THE OREGON MIST. iiltrd Mud' and County OflWnl Paper Ht. Ukukm. 3vhk 17, 1NM. LOCAL AM) GENERAL.'' Wnnte.1 01 Uo do light liotwework. Cull idtliU ulllee. Bi-crttiiiy McBriJo l In tho ctfy thi Wi'i-K. Tlio flavoring extrucU at Kilwlii Hn' time iioru. Mrs. T. C. Wiittn tin bc'flit quite ill fur levurul (lay pintt. Tim church oxunrdoii iro n KoIko to Mulinomuli Full tomorrow. 8IiIiiiV Dillon, incident (if 1I10 Union l ueillc, died iu Now York Mouthy, F, L. Downing, of Hauler, wu hi tlio county Hout on Tiitinliiy l int. Li'K ! fur iilo tit tin MiMToflk'c u ZiO ooutii cucli. Itrnicirilier iluit yon ru get receipt Intuit a. I tbi idlicti for 5U i fill eiudi. Tltero uro 381 ruIhou in the Cl'y ol I'liriliinil, ilninitiiu Hggregute biiMuuM Cull on A. A. fiiiuiiion, nnur the etmrthotii'u mul gel h iloncii of 1 li km Hue cabinet puiitu fur 2.00, When you nro in need of blank IHllc'lMW'kx, cull ut TflK Mixr oIUch. 1'liCO, 80 CUhtH.- ;' Tlio alenmer K-dlnpg tk iin exettr lin (niriy lo l'" Wi Hum!) .fituii Knlnnm mill way binding. , IdimonilM-r 1I10 'K'(4 rni hi in M nil itorimli FiiIIh loiii.iir. w, by Mi-miier T J. Puller. Huiiwtl Hip tlckel. 1. Tlui wtir veteran of the !Nortli I'licilie, e,n-it met in uniiul en CMiiiiiinvnl nt Ettgutift I. ml WVdmwd '. Little. Villis Str.ichaii met with tpiitu 11 painful lU'ciduiil lucl Mnntbiy evening t,y f.itlinir mi h iiw hieli mil 1)11 1 to H KI'VITU gllldl ill hi leg. Wo wro in receipt of 11 11 iiiviiuiinn to nltmi'l theciiininencenieui ext-reine (if tin) Mule .Nnrniiil nchnol ut Moo jnninlli cniumuuciiig June 18. Rcim-nilicr tluit you run uel your wiiirlifH unit cluck icpniifd hy (J. II. Hi!Kli tit tho Oriental lino I. I lo ill xi nukei h njii-ciiilty of engraving. Ticket fur lt m tin.) ilnm tiirc fur thu exetindnii H ilmil.iy. D'ui't fail In gel due at once, liicy will nut be mid itfierS p in. (l'tidiiy) tu Liy. It i mid tbut Hiudlier rule war wil Minn Infill i! lilt' Columbia between lli'i Lutlinu iinrl Atiuiitn iimiiiiKt the Telepbnne. Mm) Union I'ut'tiit itiimr. Don't fail to tUlntid ilin )iiciil re ritiil lliin (Kriil'iyy v-nit(ur. Pmfr.iir A vlw..i'lli, of Portland, will Ih here .hkI givo yon t lie world of ymir money. The llotfnrd Ilrothci, foriiu-ily (if tlio l,ei mid l.nko Itiver TniiiHHirli linn cot.ipHiiy, hrtvu inrliiii'il llic Hcnmr Ioiim, I ' 1 y i 1 ii liulwi'uu I'oilliiiul ami Wnlintn.:il, Minn Miiltie I'crrv (ippni'd n privuic rcliool in Hi. Hidni. Moudiiy Mio Inm qtiito h tinmlii'r nf 'iii1 n liilli'il In (' Willi, mid llic 0111. icctot giKid for ft mit ceinifitl term (if cll'd, . Mwm T. C Wnli, D. J. RwiU-r. hiiiI lUi, W, McBiiilo nr in l'nrtlniiil I week 111 ili'l-tiit(H nt. inlinu the lejltihir i-iiioii of I In) MilMniit (IthiiiI l.mlgA which mot in (hut city V milieu diiy inorniiiK Murriiiire licoiiNP were inmieil hyilie ronnlvTtt ,m fnllowii! June 7. JljjKfni,1i and Minnie M. Seflert ; -.fniio 11, (J. V, Our 1 iff n 11 ml Kulle WilliHinis; Jnno 13, (Jinign L. Halt nod Vi 'l.i J .MiIIk. Wrnoiiiii propofca lo oelcliriite the I'mirili o! July in a liininiiii way. Uur Hi-ter city pecniK to lui ulivtn 11 ml I'lili-rpriiiinii in 11 ileur"' Ihut miithl Ii" pHtterncil lifter liy aixiin of ilit oldur citic of tin) county. Mr. M. V Ilmco, of O llton, hm niifHlmi.kii for 11 tine piiil of hi row her iXh prcscnii'd liint S'lHirdiiy. Tlic liirceHt one memMircd vix inche in c:r fumfcrenec, 11ml 11 nuii'lmr of othrr Weill im liillh , I' f"'""' "ml ono-hiilf incheii. Who vail la-at I hie? rrraehinir hy Hev, T. T. Vino, nl, of (Im KvaiiRcliciil church, i.ext fSiiinhiy, Jiiiim 19, at n p. 111. 