The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 15, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 29.
VOL. 9.
lllt'KU EVER If MtlDAY MOHll!.U
J. R. BEEGLE, Manager.
, aisbecrlrllost Hshm.
On copy on yr ' dveue
.... 76
.... 6
una copy .1 uiouina
gin. I copy
Advertising Hate.
Professional cards on year
Ou. column uu. yr...
1UII column on year
(ju.rt.r eulumu uu, year,....,...
t II
...... 40
Ouwen on. luuuin ..... ..............
Uu Inah thrt month...... '
Ou, luoh ,li mouths.,
Locl nolle., li'nuirlliit((.r lri luaer
lion; IOc.uWp.rlln.lor each ubMXinni In
rtlnn. . . , ,
Legal advertisements, tt.60 per inch fur flrat
Inaerlluu, aud 76 cent, per luck lor ch etiba
Cow If Olfleere
Judge Den Blucbrd, Rlnlcr
K. K. 0.nlck, H". Helens
Hnerlff ..........
Trm.ur r
tupt. ol School.
(. A. Masale, St. lleiei.B
K, M. Wharton, Columbia Ultjr
,.......T. J. Clwlou, Veruouis
, w. H. Kysiff, K,lnlr
A. B. Mill. Hauler
11A .1 Utriinnu.P. VairttOllte
CoroiulMloner...... - w, ltarnee, Meyger.
eieir !lleee.
MAoaie.-Bl. Helant tadte. Ho. M-Regular
oonimuulo.llon. Ural and third urd "
each month at 1 . at Maaonle hall. Vial
lui lu.tubera la good laodlnj Invited to at-
'"MAaoKic-Ralnlar ldfte. No. -taU
maatlnt aatunlay on or baforeeiwh lu M ''
at 7 HI r. a), at Maaunlo hall, over Blauchard a
ator. Vlalllug raaiubera lu good Handing In
eltad I atund, ..
IL L 1 9
The flail.
Down rtvar (boat) elowa at A. .
Uu llwatleluM. at 4 r. at.
a -III tuV Varnonla aud I'lttaburg aeea
8t. Helena Mtaday, Wwluexlay and Friday at
The" mall for Harahland. Clat.hanle and Sjlat
l..Ta (411IUU Mooaay, ui""i "
u..T.,..n-..l Bnrtheloaa a' 10 a. M.i fur
Fortlaud at I r. M.
Trateelere aiUe Kler ailee.
tvHAMaa 0, W. Araa-Uaree St. Helen;
. 7 . , .1 . M rMw1v Thuradavaud
Kaair U. ii HelenV to, Cl.ut.ul.
M.aday, Weduewlay end Friday at w a. a.
HTiAataa I.AtDA-Uavea St. Helena lor Port
I... t it . it. raturnlna at 1:M r. a.
Hraaaaa Juaara K atuwo-Uavea ,81. Helen,
lor Portland daily eicepl Sunday, at 7 A. at-, ar
Ii7.Mi.nit at 10 80: returning, leave
forilan? at 1 r. .. arriving at W. Helena at 4.
jja. n. a. curr,
Bt. Helena, Oregon
ClaUkaitl. Columbia county, Or
yy i. BICK.
8t. Hilbni, Obeook
Deputy Dletrlct Attorney for Columbia Co.
pHAi. W
Mayger, Oregon.
A. S.
T. A. MtBaina.
Oregon City, Oregon.
B. 1.1TTI.B,
Bt. Helen, Oregon.
Uonnty aarreyor. Land tir-eylnF,town
pUtangTand angineering work promptly
J. W. Drg-
W.T. Ruejtgr,
Oregon City, Oregon.
.Tn.rie nee a negiaier
"ludtitH baton Und OJtet or
Court ana ii"'i -
Ofrloe. ' ;
Oregon" City, Oregon.
(Ute .pedal wnt'aener,iy, ber
Indpplln. S I owe d floof
liuainesa a l"ru,",.v
Land OfBc Building.
S Proprietor ol
tu. hou. ha. beefullf rgfu.rnl.hed
throughout and ma
rnodation will be glfen.
RTAOB ran In connection tfitn ffttrwt"""1 property r.
.rn racitto Railroad ."I.r.nd 1 4 r 4. V?', u :YW nw'4 and
Of Land for Delinquent Taie.
1M by virtue uf warrant leued by order
of the County Court, of Columbia County,
But, of Oregon, to ma directed and at
tached to tliu delinquent aaieaaiuent roll
of Will, commanding 1110 to collect the
fane, designated In said roll a delinquent,
and for wunt uf personal properly to make
mid tax, I have levied upon, and on
Tueaduy, July 'Ml, 18U2, commencing at 10
o c loin a. Ai,, 1 win sen ai tiuiinu auction
at the Court limine door in Ml, Helen, (Jo
liiiiihlaUiiiinty. Hlutoof Oregon, no mui li
of the followinK-daiHirllHtd Iota and parcel,
uf laud aa may be nrcesHary to pay the
taxes due thereon in Hulled Htutca gold
coin, touctlier with all fee. ami costs: aaiil
lota and parcela of land in aUtiute in the
County of Columbia and Hteto of Oregon.
ana wae assessed to me loiiuwing person
Adama. William, lull 0. 10. 11 and 12 sec
A 1 7 r 6 117
Aitama. Itlllv. wli ill art. aee 82 1 5 r 4
1 4U
Adams, tiroen, Vernonla on.-U(lll uf f
blk 2
Adama, Thomaa J, w'f ', mmi 24 1 0 r 61 n
1 43
11 (10
6 Wl
H o'i w 1 6 r 5 .
AHinaii. t'huma. II. tianw
Audemn, A A, laud In w 1 1 7rft ...
6 UU
AiHlnnuili. Jamaa. awU aee 21 t A r2
Anditninu, Oliver, 111" aud lota I and
2n ft t C r 3: w'i nw'i e 4 1 r i: ne'4'
iiw' we fl t 8 r 3; t w! and aw'4 m
AuioiiMm, I' III mc 11 17 rl. ... ..
Aiillker, Rudolph, l aorea bought of II C
Bryant eu 21) I I r 2
Aadrraa, N A. uw'i uu- t II r 2
Atkaaoii, Joawph It, nw! nw'-4 . 12 14 r
4; 11U ne'i and na'i uwfi aec 24 1. 4 r 5 . .
Adama, John, H and a tt mc 7 t
7 r 6
it Kt
4 Oil
2 -a
1 in
10 m
Adama. HO. Columbia City W ol bill 1 and
8; i;oliimhlai;ity. dinner, an ina im.ui,
CSand2; ol blk. 66, 7, U and 0V;
rival friinl i lilk .-
.1 ,
llama. John. Varminla lot 1 lilk IK
Alnaworth. I C. H nw aec 14 t 3 r 2: lot
2 aim ne1- aw1 ann ae nw?t 01" 1 .
a.'-i aww aec n a r a; ioi 1 aw: our . w
li'iai 1. IT ferrv'a I) 1. 1! aec & and 6 I 4 r 1 .
.17 01)
12 00
Alnawiirtb, tleorxe I, ne'i aec au 1 6 r I. . .
nderaon, Olol. cinnmeni lUK at nw cor or
i.e '., 4 aee t t r 6; thence eaat mi a
Hue between aeca in aud 12 me t and r
7 11 18 roda; thence north U rod; thence
w 72 1113 riMla aud parallel to aald aee
line: thence eolith 13 rila to place ol be
dim na aee utter
Inning aee 18 tsr 6
denon, Andrew, ne'i w' tec 24 1 4 r 2 2
dertoii, Annie, nw1, twU eJi aw'iaeu
214 r4; neli ae'4 aec 31 1 4 r 4 10
I..!. I . I ....I h.H ..I I I..HlltfM' II I. f !
1 1
Batch, liaulord, part ul C'lunlnger'. D L J
- lir 1
Hauler. Uwla V, aw!', awl aee 12 1 7 r 8. . . .
Baker, (ieorae. M'.aeo 9 14 r...
Bavla, Nlehola 4 llevla, neraoual proiwrty
H.vta, I W. that portion "I lluuter'a 1) 1. 1!
27 80
14 77
2 110
lylnir weal 01 peer laiana aiougn aecaui
ml no t A r 1 and 2
34 28
llevla. Mr II i wU and ae'i aec Wl5r2 . 21 0U
Heeale. John U ar. lot 3 aec 13 1 4 r 2
10 38
Bentele, Jacob ar .' te!-, aec 16 1 7 r Si wS
10 20
eww aee hi r a
Bee, Clarence, 10", acre. bought ol F.renk
HenderaonM28t8 r3
Blerl, John, awli awJ4 aec 20 1 6 r 2
Blthiip. Frank, ae aec32t r 2
Binder, Kruat O, lie' 4 aud n'i w'i aee
Uerkenleld,' Ben.'n'wii' te'1-.'' and tieik twii
and ao' nei and tw'4 ne1 aec t 5 r ft, .
Blaucherd, Kuan, Jnhu Hnrrla I) I. C tw
2 2ft
3 60
2 00
1 88
aeca is aim 17 1 r
and lota 7 and I aeca 10 and 17 t7r2:
llaiiklna ciaim aeca 10 and 21 17 r 2: land
near Kaiuler tec 1 t 7 r 2; tw'i aec
14t4r2; lilnlerlot3 and 12 blk 8. lot.
1, 2. 4 and li blk 4 lot 1 Idk 6. lot 1, 2. 3, 4
blk , MaltoSblk?, lota 1 to 8 blk It,
lm. 6, 6, 7 8 blk 10, lot. 1, 2, S, 4 blk 11,
blk i, fota, 4,7.8 blk 13, Iota 1. 2, 3, 4, 6,
a t blk 14 lot. S. 4. 6. 7. 8 blk 16
73 20
Blauchard A Htone, n'v i'i aec 11 ttt 2.
