The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 22, 1892, Image 1

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    VOL, 9.
NO. 1G.
: .'''' i; -- '' '. , - '
J, B. BEEOLE, Manager.
akMriplUn Mat...
O lis copy on. year la advance II J
On 0y al months. '
aina.1. copy.
A4r.rll.inv Mates.
. IVofra.lcHiaJ trd on. year.-.. I B
Oaeeoliimnoa. year.......... - J
Half column .a.,.,,..,......,., 7o
(juarter eolutna one )W.Ihw.m-.Mimm 40
Ou. Inch on. bmhiiIi .................. 8
(m inch lure. nimth..,...........
On loon sis uioulus..... .............
Local notice., Uc.nlap.r1ln.fnr Ural tniair
tian; 10 east per Hue lor Men suliaequeut In-
Uialadvrtlannta, II. M per tilth lor Unit
tMrilmi, Hurt 7 otuH per lack lor uob sulne
lii.nt Insertion,
...n, J. Swltier, St. Heleus
E. K. Quick. Ht. Helens
Werl(r.....:..........Wm. Meeker, St Helen.
Treasurer ............O. W. Colt, St. Halen
Huiil. ol Schools .........J. (I. Walta. Hcamxxxa
AMMaor ...C. F. Ilo.n, Kalnl.r
iniv.ror..... A. B. Liltl., Klnl
)l.rsl np.u?er, v.rnoui.
0. W. Barnes, Majifra
cieiy NotlM.
,. MisoNic-Bt. Helena Lodg., No: 12 Regular
.rarauulcatlona Hrat and third Saturday In
Hbuinntb at?:Mr. a. .1 Manonle hall.
lnim.uiu.ralu uod steading Invited to at
lead. MaaoNic-Kalnler Lodge, No. St-DUted
MMtluga HaltinLy on or before aaeh lull moon
17.-M r. u. at Masonic, ball, ov.r Waacharrt'a
store. Vlalllng ui.iab.ra In good standing In
vited Mauund,
Down river (boat) eloaea at ItW ,
t p nv.r i dmi) ck. at l r. a.
Tf. aulllor V.rniHila. and Pittsburg bf
lit. Monday, Wedti.aday and Friday at
it. n.
Th. mall lor MwibUnd. ClaUkank end Mist
la. re. qulan Monday, Wcdnanaay and Friday
at it M.
nulla (railway) north elote a' la a. lor
Portland at r. M.
f t-.i-L-l. -1J1 JL.OtJJ! Ji J
Travel. ra alaHI.r Heal...
HTS.asaO. W. RMvia-Uavea fK. Helena
Inr Fortlaad at tl . . Tn.wlay, Thurnd.v and
liatiird.y. Ui' HI. Ilcliu. lor (htukanl.
M-wilar, WwiumUy anilKrld all 00 a, m.
aratMia laAiDa Learea Ht llclem for Port
land 7: la . M, rctunuag at i:w r. n.
Mraaaiaa Joairn KaLuiaa liaveiBt.
lor Porllau. dally ir.t nunnay, ai i a. ar
rlrlai.l ForUaad at 10 80; nlurnlua, lean
Fortlany lie. ,. arrlvlna at KL llolwia at t.
8L Helvna, Oregon
jB. J. E. U ALL, .
Clatikaiile, Coluuiula eaiinty, Or.
St. Hklbna, Oiikoom,
Deputy Dintrlct Attorney for Columbia Co.
Wyger, Oregon.
T. A. McIlaiDE. A. 8. Dbtun,
; s Oregon City ', Oregon .
frompt attention given land-office buaineM,
fit. Helena, Oregon.
tionnty surveyor Lund
platting, and engineering worg promptly
W.T. Bvrniv.
J. W. DiAria.
Oregon Clty,X)regon. .
Twelve years' experience aa Register ol
Die United Htates Land Office liere. irconi
mends ua in ons snee.ialty ol all kinds of
business before the Land OUlue or the
Courts, and Involving the Oen.rul Land
Oregon City, Oregon.
(I,sle special agent of General land office.)
Hometosd, Pre-emption, and XI in her
Iud applications, and other Land Olllee
business a sprolalty. OUIce. second floor.
Land Ofllue Building.
