OREGON MIST. NO. 30. VOL. 9. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1892. rm HE THE OREGON MIST. urn rrfi,,fim-':L!g-'1"!'"a!'ZJ MI.CUE1EIIV I HIDAIt mOUKI.KU -BY- ' THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. K DEEOLE, Manager. oSFciAL COUNTY PAPER. aubatrlpllen Mini, On copy on year In advance..., On unity .Ix nioullii single oopy,.. It 50 JO Adverllaiu lleies. professional eard on year...,. One coluiuu one year .. ....... Hull column on year Uuarler column una year.. Oil lll"ll Illlllllll Uns I ni'll til rv inoullia .... On. Iiu'k ! uuiitlia VI m v 40 . 2 6 Local notice.. 16 cent. pr Hue fur !lri lur Hon; 10 emit, per line for 'li tubt"ii'iit in- "Legal adverlla.menta, 81.80 Mr Inch lor llrnl Insertion, mi'l 74 cent per Ineh lor Knell .iiuae queutluriloii. COUOMtllA COUNTY WKKCTOUY. 'amity Officer. ,.Deau Dlanrhsrd, Rainier K. K. (lulik, H'. Helen. it. A. M.l... H'. Union. Judge Clers .....mm....".. Huurirr. .... Tr.isanr r ..... Bilpl, of eH'lionl.. AMeasor ..... btirveyor,,... t. St. Wharton, Columbia city T. J. lieeloii, Vernon i W. II Kysvr, Rainier A. B. Lllile. Ra uler Cuuiralailmcr...... Xy. Barui-e, Msyger. cioir Natter a. Moaic,-Ht. Helen. Unl. No. IB-Reguhi' ommiitili'tlon. Ilr.t ami Iblrd al"rdy n -..u ....... ,k Mi7-iii u ut MhmjiiIr ball Vlait in. lumlari lu aiBXl .laiidini Invited to at- MAaii.-Italnler I.od. No mantilla Saturday on or twfuro eaidi full ""'".n at ) .tMamlbalt. ovr lllaue hard a ator., Vlailiiigaienilwra lu ot atandlug In vited lu .tllil, I... - ." The .nulla. Down river (IhmO flow, at H:H0 . n. I'u river llmatli-loMiM at 4 r. M, tC.U tor Vernonla I'lll.bunr l.ytj HI. HeloiM ali.nday, W wlnenlay and rHUa) at fh!I' mall for Mar.hl.ud. Claukanla and I Mlat leave Uolnu Monday. Wodnendiiy and Krldu) "Malta (railway) north (low a- W a. .i for purtlaud at a e. M. r Tmvelr Outdo-Mlver llamlea. HvaAHaaO W. an vita-l-eavea W. IMn l..r tNirilaiid at II a. m. Tue-hiv, ThurNlav and iitunla ! l"VvV ' "l. Helena for I lal.kanle M.ind.yi IWeuue-lay and Krld.y at :00 a, , drrtitaa la.l.nA-Uave. M. Helen, for Port land 7.46 . rituriilii at :. r. M. MraAMKR Jo.arn Kai.i.o-f aveaHt. Helen, lor "Vland d.lly eae.l rtunday. at 1 A. ar i i J 1 1. . i V' ui 1 1 a nd at 10,110; relornliia. leave Krtla'nv al l " i ! arrlv.na at . Helen, at 4. FKOFESSIONAL. D" ii. u. cLirr, niYSICIAXAND SURGEON. St. Helen., Oregon D R. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Clatikaiile. Columbia county, Or, D R. W. C. BELT, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. y i. KICK. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ST. IlBLBNS, OltKaON. Deputy Diatrlct Attorney (or Columbia Co, T. A. McXatot. A. 8. Duaa, rcBRIDB DRESSER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. Oregon City , Oregon . Prompt attention given lund-offlce bualnoM, B. LITTLE, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Bt. Helena, Oregon. Conntv surveyor. Lund urvoylng,town batting, and engineering worK prorapiiy lono. J. W. DBArrn, W. T. Buhnkv. )LRNKV & DRAPER, l ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. Tw.lv vcitra' experience a Keglater or ,1,1 II tJwnte- iLund Ollice hre, rmj iliend a ua In oiia specialty of n il,tl"il')' K o befur t .e I-iuirt Ofll or the ..IV. ineoleinir, the Oeneral Und Ollloe. ROCKENBROUOH A COWING, ATT0 RN R Y-at-L AW, Oregon City, Ore)ron. Uud Olllie BiilUling. A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. 8T. HELF-NS, Uhfcuuii. Tl.a house hot . been fully refurnished T 111 ra "hnui and the beat of accom moduiloiis will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. STAGE run In connection with tl.el.ot.Uo.ineclD.gwiu lor T.co.1. 110 ?. SIIEKIFF'S SALE ' Of Land fur Delinquent Taxes. NOT1CK M IIEKKIIY GIVEN THAT liy virtue of u warrant issued by order i( III County Court, of Columbia County. Mtnte of Oregon, to m directed and at tached to the delinquent assessment roll of IWI, commanding ni to Collect the Hue designated in anid roll u. dellimuent, nii'l for want of personal property to inukr mi. 1. 1 taxes, i have levied upon, and on Tiieadity, July 2U, lWW. commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.,1 will null at public unction at ihe Court House door in Ht. Helens, Co I iiinljia Ci itin ty , Htateof Oregon, ao niui'li oftlia following described lota and parcel, of land a. may be ni!0i'aary to pay the taxes due thereon In United Htate gold loin, together with all fee. and costs; .aid lota and parcel of land Is aituata In the County of Columbia ami Htate of Oregon, and was assessed to the following person!, tlHWlt, Adam., William, lot., 10, It and 12 aoo 61? rS .. 17 42 Ailaina, Hilly, wX of wX aae S2l6r 4 Adama, Green, Vernonla oue-ltfth of X blk i Ailaina, Thorn.. J, wX sX KCJUllri; n 1 40 1 43 it. aal aa 21 1 A r A. . 11 00 a eu AHiuen, t noma. II, peraonal properly. Anne raon , A a, ibiio in .en hod., A M) a oo AiKlttrwin. Jam... .w1 u 21 t 6 r 2 Amlenioii, Oliver, e' ne'i anil lot. 1 and Hue At r 8: w' nw( ec4 1 8 r ; ns'i uwo. .re 6 1 A r S, H'i w'4 anil w 4 eo:ut7r Aiiionwm, I'fli'r, land In It 17 r 8 Aullker, Rudolph. 40 aere. bouflit of II C Hryantnei'iiKt 6r S Aniln-o, N A, nw'M'llt Br2 Atkaaon, Joiwph K, nw'4 nw'i .eu IV Ur 12 M i 00 M 2 2.'. 4: n't un'i . nil n.ti IIW1.!. H4r6... 200 Adaiua, John, t!4 v and e', aac 7 1 7r 6.. 10 00 in,n HI' i:nluinbla Ultv M of blk 1 aud : Columbia (Jliv tdltner. ad blk. 0.1.04, ai and 02; of blk. 00, 67, 6H aud 6V; river front blk f lauia, Joliu. veruonia mi i inn ai u loawiirtb. J C. ii U nw aae 14 t S r 2: lot 3 and neCl .w'i anil ae'4 ui aee 6 1 4 r 1 ; U iwU Me II t 3 r IT, lot I aec-614 r 1: 200 e ra. off Perry' l I. C ec A and 6 I 4 r 1. 67 (10 In.worih, (ieorne J, uW aee 110 lOr 1. ... 12 00 uduraoo, Olof, eoiiiineniliia; at nw cor or .e' mm ec la I o r o; wieiiee ean uu. II,,. in and lOaaine t and r 73 11 i:irol; Ibeni e north UrotU; thence w 73 II l. r.l auil parallel to aaia aee Una: lli.nci) noiith 13 rwl. to Iilace of be- ul,.ltll AH IB t fi r A 63 nil.T.on, Andrew. nej nw e24 1 4 r 2. 2 60 Auderaou, Annie, uw'4 .wji th a!-. x 3114 r 4; neJ4 M'4aei: linn " w hh. iianfiird, pari ol (JlonlliKor a nit ..... 1 llf i Z780 laurer, Ueta K, U aw. aee 12 1 7 r H. ... 