pound.
Tn I. O. charcoal. 14x20, prime qual
ity, $8.f0 i 9 00 per box; for crosses, $2
extra per box; roofing, 14x20, prime
quality, $6.7597.00 per box; L C. coke
plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.6098.00
per box.
Naval Stokes Oakum, $4J095 per
bale; reain, $4.8095 per 480 pounds; tar,
Stockholm, $13.00; Carolina, $9.00 per
barrel ; pitch, $6.00 per barrel ; turpen
tine, 65o per gallon in carload Iota.
Leas ic per pound; bar, 6)ia. '.
BHOT $l.o per saclc.
HoBSBsaoEs $6.
Hides, Wool aad Hm.
Hides Dry hides, selected prime, 6); 9
lUe: less lor cans; green, miectecL
over 66 pounds. 4c ; nnder 65 pounds, 3c j
sheep pelts, short wool, suc'S'ioc; me
dium, 60980c; long, 90c$1.25; shear
ings, 10920c; tallow, good to choice, 8
taHUensrimnnil.' ':
Wool Umpqua Valley, l19c; tall
clip. 13(416 kic: WUlaiaetto Valley. 169
18c, according to quality; Eastern Ore
gon, 10916c per pound, according to
Hops 14918c, according to quality,
. Tha Mwt Market. .
Beef Live, $2.0093 26 per 100
pounds; dressed, $1.50 a 6.0 J.
Mutton Live, $3.7594 0) per 100
ponnds: dressed, $7.0098. 0J; lambs,
live, 13 2593.50; dressed, is.
Hoos Live, $4.7595.00 per 100
pounds; dressed, $6.
Veal 46 per 100 pounds.
Smoked Meats Large ham,14914c;
medium ham, 14Ji15Jo; breakfast
bacon, 15916c; short clear aides, 119
134c: dry salt sides, llllo per
Lad Compound, in tins, llllc;
pare, in tins, 14.9163; Oregon, 119
12to per pound.
The Ax of th Oak.
The extreme limit of the age of the
oak is not exactly known, but sound
and living specimens are at least
i aaa ...... .o .1 Tn.A v :..
best in deep, tenacious loam sMIATJt:
rocks in it: Stagnant water is one
of itivi.mon8. It grows better on
aivHiiiiMi atively voor, nndy soil than
on ru b jrrtvuiitl ixiierfertly drained.
Tha trtiiak. at flrsii tteluied to boir
rept l 'shape. Btraighteiis atin
Tho 'cw is t??inot woiluce pood sued
until it ia mow t hi4Vx Team oW.
The Latest Political
- ' in Germany.
Turkish Sultan Grants Concessions
for the . Construction of
Long Railways.
The Saltan nf Turkey has lust issued
s revised edition of the Koran, adapted
to his own views.
Among the coachmen of Berlin are
seven retired army oifi :ers, three ex-
pastors and sixteen nobiev
Reports from Sonth Africa show a re
markable development of anriferoas re
sources in the past few months.
A firm of machinists in Scandinavia .'
employs a young woman Sfrentwboae
territory covers the whole of Europe. f
A member of the British Parliament
has been unseated on the charice of brib
ery, which consisted in treating electors.
A large body of musicians in Vienna
have entered a public protest against tho
playing of military , bands in public
places. .' - ' .
The Spsaksr of the House of Commons
has a salary of $25,000. When he retires
it ia to a peerage and a pension of $!Q,
OOOayear. , ...
The third son ot the President ot
France is a private in the French arniv; ,
waiting for his admission to tho Ecvla
Polytechniquo. :& v.--.. -.-
Tie hordes of idle men in the citios '
of England and Germany are creator
than the combined standing armies of
bout conn tries. --. i.
Tha Casr's personal expenses are j9.
000,000 a year, which is $6.2; 0 0 0 more
than Kassia's annual appropriation lor
common schools. .
