THE 6k EGON MIST., 8lMttCUiPT,IOS. tl.M W YJiAJt. j--Tfr-e"- "' St. Mblen, My Jf3. jJLUU UJ U.'1-l M--W Ji.l.l.JJiaL.'JL8lUJI yMtfrl . 4 XOOBS. 8unda Welcome. Dew.) Hon. frank A". Moiins iii ffll. Hvleii, mominateel at Ihe JSwjfpul.lirau stati mi) yen tinn fiy Uib important i "I supreme judge, i so wll nl fu-vom ilily iiion,tliMO)Ui"t Uie sfiiie Unit lio occupies a cbiiuiianditiK juiajllnn upon his parly tii'ket. II is most 4ir.- tot opponents ccutetHle Unit lio wiH ! - tlecled by ,a Jarg mnjority. 4 lulcdi jecled effort jjladjl by a cw smiiug U ,cast Odium upon Uia xepulalii,rj as a lawjfrliae resulted in a l)Kjiiunuiit. nd tlje only remit of such actiur i 1 ibe discomfiting to ihooo guilty uLtlic Uespicalilu Imsinesa, f r. Moore i (hi ;. thoroughly known nil over the .tali for any cue, evcu. three of ilitTereni political fnitb, to believe liinl lie would be a prineipul or aeecssoiy in itny nut . ter that p'ould injure another. HJsnpminatiou for the supreme judgeship was uusaugbt by him aiul ,wa enlirely.. Uie Work of hi many friends, wha " recognixed hi great, ability for such an oflk-e. Ilia nomin ation upon tha first, ballot by a, dwis Jye majority, shuwa best the. hij.'h ateein in which he is In Id, and the general satisfaction expressed since, tiver his selection, is the Imst evideuee ,4f the wisdom displayed by the win mention in placing hi name at the Jiead of the republican ticket. Bonn Jew have sought to belittla Judttt M oo re's capacity as a lawyer,, but the .amnions of all such criticism lies in ' the fact that this opposition comes row those politically opiiosed to the yettlletiian. He is a man of high per- fionxl character, -v one who' tout done good service for his state in the legis J.tUue, and who is well known Ui pus .ess, in a marked degree, the many re quirements expected of a judge of the aujiranie court. . Mr. Moore will grace )ie bench of the highest Iribuuul of the state to which he will be elected .next June. A max of courage is a thing muchly )iunted, seldom found and greatly to 1 1ms admired. A- good reasonable pro jiortion of the democrats f Columbia jcouoty seem to be endowed with true courage and virtue, and therefore they refuse to stoop to the deceitful meth ods of some of their less good favored brethren by trying to surprise mid take the advantage of the uiiausiswting jieople and "busli-whickiug" their i-p-jioocnU. Such democrats are to be .commended, verily, we like a brave man if be ia cur enemy. Whatever he is, he is, and we know where to find ' Jiim. Such we must respect, - the brave staunch democrats who refuse to join the "bush-whackers" in this coun ty ; but a coward you never know ; he .will stab you in the back, way lay you in the dark, come around represent ing that be is some other Ml iw aud do everything Satan can devise to deceive you; aud a brave man of principle will pot associate with sucb people. They jsiiua them as they would the copper head, lest when you least rxiectit Jthey will thrust a poisonona fang into J he vital portions of life. ' Who ia it that has not more respect for a brave jrnemy than a cowardly friend? . ' WuiltBVER and whenever either of jt"he political parties are in the minority, ; t resorts to some method of '-fooling" tie people of the opposite party; and bis is about right ; it is smart general hip on the part of the minority to do it. But' it is not trmart of any of ihe piajority to be "taken in" by any such .ml inu Tl,;. il.IniV im f.1,1 Mr.Ui uurl everybody knows it as well as the old p ."gold brick" swindle, and the unscru puloua portion of ihe democratic rwar- Jiorses" of Columbia county aud their