14 77 inker, tleorae. ae'j ect4 r4 2 00 lt.vl.. Mehnlaa BevU. ueriwtial pmjierty o a,i llevla. J W. that ixirtloii of Hiinler'a l I, t lying weal of ueer i.ianu iooau maw u...l Ultrl .ml 3 al 0B llevl, Mre II J aw' and .eU aee 18 1 S r 2. . 24 00 lleeale. John K ar. lot 3 aee 13 1 4 r 2 ...... 10 30 Heiiaeia, jara.ii.r e; io i I'll, iiaretire, lO'i w:r. imu.n. mi .,-.. Ilenderanneaewt rS 2 25 8 50 8 8H erl, John. a.' '" hop. Frank, ae' .ep02l rJ.,.., inter. Kru.t 0. e neU and n!t (""i 111, K Rerkonfeld, Hon, nH .e' and neUawVj and aeH ne'i and aee r6.. 1 88 autoiaril, iiean, jonn iinrri. u i. ami 1 i r and I ! 7 nii.1 8 aee. 16 and 17 tT r2: llanklniii'iaiin aee. io ami n i r "" near Halnler .oc 16 1 7 r 2: , 14 t 4 r 2; Italnler lot. 3 and II blk H. tut. 1, t. 4 and 6 blk 4 h 1 blk 6. lot. I, 2, 3, 4 blk , I .t. 1 1 blk 7. Iota i 1 to MU lot. 5.6 7 6 blk 10, lot. 1, 2, 3. 4 blk 11, blk 12. lol3, 4, 7. 6 blk 13, lot. 1. 2,8,4,6, 6, 7 blk 14, lota 3, 4. o, 7, a oi io 73 20 nianchnrd A HWnc. nH !i eey U t6r2... 12 00 lllack. Kdward. link aae 29 t 6r 2. aivii..... w owl., UllM.ew! c hum............. oiirne. J K. nU and tH nw'.and w w i.l.; -j.l7ti,lMVk i.U aac 31 1 7 r2. X av ? '. - M iw e'- w out 7 ft v " Booth, alarilu, Rainier, lota 3, 4, 7. w of ortliwick'.'MraHB,.e!we2U6 r ....... WW otiaer, Lilly A. w"-. " Jf S. V . V kik 'la in u bl Clty.Caplea' ad lot 2 blk 2. lot 1 blk 26 10 85 onaer. K M, e.tateof, lota 1, 2, 7, ee 21 . u . 1 4 tXJ i,..-,- i..wn w ,.L m l i a r 2 fco. ................. w. oiler. John, w nwVi auu ae nw'i aw''i aee 9 1 6 r 5 .ft 2 25 1 00 Brolbar.. Waller, e.ecl rs l, ... . i wm I. an .ii, Wm lae'aee lot 6 r ............. 1 tn. Harvey M'atiaaU and n'4 wii d e!i wii aoe 7 1 7 r 4 1 n, CC, wS.wtiacc 3t5r2 1 1 00 Urow and 00 00 urow ii, - , . , ... uK.adT::::::r.:..w r.7 21 oa Drlnaon. Henry C.awW aw ace 18 1 4 r 4, ' a' ana uui a. i aou mi". rtrluaon. Wattle. peraoual property........ ,. . vti... u a7UaiMa lii annl6t7r4. e'i nwH aud nw!i ne'. we 21 1 7 1 4. ..... 20 e4 nrnt,0,nerJ,Dtc of 11 B Ha.tlng. M.a a a. la. 1 i r. w Bryant, Ahhle, Bryantvlll .tfihit 8 blk 10. . Bryant. Cora It. Bryantvtlle flk 3 ......... Bryant. Charle. K, aeU uH iiee2AJ ,1 tlL Bryant, MraL.aataU of, und H r ,w 2 K5 35 1 00 I 25 5 00 Brand, K E, e.tate of, e'ii .;! aee 14 1 4 r 5. Brauiilng, Henry, personal property....,, Braden. ttally. Vernonla 21 d olaltoll ,.,Lfla A ft una frU 12 blk 7 9 75 4 84 BriideulW 11, Vernonla, Molllnger'a l.t ad . . ... L.l. u i.a I 4 a ftl.lb'U Vatrnollla. ' IOI ill Ola l. luta . i . . w ". : i.... J a i.ia ii 80 Bradeu, laabel,' Vernonla, Mlllugr a lt ad lot 6 blk 24 ........ . Buniganlner and C L smith, ae nwtf aud 56 2 00 nti new aee li i o ri ............... RiimVardner. Wm H. t'i aee I e r I 1 00 auro, Joaeph, peiaonaf properly. . . . . .. 20 76 luro Charl. BW ol E U rfryant. D L C im w' and H 0 27 1 7 1 4. ... 45 15 rkeT MlAael.tie'; hiosi t r 2.. ......... 00 neauro, Baauro, Burnett, Minnie, 1 acre ol laud bought of Oeorue Fuawr.. .... . Burrl. Ollyar, n v4 ae 33 1 6 r 4 --i. : 1 00 Bvuon, enie, iuoui, . 1, 2,4. 6 blk 2. . r. . , 1 .. . 1 1 1,1 .uii iwVtaeo 23 t 4 j 6, 4 lot 4, A,bi ; j" eferjiw .WitTC'.'::::: it S 65 65 Baker, Albert, vemonia, .101 a .. a Baker John, Varuonla, lol 4 blk 13 ,. t 60 Hararly, Christian, lol 1 aee a n r Blunett. MraMary,aw nw! and nw -? " Vi 'i li' V. Unri ' in aV 28 HIBKiiani, s " " -i - 10(l Blm.n.neld. AminarM'wWaii'soU r 1.. 10 00 Blackford. Mra 8 M, Bryanlvlllo. l.t ad Bogarth. OW. Col'umbia'city fe , " KffiSoriTi W, Vernonla. lot. 1, 7 blk8. 1 10 Brown, V, Vernonla, lot blk 17. ....... ... 65 Bradhiiry Clement., lot. 1, 2, 3 ec 26 1 8 r 4 6 60 sir v:::.'' i an 1 8 r 4 10 00 Srsaatai't" f. i)ry..uvlll, WlWk 2 Brauoh, Ben; B. uwl.sec 14 1 6 r 8 Brvaiit, H VV,M j'l tf.-- 65 10 00 10 00 10 00 2 60 g,x;LiiC via w. M w Bush. H Baud Kinuia, "M "'- and ne. aiid nX ne). aeo a nw-4 auuawra ua? - ,s00 1 6 r 2. . . . . . . .. :,',;,,'' 'i,;, 'i'hiv o 66 sssEiSSfi-:.: Xi-if;riii.- w .4 10 00 Biu-knerame ;..:i- i a haUui. iso a.s r a...... -. " B'u'nVg'irlerut.., 4, 5, 6 and , sae 7 t 6 rl... .... .... ; ; ; ,0 w a"-. "T,"r,".'Xi , t. a aU see aol9t 7 ro, esn w.v, -"-- - jq w riS"0. Vtfe nwVi'ind ." J ,7,i. sew nwU and lots i, . ; 4 1 6 r 5, te'A nv-A j 0&.ohn'F7 1 ,M..t'6Vr DU " " " si tir-R Carro! sec ' Chtpnian purauna. K--.-" -' , , .. a ciZiet f C O.'a'MoYc'o'liiple-'u 1? 20 21 16 ft. nnd of eVj X pi t :;S,T,i?6htrri it. n Mk M caple. ad lot. 8, 9 blk 2. . . . 81 00 1 4.r 4. ysrnwV i hM nwx and Cox, Juine., 10 lu're.i off Broyie. D L C 14 r 1 Cox, Waller It. vy. nw'4 iih! 12 1 4 r 2 Cromiy, William, wj.. .c 6 t4r4, Vernonla Into bill Craft, w A, H tie!', and no4 tt'i aee 22 1 4 r 2 , Craft, C K. penuiuil proiwrty Curtla, K J, V.ruonlBlot4 bl Cu.bin.ii, K A, 1 1 o J 4 nee ,'12 to r 2 Campbell, Hldney, Vernonla, Uellluger'a l.t ad lot. 1, 2, 3,4, A, 6bU3... Caraun and Paulaon, V A LaiiiOut'. DLC 7 2A 8 40 1 2 S 00 i II 1 Sr. V 00 l cr. .eo 31 1 o r 1, part of Jo.ofih caplea l L v anu uoe laiio in mini hchidti 10 04 10 oo Carlaon, Kil. nw'i iec 14 1 6 r 3. . . , papula, uyroii, loia . bimi u nvu h a , . , unu navi ne 4 ec ii it i ii w? vv tm:llbr : It SO Caploa, ilaz, mid H ol Joaeph Caide.' D 1. 0 t 5 r 1, und Joaenh i u. I) LCe'4 li'i aim ol uo'4 n.'i aee in i on no w Carur, Loul.a A, 4 acre. In aee 4 1 4 r 1 I Cauty, iJennl. (1, w)4 aee 6 1 6 r 2 10 iri Cheney, K N, Vernonla lot 6 bl A 65 Clinton, Klvhard, aU aud n'4 aeaee 1616 r 4 10 00 Cllft. Andy. nw'A ee 8 16 r 6 lu 00 cienieiua, jo.ein, unu nw na auu 'k nwj and w nwj aee 3 1 r. ...... 600 Columbia Lumbering Co, Columbia City l,, i. a a 1,1 Iota 1. ! 3 bl 2 33 SB Cllne, Jai'ob, ne4j neJ4 aee 23 1 8 r 2 8 00 (!ooir, Henry C, ne!-i aee 22 1 4 r A A OJ Cook. John. uw!4 and w!4 aau 16 1 A r A . . . 20 00 l',.a. Kranlt. aU lot1 and awll ne'yi BUd ueU e)4 aee ? t 6 r 6... 10 00 Cole, i H.nU ioc 111 1 6 r 3 10 00 Oliver. A J. II' nwvi aur ior i ww raitilull. liiHlua It. bit. 1 anil 2 aee 14 1 8 r 4 7 w ranier. Annie M, w4 neS aee 4 t 4 r 2 . . . 8 (10 rui.u .i,,iin II. iz noli ami lot. 1 and 2 ..... Ill t 4 r A 9 60 iraft. I.laiii. wU aeW and HeW .Wi4 aee A t r 4: nw'.i ne'-s ncc- nmri vw pitaa. a u m. wa ae' ana a iv i aei: 11 I T 8 00 CurlU. Cyril. 