1 im yonnir people itio rii'iuiu'ed tn meet at T:5!0, and ciicndii Iiii If 11 it hour in (itiKini;. All tiro conliiilly invited to uilenj the mm vii'OH. The Miirinn County Denior-ntt will lieveiifler lw tailed mhiiI weekly, Intl the mibiTiiplion and iid vcrl inln! roiei. will remain tlio fatui". ' Itcalnmitf tin lieccenity for 11 li deniocriUio paper ut tho stnl Capitol, tho di'i.iouriila of th(tiit() nhotilil aiiow iheir apurefiii tion thorofur by vxtondiiig u liburul patronagn. Dr. W. C. Belt, criidniito of Trinity TTnlverHity, of Tiironlo, Canada, in uo'v I cnioiiiiintly located here, hii( in able to attend to nil hi ir-i iih Hrtainiut( lo las lino of profew-ioii. Tho iloet' w m formerly mudirnl lO'-i'liint 111 the City lioHpilul at Hamilton, Onlario We wlnh him mlcucsa iiinl wt-lcimie It i 111 uiiionu o. Flora T. ownnl by W. I). Conncll.of Deer Inland, won two r.u-ea at I'iy View last week. In the 2:00 chine ho won tin) Hint and third hen If, car ryiiii? 11 jmimi of $250, ami in the S :40 t-lncH Hho won . three ntralil' heate, milking llio mnnd heat in Si 35 with out a break. Tliia wa 11 Wo for 11 purne of $200. Font T protniuea lo be 11 win tier, and before llm cloru of the femoii (ilia will greatly lower Ibid vplmidid rcooril. Jndue T. A. McBride, of Orpgon City, Dr. Willi Moie, of, Salem, At torney L. Adam, "f Union, Dr. Janie McBridu and Oeo M, Me Bride reinrned from Kchol.ike, near Mount St. Ifelena. MomhiV. IniviliK been iibcelit about 11 week. They were nnablu to awend U tho top of lh mountain on account of now. At the upier camp they found twelve feat of enow, and did not 1111 (lerluku lo go further. In Echo lake thny caii!hl 11 fine airing of tront iibout fifty in nuiubeiw meaeurinn from twelve to fifteen incla-a Ioiik. They all roiurned well jiluueil with tliejr trip. A m mifiiiHtit (Miciirrcd t (lie gmvel (ill nt MtidiMKi(Mi WixlncuJiiy liiMt In which Coiiduotor Kowo of ilia Nnrilifrn I'hvIIIii work liMin lout In liiv. 11 U tniiti of lint run w , Iwu k- fiiH out turn Urn it, with Uowo nlmui- lug on lliu fnrciiiiwt unr hi they were O.ckinif tip. Tim miK' tiddenly applied (he air on the brake, ('Mining a ipitcK MlOiipNire, Ihrowinir the ('no dnclor In front of the moving ear, which run over him, cutting off both !' IIIKI UOIU HHIIN, a I" mo M MM hiiiki lite iinforiiiiiNi mail wn taken t Hie homiitiil in fortlHiid where he (li l HiNin after. It I cuiil that whde tlielinin wan nmler way lie whh tliroW' fug peb lea at ihiii chipmunk alouu llio track, and w.n entirely off h n Inilance at the lime of the Hidden jerk (laiii-ed hy Ilia appliance of the all iiriike. The now Htviuner Fiver, owned by 'he Coluinhia Kiver and Piignl H uu I Navigation compunv, wa burned at rteiiitle Tm-ailiiy iiilit. Tlw Flyer wmh built a I'ortlaml laid mi 111 111. r and "uliHcipicnily taken to the hhiiiiI, after which it wan found ipcccnry to partly rebuild which Inl jilel been coiitplHteii. Hhe coKt 1120.0)0, inclmliiiK the ma ehiiiery viilued at 7o,00J The ownern intend to rebuild lier a hi.oii a the ioMlianco ('(iiiipiuiie make an ad jurtmciit. ln.uranco $7iKX). The a e inier' hull and mnehinery are not thought to b.; mtiioin-ly damaged. Tui olllito ackunwliidgea the receipt of an invitation to attend I be loeeliiii of the State Teachera' Anwieiaiion to bet eldat Fortlnid June 38, 29, 30, and Julv 1. 