The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 03, 1892, Image 2

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    kflffJu.j ' "i w.'i ii
' - - f - -' im
, 8,t. HcLENS, JCNK S, 182.
' ..fcam. l LxaJ,-jgLe-aa
Kfit KonrtHvJi eldrtloo .day. Tij
Australian bnllut system will be tuej
1o Ihfl first time .in this state on that
iay, and unless the vniera are very
rarettt) a pieiit inany .mistake will be
Wide n otil tlioy. bermne morj ac
.custorued to this style of ticket and
2. J . .
Ui plan kit voting it, Tbe process
,ol yoting oder the new Jaw Js low
so Mow in fact , that jo preciricb jrhere
Xhere i a large ypte cast no time can
ibe spared by the voters on election
.Uy. 11 it lakcj several tniuutes for
.riach vote to be prepared. E-vey man
should cast his vote as early as pos-
ftiliie in order that those wfeo come
. filer may not be delayed lo getting
lo the polling .plice. Do not wait to
vote with come trjepd, but go to the
polls and cast your vjto an toon aa
' inure i a vacant boolb fur you to pre
pare your ballot, otherwise come may
not be able to vote at all as the poll
.close at o'clock, whether t be vote
are all jg or not. Electors should
fcd the law regulating the new voting
ayatero carefully befoe attempting to
.vote, Remembe that you oidy voh-j
the wIiuq JhallOt, the .Colored one it
.only a saniplo ballot of reference, for
,llie purpose of copying onto the of
ficial ballot form. T,oo much cure
.cannot ffe tiijtcn in preparing your
jticket, neither cap Uio much time b.
.consumed in preparing it, as all the
Voters should have the use" of tlx
Jjooths for the same purpose. Nu
electioneering will be allowed within
fifty feet of the polling place, and the
picket to be voted will bo given the
elector on application to the judges at
the polls. No .official white, ballot
ill be distributed only aa the elector
proceeds to flill out his ticket. The
greatest precaution should be taken
fa this matter and avoid mistakes.
A pleasing joke on the tricky dam
gogue who lioHU the office of nutional
piveijlcui of t,he aUiaiive was perpe
trated ,by tV. T. Hill, .editor of the
Westmoreland (an.) .Recorder. Huv-
tug noticed the demorrttizinir effect tf
tjT,pen;iqfi plank nf the St. JUuiitt
platform on SiniUiorii all in nee iueu
and the painful attempt! of the leaders
of the order i,y Hint suction o convince
their followers that (to eiicli plunk was
adopted, Mf. tUll wrote ;to Col. Polk
two letter's. One pifriiouted to be from
an al'luoee ivtan in North Carolina and
was mailed from Goldsboro, in that
at fe, a (id the other wept from West
moreland. AVe tinote from the Re
corder's a conn lit, of the returns ;
The Cohutel answered the first letter and
referred tire second fo l)r. McLallin, editor
f.t!ie Tupeka Advocate. Her .are both
letters in (plls showing how the so-called re-
tunticis fork the soldier racket In .tlio
Washinqtos). D. C.. I
April 6.1S01 1
Sir. Will T Hill, '
lioldsboro, N. C. I
Mv Pa Sir & Bio. I
Replying to yours of
thecal, ult., I be to j
assure you, that there 1
I uo trlauie In our plNt J
fnrm lor iiaioniuc
I'nlon (oMIera. It nov-1
er ha beeu thr. Hi
t not ne of our t
tnandm. ItUllllK tlem-1
nrrallo iir all over I
eotimrf aptnowl-
tSllXlTED tSmSAh'CE.
1 he editor oi the Uillaroro Uamo
firt last week devoted aim ist a column
.of his six by lep rag to a feeble effort
to people of something that
ibe editorial mutton head does not
fcclieve himself, (if be is rational) lie
goes on to say thijt the men who owns
property does not pay sny more Ini
than the man who has nothing; in
.other words the tramp contributes as
much towarj the government expense
the man who pays a property tax
of hundreds of dollars. We wonder
Jht his enlightened brain did not ex
plodeal this point. Carry put this
heory of the Democrat's and see bow
much money there would be in the
treasury. " We presnrrie this Is the
Way the democratic pary did under
president Buchanan's administration,
st the close of which the country was
Virtually bankrapt. flut to argue
With a fool is valuable time thrown
away, hence we will not Worry our
readers by quoting from such papers.
