The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 08, 1892, Image 1

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VOL. 9.
NO. 28.
lati'uv wen v rniDAV moHiuna
' -Hit-
J. R. BEEOLE, Manager.
ubserlptlan If ales.
One'copy on your In advance
II 60
on. copy .ix uioutiis.,,,
Mlngl copy
..... 76
Advertising Hates.
Profeaafonal card, nn year I 18
(inn column nu. yur J
Hull column una tour .' 76
Quarter column uu uRr. 40
Una Inch ono inuiilli 2
Una Inch tlire mouth... 6
Ou Inch ill mouths
Local notleas, 15 cent, per line lor tlrst lner
ttiiii; lOamta per Hub lor aaa-h Bulttwuuent In
sertion. ... .
Legal advartla.monta, H.ftO pur Inch lor n ml
Insertion, uud 76 acuta per Inuh (or each aubaa.
quant luaeriton.
Ceuuty Officers.
Jui) m....
,.,!), J. Hwltaer, Hi. Helens
i:ierK ,
Hupt. of Ht-boola...
AMHM)r ...
K. u. (jlllim, Ml. iieieua
Wm. Meeker, Kb Helena
.,..G. W. tola, ML Helena
.... ..... .J. 0. Watts, h'iimnmm
f. F. Damn, Rainier
A. B. Mill. ItMlnfer
(Israel Hpaueer,. Vernonla
111. W. Barnes. Maygere
Sanely Naticaa.
Masonic-lit. Helena Lodge. Ho. B2-Rgular
ciimmouicatluiis and third Saturday In
each month at7:R0r. at. at Masonic hall. Visit
lua number. In good standing invited to at.
"m ahi. Rnlnlarr Lodge. No. 2l-8tated
moatluga Saturday on or before ouch lull moon
17:10. at. at Masonic hall, over Ulauohard a
store. Visiting members In good .lauding In
vlU'it to atuuil, '
Tha lllall.
Down rlvar (boat) eloe at 1:110 A. H.
l.'p river (boalltilnaes at 4 r. at. . ,
The mall lor Verinmle and Pittsburg leaves
8t. llcleus Monday. Wadneeday and Friday at
The'mall lor Marshland, riatskanie and Mist
leaves U'llnii Monday, Wodnaaday and Friday
"litui (railway) north cloae ' 10 a. u.i tor
rurtlaud al . at.
Travelers. (.ulae-Hlrer Homes.
Ht0. W. Bauvaja- Leavaa Bt. Helena
lor Portland at 11 a. M. Tuesday, huradav anal
jsaturday. Uavea M. eleu. for I latakenle
Monday, Weduonday and Friday at 8:00 a. n.
HTna lat.n-Laavea Bt. Ilolenj lor I'ort
land 7:A a. a, rimming atS:wr. .
Hta JBrn Kt.Looo-Uac W. Helen"
for Cortland dally except Sunday, at 7 a. ., r
riving at Portland at lO.aO-. returning, aave
To anr at 1 r. M.. arriving at St. Helena all.
h. ii. k. cliff,
, ! i St. Helena, Oregon.
yyn. J, E. HALL,
CIUkitle. Columbia county, Or.
yy J. rice,
8T. IlKLENH, - -,, OkROOK.
Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney for Columbia Co.
Muyger, Orenon.
T. A. MclluiDi. A. 8. Dkbm,
Oregon City, Orogon.
Prompt attention given lanrl-olfloe builneiw.
B. Ll'lTLE,
v Bt. Uelona, Oregon.
Comity surveyor. Land inrveylnf, town
plitttltiK, and engineering work promptly
W. T. Burev.
J, W. DhapRR.
, Oregon City, Oregon.
Twelve vcaiV experience aa Register of
the Unite.! State, iaiid Office here, recom ua In ou. at-ecialty of all kimla ol
bualueaa before tlie Olfle or the
Cmiria and Involving the General Unci
Oflloas. .'
Oregon City, Oregon."
I.ale apedul agent of General land office )
Hoiuetead. Pre-emption, ami riml er
La 1 antilieatlona. and other Land Offlte
iuiVn'siaapecialty. Oniee. aecond floor,
Lund Otlli Bullilfinr.
Proprietor of
Oriental : Hotel.
Uu.. haa been fully refurnished
tliroitghout and the beat of acoom
moilutlona Will be given.
RTAOE run In connection with
em I'aoUlc Kiiuroaa ai """ p:rfr j
... T.n, ir na 10 n. in. For Portland
Of Iaml ror Dollnquont Taxea.
by virtue of u wnrrnnt iaaued by order
ol the County Court, of Columbia Couulv,
State of Oregon, to me dliecled and at
tuclieil to the (li'lliuitieiit uaaeaaini-nt roll
or Ihhi, commaiidiiiK me to collect tlie
laxvadealgnatcd lu aalil roll aa delinquent,
anil for wunt o( oeraonal properly tu make
aiilil taxea, 1 Imvu levied upon, and on
Tueaday, July ), 1W, comiuvnuing at 10
o'clock A. M., 1 will aril nt public auction
at the Court Ilouae door lu Ht. Helena, Co
liiiublaCiiunty. Htutvof Ureon, ao much
of the followlng-dcacrlbed Iota end parcels
of land aa may be nt'eeaxary to pay tlie
taxea due thereon lu United Ntutea gold
coin, K-Kctlicr wllh all fcea unil roala; aaiil
Iota aud pnrccla of land la altuute lu the
Comity of Columbia and Ktate of Oregon,
and wtii aaaeaaed to the following persona,
Adama, William, lota t, 10,11 and 12 aeo
i r n an
Ailaina. Kill v. U nl wU n 1 t r. r 4 .
2 W
Adiiina, tlruen, vernonla uue-lllth ol )
llk il
Adaiua. Thoinaa 1, U tun aoe 26 1 6 r 6 n
ii nel ji'o mil 0 r 6
Airman, Thoinaa II, peritonei properly
Amlnrwin, A A, laud lu aei 1 t 7r It
Aiulerwin, Jamaa, nw'i nx; 111 t r li
Andernon, Oliver, ne'4 and lota 1 and
1 )
11 on
b 60
it uu
tmv o i o ra: aw n wyt hoc a r a; ne4
nw'i M-c ft t 6 r Ii, us'-i awl4 and tw'. no
'iaeiia!17r8 7 Vita
Aiiioiiiii, IVter.lund In e II t7 rH 4 till
Aullltar, Rudolph, 40 anrua bought of 11 C
HryantNocMUt lir 2 8 f
Atifln.ui. N A. nwU mii. U I ftr 'I . . !l 'Jf.
Atkaaou, Joci;i it, nw'J nw'j av IV t4r
4: nt ni4 and nek umU mm it t 4 r 5. . . '2 00
Adunin, John, n! awVt aim ne'i mm' 7 1
7 r 6 10 00
Adainii, 8C, Columbia i;ity ol blk 1 and
0: Columbia City, (illlneraad lilka 01,
Bft and ttl: H ol blka 00, 67, UH and Wi
river front U blk
8 SH
Admin. John, Ve'iionla lot 1 blk la. . .
Alnaworth, J C. nU nwU net' 14 t Ii I 2: lot
v ami uea aw'4 alio aiv nw too atari;
atjj awkaee 1H a r i; lot I aec u 1 4 r 1 : 200
a'-ronurr I'l-rrv i 1) I, C 6 and 6 t 4 r 1. 57 00
Alii.worlh, "o'oriHi J. ue't aw W I ftr 1. ... U 00
Anderaon, lof, roiiimeui-lnir atnwcorof
j ne'4 aev la 1 0 r A: tbctive eaat on
line between mm; IK aud Itf name land r
7U II; thence nunh l!!rod; thence
w 7 U la r 1 and parallel to aald aen
Una: th.iice aouth 14 roda to nlace ol be-
Kliinliia aee Vi 1 8 r 6
i m
Anderion, Andrew, ne'i nw'i ec24 t 4 r't.
Andaraon. Annie. nw'.4 aw' ek aw1' aec
)TJt4 r 4: nu'i w1; aec III 1 4 r 4 10 00
llali h, Pan lord, part of t'lunliiKer'a D L C
aeel t3r a. .7 27 80
Painter, l ewla K. aw'4 "Wi ace 12 1 7 r 8. ... 14 77
lluki-r. (leorae. c'i ee 9 14 r 4 2 00
Hovla, Nlchidaa Bevla, pnraoual pmirty 6 Kl
HevU, J W. that portion ol lluut.ra V I. V.
lyiiiK weat of iH)r Jaland alouxn aeca2A
and .10 1 6 r 1 and 2 . MM
Bevln, Mra II J aw1 aud .,' aeo la 1 5 r 2. . 24 00
lle.'Kli'. John K ar. lot 3 me la 1 4 r 2 10 3D
licmi'la, Jacob ar t' , ae ncc 1ft 1 7 r 31 w'f
aw'-i nee 11 1 7 r 8
Bre.t lariMice, lOw-rea bought ol Krank
liaiiilcriain aM'28 t r3
Hlcrl, John, aw'-i aw1., aee. 20 1 r 2
lllall, , . Krank. mU aerXitS r2
10 90
2 Vi
2 00
1 aa
Binder, Kriml (1. a'j nc'4 aud li'i ic' J aea
ii r n
Bcrkcnfcld, Ben.nw' ne'i and ne'iaw!
ami no'i nf'i and aw'4 "e'i aee 0 1 o r A. .
Blanchar,!, Dean, John lliirrla l)LCaw
io aim n i t &, ',."'4
and lota 7 and H aeca 16 and 17 t7r2:
llaukluni-lnlin aeca If. and i I7r2: laud
near ltalulcr IB 1 7 r 2: '4 w(i aen
14 1 4 r 2; hnlnler lota 3 and l'J blk 8. lota
1. 2. 4nd A blk 4 lot 1 blk ft, lota 1, 2, 8. 4
blk 6, 1 ,! I ion blk 7, lota 1 to 8 blk H,
lota .1, 8, 7. a blk 10, lota I. 2. 8. 4 blkll,
blk 12. lotaa, 4, 7. 8 blk 1:1, lota 1. 2, 3,4, ft,
A 1 blk I I Iota 8. 4. 6. 7. 8 blk 1ft 78 20
Blanchurd A Hume, n1 '5 ac 11 tar 2... 12 00
Black. Edward, nwk aee 29 t6r 2 8 00
Bowlen, Hllaa,aw4ecl2l5r4 2 81
Bourne. J K, nc'i and e'j nw'and 'i ae
and ne1 ac'i , aud o'-i aac 31 1 7 r 2.
Booth, tfsrtlu, Rainier, lota 3, 4, 7, 8 'i of
IJIU20. I 'T.'
