THIS OREGON MIST. (lulled Xtatrn. unl family lirilflnl Pupt Hi1, 'Ukun, July 1, 1S02. Wf JJ.I .1 , 1 . I i Ji i I,. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wuiileil 01 liDdullylit honiH.'Wiirk, Cull ut tltii ullk'tt. Tint l't tliivotlitg extract fit EtU'hi lloim ili'm "tore, , Win. MtriliiiKirr, of Vi'rnonin, wn mi th ruuuiy iut on VWiliici'diijr liut. Mien Kmily Cx i tioiiio from i lit ttl, M.iry'n mcikIimii.v, fur tliu miuimi'i VllPnlllllr. Whim yon tir in iippiI of Itliinl. uuMmmiIcn, cull Ml Tiik Mint uUliv. 1'iii'ti, M (.en In. toiri''iitHtive-clii't N.iriumi Mer rill, of ('Utkmiii, whn at thtr county unit liint Huiiirilny. I'tiHuim' ltitrHr wimp ami millinery ulnrn will ln cluwit from Hmitluy iitiuu lo Tiuwliiy tlm Tuli, Bv. Knsd Hrowii,of tliu M.B. rlim-Hi, ill I'K'llCll ill Kt. I It'l.tMM till tllU Kt'l' tul Hiiiiiluy in July. Attorney W. J. Hicc vidinl Hill bnro, I'orttiiiul, Uiiiuit-r inul oilier JiiiIiiIB, on li gnl ti'li-illi-cH week. The family of Mr. 8. H. Whj- left T.ii'mIhv nioruiuie for Bnnkur Hill ln i tlit') wlllipid woinu lium Ciiiii' tt. . MtHr. Colo & 8tvilor lnif(iiloruptl tlit-ir oHIcw front witli iioitity 'wnrtltul ifrn, culling ntitMitiou ht ilirir tiiir't- i Mr. Murk L. NnluV, repriwrttiiifi C. j Y. Wi bt'r & Co., dealt r in vrliool fur- iiluro, etc., wim in Hi. Hi lam ttl tie tiny. Mr. J. Ctt'tiretr, m Iwstpita of 1 1 Sl.,1 Ht'lunw lioui.guv ii ft'diviil tu iIm itIkhjI I'liililrvn of lliit pliK'eyv-ltftlii.v, rlik'it wu heartily pujoyutl ly nil. Mi FfMifciu Wy, wlt linn Wii Mli'miiiitf urdool in 1'nrlliind. rctttriie J Hona liit wttlt. Hive pa wt1 n vcy itiiidu'lory exainiuutiim, iin I will In; ro.ui.v for tliu Ilijjlt wit. ml next f.ilt. St. Wlurion npnu out sirouU TiH-mlny nnd Wttlripailiiy. Mr. Wluir- tun, n one of UmtiR:MiuMir,itt.ii'iiii iiH Unit Ihf Ki lloitiri'omimiiy tli.l not go into the nipiiinlfoxl cimiliiiinti'iii. The po'Mili iil I:hk iiMiHti'd Juliii W, Fiwtvr, of lodiiiini, t"i ii(H'i'il UIiiIiib ii h rotiiry of fcttitt. IIu nIki. Miinh-tl Jhhuh JLotnn l lw collirior f (mikIiiiii for l lie iort of l'oiiliiiiit. frolmlti court will bd in mihIhii iii-jcI Mou.Uy and 1'iirn'luy. CiiiiiniiH'Hitf court iiipoI W'mlttfixliiy. At lliin K'it Ninn tlifl oniIi of ollii'i- will l) mlmin Utnrod to tie m-wly-ckottd couniy olliovm. County Treiimrer It-ct E. M.Wli r ton, of Cohimtiiii Ciiy, w in town Mondiiy. Mr. Wluiriim in larni'ly in Ifrmtml in iriiie-rtWMK, Imvinjs .IumIcI liirt your 12X youn irif wWi:li lire duiiiK Hiut4y, hmJ in fi-w jfitr Im will havij ii orolihilitu bumm-?. Mr. Will J'owi'll. of l'itiilnrif, wlf prudntitod Ht iliu ftinto normal kcIhm.I' Nt Munnionili luxl wei-k, rt-lni iK'il Immu on tint 2.1 rd of lint inonili. Mr. 1'i.widl' nvoniKO in nil li n-mli. Wii Vi ptrccnt. Tliin it tl' h'mlwl. ' Untiled W HV Klmll'lll Ul Ui) H-im4, itud tin in over ftroiad of bin vliowiii); Mr. H. O. HoWiMil, of Miltoa erevk a .. . who nfTrc4 tke Ih of no nye nwt' time ego by having it ppliutrr I'lixii h riiijuliir aw d rivet into liiit l.emt tbrtMf Incbee.nnil wbo W.t prnimuneetl boptluH by ibo phyHicinuK, is ugHin hi bin post t.( duly, looking a wtll nit tiHtml, except for Uio acMr under bi ye. aiierifT Meeker went to 8cpa lartwnck ami clottttd llio ultiit of C. 11. Kouklu & Co, ou mi itltneliiuenl from Meyertiubl & .na, wIh.K-bhIo liq uor dealer of Portland. The leeniuven 4f the ihIooii are Krt'"1 dettl inort' limn tbo liubiliUtw, but ibe wliulentle firm did not eeim to Uk thin inl" mni.idition, mtl 6iihm ily c1om.iI it tip. "Mr. W. M, Terry, wim line boon in lie drug im4utt nt Elkton, Ky , fm the ptut twelve yeiir, ey: "Uluini tierliiin'e Cougb Ueniedy give nmre iiiifi.r.tion than uny other eoiiglMn.