The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 19, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. 9.
NO. Hi.
J. R. BKEQLE, Manager.
, Subscription Hates,
On 0pr one yrar In tilr.uc... ,.... U
tin. miuy six mouths i
t)lnyl copy., '. .
Advarllsiite; Hales.
Professional cards on year
One column on year..,
Hall column out year ,
uuartar column on, yaar
'li, mi ,nm,th....
...I 13
... 126
... 40
(in. Inch Hires months...... J
On. liiah tlx muuthi ....i
fj.n.1 twiHn... IA funis tMr Illl. fur firlt liner
tlon; It) cents pat Hue lor each iUloiiieiil Hi
crllnii. Leiial advertisements, il.BO per Inch for first
Itiiaril mm 71 eviits ir men tor eacu iuui.
quant insertion.
County Olflcere,
Jm1, Uian lllelichenl, Kallilor
Clrrk - K. K. Unlrk, 8 . IMens
H.i.rirr ". A. Masai.-, ST. Iluiei
Tr.issur r K. M, Wharton, t.'olumbla t:lty
Hunt, of dohoola T. 1. tileftoo, Variioma
AKWKMir W. II. Kyeur, Italul.r
Burvoyor. A. M. Utile, Ha tiler
Commissi iiiert..
in. u, ni'iio tnor-r, veiuoiua
(I. W. Ilarues, Mayaer.
ocieif Notices.
IhUsnmr;, Bt. Melon, txlga, No. M-Heituler
cmniiiiiiiluation nr ami mini naturae? m
tacli iiniirth al 7 :0 r. at. al Maaoulo hall,
lull in.iu bars In good .lauding luvlled to at-
Mto MIC-Rainier Lodge, No. Sl-Btated
iiiuulliiK Saturday onor bolurstiauh loll on
al 1:IM e. M. at Maaimli; liall, over Hlamdiard's
tore. Visiting members lu food standing In
vttiMl to atUlul.
The MaUla.
Down river (lt! closes at 8:110 A.M.
lii river u.iai)rloea at tr.H.
1 lie nail Cor Veruonla ami I'lltsbur '.avw
St. Helen. Honda)', Wednesday and Friday at
S A at
The' malt (or Marahland, Claukatilo ami Mist
leaves Qulun Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at IS M- .... ,
Malls (railway) north close a' 10 a. U-i or
Purtlaud at B r. al.
TraT.lais' Uulde Itlver Houlee.
HTEtmaO. W. SHAVta-Leaves 8t. Helens
for I'ortlHiid at It A. at., Tlinradavaiid
Hittinlay. Uavea HI. Helena (or clatasanle
M.inday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 A,
H-Hustita Iai.iia l.eave Ht Helens lor Port
land 7n6 a. N, returning at;H0r. at.
Htbamrr Jossrw Kbi.kmio l-eavesst. Helens
lor Portland dally except Holiday, at 7 A. M., ar
rlvlugal Cortland at; returning, leave
Porilauy al t r. .. arriving at HI. Helens alt.
8t. Helens, Oregon.
jtt. J. E. HALL,
Clatsluiiie, Columbia county, Or.
Rainier, Oregon.
y J. RICK,
St. IIklens, Oricqon.
Deputy District Attorney for Columbia Co.
T. A. McHaioa. . A. 8. Pusna.
Oregon City , Oregon .
Prompt attention given luntl-ofHce business.
8t. Helens, Oregon.
Uunnty surveyor. Lund surveying, town
plattinii, and engineering work promptly
W. T. BuiiNir. J. W. DiAriH.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Twelva years' ex pi rlcnr as Resistor of
the Uiilteil Htntea L'liid Ofllce here, rccotn
nictKls us in oils Miicciatt y of nil kinds of
bui-iiiess before the Land Ollioe or the
Courts and Involving the General Land
(llllce. :
Oregon City, Oregon.
( I.ste special agent of General Innd office. )
HoiiienteHd, l're-emption, and Timber
Laud applications, and other Lund Office
business a specialty. OHlce, second floor,
Land Otll. e BiiildiiiK.
Proprietor of
Oriental ; Hotel.
The house has been fully refurnished
throughout and the best of accom
modations will bo given.
