THE OREGON MIST. SUBSCRIPTION, 11.60 PER YEAR. St. H sucks, Fsbroart IS, 1891 COLUMBIA COUNTY. In tl:!s issue of Th Mist will be found persons! write-up of number of tUe different busiuess houses and . institution of tbia aection of Colum bia couuly ; alo a synopsis of ths) various reaourcea of the entire county ai much aa our limited apace and means will admit of. As a residence county, it stand without a parallel in the fair State of Oregon. The toil is of superior quality and the natural drainage ia such that general farming and stock-raising are easily combined, to advantage. And the greater portion of the county u especially adapted to fruit raising and dairying, which at no distant day will be one of the chief pursuits of the producer. Already the demand for prunes, pear and applea are far in ex cess of the supply, within a few minutes ride of the Columbia river there are thousands of acres of un claimed land situated just in the foot hills and overlooking ft beautiful land- acape lying eastward to the Columbia river, the hills of Washington lending very beautiful shade to the , picture, and to complete this admira ble view the great Cascade range af fords a background that commands the praise and admiration of all be holders. The advantage of thus lo cating1 a home is certainly apparent to every lover of agricultural and hor ticultural pursuits. Our climate being tempered by the soft breeso of the Pa cific ocean, renders the care of all these industries ft comparatively easy mat ter. However, these opportunities, ere long, will be ft thing of the past, as the rapid growth and development of the entire Northwest is to-day at trading the attention of the worldnot only the burdened peasantry of Eu rope, but thousands of our American home-seekers are turning their atten tion Oregonward with ft view -to pro curing themselves ft home, while land is within easy reach and building ma terial cheap. There is yet in Columbia, county thousands of acres cf government land, mostly heavily timbered but invariably adjacent to some creek or river which furnishes water power or flume supply for transporting thj timber to market, thus enabling the settler to realize ready cash for his labor while clearing the land for agricultural pursuits. After the land is once cleared it will produce anything in the shape of grains and grasses; all kinds of ' fruits, except ft few varieties such as oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits which can only be grown "successfully in the tropical climates. Our chief products at the present time axe lumber and salmon, but as the lumber is taken from the land it opena up the country to agriculture, which ia being done very rapidly of late years, and as the lumber product decreases farming will increase in proportion; in fact Colum bia county furnishes inducements to all classes in pursuits to the immigra tion Which each one desires, and in this connection we invite inspection of our vast resources by Eastern people coming to the Pacific Northwest. BLA1NS NOT A CANDID ATS. Under date of February 7tb, James O. Blaine wrote to Chairman Clarkson, of the republican national committee, ' formally announcing that he is not candidate for the republican presi dential nomination. Following ia a full text of his letter: "I am not a candidate for the presi dency, and my name will not go be fore the republican national conven tion for nomination. I make this an nouncement in due season. To those who have tendered me their support I owe sincere thanks, and am most grateful for their confidence. They wuL I am sure, make an earnest el fort in the approaching contest, which is rendered especially important by reason of the industrial and financial policies of the government being at stake. The popular decision on these issues is of great moment, and will be of far-reaching consequence. , ': Republican Convention. The republican state central com ttittee met in Portland, February 3, and decided to bold the state conven tion in Portland April 0. Tbey recom mended that the primaries be held March-19, and couuty conventions March 26. The representation decided on was based on th vote for Binger Hermann in Jane, 1890, one delegate-at-large being allowed each county, and one for each 200 votes pr fraction over 100. This gives the following number of delegates to the convention by coun ties:,. v-7 Baker... ......61 Lane 11 Unn 10 Malheur 8 Marion .......14 Morrow 4 Multnomah. 