-tl-ieine I lnivever wild." There is ihnI reaaon for N other will ruin m cold o quickly j no tulmr in mi cert, i" u prcTentive tuul cure for croup; tio other afford w nuicli relief in map f wboopingoougli. Fortule by Ed win Uom, druggist. Many year' )nictico buve given C -A. Snow A Co., Milicitor of pntt-nta iu Washington, 0. C, tineiupHi-i'rd n.t com in obtaining patent in nil chimer t,f invention. Tiuy liink" n eperlnity nt rejected care, and bve fcnifd nl lirwunoe ef nmny patent I but bd been previt.urly rejtwtetl. Tbeir inlveiiif inont in itnothureoUiinn, will In. of in tercel to inventor, puleuter. innnufi.t turee, nud all who Inuo to do wild jintiMila. t Tlie Aatoiia A Porilund milwuy coinpuiiy, tbiotifcb ile utiotney, C. W. Fullton, filed nmrtgi.gH in Cn luinbi coitnty for record Wi dneHtl.iy for 10,000,000. The mortgage is given on the lock of tbe ruiltoitU comlmny to the Mercantile Tnwt company td New York, to secure the payment of iM.nd to be IrBiwtl from lime to lime ft ia required to build the road, and ro intereat-bearmg. We are not able to any wlmt route the road will take, but it i thought it will foHowibe bit ak A the Columbia irlver, 1 Tim ti'iimei' ShiiiIi Dixon mid T.J, roller will uko .... .xcnr.lon ,,lllty 1o Astollil mid ClntMOi lii'iicll lifXt Him diiy. Tim lfnvi' Ittiiiiur ut 1 :30 u. in., Miiyg. r 2 : 00 i. m,( g ,., 2 ; JJ5 ii. m , Onk I'tdnt 2 ; SO m. Tliu J'.-it-r li'iivB fli, Hi Imm ut 8; 15 ii. ni, Kiil inui 9:00 ii. in., Cnililiiiniit 10: 15 i. in. Faic, rnuiil nip, fl.75. No ili kiii old iifitT llie tilnivcr K'"' n Siiliinliiy. Tii kctti for eulc in Hi, llid iihhI UiW drug Horn, Exi'inmoii i"l who (jo On Uit Dixon will hnvu nil diiy I'M llio liciicli, Ifiivlng tliuio hi 13:30 Hominy cvuiiing for Turiliim!. .V boy by llu miniH of RoinMiiskie. liOff fuilivr whh killtid in a )o)!liit i'iinii(m Millon frwk lmt fill, ami who li" Ib hii working tor Tony Iliir- hour, on ilm Willmiu'iiu tlo.ij;li nboui Mivi'ii mill' iilinvu 8.. llulrii, wiiii Irowut d I.ihi, ftniidiiy iiflcrnoou. Tin- hoy Inul taken ofl'lli I'lolliim nnd wu in Ii Mimill hont iMidd.iug iiro.iiid when In ft hvii by m nit men iieur by. After ii lililii while (he bunt wim ugiiin no t'ced but ilm leiy wii not in it, A m'iiii Ii whh hi oui'u comn.eiiced Hiid bin el .llifM were fnuiid. 'I'bu r 1 .tili wu dniKni'd mid tii bo ly reeovurud Moiuluy ufieruooii, It whh brought to tlli bice lIlM MIIIIH lVtllitl)r, llllll KHIlt to hi iiiiii her lit It.c'.ker 11.11 fur bur. ii. Ij n ,t' 1 1 V'tirt ol I. H. II. ''HIiir.l, New fttMtl, VI.. wn troulilud ulllt N't'tiruliitu and ltliitiiimtiin, biii Sunn, it li wait dinurdi rtid, li is I.ivu wim uiri'i'Ud t tin illuming il't-TiM', fell ttttiiy, an I he wim U-rr.bly re.lui ed In Hi-kV nmt "titfiit. tli Thau butt of l.lcc irlc I'.iKurx i u ret I blin. VjUvwJ MlitpbtrU, Hitrrl.-bnrp, 111., bad tl riiiiulng u v on lit' leg of t ifcht yvtuV ntim tiiiK- l"iil tlire.i liUlen of Kbit trie l.ltlt! H u ul rev. n Imxei) tif i llfkllli n Ar.ii- rtt Mulve. a ul liln li'ir it muiul un I Will J,.lmrt,tuker,iii,li.,m.O .bid live h.wt V r mutt mi UU I., dot torn a d lie win MiH urnlil... Oilu 'bbill- Uerirlc HI nr. and lint! Iiux llilvkli'ii't Arntcn Sn Vf eliied lilut U', Hold lit Kdwln llom' l)rn 8;ore. i:i(;nr uuuhihm liiiisii. To tlw imblitf : Mvventee't yt'iirngo I coiuoien.'i-il bi ing ulll uled wiiliMtrie lure ol tli ureibiiT As tini mwiI I gruw w,ne, iimil it wna imiiorriblo to tiid in i iii! tviihoiit ii I'liilaier. I hnvu been uuder nevt'ii lomliiig diK'ltln in I'lM'il iii.l inul nne. ill Vielnriii. Wiii in the lioiUlal live uinnllni from II. e tt-ri of one diii'tor' uimki iful Ireiit nient. All llni con. bl. led elTurli nnd -kill of llie t'iilit .liieiun.i Were uj ii'ilhiug .0 mo Jii'ie 4, 1892, I f.uue miller Dr. D.iiiiu' ire.iiin ul, mid in l.vo week went to my ul Mnu.i- mt'iii, (Jniiit uouuly, Uri-g'in, it will A. L Oi Biiis. l)r. D.iriin t: u be f.iiind ol 270.V Wrivbiugtmi .ret)l, I'ui'il.i.iil, Oregon ; (he llevieW buililiiig, S"ikillf, W.mll. ; ,1... If.. i,. I V,.rili..'ii Ant.irtil. Oi-emill. ftioui V) to 5 dud, , 7 io 8 evuiiiiigo; to 12. They miike u rnciitlly of tluudttitrio welt i inedicl iin.l Mirgici.l lit-iil- ivlil U till diiifrtMiit of eye, eii r, nt.Kf,, cittiinli, tleitftii'i'H, brolieliitiH, l.i KiiiiH, conniuuiititin,. tlyf.'Cpi'i.i, liettri, liver nnd kulmy tliceiixei). All lii rvmiH, tluoiiie .niv'iili) tlinoio'eii of mt'M, im ltidii.g uliicluin, byilroeelo, Viirieoif le, tiionl.l. mid till ieeuliili fe iii. ile !.toullo iiru t'niilideiiily nod cue etwfuHy trunlt) I. M ist cured run re- I........ ,,.l .if.a.r u VIm.L lit Aw ibnloiV oHief. Iiiiiii.e n.ifWf n tl. . i . , I .... .'IVCUI.IM lUlilil'U'Slloll irer. ' fine. DKKIt ISI.AMI. It 1 a' o it ii no a cb.ol leaclier wa get- tin,' a sit mil , on. The w.tter l f. iHlnst very ripl lly and the .e g tod for a lariu crop of wdd Inty. Orch tr.Il t t complain ihut t!ie fruit ciop 1. going tote short. In n I g m lolifurtlestroylngi a'crpilbira, gr at c re hott .1 be toed . a I It llal-le lo kill tne tree, 1 1 hoiib a sma I amount wi.t lit.) U .Itia.u in.: live, nnu ni i a. it toe cuiui ; ' ' A. A. M.r.lll i having qu'ts a flad.l ig done iht siiinliar, of ah..ut forty a rea. I.ymii. t Merrib i.ttls i having u goo 1 deu of Rlathhig d -a whi h oil. gr.-atly t the appc.irancj and of bit I'ai'ni. Dec bland nid not eclebrnte ou the 4tl mi, i tlje enn but most of tliu yo.inj people wl.l go lo city. 1.1 r. 0 8. Ho Iger has moved hi tn shovilti Portia id, wnere Iu ha found oiue work lor It. Mr. Kalgjr i of tlie linn o. Campbell, Wood & Co., railroad ton tractors. The supeivln.r whs pitting up slumps At wuik; ttol Itr sale, but for kluuling wihal. I'tierjare greut inui.J innrcatuiup which tw.ild be Usui likvwbe, if Hie lax pa . i r would stand It. Mrs 0..btru. of low, it vi.iiing her b.oih r, Mr. J unva.i.iar, and smuiiK nut hei v tut i. tall. S. vctal p trtie parlcipa fi in the spot t uf ear. i lilti..g la t rtees, but u me w.rc a snc.'iSJl'nl as Mr. Hunutiruiie., who stic cie .e . in spearing a d aen, wi lie tbe a.ceof llio crow. i got none.. It may be pos sible t,.ut (tie old gjnl could be I ittucvd to tell how it was tluiie. llayniuker. apprtil tie the present hot we.nber. ia Huj ut to harvest ihi lf crop, whl. h l excellent this year.- Messrs. It. inn r A I io iti-l are lalting a ... ... ..... IU..I. I.....I.. .liulAil.-f. SUWII 111 Olll OH ."i- " ' if t,i .u iu;lt fioiti tblt p. ice, ami wi.t oe- I In cutting tun r a suou us pojsibl . 'Hie iliovs have stem, d a line body of tinnier j itud w ll no doubt m ike their new euter- InrlMtaaucce'. I lay have a smt.ii iw.tb a Liclvc or Hfteen II. P, and u 4-l..rh jsl gl - saw und Intend to ship by ruu l' to Tbe lar.n tcei.lcnco of Chu. Mm kle i " . ... ... 'k iilliitll live mill' H u.".t', ' builtmi to tlie ground on Wcdiiceday uight Utt. HONOll TO JUDOE MOOIII3. 1 Tll0 nnmjuit KKbt Kvent of the Memo,. Abtii bean prcvluuidy fliiiiouiii'cd, llio tiliieiHor St. H. li-it lundtiied Huiivin V...I I. . ..... niwfotiHiii, ii. a. Aioore n tiiiiiiii't un Widiti'wJay fveiiliig bi,t. AliuittSo'diitk llie fiiniuUof JutlKe M'lOieaml family bi ;n i to urrlve nt Mum nic ball, wbleli bud been titMlffidljr cora imI by Mr. J ne nnd titlieN fur tliu oi eiirt 'n, and wm model of iie iiiiu-ii inul ort. Iiiiiiirnbiti'ly li&ck of llie t io li iik Ilm ortia I of JiiIk Moore on tin' nue ulile inul that of Jiimk.-h U. lllulne on thtiitlier:toiiildiiiiytbliig fiiituT hi thl iu ticn'ar would only hv lo ray that llie linll looked lovuly. feinted iiioii tliu ro tro!i were .tu.lgu Moor.-, Jtl.lije .M..r.'lmul, of I'ortlaud, 14 lib t Aitoruey-elnct W. N. llnrreit. of Ullliib r i, Judge Illniiib inl, ol llalnler, T C. Wi.tM. W. II. Uubi.OJ., Ju Muck e. nnd the following iii -mliew of the etiiiiiuiltev hi eliarg": jr. II. K. CUT, J. S. I.'loehiger, W. J. RIcu unit J. li. lleegle. At:3Ul)r. flilf ruled the met ling t,. order mid rtuted itn ohjtvl, ter which be lnti',.diicfd llio l)rt ri(nker of the ivcnhig. Hun. V N. Hnnelt. follnwed bv Judge Moreliitid, Juilgu M Mire, W, 3. lli e, and tieiuitor Tn.iiiue. Mr. Tmigue wun miImII tilted in the ulMOtn f of (1, V , Cole, to re i ond to tlm ti aitt, " Co the l.ailic ." mid to my lint; the mnati.r went away mure popular wiMi the fiitr itex than when be ra. tit', ii only uttering (he nt'itthuentt uf thorc ir.rt!iit. At btlween the ieiclie, i.ftruttieiit .1 muiic h um fin til bed by Mur. N. A. I'erry, C b. Colbtirn inul C. I'. J.iiif", 1 1 deli.'ht of nil. At the eunciu 1 in of the MHt'i h-iiinlt'nx, there w.m unotlier very inipniiitnt and none the lers plea ant feature uwulung the croud tit the ,-t Helena hotel ut widclt luce the ubmmii bl ige ut mice repuirvd.' Here the crowd nil iflled lo;tt titer a omid the ft' live board, where ia h one fel ihut they cntihl do juie I leu to to "ttoliH whether lb. jr did to the ncea Ion or u t. 'I he table- lalrly gto neu under the r burden of good IhiLgi, untl a more lioo biintured crowd wtw nt v. r need in H.. IIcli'iH than ' re there g,. thered in ri clul clint, tin I ut the mime time not (i.rg'l tii g tin i duly to b i t a ul bu ten In at teuiii Iiik 1 1 not allow uiivthiiu wafted. At j the h.'ud of the la'ile nt Ji,il;u If o e. u .d '' ' 11 '"'I'l'kr "" w bve n.rer I ilvn- pwi K'b'g "a- ' ""!" 01 " l-r'i. so wb win he mime of tlioie only front abroad : Men atur Tongue anil Attorney ISurn It, of llillx boro. tr. A V. Moore a nl wife, of Kteit Porthtili'. Jinlgi' Mnreluuil, of I'urt'on.l, N. A. Perry u.ul wb'e, t'a t. A. IIt'iiileron and wife, A. II. l it le mid wife untl niollier.Hii.l Mr I.. Mit'ker. of IT. .tilt n , Mr. ltnui and bttly, of Ka iiinu. Judge lllaiiclmrd.of Kiiin ier. Lt.tUr of regret were reecivetl from II hi. S. II. llu-ton. of MiH.ide, of Oreiton City, and W. II. ( on yen. of t.'liii-kiink'. After aupper the banquelcni re'iimett to the bad an I eng'iKud ill soo al converMiU.n fur Mime lime, wiieit the (lour win cltarcd and dancing coiuiitn.i'il by fie yi.tinit peii ple, whicii la-led fo.- tt couplt nf hoiira.a.'a'r wi.i -It crowd dnperat'd ull feeli nr that ih.ii-tlVorte ha I been npprei l.ted by Judge Mo ire a id fa oily, an I that tne t.'.t.- of M. Helfti-liu I p.di honor lo whom honor was ttUt!, BCAPI'OOSB. Editor Mist: Vour rejuiar evnuqiond nl for tjca:iioose, having la led to reir.te toy ittrrua It n the li ippei I gi d this tin iihiiuI v titiietburg, "It.i.-tl.uj" nid venture a word or two. Of course is not necessary to say fiat the w. ot.ier ha biun lit.t, e, veiy hot; and wib probably be hott er If no cooler wtaloi r gets here lirsl, mid ul-o that the gai-dcn are growing liui ly . and that hiiylog is un der way in good shape, and tout tbe rivtr ih tailing quite fat anddaio nit Bare Itapt y 1 1 cotiseqiiiiice thereof, etc., etc. The crop of fruit nf all kinds la Viry fact iiiitny g.tA orchards are bare of fruit altogt liter. Fruit-farmers in Oregon wl'l piea-e lake down tlie 'big red apple" stun so much talked about on "Ore g nt on Wheels." Miss Miud llender.tnn l coniplell tg a four-in unlit term of school in tliurict 1). Miis 1) mcr has tini-hi'd a three inunth tt-rni of school l.i tilstnct No. -It. Hev. Htituii preachea here evei y alternate tin i ii l.i y. Hit oth.-rupi oi itment i J:uinit.r. The strawberiy and nretim supper al the ebuich last week marly (At tj the Unties' Aid Society. Watts A Price now occupy tlie large new storebullilln ou the corner of iSiure an I lta Iiotid strttt, and tind bu.-lness .m.nov- it , sUttjUy. E. II. I.vncli has mirohused Iheold ttore uuoinguf V.iit& Price nd t at lilted it fur a j unj j, KUUlg j,,, iuw,. The M.-Kity grtml pit is luing operulcd by tho ra ir. a 1 company. About IM ear loads uf gravel per day are hauled to Guild Ltike, Portland, for lining. The ptoiile of Scappoo will celebrateV l... l.'..,tl . M-it. t a Kii.l:..! Illllidl unit 1 bitrliejiie, near the school house. In tlie . veiling a gra id ball, under the niana.t uienl of J. M. Joy. w 11 take place in Watts A Prl-e new l ull, .where ten sets can oc cupy the floor at one time. A large turn out is biing prepared lor. ' Charles Sumner has rented the black smith shop of H. K. Shutluck and linds pbnty of work to do A ihief burst In the rear floor of Konkle's sido n ln-t week, but the tli-cliurge of a shotgun lu the bands uf the night watch man, bud a wonderful cIT. ct on the spttd iiigqutilitieso. thedepa ting burglar. Ar.iistrong's b.lck yard 1 working iu full blttd und a huge lot ol good btick will soon bo ready for .he market . II. Schmiko I' ereett ig a large residence on 1.1 tea, farm. barge tin tutitle of ca-p are found on the nverlluw lauds aijuintt g the river, and dab .miicii tire Itanu. lest they will tut all tbegr.iss, no they say. A number of Iji-appoose people are tube found on tiie nberill's uv.Vuitl eiiH nt of lie linqtiiiit tax nyers.,, Tl.l looks bad for uur pro'perou niUh 'Orhoud. Wake up, jieo pie, and pay your taxe before it Is too bite. About t'lei-tiun. we, I. o. St-appoosc, had but one ctuditlate on the ticket, and lie v as defetiled To sn.v that we are imlig II mt is toi tame We ure simply retil mail about .t, and 8cappooe w.ll be heurd from iwo yeur h. ncv). Iiusticus. Hucklen'a Ai Maivn. The Best Sulvo la the world for Cuts, Uralses, Isores. Ulcers, Bull Khetint, Fevtr Seres, Tetter, Vaain - d Uauds, Chi l.hUos, Corn and all rtklo i., n la atiarsnteetl to live perfect Mill- ottau. ornioney refunded, I'rtce- ceuU per b(M, fur eat Bv tldwla Bom, A HIKXOCtt CTIIMIC. lilttle Mamie Walah Mnrdored at W II waakle, Oregon. On Wediierday afternoon ot butt week, Minnie YViil-li, a chil l of 14 year of age living at MI waiikle, about live iiiUc above I'or.biud. wviitnul In reiirch of blackber rii'H. Whin n glil ea no on her iion-arrivai ol boiee tnu-id conitlerablu uui ainc, uiul ii earcli wu at once eouineu' el foi her. I l.l.i wu kept up n. arly all nllit ami rctiiuiied again eur'y next .iioin'tu. A It'.iglli the body n f .mi l covered np with oiue bark and weed about a quarter of a tille from bur home. Kur.ber invertl.-a lion revealed tliu fuel tlu.t Hie child bad been outraged and arterwar tii murderetl. Ditten nt purti, of the body bowed mark .f violin e and ubout tbe faee and lit c the e n n number o euta Hi.dbrniwr. At I thia atarldi.g dlHeovtry the whole con. iiiut.ity became wild with excl ement. A con ner wuii euniiin ni'd anil un I iquet held , but lb invealigiit nii fulled to pro duce any clue to the villain, while tniic ion rented lieavily upon aeveralp.Ti'ont who bad been iBeii in tl.ittviel lly a little pie vitiim to the rupporrd time of Ibe murder. In the ni un line one or two airet had b en uia le, but no evidence of a llu! uattiru wait nbtut led. On Kilday iilht a m m giving bl' name a Ilm Mullkau, got drunk ut lii.ltboro, and ft arreiitud by marilial Iohniu i. On being tpierti ned in regard to themaJter. he confin ed to the c lino of having kt led Mamie Walrh, an 1 went into detail a tu bow he proceeded ; what he did with her pail and h it; and in every way a very te unliable rtory of tlie murder. Thl-. was teleitrapled to the uuthoiilie at Ore gou City and roi-llantt, eainting grout et citciiteiit. and a rlh of aatUfaeU .n went abrad that the wretch b id been etiughl. Next day when .Sullivan becitnt.! Hober, he denied all knowledge of the Ctbiic. Of of having made a ly eonfetsion. an I fnrtlier naol he ha I n v. r reen tlie girl, or dkl rrt know the bcwelting family where he bail b. en Htopping. lie explained that be m nut on that side of tlm it er mi tlie day of the inurdir, and on hit wuy to C.irmliw he had talked wi Ii diH'ereitl onernul conUI verify bit t by litem. In eai b cue giving their nine-'. He call be a at Cornelia on TkuiKibiy awl rta.1 Ibe ac. t oui.t of the murder in Ibe Orevonian, w hich wits tlte lir-l he knew of it. Howtvir, riulUvun wat taken tu Cbtckatuaij county and bidgetl in jail. Holiday the bucket Ibut Mamie bad been picking blackberries ia was found with! . lea fe t uf the uo-ir uf a mail by the name ul Hafts, v. ho alHO bad been arre ted on wirple on. They ol-o louutl a piece of wire wbieb had lietn attached to tbe bucket, l.i a stuuipeoi.tuiul. g wattr. near by, where the body bad ittidtntly been washed affr lite eritae was Ci.utn.liti tl. 'I hi-, however, tbe ikUllivcn dill uot put nint h fuitli in, a tltere bat! lietn aakple lime for the article to buve bt en p'aced in tbi. jioiiiion in order to fic-ten llie tui.t on Uafea,aa the tendency i emcd to be agtibtrt bbn already. Tnemlity of Hii week George W Iron, of Milwttukie wu urrested charged with hav ing coininitted the ci hue. and brought to Ibe county jail In Portland. He prote-ttd hit it.noeitiee. and a rigid cxa:uina:ion fulled to rtveal any cbte to the murderer. lie per.-i.teil io charging llufes with tbe crime. Real Kataie TranvCcra. Vaind etales to Samuel C Ilnadley sc of sec ill, I 0 u. r ? w, UK) acres ; paU nt. b'nite I M. tes to Ollvtr Aadrfson, lots 1 and 2 si-'4 of lie;4 of sec 5, and awfi of bw!4 ol sec i, t tt n. 1 3 w, lot) acres, patent. Unit, d Mutes lo W M Huberts. s 'A of te 4 . and ot sv. 4 of sec X.', t 7 it, and lot 3 of see . I 6 n. r V w, 120 KMOU acres; $760. b'l.Hiil Mute loN L llerg, sejl of sec 1, I G u, r 6 w, 1GU acres ; l atent. A J Annell to Joseph forth. n!4 of seK ste i3. 1 3 n. r 2 w, 0 t ens; 4800. Ui.itei t t-itcs lo uHiktn l.egault, e4 of uvH and 1, tt 1 and 2 of sec 30, IliurJ w , 147 DO lUO acres; aicnt. M V Jones to I M Cress, K of t- 29. 4 4 n. ti w, 1759. Itellu Foster to Hiram O Works, Und in I fl n r 2 w. I ucre&ioo. Vn id Mates to Ilerlhn M Pnvb. X of H ii and X uf si of sec 7, t 5 n. r 3 136 03-100 acres ; putent. 8 II Kosc to I L and James Smltb. lots 14 anil IA. bit 5 in Hon-add to Vertioni t; fl2. A II Lewi to Duvid Wilcox, tiv'4 of e of see 7 , 1 4 ii, r 4 w, 40 acres; lh0. I'uitetl Mate lof It Hall. X of nw nnd lots 1 nnd 2 of sec 7 t 0 n, r 3 w, 117 ami 61-100 acres ; pulent. Uniied Mutes to Louise Dopp. nwi of sec IT, 1 0 It, r 3 w, li O ac rs : atei.t. it J Itiirnetl toCburtotte High in, nw'4 of .c32. 16 n,rSw,lj0 acres ; l.0J0. Buil el.iini deed. 11 J Burnett to Charlotte Ilighnn, land in sec 13 1 C li, r 3 w, 1 acre flOJ. 8uit-cl.iim deed. ' United States lo Al'cn A Bobinrn, wK of sw ol'secU, t 4 n. r 3 w, and eof e of sec 1, 1 4 ii. r 4 w, 147 and 80 lot) acres ; putent. J S Cloninger to Inger-ioll Stanwood, H kf hit 17. blk 10. and 8 feel from n side of t 18, blk 10, In 1st. Helen: 12,000. Don't forget, lite nxeiiisioti lo Astoria nd ClatHtip Im-hcIi on Sunday next. Fare, rtuind irip, fl.75. ;:: WHYy ROYAL Baking Powder is Best The Royal Baking Powder la absolute ly pure, for I have so found it in many tests mads both for that company and the United States Government. ' I will still further and state that, because of the facil ities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and, for other reasons dependent upon the proper proportions of the same, and the method of its preparation, "the Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the Purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. f "HENRY A. MOTT, Ph.D." Weather and Crop Bulletin! Our weekly report of the condition of the weather arid crop for week end ing June 28. im: , WRHTKKN oltKOnN. Wenther. 'f uemley the 2IIIJ wacool and showery, and from VVeilueHty the icmper utnre lia risen until Sunday and hon my Alien IWdegn ei or more recorded through ml tbi' need m, except on tlie imineill itt ei.ast. Tbi li t iu w.trnier weather ho fin till ytar. 'I he rky ha been t loudlc an., ibe win l have bem CoH.r-.Jrain ban grown un I (ilb'd vctj we. I except in parti of Jim pliinc and .luck on cnuntie where it ha been Imnit. tlo ig the coa t, and in Poii'.diui eounly it id throughout the WUlaiialie tnlley lit mill it doing very w. IJ . though it 1 not m (uod un I it year. 1 be ground i bicoii.l.i; aril , fln.l n'.l vegetation would be b. nililtn y rain. I'.iratoea are doin j v ry will am. ;iromiiie a g aid yield. Itap ami blaekbi r rie lire now ripe, fclruwl-erri-ti a e not it ilentiful n iw a one week ago; they arc go ing out of eiton. Cherries ure ripe, urn: ire of good quality, but not an ate age In inutility. Hop lice are preriit, but art very donna it. and It I hope I llmt tin pre 'ent wum wjuther may dicreiire tin m tliiying It Ining 11 delicti, tbe wta'.her btinj v. ry favorable io tbe operution. The fruit propect!i are no a for quant. ty, I u he quality promica to be ubovu the aver age. ' i.ktkrx rBF.noit. Weather. Hhowem fell on the 22nd and frosttol varying intiaurifie occurred on ib niornin;,' of the Ul-t a Si 22nd in coutt ilea eat and mnilli of the Blue moitnlniur, which injured tines ami tender vegetation to (tome extent. S:m:e the 24lb tbetemper at ire ha betn ri ing until unday and Mon lay when it wai upward of 05 tlegrcr iu almost every Hcclim. 'I he wind h:i lrn from the north und the air it very dry. Crop. Conditions have not improved niv. 'ih re yet i, and tvit likely there will eontimic to be. a gloomy outlook -o the grtiie. croji. In tne central part of Oil littm county, the enstioii onion of L'nnt lilla county, and geeer.illy throtigli Union and Wallowa eonntie-, the grain crop is good, but in the other portion of this cec lion the lund I burnt; fanneia are tli conr uged, and some nill not obt iin even thil seed. The wi atheriscool for corn, but t it tntj warm Wi ather may give it more growth Twenty-foil hour oi gocd rainfall would revive much o' the d .in igcd wheat. Par ley and rye are doing better, a the rye will so hi be ready to cut Strawberries re ripening in lirant and other interior coun ties, where also alfalfa it cut. K1VEKM. The rivere have la-en falling for the r' t'iree days, and all danger ef high naler or higher nater in now pascd. It. P. Paocr, Observer AVeuther Uurtati U-tlNtKU It behooves aoi resptrUent to collect thcl scattered idea, sharticn theu: pem-ils nnd let lite lublic know thai tbe wt ather bji Ikii wiiiiu lately. The tagbj will screech here to tbe extent ot a buski t ici.ic, and other appropLite ex ercise in the beautiful lu tbe i veil ing u grand bull will be cuen. A lilieity pole 10) feit l.i.ib is en tbe grottnl reaoy to be ruisid. Tbu gloli us slurs und snipe und the atriotic Vuiitk with litei-iao.trs will abiuiiU. Our seliuol tlosed two weeks since with a very suc cessful and imercting prugmin in, the evening, 'losuythut touchers aud seb. Urs old. well, but Itebly express tne stn bnems of the anuicu.e. 1 lie entertain ment was an tniiie su ctss Irout begtui.uij to mu and was greut y ttppreil.ted. Piobssor Winsett is teaebbtg liissetond term of singing school hue. Mr Vlancbard l tliiving the piling for tlie new wharf in the lower parlof town. Mr. Il.irtuer i building a neut cottage on hi lot.-. Misses Belle P ry and Lraia Symoa vis ited thtir friend, Anna Quiglty, ut Maygers tbi wtek. . C W. Mayger and son werconourstrect lately. A number of onr citizens enjiyed tbe re cent exclusion to Multnomah Falls, und alo to Astoiii. Rev. M. Statib, ol Seoppose, will hold scr vice her next Sunday. , Mr. and Mr. Dan lie arcs entertained a number of their frien is at a card arty re rent y, where sou e very enjo.ioble gume ot wl.l t and cm-lire were played, a ter which much amust mi nt wa- m-uted by the endeavt r of the comt any to supply a tail to a donkey ,wh ch the otherwise smixisafttl anj t had failed to provide. Mrs. A. L. Oeitit rariied i ff ihc first price for ludb'S. and Win Iluekeye the first prize for gen tle nu n, while Mr. Atklic liruiu and W. K. Foireste secured the booby pi ies. To mid to the enj lymeut of 1'ie o euion an ele gant Ittnciieon was served to which ull did ample justice. The rooms were tustcfuby decorated. The h'gh water 1 aubsl.ling here leaving p'enty of inoquitos. The Suffolk shingle mill has got in a large raft of bolt rtady for a long run. Miles Shrerin, of tbe Boom company, has moved with his family to Kuinier. WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. a HIGH ARM. The only perfect family rn.