i - SUlWCltlPTIO.V, ILfiOER YEAR. St, Hki.knh, Avom 12, 1812. FREE TRADE AND FROTECTIVS TAR- IFhS DISTINGUISHED. Now, there are two methods ol levy, ing duties upon iininls. Our demo cratic frit-ntts wish us to fulh w the English inetlnxl, which in to levy them fur one furi80 only namely, to mis? ' revenue. The reprthlican party would cnlleet duties Upon imports for two purpoKps; first to raise revenue for the support of the government, and also at the eamn time to protect the indus tries and labor of our country front : ruinous competition with the poorly .paid labor of foreign countries. And - herein is fount) the issue which the two parties join Upon the tariff ques tion. The domocratic or English method is to lay duties upon those articles which we cunnot produce. Thry would restore the duty upon sugar, which we produce but little of andean produce but little of, on account of the character of our soil and climate ; and they propose by this bill to lake it from wool, leaving our farmers who raise sheep to compete in our Market with the wool growers of Australia, Asia, and the Argentine Republic. They would restore the duty upon tea and take it from lumber.buildingsione, farm products and manufactures. They would levy a purely revenue duly, which is always a tax upon the con sumer, while a protective duty is paid almost entirely by the foreign importer. The republicans, on the contrary, would lovy duties upon such articles as we cau produce in our own lan', making the amount of duty equal to the difference between the price of la" hor in our own and foreign countries. And they would utilize our own raw material rather than bay raw material abroad. Tims would we raise revenue to carry on our government and at the same time maintain our industries and keep up the wages of American workmen. We do not say to the foreign mer chant, You shall not sell your goods in our market. But we do say to him. You do not fight our battles, pay our taxes, nor help to develop or enrich our country. You, therefore, deserve no advantage over our countrymen in our market. You pay 60 cents for la bor where ourempluyers pay 100 cents. You can consequently lay your pro duct down in our market at 60 per cent, of what the American who pays good wages must receive. Therefore, to put him on an equal footing with you, it is necessary thct you should drop 40 cent on every dollar's worth you sell to us into the United States treasury to help us pay our debts and support our government as an equiva lent for the privilege of exposing yonr giods here for sale. This is certainly fair to you and it is only justice to our own people. It is what our country's prosperity demands. Life imprisonment in the Oregon penitentirry does not mean life by a great deal, if the prisoner has any de sire to earn marks of credit for good liehavior. The code defines a life sen tence as follows : "If for the term of iifteen years any person has been sen tenced to be imprisoned for life is re ported by the supeiintendent to the governor to have earned two-thirds of the time allowed for the first five years of the time that he or she is confined and if the governor in his opinion be lieves the facts so reported warrant, He may grant a full pardon to said convict. The president bas appointed Sena tor W. H. Allison, of Iowa, Senator J, I". Jones, of Nevada, Representative James R. McCreary, of Kentucky, ex- Comptroller Henry W. Camron, of New York, and General Francis A Walker, of Massachusetts, as delegates to the international monetary confer ence. Two of the five are known to be free-silver men, and the others op posed. The conference is to meet in some European city at a time not yet designated. The Tribune at Bay City, Tillamook comity, has suspended publication. The town is 'suffering a backset caused hy the persistent efforts of a few real estate agents to boom that place. In most cases these "boom towns" never amount to a great deal, but when you eee a town slowly growing up with the country surrounding