The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 01, 1892, Image 1

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NO. 27.
VOL. 9.
;' -inr- . ..
J. B. BEEGL1C , Manager,
' Nubacrlpllou llalea.
One copy on, 'nr 1,1 advance ,
One oy .1 mouths
Hingis oii')r
.. 75
AdrirllsniaT Hli
ProtraalniiM card, out year
One column on year
IUII I'liltiuin una year
(Quarter ul ii in ii una year h
Una Inch one month .
dim Inch three itimilha
Una Iiii'Ii .In moiillia
, 7ft
, 2
, ft
Local nollcea, lAcenl. per Una fur rl l'f
thin; 10 cents per Hue tor each .ubaeueiii hi-
"Teg". advertlaineut, tt.AO per Inch fur ltrat
Insertion, ami 7ft cent, per Inch Inr each .nbae
ipient insertion, i
Uaauty Olltrara.
Kupt. ol School.
A aaeaaor.. ....... ...
J, J. Kwltaer. Ht. Helen.
, K. K. Quick, Ht. Ilalaiia
Win,, ft. Helen
,., U. W. Cole, HI. Ilalttlia
j, . walla, Heanpooae
U. If. Hoan, Balnlor
A. B. Little, Ifulnlcr
ilrael 8a'iicer, Vermin W
Jit. W. Bann. Maygvra
Meeieir HeMeee.
.., cm Helen. Lodca. Sii. M-Bamilar
communication, first ami 'hlrd Haturda)
.h Minn I li al 7:1(0 r. U. at M'laonl" hal , '""
lug m.nibertii good ateudlng Invited la at-
"mI'mimic -Kalnlor l.odge, No. Sl-Hleled
at 7 ao r. u. at Maoule hall, mar iiiBiicii.rii a
More, Vial ting member. In good .tending In
vited to alt.ud.
Tk. Malta. '
Down river (law!) pIokm l 8:30 a, .
Hlli'lani Mcmlay. Wlly and Friday at
Tha'mall fur Mar.hlanrt. Clal.kanle and I Mtet
leave" U'lluu Monday, Wednesday and Friday
v.'.f:,.,!...! .h ,'i,u a' io a.m.; '"'
Portland at II P.
Travelers' .! Mlver Mm.
.-.anil w. 8HAV-tavoa , Helen.
l,7.irilaui al 11 A. n. Tuesday, Thursday aud
L'."..."irU" ' ii.a...a hi. Helena clai.Unle
M..iay, WrtuaaOay and Fri.layal :00 a, n.
HraNa UAM.A-Uave.Mt Helen, (or Fort
i . .. u tiiuriiiua at 8:H0 I. M.
,,,.. jomirH Ki.i.xi-UaveHt. Helen.
Kt'ltanT al i r. li.. arrlvlm. at t. Helen. at..
81.' Helena, Oregon.
jjB. 1. K. HAI.U
i.u,.l.,.l I'lilunililn ciiulllV, Or,
8r. IIklknh, ... - 'OitKtioK.
Deputy PUlrli Atlomey forColumhU Co.
Ml AS. W
Mayger, Oregon
T. A. Mi'llmoi.
A. S. Pit ,
Oregon City , Oregon . ,
Promt attention given land-omcebualneM.
Bt. Helena, Oregon.
r..,i anevevlnp. town
Comity ueyor.
i;on.ity aurveyu --. . ,
plniiinu, anu cngium-o " - - -done.
J. V. Dhapkb.
W. T. HtlKNKV.
Prcgon City, Oregon.
Twelve veara' experience an KcglUr
..Tlnto. ita llnnd Office beie. recoi
,nend u. In o.ta at.ecWty of n
......Iku-m luBfatrA V.IIH IjHIIII Vlll"''' v
Courts and lnolvlng the
General Laud
Oregon City, Oregon..
( l.ale gent of General lnd "l"r1
H..iiteaU.i.d, I're-eniptton, and JM. nbtr
Land applleatlnna, and other Mnl Otllce
i...V. iw. n lice, aeeoiio nnor,
tiuniiicnn 4 D)iii.wy.
I, and OlHi e Huililinir..
Proprietor of (
Oriental : Hotel.
ri, hnnae ha, been fully refitrnlahed
throughout and tl e beat of acoom
modulioii, will be given. ,
fiTAQR run In connection with
the hotel connecting with the North
. T.'.iu- u..ii..ri at Mill, in. Btage
... T.,.n.,atr,iInal0n. tu. For Portland
truin at !t p. in.
Of Iianda for Delinquent Tanea
1 by virtue of a warrant iaaiietl by order
nf the futility Court, of Columbia t'initilv,
Nlnlv or Oregon, to me dliei'leii and at
tuclied to the duliiKiuent aHHNiiient roll
of 1 Ml n , comiiiHhdlnir inu to enllei't tlie
laieadenlKiiuli'd III anld roll an delimiuent,
and for wuiituf nci'iionnl property to make
mild taxi'.. I liuve levied iinon. mid on
Tueadiiy, July 2d, coiiiuienclng ut 10
o'cloi'k A. M,, I will aell ut pulilli: auction
ut iliti Court Illume door In Nt, Helena, Co
lumbia, County. Hliituof Oregon, ho inilrli
of Ilia followitiK-deaeribud lotn mid iiarnela
of IiiiiiI a. may be ni'Cfnary to pay tbe
Hue. due thereon in I'ntled HIiiUm gold
toln, totirther with all fee. and eontn; i-uld
lot. mid piireela of land la uliniito in the
County of Columbia and Mate of Oregon,
and win axiteNHed tu the following per.ona,
A, Hin.. Wllllum. lot. 0. 10. 11 and li ace
Ill7r ft I7
Ailama. Hilly. tv' of w: aee lUtftr 4 2 4U
Ailimia. Ilrueu, Veriioiila uue-llftlt of
hlk i 143
Ailiima. TliolliH. J. wU anW Me 20 t & t ft; II
i.jno'4 await ft t 6 .' " "
triiiaii.lhoina. H. ueraoual urntierty...., A Ml
Aiiileraon , A A, laud ill nee 1 1 7 r ft t
AiiileriHiu. Jam.., awl ee 21 t ft r 't B nu
Anileriuin. Oliver, i''4 no1, hikI Iota 1 and
2ee t a r ; aw4 nw'A aeeatera; ue't
nwW aer 6ttM; ae'i aw,'4 and mi m
k aeettlt7r
12 K
4 00
Aliioiiaou. I'eter. land In aee II 1 7 r S
Aullker, Htulilili. i acre. laiURht of II C
Iiryaut eeai iir i ,.
Andre., N A. nw'i aee t ft r 2
Alk.Mili, J,mi'.l It, ll '4liw)4 aee 19 14 r
it at
2 2ft
; ii' tu4 nu ne-i n aee mirn...
iluiitH. Juliti. l auii anil al ae. aae 7 t
2 00
IT l " w
A'lHHl", HC, Colllllll,!. I'll) ?f, nf lilk 1 and
n: l oliiieliiai'liv iiniiier. an iu. n., m,
li', and m; i of hlk. m, 07, W and IIUi
river front ' 1,1k
Adam., John, Venimila lot 1 lilk 1H fti
Aluawortli. i C. n4 nw'-i aee 14 t I 2: lot
'i auti lie' aim ae1- nwvi aee o i r i ,
a'j .' ee II t II r 2; lot I aw Ht 4 r 1 : 2110
rn. off I'errv'a I) I. V aee ft and 0 t 4 r I. 57
Aluawortli, tieorae J, lie1 HO t Sr I. ... 12 00
Auderaoii, Oluf, eoiiimeiii'liiii at nw cor of
,', m.i, ec 1 I r IK uienre eaai on.
line betwuen aeea la and lV.ame I and r
7:1 It l:iinla-,then'eiiurthlirKl;lhenee
wTA II ISrHlaand naralliT lo hI,I aee
line: lli.nee wiuth 1:1 rial, to place of bc
irhiulltil N4MI la t a r ft
2 no
Aiidenuit, Andrew. ne!-i uw'4 aee 24 t 4 r2.
Andoniun, Annie, nw1-, aw'-i eS " DC
uii r 4 OUT J
ai,U ael1 at t 4 T 4
' ill n r
10 00
27 90
14 77
2 Oil
Inlch, lianfortl,
1...I..hI i.url ,.
part oi t;ioniugur . v i, v
aee 2 tar 2
llaiurer, Uwla F, w!4 awI.j aee 12 1 7 r 3. , . .
Baker, (leorge. ae'a aee V 1 4 r 4.
HvK Sli'luilaa oi ftevl., peraenal property
Hevla, J W. that lairtloll of Hunter, fl I. O
anil il 6 r 1 and 2 '. '!
.., vmi ,, iM.flr laiaiKi aiuiiau mwj
Bev la, Mr. H J aw! and ae1 i aee IK 1 0 r 2. , 24 w
Bev la, Mr. It J aw'i ana ae-i aee mm
lt....ut John K ar. lot a aee U 1 1 r 2.
Ileti.el.. J.eob ar e'j ae'4 aee io i ( r o; w,
i.,aoclU7r II
Bee. t laieuce, 10U ai-re laiught of Frank
llellderin..c28tM r:l
Illerl, John, awl4 .wt aee 20 1 A r 2
Illahop. Frank, ael, aee 2 1 6 r 2
Binder, Krnal G. ' nefn and n4 te'4 aee
Berkenfeiii, 'lleii.'n'w'i' aei' anil nefi awV
10 DO
2 25
g All
and ae'a ne'i anil aw-i nevj aee n r . .
I 8M, lieau, John llarrl. I'tC aw'
aee. in ami 11 t r , an-4
and I da 7 and H atwa 1 and 17 t7 r2:
HaukliKclulniaeea 10 and 21 t 7 r J: laud
near Italuler aoc 10 1 7 r 2; . W "' ,aee
14 t 4 r 2: Knluler lota H and 12 lilk a, lot.
I. 2. 4 and II lilk 4 lot 1 hlk A. lot. 1. 2. . 4
blk 11. 1 .la I loK blk 7, lot I tu hlk K,
ll5, (I, 7 a hlk Hi, Iota I. 2, . 4 blk II,
1.1 1, l..i. I 4 1 k 1,11c 1:1. Int. 1. 2. a. 4. A.
a 1 1.1 b 14 i,.i..l . A. 7. a blk 15 73 20
Blanchanl A Hlone, nl a4 aee 11 t6r2... 12 00
lllui-k. Edward, nw'i aee 29 I Or X a 00
llowlaa, Hlla, aw'i tec 121 Ar 4 ............ . 2 Bt
llunrne. J K, lie1, and e'i nw'4 and w ae
1- and ne'i ae' anil e", aw; 4 et an 1
at, ae' aee 30 I 7 r 2 ........ 8K A,
U....,l. O.hIm M,,liili.r. Iola.1. 4. 7. A WU Of
i.ik'io : 1
Horihalrk. Mra H B, ae'; ee21l r2 ..... 10 00
11. 1 IIU- A aei K I A t 2. t 'Olllin
Ilia city. Caplea' ad lot 2 blk 2. lot I blk 20 10 5ft
Bouaer, K M, ealaleof, Iota 1, 2, 7, A aee 21 n
t a r 1
Boalea, John W. ae'" aee 32 I 0 r 2
4 00
8 AO
Boaler. John, w
il'jC mwKl aee
' i nw'4 and ii nwfi and
2 2'
Brolhera. Waller, ae'4 aei 15 1 8 r 3
1 (i
u wm l. m,.I ; u lilt a r a
I 00
1 00
1 00
21 85
Drown. Harvey W. ae'i and no'i ae!
and arU awLi aee 7 I 7 r 4
Brown, t: C, n awf-i aee :lt A r 2
Broiiae Manufaeiurlng Co, Haluier, part of
hlk 3 and 4
Brlnaon. Henry C.w'4aw!-4 aee 18 J 4 r 4,
2 25
ae'i ae;4 aim uw-4 -4 " ......... -
Brliiaon. Mallle. peraonal proertv. . .... . . 4.i
Bryant, Klia. . 870 aerea fn aei" 18 1 7 r 4,
Jti n 'i and Ow'. ne!i aee 21 t 7 r 4 ... . . 20 84
Brvint, Onier J, l h V of II B Haatliiga
a a 1a. 17 t 7 r4
6.1 85
Hi ymit, Abble, Bryantvllle lot 8 blk 10. .
Bryant, Cora K, Bryantvllle blk 3..........
Bryant, Charlm!i .e4ee25 1 7 r8 ..
Bryant, MmL.aatBla of, uud i ae aw!4
aee 25l7r 8
Brand, K E. eatnte of, eS e'4 ea 14 t 4 r A.
Braunllig. Henry, peraoiiid properly......
Braden, aily, Vemoiila 2 1 ad h'talto 1J
1,1k ai, lota 4 and A and frae 12blk 7.......
Braden, W II, Variionla. Melllnger .at ad
lot 10 iilk a, lot. 1. 2. 3- blk 24, Veriioiila,
latadlotai. 2, 6l,lk 15.
Brndeu. laalwl, Vemoiila, Melllliger a 1st
ail lot bl k 24 ....... ; 7 1 y ;
3 K.'
1 00
I 2A
S (II)
4 HI
2 80
Biiintrarilner ana : 1. ainnin, ae-
nvM ne'4 aee 11 1 8 r ..-,......... ?
Bumganlner. Win ll.,e4a,c tAr2...... I l
Beauro, Joaeph, wnHiuarnrnrty. . ... . . , . JO 70
Beaiiro, Charle., n4 ol F.0 Bryanta D lt
nw'- aw'i and awft 11 w'i ajir 27 1 7 r 4. . . . 4A 15
Burka, .Md liaol. ne'i aee 81 1 8 r 2. . . . . .... . . 9 00
Burnett, Minute, 1 aera 01 " ..
ieorae Foaier ;
Hnrrla Oliv.r. nwWaee 3318 r 4. . ..
ByJoThNiW AOxlOMott
Byiioii4Uul,H. nti ,. '. '
ae' aee IB 4 ri: Venionla, Mollliiger a
lat ad lot blk 12. 12 lota In blk 26, 12 lot.
In blk 2S lota In hlk 24. lota I, li. 8 blk 20,
Iota 4, A, 6 blk 21. ;
Bohnert, Lawrence P1"' f.'fl'f.'F
Barrow, Chorlea F, a';4 eo 10 1 8 r 4
linker, Allwrt. Vemoiila, lot 8 hlk .,,,,..
1 00
4 30
48 20
10 00
Baker, Jonn, vernonia, nn 1 ui
Bererlv, Chrtatlan, lot I aee 8 1 4 r 1 .
Bennett. Mra Mary, aw), nwl. and
2 AO
aw'4aioi 'r
w,....S. . L' U' un,l It P lullll
In aeea 28
olUK"nMI a, " ' 1 0q
BhnMil, Ain'aiVd'ii' iiw'i aeeSo VA 10 (XI
Blackford, Mra 8 M, Bryantvlllo, lat ad
Itopth.Vw.Vol'iimniaClty lotbik'4" ,
Baltimore. J W. Vemoiila. lota 1.7 blk... 1 10
T Vurnnn 11 lot 0 blk 17 00
Bradbury', element., lota 1, 2, 8 aee 28 1 8 r 4 6 60
Bradbury, F l,n " ' A- ."
Brimxa. .E "'..nry""?""1'.;,';., lftnr,
i, n..,, I H . nwVi aee 14 1 A r A..... 10 00
R ' ' i u' ZU 'Jt t il r 2 10 00
Hum lit till 10 00
hStm Ah'rarT.n". -w!i M mtt. 2 00
Bnckwoial. Uwla, llf neW and H nw
1 L.rJ ''-i'i'::.:i 1 4 a 2 4 a
nncKi imia ii, -.y... rj'Hi V.'.VVl I. 1st ad
Hueainniin, Aiei, -
lot I bia 4 wm
lluekner, Jamea, liwl aet'W ' Z
Burrla, M A, ne'i Ki;see ib 7 '
Bumgardner, wiili.oU 8, 4, A, and
w'i aee 7 i n r i :" ' in imi
Bllaa. Aaron, mid ,i nMj m'A fft UA
'o'i & am rm
SKaia' ' .......... . .. 30 00
Cplea, C 0. aW of C 0 Caplea BH see. IB
lV,20, 21 1 S rY nnd X "t Ph ""'f
A r 1, A 0 Neer'a D L C au lid 83 1 5 r
1, und H e't ae'i aim nw:- :
t l. 31 a?rea off south end of a , of Joaeph
Caplea 1 L C aeu 28 t 5 r 1. Colninbta City
h I o r i "
c" aSiT John ll -wu uw K and
.w' J see A and aiid'nw! awl,,
.eel tfl r A, !, nwW and lol 1. 2, w
1 05
Bush. H H i4 Kinma, alfj awT and pe 'I
iiw'iaiid .w! n M,r "l ,5
.. v. k .!:;,Vii'fii. iiii Abikfi
Wa a a 12 blk I, lota 8, 11 hlk 3d. lota i to
lot 12 blk 54. Capliia, ad lota 8 0 blk 4 . . . 51 00
Cob,,, Mra L M. nvjy f "f" ' 5 r S' 18
t oliiinbla City, lots,, 8.. 7, ".'V:;: 10 ",
C,rU. Willi L.nwC aU " SBri,
t oluniiila City, lot7, J-.,v;;o'i TO
Crev, Mnthew. wl, mH !
ChTpntSn, fe. ne'i neW-ee 14 1 7 r 4, H
and aB'i"H " H J 7 r - i ? Z,
Clark, Charles C, aw a-iB ' 1 6 r 2 1 "
Clementa, Dixie. ( ne see 4 1 3 r I . . . .. 1 75
Clements, H 0, ne'i aac 7 I ',; JJ
Conkley. Jamea. y onI proiert) . . ... 82 ou
Conller, i C ae'i nwli in I aU "n"0 8 ., w
t4r4. Verunida, lot; 1, WjJ --'i 17
Collin" F. M nw'i ni and e'4 H and
neliig'!, eea3r 3 w
Cox, Jamea, 10 aerea off Hroylca D 1, CM rl
Cox, Waller It. awW wV4 hoc 12 t 4 r 2
Crraar, wllllaui, aw'i w A 1 4 r 4, Veriioiila
7 2ft
3 40
1 28
i 00
ft 14
I lift
0 00
lOl ,, Ol 11 ,
Craft, w a, el, neJi and ne'i' aee 22 1 4
Craft, (' f. (airaonai proiwrty
Curtla, K i, V.rnolda lot 4 1,1 ,
Ciiahnian, I! A, ue!4 aee l 1 0 r 2
Camolieli. Hldnev. Veriioiila. Melllnaer'a
M ad Iota t, 2. !l, 4, A, 6 111 2 1 A
Caraon and Paulaon, K A Lainoiit'a D I. C
aiw mtArl, part of Joaepli caplea V i, (
and llde laud In front aae 84 tor 1 10 4
Carlaon, Kd, nw1, aee 14 1 0 r H 10 U)
Caplea. Byron, Iota K and ft aee 20 t Sri,
linn iie'4 ne'i aee jo i n r i, w;. aw
aee It Aril II 69
Caplea, Ilea, uud of Joaepli Caplea' 1) I.
)., Ilei, uud ft of Joaepli i.apiea' i 1.
A r 1, uud S Joaeph t:aplna I) L, C, o' t
and k ol uis't at aee IK t A r 1 HO 00
ir, Ixiulan A, 4 aerea In .ee 4t4rl 19
t; t a r i, nun jh
u'j an
(!urler. I
Canty, lieunla (1, n't aee A I A r 2 10 on
Cheney, It N, Vcriionlalotft 1,1 A 06
Clinton, Kli'hanl, alt ius anil n.lj t aee
lAiar 10 00
Cllft, Andy. nw!i aee k t r ft 10 00
Clemcnta, Joacph, und nw'- lie1' and
iiU nw'.i hu,I aw1 ntt'a ee t A rll A 00
lr,,i,i,i,iu i.itttiiM.riotr f:u. (Jolonibla City
lU 4 A A 1,1 Iota 1. ll.H 111 2 D1
Cllne, Jacob, noli ne'4 aee 2a t it r 2 00
Cooimr, llcur C, neli aee 22 t 4 r ft. ........ A Ol
i:(M,k, JOIill, invy4 ami nw aee ioinrj...""
Cox, Prank, e'i 1
ni and ml, ue!4aud
tifi ms'i ace 7 1 0 r A
10 00
Cole. I'K, .eji aee lilt 8 li
Conyera, A J, n'i nww aee Wl t S r 4
Craudall, boukla. K, lull 1 and 2 aee 14 1 8
r 4
Cramer, Annie M, aw'4 im'i aee 4 t 4 r 2
Crable, John II, e' j im.1 and lot. 1 and 2
aee 101 4 r A ;
,urt ll,,l. uIZ kmU' Hint aeW awl aee At
10 00
A 00
7 Aft
8 (10
9 AO
a r 4 : nw'.' neli aee a t r 4 10 00
rn, HIIum M. wU sa. and eU awU, 22
t A r 4 m
fiirtl l!vri tl. n,u,i m H t 7 r a 12 00
t;yr, joiiii, n!4 aee 11 r . .
Cloiilnaer, John, Hi. Helena .14 lot 17 bl 10. IK H9
t,u....u,, i'iMru.,,.A olx nwl; Htid u Unelu
Dart, Jamea, part of Joaepli HuiUKbloa . I
a,,c u IB, 4
I, C avc 24 1 4 r 1: Mt Helena of lol 4, 0
hi 10; lot 8 bl 10; lota IK, 19 bl IV;
; of lota
i a a 7 a.. 14 1,1 lu
nu-Mn. Tliiilttaa. eli aw wfe 11
t 7 r;
ne'4 nw'4 aei' iirir a, "i aw , n i
i,u.u...ii i!u,ipuuT int. 1 'i aee 20 t fl r A:
ii'u nei'i , 20 1 r 5: 'A isVt we 20 1 6 r A W 84
lmy wall. Mra F A, e nw.'i, lot. 8 and
ace u i a r n
Davy, It U and 1 A, lota 1, 2, 0 aee ao t r v,
mi mini 111 innn i .'M" .
nil tide lani uiwtof tlile Uud nolo to F
M Warrtu tying i frunt of lot 4, 6, 6 In
aim HI i H r al
1 24
Davy, K, gimrilUn, ranirl rowrty...
DbkhIow, Mn K H, wmonl property. ... .
I. II. I U..Hla.l I.. aiiU - 10 t 1 T 4'.
10 00
. t r.. . i i" ' 1 mi
Iiewilde, Veter, v iiwJi and w, ue! aee
ij 1 7 r 4 " 00
Deppold, Martin B, ne aee It t 6 r 3 2 25
Ikwatnr. 0 M. uw'i aee 1 1 1 r S I 00
liwnlng,lieiirieiia.nin,vr , fb.u v u.
l and ixibliia ad to Halnlcr blk 2 . .. . . . .
n..,,. A.iuiii.1 nni. KHc'Ji t a r2 and lot 8
. . ,.... .i.l.n.ll,.
blk 0 in Home
Ia4aeu, tllaf, pemonal property A So
Duininyer.John, nw',; ace 1 1 Ara
liraper. LK, lot 2 aeiMft t 6 r A. ............ . 1 7ft
n.lfu I. .l.i, wli aiU am- 28 t 5 r 4: ti K li
K-eii I t5r4 .. ' 55 00
Oaulela, i II, Columbia City lot, and .10
hi, l to
Davla, (iharle. F. iiw'j ne'i and ne ne)-,'
and aw'i ne'i a I7 r:i 7 AO
Davla, Kufll. J, awli aee 29 ' t ft r 5 10 U
llav. Jamea. ae'i . 10 I 6 r S 10 00
111 bblee. John, tliaa North. II C I. lot 1 and
2 aee 1 and 2 1 7 r a; loi I ,ee our a,
8aml4aee2t7r 3: nw'-i ae'i and ne'i
.Ml. aee la t 7 r 2 : aw'j nw'4 aeji 12 1 7 r 3;
b.fa 1 , 2. 8. 4. aee 12 and c' ne'i' aee 11 1 7
r 3: ae'i n'i aw'i and Intel ami 2 aee 2 t
1 , . iai
liebla, Jame. H, ne'i ace 9 t fl r 5. . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 3. ft. 8,7, 10 and aw?4
ne'i iwlHii ?
lllllard U D. Il.'i aw'35 t 6r 4 ... ...IO00
lllllaid, W li. i;oiiiiuoiav.ii ia u auu
1.1 tt HI .
Dliteuhofer,' F and T. ua v aee 18 1 5 r 2 20 00
llll'iUKham, M , auxiiru icei ai,, u,
vu ml ut I '..I ittitliiii t'ltv 84
Dnbbliia. Joseph, personal iminerty J
llriiminoml. Wm.teU aee 35 J 1. 10 00
ttrnyer. I'lillllp, ne!m4 ace 3 1 3 r 2 2 M
liv..a. W P. aeL li aee 3 1 3 r 2 2 50
DraVe, 1 11. ColuiubiaClty lota 10.11 and 12
ii 1..1. vpi.nb"aiin,,U ami lot. 1 and 2
. .. : u
Doauilna, Frank, HT.onal proiwrty
a .io
2 26
Ulxoll, Ualliei, perainiai P""l"J"l
Kagle, Andrew, nw!4aoe 1 1 4 r A. .........
Ea-tllek, Alex, Vemoiila lot 7 blk 11 and
lot 1 tux 17..
Kdholtn, John, v w aee 1 14 r 5.
b-M.rlauii. Edward, aw aee Ittt8r5
8 00
2 00
9 00
Klllott. Andrew, n' j a'? aee 10 1 A r 4 . .
KwlU, John H, ne;-i aep, and aej lie) aee
8 71
Knallke, Oeorgc, land In aee 24 14 r 4. . . . . .
Kngllah. (ieorgeC, land in aee 21 H r4 ...
Krkerann, Thoinaa.Kt Helen, blk 66 and lot
2 25
2 25
2 7B
Klnion.JohVileraeeiif ilr 8.............
u W.,l...r urlJ llel Mlltl WlZ le''A
10 00
and ae'i nw'-i ee 27 t 7 r 8. ........... .... 10 00
EmeJeph'B. nw aee 1 7 r A I) 00
Kaey, t nanea, ei . ; .
Kwery, John, w'i set i ace 14 1 8 r "
Karrow. jonu, eaiaw w, a";' ,,".-4 "
I... m'l act" . u i , ................. .
Feila-r, Chrltlan.e ne!, and awjtj ne4
ne'i se'i' aeeaot 6r 4. .
Fltagcrlad. (leo B, e'i ae'i aee 30 1 5 H i H
nw aee t A r 4 .. -;
1 89
1 25
Izueraitl. M liaei.
li L IU r 1; loK 8, 4, A, and wlj seii sec
S.Vamea' F, n'S io't'2 "aW 8t 7 r4;' ii'i'e'x
eept IK,ere.olf w end owned by John
k'niw ae 4 t 7 r 4: e' nek see 27 t 7 M
10 99
Fluley. William, e' w.H aee 25 1 6 r 4; e'i
ne'4 aee 34 1 6 r 4.
Fowler, Mra t M, Near City. .. .. . .. . .
Fowler, M F, iiVi u'i aoc 16 t 7 I 8; Neer
13 00
1 OA
City lota 7 alia a ma I, mix una iu. if ,
12 blk a; and 'i river lot 1 lot 4 blk 21,
... I..I II hill T'l
Fowler, Edward W, Neer City lota S and 8
Fowler.CC. 2ft acre1 bought of Henry
"l 00
Blake see an ana mi r ,
Foster, earner T, iiwsei'M t fl r A: (.11-
ureal n ana ii m,u . v. ,n
24 tS t2.
19 29
2 25
J .15
1 64
2 25
Foster, Joh n, laud In cc 4 and 9 1 8 r 5. . . . .
Frauta. W H. 1 lot 111 Clntakanle SOxlOO lot,
8 4, 8 and 8 blk 3; I lot in MM 50x100
Krey, Kolwrt, aek aee 20 t Ira.......
Furrow, Waller, n .' nee 20 ty r 2
t-....i.... L'uia vr. .L hwI.' and wla .eW ae, 3
'i! -'-a - inn
'i.i.Ani.',;nr Aliwrt.'jnii see 1 1 6 r4. !! ! . 10 00
Fehercnbach. Albert, arU see 3,1 it 4 r 2 2 SO
Fielder. i;naries,n , uesi,i-.
se'i ne'i and ao'i sw'i see HO 1 4 r2 J5 00
Plllnian, Jacob, e), e!i and nH ,.
5 r8 10 00
Fisher, L 8, wM 'p,,,''t, s J 1 ;,vi 8 110
Field. A e ana r i uaj w?, By4 ov,-
r4; e'i 0'4 anil .wi nei aim j u?4
LAaii a r i . 20 00
Fluhertv, Kd. Columbia City undivided
lot. 4 aud 5 blk 28 84
nii.i..,..r h Illnela. and F A Sohlnnlese'i
se8t7 r3,,, , , 12 00
Foxer, F. aw'i awW sec 18 1 4 r S 3 SO
Koaa, ceorge V, neU aeeBO I ; 5 r 3. . j5 oo
Fosa Mallnda, nwl4 aee 22 t A r A 10 00
fraer.TL. wU see 82 t 8 r.8 12 00
Frledland.r, John, sw'i ,"
e'i aeH and swi H and aeka wi wc 12
Franei.,' Wm C. ii'wii'aeVi'and eJ4 and
ne'i .w'4 aee 8 1 5 r 4.
r..iinTin,i l) V nart of Clonlneer D L C aee
12 AO
10 00
20 1 4 r t - .i 1 ' " A Muver, nersona) property. 10 00
(iKlllpu, Jame, 8, a',4 ae'i see i It 6 r 8 1 75
Uaddl.. William, wf$ yH d v'A nn
Oallnway, WiUiard ,' ii! aee 27 tr'i!..... 00
,aau..lhttpa. Amn. aU lie'c. BeC.t b 1 5: ne'i
ae'4 anil aw xmn !',,.....,,,.,.. aa v
( arty, Eugeue 11, p,rannal property,,,,;.. 8 25
(lllsau.M V, aeli aoc 83 . 1 8.r 3, WW
(ierty. MrE K, estate of, swoiflurra I) b
in at and lil t r 1 and I 29 04
Uleitsen, Alfreil, )i nw ) and nlf w,l sec
19 and 7t2r8.... 9 75
(ilehn, J H. na.-aonai property a ij
nl .inhn li. nwW sec 4 t 4 r. , 9 00
Oore, Nancy. neH i-ee 7 1 5 r 2. , . . . , 10 00
Core. O A. personal prniwrty. ..... ... ..... 27 2A
iinrman. Paiilel A, Bryantvllle lot 2 blk 4. 1 44
Orlndle, K II, tvH aee 3 t r 8
(Irlndlc, Klmer. in1, t ft r 8. ..... . . . . .
.S....I,,.,,, a li. n' al. and li ae'i aee 84 1
1 75
7,8... 1 4
Guild, Rachel, personal pri"ertv J 35
Cam nun. 0 (1, n.v'i sw'i aeelllt r 2. .., . . 8 00
lamea M. aw'i ipfSOl 7 r 8 10 64
uppi 11 1. 1' see 5. A. V. and a t 5 r
.Columbia City "lltlif r'a aiVd blk m lj
it li OIK a. low in auu a o e, " t,
and 2 blk 0, bit 08. . ...
Glltner, WfSnaan.lot. J, 4, 8, 4, and nli
ft 15
ne'i aee w t o r t ; j oi wmj iiu hh i
and 2 aee 20 1 A r I ; lots ft and j) aeo 28 1 ft r
t: lots8and7aec 21 1 ft r I. ,, !j
Ollbrealh. Burlha A. nwli toH aee 90 1 J r 2 U
i- a' aw'i aee 34 1 4 r 2. seli sec 33 t 4
r2...........7. J8 00
Golllnga, G C. ne'4 ne!4 and wjfj iiei and
nVi ae'i aee 81 14 r 2. 10 00
Qorman, William, a', ne'i aud n te'i ,nd
Ghi. Nathaniel, i ri'i ace io , o r
tillt er. B Fi W Pi and aU ; aw 'i and nw
Vi'awad jivf-a ae'i ,eo 18 fft r I; und.
vldedl,of .'tIcciJ t ft r 1; iindlvided
iz nu aae la t A rl: undivided M ali
r.-i pi
nurW neV aee 1 1 1 r A .: 12 SO
Ooldatuitb, Max.ncU aiwS4IAr2, w'i "e'i
and lola 4 and Aaee IS t r 2 19 00
(lerrow, Wallace, aeJ4 aee 8 1 fl r ft 10 0
(iroaa, A H, unit a1, aee 12 t A r 2 8 00
Urlawuld, W l. iih'j and liel aee 21 lArH,
nw!4 anil no" aee ai i o r w
(Irand, C K, aaluleof, eM ow'J and e' w"4
aw IKtOr 4 10 00
Uenlnaii, Thnina.,ne,4 aee M 1 6 r A 10 00
HiiWKllia blijnn, nw4 nwyi aee no n.
new ne!4 ec 24 1 4 r 2 io m
llawklua, Albert A.cHuoV4aee9l 7r4,
nwfi aee lot 7 r4 " uu
Hall, Mr. Fannie, nwi and nv iwc 2D 1 7
r 4 , 10 00
Harvey, W 8, i w'4 and vili ac'4 aee 21 1
6r4 1 e9
llur.r,. MRrtln M U .U IMC 12 t A 1 8. nl
iiw'iiawlstftrA 2 00
Harvey, A K, nw'aee I A r 4 2 2A
u. (:,,. and acli aee 4 1 7 r 4. .. 1.1 40
Haacy. H K. ne!acell tr IS
llari. lllmrli.1. .VI acre, off Htomrhlon. D I,
C aee lilt 4 rl 2 42
llarrlw l.MonnrH W. aatalfl of. VllA tteC 22 t
7 r it. 1
llarrla, W A, linprovementaon land owned
by Maker
Ilenaeu. Jiri.t,nw ae' and nrli aee
Henaen, Jea., eatalo of. ae'4 aee in t 7 r
a. nU acl. am, at 1 7 r 4. uU w'4 aee 2 t 7
3 AO
A 00
rl' " ........T 1000
Hill and Rotter, ieraonal property 1A 2ft
Hovt. Frank M. nenuiiial pmtwrty 8 25
Iloyt, William, 20 acrca bought of C Hart
aee 24alld2A I4r2
Howlivon. (ieorae. ueraonal nruperty
A S2
3 75
Iloaren. John. n!4 aw'i and ti iiw'-4 aee2
t i r a
2 25
6 OU
Holnian, MaryC. aUawM aee 17IArl... 6
lliidaon, H K, w'4 n?t and i nnA and
nw!4 awW and ne'i m-lt ace 13 1 7 r 8, w
i aeV aee 1 1 7 r . ............ 47
II udaoii, Jamea C, ue aej and lot 8 aee 18
t 7 r 2
Halpcoy, William. tv4 aeco t6 r 4
Hngar, I'lillllp, aw'i aee lot 6r 4
Hauaell, H K.Ht Helena lot IK bl 27.
UiiikAt, John A. mii aei'.' and ae! ael aee
4 75
10 00
10 00
i 1 t a r '2 o w
Hurrla. llattle. nwii" ace 8 1 5 r 2 10 CO
Hawthorn, eatalc of, ue'-4 aee at 8 r 4 12 00
Hawk., Nelaon, aw'4 awe 20 t 8 r 2.... 12 00
Hiatt, O, Vernonia lot 8 bl IK 42
lllll J Hl wlZ aee 1 t 5 r 4 10 00
Hollner. Mra. Vcinonla lot 3bl 6 55
ltn,.lrllii,l Hlanrtll. Veriioiila Hia-e add lot
111,18. lot 13 blft t W
Hall, Edmund, ne' nc'i and ae'i and aw
ae'i aee 11 1 0 r 4, nA nv'A ana nevi uw
aU aw'4 aee A 1 0 r 8; ae!4 "l ana .j i e
tnd .wli nw'i and aee 10 1 0 r 4: e(i
aee 6 1 Or 8; ae'i aeir 7 1 6 r 8; ncj-, aee 7 t 6
r 8: w'4 aee 2K 1 0 r 8; Vt awi ana nw-4
aw'i and awli nw'4 tec ai t r 8; ne'i and
nU nn '4 anil ae'-i' nwli aee 24 t 6 r 4; u'.i
hI.! am. -m I r i: uw'. and eU BWyi
aeVTUAttrf ...2
Hwhlleld & Auguatine, Vernonia lot 4 b! 8 55
Ho Mil. Andrew. ,wm aee w t a r i iv w
Holman, H M, w54 ne!4 aee 22 1 4 r 2
Hvde, Frank V, Coiumliia City, Caplea'add
lot. 10 and 11 bll
Ilallenheek, H O, noi" aoc 10 1 8 r 4
Iludaon, II T. nw'i hh,',4 and al4 ll'. aee
13 1 4 r2
Iliidelaton, Henry, OoblelotSblA ..
Hunter, Oacar K, w! atfi and awj ne'
A 00
1 40
10 00
6 00
alio aeMi aevi ami a74 aei-. i , ",
itl ana nU nu-li ami aw nw aee 8 t a
r li: Neer t.lfv lota 11 and U bl 22 21 30
Jarvey, I) J, hit 5 aee 2 1 7 r 5 t. ...... 1 00
Jemiv. Uahrllt. e aw', ae'-i aee 20 1 8 r 2. . 2 ii,,, u.iiu.,1. u and aU uw'aec
... 1 ' oft JO
Johnson, Henry T, ne! aee 3 t 8 r S
Johnson, Charles, e', aw'i and n't aei aee
t 7 r 4; ne'-i nc;-i aei- aur
Johnson, Nelson, uw,'4 sec 10 1 8 r 2
Johnson, I'eter, lota 9 and 10 we 81 1 8 r 4;
lot. 2 and 8 aee 8 1 7 r 4
Jones, Amo U, nv ace 82 1 6 r 2
9 75
2 Ml
8 .'
jouea, w r., lot a aee .w nn .....
Jones, James (', nei4 sec 28 1 6 r A; ClaU
kanle lot 3 in a A V' V.
Jonei, Clarence H, all that part of I) L C
of Hubert Stewart on w side of Beaver
crcckee24t8r4;loU7and8 8ec24 t 8
Jones,' Lynian B,' eH s'wK and nw iwj
and myl uvti aee 11 1 7 r 4
.larvl. Coukliug Mig Trust Co, peraonal
Jonea onn F,' inv& ' n wjl sec 8 t S r A. . . . . .
.ini.n u. nl i,A and aeii nel4
3 71
2 50
27 SO
2 SO
aee 15 1 6 r2.. 9 00
Johnson, W J and McLeod, neec36t6rS 10 00
Junginlkel, Jonn, nwi see a i a r '
Jaeobson, 1 B, ne'i see 22 1 8 r 5; w; ne'i
and e'A uwji see 24 1 6 r 5; 3 acres of land
in aee u i ti r o.
Kettering, M 1 4 Co, vH ae'4 see 10 1
ae'4 aw-W and lota 4, A and 6 sec 17 J 7
e'4iMiaec2Slt7r 2; und X ae'i
wj; ae'4 see 10 1 7 r 8;
l r ,
see 25 1 7 r a
King, W H , Kainler lot 4 bl 32 4
King, John, nw! aee 17 1 5 r 2. 2
Kioiiey, Aaron, sw( aee 85 1 6 r 2. , . 10, Oeo W, w4 aiw 10 1 7 r 8; lot 1 see 84
Kiier, Mr.' i) E, a&Dwji'eee i6Y 7 "i i n
aw'i sec 8 t7 ra 10
Knnpp, Martlii"swK4 aec30t Ar 8 10 00
KnhLV.J M. eli nw'S see 13 1 6 r 8... A 00
Kolalrup, Y V, w ae'i and e)4 iw'4 aee 14
Kruae, Henry C.' i.c liwii' ace ij'ta'r j".. 8 00
Kilburg, John, ne'i aee 18 1 7 r 3. . 10 00
King, A N, awi ,iid nw' and e' sec. 9 1 7
r 8; frae uefi and ewU and witve i 1 7 r 3 41 40
Lane, Kdwanl, ae'i aee . 10 1 7 r 4 U 00
Laws, Andrew T, Bryantvllle, lat ad lots
bl 4 , 1 00
Langfeld, Christian, w)4 nw)i and
i'i aecbt r,
nil, 5
l.,.,u..l..p Annie. lllU aee 33 t 8 1 2
T " . . .J . . . . , onfln o on
Lp?ugacner, rreu, eaiaip or, ar;.k v , m
Lewis, William K, w'A na!4 and ae'4 nw
seel0t4r 4 " , 0 25
Lewis, A B, H ne'4 and te4 nw'-i and
ne',i swJi we 7 1 4 r 4; Vernonia 1-6 of H
oi t lot in oi ... '--r-j--: -
Llllick. Klehard A, nc'4 aeo 11 1 7 r 4. ......
f l.iHul.l I'ldpnnnn It llnl.r aeC 13t7r4...
8 20
6 70
2 90
Lulsi, John M, ,w4 aee iitBrS ,.. ........
Lind'gren, Swan, ne', wW nety lot. a, ,4
see :3iwi a; nryuuivum ww 4, a w, v,
ndpl lntu 11. 12 hi x
25 85
t nvalu..n Uohnrt. .wfi ne'i sec 19 t.T r 3. ..
1 00
1 00
Lowmau & Ualluger, personal property . ,
Lowman, B W, na'-i see 3 1 8 r 8.
Laughrey, Thomas H, o!j nt, nj
Lupien, L D, w cc 8 1 ft r 4; Vemqnig,
101 Dl B ...... ,,
t ..A..J ThAniD, nvU nu-W. al Dwu. .Wii
8 40
m.1.. see 32 1 7 r ft..?.. i. 10 00
Ubine, W H, ieH iw'4 melt! r 3; ne
nw'i see mi l "
awrenee. John b. .wii
Leganet, NeMleon, nwli aee 30 t a r a, , . ... u w
L,emanieau, iwai'i ?i d.i ln
i.a- 10 oo
Lent. Ward, Bryantvilie lots2. 6, 7 bl fi. ... 1 80
Lludberg, John, Green'. Point lot 7 bl 8.... 1 40
Ixiyit, iiavin, ne;i see an o r u. ........ .... .
Loekwooil, L B, weS see 18 1 ft r 4; w4j
U. aU awVi sec 19 1 5 r 8 30 00
Llbby, Joaepli, estate of, lot sco 4 1 4 r 1;
. o .'nVa pi 24 40
Lori ng & Thome, ae'i a", " 1 8 r 1 . . . . 8 00
LovelT, Sam'l L, eX nw!i, uw w'4, lots
10, 11 see 17 1 ft r 6 180
Uihmnn. Elmer, aw!i aw)i nw' sec 26 1 7 r 8 12 50
IKimls. c, Yeriioniaioia oif. ....... j;
i ...... tp.lnhn. Vernonia lot 6 bill 2 75
Malhewa, Albert H, eU seQ see 22 1 ft r 4. ... 1 65
Malepni, L A, ee S t f r 8, . , , M
Max, P O, awii aee M i 4r... ,. . .164
Mai,lu, James E, aeli spe 28 1 0 r l. ... ..... H 00
MeNiitt, Mrs Mary J.Tst. Helens lot 13 bl 18 25
MeOee.WinC, aeViaeoWtT M... H 00
McAUama, jonn, Bei b-muii
MiH'allam, Win, nw!i aee 25 1 8 r 4. ,
MctHure, Willis, ne'4 nei-i see 7 1 7 r 4
MeClure, Ed P, neri aee 2 1 6 r 4.
McNutt. It W, 290x299 feet and 8 acres In
11 00
9 00
3 50
2 25
gee 4 t 4 r 4; vernonia 101a 1, a. o, u, o,
lots 2, 5 bl 9: lota I, 2, 3 bl 10; lota 1, 2, 8, 4
bl 11; aw'i nw'i see 19 t 4 r4: s ne;i,
ae'4 nw!i see 24 1 4 r 6; aw'4 te)4 ,ee 18 1 4
x 5; part of e' w'i aeo 8 1 4 r 4
McCoiiley. Mary K, w W aeW sec 26 1 5 r 5
McOrew, Mimes, eatate of, e(i ae', awVi
ae''-iswli we (a bft r 8. -j
Metiw, Saney A, Cplumbla City, lot ft
hi '24 ' '
McKay, Maloom, 82 cre nn west sidoof
Seappoose cret ff M.eKay' D . C aeo
16 1 8 r 3 1 j . . j . ,
Moserve,Siirah, nwlieplfitIra.i;,r,,,i.
Mesef ve, LlncQln, sefi ,eo St Tj 8, ,,,,,,,, ,
Meserve, N, aek see IK) t frl. . ...
ae' nc(4 aee IK t 6 r 8. K'i nw'i and a1
ae'i and a'i aw'i aee 12 1 8 r 4; .1 ae'i an
huh lot i a,i avw " L Bt.vl lis 'A m..-
nw'i and aW neli aee 9 1 8 r 4: ae!4 ec
1 8 r a; neU and nwfi and aw'i aw4
13 1 8 r 4: ne'4 ace 14 1 8 r 4; ae!4 nw 4 1
eU aw' and w'4 awy and aei nwJi a
el w',i end awii .w'i aee 21 1 r 8; .v
Kaulfinaii, W o, uw' aw'i see 23 1 7 r 5; w
U e'4 and ne se'i aee 22 1 7 r 5. 10 00
Kauffuian, V C, H ne'i sec 13 1 5 r 8. . . . . . S 00
Kennedy, John, awk aw'4 k and nw.
.....i . "li u.1,1 'Al I 7 r .1 A 00
Kemiedy. M J, awR and se!i aee 10 1 5 r I;
uu.l u...l nul we 10 ft 5 r 1 48
Cvrn. C. nVi ne'i and lot I see Jft 1 7 r
4; w'!i se'i seif 10 Or 4..... ............ 125
Lnckband. iteodore, ' sei and oU awji .
2 50
6 00
aecJ8 t7r 10 00
Lambert. A W, wtf .w)J aee . t r 4; ne'i
ae'i, aeiiie1,iace3tSr4,,,,,,. JO
t t.'.,1l, r nwW aee 12 t 7 r 4 12 00
24 80
2 00
10 35
U 00
AiS'engr, rewri "er, BnHi .."p as
17 1 A. v tr.'
Meid.X A.nUaw,8nwUsecBHt 4r4. 2 ii
Merrlh? Norniln, ef ofJ MprrlU a- P L C t
ft r I ; swli w'i, ae ! t fl r 2, eK
seiiacol tftr.: ncXneJi aeo 13 tSr'JJ
lotV, nwU nwfi lee M t 7 r A;'4 no!,,
wj ne'4, nwSi ,e)i mo 21 1 7 r 47; m
ae! aee 1 7 r 4; n nH aee 86 1 7 r :e4.
sec 14 t 7 r 6; Columbia City, lot 2 bl 21
Neer city, m I . - " ,; "
Merrill, Annie M, ae'4 aoc 12t6r2; w54 ,
nw'i, nwM awji aae -a nr a. .. .... ' w
Melllliger, William, Vernonia 1-5 ol w lot I
1,1 ; Aleiunger . ao oia , o. 4, .,, w, ,, . v;.
10, 11, 12, 1. H; 12 lota bl 15; 6 lota bl 16;
a 1,,.. hi IT 17 ,,, 1,1 IS- hlka l. 22., 8 25
Melllliger, l.hnrlea, nw'4 sec 22 1 6 r 4; Ver
nonia one-nun 01 101 01 0
Miller, Thus F n'-i te4 and ncV uv'4 aeo
aa 1 6 r 4: Vernonia lot a in m aw
Milia, Hannah H, wj vt'4 "ec 14 1 4 rS; Ver- lot 2 bl 18 4 85
Mitchell, II M, wH aw.'i and M nw aee 35
Mliitcr. J rl, personal pro?rty. . . ......... 8 1j
Moeck, Oeo F, lot 1 and nwli and v ne'i
aee 20 1 7 r 2; M N Nice property lot 7 bl 2 58 55
Morgan, H A, w'4 aee 31 t7r8.. ........... 2 00
Morgan, Mra Kasallml, fi awi ,na w, ao
Morgan, Marshal, a Ji and ac)4 iv'A ace
a , T v ft- nu-, aiv a 1 1 r li: nv lay. m;,.
81 1 8 r 5; lots 1, 2. 8 and 4 aee 6 1 7 r 5. .... ft 00
Morgan. J L.nwK awk and lot K aee 6 1 7 r s II 00
u.ipiu. tl IV mIZ 111,1 anrl lota 4 and i see 15
17 r4
Moiilton, Henry, nw'4 aee :K 1 6 r 5 -. 2 25
urray, John, nwji aee am r a
Uurrav. H A. nw'i aee 18 t 7 r 4... It 00
usgrove, Mr. N A, lot ac;j te'i ana ne t
ai" 4 nwli una n't se;4 aw; 111 1 r 1 , i -'1
u.lZan,UlH 1. '2. Xiinil 4 leaa 21 acre, aold
Dart aee It and 15 1 8 r 1 77 00
M, era A Lawa. ueraonal uropcrty 4 2o
Maxwell, Mra J 1., nw!4 aee ai 1 0 r a; pen
ot nH n'4 uaplea 11 u lot 0 01 1; ra u,if
land In Iron! in a, 4 ami a aim an uue
land In strand; Columbia City of lots
1, 2, 3. 10, 11 and 12 bl 4: of 11 lot. bl 5;
y, of lot 10 bl 10; lots 4, 5 and 6 bl 1; lot, 7,
8'and 9 bl 17; lot. 2, 3, lOand 11 bl 16;lot. 7,
8 and 9 bl 31 ; lota 2, 8 and 10 bl 30; part of
lota 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 bl 42;lot
4, 5, 6, 7, K .lid 0 bl S3; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 Id
fls bl 57 and 70: lots 1,2, 8, 10 and 11 bl 71;
I,. o f. a,l 10 111 -2H! Iota St. 4. 5 and 7 bl
Mnriin Mra A K. lat ad Clat kanle lota 4
and 3 bl 7 2 60
Muller, Pelcr, aw'i aee 26 1 6r2. 10 00
a ,,..1 . il wi . 10 1 5 r5 20 00
Mathewa, Billa, nw'4 see 10 tSr 5 10 00
Maiora. A H. seji nw'i see 28 1 4 r 2. ....... . 4 00
Mason. ..ncius, uno sera aim sr uvyt
'A nw'A lot 4 una see in 1 7 r a; nys nvy
tz inn :l t 7 r if: c'C wU und 'X SOC 24
1 6 r 3: e'A und U bcc 25 1 6 r 3 , 30 00
m,it,.v. John W. 'i uw'i and n'i B'.vli aee
22t3r 2 8 00
Maann. Mr. Marv. Columbia City lot, 11
12 111 21 1
Uinn r A YV,l,i,nhia f!lti i,art of lotal and
1- 1,1 ..v - nt lota 7. H. alio 11 111 Oil. . . . 1 nu
cBcan. Mrs Annie. w'A nwli ccl6t4r4 500
Mccarty. B, n'A vw'A sec 36 1 6 r 3. . . . . . . 5 00
McCoy, O W, .V, e'i see 15 1 8 r 4; n:
10 00
McCoy, Dennis D, n'A nw'4 acc22 16 r 4; n
A neii . a t nil
MeKiiiglit, W 11, n'i tw'4 and n
aee 21 1 0
10 00
aevi see
.-. i p a 10 00
McBrirte, T A, und '4 m'4 and lots 1 and 2
aee 20 1 5 r l: una ' , loi. o ami awi-
r 1 : und Vi n ne'i and lot. 1, 2and 8 see
28 1 5 r 1 ; e'4 se'i aee 18 1 5 r 1: Columbia
Citv bl, 1.2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 'IS, Hi, 17. IK, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24 and 25;
(.llinnr'a a,l si hi A: tiiltner', ad s'4i bl
I' 22 30
UnVlehl lllll. nU neli and aeli ne'i and
nl .' set.' aee t 5 r 4 10 00
MeK'wanlJ. neVi ne'4 ace 28 1 4 r 2 6 00
Mi.rtrhln.M'.' nw1.' and UWli ne'i .ee
2Kt4 r 2 .' ft 5?
Meedliam. Jame, se'i aee 25 1 8 r 4, 10 00
Mend, A A. Vernonia lot 2 bl 8
Miller, K, Vernonia part of lot 4 hi 7.
XI iHll. Itsc,w K. mU aee 22 t 5 r A.
3 4.1
10 00
Moo-e, 11 B. eij ae'i anil e'-j swyt ami wyt
-'.4 see us i ro
VaiWilm . V S. sw-i nw'i fee 22 1 7 rS
15 00
2 50
1 10
Montgomery, Martin, V ernonia lot 1 bl 1 .
Morgan, A. vernonia nn o oi m... . ......
Murray, J, (ioble lota 1 and 2 hi 4
Mvrli k, Joseph, estate of, Ht Helena 4 lot.
til 4; l lot 01 a: lots 7 ana in, z iui oi t,.
lots 7, II, 16, 17, IK, 20 and 21, 8 lot. bl 15;
lots 12, la, 14. 15 and 111, 5 lota bl 20; lota 8,
8, 7, 9, 111, 11. 12 aod 22, 8 lots bl 28; lota 1
and 3, 2 lota bl 21; lots 2 and 13, 2 lots bl
21 : lots 2 and 1, 2 lots bl 24; lota 6 and 11,
2 lots bl 13; 11, 12, 15 and 16, 4 lots bl 27; 3 23:2 lotabl 10.1ot.l,2 and 7,8 lota bl
81 ; lota 1, 2, 8, 4, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21 and :2, 15 lotsbl 42; all bis 87, 94, 98, 99,
in, nr. mi lltt 117 118. 1-26. 112. 132. 133.
1m! 120.142 l
McBetta, W in, neii sec 7 1 6 r 4 : . . i.0 oo
Kevin, Allen, mprovements on land
owned bv Oeo Foster, Coble, lot 3 bl 4. . . . 8
Nelson, John II, nw'4 aee 25 1 7 r 4 10 00
Nicholas, Annie, personal property 32 50
Nichols, Nathan, swij sec 25 1 7 r 4 2 00
Ki..uan,r,n v v. hits 1. 1 and 8 bl 11: 1 acre
In sac 5t4r4in vernonia..... o
Nnwle, John W, ne'i aee 9 1 5 r 2 2 00
v.l.J,.,r Jacnh. swU 9t6r2 290
Napoleon, Lewis, aw;i see 17 1 7 r 5 10 00
Kelson. Nels H. neVi see 4 t S r 8 10 00
Nelson, Jacob O, sw'i neW secM t 8 r2.... 4
Neppuck, 8 A, neM sw aud n ae)i and ne
se'i ace 12t7r4 If
Nelaiw, John, twreonal property 25
Overtnrf, Ira, n' nw'4 sec 31 1 6 r 4; aft w
Oliters, George, neji n'w-ii see 15 1 ft r 4; e'jf
.e?i and se'i sw'i sec 10 tr4.....
km I ibri .
tiaeniiorn, .unrinn, iw i..,t..... ......
Olson, Olaf, aw'i see 20 t 8 r 3
Orwiu, Edward, sefi sec 23 1 0 r 5
Owing, Willis F. Bryantvllle, lot 3, blk
Owing? fc Holdrof, Bryautville, part
lots, blk 11
Owens fl H. nU B.U and lota 1 and 2.
aeo lOt 7r 4 0 00
Ostium Charles, nX neli and eii nw
aec29t8r4 .?
O'Connal J F, eatate of, ett aw!4 and
lota A and 7 aee 6 1 4 r 5. 10
Olsen Chrl.t, awK sec 7 t7r8, 10
OnenhnimAp .Tnmna T,. aarU aee. fi t fi r 4. . . 10
Oliver Rose A. nw neHaec2t4r2 2 90
Oregon Mtg Co. personal property. ...... 20 00
Oak, P F, und H of H Job Caplea D li O.
lliciuuing OIKI anu parts oi oina ui
City, blka SO and 75; und Hex Caples .
ad to Col City, blk II; und Mj H nVi Jos
Caplea DLO, Including 23458 and 9,
kite, blk 46; lota 1246 07 89 10 U blk 74;
uud Mot nH, including lota 4 t 7 8 1
blka 53 and 16 ; all of blE, 43 and 48 : lot,
4 ST 8 , lots, blk 30: all of blk 861
lola 3466789, 6 lots, blk 78: part of
Iota 2 and 11 and allot lots 1 and 13,
blk 72; Tot, 1 2 3 4 fi a 7 and nri 8, 7mota,
blkA; Ioul234ft7891011l4,llots,
blk 19; lots 1 2 and 9, 3 lots, blk 38; lota
T 89 10 11 IS 18. 7 lots, blk E; lots 12 8 4
867 8 9 10 11 12, 12 lots, blk 96; lots 1011
1213141618171819 20 21 22 23, 14 lots,
blk G ; I 2 3 4 25 27 28 29 30 81 32, 11 lots,
blkF: all blks 28 27 29 80 31 32 83 84 36 34
fi93M95l24Klota; all blka 103 110 111
11211811812148 40 and ,tt 48, W lota;
frac blka 36 38 87 90 01 98 and B 1010
0 4 C R K Co, nw swM nwH aeu and
neiiseoBt a r n: nw neit anu w
,w4 aeo 7 t 8 r 2; ne'4 and n'i
nwli and aek nwVi and neli aw
and nli e4 ho 8 t 8 r 2;
nw'4 neli and ue)4 nw) sec U t8r2;
wH and a'i nK and neU sw'4 see 17
tH va-i nwu and neli and aw4 and se:
aecltSrO; neU and nwli and ae am
au aee 11 1 a rS: neli and nw'4 am
ae'4 and sw!4 see 20 1 4 r 3; ne and nwli
and seK and aw!4 secM 1 4 r 2; aw'i
gna neia swiB sea 00 v , r J, ova ami
pwH and ae4 and ,w see 2ft t 4 r 3:
poU and nwU and aeti and awU aee 27
1 4 r Si ne4 and uwli and ael4 and swU
sec 29 1 4 r 3 ne4 and nwli sec 81, t t
v8; neli and nwli and ae and awU
sec 38 tlr 8; neii and nw4 and !,
and W4 sec 36 1 4 r 8 294 00
Payne John M, 8 acres In tfl r 1; aH nw!4
and nU awU BAC 11 1 7 r 4..
5 25
Palmer W H, eVi aelA sec 8 1 4 r 4. ... .....
Pearson Geo H, sw nwW and nwX swX
and a of sw!4 sec28ttr4
PeckPhlneus, eVi nwM, except 6 acres
sold to A Wood, sec 82 1 fi r 4
Peoples Freighting Co, 1 lot In Bryant
vllle 09x100, see 8 t 7 r 4; Bryantvilie
lots 1 2 and part of 8, lots 1 3, 8blk U. . .
Ferrln Ernest, personal property
hillips Mra B H, aekf aeli aeo It --j " V i'!'o.M ' ' "
8 60
9 80
7 10
8 50
4 00
rinpanoy iseiauu, m. aro it u r 4. ....
pomeroy M.eH aeii and ,w!4 seti and
nU awU BAO 18 ft 4v
,1 .aimer, lua 4
and, pik is au iv
Power, Joaeph, e'i awSt aoc 3 t 7 r 4;
n of nwH see 10 1 7 r 4. 1100
Patter Henry, nwli see 4t8r8 1 OS
Price Geo. estate of, ne'4 seo27tftr4.... 760
Prlngle William, wHnw), and nhitwH
sec 11 1 ft blk 4; Vernonia. lot 11 bfk 16. 9 6ft
Patterson Marry E, ne!4 se4 aee 36 1 0
r8 2000
Peterson John, n nwM sec 19 t 7 r 8 ft 00
PlttlngerWO, neJ4 seo4 1 B r 2.... 12 00
Perrin George B. awii sec 29 1 5 r 8. 10 00
Perry A Co, wK and a M aeVtv see 23
11,1 80 00
PeursonDO, Vernonia, lotaland 2. blka, 110
Prespott C H, und H of Jos Caple's D Ii
0, including blka and parts ot blks
VQI. uiDy, uias o anu im unu n qva
nanln'a Add to Col. Citv. blk 6: und ti
.,r . 7 2 Z p. , tI t P,'i"V..jT
4. ft. 6 and 8. 1 lots, blk 4fit
1 4 ft 8 T 6 9 10 U blk
74; all of blk 7ft: nnd U of nH. includ
Ing low 4 to 8, lota, blk 16; all of blka
4346) lota 4 to 9, 6 lota, bill 80 lota 4 to
96 lota blk 71: all ot blk 68: part ot
lota 8 and 11 and lots I and 12 hlk 72)
lotal to7andr,Kof a, 7H lots blk Al
loUlto 12.12 lota, blk 19; lot, 188,
3 Iota, blk 88; lots 1 to 12, 12 lota, blk 96;
ToU 7 to 13. 7 lota, blk E; lota 10 to 88,
14 Iota, blk G: lota 12 8 4 2ft 87 88 88 80
81 and 88, U lota, blk Fi all of blka 88
gl 80 3irB3334Bfi)9383M9S
li(B 110 111 112 lift 118 121 4.1 4(1 and a',
of 48. 24'-, lou; frac blka 26 28 87 90 01
OK. blk II ,
10 20
10 on
1 10
12 00
10 00
Plhl O, ae'i, aee 84 t r ' ..........
I'llliiian Mary E, wH ,e!4aec2et7 r3..