43 Polk .... Benton .71 Clackamas ...10 Vlatsop ..... Columbia ... Coos ....... Crook. Currv PnBglas .... Gilliam..... Grant....... Harney Jackson..... 1 oaepbine . . Klarasth Lake... Total.... .....6 ....3 .....1 Sherman 8 Tillamook 4 .... ....6 Umatilla.., 9 Dnion 10 Wallowa 4 Wasco...... 0 Washington S ...A ....7 ....6 3lYamiuU 8 .233 This fives 117 votes to the first congressional district And 116 to (be second. Polk lacks one vote and Douglas sis of baring another dele ,iit9, as their vote was 1099 and 1594 respectively.- CLATSKANIB NBW1. Mrs. Ed. McClure spent a portion of lust week in the village visiting her sister ana otner mends. W. H. Conyers Ims decorated hi of fice door with some porcelain letters advertising lua business. They were quite skillfully put on by Beu Matliei son, and make a good sign. 0. W. Jones spent a few days in the Nolmleiii valley, and last week took a trip to Astoria as a witness for K. Springstead. The school board have succeeded In about completing the title to the ground for the new school build ing and have bad their deeds placed upon reuord. A great deal of time seemed to be spent in getting these deeds, but it is not known that the erection of the building ha been ma terially delated in consequence. Mrs. E. II. Lane, of the Summit was seen on our streets during the past week. Mrs. Wm. Barr also had the cournge to get to town ' on Saturday, despite the muddy roads. Rev. Coats and son, Clarence, came into town Monday morning in pedes trian attire pants in boot. They bad taken the overland route on fool last Saturday to Maygera, where the Rev, gentleman preached on Sabbath. returning as indicated. Clerk Bryant is still looking for 4- year-olda and over, to complete the school census. Your correspondent hearing some fine vocal music Friday afternoon, and looking for it's source, saw a number of girls assembled on the back porch of G. P. Hiatt's residence as guests of Him Madge. Tbey were singing over parts of the late Christmas cantata, in which they had taken a part, and decorating themselves with such drapery as the house seemed to afford. It waa surprising to hear bow much of the rouBio they remembered and bow correctly they sang it ; and it was equally as amusing to witness their attempts at dramatic representa tion. That they had a good time was evident from their uproaroua laughter, and their fun brought broad smiles to the passerby who witnessed it. Quite a supply of new goods has been landed at the different mercantile bouses during the past week, probably the introductory invoice of the coming spring styles. The town got quite a supply of smell last week of excellent quality. They were eaten with a relish and conxidered quite a luxury. Puffy faces aud running- notes, with a cough and general uncomfoitable ness indicates that the grippe is still with us. Cough cures are now at a premium. It seemed a little singular lust week to see Dr. Hall setting up the cigars, until it was announced that a boy had arrived at his --home last Thursday evening, when it was decided that cigars were in order. The Chief, of our village, paid it's respects to the Clatskanie correspond ent of The Mist in it's last issue. Any differences between us had piobably belter be settled at home, aud if we feel inclined to reply will do so iu that paper. It is not probable that the county at large will be interested in our local