The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 19, 1892, Image 3

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    CEltc (Dvctfon iittot.
fjnitfii Riutfi ami Couniy Offlcliil Ppr
' Sr. IIkmcnh, Auoimriy, 1H02..
Dr. CliiTwm nlwont ftt Vancouver
Hie liiHt Ot Hio week..
PiiifcuHoi' Clocttin wm fit Hifi county
muvt on oincml IiunIiwm Wwlnemlay.
Tlie (fovertior liwi appointed Robeil
(.). Oiiinpboll, notary public for Italnior,
tliia i county.
Editor Cornwall, e.f tbo Cntbliirnut
dinette, wan iiUmHiuit caller at Tim
MiHTollldaoii Monday.
Mimes Tlatt ami O'Brien, of Oawego,
worn vmtiiitf In Ht. Huloiw the fore
part of tliu wwk. '
Kditor Wheolor, of tbo Pudflo Odd
1.VII0W. I'oitliind, wuti in tbo city but
Hnlurdny niglit, returning boino on
J. II. SwB(?er ha ordered ft large
nlock of clothing, which will arrive,
iibout HoptMi.iber 1, including (urninh
ins good, booU nhoen, liatn, caps, etc,
Which will bo told al bottom pricof).
Tliedinginnllcd liPotdown tbecreck
Ooen not toll it render that it charged
n widow woman duublo mUm for nib
, Uniting u divorco fttiromnim IuhL fall.
Oli I no; that would bo too near tbe
truth. -
Tbo government steamer, Lincoln,
wii bimy thn bitter art of biBt week
milking at'inllininiiry survey of tbo
cnanind 011 St. Huluiia bar, to ascer
tain if any clmngo bud occurred iu the
cbamiol during tbo spring frenbut.
In tbo cane of Ed. Clluo and Will
Oinlry, which wan to have been tried
bofure JuHtico Bltkenley last TuoKday,
' lor killing a bull belonging to John
JobiiHOii, of ScuppoOMi, oil motion of
)ibiiiiliirtho cmbo wua tliwninNod.
The world' trotting record ban again
boon lowered, Nancy Hanks making it
record ul Chicago Wodnunduy of 2 :07i,
bunting tbe record madn by fuuol one
year ago by one ieooud, and Maud H'u
record by one and one-half gecouda.
Matt Fninctovilch, shingle worker
in tbe Clatsop iiiIHm 11 1 Aatorin, was
killed Wednesday morning, by having
liiii head cruxbed in the nuicbinory.
The atenmor Hustler, which burned
ut (iiiblo hint wijok, ia 11 total loan, the
hull being burned to tbe woter'a edge.
The Btemncr belonged to lIiitn.Nioknm
& .Company, of I'ortltind, und was
valued at about $1, 000,
Deputy Sheriff Bnswidl and wife, of
.I'orllaml, Kponl Bunilay in St. Helens,
thn guest ol Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Easta
lirtntk. " Tho two gentlemen went out
"loaded for cattish," but in the ubnence
if a report on tbo IIhIi question wo
, iiftsumi they wore unsuccessful.
Professor 3. IV Lonney, Into princi
pal of thn Ilillsboro schools and re
cently profeHsor of mathematics in the
l'otlland University ,has been employed
to teach tlio M. Helen sclionl, com-
niencing about September 1. Mr.
I.niiiioy has tho ability, and if the par
ents only lend the hearty co-operation
that they should to the teacher, wo
may look for a profitable school year.
I Tho Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd
Fellows convenes in Portland on Sep
tember 19. Ol) tho evening- of the
22ml of September the Grand Lodge
will attend tho exposition in a body,
n superintendent Mitchell ties mado
iiiraugonients with the special com
mittee to enlei Uiiu tho visitors on that
Judge Blancbard Ibis week drove
n number of piles in the front pier of
Mucklu Bros', wharf, having been cm
ployed to do so by tho Union Panifio,
in repairing tho damage done by their
ateamnrs recently. In addition to
what the company will drivo, tho firm
imends to put in as many more, which
will make tho wharf stronger and bet
ter til 'in it was before tho breakage.