1S'J2, iffited from tliei dice of the ftale fiiperiuteudeni ; a Wo die iiinoiiucement and eiitaloiu( of "Ore hoii'k E l icitioniil Exhibit at the Wnild' ('oliiiiihiaii Eiporilioii, Chi- inn, 1H03." AH pcrnouc iiilerectod in I eiloca ioual mailer are reinnd to ml in till dn I work and hi1 in vxtviidiiig ediieiitional nialter. CLATHK.WIK. Mr. Mary Ia-kwiNxl. of Im Center, 1 vi-jiiug friend in ihix place. Mr. and Mr. Ira Oven 111 f chiijc in 011 tho Meaioer laxl Friday, end are iM'nditu a few day with their dauli ter, Mi H. 8. Ilulloii. We neglected lo ineiiti'ui laat week that Mimic Fannie nnd Abbie Bryant are Inline aicaiii from Ccnlralia, Wab to a;ud the riimiiici Vacation with iheir parenii, Mr and Mr. Bryant Hn-y lliiiuhed u nine itionlb term of ptllilte vchiHil in Ceulralia, and the hu t (hut 1 hey are employed at 11 gotal Hillary for like ipiliun during the coming irh il year i an evidence that ihcii oik a teacher ha been me cchkIuI and aliractoty. Mr. 0. II. Hint Ii and faini'y now L'cUpyiuK the Harvey O enn boiiue a iv n ci nl addiiioiiH to the city. Talking of addition, "o incntioned wniie lime ago that Edioll W.hmI bud an old 1 1 ion built to hi houee, and i hi wci k we learn that there ia an ad di ion to the family, of one boy. The In 1 W: fellow i ladng kindly cared for mid yivc pioniinu of becomltlK a wor thy ciiieu mid lraight republican. .1. I'age and Wife and t liibl are Hiei,diii the week iu town vomiug in from ilu ir ranch 011 Monday evening .villi their carriage (baby carriage). Capt. Jim Hhitvur i etill limping from an injury to hi hin 11 few day ayo. Mil on Bryant ia another cripl lemporiirily troin an injury received at llieaawmill ruerday. A ca-UHlily that might have been Jian at tln 10 w M-liiN.I tui hliiig Monday, when the cud of a hug auditing f 11 and truvk him 00 the head conlioiiig him l, the liotiae a couple of day after ward. A. F. Mv'M 1 011 a claim tbi week in 1 he Uock ciwk leninti. He tliiukr a III lie outing of that kind will do him Biaal. t , ': A htrnwherry fetiival anuoiiuced for Friday evening for the ben lit of the cornel, bend. The Uiy want to come out In new ui:a 011 the Fourth of July, and ihciti i mi reason " why M11-V i-hoiil.l not do hi, if the where wiiliul can b) provided. Mentioniim the Found of July mr gert the notice that T, J, Cleetoii. county Hiiperinlendeiit 1 b-ct, ban promW'-il to be with u on that day and deliver an oration. Mr. ClenhaVa political ellbrt in our place wa hinhlv cnmpluneiiied, and the public will lie pli in-ed lo hear from him aguiu oil the roiii'tli. Mr. Anion Eiiekoii and Mi Limie N I on, uf our place. Kaik l"einn lveh to Forllaiid last Saturday and reHirned Monday evcniiiK man a ml wife. The newa itnt out among the Ihi) who Kiithered aboitl 10 111. iu front of A Al. TiclicnorV rciddeiiutv whern the btiite ha been living, mid made nluhi ri Miiiiid uiili tki irral le aial clat'cr for ome lliue, keeping the community from liai eepy. . H Win their conirratiihilioii to the newly married pair very l ire lily-expniaaml, Mr. E. C. Blackford of the Chief wa taking in the larger city on the Wil lamette purl of thi week, ret iirniiiit Wednewlay evening. Mi Doyle, of 1'orllnnd, i vinting iu town and vicinity thi week. Mr. John Lttdwi oiiine in from Porilaud Monday 011 11 vi-it to hi iinclea, J. M. ami. E. C. Blackford, and oilier fiieuila, nnd i H'tiding 11 fw day iim a vacation." We uiideiatnnd ne i engaged to do oine of the lini-h-hi)t 011 the Oregonian and other build itiK ill 1'orllaud. The Conyer mercantile firm had a iood lob of cleaning up dune urutind their building recently. W. A. Ederioii i iu Portland thi week oil hiiaiucHfi, A lleiuarkattl Caee of Khewmatlaa Me. C ge and Sherman, of Alex ander, Tex, write ua regarding re markable cure of rheumaiiaui there a follow: "The wife of Mr. Win. TniiM, the immmaater here, hud lieen lied-iid- den with riieuuialiaui for e vet r1 y ears. She could gel noihing to do her any giaal. We wild her 11 bottle of Chain berlain'a Pain Balm and she wax com tdettly cured bv it ne. We refer any one to tier to verify tlii tatement." iKcetU bottle for side by Edwin lion. TW'KliVK MKS KlhVKO. Kxpl(M(nn Im fhn Hlicll Koui at Mare Ixland Navjr Yard. Vaumo. OiiLJiimi 13. Tlio neonle !7'JVw,n 8!B!',Iud "'ormiiK 111 V:J0"U 'I rol"'rt B,"M k linike. Ituiinlinlcly the lira bell in UiO yunl wer rtiiiK.iiiid lliuconcliiainii renciiuu wa iiiai uieie wa a lire on Mare Inland, down al the magazine, that belched forth into the ky an tin meiine cloud of Mimke. A ooii a ii wan hi!h enough the people' eye. were turned thither, and for half an hour reiMirt after report wa heard a the shells exploded. 1 111 mediately the litire navy-yard force rmdied for the n ene, and when true fact came to light a hurrible vceiie prei-eiilvd list If. I lie nrl spectacle to it reel ine eye. wa the burned mid cliurred Wnlie 11! two apprentice Hemncii lai the beach, two hundred yard front the aceiie ol be explontoii. I 1 1 lie meantime 0111 more body of it teaman wa on the way lo tint honpital. Qoiug furtliei on to t' e rceue a horrriblu right met the Kime, AniuWl the ruiii and nib around oil the idehdl were wen bod let and piece of lioilien alU red here and there. The bouie were taken out a fl a Mn-ible, ami when all wi re along ideif each other they counted twelve, with Kiunncr Hitiiuger, of ihe United Statea cruiai r B0HI011, at the, head. ; Some were cut in two, oilier miiiti a leg or arm or head. Twelve were kided 0111 riuht, and three were taken to the hoapilal wounded, but dying. Two of liiene were the appren tices picked up on Ihe Ik'iicIi. J lie exdoioii had thrown them into the hay, inula In ml from 11 iiterrli mlmau al (Sla rr mill, on llm oppoidte vide, rexell.-d them and Wentoii lolheiuoke and ruin for ilie oilier. The entitle of alinont the entire laalie of there wo, mm well 4 tie ir clothe, wm blown tr, aud yet thev were eoimciou mid were able 10 move, liul will die. A JNIIIIM lrlea. A friend In need In Mend indted, and not !- til 111 one iidllinn ieop! have found jitntutii'li a friend I Dr. KIiik Nw - eoveiy fur coiiuiim t'on, coiiidni nnd eohln. Ifyo ihuve never u-I tin great cuincli nieiiichie. one trial will cotiviuee you that it lit 1 wonderful curative Hivrn In all 01 c e of lliroat, die t and lungA Kaeli bolt '. I guaranteed todoalUhatinel lined or .nunejr will Im- refunded. Trial bottli-a free at Kdwln Il.ii1 diuK lore. Large IxitttraSOc unil t. WOULD NOT TAKB glO.OOO OO. Mow Mr. Wilaun waa Cured by Dr. Darrin The Doctor Alao Cured -Mr. Crook of Hirlctwjw After Fltre Dot-tor Had railed. (Morula;? Oregnnliin. J me 13.) Editor Oregonian : For twenty eight year 1 had been aeriotisly alHicted with pile mid prolapnun of the rectum. Never iu that time did 1 have a movement of the bowel with oitl punhinK I ha tumor hick. I be came o weakened Mild rick that 1 could not work or attend to bunine. I suffered all the "lornieiH of the lamuwl" until I ciimo to Dr. Darrin April 2. Willi their treat cut I am happy lo nay I am perfectly cured. 