IMownian U N. eVi neli aee t rl...
fogue Jamea K, Col. City, lou s ana 0,
blk 67 '
Potter Henry M, ,wi aee 81 1 ft r 1
Purden Wm C. ,M nwli and nw'i w!4
and lot 4 uv 1 tlrfi
Buppannana Lara, ne!4 "' aee 84 t 8
v a, IA aarL: and aarU awU aee 24 t 8
rl...... 800
Kamsey MaryC. aee 25 1 7 r4 7A
Beddlek John M, ,w!4 aw'i and lot 1
aeclSt 7 r4 ? J
ReeveaAUrjw!4ec34t 8 r8 1 AO
Keen V, awH aee ai t e r z
Redman John J, nw!4 aee 20 1 ft r 25
Klce Dan, nw)i and w ne'4 aee 27
t7r i... .7. o3
Rlchardaon Oeo W. nw'4 aee 21 1 7 r 3... S 00
Klckmnn Tobla, M, aw!4 aee x, 7 rs... o ou
Kldgeway ft Harria, 6 aerea in aee 4 t 1 .
r, ae
Hosier Peter. a!4 ne'4 and neH ") and
ae'i nw' sec 33 t 7 r S. 1 7ft
Hosier M iebael, nw'i ae!i end awl ae'4
and nwli ne'4 .ec ;B t , r Z; n'i nw'i
and aw! nwW and nw!i andswH aee 33
4 00
Rosier Mra Mary Ann. awH ae'4 aee SO
nr. nw'i ana en ne; anu iw
new aee 32 1 7 r.2 18 60
Rose Hpencer B. e4 t'.i aee ft 1 4 r 4 Ver
nonia. iota z ana 9 oik a; venKmia,
lots 8 9 10 II 13 blk 6; Vernonia Roae ad,
lota to 14 blk 2; Vernonia Boae ad,
lots 10 11 blk 11 23 4X
Bosa W J,n!iae!iandlutaft( !cl t 7
rS 83 7ft
Boblnaon Allln A, wK aw(4 aoc 6 t 4 r 3;
e ae'4 aee 6 1 4 r 8; St Helena, lot 4 b S 85
V.tlwpl flnrp C. U tall nn. SI t. II r 4. . . 125
Hummer jk.u, w, see w i or ........
Hankins John H. aw'i see 22 1 A A 10 00
Reed H R, ne'i see 36 1 4 r ft 10 (
Held AD.30acreaoireVneiaecftt4r4 ftOO
Rhodea John H, w!4 ,wi aee 11 1 7 r3. ... 6 00
King Alex, eatate or, sw'4 ,w'i sec ai t .
r; nw'i nw'4 anu wv, new Bna aei
neii and n,-' i aeW sec 28 t T r 2 2100
Blchardwu Jaiuea,und H nwi ae and .
ne!i aeji aee 18 1 fi r 1 8 00
Riley Patrick, aw'i aee 28 1 6 r 4 10 00
iticnarus aire r. o. aau ne;i anu ncy4
uUmalltlpI TOO
Blppertiin Harah nwiiae 10 tr ft. 10 00
Klpperton J A Sr.. neK aee 10 1 ftrft..... 10 00
Rlnebard W B. ne!i aee t r3 Ill 00
Klneliart Major, nw'i aee v te r a niw
Bldgeway Edward, Vernonia lat ad, lota
l ZB4. on, oik ; v ernonia lat au, ioi iu,
blk ft: Vernonia lat ad, blk 13; Vernonia
tut. ad. tola 1 28488. blk 16 81ft
Bunyon W 8, nwK and eeji and nei aee
za,1l ro; ae'i anu nw, anu nort see v :
1 4 r ft; nw!i aee 21, 1 4 r A; nwH aee 21 1
ft r ft; e(4 aw)i and lota 8 and 4 aee 7 1 ft r
ft; awH and nw aee IS t ft r ft; 5V4 nm'A '
and lota lands aee 18 1 ft rft 119 TS
Ryman Klehard, aVi aeJi aeo 2 1 4 r4; n
ueJiaeo82t4r4 10 00
Rice 8 M, ae awH and m el4 aee 20
t7r3 085
Schmidt Emil 8, t ne and wl ee'4
sec io 1 1 r a; awi ann w - j teem ,
IrS. 35 8ft
9chenraan('harles,ii!iw!ieoUt3r3 ISO
Knlumnnvnr R S. neraonal nronertv 25
Bchwatb Carl, nwli aeeMtftrft ,
Onh, line John. HfU aee Lt t fi eft 1
Beverne Jamea C, nek Bee 32 1 8 r 3 1300
governs F, eji nwJi and aw'i ne)i nwJi
aefc sec niori
Bheringhousen Henry and wife, ?i of
ae-i see 11 tor
9 25
Jeaaie iilliea 1 1. l, lees eu u-rea sola
.THn Rherlmrhouaen. aeea 12 1ft 18 t 8
r 1 and 2 81 70
Shanahan Ernst, personal property 1 95
Bhanahan Alfred, eW e4 sec 12 1 4 r fi. ... 4 76
Bhearer Marshal, w nwW and se nw
and sw'i neyt aecior
Bhearer Waiter, ae'4 aee 29 1 6 r 5
Hlmmons E C, seH Bee 9 t r 3
Smith John, ne'i sec 14 1 4 r 5
fimltli Joaenh and Sons. 10 aerea off A T
6 26
1 OS
Dobbin's land, 1 7 r 2. 132 20
flnvdnp W f. w. nwk and sei nwVi sec
li t7r3 3 00
Bnyder Conrad, swi sec 29 1 7 r a 100
Hnencer C H, peraonal property ft 70
Htreeuer lawis, iota 141 anu ae d.
baU hp1 ane ft t ft r 4
Stewart J B, Vernonia Rose, ad, lot, 1
and 2 b 18; Vernonia Roses ad, lot 1ft b
Vapnnnla ftsawwi ad. lot fi bll: Ver
IIOIIII xviapsa au, kiiiii pipi.
. p. , I .. . 1 ,. rl I OK
Stewart James E, se'i ne'4 and ne!t se'i,
sen 15k. t 7 P d: urac. RW4 DW14. SeC JU.
Itrl 7S
Btratton J W, Bry antville lat ad, lota fi, 7, . . .
8. bfi... 10 25
Stehnian S E, n'i sen and seg ne K aeo
an. tiri! HW4 ae ana ma sec ee
tfrS: nX nwl4 tee 1 tr8 34 86
Btehman C, eatate of, wH swKaecUtfi
Straelion Lottie V, Bt Helens lot b 11. .
Mtni.-hn., Win. awU ane 12 f 4 T 3
Ktreboii Daniel M, ne!4 see 24 t 7 r 4. .... 11 0D
Ktunw.aid I. nli aeli sec 27 t S3r 2 S4 95
2 26
Hundblum Francis, ne!4sec3t7r2
Suoniela Pe er, a'i nw!4 sec 27 1 8 r 4; eH
ne'i see 28 t 8 r 4
Rweutlund Walter, personal property....
Swairer John H, St Helens, lot 10 b 18. . . .
Starr .1 II 4 F B Meredith, aw!4 swri sec
Scott William, Col City, lot 8 b 21
Hcluinenian C and Johnsen & Callahan,
ai. awU u nrl f pan BU n V see 14 3 P 2. .
2 so
21 25
SIId!4aec i4t4r3 10 00
Sliearer Mrs A M, Bryantvllle 1st ad,
lota 1 and 2, bfi.... v
Shearer Mrs Maud, Bryantvllle lat ad,
Shearer James W, Bryai.tvllle 1st ad, el4
I US b 3 and 8; Bryantvilie tat ad, lot 4,
RhfiAl(V .Tnhn It. niA neU and amii neU
see22t6r3 00
Bhearer D B, se'i aeo 21 1 r ft 10 00
Sigert Lewis, ne!4 sec 17 1 4 r 4 10 00
KImIa T. n nnU and aaU ne U see 11 t
Art: swa nw'i sec az t o r... "
Smith J li, Vernonia Bose ad, lota 14, 15,
b 5... .77.
Smith Carrie R, nw'4 sec 36 tfir3; nw
lni.T.a'" " .7.... 20 oo
lull u nn n aZ nal IA,-I H fa T IE IlHVi Fl"i
Smith Annie, Vemonia Bose ad, lot 2 b8
Smith Jane K, ne sec 18 t 7 r ft W 00
spray s J. se'i sec is t s r l 12
b4ae?4 1 8M8 ' " ".l08.8. 10
Speneer Joslah, si neii sec II 1 6 r 2 .. ...
82iJt s'efi' s . seu.,t. 27
nmitn n A. swi sec miori w
Strong C A, nwM ec 17 1 7 r ft. 10
Stern fids Morris nX nwJi and sw nw
ann 17 I SpAi BAU awV sec 8 t fir. 10 00
Btory George, eW nw4 and lota 1 and 8
secl8t4r...." S SS
HlAllman .lames A. neli see 7 1 7 r 8 10 00
Sterns Sirs William, oooie, lotio, oo
Stoddard Geo A, nek sec 26 1 6 r 5 , . . 10 00
Stott Sam K, swMseH and lota t and 6
aun A t H p 1 , loi hmi g t S r 1: lota 8 and
11, sec 20 tan w vai
Smit h J H, e se and seH neV sec 20 1
7r6; sw'i and sw'4 nwH seoiS 1 7 r ft- 20 00
miner a, r, i, i n, i b.ji
Sherman E, eH ne-i sec 13 1
Taylor John 11, sw4 ne an
fi r 8 6 00
and nwV sei
aVatlrl.. 4 0U
Thomas AlDhus, w see 85 tfirft 2 26
Thornbury & Mullen, 2 lota in Bryant
vii1a pH1and lHvan. Clatakanle. lot 4
hi... - WOO
Tlmoner Thomas, seri sec 27 1 7 r 2. . . . 2 40
Tlmoney James F, 410 acres off P Oallp T. n anea 91 3a 85 t V r 2: se'i
sec22t7r 8700
sr. .1,1.. Mupt.ln. aU nwV and WS4 nAU sec
2tftr4 :: 12
Townscnd Frederick, commencing an
rods s of nwJi . 28 1 4 r 2, thence s 100
Tods, thence e 380 rods, thence n 100
pnrta thnnAA W HI rods tO OlaCO (if he
ginning, sec 2ft 1 4 r2 7 25
TFavlor W KneW sec 31 1 7 r 8.... ...... U 00
Turnahan Francis. uwH swH and lot, 3
ns rtii,i ...7 .... 2
Tallman S W, personal property 80 00
t ne 4Junuee mm
1 f . a. rn.,at I .1 ..
The American Mtg; Co of Scotland, per
I snnal nroDertV
lWriy '
1 .1 1I4 Uv-v 1 cv aa
smitnjit. nw'i secsniro ....... ...... o, w on the dry sou ol a iorest or a neatn is
Mtet.V'::::: .specie. of undwhich the of musio
...... I. .. ?. .1 . 1 l . 1 . O B 9A I I I A- il il nmnM mmnlofa
77 50
12 00
I Tomllson Perry. ae seo 88 1 fi 2
, Thompson K H, Col. City, lotjb 19.......
Tltnra 8, Vernonia, Iota 4, ftb 17
Troquenne Francla, lot 11 aee 4 1 8 r 1. . .
1 t,i in w H linl. Citv lota 8 and 4 b 47...
Tuttle, estate of, lot 2 aee 24 1 8 r 8
irk. rvpAcin Xft.or I ',, neraonal DmD-
1 2ft
erty . 7 . .7. ." . .77. .'. .. 80
irk. tTnrflipm Cnnnllfa Mtjr Co. tieraonal
TomplTlnFrank M, nit J MHei' D t' C
seel4tl8rl8 8 10
Tjpton W W, lota 1 8 and 8 aeo 80 1 8r A,
n'i nw'i and lots 18 8 7 and 8 aeo 31 1 8
r 5; lots 13 8 and 4 aeo 88 t8r ft: lou 1
8 8 4 5 87 aeo S3 1 fir ft: neli swU and
ni2 1 and nwW ufM and nu nwli
and lota 3 to 9 see 34 1 8 r ft. .............. 48
Vanblarlcom Joaeph. wH nojij and ae
neii and nwW sell sec 4 4 r 4;
Vernonia. lotsS ft b ll, Vernonia, lota
1 2 8 4 ft bt: Vernonia lots 3 8 8 b 12;
Vernonia, lota 1 and 2 b 18: Vernonia,
. 1.,. 4 -nd X h 1, VApnonta lnt&bl7l
Vernonia. lots 1 2 8, 4 and ft b 10 80
Vanblarlcom John W.wK bwH nwH
see8t4r4 . 8
Vanblarlcom Hiram D. ft acres In aee 4
IapI, unuane ftitfir i
VanTolkennerc w b. sw see aiiiri.
Vanvolkenberg B P, personal property.
Vanwolkenberg J . xoH sec 23 1 7 r 4. . . .
Vining James neH eeefifi 47 rS.. ......
Vial ng John E, peraooal nroparty. . ......
Vernonia Tmprovetnent Co, lotfl eeo4tft
r4; partof J Vanblaricomland, eec4t4
r4;w!i,e,'iacc6tr4i ne'4 "4 aeo 4
Voge Joaeph, aeli ne'i and neji m and
lot, , a, sec alter ivw
Warrun John, lots 1 and 2, aeoft t7rft;
iota v ana iu see itiro
Walker Wm II. e'A "'4 aee 24 1 7 r (
Wa-dilmrn f ' H R, n aeo 28 1 7 t
Weat Mary, Vernonia, lot 7 b 12
Weber W J, n'4 nw!i and te nwand
ne'4 aw'i aoc 14 1 T r 4
Wentherwux John J, Rainier, lot 8 b 10;
Rainier, lot 1 b 4; Rainier, part, I 4 b 4..
S 50
ft IS
11 00
15 00
weaver Mutton, nwli sec ,u to rx
Wlilvna A 1 iimV nnri wti nmVi see
1 76
24tr4 00
Whitney B P, 'A acres bought of A
Htump, aee24t3r2 t 2S
WlnterVM,awiecl0t6r3 0 2ft
Willtama Franklin, e'A se'i and ne,'i ei"
and nw'i ne'4 sec 13 1 7 r4 11 00
Wilson Jared, aTjinwi aeciffltT r3; swJi
aw!isec25t7r1l; neM aee 35 1 7 r 3 10 90
Wllaon Frank L, n'A ei4 anJ e)i bwJ
aee 1 1 4 r A . 28
Wllaon Mra 1 14, peraonal property 4 05
Wllaon W M, awJi aei aee 12 1 4 r ft. 8 1ft
Wlxtrom I U, e'A Johu McNulty's D L C,
aecA,fl,T, 8, tfrl 00
WllrerdingJohn D, nwiiseoSOttr 2.... 1 7A
Wonderly O E, ae!i eec 17 1 7 r 3 3 50
Wonderly Mra B M, personal property. . . 46
Woodruff Tliompaon H, se'i ne'4 aeo 21
t7 r2 p. 2 25
WoodaLB,landinsec20,30t7rS.. ....... 2 90
Wooda Adella. se5i ne'4 and e m ne
Bee26t7r4 40
Wood B J, Vernonia, K lot 6 b 10
Ware John A, se, nwJi and loU 3 4 5 see
8t4rft HI
Washington Lumber Co, n!i neSi and n'A
nw'4 and awii nwli and ne'4 nwaee
26 1 7 r A; e'A awJi and awri aw and seji
and se'i ne!i aee 23 t 7 r A; nvVt ne .
aee 27t7rft; aejine'i acc22 1 7 r ft.... 40 00
WataouW W,sjiaeiisecl3 t7 r ft wH
ne'4 aec24ttrft. 10 00
Wtt. iiep llRrrv. neV. aee fi t ft r 3 10 Oil
Waabbtirn C F. n4 iwli aee 8 1 7 r 3 ft 00
Waud Mrs Nancy, Col City, lot 6 b 23
1 10
Waud O 8. Col CltV. lot 8 b 47. .
Watts F H, Col City, lot 1 b 21
Wallun J M, 2k) acres oft 1 FuUerton's
land, sec 30 1 4 r 1 -
U'AhatMp FjtarapH. a naV aAC g t 4 r 4: nV
ne'i and eli neli nw'i sec 35 1 ft r ft 24 8ft
Webster Mrs R, eK e ae sec26 t A r ft.. 2 SO
Weeka Bert, am 9k er. 22 r 6; s
ne'i and neHneJi see 27 1 fir ft.... ...... 10 00
Weeka Walter B, nH nw), and aeH neX
aee. 27 t r S. 77. 10 00
Weat Robert, lot 4 aee 7 1 7 r ft 8 SO
West Captain John, lota 4 and ft sec 31 8
To u w
Weigand Mary Ann, se see 4 1 8 r 2 10 03
Welch J B, awJi sec 86 t 7 r 4; Col City,
lota o ana vdi; ii ity, una i anu o u
Hi- f.,1 1'ltv. lot 2 b 21 12 66
Whitney Mrs Florence, neH awJi aee 13
t4r2 2 60
White Emma G, Col City, lota 3, 10, 11, 12,
Willlanij'BFsHnii s60 10 00
Williams Francis H, Col City, Glltner'a
art. Int. a h 21 70
Williams Almira, Col City, Glltner'a ad,
Wilbelm Catharina, s aeM sec 16 1 3 r 2.
5 00
Wwki Thomaa. ai nw' aee 26 1 4 r fk. . .
W iuton F D, swK ne'4 and lots 1, 2 and
part of lots 8 aa lays n of a line due e
and w of nw cor ot J Stoughton'a DLC
ane 21 ti r 2 21 90
Wilg-radt Charlefs awJi seM sec 3B 1 6 r B. 2 60
T, Hour I li, vy u n ;4 Huu " "Q4 a.
tlr 5 10 00
Wilson Henry neV neji sec 7 t r 2; awK
t7 rs; se!4 seri ana neri sei sec
1 I.ApSi
M swand uwji sei sec 6 18
ri 2s oo
Wllaon C R & Co. nwji ne sec 7 1 ( r 2:
irac w4 w4 ana ey nwj anu uw?,
neVisectflr3 19 00
Wilson C R. w nwH sec ft t r 2; se
ne)i sec 31 1 7 r z; eft ne sec 1 1 o r a;
ne)i aw and swi neji ana nwi sey4
-...... . i! I M. ...1 ..,.1 ...T p. w . i 00 RA
O V 1 , 0-i4 . " '' .... n.
Wilson Martna. awi ne ana Be;i ws
Woods Gharlott, Col. City, lot 10 b 26. ...
Wooda C L. Col. City, lot 1 b 1
Wood, J H, w ae'4 sec 16 1 ft r 8
Wnort J ft and J Q Gore, wii nwli sec 18
6 00
1 10
1 40
tlr. uw
Wolf Mrs Alice t, Clatakanle. lots 6 7 b 8 1 10
Wright s, Col. city, 8 lots o a.. l zs
Toung W A, nwW sec 80 1 7 r 3 ,..,,111)
Young Phillip, s&sji sec 34 1 7 r3 2 26
Young J F, seJi sec 21 1 r 2 10 00
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Columbia
county, Uregou.
Hearts of J adores.
Ex-Jndce Rearden saya that all law-
iSJIyera have hearts of mercy until they
9 oo become judges. In the superior court,
durinir the brief term he served, he al-
ways refused criminal cases, because
the mother of the young man was sure
to come around and show the gray hairs
ft6 under her aged bonnet. Judge Rearden
I says that on two occasions he saw Judge
"4 I Levy weaken under tbe effect of an oia
I western nonnei iremuuug wii.u iiuuu
roses. The first time was tn acaseoi
grand larceny, and the old lady who .
called asked the judge for a pass to the
Episcopal home. She said that her son
Fred had declared bis intention to steal
because he couldn't "get work," and
whatever be had stolen was for her sake
and because he "couldn't get work."
"Why," said Reardon, "when the old
woman finished her story, Levy was cry
84 I tag as bitterly as she and the yonng
criminal went to the noose or correction
with the smallest sentence he could get
"Next year the same fellow came up
on an outrageous charge of robbery, and
00 the ancient lady turned up as usual with
oo a full set of tears. She shed them freo-
00 ly, but the judge was familiar with her
so Uctie and the young man went over to
oo I San Quentin
I ..pou. -ij
The old lady was very ungrateful,
for she rose in her might and cried:
' 'Say. indue, you used to have a kind
heartr "San Francisco Examiner.
Imitating; thi Mnale of the Rain.
The melody of rain dancing on the
stones or pelting down in its first drops
Its at present very incomplete list of in
struments. The Mexicans had some
rattles made of very peculiar clay, wit
pips inside, which were intended to rep
resent this sound. Certain tribes of the
North American Indians have been simi
larly fascinated by the loud plash of
water, to the beauty of which we have
alluded before. They have instruments
constructed accordingly, with a view to
reproduce this sound.
Large buffalo bides are filled with
water and sewed up in the manner of
winebags. Drumsticks of cork, or with
their heads covered by a very fine gam.
j,,ih k. t, lr and the mm
IIM- W F lVt VJ ,av f'J -- aj.
I . . 1 . At . 1 i
tie and monotonoos piusa os waver
produced by the drumstick striking soft
ly on the skin. The natives will sit and
listen to these instruments for hours.
Uood Words.
1 10
6 00
1 10
. Aaelent Works of Broaaa.
The use and application of metal work
and decoration, both as fixtures for ap
Dliances and useful domestic articles.
are Tery ancient. We find records of
bronze being extensively usea oy me
Greeks and Romans, Ureece especially
bringing the arts of working bronse to
perfection. Not only are works of co
lossal form produced by them In this
metal, but tbe ornaments of their tem
ples, doors, weapons, armor and tn
prows of their galleys, were made of il
Thav had also a nrocess of hardeninr
I Z . . , l .. i
fi oo and teimen wr bronse, wnicn enaouxt
i S them to make this metal into many lsn-
io oo Inlements requiring a keen eoge, sncn as
4 8ft I
axes, saws and scj on. Decorator and
84 8ft