ID vmM tlie sialntiHU"' r I s 'X,. ;. ''"LJr nf -- ., v M. T . , .., ... , Biil! ;M g? VA Pure Cream . ROYAL, Tartar Pow4r. Contain ; Dr. Price gives larger pffany other. Baking Powder .manufacturer. Above cut represents the Comparative size of one pound can each 'Tw "Price's," Rovkl and "Taylor's sec side oy side, then photographed addiit the plate iiij this space; Ask l; n .' , ' . .. - . i - cart "of any other brand alongside Powder! and obsrve'the difference, Adulterated powders may usually be detected by their heavier bulk, as shown by 'the small cans, ; 4 t . - ' containing a circular to help fill out that 9iVnV f the ammonia and alum baking powders are advertised as "Absolutely Pure," ' All official examinations prove that it would be safe tb Teject all powders labeled absolutely pure. f The economy in us7ngDr."Price's Cream Baking Powder does not consist alone in the fact that much largerand iuller cans are $ r 1, '. I , . w f (. . V f gives, but Dr Price's is a stronger, purer and more wholesome.bak- r . ! ? f ' : I ", ' ' ing powder than- any other known. Does better work, and goes farther, hence more economical irfevery"way. What woman would iise'an ammonia or alum baking powder if she knew it t SucK powders not only undermine the health, but ammonia gives to the complexion a sallow and blotched appearance. Dr. Priced Cream Baking, Powder, is "reported by all authorities as "free from1 ammoiilum, lime, lor any other adulterant." 'The purity of this' ideal powder " has" never been questioned. " ' " " " iSTAT or mio, Cm o Tooo, j . . Luru Coi-ktv. ( Frank J. Cheney siakeg autb Uii he ii.tbe senior jwrtniTof the firm of T. J. Cheiiey A- Co., doliiK Suniiwra la the city of Toledo, connty)id bute afontiiiM. n.l that said firm will pr the um of ONE HVNURE1 DOIXAHS for eeh and every ease of wuirrh tlwt eaiiDot be t ured by the use of HaW-' Catakkb Ci'bk, , , FRANK J. CHENET. Sworn tw. before me and subscribed In my preeeuce thia 6th day of December, A. D. 1S, WtAL.1 A. W. GI.EAKS, Notary ftOMt. Hairs Citurrh Cure ia taken Internally, and aria dinllv upon the blood and mucous sur iaoe of the avste n Send for testimonials, free. " F. J. CHESKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Utuggiaa; TSeenta. , " People are searce who are satisfied with their next-door neighbor's religion. In 15 Minutes. Vi I suffered jffl severely neuralgia; but in 15 minutes after applica tion ' of STJACOBS'QIL:; was fasleepl have not been troubled wfth it since. No return since l8S2 F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo. ALL RIGHT! ST.JACOBSOILDDIT." Q I ' O Test of your Proof Befort Buylnj. TOCH wtr la tlie lre holdlnf X th end tlrlil as bore shown or sny- KUwaturtiirbt. there sresoodi Id Uk nianei I .t.-i 1. h,,t vitlLiik .tpvprrseam. 1 ; TV. warrant TwrMKrfOVDril n elt.bM .i h. tivht at every I ksui u( eieniKlurt tit: also !MX o P' J arte, ana aallwrlia oor dilrre to mk aeoa i &u..i...ti..,.Aii. i Aitiuw .mint. There are iwo wbvj fm eiin tU ba dennln; Improved ,Ith Ki'sjsi sucker. , - " I i lit. a saft WmIcd Collar. ' 24. Tli Tr4 A'-H (below.) Watch Out - J bartk seawraiBa I fwnd itrr Catalomie ITee. LI. TOWER. Mfr, Porta.Blat. F INDIAN DEPREDATION 1 PENSION 4 PATENTS tAND " ' HOMESITE AD POSTAL CtDAIJiViS Te "X AMINKK" BTREAC of CLAIMS DaTDBB TBI DJEICTIOH OF . -.' San rrtncltco Eiamlner.; yo bare a claim of any description whataoerar ' affulnsl the United Riatea 40Ternment and wish u siwalUy aujudluated, addreaa. r : .'JOHN VyjtODKRBUBN, Maamr, III F itrMrt, If. W. ' -y WaahliiKttm. D. O. I S T I T mad Jti In foor days oa myS leotnoorau land KpaclaJtles. lOOperestitDroaHaadcaaS prM- Hktnpl. Into Or RrMirman Rmxlwar W V nWo BiBedy for Ortarrb la tin n RialrM ta Use, ami Oieanwa. 