THE OREGON MIST. H V BMC Hi PTIO !f, (LN VEK YEAH. St. Helens, April SS, 1891 SLIGHTLY MISTAKEN. The Portland Telegram, .a speak Inj, editorially of Clatsop county pol 1 tics, says: ; ''Politically it ! loe 1 Hatm-hly ; repuliliean, thougl . on cohmy office would Im held by a democrat Where dts tile Telegram get it in formation!1 The democrats of CUt cop county have liad control of the clerk, sheriff aud judge' office in an ttuurokeii suecessiou far nmuy year. These are the three, best office iu the county, in fact tin only Dea in which the salary is of any consequence. A reattW at election day comes h round these) three offices are filled hy the democrat, who hold the reins and have made money enough out of their fat salaries to control the elec lion hy the use of a portion of it. It is only a few years since the - democrat elected a member of the ' li'guJ.ituee in Clatsop county, who was ucceeded by another democrat. Clat nop county has had the same demo cratic clerk for tight or tea years, William Ross, dewocrat, was sheriff several terms, and his successor who is also a democrat, is serving a second term ; Judge rage, democrat, has been tounty Judgo a number of terms in euccew-im. Why? Simply because the three are the bosses and sacrifice the rust of the ticket to further their own personal interests. Aguiu the Telegram say: "The town', aud through it the county, have iecii run for many years by a sma'l and seltich riug of local politician!, iniu'h as Portland and Multuomah county have been run." We do not understand which ring the Ttlegiainhas reference to, but as Uie Telegram is an alleged democratic lapir, we presume it means the repub lican wing of the ring. That there is, perhaps, two rings in Clatsop county we do not dispute ; but the democratic wing of the ring have their organisa tion so complete that they invariably scoop all the fat office in that "staunchly republican" county. For proof of this statement the Telegram might refer to the official directory of Dial county. The Eugene Guard asserts that "the republican candidate for supreme judge has never had a case before the supreme court." The Hillsboro Dem ocrat publishes the foregohig, and 1J: "We have conversed with some prominent attorneys in the slate who say that he is a 'bail fellow well met," etc. As to the first statement a greater fierversiou of the truth was never pub liahed. Judge Moore has been one of the most prominent figures before the supreme court of any attorney in O-e-gou and, too, we might add, with greater success than most of them. A to hit legal capacity no one, except a few interior country newspapers, will question. Indeed had be ' not . been an able lawyer the republican convention would not have nominated him, as they did, on the first ballot when there were so many good men in the legal profession aspiring to the office. S-i tat as being a "bail fellow well met," we heartily agree with the ''prominent T attorneys" that the Dem ocrat speaks of. Aside from this be is a lawyer of a great deal more than ordmay ability, and has enjoyed a lucrative practice both in Washington and Oregon, particularly iu Portland, for many years. ' All that these dis- gruntlcd organs of the mugwump party can hash tip against Judge Moore will not injure bis prospects in (he least. The people know him too well to be- misled by such deception. It has been claimed by some demo cratic papers that Hon. T. A. McBride is a corporation attorney, and that the republican convention could not belp pomiuatiug a corporation attorney for district judge of this circuit. Every jnan who is acquainted with Mr. Mc Bride' knows better than this. We personally know that he has refused repeatedly a large yearly salary from the Northern Pacific railroad and other corporations. ' His duties as prosecut ing attorney would not permit of his acceptance of a salary from a corpora tion, la the case of Beuham vs. the Korthjrji Pacific in this county he Conducted one of the hottest contested piosecutjon tgajnst this railroad that ever look place in this county, and finally succeeded in securing for the plaintiff the amount Of damage asked. Mr. AlcJJride, we are glad to say, is free from corioralion harness. 