The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 22, 1892, Image 2

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    TriE OREGON MiSf.
scBsuairrios, u.m ikr ykar.
St. llELKHR. July 22, 1892.
Manufacturers ikyited,
there In no puce on the l acute
Coast belief adapted for ganerul
manufacturing industries than As
tr. Raw miiterml can be procured
here by ocean, river and railroad
combination which insures that
freights will always be moderate for
those commodities which are not al
ready at hand.
As regards fuel, tlcre Is strong as
surance that the development of the
coal fluids of Clatsop and Columbia
counties will provide coal iu abun
dance at reasonable rates. Mean
time we can promise manutactiirers
plenty of fuel at low rate from mauy
sources of supply. For ,,u
dustrieB tliere is an almost limitless
supply of fuel available in the refuse
wf our lumber yards and box factories.
Hundreds of ions of sawdust also go
wliii-li could be used as fuel.
As reuards the distribution of mer
chandiso. we hold that Astoria pro5-
vides strong inducements, feme may
fairly retard as tributary territory
the vast commercial fields which in
cludes the states of Oregon, Washing
ton. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming,
WkvuiIi lltuh and rart of Colorado.
Astoria may justly aspire to hold the
same commercial and industrial re
lations to these states that New York
.1,. is. iha amtlutrn and mid-western
tut that are within like radius of
i. KitfamWU and ships are al
.oA vaill)le for the distribution
of our manufactured products. In a
hnrl time Astoria will be connected
iih Dm railroad system of the entire
ommirv mid will enioy all the ad-
advantages which will result from be
! "luiiinnou uoint" in the railroad
9 stoma A .
It i believed that worltinemen will
be pleased with the conditions which 1
exist at Astoria and that tbese will re-1
suit in advantage to employers and
employes. Tbese conditions are easy
means of obtaining homes, a healty
climate, good schools and churches of
all denominations. The cost of living,
all things considered, is less than in
n.ivilMi rkiea of the East, which are
nurseries for lockouts and strikes.
In addition toall these inducements,
Astoria offers a strong healthy senu
merit in favor of new industries. Man'
iiftir-ln rem will be welcomed with open
hum and they may expect liberal
terms from property owners in the
city or the neighboring country. A-
Tils tfntou tactile have increased
the towage rales between .Portland
and the sea; This Will tend to put
new vigor hi the Astoria and Portland
railroad. Every time the towage rates
are raised Columbia comity can say,
Amen! For every time the rates are In
creased it drives 40,000spikes in the new
railroad pi oposition. The day is not
far distant when Shippers will not be
compelled to pay tribute to the tow-
boat company oeiwucn
Portland, aud the Nt baton valley will
look smilingly on at the h avily laumi
trains speeding away to me iiu:m
ocean with the products of our soil.
That Columbia county is growing
is evidenced by the iueicase in the
number of votes cast now and six
Years ago. At mat nine ai. me uronm
election in 1886 there were 713 votes
pulled in the entire county tor there
of State. On June o last the niimooi
of votes was 1425, or within ene vole of
double that f six years ago. This if
verv flittering showing forununioia
county, and we venture the promotion
that it will again aoume wiimu hic
next six years.
Judob T. A. McBripk, of the Fifth
lmiil iliMtiict. is Droving himselt to
! worth? or tne oinuo. in mo
strict disoibline is the prevailing order
of busiuess,which was shown at the re
cent term at Hillsboro. The lawyers
caunot run the court to suit themselves.
Mr. McBride is made of tha right ma
anoe or powder in that body. ;
NOW1 tluil tlio Silver bill is dead and
buried beyond ressurrectioii, there li
no (total reason why, congress cannot
finish its Business ami aj"i
the 1st of A ugnst. An agreement hu-
tween the senate and house on no
ute of adjournment is expeeteu to oe
reached in a very few days.