Borlhwlck. Mra II B, ae'i' aee 21 1 6 r 1 10 W
Bonner, Lilly A, ao'-i acc 8t ft r 2- loluni-
bla C'lly.l'aplea' ad lot 2 blk 2. lot 1 blk 28 10 W
Bou.or, U M, estate of, lota 1, 2, 7, 8 aee 21
tsr 1 a o
Boalea, John W. nc'i aee !0 t 8 r 2 8 50
Botlcr. John, w j nw'i and ae!' and
nw'l aw'i aeo tar a a aa
Brolhera, Waller. c'4'i.cclf, 16 rS 1 00
Brown. Win L, aw. 10 1 8 r 3 1 DO
Brown. Harvey W , )j e.' and no) ae!i
and aeji aw aee 7i7ra ,
nK.u.M ', uIiwIm. mtur? loo
Brouae Manulacluriug l.'o, Kaluler, part of
blk 8 ami 4 21 8
Brlnaon, Henry C. w' aw'.,' aee 18 1 4 r 4,
i . and nc' i ae' i cc 111 1 4 r 6 2 2A
Brlnaon. alattle. perMiual uroiwrty 4ft
Bryant, Kllaa a, 879 acrea in aee 10 1 7 r a,
U nu i i ami n 'i nc'-i aee 21 1 7 r 4 20 64
iifi'.nt. iimar J. UL c ul II B llaatlnas
u.H a la 17 t 7r4 83 6ft
Bryant. Alible, BryantvllleaUlota blk 10.. 2 85
Bryant, Cora K, Bryantvlllu blk .1
uryaill, i;nariea iv, aer-a ae;-. aet; a., . , r o .
Bryant. Mra L. aatata ol, uud )i ae!4 w!i
wo 2ftt7rS ,
Brand, E K, citnte ol, e' jj a.'1 4 aea 14 1 4 r 8.
Braniilug, llonry. personal property
Bralen. hally, Vernonla 2d ad lota 1 to 12
blk 28, lot. 4 and 5 .n. I Irac 12 blk 7
Braden, W 11, Vernonla, Malllnger'a Sat ad
J 01)
1 2ft
lot 1U bit 8, lota i. a, a. a oia i, ariiuius,
luted lola i. 2. 6 I.Ik 1ft
Bmden, Iaabel. Vernonla, Melllnger'a 1st
ad lot blk 24 .................
aii,n..rrin.r and c. L Hinlth. ae i n(.' and
awWneaeclltftra 1
Bumgarduer, Wm H, aco 1 5 r 2 1 go
M..m J.Mnh. tuirannMlnrolrtv. ....... . 20 7ft
Baauro. Charlea, nW ol K O Bryaftta D L C
nw!4 awW and awf4 ace 27 1 7 ? 4. . . . 4.1 1ft
nllrae. Micuaei. iieMi mju.n i v , ," " V
9 00
Burnett, Minnie, 1 acre ot iana ouukui ui
lieorae Koaler
u...rl. I Olvnp naU anc 33 16 r 4.
1 00
Bynon, Nellie, Vernonla, 1 lot COxlOO, loU
Rynoii. bin H, ' bw'4 aee 23 t"4 r 5, e'
e'i aeo 22 1 4 r fti Vernonla, Mclllngar a
lat aa lot V uik iz, li una in uu io, "
ill blk V t lota In blk 24, lota 1, 2, 8 blk 20,
lota 4. o, o oia ai . , t
Bohnert, Uwronca personal proerty..... 4820
4 80
n..tu. rharlAH V. ai aee 10 tA r 4.
10 00
Dakar, Albert. Vernonia. lot 3 blk 18. . , , . . .
Baker, John, Vernonla, lot 4 blk 13....,,,
Hererly, Cbriatian, lot j aac 814 r 1.
Beamett. Mra Mary, aw'4 nwj and n
Blnafiau K W aud II P, 'laid Vn aeca is
aud29t4 r 1..... v...... ......
BlnomHeld, Amanda, iiwlaacSD 1 8 r 1, , . .
Hliu'klord, Mra H M, Bryautvllle, tat ad
HwaTth.O W, ColiinibiaClty lot 8bik28.,
Ralttmnre.J ', Vernonla. lota 1, 7 blk8,..
t so
6 64
1 00
10 00
1 10
iiH.u.n v vntiion a. lot a oia 17
Ilradburv, Cloinenla, lota 1, 2, 8 fee 28 1 8 r 4 SO
Bradbury, F I, nw'4' aee, 88 1 8 r 4 u ye
Hrooka. K I), iiryHiuviiie, ima oi
limit.!)), Ben) B, nw! aee 14 1 r ft, M W.aeM aee 21 I :t ;r2 .....
Brown, H W. H nw.'i ao 12 1 6 r 2. . .... .
BriieKor, Ahraflain, aw'4 aw'4 aee 20 1 6 r 2. .
10 00
10 00
2 Ml
Bui'kwood, Uwla, ll' ev4 uuu uft un.-4
10 00
awSia WV.'tVnd' 'ir'i'ee aj M rl . ..
4 30
Buah, II Baud Kiiiraa. H yK.T J2ffl
nw' aud aw'-a ue'4 and n' nee 2J
Bnckhfiiham; M D.'HryanYvilUj j s'uik'6
Bnoklncham, Adclla. Jlryautvllla 1st ad
10 00
2 M
lot 1 I1IX a ,; il'.'ai
Bucknor, Jainof, nW feeS.,J, "'
Burrta, M'i ; - V"
llinKannmr, ,,,,,..-,.,-,- -
. ... 7 Sri I an
Bridge, J B, awli aee 28 1 5 r, 5 10 00
K. Aaron, uud H aH ne'4 J'5;
ai and no?4 an., ao-4 a-.
aec1t7r8,ewHsec24t8 r3, e' aeo
fJV ' iV "ip'n il T. i a'nea 16.
lril. a 8 12 blk 1. lt $, 11 blk 38. lota 2 to
lot 12 blk M. rplea. ad ot. , blk J. . . .
Caplea, Mra L M, nwW mxi
tailumbia City, lota . .. 7,
nw latter 2,
8, V o IV.
16 2S
2 70
8 tsr..
ft r 1, A C Neer'a D L C aeos & atfl 83 1 b r
1 mid W e' eW and nw' nw'.4 ;cc 18 1 i
,1 2 1 a?rei i off aouth end ol aS ol Joseph
f.r'..7t. Columbia city
2 2ft
..,v lAtaaa aw
ale 5t6r 6, a.'nwM and lot 1, !, , M
CaV'joh"'.'''"" j 5
and aeW aeV4 aee 11 7 r 4 :, m
nienea. H t y 'i'y! ", , ", , ' & Jo
n.' aw1 eo 30 r- a
Cox, Jamea, 10 acrea offBioylca DLCt4rl 726
Cox, Waltor It. aw!4 aw)4 ace 12 1 4 r 2 8 40
I roast', willlam, awj; aee 6 1 4 r 4, Vernonla
lot 8 bill ,. , 128
Craft, w A, M n4 uud Msi aee 22 1 4
r 2.,
Craft, C K, peraoual property , , , , 6 1
t'lirlla, K J, Vernonla lot4 hi 0 II
0 w
6 14
1 ftft
Cu.bliiicn, K A. neU ace 32 1 6 r 2 0 Ul
Cniibcli, Hldncy, Vernoniu, Mellingar'a
1st ad lota I, 2,8, 4,6, 6 bl 23 16ft
Caraou and I'aulaoii. K A l.aiiiont'a U L C
ealM t Orl, partof Joseph Caulva' 1) LC
and tide laud In front aac 84 t6r 1 10 64
Carlson, Kd, nwj aee 14 1 8 r 8 10 0U
Capita. Byron, lota 8 and 6 aoc 20 tftrl,
uud H nc'i ne aee 18 tftrl, wU vn
ii!cllftr 14 CO
Caplea, Ilea, uud of Joseph Caplea' t L
C I 6 r I, unil Joseph Caplea 1 I, C, eS
and U of no1, na1. sec 18 1 6 r 1 80 00
Curler, loulaa A, 4 acres In aee 4 1 4 r 1 1 H9
Canty. Dennla ti. s'4 see 6 1 6 r 2 10 (M
Cheney, K N, Vernonla lot ft Id ft ftft
Clinton, Mellaril, s1 uc and ii!t' m'i sec
16t6r 4 10 00
Cllft, Andy. nw'A aec8t6r ..., 10 00
i.icnitiuiM, josepn, uuu nw4 nav, aua
Ilk liw'. and uu1. serHlft rO 6 00
Columbia Lumbering Co, Columbia City
iota 4. a, e bl . lots l, a, a I 2 a aa
Cllue, Jacob, nc'4 ne'4 tec 23 1 3 r 2 3 0U
Cooper, Henry C, ne!4 sec 22 1 4 rft 6 0)
Cook, John, wtl, and rmA aei' 16 1 6 r 6 . . . 20 0U
Cox, Krank, )i w'i and aw'i ne4 and
W'A eH aoc 7 t 6 r 6 , 10 01)
Cole, V t(, k'4 turn 10 1 8 r 8 10 Oil
Conyers, A J, n4 nwW see 38 1 ft r 4 6 00
Craudiili, Uouglaa K, iota 1 and 2 aeo 14 1 8
r 4 7 B0
Cramer, Annie M, aw'4 nu'4 sec 4 1 4 r 2 , . 3 00
Cranio, John H, a'4 noU uud lota 1 and 2
aac 19 t 4 r 6 . .. 9 SO
Craft, l.lzzlc, viH and nc'4 "x'i sec ft t
(I r 4; nw)4 lie1, ace 8 1 r 4 10 00
Cross, Milan M, wW so!4 aud e'j aw4 acc 22
tftr4 800
Curtis. Cyrua (1, nc'i sec 8 1 7 r 8 12 00
Cyr, John, nw4 sec 7 t 7 rft : 12 ftu
cfouliiKer, John, Kt. Helens a' j lot 17 bl 10. 18 89
Duiixett, Clarence, K uwJi and w nv'4
aiwIMtOr 4 7 25
Dart, Jainaa, part of Joseph rttoughloa'a D
1. C sec 2-1 1 4 r 1; Ht. Helena of lota 4, ft
bl 10; lot 6 bl 10; lota la, 19 bl 19; of lota
1. 2. It. ft. 8. 7. 8. 14 bl 19 40 97
Duwson, Thomas, cl swM iwc 11 t 7 r 3;
ne nw'i iic. 14 t 7r 3; lot 6 aee 23 1 8 r 4. 60
liav wait, UeurgeT, lota 1,2 aea 29 tOrft;
nv nei see 29 1 0 r ft; $ te aee 20 1 6 r 6 13 84, Mra F A, H n5 lot 8 and 6
aecaOtSr 6 6 40
Davy, II (i aud O A, lota 1,2,8 aec:IOt8r4;
an tine tan.i in irnm u. iuia i, a, a, aiau
all tldo land east nl tide land aold to F
M Warren lying lu front ol lota 4, 6, 6 In
m an t a r 4 , . 1 24
Davy, K It, guardian, pera.mrl property. . , . 10 00
Denalow, Mra F H, pcraonal prorty 4ft
Uewllde, Beuedlct, eWae'iaee 19 t 7r4;
w'i swk sec 20 1 7 r 4. 1 89
Dewilde, I'oter, nwH and w ue4 aee
:it7 r 4 11 00
Peppold, Martin 8, ne'i aee 11 1 6 r 8 2 2.1
Uorsey, 1) M, uw(4 see 11 1 8 r 8 1 0U
Uowulng.llcnrleita, Rainier lt6and 6 blk
18 aud Uoblua ad to Kalnler blk 2 80
Holla August, nel4 aec'22 16 r2 aud lot 3
blk 6 In Ooble 10 15
Unison, Olnf, ierannal pnierty ft Ml
I, 'i mmyer, Jon n. ni;i sec i iurn i
Draper, LK, lot 2 1st 6 r ft 1 7ft
Dally, John.wawK aee 28 1 6 r 4; e1 aej
..... i a r i 26 00
Daniels, U II, Columbia City lota and 10'
bill 21 1 10
Davis, Charlea F, nw'i and ue ne,1
and aw'-4 neU aeo 3 17r3 7 60
Iiavla, ltnfiia J, iw'i see 29 1 5 r 5. 10 OU
ilav, Jamea, ac a 10 t 6 r 8 10 00
Ulbblee.jonn, i naa onna ui anainsi
2 aee 1 and 2 1 7 r a; lot i acc aur a; una
8 and 4 ace 2 1 7 r 8; nw!4 ae'. and ne'4
aw'4 sec 18 1 7 r 2; aw'4 nwii sec 12 1 7 r 3;
Ma I. 2. 8. 4. aee 12 and e'- ne'f sec 11 17
r 3; ae4 n'. aw'4 aud lota 1 and2 see 2 t
7ra.. . .... .... 7. 66 00
liebls. Jamea II. ne'4 sec 9 1 6 r 5 10 00
Dixon, (leorue. lots 3. 6 6, 7, 10 aud awji
ne'i acc 3 1 7 r ft i" "'
Dlllurd, D D, niV4 aee 86 1 6 r 4 10 00
Dlllnrd, W D, Columbia City lota 6 and 6
bH 29
Dltteiiholer, F and T, w'i re'4 sec 18 1 6 r 2 20 0U
Dll'lngham, H , mxim icci east siue oi
a(r,i,t at Colombia Cltv 81
Dobbins, Joseph, personal proiwrly , St ou
Druininnnd, Uii,iei acc 6 r 2 10 uo
Droyer. Hlillllp. ne'4 ncV acc 8 1 8 r 2 2 60
tirover, n r, acv4 m; wv a i. i ...
