The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 01, 1892, Image 2

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hiiitnCUll'lluN. 1.J0 I'EU YEAR.
8t., Jin.V 1, lml
An hnn b.-en it foregone roirrltisioii
for oine time, Grover Clevr l.iml was
tiomiimled hy tlw democratic! niilinnitl
r-miveniiim ii CWrnftu t ib week, 'l
Dint off th first Wkrt. This wnsiIunH,
lottvitllSlHIliling Hint Xc York's solid
ilcli'KHli"'! stOol firm Ail J liiltor against
him from the ouUe", casting their en
lirw strengili for Senator Hill. The
tniiniimtbJu of a man fur three file.
n-Hdtvc time for the priesiileiiej is tin-ln-exleuletl
in the history of this
pmnilrt, awl ibitt, too. after hi had
npetily drdiireil nfterth first nomina
tiiiil that the limit nlioulJ be one term
Jr Cleveland to Parry Sow York
tiite iwms an impossibility. At ihi
tinitt Tammany whI Senator Hill,
friend's Cannot bo reeme"iretl in lit
fiiviir. The injustice ibme tlirni in
Jditcliijj their most avowed enemy on
the ticket will on'y iiierens.
their hatred for the man ami end !
hi defeat, re t only in ilia slut u!
Xew York, but in several other aialt
which are refy close. While Ne
York democrat may not make an
pen fight against the ticket, yet, hy
Their non-stipport in an active and ag
gressive way, the stale wilt l surely
republican in Xiiventber by a very
large majortly It is possible Ui make
n man nick, but you can't force him lo
wallow siiidi large pill as Cleveland
A$ (or the nominee lor vice ires-
flent, Mr. Stevenson, of Illinois, is :
nmn not widely knnn and Una fact
may add strength lo the ticket. He
erred one term in congrsrss from thai
atate, and was appointed sflvoinl ac
tMrrt postmaster general under Cleve
find's administration. . Ot his record
in this capacity, there is nothing to be
Hid, but it is claimed thai during the
-late civil war he was "on t e fence,"
or probably leaned toward the S.un!t.
The action of tire convention was a
fatal blunder throughout.
If the delinquent taxes advertised
in Thc Mist were paid, Colmohia
County wou!d uot have to fli.,t ciiii y
Warrants and pay interert upon thviu.
On the contraiy it would have it stu
plus for public improvement. It is
nwt right for one man to pay taxes
and another not. It is unjust. All
prorty should bear its proportion of
taxation. Some complaint liaa roiue
to our knowledge about the delinquent
list being atlvertig.d for Bale, Baying
that it was not right. Then why
ahouitl anyone contribute toward the
maintenance of the government, if not
all? To extort money on one pieve m
property and ihiI ou all, is disci imita
tion. Again there is a certain cl.n-s
tho prefer to see the county carrying
an Indebtedness so that they may
'peculate in county warrants. For
J ears this county has been deprtvi d
of a large amount of taxes because
correct discriplion conlj not be got t
the 1mi(; bat the county has uw i
complete abstract of all laud in tli
ounly, ami taxes can be collected
hereon. All over the state for years
the delinquent list has been published
una the property sold lor tbe taxes
and their Indehtedners decreased.
Most of this land is held by mm-resi
(tents, principally by speculators who
depend upon the growth of the county
to enliance the value of their properly,
The sheriff has taken the proper stepe
ht thw matter, the same only as 1ms
every other county in tbe stale. What
is toe use 01 uaving an asseststir, or
veti a county government at all if the
Work of the officers cannot be carried
out. We believe that all property
should pay its kllotled propoitioii of
current ipensesr and it is the sheriff
duty to see that it doe do it.
ft is (rue that taxes are high, hut if
this delinquent roll had Wen collected
each year the rate would not be so
Jngh as at present.
Tn people's party national conven
tion meets iu Omaha next Monday,
July i, for lite purpose of placing ii,
nomination candidates for president
and vioe lireBideflt. The con vein ion
Wilt be composed of 1776 delegates. Jt
seems probable that since the death of
Colonel L. L. Polk, the next available
man is Judge NV. Q. Oresh.un, of ln
diaa,.for the bead of the ticket. Judge
ireslio4n 4ias boeu in Ihe past a etal
-wart .republican, and in 18S8 mr
among tbe possibilities for the repul
lican nomination. He is no a Me man,
and probably the ationpesl one the
Omaha -coovenlKin cmikl niHiiitiaie.