it, you can fee! assured that that town will never suf fer a backset, on the contrary it will continue to improve. Washington has secured little, if any, legislation of value that has not been procured through the aid of Or egon senators. The locating - of the navy yard on Puget Sound by the last congress was largely through the aid of Senators Dolpu and Mitchell, and this year the most important work of the session was almost Wholly left to Dulph. Congress passed the bill last Satur i: v appropriating $2,500,000 to the orU's fair. t lecturer and bMik jwdultT,. IwW forth I to a iiiihU audience on the public square on Wednesday evening. If her book is as full of financial mis representations as her lecture, the reading may be satisfactory to that part of her hearers, wlm are staking their financial and political salvajion m loans from the government at two per cent., but persons of intelligence who heard her effort, have generally Concluded that ' some females make better book peddlers than lecturers on monetary science, as the lecturer pro fessed to be on that subject. The ser vices closed with an appeal for the al mighty dollar. Thire was a liberal re sponse from the faithful Hillsboro Independent. Thr press of the country generally condemns the severe punishment in flicted ou Private lams by Col. Sireater. Fralt Stealer. The parlies who have been visiting ye tditor's apple trees, and who also broke down the gate, should go a little slow as there is a law against this kind of thievery. Read what Lord Timothy Dexter says regarding the thieves who stole his fruit: The following is copied from a "pro nunciamento" issued by Lord Timothy Dexter against certain frnit thieves. The cutting was ban-Jed to a writer in the Beverly Times by John J. Dennis. When asked bow long lie had it he re plied "100 years" which statement he modified by saying "every since I was a boy," and it is remarkable that he can repeat the array of adjectives "faster'n a hen can pick up corn." "Whereas I, Lord Timothy Dexter, having been truly informed that sev eral audacious, nefarious, infamoui, intripid, night-walking, garden-violating, immature, porch-stealing rascals, all spawn of the devil, and rogues, aud cubs of Satan, do frequently, villain ously assemble themselves together in my garden, surely pipiug, fighting, hunting and sweating, rognering, duck-egg hunting, and illicit deeds which the modesty of my pen cannot express. "This is to give you all notice, Dela- carious, Capricaneous, Tularnunorinus have been scoundrels and old rogues, or wnatever nation you be, return ye my fruit and property, or by the gods, the heathen gods, I swear I will send my son Sam to Babylon for blood hounds fiercer than tigers and fleeter than the winds ; and mounted on my horse, Lilla, with catting sabre in my hand, I will hunt yon through Europe. Asia, Aftica, and America, until I can enter you in a cavern under a tree in Newfoundland, where Beelzebub him self could not find you. "Hear ye, taterdemalions, thieves, vagabonds, lank-jawed and turn-bellied plebeaus, that if ye, or any of ye, dare set your foot in my house or garden, I will deliver you to Charon, who will ferry you over the river Styx, and de liver you to the royal-arch devil, Luci fer, there to be drugged with sulpher of Caticacus, and roasted forever be fore the ever-burning crater of .Etna. Loko Timothy Dexteh." School Keport. Report of Bay View school, district No. 7, for month ending August 5, 1892: Enrolled first day, 31; enrolled at present, 51; average enrollment, 41; total attendance in days, 726; average attendance daily, 36 and 3-10. Those regular in attendance are Ella and Walter Bacon, Floyd and Laura Puzey, Mabel and Rosie Harth, Edith, Katie, and Jasper Hazen. We are very sorry to say that the at tendance has not been more regular. Parents do not seem to realize what a detriment it is to their children to be absent from their classes for a single day, to say nothing of their being ab sent one or two days a week. They lose interest, and the most com petent teacher cannot keep them in terested. Therefore, if you would have the teacher advance your children.and make scholars of them, do not bar their progress by this one of the most hurtful devices. ' Chas. Ei.ee y, Teacher. ' ' CANAAN. Messrs. A. P. Usher and E. II. Girty have started up their logging camp on Sprague creek. Miss Jessie Downs is absent this week attending the teachers' institute at Clatskanie. V. Mr. James Gailtens wss seen carry ing two coal-oil cans filled with eggs on his way to Deer Island to ship to Portland. Mr. Charles Caples and family, of Columbia City, accompanied by Hon. George McBride, of Salem, visited the Tide-creek dam last Sunday. Used in Millions of Homes lUIli Mh H.YtNIKIt . Our school will soon open for the fall term. Mr. W. M. Perry and Mm. C. E. Walker attended the teachers' institute at Clatskanie, and report an enter taining and instructive sessrton. Mrs, M. M, Lewis, of Nebraska, here on a visit to her parens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beusch. She will remain here until tlw middle ol September, when alio experts to join hot husband in Og deu, Utah, when thoy will make their home in the future. Miss Mury Harmer is having a neat residence built on her lots in this city. Mrs. E. J. Muster, of Kelso, is visit ing friends here this week. Mr. 8. Stewart, of Martin's Bluff, paid a visit to his Itaaver valley ranch one day last week. Will Pomcroy attended the P.O. store during the absence of M. Perry. Mis Mary Burke and Mr. Edwin Ross, of St. IIelens,were in Rainier last week. The former a guest of Mrs Muckle, and the latter visited Dr. Belt. Dr. Griswold is here attending the needs of our people in the dental line. Although we consider ourselves a healthy community, Dr. Belt seems quite busy. D. T. Bearce.of thefirmofReichardt A Bearce, is in Southern Oregon in the interest of his real-estate business.. Mr. Reichardl, the senior partner, is in Chicago at present. Mrs. F. M. Bachelor and daughter. of Portland, are the guests of Mrs. D.T. Bearce. V The many friends of Mr. B. F. Tay lor will be sorry to learn that he injured his hand quite badly while working on Mr. Blanchanl's flume. Resolutions. WHEREAS, we the teachers of Co lumbia county, feeling the benefits of the past few days spent in Clatskanie, and that our institute has been a grand success, even exceeding our anticipa tion, and Whereas, the success of said insti tute has been largely due to the hearty assistance a .id co-operation of the peo ple of this city and vicinity, we wish to express by voice, while here, and by publication tbercafter.our appreciation of the efficient assistance and kind in terests shown toward this institute, therefore, Resolved: That all who have aided in providing for, and entertaining the teachers while attending this institute have received the notice and apprecia tion of every teacher in the meeting this day assembled. Especial thanks are due E. W. Conyers for the free use of his large and commodious hall, to Mrs. Merrill for the use of her piano, and to Mrs. Hall for the use of her or gan, io the band and orchestra for music furnished, and to those who con tributed recitations, music, and other aid. We also note the general good will toward our efforts, and the large attendance at the evening sessions. Resolved further, That we have been greatly benefitted by this meet ing, and shall always hold in remem berance the several pleasant days spent at Clatskanie, and the kind hospitality given by its citizens. Resolved further, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of the county papers for publication. W. A. Wood, Chairman Com. on Resolutions. Ileal Estate Transfers. United State-i to Ole Paulson , ne of sec 21, 1 5 n. r 5 w, 100 acres; patent. United states to Ole I'auUon , nej of sec 31, 1 6 ti, r 5 w, UK) acres: patent. N It Matthiessen to Ole Paulson, se'i of sec 27, 1 6 n. r 5 w, tfiO acres; W80. United States to Franklin Williams, wy ol neii, n of ae and v of ws of sec U. 1 7 n, r 4 w, 100 acres; patent. Gas H Bynon to Geo E Davis, lots 1, 2, and 3, blk 20, Mellinger's 1st odd. to Ver- nonia; (1.00. United States to Joliam F A Johnson F A Johnson, ne of sec 7, 1 7 n, r 3 w, 1(J0 acres; patent. W M I)eehly to Win Mellinger, wji of swofsec:i3, t5n, r4w, 80 acres; SISOO. United States to Kdward B Armstrong, sw'A of sec 20, 1 4 n r 3 w, 100 acres; patent. Umted States to Wru Halpenny, seJ4 of sec 9, t fl n, r 4 w, 104 acres; patent. V A Moore to Undley Meeker, lot 5 of of sec 3, lots 3,4. 