The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 08, 1892, Image 3

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United KtiiiM oml Comity 6Ucltil Tupsr
Sr. UlUKS.JUlY 8, Wi.
UHimillJI ,1JU ill L.L1. . J...i'..
Alldsoterof hlirh wstor it now
Acitpxm u the scans of an en
Joyehl picnic on Ihe I'mutti,
J. O. Walls ami W. W. West, of
Jieappooie, were !n town on Tuesday,
W. A. Young, of Lower Beaver, wet
oa our streets Tuesday.
Secretary WcB'Mespent tb Fourll
io fit. Helens,
An nntrimcd hit si low hi 25 cent
l Mr. CnttmrnV
Tht ertuo'y sHUnce hi boon in
fnion at Qilllon tliii week,
A social dunce was tin order of tbf
venlng st Masonic hall on (he Fourth
When you r In nwl of llnnk
nttehviks, call at Tim Mist olllce.
Trice, W cstits.
Sow Ut tr KoMnn opnnrtnnit j t
Ci-t Incline' ni children's hats at cost
at Mrs. Colburn's.
Mr. J. C. Lanikln end Mine Jennie
Arrlib.4il.of HilUWo, are guests
the initio thii wcrV.
Miss Cora Miles returned from Sil
Vfliion Wednesday, after hii aUence ol
several weeks.
. The hull given at Rainier is said to
tture been uiccis. About 130 per.
one f re prevent.
President Ilarriaon has sppnlnterl
flenersl William Kn". ol Porilund,
minister io 8ydeny, Vtsm South Wains.
Justice tVmn, Judgo Dbincbiird. of
Rainier, mid Hon. Norman Merrill, of
OlalsVauie weri la this city on Tun
day last. ;
The pep1o of 0 ill ton lull rile
iratitm and pienic on the Fourth, tit
which time the entiro communiiy as
sembled together and eiijnjed tlu fat
of the Uml.
The little steamer Cricket brimght
!iiwn en eicttwi'm party Hattinl.iy
friim Portland. The crowd conaiaiel
i eboul fifty perrons, who had with
brm plenty vf Inncii and ire crHin.
They went out to the picnic ground
if k of h city, end enjoyed them
rlvee boil they could for a few
lioure, after which tin y returned to
Mr. W. M. Terry, whn has heen In
the drug bttsincse tit Ellitnn, Ky., for
til iast twelve yiire, saysj '-Chain.
iH'rUin'a Cm;h Reumly gives more
satisfaction than any other couh m. il
iciue ( havevcr tnM," Titer) in tjood
reason fur thU. No other will cures
4d quickly ; no oihur hi mi certain
a wimtie end euro lor crimp: do
otiipr sff irJe so much rulii'f in cases
of whoopini; cough. For by Ed
win &$, druggtitt.
Many yjere' practice huro given C
A. Bnow 4 On., nolicitom of putctiU at
Wellington, D. C, uimurpamfi'd rc
ctt in ohtniniDC patcntH iu id! il.ifio
f Invt-ntione. Tluy nmk a eptflnlty
f rejected caei, and Jiave eicurvd ul
lowance :f many patent that had bven
treviuu4y icjixUKl. Their advertinw
mo( in another column, will be of in
teteat to inventor, patentee, mannfar
urre, and all who bao to do with
Mr. Oeo. Lamont I ecriouxly ill
itn ttremie couvuUjon. ' Dr. F. A.
Cautliorn w down Monday in con
eultatfon with Dr. Harry It. Cliff, ami
it wa nccewtary to operate to ao the
life of Mr. Lamont. The operation,
though of n very eerioua naturt, wa
auccexfnlly performed by the doctor,
and the conenleion have elnce b-fi.
It i confidentially hoped that tdie wi.l
recover, having already gained con-vioui-nes.
That St. Iltlen I badly in need of
a ytem of wuterwoik and a Are de
partment wa never more clearly ap
parent tliau on the Fourth, when a
number oVilrr were gtartcd.nud only
for It being daylight and baling di ,
covered them before tln-y had gained
iieadwav, the town, entire, would have
lieen conaumed In a very thort time.