1 U b. by druKsiaia or mnl by mall. I j le. K. T. Uaaelilne, Warren, Pa. J Hsearo irWal 1 ,," , I. : TAYLOR'S ONK SPOON. Contains Alum and Aiuiuonia.' Ammonia, and fuller cans than those One Spoon." These cans were, down in exact proportions to your grocer to' set a one pound ., r ;- ! ';.:' 1 lb. Dr. Price': Cream Baking as illustrated above. and these scantily filled, often " r " - the cans. It is a singular fact ' lie Was Ae'ln' tbe Bleyelav i ji i "Bicycles are it nuituiiice," he aaiii to the city editor, coming np to the desk after tbe manner of a mail with a grievance. - " "So?" inquired the editor, who rode one bimseif. ; ..;.' r. "Vea, they are, I've just been waiting for a chalice to write them np.' "Whax'a the nrniter witli tliemf" "Aw, they Utke up the street, scare horses, run people ilowa and doall sorts of unexpected tliintrft "Why lon't yon write them up, then, with a blast tV t ; "That's ju st it. I was coining across tbe street this morning and I saw two eooiing lickety split roiu opposite directions. I wasgoiuir to get out of the way at first, bat I tlio'oglit I had as lunch right as they bad to the street, so I concluded to stand my ground, anil jiW make one of them run into me- I knew it was my opportunity to get even, and I wasn't going to lose it" "And you got run into, and now you want to blast tire bicycle, do- you?" in quired the editor, shoring a paper pad and peueil over to bim. w, 7 "' "Xo, I don't," was the disgusted reply. "I dodged around there for ten minutes tryiDg to get in the way of one of them, and by Jupiter, six riders sailed by ten feet on either side of me and didn't touch a hair. That's why I wiy they are a Bui aance." Detroit Free Presw. u Sent the; Animal. " A'quiet family once honht of tbe late Charles a wild beast, warranted to be a quiet ami manageable pet perhaps a sloth or a tapir. : .Some days after, Mr. Jamrach, examining Iris 'books, perceived that tbe item tapir or sloth, or whatever the anim tl may hare Been, was not en tered with proper regularity in tbe ledger and diy book-waa. Indeed, mixed up with aome other entry. Suspecting something wrong, Mr. Jamrach called a hansom and drove at once to the siiliurlwn. resilience of his customer. His ring was not an swered; but at length the cook, pale and trembling, appeared hehind the area rail IngSi j; . J "' ' 'j 'k Tor 6ors sake! Mr. Jamrach," she cried, "save us from that awful wild beast! Master and mistress couldn't stand it any longer, and bave unite to the seaside, and the houseinrtid and I daren't leave tbe kitchen for fear of lieitig eaten. ' At that moment a very line and very hungry puma tbe fiercest pcrbn among all the car Bivora put Iti head. out of the drawing room window. The mistake waa a clerk's the wrong beast was seht home. Loo don letter. Sr T -r ," - i ' Psceants Ourina; Elisabeth's Helen. .Toumanu-nu were maintained until the end of Eiizaletli's reign. But we hear lit tle of themranl it is not likely that they retained much -of their old popularity. One Sir Henry tx entered tbe tilt yard every year until age prevented .him. They also kept up the sport of tilting at tbe quintain 1n tbe witter. Hot their favorite amusements were tbe pageant and the play.; The pageant came ,before the play, and while the Jat ter was. performed on a rough scaffold in an inn yard, the former was provided with splendid dresses, music, songs and properties of every kind. There were pageants for the reception of the king when be , made a procession into the city; there were court pageante; there were pri vate pageants in great men's houses; there were pageant got -lip by companies. Walter Besant in Harper's. t- J 1--. a . i-- ' ."-' '.u v - Love and ThoiiKhtfulnesa. A, pleasing stoi-y of fainfly Affection nd thoughtfulnesa is given by The Fair field (Me.)tJournul- III y qnWt farm house by Ui banks o the iCennebeo, near Fairfield, dwelk an aged conple whose oiily sort runl on the Maine Cen tral between Bangor and Portland, and each night thti rattle of hU -train rocki the humble abode of his parents. 'To as sure them that he ia all right, whenever the engine reaches the cottage be touches the bell alringle stroke. They signal to him by having a lamp burning brightly in particular window to tell him that health but bear him in mind. Every j f other iiigjit the signals are exchanged at 1 1 a. m. and IV p. m. respectively. '- " ' j ubv. too. are nut.ouiv ju iubit uaiuu t IN THE BETHE50A MIS9IOr. Ikabv Unvs and tilrla In Chlengo'a "Day NiKr" l.ltlUa Ones at I "lunar. lliiuw is one- briglit sit in the vert hotw't of the "livee" district.