12 00
8 00
2 89
Black, F.dward. nw)4 aec 26 1 8r2
Bowie., wuaa,aw!4 aec ut or ..... ...... ..
Bourne, J K, ne!i and nw!and K ae.
ial.r BJ.I '. ll,l W'.-. BBt. illl li.
hl as' aac duu ri v w.
Booth, Martin, Rainier, lota 3, 4, 7, w ol
2 !
Bo'rtliwick'. Mr.' II B. ati'tec 21 i '' V j! ! '' '. '.
i, 1 1 1 1 u a uu. hi A r 9. t nltim
io oo
uuuaor, i-.i.J . -v.4.-r r... - T . . V.l Am ,a nr.
blaClly.l aplet ad lunula 1, iui 1 uia n o
Bouaor. ft kt, ettate ul, lou 1, 2, 7, a aee u
4 60
t 6U
t3r 1
Boalea, John W. neli sec 32 t 8 r 2
nw'i and seW nw)i and
noaier, jonu, w-
Iiw'.i SW'4 aec a i o r o. ................
2 25
Brothers, W alter, tf'4 tec 15 1 r s
1 00
I 00 I
1 00 I
i rowu WiuL te'i sei; 1016 r 3 1 00
1 00
BrouBe' Manufacturing Co, Rainier, part of
21 65
bl ka 8 and 4 v v.' I';"-1"
Brlnaon. HeuryC.awSiawl. sec l8t4 r 4,
4 nd ne'i aeo IS 1 4 r 6
Brluaon. Wattle, peratinal property. ... . . . .
Bryant, Ella H, 379 acrea In teo ltUri,
elf nwW and nwU ne'i .
Bryant, timer J, DL C ol H B Uaatinga
2 26
20 64
aec a, v, io. n i r
Bryant! Mr 1,, Batata of, und e!i tmi
1 26
6 00
aec 25 17 r 8
Brand, K K, eaUte of, eVi ft'i e 14 1 4 r 6.
Branulug. Henry, peraoual ProP""r, :'-;i
Braden. Bally. Vernonla 2d ad jUllo 12
blk 2H, lota 4 and 5 and frac 12 blk 7. . . . . .
Braden, W H, Vernonla, Melllnger a lat ad
lo? 10 blk t, lot 1. 2, 8. 5 hlk 24, Vernonla,
BXlSXtt: Ve'rUnuV Mellinger'.' i.i
4 84
BJmiardner and P h Btti'l'tli; eH nw!f and
Bumgardiier, Wm 11, t.'i a. a 1 1 i r 2
1 oo
u..rn. Juaanh. Mraunarnniperty... .. ... ... 20 7o
u....r f'harlea. nU'Ol E tl Hryanlt BIC
nwU sw'i and awK nww aec 27 1 7
46 16
9 00
I . ' . . , I i i ... ui , r J
Burnett, Minnie, l acre o iu
George roster.
1.2,4, 6 blk 2
seli ec22tfr5: Vet
lal ad lot 9 blk 12, 12 h
iwU tree 23 t 4 r t.e'i
Vernonla, Melllnger
12.12 lota In blk 26, 12 li
ota In blk 26. 12 lota
In blk 26 6 lota in blk 24, 1
lot 1,2, 3 ma 20,
lots 4, 8, A blk 21. .! J
K5ifflJsa : : : : is
Baker. Allwrt.V.rnonle. lt 3 blk l...,r:,
Baker, John, Vernonla. lot 4 blk IS , .
Knn MMar'!" nwJi and nwW
BlngSam. K VV aid H P. land In eu. 28
1 00
10 00
ana a r 4. , , . " ; "i: . - - - - -Bloomtlcld,
Amandf, nwU mc 30 1 6 1 1. ...
Bhvcklord, Mr 8 M, BryautvllJn, at ad
acgioro, aira o ... r M
lota 1, 2 oiae. ..
orauiiui j.v'.r".. . : a ,
Bradbury, F I. nw4 aec w , . r , .
Brooks, K 1), 1
"iftTt'lV'.':::::::::: 8
l h'yanv, ,'r;-",, a , a . . 10
10 09
' Bttc I wool?, Uwla, life ne!i and n,if nt
10 00
tl.e B',"',,, .,? neiec
id w'4 ana sw ue,-, - .-t -'
BuokinghAin, Adella, Bryantviii w
lot 1 Bla ;'.LmV tir ,
lltickiier. James, nwi
10 00
B!iSirdn?r. WHll.not. 8, 4, ft, A and sw
10 00
' . 1 .1 aim laUi XaTrA Bill it".
KtiSl. io I2 blk 48. lots 8. 4. 10 hlk oo,
aim t" ?r J m t r 2.
Cl.rk, ChHne. v, a 4 , 3 , ,
" Wc ne'i aec 7i A r 3. .
rSle. C (i'iitoVC 0 CipWD 1. 0 sees W.
Caolea, Mr LM, uw'i ne'. ,' r ' M 25 Oi'illl RaciieL 'fe'iiomi'l property', , '
Cox, Jamea, 10 acre off Broylut D I. C 14 r 1 7 26
(Joi, Walter H. aw(4 aw acc 12 1 4 r 2 8 40
Creay, William, aeu 6 1 4r 4. Veruonla
lot did 11 128
Craft, w A, t'4 u'i aud ne'4 M aec 22 1 4
Craft, (,' K, porionul property. . . , 6 li
i..uriia, r. 4, aruonia 101. ui 1 w
Cuahmaii, K A, neaec 2t r 2 2 00
Camplieli, Hldney, Vernunla, MelUngar'i
lal ad Iota 1, 2,8,4, J, bl 23 1 OA
Caraiiii and I'nulnon. F A I.uniont'a D LC
aee 31 1 ft r I, part of Jmopli caulea' I) 1. u
and tide land In front aw 14 t&l 1 10 8)
Carlaoii, Kd, nw'i aee 14 1 6 r 2 W 00
('eplc-n. Byron, lota 8 and II aec 20 t 6 r I.
uiiiim ne'4 lie 4 fee in nn,
aecltftr3 11
Capiat, llaz, und tit Joaeph Caplea' V L
(HHl, mid ' 1 Joaenb Capiat II 1, C, e'i
11' and M ol n' t n' t aec 1 t 0 r 1 . . . , . . "e uu
Carlar. IjuTaa A. 4 acreM III aec 4 t 4 r 1. . . . . 1 0
Cauty, iJennla (i, wi aec 5 1 6 r 2 10 tw
Cheney, K N, Vcrnoiila lotft bt 6 W
Clinton, lllchard, tUutii end n!t ae'iaec
Id 1 Ar 1 10 00
Clllt, Andy. nnM aee 8 1 r ft 10 00
C leiiieiiia, Joaepfi, und nw'i ne!4 and
nwj aud tw' uw'4 aec 3l5r8
f!nlii,tiltU l.iimlMtrln. Co. Cllllimbia CitV
l.,l 4. A A III fl. IntM 1. 2. 8 hi 2 SI 33
Cllua, Jiu-oh, ueH ne'4 aec23t3r2 800
Cooper, Henry C, ncfitec 22 1 4 rft 6 02
Cook. John. nw!i aiidaw'-i aec 16 I 5 r 6 . . . 20 00
Cux, Frank, eU ne!4 anil aw! M'A and
uri iie'sl aec 7 1 6 r 6
10 00
10 Oil
Cole, 1'H, te'4 use 16 1 6 r 3
-- l I nu-l.'.' Ull t , A
i.onyera, a j, ii'. nwk t
Crandall, Uouglat K, tola 1 and 2 aee 14 1 8
r 4
7 60
3 U)
2 60
10 00
Cramer, Annie M, awU n tec 4 t 4 r 2. ...
CrulilB, John H.e' j 1114 "I'd hit. 1 and 2
M'KUr ft ...
Craft, l.imle, wi ac!-4 and tc! H aec 6 1
r 4 nwi ne'i aec 8 1 A r 4 -
Crota, WlaaM, wi e and t'4 twX tec 22
tftr 4
Curtla. Cvrua O. no1! tec 8 1 7 r 3..
8 00
12 00
12 60
Cyr, John, u aec ' t 7 r ft
Clanlniicr. John. Kt. Ilelcnnt'4 lot 17 hi 10.
18 W
1 26
Uaunetl, tllareuce, H nw)4 and nv
aec 34 I Br 4 . . .
Dart, Jainea, part ol Jiweph Bloughloa a D
L: tec 24 14 r 1; t. neicnaoi iuh .i
Id 10; lot 6 hi 10; lota 18, 12 Ul 19; J, of lota
1 .1 4 r. a t a 11 1.1 lu
1 'J .1 r. A 7 H. 14 bl 12
46 27
2 60
Dawaon. Thomaa. c' aec II
i aec i 1 1 to
otstei: 23 18r4.
ne'i nwid auc n 1 v r a, 101
t, 1 r..n T lnla I. '1 aec 22 tArft:
n. nefi a iu 1 6 r 6; a1, eic20tr6l384 iwm k Mir nwU. lota 3 and e
ait's rft 40
Davy, K ti and O A, kiu 1, 2, 8 aec 30 1 8 r 4;
all line lana ill ironi 01 mi. 1, , u,
all tide land eaat ol tide land aold to F
M Warren lying III Ironl ol lota 4, 5, In
1 24
uu. H r a
Davy, K U. guardian, per.onrl prorty..
10 Ul
1 89
penaiuw, Jira r n, pt """;i'Vi . j.
Dewllde, Benedict, el-taej, aec IB t 7r4,
w'4 twVi aec 20 1 7 r t
Dewllde. l'eter, cH u4 and w ut4
11 00
3017 r 4 ;;vl'i
aec ti t w r a
1 1 8 r 3
1 00
Downing. Henrietta. Kal uler 1 (tan .ana 0 m
lu an, 1 imiiint ail ul Haulier uik a ,
Dolta Augiitt, neW aec22 t6 it and lot
blk 6 lu (ioble
10 16
6 m
1 26
Dafacu, Olaf, ieraonai proiwny.
Duininyer, Jonu, uwi ec v .
1.- if 1 . i 4 im 1 r t a r ft
1 76
Dally, John.wVi awX aec 26 1 6 r 4; t eetf
26 00
r."?.f: li it Y;.V..7ni.ii' i-ltv lota' '' and 10
4an.v", "i - ,rt
I blk 21
Davit, Cbarlet F, nwH neH and u!4 netf
and .w'4 neW tec 3 t7rj T 60
Davla. Klimt J, tw-.4 aoc a - -- rr
Dav, Jamea, ae'4 a tu l o r a : "v
Dlhblee.John, tdtaa Norlha D C I. lot 1 and
2 tee I aud III"; 101 1 ays .... .
i a 1 1 r i.w' rn'.i and ne1
w sec 18 1 7 r 2; aw4 aec 12 1 7 r S:
i.ta 1 , 2. 3. 4, aec 12 and e ueVi tec 11 17
r 3; ae'i n'A aw)i and loU 1 and 2 tec 2 t
..a 6S00
ue'i auc 9 1 7 r a v ; "
Dlllard, 1) D, u.!i aec 3ft 1 6 r 4. . . . . . .... . . 10 00
hi k 'ill' .
Dll!w.holer. Fa11d T, neH H ec 18 1 6 r 2 20 00
DII'ltlKliam, at o, auauiy irov v...
irunrf t t:nliinibta City. . at
Dnbbliu. Jo.eph, peraoiiul property W 00
Drummond. Win.te', tec t tt .. 10 00
i..,.r vhil 11. neli ne'.i ec 3 1 3 r 2 2 60
2 00
Drale.'j 11. Cultimbia City lota 10,11 aud 12
11 25
8 50
bik 45. ... . . ... ... , v ;
Demlck. rraua, a mjt
mm., a I a r a
Downing, Frank, peraonal property
Dlion, Daniel, peraonal property...,
Kaele Audrew, nwJiaeclt4rft
;ffllck. Alex, Veniouialot7blk 11 and
2 26
6 00
2 00
9 00
8 71
2 25
l..i 1 1.11. IV
Edholm, John, elf ney. acc 1 1 r o.
K lerlaon. Kilwani, awv. ?
Eugllah. Ocorgo C, land n tec 21 M r 4. ...
2 25
2 75
10 00
1 Kll. KA
45 Elmon, John, se aee 24 1 1 ';,;
Kinery, waiter", - -
W 00
10 00
w. aw . . i w. ..... -
,.h h ii wl-. tec 24 1 7 r 5
85 E.ey,Charies, f4 t ;t r S- -
8 85 Kw.ry. John. t rt. 6 00
1 Farrow, jonu, etw w.
I ou l vawitac4 tor t
rfl";chrl-tl.S. e'f n.':.'i'nd 'aw ne'i
neti te'i aecit t
1 1
Fltr.gerlad, (leo fl. ejf se kcihii."i
1 25
9 li i. 1 1 i 'ul "i.i". -a--'
,8? ' lJ ' ti ' :.'iV Yni'i aV..' t a if' r 4:' iiu ex-
10 99
2 80 ecpt 18 eerea'oli w "d owned
naa, Jauitt. r. M - rhn .
Flnley. William, t'4 wS aec 25 1 6 r 4, eH
ne'i see 34 1 6 r 4. "
2 00 Fowler, Mra F M, Neer City
Fowler M F, n!i ne'i sec IB J 7 r a; neer
12 oiaa; ami a.-a ii.wi . -
and lol 11 blk 12...
1 84
Fowler. Edward W, Near city iota o anu q
Blake tec 36 and 85 1 7 r ...
1 00
. 19 29
Foater. John, land in tec 4 and 9 1 A r 5. ... . 2 26
Fran". W '11 1 lot In Clatekanle 60x100 lota
3 4 5 and 6 blk 3; 1 lot In Mlat 50x100. ... 1 85
Frev. Robert, ae)i tec 2? t 8 r 2. 1 64
S lVrw.iiVe. VU avW aeo 20 1 7 r 2.,
9? f .y7K.r. v, ad .f .
. 10 00
. 10 no
2 60
as .M.nhnlirier. Albert, seti tec 8t6 r4. .. .
2 60 Febercnbach, Albert, avAj sw)isccS3 1 4r 2
F elder. Charlea. n!! nei andj w S aw'i and
A A4 aa'' ne'i and saV -?H ? ?8 1 4 r ...... .
is 00
10 00
t 00
FUlinau, Jacob, H an! and s ntrv. see 1 1
Fiaher. 1, 8. wK neVi tec 32tr4..
lav wW aw li aec 25 1 A
Field. A ann r i 1
r iV'eH eH and w!i nc and te'i nw'i
aec 26 1 A r 4. . . ... . . ... - - .
trial, arlv
Ed. voniraoia viiy uumuuw.i
FleUhnS! ? 8BHif.el.; '' f AWbV
J2 00
row F. awW swW aeo 16 1 4 r ..,,,,.,. .,.
Fosa, Oeorge W, neV see r 30 1 1 r t
Fob. Majlnda. nw!i aec 22 1 1 r 6. .
aec f 1 1 r
Friedlandsr. J0K11, awlf H lac 12 1 T r ft:
Lancia, WmcVjiwii'seji a
2 60
i j- 1 ata 4, ft I r r tl
10 00
Fiillertoui K F, part ol Clonlnger D LC sec
M 20,4,1 '
Skddls. William, wKaw'iaud 4 nwK
Uaddla, William, ".-
60 Oalloway, Wllllard, n.W aeo 27 t Ar 2. . . . . .
OeBclberg, Aron, e nek sec . ( it 8 rft; ne?4
1 26
.n.i.uU n'.' sec 8 1 6 r 5.
, . Jr L'..n. u ,Mrtnual nrooertr
Ullsan MV. seW ee 33 1 A r 2 , . . . . 12
Oer" Mr. E E, estate ol, .Hot Burrs Dl
CsecSl andS6tAr land ................ 29
Olertsen, Alfred, a'f nw H and nH swk eo
80 00
I ,ii..n 1 U narannal nreuerty.
Oore. iphn ll, nw)i acc it 4 r2. ,
(lore', 4 rpVU: 'loVibiki:
; .. ji. i 11 u iai x ur.
1 89
1 76
1; lott 8 and 7 ec 81 1 6 r i .
lilD S Bih. A? Vwji J. c t Y V 2 8
?io, C swH sec 84 1 4 r 2, e)?aeo 83 t 4 y
4 1
62 60
. m
nwU 7 11 r 6 12 60
Goldamlth, Mai,rie4 oc34 1 A r 2, nt "K
aim loia 1 uuo uaec iori iv w
'lerrow, Walluce, w'i tec 8 1 6 r 6 10 0
Mrota, A , und A S '! tee 12 1 6 r 2 9 00
lirUuohl. W P. in',.' and lieU tec 21 I6r3.
uw and nuii aee 20 1 6 r 3 40 00
Uraiiir, 0 K, aalateol, nwH and e tw
aWtr 4 10 0
(leiiluan, Thomaa.ne1 aec4 t r 8 .. . . 10 00
iiawkiut Kiijan, uw4 nw; aec ii r 1,
ne neKee24Mr 2 16 00
Hawklnt, Albert A. e'A no'4 I 7 r 4, S
nvi'A aec 10 17 re II 00
Hall, lira Fannie, and ue'4 tee 28 t 7
r 4 10 0ft
Harvey, W 8, n'i w4 and w4 te 21 1
Harvey.' Mariin M, ' awii'tac 12 1 8 r 6, fiU,
1 8
2 00
2 26
13 48
1 26
2 42
15 44
nwtec 10 to re
Harvey, A K, nw!cc 6t6r4
Iliiyct, Owme, W4 and tel4 aec 4 17 r 4. ..
HllKoy, e n. ne acw itivro -
Hart, charlea, W acre, og Hlonifhlont I) I,
C tec 16 1 4 r 1
Harrla, Uonurd W, etale ol, tv4 tee 22 1
7 r 2
Harrla, W A. Improvement vn laud owned
by Halter
llentcn, t hrltt.nw' ef i and awt ne tec
six 1 ri
Ilenten, Jeta. elalo ol, 'A ae'4 tec 18 1 7 r
, lift te-4 et! 31 1 7 r n- awy tec t 1 1
r 4 .
10 00
16 25
Hill and Rutter, penunal property
turn, rrana at. trtonai prnpeny
lloyl. William, 20 acre bought ol C Hart
Howllton, Ueoiye. peraonal properly
Hogren, John, u'4 aud i'4 nwJ4tec2
t 6r 8
Iliilman, Mary C, i v . 17 1 6r 1 , . . .
Hudiou.HK.wU neK and eW nek and
nw'4aw'4andne!4awaeclJt7ri, aw
W eeW tec 1 1 7 r 8
Hudtou, Jamea C, wt te'4 and lot 8 aec 18
8 62
3 76
2 26
6 (III
47 94
17 r2
Ilalpeny, William, teti tecO 16 r 4
Haitar, 1'hllllp, tmii aec 10 1 6 r 4
Hansen, 11 K, HI Helena lot 18 Id27
Hntlton, John A, ne'i "H and tet m'4 aee
4 76
10 00
111 00
10 110
12 110
12 00
10 no
23 t 3 r i
Horrlt, Hatlle, nwji aec 8 16 r 2
Hawthorn, ealale of, ue'i tee 38t 8 r 4
Haw ka, Nclaon, aw j wc 20 t 6 r 2
Hlatt, O, VernonU lot 8 hi 18
Hill, JB.eljwX aec ItSH
Mrdtner, Sirt, Veinonla lot 3 bl 6
Hocklleld, Mntnn , Vernonie Rote add lot
14 hi 8, lot 13 bl ft.
1 10
Hall, Kdmund, ne' ne' and wM and aw
V, ne'i tec 11 1 6 r 4, nV. ne and neH ur
U and lot 1 and t4 i4 and ae' and
iV uevi aec in t o r a. w--s utu w -71
1 ue'4 eec 18 1 ( 1 8. n'i n'4 and aH
, anil a1 sw.i aec IZ I o r a; a- va u.
aM awU aec 6 1 6 r 8; ae!4 nwj and t!i ne
4 and aw nwK and tec 10 1 6 r4; cW
uw' and aV4 neU tec 1 6 r 4; aeV. aec 22
1 6 r 3; ne,'4 and nw and
; ae'4 nwlj an
d lej., nwVi an
: 21 1 6 r 8; aw!
8; m'4 aee 7 t
iwW aud nw'
1:1 16 r 4; nek aec 14 1 6r 4;
e'4 aw'4 ami 1
I awi aw and ci nwVi and
9 aw!4 and
ailll WW. ilWl MV 1 . . ,
tea t 6 r 8; iie'4 aec 7 1 6 r 8; ne tec 7 1 0
r 8; tw.'i aec 28 1 e r 8; bm bk aua nw
k and a!4 wc 20 16 r 8; nei and
k n and ae!4 nn'4 aoc 24 1 r 4; u
eu22t6r4;e;awaud e,'-4 awji
atailfl 212 66
lliu hiii-lit A Auiruttlue. Vernonla lut 4 bl 6 66
Holm, Andrew, aw!4ec85Hr2
11..I .. ,1 U wl ..ul sua . .
10 00
Hyde, Frank K Culuuibla City, Caplea'add
1 40
lota iu awl 11 m 1
TtullnlMu,l II fl. nat aec EO t 8 r 4
10 00
Hiidaon, H T, un'4 tw'4 and n aee
18 1 4 r2
6 00 i
Uudelatou, Henry, (ioble lot 3 bl 3.
.lan-HV. 1) J. lot ft tec a t 7 r 5. .
Jenny, Oabrill, e.'4 w'4 ae!i aec 20 1 8 r 2. .
i..i,nu..n u..i,.t. niz nuti und aU nwviaee
2t7 ri :.. 20 j?
Joh naon, Henry T, neH aec 3 1 8 r 5. ...... . 84)
Johnson, unarm, et aw auo nvj acj
6 1 7 r 4; neli nc!4 aec 29 1 7 r 2
Johnson, Nelaon, uw'4 aec 10 1 3 r 2. .... .
Joh naon, Peter, lota 9 and 10 aec 31 1 8 r 4;
lott 2 and 8 aec t 7 r 4
Jonea, Amoa U, uw'i tec .12 1 6 r 2
9 75
2 90
2 90
8 M
2 25
Jonet, w is, lot saeCKl tor.
Jonea, James C, ne'i sec 28 1 t r 5; Clats
kaule lot3bl8
Jonet, Clarence 11, all that part ol D L C
ol Robert Htewart en w aide ol Beaver
creek aec 24 1 8 r 4; lou 7 and 8 sec 24 t 8
Jonea,' Lyman B,' ivl4 and nwJi sw'i
and aei uw!i aec 11 1 7 r 4 ;
.larvla Cnukllng Mtg Trust Co, peraonal
tiliwJL n P ' wii ' nu li' c t 5 V i. . '. . . .
8 75
2 60
27 50
2 SO
Johnson, John R, uf nei and ne'i
seclftlft r2
Johnson, W J and McLeod, netec S6t6r 5 10
.II.A1 Mmo HI . r2 .
10 uu
Jacobaon, J B, neji aec 22 1 6 r 6; wjf ne!4
and e?-4 uw4 aec t o r o; . acre, w
In seo 15 1 6 r 6 -.
9 60
Kettering, M I it Co, wf ae'4 sec 10 17 r ;
aeW aw!i aud lota 4, o ana u aec ti j i i j.
sevi aevi tec a i r a, hum ;i v4
aACiftt? t 3
48 80
4 60
King, W II, Rainier lot 4 bl 32
King, John, nwi aec 17 1 5 r 2
I.' I ...... v A a P.. II wl'. BCC35tftr2
10 00
Klzer, ijeo w , sw4 sec uihiii,iuivw
8 25
Kiter, M'nD'E.'aji'nw's'ec io Vf r i';' n
10 00
waecn t ri
Kaurriuau, W O, n swfi aec 23 1 7 r 6;
10 00
: 500
W oVi and ne;i aei tec aa i ir .......
uitTman, P C, wH ne"4 ec IS 1 5 r 8. . . . . .
ennedy, John, i wM a! and nH
nwU aec 24 and 25 17 r3
6 00
48 00
10 00
6 00
10 00
3 00
Kennedy, M J, aw'4 and te'i tec to t o r t;
awti ana nw; aci-m mi-..,.
nupp, Martin, sw'i sec 30 1 5 r 3
Kohler, J S, e)f nw ec 13 1 a r s. . . . ... . .
Kolatrup, P P, w'f and e!i sw sec 14
rose, Henry C,' ii'e?i nwii tec 17 t J i r 3 . . . .
Ill..,. lhn nl aae 18 t 7 r3
10 00
ting, A N, swk ana nwH and ie!i aec 9 1 7
r 8; Irac neVi and bwW and aeH sec 4 1 7 r 3 41 40
Lane. Edward. seVi see 30 1 7 r 4 11 00
Lawt, Audrew T, llryantvllle, 1st ad lot 8
1 00
9 75
angfeid,' Christian,' ' swji' uw! and njf
sw!iseo26t7 r4
bl 4.
Lee, Cyrus C. nVf ue!4 and lot 1 sec io t f r
4; swi-i ae-isec iu i r ................ ... .
Lockoand, 'Aoodore, s'f '4 and t)i swi
Le'nachor, An'niil'.wii'sM 'sSt'A'i!.'!- 2 50
Ceniraclier, Fred, estate ol, aeU sec 29 1 6 r 2 8 30
Lewis, w uiiara n, w ue4 auu
sec 19 1 4 r 4
Uwla, A B, H ne)i and seSi, nw!i and
nei sw)i sec 7 1 4 r 4; Vernonla 1-5 ol H
8 20
oi 1 101 in ui :."'..':";
iiiikL. ul.h.Ht 4 nau an.. 11 t7 rl
A 70
Llndalll, Clarence O, ne'i aeo 18 1 7 r 4. . .. 290
t.nli. John M. swii aeo 23 1 8 r 8 8 00
.Indgren, swan, lief, wh ne., kjiai
BSC 2o tor o; oryamviiie iw , o w,
nart llta 11. 12 hi H
25 35
Lovelace, Robert, awji ne!i sec 19 1 7 r 2. ..
lluutcr, uacar vi'a eyt anu awj uirA
and tc'i aeU and tw'i aec 33 1 r 3; nw'I '
iw'4 aud n' n!i aud vn'4 nw sec 3 1 5
r 3: Neer City 1 oli 11 and 12 bl 22 21 30
1 uu
2 25
1 00
1 75
2 90
I 00
Low-man uauager, p.ruuai pio..ij
Low man, B W, nJi sec 8 t A r 3.
Laughrey, Thomas H, n!f ne)i, nVf nwtf
'All f A r K
Lupion, L D, n'wk aec 3 1 5 r 4; Vernonia,
lottbi 8...
Laloud, Thomaa, nwji nw, )f nwVi, wi
nc'4seo32 t7 r5.....
Ublne, W 11, se'i sw sec 3 t 7 r3; ne!i
10 00
10 00
UWJ4 see iu 1 1 ............ .....
i .....:?., lohn K. nU' tee 18 t 7 r 6
Umbert; A W. w aw aee 2 it 6 r i; neH
i'i. ee'-i ne'i sec StA r4... 10
Awurth.VF, nwU see 12 1 T r 4.
10 00
lganot, Kepoleon, nw sec a) o r a. ..... hi
Lemahican, Jsaao, H , H K seo 84
10 00
Le'nt'w'ard; BryanVvYli iota.,' tj V W j! 1
Lludbenr. John, Oreen's Point lot 7 blS.... 1
17 80
. ,, . ,n . A a 1
Loyd, uavia, nvyA aec u v w r .............. v
Lockwood, i B, iti s!f sec IS t t r 4; wf m
e!i, eU swM see I 1 6 r 8. 80 00
Libby, Joseph, estate ol, lot 8 sec 4 1 4 r li
Am W
Lorln'g & Thome, se'k'mvk. sec 11 1 8 r 1 3 00 people. FMighUngOo, 1 tot In Bryant
LovelT. Saml L. eH nwNTuwk swk. Io" vlile Wxloi sec ft 7 r 4: BnanivUl
10, 11 sec 17 1 6 r 6 i'il5?5 rotil 8andpartof 8, JoUl8,8blkU...
10 00
11 00
r.i' pi,. an,Uawilnw'Uaec26t7rS 12
11 00
Loomia. C, Vernon a lot 2bl7
l.yone, Mrs John, Vernonia lot A bill......
vf.ih.wa. Albert H. ej se'i sec 22 1 6 r 4. . .
Malcom. L A. Ji sec t T r 8.
Malcom, L A. i sec .( n
Max, P O, wk acc 26 1 6 r 8 1
MaTtm, jkme?E,sesee 28t8rl....: ..... 11
UoNulty, Mrs Mary J, St. Helens lot 18 bl 18
Wm p. mmi? ao 24 t 7 r 4.
9 00
10 00
27 26
Mc Adama, John,'se'-i sec 38 It 8 r 8
McCallam, Win, nwM see 26 1 8 r 4. . . .
J 44
Mi'iTiora. nulla, nev, uvv. hot v . . a
McClnre, Ed H. ne'-i see 2 1 6 f l.. 8
McNutt.'R W, 250290 leAt and 1 acres In
sec 4 1 4 r 4; Vernonia lota L 2, 8, ft bl 8; .
1 75
1 64
1 35
10 64
lota 2. 8 Dl i lOtS 1, A, . Ul IU, una ., , a, a
bl Ui SWJ4 n-i4 sec. v ' 'TS "V;i
sek iiwW aec i t 4 r 6: sw(i ee'-i so 13 1 1
, STnart of ti se'4 seo 8 1 4 r 4. . . . . .
MoCoiiley, Mary K, wW .seWseC12At5r5
Una.. aaletM nt. A1 BC'.l. BWli.
' se'i, eV swli sec 18 1 5 r 8'. ........ . . . ...
Mctiraw, Sanoy A, Columbia City, lot 8
hi 24 V ii"".
McKay, Maloom, 82 aores on wott aide of
scappoose creek off McKay's D L C see
18 t 8 r 2 v ...... .
Meterve, skrah. nwW teo 16 1 7 r 3.
u.a..a l.lni.nin. .ec 6 t 7 r 8
Me-erv, W N, sek see 20 1 7 r 8. ........... I
u...w Poi.r nW ur'.'. nwli sec 29
"w-wa., r r-
'l I nLf miVt. U
li secMtlrl.
Merrill, Korman, K ofj
J MaSrlU't D LC t
sec 96 1 A r 9. evi
i aee 19 tftr 2:
lot 7, nwJi nwW seo 22 t 7 r 4i W n,
twi u!i,
own mm Mui i r i, win
ae"4ect7r4; nnHaec36t7 r4:ae,'i
tec 14 1 7 r 8; Columbia City, lot 2 bl 26;
KeerClty, bl 2 .... .88 20
Merrill, Annie M, t'A ua'4 e 2 1 6 r 2; .w)i
nw'A, iwk nH aec 27 1 6 r 2. . . . ... ...... 10 00
M.lliiiger, William, Vernonla 1-6 ol k lot 1
bl B: Mellluger'a ad bit 2, 3. 4, 6, , 7. 8, ,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14; 12 Iota bl 16; 6 lota bl 16;
6 lot. bl 17; 12 lou bl 18; blkt 19, 22. ..... , 3 26
Helllnger, Charlea, nK aec 22 1 5 r 4; Ver-
nouia one-Hfth ol ti lot bl 2. 8 !
Miller, Tboa E, uH nd e'i kec .
3B 1 6 r 4; vernonla uh a ui iv " w
Mill., Hannah , vt'4 te tec 14 1 4 rft; Ver- .
noi.ia lot 2 hi 18 ' 4 86
Mitchell, H B, wi n and 'H nH tee 86
Mlnter. i ai.' oertoiiai nroperty 8 16
Moeck, tleo F, lot 1 and nwK "d fK
acc 20 1 7 r 2: M N Nice nroperty lot 7 bl 2
66 66
2 00
un,n H A. Nfl. aec 31 t 7 r 8
Morgan, Mra Kaaallnd, e'4 tlA and H ae
IS un 14 11,1
2 90
Morgan, Marahal, aU tci and ae4 aw tec
1 1 1 t A. nwU awe A t 7 r 5: BWi BW1 BeC
81 1 8 r ; lott 1, 2, 8 and 4 aec 1 7 r 5. . . . ft 00
Morian.J l.,nH aw and lot 8 tec 6 1 7 r 6 11 00
Morae, D C, t4 uV and lot 4 and 5 tnc Ift
8 46
2 26
2 on
Moulloiii Heiiry, iiw'4 aec 3ft 1 6 r 6
M urray, John,nw!4tc8t6r8....
viurray, ti a, nwv4 tec w r .......... . .
Mutgrove. Mra N A, lot 6 aeW aeJ4 and ne',
aeik nw'i and nite4 tec U)t r 1; w?
w ann lota 1, x, ano a iea a acre mo.
llart acc 14 and 1ft t 8 r 1.. -
77 no
Mvera Lawa, peraonal propertj
Maxwell, Mra J f- nw aec 23 1 6 r 2; part
ol nV4 n!4 Caplet D L C lot 6 bl 1; H tide
land in front blJI, 4 and 6 and all tide
land In atrand; Columbia City, ol lota
i n 9 in ,1 1- l.l I- XL .if It lota hi ft:
4 26
U ol lot 10 bl 10; lot 4, 6 and 6 bl 1; lota 7,
8undbl 17; loti2,3,10and11bllA;lota7,
8 and hi 31; lota 2, 8 and 10 hi 30; part ol
Iota 8. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 bl 42;lota
. r m a I A Ul fcU . I... JU A t mnA B hi
., o, o, a ami Ol IW, HO" w
69; bl 67 and 70; lota 1,2, 3, 10 and 11 hi 71;
li. ') A n,l 1ft hi 'M: Iota 3. 4. b and 7 bl
24 . . ." ' 26 0
u.rfin tin i N. tat ait rrlattkanie lota 4
and 5 bl 7 42 m
Mnller, Peter, aw' tec 26 1 r 2. ............ 10 00
Mather. A. ncii and tec 10 t 6 r 6 20 00
Mothewa. Bllla, nw' tec 10 1 5 r 6
u.t., a 0 nut aec 28 1 4 r2
10 00
4 )
Maaon, Luclua, und j e?4 and n nt'4 ae
S-i lot una HKecoura, "v.
und H tee 30 t 7 r 5; e'4 w nnd aec 24
1 6 r 3; e'4 und K aec 23 I 6 r 3
Maxey, John W, tfi uwJi and nW ' tec
22t3r 2
Maaon, Mra Mary, Columbia City lot. 11
12 bl 21
Mann, C A.Columbla Citi jart of lott I and
12 bl 55; 'A Ol lota 2, 7, 8, and 11 bl 85. . " .
Mcflean, Mra Annie, wJ4 n!i aec 16 1 4 r 4
McCarty, B,n'4 w'A tec 36 1 6 r 8. .... . .. . .
McCoy, O W, aU vs'4 tec 15 1 6 r 4; nj$ ne!4
McCov, Dennla I), n1 nwVJ tec22 1 6 r 4; n
W nek aee r ............
McKnlKht, W 11, n'4 'A and n'.j !4 sec
25 14 rft
McRride, T A, und 4 eV and lota 1 and 2
tec 20 t 5 r 1: und lota 5 and 6 aec 28 t
r 1; und xt'-i ne4 and lota 1, 2and 8 tec
28t5rl; eWac'iaec IK 1 0 rl; Columbia
City bla 1,2. 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13,
14, 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 82, 23, 24 and 25;
Oiltuer'a ad ti bl A; UUtner'a ad t Id
1 50
ft no
5 00
22 30
MeKtKhtl'Dill, t"i neli aud ae?i nei and
l-i atrS4 aec i i o r
10 00
8 00
U..Ku-ati J. nnl nnl aec 28 t 4 r 2
McBride.M'4 nwii "d nw'i neli sec
2814 r2
Meedham, Jamet, aeli tec 25l8r4
Mead, A A. Vernonla lot 2 bl ft
Miller, R, Vernonia part lot 4 bl 7
Merrill, Roacoc R, ne!i tec 22 t 5 r ft........
Unnra ft B tel and eU .Wli and BW'-i
6 no
10 00
3 45
10 00
eeW see 12 1 f r 5 15 00
Malcolm, F M, .wJi nw!i tee 22 1 7 r 3
Monteomery. Martin. Vernonla lot 1 bl 1 .
2 50
Morgan, 8 A, Vernonia lotAbl 15
Murray, J, Oohlc lota 1 and 2 bl 4
Myrlck, Joteph, ettate of, Ht Helena 4 lota
bl 4; 1 lot bl 8; lota 7 and 10, 2 lota bl 9;
lott 7, 11, 16, 17, IK, 20 and 21, 8 lota bl 15;
lot. 12, 13. 14. 15 and 16, 5 lots bl 20; lota 8,
8. 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 22, 8 lots bl 23; lots 1
and 3, 2 lota bl 21; lots 2 aud 13, 2 lota bl
21 ; lots 2 and If, 2 lota bl 21; lota A and 11,
2 lota bl 18; 11, 12, 15 and 15, 4 lott bl 27; 8 23:2 lott bl 10;lotal,2 and 7,3 lots bl
81! iota 1, 2, 8, 4, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21 and ?2, 15 lotabl 42; all bis 87, 91, 98, 99,
100, 88, 103, lit, 117, 118, 128, 112, 132, W),
1H4. l'jn. 142
19 05
20 00
8 65
10 00
32 50
McBelh, Win,ne(iec7t8r4
Kevin, Allon, mprovements on land
owned bv (leo Fower, Ooble, lot 8 bl 4. . . .
Selson, John D, nw'4 aec 25t7r4
Slcholaa, Annie, peraonal property
2 00
w i nicnoia, aionii. ;4
00 Nlckerson, E E, jots 1, 2 and 8 bl U; 1 acre
riicnoia, Hainan, w;i acc ao i, , i .
in im A t 4 r 4 In Vernonla.
Nowles, John W, ne!4 tec 9 1 5 r 2
Nestbaumer, Jacob, awi 29 1 A r 2.
Napoleon, Lewis, wU tec 17 1 7 r 5
Selson, Nels 11, new sec 4 1 5 r 8 .
Nelson, Jacob O, awJi neJi acc 14 1 3 r 2. . . .
Neppuck, 8 A, neli aw and u'4 seii and ne
kseVisec 12t7rl
KuTanai .inhn. twiraiiiial nrooertr
2 00
2 90
10 00
10 00
4 00
12 00
26 00
2 24 Overturf, Ira, n'f nwjf tec 311 6 r 4; H' sw
u. flO I A r 4
Older., Ceorge, ne'i nwk sec 15 1 5 r 4;
aeii and teVi awJi sec 10 t 5 r 4
1 75
13 50
tidendorn, Marian, peTtoni ,iuiij
Olaon, Olaf, Bw'i sec 29t8r3....
Orwlu, Edward, sei sec 28 1 6 r 5
Owlnga Willi P. Brantrllle, lot 8, blk t
Owlnaa t Holdrol, BryaotviUe, part
lott, blk U ....
Owen. 0 H, ni w!i and lot 1 and 8,
eec 10 1 7 r 4
Ostrora Charles, njf neli and nw!i
2 2,1
8 60
- tt
ec w i r
O'Oonn.l J r,U
eatit of-W awli and
lota . and 7 aac AtA.IL 10 00
Olsen Christ, wjf sec 7 1 7 rl 10 00
Openhelmer Jamea U sw!i ec 9 1 A r 4. . . 10 00
Oil ver Boae A, nwK neli sec 2 4 r 9 2 90
Oregon Mtg Co, peraonal property. ...... 80 08
Oaka P r, und HotH Joe Caplea D Ii 0.
Inoludtng blk. and parte of blka Col
City, bike 60 and 76; und H He Caplea
ad to Ool City, blk A; und H nVi Jo
Caplee DLO, Including: 88468 and 8,
t lot, blk 46; lot 1 8 4 6 87 8 0 10 11 blk 74i
undMof n. including loU 4 66781
blk 63 and 16; all of blka 43 and 44: lota
! 5789, A lot, blk 80; all of blk 66:
OUS46A7897A lota, blk 78: part of
ota 8 and 11 and all of lota 1 and 12,
blk Til lot 1 1 8 4 6 A 7 and ntt 8, 7)4 lota,
01k A; lot ii sauin ix, u loua,
: blk 19; lou 1 8 and 0, 8 lot, blk 88; lota
7 8 9 10 U 18 18, 7 lot, blk K: lot 1 8 8 4
t A 7 8 0 10 lla, 12 lou, blk 88; lot 10 11
It 18 14 16 1A 17 18 19 SO 21 88 S3, 14 loU,
blk G; 1 1 3 4 86 87 28 89 30 81 82, 11 lot
blk F; all blka 88 17 89 80 31 32 83 84 86 34
tt 03 94 96, 24H loU; all blka 103 110 111
112 116 118 121 ta u ana ?, is sou;
frac blka 88 88 87 80 81 98 and B U 10
O A O R R Co, nwk awk nwli aeli and
neli aec i 4 I r li nwji neli and wtf
awli sec 7 8 r 1; neli and n
nwH and aek nwVi and neli wM
and nlf tevf eec t t r 8;
nw)4 nej ana new nwja, aro '" "l
wii and aVi e)i and nei awli ee IT
tt rl; nwli andneU and swlA and seU
ecltlr8; neli and nwli and aekj and
awliaecllttrl; neli and nw'i and
aeli and awli aec w t r ; ne ana nw
and aeli andewli eecil 1 4 r 8; )f wi
and ne)fw!i seo 8ii 4 r 8; neg and
nwli ana aeli and ewji ec 16 t 4 t 8:
neli and nwJi and aeli and awli aec 27
( 4 r 3; neli and nw)i and aeli and wli
aec 1 4 r 8 neli and nwli aec 81, t 4
rl; neH and nwli and eek and I awli
aec 38 1 4 r 8: nelf and nwii and se)i
and swli ec 86 1 4 r 8 284
Payne John M, 6 acre In tt r 4; K nwii
nil nU awU aeo 11 1 7 r 4,
Palmer W H, elf aeM sec 8 1 4 r 4. ... . . . . .
Pearson Geo H, awH nw and uw)f wX
Peck Phlneu, elf nwV
excent t acres
old to A wooa, sec
t.r ...
Perrin Ernest,
ireonal property...
2 76
1 66
Phillip air
xf, ae aesA
sillvnl.''MVf'aaie H 1 1 rl!
Pomeroy M.elfaeli and swW self and
84 self wji seo
00 3lbill8..
26 Power Joeph,
dnler, lotl
10 70
11 00
1 96
osenh. eli w!i sea 8 4 7r 4:
11 00 nW of nwfaeelOtTr....
11 1 I Patter Henry, nwli aeo 4 tlrl.........
9 00 price Geo. eatat of, neli eo n ts r 4
50 prlngle William, wif nwli and njf gwWj
i 251 Mollttblkii Vernonla, lot 11 blk ltT I
D-Mara B n.U aaU aeo 88 1
Peterson John, sit nwk aeo 19 t 7 r I
Plttinger W O, neli ec 84 1 5 r 8..
Perrtn George R, awli aeo 1 1 r A. . .....
Perry A Oo, w)f and a H self aeo
tirt n
Pearson D 0. Vernonla. lou 1 and a blk a
I Preeoott C H, und H of Jo Oaple'a O L
24 80
2 0C
10 00
O, including dim. ana paru oi oiaa
Ool. City, blk 8 and T6; und H of He
Oaple'a Add to Ool. City, blk It und M
aH nf of Jos Caple'a DLO, Includ
ing lou A A 4. t. t.anS at lots, blk 4t
lot 1 14 11 " I "9 10 11 blk
74t all of blk Ttt und M of nk, includ
ing loU 4 to a t lots, blk 1; all of blka
484A loUAtoat lots, blk 80 loU 4 to
t, t lot Hk 7ll all of .oik Ml Prt ol
lote 8and U and loU I and 18 ijlk
lou 1 to 7 and nM of a TH lot blk A I
Sou I to lauiot. ttklV lot i I ia
I lota, blk&i lot 1 to U, 18 Iota blk A
lw 5
12 00
2 25
a nn I
9 25
(72 80 81 82S)3436B62984(I6
108 110 111 112 116 118 121 48 48 and H
ol 48, 244 lute; frac blk 28 28 37 90 9l
10 20
10 00
1 10
12 00
Plhl O, ae!i, aec 84 1 6 r .
Plllman Mary K, aw! eXc26tT rS..
Plowman O N. eH neU aec 2 t4 rt ...
Pogue Jamea K, Col. City, lota s ana a,
blk 67 .......
Potter Henry M, wl ec81ttrl
and lot 4 eecl 1 1 r I . M 00
Bappannana Lara, neii nwH ee 84 t 8
r ; ewii aua.wvi wKec:nie
T 4
Bamaey Mary C. aekl eec 26 1 7 r 4
Beddlck John at, wii wli and lot
MClitl r4
Reeve. A 1 nw!i aec 84 1 ( r .... .......
Keed V, w!i eec 23 1 8 r2
Kedman John J, nwlic20t( r 4
9 76
1 16
1 60
JKlce Den, e nw34 ana w net eec n
17 r 4
RIcbardMn Geo W, n W aec 21 t T r 3...
18 76
Kickman xonia H, awti aec niir a...
Bldgeway Harrla, 6 acrea In aec 4 4
Boaler Peter, H neM and neli awJi and
wny. nwH e 33 t 7 r 2.
Boaler Michael, nwti ae!4 and w!4 li
and nw4 n.'A aec 32 t 7 r 2; nti nw'i
and aw)t nwii and nw)4 and w)4 ec 8
Roaler Mra Mary Ann, w ae!4 aee 20
7r2; nw'i and eft neli and awli
nU aec 32 1 1 r!
Boae Spencer B. eW e'i aec 5 1 4 r 4; Ver
nonla. lota z ana oik i; venionia,
lou 8 9 10 11 13 blk ft; Vernonla Koee ad,
1nt a in 11 hlk 8: Varnnnta Roa. ad.
lou 10 11 blk 11 M 4
BoaaWJ.nVi e!iandlota5 Tec t T
r6 ,. 3 78
Bohlnaon AUIn A, wH wli aec It 4 rS:
-U m.u mat. a t A 3. l. Molana. lot 4 h I (88
Rubert Henry O, wV ae)i ec 28tr4... 128
Rummer EO,)iliicUtir 4 1
n..klna Jnhn 14 w. Sill rl 10 00
BeedHR. ne'i aec 36 1 4 r5 10 '
Held A D. 30 acrew off eS ne'4 aec 5 1 4 r 4 6 00
Bhndea John II, wH awii aec 11 1 7 r 8. ... 09
King Alex, relate of, ewM awU ec 20 1 7
ti; nwW nw'i and wti neV, and tt
nekandncaei'ec29t7r2 21 00
Blchardaon Jame,und li nwJJ a and
neji aeJi aec 18 1 5 r 1 8 00
Riley Patrick. HwWee26t ri. 1 00
Richard. Mra K S. w and neH
ae H eo 14 t 7 r 8
Ripperton Harsh nwW ae 10 1 6 r 6.
Klpperton J A tr.. ne aec 10 1 ( r f
Blnchard W B. neMeo9t8r8
UlnrlinH; Matnv. nw aaefltBrl
io no
in oo
Bldgeway Kd ward, Vernonla 1st ad, lota
1 234ta, dik 4; vernonia ii aa, 101 io,
..... a. Xf .. I 1 ... j ..It 1 .1 . 17. ,.
Oil. o , inriii,iiwMwi,, , viinn.,
1st ad, low 1 8 8 4 6 A, blk l 8 4f
fm a 1 A ...1 A mmy mmm
u iiyou z, ""T.?"" T? J i
BV, liro nri aim im biiu in.7. nr.. w
Yl.m. wV. iv.21 tirS- nmlYire. SI t
tr6; eViawHand lots 3 and 4 aec 7 1 5 r
ft; Bw'i and nwv;ec 16t6r 6; eH nw;,j -
mA tola 1 anititMlttlrl lit tt
By man Richard, a seJi seo2 1 4 r4; nk
neiaec32tlr4 10 00
Bice 6 M, aeJi awji and w5f eejf aec 20
1 7 r 2 8 36
Schmidt Emll B, aK nr'. aud wjf so
mi lfltiri aw., ii., a WAmtvA aec m a
T.g. 86 It
Schenman Charles, aw'i wi aec 14 1 8 r 8 8 60
anhmnovtr B B. nersonat nninertr 26
Bchwatn uan, nwii sec ii o r a zo
Bobuler John, awV aee 13 1 6 r S 126
Severna Jamea G, nek sec 32 1 8 r 8 1809
Severn F.enwJi gbnawi nef nw)f
ii tor...
Bherlnghouaen Henry and wife, ajf of
Jesaie muea o no, leaa ou ,:ra noiu
ml) HharlBarhouaen. aeca 12 It U t t
1 and . 81 70
Bnanahan Ernst, personal property 1 96
Bbanaban Alfred, ejf ef aec 12 1 4r t.... 4 76
Shearer Marahal, "A nwjf and aef nwf
and iwM ney. aec ttirt ezo
liearer Walter, eeH sec 29 1 A r
Blmmons E C. Bc.y. seo 9 1 8 r3. 1 AO
Smith John, neH sec 14 1 4 r 5
Hmiih Jnaeoh and Sons. 10 acrea off A T
Dobbin's land, 1 7 r 2. 132 20
Snyder WL,S nw)f and self nw aeo
14 t7r8 800
Snyder Conrad, awi see 28 1 7 r a 100
rjpencer v n, uerauoai umiwnj... w
Hlravhair Twla. lnU224 and BeW nU
aeMawaec6ttr4 8 8
Btewart J B, Vernonla Rosea ad, loU 1
and 2 b 18; Vernonla Kosea ad, lot ao 0
Vernonla Bosea ad. lot t bll: Ver
mont, nuatr. ao, iui aw, m mm
Btewart Jamea K, e!i ne'i and neli aeM,
.MBLti pa: Krac. awv. naa. aeo an.
,7. 171
Btratton 1 W, Bry antvllle lat ad, lota a, 7,
8, bt 10 It
Btehmau 8 B, n aeli and ae ne H aeo
a . tirz! it ana tww mac am
.1 rtl- nU i.wU ae.- 1 1 8 r 8 li tt
Stehman C, eaUte of.wli .wJiaeciat
4 80
1 76
I 00
II 00
24 96
St raci ten l.-.ttle V, St Helens lot 8 b 11. .
Strai-ken Wm, awli aec 12 1 4 r 8 ... :
Ktreiien Diinlel M, neli sec 24 t 7 r 4
Btanwoi-1 1, n4 aeli aec 27 1 Mr I . .
Hiindhluiu Francis ne H ec 3 1 7 r 2 .
Suoiueln le er, sH nwli aec 27 1 8 r 4; elf
ne'A sec 28 t 8 r 4....'.
Sweat land Walter, personal property.. . .
Li T .1 IT Bt U.U.a Inr lA h ll
r-wngfrv aj uu ii n, kj. iincn-. v v
Starr J B Jt F B Meredith, Wi awli aec
LO. . ..
Annt.t William. Ool Clt.T. lot 8 h 21.
H..i,n.,Mn.n n anil jnhnwin Jk Callahan.
a'tswi and frac sH n li sec 14 18 r 8.. 9t
Rlln HarrT. aeV aec 14 t4 r 8 10 00
Shearer Mra A M, Bryantrtlle let ad,
lots 1 and 2, b 5
Shearer Mrs Maud, BryantviUe lat ad,
loia7 Aiid8b6
Shearer James W, BryantviUe lat ad, elf
I W b 8 and 8; Brj antvllle 14 ad, lot 4,
SI.UW Tnhn O nil nU 4nd Ma DtU
e22ttr8 8 00
Shea rerDB, eli sec 21 1 Art WOO
Sigert Lewis, ne'i sec 17 1 4 r 4 -. 10 00
Ul.,.. V. Tt nU. .li anA UU tl ta aC 11 4
5r4; swU nwM aeo 12 1 6 r4 W 0
Smith J L, Vernonia Bote ad, lot 14, It,
b t t
Smti h Carrie B, nwli see 86 1 A r 8; nw
mml' . -.1 J r.m.Xi mmm 9.1,1. HflV
Smith Annie. Vernonla Rose ad, lot 1 b I . 66
t.lih IT uU anc Id t 7 r & 10 00
Smith S A, wk sec 15 1 6 r 4 M 00
8nravSJ.ael.secl9t6rl 12 00
U..,.nm. l...,ca rt. lU nal: nnd loU 3 And
iwiii.i .'. 10 00
Spencer Joalah, sae sec 11 1 8 r 8. .... . A 00
Steele James, Hfecl. Mill ne)f
aeo 21 1 5 rt.....:." 87 60
Stronir O A. twW aec 17 1 7 r I 10 00
BiMnlnl. Mnrrla. nU n.U and BwV nwVi
aec 17 1 A r 4 ; seAJ s wVi sec 8 1 8 r 4. . . . . . . 10 00
ai..B iw.m . u ,iwU anil Inta 1 and 1
i mc 18t4 rt. ....10
Stellman James A, nek sec ,7 1 7 r 8 10
Sterns Mra William, Goble, lot t b 4
Stoddard Geo A. nek aec 24 1 1 r S . . 10
Stott Sam R, wk e?i and loU t and t
aec ft t a r l ; lot aec tltiii iota a anu
1 1, sec an 1 8 r 1
Smith J n, eH aeli and ek neH c 20 1
7 r 5: aWA and swti nwk seo 82 1 7 r t. .
80 00
20 00
10 00
20 00
Smith J K, uw sec 21 1 1 7 r 6 .. . . . . . . . .
Smith A M, ae and ne aec 21 1 7 r 8,
Smith D, swH sec 21 1 7 r ..........,
Sutler E P, und H swHeol0t4 r 8...
10 00
Sherman fc, e ne sec io r o. ....... .
Taylor John H,w)ineX and nw)f aef
ulll.l I
Tai Alnhus.swWec86ttr8 I
Thornbnrv A Mullen, 3 loU In Bryant-
vllle, 26x60 and 16x30, Clatekanle, lot 4
18 80
Tlmoney Thomas, se sec 27 1 7 r 8. . . ... .
Tlmoney James P, 410 acre off P Gallp-
i nam. s M t I r 2: aeV
ec22t7rl 87
Tohln Martin, eH nwjf and wjf nejf aec
Townsend Frederick, commencing 80
rods a of nw'i 26 1 4 r 2, thenco 100
rods, thence e 380 rods, thence n 100
rods, thence w 80 rods to place of be
Travlor W EneW sc81t7 r 8.......... 11
ginning, sec ao . . r m.
I Turnaban Francis, nw) aw)f and loU
ana 4 sec z; t s r
The Dundee Mtg A IruBt Co. personal
American Mtg Co of Scotland,
aoual property
..... 77
..... 18
Tomllson Perry. seV sec 18 1 1 r 1
Thompaon R H, Ool. City, lot 81
Tlmm S. Vernonia, loU 4, 6 b 17
lotB bla
Troquenue ri-ancia, lot ii aoc . r j...
Tuttle W H. Col. City loU 8 and 4 b 47...
Tuttle. estate of , lot 3 aec 24 1 8 r 8
The Oregon Mtg Co, peraonal prop-
The Sbrtbem Cuntie MtiCftlriirabnai
properly j.
6 00
10 00
80 00
1 10
Tompklni Frank M, nlf J Mile D L C
aec uiiori, a.
Upton W W, lot. 1 8 and a mo 80 1 8r 6,
Sli nw and loU 1 8 8 7 and 8 sec 81 1 8
r611otal8 8and4sec88 t8r t: lou 1
2848A7sec38ttrI; ne swji and
w .J mmA nwla iaU anil U 11 wVl
ar?d lot?8 to8s84 t8rt .. T
Vanblartcom Joseph, wli ne and aef
ne'i and nwk li sm 4 t 4 r 4;
v..,.ni. louBAh I- Vernonla. lota
1 284tbt: Vernonla loUl 84 tb 111
Vernonla, lot. 1 and 8 b 18; Ternonla.
loU 4 ana otei vernonia lettuoi
Vernonla, lote 1 3 8, 4 and to is.
Yanblarlcom John W.wK aw)f wH awj
aec 1 1 4 r 4. . , :
Vanblarlcom Hiram D. I acre In o 4
t4r4i wkawkeo 84ttr I ...........
Van volkeoBerg W 8, wH eo Ittlrl .
Vanvolkenberg B F, peraonal property .
V anwoikennerg j m. ?, : a .
aeoM 4 7 rt.,
vininf jasi a.
Vhala Jsa A, pwMaal sparla;..
Yemonia Tmprovemeni Co, lot I aee 4 4 4
r4; partof J Vanblarlcomland,eo4t4 .
r4;w44c6tr4i nt tH moi
Yoge Jiaiep'ri,' tH najj 'ana'neVt imH iiid .
Tot2,3aeo8rt 74.......V. 10 00
vvarraa Joan, tow i ana saeee t r4
iota v ana iu eec ttirt.
2 60
WalkerWm H, eX.wWeec 24 1 7 rt
WaablmrnCK,nwi eeo28t7ri
Weat Mary, Vernonla, lot 7 b 12...........
I W n.lT' mnA mmXC narW and
neu wWcl4trr4 'J..... U 9
Weatherwai John J, Rainier, lot 8 b 10 !
Rainier, lot lb 4; Rainier, part, 1 4 b 4.. U 00
Wearer Marlon, nwiec80t r ......... lit
Wldger Albert, wH ae and wS uX
aitrt -.'
Whitney B F. IJj acrea bought of A
Btump, wit car
Winter WM, wec
2 2t
aeclOtOra... ........
i.e ae andneMaeM .
and n neUaacl8t7r4 U 00
Wll)aJared,wXnwMec86t7r8: w
wHec26(7r; neHec36 17 r8.. ... 10 W
Wllaon Frank L, -i t4 and eHwtf
Wllaon Mra D 8, peraonal property 4 06
Wllaon W M,wieHecl2t4r6........ IU
Wlxtrom I O, eK John McNulty DLO,
eec a, ., o, . . r a.... ....... .... j -r
WUrerdlag John D. nwWeo80ttr t..
wonderly u K, sex aec 17 (ire
Wonderly Mra B M, peraonal property.;.
WoodroS Tbompeon H, aei ne& aeo 21
Wood L B, land In sec 30, 80 1 7 r
Woods A delta, se ne and eH H 1'H
VlnnA E .1. Vrnnnla. V tot S h 10
8 60
Ware John A, aeH nwJi and loU 3 4 6 wo
tt4r6 11
Washington Lumber Co, nK ne'i and n
nw andswknwMand neW bwMaeo
J 1 7r 6 ; eji awH ana swJi swK and seii
nu aw?. 11K74 PBV I l u, ..fl
eec Kt7r5; aeJineJi aec 22 1 7 r 6. . . .
Wataon WW.aKseKaecia t7 r i wX
40 00
10 00
10 00
1 10
neH Hcntiro ...
Warner Harry, neH eec 6 1 5 r 8....
Washburn C J, nS swM sec 6 1 7 r 8.
W.nd Mra NanCT. Col City, lot ( b 23
j n et f.. i r.i.v in. A h 47
Watt H, Col City, lot 1 b 21.
w.iian ill ll mj.rm n 1 Vullerton'B
Iand,aeo20t4rl. ,
Webeter Edward, eH ne sec 8 1 4 r 4 ; n4
neH nd eS neV nw'i aec 36 1 5 rft..... 24
Webster Mrft, e eSaeWj tec ttttrt.. 8 60
Week Bert, ewtf aei eec a nii
ne and neneaec 27 1 1 rt.. ........ 10 0
Weeka Walter B, w4 nwK and aeH ne4
ec27trt 10
Weat Robert, lot 4 eec 7 1 7 r 6. t 69
weet uaptain rfoun, an. a tuu o aeo o
..................... , ....
Welgand Mary Ann, se eec 1 1 t r. .. .
I alih J R. IwU BttC. 38 t 7 T 4t Col ClXT.
re... ;vif"i ,1 Sk
" i"r. .ni f,rTci. loti 7 and a 6
i - - . : r .
29: Col CUT. lot t b 81. ;.U
I Whitney Mra Florence, nejf f4 sec 13
Wkit mmm a. rinl Oitr. lnta 3. 10. 11. 12.
WUHam'BP.'iXnii '.'tfC-y."'.. U W
William Prancl H, Col City. Oiltner'a
mA int a h ai 70
William Almlra, Col City, Qlltner'a ad.
1 V Dm '
Wllhelm Catharlna, ak teHi aec 18 1 8 r t.
Weeke Thomaa, af nwji aec 2A 1 4 r t.. . . ..
Wlnton F D, wi ne4 and lota 1, 8 and
part or kh e aa lajau vi u uu.,
and w of nw cor of J Stoughton'a DLO
ac24t4T 2 a 90
Wllgradt Charley aw3i aeM aec 38 1 4 r 6. . 10
W HDur r B, ei nwt ana wi no tw
t4r t 10 09
Wilson Henry nek nek ec 7 1 A r t; wX
MBIirii iOtsejiiaa ne aesrc
1 1 1 r li eH wK and nwjf aeJ aec t tt
r i- --....-
Wllaon C B A Oo, nM aec 7 1 A r 8;
nwi and nwi
neiiaecAtlfr 1 18 Of
Wilson CB.wXn.wK wc 6 t A r 2; aeV
nejiaec3it7r8:e)f nejf sec It 4 r 6:
mX2 laU a.n1 mmgjy mpX m.T,A nvu meihZ
sec A t A r2; seJiseM aeo 88 1 7 r 8 . ...... 22 60
1 Wilson Martha. awM neji and e) w4
avltl.l t 00
Wood0barlott,OoL Oity.lotl0b88.... 110
wood u Ia. uoi. vnj. ioi i n l a "
WoodJH,wfeHecUttr8......... 103
Wood J H ana J ti uore, w nw4aocia
t7rl 10 00
Wolf Mr Alice P. Clatskanle, loU 1 7 b I 110
WrujhtB,CoLOIty.81oUb24 1
Wright H, vol uity, a iou o
Teung W A, nwk ec 80 1 7 r 8. . . .
Young Phillip, k sec 84 1 7 r 8
Young 1 , ee)isec 21 16 r 8 ... ..
......... aw
1 8 28
10 00
Sheriff and Tax Collector fog Columbia.
county, Oregon. .
A Jesuit Meteorologist.
Padre Vines, a celebrated Jesuit priest
In Havana, has for the past quarter of
century been making weather prediction
at Havana,
It waa the nadre who predicted a hum-
cane, and the reports from Havana Terr
, a fled the prediction. He la regaraea uy nan
Igatora and meteorologist all over th
world aa one of toe most correct anu reua- .
He of weather acientisU of the age.
For the past quarter of a century trainer
Vines baa made this work purely a labor
ol love. He la a highly cultured gentle
man, unassuming and a profound acnoiar.
Fully appreciating the vaiuaoie aervicea
rendered by the padre some time since, the
United States government orrerea mm.
handsome salary In recognition oi nu pas
services. This offer be promptly deciinea.
because the rules of toe Jesuit order pro
hibited it., J. McBoker, of the steamship
Hutchinson, of the Southern Pacific sys
tem, i well acquainted with the padre,
aud In speaking of him atd: "For th
many years that I have been navigating
the Gulf I have never touched at Havana
without calling on the padre when the op.
portunlty presented itself. During the
hurricane season his opinion la always anx
iously sought after. Before the connec
tion with the Windward Islands were
perfected the padre's predictions were al
ways looked for anxiously by navigator.
Today the cables only recently laid give
htm a large scope ana mass ma luiwaaava
mora reliable and Important to com
merce." New Orleans Tlmea-Uemocrat,
Stopped Dying to B.buke the Audience.
During the death scene in the play ol
"Camilla" at the Opera house Miss Irene
Taylor, who had the role of Camilla, treat
ed the audience to a real exhibition of feel
ing not on the programme. The heroin
was dying of consumption. Death waa
just about to lay its skeleton angers upon
8 86
her tired heart, iter eyes oegau watauui.
00 I R.mA nl.i, BTiipauiiinn Vrhich ImmS-
It '"""i '7jL , in .r! ah.
Drecedes dissolution, and ah
gasped painfully for breath. The seen
was well studied, realistic ana patueuu,
and ahe was about to drop into the arms
of ber agonised lover dead when several
women In the audience laugneo.
Immediately the face of the dying wom
an Assumed a stern and angry expression.
She stood defiantly erect, and pointing net
finger at the offenders said in withering
tones: "Any woman who. would lauga
08 durinu auch a scene aa this la utterly void
1 .a aaHnaMl n MllnKintni Br
Ul HO J BVUSa, vi unv .j v.
80 00
feeling, she la totally lacking in tne ecun
menU of common humanity, and could
not appreciate anything higher than the
Topsy or the donkey In 'Uncle Tom's
Cabin.'" '
When she had delivered herself of this
ebullition of indignation ahe calmly and
1 10
i i? deliberately proceeded to die in the most
1 80 I 1 ..1 MinnrapfalMn. death wills
au.uira a'J - wMM.-.e, - -
wonderful accuracy, and there was no
more tittering, either. Punxsutawnajf
87 80
Spirit '
Speaking Figuratively.
Verv amusing waa an Incident which
happened during a tour through the prov
ince which the French President, M.
Carnot, made. At one place where an ad
dress was to be delivesed to th president
the duty oi pronouncing tt waa committed
48 00
to a maimed veteran, ootn oi wnoa suruus
had been amputated.
Jnat before the hour tor me ceremony
had arrived a local functionary said to th
veteran: r.
I If
"Are you sure you know your speech 7"'
"Know it!" he exclaimed ooolldimtly,
wbv. I've eat It right at my Angara'
u oo
t 86
10 OO
tndaf Youth'e Companioa
m a 4aana 111 Tl. Ul. v I ri-klnilt. Ei IU tu'
Collin. E
;MewW 1
WrUtai....T.-r- l2r.WtHtO"