The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 19, 1892, Image 2

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St. II euiSs, '.AvavhT 10, 1832.
Ths (niliiical tfilimtioii at this lime
fa a badly mi (! .tme. All parties
claim to have a "mro thing"' on the
election tf orrwu-.nt. Even the ti'-p-MbitionUta
are lnHtul. Owing Itijlio
cuhIiUod of thu jHoiles' party ami l tie
tleinoer.tta in tlm, ami thu stead
fast aoli'liiy of tin Shutlr, Cleveland'
ilcoLi(ii) ia t-OircodVd by the mure con
kervaliva peopk y yet between now
hikI November llnire in lime for any
number of combination and "neei
denta' to be brought forth. It is pus
tibia, indeed probable,,- that Wravor
will detract enough more slreiijrih
from I he republican tliurt the demo
crats in the close ftorthern stutes to
fcivo those states to Clovi-ladd. In
Kansas and- Michigan the elector!
vote will most , likely be divided be
tween the tlii-ee candidates; while in
Indiana, New York, Illinois,, and jos
kibly the D.ikotas, Montana, Wiseon,
fin and Washington, on account of
the peoples' party strength coming
largely from the republicans, will be
Ktven to Cleveland'. On the. other
hand some of the Southern states way
bo turned into the republican column
in consequence of democratic pre
dominance for so many years. Wher
ever aud whenever either of the two
fKl parties have had undisturbed con
trol of state affair there is a strong
peoples' party movement against the
party in power, although in the South
the movement and agitation is not so
strong as in the North ; and also in the
South there never has been the
amount of scratching done as in the
North. For these reasons it looks as
if Grovor Cleveland is doomed to be
the next president.
Ckxeral Wbater and Mrs. Lease,
of the people's party, spoke to a large
audience in Portland last Friday night.
The general has it very nicely figured
nut that he will be the next president,
neither of the other candidates, in his
opinion, bring in the race. Mrs. Lease,
during her tirade against enterprise
and industry, said in part, that if she
liad it in her power for one-hutjdredth
part of a second she wonlJ confiscate
the large massive briefc buildings in
the city of Portland and tirrn them in
to cheap lodging houses and soup
houses for the benefit of the poor peo
ple of this country. Oh! help the
poor. Give them soup. That is just
what they are getting so far as the peo
ple's party orators are concerned.
General Weaver and Mrs. Lease com
mand all the way from $50 to $500 for
talking to the dowy-trodden humanity
fof an hour or two, yet it is the poor
people they are so much interested in
- only so long as they have a few dol
lars left to toss npori the stage to hear
an hour's speech. In their collections
they do not ask for 5, 10, or 25 cents,
but it is dollars, iron dollars; and are
not tatiafiej with just a few of them
either. They dearly love the' hard
earned dollars of the poor-oppressed
laborer; and suffice it to say that when
the large coins discontinue to flow in
to their pockets in large sums on each
occasion they will no longer be inter
ested in the wellfare of the working
people. Our advice is that if you wish
to receive the fullest benefit from your
hard-earned cash, you secure with it
the necessaries of life for yourself,
which is being so loudly clamored for.
Be not deceived by these wholesale
Usurpers. ,f
The Chief says we charged $1068
for the delinquent tax list. Our bill,
which is on record in the clerk'i office,
calls for $800, which is considerable
less than the charges- for the same
Work in other parts of the slates, and
$263 less than the Chief claims. But
then we must give the brother credit
for coming even that near the truth.
Such uncommon, teats take place once
in a while.
Make an Exhibit.
' We are in receipt of the following
circular letter issued by the board of
directors of the Portland Exposition,
which is self explanatory:
Portland, Oregon, Aug. 13, 1892.
Editor Oregon Mist,
St. Helens, Oregon.