1 A JHBAy deal of influeuce is being brought to hear upon W. p. Hare, of Ililluboro, to run independent for dis trict judge. ; la the event of Hare's election Tom Tongue would practi cally be the judge. , Tub Cojumbi county republican t'u. ket is compose of representative taxpayer of the ounty; men who have Jived io the county for years and are well posted at. to the need of the County aj large. 111 ' Tut democrat of Columbia county f$ get norniuiile a- ticket this year. REPUBLICAN RALLY An Enthusiastic : Ratification 4 Meeting Tncsdaj Night . I Sppechc by the Vartbw Candidates A liarire Awdlence Maaie by -,... -.. Oonlray Orehratrsu "' - v. : ; ' h ' Tuesday night there was probably the largest assemblage of people gath ered in the court house ever seeu in St. Helens. Promptly at ? :30 o'clock the orchestra from Cordray'a theater be gan the programme and immediately afterward the meeting was called to order by T. C Watts, chairman of the county central committee, who slated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of ratifying the republi can nominations lor tue uiuerenv offices. Mr. T. J. Cleeton, candidal for school superintendent, was first in troduced, who addressed tho audience at considerable length,, .reviewing and commenting upon the record of the republican patty. The next speaker called was Hon. George C. Brownell, of Oregon City, who was heartily greeted as he pro ceeded to the roslrom. Mr. Browne!! is a splendidpeaker,and held the audi ence in strict attention for some time- reviewing the tariff question, compar ing the progress of the United States under the systems of a high and low tariff. He dwtll at some length on the comparison of wages paid the American wage earners aud those of foreign countries, clearly proving that the earnings of the American work meu are about twice as much as those of E-j eland; the result of a protective tariff. Whenever the speaker had oc casion to refer to James (i. Blaine the house fairly went wild with enthusi asm, tie a 8 urea trie suuience mat they, as republicans and citizens of Columbia county, slould feel justly proud of the choice of the republican state convention in it selection oi Hon. F. A. Moore as its candidate for supreme judge. This brought forth a continued applause for some time, after bich the speaker appealed to the voters to lay aside all political preju dices and go to the polls on election ij, aud show their good judgment by voting the republican ticket; that the republican were and always bad beeu the friend of the people; to read np the fact as bad been presented by him on the various matters of record and public importance. Judge Moore was next called for by th9 audience amid the greatest en thusiasm, who talked for a iew minutes to bis townspeople in a very feeling Qianuer, stating that the office for which he was a candidate was not a political office and consequently he Would not make a political speech at that time. He thanked the people of his old home, Columbia county, for the many kindnesses and good will bestowed upon bim nnd was willing to abide by their decision at the polls on the 6th of June. Mr. W. J. Bice was the last speaker and spoke for a few minutes, giving a sketch of