-u.hine, wtw tiwrtrclc'l tho only grand prize at tlie PurU JixpoHition in I88'J. LARGEST STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. For particular cull on or address tlie ASTOKIA AGEXCY, A.G.SPEXARTII, , Tlie Liirgcft General Jewelry House IX THE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 13681vrarketStreet, S. F., California. EVERDING Cx. riviit aticcu rumaiiMi vi DEAXEH8 IN Guano, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FElVriLIZEU. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. -Also a Fine Line if- GROCERIES AND TROVISIONS NEW STORE. STILL IN I now have on hand one of the Largest Sup plies of - GENERAL MERCHANDISE Found in Columbia County, which I am selling cheap W. J.T5lETZ, RAINIER, - - - OREGON. OUR SPECIAL SALE -OF- (JlllLDKElS tt ULUlllIiMjp Will be continued for a few duya longer. ParetUa, come and be eowvinoed) . Hint litis is a genuine sale. WAY'S UNDERWEAR Still Ooes at $4.50 Per Suit. Retailed at Other Store io tbe City at I7.5CI ,' Per' Suit..'. ' ... ' " FAMOUS King Clothiers of the Northwest Ulne Corner. Klorviaau and Second Street. Portland. F. R. CHOWN, HARDWARE - S T O 212 First and 9 Salmon Street. Farmers INSURANCE COMPANY, Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - . - - 8500,000 SECURED CAPITAL, - PAID CAPITAL, - - FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted For particulars npi'ly at tlie oflice of Moore A Cole, or Tu Muvr office. . Tiru. I'nttei Stotn Lund Olltce, Oregon City, Orcson. May 2o, IW!., COMPLAINT hnvini bon eitle. vl at this o.'tico by Cliirlt Allurt unin.t lrnet J. U. il'tsivHiiiim for uliititiiuiiiiit;. never nimle rtrl-lU-ui e or ant Iniiinive.nent on Haiti tract prior in Muri'n 2'.',' Wi his homt--te:rt t'tit.y .No. Will, ilitie I iici-omhor -j'i, IrtNt. upon tlie north W of tw 1-4 untl tttvnth of uv x,.Aecitoa 'J'.Motvn.i:ip ' north, run..t i wot, In Coliiinhltt otintv. O.e vnn.wlihu view to the rmii'ell.itlon of i.Hfd ontrv, the Mtltt imrtiot lire hereby Hiinintont-ft to tM-vr ut Clulskunic, Oi pgnii. tsforti V II. Cnn-tei-s. notary pllbu,, on tlte .'int luy of July, lsyj. at ltlo'Vloek A, l , to responl und furnish te.tlmony conrernlnir mill allnteil alaniloii ment. Ami on the ic.iliinfiny then nitlnuttte I a 1-eiiriiiK will he bud at thl oflu e on th i-'iiid day ol Atutti.t. 15, t 10 o'clock A. M. i. T. AITKUSON, ltett nor. JSJ rETlilt I'AQVET, Keceiver, & FARRELL, D4lill n NEW GOODS. THE LEAD! AND - VE S PORTLAND and Merchants' - - - 247,500 - - - - 74,250 Cnlled State" Laud O".', Orejron City. Or con . Muj-2. ikuj. (tOMTTjAlNT havlnir Been itrrL.,i. thl i i.Rlcabr Anton Karowakia Mtatii.t ick llnUtuK tor ubantloiitnK lor mow thunMiv tiionthji prior to t'eceniber 15, IM.1, 111 homw Kteuit entry No. 'i. dated Dixeinlmr , law, iinon tlm wet i of Be ti, atmth H of w i, tmf lion 'JO, iiiwnahipa nortu. ran treat. In Co--l.imbla comity. Oreaou. with a view lo theean. celliittott of until entry, the said nartie. ate here, hy i ntatiinnd loaiijienrat bt. tlelena, (iretton. ttvfore theroituly clerk on the T-'ad day of July, IKit'i at Mo'clock A M., to roapond aud fnrnialt tentlmoity couccrnlnir aald allet-'ed abandon. , nienl. And on the tc lliuouy tlmn nubmiiuvl a heariug will b had ut tblt otlice on Aufitot J. T. APPERSON, RfBlater. jSJ PETtlll PifiUKT, Bectii-or.