Standard-oil influences Having s-
ii red the democratic nomination 101
Mr. Cleveland, is now at work to
omucl Senator Briee to aRree w
allow himself to be re elected chair-
mn of the democratic national com
mittee. Ho has repeatedly said that
he intended to retire, and it is well
uown that ho dislikes Mr. vioveiami
kkifti.ii. inn mere aru icuw.w ""j
i,a 'nnnt verV well reflle to do what
v.......-r , , ... . ...
i... af.i.wl.irtl nil neon e want mi" w
do, and he may continue chairman.
It Saves lit Children.
Mr. C. II. Shawen, WolWvillo, Kan.,
says ! "It Is Willi pleasure ""
f the cood Chaniberlaiu s uniie, m-
m an.1 Diarrhoea Remedy has don
..... f. ,.;t,- A,ir i,f the ust lorn u en
uj .......... ... n ---- -
ears. In the most oosunaw
tummcr complaint auu iu.
.iw.i,i mv children, it aoteu as a
.,i,.,r... ..,,.lin it never necessary 10
vui. "."11 ------- -
call a pbvsiciau. i Can iruiniuu? wj
hat in my judgmeni, oaseu ra
of experience, there is not a nieuieiuo
i mmiirM ai is lis eii".
sale by Edwin Ross, druggist.
As a home market is of primary Im
portance to our workpeople, it is fitting
that it he noticed in immediate con-
iieiMuin with the item ot wages. To
annnlv the wauts of a nation of 65,-
fKi IK) rannls. who. taken as a whole,
are accustomed to the substantial
.,.mfnru nf life, reauires a vast num
ber of those who work for wages. In
rnnaeouence of this urgent demand,
their wages, when compared with those
paid beyond the Atlantic, are high, be
cause IhiB home market is always sure,
since the American people are depen
dent, outside their own territory, for
perhaps not one-fiftieth part of their
substantial comforts.
They have within their territorial
limits almost inexhaustible mines of
the precious metals, coal and iron, a
marvelously fertile soil, and a copious
rainfall, derived from a source that
will remain as long as the present laws
of nature exist. Beiug in these respects
independent of the outside world, they
virtually baye one of their own.
After their home market is supplied,
the surplus is sent to foreign lands to
be exchanged for what they desire
which, owing to low wages paid abroad
and to climatic influences, they can
nnt n rod uce themselves.
The wages of these numerous work
er are enhanced by the ever-recurring
wants of the people in the different
sections of the land. The primary
motive is to strengthen the home mar
ket by supplying all the essential ar
ticles needed by the people, when it be done by means of domestic
muniifnr.tiirintz. The elements from
which come our sustenance and wealth
are provided to our hand by tne bou nty !
of a beneficent Creator, and why
should we not avail ourselves of His
gift) and utilize them, first of all, for
the benefit of our own people? From
Palton's "Political Economy for Amer
ican Youth."
J, George, Vroprictor.
Tables always supplied wHb. ihebwUdlbtos
and delicacies the marKei ...
. Hainnnnn
Having been newly refurnished, w
are prepareii io rito
our patrons, and soiioii
IP W. A. Wood uses as many big
words when he becomes a lawyer (?)
as he did in a late issue of the people's
parly mouthpiece of Columbiacounty,
the judge will be compelled to keep
Wehter" under bis arm all the while.
Verily the sorehead, is not happy. This
man Wood not being a subscriber to
ThrMist. and as We believe him to
lie honest, at least so far as the law
compels him to be, he must have bor
rowed someone's paper to see what we
had to Say about General Weaver.
Weaver advised a boycott against this
. paper, which we can prove by men
whose record for truth and veracity
are as tat above W. A. Wood's as the
sun is above the earth. Wood says he
had the "pleasure" of "presenting" the
boycott resolutions to the audience,
and not. one voice was raised against
them. Now listen one moment: This
wolf in sheep's clothine was a candi
date for the legislature the place
where our laws tre made, and he
claims to be a lawyer now he had the
"pleasure" of introducing an uulawful
resolution to an assemblage, which
was vaBsed. Boycotting is unlawful
according to the constitution of this
country, and has been also declared so
by the courts of the landv yet this fel
low, Wood, took the responsibility upon
himself to defy the law, supreme court
and all. Is this man fit to make laws
when be tries to break What we already
have? With such a vermin tociviliza
tion in the legislature what could Co
lumbia county expect! ine amau
tiess of his brain would not have per'
milled hint to have done anything ex
cept as an impediment to all matters
that might come up.
