' " ' ' '" " Uc ()vcnon Piot Ihiitfui SUitm anil Homily Official Paper Hr. IIklknh, AuatiirrlS, 18U2. , LOCAL AND GENERAL. Judge Mi'Drlde is holding court in lViilmid this wevk. a. W. Clu and fi. A. Miles wore down the rivor this week on a business trip., It is hinted that tho body of Wilson, the murderer, was "l"1"" ,rolu iUu gruvo. ' J, 11. Swagnr nnd I. Stnnwond were niona the visitor to tho metropolis Tuesday. W. J. Eustorbronk nnd wife were visiting in Porllniid the fore part of this week. There wore 105 homesteads entered In the United Slates laud office at Or egon City in Juno. . II. T. Wutkius and family left Wednesday for Astoria, whore they ex poct to spuud a month or more. General Weaver, the peoples' party candidate for president, will speak at Portland today at 1 o'clock p. ni. Misses Mattie Perry and Mamie Dart will attend the Slate Normal school nt Monmouth, which opens September 20th. Deputy Sheriff Miles nnd Constable Deckor have been kept pretty busy tills Week, having made a number of . urresls. Quite a number from this place Went on the exclusion given by (he M. E. church of Kelso to Vancouver yesterday. Dr. Uritwo'd, demist, left for Rain ier Monday, where he will remain a fuw days ready to do all work ill the dential lino. W. 11. Powell, of this county, and a graduate of the Stale Normal school nt Monmouth, has been elected princi pal of the school at Weston, Or., at a salary of fOO per month. Miss Kale Staplcton, who has been employed in tho law oflice of Cole A fiwltxer for tho paat four months as stenographer, left last Saturday for Hillsboro. We hope to seo her return soon. Just now, County Assessor Weed uml assistant" are kofft unusually busy Wiling the assessmnt roll in shape fur the board oftqiialiwtion, which meets at the courthouse in Hi. lleleus the 20ih met. . S. Way has purchased tho resi dence occupied by 11. Cox, and will move the same on his land opposite the Masonic hull as soon as Mr. Cox vacates the same by moving into his Dew residence, which is about ready for occupancy. Every woman with fellow feeling for those of her own sex will sympa thize with that unfortunate ouo in Itiuhiiiond, Vu , hint Sunday, who dis covered, after coming out of church, that her brand-new hat was adorned with a tag upon which was inscribed tho legend, "Reduced to $1.75." Throe young men. Ed. Lamberson, Milvillo Beaver, and Ed. Frantz, of (lilltoa, were arrainged before Justice lilukesloy lust Saturday charged with using profane and obscene language nt a social in lfoulton some time since. They plead guilty and were fined $20 15 and $10 each, respectfully, includ ing costs. If you do not find the usual amount of news in tho paper this week, remem ber that we are short handed. So hold your wrath, and if you are unable to keep it bottled permanently, wait at least until the editor gets back, when you are at liberty to inllict any sort of torture that will give you the most satisfaction. The citizen of Pebble, this county, have been at loggerheads with one another for over a year, owing to a dif ference of opinion concerning a site fur a new suhoolhouse. This ill-feeling culminated at the lust trustee meeting in a bitter quarrel between two of 'the leading townsmen, one of whom, Ralph Rogers, threatened to kill the other. He was bound over to keep tho peace in the sum ot $200 last week. The lloulton & Vernonia Stage Co., are now running a daily line between lloulton and Vernonia, leaving lloul ton every day, except Sunday, at 9 : 80 a. m., or immediately after tho arrival of the north-bound passenger train from Portland. It has heretofore beon rather inoonveniont traveling between the above-named pluces, but we now have the best accommodations, as this company has fine young horses and good comfortable-riding stage. Rates $2.G0 one way, $4.C0 round trip. The teachers' institute held at Clats kanie and which cloeod Tuesday even ing, is reported to be one of the most interesting and pleasant gatherings of the kind ever held in Columbia county. About 40 teachers were prcsont, which includes most of the teacher of the county. The next institute will be held in St. Helens, and it is hoped the people here will take the matter in hand and make it as pleasant and agreeable as the people of Clalskanio have done. Much credit is duo Supt. Cleeton for the success ot the institute. He has shown himself to be Ue right man in tho right place, The last Mission of th legislature enacted a follows in reference to feathered game i "Every person Who shall within the Bute of Oregon be tween the 18th day of March and the 1st day of September of each year take, kill or destroy or have in possession sell or oflW for sale, any wild swan, mallard duck, wood duck, widgeon teal, spoonbill, gray