The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 29, 1892, Image 3

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United Ktutri iDd Coiuljr Official Paper.
Ht, Mblknn, January 2tt, 1091
E' 0-
Wantbd My threo young luilles,
imrlnari lor Om leap year tmity thl
(t'ltiluy) evening. Mot sign your
mime Id full mid address box No. 81),
Ht. 11 Ian.
t A full f rubber goods at N. A.
Perry', Houlton,
Mr. Enoch of Castle Rock,
Wasli.,ves in town on Tuesday last.
Mr. George Lamnnt In quilt tick,
atippMod to be tyi'iioiu rover.
The lateit novcU and otlior choice
reading matter at the drug store.
M. 8. Dippold and Henry roller
made proof on their respective claims
lefoie tho counly clurk last Tuesday.
Clothing, Hrt clan and bet quality
at l'erry'a. lluiilton.
Mr. Kmtebrook, of Furtlnnd, ii at
present engaged in the county clerk's
oince at won ou me tag roil.
Bily your drugt at regular drug
tore. JKidwiu itoss neaps in belt.
In about two weeki Tns Mist will
jnililirh a general write-up of tho
county and the leading business
houses therein.
Merit, A. II. Powell, of Pittsburg
, and Soon Campbell of Vernnnla, were
callers at thii olilce laat Friday.
Mrs. T. C. Watte loft Monday night
for Alton, where ihe had been aum
inoui d on account of the serious ill
uess cf her father, Mr. llilcry.
Methodietnppointntentt- First Sun
day, Maygers; second and fourtli Bun
Uyi, Clatskanie ana Steward creek
third Sunday, St. Helen.
II. C. Coats, Pitor.
All ii not cold that glitters, but all i
sold tlut klitterilii W. J. Muckle
Co. 'a show esse of jewelry. Cull and see
the latest styles and be convinced.
County Clerk Quick is again able to
attend o the duties of his office, a!
though be is compelled to use bi
crutches on account of a fractured
knee which he hurt several months
go- '...'"
Mr. F. I Clear, who for several
months bis teen superintendent
tif repairs on the Postal Telegraph
Company's lines to Oregon and Wash
iugUm, returned to St. Helens lull
week Where be reiumea his former
Miition as operator.
Supeiintendant Watts has sent out
In all district clerks the necessary
bUnka for annual school meeting. It
is a matter of much importance that
the clerks eel out their renorU ou
(iOT IT M THeNbcb. Last Wednes
day evening a genteel looking fellow
drooped into W.J. Muckle A Co.' store
lid after looking about a few moments
expiMscd a desire to purchase a col
lar button. Upon examining their fine
siock of jewelry he selected what he
wanted, i laced it on "the back of his
neck"and departed. Dully boy.
- For reason whfrh we are not able
to Give lust week's package of Till
Mint did not roach Clatskame. The
axr, aa uanul, was mailed at St. Hel
ens on Friday morning and should
have reached iw readers at Clatskanie
the same evening. We are sorry to
liave these things occur, but the mail
in this county, especially by the river
aervice.'ii very uncertain.
We wih to impress upon the minds
of the fair sex that this is leap . year.
The opportunity is at hand ; make the
liestof it; if you fail, try again. Lead
the blushing young gentleman (or old
Whelor) to the alter and rejoice in
the fact that you will thus have estab
lished a presumtive right to do the
leading so long as the divinely sancti
fied alliance may continue.
Many years practice have given C
A. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patents,
at Washington. D. 0., unsurpassed
success in ohtaining patents for all
classes of inventions. They make a
specialty of rejected oases, and have
secured allowance of many patents
that had been previously rejected,
Their advertisement In another col
umn, will be of interest to inventors
tiatenteee, manufacturers, and all who
have to do witu paten is.