disagreements. The earthquake Shock last Wednes day evening a week ago gave us quite a shaking up, and it seems amusing now not then to think how, from each house, we ran to the street to see how it effected other people. Among the late visitors of grippe, Jim Vanvolkinberg is suffering most severely at present. He is dropsical and quite prostrated. He was ar ranging to go down the river for the summer, but will be compelled to take care of himself in the house for some time. '' .r - ' G. W. Badger has submitted to the school board an excellent plan for a two-story school house of four rooms to suit the requirements of our grow ing village. It may be seen at the drug store. j Miss Gertrude Badger is at the county seat this week to undergo the ordeal of a teacher's examination. Miss Ida Borarlb returned to Wood land, Washington, this week. Another meeting of the citizens of this school district is called for Feb ruary 17th. If the citizen of this school disrrict, No. 5, do not know how its affairs are conducted it is not A Perfect Baking Powder. The constantly growiug demand for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the standard cream tartar powder for forty years, is due to two causes. ' , FIRST: The extrcica cs-j-e exercised by the manu facturers to make it perfectly pure, uniform in quality, and of highest raising power. SECOND: The recent investigations exposing the fact that certain other brands of baking powder contain ammonia and still others that were found to contain alum. These unscrupulous manufacturers are being found out, and the consumers are giving them a wide birth, Nothing is left to chance in the manufacture of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Chemists are employed to test every ingredient as to purity and strength. Hence; its marvelous purity and uniformity. Each can is like every other. It never dissapotnts. BEST is ALWAYS the CHEAPEST. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques turned. . .... . '-r:.'.::v-': because they do not have opportuni ties enough to get together and com pare nous. At the " meeting now oaired tor, it is expected thut some of the flual wind work will be done p re- par a to ijr to actual bunineM. Theio is a good prospect now of gut ting funds enough by subscription to at least make a start on a two-story school building, and it is expected that immediate steps will be taken fur building. ' Stat Convention. A democrstio state convention will held in the city of Portland, Oregon, April 19, 1S92, at 10 v'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination to candidate for congress; ous su preme judge; one caudi lata in each judicial district for circuit judge and prosecuting attorney, to be voted for at the coming June election, and such oilier oiisiness a may properly come before said convention. The various counties are entitled to representation in said con veu tion as follows: Baker ...7 Linn ......16 Benton .SjMalhsur S Clackamas ...11 Mai km IS Clatsop. 8 Morrow 6 Columbia 3 Multuomah 42 Coo ... cHPolk ,..fl Crook ,,.7 glicrnian 8 Curry 2!Tillamook 3 Duuglaa. .....11 Umatilla 16 Gilliam .............4 Union 14 Grant 6 Wallowa ...4 Harney 4 Washington . ... Jackson 11 Wasco N.....t Josephine 6 Yamhill I KUtuath 3 Lake 3 Total .265 Lan 13 It is recommended, unless otherwise ordered by the local committees, that the primaries in the various counties be held on Saturday, the 9th day of April sad the county conventions on Thursday, April 14, 1S92. By order of the democratic state central committee. B. Goldsmith, A. Wowser, Chairman. Secretary. BIOGRAPHY. Mis Elnora Phillips, only daughte of Henry B. and S. R. Phillips, wa born February 13th, 1370, in Erlmg ton, Kentucky, and died of quick eon sumption Jauuary 3rd, 1692, in the town of Rainier, at the age of 15 years, IU nioulns, and 19 days. When about 3 year old she moved with her parent to the slate of Kan sas, where she