0, un',i aee 8 1 7 r 8 12 00 it, jonu, nw'i aee mho .'. . . .. I.,l, St Ilnlana aU lot 17 bl 10. 18 80 l,u...,..ll .ariw. Ml IlllrU .lid nfl ani M I A r 4 ' Dart, Jairnn, part of Joaeph Hloughloa a D L C aee 24 1 4 r 1 ; HU Helena J4 of lot 4, 5 bl 10; lut 6 bl 10; lota 18, 19 bl 19; of lot,6, 7, 8,14blW 45 97 9 50 Daw.ou, Thomaa, e 'A c lit 7 r ! ne nw'4 aee 14 1 7 r a; ioi o ire ir; :..T. Inlil.t aee 20 1 1) r 5; u! ne"i aee 20 1 6 r 6; m. ee 20 1 6 1 6 13 84 DaywaHVMraP A,K nw lot. 3 aud 6 a 40 Da.lt ind ii A, 'tot.' i,' 2, 8 aee 30 1 8 V ; all tide laiio m irom oi ioia i, , , " all tide land east of tide laud aold to K M Warreu lylug in front of lol. 4, 6, 6 In m. imr 4 1 24 Davy, 11 0, guardian, ieroarl property .... Denalow, Mr. K H, r..iual property . .... Dewllde, Hcnedlet,!4iaK:e 19 t 7r4, 10 (10 45 I 89 ewildeiVeter, e uH and ue) aee He 11 00 3017 r 4 Deppold, Martin K. neW tee 11 1 0 r 3 Doraey. D M, nwM ae 11 6 r 8 2 i'i 1 00 Downlng.iienrieiu..Raiun!r raa 18 and Dobln. ad to Rainier blk 2 . . . .... Dntlh Auguat, ne'4 aee 2216 r2 and lot 3 80 10 15 6 50 1 25 Dla O III 1,0010 Dafaen, (daf, pereonal property. Duinuiyer.John, nwW aee 1 1 6 rS... Drair, I. K, lot 2 ec 15 1 6 r 5. ............ . Dally. John.w w aee 26 1 6 r 4; e.H uli . . mi i C . J 1 75 25 00 Daniel., (iH, Columbia City lota aud 10 1.IL ..1 1 HI . 1Vi1.m IT n'wi ',.' and up1 nei! and iM lies aee o i r. Iiavl.. Kulii. J, wfi .aee 29 't 6 r 5 WW llv Julitlka. BO'.i K VIDID , .v v Dlbblee.John. tliaa North. D c t .lot 1 and 2 aee I aim J 1 7 r a; ioi i mi: o 8and4aec2t7r 3; n,'i, ae'i and nc 4 aj; aee 18 1 7 r 2; aw!i 12 1 7 r J; b.ta 1, 2. 8. 4, we 12 and eU ne'i fee 11 17 . a. ,i .ui.' Mini lota 1 ami 2 aee 2 t 7r6 Debit, Jatnea II, tie-i " 6 ' ' V " ', ; lu w Dlxou.ileorKe, lot. 9.6. 6,7, 10 aud U ne'i .oc 17 r a ; Dlllard, V D, ue!i aeeST. 1 0 r 4. . . . 10 00 Dlllaid, W D, Columbia City tola 5 and 6 l)lt euhoferVr in-i T. neii' wMW t'o'r'a i W Dil'liiKham, M 8, 80x100 leel emit aide ot at ran. 1 w coiiiiuoik i-nj 00 50 50 fil Dtil.-k;'Kra'nk',';H'neK'nd' 'lo't. l aud 2 aei'614 r5 iv..iu. pnk. neraonid property........ 8 00 Dixon, Daniel, personal properly KhitI. Andrew, nwliaec 1 1 4 r 0 K"ei;AlXVariioiilalot7Wk 11 and 05 225 99 6 00 2 00 9 00 871 loll blk 17.... Kdholm, John, evj new see i i i . Kllerlaon. Kiiwarn, tw-t "-., EwlUohu Hrne and ac neW mc ..... .1-... n!.' al aivi 111 ft n r . EUR-Ilke, Ueorge. land In ace 24 t 4 ' Knali.h George C, land In seo 21 1 4 r 4. . . . KXAoti. Thoinaa.8t Helen blk 68 aud lot Elnuin , John, acVi see 24 1 6 r 8. . ..... ...... Emery, Walter O, wneW and k'4 ne'4 aud acVi n wK 27 1 7 r 6. 17 ... l?....f nwU aee 24 1 7 r 0-..... .. 2 25 2 25 2 75 10 00 10 00 10 00 S'""'.,:;-" .- ..., -. ', an, a. a 111 110 10 00 Furrow, jonn, " " re.'ch1l.tl.n,ren.'ind'.w ruofTe Fl'wgerlS." iehaei,' 'o'aorea'of Me'pinio'n Die 1 4 r 1 i lota 8, 4, 6, and te'A eo Klsk.' Jama' P, nW iot a '.' i t 7 r'tV uji 'e'x ""'. . iu ....Vit- m and owned bv John 1 89 1 25 10 99 Kanover ace 4 1 7 r 4 ; M ne'i ee 27 1 7 r 4 69 29 Piniey. William, ei w eo 1 r -a, ? nuli ao4. 24 I A r 4 13 00 RS& M?.' n''Yo t V "r"3':"N..r Cltv ( 7 ano 8 blk 1, and lota 10. 11 and Wblk8;audMrlv.rWllot 4 blk 21, and lot 11 bl k 12 ....... . . . ; : 1 05 6 85 Fowler, Edward w, eer cny 101a aim blk 12 . 1 84 Fowler, C C. 25 acre' bougni or nenry Blake e 39 and 35 1 7 r 2 . . . . . ........ 1 00 b reat h and J H Doau D L V .ec 18, 14 and Foiten Joiin, land in ioc 4 and 9 ie r i. . . . . Franl. W 11. 1 lot In C'?!"""1? i"1,1 loU 19 29 2 25 1 85 1 64 2 26 i t 6 and 6 blk 8; 1 lot in Mlat 60100. Frey, Robert, ne'A ' 29 t ft r J. . . . .... . Furrow, Walter. n swti ec 20 1 7 r 2. . Feeley, Kata V, H aw! aud H "X raldanlieimer, Albert, se!i ec 8 1 6 r 4. . . . . 10 00 Febainb Flalder. Charle.. nV, no.n. I wUiawkand ; ne'4 and asV vyM eo 86 1 4 r 2. ..... 15 00 FiUman, Jacob, etfwX and H ne'i ' tl ''.' wW ne!4 seo 82 1 5 r 4 t 00 Field, A 8 and F T Day w wK "ec 26 16 ' - -I.- .nrf awW oeU and se'i nwli :i s. a ? " " . : 20 oo Flaherty, Ed. Columbia City undivided 'A "Kl'rSi Von' F A'aihlu nieae'i rieiammi, t- " i nn Fnaar F. w'-k wti see 16 1 4 r 5 2 50 xia.llnda.nwU see 22 t 5 r 6. 10 00 Fraxer.TL, aw1 seo 82 1 8 r 8 ' Frtedlander, John, awK see 18 1 7 r 8; 9K te'A snd aM se and a4 WH ac 12 rancltw'm b', u'wX'eX'nd ffi.'oiiVirVo. Cloniugerp LC e on 4 r 1 ' Fiecken-tcln & Mayer, parsonal property. 10 0alei"jamea8, H ne'4 S !t 5 1 ;8 1 Uaddi.. William, wjj .w aud wX nw 65 fllfluwaV . WiilVa'r'd ,' neii tee 27 1 6 r 4. ..... U 0eaclhorg, Aron, neVi aeost 0 ro, n- 1 an,i bu.i. n.ii' see a 1 6 r 6. ( arty, Eugene H, personal proerty Olisau NV, seV ec 38 1 r 2 Oerty Mr. 1 E K, estate of, .Wof Burn D L bi .a uilrl and 2 8 12 Glertsen, Alfred, nw p. anu 071 swaev. 19 and 7t2r8.... Olenn. JH. p.raonal property. 9 8 9 10 27 1 (lore, John M, nw-, see f ' (lore, Nancy, ue5i ec 7 1 6 l l. Gore, 0 A, rerso..id proper y . .. (inrman, I'aiuoi . "' .;""..''. orlndle, F. II, iwX sees I ( r 3... 1 t ir idle Elmer, seX ,"" ' yl-'ai U "ilmiu, A ii, nX S- . ,ec 34 ' 7t 50 99 J and 2 blk O, blk 96. ....... ... . . '" ii nutner. MrsSusan.lot 1, 2, 8, 4, ana nyi neX mo t r l; 14 28 of seWf and lots I and 2 ,.c 20 1 5 r 1 : lots 5 a nd 5 eo 28 1 5 r Rl.M 4. ".-" t . 8 . - i . iv.k. ,,a inwun. DflrsuiiHi ai" woi Driimmoud, Vu.,.e;iaer. 85tJ r2......... 10 Droyer, Phillip. ne!- m'4 f- ' Droiur. W P. Ki n'4 aec3t3r2 2 Drake' J H, Coiuiobi4Clly loU 10,11 aud 12 . .....1 neitluaPtV .... 1 K.'l Gaert JamfiM,.Wc80l : T r ......... 10 64 iiv Nalhaulel. i eX wX ec 10 1 r 2. . ... 8 00 GUtiier, S F. nX nw4 and sX w aiw'kam wXeXeol8t5r !"; vldedVof Xec l8 t 6 r 1; .undivided UsUnVsso T8t5 rl; undivided X "X W"3 V i i) 1. c seo 5. 6, 7, and 8 1 6 r rA olumbla City Glltne r'. add b Ik : 88. 17 J.1. . i.ii. a lnla 10 and 21 blk P, lot Ai, I . I lii ini nX d nmKS nW afin 7 1 7 r A 12 60 tioldahiltli, Max.neW.ei; 84 16 r2, ne ne! aud lot. 4 aud 6 aee 15 1 8 r 2 W 00 (lerrow. Uallai'e, tyt aee 8 1 6 r 6 10 0 droaa, A , und s. wU aee 12 1 5 r 2 8 00 Orlawold, W P. nwi and ue( ec 21 1 6 r 3, nwj and nc'4 ec 20 1 6 r 3 40 00 Urawi, C F, ..late of, e'i nlA and e wH aae 18t0r 4. 10 00 Oeulnan, Thoinaa, ne'i aee34t6r3... 