Mr. J. IS. I horoughgood, writing
from Georgetown, Del., says: 'Two
teasponnfuls of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and innrrtaivfi Komedy saved
the life of Mrs. Jane Thomiis, of this
place." lie also states that several
tit her very bad cases of bowel com
plaint there huva been cured by this
remedy, For sale by Kdwiu Koas,
Last week, J. C. Mason, residing
about two niilos out of town, was ar
rested on two warrants sworn out,
one by his sou and tho other by his
wife charging him with assault and
battery. On Saturday the case came
up before Justice Blakesloy, Attorney
Rice appearing for tho state. The first
charge was dismissed, and 00 tho sec
ond Mason was fined if 10 and costs,
which was paid.
Many years' practice have given C.
A. Snow & Co., solicitors of putonts at
Washington, D. C, unsurpassed buc
cess in obtaining patents in nil classes
of inventions. They make a specialty
of rejoctod cases, and have secured al
lowance cf many patents that hud been
previously rejected. Their advertise
ment in another column, will be of in
terest to inventors, patentee, manufac
tures, and all who have to do with
J. H. Swager is fitting up his store
with additional shelves and counters,
preparatory' to receiving a largo in
voice of boots, Bhoes and hats, which
Will arrive next week.
' Tho alliance chmpmeoliog convenes
at Mist today and lasts over Sunday.
Preparations have been made to enter
tain tho visitors in an eluhorute style
and Homo of the best speakers of tbat
organization are to take part iu the en
tertainment. Oregon Hlale Fair,
The state fair for 1892 commences
the 12th day of September, and lasts
one week. Tho State Board of Agri
culture bus made, and is now making
many changes und improvements
which add greatly to the beauty of
the grounds and to tbe comfort and
convenience of exhibitors, , patrons
and visitors.. There lire two electric
street railway lines running from Ha
loin 11 to thu Fair grounds, thus afford
ing pleasant and rapid irunsitH to and
from tho grounds to the city, The
exhibits in all department promise
to bo large, being stimulated by thu
offer of liberal premiums. Tho
grounds and pavillion will be lighted
by electrify, and the pavillion will be
open four nights during tbe week.
Good music will be furnished for the
pavillion, Concerts each evening, and
on tlio grounds during the day. En
trios for premium will close at 3 p.
m. the first, day of the fair, and all
those who can make their entries on
Friday and Saturday before will avoid
the crowd. All exhibits must be in
placo by 10 p. m, of the first day of
the fair.
Send to G. W. Watt, assistant secre
tary, at Sulem for a premium list.
Mrs. Anderson, 05 years old, was
lost in the hills oiySouth Scuppoose
creek from Saturday aftcrnuou until
Sunday evening last week. When
found she was- in good health and
none tbo worse from her thrilling ex
perience. George Grant was taken with an
attack of heart diseaso Sunday, but is
convalescing at present. ;
Ira Barifes, of this place, received a
telegram from 1 1 ia home in Dakota
stating that two of bis brother had
been murdered, lie will return home
at once. '
The light showers of rain we received
last Saturday, fresbonod tbe atmos
phere, and done much good to gar
den and field. ,
Elssy George and family visited Port
land last week, and had their picture
taken in a groupe, consisting of him
self and wile, two daughters, two Sons,
and tjieir grandson, Willie Bumgard
iier. Mr. George has just opened cor
respondence with hi mother, whom
he has not heard from for nearly forty
years. She is about eighty years of
age, and the picture! taken especially
top her.
C. W. Emerson is busy at bis old
song with iii saw and hammer
building quite a' nobby addition to
Alex MoDonuld's house.
We heard the remark that Tun Mist
was a good issue last week. The reason
for it probably was because the editor
wu out camping and your humble
correspondent too busy to write. The
issue was indeed a good recommenda
tion for the "devil."