Ihe Unions Taylor lawsuit vt,l,.h
hits occupied the attention of the
diitriot court in Portland fur several
days has been decided In favor of the
defendants. The pronertv iuvulvad
comprises seven acres of land in Eait
j-ortiaiid.aiia isiald to be worth all
tne way rrom iw.wo to 160,000.
i aa ex
riug wh an enure siieem. A nn.t
I D I SIHOVILh . ftlfn. Ii. 1 .11 n
commence with thi ., i...i 'j 1,'Jirr j mipper
to Ihe heir, of T II CK. .1 ti. j.i Ran.
de.n,. .n.i . ,' nrr'v ": r:" 't nous
h,?'lLlbn8nh,bH,ld umK Lholdin M o( th J"111" o oar roadi
life It aso on the orooerlv. About three ha "ur
years aim tha h.iV. k...:i.. a .. " T.T 17 ,." . . .'. ""' ouggy
ii i i ...... "iu nu wnu nu wnn mi two yuxs tesin over the nlinlt
U.elrf.,,n, rods. He doe. ucUl.lo, to Z
A. B. KnilAI1 mil nllin.. I. I . I. I. . . t
"u. mr... . " i .', wamner, doi we muttcontes he is
i? , Kjwrvniy ms me interest, ptrt with ths goad-stick,
.nuuin vuiiiuienccu sun m re
cover the nrODertv. cUimlnir that Mr.
Taylor butoro and up to the time ol
nor Uiialb was onlv hn d no-, tliln in
trust fur him. In this rune tho
uuemua in raver of th loinnHani.
Then the heirs brought suit .in the
state nirouit court for Multnomah
county to recover their interest in
tne estate. 1 no case hua hn nn
trial fur some lime and niii
Tuesday last, and was finally decided
agitimt the liefn. After this decision
or wei censront v fnmlahjul k. u.
0. Wllion, and laid by the cl tons." ThTr's
..-v .,, waattae marer cltlisns will It Is very fine here evsrhead tast now
w vasimiig certain, tbsy are tired of but very few of us ars willing to travel In
tbs fins large mod hole that direction. Ws will still stay with the
me asocial Van Btshman's Batnrdiv mud nnderonr ft althnnrh Dun !
I Qoass So.'
W. 0. Xing, our road supervisor, baa a
crew of men now at work planking tbs
county road from ths line between Sub-
man and Dowlln to tbs old Braut place.
Succeis to Will and hit crsw.
B. W. towmau is contenmlatlnc startlnv
hli mill at Its full capacity by lbs first el
March. He U not to be excelled In outline
inmper, Dotii in quality and qoanllty.
from tbs appearance of tblnn J. H.
Headley Ii again putting In his appearance
Was rendered a comormniaa m mail lh reildence of J, 0. Kllby.
in which Mr. Tsv or sold the dfnd.
anis HIS Ille nterest in the nrnn.rlv
for fflOOO. Thus endeth a very hotly
vuniesiea lawsuit.
There was a dance at Mr. Freeman's
at Marshland Monday night. We
learn of this through the steward of
the steamer Shaver, who was attend.
ing the reception ball of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Conyers and got left, as the
steamer was compelled to lesve Clats-
kame on the tide before the steward
had time to bid his beet girl good-nichl.
consequently tne chief of the culinery
dopartment had to seoure a row-boat
and chase the steamer into deep water
before be could capture her. In so
doing be passed Mr. Freeman's and lot
snd behold there, too, was merry mak
ing, ask too steward about it.
J oere wai a loclal ball given at th
Apiary hall on Saturday evening. The
proprietors wers thepoitmaiUrond deputy
at Apiary. The muile was furnUhed by C,
A. UIrt and Harry Randies. lhair
sweet and melodious itrilns of musle was
almost equal to that of Ole Boll and Dan
Tucker's violin and Unjo playing. Dancing
was extended until a ute hour, in which all
enjoyed tbimielves to their full capacity.
waltsei, hornpipes, Jlgi and reels put life
and metal on their heeli. Booty,
Farmers A Merchants Insurance Com
pany, of Alhanv, Or., was a visitor in
St. Helens Wedneidav last. Mr. Bueil
nforms us that the insurance busineis
with bis company is in a thrifty con-
numn, and that the amount dnna in
Columbia county compares favorably
wun tne other parts ol tne stale.
instead ol as stated in the court
proceedings that the Dolline dace in
Beaver Falls precinct was to be at the
residence of Dr. J. W. M serve, it is at
weaver falls school bouse nesr Dr.