political advancement un der a republican government. He took up the political situation iu Ore gon and showed that here especially a man should be a republican. He re ferred to the recognition which Co lumbia couuty received in - the state convention, and complimented the people of Columbia county on heinic honored by the citizenship of such a clean, good man and able lawyer as Judge J?. A. Mcore; he referred es pecially to the circuit district officers and amid the wildest enthusiasm rueu tioned thai this was the native borne of one of the ablest lawyers of Oregon, whose honesty, integrity and ability was well known, to such a degree that be was unanimously selected by the representative republicans of four counties to occupy the high, honora ble and responsible office of circuit judge, Hon. T. A. McBride. He then said he desired especially to refer to anolber native son of Oregon, who was born, reared and lived in the adjoin ing county of Washington, and dwelt at some length on the good character and ability of Hon. W. N. Barrett. While speaking of Mr. Barrett he was handed a letter by Chairman Watts from Mr. Barrett, which he read to to the meeting af follows : Mr. T.C, Watts: Dear Sir I wish you would express lo the meeting my regret in not being able to bs present. I assure you that I should be pleased to be present at and ssslit in the opening of the campaign In your county. The republican party bai always kept it pledge Sod bas ever been true to the best Interests of the whole peo ple. If I were at your meeting. I should urge that all who believe iu the republican doctrine of protecting American Indus psed hi MiUios? pf Monies oilBaking HiPowder: tries and Ameitcali labor, and who favor icarkit for American products at' horns and abroad, to rally around the republican banner and carry It to victory hi I tine. Tlx eves of tli nation are turned to Oregon, Minll we attain be able to say as w did hi 1S8H, "that Or- leads the way to vie toryf" Truttig that I ahull' he aula to meet the people of Columbia county during the campaign, I sin yours truly, W. N. BAURKTT. ConUnuinjr, Mr. Klee referred to tin county candidates lirluflj', and nrged all republicans to vote the republican ticket in June, and let Oregon and es pecially Columbia enmity b heard from with joy, honor and glory fm the grand old parly. All through he was warmly cheered and the mm-ting adjourued with everybody feeling en thusiastic and good. The following letter was received from the republican candidate foi congress from this district: Mr. Watts: Pear Sir I regret exreodlng ly I cannot be present. Asiur the ivuiili- Means of Columbia County that my" bet wishes are with them, arid that I will vi-it Columbia' county before the campaign ukues. ' Very truly yours, W. R. ELLIS. Ol'R OLftfXT MATIVK. Joanna Phllbrook Paaacxl Quietly Awav 8ory offllw Long Lifts. II was a lover of relics and stories of olden times. Yesterday We learned with sorrow that Balk's oldest native resident, JosIiua Philhrook, had passed quietly away, at the age of 00 years and 5 months. During tile exiMance of the Enter prise, the historical sketches from hi pen of our state and city have proven very iiitcrei-tiog to our subscribers, who liked to read of olden times. Mr. Philbrvok was a good story-teller and possessed many relic of days long passed in which lie took much pride. Mr. Philhrook was the oldest native of this city, was born Octtcr 1801 in the residence in which he died. He was the son of Daniel aud Klixabelh Moody Philhrook, and was the lust member of his generation. - His were the first settlers of the New England states, of Puritan and Huguenot de scent and were zealous Workers for the freedom of our country. Mr. Philbrook's great grandfather built, in 1742, the first vhip on the Kennebec. He lived a here now stands the courthouse, be also owned the land where the city now stands. At that time there were only eight fam ilies here. He was a gentleman re spected by all, always pleasant and g.'iiiul and a kind father. Was a pro feesor of religion, and a Wo a member of .the Sagadic Historical 8ociety which is indebted to bis prolific pen. His settees were wonderfully well pre served and his mind very clear. Ho really lived hU strength out to the last ebb, he was wa-ttng physically and preparing for a home ii) he.iven with bis ancient fathers and kindred spirits. The Enterprise extends its syui p ttlty to his many friends and rela- ! tives. Balh (Me.) Enterprise. ; Joshua 1'hilt.r.jok was the father of fr. Samli R. I.amonl. ( til Helen. Hn death occurred in Ilatb. Mr,., March It, lifttt, aged So years, ami 5 months Eu. Maiishlaxu Mr. John Colvin is visiting on Lewis river. Miss Altla Matthews is visiting friends in Marshland this week. 6. D. Sutherland paid Astoria a fly ing visit last week. R. P. Graham relumed to Portland after a short visit to friends and rela tives. Mrs. C. M. Graham, sr., and family returned home . lust Friday from a lengthy visit in Iowa. Miss Flora Thorn is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. 8. Graham. Mrs. 0. M. Graham and Miss Lonii-e Graham, Masters Georgn nnd Tilden Graham visited Clatskanie Wednesday. Quite a lively time was had at the literary and dt bating society last Sat urday evening. The question debuted was, -Resolved that the'Reform' move ments arc a detriment to the laboring clavses." Principal speakers were A. 8. Graham, negative; James Wallace, affirmative. Question for debate naxt Saturday evening is, "Resolved that Washington was a military geu'us." Principal speakers, Misses Mabel and Julia Graham. The dance at Mr. C. M. Graham's last Friday evening was a grand sue cess. Muoic was furi)ihed by Messrs. Jume Graham and Hugh Boyle, vio linist, and M ruses Lou and Tod Barr, organists. Dancing was kept up until day dawn, when all wended their way homeward, having expressed tlrcm selves as having had a good trme. Among those presert were Mrs. Thos. Flippen, Misse Lou and Tod Barr, Alice aud Addie Allen and Messrs. V. McDonald, E. Chisohn, R.Graham, O. and F. Elliott of ClaUkauie. 40 Years tie Sundarr COLUMBIA COUNTY'S Giving the Troiwntcr, Sheriff, ami Clerk's Keport for the Six Month Ending March 31, IlW- SKMIAXNUAt, STATEMENT Of the amount of Mousy and Warrants wi'Wfd for Tajn, and Money paid lo ; tlie County Twaauw by the tfliertlf of Columbia County, Oregon, fur the si month's ending oil the 31t day of March, As RlWIi, r . IV AMOUNt KKCIVKa. November, tun I &Vi M January, 1MB'....... W W March; I8t ,(H4 l STATE OP OKEUON. ) . County of Columbia. ) ' I, W. A. MEEKER, Siituilfof sttid County, do hereby certify that th foregoing statement is correct and line. Witness my hand' this 31)ii day of Mirch, A. IX 1802. W". A. MKEKKU, tiherill' of Columbia County. SEMI-ANNUAL Of the Count v Treasurer or Columbia ending ou the 3Ul day of March. , out, from whom received and paid out : AXttVNTS SKCRITSl". 1M2, Gen; Fund March St- I'o amount on liami (mm IsH re- rx.rt sen. ra litn l S I Hi OA To nn hand from lift re port, -chool hind . . HAS 02 To uitiotinr on hand from Isstt re port, ) Il ilemit 47 40 To amount on hand frvtn lt re iHirl insiilute fiill l To amount on hand from l;tl re- lorl, ar,illealile ti payment or Bdvrrti-eit county ordera. gen eral fund S, 037 81 October ill, 1891 - To rash received from Quick, costs, rosn survey . . 14 50 November 4, IHUt To cash retched from Uiuor !! ceiine .. ... 200 00 November 30, IS91 To ca-h rw.lred from heruT, taxea for lio ,. V9 January a, imq To ca-h received from juxlce.llne i DC January l IS! To cah receive! from slttrin, tax f..r I! S30 M Man 0, INtt To amouni rte. ived from school UwrititemUnt, evrtlticaten . It SO To ntu .it lit received; from ihool iiU'rintemlent. i-erliltcale 10 00 To amount received from xchool KUH'riitteiiileiir. certf tieot ... 19 40 March 10, lt To amount receive.! from nherin, tax for lH v. 2.8U8 SO March 15, lstB- To ainniint rereireil from sherilf, aecount tax uf 24 80 Marrli 30. I To nmonnt received from jtntic, lute aw March 31, 12- To aiununt received from sheriff, taxofl.ttfl 11.36120 Total ..... .20. BIS IX STATE OF OREGON, .1 County of Columbia I, G. W. Cole, do hereby certify that the foregoing la a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said County fur the sis mouths eudiug on the 31st dav of March, A. D. 1892. Wituees my hand this 311 da of March, A. D. 131)2. G. Vt. COLE, County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Of the County Clerk of Columbia County," Stale of Orrgnn, showing the .....i i.... r ,.i ott...i i. ii.A r. ........ '...... ..f i-... ...... for what allowed, amount of warrants druwi:, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, from the 1st day of October, 1801, to tliu 31st day of March, 1802, both inclusive: t on WHAT ACCOCSl AM.OWEf. Cotitltv Judge's sa'ary County Treat-nrcr's alry Comity Clerk'" fee' County lierift"' fee County Awewor'n fee County d.-honl Huper'litemlant's salsry.. . County BuTVtyor'a fws Ct.uuiy ('ommiwioiiers' tees ( bruit lurt exne Pauper, uirt of ltoul Kuperyiora Koadnand KiidKes In'lexing County Junrnal.. .. . .. Justice Court, Ntat. cases Rebate of Tax. InquexU . , Prim norn. expense of . Ilotiuty ou acalps of wild snlrosln. Inratte expne . t'ou ty ririnthiR and blanks.... ( ourt Houne iliplie .. ,. Teachers' public examination.. , Total amount claims allowed and drnwn AMOUJfT OF OUTSTANDJ.Va WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding unpaid County Warrant on ths KutiMiatcd Interest accrueJ thereon ....... ..i Total liabilities ....'......;.., . , SEMIANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the Financial Condition of the County of Columbia, in tho State of Oicgon, on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1802 : HABILITIH. To Warrant drawn on the County Trca"tirer, and ouulaiiuing anil unpaid S 20. 310 07 To emitiiatid nroount of Intereat accrued thcruou 320 00 Total liabilities 120.638 0: STATE OF OREGON, ' County of Columbia, f ' , T, B. E. Quick, County Clerk of the Cotfnty of Columbia, State of Orr-goo, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said County, for the six mouths ending on the 31st day of March, 1892, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and tho amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear unnu the records of my office and in my official custody. ' Witness my hand and the Seal of the County Court of said County 8kal this 31t day of Ma-ch, A. D. 1892. E. E. QUICK, County Clerk, It baall Be IB Every Ilease. J. 6. Wihion, 371 Clay St. . 8harpburK, Pa , says he will not be without Dr. King's New DUcovery for Conxuniption, Cough nd Colds, that it cured his wif who wa threatened with pneumonia after an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several physicians had done hor no good. Robert Barber, of Cookaport, Fa., claims Ur. King's New PfecoVery has done him more good tban anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like It. Try it. Free trial battles at Edwin Koss' dr tor. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT. Hr AMOt'NTS I'AIU COl'MT TRVl'HSa, fWmlier, 1, . . 8.M) S? January, WW..., .till W artlr, mi ... is.twt 4tl STATEMENT Cminly, Oregon, for tltn Pi t Month- A O. 18U3. of in.mcy received ami paxl floni what source, and on what account ; , ' AMOCMTS rvtp OCT. IB. flen. Jfiiml Itv amount ptdd out on comity 'warrant . . I t,M3 (17 ty amount pal I out on achool auperiiitendenrs warrsnla . Sll Hv amoutita paid out on accvumt state lilt lot IHtU 5,111(17 Hv I'alatice KVivral fund oil Hand t.Arj IU Uy balance xchool lurid on huml, apoortioiisd. ... . . SO W by balanee, cliuol futiil on hand, uttaiHirtUi:iel ...... . . 4,709 TI Hy balance, ip-cl d detio-lt .. , , ., 4? 4l Hv balatin'. institute luiid . ViH SO Ilv bi.lunee, futiil f..r advertised ordcri, not pmtnted S,U33 ST Tobl 2A.tia no su. or AMocTor F AMoi sTor ct.Aian cuius wahbakTm U41ftlt, AIUIWKII. IIHAWW. 6 f VrVI 00 f 2rV ofl 6 l0O 175 t n Ut W 4S IKK 4H 3 SlOW 2.10 M ' 2 121 On i( on e no o no (to j 5 HA 2t ,' SHS 20 6 210 SO , 2)0 SO M W-tl 20 OVS 21) IS 7fW SO 700 M is i.iiu oo' f.mnw Ofl 1 ,301 4U 1 ,301 49 1 71 74 7-' 7.1 31 IU 4.1 7 45 3 SO K4 20 t I 9 21 0 21 (W a 8ltl Tl SKI 24 33 Kift on lfiS 00 tl 31 7.1 81 75 3 24l SS 2W .11 Kr iw m H'l Kl 5 4.1 00 43 00 2S7 S7..M4 ( $7.344 ( 31( day of March, 1S92,.... ... 20,316 07 .......... ... 320 00 rty fun-In in handnof County Trea- . urer ailieaMo lo tits payment of Comity Warrants . 2,202 16 By extlmuted tinpiihl current taxea of WW,- applicable to the pay ment of I i.uuty Wa rants .... .13,02,1 17 Totol Actual InJcbtedneas 6,408 71 120,030 07 Trsatanrn'i Katie. CoCKTr TiiKtsiiaxa's Orrtca, I 8t. Jl, April 16, 1H02, ( State of Oregon, Colutuhfa County; Notice is hereby given that all unpaid County WafranU ol saiil County, whioh have been prexentd and nloriicd "Not ptdd for want of fund," from January 10, IWl up to April 20, 18111, both dates inHu "ire, will lie paid ou prenenlation at tliix office. Interest on nam warrants will not be allowed after tit date of this notice. O. W. COLE, s 15m 13 Traaimrcr ol Columbia Co., Or. - Log scale for sale at tho MlBT office at (0 cent tacu. WE ARE W MANUFACTURERS ALL-WOOL SUITS SACKS AND FROCKS! , SIZES 34 $8.50 Every Suit J. M. MOYER&CO. ; Successors to Brownsyille Woolan Mills. Retail store, qo First street, under the Gilman. UNCLE THE PORTLAND JEWELER. . IJIf'ORTf. K AXU PKALEK III Diamonds Clocks, Watches, Jewetenr, and Opu'sal Goods. Fine "Wa tcli and Jewelry Repairing Orders from the Country Solicited. I6S First Street. Between Morrison and Tamhili, Portland, Or. ' SSMehlvsi.s AysMcei Umiit. The Ueit Salve la the worH tor Curs. DrtiUea. tares, Ulcer. Bull Hheum, Kever Sore., Teller, Chapped MniiiM, ( hlll.lnli). ( urin slot all skin Krnptlom, end poaltlvely cure Pile., er no pf rvqulretl. It In s iianntaeit la slrer(eel natl- ( tloti, ur nimiejr raluiiileil, Prlrs ik erult per box. , 4 . ' r4r M Kdwt) Unas, Tetltiou for Liquor Llceimo. To the ttonoraMe Jitilge and Cmiaty CxnirnU utouern ol Columbia f.'uiiuij', OieiiHB: We. (lie uiitlu'lstml ivsl of lPt lalantl prerlnet do nvtltiioi thai you grain lleen ti Allfii Nevtn. of Mid pre' ttiel, Oi k plrlluoiu end malt lli)Uoni, In qtwniltle lea one laUon. lor nerloil at on yenr, l,e- slniiliiKJuiie 10, 11 lor Mlilelt a Mill e r urnyt 1; wurs, in Keosti, utia tnuenos. K.lrd (,'nrlu.ii. 0 (KtMbtfr. H 1 Mahnn. Wil liam WllUril, JuniM M Auichtiin, J Krlckon, Jol ti SuiidavUl, Kd lmnn, H JWm, An.r Johnon, I) J Jordan. 1 i Uulrlev, ltonny Hrd. Albert Wi.lior. M xrkir, t.nrrr uruiit. rr U . kl . I ......... I. . .. i.,h.rt II tnh.. ou. His Kiieknun. sltitiey Sliaunun,' C I. Wll- eox, (a rl Tanueii, J K Hark, Kdward 1. llmin, A AnuenHin, t nane nangren, n near, Uwrenee Hall, II W Heniri, I'.n Hale, Mark Mi-Kenale, U Hliaing. ueurn naney, w n,ltluir. Dun ll MrDiinul't. iiavlil (l.Ktlrer, W Murphy, P Hurm. itnbert Ituna I'eler- on, n Cuniilnxhaiii, Julm (illleni, (Ivoriie Barren, tHuilel Dillanl, 1 W Kr.iyuw, ll 1 Moure, Jatnee Flannaioni. H H Ilorfliwlck. Tmien Car- iliion. Vktior rimer, (.oula liar. Aouiiat ual- (mwii, K ( anliT, W It Tiimtlnaon. Iii Wlllls'oa. II A Jotiaw, I, A Clneald. John Donovmi, U link, II Link, Wlllhun Utik, K W rowler, A Keer, Tom Thornton, Tom Kinney, Oeorae M Baker. Jamca Hart, J-liu l.arnniit. r W Maklnatvr. M Link. UC Fowler. M CanlllT John Merrlaml, 11' Vaiiover. Krank lleritar, T H Mliehell, OS Fn-ti r, H Itluke. Ailgltat IjinH'll. I. O llnlter, 1' W Murphy, Walter IWhfi.r.l, ttiiil Harnett. W H Smith. Charlea Link. K W l-oly. A P Vanllew. John iiarvenl, William Wllaou, 0 Nlehola, Tom Kapernk. A Hiiudloy, C Johnson, Aitum I'eter ton, J W t:nrll)e, h A Peiitou, H M Imrmnn, Jacob Owlnill. M Melierumll. (! WeUter, John tiannon, w J Kellle. I'avlci sieott, Kreil Slrott, II Kli-ott, K P i.allimay, A O.e, it lluriivtl, Thoinaa l.tshtfoia, A I'oimiIriiiI, Kriink Hnyera, John McLeod, W Miller, Jamea KontttMly. ( harlea Youns, K.anK RI.tJoii, K I.eiiKaehiir, Jo Laarretiee, It J lltiruett, Win Viinmer. To Maya, J W lilvlne, K Hunter, W Kowlor, Hoy (r., K O Poater, 11 Voulhani, llei utf uollla, J T rkirton. Win Hartley, P M Pinter, Peter Chaleuad. (I C JaUlS, John t'ok, K Mifkor, O Hana, J Severron, K H Thoinpaon, LHKIiinan, HP llataou. John Malllner, H MeCormlek, L Mulhollau'l. Carl Jaiiaon, It It Poaler, William Oaildla, lv H Kent, : Z Oaiby. H Smlili. W ll Tueker, J B Hi.lawn, P. KelTprt, (.'Imrlei W Haney, t H Itevla, ('harlua lliiiiigardnar,, P H swniier, PI) Adama. J H Hteln, W O Uiinixarilnur Kil Hyalnnn, P. narrow, M prill, A I. To mi, M Nlelaon, P Hiixhea, W I) Coiinell, P H Aitaina, Pred Kllla. f I, Nleholu, H 0 Hplawu, J W llevla, H H Walker, O A Wooda, O L CreXmer, J J Kelly, Otiat Yopnon, Pat Wnkley, C Kiiiliii, John P Schmltt, V. L Olaen, V Trim, Wlllliiin Meyera. H Bevla, W M lin.ilner. John TV llevla, Prank Henaon. Vletor Wlaell, t u Pller, H P Huuter, HUliisrnw. sla'JS Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that In pursttancs of an order of the county court of Cbltint hla county, Oregon, mads on lite Uth day of March, 102, In lite matter of the ca tale of William H. Tuttle, deceaaed, the under signed adininitralor of the said ealate. will sell at pulillc suction to the hihcat bidder for caxh, and subject to confirmation hv the sold court. on Kalurduy. April 30, IW. at 1 o'clock p. m. , (it llie court liouxe Uohf at m Helena, hi aaid utiite and county, all the tight, title snd intereat that the aaid eatata liaa bv operation of law or otherwise acquired, other than or in addition to, that of the said William ll.T tittle at the time of hi. death. In and to all that certain lot. idee or parcel of land Militate, lying and being in the said county and atute and deacrlbed as follows, lo-wit: Lot two (2) of section lwenty-four(24) In townahiothreem north of range two (2) west ol the WillaruetU Kerldlnii, and containing thirteen and elglity-fiuadredths (l.'l 0-l(aO aerea. mors orleae. JOHIAH KONKl.E. Admlniatrator f lb setst of Willlsr II. Tttttle, decesiisd, tu2s23 -o . TO 54. warranted; 0- JVIYEKS. Petition for L'qnor Llrpuso. To the llitmralile I'omnii.tiotiers anil I'oniilv Court o( r .htmloa romily and Hlaie of Urnw for t'otuiiihla rouiity ; We, ti e Hiuleraigned lecnl v -ten hi ier lalaud iireeinet, ro"ctfully iM-ilifc'n your hoiioriililo limtv thai a lievnae be grawted ? It. K. roiier i ('..nipuiiv, oiHlljliiuou, vinous and malt lliiuma, to id I'eer ! Is'ol prrrln t in lean ijiinulltlea thsn gallon (or the period of one yi an t V Ban pa h.CKr.ikuko J V Jaqnes. X Muun, II Htehmnu. y M Pnnler, Frank liUhop, Jaiaea M Nauirlil n. .luhti Anhte, M l aroitr.U H Baker, K Alile, K V .llowsy, I. Klebnian, ll A Ited. II J. dm Im, Y O Mars. Ci Dlppeil, Win Hartley, I K ( onliov. M t Ituiii. J K lltirk, T O Maya, M If Ituyer, L Hall. Thotnai Tucker, J. din Malliner, I) K Haton, W J Kellle, C K Young. C Webalrr J Lenzarlier, H A i'owler. II M Fowler, I J KpokIi, Joint t'avrrd. Louia l.'.reiilmin. It 11 Worka, C W Wllros. W Wilaon, F 11 Ititrna, John tllMi tn, (lua Aiideraon, Robert Nil-in, AltMirt Wulger. V W Murphy, T I'eoplea, liirv Crant. M McKay. A ll l ute riltialiam . It f Ctinuhifrhanl. T 'J Miihon. T (laah, M McKennK Charles Jolinin, W l.o,lv. (I Iiildhiv. it W Iteath. K Iveraim. John Ilaniiiin. Iiunlel Ollliird.Cail Tanges), William pre-li. Aunilat f lustfliloiti, J A Krii kxiii, John HtiiulirvM, John JacoUon,. Alex linn, Ir. Ha-, yk-tor I'urrer. Johan Cadulf, (luhriel Jenny, William Willard, U W Jluuey, Dettnia Nlrhoia, It I', Ai l n IVter-on, rlilney Bhaunon,. (1 C Jaqulb, K O 0oter, K Sktffert, llect ,r Hoilia. Win OaddW. K Meeker, J W Divine, Wm Vanovrr, JCox, M Mcfiermott, WO Tucker, H 11 Walker. John Mefterl. J H lluiiigitrdner, C K Hinltli, 1 Itnmgardner, J H rlteln, (; J Kelly, ll K Hn.lih, T bulmlow I'at WaM'-y, (liKt J.iliniiu, K I arvsii, JuhnCsutiirett, I' lftti:hiw, H 3 Wtlliama, C W Ifaney. (I W Hall. O A Woo ,s. W f Co'Miill, K Jfdirly, WO llnaigardiMr, (J I. Crenunml, I' Adaum. K J Hiiriiee. Ii ) (lore, K 11 Hiieiicer, C t'rin, J Wtiriiy. Tom lo'ey. A I' t'aher. ( hiia Hunnrarilner, J it ! Hih in er. J it Hwai-i r, ltohert Llvinsalon, K W I'owli r, Jol.n M, (In. land, U J llurueit K V Kiiatcr, (I Milk, II n.ike, (i H Ko-ter. J II Haley, Wm Heotl.T l.btfiHit. W M Toiuliiiniiii, tl A Morel, A Nri r, V Kramer, J Whltnkcr, Wiu Doad, I t'bntsna, it Woodliam, C Juiunn, l Hlo.itt, F Mcutt, J Hieott, A Jacohaon, A AitdetTon. F Co., h y, J Hate. I, A Kiucald, U F Jonea, John Jlalnlanti II llenton, F JohnaUin, I I'oror. J Culliert, J llohuier, W Krasier. It W Wilaon U ilsvld. M l.litkO (' I owler, V W Maklnah-r. V ti Maklnner, M U Link, J Wooda, Win Link, A Nln, J l.sivreuee, TN Mitchell, WK Fowler, F liierdi.n. B . limit. NOTICE t'OH ri'BI.IVATIOl. Land Offlee at Oregon City, Or., March It, 1M. Notice la hereby glvsn that the foltowlnf named aetller haanlvd notlee of hla Inlaatlon lo make Anal proof In aupporl of hla claim, ana that wild proof will lie made before the County Clerk of Cnliitntilacoiililj , at HI. Iliileui. Or,, 00 May 7, ISM, vl! OOTTMEB AXUKF.rt, Ilomeatead entry No, Sh7l, for the i,e if 'ra tion SI, tpn, t Iw. lie namra the followlD( wltneaaea lo prove hla eontlnilout reatdeiie iihu, and etilllvatton of, aald laud, tt Knot (I. Jonea, I!. A. I'liahn au, prank nixriop, II. C. Brown; all of Hetibea 1. ()., rouniy, Oregon. J. T. AI'I'KHSON, . .. sa3ta -. -... Kaslater.- PIOTIl K toil Fl IfaMCATIO. Land Office alOrogon City. Or., April 11. ," Notice la hereby itlven thai the following-, named aettler baa tile, notice of hla Intenlli'ii to make II mi I tin. of Iu aimport of hla rial in, ami that aald proof will be made before the eoiiuiy clerk of Columbia county, atHt. Helena, Orrjon, on May HI, istej, via: John n. tompkixs. Ifomeatead entry No. SM4, for the aw U of er llonS, tan. r 3. w. . He name the following wllnewea to prove hla eonilniioua realilenej upon, and ciiHIvatlon of aald laud, under aee tlonatfll, R. H,: B. P. Qulvy, Henry Wen Stephen Hulnea, Jullua Zeamann; all ol Heap pooae. Columbia county, Oregon. ,, n Hewjamln Bantea, who ma.le P'e mptlon " ... . No. SJWIS, la hereby apeelally notified to espe" and show eaue why the entry ol Jono ur. Tompkln should not be allowed. ..,,, ; ,.