Tha Watcbinaker and Jeweler
The Finest assortment of Watches. Clocks,
And Jewelry of all descrlptlonsi-
ftinosite. th Espend , For(;ai4, Oregon,.
Do YouDrink?
OF COURSE you 10.
K.J ynu to una tin most tieidraule place t
purchase vour
Keeps constantly en band the famous
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
Tilt finest line of Wines Uaii.r. and
Cigars to ba found this side of Port
In lid. And if you wish to
iiKUKit in a game of
They ran asure you that they liav. th
bet tabl in town.. Everything new and
unit, and your patronage in respectfully
St. Helen". Oregon.
One Price Cash Store
General Merchandise,
Ladies' FineShoes
Colombia Restaurant
Lodging House.
Eierytiiiflg New,
Clean Beds and the
Best Table Set
(Formerly Mrs. McNuity,)
Next Door to Masonic Hull,
Model Saloon.
J. 8. CLONINOEB, Prop'r.
Choice Wines,
Lipuorsand Cigars. Beer 5 Cts.
BiUard and Pool Table
for Peoommodation of Patron
J, George, Proprietor,
Tables always supplied wlihthebetcdibtes
and delicacies the market atfords.
Having been newly refurnished, we
are prepared to give aatisfaction to all
our patrons, ana solicit a snare of your
Proprietor of
Oriental : Hotel.
The house has - been fully refurnished
Ui roughout and the best of accom
modations will be given.
8TA0E run In connection with
the hotel connecting with the North,
ern Pacillo Kailroad at Milton, Stage
for Tacoma trains 10 p. in. For Portland
truin at 3 p. m.
Proprietor ;
St. Helens Meat Market
Fresh and Raited Meats. Sausage. Fish
and vegetables.
Meats by wholesale at special rates.
Express wagon run f Pt of town,
end charges reasonable.
In now making regular round
trin IruiU'
Daily Except Wednesdays,
I-KAvmo OAK POINT... 4:40 A. M
" 8TKIXA...,. :00 '
" KA1NIKK. ,., ,...0:lfy
" K ALA MA 7:00 "
" 8T. HKLKN8. S:00 '
ArrivinoI'OHTI.ANU... .11:00 "
I.iavioi POHTLAKD..;. .1:00 P. M;
Amuivi BTKI.LA 7:46 "
Portland Seed Co.,
(P. W. MILLER, Mgr.,)
Fertilizers, Bee Supplies,
Spraying Apparatus and Material,
Poultry Supplies, Etc., Etc.
171 Second St. Portland, Oregon.
Send for Catalogue. nov20-6m
To tbe Ladies or St. Helens and 7icinity:
Mrs. C. L. Colburn of Port
land, has opened a Millinery
and Dressmaking establishment
in St. Helens, oni door south of
the New Barber Shop.
All Work Guaranteed.
in re
Splendid Young Norman Horse
Will make the season of 1803
as fullovrs:
Monday and Tuesday at R. COX'S
pmco, Warren.
Wednesday and Thursday at GEO.
JAQUES', Ooble.
Rest of the week at CHUCKLE'S
ranch, Deer Island.
TKMl'KST is a henulifiil rinrli Irnn vrav
10 hands high: nix venrs old: weighs Hi)0
pounds, wim nno style, qmoK movement,
and scmiid to none in launculur iower and
He was aired by Young Byron Kier; by
Old llvron Kier. hnnm-tcd and owned tiv
Kiligiiiaster, Keoln, Iowa. Tenipext'a dsiu
was sired by Old Teinnest. a Norman horse.
owned by J. Downs, Iowa. ,
One Dollar Weekly
Buys a good gold watch by our club sys
tem. Our 14-karst goid-lllled cases are wai
ranted for S!0 years. Vine Elgin and Wsl
thniii msvement. 810111 wind and set.
Lady's or gent's site. Kqnal to any 150
watch. To secure agents where we have
none, we sell one of the bunting ca?e
watches for the clun nrlce (28 anil tend C.
O. D. by express with privtlegeof examina
tion before paying (or the same. -
Our agent at Durham, N. C writes. .
OlirlewelbrH hav.-pnnfniiMd thv dnn't know
bow you caii furnish such work tor th. money."
Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. C, writes:
Your watchas tales at alorht. Tha Mntlnman
who sot the laxt watch mild that he axanilnitd
and priced a Jeweler a watches In Lancaster,
thst wore no butter than yours, but th. price
Our ngent at Pennington, Tex., writes!