The demand for the late Lord Tenny- '
son s poems baa been so great in Eng
land of late that the printers at one time
bad twenty-six presses working on them.? '
The Lord Mayor ot London's bsdue of- '
office contains diamonds to the value of
120,000 and the temporary owner has ;
to give a bond for it before he ia sworn
The medical officer of health of tha
eity of London has resolved to compel
every church to remove the dead lying
beneath its floors and rebury them at 4-
A Railway Passengers' Protective As-
fociatiott, with an Earl at its bead, has
recently been formed in England to look
after the protection of those who travel
by rau.
M. Brisson. who was recently invited
to form a Cabinet for President Carnot
and Is Chairman of the committee in- ,
veetigating the Panama canal scandal, is
a Freemason.
The latest political alliance in Ger
many is composed ot uonservativee.
Anarchists and anti-Semites. In Fi ance
there are evidences of a coalition of like
hostile elements. ,
The ecclesiastical authorities ifi-Errg- ,
land are now beginning to inquire what
part the church can play in solving the
problem of providing pensions for the
aged and worthy poor. , ,
His Holiness the Pope declares that :
the late Cardinal Lavigerie was one of .
the most valuable members of the Sa
cred College. He intimates that it will
be difficult to fill his place.
Archbishop Walsh says the question
under deliberation by the Monetary Coii ,
f erence at Brussels is at the very root of
the difficulties of the Irish land ques
tion. He advocates bimetallism.
The good people of Lnxembonrg are
greatly exercised over the possibility of
the establishment of a second " Monte
Carlo" at Mondorf, a summer and win
ter resort in the little Grand Duchy.
Dr. Alexander Werkele, the new Mln,'
ister rresiaent oi Hungary, is a pertecr,,
giant in breadth and stature. He is x
more than a head taller than the aver- '
age man, and is as erect as an Indian. , .
Tha officers of the German army are
to have a new cloak, the novelty of w hifeh
lies in the fact that by an ingenious tie- ;
vire the- cloak -may be made thick! or
thin. It is adapted for winter or Bum- y ,
mer ass. .. . K .;.,.iV . ,w , ; , ;;
The rivers of Russia grow shallower!
year after year, and the Vorskia, once"
an abundant tributary to Dnieper and as
wide as the Hudson or Delaware, 260
miles in length, hat completely and per-
manairtly dried up. . , ,
"t It is reported In the Journal du Jardiif ,1
rf'.ioctiaiaiin Vi'-JKh or ten days -before
the ' pea of choteisA a
Hambnrg lantuuTiAL- all the eprriw
and other birds left tha tow and tub- 1
orbs and did not return nntil the plagao .,
had completely disappeared, , '
Paris is to havs a new terror, a
newspaper in the interest of profesr :
beggars. It will give its readers a
plete list of baptisms, weddinns f
nerals to take place the same davj
may be assumed to afford a good ?
for the use of begging letter writ!
It is stated at Paris that M. de t
knows nothing whatever about ts
arna trial and tke sensational '
stances attending tha present VirveTnw ,
tion. Hla mind, the report savs, is sq
impaired by age that he is totally in
pable of consecutive thoBs!;t, aud he, -never
asks for a newspaper. f
The Turkish Sultan hits grautsd cnftn
cessions for the cons trael ion o( locc rail- .
ways, which will o pan Bp his trritorv.'
to the east, the north and the south, s I '
having their terminal at ConstRittnm -,
One road is to run to ami ai
other, the Tigris and Euphrates r,ii'wv, '"
to the Persian Gulf. The courwinvi
have been granted to Germau aud Ii- -;"
gian firms, English firms boin; raUrenr
leit out.' .....
of Organized labor.""1 Thscimi tiott t
the nennl. owins to strike. Is i
Ject of Jhe inanifps , Oiks gneir on In
ear nat " unl i cti tn.?nso r.'s,i ic
WOns apo trsVie fcuhont b lr. li, r
prove that the itrs ol taim viouxa ia
thereby iccrsamid are a nit to the
cannirv and tin entunv to all r ', f j i
hould notBetoloraxjl byAr' iara.t