Th road exhibit will "be one of tbe
leading features at tne world s lair,
From our regular correspondent.)
Washington. July 15. 13i2.
The chasm in the democratic ranks
caused by the nomination of Cleveland has
perceptibly widened since the free-coinage
bill was finally defeated by the house, ana
irliilRthe irtwwioiiines democrats are not
doinrmuch talking for publication, they
are freely predicting privaiely defeat for
Cleveland and the loss of the house for the
democratic party, by reason of the detec
tion of the silver men in that party.
Ex-SDeaker Reed led the assault in
the house which definitely settled the
fit nf the free-coinage bill by a vote
of 154 to 136. There was a larger at
tendance than had before been on the
floor of the house for four or five
months. It was not until the day be
fore the fieht that the republican
members, who saw their power to dic-
iap the action ot the house, luiiy ae
cided to kill the bill. For a time
wm thoueht they would let the demo
cratic factions fight ltoutaniongthem
aelvea. but after a free exchange
ooinions it was decided that the best
thin for the entire country was that
thev should take the leading part
crushing the bill instead of allowing
the democrats to pass it, and having
the president kill it with a veto, as he
would have done.
Th renublican senate, true to the
record of the party, has shown that
believes in upholding Christianity and
moral reform, by adopting Senator
Quay's amendment to the clause of
Sunday civil bill, providing for the
coinage of 85,000.000 in souvenir half
dollars for the world's fair; prohibiting
the opening of the exposition on sun-
days, and of Senator Peffer's amendment-prohibiting
the sale of intoxicat
ing liquors on the exposition grounds.
"Now. let the democratic house defeat
these amendments if it dares, said
Senator Quay.
The difference between democratic
and republican methods has been
sharply defined by the Pennsylvania
labor troubles. Last May the house,
after some very hard kicking in its fa
vor by the alliance memoers,autuorizeu
the judiciary committee to investigate
the PiuKerton detective system and
its methods, and appropriated the
money to pay the expenses of the in
vestigation. The resolution was quietly
laid away by Mr. Oates, who had been
designated as chairman ot tne suo
committee which was to make the in
vestigation, presumably with the in
tention of waiting until congress had
adjourned aud then making a leisurely
pleasure tour at tbe expense of the
people while engaged in the investiga
tion. Had that investigation been
nrnmntlv made when it was first au
thorized, it is probably that no armed
force would have been sent to Home
stead by the Pinkertons, and the lives
lost there would have been saved.
Karlv this week Mr. Oates took hie
partisan sub-committee to tlomesteau
in search of democratic campaign ma
terial, and not of the cause of the trou
ble there. The senate will also investi
gate, but, mark the difference ; it will
do it through a select non-panisau
committee of seven, three republicans,
three democrats, and Senator Fetter,
hich will endeavor to get to the bot
tom of the trouble without fear or
favor. Which method is the right
one? ' . .
The democratic house refused point-
blank to appropriate one cent from
the national treasury towards enter
taining the veterans who will- attend
the G. A. B. encampment, and it was
onlv after a prolonged wrangle that
it agreed to allow the District of Co
lumbia to spend $ 90,000 from its own
revenues for that purpose.
That the so-called people's party
movement is nothing but a tender to
the Cleveland machine is every day
becoming more evident. Already the
third-party congressmen have dropped
the rnasK and openiy aamiv uiav iney
are making the fight, not to elect their
candidate, but to throw the election
in congress and make the election of
Cleveland certain, ineir only oojeci
in putting up a national ticket was to
make a basis upon wnicn totraae who
democrats in doubtful districts for
votes for third-party congressmen, be
lieving it possible thereby to elect
enough third-party men to the next
house to enable them to noiu tne Dai-
sljftia of your
SlmriiTs Sale.
nty of Columbia.!
