The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 22, 1892, Image 3

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Cnitwl Mutri aud
I'ouuly Offlctul Pp-r
Ht. IIki.knh. Aritih22, lt2.
Pur ficuli drug at Rout' drug store.
Mr. X K. Dolman is viaillng In
Suli'in (hi week.
ClutlmiK, first claaa and best qtiulily
at 1'erry'a. Ittmlitm.
I.umlborir'a iwifiimea art the bent.
Ross Iim a full Una.
Note Hie correction lit the financial
tiilomcnt this wuok.
Wttnlod lrl to do light homework.
Iixjulr at tliU nlHoe at tiiicn.
II uy your grocerius, hardware and
tlasswara or N. A. IVrry, Houlton. lie
et'm tlio bom constantly on hand.
Luilirs should examine Mrs. Col
burn's millinery gooda before going to
lr. Cliff can now be found in liia
new office on tlte corner opposite) the
Taylor buildiuK.
All the tsfrtifkatea of nominal ion
Imve liveu (lld with the county ciuik
fry il candidates on both ticket.
The new ttvAmer Harnli Dixon ia
now running on I tie aii'iimer Hhavrr'a
route, between i'ortlaud and Clsta-kanie.
'"Thomas Coox?r, C. It. Hart, nI,llM.rrtt0
Frtiiilc Mill, attended the stata demo-1 j
emtio convention held in Turtlund last
Tueeduy, as uelegatet, .,.
Ttev. E. E. I'liiiipe preached in Pt.
iicims last Buuuay, morning am
evening. An eflort la being itnido to
arc tiro hw services jiermunoiilly in th
At the democratic state convention
Tucaduy, Koburi Vuatcli and J. H
Klulor were ihhiiIiihUhI (or congress,
y ana A. S. Itenneit, ot the lmice, wus
nominated for supreme j'tdge,
Dr. A. V. Moore and family, of East
I oilliitxl, were visiting frkmria and rel
atives iu fctt. Helena Tuvaduy night
and returned home) on the aleunier
Killing Wednenlny morning.
V. J. Rice, attorney-at-law, formerly
of Ilillsboro, is now a reaideut of Hi.
llcli'ii. having moved with his family
to this place, where be will make hia
future homo. Mr. luoe will continue
I he prautieo of hia prwfuaaion iu , Co
lumbia couuty.
' We know how to sympathise with
ladie who come to town, and are at
tons to know where to pans the time
until rmidy to leave. .: Man find a re-
eort at saloons, barber shofie, hotels
t but the ladies should cull at Mrs,
t.'ullmru'e millinery and dressmaking
rooms, where they are welcome and
will feel at home.
I'rof. I'riiwo Williams will be here
. tliu (Friday) evening, and you sIkkiIiI
nut fail to hear hint if you want, to
'lunch or cry. Elocution and voice cul
lure are the subjects ou which he
speaks. He will uive something new
In the way of beautiful piuttires to ex-
I'liitn In poems which lie recites,
Don't fail to hair liitii
AH Ihose who signed petition for
en Odd Fellows' lodge at Ht. Helens
f ere reqnosU d to be prevent at a meet-
Ing call.'d for Saluiliiy, April 30, at 2
, iVlock p. ni., at which time and pbice
'- t ho organization of the lodge will be
itroceeded with. It ia desired that all
those whose siitnuturea are attached to
the ix'tilioii will be present,
A lemperence meeting with a fine
t. ..... 3 i a
utersry ana musical programme, was
held on Friday evening, aud was well
The Shaver made us an extra visit
early Monday morning, and started
out with a full load of lumber the
same evening,
Mrs. Smith, of Wallace's Island,
came In on the Dixon Monday even'
ing, bringing her siek child for medi
ral attendance. '
Mr. Walk, Sr., with his daughter
and her Hon. came iu on the steamer
last week to upend a few days with
Ihoir relative, Mrs. M. O. Bryant.
Ilryant & Conway's mill, after a shut
down of a few davs on account of the
scarcity of logs, is again cutting lum
ber, and the Blood mill is now iu sue,
ccsaful operation.
Itef M. C. Wiro, a presiding elder
In the M. E. church, was at Heaver
over Mabbuth, aud held the usual quar
teny meeting services. Home ol our
citisena wore over and attended the
Jack Cameron has been bringing
some Dig wagon loads or sawed
shingles through town lately, from
which wo inter that tlio shinale pait
of the Tichenor mill is iu successful
Mchoolliouse Notre.
. Albert Hun.lby met vl'h a serious aed
n't a.t Unit Wednesday, ' Wluln playing bull
at reeewi ho war run over by one of the
largo boys and had the brUge of hU nose
Till) Mui'kle, who Is attending school In
I'ortliind, visited school last Friday.
Frankln Wuy, a former pupil of this
sehoot, bat now attemUna the ub:ie
school ef Portland, was vinitliig at bor
' lioins lat Huturday ami Sunday.
The (J III ton school now lias AO pupils en
rolled. ' Tlte schoolroom Is so crowded tha'
1 tliree have to sit In a sunt. Tha teacher,
Mr. Klrry , U giving splendid satisfaction.
Th followliiK Is the annwers to the qnes-
(uns of hint week:
t. Anwered by Nellie1 Decker and En
's acne Itlalconlcy. The constitution of the
V! ( Vii It i'd Htatcs is the supreme law of this,
V tountry. ' :
f 2. Aniwered by Eugene Blskculey.Prsnk
, WcMirc, Nellie Decker. and Mule Glhnore.
Tlie Weekly Oregonlan was the first paier
6 1 ptiblinhed in uregon. it was started at
i rorUand. In 1850, by Thomas J. Dyer." It
i wm a smnll four-ped paiier. The old
3 press Is now at Huleni. '
, -' S. Answered by Tom Xuckle and Roliert
, Ocone. The counties ef Oregon with the
S county seat of each are as follows:
; V. Honton, Oorvalllsj llaker, Baker City;
. Clatsop, A tori; Columbia, 81. Helens;
4 Clsckamns, Oregon City; Crook, Pitnes'
ville; Come, Ktuplro City; Curry, Ellens,
burgh ; DoukIss, Itnsebura; Qraut, Canyon
'. City; Ollltum, Condon; Harney, Harney;
Josephene, Grants Pass; Jackaon, Jauksan-
ville; Klamath, Mnkvllle;,. Albany;
, taiie, KiiKene; I.uke, l.akevlew; Mullno
Uiuh Portland; Marion, fialem; Morrow,
Heppner; Malheur, Vale; Polk, Dallas;
tUicrmna. Wsmso; Tillamook, Tillamook;
IT nlon, Union; Umatilla, Pendleton ; Waco,
- Tbe Dalles; Wallowa, Joseph; Washington,
Hilbiboro; Yamhill, McMlnnvllle.
4: Answered by Lena Blakoley. Christ
mas and New Years did not come on the
Siime day of the week In 1876. these day
never oome on the same day of the week in
, iiy year, because they are nearly a year
a part, and of coarse not in too sanio week.
A, Answered by Nellie Decker and I.ixzle
Ollmore. Thedurk ages began about the
year S00 A. D., and lasted nearly 1000 years.
During 'his time the barbarian hordes
I from the north swept over the whole civil-
t Iced world, and almost eruahad out every
j Tistlge of teaming and enlightraent
I New qucHtions, t. What was the popu-
I Istlon of the United States in 170M Gain
' percent. In 100 years T 2. what Is a third
I and a half of ten f 8. A man has a triang-
I ular field the longest side being 130 rods,
and each of the other sides 08 rods. How
I many acres does it contain T 4. By whom
and when was the Columbia river discov
ered T What was the name of his- vassal ,
oil how far. did he sail up the riverf 6.
Who first used the expression, ''to the vtc
tow bclMif th spoils H
1 County Assessor Doan has been in
duys, looking ovei peoples' earthly
pnesesaioua. He takes a great interest
in all we have, aud kindly makes a
note of it for future reference.
A anoint dance was arranged for on
Wednesday evening of lust week, aa a
further demonstration in favor of the
new steamer. A social dance at Ctats
kuniuieotieof the feature of the place,
aud occtirra ou every provocation.
Merrill's hall wat very tastefully
decorated lust Saturday, iu anticipa
tion of the Easter service held on Sab
bat li evening. At that service the hall
was well filled, and a very instructive
and impressive EuMer service was par
ticipated in by (hose present. -
There is a new man ia I he ttyveraon
camp, at Beaver, who is not boarding
with the rest at the mesa house, but
being provided for by Peto Syerson
and wife at their dwelling. He ia
much younger than any oilier one
about I ho premises, and rather inex
perienced, but bids fair to do well on
better acquaintance. He was taken
into the family on Saturday and meets
with general favor so far.
The republican candidate for repre
sentative was rurrounded by a crowd
last Monday, who were trying to poke
fuu at him a little and talk In the in
terest of the new party. He proved
himself etpjul to the occasion, how,
ever, and gave his auditor aoniothing
to think about, while considerable of
crowd gathered round to listen.
Clalskanie'a candidate will get there
Willi the best man on the tickut.
Last Wedneaday afternoon was ob
served as a holiday by the cilixens
geuerally, iu anticipation of the arrival
of the new steamer "Sarah Dixon,"
which had been announced for that
day. . The brass band came out about
30 p. in., aud kept itself iu waiting
for the sound of the whistle, while the
scholars in the public sehool were so
excited that they- wero let out early,
and the friends from the suburbs
gathered in until it looked like a cir
cus day, where people wait to see the
elephant. At the sound of the whistle
about 5 p. m., the baud boya atarted
for Bureau's mill, where they boarded
tha vessel on her arrival at that place,
and when alio ateamod up to her land
ing at 0 p. with flags flying, the
music of the band mingled with tbe
'cheers of (he wailing crowd, and the
shriek of the steam whistle, combined
Co make tbe hills echo with the wel
come. After making the landing, the
crowd took advantage ot the oppor
tunity to inspect the vessel, aud uuiie
n pronouncing it excellent in its ap
pointments, and splendidly adapted to
do its work. It ia -visiting us again
this week.
For the past two weeks the Weather
has been wry wet, and farming has
got act back that was not looked for.
It was thought that the recent frost
would kill all of the fruit which was
in bloom, but a close examination
shows that it did not do any harm to
mention of.
The Northern Pacific railroad com
pany has a sfaam shovel in their gravel
pli here at present, aud have a force
of about 30 men engaged. They are
surfacing between here and Goble.
E. M. Wharton has the lumber on
the ground for a residence. He has
been doing considerable improvement
for the paat year, having finished
planting an orchard of twelve hun
dred prune trees.
Samuel Conrad,of Woodland, Wash.,
exhibited a fine horse here a few days
ago. He is a grandson of Pathfinder,
but will not likely make a aland here,
a the tanners are not Uicliued to breed
to fine horse this year.
Mrs. Ole Olsou la very sick at pres
ent, and her recovery ia very doubtful,
being confined to her bed for the past
two week or more with apparently
consumption. The a Alio led family
ha the full sympathy of this entire
Ole Olson has added another im
provement to this vicinity, he having
about completed a good substantial
resldence, 20x36 with a kitchen
13x20, and ia one and one-half stories
high. A carpenter from Portland has
been doing the work, and it will cost
about $1,000.
Thomas Haindon, who was black
smith here last winter for Campbell,
Wood A Co., railroad contractors, ia
so highly pleised with this neighbor
hood that he intends to build ashop in
town. Deer Island needs a good
blacksmith, and we predict for Mr.
Snindon, who is a good meclianic, and
a first-class horse sheer, a good bosi.
ueas. '
Mr. Cha. English ia finding that
his busiuee exceeds his expectation.
When he left his farm last winter to
go into business here, he expected to
find an easy time, but be finds matters
very different. A mail of Mr. Eng
hub's accomodations cannot but be
rushed with business, for the people of
this neighborhood appreciate hia ef
forts, and are willing to pay for his
Among the stalliona this year, we
have Tempest, a beautiful dark iron
gray, owned by Chaa. Mnckle, of St.
Helena. Tempest was brought from
Iowa a couple of year ago, and was
sired by Young Byron Kier, and from
a Norman mare. He haa a very styl
ish appearance, ia a good walker, and
is a very nicely formed horse. "His
colls have come always, and are about
the best we have ever seen. ,
It. Reinhardt started Monday last
for a Visit to Chicago, and will be al
sent but a short time,
Tbe rain bus ceased, and the honest
granger smile aa he think of the
bountiful harvest this fall.
The new houses of M. Both and
Mrs. Brow, are Hearing completion;
the former under the skillful hands of
Mr. Bearce, and the latter under Mr.
Richardson's able supervision.
There is every prospect that a log
ging railroad will be put in from
Rainier to Beaver valley, which will
place on the market an unlimited sup
ply of the finest lumber in the world
The work will begin in the very near
ii. u. Doan ha received the ma
chinery for a ahinalcmill which he will
put in on hi place in Beaver valley,
thus adding to our manufacturing in
terest. He haa a fine body of availa
ble cedar, and will no doubt make a
success of the enterprise. .
Hvhool Report,
Report of district No. 9, for the
month ending,April IS, 1692:
Number of days taught, 20 ; pupils
enrolled, 34; daily attendance, 27.
Pupils not absent nor tardy : Willie
Grant, Mary Vancleave, Gertrude Val
lans, Charles Slump and James Grant,
Maud Hemdrrson, Teacher.
SIMONS.-At Ituinier. April Uth. 1K02. tbe
liiiani cnua oi Mr. aua Mrs. J. Btutona,
aged eleven months.
For Presidential Electors,
HON. J. F. CAPLES, of Portland.
H. B. MILLER, of Gram's Pass.
D. M. DUNNE, of Portland.
REV. G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
For Supreme Judge,
F. A. MOORE, St. Helena.
L. B. WEBSTER, Jacksonville.
For Congressmen,
BINGE R HERMANN, (1st district)
W. R. ELLIS. (2nd diatrict)
- For Circuit Judge,
T. A. McBRIDE, Oregon City.
For District Attorney,
HON. W. N. BARRETT, of Hillsbow.
For Joint Senator,
J. W. MAXWELL, of Tillamook.'
Master Lester Baily is ou tbe sick
6. Rock spsut last Sunday at B. F.
We had quite a hail storm Saturday
and Sunday.
The work on I ha schoolhouae is pro
gressing very slowly.
The Carth brothers have gone down
the river hunting work.
Otto Hi lies and wife leave this part
of the country for their home iu Tilla
mook couuty.
Mrs. Hendricks is cooking for
Brinn Bros', logging camp, while Mrs.
Hines is absent.
Mrs. Ella Roberta has been out on
her ranch the past mouth nuking
some improvements.
Some of the beoDle in Carico have
gardons planted aud up, while others
have not put any seeds in tlie ground
et. . , - v s : '
Tbe roads across' Milton creek bot
tom are still very muddy, with no
prospect of being any better unless it
quits raining.
The Paris mail carrier got pretty
badly frightened last Saturday, coming
through Milton creek bottom, at a
couple of suspieious-loookiug charac
ters, who he thought were tramps, but
fterwards learned that . they were a
couple of ladle, dressed in gentlemcas'
attire, - . ' . i
Not long ago Mr. G. B. Matthews,
of Eagle Point, Oregon, visited liis
friends Dear Portland, and related his
case to a reporter of the Oregonian, as
follows: Ono year ago my case was
considered hopeless. I had a lung
trouble, aggravated by catarrh and
htonchitia, also a tumor in my side,
Through Dr. Damn's electric and
medisal skill all my afflictions area
thing of the past. It was with the
greatest difficulty I was able to go to
the doctor's office, so great was my
weak unss and nervous debility. Now
I am able to work and feel well. Mr.
Matthew's case ia certainly wonderful,
but no less so than the following cures
which we briefly refer to :
8. S. Whitman, Monmouth, Or,
deafness a .id ringing noises in the ears
twelve years, greatly benefitted and
noise cured.
Mrs. F. A. Morn, Newberg, Or.
Asthma and bronchitis ten years, re
stored two years ago.
Mrs. A. Shea'a daughter, 348 Co
lumbia street, Portland, crosseyed all
tier life, cured in one minute.
Jenkin Jones, 307 Ninth street, Seat
tle, Wash., cured of shaking and
trembling hands and heal, or palsy.
E. A. Shaw, Forest Grove, Or.,
loial deafness, so lar restored as to be
able to hear ordinary conversation
John Leighton,25S4 Madison street,
Seattle, Wash., neatness 0( yei)rs
standing, cured in fifteen minutes.
Owing to hard times, Dr. Darria
will give electric treatment for $5 a
week, or in that proportion, aa the
eases may require. An exception
made in surgical operations. . The
poor free daily from 10 to 11 ; those
uble to pay, 10 to 5; evenings, 7 to8;
Sundays, 10 to 12. All curable chronic,
acute, private aud wasting diseases, in
cluding stricture, hidrocele and varico
cele, cancers, tumors and all malignant
diseases treated successfully and cures
guaranteed ' and never published.
Offices, 70$ Washington street, Port
land, suigioal operations skillfully per
formed. Consultation free and strictly
confidential, Send for question blank
and circular.
For Representative,
For Sheriff,
, For Clerk,
E. E. QUICK. ...
For Commissioner,
For County Judge,
For Treasurer,
" For .Assessor,
For Surveyor,
For School Superintendent,
For Coroner,
B. P. QU1VY.
f n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
itir iiie iMiui.y oi ..oiuiliDim.
Waits s B. Iii i.l, I'l lintiff, I
vs. v
MiaaiaO. Bukll, Defendant
To Minnie Q. Buell, th above-named d
fendaut: ,
in tlie name oi uie state oi urrran. von
are hereby required to appear and answer
the ebiuplalnt tiled against yen in the above
entitled suit, in the above entitled court.
on or before the first day of the next term
of the ubovc,conrt, which said term will
cnmiiienco on Tuesday, the 10th dav of
May, lNiu; anu u you rail to annea and
answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will applv
to tbe court for the relief demanded In tbe
complaint, which 1st, for the dissolution of
the matrimonial bonds now existing be
tween l.luintiir and defendant, and for mieli
other and further relief as in equity may
seem jut
The above summons is published by order
of Hon. F. J. Taylor, judge of said court,
dated March 17,1882.
m25ro6 , . Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1
Thirty Acres in Section 15,
in town of Clatskahie,
PRICE - $200.00
Room 18, Abington Building, Fifth
Floor, ;
The Sintram has about completed
her cargo. ; v
Mra. Lowman, of Apiary, visited
Mrs. Jlearoe this week.
- Tram pa have taken possession of the
only vacant house in town. '
Mr. Deits has his warehouse finished,
and his storebuilding looms up.
Mr. Victor Feivy and family, of La
Center, Wash,, are visiting relatives
here. .
Report says Frank: Downing will sell
Ida blacksmith shop to some person
rotu Kalatua.
Land Offlee at Oreron Cltr. Or.. Anril IS. 1892.
NotWwta hanby given that tbe fol'owlug-
uauieu aumer nms moa noue ui ma luiencion
to make anal proof m support of hti claim and
thatsald proof will be made before the County
, ' I a .1. nf , aI .. m tl a M. ...... a. Ut II 1 , ,
Son, on liar SI. vts:
Pre-emption P. 8. No. 7J95, for ihe ie W of nee
tlou SI, t 4 u. r i w. Ha namea the following
witneueato prove hia eonllnuoua realdence
upon, and cultivation of aald land, vis: H. Weat.
I. Froeni -n, Ueoraa Kamney and H. White; all
of Scappooae P. O., Columbia county, Or-ron.
i-amlf . XT. API'KRSON. Keglator.
W. J. TulUCKLE & CO.
Boots, Shoes,
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Furnishing Goods,
Produce Taken in Exchange.
It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices.
209 2ns 1TO FRONT ST.,
Our catalogue la complete In
every department, and telle
how to grow all kinds of ve
getables,, bow to plant and
trim, trees, how to use, and
what are the best fertilizers,
how to handle bees etc. etc.
Free to all- Send for it.
THE RETAIL MERCHANT is the necessary
Medium of Trade between the Manufacturor
and the Consumer. He must protect the interest
of hia customers by purchasing io the lowest and
and best markets, and by selling to hia patrons
at the Lowest Possible Prices.
W. ET. aD)0L.MV
In keeping these true principles of trade always in
view ; often leaves the old track and strikes "across
lots" for Bargains for his customers. His stock of
l3?General Merchandise
Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day.
It U not convenient to name the many lUff-rent articles kept
on sale, a-d.le from Dry 0'id",t'l,.tliiiig. ladies' Wear Gentlemen's
Wear, Wear. Koot Wear, Flour mid Feed, Grocer 'as and Can
ned Goods, Nnil! mid Hardware, I'mvkerv and Gja-Mnare. Granite
and Tin warp, Powder and 8liot, Hats and. Caps. Boots and Shuae,
Patent Medicines, Toilrt Articles, ttc
We have just received the correct style in
Stiff Hats for the Spring of 92. -
$ 1 .50 tO $5.00 PRICES FROM $ 1 .00 tO $5.00
King Clothiers of the Northwest
Bias Corsier, Marrlaasi Streets. Farll.
Manufacturers of
notice rem pvbii.cation.
Land Offlosat Oregon City, Or., March 3D, ISM.
Notice In hereby gtv.n that the followinf
named MtUer haa lied nottoaof hininleution to
make Anal proof in support of alt claim, urihttt
said proof will be made before th. county clerk
ol Columbia county, at 8. lieions, Oregon, ou
May 18, 1882, via:
Pre-emption D. 8. No. sail . for the twhi et see.
19. tp 6 n, ill, He iiame. the following; wit-ne-xaa
to prevs hia eontinuom residence upoa
and cultivation of said land, vis: J. W. Uonnell,
C. w. IttakenfoT, Jeai Hendricks, and B. F.
fens, all Of St. Hele-M. Cetumbla county. Opt
ion. 4. T, ArrbRHON.
a salt sWftoer
. . 0
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
In the Circuit Court of the State, of Oregon,,
for. Columbia t'oanty. ,
Kkdsl Nuim, I'lsintitr, '
C. F. Lbavks worth. and
Katk M. l.aAViswr.RTU.liI" wife,
ToC. V. Leavenworth and KateM. lainven.
worth, his wife, the above-named do
femlants:. In the name of the State of Orfiniti, yorr
and euch of you nre hcretiy rcqiiireil to np
prar and answer the complaint tiled agint
you in the aliove entitled suit, In the lxve
entitled court, on or before tlie tint dav of
the next term, of tha sbora emirt, will h
raid terra will eoiiiiix-rwa on Tuesdsv. tlia
loth day of May, IHrl; aud if you fuil to up.
pear and answer, for wuiit thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief de
nanifed In the complaint, which Isiortlia
uui ot three tiiotuiiind dollurs (t;).(i0t)) in
Ui.iied Htatm Uohl t'oin, with IrUerest
thereon iu like Oold Coin at the rata ot
tight r cent per annum from and. shire
Mjiy 34th, im, slid the further sum. of two
hundred dollars ($MO as attorney's
fees, and for tha. coats and disburse
ments of this suit ; and for a decree foreclxs
injf a inortgnffe ithreu to secure suiii sun,
interest and uttornoy's fee, upon the foU
lowiiig-dewribrd real properly, to-wit: The
north half of the southeast quarter; the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
and Ihe northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of scc ion twelve, in township seven
north of range four west; tbe northwest
quarter of section twelve, in township stvea
north of range four west; and the southeast
quarter of section eight, in lownshio seven
uorto ot range three west ut tlie W llianietM
Meridian, in Columbia county, Htate of
On-con; that the said rent proerty be oWt
in me nitiniier pi
defendants and all
milliner prescribed by law, and that
the proceeds thereof be applied to the pay
ment of the said judgment; that thesslii
pcraous claiming by.
tnrougn or un.ier thrm, may be barred
and foreclosid of all right, title,, clniiu, in
terest and estate in and to the said mort
gaged premises and every part thereof , ex
cept the statutory right to redeem; and fur
such other and further relief as to tbe court
may seem just and. equitable in the preiu-
Tlie above summons is pnblished by order
of lion. V. J, Taylor, judge of said court,
dated March 17, im.
ni25inS ' Attorneys for PlaintifT
Petition for Liqtor License.
To the Honorable Commissioners and County
Court of the Htata of Oregon for Columbia
We. the undersigned legal voters la Deer
Island precinct, Columbia county, state of Ore
gon, respectfully petition vour honorable body
that a license be granted to Orrin A. Wood ta
sell spiritous, Tinous nd malt liquors In said
Iwer Island precinct In less quantities than one
gall n for the period of one year, and your pe
titioners willeverpray: B Knyart, W O Bum
gardnerjj: h Creawn. F a Ciim, F Adama, Hua
Kilby, Thomas Sainton, August Dawa L a
Kjered. J Kookhlll. Gust Jhanson, C Thomtlnn,
U A Williams, K Larson, P Anderson, Pat
Wakley, 8 Envart. J R Cronk. C Prim, J Cat
urett, C H Bpeneer, O Trim, C E Oisen, L H
lierla, I 8 Bnmgardncr. C L Huilth, Charles
Burogardn.r. decrw K Blakeslee, Thomas Cor
dis, A H Merrill, Ketson finckney. Charles W
Haney. Ed Kystrom, C W Kuieraoa, Peter Bntllh,
K Smith, 1" Hiigtias, Ole OIa, E U Oirty, J
W gprucer, E I Barnes, T W Koweta, W T Me
Klnnan. A I' Usher. C 1 Kelly, Joseph Roth.
Mtrhaei Fresh, H Kleiner. 1 B Sterm, Gnat
Sklaturla. James Gaittens, 1 M Spurgeoa,
A Garrison. Uucloff Loslhi, E ; Jones, H 0
Brown, Gabriel Jenny. Otlo RoM, Fred Kobel,
John Bieri, Edward Black, A H Criswaltl, C 1
t ilcox, F F Foster, D Nichols, A Bundberg, II
Works, C W Murphy, Walter lfavird, A 1 Cun
ningham. Jones, N R Willard. A D VcGahee,
C W M' Farland, A 1 Jordan, D 8 Gray, U C
jaquisn, 4 w lariwe, t . Hrbmiat, t Kebee. L
Bradley, jeoree FlahteL John F Hehmitt, J H
BplawDH A Oberg. H C Gore. 1 W
lawrence, joe Nussbaumer, Fred AUisbanmer,
Kiebard Phelan, Joe Stock, c E Gore, Frank
Bishop, C Williams, H B Borthwick. W M Tain
bluaon. Frank Bevors, L G Larson, K A Lysell,
Lee Williams, J E Davidson. Peter Bertorrea. i
6 Foster, Charles R Vonug, Wm Connor, Frank
Kindnn, Thomas Mitchell. TC Mars, A N.viu,
Uector UoUU. E O Foster, Wm Oaddla, ThosRsa
Foley, E Meeker, James Cok-, T 1 Mahun, John
T Whitehead, Ed Smith, J P Borton, J Snod-
Psss. R R Foster, John M Lindsay, B Haeard,
Filer, !S V Hunter, J Seneraon, G Hana. F H
Hwaser. W T ratlleld. J B Haley. W O Tucker,
a Bevis, W P Gardner. Joan W Brig, H Lament.
I F BatsoavR J Burnett, L Msarmaa. Frank it
Foster, Jacob Lengarher, Emit Klosseer W I
Kellle, PO Kan, 8 C Fowler, E W Fowler. C E
Makinster, E BefTert, S Andresa, F Striagaeld.
V L Olson. W Bradley S Olson.
Cooking and Heating
Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware,
212 First sad cor. Sslmsn Street
pcBucATia.v mr scaaams.
In tha Circuit Court nf the Htata of Oregon
fur tLc County of Columbia.
Acocstus. Kirxaa, PlsinUtr, , 1 ..
vst .. - ;('?'' y i
Mabtin F. Kxcrr, Defendant. )
To Martin P. Knupp, tha. above-named de-
In the name of tbe gtste of Oreeon. von
are hereby required to appear and answer
the com plaint tiled against you in the above
entitled sOit, by tha first dav of the next
term of the said Circuit Court, Vttt Tues
day the 10th day of May. Im, being the
firt Tuesday after the second MomluT in.
said mouth; and if you fail so to answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will take at
judgment against yon lor the sain of $12440,
United Ktates gold coin, with interest there
on at the rate of 10 per cent per annum
front the 23th day of October. 1889, together
with the additional sum of $30.00 attorney
fee, and S11.40 paid for taxes, and for tin
costs and disbursements nf this suit, and
will take a decree foreclosing the morteam
described in said complaint, and declaring
the same to be a lien upon the land therein
described, viz: Bituate in the County of
Columbia, State of Oregon, to-wit: Tha
southwest quarter of section thirty, in town
ship five north of range three west of the
Willamette Meridian, containing one hun
dred and fifty-six and ninety-nine hun
dredths acres of land, more or less, snd
that the some be sold to satisfy said judg
ment, end that yon be forever barred and
foreclosed of all right, claim or interest in
said land except as redeniptioiter under the
stntute, and for such further relief as to tha
Court may seem meet in equity.
This summon is published by order of
Hon. Frank J. Tarlor. Judge of said Court,
made the 10th day nf Mnrch, 1882.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
. Dated March 11. 1892. ml8a
The folctrated French Un,
to core any form
of nervous disease
orany dlaoraeroc'
the generative or-
gmna 01 oiutersex, .
whether arlilue .
fwvm t V. ...itfa.i , a
ntruat " aseoi atirauiaata, ArTEFt
Tobacco at Opinm, or through youthful indlsere.
rlou, over indulgence, Ae , such as Loss of Brant
Fower, Wakefulness, Beariugdowa Fains in the
back, Seminal Waaknesa.Hysterla, Ksrvoaa Proa,
(ration, Noi-turual Emission, Leneorrbans, Lis
tineas Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impo
tency.whirhif uegletcl often lead to premature
old are and insanity, price 11.00 a box, a nexaa
lor ioa Heot by mill on rareipt of price'
A WRITTEN GVABAS.Ig 'l given for
every ,V00 order received. t refnna tlie money II
a Permanent cure Is not effected. We have
thousands of trstlmnnlala from old and young,
of both sexea, who have been nermanrntly rnird
by thetueof Aphrodltine. Circular IrM. Address
Western Branch. Box 27. roanavaa. Oa.
For aale by EDWIN KOSS, Druggist,
Ht. Helani. Ur.
With yokes and chains,
Or spproved security.
Q.C. L. & M. CO.,
Mayger, - - - - Oregon