Eight countries of Europe have
. accepted the in vital ion of the United
States to send delegates to the inter
national bi-nietaljc conference. The
,countres having accepted are: Eng
- land, Italy, Germany. France, Austria,
T)ie Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.
The delegates appointed from the
Jjuited .tjtes are Judge Tree, of Chi
.cago JlerJry W. Cannon, of Kesr
York; and Senator JoDes, of Nevada.
The first mentioned is a democrat and
the last two are republicans. Senator
Jones one of the best authorities on
the monetary question In the tfnited
States, and a proliotin.ced free silver
jnai. He lias ptudjed the ffee silver
agestion fron; the days when he used
to swing the pick as a pioneer silver
in i tier in Nevada down to the present
t'me. The bi-metalic congress will
probably meet in JJujaoel's some lree
this summer.
edi-r thlr.lHKUlv
mmt our tu when
Ihev h.e lo mart to
licit rtllamoiiA ana
illful murprcscni-
tlon Dil lvinit To
nhowTou to whntrret
lnth they will v In
thinrcitoB. m At-
Imita Journal few
divi tm In aloni Ml
tnr1l, chanred directly
and atwtlutelv that
the Miinod rlne and
nnin'i uffrte
e must were notn in
onr platform. Omheif
part It fcemS thet the
cempatcnf Is one
of viott, miepre:
waTHtieri. perSonat
abie ami downrlrht
IvItiK- If thy ea& af
ford, we ran. Jujt
Imply awert in reply
fo the hairea that
thev are liea from be
at' ninx to end.
The desperation of
their eauxe could not
be more fullv demon-
einited than the cow
ardly and uninnnli
method they hare
lint the people are
roing lo be hcrt I
pray God that ( ey
may have the minll
nes and 1'tyaUy to
stand unntnchlnjrlv by
our principles. Write
me and keep me In'
formed as to the situa
tion in your section of
the slate. Would have
written earlier but for
the enermoos amount
of wnflt In my office.
Yonrs truly and fra
ternallr. t. L. POLK.
Prea't K. F. A. 1. U.
. TorciA. Ka ,
Msyj, 1SJ7
air. M. J. McKee.
WestmoreUnd, Kan.
Tixxk Sir: Your let
ter of April , 1.H8-.MO
Col. Polk. Washlntrton.
D. C . has been referred
lo me tor reply. Iu
answer J will say. I was
secretary of the com
n.tuo on plittfnfnt in
ItW St lxul conven
tion. Tile resolution
rclHtlltirto the payment
of the difference be
tween the value of the
niner in which the
soldiers were paid and
fold ws introduced by
a Confeiierate soldier
from Texas, and was
unanimously adopted,
evert Southern as well
as every Northern ilrle
rate votinr lor lujurt
aa it appears In aft the
reform imners in the
country. Tbefe Is no
question about this. I
acted aa Xcretarv dur-
Ing the whole se-sion
of the eommlHee on
demands, and know
whereof I snesk.
Yours Irnlv.
In face of ihu fact that some demo
cratic papeis have made su effort to
evade Ike truth and place Hon. T. A.
McIJride ill the light of a railroad at
torney, .the Marion County Democrat
whose editor, Mr. E. II. tflagg, wa for
a long time a rveident of thta county
and a stiilwart democrat, ho points
with pride to theiuct that Mr. M
Bride pMeenied the Northern raoifli
Rjilroad company, and after a hotly
ctmttateil lawsuit, secured for th
w idow .of John Benhnm, wh. Was run
over and kilted at Columbia City some
years ago, damugesMo the Sincrrmtof
f-1000. Thin i only one of the many
ces nir. mcihkw nag ineti ngaiuat
railloartj anfj corpora lions, lit runt (il
ahich he has been successful. When
paper like the died-in-the-woo! Mation
County Democrat indorse a republi
can for such a high can real
asatircd that he has more than ordin
ary ubility and is compelent to fill
such olHce. We challenge anyone to
show one single instance wherein Mr.