Thomas Saindon, the blacksmith,
has moved into hi new shop, which is
a good one. Mr. Saindon came here
three months ago and started black
sniilhingina rough 'shed without a
dollar, supported bis family, who re
side hero with him, paid for all his
material, bought a lot in town and
built a shop, which is worth at least
ono hundred and fifty dollars, and all
paid for, to we understand. He un
derstands all kind of work in wood and
iron, and can always be found at his
place of business.
It is reported that some capitalist
of Portland aro going to build a saw
mill on Tide creek, up in the neigh
borhood of the dam, then build flumes
to got their timber out to the Colum
bia river. Tide creek is a good place
for sawmills as there is a great deal
of timber there. Though it has been
successfully ond heavily logged for al
most twenty years, yet timber has not
been taken over four miles above tide
water, and not over one mile back
from the creek.
Another entertainment for the ben
ifit of tho school fund is expected
come oh" some evening next week, with
a tiroom unit by a squad ot young
ladies a one of the attractions.
Several of our cUuenscxpect to visit
JVIistaiul attend the alliance camp
meeting, which commences at that
place next Friday.
The teachers' examination closed on
Friday and most of the applicants left
on the steamer the same evening
though quite a delegation waited unti
Saturday to go over to tho Nehalem
vail. y.
rrot. Samuel Urcenwoou lias re
turned from Illinois and once mere
taken up hi abode in Clatskanie. II
was just in time to assist with hi vio
lin at tho schoolhotiso enterlaiuineii
last week.
iiiu siungie nun at uurcaiss was
running a part of this week.
Quite a number of teams are haul
ing manufactured lumber from Blood's
I icheuor's and Hidj pel's mills to the
steamer lunding.and an occasional load
of cedar comes across the mountain
from the Nehalem river.
1110 scnooi buiiaing land was con
siderably increased, us the result of a
social party and dance held in the
new school building last Wedneduy
evening. The upper floor had just
been laid and a pair of temporary
stairs put up to get to- it. An organ
loaned by John Blackford was placed
in position and formed part of the or
chestra for tho evening. There was a
large (urn-out, and the evening's exer
cises passed off very satisfactory to the
crowd present. Refreshments were
served in one of tho lower rooms at the
designated time. These had been do
na ted so that the recoipta of the even
ing wont entirely into the school fund
and footed up uboul ninety dollars.
William Howitson is up from Knap
pa this wonk.
Miss Dora Aid ridge is spending
fow days in Portland with her friend,
Miss Mildred Boyle.
Mr. and Mrs. JXorman Merrill came
in on Tuesday from a trip to Portland.
W. S. Miller had to knock off work
for a few day on account of a swollen
face, but' is now on duty' again.
John Stratton and family loft for
Cowlitz river last week, to remain an
indefinite length of time.
The cornet band is doing some ex
tra practicing this week, expecting to
go to tho alliance campmooting near
Mist the lust of the week.
An evening's entertainment by tbe
Wuldrop children, is announced for
next Monday eveuing, the 22nd, in
Conyer's hall.
Whilo at Big Island, Va., last April.
I was taken with a very sovero attack
of diarrhuea. I never had it worse in
my life. I tried several old-time renii-
dies, Biich as blackberry wine, pure
KOi io and laudanum without' eottinar
any relief. My attention was then
called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy by Mr. R. C.
Tinsley, who hud been handling it
there, and in less than five minutes
after taking a small dose I was entirely
relieved. O. G. Burfokd, Harris
Creek, Amherst Co., Va. For sale by
Edwin Ross, druggist.
Mis Zoe Semple, of Tacoma, where
she bus boon attending school at the
Anna Wright Seminary, und who has
been visiting friends ut Whatcom since
school closed, came over lust Thurs
day to spend the balance of the vaca
tion with her mother, Mrs. A. Hoyt.
Times are lively and the merry
chuckle of the wood wagon is heard
from mora till night; so keep your
lire burning.
The merry ring of the carpenter's
hammer is heard on all sides. Mr. J.
R. Buegle is building a. now house,
Mr. Freeman a new barn, and Mr.
Blancbard a new kitchon.