Step hou1d be takeu at ouce to pro
vide fire protection.
AnUtant Secretary of State B. F.
Oiltner aud wife, of 6lem,.wero la St
Ileleu lltit witek, haviiiK cume down
l pend the Fourth with relative and
old fneode. Mr. Uiltuor ie largely in
krevied iu coal and iron mine in this
county, and informs in that work in
th way ot development jvi'.l be foni
mencedin the Columbia City coal
lands within one year. This coiU i
aald to be equal if net superior to that
found atCil Rock J Kolao.Wueh. ;
i only about three-quarters of a mile
from the railroad t a point jnt be
low Columbia City, making it eaay of
acces. ; It I aUo only about the cume
distance from the Columbia river 'at
that point where the largeat vewela
may bs landed at all time of the year.
In the event of thte mine bei ij!
deeeloDcd. it WOulJ require a large
force of men, end enthuae new eni rgy
into the county, snd have a very ma
terial effect upon the growth of Colum-
bU City. Columbia county nas weaim
in abundance in the way of coal and
iron, and ths time I not far dirtant
when tbes atennes of commerce will
be opened Bp, and ships lying at our
wharves loading ou proJucU for the
tnarket of the woild.
- . . a .1. .
Laat Saturday the big barn of F.
Proput, about four milea from Allmny,
wa entinly soiiHiimed iy fire, from
wbatoauso it was nut known. The
ham was one of the fniHt on Albany
prairie, coaling About $1200. About
800 worth of hay, cidor press, etc.,
wore aleo hnrmtd, making a lots of
nearly 12000. The building was iu
sured in tho Farmers and Merchant
lufuraiice company of Albany for $00,
which was fully paid yeaterday, and ,
Mr. Propat ay that 1 the kind of a
company he like lo do buaineas with
prompt and reliable. Albany Demo
In on item in last week's Mist wt
staled that the pereotUane of Mr. Will
I'owell. at the State Normal ai-ho(;l, wai
the liighet ever atlaiu.-d at III it in
atitution. It ahould have been the
secon l htgheat.
I hereby certify Hint I have this day
received of the F. M. In. Co. of Al
bany, $800, being in full for loa on
my barn, which was d l roved by tir
Juno 25, 1892, being (he full amount
fer which it was insured, and I wool l
recommend the F. M. Ins Co, foi
prompt and liberal settlement for all
limieht biare. F. PltOPT.
Juno 30, 1892. Albany Democrat
Mr. C. L. Colliuru will cflVr her
attM'k of millineiy koihU at 25 Hit.
count for the next ten days.'
A marriage lici neo waa iaim'd by
the county cleik on Ju'y 1, lo Mclvlua
M. Truylor and G. V. baker.
If you have Hie on you, get kui'ii
of theTanglt'fixit fly paper at Ko'
Irug itore. .
Mr. Dixon and family, of Cact'e
II xik. am vinitiiig her paruota, Mr. and
Mr. A. II. Murray.
Mr. aud Mr. F. Merc ill spent their
Fourth umoox friend at Deer Llaiid,
Miant Oiitmrt and Wheeler Inve
bivu over fr.uii Mit aiiuuding a few
davit iu low ti.
Our city ha a now mantial now.
John Miration raving rei-i.ueil, the
boiiora of olD.u are iraio-feneil to Jaa.
Van, who wear llievtar al prevent.
Oeorxe Menill, sr., was a vi.itor on
the Fourth.
C. A. liiiiMl tiaik a trip to the
coaet to peud the ualioi.ul holiilay
lliere with Ins lau.ily.
A wed'iiutC waa quietly Celebrated
jtlal out of town bint wtek, where Jim
ice Leo united John Parka aud Mia
Annie Biigli'. Jouo'a frieuila extend
uonratul.iliou, for which lie UYaU
out llie t'ixars heauiifuily.
Mr. Norman Merrill and tamily are
aa tiding a few days al Wuudimid
with Mr. Meirib'a pa rent.