As foreooiHl 4ace, General Weavtr,
ol IoWw, seems to be the favorite, and
second to him .conies Governor Ten
aoyer, of Oregon.
THB aelectioii by the nntiiHial repute
lioan comtuiteeof VViliiam J. Cani
bell, ae-chakmiiM, was a wipe choi.-e.
tr. Campbell w a young man of energy
and enegrity,.aiKi a life-long repuMi
can. Tle oomiug coinert, under the
direction of -Chatr man Campbell, will
be slraiglrtforward and pure. The
other ofKcere of tiie commiitee are;
Vice-chairman, M. If. De Vouug, of
Culifarnia ; secret ry, Carter, of Mon
tana; treasurer, Cornelius N. Blis, if
K York; ergeaui-at-arma, F. f..
r.fofilt, of Iowa. .
(From regular corrtsptntient.)
, M' J.ine Hi. Itti'i.
If th tl nn Ci,.l had Mlhinllted the e
lee Ion o" their redikuti I eamhtiate In a
vol.' nl lhi. republicans of thro nuitr.v ttlicre
it iro 'to tbt that Mr Clcvu and Wiaild have
received and overwheluoiof nnjniliy, lor
the ve y simple reiinai that ttnio nut oi
eve y ten repuhlieain exniSMer Id n the sa1".
ie-1 man in tha dem x rath party to bent
It i n t tlierufnrc Mlrpr'llijJ lhat bi no iii
nii.t n l y tlio t'hii ajrn nlmul.t uav been r
eoive l hy the repu'ilioalis with (Ite livelbsl
satisfactiim n I irreitet crtthtt'iasm.
Aidv from the few dentic at who In h.
oflli-e it'.der him. whieh the blin lly and
nbhciut reason ln towel aaltt, his nmn
iirition vvni like a M bUnket t i hU party :
they kuo.v t iat tliH eonvention noiuinatei.
huu, lint because he ai eoimi.lertd t it
tronueHt nmn, but -imply biCiun' j lou
nnl biekeritijri in the parte male him th
inly n. ait ihiu w.iuiii the dil nt h c ad.
jnit. Tb.-y know n'.io and win. of hen
lo not he-itate t ay mi, th t he i'oom
todehai; that he citinot cair: a mik
I niMfnl xiate, nn I that he nN a go
.h nice to hio-re sovent! of t m sunt eri
t.ite Ik-cs ise t ie men wbo 1 ok a.'u r t'n
t-ou. tiitg of tlie rotes in tha; lo.n by, bar.
oi etirt to re! bi n i.i the While Uoiim
t ain.
Stnator Hill wt I n-1 aieahnndto hel.
kv In a bi Nw York unlew bii luim.
jiiUrt!tt" a jjirat chan.i': lit; l reporUn.
in have .imkti in Mih.ttsnee, a foil w., t
l ft.ntb mi i tr ej Ui Kvt hi ii t carr
I ,( a BU- for C evelund : "lio you take nu
r a tool; no p wer on t a.-th ran curry
Sew York for t b r lund. Bi-en if I slimil i
put forth my be-t ett'ortf for On I should
be characil with bttnit rusponsible for hi-
.lefat; as I a-ii lt(M. As I am to be
b amcd anyway, I prefer to be blanked for
oi ig notbiiiR. Tbe drleyarcs In the con
vention nominated Id ii Willi UiPlr eves
AhJeoin; now b t t.:em eltct him. if tluy
an." ,
ti h ral Horace Porter, of Sew 'York.
wh ise name bad betku cotnieeted with the
ebai manship of the rei'iibliean rational
c iniinitlee. catne nver here tl.ix week lo
tell the refc;ei t that private bu-l.ies-ene.ig'
nn nt were such liiat it would be
1'iip'jwl le for htm t" bei-otiie ehairman if
tbe i.s.i, c- n.n.Itr, e, lis ui..-eied to
t ie re-blei t tint the eo, er man for tin
Ksnion, i; . be in hired to a( ee.t.
and he tl on.hl he conal, wat Chancy I.
Ueiew. This susotioii c Oenerul Porter's
ti taken to nieiirt Ihiit he knows t! at Mr.
DeH W wi.l not bceotne seercta'y of tate
Mr. JJce.v l.a-i ha 1 li:lle i;n.n e in Hie
actual bur et -btirh y of r.i tieal pnbtiM,
but bit work at Minne.i; otix leareiKid inbt
of hte Ui ij; u V qua i ie.i to b t o ne ebbs
executive o'l ccr of the national cani si0'-i.
Tnewlee tin of el aii in n t ruceeid iJr
0 a ks. n will bo by Ih.- n tiomi! roni
n tt -e at its mj.t.iij here t lis Week, bin it
w I, i i r abir be ma le by the t re i. n ut. us
"he comiiii ;ee al vays vole for tbe chair
ma-i M-!tc;ed I y ihe p:e.i leiitial ca iii..ate.
L .n J Clin in .-oioner tarter, of Muntjna.
i favorably th .iiKbt 0'.
A few days siui,-e Judge Deatty, of
ihe L'niied Slates Dii-iiiet Court at
Koine, Idaho, rendered a deek-inn.
which is of much interest to the settler
ml timber land. Tile jn.l -e instrueted
;he grmvl jury that a qimlilied settler
in good f.iiih uhn public land had a
rijjht t clear his laiitl of timber ami
.el the s ii r pi in not actually needed
for the iniprovi tneiit. of (lie land, in-
eludiirf fence:, biiihlings and otlnt
iniprovrmeuis. The question pro
pounded by ihe grand jury involved
the authority ..f nin h seiiler tndipir
o his Pilrtilus IihiIht oiiUide of t' e
j-Uite In re cut, to wbii h ihe court re-
NlHled that sik-Ii heitler could sell
Mich limber in Ihe bawl and most
avai'ahle manner without any restric
tion wh never. This same question,
the four slated, has already been in
idenlally ib eidi-d in two other cafes
doling i he past term of court. The
grand jury had uiidt-r iiiveetig-dinu charges ot criminal tii.iber
trespass in the vicinity of Lake Coeur
d'Aleii'', and it is understood thequee"
lion proppunded aud the iuslructioii
given applie.1 to th" iri!es.
School Keport.
Tlie fnl owii g it a npoit of the Apiary
school, distil t So. -'is, of Coin in ia county,
Oregon, for tbe month eir.lMM June 27, l.sf;
Mumlier of nays taught, 19; pu i eu
ro bd, 2 ': t tal numbjr of ila.-satteudan e,
VM; t tul nnmbe' of (lnysa isein e, 14; aver
age daily at'e idan e,17. Thosen.l htr all-
sent nor lardy weie: Jennie Otimile. Al
beit Ki.b... Nettie I indni v. Virii : I'rlc lard.
M egie K'lby, Curric" Kiiby, Alice Ki by,
Matti.- K.lbr.
I'e feet la deportment were: Myrtle,
Dorsey. Cbar'le G:itid'e. Jennie Ori'nlle.
linbbie o'rindle, lua lii her, Nettie Li .d-
say. Virine ' nei.a d. A ice Kiiby. .M let-ie Num'ier of vi It r. 3.
''alikb L. Kt-e, Ttacher.
It ksm .he Cliildren.
Mr. C. II. Shawn, V. lUvillH, Km.,
siijs; "It is with pl-asure trot Ii. t-ak
f ill g i Oil illlberlnlnV Colic, C mi
era and Di.iriiio3 i Reiuedy lias iluiii
my f.itiiili ilinion the 1 iM f mm en
yi'itrs. In the III St nb.-llnale cases of
summer com, l int an I ( iari bu;
allium: my 1 1 1 1 Ir.-n, it acted us i
cfaarni, making it never to
c .11 a physician. I can trii lifully -ay
iliat in my jitdiiieul, Inseil on years
f ejtperb'iico, ili-re is not a mejiciie
in ihe. noirket ihat i- its For
si.le by Edwin dnnisi.
Ri uieinlier tliMt you can jjet receipt
hooks at ibis i llice fur 50 cents each.
I'tt il s for siile at th MfbT office
t B0 cents each.
tTsed ia Millioas cf Homes
Kit UAlilwiN-llKuUI.K -At die re i.
Uilic of the Ini le'.' parent", mar til.hoii.
tin Mindav. J illicit!, Mr. I. A'. Klehn i
sou anu Mi'K Anni lleeule, liiY. lUan
rliamp oiln 1 .tiiitf.
The evremony was iH-rformed III nn lm
preivc man icr, i i ihe pro.ten 't of a f.v
mar neighbor mi l tnviied Riicts at
t -r wbb li ennratuhitloiDiiind a general rv
p't we e the otiKt of ihe i!y. 'I hetliwly
married cuitpti were tbe reel, lent of many
nice pre a its. M and Mr-, ltii'liaidnin
t Mk the ereniiiK tiaiu for Portland earry
nith tbein tbe ln wldies of all pres-i-nti
to which Tn Mlvr takes pleasure in
aild'ns ihe bv.n rveNrd.t of the ty.
i i wbl h thoy Imec ri.t led, and its own
'ti aitfelt ni-hes fur their future prospiTliy
vnl happl.tcf.
.4 Kw avtMd ! taaurooee.
For tweuiy-five cont you can inaure
voiiix-lf and family aviatust any ban
esiilis from an attack of bom ) coin,
l.iint ilurinjt i; e snmnier. One ot
wo die-es nf Cliamb.'rlaiii's Colic,
'.'holera and liariht lieinedy mil
nn-any ordinary ea-e. It never fails
nnl ix plea-ant and safrto lake. No
family i alTord to Ik witlmirt tt. Koi
i.le al 21 mil 10 cents per bottle b
Ediii 1W, driigK't.
Siowr Try this.
It w ill cost you until ii;- an I will snrely
lo you i-nod, if yon hare a eolith, cold, or
any ti-onble w th tliro it, ehet or lumr. Ir
SCiiiie" Sew l)icovtry for coiifinpiloii.
coughs and euld- i Kiiaraittt e.i fo give re
li. f, i-r money wi t be paid back. Sutrerers
from La Grippe found it iu-t the th'nur and
under it use bad a sjieetly ami perfect re
covery. Try a Namnle Ixittle at i ur ex
pensr and h a-n for yourstf. Jmt how Rood
atl hiili-. Tiial bt ths free at Ktiwin
Kos' drug iore. l arge sise flo- and tt.
QU. V. C. BELT, H. V.,
Buinir, Orfjron.
The Watcbmaker and Jewehr,
ton vora
I he Finest a'sor:niei,t of Watches. Clocks,
a id Jewelry of all description.
Opposite the Iv'tn at I, Portia' d Orceon.
Hart & Sweetland,
St. Helens Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Meats, Failsafe, Fish
md n g. tables
Meats ly wholesale at special rates.
Exp ess wmron run to all parts of town.
and charges reasonable.
One Price Cash Store.
Geieral Merchandise,
Ladies' Fine Shoes
SpIenlM Yoang N:nnan Horse
Will make the ea-on of 1802
u follows:
Monday anrl Tuesday at R. COX'S
place, Yt arreii.
Weilnesilay anil Ti:nrslay at GEO
JAyrJEsj', Goble.
Re.l irf the week at C. ML'CKLE'S
rain h. Deer I-l.iml.
IXSUH.tXCIL 115.00
TK.Mi'KsT.alxaiili'uli!ark iron gray
10 bands hich; ix year ol.i; wei;ox i
poim Is, with line sti I , (piiek inorelueni.
an I s ( omi ti none ill innx-nl ir ower ainj
uuialiil ty.
11- wa- ired by Vounn Ryron Kier; le.
Olil Hy oil Kier'. 1 u ted 'and o.meil ty
tthitfiuii' t r, Ktuti, Iowa. daiii
a. i nl by Old Tviiijwst, h Norman bo.-st,
own d lv I. !)oBn. town.
Said ?am!li si uated on the St. Ileleio
roau, a oiit 1 miles miitl.tasi of (ileii-in
Wasliiin.tuii conntv, Ortg n. Maidiiner;
in ja-rfict rum i 'g o-ie -; I- nginc i 43 hors't
ixmtr, ten i y :wei,ty; u aiereo inches it
diameter and 11 eel long; N' v head b'ockr
(Kiti hit I ; .M-o sawdii t carrier: Lime I I
ofiedar now on ban I .or sale. Term
ma ie known on ap lientlon to ti e under
sin-d. Would exei ange for city or nu
proved fa m protieitv.
if IL-boro, Oti'ifon.
40 Years the Standard
J, George, I'ropricfotv
Fiibhn alwats mipti'h tl wi b tbr bust edibles
aim dclleue.e the market atlords.
II ivlng been new'y refiirntdied. we
are prepared tt k'vv satisfaction to nil
mil patrons and olle t a shnrs ot your
o " l
SltPiifl'tt Sale.
County of OViumbia.f '
Hvvhriieuf an execution mid order nf
a'e' iMHil out of Ihe I IrenU fonrt o' ilu
iate o( Oi-ifjon, for lliart'tiuniy of (' bun
1 1, to me dinod, in lavor of AuK'i t
Kevser and aealn t Martin l. Kaupi , for
tlie' stim of 9!l! M ilnllar.t jiiditmrnt,
inn rest at ihe rate o ler cent p'r year
from thrf Kith day of Mv. WW, and the
lurlher sum of $.') !I0 doliart cost tind ac, c aiiiiininlli-i; lee toim-ke sab
ot the followimrtlcse Ibed red pMperty,
to-it: The ..oiithwest V of etion !W,
tmvnthip .s mirth, ranire 8 went of the Wil
lauette Meridian, touvtlnr with tiistitie-
i'iiil. Iiuriulifioii, nl. u.nii nKiairliliillcil
thereunto la ionuim; or in am wise aiiix r-!
tniaimt; all Ihiii( .ininted in iritfnmi i
tViuuty, Ijlate of Oregon. I duty I. vied
..n sai l premise on I be 17th dny nf June,
.Now. In ) nrsuanro nf snid eeintion. I
will . on tbe Srd dnv of July. Is'n.. al ihe
hour of ID o'clock A. M ,, at the Conn
iion-e door, in said eouiiiv ami tate. sell
at nub le ancion, all tbe ri);lil. tide, i luim
and interest in and In the aMive.iiescr.led
rei I pi'rt" it'' oi Mi.rdu P. Kntinn, to ihe
bieks t iddiler lber for, for c isli to saiiMV
akl exeeniiou, mu ret and co-tt
J2tj22 Sheriff of CoIiindi a Cmn.fy, Or,
Sheriff: Stilo.
Conrtty of Cuii tnbia.i '
l?r virtue of nn evcetitlon and order of
sale issued nut of the Circuit Court of ihe
Mate of Oregon . for the Conutv ot Coliini
bi i , to me irireeted. it favor of Uenel Niin.
a d apiin-t C. K. L renwortii nnd Kate M.
Lerrnworih. for the sum of I,7.mii dollars
uilgnient. with inleresi ntihe rate of s per
ivm . e-year, from the 17th dav of Mav,
lairi. and'llK' lurther sum of 1'i.V.M dollars
costs and ai rnjfi g tr 'St, conm aiiditm me
u inaKe sab- of t followiinMlescii-ieil
real irop. r.y. tor it: The nor Ii Vi o!
sou beast V. und sou I tin est ij ..t s'lUlhta-t
,j' anil n it least somimest If .eetion
VI tnwnbi, 7 noiib, ro (t I uvsi, nn l
northwest !4 sieliini 12. loni-Mi "norili,
runire 4 West, sod soaihtn f (,, serilon a.
tounabip uoitli, ranm-.'l west of the Wil
lamette MuHian, together with the tene
ineot'. hei ioit.iiiients and anpuru-nance
tberinnto lH-'onaiiig or in nnyi-e ap-r-taioius;
all IhIii,- tunned in Columbia
County, State (if Oregon, t dllli hvietl
Ubii ..aid pnihi-es on Ihe ISlhtiayof June.
Sow . In pursuance of Mid execution, 1
will, on the iitli day of Julv, ls-r.', at the
hour of 1 i o'clock a". M .attiiet'oin t llon
ib or i i saiil enunty ami state. ei: at public
ate tion. all Iheiiidn. lit le. claim nn i inter
est in aiiil to tiieaiHive-deacribrd red pr p--rty
of t.-. K. lavrnwoitti and Kate M.