brethren from the "windy deseris" of Catisas, of the same political faith, are presuming a great deal on (lie ignor ance of the people of Columbia county when thy endeavor to "pull" them with any such stuff; even though the .candidates do pay an orator to make ja speech aud f lire a woman, (for wtnwe rvx men naturally have great respect and adoration), to visit every sc1km1 jiouse and nearly every family and try to talk them into forsaking the party they have always stood by, and which lias always stood by them, for the tame .old enemy in different costume. Did you ever think what is the real ' thing that causes these long faced, ""calamity howjers" to go all over1 the country? if not, then notjee the "re Jigiotis" part of their performance fixe taking-up the collection. 6upase ye they like money; that evil tbingf Do you get "taken in" by the soft handed, - wcjl-dressecj, glib-longued fellow who comes to you bo awfully rnch, which he is gQing to giye you free, but Wants you to just "help" ijn) a little prstt ; Wb fought', bjed and died in great windy; grafgjio; w-ruldeu dej erU or tjje good of the dear people in .Oregon, and now )1 W aek since cur feeurrection lp flf"K'f , M - Ja-tsy (jfl;ces.." Paopjea' Party Cfadidalea of jpolismbia County. It is now aubattintlated that W. X). U.ire.iJ llillr Intro,. is to roil tor dis trict judge iivti'pmidently against JLm. T. A McJBi'Jde. Mr. Hare was aan clidulo lnfiju Uie jMpublieaii stale 0011 veivlion for Ihe Humiliation for the ollit c (;f di.- ti.ic jiidttt'.und was defeated suarvl,v wild honestly, lit) was Iheu nuiiiiuiited on the jMltttifiiil electoral ticket, which he duvlmwl. Mr. Hat hue not been enttnged, to any great ex it at. in ilie practice of law or Severn) years, having been maniigi'r .of a e li en J iimtvlniiidise : store at Hills Ixno for tluve or four yea s and is therefor not aulTjVieiitly posted in law piiiia. Bofaras Ine ability iscoueeriieil there . ran bo no roni ariaon between hinisvlf mid Mr. MrBiid i. A man t occupy the jud cial Soach niin-t niakt- laW a study. Ho catinot farm, keep stare, etc., and at the Fame lime, be qualified for the b.uch. Mr, lime. w Udiuve, wmild aco'pt the iiomitin lion from any party, and that failing, run i:.dt'pundciit. Whit kind of a man ia iliis tint hat all policy an 1 n principles. Such n man is uuworthy of Ihe 8tipni t of honeMt vi iters. The Northweht. Ref.irm Journal, of Portland, ia the olhVial organ of tin peoples' party, and shows it ia dom inated by democrats, and that the liarty of which it is the olticial organ is the same ul.l enemy to Ame'luun labor and American industritv, which woi:l I gladly snalch xway all our pro tection aud bring us iloivu on a level with the p.iuperj of Ktirope, In the following etlitorialj which appeared in that paper on Friday, April 29, 1S92: 'Jerry Simpson, in a speech in lb house, declared himself a free-trader. This is the right kind of talk." Thus we see that Ihe tariff ia the principal national question, of so much interest to ua all,, and on this point, as all others, the two wings of democracy agree. ' SoSlK (if the democratic newspaper, in tbeir endeuvof to evade the truth, publish the statement that Hon. T. A. McBiide U a cojitora-ion attorney. Please tell us of a itile instance in whicla rfr. McBride bus appeared in court on behalf of a railroad company. In addition to this the HillnlHtro In deiendt-nt says: bMrl McBride drew up the lir-t bill ever iutrodticed in the Uregon lire, to rei.Mil.