Drake. J II, Columbia City lota 10,11 aud 12
ulk 46 84
Deml. k. Frauk, ne!-4and lota 1 and 2
aec6t4 r5 U ?5
Downing, Frank, pcraonal property 8 "0
Dixon, Daniel, personal pn.erly Oft
Eagle. Andrew, nwl-iaecl t4ra 2 2ft
Eastllck, Alex, Vernonla lot 7 blk 11 aud
lot 1 blk 17 ,99
Edliolm, John, el noli acc 1 1 4 r 5 6 00
Kllerlson. Edwanl, sw'4 sec 33 18 r 5...... 2 00
Elliott, Andrew, nU sN aoc 10 t 6 r 4 .... . 9 00
Ewlll, John II, ne'i oefi and ae.'i ne'i ec
13 1 7 r 3 71
lr.,,,llLM i:.uirL.. bind In acc24 t 4 r 4 2 26
Knallah. (ieorgc C. land lu sec 21 14 r 4. . . . 2 26
Eckcraon, Thomaa.St Helena blk 06 aud lot
1 blk 04 2 78
I.-,....... T.O.n .,u. .wMtrS 10 00
Emory, Waltor ti.w'i nc'4 and K e!i
and ae'i nw' ace 27 1 7 r 6 10 00
Emery, Joseph B, nwV4 sec 24 1 7 r 5 10 00
EaiievVtlharfea. ac!4 cc tJi r 8 10 00
Karrv. John. wM BeVi sec 14 t 6 r 2 6 00
ir.,p...w .inh.i Aa.Hte of. iwU iiw' and m
WawU set; 2 t6r 2 5 69
FetlM-r. Clirlatlan.e'. and awtf mi
ne'i se'4eecaot Or 2 1 89
Fltzgerlad. ieo B, e! aeH oc 30 1 6 r4 I wl,'
awVaee2l) t8r4...... 1 3
FlUaerald. Michael, 6 acrea of McPereon
D L C t 4 r I; lola S, 4, 6, and w;, ae'i acc
t4 r 1 , 1 99
Fisk. Jamea F, nW lot 2 ac 8 1 7 r4; nU ex
cept 18 acrea on w end otvoed by John
Kanoveraoe4t7r4; eXne'i sec 27 1 7 r4 69 29
Flnley, William, t4 wjj aee 25 1 6 r 4; eH
ne'4IaecS4t6r4T..... WOO
Fowler, Mra F M, Neer City. ............... 1 06
Fowler, M F, nH ne'i too 10 t 7 r 8; Neer
City lota 7 and 8 blk 1, and lots 10. 11 and
12 blk 8; aud t'4 river lot Hot 4 blk 21.
and lot 11 blk 12 6 86
Fowler, Edward W, Neer City lota 6 and 6
blk 12 ' 84
Fowler, C C, 26 acre:' bought ol Henry
Blake aeo 30 and 8617 r 2 1 00
Foster, Garner T. nw aee 20 1 6 r 6: Oil-
brcal h and J H Doau D L C aee 18, 14 and
24 t6 r2
Foster, John, land lu aee 4 and 9 1 r 6. . . .. 2 20
Franla. W 11, 1 lot In Clatakanle 60x100 lota
8. 4, 6 and 6 blk 8; 1 lot In Mist 50x100. ... 1 86
Frey, Robert, ae'4 acc 29 t 5 r 2 1 64
Furrow, Walter, ii sw',4 aee 20 1 7 r 2 2 2ft
Feeley. Kate V, eJi aw'4 and m)4 ae)4 aea 3
t6r 4 10 00
Fel.lenhcimer, Albert, e!'4 seeSI 6 r4 10 00
Feherenbach, Albert, swf4 aw'4 see S3 1 4 r 2 2 60
Fielder, charlea, n neand w)iaw!4 and
aeVi uo'-i and ae'i sw'4 aeo 36 t 4 r2 15 00
Flllinun, Jacob, Ji seH and H 4 eo 2 1
6 r3 1 0"
Fisher, L 8, w'S nc! seo 32 t6 t 6 00
Field, A 8 and F T pay H awj$ aee 25 1 6
r4ieHe'ii and w;-4ne!'4and ao nw'4
sec 26 16 r 4 20 00
Flaherty, Ed. Columbia City undivided M
lota 4 and ft blk '28 va'.-'VLV'. 84
Flclahnor, 8 lllrscls, aiid F A Sehlunleae;. ,
ae3t7 r3 12 00
F.wer, F. aw'i awW acc 16 1 4 r 5 2 60
Foaa, nanrga W, n'4 ec 80 1 6 r 8 10 00
Fobs Mallnda, nw! aeo 22 1 6 r 6. , ,, 10 00
FraBcr, T L. aw( sec 82 1 8 r 8 12 00
Friedlan.tar, John, bk'4 b!4 sec 18 1 7r5;
e'li ae'4 and tm ae'i and aeka aee U
tfrS , 12 50
Francis, Wm C, nw'4 aeJi and tH ae4 and
ne'4awWscc8t6rl....... 10 00
Fullertou, R F, part of Clonlugcr D LC acc
20 1 4 r 1 17 SO
Flcckenjteln 4 Mayer, personal property. 10 00
Guillen, James 8, aW spW sec 2 h6 r 3 1 75
(Jaddla, William, wHw and w nw!-
see 24 1 5 r4 : 10 00
Calloway, WUIIard.netf Bee 27 t 6r2 Jl 00
Geasclberg, Aron, eVj nv cc 8 1 1 r 5; ne?4
ae'4 andaw'4' n;4 sec 8 1 6 r 5 U 00
t arty, Eugene H, persona) property, ...... 8 25
(ilisK.i, M V, Be! aee 83 1 6 r J. , . 12 00
Gerty. Mra E E, estate of, aW of Burrs D L
C sec 81 and 38 1 6 r 1 and 2 39 01
GiertBen, Alfred. aU nw H and n aw)i sen
19 and 7 1 2 r 8 9 75
nienn. J H. reraonal property 8 ftu
(lore, John A, nw'4 ace 84 1 4 r2 9 00
Gore, Nancy, ne).-4 sec 7 1 5 r 2. . , 10 00
(lore, 11 A, personal property 27 26
linrman, Daniel A, Brvantville lot 2 blk 4. 1 44
(Irlnrtle, K II, iw'.4 sec 3 t 6 r 3 75
(irlndlc, Elmer, ac'.4 sec 3 1 6 r 3 1 "5
Graham, A E, n! sw !-4 and n'i se'i see 34 1
7i 8 . .. 164
Guild, Rachel, perscnial property 1 8ft
Cam-nan. O (1, n v'.4 sw'4 aeo 10 1 6 r 2. .... . 8 00
Galbert. Jamea m, bw-4 aeemtrra m m
1. 1 hlli 8 lntslOand 21 blk F. lots 24. 1
and2blkO, b)k08 5 16
Giltner, Mrst!usn,lot8 1, 2, 8,4. and n'i
ne'i aeo at5rl;14 26of mil and lota -and2aac20tft
rl; lots 6 and i aeo 2 t B r
1; lota 8 and 7 aeo (6 r I. ,,,,,, IB 80
Gilbreath, BurthaA. nwjf saXsec 38 t Jl 2 8 00
lore, CA.awJiano 84 1 4 r 2, so aee 83 t i
ti 16 00
nnuinva. Q c. nU nal and wW neU aud
nwW ae'i ec 31 1 4 r 2 10 00
Gorman, William, tft ne'4 and n,"i aeand
Gay, Natnauiei. i.e-.i w-k sec .o id r a. ....