Levi nwortb. to the liiuh st bidder t erefor,
lor cadi to sutiiy sad execn'ion. inturst
ntt eo.ts. W. A. MKkKKlt.
j'JIj'if Isherifl of Cu.u iibiu County, Or.
Itvtice a' Final Krtilemem.
In the C -unty Court of the ?t.iteuf Oregon.
for Coluinbia County,
In tbe matter of the eslate of Klccta K.
Oirty. diseased.
On reading and filing the final secnunt
ind iHiiiioii of Kngeue If t;iriy. adiuiois
t'alnroi the "Stale of Kb eta K. tiirfv. di
cta ed, a n) prav inj for an order of ili-t i-
niiihir. id tlie residue of ssile rm ne
tlie Hrsoi set tied, it t- oideied that si
persons i t.'rtsted i i Ihe esiaie of aai
f.Us-ia I-.,, dec acd. lie and npiuar
Oelore tlie l.oiiniy eon I of tlie t oinitv ot
oluuihia .sfile of Oregon, at Ihe cair
room of .aid isin-t Pi m . Ite eiw, in rant
ouiiir an I state on rintu-Oav the aot'i i!av
of J u y, lr, at 10 o'clock a. in., and ibn.
and there 1 1 show caue w hy said S'Couii
sboul I not la- eltlel as .re-ei.t. d. aim
wny an r,rer or ilisirihuti m i-houbl n it tn
i a ic ot the residue of sahl e-iate nni'm.
the h.-lrs of si I ilen ae. accur.liiij 1 1 law.
It is fnrt ht ottered that a eopv of ilii
order lie publ sh d at lea t once a w ek to
four sticee-sire weiis before tlie haid .'toil
dav of July. liM. iu the Ohkih.s Mi-t. ii
news) ht f eeiie'nl ' ireulaiion piinied
him nunirsiieii i i saiil conn r a-nt state.
tUpi n. 3. fSWiTZKH. l ountyjulge.
Notice of final helilemeiit.
fn tbe County Court of the State of Oregon,
ur oiinuri a o nuy
In the matter of the estate of Henry fiirtv
n reading and filing the final aec nin
i d petition for disirrbii Ion of Kuguiel:
dirty, ad ninisttator of the estate of l!e'nr
fliriv. deceased, nnd playing for an onle'
of d( tribii'ion of ihe re-lduem said e-tut
among the r-ons eiittiled, it is omit..
that adjiersons iuti re ted in tlie estate o
Ihnry Oi ty, dectaed. he and up. ear he
fofe the Coiniiy conn of the County of Co
I'linb a. Mt ,t of Oregon, si the eourtrism
rf said eoiiri, i 1 t. ilelens. in sum
a- d stale, oil 8at:irdiiv, tlie :)th day ii
July KH, at 10 o'clock a. in of thatoay
and then and there to show cause why suii
aeiou t sbnHlil not beseit'ed as presented
and why un order f djstiihmion sboul
in t lie inane the ie i lue of said i sla
among i ie heirs of snid deeeiised iicuonl n,
tola. Iti fiirhi-r nnered that a cop be published at least nin e
.vek f t four successive weeks i efore snii
't !th day oi July, ls3. in the O'ikijoji lisi
i newo'inwrof gen-ial circu'ati m. prime.
urn nub:idie.i in sai I eo mtv an 1 sraie.
j-2ljU U. J. 8 .t'lTZKK, County Judge.
JF5 Li.
A new siej eomplets ire lue..., i,.iitng n
iiippositj-f'is, Oii.iinent. iu CaiKiiles, ul o I;
Jojc unit I'llls: a lenitive Cure lur K-xteriml, In
ermil, l-.lin I mut hlee.ilnj, Jichiiig. 1 hriinli
eieat or Ifeiediluiy files, and many otliei
isene sua leuiHle It Is always,
rem lieneilt to the Eciierd hpsl.h. The lira
Inwove t of a me llesTrure. rea ie.lmsn oiisrs
ion with tne kni.e iniiieien.ary harvafter. Ihl
S.iienv h;i ne, er Ukii loioni to (nil. II c
aox. for: sent by mail. Whysiiller from thi
eirlhie ili-ouse when s wrltien s m-turfo Ir
ivmi wit'a S boxe.i. oireftuiJ die umnev- if in,
lire I. Semi -t for Iree Siirni.le. (iuiirimlei
smie-lby Waii,Aso, ruRKr. A Co., Wli.,h?.ul.
