The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 08, 1892, Image 3

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r xrx r.-ii.:. .v.:...i g.L...v.
(tilted Muln and ('nmr Idlelal ttftt,
HT. llKLKMk Al'HIL 8, 1802.
Tn d iy In Arbor tlaj.
1'ur frctlulriigH nt Hois' drug store.
Clothing, first clase and bt quattly
1 iVrry'n. II mlnm.
I.umlltnhf'tf noiliiin ere th heiL
Rom Iimh h (nil tin.
" Mm. II. P, Watkltis, of IbU place,)
VJ quitu sick Ml iireseiil.
LitdW bnU trlmmod In tylti for
riuv to iuilt at Mr. Culburu .
Mr J. Okimiii iif Aolorla, ntswle fll.
Hi lun a bustiies trip yesterday.
Mr. Steve Arthur Iffi on Wednesday
11 for MmIus whore iio will remain
during lliu suiiitiiiir. '
Mr. M. "Riuliurcliwii, of 1'orllninl,
came (lnwii last Thursday to . attund
the (Iniiiialic I'liUirlniunietit.
A large dtliigntloii from Rt. Helens
and Million attended tit wole' par
ty convention At Uuioer yesterday,
liny your groceries, hardware and
ftiii.sware of N. A. Perry, Honllou.
He ke,Mi the bestootisUiitiy on hand.
Mr. and Mm, Edgar Kellhiey, of
l'tu-Uuml, visited Mr. Kritliky't si.tcr,
Mr. J. . M tickle, of thia tIace, on
tSatuiduy ami Bnday laat.
Mr. Main HUvous.of fliUton, left laat
Tnusd.iy for Cottonwood, Idaho, whiir
Iio ha taken up a ranrh, and will in
ftituru make hi rvstduuee in thatftalo.
Ttv. Joe WiiMriip, statu orator for
the Mjoplu' party, addrrased (he citi
ten of Rainier ad vi:inii.y lust Thur
day, on the pulilicul issues of the day.
Dumine, formerly employed fLVl
in Tiik Mist olacr, is again at the V
rase here, having arrived last Tuesdsy
from IiMlepntwIuuve, where be baa
l vu during Ut winter.
Air. M.J. Scott moved into Iter
new quarter next door to the Mv
onio hull jt Tuesday.- 8he ha had
an addition built on to her bouse for
tbe convenience of her customer.
'i he mill, the mill, li running once more,
And business is- lively at Dolman'
store j "
Come to Ht. Helens for barf a'n In gnoila,
And l.iy In supplies fur your bum In
tit woods. -'Cj
Dr. II. It Cliff and J. It. Deegle
went to Portland last Hundjy and
wire among the guest on board I lie
new Meunier Sarah Dixon on her
Maiden trip Sunday evening, and re
liirned, after a fool race of eight blocks,
on I hi iiUht boat.
Itcv. It. D. Ittair, of the Presbyterian
d'-noniniiilion, and a resident of En-g-'iie,
preacheil in 8f Helena, com
iiiKiu'iiig on Friday night and con
tinued over timidity. Mr. Blair la
traveling in the inures: of Sunday
i-ltod org4iiu.ttious .
Tbe steamer Tcb'phnnn on her
down trip Thursday hud on board
about 2K) pasauugera. And a largo
crgo of f rt-ilil. The shipping season
oil the lower CVnttinbta baa begun in
lcad euriieal, a the canueriv are
tiirtiug up for the summer.
Mia Ouie Young, of Caiile Ilock,
Mr Kester, Willie and Cora Johnson,
and Miss Cora Avars, of Klo, were
the guest of Judge and Mr. P. A.
Mivire over Humby and returned
MoniUy. While here they witneised
thedramii entitled "Comrade"," pro
Hurii l.j1 tbu St. Helen Drainutic
Club On March 31st.
Mr. Jacob George is now mine host
at tbe Hi, Helen hotel, and will in
(the future supply the traveling publie1
vilh first-clue acorn modation.y4ie
ha purchased new furniture and bed
ding for the hotel throughout, and the
traveling public Will uul courteous
treatment at all time at this old es
tablished houre. Mrv George I al
wys on hand to make their guest aa
cnjpfortahle a possible.
U. W. Uoli and Judge Switxer have
rnircha-ied the taw office of Moore fc
4't'le, which includes , the Thorn -,
tmn of it on tract books, plat, builtjirg
MUltl gronndf. and everything except
the Jj.Jibrajp-Tbey will appeir
under the fi'rih iiitmo of Cole & Switxer
end exM)ct to give their attention 10
abstracting, conveyancing, plaiting,
and buying and selling real estate.
Being well known and reliable gentle
men of this county, parties wishing
anything done iu that line will do well
to. give them a call. Moore A Cole
will continue, however, in the law
business a hcrutoforc. ,.
-y U'iih ll.o annrnaMi of tlm nnaniiiflr'1
. " ' 'l. .. .
xnolie.m. for rlabormen'a licenses is
daily increasing. County Clerk Quick
ha already iauKl iitejjuumMoflJ
tltern.Appiiciint lor a Itslionnen
Bttso are required to furnish salts-
f iftory evidence that they are ciileena
of the United State or that they have
tiled declaration of becoming citixeu
at leant one year before applying for
the sumo, ami make affidavit that they
have been actual resident of the r-tate
for six month. . The fee charged for
the license is $1. A tho salmon sea
eon open on the 10th of thi month,
ffshermon are already gelling their
tackle and equipment ready fur work.
Por the pnst few day many pari
of Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri and
Iowa huve been visited with the moil
evere storm ever known in those
ftatee. Houea were blown down in
fruity localities and general destruc
tion prevailed. In Boilington the win
dow were broken by hail, and much
f damage wa done to fruit tree and
. crop. Tbe had atone are said to
have been eight incite iu eircum
' ferenoe. la Kansas City the wind
blew, on April 'h, a perfect hurricane
and the school were dismissed for
fear of the building giving away while
o 'oupled. The report from variou
part of Nebraska are to the effect
that a heavy annwstorm prevailed
throughout the middle, and western
part of the state, and train are snowed
in end traffic blockaded, and also in
South Dakota tbe thermometer 'e l
40 degree in three hour.
"CnirMdi," the drums given ty
thn fj. Helen Dramatic Chio Thur
tiny evening, March 3Ut, wa a de
cided ai'ticra. Notwithstanding- the
rain canto down in torrents, the hull
whi crowded to It'v utmost capacity.
The character Were well selected,
Edwin Kos a Kny Manning wa the
recipient of much praiso. Lin Decker
Matt Winaor wa splomlidly done,
J. It. liK took the part of Marcu
(rave with good lucces. "Thor
wa nothing shabby about Simon
Mine," a taken by C, H. Jones. Mir
Kin In Moore a May Manning wa
highly interesting, her pathetio line
bringing tear to the eye of many in
lie auditmoe. Mis Maud , flwager a
Bessie Hrudley brought dowu the
I0UM wt,
liar cuto paying. Mis
A fiCiia Blakusltiy a Nancy Nipper wa
excellent aud received Her lull mare
of applaud. Tho tnuaio of the eve
ning wa Ural-class and wa highly
appreciated by the audieoce. The
Inge wa beautifully decorated and
the moat artistically arranged of any
ever euu in Ml. Helena.
The steady rain aro putting the
farm work bask in this neighborhood,
but "Wait till Ilia cloud mil by.".
Tho audi and door factory is being
got in reailinec to si rait, and will very
soon resume work on full time aud
with the uaal number of mechanic.
The shingle mill wa Idle a few day
laat week in consequence of two
sawyer gettiog llir-ir ringer cut. Tbe
place have been tilled and ; they are
merrily grinding away again. '
Mr. Blancbard I removing the good
from hi vacant store it Cedar Laud
ing to tho postofllce store.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinlnor have been
visiting at Kelso lately,
Messrs. Root and Collin, r-f Free
port, aro furnishing spars for the Sin
tram. Hmith and Fidle, of I lid same
place, aro supplying lumber for the
vessel. Through some misundersUnd-
ng Smith A Bon lint the contract.
I At a special , rhooI meeting Satur-
gay evening, lite auviauiiity oi levy
J'ing a tax on assessable property to
mim in uuiHiing, new kiivi iiuihw,
wa taken under consideration.
Mrsr. Wickmau A Biorchi, de
corative artist of Portland, were in
town last week, securing the contract
id decorating and doing fresco work
in the Masonie ball.
Mrs. Button, who baa been very ill
for some time, ha recovered turfl
eiently enough to lake a trip to Port
lnud. H)v waa accompanied by Mr.
L urging busines will start here
this spring extensively, judging from
the rumors that are flying iu the air.
Social festivities are at a standstill
he;e now. Lent is being observed
A. T. Dobbins, of Portland, I in
L. Ashman raid a business visit
here I his wek.
Rev. Coals, of ClaUkanie, waa ex-
re-eted to preach here lad Sabbath,
but failed to appear.
Willie Meaerve teem tobave plenty
of work with hi surveying instru
ments, a ho ran be seen passing
through town frequently.
School House Notee.
Nearly every pupil in school at
tended the dramatic entertainment
last week.
The advanced class in United State
history completed the book this week
and have commenced to review.
Mis Ra Konkle, of the Milton
district, commenced school here lust
With thia week ends the first month
of tho third term. The enrollment
has not been so large a before, but
the daily average ha been Quite
One of the large sirla ha int dis
covered tbe lar&e red hand on the
calendar clock, and after noticing it,
lie waa unable to understand it use
until told by one of tho little boy.
Rev. R. & BMr.of Eugene, Willie
Johnson, Miaec Cora Ayer aud Cora
Johnson, of Kelso, and Mi Kitlie
MMre, of Una place, were visitor at
ichool last Friday afternoon. :
It is our intention to give a school
picnls one week alter the close of this
term, which will be June lltu. All
neighboring school will be invited to
take a part.
Mr. W. L. Graham visited the me
tropolis last week. He report that
city booming.
Mr. Silvo Graham made a flying
trip to Cathlamet Sunday.
S. D. Sutherland visited ClaUkanie
M...r. r.rtn,..1t anil
Graham, of ClaUkanie, were in
Wbge this week,
John Carrol, of Clatskanie,
parsed through the village enroute for
Wood' landing, last week.
Mis Julia Davey, who has been
stopping at Hillsdale, returned home
Loui Jarvey 1 visiting friend and
relative in Eat Portland thi week.
The literary entertainment waa post
poned until next Saturday evening.
Question for debate next Saturday
evening i "Resolved that the largest
city in the state should be the capitol
of that tate.n
Th rain still continues to fall, snd the
rd ars nearly impassable, being worse
tbsn they hav been this winter.
Mrs. Kile Ruber ti Is out on her ranch
making garden.
Thsnrtlit. Otto HlnM, was up In this
part of Carico taking pictures .
Mr. Plnekney is around getting signers
for a road to run np Milton ereek.
Th new school boose her is being con
structed under the maaagenrat of 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sundayed at Col
umbia City.
B. V. Pop cams bom to ead Sunday
with bis family.
Ws fear tb 1st frost have kUTetl th
Tbe At crops ars looking splendid.
Warm sunabuM is needed to tusks lb
vegeta bias grow.
V. H. HHy i workbic at Howard's'
The Republican Met In PortUnA
Tho republican state convention met
Iu the Masonic Hall, Portland Wednes
day, for the 'purpose of nominating
candidate for the various state and
district offices a follow: Four pres
idential electors, eight delegate to
the national convention, two congress
men, supreme judge, and candidates
for prosecuting attorney and district
judge for lite different Judicial dis
trict of the itnte.
The convention wa called In order
by Jamo Iotn, chairman of the slate
central committee, Who tated the
object of the convention.
Hon. Rtifua Malory wa elected per
manent chairman, and Hon. J. B.
Eddy permanent secretary of the con
vention. After ome debating on order of
business the convention proceeded to
ballot for presidential elector. The
name of H. B. Miller, of Joeephnie,
John F. Cuplrs, of Multnomah, W. I).
Hare, ol Washington, George M.
Irwin, of Union, and David M. Dunne,
of Mutlnomah, were placed in nomina
tion. Hare, Caples, Irwin and Miller
were elected.
Next waa the nomination of delegates
to the national convention and for this
place T. II. Tongue, O. C. Applegate,
Joseph Simon, Jonathan Bourne, C.
M. Donaldson, C. E. Wolverton, C. W.
Fulton and R. R. Hays, were elected.
For congrers from tho first district,
Hermann waa nominated by acclama
tion, and from the second district
there were even name presented to
the convention, jfillin, of Morrow, 8nod
gnia, of Union, John, of Baker,
Lea vie of Umatilla, Uauds of Clacka
mas, Eddy of Umatilla, and Hilton.
Oo the fourth ballot Eltis Whs nomi
nated, he having received a majority
of all vole cast, with Leaovio second.
For aupieme judge, Hon. P. A.
Moore, of St. Helen, wa nominated
on the first ballot, which though his
friends believed he would be the nom
inee, they did not expect ilon the first
ballot. Judge Moore is an able lawyer
and will make a vigorous canvass.
Hon. T. A. McBrKle wa nominated
by acclamation for judge of tlte fifth
judicial district. Hun. W. N. Barrett
wa also nominated by acclamation
for district attorney for tbe fifth dis
trict. Mr. McBride is already well
known to our people, he bavins' been
district attorney for eight year. Mr.
Barrett is a prominent lawyer of Hill
boro, hating been a texidcnt of Wash
ington county for many year, and is
well qualified for the otfice to w. ich
he aspire.
Held at Rainier Yesterday and
Nominated a Ticket.
Promptly at 1 o'clock p. m. the conven
tion was called to order by W. H. Kyser,
chulnvan of the county eentral committee.
who staled the object of the convention
and also that the lint thing In order was
tb selection of a temporary chairman
On motion W. 11 Kyser was made tem
porary chairman and J. It. Flowerday tem
porary eretsry.
A committee was appointed on eredrn
tialsao (etlows: Marion Itigga, K. O. Dar
ling and H. S. Ward.
Committee on order of business Mr.
Burn, Mr. Fowler, nnd Frank Peuwon.
The following; credential were reported
and the holders thereof declared entitled
to seat in the convention :
ClaUkanie O. K. Flowerdsy, II. 8.
Ward, J. W. Strattnn.
Annum--. 11. Powell, R 0. Darling,
Albert Woid.
Oak Point-Ira Paylor. William Dohcrty
aml A . J. Hmilh.
Marxhlanri l.loyd Graham. A. H. Or
bam I.. B. Elliott umxy hyjamea Wallace.
Deer Ixlnml-tt. W. Makinter, O. C.
fowler, William Link.
Union Joseph Copeland, George Alls
house. F. P. Hale.
Rainier R. P. Burn, Walter Furrow,
w. i. King.
Braver Kalls-W. H. Kyssr, M. Y. Fow
ler, i). M. Kwing.
Nehslem K. J. Peterson, A. J. Orwig,
W. A. Woods.
There bein no delegates from Sespponse
precinct j. w. uirciner ami josepa Miner
were seated a delegates from that place.
Apiary and Sherman precincts were not
The platform as adopted at the rtate con
vention at Oregon City was read by W. A.
Young to the convention, whk'fc wai
listened to with marked interest after
which it was unanimously adopted.
While th committee on credentials w- re
preparing their report Kev. Jo Wsldrop
waa called upon to address th amewblv.
who reHndcil with a few very cutting re
mark, frequently interrupted with great
Un motion of D. M Rwing blanks with
the peoples' parly platform attaehed, were
circulated aiiumg the audience declaring in
favor of that party and wai signed by IIS
person . .
The committee on order of bnslness re
ported an follow: First, reirt of th com
mittee on credentials, second, report of
committee on platform and resolutions,
third, one member of the legidotive aiuwm
bly, county Judge, eomraissloiier, clerk,
treasurer, sheriff , auessor, superintendent
of schools, coroner, surveyor.
On motion the temporary officers war
mad permanent officers of the convention.
A committee of riv was appointed on
platform and resolutions as follows: L. F.
Bunser. U D. Ihutan, J. K. Ueegle sr., J. A.
Van Dyke and W. J. Welwr.
Representative, W. A. Woods, of Ne
halrm. Judge. F. P. Hale, Chilton.
Commiitaioncr, 8. ti. Bchoonover, of
Clerk. A. 8. Graham of Msrthlsnd.
Treasurer, Oscar Waisanen, of ClaU
knnie. BherUT, O. A. Mass. 8t. Helens.
. Assessor, W. H. Kvser, of Tryon.
Kchool superintendent, W. A. Young,
of Cbitskanie.
Coroner, C. W. Gartimn, of Ht. Heh-ns.
Surveyor, John Campbell, of Vernonia.
Mrs. Mary B. Hobart will lecture at the
pla es snd en dstes below mentioned. In the
Interest of reform. All are Invited to at
tend: '
Tryon ........
May gen ,
tower Beaver.
I ot tok
Hudson ......
Beaver Valley
Vernonia .....
Clatskania ....
Neer City....
War ran
,. Saturday, April Oth.
...Monday, lltb.
. . .Tuesday. 12th.
, . .Thursday, "
...Saturday, "
... Monday. "
V. .Thursday, "
.. Sntorday, "
. , . Monday, "
...Tneadsy, "
President of Columbia county Farmer' al
liance and Social union.
Loeu. ,
Between St. Helen and Warren
tation on Friday last, a pocket book.
Tbe finder will be rewarded bv re
turning book and content to J. 8.
Cloninger, St. Helen.
Tb New C'laMkanle Mumer inert)
a Trial Trip Sanday,
Tbe excellent new steamer, Sarah
Dixon, built by Shaver Bros, for the
Clatskanie route, made her trial trip
Irom Portland to Willow bar last Sun
day evening, leaving Alder street at
5 o'clock, with 180 invited guest on
board. The run from Portland to tbe
mouth of the Willamette, a distance
of twelve miles, wa made iu 4,1
minute against a strong head wind.
On tbe return she made the same
distance, againat the tide, in fifty
minute. Tito steamer i bundnomely
furnished insiue and lighted through
out by electricity. The Dixon i tite
most complete in her equipment of
any item wheel steamer that ever
plied the water of the Columbia river,
and in point of speed will have few
equal. She will, in about ten days,
be placed on the ClaUkanie route
while the Shaver will be laid up fir
repair, after which tlie former will be
placed ou the Skamokawa route.
The Sarah Dixon ia aa neat and
handsome a vessel c ever rode the
Willamette or Columbia. She i in
all reiects a model passenger boat,
and none on these waters is more
handsomely finished. Her hull is 146
feel in length, breadth 26 feet, and
depth of hold 6 feet. The omVerssre
George M. Shaver. cotins C. W. Ed
munds, chief engineer; Dell Shaver,
mate; H. C. Johnson, purser; Link
Shaver, second engineer; Willum
Deeds, steward. She ha a large
freighting capacity and is licensed to
carry 200 paenger. Her bull was
built by Johnson A Olsen, at Smith's
mill, I lie cabin by Captain C. Beams,
and tite painting wa done by lite
Loom is Faint Company. Tite furni
ture wu put in by tbe Oregon Furni
lure Company, the carpet by Meier
A Frank, and the electric light plant
(Crouch system) by M. O. Morgan.
The steam steering gear was. put in by
Frsnk Turner. The boiler (half-inch
steel), with capacity of 1C5 pounds
pressure, was built by James Monks,
and the engines, with pocket-valv
equipments, by the low iron works,
ol Dubuque. la. The vessel U lighten
with electricity throughout, and the
dynamos re giving the best possible
Bt. Hetens Hotel.
Mr. J. George ha purchased the
above-named hotel and refurnished it
throughout and ia now prepared lo fur
uih board and lodging to the traveling
public and solicit a a share of your
patronage. Term reasonable to regu
lar boarders.
Ness- Try Thi.
It will cost yon nothing and will surely
do you good, if you huve a cough, cold , or
any trouble With throat, chest or lungs. Dr
King's New Dixcovcry for constmplion,
coughs and eolds Is guaranteed to give re
lief, or money will b paid back. Sufferers
from La Grippe found it just the thing snd
nailer It use had a speedy snd perfect re
covery. Try a sample bottle at our ex
pense and learn for yourself Jut how good
a thing It is. Trial bottles free at Edwin
Ko drug store. Large site 90c and $1.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Honorable Judge and County Cernmla
Inuers of Columbia, Comitt. Oreaen:
Wo, the undarit;ned legal voter of De r
I!sna preemci ao petition nisi you srmni m
lieenKe lo Alios) Nerlu, of sld prei inet, to isll
plrltuout and nialt llquora, in qunlitl le
t.ian one saUtia, for a period of one year, be
Sinolog June 10, 1SB-1, for which we will ever
Kay: CO Works, Dan Keogte, Oua Anderson,
tward Carbon. C Hodethvta. 8 J Mahon. WU-
liam Wlllard, Jamea II Auahlon, J A Erickmn,
JornBundgvlat, Ed lvenon, 8 Bowen, Andy
Jnhnaon. Ii J Jordan. 1 J Gulrler. Bonuy Keed.
Albert Widso:, U McKay, Xarry Brant. K K
roiter, Harry Larooot. John Culbort, H Jotvn
aon,Ole Erlckaon. hildney Sbaiinan, C L Wtl
cox, CarlTangen, J B Hnrk, Kdward I, liana
A Anderson. Obarlm chalteren. B II Near
Ijtwrenc Hall, K W Ueatb, Pan Bats, Mark
McKenile, O lllldlng. Ilaorge llanay. W M
llollister, Dan U McDonald. Iiarid (lodfrey, W
Murphy, P Hums. Robert KsImi. Ham ratsr
aon. A II Cunuluihain, Joha Gillem, George
Darrett, oaniei ttiiiaru, j w rmyno. ' xourw.
Jamea PUnnaean, a B Borthwlck. Tomu Cr
rtuup, Victor Fuuer. Louis Bar, Auctiat aaigl
born. J B Canby, W M Tomliuaoa, Lee WillUuoa,
G A Jone. L A Ciucaid, John Donovan, O Uuk,
D Link, William Link. E W Powier. A Near,
Tom Thomaon, Tom Kinney, George M Baker.
Jamea Hart, John turnout, f W Naklniter. M
Link, U C Fowler. M Car.ll If. John McFarlaud,
LTVanover. Frank Bennr.T H Mitchell, OS
Fonter, a Blake. August Lansn, L O Baxter. :
W Murphy. Walter Raahford. Rial W
a Hmilh. Cbarlea Link, F W Lody. A P Vanllew.
John Harvard, William Wllaoo. 6 Nichol. Tom
Kaperak. A Hioidloy. C Johnoa, Anion I'cter
son, J W Csrllnle. a A Denton, 8 M Dorman,
Jacob Owintli. M McDsrraoU, 0 Webalsr, Jobs
Hannon, WKellle. David Bicott, Frad Slcott,
V Slcott. K P Galloway, A Or, H Barnett,
Thomaa Ltghlfoot. A Copeland, Frank Buyers,
John McLend, W Miller, Jamea Kennedy.
Charles Youug, F.ank Kierdon, F Lengachee,
Joe Lawrence, K J Burnett, Wm Vanover. T J
Maya. J W Divine, E Hunter, W Fowler, Key
(inn. E ti Foster, H Woodhsro, Hector Bollls.
J T Borton, Win Hartley, F M Foster, I'eter
Chateuad, GC Jaquish, John Cok, E Meeker,
G Hans, J eeverron, E R Thompson. LStehman.
D F Bataou, John Malliner, R Mccormick, L
Mulholland, Carl Jsnaoa. K R Foster, William
Gaddls, E B Kent, C Z Dalby. a Smith. WO
Tucker. 1 B Hplswn, E ttedert, Charles W
aney, L Bevla, Charles Bumgardner, p
Swaaer, P D Adsina, J a stein, W u Buaarardnsr
Ed Bystrnm, K Harrow, M Prill, A l Tore. M
Mslaon, P Rushes, W O Council, P Adams,
Fred tills, M L Nicholas, B fplawa, J W
Kevin, 8 R Walker. O A Woods, C L Creamer, J
J Kelly, Gust Yepnon, Pat Wakley, C Knxiln,
JohnFSchmltt, C L Olaen, C Trim, William
,, . u U..I. VV a ... (Wh W U&wl.
Frank Benar,a. Victor Wlaell, f a Filer, 8 F
Hunter, u insraDi
Land Offles st Oregon City, Or., March 1. MM.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has riled notice of hla Intention
to make Anal oronf la nnoort of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena. Or., ou
nay 7, nan, vu:
llamaataadantrr No. .1TI. fur tha aa W Of see-
lion SI, tpa, r w. He names th followiu
wiineaaea lo prev sua eonimiioua resiueMire
upon, and cultivation of, said laud, vt: Euos
U. Jonea, E. A. Cuebmau, Frank Biahop, H. C.
Brown; all of Reuben P, O., Columbia county,
Oregon. J. T. APPERSON,
mlitM RegUter.
If TICB COM rVasllCATie)!.
Land Olfle st Oragon City, Oregon Feb. 11, US1
Notice ia Hereby ctvea that the following
named settler has) filed notice of hla Intention
to make tlual proof In support of hta claim, and
that said Drool anil a made before the emiuty
clerk of Columbia county, at HI. Helena, Oregon,
on April , 1SU2, vis:
Homestead entry No. 7ssl, lor the neW of see. 4.
tpn. raw. He namea tk following witnesses
to prore mis euuunuuua rasiuvuc uiiuh,
cultivation of, aaid land, via: Gustavo H.
RlMrrba. llanrea, W. Grant. Henry Potter and
8teph Haines; all ol Bcsppoosa Columbia
county, Oregon,
4. I, srrnwwii
Land Offices! Oregoa Ctty, Or., March as, I'M.
Notice Is hereby alvsn that the followlug
named settler has tied notice ol bis lateaUon to
make Anal proof In support of hl clalm,andthat
uid nrnof wiU be n a e before the oonnty Clark
of Columbia couuty, at et. Helens, Oregon, en
May s, law, vu:
Pre-emption 0. , No.stl. for the sw ef see.
l, tp n, r 1 w. He names 1'ie following wit
nesM te prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation olasld land, vis: J. W. Hannsll.
C. W. Blakealey. Jaule Hendricks, and B. P.
Pops, all of St. Helens, Columbia county, Ore-
asml Register.
W. J. Tu.UCCU : SCO.
General lerchandise,
Crockery I Boots, Shoes,
Glassware, Ladles' Dress Goods,
Queensware. Farnishing Goods,
Produce Taken in Exchange.
It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices.
209 2o 1TO FRONT ST.,
Front Street Portland Or.
Gnana, $20.00 Per Ton,
Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel.
Also a Fine Line i f
We have just received tlie correct style in
Stiff Hate for the Spring of '92.
$ 1 .50 tO $5.00 PRICES FROM $ 1 .00 tO $5-00
King Clothiers of the Northwest
BIsm Crasr, HaurriMai sisisl carnal MraeSa. Patrllsaiaal.
Watches, Jewelenr,
Fine Watch and
Orders from the Country Solicited.
165 First Street Between Morrison and Yamhill. Portland, Or.
Manufacturers of.
' TFI-iES . ' . '
Farmers' and merchants'
.Albany, Or.
AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - . - - 1500,000
SECURED CAPITAL, . - - . 247,500
PAID CAPITAL, ... - . - - - 74,250
All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily AdjESted.
- Fet parHeular apply at the Sle f Moor Coir, or Ts MtsrofBo.
Onr cstalogtte Is complete in
every department, and tell
how to grow all kind of ve
getables, bow to plant and
trim tree, how to use, end
what are the beat fertilizer,
bow to hendle bee etc. etc.
Free to nil- Send for it.
D. J".!. Ferry & Go's Seeds
and Optica! Goods.
Jewelry Repairing.
public-ATi. r evMijiistne.
In th CWult Court of tli Mlsfs of Orrxvn
for W e 'oimiy of Columbia.
Acmostos KtvsBs, Plaintiff, 1
f. V
Masns P. Kxerr, Dfnlant. )
To Martin 1'. Knupp, th abuv-naueI it
. fvaxiaiit: -.
In the nana of th Stats of Oregon, von
ars hereby required to appear anil nnnwrr
tli rriiiii.f.liit In tin. sImv. .
sniiiled suit, by th first dav of th ii.xi
term in the aaid i;irruil l.ourt, tic: 1
dav th. 10th da of Mar. h Irw th.
4iri4 'l ursday a(te tlie srrotiil Monday in
said month; and If you fall an to anwcr,
for want th.rwf tka ulaliitltT will lakr a
tmli(iiieiit airnin-f you for th sum of $124.00,
nilsd mate gold coin, with inlrrenl tlierr
on at th rare of 10 iwr etnt. pet annum
from the 2Mb dav of Oi Mwr, 1S, togclhtr
with the additional sum of $.V).00 attQrnera
, end 111.40 paid for taxes, and forth
coals and dihiirsrinnt of this suit, snd
rt t take a decree foreclovlna; the iiiirtRK
described In said rnmplaint. and drrlarins;
ths same to 1st a lien upon Ilia land therein
described, vis: Kitiiate In Hi. CuaiilT of
Columbia, State of Oregon. to-it: Ti e
southwest quarter of section thirty, in town
ship rive north of rsiur Hire we: I of the
Wiltanielte Mt-rldian, containing i n. hun
dred and fifty-xlx and ninety-nine hun
dredths acres of land, more or less, and
that the Mime be sold to satisfy said judg
ment, and that you be forsvci la-red and
forerloanl of all right, claim or interest in
raid land except a redi-inptioiirr under thn
atnlnte, and for such further relief a to the
Court may seem meet in eoutiy.
This summons . pulif!iied by order o(
Hon. Kraiik J. Ta lor. Judje of aaid Court,
utude tlie 10th day f Jlarch, lhW.
Attorneys for I'Uiniiff,
Paled Merck 11, 1W2. nilHait
In the Circuit Court a th Stat of Oregon,
for Columbia County.
Kstsx Nina, Plaintiff-,
C. V. LsATeswofrrn and
k-sTB M. LtAiwowTi,hl wife.
To C, F; Leavenworih and Kate it. Leaven
worth, hla wife, the above-named de
fendants: In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you
and each of you are hereby required to sp
xar and answer the euniplalnt tiled againat
you in the above entitled suit, in tbe above
entitled court, on or before the find day of
the next term of the sbove mart, whJ h
aid term HI comnifSfS on Tuesdsv, tii
10th day of Xay, IMU2; and If you fail to p-1
pear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to th court for th relief de
Banded In the cotrplslnt, wbirh isiertha
sum e three thousand dollars (3.000 in
I'uiied State Gold Coin, with Inter..
tltsreon in like Ould Coin st the rate of
kbt per rent per annum from and: since
May Ub. ItsXi, snd tbe further sum of two
hundred dollars (fdOO) a attorney's
fees, and for the costs and disbanie
menls of tfais snit ; and for a dewee foreclw
ing a mortgage liven to seenre sskl sute.
Interest and attorney's fees, Uf hmi th following-described
real property, to-wit: The
north half of the routnrnt quarter; the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter,
and tbe nonheust quarter of the south west
quarter of seciton twelve, in township seven
north of range four wot; the northwett
Uarteeof section twelve, in township stven
north of range four west; and the southeast
quarter of section eight, in township seven
north of range three west of the W illaniett.
aterblbvn. in Cohimbia county, eitate of
Oregon; that the aaid real property be eol.(
in die manner prescribed by lass, and tliat
the proceeds thereof b applied kn th pay
ment uf the said Judgment; that tlie said
defendants and all jieraona slaiiuing by,
through ar under them, uisv be harrea
and foreclosed of all right. kide,.cliiiin, in
terest and estate In and to In said mort
gaged premise snd every pant thereof ex
cept the statutory right te ssdsem : and for
such other and further reli.t as to the court
may seem just and equitable In tb prem
bes Tlie above summons l publNhed by order
of Hon. F. J. Taylor, judg of said court,
dated March IT, li
m?5ni6 Attorns for PlaintiT.
In the Clrcolt Court of e8tate of Oregon,
for th County of Colnmbin.
Wai.raaB.Bisu, rtilntiff, 1
XiKRa.BcBLL, Defendant. I
To Minnie O. Buell, tbn above-named d
fendaut: .
In the earn of the State of Oregon, yon
ar hereby required to apneas and anawer
the ronipUint bled against you in the sbove
entitled suit, in the above entitled court,
on or before tlie first day of the next term
of th aboveieourt, which said term wl'l
eominenre on Tuesday, tb I tab, dav of
May, 1W; and if you fail to arnicar anal
answer, fur want thereof, plaintiff wiU apply
to the court for tha relist demanded Si tbe
c mplaint, which in, fr the dissolution of
the matrimonial bonds now eiistiag be
tween plaintiff snd defendant, end for each
ether and further relief as in eqaity may
seem just
The above summons ispubhShrd by enter
of H.m. F. i. Taylor, judge of said court,
dated March 17, lf.
mSSme Attorneys for Plaintiff.
retltiM for liiqnor LiesMue.
In tk Honerabht CoaamlsaJoars and Ceenty
Caairtefth Mats of Orageu for Celunibla
w. tk. underslsned legal voter la tear
Ialand precinct. Columbia county. Mute of On
ion, respectfully petition vour honorable bed
that a license be granted to Orria A. Wood m.
sell aplritoua, vinous sad malt liquors re aaisl
Maer Islaiwi precinct la leaa quaailtir. than unaj
gall ra for tbe period of en. year, snd your pe
tltloncrawtll ever pray: at Kny art, W O Btn
rardncr, C L Creaam. F O Crtss, P Adaraa. Wea
Kilby. Thomas Sainton, Auguat IMwa I, tf
Ejered. J Rockhill, Uuat Jbanaon. C Thomtinn,
H A Williams, t Irson, f Anderson, Pat
Wakley. 8 C Knyart. J R Cmnk, C frim, I Cat
urett, ; H Spencer. 0 Trim, C E Olien, I. M
Dsvis, I H Bumgardner. C L Smith, Charles
Huuigardner, Oecnm K Ulakealee, Thomas Cor
dla, A U Merrill, Nelson Flack ney. Cbarlea VT
Hansy. Ed Kystrom, C W En.raoa, Peter Kmlth,
B K amtU, t Hufbea, Ols Olsen, it r.trty. J
W 8peuw. E 1 Barnes, T W Koaela, W T Me
Klnnan. A P Caber. V 1 Kelly. Joaepb Kotb.
Klebsel Fih, H Rlemer. J R Siena, l.ltst
Salaturta. Jane, (ialttena, J it Spurgeoe,
A tiarrlson. KueletT I.ustbl, K U Johm, UC
krowa. Uabrt.I Jenny. Otto Rubl, Fred Kobel.
John Blerl. Edward Black. A H Crlawald, (" U
nilcox. F r rMr. D Nuthola. A Rundbarg, II U
Wurta. C W Murpky. Waltar Havird. A Is Can.
Dtsghsm. t loam. 8 K Willard. A U MetjsbM.
C V, HeFsiisnd, A J Jordan, D 8 Orar, O U
Jsqulab, J W tarllsle. E Sehmldt, J K.bee. I.
HraAley, Meorxe Ftshtel, John F Sehniltt, J n
KptawnH A Oberg, H C Gora, J W Jaquea, Joe
Lawrence, Joe N'uasbaum.r, Frad Nursbaun.r,
Kichard I'helan, Joe Stock, V K tiore. Frank
hlshop, C Wllllasia, H II Borthwlck, W at Tsm
biuson. Frauk brors, L (1 tanon, it A l.yFell,
Im Williams, J E Davidson, Peter Bertorrae, it
Foster, Charles It Youug, Wn Coaaor. Frank
Rlmloa.TbomaaMltekeir.TC Maya. A N.vtu.
Hector Hollls. E 0 FoatM. Hm aft(s. Tbeeaa
Foley, E Meeker. Jamea Cok. T J Maboa. John
T Whitehead. Ed Smith. J F lloitoa. J eaed-
Pass. H R Foster, John M Ltadsey, HavaM.
Ftr, F Hunter, J Heaeraoa, G Han.. F m
Swages, w T Catfield, J B Haley. W U Tucker,
S Kevls, at F Oaranar. John W brig, 1 Umoat.
D F Bataon, R J Burnett. L Mehmaa. Frank M
Fester. Jacob Leneaeber, Emll Kloaw.r, W J
K.I 11 PO Umax. C Fowlsr. B w Fowler. C K
Makiaater, E Scltert. K Andresa, F Striasleld.
C L tHaoa. W amdley, 8 Olaon.
iiffiinistratort Sate uf Ecal Ittti,
Koike Is hereby given that in parananrsV
of an enter of the comity mart of Colum
bia eoiiBty, Oregon, made on the 1Kb day 4
March. 12, in th matter of th estate o
William H. Tuttl. deceased, the under-
signed administrator of the (aid estate.,
will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for esah, and subject
to confirmation by th said court,
en Fnttirday. April 30, 1802, t t o'clock p.
m. , at th court bouse door at fit Helens.
In said state and county, all tb right, title
and into reft thai the aaid estate ha by
operation of law or otherwise acquired,
other then ar In addition to, that of tb
said William H. Tuttl. at the time of hi
death, in and to all that certain lot, pice
or parcel of land situate, lying end being
in the mid reuuty and atal and dewrihc!
S'M'owa, so-wit: 14 twe (2) of section
twenty-four 1,34) in township tbreefS ) north
of range two (2) west oi th Willamette '
Mrhllsn, and containing thirteon a4
eighty-buadredths IU S) H n-ve., nmr .
AdniinHrator of the ul vf v .!
II, Tutile, deceased, tu... i