RTAGE run in connection with
the hotel connecting with the North
ern racitia ilailroad at Milton. Stage
tor T.icoma trains 10 p. m. For Portland
train at S p. m.
A Specialty.
And every tiling uauolly found In a Firnt-Clnss Drug Store.
riiyslolnns' Prescriptions carefully compounded at any hour, day or night, by a
competent and Experienced Drngglal.
Manufacturer! of
Joseph Kellogg &
jliMii ' mm m. 711, sH
Joseph Kellogg and Northwest
INUKl hWJioi Leaves
and Fridity at 5 am. Leaves
day, and Saturday at 6 a. m.
daily, Sunday excepted, arriving
Returning leaves Portland at 1
Don't Buy
Freshest, Purest, and Best of Everything
Clatsk anie Drug
DR J. E. HALL, Proprietor.
. .. J. W. SHAVER, Master.
Leaves Portland at Alder St. dock
for Clatskanie touching at Sauvies Island, St. Helens,Colurabia
City, Kalama, Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, Mt Coffin,
llradbury, Sbtella, Uak Point, and all intermediate points, re
turning Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
ff. . j
-.ijsa- . nnd a pnceioss noon
' . . Trade Mark. ' whto Shaving, by renderlns; ita tutor, growth an utnrimpoiDiiiiy.
Prloeof 4uin's Antl-Hatrlnell. perboitie, sent In safety mnlllni boson, poetsre tld by usraecury
sealad trom observation). Bend mnner or stamps by Idler with full artrin-aa written plainly. Cmrres
poiidinr.grictlyeonndentlal. This advartnemeiit la honest and strslnht toiward In every woid II
contains. We Invite you tndi-al with nnnd yon will find ev.rvihlng as renrnieniMl. Out this out ana
S ndto-dy. Address QUKBN OHRMIOAL CO., 174 Reioe, CINCINNATI, O. You call
i1!? T"" letter at any Prat Offloe to Insure lis "ale delivery. v will imy .' OO for any cam
w. i.iisr. or sng-ntest injury ro any ptircniiser. r.yei-y uoitie s;utiriiivra.
PFRlM ""o ladlw who Inimdn. and aril
itUinL w. win BTMaat with . err.n: nui
Wt will preitsnt wltk BILK DHBaa,
m tuts w mimh Trom mbi wiiK orav,
Orders from the
Country filled by
Bet urn Mail.
Co.'s River Steamers,
KELSO Monday, Wednesday,
PORTLAND Tuesday, Thurs
Leaves RAINIliR at 6 a. m.
at Portland at 10:30 a. m
p. m., arriving at 6 p. m
Your Drugs
Monday, Wednesday. Friday
In compmindlrtf a solution a pun was aoctiently siilll.l on the hand
and on waHhliiK uftfrward It was discovered ttmt the tmir v,w com
plelely removtid. We at onoe put this wonki-rul preimratlon. nn tne
market ami so areal lias been the demand that we are now Introducing
It throughout the world under the name ot tiueen'e Alitl-alalriiie.
Ty the hair over and apply the mixture tor a few minutre. and tho
hair riifinprH'srs a. If by mafic without the stiahtwt pain or Injury when
applied or ever afterward. It is unlike an v otlier preparation ever nwd
lora Ilk. purpose. Thousands ot LA 111 I' S who have boil annoytd
with hair on their PACK. NFt.K mill A It MS attrsl lis merlm.
(1KNTI.KMKN who do not apprvrlnloa hpurd or hair on their nerlr,
in vueen's aiii l-llalrliiti w nicn cue tvy
nrnonir their fritlU B Bolt)tj of QDfi AH
18a, IB yards tMstallk Sutra, Lanre Bottle aai
dt. Ooott SaJexj or Oommiaeioa tt .iefMt. .
d aJaM
Contraband Chinese Landed
, on Our Domain.
Arrangements Perfected to Ship
Wool Via the Columbia
Direct to Boston.
The electric tramway jSower-hoaae at
Victoria, B. 0., vat burned. Loss, $200,
000. TheBob-ton will join the Charleston
at Santa Cruz, and will afterward sail
lor Honolulu.