Am In recelnt ol the- watch, and am bImmJ
without measure. All who have seen it say-It
would beeheap at 140." "
On. amnd reliahle aminr. wantid fnr eaMi
place.- Write for panic
Write for particulari.
Watch Co., New York.
Bald Sawmill is situated on the St. Helens
road, about 2 miles southeast ot Glencoe
Washington county, Oregon. Machinery
in perfect running order; Engine is 45-horst
ower, ton oy twenty; tsouerau inches in
mnieter and H leet long: New head blocks
Hatchet): Also sawdust carrier: Large lot
ot cedar now on. hand lor sale. Termi
made known on application to the under
siimud. Would exchaiuto for cltv or im
proved farm property.
A.VJ AlU.HBOl11, ,
Hillsboro, Oregon,
Electric Bluer.
This remedy la becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
tng the same song ot praise. A purer
medicine does not exist and it is guaran
teed to do all is claimed. Electric Bitters
will oure all diseases of the Liver and Kid -
neys,wi1l remove Ilmples. Bolls, Salt Rheum
and other affections caused by impure
blood Will drive Malaria from the sys
tem and prevent as well as cure all Malarial
levers. For cure o( Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Electric Bitters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money
refunded. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle at
Edwin Rom' Drugstore.
Onr Farmers Require More Pro
tection, Not Less.
IndlaiWheat can ba Laid Down at
New York, with the Duty Added,
For. One Dollar Per Bushel.
Formerly U. 8. Council at Liverpool, England.
By the census of 1880 our popula
tion was 50,000,000 people. Of these
only 17,392,099 earned wages, and the
others, over 32,000,000, including the
aged and children at well aa the sick,
lived without earning wages.
Most of those who did nut earn wages
doubtless lived off the wages earned
by those who toiled. Of those who
earned wages or lived by work there
were 7,670,493 engaged in agricultural
The population of the United
States is probably now not less than
65,000,000. If the same ratio as to
the employment of our people holds
good there are now about 21,000,000
who earn wages or live by work, in
cluding about 9,000,000 engaged in
agricultural pursuits. There is no
other single industry that gives. em
ploynient to so many of our people as
agriculture. While the product of the
agriculturist does not equal in value
the product of the manufacturing in
dustries, Agriculture is, to a certain
extent, the basis and foundation of all
the other industries. No industry
can possibly exist without- it. The
farmer feeds all the people. The miner
who goes down into the earth may
dispense with a house and live in the
hole he has dug; the lady may dis
pense with the bonnet and depend
upon the covering for the head which
nature has given her; and tbe man
who toils may dispense with shoes for
his feet, and wrap tbe rawhide about
them ; but none of them can dispense
with I lie products of the farm, all must
have bread or die. Agriculture should
therefore be protected, and there is no
country in the world where it stands
more in need Of protection "than in
the United States. It should be pro
tected in the products it produces and
in the market in which it sells it sur
plus products. The latter is quite as im
portant as the former. If the farmer
cannot sell there is no incentive to pro
duce more than enough tor bis own
wants. And if be has no surplus, or
cannot sell what he has-, he cannot
buy clothing to keep- out the cold or
the necessaries of life upon which- be
lives. It is the money from his sur
plus products which euable him to
By the present tariff, the McKinley
bill, the farmer is directly protected.
There is a duty of 30 cents per bushel
on barley, buckwheat 15 cents ; corn
and oats 15 cents; wheat, 25. cents;
hops. 15 cents per pound ; butter and
cheese, 6 cents per pound ; hay, 4 dol
lars per ton ;. straw, 30 per cent. ; eggs,
5 cents per dozen ; broom corn, 8 dol
lars per ton; peas and beans, 40 cents
per bushel; apples, fresh, 25 cents per
bushel; apples, dried, 2 cents per
pound; bacon and hams, 5 cents per
pound; beef, mutton, and pork ,2 cents
per pound ; poultry, live, 3 cents per
pound ; poultry, dressed,' 5 cents per
pound; horses, worth, over 150 dollars,
30 par cent.; allyother horses and
mules, 30 dollars tper head ; cattle,
yearlings. 2 dollars per head; cattle,
over year, 10 dollars per head ; hogs.