-ite freights and fares on railroads and steaiirboats. Oil all questions between the iieople has beeu the' stauuch friend of the people. A vote for Nvjruiuu JU-rrill is a vote for a mail is worthy ami cum po tent : a man who has business abi'ttv aud piii-h ; a man who has been suc cessful in his own busiuess, a ad is therefore competent to do biibiness fnr the public. If Mr. Merrill is elected to the lei-liiture, Columbia county's intereslB will be guarded us closely as hie own private business is guarded. He is truly a representative, man of this people, and would acquit hiniseli iu the Oregon legislature with honor. COURT DOCKET. May. Term of Conrt for Colombia County. C has Pearson vs J B E Bourne; Potter. Johnson & Pullerrou, attor neys for plaintiff. J. T. Mcki-e vs J.H Edwards; Stolt, Boise fc Stott, attorney for plaintiff. R McXuit vs U II Bynon; O E Davia, attorney for plaintiff. E Webster vs O II Bynon ; G A Davis, attorney for plaintiff. Mviei & Frank vs L A Day ; Alex tiweek, att riieys for plaintiff. Duzan t Kidley vs Meserve Bros; Caples, Huiky.i Allen, attorneys for ' S 8 MarLham vs S J Brown ; T H Tongue and Moore & Cole, attorneys for plaintiff. The Evangelical church vs the City of St. Helens; Caples, Hurley & Al len, attorneys for plaintiff; Williams & Wood, attorneys for defendant. J T McNulty vg Mary J Scott; W J Kice, attorney for plaintiff. S W Bevis vs J B Haley ; Geo E Davis, attorney for plaintiff; Moore fc Cole, attorneys for defendant. B U Walker vs J P Dunn and R A G Mined ; Moore it Cwle, attorneys for plaintiff. Tatutn & Bowen vs Peter Broti and Jacob Brous; Woodard t Woodard, attorneys for plaintiff ; Moore & Cole, attorneys for dtfend.iut, Joseph Beauro vs S Lindgren ; . Mt sire &, Cole, attorneys for plaintiff. The Brous Manufacturing Co va . in Le ; Moore ifc C le, attorneys fur plaintiff. I Florence E Whitney vs Dean Blaiiclnird; Mtsire & Cole, attorneys lor plaintiff. - Hex Caples vs school district No 11; 10)13) "0 lil Psed is Millions of HoraesD Yers t&e Standard. (Naples, Hurley A- Alb-n, attorneys for pluimitf. W J MiiekV, gtisnliaH', v Laura A Ryvknian ; Moorv il Cola, attorney s for ptaintiC W H Hurr vs Thomas Dawson; Pcarcy, alUrneya for plaintiff, Mary J McNuliy va J T McNulty; Alex Sweek, attorney for laintiff, K HattoD v Dan Houllon. IT Ked va 0 F Ieaveuwrtli. J It D Sharringhouseu va F M roinpkin. , Dean BliiueliHrd va I and Bious. State of On-gon va A Nevmj T A VlcUiid-', attorney for plaintiff; .Moor A Colo .attorneys lor defendant, S A Milea vs Elijah Hawkius and Sarah E Hawkins. Marginal J JfeffvsM LNetT; Moon i Cole, aitorneya for laintirT. Stale of Oregon va Fuil Straight ; I' A McBride, attorney for plaintiff; J F Cat'les, attorney tor defendant, C II Fuller va W It Gay ; C J Mc D.mgiiil, ult .rni-y lor plaint ilr. Augustus Kevs-r vs .Martin 1' Ktiiipp; Kdli , Stair A Thomas, at torneys fur plaintiff. Lnuu Bros vs Harry Biuick; Moor Jc Oule, utiorneys for plaintiff. City of St. lit lens vs the Educa tional Swiety of the Evanelioil As aociatioii of North America; Willian vt VWshI, allorueys for plaintiff. H F Allen and C II Lewis va S H Tryon. S A Milea vs John Daily; Moor A Ode, attorneys for plaintiff. Stale of Oregon vs Mrs Bell Oaddis ; Moore & Cole, attorneys for deft. M Fisk vs J M Leavens fc Co; KB Giltner, attorney for plaintiff. W B Buel! vs M G Bud I ; Moore & Cole, attorneys fur plaintiff. State of Oregon vs Alex .nder Brown ; A Cole, attorneys for plaintiff. R Nims vs C F Leavenworth ; Mooro & Utde, attoineva for plaintiff. J B Haley vs N P 11 It Co: Doloh. Bellinger. Malouy t Simon, attorneys for plaintiff Win. Church, jr, va V A Meeker, et l ; Watson, Hume 4 Walsnn, hi-I tomeys for plainnff; Moore A Cede, allorueys for d fi-ndant. OBITUARY. UEEGL;. At Gilltun, Or., Fnndav morn iiiir. May I, at 1 o'clo- k A. J!.. Lilly Mav B-'gle, aged iUytar-i. 10 months uiiil -J days. The suhitct uf this ske'eh was the voune- ! e.t dau -liter i.f J It. ami Mvlisa A. Hei-yr (,fGiil. on. Her death resulted aft r an i eiglit-wtrks tl.nt-m with typhoid fever. j Si,e bor." i!' Jersnn i-ouniy, Kaii-as, 167". Bl.e was ihe youngest of s family of fourteen children, six uf Wlmm haw pre ceded ber to the UU r wurid The fatul-y were all itent ut the (uni-r.d, whu-b to..k plaee last Mun.lav ut II A. II , at lia.vitw srl.r,. l-house. except twu itor, Mrs. A. Raster, uf Onslu n. Va., aul Airs. Lucy E MtlUr, of loi'e, Oil. km county. Or. The fuiicr! services were conducted by llev. Dick, of the Eva igelicai church, of Poitland, and the ren'aina were interrefl 1 1 Johnson cemetery t- fcaiiiaiose. The t... i.:. . ... wtii.-ii was 10 grtstty adiul.e and !eaily 1 ve. We weep, thiinjrh not in bitterness, .OursureiKtt uasof gharri; No tit'iuhis, lint iho-eot ta ulcrness, bball itliiien a.oun-J her t in!i. No pi infill rei oil. elf ns rise. lltr morn. i ilnwrx-d o blest. And re a eloud Inn! iliiiim'd its skies, avtel lamb, .-he was at iet. We li-ten for her ai-y triad. Her vuicr we turn to he..r, Nor kiiear we, "ti l their -ou.nis had fled, . i hat she wai half o dear. Flowers for the loved the. lo; t ! bring Rowers, The sweiUnt w can save; Tlie.v charmed iu li.e s h p; lot hours, No let them strew her gtave. Meet emh!cms of spring 'il'e hem. That blr-on'd hut to lie. ay That stole. In dreams of geiitis bliss And innocence away. Thou art cone home; liy the bright waters now thv lot in cast: tliy b-irk hu.i passed The rougfi sea's foam; Thy ac i won, tliy heart is filled; Tiiou art gone home. A Fki:-:d. IX VEJIOBIAM. To Li ly May Ileegle: Thi flowir ha I hut hndHnrl hr When nature rtv its tx antics shine And said, "Sweet 0'ir, t.iou shall be mine. And blossom in a brighter sphere." 8o buck aarairi lo (iod give What he had but loaned to tis. And e n ieie and mourn our loss, Not that i-he died, but that we live. And ih ' our hearts In orrow dwell, Ours is but a st-lnsn grief. And even w may lin t le I -f in ihinki .g, kuowi.ig she is well. Thou hat but iut stepped out of -iglit, Tna niumrni. time i brief; We, Uto.riialllt'a.e world of Rrief Ani Krett ihev in the iiioriiinir litclrt. a. c. b. Si Helens. Or , M iy 1. 1P03. Card or Thanks. We wish lo limn Hir neiglihors and fiieuds for the many kiudueescs and assistance rendered, during the long sickue-s aud burial of our be. loved tlaiihter and sister. Words camiol ex pi ess our gratitude to our 'neighbors for their untiring efforts aud comforting words during her long j aud painful illness. J- It. and Melissa BEEGf.gand family. t.a. ,.lws,,u was neauy a huh long. ; U.s, m,nt l Uir ea:e Hist tliest l I real and there were rfrliai. 3ti ieo le joined j e-iuU; 1 sold. It is herein- O'dereil dia in it' to pav the lat tribut- of rcsiici t to the I ,h'' "l!'lt "' k'n ' "aid lie c-a-il, known or child of Iheir ra,.v res,-. snd hi.blv j lZt esteemed iiiighhors. wl om t y had known, !c -urt on theHth ia. of July. 1st I.', at the " TIIK lAST CV RE. Tho Hapmoe Tel 'of Meilt fa Buo pcsMk-Wtiluil Applies to Dr. Darrln (Oieaonian, May 8. 1802 ) Editor Oregon ia lit One 'year agii my little gjtl waa treated by Dr. Darriu for Catarrhal Deafness and discharg ing er of long standing,, occasioned by ivpliold ftiwr. She waa cured on year ago, and tha euro remaliis per matienU Tluase publieh this. B; C. MtCARTHY. UiunesoiA St., Southern Portland, Or, ASTHM.V AN'O HttONl'lllTIS CI'liKD. Editor Oregon iuu: As I am ubout iady In no to my home in Ocosta Wash., I'wish to expiuis my gnililudi to Dr. Uirrin f r Ilia remarkablu cure lie pei formed on me foe Aathmti mid Bronchitis, My daughter can vouch for the truth of Ibis statement. Sh resides ia Stiimyside, Oregon. Hei name is Mrs. 0. L. Build. MRS. W. T. REYNOLDS. Dr. D.inin can be louud al 70 Wahintilon street, Portland, Or,, from 10 to 6 daily, 7 to 8 evening ; Sim lays, 10 to 12. Consultation five. , They make a specialty of all diseases of eye, ear, mwu aud throat, catarrh deafnesy, hronoli lis, la glippe, con ntuptiou, dyspepsia, heal I, liver ai.d kidney diseases. All ncrvuus, chronic and private diseases of men, iuclud rig stricture, hydrocele, varicocele, aud all peculiar female troubles are conlldiu dally and successfully treated. M.t cases can receive home treatment after n vi&it to ihe diH-lor's office. Inquir ies answered. Circulars and quesliou blanks sent five. A MllltoM rrteada. A frii-ml la need ia a fiiend Indeed, and not less than oils niilliun people have lountl pistsueh a frii-nd i'i Dr. Kina's New Ii coveiy for cotisun tion, ronyhs and colds If you have nevtr u-nl this treut eonxlt tnoliciiie, one tnal will convince you that it ban wonderful curative power hi all dis ea-es of throat, che-t ami Iuiiks. EuHi bolt's is guaranteed to do all that isrlulined oraioneywill le refiiinlnl. Trial bottles free al lalwin Itoss' drug sture. Large bottles 60c ami (1. TriWAITES. The Photographer. CABINETS - t2)0 FEU DOZEN CA'liDS, 2.00 I'ER D0XEX. 107 and 109, First Street, Portland Or Application far Sjis of Rsal Estate. In the f'ountv Court of tlieStateof Or eon, for t'uhitiibia count.'. In tits m ilter ul the estate of John Ferrow, ilefuij-eil. To tin- In ir of said di-ceased, known or iinkn.wn: Ha,HHarin to uie from- 'be petition of A . Nevi i, atlnd il-lrnto" of rite estald n John Kurrow. it., prayieg for an onler nf "uie 01 the re d es'st lie!. inline t i sai't 0 taU, to-tt'ir: Tue nw'J of Ilie tar, and tht- wi4 of the nw), ot sei-uon S, t 8 ii, of r 2 w of Willanntte M il.iian, and contaiiiinK SO ai-rer of liiml, acciriiinir to Uaitnl tiiatr-s eovcniiiieiit -urv. v. ainealt- eil at (7ti and now valued at the same o: n w uuecia rv. ex itt-ii em. anil inr r u hour ol 10 u . lock A. M. nfsuid dav.iittlit! c-iirlriHiin of said c-mrt, at 81. If lens, Coliinil ia oimt v. On p. n, and l lien a id titer- !! -li iw i ai wliy an or.lcr ho il.l m l i'e ftiontcd lor Ihe Sulj of s:dd real e ta e And it' is further ordered that a ropy of tiii i order he published ul lea tm-ce awetk f .r four sncceuive wokt milie u a k. o.n ,wit. a 'ewipiMjr of central tir ciilalion, jir.iHed and ptib.i-hed iu said coin tv and tte. Hat.d tliij a t day of M.iv, I St?. i. j. vi rzrcit, m''j3 County Juuge. ApDlicatioa for Sjla or Rsal Estats. In the O.iintr louri ol the Stale of Oregon, for i.'iilninhia e untv. In ihe matter of the estate of II. 8. Mitch ell, deceased. To t ie heirs of said deceased known snd unkno.wi: It apiunrnig in me from the petition of A. Kevin, ail'iiinislrator nf the estate of II. H. Mi ch II, deeeaseil, praying fnr an Older of sale of thu real e-il'e heionviiiff Insult estate, to-w;t: The 'A of the sw'i, the sM of tint nw'j nf sieiion .5, 1 7 n. r u w of the Willatitett Mer.diun . and c- rpaininir PHI acres of land accordinc; lo I nited States government survey, appraied at fluuuaud now valued at the same. That it is lieces sary. expedi. nl and for the be t interest! nf the cst-'te that the ssid real es tate lie sold. It is betehv ordered t iat the Intel, nf tin ,,l said deceased, known or unknown , and all others interested in said estate be and se per iH-"iie uie oniiiy i ouri on ins Bill day if July, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.of said lav at lite eniirtr- om of said court, ut Mt H lens. Columbia count v, Ore gon, and then mid there lo hw caus why an order should not he Brame I for the sale is? said real ei-tute. .And it i fuitht-r or-d- ml that a copy of this order be puhlidicd at least nn'-e a week for four successive Week In the Orkoo Mist, a n w-psi-r of ren.-ral circulation, printeil ai.d published in said eoiiiuy and st-ile. Dated this 3d day of May , l. ' -1). J. HWlfZEIt, niljl : County Jud(;e. SAWMILL FOR SALE. Haiti Pawmil' is si uated rm the St. Helens road, a ariit 2i miles outlieiul of fileiiejte Washington county, Orel n. Machinery in ierfect ruin i--r; r.nainela 4 ) horse powtr, ten l y iwsi.ty; ll.iilef SO Inches diameter and 11 eet lonir; New head b'oekr (It iti-hel); Also sawdil-1 carrier; L irtel f ofiedur now nn hand tor sale. Term made known on ap licatlon to ti e under iin'd. Would exel aaue for city or Im proved fa. in pronci t v. - . A.C ARCiIBObn, r Itill-boro, Oregon 4 78oleotrfloUnarlsaa' r. . ' Arnaov far w ' emm, 4 Cicf PATasiTsI wer smuts aisja E P'rlaatloa snd fnw ttandSook writs to . aess a CO.. au Buunw .r. Maw rnasr. ymsss aarsw for eeaarliui pstsnts In Aaisrtei. Srsrs Dstcni bbM m.. . tb puOlle by a ouUse (Isso frss ot ebmif la ni u onnsfnt Dsrorts UM XZXX 2rr',, of eary sMsnUSe ratrxr hi world. Bpleoaiaty nn tt!?r ;uar; i.-a r wm;tm, k& & if NaT i wwiw D winnows fiia TO stwaassM niSwar, r,aa rats. REPUBLICAN STATE TO y For Presidential Elector, 9: 9. CAPLEH, of Portland; II. B: MILLER, of Oram's Past. I): M. nUNE.ol rorthind, UlM, IRWIN, of t'ulon. . .. for Suprr-mp JudgN F. A. MOOKF.; St. Htlens. Altoniry-General; L. Ri WEBSTER, Jacksonville. DISTRICT. For Congressmen, IILVOER: UKflMANN, (1st district W. R. ELLIS. (2nd district) For Circuit Judge, T. A. Mc BRIDE, Oregon City. For District Attorney, W, N. BARRETT, of Hill.boro. For Joint Senator, J. W. MAXWELL, of Tillamook Board of Equalisation, 0. WINO.VTE, of Astoria. COLUMBIA COUNTY For Representative, NORMAN' MERRILL. For Sheriff, C. W: IILAKESLKY. For Clerk, E. E. QUlCKl Fur Commissioner, ISRAEL SPENCER. For County Judge, DEAN BLANCHARD: For Treasurer, E. Mv WHARTON. For Assessor, GEORGE MAYGER. For Surveyor, A. u. little; For School Superintendent, T. J. CLEETON. For Coroner, B. P. Ql'lVY. In the Circuit Court o( the f tuts el Oregon iorinvtrfUuiiiyQit.oiuu.uia. Waltks II. Uviti L, l'l dulliT, 1 vs. V M ismvO'. fli'KLL, Defendant, t To Munim 0: lluell, the abvve-naiued de fendant : In the name of the Slats of Oreson. von are hereby retptlred t.i apear and sn wer the ettinplainl tiled against ton in fi above ntnii.ii sun. in uie aoove eiiliiled court, n or liefo e til tlrst dav of the neat- term oi the nbuve court, wineh said lenn wl:l (..iniiieiii e nn i niwliiy, the 10th dav of Mav. ls!)3t. and if vou fa'l tu nmu-a- ami answer, dd-wai.t thereof, plaitililf will apply to the- court lor the rell. f I in llir ei iiiphiint. which K f..r the disso!n:iuii ol ilie ma-riiiioinal iund ii'iw exi-tinir be tween id lintill'aiid dv'endant. and tor sneli otiie. and lurlher relief as in eijuity may set-in ju-i The atsive su-iiiiions Isnuhlishwl hvnrdr of II. m. . i. Taylor, judge of said eourt MOO ft K iV UOI.K. ni25ni5 All .rneys for PI ntitiff. Kiii ici; rim ri ui ti i iu. Land ODIcesi Oreip.n city. On, March lift. lsw. name I itUr ban filed notice uf hl lnintlua I. riueis neretiv siven mat rue liillwltis nmliu final prlsif hi sapKiri of hi elalm.snds hat i-sid iinu 'f Mill le linuu tiefn-e Hi county eisrl of c'nliiinWii euiiiiiy, al at. Helens, Oieyon, on 'ltf AO, IWi, VIA. ISA J. W KAV Kit. Pre smiitlnn ft. . No. i. for the w' ef sse IS tu in t! ir. He names the f-illotslnir wn nee lo prnve hU ennilniinu risu.lenre uiaai sn leulinslliin o .-saw land, vis: J. W. Honaell ;. w. Illake ley, Jessie Hendricks, and B V I'o, e. all of at. lleleUK, Col u in Lis enmity, Ore S"ti. i. i. Acrr-KSOM. us ml Kel.icr NU-riLK toil FI ULIC'AIIOV. Land OMi-e at Oregon City. Or., April IA, l.m Notice is hereby slvetr that the fnl'nirlne; named selllur lias lileit uotlee of bin Ititeii inn to inase nasi priKii in snpfion ol hlreuiia aud innisam prooi win ae insne ienire inu tonni)' clerk of ( nliunlila enaiiiy, at Hi. Helens, Ore- xuu, wii siur ai. iwi, tis: KDrtl.V 11. McKAY. Pre em ptlon D. a. No. wf. lot the ss i of see- lion 3i, 1 4 u. rS w. Ha names the fellowlnr witnesses to prove his eonilniibiis rvsldem e upn.i.muieuiiitatlnn or said land, ell: II. West. t. Freeman. Oeorce Kauisey and 11. W hite: all or ncsiiboose r. o.. i;olinnhia emmtv. Kzimi j i. Acrr-KSUTi. Heaister. rsoricK ton sibi,icatio!. Land Ottlee t Oreuon City, or,, April is, im2. Notice Is Hsret.y trlvsti that Ihe follnwlu named settler has Hied untie of his tineatioii lo niako tlusl pruof In supisiit id Ida elalui. and that said nnsif will be nimle belnre Ilia pniiniv civrs ui i nitiimna county, ami. Helens, urec on oil May si, 1SWS, viz: - ' JOHN O. TOMI-KIXg, ff ontestead entry No. As I t. for tbo w U of reo tlnns, t an, r J w. He name the illnwliix witnesses to prose his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation 01 ssld lend, under sen tloiitfHIl, K. f. : It. 1. Qnlvy. Henry Hlereks, Mtephen Halues, Julius Zesmaiin; all ol Heap- pooiw. iiuiuann eouiiiy, ureaon. P,eJainin Hsrties, who made pre-emptlrn D, H, No. SK.YJ, in herehysiieelally nollliett to appeal sou sunw eause svny me entry oi jouu u Tompkins should not be allowed. aMinW J. T. al'i'tSltaoN, Reltr. Teachtrs' Exmnfnatiaih Notice N hereby clvin to those de-iHnir loiein ii in the piiOijc selosils of loiumblu county that tbe repu'ar qtinrkrly exsiiinni tlotr of .tiwhurs will take place in the cmrtlioti-e. at Hi Helen, on Wclnesdav, May 11. IW.eoui'i enclng ut 1 o'c ock 1. M. Tendiers entitled to stiih- certiricutes should niiike form 1 application for Ihe same to tiie county board immediately. J J. WAITS, Connty gr-ho-il riiine:1n.iideiit. Scajvpoose, Or., April iO. IM02. I Treasiarers's Nvllce. CoDrty TxtistiRKa's Own, ' 1 . Bt. IUlkss, Apiii 1, 1092. I tftate of Oregon, Cduiiihia County! Notice H hereby Riven that all unpaid County Warrants of sal I County, wh oh have been presented anil endorsed "Not imid for want of fund," from January III, IHIll up to April 2), lm, both dates inclu sive, alii he paid on presentation at till riffles. Interest on said wmruiits will not be ullowed alter the date of this notice. O. W. i:hLB, a 15m 13 Treasnrcrol Columbia Co.. Or. NOTICE roB riBI.IC'A'ri05, band Office at Oregon City, Or., March IS. ISM. Notice Is hereby (lien ihui the hi) low Inn named setilur has tiled notice of his intention to make flnal nroof In suntiort of his claim, and that said proof will be mude before tha County Clerk of coin nbla county, at 8t. Helens. Or., eu May 7, MM, viz: OOTTUEB ANUKER, rv No 8171. lor the ra U af see- r tw. IIS names Ihe frilloulnx we his .continuous residsure upon, and eulUvstloii of.aidd laud, vis: Kur.s (I. Jones, E. A. piBli ' nil. l-'miik Rlshop, !l. C. llrnwn: all of iiauowel. Oi, t'oliimhla county, Orerao. - I. T. APFBRflOK, j?.: Register. WE ARE -I MANDFAGTURERS ALL-WOOL SUITS SACKS AND FROCKS! 8IZ8 Every Suit J. M. MOVER &.GO; Successors to Brownsville' Woolen- Bills. Retail store, qo.First UNCLE THE PORTLAND JEWELER. Jil('0lI.R Diamonds CIocZis Watches, Jewelerv, Fine Watch, aad Orders from the 165 First Street. Between Morrison ond Yamhill. Portlani, Or. piriely ri'H'd. inr.n iiw mi li lartnuiiiaii ii IT ISPtRFI t li . Trad ISark. lik aliseinr. trf Meant aimisd li wkmuiim nsmrwsi. aer kallls, sanl ia slsi mslllns (antra . rata ar asowsarsir rumobmrrailsn). tsrnt mnn.s of slamrai br ihim wilfc full Mrs wnilra alatalr. Cnsa ' "feilr eonMsniial This adTsrflaeinenl Is bnnrst am siralskl-lniasrS ia eeery w I noirasn'-ssirlrslVMMina.ntlkl thi. ..i. euuiains. We larltsvnit ioai with n. .s , s nd iu-dar, AaarMs ourta nuassinsif nn J - ' ' iniT mi mmy iriire ia tnsare lallnraor sllahlssl Injurs la an. ssritksMt. Kssi s ksHta aaaraMlaeSk f BCitl-TelsawwaiaTsla.sn4srn .mena tkrtr Srlrarie MWnnmrnt Qaa aaa.rn prcuiai, . wn nas silk oaaaa, iTr.rd. wmsiis tanra a-m ise insiplM asauaMeawasBreaaaaatentaaeaae. ST. HELENS 'rescriptions A Specialty. : PUKE DIIUGS, MEDICI.VRS, TOILET FANCY GOODS, - ARTICLES, CHEMICALS, ' STATIONERY. CONFECTIONERY, NEW NOVELS, ETC. :;:S -FTDNBI : PEEFUME0I And srrrytliing usually found in a First-Class Drug Slnro. ' ., ;, s riiyriclnns' rrescriptiotis carefully comiiuunded at any hour, day or night, bt romtietrnt and Expe''need llrucirist. RUXsvIsilJlS'lS EY o t&B Ladies of St. Helens an. Vicinity: Mrs. 0. L. Colburir of Port- nnd, ha opened a Millinery find DrcBmaking establishment in St. Helens, on door south of ic New Barber Shop. ATESTe STYLES, PRICES LOW. sMl Work (Jiiiiruntceil. Lig S' aLs for saki at the MisToUlcjj t 60 oen each. 34 TO 64, $8.50' . warranted street, under the Gilman. MYEES, A.X0 DKAhKK IK and Opdcal Goods. Jewelrv Repairing. Country Solicited. t!EW DISCOVERY tyflCCIZZlT la eoaiptiasatat a solailM a pan was aeeiasniiy evhl. anS at wsslilns atirrwsia II wsa SaM-sv.nd' f a&i 4k. not a anea a pan was aee'nuy msiihI tks Srst ln atirrwsia II wse aaM-ansiea-1 si ts kslr was eaw l ed r f -nn in mm i ais. iii.a narmu tm kMalli. Umi.ia n,i w are msr IMwKanasl I Ihe wuria Oua.r Uie aaais ol ilasn'. Mmt'limtxImZ. RFKCTLV HARMLESS AND We si tse yiut iaai tswiasetai pis.nnama. mm SO iaat. ANY CHILD CAM'UM IT. tar tbs kalr amr ana apMy tkvwlnanfssa Itw aiiaaM, aa la, bsir Siwr-iisarsaan by ensgle wtllicwi tk.stif Lies saiasrtalary fc.j. aiMlea ur svsr alienee!. II Isanuk. ssjr elber wriMmil.aevseBSMi lor a ilk. pantos. Tbousaaas ul LA l I Pa tw ban Unm eaaoni wub r.CK. Mt k asd AltMft ausai lie assrita, u ! H Tl . r l tt ! aa at- at invat s a krsrd ae ksir as I ksir aae ad a nrtseleas Imsmi la tiaeeii's Aail-Kaltlas okieh Sns cw.f mxlorlnf Ms faiar rrvifc tm alisr lenaassikilitl'. a suit Sna esrerrlitaasarsprrarnisd I'M taw sal aa JO.. 174 One Ctraat, ClkolHHATl. O. Vea east lis safe dellsirr. W e will ar far S mm usaai DRUG STORE. Orderr from B Country filled by Return Mail. . HOSS, DKTJGGIST. OPTICAL QOfiDR, , , ,j TIIK Splendid Young Norman Horse mniiniinm wm Will make tlie sea-on of S62 aa fullows: Mondiiy and Tuesday at It, COX'S 1ace, Warren. Wediivsilay and TUursday at GEO. JAQUES', Oubla.. Rustof th week at C. ML'CKLE'8 raniili; Deer Ialnml. TEKMS: IXSUBANCK, flftJK) TUMl'KsT is a beautiful Hack Iron Vli in i,.i,. kik . -i. Ai.i . .i,.i,. into po la, with iinu stvie, r)ulek niovement, an l '"-ond tj mine in muscular powsr M'l iimai.ll'ty. ' lie a n . -Irerl by Votinir Byron KIsp; n.v lil l;voti Kier. i niifiitad snd owned hy r)lm,'iiititr, Keoin, Iowa. Isiupsaf daw ai I hI Liv Olil TeitiiBss. awonusn Uor, owiud ly J, Iioans, Itiwa. CHA8. MUCKLE, Owner. ml