The bop vines in a twenty-acre tract
near Sacramento were laid flat by a
heavy south wind.
Charles Crew, of Port Orford, killed a
fine sea otter last week. He was offered
and received $1C0 for the skin.
Good rains in Maricopa county, A. T.,
have improved the stock industry. A
rain famine has been threatened.
The Progresso, the first of the Atlantic
and Pacific Steamship Company's line
from New York, has arrived at Kedondo,
The Siuslaw Railroad Company sent
out engineers last week to cross-section
and set grade stakes on the first fifteen
miles of the survey.
The seal hunters killed in the neigh
borhood of 200 sealions at Blanco reef
during the season, and made a very
good season's work of it.
The remains of a man, about fifty
years old, were found between Old Sau
salito and Lime Point, The large toe
on the right foot had been cut off.
A considerable quantity of Salmon
Mountain quartz was shipped by the
last steamer to San Francisco for assay.
An extensive ledge has been discovered.
Considerable alarm exists , at San
Diego over the smallpox cases at Cbula
Vista, as proper measures to prevent
the spread of the disease have not been
Benton connty (Or.) householders and
others are in despair over the growth
and rapid spread of the thistle. Ita
purple blossjms are to be seen every
where. Extensive grass fires near Fresno
have caused much loss to hay, grass,
fencing and exposed houses. The fire
will make feed scarce in that immediate
The bounty npon coyote and squirrel
scalps in Polk county, Or., expired Sat
urday. During the term of its validity,
from February 1, there was paid out in
scrip upon the county the sum of $1,
778.85. A dog owned by W. H. Haight, near
Trover, Cal., was bitten by a rattlesnake
and the wound was bathed with coal
oil, Mr. Haight not having any known
remedy on hand. In about two hours
the dog was out of danger.
Recently a Victoria sloop landed a
dozen Chinese near Point WilsonWash.,
and hastily sailed away. The customs
officers captured four of the Chinese in
tne wooas near Jfort xownsena ana are
on the trail of the others.
The farmers of Crook county, Or., are
fast getting in their hay harvest, and all
report a good yield. Hay on the wild
meadows is not as tall as usual, but it is
much thicker on the srround. which
more than makes up lor ita lack of
Game is seen quite plentifully, accord
ing to reports, up Ashland creek canyon.
Two cinnamon bears came close to the
camp the other day while only the
ladies and children were there, and a
panther was seen at a distance bv some
of the campers.
The Sisson Mascot editor has been at
the top of Mount Shasta lately. He
says the sovernment monument ia out
of plumb, leaning to the southeast on
an angle of 80 degrees. The force of the
severe winter storms is probably the
cause of its getting out of perpendicular
Fred W. Youne and O. F. Hinklev. of
Union, were out five days last week on
a fishing, hunting and prospecting trip
to tne urana itonae lakes. Tnev lound
two promising quarts ledges, an anti-
tnnnn lu"tna am - st aa wareAaa iTa a( aluvV
uivuy tuugD. teVLiiA an uiiMUWff VI eHUUUt
sixty acres that prospects well in gold.
The result of the Anti-Debris Conven
tion at Sacramento was the organiza
tion of an association to take the place
of the old Anti-Debris Association, to be
composed of one Supervisor each from
xuba, butter, Sacramento, uoiusa.uienn
and Yolo counties, with an advisory
body of one citizen each from the same
counties. .,
Fifteen thousand sacks of wheat have
been threshed at the Reservation ranch.
near Caynse, Or., and the grain in the
surrounding district is yielding about
twenty-live bushels to the acre, and ia
of fine quality. Eleven acres of the
"uauiornia uoiaen" variety averaged
forty-six bushele, a heavy yield for this
When John Crouse. engineer at the
electrio lighthouse - in Pendleton, Or.,
became thirsty tne other evening and
turned on the water, he was surprised
to see issuing from the faucet a horse
hair snake, and it was followed by two
others, each nearly afoot long. Whether
or not this kind of animal life in city
water is detrimental to its purity, it is
not pleasant to meet in the dark.