A Swede girl named Melaon, about
6 year I of n; ilied larl Saturday mar
the upper (ilalokanie and waa burieii
io. the iseuiuteiy near the city ou Tues
day, We notice I R. Q. Grab. mi in the
crowd on Moutlay,
Cl.nsknnie'a Foarth of July proved
quite a ttala day, Hi mull an appear
aine of lain in liie uionntig prot.ably
kept mniu away. Vintor. in wgon,
carriage', on liomelmck anil on foot
kept cmiiiltf in until tliu truutii8e)ineil
mIivu with people. All tho liusniehS
lioue were deuurated with lliaaau.l
evergiceuH, ami luertar .paogled ban
ner waved from a polo acroaa the
alream near the picnic ground. The
explosion f bouiba in the eaily luorii-
iiiK roiiM'd l lie ll1la'ra, ami too umiiii
Urxerucker. lare and amall, ki'pl npti
racket durinit Uia entire day. About
9.3l)a. in., the aouuda td diacordaut
lllUlC wi rn h ard in tliu direction of
tliu school lioitae, and uton a prixe
ion of Calaihuminous, iu vatioiia din-
it u ikes, paraded llmtiiiih thn lon
the aiiaij-oiio'iit of lb" crowd and terror
of liorae hitched along I' e air. eta
S i,io of llioo finitu-iio characteiH
were very Kaal, eapecmlly the old In
dian i-liii f, who eat in etatu on a Jtd
draan by a horrv, rode by boy, whose
coatume raiher ftiitgeMed the devil
hi ton 1. About bulf uii hour aflui
tbit proco.-aiou h id uia-e I and dii-ap-pea
red ihe cornet baud, iu their new
gilita, took their ( oaitious hi the head
if the pruocaidon,' and at the signal
from the marshal, E. Hughe, took up
the line of marrh f r the picnic
groinida. A hand of giila iu while
and boy decorated with hunting, each
earning a Hi containing the name
ofata e, followed in line and the
nun-sof t-ttiietia and viattoia followed.
Arriviiw al the giouuda, after in uie
by i he baud, Itev. F. J. lirown of red
prayer, a vocal autbeiu wn aung by a
choir, tho Declaration of "Independence
waa read by E. W.Conyira, a patriotic
oiig and I'lmrus wa given oy inu
children, waving their flaga in unison
with their clioiua, producing a very
pretty effect. The baud played "Amer
ica," alt. r which Ihe neident . f the
day, A. M. Tichcnor, introduced Pro
fearur T. J. Cleelon a ihe orator of the
dae. Tho oration was an -i'llont
one, cnntnisting the bleinus of free
dom ol today Willi llie gainug oepoi
ini of the past, and inspiring a love
of country that is both patriotic anil
apptopilate al this time, wneii so mucn
haa been said recently disparaging of
our free inalituli itia and an excellent
rVHtem of popular government. The
address waa not only excellent but elo
quently delivered, and was very well
received by the audience. Following
the address dinner mi soon announc
ed and the long table provided ami
beautifully covered sunn sathdied Ihe
crowd witll n subali.nlial meal. Aflur
dinner the cr wd were amused watch
ing the efforts lo climb the greased
pule, and after litis was, accomplished
r, k race followed and oilier amuse,
menta until the crowd went to 0. J.
Btvant'ri meadow where eras had
I ecu cut to make way d)r horaeracing.
i trU of fortv rial was se
cured and some o' our local homes did
some pretty g.aal runnint.', " ''
Hmusment of the crowd. At sunset.
Mr. Fahriqne'a haliam Bsrension with
iu imrachu e dm,. wa witne ss I by
the crod. Tne parachute diopjed
into the river but the little man waa
not of vharaeter to be greatly injured
Certain baking powder makers arc publishing falsified extracts from
Government reports, with pretended analyses and certificates, wherein an
attempt Is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or
making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to
counferact the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising
from their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown
by the Government chemists and others.
As to whether any of these baking powders are
equal to the "Royal," the official tests clearly deter
mine. When samples of various baking powders were
purchased from the grocers, and analyzed by the United
States Government Chemists and the Chemists of State
and City Boards of Health, the reports revealed the fact
that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent, to 60 per
cent more leavening strength than any other cream of
tartar baking powder, and also that it was more perfectly
made, of purer ingredients, and altogether wholesome.