remained about 3 years, wnen sne again movea im tier par ents to Oregon wheru she spent the remainder of her life. Nora was very nigniy esteemed by ail who knew her. r rum ner cnuunoou up etio was very studious and endeared herself to all of her teachers. The written testimony of her last teacher is that she cannot recall auything in her life that was wrong, and only wishes that her life might be as pure as Nora's wo. When spoken to about dancing, which is very common here in the far West, she would say that she had no desire for anything of the kind. When about 12 years old No's gave her heart to God in meetings held by the Sal vation Army, but uot being encouraged by ner parent and other associutes, as there werj no meetings in the neighborhood except once in a great while a very formal sermon. She be came rather indifferent outwardly, but always kept up her secret devotious. She read the Bible a great deal and marked many passages of scripture, and copied many of them in ber school books and other book. Although conscious to the last it seems that Nora did not expect to die so soon, and as no question were aaked bet she left no testimony in re gard to ber spiritual condition. This troubles her pareuts tome, but we hope it may be a warning to them to make tbeir peace calling and election sure, knowing that in such a time as they think not the Son of Man Cometh The writer preached a memorial sermon to an attentive audience ol sympathizing friends January 3 let, from John 6-39. "Search the scriptures, lor in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify in nie." John O. Crisp, Kelso, Wash. DEER ISLAND. For the past two week the weather ha been most pleasant, with bright sunny day and light frosty nights. This neighborhood is at present scoured wiih la grippe. Those con fined to tbeir rooms are Charlie En glish, Mrs. English, Elzy George snd wife, A F. McDonald and wife, Mrs Edwin Merrill, Mrs. Henry Bumgard- nerandHrs. Elisabeth Merrill; Mrs Merrill being the most serious oue owing to her age. Drs. A. W. and J. S. Moore, of Portlaud, are attend ing to them. Norman Merrill, of Clatskanie, came up on the Shaver Tuesday, and is visiting his mother and friends. K. H. Qirty road a flying trip to Clatskanie lost Monday. eager finyan waa thrown off a vioiou horse a few day ago and sus tained several bruises. C. U. Merrill returned from Port land last' Monday inuoli improved in neaun. PORTLAND MARKETS. Tkandar rh. II. raoDDcs, sboit, rro. WREAT-Vallev. SI 00: Walla Walla. i roiofi ii par cental. FLOUK-Siaudard. Sft: Walla Walla. II 80: irrahaiu , 4 ; superfine, J per barral. ir a i a new, per bushel. HAY lll3ier ton, M I LLSTU t'KjJMran, $19gV: shorts, $30dL'l : chop feed, 14(itl9 par ton, barley , JJ0 icrln:i, BU TTlCR Orecon fancy creamery. S78 40c: fancy dairy, 33c: fair toaooil, flWHi common, 15d'.&Hc; Kasltrn, ittt&Ufcc per pound. CitKESE-Oregon. 13($UKc: Eastarn. lie per uounn. EUO-82fl32Mcprdosn. POULTRY Clilokcn. S3 00 to SI BO; ducks. Si w to H 60; ( , til per dussa ; turk.-yv Mo per (Hjund. VEUET&HU&-Cabbat. nominal, ft test ouptrceniai;omons.tioi:Kl per cental. l-otatoss, x00e pr sack; tomatoes, 10 to uoc per oox. Fkum-Apples,7Sto$l 25 per bos. STAf LB OKOCISIKS. COF FEB Costa Rio. 21o! Rio. 20c: Salvador. 21c; Mocha, Soc; Java. 35c; Ar buckle's, 100-pound csms. 21&c par pounr. UGAR-Golden extra 0, 4o; rranutated, UKANrt-tinisll whites, SUc; pink. 3c; bayos. 4c; butter, 3c; tiuis. 4c pr K,iina. HON BY-17W to 18c rr pound. 8 ALT Liverpool, $14 50 to Its SO; stock 111 in 12 per tan In carload lots. SYRUP Eastern, in barrrls, 42 to 45c; oo vi iw: pr gaiion ; to Vi so per tec ; California, in barrels, 30o per gallon; II 75 per n. K1CB-I5 75 per cental. til hut Miazrr. BFKF-t Ivfe. JWc; dressed. 