Dear Sir: With a view of making
the finest and largest horticultural
display possible this fall, preparatory
to sending it to Chicago next year,
the management of the exposition
have decided to offer a cash premium
of $100 with a diploma to the connty
making the tiDest and largest display
of canned, dried and reen fruitgrown
in said country, and one of $50 cash
with a diploma to the county making
the next finest display. A cash pre
mium of $30 will be given the county
making the most artistic display. The
merchants tf Portland and others
fully realize the growing importance
of the truit industry, and to encourage
the growers to make every effort to
collect the fineBt specimens, they have
energetically joined with the exposi
tion, and will offer especially large
' premiums to individuals making the
finest and largest display of fruitgrown
ly him. The county exhibit will in
to wi&e iut-eifi-re with the individual
exhibits. A special day will bo siveii
the Odd Fellow, and' as thorn Will ltti
hundreds from tlie east in attendance
at their grand lodge, it will give them
a ctiance-to see, in a nienxui-e, what
Oregon can do in the fruit line. They
wilt ho sure to admire amf tVtl'k about
it when they reach their Eastern homes,
which will be a good advertisement tot
Oregon fruit. A competent and im
partial com niitt--e will be appointed,
and all courtesies possible will be ex
tended thu fruitgrowers. .As' it is the
desiw nf thoso having tins department
in charge, to urrango the whole as ar
tistically as p issilihi, ft, is very desira
ble that the applii'iititnis for space be
in ado iib poon as possible..
- -
Amount That Oif to the Several
Coum tea or the.' Stfafle.
L-tst week the state board of com
missioners for the sale of school uni
versity, and other state lands made the
annual apixirtionment of the interest
arising from the common eclxwil funds.
This money is distributed i,i the thirty-one
counties of tlr state on the
census made last year by Ute school
clerks, of the number of persons in
the state of school age betweeu the
ages of 4 and 20"yetrs. The number
of persons in the state of this age its
111,770, and the total amount thus up
portioned by the board is $ I02,0o6.50,
being $1.45 for each person of school
age.,': .
Accompanying this" ia given the ap
portionment f this fund for the past
five years, showing thu increase in the
number of school children, and also in
the amount of the interest distributed :
Yexr. Nun-iber. Per capita. Amount.
1888 86,574 $1 25 $103,217 50
1889 93,098 1 40 130,377 20
1890 97,567 1 45 114,372 15
mi 105.622 1 45 153,151 90
1892 "111,770 1 45 162,060 50
The amount of the apportionment
and the number of pursons of school
age in each county for 1S32, are here
given :
Counties. No. prisons. Amount.
Baker . .... . . . 2.229. . . .$ 3,232 65
Betitou . . . .... 3,696. . . . 6,350 65
Clackamas . ... . 6.847. . . . 9,928 15
Clatsop 2,603.... 3,77135
Columbia . . ... 1,885. ... . 2,733 25
Cons ... ... 3,537.,.. 5.128 65
Cany ........ 665.... 964 25
Crook ........ 1.065 ... 1,529 75
Doujku. 4,758.... 6,899 10;
Grant-. 1,754... 2.543 30
Gilliam ., 1,282 ... 1.853 90
Harney.....;. 815... 1,18175
Jackson 4.330.... 6,278 50
Josefdiine. . . .
Klamath. , . .
801 ....
6.26S... .
2.646 25
1,161 45
9,088 80
10,434 20
1238 30
12,748 40
2,154 70
20,623 45
Lane ........
Malheur ......
Marion ..... j
Multnomah .
folk . .
3,435... 4,982 20
Sherman .. . .
Tillamook . .
1,164 35
4,976 .
2,034 35
7.215 20
Umatilla. . . .
Union ......
6,378 55
. 2,408 45
4,179 20
8.124 35
6,736 70
Total. .
...111,770.... $162,066 50
Washington republicans.
They Nominate a State Ticket
Olympia Last Week.
The republican 6tate convention of
Washington met in Olympiaon Thurs
day of last week, and placed in nomi
nation the following ticket for stale
and district offices Congressmen,
John L. Wilson, of Spokane, William
H. Doohute, of Tacoma; supreme
judges, T. J. Anders, of Walla Walla,
and Elmon Scott,"of Whatcom gov
ernor, John 11. McGraw, of Seattle;
lieutenant governor, F. II. Luce, of
Lincoln ; secretary of state, James H.