10 00 uuwKina Kiijan, nv'A, wa we ' ' ne new nt i4ii r i Huwkin., Albert A. i tus ae 1 7 r 4), a nwj ace 101 7 r4 .1100 Hall, llrafaunle, nwJ4nd ae'i we 28 t7 r 4 , 10 00 llnrinv IV H aU aU'l and wU lSlA MC 21 1 6r4..". ....... 189 Il.irey. Martin M. ti w!4acl2t5 r6, n'i nwji aee ifli o re. t Harvey, A E, nwU aee 6 1 5 r 4. 2 25 II ii yea, o jorge, wH and e nee 4 1 7 r 4. . . 13 46 Hiiaoy. 8 It. ne' aee 14 1 6 r 3 1 26 Hart, Cliarie., 50 acre. o (Houghton Bl u e 16 1 4 r 1 Harrla, Leonard W, e.tele of, tw'i aee 22 t 7 T - ; " Harrla, W A, Improvement. on laud owned 8 60 6 00 ny Maker Heuaen. chrl.t.nwU aejand f'4 e!4 ee 82 1 7 r 4 Heuaen, Jena, eatate of, w pM Hit 7r 8, n4 te'i w 31 1 7 r 4, u;i w'A aee w . i r 4 10 00 Hill and Ruttor, pereonal property , . IS 25 ll'ivl. krank M npraolial Dronertv Hoyt. VVUllain, 20 acres kKiught of C Hart tee 24 and 26 1 4 r 2 Howltaon, Oeorge. personal property Hogren, Jolm, n'4 awnd. nwJiec2 4.Q . 6 52 8 76 2 261 Holuian, Mary C, 17 ' B.r 1 ; 6 00 Hudson, 8 K, vV. n4 aud eW nwW and n ! aw! and ne'4 aH aee 13 1 7 r 3, w .XA"Llt7r s.....,......,-,.....-. - 94 H uoaon, janiea i, umyt acy. uu iu. ncv. .u t 7 r2 "5 Halpeuy. William, aejec9t6r4 t.. 10 00 lliiuar. PhllllD.w'iaecl0t6r4 10 00 Hansen, H E, Ht Helen, lot 18 bl 27 Hiittson, John A, ue'4 ik and ne'4 aeJiaee 84 9 t a r 2 6 00 10 00 12 00 Harrla, Hattle, nvt aee 8t6r2 Hawthorn, estate of, ne'4 aee 36t 8 r Hawka, Nelson, awK aee 20 t 6r 2 Hiatt, (. Vemonla lot 8 bl 18 12 00 42 10 00 65 1 10 Hill, i B.C'j w4j aee imri ............ Holtaer, M ra, Vemonla lot 8 bl 6. . . . ... . . . . II tx k Held, Himon, Vernonla Rosa add lot lb!8, lot 18 bl 6 Hall, Edmund, ne'4 ne'4 and Be! and aw 4 iie';ocllt6r4, n'A ui.. Bt li I r. r n'A iif.& inu ne'Aua and lot 1 and 'A e and ae4 ne'4 and ana nov b4 u w1 nw!,i and t naU nee 18 t 6 r 8, '4 and H awU ec 12 m'4 tw'A ec 6 t i r u mniy. nu i ; .nit sU ne 'A and nwK aud aee 10 1 6 r 4; ic'i in iw a nw54 1 J4 nefi avi'4 ail' Ilue?.iec9t6r4; ae"4 29 l$ ue-i ec 9 1 6 r 1 aeU:29 1 6 r 8; ne!4 and u 'A and w!4 a aee aud 13 1 6 r 4; ne'i see 14 1 6 r 4; e'4 uw e'4 '4 aud 'A i!i and kA nvi'4 an t!i w'-i and sw)4 swji see 21 1 0 r 8; 5 .. a 1 a r x: ae im, 7 1 6 1 1; neU aee 7 1 nd 6 t : HVt'i ec 28 1 6 r 8; H '4 ud nw! awji and swJi nX aee 20 tbr; neiaua n' uu- anil te'Anvi'4 aee 21 1 6 r 4; nU aa aee 23 1 6 r 4; ne'4 a"A "d H w4 aiic 2.5 1 6 r4 219 65 Hocblleld Augutiue, Vernonla lot 4 bl 6 55 Holm, Andrew, tw'4 aee 85 1 6 r 2 10 Oil Holman, II M, m'4 ue'4 ee 22 1 4 r 2 6 00 Hyde, Frank P, Coluuiota City, Caple dd lot 10 and 11 bit ,140 Hnllenbeek. U O. ne aoc W 1 8 r 4 10 00 Hudaon, H T, nw4 tw'4 and uv'A .ee Ht4 r2 Hiidelatou, Henry, Cloble lot 3 bl 3 600 65 iluuler, Oscar K, se!. ana bw and aoH M'4 and iw1. sec 33 1 6 r 3; nw ne'4 and nj nwfi aud tv, nw'J ec 3 1 5 r 3: Neer city lots 11 and 12 bl 22 21 80 Jarvcy, D J, lot 6 sec 2 t7r 100 Jennv. Oabilll. eU w!4 se'4 aee 20 1 6 r 2. . 2 Jo Johnson, Hubert, u'A slA aud ; nH 2 t 7 r4 . 20 40 I.ilinunn. Ilntirv T. 111. Hnn 3 t 8 r 6 2 26 9 75 Johuaon, charle., e'A ?4 and n!j ne'4 e 1 7 r 4; ueH nc;4 sec i r t. Johnson, Nelson, uw sec 10 1 3 r 2 . Johiisou, Peter, lots 9 and 10 tee 81 1 8 r 4; 2 90 lot. 2 and 3 sec 6 1 7 r 4 Jones, Amos (i, nw4 sec82t6r2 Jones, W E, lot 8 seo 33 tsr4 2 90 3 50 2 25 Jones, James c, ne4 seo ai . o r o; uaur kaule lots bl 8 June-. Clarence II, all that part of D L C 76 of Robert Stewart on w aioe oi Beaver creek ec 21 1 8 r 4; luta 7 and 8 sec 24 t 8 3 75 260 Joiie;,'L'y'i'ria'nwB, 'e','wJ and nwj X anil seW uw1 sec 11 1 7 r 4 ' JarvUConkilug Mtg Trust Co, personal iS, iohn'P,''wW'n'w!i''M'8t'6"r'5!l!!.i! 2 60 Johnson, John R, u ne'4 and t'4 ne'A see 15 1 8 r 2 7 W Johnson, W J and McUod, neKec36t6rS 10 00 Juinrmlkel. John, nw'i sec 8 1 8 r 2 ; 10 00 Jacobson, J B, ne sec 22 1 6 r 5; w'A. nt4 and eX nwX sec 24 1 6 r 6; 8 acres 01 lana In koi. 15 1 6 r 6. Bia t6r6 9 60 Kettering. M J 4 CO, w x e'.', w4 and lota 4, 6 aud v'4 te'4 aee 101 7 r .1; o seo 11 1 1 r . X seXsec 29 1 7 t 2; uud X ee4 48 80 4 CO sec 25 1 7 r 8. King, W II, Rainier lot 4 bl 82... L-i.. I..K.. ntV'.r anu 17 t A r 2. . . 2 25 n.,,,., -- in on Kl .ney, Aanm, s4 ,i Kixer, Oeo W, sec 10 1 7 r 8; lot 1 ec 84 jb Kiser, MrsDEi'sHi' u'wKsecioV ."t'ii'iH sw:sec i i r i.-4-.-": Kaulluian, W (1, um'4 sw!4 sec 23 17 r5; w ir -'.-, - , ,, . , . i m Kauffiimn, PC.wXneX W I8r 6 00 i anw ana neu ae sec i. f u lu Kennedy, 'John, aX wX X and nwX 600 48 00 10 00 uhier', J 8, eX nwX eclSt5r 8... 6 00 Kol.trup, P P, wX seX and X " ts r 3 i- 10 00 Kruso, Henry C. aeX nwX mc 17 1 3 r 2. . . . 3 00 k-i'hurir. John. neX eo 18 t 7 rS 10 00 King, A N, awX "d nwX and aeX "ee 9 1 7 . ., . ... 1 ...bu .... At 1 rX 41 r oi inwj "c . i " " . if r a.,iM IT, Warn. aMl see 0 t7 V 4 11 00 Laws', Andrew T, BryantviUe, lat ad tot 8 100 I 9 75 bl 4 1 26 lawkbaud, ineodore, a.X ceX and X '"Ji r.f.u,hM AnniA.awWseo 83t6t2 900 2 50 I : B . ' . xi , a . ') a laJUKaener, r reo, ajsiawa " - - - " l.e W 1., niiunu. ., ni , a --.a sec 19 1 4 r 4 , B.aX neX and te'A nwX and aX see 7 1 4 r 4; Vernonla 1-5 ol X Lewis, A ne'A tn nl I In 1,1 hi 2 8 20 6 70 2 90 2 00 Ullick, Richard A, neX ec 11 1 7 r 4. . ... Llndalll, Clarence O , ucX ee 13 1 7 r 4. . . . I.nlai, John M, wX aee 23 1 6 r 3...... .... . . Llndgren. Swan, neX. wX neX. lot ,4. .ec i l 0 r o; ryuin,iiio ium part lots 11, 12 bl 8. . . . . .... ............... 25 35 Lovelace, Robert, awX neX aee m 7 r a. . Cowman A Gallagor, parsonal proptrty... 1 00 1 75 2 90 I ...,. M w na.i rim- slur a Unghrey, Thomas 11, uX neX. nX nwX .c30t A r 5, Luplen, LD,nXo8t5 r 4l Vernonia, ii. u hi a Kennedy, M J, swX nd seX eo IO 1 5 r 1; awX and nwXec 19 1 5rl. K Laugfeld, Christian, wX nwX and nX wXseo20t7 r4 ' Lee, cvru C, nX neXud lot 1 aeo 16 1 7 r ..Ji.' au in tTii I 1 00 840 . . i 1 .rnn.BB nwU naU. lU S.U. IWW Uliuuu, .. ,.,..-., ..... - , . new seo X 1 1 r o.... ................ " w t . w u .u awU akn 3 t 7 r 8: ne'4 nuvl aan 111 t 7 rS 6 00 Iwrenee, John K, swXee 18 ' 7 r5. 10 00 Ijinibert, A W, wk swX see 2 1 6 r 4; oeX 10 00 12 00 4 nei see o l o ra - - Leveiiworlh, C r, nwX,ec 13 1 7 r 4. telenet, Nepoleoti, nwl see SO 1 6 r 3. . . ... 10 00 Leni.hlcan, Isaac, aX oX. X K M ln m,ft . 