5, 6. 7, 8 and 9 of sec 10; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, and of nw'4 of sec 15; lots 7. 8, and ?H of se'A of sec 10, 1 4 n, r 1 w. 311 7-100 acres; t75.00. F M Miles to Lindley Meeker, land in 1 4 n, rlw; 175. tidited States to Jos A Kemp, neU of sec 8, 1 7 n r 4 w, 10 25-100 acres, patent. . W H Braden to W D l'hinney, lot 6. blk 15 In 1st add. to Vernonia: 40. W D Piiinnev to J A II Roundy. lot blk 15. Ill 1st add. to vernonia; $40. United States to Jus E Burk, nw'4 of sec , 1 5 B, 1 3 w, 100 acres. United States to Christie A Burk, tie'A of sec 0, t S n, r 3 w , 100 acres ; patent. United States to Harvey M Fowler, teVi of sec 22, 1 6 n. r 3 w, 100 acres; patent. T C James to Loreltfc J Banzer, e4 of the e$i of sec 11. t 7 n, r 8 w, 80 acres; $245. akin owder: 40 Years the Standard. ttptirlmeu 1'itsen. S. 11. milord, Now Oassel, Wis., was trnuhled with NenriilKht and Rheumatism, his 8toinneh was disordered, his Live wii ntl'eited to nil nlarmliiK tli'Krw, appetite fell atvny, and ha was terr ihly rwltieed In flest and tursiiuth. IThree bottles of hlee trie Hitlers rured lilm. Kdward Hhudierd, HarrMxtriT, 111.. Iintl rt running sore on hi leu of fig-lit years' stnndihft. lTl three bottles of Kleetrk Miters and seven boxes of Iturklln'a Arni ca iJulvc, and his leg is found awl well John Speaker, Uiitavrlm. O , hud ttvo hirRO Fever sores on his loir, doctors said he was ineiirahlc. One bin tie Klertrio Hitters and one box Hdeklen's Arnica Halve cured him entirelv. Hold at Kdwln Ross Ilrnsr Store While, at ltig Island, V , last April, I was taken with a veiy severe attack of diart huMi. I never had it Worse in my life. I tried several old-lime renii- dies, such as blackberry wine, pare gorieand laudanum without getting miiv relief, fllv attention win then called to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtva Remedy by Mr. R. C TiiiSlty, who had been handling it there, and in less thsn Ave minutes after taMnir a small dose I was entirely i-eliiived. O. (1. Ht'RFOWD, Harris Creek, Amherst Co., Vtt. For sale by Edwin R.ss, druggist. Hacklen'a Armea Naive. The Rust Slve in the world for Cuts, Uralses, Sores, I'lcrrs, Suit Khetiiu. Fever oes, Tetter, Chained Hands, I'lillhUlns, Corns aval ull skill Krnptimis, and positively elites I'll, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect suit. favtlun, or money refunded, Pries M cents per box. For tale llv Kilwill Horn. Treasurer's- Notion. Countv Treasurer's Otllee, ( (St. Helens, Or., August 5, tfj?. Notice Is Itereliy riven that nil unpaid Countv VVarr mts of said county, vlucli have been presented mid endorsed "not paid for want of funds," (mm July l.i. latll iid to Aiiirtistt.tNM.hnthda'eslnclttdve.and also warrants No's. "It" and "IMtlV wt 1 be paid on presentation at this otllee. In terest on sam warrants win not oe nuoweu after the date ut this notice. K. M. Wit AKTOJN, Treasurer Columbia County, Or. KOTICG. Nollec is hereby given that the Board of Ktiuiiltnattou will meet at M. Helens, in the Courthouse, AiiKiit 2t), lr, for the pur pose of equalising the asse;snienl of is!f.. All fluims lor correction imivt be mude be fore the Hoard. Jl'HSON WKKI, County Assessor. I have no hesitancy iti recommend ing Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dia rr hie a Remedy to the public, as I do to mv friends and patrons. I used it myself after other well known reme dies nail failed, and it citrerl me In a few minutes. I