1 would not take $10,000 and lw placed where I wa liefo'e the oeralioiu I nvide al Mist, Culumbia county, Or. J. II. Wjlhox. ItKMlltK MILE CUIUS OF HTKICTItRE. Mr. Editor : Having been liotiblud with uietbral utrielure for eleven year, and hiiviim been cured by Dr. Darrin. I wish in tell o.bera how an i where it w.i done, tb it they may avail tliemaelve of the dotor' won derful rk'll. I have beeil under Dr. Dai riu'a treatment three wt'ekg. and am now perfectly well. I never lt a day'a work whiW under hi treal ment. For moiilha prior to the ojier ation I wa eouriued to uiy bed with pain and Buffering bey aiil denuriptioii. Five doctora fniWd to euro me during the oat eleven year. I reaide nt 204 Third lreet, Ponlaud. II. C. Cook. Dr. Darrin can be found at 270J LWiixliiiiKion treet, Portland, Oregon: Review building, Spokuue, Wai-h.; the IIoh I Norllieu, Art'iria, Or. ; from 10 In 5 daily, 7 to 8 eveiiiujfo ; Sunday, 10 ki12.;; They make a specialty of the eli-c-trio a well a medical and surgical treatment of all diaeanea of eye, ear, none, throat, uatarrh, deafnee, bron chili-, l.i grippe, C(UMiinption,dyppp nia, heart, liver, and kidney dineace. All nervotiM, chronic, and private dis ease of men, including atiicture, hy drtH'cle, variciH-ile, and nil peculiar feiimlu trouble iiro confidentially and Micce.rfnlly treated. . Mol eue can receive home treatment after a vWii to the doctor' office. Inquirie an pwered. Circular and rjueatiou blank ent free. Cnuftiltiti-iu fri'e. MAMHIEU. UAKKISON WILLIAMS At the gruoiii's 10 JJeilec alioet iwo lull. from si. tlel m . on M'lliluv, Jyna -.', I,y u-tk-w Dlukenlcy, Mr. 0. W. Uarrinou ami Man Kiltie Wihiam. MILL IIALl.. At Vvinania, Ororon, June IS, l."i. ty Rev W. H. fuliner. Mr. Uiorg L. Huh anu Misi tola J. Mill.. Ctlfr.D. UIIKIK. At i'oiiltoti, Oregoi, Kri.n.y. .Iiinu 10, the infant c.dlu ol Mr. and Mrs. Iiilm libriu. m ON. UKKUI.E In ht. Helena, on M.niiiav, June 13, 18J-.', to lire wile of J. K. beetle, M mm rtearalffla. t)are4 la IS Illliialr. Mi. J. 8. Stnrtevaiit, editor of the Waupaca (Wix.) Poat, euy : ' "Lit night Chanibetlaiu' Pain Hal in cured my wife of neuralgia of the face and tooth in fifteen miniilea. We woulil IJOt be without it." '50 cent bottloa lor wle by Edwin Boa. The State Analysis. ( "For purity and care in preparation the Royal Baking Powder equals any in the market, and our test snows that it has greater leavening power than any of which we have any knowledge." prof. Chemistry, Uiuvtriiljr of Caiiornia, and SiaU Anafyst "From actual analysis made by me, I pronounce the Royal Baking Powder to be the strongest and purest baking powder before the public." Prv. ClumUtry, Cat. CoVtgt Pharmacy of tht Uuivtrsity of Caljfjruiat ChtmU SiaU Board of Horticulture, etc. JOLLY WAY8 OF A "TACITURN" RACE. Nw Vark' Oarmaa CIuIm llav Vary UiiMr Man anil N Kail nl Vmm. A very long time ago. jxMtiibly o tar back the duyaof thatcoutuma cioua old prevurkntor. Sir John Mandoville. there got into literature cold the minda of men a certain fixed doflnito idea that the Uermoos were a alow, .taciturn, phlegmatic race, with no particular Ben no of huinor and fond of nothing but beer, intri cate niuHtc and ailence. It ia wonder ful bow a misconception like that will cling1 when it ouee geta fairly implnnttxl. Every peraon who boa ever been iu Germany or among the GermanM in thi country knows this notion to be a nationul alaiHler. and xtill I auiipoee it im an widely apread and generally lielieved aa ever. The OormuiiH a taciturn race, eh I Uo into one of their cafea ou the eoat aide aotne night and aee. Tbe babel of voice that bithoi ia aJniout deafen ing. Everybody ia talking, everybiajy ia laughing. There ia more genuine mirth and merrimeut than in any Pariainu tatfe chantant. Phlegmatic, eh? They get more fun aud jollity in a night than most of