As these powders arc sold to consumers at the same price, by the use
cf the Royal Daking Powder there is an average saving of over one third,
besides the advantage of assured purity and wholesomcncss of food, and of
brepd, biscuit, and cake made perfectly light, sweet, and palatable advan
lagc3 not to be had in the use of the low-grade, cheaply made baking pov.
cr3 that contain lime, alum, and other imDuritics.
by the water. Fireworks fallowed at
.lark and Ihe ustiil dance took up the
iiiabl, luliinir place at Comers' hall.
Good onler and good ualilrb prevailed
hroiiKhout the nliru day, which will
long be remembered.
J. It. Mi Craw ia home again. He
has recovered from Ins attack of fever
and all hia friend are glad to welcome
him back.
Quite an lo Bradbury is
teiiiir erected by Francis Teritahan,
ami when it is completed it will be one
of the prettiest and nicest houses on
the nvei Iron t. i lie oll ntlj.-e lie used
win 11 he was ihe justice of the peace
for Ihe dial 1 li t has been removed, aud
Mr. Tc malum is building a nice edilice
iu the Kolhio style to replace It. It
will be a roomy uml tine building, and
beside being useful to store bia pax r-
away In, it and wit a I. to lie a nice resi
dence laith for bini'elf or visiting
friends. Wo are proud to see an old
m hihhnr make a fresh atari like this,
and are al.-o n' id lo hear that h in
tends to insure it iicainsl lire, which
every man ought to do.
lleiivv eatelie of salmon have Iwcn
made here ihu I iat three days by Mr.
Peter Ottialev. Forty-seven on Sun
day laat and MXly-tbree oil filday Is
not bad.
Brother Dow U buck from Po'tland,
rather pale about I bo gills, but sliil on
Mr. Fabnaky ptm bned Quo cow and
cult (r.'in U. 1 tstitci tur s.o.
t'ron looking w!l. although a little
rain would not huit Hum.
I. Diluskey was bonis vi.-i.iiuj Ida family
laat Sa in lay.
W. Mi. lor lias a large amount of bay in
bis ba n this summer.
J. Dupont id working for Collin i 1 tli
bay tit Id.
J. l.iutck ha quit? nice garden and Is
cle uing land for a larger tract.
J. Dupont lia a Kne crop ot clover thli
year; ot .er iiops ate raiiier poor.
J. Whiti.- wid e look ' for IU cattle on
the 4th mi t with a dumber of bears.iiut suc
ceeded in g ti ng away from t.icm.
The Cat an teacher, Mita Jcasl Down, '
spent the Fourth at ber ia tit. Johns,
Water George met with a painful ami
dent a lew days sko, by fa li.ig and striking
his face vn a s.ia3 wliKu taaie Tory ;
distrti.v lug bis tyv.-io'ht,
The 1'ou.ti was ob erved here as a boll
day, Klzy Uu. rg.', bti.ig the men patrio ic, ,'d two tlags. Coiuiderahbah.tiiiK ;
w. lb anvil', guns and Uree.'uCKcr was ii
dulled iu to the delight of
iho ptwder ;
d akr..
The wcatlisr on the Fourth was most
ljvuly, be.nj cold aud cloudy.
Mr. a id Mrs H I. M-rrib return ed boms
la.-t cu iciay ir in t'. id and Powell vul-
hy where they were vi iting friends.
Klzy Ocftgn sports a Hue bugjy. It dot'
110: 100k si u lai iiiera wse nuvini; nam
timt a if we can judge from the improve
ments and luxmies ihe Diochi tnjoy.
Charley am' Alvln Meriill are riolntr a
big si shiua suuiiner. If vtliera would
be as industrious we would soon whist. e at
hard thui.
Qiis bvunsrn fell off a liad of liny last
Monday, and got ba lly buit hy having S '
nitchfork stuck inloh si i,.. lie was taken
toPoitand formtdital tratmint.