recommend it can didly and cheerfully upon its merits, not from a linaociul standpoint, be cause I have others in stock on which I make a larger profit, but became Chamberlain's is the best remedy 1 know of for bowel com plaints. There is no doubt about it, it does the work. Jamkh; Forov, druggist, McVey town, Penn. For sale by Edwin Ross, dru; uist. One Dollar Weekly Buys a good gold watch hy onr chili sys tem. Our 14-karut goi l-lilleil cases lire war ranted fur tfl years. Kine Kljrm and W al thain nuveirent. Stem wind and set. Lady's or Rent's size. Kipuil to any -"Ki watch. To secure iifteiita where we have none, we sell one of the hunting ca-e watches for the club price fcM and lend O. O. O. by express with privilcjreof examina tion before j-ayinK for the auie. Our aKcnt at Durham, '. C writes. "Our Jewelers hsvo confessed they don't know how you can I'urubh siteh work for the money." Our agent at Heath Springs, H. C., writes: "Your wstehos take at slht. Ttie Kentlemnn who Rot the lust wat'.-h hnIiI that he exHinlneil sii't priced a ieweler s wutehes Itt liiuienter, that wore ui better than yours, but the price was 1 16." Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes: 'Am In receipt of the wsteh, and nm pleased without measure. All who have neeii It uy It would be eheap at 1-10." One pood reliable opent wanted for each place. Write for particulars. Kmpirf Watch Co., New York. AdmluUtrwfnr'a Male f Healeeiate, Notice 1.1 hereby given that in ptinanee of an order of the County Court of Colum bia county, Oregon, made on the Othilay of July, A. U IK, in the mutter of tiie estate of John Farrow, deceased, the undersigned administrator of the said estate will sell at public unction to the hiuhest bidder forcash and subject to eontiriuaiion by the said Court, on Saturday, the 3rd day of Septem ber, A. 0. lP2, at one oYlin-k p. m.. at the courthouse door in St. Helens, in said state and county, all the riuht. title and interest that the said estate has by o K-ration of law or otherwise acquired other than or in ad dition to that of ihn said J din Farrow, at the time of his death 1 1 and to all that cer tain lot, piece, or parcel of land situate ly ing and being in said county and state, and described as follows, towit: The northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter of section No. 2, in township No. 0 north of range No. 2 west of the Willamette Me ridian, snd containing according to the United Htotes government survey, SO acres of land. A. KKVIN. Administrator of the estate of John Far row, deceased. jajatl .JAPANESE CURB A new nnd eomnlete trcntmeut. emiKistltlfl: of suppositories, ointments in capsules, aisn in ox auu nus: a rosiuve ;ure ior r..ieruat, in teriiHl. Hlliiii slid Hleerllnii. Itching. Chronic, itecAnt nr Hereditftrv Piles, nnd llianv ottier diseases mill female weaknesses: It Is slwuysu Sreat tienelit to I lie aeiiaral nesuii. 1 lie lint iM-overy of a meiticalcure remlcringan opera tion wun uie sniie unneeesMary neranuer. i ins Keinoly has never been known to full, 1mi box. 6 fort.",: sent bv luull. WHV suiter Irolii this terrlhle dlscaie when a written guarantee is trlven with S boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Bend stamp for free Maniple, fiiiarantee Issued by Woouaro, I'ukkb Co., Wholesale aim Ketau uruggists, ooio akuihs, rortisnu, or. Tl3 Wrated Frsncli ars, "APHRODITINrs:, rofuoded. money Is Bold ox a POSITIVE OUABANTEE to cure any form of nervous dlseue or auy disoi-Uer of the generative or gans oi eilliurscx, . whether arislue fmmtheexeesiiive BEFORE llKAof Htiinulmitjf. AFTm IobcoorOpIuni,or thrmishyoiitiifiilliellsew tlon, overindulgence, &e , such as Loss of iinila Power, Wnliefulness, Hearing doivn Palmlntlis baek.Scinlnal Weekiicss.ilyiiteiiB, Nervous Pms tmtloa, Nocturnal Emlttslons, Le-icorrhrea, l)iz Jiaess, Weak Memory, l.ossof power and Impo tency, which II neglected often leal to premsture CM oae and insanity. Price ll.OO a box, Bboxes lor 15.00. Sent by mall ou receipt of price- a wnrrrKN oi:aiiantkk is given for every f. ,.00 order received, to refund thttniouey If a 1'ermsnenC cure is not ellorti il. We hove thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, who have beeo permannntly cured by tbeiueof Aphrodltlne. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Western Branch. Uox 27. Pokti ajid. Oa. For sale by EDWIN ROSS, Dbuooist, Bt. Helens, Ur. Hart & Sweetland, r Proprietor St; Helens Meat Market Fresh ami Salted and vegetilhlrs Meals, Pan sage. Fish Meats by wholesale lit special rates, F.xp-ess wagon ran to ull parts of town, and charges reasonable, )o lojj'i? OF COURSE YOU DO. SUCH BEING THK CASK, It Minors von to llnd the most desirable place to pun'-huse vour ' Invlgoratcr.'' "THE BANQUET." Keeps constantly n hand Iho famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. The II nest fine of Wines lluiiors and Cigars to lis round this sale ol Port land. And If you wish to engage in u gams of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They enn assure you that they have the best table in town. Kvvrylldng new and nent. and your patronage is reia-i-t(uily solicited, "THE BANQUET" Ht Helens, Oregon. TIIE STKAMKIt IRALDA Is now making regular round tiips from OAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily Except Wednesdays, f.KAvmu OAK POINT... ......4:40 A. M. " BTKU.A o:0n ' " HAI.MI'.K I:I5 " ' KAI.AMA T0 HT. HKJ.F.M " ArkivikdI'OUTI.ANU.... Il.-w) " RETURNING I.kavss POKTLAXl) 110 P. M. AaaivsriTEhhA ..7:4o W. E. NEWSOM. -00 TO JOHN A. BECK. The Watchmaker aod Jeweler. fou Yorn ELEGANT : : : JEWELRY The Finest assortment of Watehes , Clucks aud Jewelry of all descriptions.-. .. Opposite the lismond, Porthu d Oregon SAWMILL FOR SALE, Said Sawmill Is sl'uated on the Ht. Helens road, shout 2'4 miles southeast of Oleneoe usliuuttou eoiintv, oreif. -II. Alaeiiinery in periiH-t running onier; i-.ugmeis -io-iurs( lmwer, ten tiy twenty: lioiler ao tin-ties in diameter and 14 leet long; New liead lilork (Hatehet); AL-o suwdust currier; i.n rue lot of crlar now on hand lor saw. Term made known on application to the omler signed. Would vxi-hanjji' for city or im- provea isriii property. A.I- A III- II lUM.H, lfilhboro. Oregon NOTICE. My wife, Mary Howard, having left my lied and board without Just cuue or provo cation, t will not be responsible for any ichts coiitracted by her. II. 0, Howahd, Dated this 3th day of July, IKD3. i!0ajf Notice tor pwblirnttwn. lnd onic. at Oregon t.ity, Oregon, July 2, iwri 'V'OTICR Is hereby iti-en that the- i(illilnif 1 namel settler has lllvil notice of liU biiou- tlon to make nsl nriwa fu ui'0ort of his clsiin anil that said proof will tie iiifute hefnre th Oiiunty Clers of t'ohiiuMa eminty, ai nt. Ilelttts ureou, on Aiiirusi ui, iw.'j. vu: JA9ll'.n SlfWlXAUVt llnmesteiifl ontrv No. st)7. for th nU of nvli, seti of niv'i and ii(Ji of of tfec Jo. I a. r w. He names the following witnesses to prove tils eiiiiilnuoua re-iilutiee usm mid euttivstloti of, khI'1 lund under t-eeiiuit t.ial K. 14.: iiisntmHu Monnie. Sftimiel INiuanl. Ju-M Fel-r aisl Jesao K. Hallivsn; All of Iteulieii, Culuinbln countv. Oregon. t. i. Arrl.I!rti, Jl.'.ilD. UvsUter. A4mlnitraitor' Hailewf Realeslale Notice Is hereby given that fn pursuance of an order of the County Court of Colum bia county, Oregon, nia-lu on the fl'li day of J (i I v , lsl)2. in the matter of the estate of H. H. Mitchell, decea-e.l. The undersigned adni'iiiHtrulor will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and subject to sain bv the said Court ou Hsturdav the 3rd day of September, A. D. 1Hi2, Htoneo'clnek p. in. at the courthouse door at Ht. Helens, ! u..f.l . ..II tl.a .!..!. .i.l 111 111111 LVII'lv, nwiir. nit tl, c llllb, llllu and Interest that the said estate has by opt r ation of law or otherwise acquired other than or In addition to that of the said II. H, Mitchell at the time of his death In and to nil that certain lot, piece, or parcel of laud I) ing anil being in suid county nnd