the rent of ua do in a week. Why. the Germans are the moat aotiuble, talkative, life enjoying, ritgarioiiH, companionable and altogether happy lot of people in tho metropolis. There ia acarcely a German reai dent of New York, who ia of normal temperament and any degree of pros perity, who doexu't lielong to at least one organization of a jolly sort. It will be odd if he doesn't belong to at least three or four. In the winter aoaaon these cluba make the German quarters merry with nightly ineet uiga, danoea and dinnera. Second avenue ia the center of German ainuaemeut. Drop over there Home night if you want to nee the phleg matic race raining old Ned. Tho nocial club in the great medium of German social enjoyment, and 1 suppose- there must Ix) 2.000 or 3, 000 1 such clubs in New York city, aioet 1 of them are never hetird of. becaiuw I they meet at members' holmes or in ! quiot cafes. Sometimes they have called the "Lootaenverein" or Pilot association, the members of which are pledged to pilot one another home after meetings. There is the "Dio Woaservogel" or Water Birds, so called because its members uever touch water. There is the "Benk erotteur'clubor BunkruptH.of which the members, it is hardly neittMsary to say, ore not at all hniless. There are the "Suppenknocken" or "Sam phones, " the "napielkopp"orCi-(a)k-ed Hoods, the "Ochsenfrosiihe" or Bullfrogs, the "Veivin dor Chnmiacb Unzufuodeu" or Company of Chronic Malcoutents. the "Kahlkopf tiarde" or Baldheaded Guard, and so on. A very well known dramatic club Is called Pomuchellakopp, from a character in Fit Tteuter s "Uncle Brasig." One singing society is called The Blue Onion, unother The Turnip aud a third tbe Paragraph 11. At the meetings of these clubs there is always singing, something to eat and drink, very likely dancing and always the utmost good feeling. 1 Some or tbeni nave very amusing performances. Their inembersh'p ranges from 10 to 300 each, and altogether they must have ;!(J,ooo ou the rolls. New York Herald. Mlro That (ilddlljr Spin. At a meeting of the Zoological so ciety Mr. Sclater exhibited some cu rious black and white mice recently added to the society's collection cf living animals. These creatures are the product of Japanese ingenuity, and show several curious character istics. Their black and white color is remarkable, since they appear to be merely a variety of the common domestic mouse. They have a habit, too, of pursuing their own tails. This habit is paralleled in a re markable way by the "tumbler" pig eons. In the two cases it may pos sibly be due to a defect in bruin structure. In any case, the peculiar ities are handed down from areut to offspring in both animals. The mice are usually called "spinning miee."-Poll Mall Gazette. Rubber HHwen and Chant rrotMMM. Rubber shoes and arctics during: wet nnd snowy weather will serve to keep the feet dry and warm. The so called chest protectors aud nil ar ticles intended to raver ouly certain ports of the body with thick flannel are not desirable, as they render such an area very sensitive to cold. Babyhood. . . . Tho most beautiful diamond by far that I have ever seen was the one found nt Kimberley by a little Amer icon uamed Porter Ithodes. I paid twenty five dollars just to look at it. The sight was a liberal education for a diamond exiiert. He afterward sold it to the Countess of Dudley for taOO.iXK). It was lost once liefore i left Africa, and Rhodes presented the Zulu who returned it with a re ward of $75.XM). - Interview in Chi cago Tribune. MRS. C. L COLBDRN, lVlii.Liirrsii ASD DRESSMAKER, a a ' ST. HELENS, OREGON. BLUE FRONT One Price Cash Store, WM. SYM0NS, DEALER IS : General Merchandise, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. TINWARE, ETC Ladies Fine Shoes PATENT MEDICINES. RAINIER, i : : : OREGON ' - THE DTCAMKR IRALDA la now icakm; regular round tiips from OAK POINT TO PORTLANt Daily Except Wednesdays, Lkavixo OAK POINT... 4:40 A. M HTKI.LA ... ...... ...8:00 - " JtAlSlKK. .. ... 6:. " " K Al. A M A 7:00 " ST. HKLKXS : K:li0 " AaRiviKO I OUTl.ANH. . . . . . .. .11:00 " RETURNIXG Lraves POtt'l LAND...' .... ... 1:00 I. M Akmivk bTKl.l.A .... i... .7:45 ' W. E. NEWSOM. :....''..'':. ; THK '' : Splendid Young Norman Horse EMPES , Will mnke the enon of X892 a follows : Monday and Tuesday ut It. COX" place, Warren. Wednedav and Thursday tit GEO JAQUES', Goble. Rertof the week at C. MUCKLE'S ranch. Deer Ilnnd. ' TERMS: INSURAXCK, f 15.00 TKM lK-T ii a lieuuttful dark iron gray 10 hands liiiili; six years oLl i weiKlis MM' pomulii,. with line 't l . ipiiek movement, and aefonii to none in inimuljr power aid nnral II ty. Hewai ired by Vounir Byron Kier; l (Id Hyion Kier, ianaeWd and owned by SiiuiintC'ter, Keota, Iowa. TeniMl' (lion Ktti -i ed by Old Ti-iupeiil. a Nortiuin lioite, owurd bv J. Dowuk, Iowa. CH AS. MUCKLE, Owner. Treaaurer'a Notice. County Troamir r' Office.1 ' I tt. Helena, Or., M v W, tU2. I State of On-Kon, t'ulunibia l ounty; No ice a tipre'iy riven that nil unpaid eoiinlv warratita vvliieli have eern ure-enteil ; and i-ndor-ed "not paid tor want of funiU1' Mom nav 4, IM1 U Tojuty n, inoi. man ilatis iiielnxtve, will h.- paid upon pr-iit illa tion at thi otllce. interest on wild wav- Irant-i will not be allowed after fie dan-of tbi-motiou. (1. W. COLE. C uuty Tronmrer. PIANOS and ORGANS Ilnllctt k Duvis and New Scale Kimball Pinnos and Kim ball Oi'gnns. I invite inspection, and defy competition. L. V. IffOORE, 105 Washington at.. Writ fnr OatHlogu I Portland, Oregon I ana priGn, WHEELER & WILSON NEW No. o. HIGH ARM. The only porfoct fumily ni.t. hinr, wuh awarded tho only fraud prize at the Pari Exposition in 1889. LARGEST STOCK AT LOWEST PRICES. For particular call on or oddiwai tin r ASTORIA AGENCY, A.G.SPEXARTII, Tlio T;.rrrrt . ...0.-. , General Jewelry House IN THE CITY. MAIN OFFICE: 1368MarketStreet, SL F., California. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Street. Portland. Or. DEALERS IN Guano, $20.00 Per Ton, A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. -Alao a Fine Line c f- ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS NEW STORE. STILL IN THE LEAD! C now have on hand one of the Largest Sup plies of . GENERAL MERCHANDISE : .. Found . n Columbia County, which I am selling cheap W. J.IETZ, RAINIER, - - - - OREGON, OUH SPECIilL SilLB -OF- CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be continued for u few day longer. Parent, come and be convinced that thi is a genuine Bale. WAY'S UNDERWEAR Still Uoea at $150 Per Suit. Retailed at Otlntr Stores iu the City t $7.50 Per Suit. V :"" j; King Clothiers of the Northwest dine Cruer, Marrlaan anal SecaaA Hmn, Frtla4. F. R. CHOWN, HARDWARE AXD - STO V E! 212 First and 9 Salmon Street. PORTLAND r ariucr auu moiwittuij) INSURANCE COMPANY, Albany, Or. . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - . - - 500,000 SECURED CAPITAL, - - - 247,500 PAID CAPITAL, . - - - 74,250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and For purticulurs apply at tit oftice Moudon tbl pit. i NEW GOODS. Satisfactorily Adjusted. of Mourn J; Cole, or Tui Mint offl