1.50per ' head ; . sheep, yearlings, 75
cents' per head ; over a year old 11.50
per head ; milk, 5 cents per gallon ;
onions, 40 cents per bushel ; potatoes,
25 cents per bushel ; other vegetables,
25 cents per bushel ; tobacco, stemmed,
$2.75 per pound ; unstemmed, 2 dol
lars per pound ; flax, hackled, $67.20
per too ; hemp, hackled, 50 dollars per
ton;. wool, from 11 cents to 36 cents!
per pound, according to quality, tc.
No tariff bill has evep been passed in
this country before that baa so thor
oughly protected the farmer. It may
almost be said to be a farmer's bill
India wheat can be laid down in
London at 70 cents per bushel, and in
New York at 75 cents, without duty.
With the duly added it can be put
down at New York for one dollar per
bnshel, and with the increased railway
facilities, which are now' being intro
kuced in ludia, before five years the
India fanner will be able to place his
wheat in the New York market at a
very much lower rate, probably as low
as 60 cents per bushel without the
duty, and, unless the present duty on
wheat of 25 cents per bushel is in
creased, India wheat will ' be here in
our markets competing with . our
farmers. This it no fancy sketch,. but
a sober truth -which I fear our- farmers
will have to meet. The lands in India
are as rich and fertile as- our own.
How Is it possible for our. farmer to
compete with the Indian farmer in
raising wheat when the latter can hire
all the labor be requires at from 6 to 8
cents per day, without board, the la
borer feeding himself out of these
wages? All the labor-saving machines
we have and use do notand cannot make
up for this difference in the- price of
labor. In India you can hire, a hun
drcd and fifty men for a day on the in
terest alone for what you pay fur your
reaper here.
The farmers are protected now an
der the McKinley bill better than they
ever have been before,' but to make
them entirely secure they require stilt
more protection, for during; the year
ending June 30, 1891, we imported
over five million dollar's worth of
breadstuff., $1,185,595 worth of eggs,
$2,108,891 worth of meats and dairy
products, $7376374 worth of vegeta
bles and $1,945365 worth of live ani
mals. - Why is it necessary to import
any agricultural products into this
country that our farmers can produce
here? The farmer requires more pro
tection and not less. With the farm
ing industry, as with the manufactur
ing. industry, our people have to con
tend with the cheap labor of other
countries, and each of these great in
dustries requires to be protected: from
this cheap Ubor,., It has come to this:
We must either lower our wages to
the standard of European labor, which
we cannot and never will consent to
do, or else we must protect it. There
is no intermediate course or half way
measure that will meet tho difficulty.
It is the wages we pay our people that
marks the difference between the con
dition of our laboring people and
those of Europe; that gives to the one
many of the luxuries of life, while the
other does not even have all the neces-
saoies ; enables the one- to live,, while
the other almost starves.
thk farmer s homk market HIS- BEST.,
The farmer requires a market in
which to cell his suplus products. He
builds the house in which he lives and
buys tho clothes he wears, as well as
his furniture and' the implements he
uses on his farm, out of- his purplus
products. Hence his market should
be secure; in other -words, he should
be as-far as possible protected iu his
home market.
llie agricultural products of our
country, outside of tobacco and cotton,
amount to about $3,000,000,000 per
year. Of this quantity about 92 per
cent, is consumed at home and Only
about 8 per ceuL is expo rted. That is
to saj', tho home market takes 92 per
cent, and the foreign market takes
only 8 per cent. You can thus see
the importance of the home market
and the comparative insigniticanse of
the foreign market to our farmers in
thr consumption of their surplus pro
ducts. . It may also be mentioned that
the foreign market is distant,, uncer
tain and capricious;, dependent upon
the harvest abroad, whether good or
bad, and is always open-to the compe
tilion ,61 other- nations. Now,-- the
power to buy ' depends upon the
means the purchaser can- command,
the wages the laboring man earns
limits his capacity- to purchase, and
this applies as well to the purchase of
agricultural products as to other, com
modities. The wages he receives al
ways depend upon bis employment.
If he is employed- he earns , wages ; if
he has-no . employment he earns no
wages. The question of the home
market, whether good or bad. then,
turns upon our people being employed
and the amount of wages they receive.