Price, of Pierce ; auditor, L. R. Grimes
of Kittitas; treasurer, O. A. Bowen, of
Wahkiakum ; attorney general, W. C,
Jones, of Spokane ; superintendent of
public schools, C. W. Bean, of Whit
man ; commissioner of public land
W. T. Forrest, of Lewis ; state printer,
O. C. White, of Columbia; presidential
electors, G. N. Calhoun, Skagit, I. S
McMillan, San Joan, J. A. Navane,
Okanogan, C. F. White, Chehalis.
The Seattle people secured the en
dorsement by the convention of the
Lake Washington canal proposition.
Crop-Weather Bulletin.
Henry F. Alciatore, assistant, in
charge. For week ending Tuesday,
August 16, 1892: '
Weather. The past week was at
tended by very favorable weather for
all crops. The rainfall, though light
and confined principally to the north
ern counties, was well distributed and
proved very beneficial to vegetation,
The temperature was a trifle below the
normal ; the extremes ranging between
43 and 88 degrees. In most sections
tTsed in Millions of Homes
llicro vas an average amount of imv
Crops.--Tle spring wheat is doing
well. Full grain is nearly all threshed
in most suctions'. Tho hay crop- is
'nearly secured : hi moii.q localities
clover is in need of rain. Hops are re
ported as doing well. Com is ripening
slowly owing to tho absence of intense
heat during tho week. Oats and bur
ley are being harvested; the iiidica
lions nro for a short yield. The potato
crop shows no improvement and farm
els ate looking for a very short yiel
Fruits of alt kind's have ripened fast
mid large quantities are beii'g shipped
io the Uiflcrent markets.
Wtalher. During the week just
closed the weather has been exception
illy propitious to all kinds 'of farm
ork. With the exception of a few
scattered showers in Morrow and (lit
liti ill counties the rainfall has been
rattier less than the average and
some localities is greatly needed. The
temperature has been quite high gen
eriilly, the extremes ranging between
55 and 101 degrees. Generally speak
ing, such- crops as could bo improved
by favorable weather have shown a
decided improvement.
Crops. "The wheat-crop harvesting
is progressing nicely. No change in
tiro condition of the spring wheat is
noted. In Giant county fall wheat is
said to be yielding from 22 to 32 bush
els per acre. Spring oats are yielding
poorly in kicalitrei, while fall oats are
heavy and well tilled. The- hay crop
is being harvested rapidly; in some
portions of Sherman county it is the
best crop in many years. Corn and
potatoes would be improved by more
rain. The fruit crop shows some im
provement. In Shermaucounty grapes
are nleirtiful.
Mrs. Gilchrist and family and Mrs.
Rounds and family have returned to
Nebraska, leaving their husbands here
as bachelors for a few months.
Our old friend Mr. Ter'nalian is hav
ing a dispute with the insurance com
pany about his new building. The
agent insists upon a brick foundation
and a zinc roof before taking the heavy
risk by insuring the same, as sparks
from passing boats might ignite the
iiili.iminablo materials with which it is
filled. Mr, Tdrnahan off rs to com
promise with life company by keeping
a fire hose and pump, so that ho can
flooJ the building at any time, but the
agent has not yet agreed to his offer.
A relative of his from Larne, Ireland,
is to occupy the old building. He is
Certainly a big-hearted man and is ad
mired here by all for his generosity.
Mr. Dominick Ternahan, the relative
who is coming, is, we understand, a
copy of his brother here, and is a liter
ery nian,bcing especially fond of scien
tific books and papers. Ho ia deeply
interested in the researches going on
atpreseut about the planet Mars, and
shortly after his arrival here he in
tends to take "pa" and "nia"to see the
Lick telescope.
Mr. Kellum, our saloon keeper, is go
ing to open up again in business shortly.
Mr. J. Cockley is home again, hay
ing been to the Seaside for six days,
and complains of the expensive hotels
there, as they charged him heavily for
plain meals.
Sunshine comes again after a pleas
ant shower, which was very beneficial,
especially to gardens and roads.
Albert Mikels bad the misfortune to
cut bis foot quite badly last week. We
have not learned whether the wound
was very serious or not.
I. S. Bumgardner is another un
lucky one through some accidental
luck, having fell and hurt his band
quite severely, and is on the sick list
this week.
We ham Mr. I. Bumgardner's sis
ter, Mrs. Katie Osborn, is soon to leave
for her home iu Iowa. We regret very
much at her departure, as We have
made her acquaintance, and learned
to like her very much.
Mrs. M. Canty has returned to her
home in Portland, after a month's visit
to friends in this neighborhood. She
was formerly our old neighbor and her
departure is regretted very much by
the community.
The young folks gathered at Mrs.
Ushers house last Saturday night and
had a pleasant surprise party. Every
one report having a good time.
Born On Tuesday, August 9, 1892,
to the wife of Charley Spencer, a little
daughter. Wife and child are doing
If you have flies on you, get some
of the Tanglefoot fly paper at Ross'
drug store.
40 Years the SUmJati
tiaoA I.ooUO
Good fmifcs are more than deep, tie-
pemttiiK upon a healthy condition of the
vtlulorifims; If the liver 'be tuacUvu, you
have a liiths look, if your stoimieh bo dis
ordered von Imvti dyspeptic bk unit it
yotirklihieys be affected you Imvea pinched
loots Sw ine Kvl health ilmi your win
kave'jfnod look. Kleetrio Hitters Is the
irrent nltcraitvo and Tonio acts directly on
these vliai orpins. Cuius pimple, blotches.
hoila ami uives a aood complexion, bold at
Kdwin Koss' drug store, 80c per bott'e,
Uiicklcii Arincu Knive.
The Best Stalvs In tlie world for Cut. Hrnlt,
Sores. Ulcers, ftiH Ithsuia, Kever sow, Tettur,
rhicl lluu.K chllblnlin, Corn and- hII Hklo
Kmi'ttotis, ami piwltlvely tmr rilus, or no ti
temitreil. H l irmmniteH Uv (r)v perfect satin-
iW.'tioii, or iiiolu!? refuiicleil, l'rtco WV real per
box. For Salo Uv Kdwin Hom.
, Treasurer's Notice.
County Treasurer's Ofllce,
K'llwH. Or- Allimst (i. 18H2.I
Notice Is hercl'V Kivcn Unit all unpaid
County WarrnitM of eald county , which
have been urvstnted and endorsed "not
f, ,r wnnl at" from JlllV I.V lNjll
on t,, AiifOst I lSlll.lmtll lla e.s ll'eltliVi'.aiHl
also warrants Ko'a. "ItHia" and lt" -M
be paid on presentation at tlusottlce. in
terest on said warrants will not be allowed
after the date of this notice. . .
K. M. Wit AUTO N,
Trcaiirr Columbia County, Or.
Wotteo Is nerenv given rnni mo uracil oi
i.- i, .. .,, t V, U..lw In lli.i
r.ij mi ifin i iuii witt t.ts. u iv ... ... ...w
l.OlirillOUSe.-'IHUM -".f, lo, n,r lim I'm-
kisc of fqualitiiiK the assessment of lsili.
AU claims for correction must lie made bi
fore the Hoard. JUHSON WKKH,
( oumy Assessor,
I have no hesitancy in recommend
ing Uliamnerl.iin s uuuc, vuoiera ou
Diariluea K'emedy to the public, as I
do to mv friends and patrons. I used
it myself after other well known rcmo-
lies iiiul failed, ana it curea me m a
few mmotcsT. I recommend it can
didly and cheerfully upon its merits,
not from a hnniiciat standpoint, uo
ause I have others in stock on which
f make a larger profit, but because
Chamberlain's is the best remedy 1
know of for bowel complaints, lhcre
is no doubt about it, it does the work.
James FoRnY,diui.'gisl,McVylowii,
Pnn. For sale by kdwiu Koss, drug
gist. .
One Dollar Weekly
liuvs a irood irold watch by our club sys
tem. Our U-kanit gold-tilled eases arc wnr-
auted tor W vears. r uie mkiii ami vai-
tbam in Vcirent. Stein wind und set.
I-arty's or Kent's size. Kipial to any $."
watch, 'io secure agents where we have
none, we sell one of the hunting cae
watches for lite club price $-S and nd fJ.
O. D. 1V express with pr.vilcgeof examina
tion but'ore payinK for the Mime.
Our agent at Durham, N. ('., writes.
"Our Jewelen!iave confessed tiiey don't know
how you cbu furulsli such work for Hie money."
Our airent at Heath Spring', H. O. , writes :
"Your wotche take at t?ht. The nentleinim
who got the wutih said tlist he examined
nri i,rti-n.t a tcivf.tcr s watches in Lanciicler.
Hist were no better lliau yours, but the price
wik lf.
Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes:
'Am in receiptor the watch, mid am plessed
withaut measure. All who have seen It my it
would lie cheap M IU."
One (food reliable airent wanted for each
place. Write for particulars.
Kmcikb Watch Co.. New York.
Administrator Niile of Kealcetule.
Notice Is hereby civi-ii that in pusuance
of an order of the County l.'cwrt ol Colum
bia county, Oreiron, made on the ilthday of
July, A. t 1-', in the matter of the estate
of John Farrow, deceased, the undersigned
administrator of the said estate will sell at
public auction to tliehinhcst bidder for cash
and suliji'Ct to confirmation by the nail!
Court, on Saturday, the 3rd day of Septem
ber, A. D. l12, atone o'clock p. m., at the
courthou-e dour in ft. Helens, in saitl state
and county, all Ihe rislit, title and interest
that the said estate has by operation of law
or otherwise acquired ether than or in ad
dition to that of ihe said John fe'arrow, at
the time of bis death ia and to all that cer
tain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate ly
ing and bciiiK in said county and state, and
described as follows, towit: Thenoitbwest
qnarter of the southwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the northweet quar
ter of section No. 2, in north
of range No. 2 west of the Willamette Me-
riiuau.ana coniiiinnijr nccoruing Mi ihp
t'mted States irovernnient purvey, sn acres
of land. A. NEVIN.
Administrator of the estate of Jolui far
row, deceased. - 22K
My wife, Mary Howard, having left my
tied and board without just caiie or provo
cation, 1 will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by her. H. O. Howakii.
DaU-d this 2flth day of July, lr2. j2Haai
Notice for Publication.
land OIHce at Oregon City, Oregon,
July II, ISM.
N OTICE is herebv given that the following
named sealer has filed nnlice of his (men
tion to make final proof lu support of his claim,
ami that said proof will be marte before the
Comity Clerk of Columbia county, at Ht. Helens
Oregon, on August 1, isitt. vis:
Homestead entry No. S075, for the n4 of nw!,
se!4 of nw'4 and w of ! of see -JO, 1 6 n, r II
w. lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
uf, said Und under section IMOl B. H.: Clestman
Monroe, Haiiiitul lxjonuril, Jacob Kelher and
Jesse K. Hulllvan; All of Reutien, Columbia
county, Oregon. J. T. Ai'fKKHON,
jUulD. Register.
A new nd complete treatment, consisting of
Suppositories, Ointments In Cniwules, also in
Box and Hills: a Positive Core for Kxternal, In
terns!, rllind and Bleeding, Itching, Chronic,
Recent or Hereditary riles, and many other
disease' sod female weaknesses: It ia alwaysa
great benefit to the eoneral health, 'lite first
discovery of a medical cure rendering an opera
tion with tne knife unnecessary hereafter. This
Kemcny has never been known to fall, $1 r,er
liox. s ror $Ji; sent oy man. w ny suuer irnni mis
terrible disease when a written guarantee Is
given with 8 boxes, to return! tits money II not
cured. Head stamp for free Sample. Oiiaranlce
issued by Wooiiakd, Ci.arkx Si Co., Wholesale
and Retail Druggists, Bole Agents, Portland, Or.
The Sclelrated FrcncHure,
Is Bold OX A
toeureatty form
of nervous dleaia
oruay msonluroi
the generative or
gans of eithersex,
whether arising'
from theexcesslve
nnaof HI illinium. AFTfR
Tobacco or Optum, or tlirougb youthful ludlscriv
oou, over luuuigcncD, we ,suen as ixissoi nrllin
Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down I'ainslutliO
tnek, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros
tration, Nocturnal Emissions, l,e-icorrho;a, Dls
Einess, Weak Memory, IOssof I'owersuil Impo
tency,whlchlfneglcctedofien lead to premature
old ana aud Insanity. Price 11.01) a box, 6 boxes
for i. HO. Sent by mall on receiptor price
A WRITrV.N tlUAHANTEJK Is glren for
every IS.OO order racolvod. to refund the money If
a l'ermiuient euro in not eflectsd. We have
thoussndiof testimonials from old aud young,
of both sexes, who hove been permanently cured
by the use of Aphrodltlne. Clrcalar I ree. Address
Western Branch. box 27. I'ohthsd. Ob.
For sale by EDWIN ROSS, Druggist,
8l Helens, Or.
Hart & Sweetlanrj,
' Proprietor,
St. Helens Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Meats, Pnusagty 1'lsh
anil vegetables
Meats by wholesale nt special rates,
Kxp-cas waitou run to all parts of town,
and dim-gas reasonable.
OVnt IlKlSO TttfC OAS!!, It behiHivu.-
O vow In timl the ni"t dclralitc place to
purchase vmir' lnvl"rutor. '
Keeps constantly on blind thu famous
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
The finest line of Wilies I loiiors and
Cigars to be found this side of Port
laud. And if you kWi to
enynKe In a Kamv of ,
Thin- can a-sme you that they have the
linst taliU-Jn idwn. Kvervtldnir new sod
unit, and yottr iialrouauo is respectfully
pS HkkHs, Oreafn.
Is now iiuikin,,' regular round
tiips from ,
Daily Except Wednesdays,
Uaviku OAK POlSf ..-wi A. M.
KriCI.I.A ...ft:(li) '
" It A 15 IKK, ., I):l "
" J-Al.AMA :! "
" ST. IIKI.KSS S:i) "
AaafvMolO'tltl.ANt) .U:uo "
i.kavks ronrt.AND
I :Oo P. M.
' M "
-OO TO -
The Watcbmaker and Jeweler,
foil Yorit
The Finest assortment of Watches. Clocks,
and Jewelry of all descriptions.
Opposite the Ksfnoiid. Portlui d Oretron.
SnldSan inllHssiUiate.loii the St. Helens
road, aluitit 2i miles southeast of (ilencoe
Washiii:tuii coiuiiy, Ori'ir n. Machinery
in perfect running order; Kngine Is -ia-hoi'st,
power, ten by twenty ; lloilcr 60 inches in
diameter and il -eel Ioiir; New bead blocks
(Kiiicbet): Also sawdnst carrier: 1.,'irce lot
of cedar miw oft hand lor stile. Terms
made known on application to the under
tinned. Would e-teliauue for city or im
proved farm property.
A.C Am;tIIM)I,P.
iiill.-boro, Oregon.
Adniinleirator'a NhIo ol ttcalostate.
Notice is hereby iflren that In piirMuance
of un order of the County Court of Cnluin
biu county, Oregon, made on the flh day
of July, 102. in the matter of the estate of
H. H. Mitchell, dicea-.ed. The undersigned
ndininiatralor will sell at public, auction to
the highest bidder for cash and subject to
sale hv the said Court en HnHinlnv the Urd
day o September, A. D. It. 02, atonco'cluck
p. in. at the courthouse door nt St. Helens,
in said county and state, nil tho rljrht. title
and interest that llic sub! estate lias by ope r
ation ot law or otherwise acquired olher
than or In addition to that of the sai l II. 8.
Mitchell at the time of hi-i dcaih In and to
all that certain lot, piece, or pareiJ of land
Ij ing and being in said county und state,
and described as follows, towit! The west
half of the southwest quarter und the south
liulf of the northwest quarter of sec I ion No.