- It is tlio ItailaWn liiy. Xuim iv. It ulna wretched livihlxji liixni a district where dissi)a tiun and sin and mrrow and povurtr nlwuud. , Tliu iulatiun is a ImnUl uuxlniv, Incliuling tlie w.u'st colmt'd rh'iiient and Iho nist vilo vhnitictors of tlio U'Vihi whito iviiultii.m. Thtt stwU ui fltienKxl liy UA vhiirnotcrs by flay, i:nl nr the sceno 4t lrtiwls and lliltt iiy hilit. Divt-s and dons ami gambling re soils and doubtful lodging plaoea, niiike Ilia place one to be avoided by all re spectable people. It is in tho very heart of this place Unit the Women's t'lirUlian Temperance union fa earning on its most etli-ctive ItiCid nii-4mi work., ; ira lint its moat tliHiriahuig department ie the lluthceda day nursery. The woi k of this branch is presided over by Alra, William Sr.uit, who sconia to lie peculiarly adupted for cluuritable work. The nur sery was opened iu Novemlicr, 1880, and from that date it has been the homo of tlio bal from the little thing i weeks old to the child of 7. Tliere the little onos live aiid cbnlter and coo and crow, and cry and laugh and put and drink during the day time, while their wid owed or deserted ' mothers are ! out scrubbing of washing, strivinit to earn a livelihood for her family. ' Mrs. Sevunt lias boeu very sucoessfui in her work, but, of course, does not receive the liber al donations in aid of the. little ones that blie desires. $ho has secured as mati-on Mrs. II. B. Smith, who has tlie immedi ate care of the niiivery. It is located on the second and third floors of the build ing,' immediately above the . mission chapel, and is titted up with a view to tlio comfort of the babies. Mothers who are striving to earn an honest living and who are obliged to work out by the day, ruav carry their little ones to the nursery in tlie morning and call for them agtun nt nig;it when they return from the liurd day's toil to their miserable homes. They are asked to pay each day ten cents, if they m; five cents if they cannot alTord ten; two cents if tiiey can snare it, and nothing if they have naught to give.. ; The reporter was taken into tlio nursery the other afternoon, in the niidt of tlie twenty-three baiiien, and the sight that met his astonisJied gaze cannot well be described. It may bo said at tlio outset tlutt the nursery clothes and feeds these little ones, as well as furnishes them a day liome. Hence, they wcro all' clean and neatly clad." The youngest was three weeks old. . It was tugging away at a well filled bottle for dear l.fe, and luvl an extensive growth of black hair. Its eyes were jet black and piercing, and there was a smile upon its fat little, face. Iu the "crib room" babii were sleep ing and cooing and crying and laughing and rolling upon tlie floor. It was a queer sight. To see the babies in the dining1 room is worth the walk to tlio nursery. There-are three long, naitow tables. One ia about twelve inelie high from the floor, and the little chain that tmrround it give the. scene an old fashioned appearance. Tlie oilier two are a little lusher, but tlio "liih chair" business) lias - been aliolisheil. Twenty babies at dinner! .Well, it is worth seeing. It takes four nurses to pick np spoons. -And the baby foul. It is de licious, which is evi ienced by tlio keen sppetites of the babies. They are a friendly lot at tlie tablo, ond are allowed considerablo laiitndo. . Johnny dips Jus spoon, for instance, into- Eddie's dinlt. As an appreciation, of this I .Jdie land ; a left hand full of bread and nnik just under Johnny's left eyoi Bjsions are thrown aside and a hair pull tug of war sets in, which is lovingly terminated by the gentle hands of tlio nurse. Such is happy baby life at the Betheada nun. tv. Chicago Herald. - ;, ' ' Stealing from Actors. . 1 .. 7 ' Actors often suffer from thieves rrhile on the road. It is not their valuables diamonds, cash and the like movables which disappear as often as their profes sional appurtenances, which have less monetary -value, but whose loss often causes distressing inconvenience. Eugene O'Kourke sings a pretty and pleasing song, "Papa, Sweet JIammu, and Me." One day wlule the company waa staying in one of the interior Michigan towns the entire orchestra . score disappeared, hav ing been appropriated by a local leader whose stock of fresh musio had run low and who wanted to get a new number for Ida repertory cheaply, s As there was not a second copy of tlie orchestra score and tbe song could not bo sung without an accompaniment, "Papa, Sweet Mam ma and Me" had to retiro unld tbe work of orchestration could again be done. "I cau tell of stranger things than that," said an old timo actor. "You have no idea of the rapacity of the thieves who rob traveling professionals, nor of their persistency. I knew a leader who Iiad a violin which bo prized very higldy and watched zealously even fdept with it under his pillow. Well, sir, a fellow up in Muskegon, I think it was, took a notion to liavo that violin. Ho followed the company from town to town, and after a week's cat at a rat hole watching, he got an opportunity and sneaked it Why, they steal our caffs, collar buttons, old shoes if they can't find mates, make up boxes, stage clothes anything they ctin lay hands on. " De troit i'tee Press, ,: . Aa Ingenious Invention. A very ingenious and useful invention, which lias just been patented, in the 'Criado illuminator," which is intended for use by dentists and surgeons . for the purpose of examining teeth and . the throat. The instrument consists of a tube of hard rubber about tlie thicknes of a lead pencil and six inches long. At one end is a funnel shaped opening, into which is screwed a miniature Ehsoh incan descent lamp of one candle power, and having on its under side a flat, gpoou ahaped piece of silver forjcoinpresaiiig the tongue during the examination. New York Press. ' Flax Dressing In Chill. Sen or Isidoro Errazuriz, the Chilian immigration agent in Europe, has been ordered to offer free passage to Chili tc twenty Irish families who are expert in ha nrif : of drt-sMine flax; "Itte said tii plant grows wild there in abundance, that it is of excellent quality, ana mat n a few people who Understand preparing tlie staple for market are once establishec: there tlie indnsiry wiil soon be of jp'etf liniioruuKse. Boston transcript. f ; - What Laughing la. - j -) A solemn professional donkey abroad announces that "laughter is really noth ing more 'than disorganized breathing. When yon are excited to" a fit of laugh ter yoq hold your breath and then it sud denly bursts out, causing eccentrio- sounds as it passes the organs of the voice." Let us wait now until the next profound idiot discovers that breathing is merely disorganized laughter. Chatter. S) . v . - v SjmH 3' DIAMOND MINES IN BRAZIL. Tlia Wiirk of Digging; Waa 'il-inerly Ttina by Ulsvea, Who' Ware liil. , Iii t he Rem I.HMtrlng sands are In a similar manner washed either in a wooden Tbrwl and In n currwiit A wa ter, and it Is only u short time ago slues this work was performed by slaves un der the eye of watchful overseers. The piek and shovel are used for disaggre gating the gravel bank. Tint water next washes away the soil, attiid and clay. The small Krv'l remnlulng In spread out lit thu sun, mid the ray of light quickly distinguish, the pwolous tones contained therein. ' ' "' The seekers acquire after a time a marvelous readiness, and there exists between them an Ardent emulation, be cause the Umling of a stone above the average Is not only soon proclaimed, but the tinder Is specially recompensed, and only few yeans ago the slave who found : diamoud lieyond a certain weight received his liberty at oiioo. v. -. In many diauuNid diggings, actninl lug as tlie miner Hints h stone, he plaee.t It Into kind of wooden or bain boo case, the outside of which' Is more or less decorated, and to which a su perstition is often' attached, ' ; A" nose wliioli has already held ninny hatidsoine gems is nccoiintod a gooil talisman to ijisure the (Inding of others, and the negro workmen place groat Importance to these precious little tubes. , , It will be easily umlerstiHxl that dur ing work, nud esKMMally before leaving the place of work at the close of the day, the miners are subjected tJ tlie minutest sejireli; but in spite of this, thefts are frequent, facilitated as they are by the extreme small size of the precious stones, and also by the circum stance that the minors may very easily have small pieces with them that are their property, because these little gem are taken as current money in the din lunntiferous countries, in the same man ner as gold dust passes ourreut In au riferous regions. ' : ' 1 ' When the agents of the government or "large corporations who work these mines have' received from the miners a certain quuutity of "rough," it is hi' closed in strong leather bags,' securely closed and' loaded'- upon jack imiles, which, under military esoort, are con ducted to tlie nearest town or jiort ' During the pact centuries ' ail. the rough diamonds sent to Europe came by way of Auisterdani and Antwerp, where the Dutchman Herguen had in 1673 perfected, if not discovered, the cutting of this incomparable gem. Hut since the beginning of this century large traders and immense cutting establish ments were established at London, Paris and. othtjr capitals, and Geneva also, possesses at present fairly large establishments, in which are Cut Indis criminately either the diamond, garnet or other precious' stones. -Jewelers' Circular. '. ,. . .