If they.or all those who are able to
work, are employed, then the home
market is good, for the people can buy ;
if, on the other hand, they are not
employed, then the home market is
poor,. for they cannot buy. To the ex
tent, then, that our people are em
ployed is the home market good or
bad. Therefore, in order to give our
people employment there must be a
diversity of industrial pursuits, and
the more numerous these industrial
pursuits are the more persons will be
employed.- No civilised nation ever
bat been or ever will be prosperous and
great without diversified industries,
and the more numerous the indus
tries are the greater the prosperity of
the nation will be. -
Persons who are iudulging in trout
fishing should remember that the
elose season it from November 2 to
May 1 ; the penalty is fine and im
prisonment.. ' .- '
Log scales for sale at the Mibt office
at 50 cents each..
River Districts.
The Attorney-Goneralahlp Kdltor
Dunbar Pardoned Blalne'a
Candidacy. Ktc
The baseball season of the Pacific
Northwest league opened at Spokane
Falls last week. In the first game of
the season the Spokaues were victori
ous.' "" ' ""; '
The Nebraska democrats at their
state convention, held at Omaha
April 11, instructed their delegates to
tbe national convention to use their
efforts in behalf of Cleveland for the
"presidential nomination.
Lake county has long been noted for
its fine horses. There has also been
great- improvements- in the breeding
of cattle and sheep within the past
few years, and it is doubtful if any
county in the state can now. make
better exhibit of fine stock of all kinds.
At Roseburg, Oregon, on- April 14.
two school boys by the names of Ar
thur Wright and Chester Fague, quar
reled, and finally came to blows, v Io
the fray Wright rtabbed Pague several
times in the abdomen, resulting in the
latter't death.
Editor O. W. Dunbar, of the Astoria
Town Talk, who was sentenced by
Judge Taylor fur libel against Samuel
Elmore, of which- mention w is made
in these culumns some time atro, to
one year in the tJlatsop county jail
was pardoned by Governor Pennoyer
on April 14.
The cattlemen in Wyoming are hav
ing no end of trouble among them
selves stealing cattle from each other.
A squad of Pinkerton's detectives have
been sent to the -scene for the purpose
of regulating matters, buf instead the
cowboys have massed their forces and
are making it pretty lively for the de-
tectivefc Bloodshed is not uncommon
among tbe rangers.
1 here has been an immense anow-
fall in the mountains this winter.more
than for years. If it disappears with
rush, melted by the warm . ureal h of
the chiuook, high water may be the
result, and Pendleton's levee may be
tested. There is no fear of the result.
The levee is well settled, and will with
stand a tremendous flood, much bigger
than the one which visited the city in
1881, Pendleton Tribune.
The Heppner G.nette gets of the
folliwing: "lone the town." An
amusing incident occurred on Mon
oay s up train, tvuen tne train:; ar
rived at lone, some birds of the Balaam
family were grazing on the green, and
occasionally singing . that beautiful
song pecular to the species. One
young lady inquired what they were,
wnen-a drummer volunteered to say,
"Mocking. birds,.miss. Don't you hear
them say 'lone the town?."'
In the Ohio house of representatives
last Friday, while holding a night ses
sion, a motion to adjourn was made
for the purpose of allowing some of its
members to attend a prizefight, which
was to take place on that uight. The
motion was declared carried by the
speaker amid great excitement and
shouts of "put the scoundrel out of
the chair" were heard all- over the
house, but the chair had-been vacated
and the house stood adjourned. '
Judge Boise.of the state circuit court.
has decided that an attorney-general
must be elected at the coming election.
The present attorney-general,. - Mr.
Chamberlain, was appointed by Gov
ernor Pennoyer. after the passage of
the act by the Oregon legislature, ere
a ting the office at its . last session.
The question came up s to whether
the appointee could hold- over until
.1894, which would be the expiration of
the regular term of that officer, it being
a four-year office. The case will now
go to the supreme court, and a decis
ion is expected iu a few days.
William H. Grace, of Brooklyn,
New York, is authority for the state
ment that Blaine will accept the presi
dential nomination if tendered him by
the Minneapolis convention. He says
Mr. Blaine, iu accepting, the nomina
tion, could do so in perfect harmony
with his letters of declination ; that he
only declined to become a candidate
by reason of being iu the" cabinet of
one who is a candidate, and because
of his desire for continued harmony
in the cabinet, in view of many ques
tions of importance pending,, affecting
our relations with a number of foreign
uationa. Mr. Grace culls upon the ad
mirers-of Blaine to go to Minneapolis
j and demand his nomination.