Muckle Brot'. reiJviic which burned
last Tbiir-uay, ia a loss ol about 91,t00 wldi
noi.isurance. '"' "
It kstrea ihe Chlltlreu.
Mr. C. II. Shawen, Wt llsville, Kan.,
sajst I'll ia with pleasure that I speak
of'tliii good Chauibeilaiii's Colic, Cool
era and Diarthoei Retnctly haa done
my famil during the last fonrteen
veitre. In the in. ait ubsliuate eases of
slimmer complaint and diarrhea.!
among my children, it acled as a
chnrm, making it. never necessary to
call a physician. I can truthfully say
that in uiy judgment, based on year
of exteri 'lice, there ia not a medicine
in the market that i its equal. For
tule by Edwiu Bues, druggist.
per ct, differenceo
Strongest Purest, McslEconomicd.
Mr. John Ulni.m tame out to hi ranch
The Cai di brothers came bo ne on 1'ridty
to visit tli. ir mother.
John Smith (pent the Fourth on Title
cneii with uncle, Perry U.-ber.
P. II. B Uy and A. K. Uyers spent tadr
Foui tli hay.
C. C. Moycr bought a cow of I'. II. Eailej
the other day.
The Weaver brothers cams home on Sat
urday. Uri.rinckncy met with an accident while
Ruing lo the ai'iius, having failvn down ni)d
inju td ber spine.
Mr. Nelion li out visiting her parents,
ilr . and U s. l'h.yd Fowler.
I). II. Popecaiuti home on Saturday tve
ninn to spend i ho Ft urtli with hi paitxitj.
Mrs. Boht. Krey is expettin her father
from Iowa . on.
Our rabb.itb si hnol is jTirestins very
n ctly with WiiJam Mi. lor us superinten
ded. C. (.'. Muyrr attended church at M Itou
B. K. Pope and on, Pavi.l, have been
dealing a pi .'t e ot land this week.
A New K.I111I ut Insurance.
For twenty-five cents you can insure
yourself and family against, any bait
lestilla from an attack of bowel com
plaint during the sutumer. Uue or
iwo tlosea of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrheal Remedv wilt
cure any ordinary cue. It never fails
ami is iiloa-unt and safe to take. No
family can afford to be without it. For
salu at 25 intl 50 cents per bottlo by
Edii Hoss, drtiijgist.
Republican Club Organized.
Canaan, lu'y 4, 18J2.
, Editor : The cittzena of Sherman
precinct met July 2, at & p. m., at the
U her schoolliuiise, and orgiinized a
republican cluh. Tlie house waa called ;
to ordi r by W. J. Eice, of St. Helens, 1
ami the following officers weretlected:;
IVewdont, A. F. Usher ; vice president, I
I. S. Uumgardner; secretary, John M
ispuigeon ; assistant secretary, E. 11.
Girly; committee on bjlawa, CIibs.
Spencer, D. E. Fowl, r, E. II. Giny j
committee on arrangements, W. II.
Bumgaiduer, James Gaitten, C. E.
Olson ; treasurer, John Cutaret. The
tmle f ne tins will ba on
each Sunl
d t 2 o'clock p. in., antl it will
known as the Canaan Republican
Club ot Sherman precinct. After the
organizu ion the audience was honored
with an eloquent address on the politi-
,.! isae ,y W. J. Mice, ulso by Dr
Cliff, on Ihe railroad question. Every
body are cordially invited to iillend.
Filed and : Routine Work
Commenced. , "
The newly elected county officers vere
on hand Tuesday, wi b the execptimt of
Mr. Kyser, who, for some reason, w a ab
sent. All the rest of the olllccis were un
baud, With tht it bonds made up and qua i
Utd. aud made ready for the work kelore
tin 111. A settleineiit waa made with the
sheriff mid that otliclal turned the fflce
and books over to Mr.Masrie. I. ia successor.
ftnJ l0 ileim.-iWd the money in hit poises, collected ai t.ixes,witbtheneiv county
tiiasttrer, Mr. Wharton, who . receiiited
thi refer.