- Huw Ibe lHIWciilty-Wiia Met. ' A good story is told of Judge Rpnt. the well known American jurist. A muii was indicted for burglary, and the evidence, 011 flie trial showed that his burghiry, couMstediu cutting a bole through, a tent iu which several persons were sleeping, and then projecting his hand and arm, through the hole and absiructuiK various articles 0 value. It was claimed by his counsel that, inasmnch us he never actually entered into the tent with his whole body, he had not committed the offense charged, and must discharged. Judge Kent, in reply to this plea, told ,the, Jury that .if they f were no.t satisfied that the ' whole man was in volved in the crime they might bring in a verdict of utility against so much of hiiu as was thus involved. - - The Jury, after a brief consultation, found tlie right arm, the right shoulder and the head of the prisoner guilty of the offense of burglary. "The Judge sentenced the rffiht arm, the right shoulder and head to im prisonment ' with . hard , labor In the state prison for two years, reuiurking that, as to tlie rest of tlie man's body, he might do with it what he pleased. London Tit-Hit. , ; . . . f t " Make Bank frealdenla Cllre Bnnda. -' A inembei' of the New Vork Stock exchange recently gave vent to tlie fol lowing: . ,"1 cannot understand why presidents of banks, who have such large amounts of money under their charge, should not give bonds. This Is something which st-xjkholders and depositor should think of. The law ought to demand ' these bonds. ' And, in my Judgment, the bond should be at least ten times as large as the salary. A baiik president who receives flO.000 a year should give a bond (or at least $100,000; one who receives 25,000 a year salary should give a bond for at least $250,UOO.- If the president turns out to be a thief the defrauded depos itors and stockholders are then at least that much ui.",-rNew York Epoch. - ' The Importance if Sight. Among the five different 'organs by means of which alone we are enabled to perceive the various phenomena of tlie external world there is none of so great importance to us as the eye. There Is, no sense we make list) of to sneh an extent or is so often necessary to supplement and fender sure the ao tioli of tlie other four a that of sight. To direct our sense of touch, to uid our localization of soiitnl, iiiul in many ways to help our appreciation of smell and taste the eyes are invaluable to us. Chambers' Journal. . Dmamakara Mast lteware. . Here isa warning to dressmakers. A young woman in Bergerac, France, sent a dress to a mode, but forgot to remove from its pocket a Very confi dential letter. .The latter, instead of returning it, communicuted it con tents to several iicighian'hig gossips. The girl's giuirdiuii has obtained a verdict,' cotiis-liiiig the dressmaker to return tlie letter and pay $00 damages and the costs, New York World. ' " ' Vat nt the Oatrlrh. " I ' '' . An ostric!i i-gg. weighs about three and a half pounds, or thu equivalent of thirty fowls' eg,;s, Tlio flavor is less delicate than f Iiut of the eggs of domestic fowls, I but tlie.y are perlectly eatable. A singular fact is tliat tlie egn will beep fresh and ' eatable for two or three mouths. Chicago I Tunes,.: . . ; ;.. 1 ;. . . A Jtrokar's rtrat rrlRh. "T liavo frequently U-en cniii:ht sluirt till Hie lliiii ket nml wvn nivself within r.n ace of being ruined.'' siild a Ni'W stiii'l broker to 11 i''"'i'ten "but I wus ri'tilly scared onlv onoe 111 inv lit 0. unit tluit wnt during inv lln- dtiv in the slreeU My ftither H"l me it plaoc in the ullice of till old friend of his. where 1 eujoyiMl tho full eoiillilenee of my employer.' 1 hud been working only 11 few hour when lie ImndiHl me ten crixp plot) hills and told me to deposit them in nil uptown liauk. I put I lie' lulls in my rout pocket until I luul UuMicd writing up my books and then look a cur, go'n " town. When I entered the lunik and put my lumil in my piH'ket tlie bills were gone. I can't describe my feelings), for the simple' reason tlmt I hadn't any. 1 IVIt lii self tinned to stone, llolh in mind and liody I wot stuiellid. Wlien I had collected m.VM'ir a little I went out of the Uuik w ith the expressed intention of tlilMwing luysiif into the river. I knew not where 1 went or what I was doing, but I found tlmt I hud re. tinned to the oliicc. The broker w as out when I got buck. I was too muni) to U uilat'il, and no one not iriil there was anything the mut ter with nic as I put oil my ollicu coat and began poring tiver tlio set of bonks. It was not until I saw thu broker 1'ouiiiig Iu tlio dor that I U'gaii to fully realize my positiou. 1 inn my luind wildly thriiugh my hair iu a vuin atteinpt to calm mv'lf, nud then nlMcnt uiindedly put it In my jiocket. The tirst thing 1 felt was the roll of bills. I hud changed my coat mnl forgotten all about it. The broker chiihd mo for hot going to the bunk, but he never knew wiiy the money wasn't dcpusifcil until the next day." New York Evening Sun, ; i 1 . Calwr In llrem In Smxr York. Wlien we como to (ho question of color in dross, as it aicnri nlativcly to tlio decorative, tendencies of tlio New York street, wo must look for its mainspring, iu somo de;ivoe; to American social con ditions. American women, ns a rule, make more display of magnilleeneo in the street than tlio women of any other nation. : To them tho street -ineaim a show, a par.itle, in which they Jil.iy an importimt part. In allotting tho modern English awthetiri idea of color in drees, American women liavo applied it cxti'ii sively to street co;ttimii8. Tho rem of brilliant reds in stivet powrw und liats having, aprend throikrhmit Europe i;i now n:itiomi!i;tcd oa American toil, and adda cttouri'tihtrpa to life and tnniUtipo. Tlio nppi'onoliiu'; clutngo i:i tho cuauiiiiue of men i:i likely to r. suit in a freer use of color. Tlio E.r ;l : h num-cicnt anair-st tho inono'ony of mnlo bttiro in timling folloivem ia Uiii eountr, and ahvatly uuny men are lf:iniiiu;r to ipitiir iu put -iicr in.color.4 tht.t wm until tofleiitly fcjhooeil. Ttu Art Review. Waves exs-rt a force of one ton per square inch when they are only twenty feet high. At Cttssls. France, grnnlte bhK'ksof fifteen cubic met ers have been moved by. wave force. ' A VsSKK COMMON WANT. ' (ul f notta." "ttlmrait," lh blnaa." thtae are hinillhir ai"Miitin ler iitinaiitorlabh', mi tU'thitthlu M'imiU'aiH, nci'nniiMinled with lassi tude. nertoiisiH-a-, lmlltttail n. t'overt)' 't Ihe bhasl, 10 rtntwty hlrh an Benlv unuai'lilr writeiit!r tiseil U Ihe paramiinu ii'l. Is rn rlu.ivv evltti'iii't' that Ihe s Hlelli la tnauthi h'litly iurlh4 l'"'an ami toriinothereauwwhere orKsnlt' disease di nl exist Hie bast la unl asiluiUnlnl. Kellllorce Ilia tlnKltlns eiiiTsli-s l the tnni'u.'li, n l .tm an irregiitur iimalltim nt the Isiwi'ls, keep up a binllhliil .. i-n llon nt Ilie In it lth liiwti'iu-r's stuiuarh ltltu-ra. Fur over Uilrly eir this popular niedh'lue has supplied tin- en ii 1 m u u mil nf Die nrvoiia lnvallil, the dvsieplic ami ul perwius (KHi-leul In vltnlltr.all eAlt-htit tniilr. To Its power f luiairtltig strength Isnltrlbiitahte Itsetlu-aev as a prevent lv ul inatada and hi grippe. ThnfniiKliiy l (ei'ilve Is tt !' fur rheauiallsin, kidney cum plaint ami neuralitla , We always hats to sue a man " act the o " at tbe lime when weminwtvea are endeavoring to apprnpt lata ihe lion's sImot. ALWAYS AWK AS It ttHt, It la safe to take HmxtmrrM's 1'ii.ui sf any time, but to get the best restilui they should h tnken on an empty stomach be fore goihg to bed. For constipation or dys pepoia one or two taken every n'ghtwill in a short time perforin an absolute cur. Ii is well to take a purgative at least ones or twice a month an a preventive of disease. UhVndbktk' 1'il.ia are entirely vegetable, and ihe rul'est and most effective jiurgativa ever Uitro.lnrd ti the public. They have been used in this country for over fifty years.'1-"- j " 1 '' - The Anarrblst Is a man who eamuit staud other men's pnwperlty. , - i A cough, cold or o-e throat shutild not be negl'iitsd. " Uruwn'i Bronchial 'I'ruthet" are a simple remedv, and give immediate relief. tjuUt only in bmrn. .. . No well bred barber wilt eat an atqualntanee. Tint Qmmiv Hotisi, Portland, Or., is thr best 11 S day hotel on the 1'acitlo Coost. Try it. tjiiimby Kdwqrds, proprietors. Ose Kuanellns wove Polish; no dnat, no smell Tut Omnia for breakfast. Both tbe method and results whet 3yrup of Figs is taken; it ia jileasanl ind refreshing to the taste, and xU 'ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy em effectually, dispels colds, head dies and levers and cures habitu' onstipation permanently. ' For sale n 50c and $1 bottles by all druggista CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. 