A trust deed of the Salem Water Com
pany to the American Trust and Sav
ings Bank, of Chicago, as trustee, was
filed in Salem the other day. The pur
pose of the deed is explained In a reso
lution adopted at a meeting of the water
company held on June 22, by whieh the
company decided to issue first mort-
?age bonds in the aggregate sum of
The Dalles (Or.) Mountaineer says:
"Mr. Shearar perfected arrangements
for the shipment of his wool by water
to the Boston market, and will make
other purchases in this city and send
them to Astoria to complete the ship's
cargo. With an open river our wool-
raisers and sheep-growers could send
their products direct 'to Boston and
Liverpool by water, and by this means
compel advantageous rates from the
railroad company."
A United States Consul Becomes a Con
vert to Islam Seven Americans
Elected to Parliament.
Justice Lamar's long locks are whiten
ing. Francis Parkman, the historian, has
been partially blind for several years.
Four living ex-Governors of Massachu
setts were born in 1818 Boutweil, Claf
Un, Rice and Butler.
. Alexander Russell Webb, United States
Consul at Manila, Philippine Islands, is
reported to have become a convert to
Moses 8. Beach, the former owner of
the Sun, who died at Peekskill recently,
was one of the earliest advocates of the
Brooklyn bridge.
Samuel Sloane, the millionaire rail
road President, has a dielike for type
writers, human and mechanical, and
writes all his letters in autograph.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward is a wonderful
linguist ; she is versed in French, Ger
man, Spanish and Italian literature, te
say nothing of Latin, Greek and He
brew. ;
Rndyard Kipling has told the truth
about Montreal, as he did about Hew
York, and the swell clubs of that city
have also ostracized him. He doesn't
seem to care much about it, however.
T. 8. Southard, now in his 85th year,
is the oldest shipbuilder in Maine. He
lives in Richmond, and has built over
100 vessels. His name is a familiar one
in shipping circles all over the world.
One of the seven or eight Americans
who have been elected to the new British
Parliament is F. A. Channing, a son of
Rev. W. H. Channing and a nephew of
the famous Unitarian preacher, William
Ellery Channing.
" Nicknamed " Congressmen are by no
means nonentities, as used to be thought.
Remembering "Ran" Tucker and "Sun
net" Cox, however, we must expect
more than we've had yet from "Tom"
Watson of Georgia.
The Shah of Persia and the Sultan of
Turkey each possess a mat worked with
pearls and diamonds, valued at over 12,
000,000. Prayer mats of such a value
should give a powerful flavor to religions
fietitions in which humility is the lead
ng feature.
Apropos of Herr Most's assurances
that he would not run away from arrest,
it may be remembered that he assured
every one that his capitalist-hating soul
had no room for fear about three days
before be was dragged from under Lena
Fischer's bed.
Prince Bismarck ia partly of Slav ori
gin. His ancestor emigrated to Russia
in the eighteenth century, and eventu
ally became Governor of Lavonia. He
was afterward sent to Siberia, but was
recalled some years after. Hie tomb has
just been discovered in Poltava.
Charles Sumner carried all his aristo
cratic tastes and associations with him
into the free-soil party in 1847. He- be
came the scholarly, statesmanlike advo
cate of emancipation, and yet it is de
clared that he grasped no black band in
friendshin and remained always the
friend, but not the brother of the negro,
the aristocrat to the end oi his days.
Mr. Cleveland writes all his letters be
tween 10 o'clock at night and 2 o'clock
in the morning. This habit the ex-Pres
ident contracted at tb5 'vVaite liiuie.
and a correspondent, writing from Gray
Gables, stigmatizes it as a bad one. But
it is at that time when the midnight
oil is burning that according to popular
belief the best literary work is done, and
perhaps Mr. Cleveland appreciates that
Immense Fund In Possession of the State
of Texas for Educational Pur
poses Economy Taught
Oxford University has 2,240 students.
Fifty-four women graduated from Vas
sar this year.
Hopkins University has a $10,000 ther
mometer. Kentucky has a colored State Teachers'
Association. ;
Dancing is taught in some of the pub
lic schools In Scotland.
The oldest English public school la
Winchester, founded in 1387.
Two hundred and four of the 365. col
leges in the United States are coeduca
tional. Cornell University will offer a course
In Russian language and literature next
school year.
During the past year there were grad
uated from the medio) colleges of the
United States about 5,000 young doctors.
Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kan., is
said to be the only Swedish college in
America having as its President a man
born and educated in the United States
and having all his degrees from institu
tions in this country.
A philologist says : It is called "com
mencement" not because the graduate
then begins to learn his first real knowl
edge of life, but because in the old days
the graduating exercises were held at
the beginning of the college year.
In the old country the school children
are early given lessons in economy.
Penny savings banks are connected with
the public schools of Belgium, and 170.-
000 of the 600,000 primary pupils have
deposited over 500,000 francs. Great
Britain has also established the penny
Japan has now school system some
what similar to our own. Controlled by
local authorities are more than 28.000
schools, of which 26,000 are elementary.
The teachers number nearly 72,000, and
the scholars 8,410,000, or nearly half the
total population of school age. The total
annual expense of the Bystem is about
The immense fund in possession of the
State of Texas for educational purposes
is mostly loaned to counties, which use
the money for public works. The State
Comptroller has invested over $3,000,000
of the permanent school funds in the
hands of the various counties, and as
vet no default in the payment of interest
has been made.
Cornell University has (1.086.112 In
productive funds, $1,171,924 invested in
buildings, 1,538 students and 123 in
structors, or an instructor to every twelve
students. This funded capital is as little
as a first-class university can be run on
In tnese days, and while uornell receives
$94,000 from tuition fee this meeta only
Between a intra ana a nail ot its ex-1
penditure. ,
The Immigration for the Year
Ended June jo.
Tennessee Farmers Excited Over
an Exodus of Negroes to
Oklahoma Etc.
A railroad rate war is threatened at the
West and South.
Kansas' wheat crop this year ia esti
mated at 80,000,000 bushels.
"Snapper" Garrison, the noted jockey,
is seriously ill at Long Branch.
The threatened atrlkeof the Union Pa
cific telegraphers has been averted.
Chancellor Allen of Tennessee decides
that dealing in futurea is gambling.
In Chicago the price of beer and pure
water are now very nearly the same.
Trego connty, Kan., paid $190 for 3,
800 pairs of rabbit ears the other day.
The bounty paid by Minnesota last
year for wolf scalps amounted to $52,
000. The State tax of the estate of John
Jacob Astor will amount to about $200,
000. ' The Texas rains have insured the cot
ton crop of the southwestern part of the,
State. . " ,
The Boston newsboys will not be al
lowed to sell papers on street cars in
Jay Gould says he will never go cruis
ing again, and offers his yacht Atlanta
for sale.
Boston's death rate is very high; al
most two hundred children died week
before last.
The Nashville American has begun a
crusade against lynching and lynchers
in Tennessee.
Archbishop Ireland aays that the
rumors that he is to be made a Cardinal
are without foundation.
Both parties appear to be satisfied
over the reapportionment of Michigan
by the called Legislature. ,
Connecticut last year .took out more
patents according to population -than
any other State in the Union.
The discrimination in Canadian tolls
in favor of Montreal has been removed
by the Dominion government.
There are 700 babies at a New York
baby show. This is an infant industry
which has not entirely died out.
There have been heavy rains in Penn
sylvania and the fear of water famine
no longer hangs over Philadelphia.
The St. Louis Superintendent of Po
lice has ordered that each of that city's
1,000 Chinamen must be photographed.
Three young Frenchmen are soliciting
funds in New York in behalf of a Social
istic colony to be founded in Paraguay.
Over n,0(X bills were introduced in
Oongrew during the recent seaaion, less
than 500 of which reached the Presi
ident, Germany in the last twelve months
contributed 133,622 to the population ot
the United States; Russia and Poland
117,419. .
The Tennessee farmers are excited
over the negro exodus to Oklahoma, and
in some counties they fear that they
will not have help enough to harvest
their crops.
The murderer of Mr. and Mrs. Borden
at Fall River. Mass., has not been dis
covered. The suspicion which rests
upon the daughter has not received any
confirmatory proofs.
Frederick Kayaer. a miser of Dayton,
Ohio, who was worth $500,000, but drove
a garbage wagon, hanged himself a few
days ago because nia daughter re
proached him for his way of life.
The steamships Citv of New York
and City of Paris will have to be officered
by American citizens when they are
documented as American vessels. This
ruling has been made at Washington.
A riot between negroes and Italians at
Orange, N. J., resulted in the stabbing
of one man and the serious wounding of
twenty others from clubs and atones.
About six hundred persons were in the
riot. - '
All the members of the Town Board
of West Superior, Wis., have been ar
rested on an embezzlement charge.
The people want to know what has be
come of the money paid in the way of
taxes. . .:
One hundred and thirty-four trains
passed through the Union depot at
Kansas City Sunday en route to the con
clave of the Knights Templar at Denver.
It is estimated that 40,000 people were
on the trains.
The total immigration to the United
States in the year ended June 30, 1892,
amounted to 619,320 souls. This large
foreign influx has been twice exceeded.
In 1881 the number of immigrants was
669,431 and in 1882 the figure rose to
A man was recently struck by light
ning at Johnstown, Pa., who recovered
consciousness in about an hour to find
the sight of one eye gone, his hair and
mustache badly burned and a mark ex
tending down the side of the body aa far
aa the knee.
All the mines under the control of
the Wisconsin Central Railroad Com
pany on the Gogebic range, save the
Ashland mine, closed down Saturday
night and some 2.000 men are thrown
out of employment. The shut-down is
caused by the Homestead strike.
Near Buena Vista, in Mercer county,
Ky five persons who ate cabbasa far
dinner were taken ill suddenly and
afterward died. An investigation dis
closed the presence of a poisonous anaba
which had been cooked in the pot with 1
tnecaoDage, Dut now tne reptile got
there is a mystery.
' A citizen of Bridgeport, Conn., has
been arrested on the charge, preferred
by a fellow-citizen, that on a certain Sab
bath he "did indulge in the vain sport and
recreation of riding a certain vehicle
known aa a bicycle, greatly to the dis
turbance of the peace and eontrarv tn
the statute in such cases made and pro-
illl " Rnt Tn.llna M .1 J
cided that no crime had been committed.
Sousa's Band Will Be a Prominent Par
ticipant Next October in the
Dedication Exercises.
The Board of Trade of Dubuque, Ia.,
has appointed a eommittee to prepare an .
exhibit for that city to be sent to the
World's Fair. -
The architects of the world are to be
invited to a congress at Chicago during
the World's Fair to discuss architect
ural subjects and the interests of the
Canada will erect a World's Fair build
ing at Chicago 100 feet long by 44 feet
wide, with a ten-foot veranda surround
ing it on all sides. Plans have been sub
mitted for approval.
Michigan is one of the most enthusi
astic of the States in the preparation of
the World's Fair exhibit. The State's
appropriation is $100,000, but it is au
thoritatively announced that the total
sum contributed toward making an ex
hibit by. the State, counties, cities and -private
individuals will reach fully $500,-
The World's Fair Commission of New
South Wales has decided to send to Chi
cago for exhibition in the horticultural -department
of the exposition the follow
ing typical representatives of Australian
vegetation and flora: Tree ferns, stag- ,
horn ferns, bird's-neat ferns, todea ferna, ,
macrozamias of two distinct kinds, gi
gantic lilies snd grass trees.
The flora of Montana will be shown at -the
World's Fair by a collection aa com-
glete aa it is possible to make it. The
tate has about 1,000 different varieties '
of wild flowers, and of these 800 have
already been collected. The exhibit will
include also a display of grasses and for- '
age plants. Many of the States are pre
paring similar exhibits of their flora.
Quite a number of foreign yachts are
likely to be in Chicago at the time of
the World's Fair. Robert 8. McCor
mick, representative of the exposition
in England, makes announcement to
that effect. All depends on how favor- '
able are the facilities forgetting through -the
Canadian canals and for safe anchor
age in Chicago, At his request full par
ticulars on these points will be furnished.
Wisconsin through ita World's Fair :
Board has asked that May 29, 18S3, be
designated as " Wisconsin day " at the
exposition. That date ia the forty-fifth
anniversary of the admission of the
State into the Union, and it desires to
celebrate it in an appropriate manner at
the fair. It is expected that each State
will have a day set apart upon which to
monopolize public attention as far aa
possible. , .
William T. Harris, Commissioner of
Education of the United States, wilt
have charge of the educational congress
to be held in Chicago at the time of the
World's Fair. Arrangements to this ef
fect have been brought about by Presi
dent Bonney of the World's Congress
Auxiliary. President Bonney has in
duced the National Educational Associa
tion to forego its regular annual meeting
next year and Instead take part in the
Sousa's band, the one he is no w organ
izing for Chicago, will be a prominent
participant in the World's Fair dedica
tion exercises next October. It is Sousa's
intention to draw liberally on the best
musical talent in this country and abroad
in order that the new band may eclipse
very other organization of the kind on
this side of the Atlantic, not excepting
the celebrated National Marine Band at
Washington, of which he has been the
Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Wise, lady mana- .
gers for Virginia, together with their
auxiliary board, have undertaken to
raise $16,000 for the Virginia buildino-.
at the World's Fair, which is to be a
full-sized reproduction of Washington's
nome at Mount Vernon. To raise the
money the women of Virginia are aellintr
certificates of membership in the Mount
Vernon Association at $1 each. They
are also asking the County and City Su
pervisorm. Councils, etc.. for levies of 1
cent per capita, and are giving enter
tainments oi various Kinds.
Minister Tsui, Chinese Representative to
This Country, Reported About to
be Recalled Etc.
Acting Treasurer Whelpley has Issued
a check for $1,040,000 in favor of the '
owners of the Mission-street property,
San Francisco, recentlv iuilAitAt aa .
site for a poetoffice.
The President has selected the follow -ing
delegates to the International Mon- -etary
Conference: Senators Allison of
Iowa, and Jones of Nevada: Represent
ative McCreary of Kentucky ; General
Francis A Walker of Massachusetts, and
Henry W. Cannon of New York. ,
The crop returns to the Department
of Agriculture show an improvement in
th.A nr.nilit.inn rtf mm Mj . U
" ww v- wwu, III.
monthly average from 81.2 in July to
fi ft In Tn I ( f
the initiation of crop reports has there
Knftn m. lftWAF Allffn.. mniljfinn Tk.
following averages of the principal
Dmwji wo giYtju ; new zone, yu; ien-
nMHAA. Q9. ' fAWft 7Q Pannavltrdiiiai QR .
7 I f v.iu.fMIl, W.
Ohio, 81; Missouri, 83; Virginia, 91);
Indiana, 84; Kansas. 81 J Georgia, 98;
Illinois, 73; Nebraska, 80; Texas, 94.
Most correspondents indicate a tendency
tn fnrthAr lmniwmm.nt Palmn.
lating to spring wheat show a lower
average, ueviimng aunng me month
from a general average of 90.9 to 87.3.
Tn tha n-tnnntfiin Kr.atn. .he nn.l ; .1 i
......... ...... mv wuv WUUIMUI1 It,
generally high. In Washington a de-
i:M la n . .1 a iu . - nn a ,
uituo ib t opvriAju uvu W wt i ot and in
Oregon from 91 to 76.
Diplomatic circles are considerably ag
itated over the announcement that Min
ister Tsui, Chinese representative to this
mnntrv im a hnnf Kaa atEwaa11J i
to the Chinese Emperor'i diapleaaore at
iuo uruuiiutjam wuion me Minister took
in the negotiation by which Count Mit
ktAWtra anti nfhAv ahalw naU.nliiM..
posed to establish an international bank
In China, which would absorb all the
railroads, telegraph lines, etc., of the
Orient. ThA nrnnnflAfI famII f
ister comes so soon after China's reieo-
. I ... d . , 1 , n .. . '
tiuu ui tu.-oanH-r iMnir as u nitea elates
Minister to that country that the two
events are being linked together. Min
ister Tsui was mainly Instrumental in
having Blair rejected, and as a result
the friends of the ex-Senator have for
some time been longing to retaliate by
having tha Minister recalled. State de-
visrvuieu. vuiuiais nave snared this feel
ing to a considerable extent, and as
manlt Mr T.iil .. LA - u .i
.. ... - ... u-u a uaru uipuH
matie lot since he hag, BUtr deposed, ;