The new county a'wer-tlcct, Mr. Ky
ser. was not on band toqiali 'y. The la v
ptovldes that all the officers shall appear
before the county court 011 1 18 fir tTuesd.iy
a Kr the lint Mj td.iy :n Jul;.' fo'.lowiug the
eUet.oii.a id tilo their boh I wit 1 the county
c irk ami take the. atli . f . llici i ll at fa li :g
I doao, they lorltlt their light to the olllce
to wbi h tbey have bei n elected. Mr. Ky
ser dU 1101 apnt ar m that day af rt i)uired
by law, e in-.equiiitly tbe com t wil. bj com
pel'ed toupioint in his stead, which wi.l
probably be done at tld 1 es ion. J ust w hy
Mr. Kvsix w not prison t no enj at the
coun y seat knows.
tiuperintendeut t'lertin was on hand mid
went tin ttugh lbs preliminaries pelt bring
to IdJofBcs.
Wednesday county c urt convened with
Ju lire B'sncl.ard in the chair, and Com-niia-ionei
Karnes and Echoonorcr, pres
ent. The first matter taken un was the
c.iilectiun uf the dehnqu ut tnxo. wbicl
occupied conaidtraljle ti ne, after wbi
ihi v rnc eded with other matters, roaca
ani hriducs comine first. Io the afternoon
the court went to Scappoose to exa idne the
rai'roud cio.u-i.ig at Stump's, and the brhlgc
across Sly creek. B .tli were found to lie in
very la I condition, aud it' the tail. cad c in
not be compelled lo lix the former the
county will be obliged to. At HJy creek a
new bii.igf se. un u be the only reoitdy.
K. J. Graham's child, Springfield,
Or; painfully afflicted with grauulateJ
coujunctivitus, complicated with ul
cer of the eyeballs for nine mouths,
cured by Dr. Darrin.
J. A. Lindsley, news ngent oil the
U P. It. It , residence Albina.Or.; con
suinpiioii, bionchilia and catarrh,
cured aud gained fifteen pounds, by
Dr. Darrin.
Jmlge Strahan, associate justice of
the supreme court of Oregon, I evi
dence Albany, Oregon, cau be referred
to aa oue of Doctor Darriu's patients
who haa been successfully treated.
V. Hays, 9U Fifth street, East
Portland, Or. i' intUiuatioti neck of
bladder aud sciatic rheumatism i came
on crutches to the doctor: cured and
left crutches at doctor's otiice.
Owing to hard times. Dr. Darrin will
give electric treatment for $5 a week.
or in that proportion as the case may
require, until further notice. An ex
ception ia made iu all surgical opera
tions. The poor treated free daily
from 10 to 11; those able to pay. 10 to
5 . tVeuiugs, 7 to 8 ; Sundays, 10 lo 12
Aj curujlo ehionic, acute, private aud
wasti,j disuse, including stricture,
.j,.,, mi1j vario-jcele, cancers,
tumors, and all malignant diseases,
treated successfully, and cuies guar
anteed aud never published except by
request uf patients. Surgical opera
tions skillfully performed. Consulta
tion free and strictly confidential
Send for question blauk and circular.
Drs. Damn cau be found at 270
Washington street, Portland; the Re
view building, Spokane, Wash., and
Hotel Northern, Astnria, Or.
Prsssuucod Homeless, Vet Stc4.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada K.
Kurd, of O rot in, 8. D, wo quote: " Was
taken wi'.h a bad cold, which settled on my
Lung", cough set in and finally ttrmlnuted
in Cousumpil m. Four doctors gave me
up saying i could not live but a sho. t tine .
I gave my self up t j my Savior, determined
if I roal.l not stay with my friend on earth
I wnul I meet my absent ones above. My
husband was advised to. get Pr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
nndCold.i. I gave it a, took in all
eight botilei; it has cured me and thank
Cod I am now a well and hearty woman."
Ttial bnttlos free at Edwin Boas' Drugstore
regular size. 50c and il 00.
One Dollar Weekly
Rtiys a gntid gold watch by our eltib ays
teiii. Our HkJrat gol.l-filled cases are war
ranted for 'JO years. Fine Kl gin and Wai
tham mtvt'icent. Bieni wind and set.