black, sprigtall, or canvass back duck, shall e guilty of a misdemeanor. Also every person who shall between November 10 and September 1st of . the following year take, kill, injure or destroy, or have In possession, sell or offer for tale any grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, qual or putrlge, except for breeding purposes, shall be guilty of a misde meauor." It will be seen that Chinese Hiid other pheasant, grouse, quail and patridges can only be killed between September 1st and November 15th,and the person who eat them is a guilty a the ono who kill them. The law should be lived- up to as it is the only way our best game can be preserved, The Oregon Press Association will meet at The Dalle on the 26th of Seplomber. Preparation have been completed for making it one of the most inte'esting assemblage of the editors, ever held in thettate. Super intendent Mitchell, of the Portland ex position, haaet Saturday, September 24th, as Press day at the exposition. Tliie'dute has been set so that mem bers from other parts of the state can attend the Press day gathering and the convention at the The Dalles on tho same journey. The session will be held two days and about 130 mem bers are expected to be present. It is n r range J that a large numbenof the deligates to the Washington assembly, which meets tt Spokane that week, will try and visit their Oregon breth em, and the compliment will be re turned by a number of The Dalle del egates. Many years' practice have given C. A. Snow & Co., solicitor of patents at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents in all classes of invention. They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured al lowance of many patents that bud been previously rejected. Their advertise ment in another column, will be of in terest to inventors, patentee, manufac tures, and all who have to do with patents. Attorney Dillard bag entered into co-partnership with G. W. Cole, the well known attorney, of this place, and they appear under the firm name of Dillard & Cole. Both are well known to be successful attorneys, Mr. Dillard having practiced in this section sevoral years ago, and we can only say that any business intrusted to their care will receive prompt and reliable atten tion. . Ed. Cline and Will Clint ry, of Bc.ip poose were arrested and lodged in jail at this place last Tuesday, charged with killing a valuable bull belonging to J. Johnson of the former place, and also with carrying concealed weapon. They were furnished bail that same evening in the sum of f 50 each and were released to appear before Justice Blitkesley next Tuesday. In answer to a letter from one of Co lumbia county's citizens, asking u to publish the law regarding hog as free commouers, wo will say that Columbia county passed the law in 1886, entitled "An act to prevent swine from running at large," which appears in the general laws of Oregon enavtod in 1883. . The salmon seasoti for 1892 closed last Wednesdayand a careful estimate shows the pacV this year on the Co lumbia will Jail short about 75,000 case. Thrfudnion run is slowly de creasing, and it will only be question of time when the canning business on the Columbia will be at a standstill. The little steamer Young America, which was placed on the Astoria and Portland mail route two weeks since, has beon found too "young" to make that run, and the Queen i now car ly ing the mail. The welcome hum of the thresher can now be heard in all the grain growing districts of the state, but it is feared the yield will fall short of last year. Neat compartment are being ar ranged on the second floor of the court house this week, to be used by the sheriff and treasurer. ; .';,', The Monmouth cadet band of 18 pieces has been secured to furnish the musio for the Salem state fuir this year. Chief of Police is raiding the low dens in Portland, which is a good thing and he should continue in his course. Polk county paid out the sum of $1778.83 for bounty on coyote and squirrel sculps tho past year. Tho Portland police officer are not allowed to smoke only between the hours of midnight and 6 a. in. Mrs. Kandle, of Albina, is visiting in this city. Sim is a sister of Mrs. H. P. Watkin and W. T. Mason. Property owner iu this place are complaining of the way horses are rid den on the sidewalks. A. Davis, of Pittsburg, was in the county seat this week on business. Surveyor Little visited Clatskunie last Tuesday. GILLiTON. A SAD ACX'imtftT. A most deplorable accident hap pened at this place on Friday last in which Mr. George Allsbouse lost his life. Mr. AllBhonse was hauling wood for Mr. F, P. Hale, and while unloading, having thrown off the back tier of wood and part of the middle- one, he found it necessary to have his team move up a little. Stepping up on top of the front tier of wood, he picked up the lines and started the team, when the wagon struck a slick of wood, which he had previously planed there to rest tee wheel a the grade ' was rather steep, with such a force a to to throw Mr. Allsbouse on to one of the horses, when he dropped down on the double trees, and the horses being frightened by such an usual occurrence, com menced to run, kicking him as they went. After running a short distance they upset the wugon.when the bruised and unconscious form of the unfor tunate mail fell to the ground aud was dragged into the bay, where nothing but his head and face remained out of the water. Had the accident not hap pened while other wood hauler were there he would have been in great danger of drowning as the tide was coming in. The team, after upsetting the wagon, ran into deep water aud stopped where it looked as if one of the horses would strangle, but they finally came out and were caught by some men near at hand. Mr. Allsbouse was taken by kind hands to the nearest residence where Dr. Cliff was summoned who made an examination, and finding no bones broken gave him medicine to produce sleep. As he had no family here it was thought best to take him to the hospital at Portland, which was done in the evening when the 6 o'clock train went up. Mr. James Bacon and Mr. Scott Nunn went with him, re maining until death came to his relief at half past nine Saturday morning, when they hud the body prepared for burial, placed in a beautiful coflin,atid brought back to this place on the even ing train, where fiieuds and neighbors turned out en masse to pay a lust tri bute of respect, to their unfortunate frieud and brother. The funeral which took place Mon day at Bay View scboolhonse, was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. Beauchamp, of Hillsboro, in a most impressive man ner, after which the farmers' alliance, of which lie was an honored member, held services that were splendidly con ducted. Deceased wa county secre tary .also secretary of the Sub ordinate lodge at this place, and in his death the alliance loses one of its most wor thy and influential members. He was a consistent Christian, was superin tendent of the Sabbath school at this place last year, and was greatly re. spected by all who knew him. The deceased was 34 year of age, unmarried, and hud a father and other near relatives living in Pennsylvania. Beautiful toiler, thy work nil dona, beautiful soul into glory liatli gone, Beautiful life with its crown now won, Uoil giveth thee rest. Rent from all sorrows, watching anil tears, Itest from all possible selling and tear. Beat wiili Qoii'a endless, wonderful years At home with the blest. Beautiful spirit, free from all stain, Ours the heartache, the sorrow and pain, Tliine is tlie glory and infinite guin Thy slumber l sweet. Peace on Ibe brow and the eyelids so culm, Hence In the heart, 'neutli the white folded palm, Peace dropping down like a wonderons balm From the head to the feet. "Tt was so sudden ," our white lips said. How we shall miss him. the beautiful dead, ; Who take the place of the previous one fled, But God knoweth best. We know lie watches the sparrows thntfall, Hears the sad cry of the grieved hearts that call, Father, brother, and sisters, helovetb thciu ... ill We can trust for the best. A Fbikhd. Mr. Frank Hoyt had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse on Friday last. He wa hauling wood, and in some way while backing, the horse struck a snag hurting himself so badly that he had to be killed, j CAltICO VAIiljEY. We are having beautiful weather, but a good rain is needed as the wells are drying up. B. F. Pope hnd C. C. Moyer burned their slashings the latter part of last week. The dance at the Carico schoolhouse was not a very decided success, as there were only three ladies and four gentlemen, including the fiddler, pres ent. "Billy" Wagonshot and lady friends came up in this part of the county Saturday to gather blackberries. Mrs. B. F. Pope, has been on the sick list for a few days, suffering with a bad cold and sore throat. D H. Pope came home from Brinn's mill last Tuesday feeling quite under the weather. ; P. H. Bailey and on,Lester,attended the institute at Clutskanie on Friday of last week. Floyd Fowler and wife are now liv ing at their ranch on the Clutskanie. There will be a meeting at the school house Monday evening. FOUND. Adrift In the Columbia river Inst June a black skift containing loggers' tools and time book. The owner can have same on applying at Bourne's landing. tf CI.ATBKANIE. ' TUB IH8TIT0T8. I On Wednesday of lost week the teachers' institute was reinforced by the arrival of Prof. Borst, principal of the schools in Centralis, Wash., whose record of thirty-three years it) teach ing has given him an experience which he can relato in such a manner as to be very helpful. He is also gifted in power to convey histhoughts,which find ready utterance in well chosen forms of expression. He was frequent ly culled on during the session of the institute to settle questions that per plex tcucherstand was very happy iu dealing with all phase of a teacher's experience that were presented to him. On Wednesday evening Dr. Hall de livered a lecture on digestion, which was very attentively listened to. Mrs. Keasy followed with a paper on "The teacher in society," which was full of good points. A recitation by Miss Shanuhun and music filled up the evening. During the day session class drills were kept up and a more or less general discussion followed upon top ics presented. On Thursday evening Miss Abbie Bryant read an excellent paper' on 'How to assign lessons." W. A. Wood read a very thoughtful paper upon "Child mind," and Prof. Borst gave a talk of three-fourths of an hour to teacher and parents that was very in structive and entertaining. On Friday evening R. S. Hattnn gave a talk on "Teaching as a profes sion," not so laudatory as we some times hear, but giving the speakers personal impressions. Mrs. Harmer followed with an essay on some of the greut things in the world. Of conrse it is to be understood there was music each evening both vocal and instru mental, and this music made up a prominent part in each evening's ex ercise. W. M. Perry gave the principal talk on Saturday evening on "Patriotism in our schools." On Monday evening of this week, after recitations by Misses Harmer and Henderson, Professor Cleeton and Jones, the subject "Formation of the child's character," was discussed in short addresses by W. II. Powell, Rev, F. J. Brown aud Dr. Hull. The exercises on Tuesday evening were not kept up as lung as usual aud the teachers had an opportunity to boat ride or enjoy themselves in other ways. A number took a little time to visit the new scboolbuilding and spoke admirably of it. In the even ing recitations were given by Misses McQuire and Boyle, and an hour was spent by the superintendent in an ad dress on "The true aim of education." A f'uv closing words followed and the exercises were closed. On Wednesday the regular quarterly examination was taken up, which con tinues at this writing. A. B. Little is in town this week as a member of the examining bourd for teachers' certi Meat. Mr. J. N.Terry and daughter, of Chicago, accompanied by Miss Fuller, of Portland, came into the city last week, on a visit to friends here. Mr. Terry is a cousin of Mr. Conyers and Mrs. Blackford, and lias a number of relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Vandever and wife are visiting Mr. iud Mrs. Frank Merrill. The steamer Dixon made an unfor tunate collision with a tcow at the mouth of Beaver lust Tuesday. The scow was rather budly used up in con sequence. A Scandinavian minister occupied Merrill's hall last Sabbath, preaching to a considerable number ot the Swed ish brethern and sisters. Miss Lucy Wurk is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. O. Bryant, this week. Mrs. Nathan Tingle, accompanied by her husband, left ou Monday morn ing to join a party of friends at Oregon City, for an expedition to Mt. Hood. She is a sufferer from asthma and hopes to receive benefit by change of air and a higher altitude. K. C, Payne was a visitor this week and went out to the Nehalem valley on Monday for a little camping experi ence. ;.' . . E. W. Conyers and Charley took charge of a camping party of friends, and betook themselves to the Nehalem valleyf where the spent two or three days along the river fishing aud other wise amusing themselves. They re port having spent a very pleasant lime. Prof. Borst left for his home in Cep tralia Monday morning. The use of the piano for the insti tute kindly loaned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meirill was highly appreciated, and helped vastly to add iuterest to the meetings. It was well handled by Mr. Blackford and Miss Barr. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Georgetown, Del., says: "Two teaspooufuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved the life of Mrs. Jane ThoniaH, of this place." He also states that several other very bad cases of bowel com plaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Edwin Ross, druggist. If you have flies on you, get some of the Tanglefoot fly paper ut Ross' drug store. Weather and Crop Bulletin, Hoivry F. Alclatore, assistant, in charge weather bureau. For the week ijndirtg Tuesday, August 9: Weather Th temperature during tlie past week has been about normal, the extremes ranging between 45 and !)5 degrees. Generally speaking the weather conditions have been favor able. There lias beeii almost an en tire absence of ruin. Crops Fall wheat threshing con tinues unabated. The berry is of fair quality iu most sections. Oat are do ing tolerably well, though needing a little ruin in some places, Spring wheal continues to improve. Reports from Marion county indicate a yield of from 18 to 20 bushels per acre. Hops are blossoming and but little damage from lice is reported so tar. Hay making is progressing nicely, The timothy and clover vuriiies are yield ing nicely, and stock is iu excellent condition. Com and melons ur3 rip ening fast and being shipped to the markets in good quantities. The onion crop in Washington county will fall short of the average. Ia Douglas county blackberries are so plentiful that large quantities are drying upon the vine for want of pickers. Gardens in general are a bit late, though in some localities pears are almost ripe. EASTERN OBMOBT. Weather There has been no rain during the week except a few local showers in portions of Baker and Un ion counties. The temperature has been about normal ; the extremes rang from 36 to 105 degrees. Hot winds are reported from stations iu tlie north eastern portion. Crops Wheat is being harvested steadily, aiid will be a fairly good crop except in some portions of the north eastern counties. Spring wheat has not improved any since last reports, but continues to suffer from drought to some extent. The fruit crop will be light in most-sections owing to ear ly frosts. Crops in Gilliam county have almost perished from the effects of the hot winds, and the potato crop is said to be a total failure. The weather conditions that have obtained during tlie past seven day have been, as a rule, favorable to veg etation in nearly ull sections of the state and were ull that could be de sired for harvesting purposes. WONDERFUIi ELECTRIC CURES. Scappoose, Or., July 23, 1892. Dr. Darrin Your electric and med ical treatment for chronic catarrh proved successful. I was cured in three months. WILLIAM T. WATTS. Millvill, Shasta Co., Cal. July 28, 1892. Dear Dr. Darrin I could not speak to highly of your electric and medical treatment for pains in my head. 1 shall never forget the morning after taking your medicine, how much better I felt. It saved my life and I shall recommend it to ull others. Yonrs truly, D.P.MARCH. Drs. Darrin can be found at 270 Washington street, Portlaud; The Review Building, Spokane, Wash., and Hotel Northern, Astoria, Or. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 5 p. ; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorhoeo, stricture, spermatorrhoea, seminal .weakness or loss ol desire of sexual power, in man or woman, catarrh aud deafness are confidentially and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed. Circulars and question blanks sent free. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctor's , oflice. Consultation free. j "Two yours ago two of my family, a young'tuuu and a girl, had very se vere and dangerous attacks of bloody flux," says John Cook, of Pilot, Vermil ion county, Ills, "The doctor here was unable, after a week's time, to check or relieve either case. I then began using Chamberluiu's Colic, Cholera -and Di urrhoea Remedy. Improvement was seen very aoon and my children arose in a few days from what I feared would be their deathbed. It is a grand, good medicine." For saie by Edwin Ross, druggist. When you are in need of blank notebooks, call at This Mist oflice. Price, 50 cents. Row Try This. ' It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a cough, cold , or any trouble with throut, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to give re lief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use hud a speedy and perfect re covery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pense and leorn for yourself Just how good a thing it Is. Trial bottles free at Edwin Ross' drug store. Large size 50c and ft. WANTED. To rent a small house on farm with re spectuble family. Would pay rent with sewing and washing for family. Have four children, boy 13 can makn himself useful ou farm. Address Mim. Bkktua A K, Hunters, Oregon. Notice Creditor. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles Jas per, deceased, to the creditors of, and ail persons having claims against the suid de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within six mouths after the first publication of this notice, to the snid ad ministrator at his ottice in St. Helens, Co lumbia county, State of Oregon. 1). J. BWITZER, Administrator of the t state of Charles Jasper, deceased. ''-' WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. 9. HIGH ARM. The only perfect family machine, was awarded the only grand , prize at the Paris Exposition in 1889. LARGEST STOCK AT LOWEST PJIICE3. For particulars call on or address (lie ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G.SPEXARTII, r The Largest General Jewelry House IN THE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 1368 Market Street, S.F., California. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Street. Portland, Or. Ciiano, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. ' Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. -Also a Fine GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NEW STORE. STILL IN THE LEAD! ( I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup plies of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Found - in Columbia County, which I am selling cheap W. J. RAINIER, OUR SPECIAL . SALE - CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be continued for a few days longer. Parents, come and be convinced , that this is a genuine sale. WAY'S UNDERWEAR Still (Joes at f-1.50 Per Suit. Retailed at Other Stores in the City al 17.50 Per Suit. King Clothiers of C K.rr. - F. R. CHOWN, HARDWARE v AND STOVES. 212 First and 9 Salmon Street POItTXAirD Netlce Cor PaklieatloM. Lund Office at Oregon City. Oregon, July 2, XTOTICK ts hereby given (hat the followms 1 numed settler n Mod notice of his inten tion to muke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Kcxister and Receiver of the U. H. land oittce at Oregon City, Oregou, on August 23, 1SD2, viz: DEAN BLANCHAKD, Homestead antrv No. COW, for the sw of net, sv of nvt, nri of and nwof ssX of sec a, 1 1 n, r 2 w. He names th following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence nnon, and cultivation ol. said land, via: T. H. WondnirT.C. W. Mnslier, J. W. Green and Geo. F. Moock: ail of Kalnior P. O., Columbia county, Oreifon. J. T. APPJSKSON, jlaalS , Meglstor. Notice of Final Settlenaeai. In the County Court of the 8tateof Oregon, for Columbia Count v. In the matter of the estute of William H. Tuttle, deceased. On reading and tiling the final account and petition for rlnal settlement of Josinh Konkle, the administrator of tho estate of William II. Tuttle, deceased, it is ordered thnt all persons Interested in the estate of William H. Tuttle, deceased , be and ap ear before the County Court of th County of Columbia. State of Oregon, at the Court room of said Court, in St. Helens, in said CuUiity and State, on Saturday, the 30th day of Julv, l&ri, at 10 o'clock a, n. on that day, and then and there to show cause why said account should not be settled as pre sented and tiled, and why final settlement of said estate should not be made. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks before said 30tli day of July. 1H03, in the Orkoon Mist a news paper of general circulation printed aud published in said Count v and state. Jljai 1). J. Swuzr.a, County Judge. DEALERS IN ,, Line of- NEW GOODS. DIETZ OREGON. OF - the Northwest ,... .Sr... Pars.... ' NOTICE. To the heirs at law of Thomas J. Rheehan, de ceased: V. 8. Umi omca, Oregon City, Or., June 30, 1892. (COMPLAINT having been entered at tills J ottice by Emery Bicknell against the heir of Thomas J. Khevhan, deceased, for abandon ing his homestead entry No. 7U7U, dated May 21, 1888, upon the e!i ueVi and nM m4, Rec 2. towu shlpS north, rauueS west, iu Columbia eounty. Oregon, wltn a view to the cancellation of aalii entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at 8t Helena, Oregon, before County Clerk, E. K. Quick, on the 30th day of August, 1SV' at 10 o'clock. A. M., to respond and iiiinlsh testtmouy concerning aaid alleged abandon ment; and ou tlie testimony then submitted a hearing will be had at th Is omce on Septem ber 30. 1892. J. T. APPERBON, iloais Heghfler final Ketlleaaen ana Diatrlbntloa. Notice Is hereby given that I, the under signed administrator of the estate of Ed win A. Libey, deceased, have Hied ray flnat account as administrator of said estate, in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, together with my pe titition for distribution of tb residue of snid estate now remaining In my hands as such administrator as described and set forth in my said final report and petition, for distribution, and that the said court h fixed the Ath day of September, 18f, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, and the court room of said court s the lima and place for hearing objections to the snid final accounts and aid petition for distribution of the residue of aaul estute. B. W. PLUM Kit, Administrator ot the aetata of Kdwin A. Libev, deceased. . iSaO Dated Julv 8, A. D. 1SI2. Log scales for sale at the Mist office at 50 cents each.