10 oo rJ.it vvsrd. Brvaiitvllle lota 2, 6, 7 bl 6. ... 180 Llndberg, John, Oreen's Point lot 7 bl 8. . . . Loyd, Davui, ne, sjcai ' 5, i Lookwood L B, wX X 'A ee IS' 1 5 r Bee 13 1 5 r 4; wX 30 00 e4, BX aw Libby. Joseph, estate of, lot 6 see 4 M r 1: , .7? a 4 l r 1 , bit 1 ano S t 4 r 1: lots ,w.B v, v, oi an 1 'J ar III I 4 T 1 7" Mathewa, Albert H, XteA Malcom, L A. aeX ec 29 1 7 uaa v Ci. iuV sec 26 1 6r 8. r3 tt S r2 ;, iL.au k' ..li aan 28 MoNuliy, Mrs Mary J, St. Helen lot 18 bl 18 SSee,WmC,.eeoWt7 r4.. 1 McAdams, John, seX c S3 1 8 r 8 11 McCaliam, Wm, nwX M 25 1 8,r A MeClure, Willis, neXneX sec 7 1 7r 4 8 McCltire, Kd P, neX eo 2 1 6 r 4. 2 McNutt, R V, 250.VJ1KI feet and 8 eere In 76 1 76 aeo 4 1 4 r 4 v emouia una . lot. 2, 6 bl 9; lot. 1, 2, 8 bl 10; iou 1, 2, 3, 4 blir.swXnwX ee 19 t 4r4:sXneX. seX nX ec 241 4 r 6; .wX X .ec 18 1 4 r 5; part of eX eX eo 8 1 4 r 4 24 MeCoSTey Maiy K,wX M .eXsee 26 t tr 6 2 MeGrew, Mooes, estate of, X X. swX saw. seU W sec 13 1 5 r 8, ......... . ... . 10 MeGrew, Sanoy A, Columbia City, MrKay,'Mioom',82 aejcV'o'n west l'do of wn.mioose oreak off McKay' D L 0 tec 16 t 0 r a- . 515 Meld' A 'A','nX';Xy ;X "Sf r. 1 'A Marrtll Norman, eX ot J Merrill DLCt 6 r 1 ; swX 3i K 86 i ' ' eX eo ft t ft: neXjiX seo 12 1 5 r 2; "ot7. nwXnwXec22 t 7 r 4;XneX, iwX nxrnw.eXs!llt 7 4i te'A Lorlug & Thorne, seX nwX sec 11 1 S r 1. . . . 8 00 peoples Freighting Oo. 1 lot In Bryant-' 4r-..i. &67lot.n-2.,!? ja I.von.. Mrs John, Vemonia lot Jb 111...... . J 75 t7r8.......,.r............-.v...-4 i 2 1 64 e'4' c 6 1 7 r 4; n ni ec 36 1 7 r 4 ;4 aee 14 1 7 r5; Columbia City, lot 2 bl2C; NeerCity, bl 2 ."'"' 68 Merrill, Annie M, . .eji ecl2 1 6 r2; wi nw!4, nwliaw'4ce 27 t5r2 ... ........ 10 00 Malllnger, VVUllain, Vernonla 1-6 of XA wit 1 bl B; MelllnKer'. ad bl. 2, 8. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 11,12, W, 11; 12 lot. bl 15; 6 lot. M10; 6 lota bl 17; 12 lots bl 18; blka 19, 22. .... . . 8 26 Melllnger, Churles, nwJi.ee 22 1 5 r 4; Ver- nonla one-ltfth of '4 lot bl 2 45 Miller, Iboa E, nJ4 tJA. and ncJ4 ivt'4 eo 38 1 6 r 4; Vemonla lot 3 bl 19 Mill., Hannah H, yi4 neii 14 1 xi Ver" noi,lalot2bll8 ................. Mitchell, 11 8, wj wj and H nwi ee 86 t7r2 Mlnler.J , pemonal prowrty. .......... .. Moeck, Geo F, lot 1 and nvtVi and v'A ae4 aee 20 1 7 r 2; M N Nice property lot 7 bl 2 Morgan, H A , m4 aee 31 1 7 r 3. ........... . uA-.... uN RMU.,iir,H. u awU and wU re 1 00 4 85 6 00 8 15 ' 5 5 2 00 V. aee 14 t 7 r8 29 90 Moriran, Marshal, h'A aeJi and ae" w!4 ace a t 7 .1. iiul u.p a t 7 r A: aw aw1, aee 81 1 8 r 6; lot 1, 2, 3 aud 4 see 1 7 r 6. . . . J 00 Morgan.J L,nwW! m'4 and lot 8 rec 6 1 7 r 6 11 00 Lf.d li r ait ...J unri lora 4 anil 5 aee la 1 7 rr. . . 45 Moulton, Henry, nwM ec 35 1 6 r 5 2 25 Murray, John, nw!4aec8t6r 8 , Mnrrav. II A. nwli aee 18 t 7 r 4 11 00 Dart sec 14 and 15 1 8 r 1 . 77 00 Mvera Ai Law a. personal property 4 l Maxwell, Mr. J L, nw'4 sec 23 1 5 r 2; part of n'A n'A Caplea D L C lot 6 bl 1; tide land In front bl 8. 4 and 6 and all tide land In alrand; coiumma city y, oi mwi 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 bl 4; of ll lots bl 5; i of lot 10 bl lO-.lola 4, 5 and 6 bl 1; lot7, 8 and 9 bl 17; lot. 2, 8, 10 and 11 bl 16 ;lota 7, 8 and 9 bl 31; Iota 2, 3 and 10 bl 30; part of lots 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and 12 bl 42;lota 4, 6, 8, 7, 8 aud 9 bl 58; lots 5. 6, 7 and 8 bl 69; bl 57 and 70; lots 1,2, 8, 10 and 11 bl 71: lni. A an1 in hi '2K, Inta 8. 4. A and 7 bl 24 . ' U u W i n Mm, A SI lat all rlnt-kantfl lotB 4 did 6 bl 7 42 Miillar, Peter, tw'4 aee 26 1 6 r 2 10 00 u.iha. a ni.1 aiirl sm-i ane 10 t 5 r 5 20 00 Mathewa, Bllla, nw!4 sec 10 1 5 r 5 10 Ot) Maiors. AB. aeiinwli see 28 t 4 r 2.. 4 00 Mason, Lucius, uud te'4 and n'A ne'A fe 4 nvA lot 4 und sec 19 1 7 r 6; n'A ne'4 ,rn,l u .eo BO 1 7 r G: e'4 k'4 und U sec 21 tar8:eKund',aoc25 t6r3 30 00 Maxey, John W, 'A nd n'A t'A ec 22t8r 2 Maaon, Mra Mary, Columbia City lota 11 12bl 21 " Mann, C A.Columbia City part of total aud 12 bl 55; V, of lots 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 bl 86. . - 50 Mi-Bean, Mr Annie, y nw'A aee 16 1 4 r 4 5 00 McCarty, B, n'A nw4 .ec 30 1 6 r3. .. ..... . . 5 00 McCoy, (1 W, aeJi tec 15 1 6 r 4; n'A ne'A , se-22t6r4.. 10 00 McCoy, Dennis 1, n'4 nw;4 wczivo r a; IZ nU kai. 'II t A r a. 10 00 uV,.l..ht w IT nl ml.' and nU e4 sec 2514 rs.:.. oo Mi-Bride, T A, nnd m4 and lots 1 and 2 sec 20 1 5 r 1; und 'A lots 5 and 6 sec 28 1 5 r 1; und 'A n4 ne'4 "d lota 1, 2and 8 sec 28 1 5 r 1; el. te'l sec 18 1 5 r 1; Columbia City bis 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, is ir. i 17 lfl. io. yn. 21. t. 21. -24 and 25: Oi'ltner'a ad bl A; cilltner'a ad s?j bl 22 30 uvll.t nm ninniaiid aU' neU and n'iol bipAli ."1 r 4 10 00 MeE'wan. J. ne wAi aee 28 1 4 r 2 5 00 MitH.i si K.naU nu-.' and nwW ne aee 28t4 r2 5 00 Meedliam. Janiea. te'A. aee 25 1 8 r 4 10 00 Unud A A Varnonia lot 2 bl 5 5 Miller, R.Vcrnonia part of lot 4 bl 7 3 45 Morrill, llnsiv.o K. neVi aee 22 t 5 r 5 10 (XI Unn.a ll M. 1.IJ a,.l.i and el au V.' and IH'U ' acta ee 12 t7 r5 15 00 Malcolm, F S, wX nX r 22 1 7 c 8. ..... Montgomerv, Martin, Vernonla lot 1 bl 1 . Morgan, 8 A. Vemonia lot 6 bl 15 .... Murray, J, Oohle lots 1 and 2 bl 4 ....... Mvrlck, Joseph, estate of, St Helens 4 lota bl 4; 1 lot bl 8: lots 7 and 10, 2 lot. bl 9; lots 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21, 8 lot. bl 15; lot. 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, 5 lot bl 29; lots 8, 8. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 22, 8 lota bl 23; lot. 1 and 3, 2 lots bl 21: lot. 2 and 18, 2 lots bl 21; lots 2 and 18, 2 lota bl 24; lots 6 and 11, 2 lots bl 18; 11. 12. 15 and 16, 4 lots bl 27; 8 lots.bl 23:2 lots bl 10;lot 1,2 and 7,8 lot bl 81 ; lots 1, 2, 8, 4, IS. 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 aud V2. 15 lot bl 42; all bis 87, 91, 98, 99, 2 50 55 55 1 10 100, 8. 101, 118, 117, 118, ua, Hi, ls, 134, 120,142, McBeth, W in, neX sec7t6r4 ..... VA..I.. illnn iitnMivamanll nn land 19 05 0 00 owned by Oeo Foster, Coble, lot 8 bl 4 8 65 Kelson, John D, nwX ec 25 1 7 r 4 10 00 Niehnlas. Annlo. oersonal property 32 60 Nichols, Nathan, sw!i sec 2o 1 7 r 4 Nlckerson, E E, lots 1, 2 and 3 bl 11: 1 acre In sac 5 1 4 r4 in Vemonia. , Sowlea, John W, neX sec 9 1 5 r 2 Nessbaumer, Jacob, swX 29t6r2 Napoleon, Lewis, X sec 17 1 7 r 5 2 00 6 50 200 2 90 10 00 10 00 Nelson, els It, ne'A see a i o r n Neuron, JacoD O, s;4 nei aee is i or..... K.........I. a a ,.,.1 aw and niz ae.1 and ne 4 00 XseXaoc 12t7r4... 12 00 k..Tu,m. inKn nArannnl nronertv Hi OO I Overturf, Ira, nX nwX sec 81 1 6 r 4; sX w WBecaoter ;"'."'i Olders, George, neX nwX sec 15 1 5 r 41 aX aeX and aeX sX sec 10 1 5 r 4. . . J 75 rt.i..T u..iah rtAsinnsti nrnTM-rtV IK OU Olson, Ola'f". sX see 29 1 8 r 3. 2 25 n.uvln. K.dwanl. sec 23 t 6 r 5 350 Owing WlHUF,BrTantTHle,lot8,l)Iki8 110 WiDn rf nil a-, orjaiiniuo, , Owlngs A Holdrof, BryantriUe, part Inl l hllr 11 8 75 AvAnB .1 U 1 mmtlA a. til 1 Sad ft. sec!0t7r4 J Ostrom Charles, nX ne and eX nw ec29t8r4 55 O'Connal J F. estate of, e sw and lots 8 and 7 aeo 6 1 4 r 5 Olsen Christ, swVf aee Tt7r8. Openhelmer James L. aw sec 9 1 6 1 4. .. 10 10 10 uu ver uose A, nw ne sec inn 80 40 I . "V. " T. , K T. n nn 1 vaas r r , una oi 7 o vspirsi i " v.. tnciuaing Dins ana pans or diks -i City, blks 60 and 76; und Hex Caplee ad to Col City, blk ; und Ms n Jos Caplea DLO, Including 88466and9, 8 tote, blk 45; loU 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 blk 74; uud H of n. including lots 4 6 6780 blka 63 and 18; all ot blka 43 and 46; tots 466789, 6 lots, blk 80: all of blk 66: lots3464789, 8 tots, blk 76: part of lots 8 and 11 and all of lots 1 and 12, blk78 loU188467andn8.7lots, blk A; loUlt3466T8910U12,lilpta, blk 19; lots 1 8 and 9, 8 lots, blk 88; tota 7 8 9 10 11 18 18. 7 lots, blk E; lots 15 8 4 It 789 10 11 18, 12 lots, blk 96: lots 1011 1 1R 11 IX IB 17 18 19 20 21 29 23. 14 lot. an I i I blk G: 1 3 4 26 87 2829308182,11 lots, blk F; all blk 86 27 89 30 81 32 83. 84 86 W 98 0394 95,84 lota; all blks 103 110 1U HQ llKlllOl .9 Ail and alt AR. Im lfltai; frac blka 88 88 37 90 91 98 and B 1010 O A O B R Co, nwM aw nw ae and neseo5 8 r 8; nw ne and w aw aeo T 9 I r 8; ne and n ' nw and ee nw and ne aw and n ee aeo 8 t 8 r 8; nwneandne nw seo 11 8r2: sw and a se and ne aw sec It t8r3; nw and ne and sw and se see 1 1 3 r 8; ne and nw and seK and awsecUt8r2; ne and nw and ae and aw sec 80 1 4 r 2; ne and nw and ae and w secSl 1 4 r 8; s w and ne sw aeo 83 t 4 r 2; ne and nw and ae and swX seq 85 t 4 t 3: ne and nw and se and sw aee 27 4 r 3; ne and nw and se and sw aec29t4r8 ne andnw aeo 81, t l r8; ne and nw and ae and sw aecsatlr 8; ne and nw and se ZWd ..U av lt7r 204 1 40 p..a John M. 5 acres in 1 1 r 4: aX nw 10 00 ad nvt aw see 11 1 7 r 4 5 Palmer W H, e se sec : 8 1 4 r 4. Pearson Geo H, awX nwX and nwX WX . and .14 of sw aee 23 ttr 4. Peck Phlneus, e nwX, except t acres sola to A wooa. secae tor .. 64 pomeroy M.eViae and sw ae and 164 -esw aeo 18 i 4r 8 Rainier, tot 1 1100 and 9 blk 13 10 to 00 00 50 J5 Powers Joseph, eX sw aee 8 4 7 r 4; 8 r 1 87t5r4.... nX of nwX seo 10 7 r 4.... . Patter Henry, nwaec 4 8 talna Oan a Bt B tA flf DAU MS Prlngle wiiuam, w nw J";a.,H??J":B aesll 1 6 blk 4; Vemonia, lot 11 bik 16. Patterson Marry E, ne se seo 85 tt r8 Peterson John, n nw seo 19 t 7 t Pitt Inger W 0. ne sec U ij r 8.. Perrln George B, sw see 89 1 5 r A. . . Perry A Co, w and . e eo 83 ar8 T.., PearsonDO. Vernonla-louland 8, blkj, Preaoott C It, und ot Jos Caple a D Li o. lncludlni blka and parts of blka a 8 65 8000 1 00 X 00 10 00 80 00 110 80 00 00 96 Ool. City, blks 6 and 76i und of Hoy uaoie a Aoa to uoi. vitr, uis ,. to id- 19 25 in lot 8. 8. 4. t. 6 and 9, 6 lots, Dig 46; 18 00 lota 1 8 4 I t t I , 10 11 DHg 3 Vti 1 7; an oi oik ioi unu rs o "7i. '"H . . i 90 Ing lots 4 to 8. 8 lota, blk 16; all of blka 68 46; lota 4 to a, e iota, oik oui una u 8, 6 tota blk Tit all of blk 6; P-rt of . lota 8 and 11 and lots 1 and 18 lk 79; Iota 1 to 7 and n of 8. 7 lota blk At . ota 1 to 18. 18 lor blk 19 lots i . 89, I tota. blk 88) total to 18. 18 tot blk 96t tota 7 to 18, Hots, blk Bl.lota 10 to , U lots, blk At loiaU J 4 88 8T 88 80 S Md M, U tota, blk n aU (at blka 88 600 3 26 27 20 80 81 32 33 !Vt 05 86 92 93 94 M 103 110 111 112 115 118 Id 43 40 and s', of 48, Wi Iota; frao blka 26 37 90 91 98. blk B 10 20 Plhl (1. u-'i. iecMlri 10 00 PlllrnanMary E, aw4 '4ecHStT S.. 8 00 Plowman C N. e'i neii aee 2 t4 r...... 8 09 Fogue Janiea K, Col. City, lota 0 ana a, blk 67 ' I Potter Henry M, wVi aee 81 1 6 r 1 IS 00 ruroen wrou, ! nwj ana Dnsss and lot 4 ukc 1 t r a 10 00 Bupnannana Lara, neli nwK aee 84 t 8 r oi enisi anu w aw4Bjas. r 4 8 00 Ramaey Mary C, aeVt sec 25 1 7 r 4 76 Beddlck John H, awli w!4 nd lot 8 aee 16 1 7 t4 8 15 Reev.s A L, nwi sec 34 1 6 r 8 160 Heed V, swlt aac 23 1 r 2 8 2 KedmanJohnJ, nwHeo29t5 T 4..... 26 Klce Dan, e'4 nw)4 aud wK n aee 8T t7r4 Rlchardarm Geo W, nwM aee 21 t7 r 3... 8 00 tocKrnan rooiaa si, awn aee ni in... so Bidgeway A Llarrl. 8 acres In aae t 4 I ltoaler'pe'usri'xn'ei4and'rieK . ee'Anw'A aee S3 t I r 2. 78 Boalar Michael, nw4el4-nd swK aeVi and nw!4 naK ec itt t V r 8; nti nwi andwKnw&andnw!aandawJ4c88 t7r 408 Hosier Mr Mary Ann, awVi aeU aee 29 t7r8; nw!4 and t ne)4 and sw)4 neit 32 t 7 r.2 18 10 Rose .Spencer B, eV4 eH sec 6 1 4 r 4; Ver nonla. lota 8 and S blk 1; Vernonla, lota 8 9 10 11 13 blk 5; Vernonla Koae ad, lot 9 to 14 blk 8; Vernonla Roee ad, lot ID 11 blk 11 88 45 Boas W J.nyi aei and lots 5 6 7 aee t 7 r5 83 75 Robinson Allln A, wVS H. sec t 4 r 3: e'A e see 1 4 r 8; 8t Helens, lot 4 b 8 85 Rubert Henry O, wV4 seVi aee 26t6r4... 126 Rummer E O, wV4 w!4 sec 13 1 6 1 4 1 25 Rankin John H, awM aee SS 1 6 r5 10 00 Reed H E, net eo :S 1 4 r 6 10 00 Held AD.30acreo(reVineMaecSt4r4 6 no Rhodes John H, wV, awVi sec 11 1 T r8 ... 4 00 Elng Alei. eatute of. ) swti sec 80 t T r3jnwnwHand wH noK and aeK neandncKaeMsec29t7r8 81 00 Richardson Juine,und Vi nK e and neii aeX aee 18 1 6 r 1 8 00 Riley Patrick, aw aee 26 1 r4. 19 00 Richards Mrs E 8, awH nH and nei ae Ya aeo 14 1 1 r a w Rlpperton Surah nwi so 10 1 6 r 5. 10 00 Klpperton J A Sr.. ne sen 10 1 ( r 5 10 RU Riuehard W B. ne seo 9 1 6 r 3 10 00 Klnehart Mnjor, nw s09 t6r 8 ... ... 10 00 Bidgeway Eilward, Vernonla 1st ad, lota 284in,oiK4: v ernonia lar, ao, ion iu, blk 6: Vemonla 1st ad, blk 13; Vernonla lt. ad. lota 1234S6. bllr 18 8 45 Bunyon W S, oK and se and ne)i aee ICS, iirt; br74 auu nw?. anu 11074 nvi. v t4r6; nwW8ec21,t4r5; nwHsec 21t 5r5; e'4 bwM and lot8and 4aoc 7 t5 r 5; swM and nwW sec 15 1 5 r 6; W nwf nnd luta 1 ami 2 rap. 18 1 Ar ft 119 R Byman Richard, stf eeKseo38t4r4; n neMaeo32tlr4 10 00 Bloe 8 M, hA swK and swJi tA aee 20 it,! 8 35 Schmidt Emll 8, bH neK' ami yt'A se sec u v 1 r a: itts av.n . aeu aoc in . r i ana ... flinnnhn.n Kmat. Tksraonsl nrooertr... i 76 Hhanaban Alfred, eX eX sec 12 14 r 5.... Shearer Marshal, wX nwX and seX nwX and swX neX sec i 1 6 r 6 5 25 800 8 60 1 05 Bhearer w alter, seX secZOtBra Hlmmons E C, seXsec 9 1 6 r 8 Smith John. neX sec 14 1 4 r 5. fl.nl, h .l.toAnh and KiinA. 10 nz-rf-a off A T Dobbin's land, 1 7 r 2. 188 20 Snyder W L, wX nwX and seX nwX aee 900 100 5 70 14 li I ro Bnyder Conrad, swX sec 29 1 7 r 8. Bpencer O H, personal nroperty.j........ Dtrocner LAIWlb, WIS o lauu wa7 i aeX swX sec 6 1 6 r 4 Btewart J B, Vernonla. Roses ad, lots 1 and 2 b 13; Vernonla Rosea ad, lot 15 b 885 6; Vernonla Roses ad, lot a o us ver nonla Kosea ag, loum Btewart James i, seV. ne and neX aeX, sec 26, 1 7 r 3; Irac, wi nwX, sec 30, 1 1 r 2 ,., 1 W. Bri untiHlla, 1st ad. Inta 6.7. 885 871 8,b5 10 85 Blehman 8 E, n'i Be '4 and self o X 0 80, t7rr: aw se ana sw)t sec oo tirH-nll nwUaeclterS 34 85 al.haia d BatntB of. arU awU S4C 13 1 1 r X . . a v a.- T ,,tl. V at IT.,!..na lntA h 11.. 8 75 Sirs, unu Wm, swX aee 12 1 4 r 8. Streiwi rrii nlel H, ne ec 24 t 7 r 4 11 Stanwond I, n se sec 87 1 53r 8 oranw.am i,nBen;i iwr. M...,.il,ti,,n P..unrla. iia U nmf. 3 t 7 T 2.... Suomela Pe er, 8'4 nw sec 27 1 8 r 4; eX ni-M SBC 28 t 8 r 4 Sweat land Wnltor.TOrsonal property.... a.-. ..I. r,.Kn ii a tl..lna l-tt. li Starr I It Jk F fa Meredith, sw aw sec 18 16 r 5 ft-ott William, Ool City, lot 6 b 81... ...... a..l.....nn.an C. Inltnu,!, A. CallahaH. a so . 84 s'isw and frao 8 n sec 14 1 8 r8.. 81 !5 Rlln Ilarrv.se sec 14 t4r 8 . 10 00 Sbeilrer Mrs A M, BryantviUe 1st ad, lots 1 and 2, b 6 v Slieurer Mrs Maud. Bryantvtlle 1st ad, lots" and 8b6 , Shearer James W, Brj ntvllle 1st ad, e j 1 12 b 8 and 8; BryantviUe lat ad, tot 4, I u . -i,...' " V,!,. L ' ii ' Lt : and asrlf nnU 846 00; ,)22tr3 00 00 KWrrr T) R. sU aee 21 1 6 r 5 10 00 00 tii,.rt Lewis, ne sec 17 1 4 r 4 10 00 8 9U Slate L D, n no aid ae ne aee u 001 Ar4: sw nw sec Li t 5 r 4...... 16 80 Smith J L, Vemonia Eose ad, lou it, io, S m it ii' Carrie R," n w'' mi '38 VirsTnwX ne!andnXnwXsec2t6r8; neXneX o a. 20 00 sccotsra I'Vat-'l ii c .... I. . u v AH. HnBBan.1ntbl 6A Smith Jnne K, neX sec 18 1 7 r 6 10 00 BioKaa ...BKtilrl 1000 Spray SJ.seX sec 19 t6rl.... 12 00 Spencer James C, sX nwX nd toU 3 and , ... ia.B 10 00 Spencer Josialii sX neX sec 11 1 6 r 8. .... . 6 00 8tleJHme,sXsXsocll. t I r 2; neX . aan 1 A r 5. 87 60 Strong C A, nwX sec 17 1 7 r 5. . . . .j. . . . .j. 10 09 nvnui. u a, una v . - - Sternfels Morris, nX nwX pd swX nwX secMt6r4;seXawXsec8ttr4....... Story George, eX nwX and lota 1 and 8 10 00 uu. Illl.l 10 Stellmnn Janiea A, neX sec 7 1 7 r 8 10 Sterna Mrs William, Goble. lot 5 b 4 stnldurdeoA.neXsec2ot6r6 10 . 00 Stott Sam R, swVi aeX and tote 5 and 8 Ii.apc3ht3rl 0 Smith J H, eX eX nd seX neM -sec 20 1 7 r 5; sw and aw nwX seo 22 1 J r - c i.i. i i.- iy Ol a 7 a X .... Smith A M,seXandneXsec81t7r5. irs, oo , "a "-T7'i; ,7., a i Schenman Charles, bwXX sec ut8r Ml rt eeis inomoa, uj " f V"Vi Bohoonover B 8, peraonal p.'perty 36 Wlnton D, awX neXand tots 1, 8 and rwathCBrl,nwXaecl9t5f4... 8 25 part ol tote 8 as lays J io a line duee SohulerJohn swsec 13 1 5 r 5 128 and wof nwcorol J Btoughton a DLO Severna James C, neX sec 32 1 8 r 8. ...... 18 00 sec 24 1 4r -"""i'"ti V li" TA?lnr&.? .86 XffilTn" 28 ' " SherinKhoueen Henry and wife, sX of t.4rt.. v."j:;vJ"'iVVi'i.'lJ.i JeBsle Miles DL(I, less 80 acres sold wuson ttenry ne nj?i 1 JBD8herlnghousen,U15 18 t 8 ?VS2J&3?&miitt 80 00 8mlth D, ewX sec 21 1 7 r 8 sutler K P, und H wX see 80 it 4 1 8 Bhnrman A. eV. neM sec 13 1 6 8. .... .... . 6 Taylor John U, swXneX and nwX sex au, 111,1 Thomas Alphus, swX sec 85 1 6 r 5 Thornbury A Mullen, 8 lots In Bryant .ui o&.KOand lrtvl. Clatakanle. lot 4 " rrrr. . . is Timnnev''riiomas.seX8ec87t7 r8....... 8 Timouev James F. 410 acres off P Gallo- I ' ....."n l fl aa-a at Hi t I f Z! ec 22t7r8 87 Tobln Martin, eX nwX nd wX neX seo atsr 8 85 50 Townsend Fredertok, commencing 80 I nxissof nwXsSSt 4 J 8, thence s 100 rods, thence e 380 rods, thence n 100 .)- ....... w nil i tn nlace of be I SO , ,uua, .i.vuw . - ali,nlmr.ac2At4r3 7 Tray lor W K neX sec 81 tl t ........... U Turnaban Francis, nwji swj sou ivia ...JlB,lll,l 8 Ttillman S W. nersonal property 80 , n T. i ir . Ar Trnt I lo. rusrson&l 'u",m - ioi The Americn.Mtcoot nootiana, per- nVl a a.j - , - 70 Tomllsoa Perry. seX sec 88 1 1 r 3 1 . ' Thnmnaon R if. OolTCltV. lot 8 b 18 Tlmm 8. Vernonla, lots Lib 17.. 11 00 Troquenne Francis, lot 11 sec 4 t8r 1... 5 1 96 Tutlle W H. Ool. City loU 8 and 4 b 47. .. 1 TtO Tuttle, estateof, lota sec84t8r3 1 The Oregon Mtg Co, peraonal prop- The Northern Counties' Mtg Co, 'personal .r.r:::.u'.B iiu. Tj l c Z2u ii it 'i a sT. TJpton W W, lot 1 8 and 8 sec SO 1 8 r 6, n nwX.and lots 1 8 8 7 and 8 sec 81 1 4 rSlots128and4sec 38 t 8 r 6: lots 1 8845 67seCo3t8r 5; neX swX nd l .I bbU uUanu llaBWS SnV rai to9"84-tJ,t.:,:..::.... : Vanblaricom Joseph, w noX and aeH neX nd nwX ae aeo 4 t 4 r 4; Ve?nonta, lotaTi t bll, YeU,21,.Klo,a' 1 88ttbt; Vernonla lots 8 88 8b 18; Vernonla, total and 3 b 13: Vernonta, i... A s Kla. VaanonlA 1otgbl7l Vamonla. lots 18 8, 4 and tb 18........ Vanblaricom John W.w swX X nwX sec8Mr4 Vanblaricom Hiram R 6 acrea In aeo 4 MM: wXBwXaeo84.tr t.......... V. n.lbMiFkawatP .ISSbSji!' Vining Janiea neX eep887r8..a..... Tiaiiaig Jaava W enwaU rusiraF' Vernon In Improvement Co, lot 8 SCO 4 1 4 r4; rwrtof j Vanblaricorjnland, aeo4t4 tt:y'Ae4 sec6tr4 neX aeH aeo4 t4r4... (P0I Toga Joseph, U neii and nX awM and lot 2, i, aw 8? ttt 4 1008 WarrHQ John, lota 1 and 8, seat t7t . Iot9andl0ec4t7rt 8 88 Walker VVm H, e ar ec 24 1 7 J 8 8 60 Wnill)1,rnC8R,Jw.eo28t7r3....... It Weat Mary, Vernonla, tot 1 b 12 4t Weber W J, n'A nwg and a BwHod urt-4 swVsec 14fr 4 U 00 Weatherwax John J, Rainier, lot 8 b lOj Rainier, lot 1 b 4; Rainier, part, 1 4 b 4.. 15 00 Weaver Marion, nwKec80ttr8 lit Wldger Albert, w'AA and w4" neJ4 HO )(( Whitney B'p,'e'aer'boht'' . Stump, seo24tar2 885 Winter WM,swVecl0tr 8.... ........ 8 81 Williams frank lln.eji! A and neJi sej and ntK nKseclJt7r4 11 08 awXaec2AtTr'B: ne. aoc 1 7 r 3 10 80 Wilaon Frank L, m teX nd yrH . aeolt4r6 85 Wilson Mr D 8. personal property 4 05 Wllon WM,wtfgK;l2t4r5........ I It Wixtrom I (1, eW John McNulty's D10, wct,e,7,8,t4rl ..." 8f0O WUTardinaJohn D. nwV sao 80 1 6 1 8.... 175 WonderlyO P., sesec 17 1 7 r8 Wonrterly Mrs B M, personal property... Wood ro ft lliompson H, A nA seo 81 Woods L B, land in seo W, 80 1 7r 5. Woods Adelia, se, neX and e aw. ne te26t7r4 850 8 85 8 90 458 Wood E J, Vemonla, lot 5 b 10. ....... . Ware John A, ae nwA and lou 3 4 5 aeo 6t4rA Washington Lumber Co, n noM and nJ4 nmber Co, nX neXand nX X nwX and neX kwX eo wX and awX and seX nw ana bw4 aii7r s, r1 awi and te'A nek sec 23 t 7 r 6: neH 1 l ae? neyx acu ' VJ. . 40 00 10 00 10 00 too 1 10 aee .1 1 1 r.; ae 0054 w - 27 t T r s: ee'A nei sec aiiri. ... Watson WW.eXseX see 13 1 7 r 6 wX neX sec84ttr6 Warner Harry, neX aee 6 1 5 r 8.... WaahburnCK, nXwXsec8t 7r8...... Waud Mrs Nancy, Col City, lot b 28 waud o . col uity, loi-o o i ...i... Watta V II, Col City, tot lb 21. ........... TO at naiianj h, a aero ou iuuu, land, seo 20 1 4 r L t 50 Webster Edward. eX neX aee 8 1 4 r 4: nX ne'A and eX neX nwX eec So 1 6 r 6 8488 Webrtw Mrft, eXleXsec 28 1 6 r 6 . 8 50 Weeks Bert, wX seXTic 22 t r.;iX neX and neXneXW ?l 4 8 r t. . . . . . ..j. 10 08 Week Walter B, wX nwX nd eX neX , sec27t6r6 g WestRobert,lot4sec7t7r6.. 8 88 West Captain John, Iota 4 and 6 aee Sit 8 . Wefc;nd'Mary'Ann."seX 'Ti fT 10 08 Welch J B, swX sec 36 1 7 r 4; Ool City, lota 5 and 9 b 4; Col City, lota 7 and 8 b 29: Col City, lot 8 b 81 ............... 18 85 Whitney Mra Florence, neX awXaecl . White Emraui'0,'Coidi Wnuam BF.'sX M w Williams Francis H, Col City, Olltner'a ad, lot8b21. ............... ....... TO Williams Aimlra, Col City, Glltner's ad. i nsi ,y WilsonCB- OoV nwXn'a'Tt' rji irac w w4 anu " nVati?ete'r 8 ,. 08 Wilaon C B, wX nX sec 8 r 8: aeX nesecai i rs; n no7 ssk a ii , eXsw)4 and sw nej ana ow e sec 8 1 6 r z; seitBejiseo s u r o. . ..... JI50 Wilson Martha. swX neX and aex .- aectt6rS.. - 5 00 Woods Cbarlott, Col. City, lot 10 b . ... 1 10 Woods c u cob city, ioi i o i... j w WoodsJH,wKeXaecl6t5r8.. 100 WcdJHandJoGox,wX wXsecl8 1 7 r 8 10 08 Wolf MrsAllceP.CUtekanie.lota87b8 110 W rlRrnt a, vol city, o iota o a ; ToungWA.nwXa)t7r3. 8 60 Young PhllUp, sX sX sec 84 1 7 r 8 8 ToungJ8.goat.r8. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Coiiimhla, county. Uregon. THE HEIGHTS AND THE VALLEY. He stood in the valley with eager eye ' Turned to the peaks where tue aunsmua , JO "O.Jor the heighu that are near the skies, W lorjolls heights that are far away," . cried. and eer hia longing grew To climb the steeps till the heights were 8 85 And ever a wild unrest oroae inrougu 8 66 The daily tasks that must Mill be done, IX, must be lonely on those far heights," Raid the friend he told or nis wuu aesirs. Better the valley of old delights; But the heart of the dreamer was all on fire With the thought of reaching the hilla afar, And he would not tarry with friend of old, But followed the flash of ambition's star, 55 I ... . n . . s , ... i. , n a a 111 " ,a Ml OK And climbed up tne mountain oieas avuu . ; 65 There were rocky plaoea where feet must bleed; There were awful chasms wnere danger j , Through nights of darkness and days of need Towards the peaks ne longea iot ue ioa au ,. And nearer, nearer, the peaks of enow Each day the climber in rapture drew Forgetting the valley that lay below And the valley menus i m wen, wu mm, At last the terrible heights were scaled: Alone oo the desolate peaks stood he. In the moment of triumph his courage failed. And hia heart turned valley ward longingly. O, to hear the voices ot friends again. To clasp a nana tnat wsva wawm au, h ua, O, to love and be loved, and to share with mon The little joys tnat tne vauey auowi Better the valley with peace and love ' Than the desolate heights aome aouia swam. Lonely is life on the hilla above The valley lands and the sunny plain. What Is fame to lover Can it satisfy The longing and lonely Hearts ot menr On the heigbta they must hunger and Starr and 00 00 65 00 . die. . Come back to the valley of peace again. coeu a ttexiortw 00 Preserving Fabric from Oeeay. A Rnlo-ian chemist has. according tn Tha Textile Manufacturer, discov- WW ered a means tor nUoriuK iaui i, u S 25 matter how delicate in texture or color. 00 proof agaiust the ravages of decay. The wonderful state of preservation 4 00 181 which the heat! banas 01 nypuaa mummies exhibit is due to their hav ing been impregnated with a kind of resin. This led the inventor to make) certain experiments with the substance to 40 00 extracted from oircn Dam, to wiucu the peculiar aroma or Kussian learner is due, and he found out that the greon tar which was left over after the oil used in tanning had been extracted 00 from the white bark ol ttie Dircn tree yields neither acid nor alkaloid, and that in solution with alcohol it formt a liquid of remarkable fluidity with 00 or the power oi resisting, wueu uuw r r- , . orklcohol itself. u 2 This substance will, it is said, unite i in with the most delicate ana Drunani 6 oo colors, and render them imperishable. : 1 10 86 Mot an Old Master. Viator (to butler who la showing him 80 00 87 60 through the picture gallery of the old man sion) That' a fine portrait I tt an old master! I io oo Butler No. That's the old mtssot. Box- ton Courier. "Pollies" are strange birds. One be- loneintt to a French , lady was goodi 49 00 friends with everybody until some one whistled the "Marseillaise" tn lt near Ing, and then it went mad and bit the whistler. 80 05 In acuiie Dart of New Qutaoa whole 815 towns are built "in tue tea." meur- habitants live in constant fear ot the ,f . . ... ,, . tH nrrnlnatl or I vwU UlUTjB, UU M y wavwvBi aw TJ5 oo them construct their houses .net off the 486 Ighore. . I .:. t a- " 1 '