Mesei ve's residence. Voters will
please lake notice of this change.
The revival meetings closed on Sun
aaymgni last alter a series ol one
movement being made to plsnk the county
road leading in ths interior. There is
ready considerable plank laid. Let the
good work go on.
Mr. Henderson Ii having an ornamental
picket fence put around his bouse and lot
In this ptace.
Some new machinery was landed at this
wbarf lately for ths mill of Chancy Wilson,
who will bsve bis mill second to none to
the valley.
D. J. Bwiteer was in town ssrly this wesk
on insnrance business. If there is any
business to be dons the Judge will rastls
Mr. Metcalfe, of the Portland World, was
doing this place very effectually last week
ia the interest of bis paper. He seems to
be a live man and awake to the needs
the country.
Mr. Smith and sons have bnllt an addi
tion to tbelr saw mill in tbs shape of a dry
Ing bonne for their lumber.
Mr. Blsnchard started biimill a few days
The large sash and door factory at this
place is expected to Minnie business soon,
We hope it is not a false report.
Mr. J. J. Weatberwaz will open op his
llns of basiness in s short time.
Mr. Dippold hss returned from Virginia
where he has been on a business trip.
Mr. W. J. Drill baa his lumber on the
ground for the construction of bis new
wharf and buildings, and will begin work
next week.
The business outlook for this place does
not seem so bad after all. regardless of the
stereotyped phrase ot "nera tunes."
Msssrs. Mnckls Co. are making some
improvements on their wbarf.
Mrs. W.J. Deiti visited her parents this
Smith Klstnercothissnkle auite severely
isst wees.
Mr. Thompson, the filer in the shlntJe
mill, wss taken to Portland Monday
111 with quins ey sod la grippe.
The scarlet fever scare has abated here
and school will, no doubt, open soon.
Tbe erand ball to come off on the 19tb
of February is expected to be the event of
tbe season , and is looked forward to with
eagerness by tbe young people.
A eao sociable was held at the residence
of Mrs. Graham and was a great success
A rivalry In ths meet business here en
ables us all to eat beef steak.
GObrath and Bkeen are milking extenaive
preparations to open up their logging eamp
m the spring which will give employment
to several men.
On Monday evening a complimentary
social dance wascjven at Conyers' hall, In
honor of ths bride and groom, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Conyers.
Ed. McClure and wile entertained some
of their friends at tbelr residence on the
Mr. W. Bnoll, State adjuster of the James Barr farm Saturday evening.
Rev. Baker, of tbe United Bretbern
church, closed a two-weeks series of meet
ings here on Sabbsth svening.
A lot of new lumber has been placed In
the Central Hotel, presumsbly for internal
Miss Cora Bryant spent last week in the
Ncbalem valley,
Ths school clerk is now engaged in taking
tbe school census of title district.
Tas Mist and Oregonlan fulled to reach
tbtlr readers here last week, and there ia
much grumbling In consequence.
Our citizens were Informed by The Chief
last week that a boy from this vicinity had
been sent to the reform school at Sclera,
Tbe news was a surprise, as was also the
. . . I ... .M. Willi Vt . T IUUUI
week. The final sermon, was preached I .,.. Mt w- n
- I eviasas aaaa bhww wuvsi ssu vvsbw VVWia VU.
hy Itev. Bauman, of the Congrega- tni behaved in such a that as a
lional church of IUmier. i... .., tho,. in eh.ri ..r. iy
Don't forget the kso year parly this to P,aCa lllm tb reform school." It
(Friday) eveuing. No lady is .up- seems a Utile singular that, although ths (fre. to ,n1 tel)B wbere M(i kow the
I'uwu w DO present Wltnout a partner. . ticious namre was ht mtAm r irmn.
a goua tune is assured all Who attend. wn w so iew persons, oo iew, in ran,
that to get a commitment at a Justice a
court ths whole proceedings were kept
secret and only J ost enough evidence wss
brought before the Justice to secure the
Decenary paper. Tbe public was kept In
ignorance of what was going on, tbe
nesses kept mum, and ths boy being noth
ing but sn orpbsn boy, got no chines to
The gearing of the foe: bell on War
riors Rock is disabled, consequently
there is no ringing at that point for
the present.
The dramatic club ia now in work
ing order and a production is expected
aoout ino middle ol February.
Judge Switcer returned Wednesday ,n,''in "ld jD h,!f def6D"' bu
.... I he AATstniilmafil lA ika . MfAem auhnl
from a visit in the lower end of
county and alonx the river front.
The Harvest Queen ran on tbe reef
near the Warrior Knck light house
while on her way up last Saturday
morning about 8 o'clock. Tbe fog
was so dense thst it was impossible to
s.e the light, and tho steamer ran
iio-i-d aground. About 6 o'clock tho
steamer City of Astoria came along
and the Queen signaled her and
placed her cargo of passengers and
frioght on board, which were taken on
to Portland. At high tide about noon
Haturday the Queen backed off and
steamed on up to Portiand unhurt.
There has been more wheat passed
St. Helena the past week ocean ward
than in any former week since the
ah ip ping season begin; but the-e is
fully aa many vessels coming in as go
ing out. Every possible effort seems
to have been made to handle the im
mense orop of wheat of the inland em
pire. Tbe lightering is done by steam
boats, barges and crafts of all snipes
and sizes, anything to break the com
mercial blockade which tended to
cause the late depression in business
in this state.
St. Helens has been victimised by
newspaper prospectors lately. One
of them, II. 0. Taylor, who goes from
place to place doing special work for
the different papers walked into Thb
Mist office on Thursday of last week
and offered his services, which, as the
prospective employee looked rather
intelligent, set him to work soliciting.
The next day Taylor made a very
good showing, but Saturday night
came beforf bis labors were finished
and well I need not tell the rest,
only in the spree that followed he
"blew in" the bosses money slong with
his own and WBlked out of town. The
other fellow who claims to be repre
senting a Portland paper is here yet
and continues to imbibe all that hie
hide will hold so long as someone
elsels williug topay forit.
Ten or twelve men with ssws and axes
met at the school house early Monday
morning and spent the time till noon cut
ting wood for tbe school, Sunday school,
O. Q. T. lodge and other meetings.
Fin Ruiter spent last week in Portland
on business connected with his store.
Mr. Cemoii, accompanied by John
Quigley, has gone down tbe Columbia in
,ean h of a suitable place In which to ettab-
liib a logging camp.
Mr. Peterson, who has been in ths Insane
ylum for some months, has been pro
nounced oured by tbe physicians, and will
return home this week.
Our Good Templars hold meetings every
Saturday night. The debates and semi'
monthly paper have made the meetings
y ry interesting of late. Ouroew "worthy"
is a little forgetful but his duties will come
easier through practice. We cannot attend
very regularly but aim to drop in once in a
while to obtain the pass-word.
Tho farmers alliance seems to be prosper
Ing. Tbelr meetings are held once In two
weeks, and we bear they hsve some new
applications for membership most every
Arthur Quigley has qnit work for Fish
and Juhnson where he has been driving one
of the teams for several months, and will
move on his horoest-ad this week. A dance
in bis honor will take place Monday night
at ths residence of O. W. Barnes.
Another big charivari in this valley ; this
time at Mr. 0. Parelin's. We don't know
whether it was given for the benefit of the
family or the school teacher, Mr. Young,
who Is boarding there. Perhaps both as
there was a much larger crowd than usual
(forty five.) The evening waa ipent, ai
usual, singing, playing, eta, until! near 12
o'clock, wben some one announced a leap
year change by having the ladles cbose
par'nera for supper. The kitchen was ths
only room in the bouse large enough for
such a congregation. Two extension tables
gave room for eighteen to be seated at one
time. Q. W. Barnei and lady were given a
place at the head of the table and by a
mere chance ' Num-Skull" received his
favorite olaoe near tbe center. Mr. White
had the honor of first place at the second
table but could eat but a few bites ou ac
count of rheumatism in one font
The very finest of weather this week.
U. F. Dosn, of Apiary, has Just returned
from Pennsylvania, after a long visit of
several months, Charlie looks well, and
says he feels well. He ssvs there is some
thing about Pennaylvania that attracts bis
attention. Ws do not see why in tbe name
of "gee whlllaker" he did not fetch her out
with htm.
Lewis Butts Intends improving ths facial
expression of his cosy farm. He, of late,
purshaied a large bill ol lumber mat ne in
tends to uss In decorating his clesred land
with a fins fence. That is business Lew.
Money spent for lumber is well invested.
Charlie Buck has, of late, been making
some tins improvements upon his claim.
He says he is going to quit all of his
"monkey business." His old time "pard"
hss Just returned. Success, Charlie.
The people ot Beaver valley invite speeisl
attention to their new plank road. The
by commitment, to ths reform school
compelled to bear a stigma that will attach
to him the remainder of his life. Tbe one
way of comfort that the boy's friends if
he has any -may derive from the commit
ment is found in tbe reputation the insti
tu'ion has for kind and humane treatment
Mr. Holden, of Saueies Island, was down
last week on a vlnit to bis old friends, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M.Ticheuor.
Miss Ida Bosartb, of Woodland, was
passenger on the Shaver last Wednesday
and upon arriving bere took a sled ride up
ths creek to visit her sister, Mrs. Norman
Merrill. She was accompanied by ber
niece, Miss Leota Merrill. It may be re
membered that sledding is good bere now,
that is, a sled is good to use when the roads
get too bad for a wagon, as tbe sled does
not sink so far in tbe mud. A tenderfoot
might call the county road up tbe Clats
kanie impassable for teams, but native
dnds nothing in the way of roads impassa
ble as long as he can possibly gat through,
so plods his wsy slong looking as though
he was glad His no worse.
Alex McDonsld. another friend of tbs
Merrills, rode down from Deer Island on
8atuiday, having heard of Mr. Merrill's
illness. He wss gratified to find the suf
ferer much improved, and so returned
W. E. Conyers returned from Portland
snd tbe county seat on Friday evening,
snd next day Jimmy wss hauling furniture
up to the new house thnt hue been await
ing an occupant for some time. As it went
by from tbe were room of tbe steamer, tbe
remark was made, "there s tbs furniture,
It is coming off now sure;" and tbe predic
tion was verified the next day when Will
promised to protect, defend and cherish
Miis Hattie Quigley as his lawful wife.
Will's fellow members of the brass bsnd
called towards night and tendered tbelr
compliments in a serenade, sending to the
breeses tbe strains ot the sacred melody,
"A Horns over There," whioh was appro
priate no doubt, but did not just at that
time Interest the newly married couple
nesrly as much as the home tbey are fitting
nn over bere. Will's many friends unite
in wishing bim a happy career and success
ful matrimonial voyage; while they wish,
too, that be rosy realise tbe truthfulness
of what he was thought tn have long
believed, that "it is not good for man
to be alone."
Mrs. Phil. Stout lefton Wednesday night
for her home at Sea View, after spending
about three weeks with her parents and
sister. Miss Jennie Myers accompanied
her for a visit at the coast.
W. H. Conyers visited Portland and the
state capital last week.
Tbe "Chief" got out an extra last week
to give us ths latest intelligence from As
toria. In tbe subsequent regular Issue It
is claimed the extra was a Joke. It helped
ns amasingly to be told that news about
tbe extra, for we supposed we were ex
pected to believe ths news it contained.
Frank Merrill and wife are book from a
week's visit at Mist.
After the band gave the newly married
couple tbe serenade mentioned above, the
general publlo got ready to give an assort
ment of vocal and instrumental rousio,
but were stopped by the announcement
of generous provision having been made
tor their wants down town, and dispersed
to investigate. -
Blank note and receipt books at this
office for tale cheap.
.How to Tell Good Seeda.
The first and most important point is to
find out where they were grown. The
writer, who is probably better able to judge
In this matter, by reason of long years of
practical experience, feels sure there are
no better seeds offered sny where than tho;e
sold by Posson's Seed Store, Portland, Or.
Their "Culture of all kinda of Vegetables"
is Invaluable to the gardener and farmer
B. F. Pope, of Honlton, Oregon.
Writes the Oregonlan
How He Waa Cored of Bright'a
Disease by Electricity.
(Oregonian Jan. 25, 1892.)
Editor Oregonian, Sir: Please
insert this card in your widely
circulated paper, as I wish all to know
bow I was cured. Five years ago I
was taken down with diabetis, bright's
disease and catarrh of the bladder,
and other complications. The first of
last November I consulted Dr. Darrin
and was treated with electricity and
home medical treatment, and am now
glad to say I am perfectly cured
and can do aa hard a day's work as
ever in my life and never feel worried.
Dr. Damn has tbs praise for my be
ing eared. Refer yonr readers to me
at Honlton, Or. B. F. POPE.
Owing to the "herd times," Dr. Dar
rin will in future giveElectric treatment
for $5 a week, or in that proportion, as
cases may require. Tne poor tree
daily from 10 to II A. M. J those able
to pay, 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. Evenings,
7 to 8 ; Sundays 10 to 11 All curable,
chronic, acute, private and wasting
diseases, including stricture, hydrocele
and varocele, treated successfully and
cures guaranteed and never published.
The doctor also cures deafneu, ca
tarrh, bronchitis, la grippe, consump
tion, heart dyspepsia, liver and kidney
diseases at his offices, 70g Washington
street, Portland. All surgical opertions
skilfully performed. Consultation
strictly confidential. Bend for ques
tion blank and circular.
saorad ano ssv (mv sn tins mv tivo
'uopueui o) snojeuinn oo ejjoilOal lg 1a(nVom luana IT
'SdNIX nv dO SXiitf (IN V
jo eoji ontg y
jo mihihosbv iraa-ao T
-m aaiTaa-
eros THE MP
11 NSWHON'flONN V 9 N I N 3 d 0
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given that the next regu-
house, in St. Helens, on Wednesday,
lar nublio examination of teachers for
lumbia county will take place at the court
ruary 10, 1892, at 1 o clock p. m., sharp
All teachers hnldlnc temporary certificates
must be present. J. O. WATTS,
County School Superintendent.
n mt sain, ticaa a
ISM Stt see SNlMSt,
Tm lisps sms sjBtMlee4jMM mu Ummm, bs
WrlUHltMbjIaslutllMM, Im, totaha
kiawbniiiMliNiMka s Sm.i c m
Ii ii to fiwan mI 1 n i n Mwk l.l eiaifcM M.
"fl l.n,iTr..e.rfc. W ImilLwulK.hWl
rvsirrm iim mion, asasuvts u uvnl
4 tiDxtrsoM amroima t. dssiutatcdI
TBI mu tugTu wmm CS. It. ISUtS. M.
Mr. Clarence Coats has returned to
Clatskaoie. Don't grieve girls, he'll
come again and then possibly the rest
of you will get to bid him a tender
good night.
One of our school girls with golden
hair is very unbapy because somebody
has gone to work in a quarry across
the river and she oan only see him
once a week.
We wonder why Tude Blakesley has
been wearing hia Sunday clolbea to
school of late. Does be expect a lady
visitor from Scsppoosef We think so.
Will Miles, Walter Blakesley snd
Frank George visited school Friday
Maud Watts was absent two day
last week on account of sickness. This
week she accompanied her mother to
see ber grandfather who is dangerously
ill near Astoria.
Tude Blakesley went to Portland
Friday as a witness in tbe Taylor ease,
The great attraction at school Toes
ay was watching large trees which
were being felled near Ue school
Miss Mary Burke is absent from
school on account of sickness. We
11 hope she may soon return to her
place at school.
George, Willie and Effie Btrachan
commenced school last Monday.
It is natural for boys to play truant,
but large girla ought not.
Which is the most necessary to
learn, cooking or telegraphy? Ask one
of tbe school girls.
There were more absences last Wed
nesday than any other day this month.
Frankie ' and Mabel Way went to
Portland last Wednesday.
Miss Mattie Perry visited school last
Wednesday. She feels very badly be
cause the meeting closed so soon.
The bell-rope broke Tuesday morn
ing. A long ladder was procured and
Tom Muckle assisted by others climbed
up to the bell and soon bad the rope
Miss Irene Haxen, of Gil'.ton, was a
visitor at school last Wedneadsy. She
was at one time a pupil of this school,
Lena Blakesley and Emily Coz
were absent from school Wednesday
for what reason we do not know, uo
lose they are getting ready for the leap
year party.
Alphonce Dufour has gone with his
father to his farm in Caneo valley.
Emily Coz and Tillie Muckle leave
us nezt Monday for St. Mary's Acad
emy at Portland. Their many friends
and schoolmates will miss them, but
all wish for tbeir success.
Amos Slavens, of Gillton, mide us a
pleasant call on last Thursday morn
King Clothiers of the Northwest
Blwe Corner, MarrlMW neewsisl St reeta. PerttsmeV
Suit or Overcoat
California Seeda.
There has been much said on this subject
and it all goes to show that California Seeds
are not at all adapted to this climate. This
in a great measure accounts for the many
failures by so many gardeners and farmers
In this state to secure a good crop.
It thawM Be la Bvery Igemee.
). B. Wilson, ST1 Clay St , Bharpsburg,
Pa., says he will not be withont Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that it cored bis wife who was
threatened with pneumonia after an attack
of la grippe, when various other remedies
and several physicians had done her no
good. Robert Barber, of Cookiport, Pa.,
claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done
him more rood than anything he ever used
lor lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it
Free trial bottles at Edwin Boss' drag
Application for Sal of BeaJ
In the County Court of Columbia County,
State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of William H.
Tnttle. deceaaed.
To Nellie F. Enoe, Zoa L. Tattle, and all
heirs known or unknown.
It woearins to me from the netition of
Jodah Konkle. administrator of the estate
of William U. Tattle, deceased, praying for
an order of sale of the real estate belonging
te said estate, tn-wit: Lot number two(l)
of section twenty-four (241. In tnwnuMn
three (3) north of range two (2) west of the
Willamette meridian, in Colombia county ,
Oregon, containing thirteen and eighty
hundredths (13 80-100) acres, appraised at
$276 00. and now valued at 2J 00. That
it is accessary, exnedient and lar the hait
Intercats of the estate that said real estate
be sold. It is bereby ordered that tha next
of kin of said deceased, the above-named
Nellie F. Enos. Zoe L. Tuttla and all
others interested in said estate, be and an
pear before ths county court on Wednes
day, the 9th day of March, 1892, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the court
room of said conn, in St. Helens. Columbia
county. Oregon, then and there to show
cause why an order should not be granted
for the aale of aald real estate. And it is
further ordered that a copy of this order be
published at least once a week for four n-.
cesslve weeks in Tas Oaceon Mist, a news
paper pnniea ana puoiisnea in ssid county.
Dated this 17th dav of Jnnr ISM
J2M18 D. J. SWtTZSR,
. