The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 21, 1892, Image 3

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    United Rtutra md , County Official Paper
St. Hslkmi, OoTonsB 21, 1802.
Circuit court has been in session
almost two week, and business bit
oeen pueuea iy judge McBride ss
raplily m possible, yet there 1 b Urge
Hiuuut ui Dimness io oome up. On
account or to adjourned term to be
mini in uiatsop county, commencing
net week, the judge hm decided to
amount court tomorrow evening; unit
eiill a special term, to convene on De-
alanMiU.... fa . a mt ... .
wni.uci m'iL inera will hA raiui
James A. Ray, V Ml.t, made proof !?"S!..?."uPy "bou.u w?'
on hie claim befrteths clerk Monday. At :i:Z'tZ."
The adjourned term of ths circuit there wero 78 cases on the docket. Of
oourt for CluUup county convene on thii number more than one-half have
Tumday next. been disposed of, a number of which
i - i il.. .i. J were laid over from Juitirn Tavlnr'.
Iviceusu to wou wrtu inueu uy nil . . . - .
county clerk on October 14, to Cbria- LV' ,ern ") May. Never before In the
tine Laraon and 01. Oleaon, !LLibl 7,nJF ibm?
" Hllllill M B Villi
The public are Invited to wltneee the terra. But Judira McBride nrntinapa
cercinomca at tlie achool houae today to clear the docket of all throe long
(Friday) at 10 :30 o'clock, pending caiei, that he may in future
Dr.W.O.Belt.of Balnlw.U spending Keep up wilh lhe ,e- bu,ileM.
a fow day, at the coast. During hi, We are sorry to learn that ex-Coun.
baonce I)r. McLaren la in charge of ty Clerk N. 0. Dale haa entirely loit
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
T?ir and Cedar Lumber.
Clear Flooring, Ceiling and Finishing Materia!
Constantly on Hand,
Clatskanie, - - - Oregon
lila practice,
Mlii Kittle Moore, formerly of this
place but now of Balein, haa been v ti
tling friend, and relativea In St. Helena
and on Cedar creek fur aoma time.
Mr. Charlea Meaerve, of the Oregon
City Enterprise, accompanied by Mm
Meserve, wa in bi. uuioii lust crt
day. On Sunday they left for Clats
Vanie to viait Mr. Meaerve'a parent,,
Mr. and Mra. W. U. Conyera.
N. A. Perry, of Houlton, baa greatly
enlarged bia atore ana put In a com
C' atock of gent'a furnishing goods,
la and shoes and ladies' dreaa
goods, all of which he la willing to
part with at very low price
Tub Mist office baa just received a
lance invoice of job printing paper di
rect fiom, the wholesale house of Blake,
McFall A Co., and are prepared to
print letter heads, note and bill bends,
euvelnpea, card,, etc, at prices that
cannot be duplicated in Portland,
In anothor column will be found the
ad of Leo Helling, the boot and shoe
dealer, of Portland. Mr. Selling haa
one of the best selected stock of foot
wear, Including a fine line of rubber
good,, to be found in the Northwest,
and can be relied upon for bargain,.
Hi, stock is all now and fresh from
the factories.
The past ten days been one of bus!
lies, and anxiety by many of the peo
ple In attendance on tbe circuit court,
aacli one anxious to near the outcome
of the various important caaea pend
Ins:. In moat case there aeema to be
very little dissatisfaction in the reault
of the contest.
W. J. Rice will addrea the Canaan
republican club on the political issue
of the day next Sunday at their rcgu
lar meeting. The chid aa well as all
other republicans In that vicinity
should turn out and hear him ou these
important matters.
Diatriol Attorney Barrett I said to
be an earnest worker before a grand
jury as well as in open court. One of
the grand jurors remarked to us the
other day that Mr. Barrett could aift
the fact, in a case better than aDy et
torney he ever aaw. No doubt but
some of the accused think the aame
way. The district attorney that will
do his duty is a valuable servant to hi
Already in Colorado, and as far east
as the Knntai line, people are au tier
ing from tbe cold weather, while here
in Oregon an umbrella only i needed
In Colorado last Friday many persons
were fmten to death in a severe snow
atorm, which extended over the entire
elate. Hundreds of cattle and aheep
olso perished from tbe cold near Colo
rado Springe, and general disaster i.
reported from all portions of the state,
ins eyesight. He came over from
Mist Sunday to receive treatment from
Dr. Blnnchard at Gilltnn. which w
hope will be beneficial to him. Mr.
Dale whs elected sheriff in 1882. and
served I ho county in that capaoity two
years, in 1004 lie was elected county
clerk and re-elected two yeara later,
rving until loots, miring his terra
as clerk ho lost the aisht of one eve.
which he had taken out. and it is be
lieved by his friends that close con
finement to his office duties, working
a great deal by lamp light, was the
cause of bis afljimiou. His many
friend would be please j to hear oi
Ilia regaining hia sight.
Two Essential for a Baking Pow
der that Will Make Perfect Breed
The late report of the Minnesota
State Pood and Dairy Commission
contains the result of a series of exper
iment made by Professor C. W. Drew.
State Chemist, to determine tbe
strength and keeping qualities of the
various baking powders.
1 ho report attaches great importance
to theso experiments. Baking; pow
der that vary, in strength, or tht
readily lose strength before um, are
unreliable and will mot give even re
sults; besides, it is an indication of the
use ot improper ingredients in their
compounding. The teats showed '.he
strength or leavening power of tbe
Itoyal very much greater than that of
the otbera. The uniformity of strength
of till the samples of Royal tested, no
matter wliut their age, was remarkable
Its leavening power was practically
unimpaired even in the oldest speci
mens. The difference in the amount
of leavening gas in different samples
of the other brands was so great as to
seriously impair their usefulness
baking. As much as 24 per cent, loss
wa found in samples a few months
old. All the samples of Royal ex
amined oy state unemiat Drew were
reported of satisfactory strength and
Dr. Drew stales that the "itoyal" be-
ing of greater strength than any other.
and possessing better keeping qualities
it is the natural conclusion that it is
the best baking powder made.
Cjlumbus Day.
Many years' practice have given C.
A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents at
Washington. D. C. unsurpassed suc
cess in obtaining patents in all classes
of inventions. Ibey make a specialty
ot rejected cases, and have secured al
lowanco of many patents that had been
previously rejected. Their advertise
ment in another column, will be of iii
teresl te inventors, patentee, manufac
ture,, and all wbo have to do with
The Holmes Business College, of
Portland, Ore., Is now a dsy and board
school, so parents who send their sons
and daughters sway lo a business
school, can feel that tbey are surround
ed by a school atmosphere and home
influences. Every young man, and
woman as well, should have a busi
ness education. It fits . them to do
business (or themselves, and a good
bookkeeper or stenographer can
always find employment. Send for
catalogue of the Holmes Business
College. ol4 21
State Senator Colvig, of Jackson
county, who it a candidate for presi
dnntial elector on the democratic
ticket, spoke to a well filled house in
St. Helens Friday night on the polit
ical topics of the da'. Tnn attend
ance was not a large ss it might have
been, owing to the fact that only a
few obsure notices were posted on that
clay, which were hardly noticeable
without spectacles. The speaker de
voted most of his time to the Force
bill, occasionally indirectly enoourag
ing the people's party.
The excursion to Portland on the
steamer Josnph Kellogg on Sunday
last was fairly well patronized. Tbe
crowd wtts not large, but larire enough
for all to have a splendid time. Most
of the excursionists came from Rainier
and St. Helens. On the way up the
Meserve-VVagnor cornet band furnished
splendid music, and between times the
St. Helens glee olub favored a many
as could find room 111 the ladies' cabin
with vooal and instrumental music,
recitations, select readings, etc. The
declamations of Miss Josie Groves
were especially fine, in which tbe
young lady exhibited marked elocu
tionary accomplishments. The read
ings by W. J. Rice, in his usually
clover way, was highly appreciated by
all ; and last but not the least, the po
etical eflfuion entitled ''How to Pop
the Question," by Mr. 0. L. Colburn,
was received amid great clapping of
hands and general enthusiasm. All
those who wished attended the sacred
conoart al the Exposition building,
and al ft o'clook the steamer started
for home, arriving at St. Helens at
7 :20 and at Rainier at 9 o'clock.
Tbo pupils of the St. Helens public
schools will observe Columbus Day
a fitting manner, and it is hoped that
as many of the patron of the scboo
as can conveniently will be present,
1 he presentation of the fluff by Hon
T. A. McBride will be a special feature
of the programme. Let eveiybody
turn out and encourage the youth of
the country in their school work and
The following is the programme of
tho exercises to be hsd at St. Helens
public school on Friday, at 10:30
in., October 21:
Song, "Columbus Da v." ...The Cbolr
Heading President s rrociametfon .
.. J, R. Reegle
itecitation, -uur nag," miss uarne Newell
Mediation, " I Love my Country,". . .
M ins Maud Decker
Kecltulioi,, "Our Country,"
MIhs Frankle War
flan "Thu fll.ild nf II... ftiit
Oration. Presentation of Klaa to Di
rectors Hon. T. A. McBride
Raising Flag
Thome Murkle and Johnnie Cooper
Six Little Girls
Recitation. "Our Charge."
Song, ' America,". .
MUCKT.K In St Helens, Oregon, October
13. 18142. Mrs. Catherine Muck a. wife of
James MucMe, Br., aged 80 years
months and 1 day .
Catherine Cb tries was born in Montreal,
Canada, March 12, 1812, and was married
to ames M'ickle in County Presoct, Plant-
agenet, Ontario, Canada, July 16, 1834.
Mrs. Muckle was the daughter of Jua. pb
Charles, who wa Commiafiary-general In
Montreal until the close ot tbe war, then
superintendent of the Bedeau canal at Ot
tawa, where be was killed by a blast. Mr.
and Mra. Murkle lived in Canada until
1875, when theyeame to Oregon , locating
in St, Helens, at which place tbey have
lived continuously ever since. The fruit
of their union were eleven children, three
of whom passed to their final reward years
ago. Of the eight now living there are five
sons Robert, James, Jr., Charles, Wash
Inttton and William, the two latter now re
siding at Skamokawa and Rainier respect
ivelyand three daughters, Mrs. R. Cox
Mrs. Jacob Oeorge and Mrs. D. J. Swltser,
all living In 8t Helens. The youngest
daughter, Mrs. Swltser, and tbe third son,
Charles, had lived with the mother until
the silent hand of death ended ber life of
usefulness. Deceased also leaves nineteen
grandchildren , all of whom are in Oregan,
and an aged husband who had been her
oompsnion in life for 68 years, to mourn.
The funeral services were held in Masonic
ball on Saturday, and were oonducted by
Rev. Habersham, of the Episcopal church.
of which deceased was for many year a
member. The remains were interred in
Germany Hill cemetary Immediately after
the services.
The family desire to thank the friends
and neighbors for the many kindnesses ex
tended during the sickness and burial of
their loved one , and also to those who so
kindly decorated the hall for the services.
Bucklen'a Arnlem Halra- -
The Boat Salve I, the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblain", Corns and all Skin
Eruptions, and poslUvaly cures Piles, or do pay
required. It Is guaranteed to gtve perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, Price 25 oents per
box, For Sals Br Ednin
Om Part of toath AbbotUm neater
Rmareed Salels- for Woaiaa.
The great opera houae, Teatro Bo
lls, the pride of Montevideo, is an
enormous building, with a pillared
portico in front and a pair of huge
oral wings, the whole covering an
entire square. One of the wings
serves aa a splendid wine and billiard
saloon, the other contains the Na
tional museum. On the second floor
of the main building is a foyer of
truly 'magnificent distances," fur
nished with tables and chain for
those who wish to smoke and drink.
The oval shaped auditorium is very
handsome, capable of seating 4.000
people, with Ave tiers of boxes deco
rated in red. white, green and eold.
Tbo fourth circle is the cozuela (gal
lery), reserved for ladies alone, after
the peculiar fashion of all Spanish
American countries, as well as old
Spain. Not even an archbishop or
dictator could gain admission to the
sacred precincts of the cazuela. and
night after night it is filled with the
beauties) of Montevideo, escorted
thither by their hucbands. fathers
and brothers, who leave them at the
door and go away to spend the even
ing as they like elsewhere or take
seats in the gentlemen's gallery
a Dove, out being- aead sure to return
before the close of the performance
to see tnetr ladies safely home.
Though men may not enter the
charmed circle, no jealous rules can
be vigorous enough to control the
southern propensity to flirtation,
which, like murder, "will out," the
more surely because of the mistaken
notions of seclusion, handed down
from their Moorish ancestors, that
environ aristocratic females. It is
said that most of the matches of
Montevideo are made, not in heaven.
as the old saw goes, but in this
gallery, though the ladies have no
chance to extend their flirtations be
yond the point of meeting eyes and
telegraphic communications with
tans and flowers and handkerchiefs
a language natural to youth the
world over, as birds know how to
build their nests without instruction,
Though a gentleman dare not speak
u tne fair enslaver whom he has been
staring out of countenance night after
night at the opera, he can follow at a
respectful distance when the author
of her being hurnes her home, dis
cover where she resides and thence
forth prance before her windows and
become her shadow when she goes to
cnurcn or promenades in the plaza.
l he miscnievous god "laughs at lock
smiths" in Uruguay as elsewhere, and
though a lover may not call upon the
object of his devotion, they manage
it somenow possibly with the more
eagerness and success because no op
portunity is afforded for acquaint
ance before marriage. Montevideo
Cor. Flttoburg Dispatch.
Mat Ba4 After AIL
During a discussion between
traveled English lady and an Ameri
can gentleman on the respective
merits or railway travel in England
and America the gentleman spoke of
the danger of traveling on the other
side, being liable at any time to be
shut up alone in a carriage with
some objectionable person.
"And even for men it is not an al
together agreeable idea," said the
American; "there have been, as you
know, terrible occurrences in these
railway carriages. How would you
feel yourself if you were shut up
with a lunatic r
"My dear tit," answered the Eng
lishwoman sharply, "I really think
it would be no worse than being shut
up with fifty lunatics, as you
here I"
"Thank you," said the gentleman
rather stiffly.
"Not at au," rejoined the English
woman in her most aggressive man
ner. New York Tribune.
(ardaa's Method af Competition.
Sardou receives callers before
luncheon, and is invisible from 1
o'clock to dinner time, being ab
sorbed in writing. He writes a very
minute hand, corrects, changes and
alters bis work continually, and is
far from being satisfied with what
he has done, even when it finally
leaves his hand. He is an incompar
able stage director for his own
plays, and often makes ok the mar
gin of his manuscripts rough sketches
of the scenery and of the attitudes of
the personages that he considers neo-
try for certain important situa
tions. Paris Cor. Philadelphia Tele
graph. '
Baad Orgaas. :
It Is a mistake to believe that the
hand organs heard on the streets are
made in Italy. Probably not one in
hundred has ever been on Italian
soiL Many of them are made in the
United States and a few in Belgium
and France. The Germans lead the
world in the manufacture of these
and nearly all other musical inBtru-
its, and at least two-tnirds or
them are imported from that coun
try. Every summer the large im
porters leave this country and buy a
stock, which sells rapidly, owing to
the large increase in the Italian popu
lation, Philadelphia Record.
There has been pleasant weather
here for the past week, but there was a
little rain today.
The college is making a good be
ginning, it uas enrolled now 280 pu
pils. Columbia county is represented
by three young men John P. Mytrs,
of Clatskanie; Albert Matthew, of
Pittsburg, and Burt West, of 8c p-
poose. The (Indents, both young la-
uiea ana gentlemen, are doing good
work in the societies.
The Athletic association intend to
have some outdoor sport, soon. They
nave, among oiner Hung,, organized a
basebad club.
Tbe college ha, arranged for a model
cliool for the little folk. It began a
week ago Monday. Those of the
seniors whe have not taught have a
Are You Frejudiced
Many people think it necessary to go to some large
city to find a first-class
St. He ens.
: : : Oregon.
Don't you believe it; because you can be convinced that there
is a first-class drug store here by calling on
jjmI 9 ""W""
jEclwiix Koss.
Who carries a fine and varied stock of
""""' " w tsugni nave a i r -, , r. i ir. .wi
chance for prce in the model Drugs, Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines,
There is considerable business trans-1 krACn frvm triA HOrtnrv
acted here, and a number of Iiwu
SUS" aS" S Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced,
There la Great Exclteaaeat.
Among Rheumatic suffers ont th I
remedy that there is beiug put up in New
York City. It is claimed ih h. r.-... I
Men a cue wnere unas failed to cure. It I
is ciii ui. uruinn-.ona s Ujrbtning Rem
edy for Rheumatism, and is sold for S5 per
bottle. The remedy is certainty making-
.w. i .nti i . u, iij' iiin nnurittiin mm .
country is full of Rheumatism. The manu-
luuiurers sen u on sn ansolute guarantee. I
snd offer to refund the money in any cane' I
where it does not work a nrift. I
Sent by ex pre! prepaid on receipt of price!
Drunimond Medicine Co., 48-60 Midden
miii, new torn. Amenta wanted.
A Doubtful Reporter Convinced.
Hearing o much about the wond-
i . . i
learning that the well-k
di8t,Dr.A.S.Bemauin(of271f Mor- Jt W. cxlAVlliit, .Master,
... .. I... J I I
of his electric treatment wilh benefit leaves Portland at Alder St. dock Monday, Wednesday, Friday
to hi health. I thought I would inve- for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens.Columbia
vigutc mo nuilieuilCliy Ol me reDOrted lv kalomo Nohf I'ltir Horn r I ai. I.M1H kit Mt IVtffin
cure mvself I , ahmuiv, j wuh, Mwu,ugf wum.
Finding iSr Bradbury, Stella. Oak Point, and all intermediate points, re-
bie gentleman, he kindiv consented to I tumine 1 uesdav. Thursdav. and Saturday.
iuc ,j,a CUUUIHUU, WI1IOH IO me,
Beemea to be very remarkable, as well
as the successful result sbuined bv
the doctor in the treatment of hia
case. The following are hia word
verbatim t
..V . .
i wns tne suuiect ol a verv unn
kidney and liver trouble for very
many years. later, rheumatism, ner
vous prostration ana blood nomomnir
of the most violent type set in, render
ing it impossible for me to attend to
my profession. Having consulted
nearly every physician of prominence
raum near oi, witnout relief, 1 waa
induced by a friend to go to Dr. Darriu
who, tbrouith the skillful abdication
of tbe various kinds and currents of
electricity, indicated in my peculiar
ease, succeeded in etlecting a perfect
cure, i am now well and able to at
tend to business, have gained 20
pounds, and am today a livina? monu
ment of the efficacy of electro-theraoeu-
!.. j: . . . . . '
uc hi uisenee. i can be interviewed
at any time and shall alway, take plea
sure in recommending Dr. Damn's
electrical treatment wherever I can
The result in this case speaks vol
ume for Dr. Darrin and bi, new treat
ment by electricity, snd it seems from
reported cure from day to day that
all curable chronio snd aoute diseases
yield to tbe subtle sgency, .
treBKth Haaltk.
Manufacturer of
Josenh. Kellogc & Co.'s River Steamers,
if you are not feeling strong and healthy.
try Electric Bitters. It "La Grippe" has
left you weak and weary, use Electrio Bit
ten. This remedy acts directly on Liver.
Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those
organs to perform their functions. If yon
are afflicted with Sick Headache, yon will
Gnd speedy and permanent relief by taking
Electric Bitters. On trial will convince
you that this is the remedy you need,
1-arge bottles only SOc. at Edwin Boss'
Drugstore. -
Joseph Kellogg and Northwest
JNUKlhWribi leaves KELSO Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs
day, and Saturday at 6 a. m.
Skinner, of Tezarkana, JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves RAlNlfeR at 5 a. nt
daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. m
Keturmng leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving at 6 p. m
A Care far Hkeaassulaaa.
Dr. P. A
is an enthusiast in the praise of Cham
berlain's Pniu Balm. He used it for
rheumatism, and says: "I found it to
be a most excellent local remedy."
For sale by Edwin Row, druggist.
Like at Sreal Railway.
With its branches rnnlna in every direc
tion, are the arteries and veins which
cenvey the blood to every part of the hum
an system. A cold, sudden changes or ex
posure, may cnuve poisonous acias to clog
the circulation, ana men comes Klieuma
turn. Beware l If vou value life remove
the obilrucrinn with Dr. Drumniond
Livhtnina Remedy. You can cet a Uree
bottle at the druggist for $5 or it will be
sent to you by prepaid express with a guar
antee of cure if you send to the Drumniond
Medicine Co., 48 60 Maiden Lane, New
York. Aeents wanted.
Don't Buy Your Drugs
Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything
Seeds, Trees,
Fertilizers, Eta
F. W. Mer
Portland, - Oregon.
anaVSsnd ferCatalefiir
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Baal Bstat bought, soM and ssanand ea
sotamUston, rents eellectsd said
- abstracts aad.
Fanners and tierchssts,
German American.
And other Insurance Companies, with
cwabined Aiseta ol MOO.Ooa.
Clatskmssle, SMresjra.
J, George, Proprietor.
Table always supplied wilh the beat edibles
and delicacies the market afford.
Having been newly refurnished, ws
srs prepared to give satisfaction to all
onr patrons, and solicit a share of your
One Dollar Weekly
Buy, a rood cold watch by oar club sys
tem. Our H-karst cold-filled caws are war
ranted for 20 years. Vine Elgin and Wai
thara m rveirent. Stem wind sad set.
Lady', or gent', six. Equal to any 150
watch. To secure agents where we have
none, we sell one of the hunting ease
watches for the club price $28 and send C.
O. O. by express with privilege of examina
tion before paying for the asms.
Our , agent at Durham, N. C, write.
'Onr lewetenl have confessed thev doa't know
how you can furnish soon work for ta money."
Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. C. , writes :
"Your watches take at slcht. Ths santteman
who got the last watch said that he oxamlned
and priced a Jeweler a watches In Lancaster,
that were mo bettor thaa yours, but the price
wasSU." ,
Our agent at Penal ngton, Tex., write i
"An in receipt of the watch, and am nleusS
without measure. All who hav sa it say it
would be cheap at 14."
One good reliable agent wanted for each
place. Write for particular.
aariac watcb io., new xorx.
II H Wanted. Salary and expenses. Penna
hi ft II nentolaee. Applvnow. Onlv arowera
of nursery stock on both Amort can and Caaa-
lan soils. Hardy vortetles our specialty.
BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Chics.
Adrift in the Columbia river last Juno
a Mack skift containing loggers' tool and
time book. The owner can bar (am oa
applying at Bourne's landing. U
Natlee far PablteaMra.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, I
Ootober 14. I
NOTICE Is hereby given, that the following
named seuler nss filed notleo of hi. Inten
tion ta mako final nroof fn mnnnrt of hi.
claim, and that said proof will bo made befons
ine taunty tiara of Columbia county, at at,
Helens, Oregon, on Deoenber S, ISM, vis:
Homestead entry No. 7821, for the ntH of see SO,
t n. r 2 v. He names tba followine witnanei
to prove his conUnuoas residence apon and
cultivation of said land, nnaer Motion 2001, R.
s., vis: u. r. rowier, jesse aenuneas, Joseph
Bonnell and Wilfred Millar. .11 at HL. n.l.n.