8AM WhHOIHOO. CtL. UHimiut, a-r. - ftv tORK, n.r. mm oTanT5ama oi Mam of Enrj ASTHMATIO l HamldHsM M 0 I niioen ta otsv rnnrn I , u w 1 iio 000000c Tult'sTiny Pills; OA stnelr diiae nrmlmics Ixinefirial re-A anlt,KivlnKleerfiilueMtiir hiIiiiIhihI OlMiorani'v f Ixiily U whleh yu were iM-ri'ire a airaniri-r. T.ta enjoy a pop- T ularlly iniimralloled. J'rloe, .1eta. 00 o oo 00000 WALL PAPER, 10 nta par double roll. Henri 2-cenl stamp lol samples. ' HOIIOKIKI.D A MOHOAtJ. - . 1 Third street, Portland, Of. i, P. . U. No. 4278. F. N. U. No. 504 IcesntlgNf lest ... ' .. ' ' ' ' . A ritttfinfi noit In the tarn, lieatlaohe, deal'neHs, yes weak $ obstruction of now, din charges fulling into tlnoat, some times pi'oftiHO, watery ami acrid, nt others, thick, tonauiouH, bloody and putrid J olToiiHivo breath Htncll ntnl tiwte impaired, and general deWlity. Not alt of. these syinptotim at once, rrobalily only a few of them. That's Catarrh. . A inodielne that by its mild, soothing, cleansing and: healing properties tins etired the most houi. less cases. One that will euro you, no matter how bad your ease -or of how long standing. A medicine that doesn't simply palliate for a time, but produces perfect ond per manent cures. ' ' That's . Sage's Catarrh Ilemodv. A cash payntcait of S00, not lj you, as you might exjieet, but to you, if you eun't bo cured. It's an offer that's mndo in giKid faith, to prove their medicine, by rosHmsiblo men, tlio proprietors of Dr. Sage's Jlemedv. That's the kind of medicine to try. Doesn't it seem so f SHiLoirs CONSUMPTION CURE. The mccess of this Crest Cough Cars it without a parallel In the history of medicine. Ml diuRnUu are authorized to sell It on a pos itive guarantee, atest that no other cure can sue. cetrhilly Hand. Thai it may becoaw known, the Proprietors, at an enormous exn, are placing a Sample Bolile Free into every heme m the United Stales nd Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Ilnswhitis, use it, lot it will curs yon. If your child ban D ( roup, or Whooping Couth, use it promptly, and rehel U sure. If you dread that iiisidiiais dicat Consumption, e It. Ask your Dr(!tti ( SI 1 11X)I I'S CURE, Trice locts., jo cu. and It .00. If your Lone are sore or Hack lame, use Shiloh's I'orsu Vlaslcr, I'rice 5 cts. '"German Syrup 99 . " We are six In fam A Farmer at ily. V'e live in a . plare where we ore Eaom, 1 exas, t0 vi0ient Saysi Colds and Lung Troubles. I bave ttscd Ccrmnn Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Pains in tbe Chest and I.ung3, and spitting-tip of Blood. I have tried many differ ent kinds of cough Syrups iu my time, but let me say to anyone want ing such a medicine German Syrup is the beat. That has been my ex perience. If you use it once, you will go back to it whenever yoa need it. It gives total relief and is a quick cure. My advice to every one suffering with Lung Troubles is Try it You will soon be con vinced. In all the families where your German Syrup is used we have no John trouble with the rarikn Lungs at all.. It is -the medicine for this jonea. , country. 0 C. C. CKEEX. Sole Mao'fr.Wootlbtiry.NJ. A BICYCLE FREE. Wtite forcataloetie and particulars, stale age. v FRED T. MERRILL, 1ST WashiiiKton St., rurllnntl, Or. YOUNO MEN! The Speciflo A No. I. ffnrva, wlthfmt ftill,all raws "f ai'Msmrt. barn itnd (ilres, no mniit'r if lii.w long sIiukIIiik. I'rrvents slrii-mre, II hclnirnti In liTiml r'-rapiy. ftirr-s whwn rvitryiliti'S elaa. Iiua failed. Holtt fiv ail liruaiilsts. JlanulMlurersi 'I ha A.Hiliiiciitii'll M1Mii rrlee. S3.0A. Co., Han Juar, IW. 1 71hrOla(haarlicnnr1Ma(M' Ilfalna reni'ly fur all ttu nnnatural dtwharasa aoi' lr(vatatllsftaiaiif uisn. A I curtain enra lr tlie dablli ' lainif areaanaas paculiai to womra. ; MrdMltsr Ipresnrlballanilfaelsafi itoaiUHtwnitcii. in r-ef)mmiiuiu n ai t.4.8TpNIR,MD,Dinruii,lu ail auiiwrara. bold hi Itrnaaleta. IKK aiu(M. All j.111. la pwlmus lr..., pii w,.p,, ft4VraJ5iffTa!T mmmm m? Mil Mtnnm mnm&M M UttrMtMsl HI m NKM lUNaVS. 1IH riaaMi'Cial , CHicHf mn s Bnsubh, Rcd Cross Diamond Baho A ?EUUR0lii Y WibS m 'i.1' owiomataaioaiiioiaif. r.a.iFn,rfc,l1f((,jll,-l,t V EVERYTHING TESTED Hend fix phfitn ol our trial arouuiU. are i aiiiiic uoast D.P1. Ferry's Seeds A. I. HOOT I Treat rraa 'r f I PIlKSnH X Sna rmiuitn An! Wfl Mil LhftM Portland, Of. vnwm. wnn tor UNLOAD YOUR LIVER. Hoore's Revealed Remedy iLSori's 1092 PLANT, TREE in hf mmi',,?' o. T.,f , "hi uHXV". """'" nriirniiit.'iii. Onti of Ihn n i " " . ii.-". '-im.sij If BBtaVH. iwarln. Mi.H...JrT .V "SI "rssmsinal Tri, Mm "Ir.'V' rlKMmmnA II nib.. Thoroiiabbrad 1. anil and War.r 8fMUE I- WILSON, iiurrit tvn. Kit ! fa, a ................ i.... . j '..-.:.'. iwll REACH TKe Worrverxs HrFWiTR Usual Arrow, Ard The Cupid, the ' little rascal, is up to all thctricks-lio knows fuH well that man is a vsel fish brute, and the road to his heart is through his appetite; thedelicate flavor of "Seal of North Carolina," next to love itself, adds .one: more; joy. to our existence. I'nrlii'i) In IStU'iit Chilh INuirluw and III Foil. Htm'k laklnn baa til' nod np MIm' KM Klim-a In no qnallltr, narrow whltlis, H. (', I1, It ml, that will be aohl alllUU t ulnao. Mailing, JH. t'hllilrvn'a stron OnatHhora wllh bla, bnt tiin, lfa, (I, ai HH. Matilnit, kc, H")s' or lilrta' strtnif evury ilav Ijii'O Hhroa 1th liitrls, .h1 to worn lilU, ill, 111).. Kit, at ;ov. Malllin(. Iih'. hll.lriti's RtillMra. bwt, A Ki HV,, at 2V. Mlssra' Ural nu. It u l, al iov; rvauiar KtililHirs, IjiiIIis', alt i, Iwal, lJt: ulhat Sfv.tto.i0i. JUsn a lloiia Hllppura, flat, Snar, flnwt, ?V, II.W , tl.'Jfi. Uitl.'n' Inv Mltftwrs, li.MI iiraila, J' In 7, Kami II IS). Hiii)r Yam, IIhIiI bine and sml bmwn, not the twt or Hio nre, at .v r hank, Vn iwr fHiuiiil. Ht etiliira ami 0.I1I rulura ul HUK-kltia; l am, Mr, wi-, 7tx, 10 rhm. W ill in In a k. .11 ynit can use yarns In varlmis nulijra Inr laiify a-urk, t hav thvui at ball urln. Our uwu so vtlnns. Hut lata tirtiittxt llsta will liilvroal you: aak 'irtlii'in. Kaniltr snilli-a ut all klinla. Iirnxl Krulia (mm i1 sr ui Im. t auiinl Frnlts trom an lair nan in .Hir pir ran. Many K00.U are towar. Ho art'lul of ymr iiilllurt. Mritalo Smith's Cash Store, 411 411 FRONT SIREtT, A FRANCIW0, CAL. cnA7i:n hvrc I llflb-h.ll njlkb mm m BcstinthsWorld! GREASE Sat the Genuine Sold Everywhere! J-yj iir.- A IAHT ILL Ilka WP011 rraia TriM"wft'nw. J mrr . ('frdriasv Kuv.i. Uaarffl.. tataaoat tmniJutlil (irmrr: asly arrlnaa. l warty IN'oataaTroN.) W. rrmtt frtupiT.' Sarprltlss LOW arttl arplt. rr.0ar. rr.risat.ratlMI hatik.aat.OalBM.Kal.or TnM.Orsru. kiMES-.ryAirirf. Mo la D 4. aaSSTTsa. ocaa.r Nt AltK IlltOtll7k . Im.lntm, alo.-taaaaaalMiMiOUiaHT. lOOOaansiLaauaar. 1 UK M M It; I'lM ftt-Y 1.4 MP Attn i'lUAH t.HlHT lllvi'-JHttr I Kilt Tt'Cll It MMI'MlM IU Mil IMMtf, Him mitlton n rtai'j' Ittd p t-nMi n n.n rtiMl nrlrv, (jjiiil, t)ir l I1. I.IHL A Khk 1 1 Kr iMtlix Wen !,(' Fair Jtnw Hit? imenfour mh; Ptjt KKf 1 "vet ahi'lV Wlltimit rfHim . Th I Hank liM-tc. r-fjlNiKrt tUintnU hihiI tn h-us itwlf wtiHii ttfiyrtltiiw tf t hnvfl Mikfli' XivrltlrM. MkMitlmi Hi In tmiw.L-g PIlllOS'-ORGAflS, winter i mm, 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. rr hox not. 1 In any busiriaaa nut I'aylnir yml ilnifi li ana buy an mi imvi'ii I'utaiuiiia uviibatnr. MORE MONEY ran hit mailt In rals lint t lih kana than In any otlmr bualnoas for thi onriltal hiTvst iil, A iHaiilllillly II histrali'tl t:atnhi:iirt ol liinilmtorn. Ilniud ersanil all kind 'if ChlrkoB Fining? ritEE Am'iits lor Mana's Bona Cnttvr, Macsa iiy. kiovnr .vuiuir, a ii it ivei vthliix n -quired by xitllry ralwra, CO., PATALUIA, CAL mALOHA INCUBATOR , ,.,. mMrtMtZ aTlral-u!r sml as airauut lur itMk mm -l! DEI SUPPLIES, a u..k. ZM fe, . u of all kinds. VlrnOl irrVU-ltl At TMafasvM i!iHHtfii0, ) THREE DOSES WiLL MAKE ) YOU FEEL BETTER. ' CATALOGUE. LIVE STOCK ANNUAL i'olorea.Plnir.., Ktill of u.i.tnl and instruoilvi M'ti'n.fien. Mrarrinine- ail hlada ol a linra urn's inli Crulta. bnlri powU, ItiglaloraJ MECHANiqiyiLLEfPA 1 . 1.1 1 I 1 1 I m 1 ' . N TUaPiS"aaaIBk. I I SO POOR m flflflil IT B-.tilaVaV 6; ' '''Vfi? -MVstl n '