.nd Uetsil OruKKlats.hoie.VKetits, i'irllnn.l,(ii.
Tha Cols jreted French Gere,
tor'ireauv form
r. '. 'uTi'oiii diM-ii J
ori,u uiMJiufcrof
tha g?aeiativor-
guaKOl siuioraejt,
V, hither sri.Iut''
ntrnnF ureoi M.imni!it. aFTr-i
uwtr, W'K.;of "Jn-fci. teor uirdoKn l-alnilnii
aek.Scnj!nnl Wenknisi., i: jtci !a. Sn mu Yt
. . . . 1 i.oiifc i corrhfia. 1) z
ir law. feet )r um I on meeirt n' n-lce"
'. ery ti. .0 orVr rs-eltwl. 1-1 rr'-. nr t'ie moiu-r Ii
i I'ermnieiit e--e I. not ;'r?rii. w ha s
-.oii'snilnol tivtlmmitir'd sml yoei a
f bot.i exos,rhol -ii born vor-anntly enr s,
y tlienseof AiUrodltlaa. t.'irenjeriree. iddrei
Vcitru iJrsuc'.i. liax 37. fosri i 'a
For al by KDWIN BOSS, Dblooiht,
Ht. Ilelonr, Vr,
or mnne
7 JJ&W
i f W
Ivlf Li ilii isr "Ei iR
Off II
Cr yi u to lind lbs mst ilc-iialle plara to
purchase vonr lnvti("riitiir.
JL A a. .aw OililtttUAlJi.
Keeps constimtly oil hand the fiiu.ou
Cuban Blossom Cigars
The finest line of (lies' I ionors an
Cigars to I e found ihisside of Port
Isml. And if eti ni-h to
engage in a Kuie of
They can a-mi-e you Dial tber have tin
ln-st' labbi iu low ii. Kveryil ing mw am:
neat, and your pairuiuigc i re pulfu 1
soliii ed.
lit IKlills. Oregon.
Model Saloon;
J. S. CLOMXGEif, I'rop'r.
Chcice Wines.
LiOuOrs anil Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
BiHard and Pool TaLls
for tha )-Ie8ominoflaf.ion of Patroni
the mi tnitt
Is now leaking regular round
ti ips from
Daily Except Wednesdays,
f.MVixo OAK POINT , 4:40 A. M
" Ki'KI I. A :( '
" KAI.MKH. ... ; tl:IS , "
' KAI, M A .7:i "
" Ml'. IIKLKM S:nn "
Bivisul0iai..SD.. .11:00
'.evf POP IIASD t :fH P. M
tuaivr. iSTKM.A .7; "
125aere. parlly huproteiiljontrix nille
roni M:st. a Sebidein ilvi r. iibmit finer
otioin land aiaal ho ise, Inrn, Ijeaiingor
:, aru of 10J trets. A( ly to
l. 0. f'KAUHOS,
Kishhawk. Or. JIO In
lilted Btnten tond 031eo, Oreuon City, Oregon
May ii, IM,
lOMI'LAIST hsvliin been snle.ed st Ihl
ilitre hy Ulllhnii J. Mci'imalu iiKihi.
unic. K. Niilun lor iibiiinhniliitf una filli
ng to imikc settle. iicm, impioi'siiisiit
ir ciiliivutiun on ths Itimi prfur I
ebriitiry iu iO'j, til. Iiomesipjiii eiitr
. 70 ibiie.l July IS, Isut, iihhi Ihe I its I. i,
liiiI 4. .eel Inn 2. Iiiuiisliln;innith, rsnifs Kwe'l.
11 riitiiiithls eniiniy. uri'tfoii, wfih a i ie A' tn Ilu
sni-e Mthili a, shIiI entrv. Ihs hsid eurl es sr.
.e eby siit,iitii-tie-l toui, enrut HI. UmIimi., ir
nil. iw'nre thi-i uiiiiiv i-liiik on the 2inrt lav in
inly, IsW. al in rloek A. to rensinit ion:
ariimli tesiimniiv eoni-ernlii .sld ulleifeu
Imtiiioiimeiil. And on ths lestlinonv then sub
-diicsl a henrlng hIIIIsi hurl nt this oltiea on
211a or Aliens', is-ja, m 111 . 1'iock . m.
J.T. At'l-KUhON. Itenimer.
I J I'E'l'KIt l'.V((t'BT, Receiver.
Aetice ol t'inul SriiuiiK nl.
In thc C'Mintv fourt of the Ktnteof Oregon
for Coliini! la I oiniiy.
II the nia.ter of tbe estato of AVjlllnm II
'I utile, ileei a'ed.
On ie. ing and lilinfr the final nerount
mil p. liiinn for liuiil si tth lui'iit of .bniiih
iiikh'. ihe siiinii I tiabirof ihe estiilo nl
Will am H, 'I'litrle, ileei a-ed, it I nrderad
Hint nil persons interested In tha estate nf
m iwiiiji. i mill', iieiensfii , m- and nn-
D'Hr he o e the Cm nly I unit of tbelnunty
d Culutubia. tifa'e of Orefion. at tbe Colin
S'smi i.f C url. In M. Ili bnt. In snid
i,,unty and Ktate, on Hatiirdnv, tlie .'Kith
day of July, Is r.', ut 10 o'eluek a. I'mhi ihut
..ay. and ill n and there to show rause ahv
aid aecoiinl shiuild nut be .(tiled ns prii
eiutd and lileil,-anl why I'iiimI settkment
of said esiiile shoidd nol lie ninile,
It Is fin tber ordend that a eopy of Ihl
order lie published al Ii ai once a" week ic
four successive weeks before suM ,eii dnv
of July. I(r2. ii the Oiirnn-r MiHf a news
p'Mii r'of wnviul rircui .tion i.rintrd aud
imblished in ssnl Conniy and Hiaie.
tji li Ji Bwnzifa, County udgo.
)o YraDriD
Scml for
m ENS'.
Everv Suit
Sncc:s5on to Brawiisvilla Kills.
Retail rorc, 140 First street, under the Oilman.
Diamonds, Clocks
V'atte, Jewelerv, and Cpdcd Goods.
Fine "Watch and Jewelrv Ropairing.
Orders from the Country Solicited.
165 First Street. Between Morrison nnd Yamhill. Portland, Or.
-UKAKRIlit la-
General Merchandise,
Produce Taken in Exchange.
It VVUI Pay You to consult Our Prices.
'PUK RKTAIL the noccfHiiry
1 Medium ol Tnwle IjoUvccii tlio MuiiufiUitunir
nnd the Coiixiuner. 1 Lo mibst nrotect the intoivHt
of liii ciiHtonieiH y piircliiining i the lowtt und
nnd lent tiinrketn, mid by Kclling to hia j;iitron
at the Lowest IWible i'necu.
Iti keeping thcac true prineiploB of trade alwiiyn in
view ; often leaven tlioold truck nnd nti ikeN "aeroKH
lots" for JJarguiiiM for hincUfstonierH. His etoolc of
l!fcSGeneral Merchandise
In being enlarged by New GooiIh Every Day.
It l not CfiRTen'ent to mime Ihn many ilifr.Tent artVles kept
on sale, a l e from Iry (l u.ds.l t.liitifr. I idles' Wear Henlleiiien's
Wtar, lb ud Vi ear, toot Wiiu, Hour und F. ed, flro. tr ei iinilt:nn.
ne Oonils, Nulls imii Jliirdwarit, I'rm-kvrr ami OlR-sware, (Irnnitu
V," . 'J'"'"'';. I'nwiler and Hhot, IlaN imU Cups, lloo-a aUiL blii-anr
.'uttnt JIuilli lues, Tol.i t Artiules, tto.
vi'fcits.siissiawssswaayjsiiiistri ' i
34 TO 54.
.VSD ijy.M.KD. IM
STOI 1 15 !
! Boots, Shoes,
Ladies Dress Goods,
Furnishing Goods,