Mr. K. II. Flagg, of Salem, put in
an appearunco Sutulay, returning
Monday, tuking Mr.Flagg, who had
been visiting her parents for some
time, witli him, the (utter expecting to
return again soon.
The first quarterly rneetingoof the
Little Falls and Columbia mission of
the Evangelical association, will be
hold ut Milton, August 20th and 21st.
Rev. II. I. Bittner, P. E., will preach
as follows ! ' Bay View schoolhouse,
August 19, 6 p. m. ; Milton, Augnst
20, 8 p. m. and 21.11 a. m.; St. Hel
ens, August 21. 8 p. m. All are cor
dially invited to attend these services.
The annual t'ampmeeting ol the Evan
gelical association for Columbia and
Nehalem missions will be held at Ver
nonia, in tbe Nehalem valley, "com
mencing Friday, August 20, and con
tinuing for ten day. We trust all
friend of Christian work, who possibly
caii, will arrange to attend the eump-
meeting. T. T. Vincent.
Pruuci4 Helet Vet Src4
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada JC,
Hurdi of Oroton, S P., we tinotu: '' Was
taken with a bod cold, which settled on my
hung", cough set In and finally terminated
In Consumption. Four doctors gave me
up saying I could not live but a short tiiu.
I gave my self up to my Havlor, determined
if I could not stay with my friends oueartb
I would meet my absent ones above. My
busbuiid was advised to get Vr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. I gave H a trial, took iu all
eight bottles: It baa mired me and thank
'iod I am now a well and bearty woman."
Trial bottles free at Kdwin lions' .Drugstore
regular sfaso, OOc and $1.00.
Adilft in the Columbia river last June
a block aklft containing loggers' tools and
lime book. The owner can have same on
applying at Uoarne's landing. tf
To rent s small houe on farm with re
spectable family. Would pay rent with
sewing and washing for family. Have four
children, bov 13 can make himself useful
011 (ann. Address Mhs. IIrutha A K,
Hunters, Oregon.
One Price Cash Store
General Merchandise,
Tins question is often asked, as
many of tho cures are done so quickly
That they are permanent no one will
attempt to deny after reading the fol
lowing list of names our reporter met
at Dr. Damn's office who had been
cured two or three years ago:
Mr. William Parrotl, of Middlcton
Or., was almost totally deaf for years,
cured two years ago. Rev. M. M
Bashor, of Sodaville, Or., cured of
nasal and throat catarrh three years
ago. Mra. I". A. Morris, Newberg, Or.,
says she i cured of asthma and bron
chitis of teu years' standing. She was
cured three years ago. William M
Colwell, Skamokawii, Wash., semtio
rheumatism and liver complaint, re
stored to health; also his brother, Geo.
of a numbness of the arm two years
since. Mrs. R. It. Humphrey, 432 L
street, Portland, cured three years ago
alter nine doctors uuu tuned, ot pain
ful menstruation and womb trouble iu
every conceivable way; also general
debility and pain through the heart
and lungs. Hundreds of other patients
could be named had we space to pub
lish them, The doctors are crowded
with patients from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Ors. Damn are no doubt the hardest
worked men iu Portland. The doctors
have a large country practice und send
their electrio remedies to anyone de
siring home treatment for any curable
chronic, acute, or private diseases,
which are kept strictly confidential.
The doctors are visiting different
towns in tho state to better accommo
date those who find it Impossible to
come to Portland. One of the doctors
Will be at Albany, Or., until further
notice, while one of them is in Spo
kane, Wash.
The head office at 270 Washington
street, Portland, will run as usual.
Consultation free. .
Ladies FineShoes
J, George, Proprietor.
Tables always supplied with the best edibles
and delicacies tbe market affords.
Having been newly refurnlihed, we
are prepared to give satisfaction to all
our patrons, and solicit a share of your
. putronage.
0 .
Model Saloon.