It'ty'a or gent's size. Equal to any till
watch, los.curu iigent where we have
noil", we sell one of the bunting ca e
watches for the cluh mice $23 sn 1 end C.
O. I. by express with pr vilegeof examina
tion before j eying for the same.
Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes.
"Our Jewelers have enn(es-1 they Sos't know
how you cau tarnish sucb work for the money."
Om agent at Heath Spring-, H. t! , write:
"Ymir watches tke a sight. The aentlemsn
who got the laat watuh said that he examined
and priced a lewelcr s watches In Laneaster,
that were no better than yours, but tbe price
Our agent st Pennington, Tex., writea:
'Km In receipt of the watch, ani am pleased
without measure. All who have seea it say It
would be cheap at SlO."
One good reliable sjrent wantod for each
place. Write for particulars.
Kama Waicu Co., New York.
The only perfect family machine,
prize at the
For particulars call on or address the '
r The Largest
General Jewelry House
1363 Market Street, S.F,, California.
Front Street. Portland. Or.
Guano, $20.00 Per Ton,
Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel,
Also a Fine Line tt-
I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup
plies of
in Columbia Countywhich I am selling cheap
W. J.
Will be continued lor a few days longer. Parents, conn and ba convlaoe4
that this is a genuine sale.
Still (iocs at $4.50 Per Suit. Retailed at Other Stores ia the Citjr at
King Clothiers of the Northwest
Ulna Csruer, nsrriesin anal Beceud Street. PenrUasjaV ,
212 First and 9 Salmon Street. PORTLAND
" ' rri-iE3
Farmers' and Merchants'
Albany, Or.
PAID CAPITAL, - " - - - - 74,250
All Losses Promptly and
For particulars apply st the oftlce
l.'nltei mates Land omce. Crejon City. Oreeou,
COMPI-AIST havtr been me;el at ihia
oillceby Clark Allen agalnrt hnest J. II.
l:ecampa lor abandouiuf. never made reU
rieuce or auy Inipmvoitient on Miid tract prior
to Maron W, liiM. hia home-tead nt.7 No. 7618.
daied Pereinbor 52, 1SH8. upon tbe north Hot
aw i and south H ol w tk.seetloa M.lownshlp
7 north, raiu went. In Columbia county, Oie
gnn, with a view to the cancellation of said
entry, the raid parties are hereby summoned to
appear at Clatakanle, Oregon, before W. H. Con
vers, aotary public, on Ihe Mud day of Jiily.
1HS5. at 10 o'clock A. M , to respond and furnih
testimony roneernlnn antd allayed abandon
ment An1 on the testimony then submitted a
rearlue. will be had at tbia office K tbe Zted
dsv oi Aueu-t. If, at 10 o clock A. M.
i. T. AfPfiBSOH. Rae rter.
J3J PETS. FAQUXT. Racelvst.
was awarded tho only grand
Exposition in looy.
- - - 247,500
Satisfactorily AdjusteA
of Moors & Cole, or Tas Mtsr ot&os. '
" ". NOTICC.
United States Land OBcst Orecoa fctty, Ore Km
May la. ISM.
CiOMPLAINT haviac seen entered a (Ma
J oBcabjr Anton Krowka mciunst Fradar
tck BuUina for baadoataf for mere tbaa ala
months prior to iMcember IS. ISS1, hie aena
atead entry tin. m. dated Xecembr t,Uut,
upon the west H of e !i. sowti K at sw H. see.
tlon JS, townships north, rane I west, in 7e
lnmbia county, orecon. with a viw ta tha can
callatlou of aaldentry. rbeaatd parties are bie
hy siuemeoed te appear at St. lleleoa, Otri-,
before the comity eierk om tbe Had da i July.
1st) st )a dock A ai , to reapoad end famtsb
teatimosy eoscaralaf avid alleted abandon.
meet. And ' tbe te-trmnay Katm aubo-i4
a hearloa; wtil bs bad M ibis &k ea AsajusS
aiMi. .
J. T. APrntWrf, Beriater.
Pis rixita tkvntt. teeatves.