", township 7 north of range 2 west of the
Willamette .Meridian, and containing ac
cording to United Utates government sur
vey , KJO acres of land. A. NKVIN,
Administrator of the esiulo of It. 8.
Mitchell, deceased. )2l)a2fl
Sheriffs Sale.
County of Columbia, f
By virtue of an execution and order of
sale, issued out of tho Circuit Court, of the
Htatc of Oregon, for the County of Colum
bia, to me directed, in favor of John T.
McKceand ngaiust John if. Edmunds, for
Ihe sum of $:i-M).K5 dollars, ludgment, with
interest at the rate of 8 icr cent, per an
num from the 20th day of May, IrilU, and
the further sum of .j7.00 dollars, costs and
accruing costs, commanding me to make
sale of the following-described real property,
to-wit: The southwest quarter of sections
in township 7 north, range 5 west Willam
ette Meridian , embracing 155 acres, more
or lens; together with the tenements, hered
itaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or hi anywise appertaining;
all being situated in Columbia county,
Htate of Oregon. I duly levied upon said
premises on the 11th day of July, 1H!)2.
Now, In pursuance of said execution, I
will, on the 20th day of August, IW12, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M of said day, at the
Courthouse door, In said county and state,
sell at public auction all the right, title,
claim and interest in and to ths above de
scribed real property of the said John .
Kdniunds, to the highest bidder therefor
for cash, to satisfy said execution, interest
and costs, O. A. MAHSIK,
jlPul2 hciiH of Columbia County, Or.
SIZES 34 TO 54.
Every Suit
Successors to Brownsville Wodan Mills. .
Retail store, 140 First street, under the Oilman,
General Merchandise,
Crockery, Boots, Shoes,
Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods,
Queensware. Tarnishing Goods,
Produce Taken In Exchange.
It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices,
THE RETAIL-MERCHANT is the iicccwmry
Metliuin of Trade between tho Miuiufiicturcr
and tho Consumer. He nuiist protect tho intercHt
of his customere by purchiwing iu the lowest and
and best markets, and by Helling to hj patrona
at the Lowest IWiblo l'rieeu.
W. ;Et -OO IM.IN'
In keeping thcue true principles of trade always iu
view ; often leaves tho old track and strikes "across
lots" for Bargains for hisciintoniers. His stock of
&3rGeneral Merchandise
Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day.
It Is not fionvcnlent to numn tho many (llfTcront arttrlra Vopl
nnlmlo,ailt(rulll Dry tlix.dx.t 'l. thing. I.utiBs' Wfiir tluiitlcim-n's
Wfar, llcol W'fHr, Foot Wear, Hour nnil Kieil, (irorie mill t'lin
ne't tiondif, Noll" mid Hnrdwarc, I roi kery and Ohi.Bwarn. (iriinltu
and 'IhiH iirc, Puwdt-r and Whot, HuN und C, tloovi und Bhocii,
I'utvnt Mdi( liiei, Toilet Artkitm, it.
JklO PRO lIrJ? U"3T IT.
My stock of PIANOS and ORGANS is the largest and finest
in the state of- Oregon, and comprises a full ttsssortment of tho
celebrated 1IALLET & DAVIS tiuperb KIMBALL and Stan
dard HALE PIANOS, and Old Reliable KIMBALL ORGANS,
thus affording a fine selection to choose from, aa to size, style,
and price. Pianos can be furnished in ROSEWOOD, BURLED
Organs can be furnished in BLACK WALNUT, OAK and
I buy ull my instruments from the MANUFACTURERS direct in Urge
number! at bottom figures, and sell to FAMILIES at loweitt jinteiib.e price
and on the mont faforablo terms.
If you want a PIANO or ORGAN, gnt one at HEADQUARTERS and ve
small dealer' large profits and agent' eoniniiions. I refer by upeeinl per
mission to tho following well-known Bmikeia nd liuBineaa flmm.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer, 305 Washington Street,
, -- .... "m L',',14ffife..'yy,i