I. STAN WOOD, Prap'r.
Choice Wines,
Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Billard and Pool falls
'or the Pesommodaiion of PaSrong
In tbe Circuit Court uf the State o( Oregon
(or Columbia County
Jeskie M. Mbrakda, plaintiff
Joh.i II. Mkranva, defendant,
To John H. Merauda, tbe ubore-named de
In the name of the State of Oregon you
are bcrehy required to appear and answer
the complaint uf plaintiff lixreiu, by Tues
day tbe 11 day of October, Witt, tbat being
thtt nrst uay 01 me term ui uui court, iui
lowing tbe expiration of the time prescribed
in the order lor tbe publication of tbis sum
mons, and if vou fail so to appear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in her complaint,
towit: For a decree difsolyuift the uiar
riuue contract now existing belween you
anil plaintiff, and permitting her to resume
her maiden name of Jennie M. Kiue:soii,
and fur Hie costs and disbursements of lids
suit aiid Mich other relief at to the court
may apiiear equitable. You are hereby no
tified that liiU summons is served upon
you by publication thereof, once a week for
mix week" in The Okeuon Mist, a weekly
newspaper ol general circulation pub
lished in the County of Columbia
and State of Oregou. in pursuance
of und bv virtue of an order duly made br
tbe Honorable T. A . Mcllride, judge of the
riltii Jutliciai district ot uregou, made ana
aatetl August i.sili, is;rj.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
County of Columbia.)
By virtue of an execution issued out of
tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon,
tor the county ot Columbia, to me directed
in favor of S. Frank, Abe Meir, Janette
Meir and Funme rrauk. and ujtaiust L. A.
Day and Annie Day, fur the sum of $2SJ9.50
dollars judgment, with interest at the rate
of 8 per cent, per yeur from tbe 13th day of
Mav, liisX), and the further sum of $43 35
dollors costs and accru'iig costs, command
ing me to make sale of the following-de
scribed real property, to wit: tbe northeast
quarter ot the southwest quarcer ot section
10. township 7 north, range S west of the
Willamette Meridian, together with the
tenements, hereditament and appurten
ances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining; all being situated in Colum
bia county. State of Oregon ; I duly levied
upon said premises on tbe lltli day of
Aintusi, muz.
Now, iu persuance of said execution, 1
will, on Saturday, tbe 17th day of Sebtera-
ber, IM, at the hour of 10 oYlock A. M. .
at the Courthouse door, in said county and
state, sell at public auction, all the right,
title, claim and interest in and to the above
described real property of L. A. Day and
Annie Day to the highest bidder therefor.
for cash to satisfy said execution, interest'
aim costs. u. A. MAxaita,
alUslt) Sheriff of Columbia County , Or.
Notice at Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Columbia County.
In the matter of the estate of William H.
Ttittle, deceased.
On reading and riling tlie final account
and petition for final settlement of Josiah
Konkle, the Administrator of tbe estate of
William II. Tattle, deceased, it Is ordered
that all persons interested in the estate of
William H. Ttittle, deceased, he and ap
pear be to re tbe County Court of the County
of Columbia. State of Oregon, at the Court
room of said Court, in St. Helens, in said
Cuntv and State, on HHturdiiv. Uia .'tilth
day of July, 18i2, at 10 o'clock a. n. on that
day, and then and there to show cause why
said account should not be settled as nrc-
semed and filed, aod why final settlement
of said estate should not'be made.
It is further ordered that a cotiv of tins
order be published at least once a week for
four successive weeks before said 30tli day
of July. 1W2, in the Oheoob Mist a news
paper of general circulation printed and
published in said County and State.
Jl j29 D. J. Switzek, County Judge.
The only perfect family machine, wiw awarded the only grand
prize at the Paris Exposition in 1889.
'For particalnrs call on or addrtug the
r The Largest
General Jewelry House
1368 Market Street, S.F., California.
Front Street. Portland, Or.
Gnano, $20.00 Per Ton,
Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel.
-Also a Fine Line of-
I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup
plies of
in Columbia County, which I am selling cheap
OF . .
Will be continued for a few days longer. Pure tits, come and be convinced
that this is a genuine ante.
Still Goes at $4.50 Per Suit. Retailed at Othor Stores in tbe City al
Per Suit.
Final telilemcnt and Didrlbntion.
Notion is lierebv civen that I. the unfler-
slgned Hil.miiistintur uf the estate of Ed
win A. Lilwy. deceu-sed, have filed my final
account as administrator of ."aid estate, in
tlie umnry Uoiirt ol the state, of Oregon
for Columbia County, together with my o
titition for distribution of the residue of
said estate now remaining in my hands as
such administrator as described and set
forth in my said hnal report and petition
for distribution, and that the said court bos
fixed tlie 5th dnv of September. 1892. at the
nour ot z o ciock r. M., ot said day, and
the court room of said court as tlie time
and iilnce for hearing objections to the
said final accounts and S3 id petition for
uisviiuiiiioit ui hiv rebuilt ui sum suite.
Administrator of the estate of Kdwin
. Ubey, deceased. i8ao
Dated July 8. A. D. 1892.
King Clothiers of the Northwest.
Bl ceraer, iar(lsa aaa uctna llrMMt Ptrtlaat .
Koclce t Creditors
Notice is herebv uriven hv the iindersiirned
administrator of the estate of Charles Jas
per, deceased, to tlie creditors of, and all
persons havim; claims acamst the said de
ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary
vouchers within six months after the first
publication of this notice, to the said ad
ministrator at his otlice in St. Helens, Co
lumbia county, State of Oregon.
Administrator of the estate of Charles
Jasper, deceased. a5s2
"Two yenrs ago ttfo of my family.
young man and a girl, had very se
vere and dangerous attacks of bloody
flux," says John Cook, of I'ilot, Vermil
ion county, Ills. "The doctor here was
unable, after a week's time, to chock or
relieve either cuse. I then began using
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
nrrhoea Kemedy, Improvement was
Keen very soon und my children arose
in a few days from what X feared would
be their deathbed. It is h grand, Rood
medicine." For sale by Edwin itose,
160 ACRES Near town of
House, barn and young orchard
12 to 16 acres clear, and good
milling timber.
Inquire room 18 Abington
building, 5th floor, Portland,
Price, $2,000.
To the heirs at law of Thomas J. Bheehan, de
8. Land Office, Oregon City, Or., June 30, 1892.
u.irL.AiiM navinjt neen entcrea at this
oitice by bmery Bicknelt affuinst tho heirs
of Thomas J. Sheehan, deceased, for abandon-
inv nis nomesteau entry no. 770, dated May
iron, upon ine e. ne nnu se,, see 2, town
ship 6 north, rahue 3 west, iu Columbia countv,
OreKon, witn a view to tho cancellation of said
entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at St. Helens, Oregon, before County
t'lerk, E. E. Quick, on the 80th day of August,
1KI2, at 10 o'cioc-lc A. M., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment; and on the testimony then submitted a
hearing will be had at tills ofltie on Septeui
tK!r30,lK0i . J. T. AFMSUSOS,
113lt ' Register
,- 1 1892.
Natlce tor Publication
Land Office at Oregon City, Orel
vrOTICE is hereby given that the following-
x i nmueu seiner nag nieu nonce oi nis inten
tion to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Itegister and Recetver of the V. S. laud otlice at
Oregou City, Oregon, on August 23, 1SU2, vis:
Homestead entry Na S939, for the swl of neVf,
se of nwi, no of swj and nw1 of fti of
sec 21, t7n, r 2 w. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation of, said hind, vis: T. U.
Woodruff, C. W. Mnsher. i. W. Oreen and Qm.
F. Moeck; all of Halnier P. O , Columbia countv,
Oregon.. J. T. AlPKUSOS.
JlJulO KvgiMcr.
s t o v e:
212 First and 9 Salmon Street. PORTLAND
Diamonds. Clocks.
Watches. Jewelerv, and Optical Goods.
Fine Watch and Jewelrv Repairing.
Orders from the Country Solicited.
165 First Street. Between Morrison ond Yamhill. Portland, Or.
Farmers' and Merchants'
.Albany, Or.
PAID CAPITAL, - . - . . . .
All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted.
For particulars npply at the ofHce of Moore & Cole, or Tiir Mit office.