state. and described as follows, towit: The west half of the southwest quarter and the south half of the northwest quarter of section No. :).'), township 7 north of range 2 west of the Willamette Meridian, anil containing ac cording to United Ktates government sur vey, KiO acres of land. A. KKVIN, Administrator of the estate of H. H Mitchell, deceased, J2)a2 Sherilfs Sale. STATE OF OREOOtf, ) bounty 01 eoiumlua. ) Bv virtue of an execution anil order of sale. Issued out of the Circuit Court, of the Htate of Oregon, for the County of Colum bia, to lue directed, in favor of John T, MuKea and ngiiinst John 11. Kdmuuds. for Ihe sum of $.'U0.5 dollars, liidgment, with interest at the rate of 8 tier cent, ner an num from the 20th day of May, lsjtf, und the further sum of t-i'M dollars, costs and accruing costs, commanding me to make sain of the following-described real property, to-wit: The southwest quarter of sections In tnwtishiji 7 north, range A west Willam ette Meridian . embracing 1.1A acres, more or less; together with the tenements, hered itaments nnd appurtenances thereunto belonging or in auvwise appertaining: all being situated in Columbia county. 8tte of Oregon, t duly levied upon said premises on the lltli day of July, WU. Now, in pursuance of said execution, I will, on the 2nth day of August, lWtt, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the Courthouse door, in said countv und state. sell at public auction al the right, title, claim and interest in and to the ubove de scribed real property of the said John H. Edmunds, to the highest bidder therefor for cash, to satisfy said execution. Interest and costs. O. A, MAH8IH, J1M2 Sheriff1 of Columbia County, Or. WE ARE H MANUFACTURERS MENS ALL-WOOL SUITS SACKS AND PROCKS! SIZES 34 TO 54.- $8.50 Every Suit J. M.MOYER&CO. Successors to Brownsville Wo:Lo Mills. Retail store, 140 First street, under the Gilman, CASH STORE! W. J. IUiUCKLE & -DBAMtKII 1H- General Merchandise, Crockery, I Boots, Shops, Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Queens ware. I Furnishing; Goods. LUMBER SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken in Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER, - - - OREGON. THE RETAIL MERCHANT ia tlw neco-wiry Medium of Trade between the Manufacturer mid the Consumer. He imwt irotect the intercut of his customers by purvhiviiig ii) the lowent mil nnd bet mrukets, and by celling to his patrons at the Lowest Prices. PROPRIETOR OF THE In keeping these true principles of trade always ia view; often leaves the old track and strikes "across lots" for BargntuH for hi cuwtomersv Hi Hock of SGeneral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It Is not convenient to name the many different articles kept nn sale, aside from Dry OimmIn, t'l,, thing. Ladies' Wear Ouutlemen's Wear, Head Wear, Knot Wear, l-'ioiir and Feed, Uroieries and Dan ncd floods, Nails and Hardware, Crockery and (lla-svrare, liriinito aud '1 Inn-are, I'owder and Hhot, Hats and Caps, booM and Hhucs, V atcnt Medicines, Toilet Artkdes, elo. FOR SALE I 160 ACRES Xear town of CLATSKANIE House, barn and young orchard 12 to 16 acres clear, and good milling timber. Inquire room 18, Abington building, 5th floor, Portland, Oregon. Price, $2,000. P. WILLIAMS. Model Saloon. I. STAN WOOD, Proptr. ST. HELENS, . - OREGON. Choice Wines, touorsand Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Table ' 'or tha Pcsommodation of Patrons CALL AROUND. -0- -0- 1 J warranted. 0- -o- OLD ST. HELENS STORE, ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor. Tuhtes always supplied wiih tliehcsledlhle and delicacies Ihe market allords. TBItMS RBAROKABLK FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, we' are irepared to give satisfaction to all onr patrons, und solicit share ol your patronage. - ' o ST. HELENS OREGON. BLUE FRONT One Price Casif Store. WM. SYM0NS, DKAI.KU IN General Merchandise, DRY G00D3, GROCERIES, TINWARE, ETC, Ladies' Fine Shoes PATENT MEDICINES. RAINIER, : f ' OREGON,