Mi'Brhte has ever appeared in court
on behalf of a railroad Company,
For those unscrupulous person
who are claiming that the cottnty
paid an exhorbitant price for the ap
proaches to the Mist bridge c quote
the figures of tho contractors, Hoff
man 4 Butt's, which covers all ex
pense of said bridge to the county :
July tetm, 1S91, county warrant No.
1393, $3100; exoeas oit contract,' War
rant Mo. 1394,1100." This ia the total
cost of the bridge which Was let by
contract to the lowest bidder. If
any of these howlers cottid have built
the bridge cheaper why did they not
bid on the same? The excess of $100
its CJtfsed vy the fact that suggestions
were made by a number of people
that the timber specified in the con
tract were not large enough, wherein
the court authorised tho contractors
to substitute heavier timbers than the
contract called fo", allowing them f 100
for the same. Some people ask for a
thing and then kick because they get
It. The bridgeat Miat waa a necessity,
and the county court recognized that
fact and built it.
The political party that presumes to de
tract from the valoe of the services to this
nation of the Onion soldier will have, as
soon as this ohject 1? generally known, but
a small foil iwing. The old soldier is
linked by blood to nearly every family In
the Northern states. Where is the man or
woman, youth or maiden, boy or rirl, that
does not pulnt with pardonable pride to the
representatives of their families who fd
owed tbe old flag to victory ia its time of
direst peril.
No political party ever organised but that
claimed to represent the best interests of :
the people. Today people jndge parties by P'ams rdoui me way
what they do, not by what they proclaim been conducted.
in platforms and resolutions.
Tbe peoples' party baa never mentioned
the word pensions in tbeir platforms. At
their last convention after tbe platform bad
beeu publicly adopted the leaders of the
party slipped in that Old greenback gag
about equalising the pay of the soldier with
that of the bond bolder, which by tbe way
they as well as all others know will never
be done. They sneaked this into the nlat
form for the purpose only of circulating in
Northern states. ' Tbe true platform, the
one published in the Sooth, does not even
contain this recognition of ibe Union veter
an of tbe late war. Although some of the
members of the peoples' party would favor
liberal pension laws, they are led by men
who despise, tbe name of soldier.
. . Ql icK will poll the largest
vote ever accorded any candidate in
Columbia county. Democrats as well
as republicans are always willing to
support a man because of hta compe
tency and faithfulness. Mr. Quick
possesses both of I here honorable iitial
ities, to Which the members of both of
tho old parlies can tedify. It ia not
wise policy to make too many changes
m the office, of county clerk. The
welfare and credit of a county are
principally dependent Upon the re
cohls in the clerk's office, and unless
they are kept in proper shape the
county is in peril.. During the four
years that Mr. Quick lias been clerk
we have not heard one' word of com-
the office has
fj. W. Blakesley'b experience as
deputy sheriff for the past four years
qualifies him fpr the office . for which
lie is now a candidate. - He is thor
pgjhly competent to fill, With . credit,
any office in the county. In order
for a man to be efficient aa sheriff be
must have bad sonje experience rjnder
)ii predecessor, otherwise he ia liable
to make blunders Which, would cause
no enJ of trouble and. expense to the
county. Jl js risky business to elect
a sheriff that ;as bad no experience
and is amqst a tota) stranger fti the
county, in fact in the state. Mr
Jilakesley has beep identified with
jbolutnbia counties history from child
hood and his manliness iind abijily
will be attested by. otyr people by a
)arge majority on June 6th.
Wiies Judge Blanchard's term ss
county judge expired in 1880, Colom
bia, county was out of debt and. pur
pounty warrants were at par. This
pan only be accounted for by the fact
that he is a thorough business man
and knew how to conduct the affairs
of the county, beipg perfectly familjar
with a)l portions and knowing best
how to njeet the circumstances that
came up. Tljis can. not be said, of l,iis
ppponent, who If eomparaljvely a new
fo:;! rinto the coquty.
The republican oaiional convention
meets iu Minneapolis nest Tuesday
at which time and place .candidates
for president and vies president will
be nominated. It looks now as if
the respective chances for Harrison
and Blaine were about even. Blaine,
no doubt, could get the nomination if
be would openly announce himself for
tbe place, but this he has not done
snd it is not likely that be will do so.
He is the strongest man in the repub
lican party today, and if nominated
would Insure the success of the na
tional ticket in Novenlber. These
two names are the only ones men
tioned in connection with tbe nomi
nation as yet.
If the people of Columbia county
are awake to their best interests and
welfare, they will vole as a unit for
Norman Merrill for representative. He
is a man who has been identified with
the business interests of Columbia
county a)) his life and know better
that) any other the needs of his na
tive) county ; further than this he is a
man that never shirks bis duty, and
is ready ai)d willing toraise his voic
for right, no matter what influence
may be brought to bear in the case.
Such a man should represent Colum
bia county in the Oregon legislature.
Hypocrites are not the kind of meu
to make laws.
Israel Spencer, for county com
missioner, ia tlie right man In the right
place. Mr. Spencer has been a mem
ber of the county court for four years
and has been a faithful servant, never
neglecting his duties, but ever watch
ful of the county's best Interests.
There is no reason why we should at
this time change a man of 'experience
for one who is not familiar with the
county's affairs. Mr. 8pcncer deserves
the support of all good citizens, irre
spective of party or politic. The
county court should not be political
in any sense.
Kditwb Mits: I find tha4 in tli year,
"liltuu Mismslpiil Coj, a win me by
which paper motley was to til) tbe dce ol
gold and silver, set on foot in faris by taw
a scotch banker ruined Omu.-amls by its
utter failure. '
"The iloi of 1937 Was a gloomy time in
the conunvreiiil World. Mad speculation
prev.irling pluugeit tb Iradtrs of America
into dilllcu. ties, the effect of Which wum
severely felt in tnrupe. Many long eatab-
Halicd bouses of btisinoas failed. Thost
tbntwere working without capital, on so-
cotumudatlon bills, ( paper money ) speed ly
tell, and in the cra-h more than one of yui
batiks came down ruined by t lithe whom
they bad advanced money with reckless
imprudence. It was ih old story of ITJ,
17W, IsiS, and ItHT, told over again men
rich on paper, dreaming Unit they are lieh
in gold." -Collier's Urittsh WHory.
Tlio same historian tells na that "iu the
year lKl'l paper money was lued bv tbe
bank, to an extent far beyond what wa
prudent;" and 'lur than M) merchants
became Insolvent.'.'
Here we have conclusive evidence that
puper money has worked ruination many
times. I can quote you hundreds more in-
stances where paiwr money failed, if itwa-.
neevssury to do so. in fact haw you ever
learned uf any business ingor gulng intu
insolvency with plenty of got t and silver
assets to pay liabilities) while there are
plenty of paper money in the safe. It is
my oplniun that whenever a ipveiiinient
.-Unipsout money without, any Intrinsic
value to tlie bolder, th it government be
comes despotic and Is no more free and in
deendent like our American government,
in which every patriotic American glories.
And it it Is in the wwer of the tiovernmeut
to stamp money out of paper, good to the
farmers ami wage-earners, what then, is
the object of demanding "a graduated In
come tax?" Why a tax at allt Wbv ask
we to pay taxes Why not pay taxes With
tbe same power If tlie money ia a legal
ten ier for public and private use; if not
legal tentier, then it is no bettor than what
the soldiers ware puiJ with, and which put
over CO per cent, premium on gi ld.
let the politician claims tliisis not "class
legislaikin." Oh, certainly not! The farm
ers are uot by tiny means satisfied, when
f hey can get their help for about J 18 per
month and work him about eighteen hours
a day. if they have to p.ry gold coin; but
now tlie farmer wants to pay it la paper
money, such as lias been tried, sheared,
lathered and shaved to 40 cent on the dol
lar, and very oltcn been an utter failure.
He wishes also to abolish national hanks,
which cannot hurst, so that tbe poor pt-rsou
who has saved a few dollars will not have a
safe place to keep it. Cei tainly. The peo
ples' party do not wisb anyone to keep any
money for further need, but "divide with
as now. and if we have anything when you
are in need we'll divide with you." Oh:
no, this is not "class legisUtiou" that wants
lo grind the working class into powder and
clotbe Ibe farmers with rag, and put the
nauou back four hundred years.
If the peoples party have the welfare Or
the laborers at heart, why not tOi iiumt-
If a; ion altogether; Germans, Scotch, Irish,
Jews and dagoes, as well as Chinese? put
up Midi protection even int j prohibiting
importation of any commodity which we
can raise or manufacture, and enable as lo
pay higher wages, with such currency as
cannot depreciate. A FAitsua.
rases to pnwJtheilraerit!uiiswlieir Women
had claimed aitUeaship and hast baeli d
nltd by the ootiitv
Now I hnpo that nil women that wish, or
expect to be rvartgnked as e.tlen ill tin
full tense of the word, will arge their flh
era, husbands, brothers, and friends lo
standby the only party t!iat hat ever
showed uny dlm.t!nn to recoguUo women
as man equal I efore the luv
Who hut the republican lrty freed the
slavea; admitted Wyoming with woman
"iillrage Into the Jnlon; gave us inRHlelval
sutTrage in Kunas, and school sullrag In
half the states of fh Pnlon?
If women would unite in vtfnslmt"laffv"
of Mich questionable Ingredient, as the
peoples' (arty are olVerlitg us, It would not
be long till all parties would manufacture s
belter article for us, even though w art
not considered by ninny men as competent
judges of what Is good for us.
I sfan my name as a republican and
woman suffragist.
Commencement exereiaes will be
gin on tlie JWih ol June, and Mono on
tho SSnd. Extensive preparations are
being made, and a grand time is an
President Campbell went to ftiilem
Friday on business with sin la super-
ntendent, relative lo the diplomas.
Examination ol the junior class will
begin on June tMi. The chisa nuiii
hers over fifty. Elttveu dilTerenl
branches will be given ut this . exam-
Tlie senior class are now htiay wru
ng and committing to memory their
commencement speeches.
A large number wont to the teach.
era' picnic at D.JIus Saturday. The
Normal baseball nine played the Dallas
nine, wiiicb resulted 3d to 11 in favor
of the Normala.
The Vesprlino society will give an
ice-cretm social Friday evening, the
proceed to go towards buying a new
carpet for the Chapel rostrum.
A I I Artf-i C I I ITC
niu vv wvl. vjui i u
SIZES 34 TO 94,
$8.50 . '
Every Suit warranted.
Tbe Hate of Interest
Centers of the
In tbe Money
The wcatltor for the pnst two weeks
has been beautiful.
Garden vegetables are growing quite
rapidly since Die shower of rain.
We iiiulersliiiid Herb If own
of danger, and ia coming home.
C. C. Moyer has been improving
ranch by slashing the same.
Mrs. Moyer and daughter spent pari
of last week on Scappooee bay.
strawberries are now getting ripu..
B. F. Pope gathered some strawberries'
for dinner Sunday, one of which
measured 4 inches in circumference
B. P. Pope finiHlifsl tbe work on the
Carico schoolhouso last week
Mr. 8auvino visited Milton Friday.
Snccsssors to BrowosYllle WoaleaMillt.
Retail store, 140 First street, under the Oilman.
A Mono the various oliices -to bo
filled at this election is that of county
treaeurer. The man who handles tbe
county'a finances should be a pro
gressive business man and sound fi
nancially, a man Whose word and
character is above reproach, and one
who is in every respect a ref-esenta
tive citizen. Such a man is Mr. .
M. Wharton, republican candidate for
that responsible office. Mr. Whatton
is an expert accountant and worthy
the office to which he aspires.
1 he Ht. Helens ubeook all ST is
making an honest fight for the re
publican party. It is showing tip the
peoples' party principles and the can
didates in their true light. If the re
publican party does not carry Colam
bia county it will not be the fault of
Th MisT.Advocate.
A. B. Little has given general sat
isfaction as county Surveyor, and
sh ould be re-elected to the same of
fice. Columbia county has suffered
too much by the frequent changes in
this office.
Vote for George Mayger for county
assessor. He is a thorough business
man, and will fill the officewith credit.
yj"ir Miyi&w
Use4 in MiUioas ef Efogics 40 Years tlie Starssi
New York Recorder, Msjr JL
Honey m loaning In London and New
York at the lowest rates ever known call
loans being made in the former market at
the rate of of 1 per cent, per annum,
while at the latter oint they command
orilya per cent.
Money in London may be said to be prac
tically unloanable. Money in New York is
rapidly approaching tbe same condition,
one leading trust company yesterday re
fusing to offer any interest on deposits for
the present. : ,
Money is a drug at Paris and Berlin, as
well as in Loidon ; tbe Bank of Franca has
reduced tlie discount rate for the first time
In many years. 3or is New York an ex
ception on this side of the Atlantic; the
rate on call money at Hoston has fallen to
1 per cent. I
t'nele Sam's 2 per cent, bond Is selling at
Tbe reduction fa the rale of interest ob
tainable for money, has been 'steady and
continuous for tbe past twenty-fire years,
with an occasional upward reaction. Now
tbe rati has touched the lowest level ever
recorded in tbe money markets of the
In other words, the Income to be derived
from rapital plainly shows a natural tend
ency to decrease. In tbe meantime the
wages of labor are constantly appreciating
either by actual increase or by the Increased
purchasing power which the same money
consideration possesses with prices stead
ily following money rates towards . lower
We commend these thoughts to the dem
agogues, tbe alarmists, and the extreme ad
vocates of labor.
Hieclvleei'a Arnica Naive.
The Best Satre la the world for Cuts, nrultes.
Sores, fleers. Suit Hheiirn, Fever Sores, Tetter.
Chapped Hads,Clillnlliis, Corns and allxklu
Krnptlons, and positlrsly cures Piles, or an par
required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or aioncy refunded, I'rlre 23 cent per
. JorSaleBv Edwin Koas.
ivmg his ?
onds, Clocks,
Watches, Jewelerv, and Optical Goods.
Fine Watch and Jewelrv Henairincv
Orders from the Country Solicited.
165 First Street. Between Morrison ond Tamhifl, Portland, Or.
It aaeald lie In S;ry Iloase.
J. B. Wilson, 871- Clay St.. Hharpshtirg.
Pa., says be will not bo without Dr. King's
New Discovery for Connmipilon, Cough
and Cuius, that It cared lib wl e who wa
threatened with pneumonia after an attack
of ia grippe, when various other remedies I
and several physicians had donn her no I
good. Hubert llarber, of CtmksM-,rl, Pa.,
claims Dr. King's New Discovery has .lone
him more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like It. Try It.
Free trial buttle at Kdwin Kim' drug
store. ..
United States Land Ofoe, Oregon t.'ltv. Ore ids I
lny 21. iw?.
COMPLAINT barlns been enlered al thl.l
V otnreiiy Anton h.rnw.kle agaliut Krwlvr
irk Bnllinsr for- anandoiilng for inure than six
nomas pnor to iwt-mrsr 10, iwi. nis noma
stead entry Kn. sua. Uiaed Dwember S, lJ,
U-ori the vest 14 of e V., south '4 of w Ki. sec
tion 3D, townhl6 north. rnh'e 11 west. In o-
Ininma county, Oregon, wltti view to the ma-
Manufacturers of
asp pstttna m
citation of ssiU entry, the said partlm are here- I
lim at loo clm s a M., to reepoiul and furnish
hv summoned to appear at mi. Helens, (Irevoa.
before the county clerk on the 'timi day of July,
testimony concerning said aliened abandon
ment AiWus me te-tiniony then suhmitWft
abesriag will be badattbla offlee on Auguat
1. T. APPKRSOV. Realsler.
J8JS . PKTKK PAQl'ET. Reeelrer.
of Their
What Woman Thinks
Eatroa Oasoov Mfsn I have been fre
quently reminded of late by prominent
men of the peoples' party that we women
ought to use all our influence 'to help the
peoples' party gain tlie victory in the com
ing election, "as tbey were avowed advo
cates of Woman's Rights, and had a plahk
hi tbeir platform for our especial benefit.
ITiiw, I wish to say right here that I do not
believe the peoples' party ever intended to
pledge themselves to woman sutTrage.
I consider the wording of that plank just
a trap constructed by the leaders of that
party to catch the opposers of woman suf
frage, as well as the progressive, liberal-
minded republicans. Had tbe peoples'
party wished to pledge themselves to wo
man sutTrage they never would have worded
tbeir so called woman suffrage plank a
they did. They knew Just as well as I do
that women bad been denied tbe rigbta and
privileges of citizens by the highest tribun
als of the land (supreme court) and conse
quently could not possibly come under that
class. 80. had tlicy been honest with us.
they would never have used the word
'citizen" when they meant "woman,"
until we had been recognized as cltixens n
more ways than paying taxes and suffering
the penalties for any laws violated by us.
It would be easy to convince a voter
(when it seemed necessary) that "citizen"
meant "woman;" and it would be easier
still, to convince an opposer of woman suf
frage that no reference whatever was made
to women In the plank, and, bring many
I.'nlted States land Office, Oregon City, Oreeon,
May 2A, IHU2.
COMPLAIKT lisvlnr been enter ! at this
office by Clark Allen against l.rne.l J. B.
Ifescainpe for abandoning, never made resi
dence or any Improvement on said tract prior
to March 22, lfZ hlshomeslosd entry Ku. 71,
dated nefmnr 2i, Is, upon the north of
sw Vt and south of nir section -S.triwn.lilp
, norm, rang, west, 111 .oiuinoia county, ure
gon, with a viear to the cancellation of said
entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to
appeal at Clatssanie, Oregon, before W. If. Con
vers, notary public, on the 22iul day of inly,
Wi. at 10 o'clock A. M , to resimnd and furnish
testimony cnneeriilug sahl alleged abandon
nient. Alia on the testimony then submitted s
rearing win ne Dsa at tun onus on the itaa
CA.SI-I STOKii:! .
dsy of Aiiaust. im, at 10 o'clock A. at.
J. T. Ai'rKKSo.v, l'.eu.sier. -
J3J8 I'KTUt PAQL'ET, Reeelrer.
General Merchandise,
Crockery, I Boots, Shoes, '
Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods,
Queensware. Furnishing Goods.
- aoTice.
Called States Und Ofllce, Oregon City, Oreson.PfOdlJCe TOkCII ill EXChailCree
May 35, lH'.''2t I
COMPLAINT having ben entered at this
nlHre bv Willlaui i. Molm,ald aaalnst
James K, Molsn for abandoning- and fail-1
lug to mase , settlement, improvement.
or cultivation on the land prior to I
February 2a, 1SS2, his homestead entry
No. S704. dated July IS. last), unon tha lou 1. 1. k I
and 4. faction 2, township 8 north, ranse Swest, I
ill 4.;oiumuia county, ffreRon. wttn a viewiotnel
eam-ellallon of said entry, the said parties are
leieDy (uminonen mapiwar ac m. linens, tire
iu. before the county elerk on the '2nd day of
uiv. isw. at loocieca a. si.. 10 resn
furnish lostimony concerning said
It Will Pay You to Consult Our Price.
to respond and
a eaed
abandonment. And on the testimony then sub
mitted a bearlnc will be had at this oftlce on
nnii 01 aukusi. Wfi, at 10 n clock A. n.
i.T, AfPKKSOM, Heglster.
jnjk PETKU PAQfJET, Receiver.
ScIeirUflo AmerlcsJi
Ageaey for .
a vavsai.t
1 Twaos. MaaVs,
OOrVStiOMTat, etc.
tor tnformMloa cnafMe naBSbnok writ, to
MUNsf a CO,Su 6boai)Wt. Nsw Voaa.
OiflMt tmrma for saonrlns patents In AmMtoa.
ftvery patent taamt out by bs to broncht before
ta. publw I17 a nutlo. flvso tr or obars Ui ia
Mtntiftt mttim
tarmst etrenlstloa of any sslentlSe paper la tbe
Model - Saloon.
J. S. tLOJilNGEB, Prop'r.
Choice Wines,
Liauors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
Billard and Pool Table
for (ha Pewmmodution of Pa?ron
When yon sre in need of blank
notebooks, rail at Thm Mis office.
Price, 6Q cents.
One Price Cash Store.
General Merchandise,
Ladies' Fine Shoes
patent Medicines.
RAItflER, : i t : OREGON.