Columbiaeouaty, Oregon.
auna 4. -r. Arruws, aagutar.
Nmitca lar raklleaiiaa.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oreron,
Oetoher IS. 1M?
TOTICK is hereby given that the following
ll named settler haa Sled notice of his inten
tion to make Soal proof In suonort of hiaelalni.
and that said proof will bo made before the
County Clerk of Columbia eounty.atSt. Helena,
Oregon, on December 7, lew, via:
Hoaustsed entry No. Tola, for the nri of see S3,
I a, I am naawa m loiiowin, witness
s arove his onUouous resid.nca noon, aiuf
cultivation of, said land, via: CW.Mo.her.
Thomas u. nmoney, T. N. Ryekman aad Fete,
nosier; au uz oainier r.
O.. Columbia annnt.
tie far rwalicatlam.
Land OStes at Oregon City, Oregon,
OetAhar A ISM '
NOTICE Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed nolle of his Inteu-
Homestead entry No, TM, for the lot 4, sw ii of
nw W af aaa U. 1 7 n. r w. Ha n.n. .1.7.1-
lowing witnesses to prove his eonUnuous rest
dene upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis:
O. F. If oaek and F. Bebaata. and a H Kl.m.r
of Rainier P. O., Oregon, and H. R. Wicker
sham, of Portland, Oregon.
oMnlS J. T. APPER80N. Register.
Nattea far Pwhlicatlam.
Land Offle at Oregon City, Oregon.
fh-foha- It ISO.
NOTICE is hereby given that tbe following,
named settler has filed notice ot his Inten
tion to maka final nmof In aunnnrt af hi. lnim
and that said proof will be mads before the
County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens.
Oregon, oa November 21, 1882, vts: ,
Homestead entry No. 7287, for the vK of sw W,
mot sw ana sw m oi se , see 21, t J n, r
He names the followine witnaua. ts. .
his continuous residence uoon. and eultlvatinn
of, said land, vis: W. M. Rigrs, F. Debaat. of
Rainier P. O., Oregon, and Q. F. Haeek of Rain
ier, Oregon, and U. R. Wickersham, of Portland.
Oregon. J. T. APPERSON.
ouois Register.
Report fcntTt
Avsry wsr VseUAwtCUPP'S;
Clatskanie Drug Store
DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor.
Hart & Si eetland.
St. Helens Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Meat, Sausage, Fish
and vegetable. . t ,
' Meat by wholesale at special rates.
Express wagon run to all parts of town,
and charges reasonable.
Ths Watchmaker and Jeweler,
The Finest assortment of Watches, Clock,
and Jewelry of all description. .
Opposite II at Ksroond, Portland, Oregon
Ratlca far PmMIattlaat.
Land Office at Oregon city, Orago n,
Mntamhar 9a mil
OTICE Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notlcaaf hiiim...
tion ta make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will b mad before the
County Clerk of Colombia county, at St. Helen.
Oregon, en November 19, 1893, vis:
Homestead entry No. 8072, f or the nw W of see SX
ten, liw. He names the following witnesses
to prove his eonUnuous residence open, and
ulUvatlon of, said land, via: John Tompkins.
J, W. Campbell, Thomas Ross and A. H. Dear
don, all of Beappoosa, Columbia county, Ore
gon. o7nU ' J. T. APPERSON, Kegister.
Notice tar fmblsaatiaa,
Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon,
September 28, U9Z
NOTICE is hereby given that the following.
named settler has filed notice of his intea
Uod to make final pi ol in support of his claim,
and that said, proof will be made before tba
County Clark of Columbia county, ( 8k Helena
Oregon, on November 18, 18Wvti:
Homestead entry No, 8998, tor the awW ef sea '
21, tn, r t w. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, vis: O. C. Jv
quish.F. P Reopaoh, M. MoDwmot and M. H.
Boyer, all oi Reuben P. 0 Columbia counter
Oregon. J t. AWKKKON,
otnU Register.