In Mississippi hundreds of people
are homeless on account of the recent
Hoods of that state. At Jackson the
situation is desierate. The state
authorities are feeding 500 negroes and:
according to the governor's statement
these people refuse to go to work al
though offered $1 per day on .the mil
roads. A later dispatch from Jackson,
Mississippi brings the news that the
bodies of 250 - persons hare- already
been recovered from the flooded dis
tricts, and more than 3,000 families
are reported homeless and without any
means of support;
The Astoria & Portland railroad
company's engineers are in the woods -surveying
the route, the sawmills, are
cutting lumber for trestle work; and
hick uiinton-is preparing to drive ttie
piles at a rapid rate. This looks like
business and should convince skeptical,
people that the track will be in Fort
land on time.
Oregon State Weather Service in co
operation with U. S. Weather- Bureau,
of. the department of Agriculture.
Central office, Portland, Oregon. Crop
Weather bulletin No. 1, season of 1892.
For week ending, Saturday, April 16:
Weather -The temperature con
tinues to be below the normal. There
has been a slight risj in the-day tem
perature, but (be uight temperature
has bet-11 slightly cooler during the
past week, which latter condition al
lowed of general frosts especially on
the 11th and 12th when thin ice was
formed. ' Rains , have been general,
there having fallen from one-half an
inch in Jackrn and Josephine coun
ties to one inch in Douglas county, the
Willamette valley and along the coast
The rainfall since January 1st is de
ficient from tea to twenty five per
cent, throughout this section, whilu
from the month of April only, it is
slightly in excess- of the normal
amount. High winds prevailed on
the 14th, but no damage was done.
Lack of suushine continued during
the week-.
Crops. The , weather conditions
have been unfavorable to all crops.
Fall wheat is generally in good con
dition, though in wet places it is ob
taining a bail color, it has little growth,
but is reported to have a tooled well.
and as being well rooted. The spring
seeding has been delayed, and in
manT sections it ia nnt nvr half dni
yet. Reports indicate a general ten
dency towards a much larger acreage -
than usual. The frosts have undoubt
edly done damage to the fruit buds,
though the exact damage cannot now
be ascertained. , A freezing- tempera--tore
existed on the mornings of- the
11th and 12th in many localities,,nI
it was then that tbe supposed damage
was done, .it is however- surmised that"
not more than the necessary pruning"
was done by the frost;- The hop- men.
are busy in their yards and' prepara
tions are being made to prevent, if
possible, the ravages of the hop louse.
The Agricultural college, at Corvallis,
is issuing valuable information to tha
hop-growers of the state on the sub
ject of the hop louse, which should be
heeded. Sheep shearing and lambing
is in progress. The wool clip has never
been excelled for quality. Strawber
ries are io blossom, small berries are
formed, and- garden truck ia growing -
slowly, though promising.
Weather. Cooler nights and
warmer days have prevailed than dur
ing the, preceding, week, though the
temperature conditions continue be
low the normal. General showers of
rain .with snow on the higher regions
have prevailed, the precipitation
amounting to from one-sixth to one
half an inch. Frosts were of general 1
occurrence, and ice formed in many
localities. Snow remains on the ground
in greater or lessdepths from Wallowa
to Klamath counties.
CROPa. The anil ia- in firat-rdasa
condition , being unusually y moist.
Spring seeding is nearly completed.
The acreage of spring grain is the:
largest on-record. , There has been a
marked increase in acreage in Grant
county, owing to two flour roller mills
beiui? erected. AH the reports indicate
the wheat prospects; to better than
ever before. Stock is in excellent con- -
dition. and the range furnishes plenty
of good feed. The frost did damage to
fruit and tender vegetable,' though '
not to any -great or serious extent.
The lambing .season eoutinues and "
with most excellent results. Wool"
growers report the heaviest and best
grade of Wool clipped this year that
has ever been secured. Cereal, stock
and wool interests were never moie '
promising than they are at present
throughout Oregon. B. 8. Paoub,
Observer U. 8. Signal Service,