Glltlier, B F, nW nw'-i and H 8v'4 and nw
WawVnndawiise.'iaeclStftr I; until
vldetlTi of lec 13 t 5 r 1; nntllvitled
K n" sec 18 1 6 Jl undivided 4 b
afz nl J Harris D L C see 6. 6. 7. and 8 t 5 r
i. I'Mumlila Cllv (liltner'B add blk i
nw'4 nc'4 bw 7t7 rft 12 60
Ooldsinlth, Max,ne'4 see 84 18 r 2, Dt'4 ne'4
and lola 4 and 6sec 16 1 8 r 2 19 00
Gerrow, Wallace, sejiec3l8r 6 10 0
Gross, A 8, unil ', sw'4 sec 12 1 6 r 2 8 00
Grlswold, W P. ifw'x. and ne'4 lee 21 1 ftr 8,
nw'4 and nettj sec 20 1 ft r 8 40 00
tirantl, C K, astaleof, e!4 aw'4 and e,'4 ivil4
aecl8t6r4 ......710 00
Ocnlnau, Thnmua,iu4 aecU6r8 10 00
Hawklna KIIJiili, nw!4 n!4 c 19 1 4 r 1,
nc'4 neJi sec 24 I 4 r 2 16 00
Hum kins, Albert A. t'4 ne!4aee9 1 7r 4, a!4
nw'4 ec 1017 r4 11 00
Hull. Mra Funnie, n!i and ne'4 sec 28 1 7
r 4 10 00
Harvey, W 8, s,'.' aw'i and It '4 sc'4 aee 21 1
6r4.. 189
llnrvev. Martin M, eU !-4sec 12 1 5 r 5, n'4
nw'4sccl8t 6r6 2 00
Harvey, A E. nw!4 acc 6 1 6 r 4 2 26
Haves, G orxe. aw'4 and seU sec 4 1 7 r 4. . . 13 40
Hnacy. 8 K, nc!i nee 14 1 6 r J 1 26
Hart, Charles, 60 acres off Mtoughtona I) h
C aee lot 4 rl 2 42
Harris, Leonard W, astute ol.nw'i aee 221
7 r 2 15 44
Hurria, W A, Improvements on laud owued
by Baker 8 50
Hotiscn, christ.nw'i c!4 and "'4 ne'4 aee
32 t 7 r 4 6 00
Hansen, Jess, estate of, w'4 sc'4 sec 10 1 7 r
8, nJt acJ4 sec 31 1 7 r 4, n'4 nv'4 kec 32 t 7
Hill ami Ruticr, personal proiierty 15 2ft
Hoyl, Frank M, personal property 8 25
Iloyl, William, 20 acrea b-iuglit of C Hart
acc 24 and 25 14 r2 ft 52
Hnwilvoii, George, peraonal iroperty 8 75
lioirren, John, n'4 aw'i and i,'4 nw!4e.'2
t5r8 225
Holman. Mary C,tiVt acc 17t6rl.... 6 00
Hudson, 8 K, w' ne'4 and e'X n W and
nw!4 sw'4 and ne'4 '4 aee 18 1 7 r 3, aw
'4 seli acc I t 7 r 3 47 4
Hudson,' James C, ne!4 c!4 and lot 3 sec 18
t7 r2 4 75
llnlpeny, William, ae'4aec9t6r4 10 00
Ilugiir, 1'hllllp, sw4 sec 10 1 6 r 4 10 00
Hansen, II E, Bt Helena lot 18 bl 27 84
Huttson, John A.tie'ise'i and sc'4seWseo
23 t8r2 6 00
Harris, Hattlc. nw.'4 sec 8 1 6 r 2 10 00
Hawthorn, estate of. ne'i "ee 3fl 1 8 r 4 12 00
Hawks, Nclaon, sl4 aec'JO t 0 r 2 12 00
Hlutt, (, Vernonla lot 8 bl 18 42
Hill, J U.e'4 w'4 sec 1 1 6 r 4 10 00
Holtner, Mrs, Veinonia lot 8 bl ft ftft
Hrx'kileld, Hlmnu, Vernonla Rose add lot
14 bl 8, lot 18 bl 5 1 10
Hall, Edmund, ne'4 neliand ae'i and w
4 ne'i soc 11 1 6 r 4, n' i ne'4 and ne'4 "w
i and lot 1 and s'i ae'4 anil ne'i ae4 and
ae'4 ue'4 aee 18 1 Or 8. w'4 nw!4 and a'4
acii and s'4 aw'i sec 12 t 6 r 4; sli sei anil
s' j sw'4 ac-c ft 1 6 r 8; ae'4 nw'-4 anil u'4 ne
!4 and sw4 nw'i and me 10 1 6 r 4; te'4
nw'i and H nc'i sec 9 1 6 r 4; sc'4 aee 29
t 6 r 8; ne'4 and nw,'4 and vtl4 il4 aeo
la 1 6 r 4; nc'4 sec 14 1 6 r 4; se!4 nwj4 anil
e'i aw'4 and swi4 sw'4 and ne'4 nw4 aud
a' j aw'i and sw'4 wJ-4 sec 21 1 8 r 8; sw'i
sc. 6 1 6 r 8; ae'4 cc 7 1 6 r 8; ne'4 see 7 1 6
r 8; aw'i aee 2 1 6 r 8: s?4 Bwi aud nw?i
awl4 ami aw4 nw.'i acc 20 1 6 r 3; nc'4 a4
n'i nu4 unil te'4 nw'4 sec 24 1 6 r 4; n'4
aeJ4 sec 23 1 6 r 4; se'i nw'i aud cU aw' J
sccVil6r4 219 6ft
Hoc hlieM St Auaiistinn. Vernonla lot 4 bl 6 ftft
Holm, Andrew, aw4 sec 8ft t 6 r 2 10 00
llnlmun, 11 M, w'i ne'4 sec 22 1 4 r 2 5 00
Hyde, Frank V, Columbia City, Caples'add
Iota 10 and 11 bll 140
Ili.llenlH.-ek, II O, ne'i see 10 1 8 r 4 10 00
Hudson, II T, nw'i and awU nw'i see
13 t 4 r 2 ft 00
Iludelstou, Henry, Goble lot 8 bl 8 ftft
Hunter, Oacar E, n'4 ne'4 and aw'i ei
and se'i ae'i and sw'i sec 83 1 6 r 3; nw!
nc'i and n'. nw'4 and sw'i nw'4 sec 3 I j
r 8: Neer cily lous 11 and 12 bl 22 21 30
Jnrvcy, D J, lot 5 sec 2 t 7 r5 1 00
Jenny, Guhrlll, e'j b!4 w'4 sec 20 1 6 r2. . 2 i",
Johnson, Robert, u' j awja and s'4 nw'4Bce
217 r1 20 40
Johnson, Henry T, nc'i sec 8 1 8 r 5 2 26
Johnson, CharleB, e' sw'4 and ti4 ae4 sec
6 1 7 r 4: ne'A ne'i sec 29 t 7 r 2 9 75
Johnson, Nelson, nw'4 sec 10 1 3 r 2 2 91)
Johnson, l-eter. lots 9 and 10 aee 31 1 8 r 4:
lola 2 and 3 sec 6 t 7 r 4 2 90
Jones, AmosU. nw'i sec 82 1 6 r 2. ... 8 60
Jones, W K, lot 8 sec 33 t 8 r 4 2 26
Jones, James C, ne'i aee 28 t 8 r 5: Clata
kanle lot 3 bl 8 75
Jones, Clarence II, all that part ol D L C
of Robert Stewart on w able of Beaver
creek aee 24 1 6 r 4; lota 7 and 8 aee 24 t 8
r 4 8 75
Jones. Lvman ti. e'i sw' and uw' aw'4
anil sc'4 uw'4 sec 11 1 7 r 4 2 50
.liirvis Coiikliuir Mte Trust Co. oeraonal
properly '. 27 50
Jones, John P, swli nw'i sec Kl5r5 260
Johnson. John R. n'i ne'4 and se'i ne'i
aee 1ft 1 6 r 2 8 00
Johnson. W J and McLeod, nc'i see 36t6r5 10 0
Jiuigmikel. John, nw'4 sw 8 1 8 r 2 10 00
Jacnlmon, J B, ne'i sec 22 1 6 r ft; w'i ne'4
and e.K nw',; sec 24 1 6 r ft: 3 acres of laud
in sec 15 t6r5 9 50
In sec 15 t6r5 ou
sttcrlng, MM CO, w!i ae'i sec 10 1 7 r 8;
ie'i sw'i and lota 4, 5 and 6 sec 17 t 7 r 2;
se'i k!i sec. 29 t 7 r 2; und !i ac!4 sw'4
seo 2ft 1 7 r 8 48 80
King, W H, Rainier lot 4 bl 82 4 60
King, Junn, nw4 see itiora t-
Kli-noy, Aaron, aw)i acc Sft 1 6 r 2 10 00
Kiaer, Geo W, aw4 aee 10 1 7 r 3: lot 1 sec 84
t8r8 8 25
Klior, Mrs D K, s'4 uwi sec 10 1 7 r 8; n
aw'i acc 8 t7r" 10 00
Kautlinan, W G, nw'i sw'i "ae 23 1 7 r 6; w
U se'i ami ne'i se'4 sec 22 1 7 r $ 10 00
Kaulliimn, P C, wH lie', aee 13 t A r 8 6 0U
Keunody, John, aw'i sw'4 .'4 and nw'4
nw'4 set: 24 and 2.') i 7 r 3 6 00
Kennedy, M J, swj4 anil re'i sec i.0 1 5 r 1;
vt'4 aud nw'i one 1 t ft r 1 48 00
Knupp, Martin, sw.'iaecSOi 6 r 3 10 00
Kohler, J 8, e'4 nw4 sec 13 1 6 r 8 ft 00
Kolstrup, P 1', )) ac'4 and e! BwJi sec 14
t& r 8 10 00
Krusc, Henry C, i.e'i nw'i sec 17 1 8 r 2. . . . 8 00
Kllburg, John, ne'i sec 18 1 7 r 8 10 00
King, A N, aw)4 and nw'i and se'i see9 17
r 3; Irac ne'i and sw!4 and se'4 aee 4 1 7 r 3 41 40
l.ann. k.l.inl a,.'i sue : t 7 r 4 .'. 11 00
Laws, Andrew T, Bryautvllle, 1st ad lot 8
bl i '. 100
Langfeld, Christian, swi nw'4 and n! i
BwWsoc20t7 r4 75
Lee, Cyrus C, n' j ne'i and lot 1 seo 15 1 T r
4; aw'i se'i aee 10 t 7 r 4 1 2ft
Lockhand, 'ineodoro, s'4 seJi and e!i bw'4
see 31 1 7 r 5 9 00
Lenguchcr, Annie, aw'4 sec S3 1 6 1 2 2 60
lajngucher, Fred, estate of, ae'i aec29 1 6r2 8 30
Lewis, W llliara R, wVj ne!i aud Be!i "w'i
sec 19 1 4 r 4 6 25
Lewis, A B, sVj ne'i and se)4 nw!i and
ne-4 swi sec 1 a r a; veruouia i-a ui
oi l lot in bl2 8 20
Lilllck, liit hard A, ne'i sec 11 1 7 r4 6 70
Limlulll, Clarence O, ue'i sec 13t7r4.... 2 90
Lulsl, John M, bwI hoc 23 1 6 r 8 2 00
Lindgren, Swan, neli, w'4 ne'i. ,ot" 2, 4
ec23t6r 5; Bryautvllle lola 1, 8 bl 6;
part lots 11. 12 bl 8 26 SS
Ixivelace, Rolwrt, swji ne'4 aee 19 1 7 r 2. . . 1 00
Lowinun JzGallager, parsoual property.,.. 1 75
Lowmnn, B W, ne'i boo 3 1 6 r 3 2 90
Laugh rev, Thomas II, n.'4 no'i, nVj nw'i
aae SO t'C r ft 1 00
Lupien, I, I), uwV4 seo 8 1 ft r 4; Vernonla,
lot 9 018 3 40
Laloud, Thomas, mvJi uv,'4, s4 nw.'i, awi
lie' 4 aee six i r o. waj
Lablue, W 11, se'i sw!4 aco 8 t 7 r 3; ne'i
nw'i seo lot 7 r8 6 00
Lawrence, John E, sw'i sec 18 1 7 r 5 10 00
latmbert, A W, w' sw'i sec 2 1 6 r ne'4
se'4, aei ne'i see 8 1 6 r 4 10 00
Levenworth, fc F, nw'4 see 12 t 7 r 4 12 00
Lognmtt, Nepoloon, null sec 30 1 8 r 8 10 00
Lcinahtcan, Jsaac, t'4 soJi, aft aw!i aeo IH ,
t5r 6 , 10 00
Lent, Ward, Bryautvllle lota 2. 6, 7 bl 6. . . . 1 80
Ltndberg, John, Green's Point lot 7 bl S. . . . 1 40
Lovd, David, ne!4 sec 20 1 8 r 5 10 00
Lockwocal, L B, w e)t sec 13 t 6 r 4; w!4
e', e'a sw'4 ace 19 1 5 r 3 80 00
Libby, Joseph, estate of, lot 6 sec 4t 4rl;
lota 4, 6, see 8 1 4 r 1; lot 7 sec 9 1 4 r 1; lota
1,2. seel0t4rl 24 40
Lori ng & Thome, se'4 nwli sec 11 1 8 r 1 , . . . 8 oo
Lovell, Sam'l L, e)4 nw'4, unH sw'i, lota
10, 11 set: 17 1 6 r ! " 16 80
tollman, Elmer, bw'4 swU nwii seo 28 1 T r 8 12 50
Looinis, C, Vernonla lot 3 bl 7 Aft
Lyons, Mra John, Vernonla lot 6 bill...... 2 7ft
MalltewB, Albert II, eW aoU aoc 22 1 5 r 4. . . 1 Sft
Malcom, L A, se.'.' sec 20 1 f r 8 04
Max, PO, awl.iaeclt 6r8. 164
Maitin, James E,ae4 seo 28t6r2 11 00
MoNultv, Mra Mary J, St. Hol.-ns lot 18 bl 18 26
.iieUee.'Wm C, se'4 seo 21 1 7 r 4 11 00
McAdama, John, seii seo 88 1 8 r 8 11 00
McCallam, Win, nw'4 aee 25 1 8 r 4 9 00
McClnre, Willis, neiinrii seo 7 t7r4...... 8 60
McClure, Ed P, ne;4 aee 2 1 6 r 4 2 25
McNutt, R W, 26ux2u leet and 8 acres In
aeo 4 1 4 r4; Vernuula lota 1, 2, 3, 5 bl 8;
lots 2, 6 bl 9 ; lots 1, 2, 8 bl 10; lots 1, 2, 3, 4
bl 11; sw!i nw'i sec 19 t 4r4:s4neSi,
se4 nwVi see 24 1 4 r 6; awJi se'4 sec 18 1 4
r 5; part of e'i se'i sec 8 1 4 r 4 24 80
McCoulev, Mary E, wV eH ae'isec 26 1 5 r 5 2 00
McGrew, Moses, estate of, ei soi, awi
BOi, se'i sw'4 sec 13 1 5 r 8 10 00
McGrew, Nancy A, Columbia City, lot 8
bl 24 95
Mt-Kar, Malcom, 82 acres on west side of
,8c appcose creek off McKay's D L C seo
M$r0 ',.; 19 25
Mcserve, Sarah, uwli seo 18 1 r 8. . 12 00
Meacr.e, Lincoln. so'4 sec 6 1 7 r 8 2 1
Mescrve, iv n,Bejisw utrrq
Mo ehar, I'eler, 0e)i sw!4', se4 nw sec 29
a w
Mead. A A, nii sw, 4i nw sec 28 H r I 2 25
Merrill, Norman, efj ofj Morrill's D LCt
6 r 1; awlk a!i, aeH awW aeo 08 1 6 1 2, eV
sa4 tee i t S r 3; miV neW seo Vi 1 4 r I);
lot 7, nw'i nw)4 sec 22 II r 4iaWna'i,
iwJ4 ije, nw)4 aeJi aea 21 1 T r f, u'4
aeli sec 8 1 7 r 4; nJing' sec 36 1 7 r 4; ae)4
sec 14 t 7 r6; Columbia City, lot 2 M28;
K,.,,rCllv i.i 88 20
Merrill, Annie M, u'4 se'i sec 12 1 ft r2; swJi
aiernn, annie an, a aei ai; ,
nw!4, nw'4 sw)4 sec 27 1 6 r 2. ..... . ....
Melllnger, William, Vernonla 1-5 of y lot
bl B; 6lelllnger'a ad bis 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, t
Ul w
10. 11. 12. IX. 14: 12 lots bl 15: 8 lota bl 16;
6 lots lil 17: 12 lots bl 18; blka 19, 22 2 25
Melllnger, Charles, nwji sec 22 1 5 r 4; Ver
nnnlA nnp.llffh of l lot bl 2.
8 4.6
8 00
Miller, Thus K, n(i sejiantl neJi w'5i aee
88 1 6 r 4; Vernonla lot 8 bl 19
Mills. Ifniirmii 8. w't kc'4 aee 14 1 4 rft; Ver lot 2 bl 18 4 85
Mitchell, 11 8, w'i swJi and !4 uw(i sec 85
t7r2 5 00
Mlnier. J 8, personal proiierty 8 lo
Moeck, Geo F.lot 1 and nwi and w ne'i
aee 20 1 7 r 2; M N Nice proiwrty lot 7 bl 2 58 66
Morga n, H A , ie'4 sec 31 t 7 r 3 2 00
Morgan, Mrs Riuulliid, e!i sw'4 ni vt'4 se
!isccl4t7r8, 29 90
Moriran, Marshal, a!i se'4 and seJi awJi sec
6 1 7 r b; nw!i sec tit 7 r 5; awJi swJi sec
81 1 8 r ft; lots 1, 2, 8 and 4 sec 6 1 7 r 6 ft 00
Morgau.J L,nw'4 vk'4 and lot 8 sec 8 1 7 r 5 11 00
Morse, D C, s'i neJi und lota 4 and 6 sec 15
17 H.. 8 46
Mnulton, Henry, nw'i sec 3.6 1 6 r ft 2 2ft
Murray, John, Iiw!4sec8t6r 8... 2 00
Murray. H A, nw'i sec 18 t 7 r 4 11 00
Muse-rove, Mrs N A, lot 6 se,'4 sc!4 and ne
sc'4 nw'4 and n4 se'4 sec lu t a r i
V'i alio u;- se-.i aei; lu i o i it if?
w'Tand lots 1. 2. 8 and 4 leaa 21 acres sol
uiin acc 14 auu .o nr. ti w
Mvera & Laws, peraonal property 4 26
Maxwell, MraJ L, nw4 sec 23 1 5 r 2; part
ol n'An'i Caplea D L C lot 6 bl 1 ; tide
land In Iront bl 3, 4 and 6 and all tide
land In strand; Columbia Cily of lota
1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 bl 4: of 11 lota bl 5;
Hot lot 10 bl 10:1oIb4, ftnndo-bl 1: lots 7,
Sand 9 bl 17; lota 2, 3, 10andllbll6;lols7,
8 and 9 bl 31; lots 2, 3 and 10 bl 30; part of
lota 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 bl 42;lots
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 aud 9 1,1 ft8; lota 6. 6, 7 and 8 bl
60; bl ,67 and 70; lots 1,2, 8, 10 and 11 bl 71:
lots 2, 6 and 10 bl 28; lota 3, 4. 5 and 7 bl
24.... 25 60
Martin, Mra A N, 1st ad Clut.kunle lota 4
and 6 bl 7 42 60
M tiller, Pete-, sw)i sec 26 1 6 r 2 10 00
Mai her, A, ncii and bw'4 sec 10 1 5 r 6 20 00
Mathews, Bllla, nw!4 sec 10 1 6 r ft 10 Oo
Majors, A 8, aeiinwJi sec28t4r2 4 00
Mason, Lucius, und '4 se'i and s'i neJi ae
4 nw'4 lot 4 und ii sec 19 1 7 r 5; n!i ncji
und '4 tec 30 1 7 r S: e'i ti4 und '4 sec 24
t 6 r8; e'4 und i sec 25 t6r 3 80 00
Maxev, John W, '4 uw'4 and nJi swJi sec
22 t 8 r 2 8 00
Mason, Mrs Mary, Columbia City lots 11
12 bl 21 84
Mann, C A, Columbia Citi part of lota 1 aud
12 bl 66: '4 of lots 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 bl 56. . . . 1 50
McRt-an, Mrs Annie, wJ4 nw'i see 16 1 4 r 4 ft 00
Mccarty, B, n!i nw'4 sec 30 t 6 r 3 5 00
McCoy. 0 W, ''. se'i sec 15 1 6 r 4; n ne
Bec22t6r4.. 10 00
McCov, Dennis D, n'i nw'i sec 22 1 6 r 4; n
4 ne'4 sec 21 1 8r4 10 00
McKnlght, W II, n'4 swJi and n!4 se'4 sec
25 t 4 rft 10 00
Mcllrlde, T A, und '4 ae'i and lots 1 and 2
sec 20 1 ft r 1: und '4 lota ft and 6 sec 28 t ft
r 1; und !4 n'4 ne'4 and lota 1, 2and 8 ace
28 t ft r 1 ; e'i se'4 sec 18 1 5 r 1 : Columbia
City bla 1, 2, 8, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 10, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24 and ii;
Giltner'ead a'4, bl A; Gilmer' a ad t'4 bl
C 22 80
Me Kight, Dill, n'i ne'i and se'4 ne'4 and
ne'4 sJi sec 36 1 5 r 4 10 00
McKwan, J, nc'4 "e'i aee 28 1 4 r 2 ft 0U
Mcltrlile.M'i nw'i and nw'i "e'4 nee.
28t4 r2 500
Mcedhum, James, se'i sec 25 1 8 r 4 10 Oil
Mead, A A. Vernonla lot 2 hi ft SS
Miller, R, Vernonla part of lot 4 til 7 3 46
Merrill, Roscoe K. neii sec 22 t 5 r 5 10 00
Moore, D B. e'4 se'i and e'4 sw'i and a )4
ae' i sec 12 t 7 rft 15 00
Malcolm, F 8, sw'i uw,'4 sec 22 1 7 r 3 2 60
Montgomery, Martin. V eruonia lot 1 bl 1. . 65
Mnriritii. H A. Vornonin lot 6 bl 15... r6
M urrav. J. Goble lota 1 and 2 hi 4 I 10
M vrlck, Joseph, estate of, M Helens 4 lota
I1 4: 1 lot bl K; lots 7 and 10, 2 lots bl 9:
lots 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21. 8 lots bl 1ft;
lota 12. 18, I I. 15 anil 10, ft lots bl 20: lots 8.
8, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 anil 22, 8 lots hi 28: lots 1
and 3, 2 lots bl 21; lota 2 and 1:1, 2- lota Id
21 : lota 2 and 1.1, 2 lola bl 24; lots 6 and 11.
2 lots hi 13; 11, 12, 15 and 16, 4 lots bl 27; 8 23:2 lotsbl 10;lotal,2 and 7,8 lots bl
81 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 13. 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20.
21 aud '.'2, 15 lotsbl 42: all bis 87. 91, 98, 99,
101). 86. 10.1. 116. 117. 118. 12l. 112. 132. 1X3,
134, 120,142 19 06
Mat Beth. Wm, ne!ivec7 1 6 r 4... 20 00
Nevin, Allen, mprovementa on laud
owned by Geo Foster, Goble, lot 8 bl 4. .. . 8 66
Nelson, John D, nw'4 aee 25 1 7 r 4 10 00
Nicholas. Annie, jicrsonal proiierty 32 60
Nichols. Nathan, sw'i sec 25 1 7 r 4 2 00
Nickcraon, E E, lots 1, 2 and 8 bl 11; 1 acre
in sec ft 1 4 r 4 111 vernonia o 00
Nowles, John W, ne!i see 9t5r2 200
Neasbaunier, Jacob, swli 29t6r2 290
Napoleon, Lewis, sw!4 sec 17 1 7 r 5 10 00
Nelson, Nels II, ne'4 sec 4 t ft r 8 10 00
Nelson, Jacob O, swii neii sec 14 1 3 1 2. . .. 4 00
Neppuck, 8 A, neJi aw and n4 ueJi aud ne
l. iui,i see 1'2 t 7 r 4 12 00
Nelsnal, John, )ersfnal pro)erty 26 00
Overturf, Ira, n'i nw4 sec 81 1 6 r 4; s4 sw
'isec:)0t6r4 , 1 25
Olders, George, ne'i nw'i sec 15 1 5 r 4; i
se'4 and se'i swfi sec 10 t 5 r 4 1 75 property 18 80
Olson, Olaf, sw'i sec 29 t 8 r 3 2 25
Orwin, Edward, se!4 aec23t6rft 850
Owlnga Willis F, Bryantvllle, lot 3. blk 6 1 10
Owing A Holdrof, Bryantvllle, part
lot 8, blk 11 ITS
Owens 0 U, nii sw)ai and lota 1 and ,
see 10 1 7 r 4 800
Ostrom Charles, nlf nelal and etf nwii
anc2Bt8ra Aft
O'Uonnal J F, estate of, eft awii and
Iota 6 and 7aec 1 4 rft. 10 00
Olsen Chrlat, swH nee 7 1 7 ra 10 00
Openlielmer Jamea L. swlai 8ec9t6r4... 10 00
Oliver Rose A. nwlaS neii sec 2 1 4 r 2 2 90
uregnn mtg uo, peraonal property ww
Oaka If r, und of H Joa Caplea D L O.
Including blka and parte of blka Col
City, blka 60 and 76: und H Hei Caplea
ad to Col City, blk 6;und H a'4 n Joa
Caplea D h 0, Including 2 8 4 6 6 and ,
( lota, bl k 46; lota 1 2 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 bl k 74 :
und Hot n4, lucluding lota 4 6 6789
blka 63 and 16; all of blka 43 and 46; lota
4 68789, lota, blk 30; all of blk 68:
lota8466789, 8 lota, blk 76: part of
lota 2 and 11 and allot lota 1 and 12,
blk 72; lotal884567andnW8.7H Iota,
blk A: loul 28466 7891011 12, 12 lota,
blk 19; lots 12 and 9, 8 lots, blk 38: lota
T 8 9 10 11 12 13, 7 lota, blk R ; lota 12 8 4
1 6 7 8 9 10 1U2. 12 lota, blk 96; lota 10 11
12 18 14 1ft 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23, 14 lota,
blk O; 1 2 3 4 2ft 27 28 29 80 81 82, 11 lota,
blk F; all blka 28 27 29 80 81 32 83 84 86 88 .
2 93 01 96, 24H lota; all blka 103 110 Ul
11211811812148 40 and eK 48, 12 loU;
Irac blka 2828 87 90 91 98 and B 10 10
O A 0 B R Co, nwK awial nwli aeV and
ne!ai aee 5 1 8 r 2; nwJi ne'i and wtaj
awlal aeo 7 t 8 r 2; neSai and
nwli and aeU nwH and ne!4 aw'i
and ntt mi aeo 0 t 8 r 2;
nwX ne) and neit nwH aeo 11 t8r2; .
wH and i seal and neii sw!4 aee 17
1 8 r 2; nw!i and ueH. and awU and 8eU
ec 1 1 3 r 8; new and nw)t and aeK and
aw!iaecllt8r2; neH and nw'i and
ae'i and awu sec 29 1 4 r2; neand nwu
and seH and aw'i sec Jlt4r2; aii aw'i
and nei ewH aeo 83 t 4 r 2: neU and
nwVi and aeii and aw'4 sec 26 t t r 8:
neai and nwM and se!i and aw!i aee 27
1 4 r 8; neat and nwM and ae'i and awU
aee 20 1 4 rl neii and nwVi aee 81, 1 1
r8; ne'i and nw!i and aeli and awW
aeo33t4r 8; neii and nvii and aeii
and awH aee 86 1 f r 8 294 00
Payne John M, 6 acres In 1 8 1 1; aft nwii
andniiswViseclltTrt 5 26
Palmer W H, e'i ae'i aee 8 14 ri 8 80
Pearson Geo H, ew!4 nwM and nwi sw5i
and a'4 of awii 8ec28t6r4.. 8 60
Pa.-U Phlnatna. aU naV. excent ftaerna
oia to A wooa, aectB tor
Peoples Freighting Oo, 1 lot In Bryan
ville 99x100, aee 8 t 7 r 4: Bryantvil
lota 1 2 and part of 8, lota 1 2, Sblk 11.
Oia TO A WlMHl, BWCtw VO T 9 Ml
7 10
Ferrln Ernest, personal property 8 60
hllllpa Mra B B, aeii aeii aeo 19
ttr 4 00
Plnokney Nelson, neii aee it to r 2 2
pomeroy M.eii ae!4 and ivii se!4 and
aeu sw'i seo 18 t 4r 8; Katuier, lotl
and 2 blk 13 10 70
Powers Joseph, e'i awU aeo 8 t Tr 4;
nHof nwiiaeclO t7rf. U 00
Patter Henry, nwiiseo 4 t8r 196
Price Geo. estate of, ne!i aee 27 tftr 4... IK
Prlngle William, wH nwia and nii swV
aeo 11 1 6 blk 4; Vernonla, lot 11 blk 16? t 85
Patterson Marry E, neii aeii aeo 86 1 8
r8 20 00
Peterson John, nH nwVi gee 19 t 7 I 8 ft 00
Plttlnger W 0, neii aee 144 1 5 r 2. 12 00
Perrln George B, awii aee 29 1 5 r a.. . .. . 10 00
Perry A Co, wVi and a H aeii aeo 82
t4r2 80 00
Pearson D 0, Vernonla, lota 1 and 8, blk 2, 1 10
Presoott. C H, und H of Joa Oaple'a D L
O, Including blka and parts of blka
Col. City. blka 6 and 75; undH of He
Oaple'a Add to Ool. City, blk 6; und K
sK nk ot joa Capla's D L O, Includ
ing lots 8. 8, 4, 6, 6 and 9, 6 lota, blk 4ft;
lofel 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 U blk- .
74; all of blk 76: und H of nii. includ. .
lng lota 4 to 9, S lots, blk 16; all of blk
4318; lota 4 to B, 6 lota, bllt 80 lota 4 to
M Iota blk TI: all of blk 66; part of
lota 8 and 11 and lota 1 and 18 blk 78; '
Iota 1 to 7 and nH of 8. 7H lota blk A
lot I to 12.12 lota, blk 19) lota 1 89,
8 lota, blk 88; lota 1 to 12. liiotav blk 98;
lota t to 18, tlota, blk K;. lota 10 to 88, . i
14 lota, blk G; lota 2 8 i 2ft 87 28 80
81 aiid 88. U lota, blk fl til tt klk88
1118 110 111 112 115 118 121 48 40 and a'4
of 48. 24', lota; Irac blka 28 87 90 91
98, blk B 10 20
Plhi O, aeii. sec 84 t r 2 10 00
Plllnian Mary E, aw'i aei sec 26 1 7 rS.. 8 00
Plowman O N. e'4 neii see 2 1 4 r 2 . . . 800
Pogiui James K, Col. City, lota 5 and 6,
blk 67 1 10
Potter Henry M, awii aee 81 1 6 r 1 12 00
Purdeu Wm C, a'4 nw and nw'i swii
andlot4aeclt8rt 10 00
Bappaunaua Lara, neii nwH aee 84 t 8
r 8; eiiawii and swii aw,'iaec24t8
rl ,. 8 00
Ramaey Mary C, aeii sec 26 1 7 r4 0 76
Beddlck John M, awii awii and lot 8
aee 16 1 7 t .?. 15
Reeves A L, nwii sec 34 1 6 r 8 1 60
Heed V, swii sec 28 1 r2 2 26
Redman John J, nwii sec 20 1 6 r 4 26
Bice Dan, e!i nwii aud wit neii aee 27
t7r4 900
Richardson Geo W, nwii sec 21 t7 r 8... 2 00
Rickman Toblaa M. swii sec 27 t 7 r2... 6 60
Bldgeway A Harris, 8 acres in sac 4 t 4
r4 18 76
Rosier Peter, sii neii and neii awii and
aeii nwii sec 83 1 1 r 2 1 76
BoalerMlchael, nw'4 seii and swii se'i
and nw'i neii sec 32 t 7 r 2; n'i nwii
and swii nwii and nwii and awii sec iCI
t7r2 400
Rosier Mrs Mary Ann, awii seii sec 29
t7r2; nwii und e'i neii and swii
neii sec 32 1 7 r . 2 18 60
Rose Hpencer B. e'4 e4 aee 6 1 4 r 4; Ver
nonia. lota 2 and 8 blk 1; Vernonla,
lots 8 9 10 11 13 blk 6; Vernonla Knee ad,
lots 9 to 14 blk 2; Vernonla Boas ad,
lots 10 II blk 11 23 46
Boas W J.nK aeii and lota 6 8 7 sec 6 t 7
r5 83 75
Boblnson Allln A, wii swH aec6t 4r8:
e'i seii aee 6 1 4 r 8; St Helena, lot 4 b 2 9 SS
Ruben llonry C, w'4 ae'i sec 28 t6r 4... 126
Rummer E O, wii W'4 sec 1.1 1 ft r 4 1 26
Hanklns John H. awii sec 22 1 6 r6 10 00
Reed H E. neii sec 36 1 4 r 5 10 00
Keld A D, 30 arresofT e'4 neii sec 5 1 4 r4 5 00
Rhodes John H, wii swii aee 11 1 7 r 8. . .. 6 00
Ring Alex, estate of, awii awii sec 20 1 7
r 2: nw'i nwii and w4 ue'i and se
neii and ne'-4 aeJi aec29t7r2 2100
Richardson Jamea.und it nwii sa L and
ne'i sn'4 aee 18 1 6 r 1 - 8 00
Riley Patrick. hw sec 26 1 r 4 10 00
Richards Mrs E 8. swi ne'4 and ne'i
8eisecl4t7r8... 7 00
Rlpperton Sarah nwWae 10 1 8 r ft......... 10 00
Klpperton J A Sr.. neii aee 10 1 8rft. .... 10 00
Rlnehard W B. neii aeo 9 1 6 rS 10 00
Rlnehart Major, nwJ4 aeo 9 1 6 r 8 ; . 10 00
Uidgeway Edward, Vernonla 1st ad, lots
1 23466, blk 4; Vernonla 1st ad, lot 10,
blk 6; Vernonia 1st ad, blk 13; Vernonla
1st ad, lots 123 456, blk 18 3 45
Bonyon W 8, nwii and aeii and neii sec
29, 1 4 r 6; aeii and nwii and neii aee 9
t4r6; nwii sec 21, t4 r 6; nwiieet: 21 t
ftr 5; e'i awii and lota 8 and 4 sec 7 t5 r .
6; swii and nwii sec 16 1 ft r 6; e'4 nw'i
and lota 1 and 2 see 18 1 ft r 6 lit 75
Byman Richard, aVi se seo 20 1 4 r 4; nii
neii see 82 t 4 r4 - 10 00
Rice 6 M, seii awi and swii eK sec 20
1 7 r 2 t t 3 85
SchmidtEmil fi' sii' neii' ai'.d ' w'i aei
sec 1 1 7 r 3; awii and n '., ,e;4 see 15 I
7r8, 8536
Bchenman Charles, '. swii 'ec 14 1 8 r 2 8 60
Schoonover E 8, peraonal property 26
Schwath Carl, nwii sec 19 1 5 r 4 2 2$
Schuler John, swii sec 13 15 rft 126
Severn James O, ne sec 32 1 8 r 3 1300
Beverns K,enwi andsw?i neii owW
aeiisecllt6r4 0 25
Bheringhouaen Henry and wife, sii of
Jessie Miles D L, C, less 80 acres sold
JBD Sherlngbousen, sees 12 15 18 t 8
r 1 and 2 81 70
Bhanahan Ernst, peraonal property 1 96
Rhanaban Alfred, eft sec 12 1 4 r 6.... 4 75
Shearer Marshal, w, nwii and seii nwii
and sw'i ne'4 sec 4 1 6 r 6 6 26
Shearer Walter, seii see 29 1 6 r 5 800
Simmons E C, se'i sec 9 1 6 r 3 2 60
Smith John, neii sec 14 t. 4 r 5 1 06
Smith Joseph and Sous, 10 acres off A T
Dobbin's land, 1 7 r 2. 132 20
Snyder W L, w nw and sei nw'i see
14t7r3 800
Rnyrter Conrad, aw'i sec 29 1 7 r 8. 100
Hpencer C H, personal property 6 70
Htret-ber Lewis, lots284 and aeK nwii
se'i swii sec 5 1 6 r 4 2 25
Btewart J B, Vernonla Roses ad, lots 1
and 2 b 13; Vernonla Roses ad, (ot 16 b
8; Vernonla Roses ad, lot 6 bll; Ver
nonia Roses ad, lot 1 b 7 2 96
Stewart James K, seii ne'4 and neii se'i,
seo 25, 1 7 r8; Frac, swii nw'i, aee 80,
t7r8... 6 76
Btratton J W, Bryantvllle lat ad, lota 6,7,
8, bft ...10 26
Stehman 8 E, n'i ae'i and self no ii aeo
80, t7r2; sw'i ae'i and swii sec 88
t7r8;nX uw'4 sec 1 1 6 r 8 34 86
Btehman C, catata of, w'4 awii sec 18 1 6
r X '. 4 SO
HI racben Lot lie V, St Helens lot 8 b 11. . 2 7ft
nirut-hnn W in. awii sec 12 t 4 r 8 9 00
Sirelieu Daniel M, ne'i sec 24 t 7 r4 11 00
Ktanwuod I, nii seii sec 27 t Sir 2 24 96
Hundbliun Francis, ne ii sec 3 1 7 r 8 2 26
Hunmela IV er, sii nwii sec 27 1 8 r 4; eV4
neia sec 28 t 8 r 4 2 25
Kweutlaud Walter, personal property.... 8 66
Hwager John H.Ht Helena, lot 10 bl8 ... 65
Starr .IB A FB Meredith, swii swii sec
16t6r5 2 60
Hcott William, Ool City, lot 6 b 21 84
Hchuneman C and Johnaen A Callahan,
s'i aw'i and frao s4 n ii sec 14t8r2.. 21 26
Slip Harry, aeii sec 14 14 r 8 10 00
Shearer Kirs A M, Bryantvllle 1st ad,
lots 1 and 2, b 6 65
Shearer Mrs Maud, Bryantvllle lat ad,
lota 7 and 8 b 8 66
Shearer James W, Bryantvllle 1st ad, eii
1 12 b 8 and 8; Bryantvllle lat ad, lot 4,
' b5 -Tr! 3 46
Hheeley John B, nii neii and awX neii
sec22t8r3 8 00
Shearer D B, seH see 21 1 6 r 5 10 00
Hlsrert Lewis, neii sec IT 1 1 r 4 10 00
Slate L I), nii neii and seii ne ii sec 11 t
6 r 4; sw'i nwVi sec 12 t ft r 4 16 80
Smith JL, Vernonla Rose ad, lota 14, 16,
bs....!7. .rT: 84
Smith Carrie R, nwii sea 8&tr 8: nwii
ne'i and nii nw'4 aac 2 1 6 r S; neii neii
sec 3 1 5 r 3 2000
Smith Annie, Vernonla Rose ad, lot 2 b 8 66
Smith June K7, neii sec 18 1 7 t 6 10 00
Smith 8 A, swii sec 16 1 8 r 4 10 00
Spiny SJ, se'i sec ID 1 6 rl 12 00
Spencer James C, sii nwii and lota 8 and
4sec4t3r4 10 00
Spencer Josiah, sii ne'i sec 11 18 r2 6 CO
Steele James, api iH sec 10 t 6 r 2; neii
sec 21 t5rft , sn 60
Strong C A. nwii sec 17 1 7 r 5 10 00
Sternfcls Morris, n nwii and swii nwii
ec 17 1 6 r 4; seii sw'i sec 8 1 4 r 4. 10 00
Btory George, eJ4 nwii and lots 1 and 2
awe IS t4r6!. 10 00
Stellman James A, nei sec 7 1 7 r 3 1000
Sterns M ra William, Goble, lot ft b 4 66
Stoddard Geo A. neii sec 26 1 ft r S 10 00
Btott 8am R, swVi seii and lota 6 and 6 -secitSrl:
lot 2 sec 8 1 8 r 1; lots 8 and
U,aec20t3rl 20 00
Smith J 11, eH seii and seii neii sec 20 1
T rft; sw'i and aw'i nwii sec 22 1 7r ft.. 20 00
Smith J K, nwii sec 21 1 7 r 5 10 00
Smith A M, aeii and neii sec 21 1 7 r 5. ... 20 110
Smith 1), swii sec 21 1 7 r 6 10 00
sutler E P, und H swii seo 20 1 4 r 2 8 25
Sherman E, eS neVsec 13 tftr 8 6 00
Tavlor John 1, swii nei and nwii meH
sec 8 1 4 r 4 4 00
Thomas Alphns, swii aee 85 1 6 r 5. 2 26
Tbornbiiry A Mullen, 2 lots in Bryant
vllle, 26x60 and 16x30, Clatakanle, lot 4
b6... 18 60
Timoney Thomas, seii sec 27 1 7 r 8 240
Tlmoney James F, 410 acres off P Gallt
wny's D L C aeca 20 28 86 t 7 r 2; se'i
sec 22 1 7 r 2 87 00
Tohln Martin. eK nwii and wii neii sec
2t5r4 i 226
Townsend Frederick, commencing 80
rods s of nwH 2ft t 4 r 2, thence s 100
rods, thence a 380 rods, thence n 111)
rods, thence w 80 rods to of ba-
glnnlng, sec26t4r2 7 26
rrayior w nw aac tu a i r o u tai
Ttipnalian nwV swi and lots 8
nnd4sec24 t8ri 2 60
Tnllman S W. personal property 80 00
The Dundee Mtg A Trust Co. personal
property 121 67
The American MtaCoot Scotland, per
aonal property 77 60
Tomlison Perry. seW sec 28 1 8 r 2 12 00
Thomnaiin R H. Ool. Oltv. lot 8 h 19. 84
Tlmin 8, Vernonia, lota 1, 6 b 17 1 10
Troouenne Francis, lot 11 secitBrl .. 6 00
Tuttle W H. Col. City lota 8 and 4 b 47. .. 1 10
Tuttle, estate or, jot a secattars. ...... i zo
I'h. Oreiron Mtff Co. nersonal Tirtio-
ertv 20 00
The Northern Counties Mtg Co, personal
property 87 60
Tompkins Frank M, nii J Milea D L C
secl4tl8rl 8 8 .10 00
TJpton W W, lots 1 1 and 8 aeo 80 1 8r ft,
nii nwiiand lots 1 2 8 7 and 8 aee 81 1 8
r ft; lots 1 2 8 and 4 see 88 1 8 r 6; lota 1
8 846 87 aeo 38 1 8r 5; neii awW and
PH nw and nw seii and awi nwi
and lota 2 to9sec34t8r6 49 00
Vanblaricom Joseph, wii noV and sei
neii and pWi seii sec 4 t 4 r 4;
Vernonla. lots? 6b 11 Vernonla, lota
1 8 8 4 6 hi; Vernonla lota 3 8 8 b 12)
Vernonla, lots land 8 b 18: Vernonia,
lots 4 and 6 b 18; Vernonia lot 8 b 17 1
Vernonla, lota 1 2 8, 4 and 6 b-18 80 08
Vanblaricom John W, wii wii nwii
sec8t4r4 816
Vanblaricom Hiram D. 5 acres In aeo 4
t4r4: wHnwiiaeo 84t6r 4 600
Vanvolkenberg W S, awii aee 29 1 6 r 6 . 11 00
Vanvolkenberg B F, peraonal property. 6 86
VaitwolkenbargJlC. aeii seo 88tTr4.... 10 00
Vlnlng Jamea neii aee 88 1 7 r8 425
Vialnf Joha E, personal propajrty 84 81
Vernonla Improvement Co, lot 8 aeo 4 1 4
r4; partof J Vanblaricom land, aee4t4
r4;wVIlae,'iaec6tr4; neii aeii see 4
4 r ftp 00
voge joaepn, ae'4 "Wi and neii aw'i ana
..... , . b U I- V H, W
warran John, Iota 1 and 2, aeo 6 t7r6l
lota 9 and 10 sate 4 1 7 r 6. .7.
Walker Wm If, eiwi sec 24 1 7r8
Washburn : S B. n wl un m 1 1 a
2 60
6 15
W'eat Mary, Vernonla, lot 7 b 12
ii j, n'4 nwi ana ten nwuana
ne BW'-i aoc Utfn ...... .. 11 00
Weutherwux John J. Kalnler. lot 8 h 10:
Rainier, lot 1 b 4; Rainier, part, 1 4 b 4.. 16 00
Weaver Marlon, nwii see 30t6 r 2 176
mger Aiuert, w-, auyt ana w ne;i seo
24 t6 r I A 00
Whitney B F, 6!i acre bought of A
Stump. aeo24t8r2 2 25
Winter WM, sw'4 sec lot 6r 3 2 26
Williams 1- ran kiln
Wilson Frunlr T.. vK t,.W ami '.
aeo ItirA 298
Wilson Mrs D S, personal proiierty....... 4 OS
Wilson W M, aw4 ae'i sec 12 1 4 r 6 8 16
wmrom 1 O, eii John McNulty's D LU,
w. v, u, i, n, a r a, ,
Wllverding John D, nwii seo 30 t6r 2..
aoc aD,i,iiri... , xv oo
1 7
8 60
wonaeriv U se1. sec lit' rB
Wonderlr Mrs E M. Dersonal nrnnertv..
Wotxirolf Thompson H, seii neii aeo 21
2 90
Woods L B, land In sec 20, 80 1 7 r 5
Woods Adelia, seii neii and eii swii ne
Wood E J. Vernonia. M lot 6 b 10
ware jonn &, aenwji ana tots a aoseo
oiiru ik ae
Washington Lumber Co, nii neii and nii
. ne'i a
sec 27 t 7 r 6; seii i sec 22 1 7 r 6. .
40 00
ViMnu W W. xit: tuM son 13 t 7 t ft
neii sec!
ec 24 1 J r A 10 oo
Harrv. nn'4 sec 8 1 6 r 3 10 00
w ssiiourn i r, n bv aee oiiro aw
Waud Mrs Nancy, Col City, lot 6 b 22 110
Waud O 8, Col City, lot 8 b 4T. 70
Watts F H, Col City, lot 1 b 21 66
Wallan J M, 22 acres off J Fuller-ton's
land, secxotirl SOU
Webster Edward, eJi ne'4 sec 8 1 4 r 4; nii
neii and e nei nwii sec 36 1 ft r ft 24 85
Webster Mra Jt, eii eii aeii sec26 1 ft r ft.. 2 60
Weeks Bert, sw'i sejisec 22 t 8 r 6; sji
ne'4 and neii neii sec 27 1 6 r 5 10 00
Weeks Walter it, w4 nwii and aeii neii
aee 27 1 6 r 5. .7! 10 00
Weat Robert, lot 4 sec 7 1 7 r 5 2 60
West Captain John, lota 4 and 5 sec 31 1 8
ro o uo
Welgand Mary Ann, seii see 4 1 8 r 2 10 U)
Welch J B, swii sec 36 t 7 r 4; Col City,
lots a ana not; uoi Jity, iota i ana a o
29: Col Citv. lot 2 b 21 12 66
Whitney Mrs Florence, neii awii sec 13
t4r2 160
White Emma G, Col City, lots 3, 10, 11, 12,
b20 ...7T. 2 20
Williams B F, sii ni sec 2 1 4 r 7 10 00
Williams Francis 11, Ool City, Gilmer's
ad, lot 8 b 21
Williams Almira, Col City, Giltner'a ad,
Wilhelro Catharlna, K aeii sec 16 1 3 r 2.
Weeks Thomas, sK nw'i sec 28 1 4 r 6
Winton F D, swii neii and lota 1, 2 and
5 00
6 00
part ol iota a aa lays n or. a line aue e
and w of nw cor ot J Stoughton'a D L 0
aee 24 t4r 2 21 90
Wllgradt Charles, awKsei sec 3D 1 6 r 6.. 2 60
vruuur r h, e4 nwji ana w4 nej sec so
1 4 r 5 10 00
Wilson Henry neii neii see 7 1 6 r 2; swii
sec 32 1 7 r 2; seii seH and ne'4 seii see
1 1 o r a; aeyt bw4 ana nwftsesec bid
r 25 00
Wilson C R A Oo, nwii ne'4 see 7 1 6 r2;
Irac w4 x ana CJ4
H nwH and nwii
neisec o eg ri
18 00
Wllaon C R, wii nwii see 5 t 6 r 2; seii
ne'i sec 81 1 7 r 2; ei neii sec 1 1 6 r 8;
neii swii and BWi neii and nwii seii
secot6r2: seii seii aeo 38t7r 8 22 50
Wllaon Martha. swi neii and aeii awi
sec 8 1 6 r 2 600
Woods Charlott. Col. Citv. lot 10 b 28. .. . 1 10
Woods C U Col. City, lot 1 b 1 1 40
woods J ti, ws sew sec 18 1 8 ' sou
Wood J H and J G Gore, w nwii sec 18
1 7 r 8 10 00
Wolf Mrs Alice P. Clatskanle, lota 8 7 b 8 1 10
Wright H, OOL Olty, a tarts D 24 126
Young W A, nwii sec 30 1 7 r 3 2 60
Young Phillip, sJisii8ec84t 7 rS 2 26
Young J F, seii sec 21 1 6 r 2 10 00
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Columbia
county, Oregon.
Ua FlBUred It Out.
While we were smoking on the veranda in
front of the hotel a native in backwoods
dress came up and sat down on the steps
without addressing anyone, and during tua
next hour he seemed to be asleep. When he
roused up it waa with an exadamation of
"Hal" and ha danced around so lively that
the colonel asked him if he had been stung by
an insect.
"No, nan no, ahfn was the vigorous re
ply. "Do yon always wake up that way I"
"No, aah, but 1 dun flggerod it out and I
want to be kicked." -"What
ia itf"
"Last April," said the man, aa ba turned
to ua, "1 was a-drivin' my ole mewl and cart
along that road down tbar', and when we
coma to the railroad that mewl quit on me.
He jist stood right tbar' and wouldn't pull a
"I see."
"I beard the tram coming and I pulled and
pushed and whipped, but it was no use. lie
stayed rignt tbar' and let the injine hist him
half a mile biga."
"Well, what have you figured outf
"Why, aah, 1 -otter cnbitched that mewl
and driv' him off the track, and then backed
the cart oft. 1 bev felt all along that 1
skipped a cog omewhar, but I couldn't tell
whar'. I aee it now. 1 kinder fell into a
dose aa I sot tbar', and It cum to ma like a ,
Bash. Thar' I stood with my mouth wide
open and my legs a-shakln', and saw a S75
mewl flung aky high, to cum down among
the splinters of a 850 cart, when 1 might
a -saved both aa easy aa mud. Gentlemen,
please excuse me. I'm a-going around to tha
cot house to find an onery nigger and give
him that mewl'a harness to kick me all ovar
South Carolina:" Detroit Free Press,
Tha New Handwriting;.
Has anybody noticed the, quiet
changes that have been going on in
fashionable handwriting? That once
called "English" style has quietly ,
vanished from polite society. In its
place is found a rounder, more legible
script that does not take up half the
room, and is read in one-quarter time.
"Learn to acquire the angular hand"
can no longer be set as a copy book
text, if these signsof the times be true.
By all the signs the principal object of
the new handwriting is to make itself
clear, and for this reason the rounded
letters have quietly edged out the
stilled ones, and once more carries the
rule of common sense iuto a fashion
ablo matter. Philadelphia Ledger.
Women Who Receive Big- Salaries -
Miss Van Vrankeu, a native of New
York, is one of four or five ladies in
the treasury who receive a salary of
$1,800. bhe is connected with the law
division, aud prepares briefs in com
promise cases amone her other duties.
She has been employed since 18(15, but
passed the requirements of a clerk in
tha civil service commission under
Geo. Grant.
-Miss Seavey, who is also in the law
division, dii-ecting tlie'work of a num
ber of clerks, alsoj-eceives a salary of
$1,800. -
Miss L. S. Ralston is one of the most,
capable clerks in the law division.'
She is a native of New York, is an ex
pert stenographer, and receives $1,600
a year.
The daughter of Corporal Tanner,
who served her father as private sec ro
tary, occupies the same position in tha
office of the treasurer, Mr. Huston,
and receives tl,8Wj. Cor. New York
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