8 to Be. MUTTON Live, sheared SMc; dressed HOG!4-Live. 4H to 5c; dressed, to. V KAL4 to 9e br nouml. SMOKED MEATS AND LARD KaH ern nam. to ioc: oinrr varieties, Wife; iaru. cumpjunu, iuc; pore, IXM 10 13c; Oregon, 10X to 12Hc; breakfast bacon, Deservtac Frttlss. We desire to tav In an, ritln 41,.. I 7ryh":C new uie mi, nuckien arnica Baiv and Electric BUUr and hay. never handled iciumt. ,ufe mi, M ww, ur UU IISVC I MmuitH .v... .-m I, . . . given such universal satisfaction. We do ot hesitate to guarantee tbcm every lima. and we sland ready to refund the purchase price, if satbraciory results do not follow their ns. These rem edict liar won tbrlr great popularity purely on their merit For tale by Edwin Ross, drnggist BstcttUnU aratieat aalva. Th Best Salve ia the world for Cuts. Brutsss. gores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Coras sad all Skis Ernptions, and pcJ lively curat Piles, era paj required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded, Prioe Jo eenu per I box For Sals Bv Edwla Boss. Th precinct committeemen of The Peoples' Party of Columbia countv. State oi uregon, are nereoy requested to meet at viauaame, urrgou, February 16, 1892, For consultation in the matter of arrane. in; for the primaries and carrying on the .vr. in .me counvy. AiIcoromUtecroenareearnstlTmiiestcd Party are invited to attend. aw yicscMi . Bisu lneuUBUl UIB reuuwfl W. H. KYSER, Chairman. 1 Iskated French Um, WarrautedPUpnniTfVC"oraimr to cure m uiwwiimki refunded. I Is Sols ox a POSITIVE OUARANTEE to cure any form ofnorvoutt dli or tar duordtrof tb generative or- gaot oi ettuertex,. whether arl.ln. RFFCltir tiunl htitni.uni. Acrrrj Tobacco or Opium, or Uiroucb voumlul itnlli uon, over inauiicnce, die .tucbai LohoI Sralnk "f",1"' neanng aown ralDllDlh back, Heminal Wcaknctt, Hr.tciit, Ktrveae 1-roe-tratioa. Nocturnal EmlutAni. sineet, Weak Memory, Lon of Power aod Irapo teney.whtcblf Deflected often lead to eremetnr eld ire and Inunitv. Price I1.00 a box, boxes forfo.00. Sent br nail on receipt ol price- A Wl1 RTI is glvea for every K.00 order received, to refund the money 11 m .rui.n.u, r,rr. ,g not cnecteo. we nar thouaamlt of from old snd younc. of both kim, who her been permanently cirrM by tbeuteof Apbrodltine. Circular lr.a Address TH"? HHO MEDICINE CO. neaiaru urancu. Boat OT. Pobti t ar.. Oa. j For sals by EDWIN BOSS, Dioaaisr, St. Helens, Or. Application for Sale of Beat Property. In the Connty Court of Columbia County. otaie VI un;jt(Hi. In the matter of th estate of William H, Tattle, deceased. To Nellie . Enus, Zoe L. Tnttle, snd all heir known or unknown. It 4riring to me from tb petition of Jo iah Konkie. administrator of the estate of William H. Tuttlc, deceased, praying for an order of sale of the real estate lie longing te said estate, tn-esit : Lot num'ier two 12 i of section tw ntv-four 2A), in town.liip thr-e (31 north of range two (2) went of the Wlltsriieite ntcnoian. in uoionibia co intv. Oregon, cont lining thirteen and t iithiv- hon'lredths(13SO-iOO acre, nnnraiscd at SZ70 oo. ana now valued at Z70 W. That 3i tie and all it is necessary, experlt'-nt and lor Interests of the estate tnat said be mild. It is hereby ordered th; of kn of said deceased, the above-named Nellie F. Kma, Zoe L,. Tnlte and all others interesU'd in said ettale, be and ap pear lefoi"e (lie countv court on Wednes day the 9th day nf March, 162. at the boar of 10 o'clock A. M ., of ssid day, at the court room oi sma court, in Bt. Helens. Columbia county. Oregon, then and tbers to show csufe why an order should not be frrsnted for the sale of ssid real estate. And It is further ordered that a copy of this order be uDii-nea at ieat once a wees tor tour sue cexive week- in Th Osteon Mist, a ncwt- paner piiMteil a'ld nub lihed In ssid county. Htwa tins Z(tn oay oi jannarv. imfz. J 2fl9 D. J. BWiTZBR, County Judge. NOTICE. Vr son. Willism E. Bonner, having left home wit bout my consent, i win not be re sponsible lor any debts ne may contract. klita. HAKAH l. BOMNKR. BeappeoM, Or., Dec 19. 1801. 418-sm 140 FIRST STREET 140 UNDER THE OILMAN HOUSE. J.M. MOYER&CO. Are now prepsred to otter thslr Rsaownsd All-Wool Hoods at a Great Reduction from toriusr prices. In connection with our All Wrol Clothing from tlis Foreign kills all lb Latest De.lgus. Rsllabl, Aioany woolen Mills we nv ssvurvu Let No. tOOO. Dark Oray Tweed Hnlu... Striped Wanted Bulls Striped Cheviot Suits Sootiik Chevlet Hit I it . Bn.wn fluid Hulu M, Mottled Cheviot suits At $ 8 60 uranneci suit.. Fno Chevlet Hulu Bruata Tweed Sulia......,...,..- Re. SOIO. frown Cheylot Sulfa... . I'laid Ca-mhueie Suits fancy ('aaaiutere Sulla Rrovtn Tweed Sulta Fence Herrlne hone Suits-... At 10 00 Veieur Kaied Hulu... Urv Tweed Suit. ., Vmt H. 800. Brawn Cheek Snlta Cheek Camimere heavy Suits attitwi t'annmete heavy tuna Uray Cheviot, heavy, Sulla..., At 12 00 Hruwn Cheviot, heavy Suits.., Heavy ante iweeusuue- Hlaos sud Whit Mixed Cae- . sliaere Suite .......,. !, N. aoso. Brown Rlrlped Wonted Suits macs I'lesonai suita ...HH Blaok Corkscrew Bull. ....... Heavy Blue Melton Suits Fancy Wide Wals Wonted Aa Heavy i;ner vauumere sunt a a 13 60 salts Brown Flalri Worsted Butts. Hark Brewa Cheviot Suits... L.WI S040. Fancy Check Ct.-lraere snlts Striped Cawimere heavy eults Dark Uray Cheviot nulla Drab Tweed velout Balsa suits Fancy Caw I mere lulta. r.iu,r Wfthlnrf mi, It. At 14 60 811k Mixed Cavtmere .nlta.... Dwiet cnecs caulmsr eults Hrowa Tweed aulla Ls .. aoso. Natural Gray Castlmer, so dye suits Brows Cheviot Scotch aMils.. Dark Brown Tweed tulle Dark Qray Tweed, 21-euncs oode, suits. , ... Drk Blue K'iareeui.aulta. At 15 00 Black Wonted suits Tan Tweed, Sl-ouue foods. tuns XXX Mol Tweed tulu. J. M. MO YER & CO., Successors to Brownsville Woolen Mills, 140 FIRST STREET, CORNER ALDER, PORTLAND. STRICTLY ONB PRIOH. NO DEVIATION. All 0ur5eeds AreTestcd f j, f. i - , T.M TL - L i UUf (bJAlOXU? 1611510? I?5l t v j - F.LPosson CASH (fife 5 Son. W. J; KU3UCKLE CO. General "Merchandise, CTOCkCry, I LtlaSSWarC, Queens ware. LUMBER SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER - THE RETAIL MERCHANT is the necessary Medium of Trade between the Manufacturer and the Consumer. He must protect the interest of his customers by purchasing io the lowest and and best markets, and by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Possible Prices. PROPRIETOR OF THE In keeping these true principles of trade always in view j often leaves theold track and strikes "across lots" for Bargains for his customers. His stock of OSGeneral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It Is not convenient to mm th many different article kept on sale, aside from Dry Qmids, Clothing. Ladies' Wear Oentleraen's Wear, Head Wear, root Wear, Flour and Feed, Groceries snd dsn ned Goods, Ksils snd Hardware, Crockery and Glemwars. Oranit and llnwsre. Powder snd Shot, Hate and Caps, boot and Shoes, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc. UNCLE THE PORTLAND JEWELER. IMPORTER AND DEALER VH Watches, Jewelerv, Fine Watch and Order8 from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street Between Korrisca Ycsihlll, Portland, Or. W warrant all onr good a lluutst and . n. toee. Blaek Wide Wsls Suits....,.,,, Illue Wide Wale Hulls. Brown Melton Suits Fancy Check Cheviot nlta... Dark dray Wonled suits....... At $10 00 meek corsurew mil black Diasoual uiu,.. . I,el Ne, SOTO. Dark Brown Tweed suits , Heavy Hlae Piccadilly suite... Stripe Fauey Worsted suits... aatra Heavy Da eimere .ufta..... At 17 50 Plaid Worsted, heal patera eults Broken Plaid Wonted culls.. Silk Mixed Wonted suits. Lot Nw. tOSO. Btaek Wide Wals suits....... Fatter wuiuaord euite... Fins Drab Ksney sulta, Fine women Herse.. ........ Dark One Wonted tilt. Heavy Blue Beaver suit... At 18 00 Silk Mixed Cawiners suite... Feaoy Field Wonted salts... Small Cheek Wonted suits,. plain Brown M.ltoo suite Extra Uesvy XX Csaeloitrs suits.,... L)S Net. SO0O. Dark Qray velour In j. Ceael- mere eults Fine Blaek Wonted (Rocks) suite..... Black Cheviot OOO suits.... Dark Brown Mellon suits..... Dark Fancy Wonted suit. Feucv Rattle Snake lull. At 20 00 Xeilleh llerrlns Bone lulls... Meat Dark Checked Wonted suits. , , , Fancy Plaid Wonted ult ... Straight Stripe Wonted suits, Kxua QuslltyCorkeenw suits . . aioo. XXXX velour Black Chsvlot suits Rxtra Heavy Wide Wl. tilts Fancy Striped Wonted Mil, Bound Wide Wsle. extra.... Heavy Whip Cord suite .... Black Plaid Worsted, bqusr cut, suits Herring Bone Strips Wor.Ud if suite Drab Ksrtey lulti. Slate Kr,y suits ..,., Seal Brow tutu Blue Thibet, WslepaUratnlU Batkst Wonted tulu. .... Heavy Diagonal suits Dark Cray Worsted tull. 22 60 , 'iZ' a Portland. On. STOEE! I Boots, Shoes, I as a 10168 DreSS UOOQS. Furnishing Goods, - - OREGON. OLD ST. HELENS STORE, MYEES, S irvm me inut urcimutii. wwn ,ua VnurUt rrjA flfc . f ss U onds. Clocks, and Optical Goods. Jewelrv IieDairinrr. Portland Seed Co, IF. W, MILLBR, Effr.j -Mtuii ns. SEEDS, TREES. Fertilizers, Beo Snppllcs, Sprajing ApparitM ni Material, Ponltrj Supplies, t&, Eic. 171 Becond St. Portland, Ors(, 8nl for Catalogu. novS0-lM THI ITSAMISi IRAIdBA X now staking regular roM Mip frsrn ' OAK POINT TO POHTUX. Daily Except Wednesdays. Lsavtss OAI POINT " 8TKI.U KAINlEk..,, " KALAM A M 8T. HELEN! AaaivmslOKTUND. RETURNING tsavss PORTIAKD. AaaivsSTKLLA ..: A. ,. : ,.1M MX ..IMt. M. ...1M - W. E. NEWSOM. A. H. BLAEESLT,. Proprltor oJ Oriental : Hotel. bt. niir.vB, ORataoir. Th bons ha been fatly rWvibas4 throughvat and th bast of seeo ea rn odttiuas will b gives, CHARGES BBASONUBtaS. RTA0B ran to coanecUoa wkh the hotel connecting with tb K svth. ern Pstuda htllroad at MUtoa. lag for Tacotaa Irslns 10 p. m. for Nr0aa4 train at S p. m. THE MODEL SALOON. J. & CX0M5GEB, Prr. 1ST. IIELE58, OKIOOW. Chofcs Wines. Liouors and Cigars. BeerSCu. Billard and Pool ?abl for On Jfoeornmodatian ot f&vu CALL AROUND. Do YojrDfink? OF COURSE YOU DO. SUCH BBIHO Tint CASK. U boaMrew ya to Snd the most daalrabl seaee purchase vour ' Invigorate." "THE BANQUET." Kp eonstsnUy en band the fan mm Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tbe finest tin of Win IJqaer aa4 , Cigar In b found thtasids ef rarV land. And If yon wish s engsg la a gams of POOL OR BILLIARDS. They csn assure yon that they kavs tax) Best isbi in town. Everything new aaai I neat, and rear pstronsis is reepeesrad solicited. . , "THE BANQUET Bt, Hslcns. Oregon. ctitnsrTMrt vvumm. An old shvslclsn. retired from Prrtiee. having bad placed in bis hands by an Baa India niisslonsry , tb formula of a tlmple vegetable remedy for th apsedy aad per manent cure ol consumption. bronehilU. catarrh, asthma and all turaat and long af fections, also a positive and rarical core (or nervous debility and all nervous ana, plaints, alter bavins tested Its wondwfwl curative power In thousand ef ease, ba felt it bis duty to mak It known to hi suf fering fellows. Aetuatsd by tbi motive and a desire to relieve human uffring. 1 will ssnd frsa of charge, to all whadevlr It, thl recto. In 0rman. French or Knillsb. with full directions for nrenanne and nsina. Ssnt by mail by addressing with stamp. naming mis paper. w. A. nevaa, hai rowers- diock, Koonstter, n. i . Asscytk S CWVHiOHTtt, MrJlttlf Mt Sanaa far eeevrtn patenle bt Ammia, trf patent iSm out bf nt Is browifct Wijrw pabUe tt a rnoUoe atveb ires of skate s & I-acrett etmelaUns of t world, ftptendldlr Maa should be ir inuei X nontlu. . am wit ntnews lw 1J si in rpsusaaas, SH Iruadwar, DEAFNEQO. ITS CAUSES AND OURS, Sctentlfloally trssted by sn aarlst ef werUt. wld reputation. Ceainets sradloated and sntlrsly cured . of from SO to SOyssrs' stand Ing, after all other treatment have ailed. Mow th difficult is reached and the I removed fullv explained In airanlaia. with affidavit and testimonial of (are freest prominent people, mailed free. aV S0drasfc!fMj ew Is. DR. JL. rqXTAJMK, Taooete, We. M.