Hy virtus of an execution ai
ale issued out ot Hum w
nasi! ittili.ini-vKS
rein 1 1 BtfHIIfl ISSttVliinwi j t THE
Engines, Boilers, Wagons, Buggies, Etc, Etc.
I with. 4
Prices tho Lowest.
tVtU.,IT, WILLOHiy 7lffl YOU
I ywMrlVJTlii
mtl.V, YT I lAWKBYE "TAY Wit TtK
mft usrurvsiB r& r r 7";," i ' i P
Correspondency Solicited .uwiiw.wu&
How to Build l'p a Town.
Kick hard.
Kick at everything.
Don't take your home paper. nnw a rent under any Circnm
stances advettising or oinerwwe auu
L-ii-li rimtinuullv.
TMmiih to enter any comninauou ,iit t,u n hen, -tit to anyone but
. . . 3 ii !f Db:i.lA
ahvivs hiiv fii neuuiens, u uucoiu.u.
and give your home merchants 'e
eo-bv. and the merchants in turn send
their work to the cheap-John pnnj.
Speak of your own town as tne
immoral place on earth, and say a bad
word for it every chance you get.
If a Btrancer comes to town leu mm
everything is overdone, and that the
town is no goon on general iriuvii..o.
This will be a drawing card to ucw
business and industries.
If von are in business don t auver
tise. Bny a rubber stamp and use thaU
It saves you a few dimes and looks so
mnch better than if nicely printed by
an artist.
Kick because you and your friends
are not permitted to run the town, and
if you do run it, kick anyhow.
and order of
.'onrt ol tin-
State ot Oregon , fe-r tl.e u.uniy i "
Ma, to nie uuvcieu, i ';: " , ;:
Kevser and ajiniit Martin 1'. Kim '. f r
ri7Aii .In ura luctsriiieitt, with
iiiu pin" " - ..,.
.1 111. M t II fi IT, ll ' .. -
,i,u r Kin. ir and ui
further sum of au wo uonar ;
eruii.S costs, com mam
of mi) loiiiiwuiK'iiwv""'' .. ; .t.
. ' . 'i i... umthu'iMt M of section ,
I""".-.! ,i, ....A 11 west of the Wil
loniiMiii' " i. i...
laette Meru nan, u?eur "
"eiitk hereditaments and am.urtom.m-es
.i,..r..ui.t.blloiminaor in anywise ainr-
tainii.Ri all being situateil In l oiumma
0 u ty. Htate f Oregon. I duly levied
uJk.ii wild premises on the l"th day of J une.
"fow.inpuisnimee of yaW """""J
will . on tbe 'J3rd day of July, at t ie
hour of 10 o'clock A. M ., at the Court
HouLe door, in said county and state, sell
H"ibllcauttloii,alltho rll.t, til e. ela.m
. interest in and to the nlmve-Ue.Hcr I e,t
real property of Martin P. K.mpp. to the
hiaba-t bidder therefor, for ;eali to ba(U(
W execution. interest ami KKK
j24j23 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or.
Hart & Sweetland,
St. Helens Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Mentx, PaniaR', Hn
and vegetable.
Jtests by wholesolo nl special rates.
vi'hh wairon run to all part of town,
and charges reasoiitdils. .
Sheriff's Sale.
By virt ue of an execution a
ale issued' out of the Circuit
Tonntv of Columbia
mm omer oi
.n il iMHue.1 ousoi fue wiuu ........ v. ...
State ot Orciton . for the County of I olmu-
a ii against C. F. Levenworth and Kate .M.
i ....f....,i, for li mnii of 1H.7SH.0U dollars
ludgment. with Interest t the rate of N per
cent per year, from the Ktli day of May,
Vi.i.r mini of tia.iJ dollars
costs and accruing costs, commanding me
..I f the f.illuwina-deseri'ied
real properly. to-itl The nrlh X ot
...,!,ii. u and southwest i of s.)Utheat
M and northeast H of snuthweat section
li, township T nqrlh. raj ge 4 wext, and
northwest section 12, township 7 north,
range 4 went, ami souiuca.Ni ; . c "
.. ...I.;,. 7 orth rnnirc 8 weft of the VVll'
i, M..ri,liun. toeether with the tene
ments, hertiditamenta and appurtenances
.,t,tr T, I. i . I
O vou to Hud the im de-irablu place to
THK CAMK. It lielinoves
purchase your ' tnvtu"rior.
Keeps constantly on hand the famous
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
Tl. flncat line of Wines It
p;.. i.i Ik f.iiiml ihiide
Uuul. And if you wi-h
enguge in a game of
louors anu
.. I'oi t
SIZES 34 TO 54.
thereunto belonging or m ynywije apwr- hest' ta,
taining; all being Mtnaled In Columbia m.llt -nd
County, State of Oregon t duly levied hed,
unnit said promises on the 15th day of J une,
Thev can asuie you tnai loev nar
I . .' . , , I L'.-.,.-ti.itii, in W llll.l
III 1U1.I1, v(. ....... .
in re-iietiiwu.
School Report.
School report of district No. lfi. for the
month ending July 13, 1S2: Number of
days taught, 16; number enrolled. 35; aver
age daily i.ttendance,19 18-19; totamumuer i
of days taught, 376; number of visitors, 2.
Raymond Doan was neither absent or tarjy
during the month . Those receiving 90 per
cent in attendance were Ollie Rice, Clyde
Stewart. Joseph Doan. Eddie Girt. Carrie
Girt, Belle Girt, Eugene Furrow, Lavenia
Furrow and Bibvl Furrow.
M. E. Haemer, Teacher.
Strength anA Health.
If you are not feeling strong and healthy,
try Electric Bitters. If "La Grippe" has
left you weak and weary, nse Electric Bit
ters. This remedy acts directly on Liver.
Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those
organs to perform their functions. If you
are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will
find speedy and permanent relief by taking
Electric Bitters. One trial will convince
yon that tms is me renieuy you r..
Urge bottles only 50c. at jsuwin boss
Drug Store.
upon said premises
Now. in pursuance of snid execution, 1
will, on the 25th day of July, Is!.', at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the Court House
door in said county and state, sell at public
auction . all the right, title. cliilin and inter
est in and to (lie above-described rent pp'P
..f ( V I , v, invni tli aud Kate M.
Levenworth. to the highest bidder therefor,
for cash to satify sa d execution, inters!
and costs. W. A. MEEKER.
j2j22 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or.
Model Saloon.
I. mHWOOV, Prop'r.
The Watchmaker and Jeweler,
The Finest assortment of Watches, Clocks,
and Jewelry of all descriptions.
Opposite the Esmond. Portland. Oregon.
Said Sawmill is situated on the St. Helens
road, about 'i miles southeast of Glencoe
Washington county, Oreeon. Machinery
in perfect running order; Engine is 45-horst
power, ten by twenty; Boiler 50 inches in
diameter and 14 leet long; New head blocks
(Ratchet); Also sawdust carrier; Larue lot
of cedar now on hand lor sale. Term
made known on application to tbe under
slimed. Would exchange for city or inv
proved farm property c archbolD)
Hillsboro, Oregon.
Notice ol Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the Stateof Oregon,
for Columbia County.
In the mutter of the estate of .Electa E,
On reading snd filing the final account
.nd .wiiii.mof Euirene H Girty. ailmiins-
toatorof thenstatcof Electa K.
p..si1 nn.l nravinir for an order of rtutrl
butior. of the residue of saiil estate nmnng
the persons . titled, it is ordered thatal
tiersons interested in the eslate of sail
Electa E. Girty, deceased, be and appear
before the County court of the County of
flolumbia. State of Oregon, at the court
room of said court in Ht. Helens, In said
ccmutv and state, on Saturday the 30th duy
of JulV, ma, at 10 o'clock a. m. . and then
and tliere to show cause why snid account
should not be settled as presented, and
hv n r.r.lftr of distribution should not be
made of the residue of said estate among
i. f.r uai 1 (WpaspiI ancurdinfif tt law.
It is further ordered that a copy of this
order be published at least once a week tor
four successive weeks before the said 30th
day of July, 1, in the Oaaooa Mist, a
newspaper of general circulation printed
and puWislieu in said couniy oi niuic.
j24j22 1). J. SW1, couniy juuge.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for U)liimn;a couniy
In the matter of the estate of Henry Girty
On reading and filing the final account
and petition for distribution oi fcugene ti.
oirto administrator of the estate of Henry
Girtv. deceased, and praying for an order
Ol Uisiriuutli," V, wio . ft,. .... w.
that all persons interested in the. estate of
Helens, In said county
.. .... . J I. t.. ..l.,-,wl
amonu tne persons eniiueo , n w w
ry dirty, deceased, be and appear be
fore the County court of the County ol i.o-
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve la the world for Cuts, Bruises,
Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns snd all Bkln
Emotions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay
required. It U guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money refunded, Price 26 cents per
box. Tor Bale By Edwin Ross.
lmiibia, State of Oregon, at the courtroom
of sa d court, in St. Helens, in rem coo
and state, on aaturaay, ine oum uj
in. of that i
1ltf iho- at in n'cloclt a.
and then and there to show cause why said
..,.. i,..i,i nni ha settled ss Dresented
nJ an nnler of oisirinmuon siiouiu
not be maile of tbe residue of said estate
among the heirs of said deceased according
to law. it is lurtner oraereu uibi. a uij
r.l this nr.ler he niiblished at least Once
week for four successive weeks before said
30th day of July, I8t, in tne ubmiok mist.
a newspaper oi general circommi", pumw
and nuhlished in said county aud state
HMi22 D. J. BWITZKK, vounty
jour putrouage
St Ilok-ns. Oregon.
Every Suit warranted.
Choice Wines.
Liauors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Bilkrd and Pool Table
'orCha peoommodation of Patron
Successors to Brownsville Wo&n Mills.
Retail store, 140 First street, under the Gilman.
Is now making regular round
Hips fr.. in
Daily Except Wednesdays
Lsaviko OAK POINT..
" tSTKI.l.A
" KA1XIKU. ...
.4 :40 A. M
..6:00 '
..11:15 "
. , 7 :IM "
. N:IKI "
.11:00 "
T.ravks POKTI.AKD !: V. M
Aaaiva STlil-I.A
Diamonds. Clocks,
Watches, Jewelerv, and Optical Goods.
Fine Watch and Jewelrv ifcepairing.
Orders from the Country Solicited.'
165 First Street. Between Morrison nnd Yamhill. Portland, Or.
w. J. riUGKLe :& go
1 Judge.
Final Settlement and Di.trlfcntlon,
Notic is hereby given that I, the under
sisned ad.niiiistrator of the estate of Ed
win A. Libey. deceased, have filed my final
account as administrator of said estate, in
the County Court of the Htate oi uregon,
f,.. "..!.,. ,.1, id I'nuritv tiKRlher with mv ne-
titition foY distribution of the residue of
uiH utni now reinauiina: in m v hands as
such administrator as described and set
forth in my said final report and petition
for distribution, and that the said court has
fixed the 5lh day of September, 1892. at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, and
the court room of said court as tbe time
and lilnee for hearing objections to the
said final accounts and snid petition for
distribution of the residue of saM estate.
Administrator of the estate of Edwin
A. I,ibey, deceased. jSao
Dated July 8, A. D. 1892.
A new and complete treatment, consisting ot
Suppositories, Ointments in Capsules, also In
Boi and Pills: a Positive Cure -lor External, In
ternal, Blind and Bleedims, Itching, Chronic,
Keient or Hereditary Piles, and many other
disease" and female weaknesses: It la always a
great bsnellt to the gone ml health. The llrst
discovery of a medical cure rendering an opera
tion with tne knife unnecessary hereafter. 1 his
Keuiedy has never been known to fail. 1 per
box. 6 for 15; sent by mall. Why suffer from this
terrible disease when a written guarantee la
alven with s bones, to refund the money if not
cured. Bend stamp for free Ham pie. Guarantee
Issued ny woohabu, t,i."iv.. ..
aud Ketill Druggists, Bole Agenls, Portland, Or.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
The GekhatedFrencHurB,
One Price Cash Store.
General Merchandise,
la Sold o x
to cure any form
' fifriRrvous disease
or any disorder ol
me generative or
gans 01 eiuier
whathar arlki
from the excess! ve
BEFORE nseof Stimulants,
rat '
Tnhacco orOnlum, or through youthful Indiscre
tion, over Indulgence , sucn
tlon, over inuuigen,ot ""i ,"'""
Power, Wakefmni-s, Bearing down Pains In the utninniwAkri(s.llvsterla. Nervous Proa
tratlon, Nocturnal Einisslons, Leucorrhira, Ills.
lines., Weak Memory, lobsoi I'owerarm imjro-
w. whli-h If neeleetcd often lrail to premature
old age and Insanity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes
lor 15.00. Kent by mail on receipt of price'
every f 6.00 order received, to refund the money if
Permanent cure Is not effected. We have
thousands of testimonials from old and young,
ef both sexes, who have been permanently cured
by the use of Apbrodltlne. Circular free. AddreM
Western Branch. Box 27. Poktlakd. Oil
For gale by EDWIN ROSS, Dbuggibt,
St. Helens, Or.
JSotlce ! Final Wcltlement.
In the County Court of the Btuteof Oregon,
loruoiurauiauouniy. ,,
In the matter ot the estate of William II
Taitr.lf. ilt.r,asf(t.
On readtnn and filing the final ncconnt
and petition for final settlement of Josiuli
Knnkle, the administrator of tho estnt of
William II. Tuttle, deceased, ft Is ordered
that nil persons interested in tho estate of
William H. Tnttln. deceased . be and ap
pear before the County Court of the Comity
of Columbia, Mate of Oregon, at the Court
room ol said Uourt, in Bt. iicn-iis. ui uu
V ...,t ,.,..1 Ktnti. nil HlltrmlxV. tile ifltll
day of" July, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. P', on that
day, and then and there to snow cause way
should not le settled us pre
sented and filed, and why tlnul settleinout
of said estate should not tie nnido.
It Ls further ordered that a copy of this
order be published at leant once a week for
four successive weeks before snid 80tli day
of July, 1892, In the Obsook Mist a nows
of guuersl circulation printed and
niiblished in siild County and Hi ale.
P, J, Bwitzkk, County udge,
General Merchandise,
! Boots, Shoes,
Ladies Dress Goods,
Queensware. .Furnishing Goods,
Produce Taken In Exchange.
It Will Pay You to Consult our prices.
THE RETAIL MERCHANT is the necessary
Medium of Trade between tho Manufacturer
and the Consumer, He must protect the interest
of his customers by purchasing iD the lowest and
and best markets, and by selling to his patrons
at the Lowest Possible Prices.
"W". EE. 3D OLMAN.
In keeping these true principles of trade always in
view ; often leaves the old track and strikes "across
lots" for Bargains for his cuwtomers. His stock of
&rGeneral Merchandise
Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day.
It Is not convenient to name the many different articles kept
on sale, aside from Dry Goods, Clothing, I.iidles' Wear.'tlentlemen's
Wear, Heed Wear, Foot Wear, Klour and Fred, Oroccries and Can
ned Ooods, Nulls and Hardware, Crockery and Glassware, Granite
and Tinware, Powder and Shot, Hata and Oaps, Hoots and Shoes,
Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc,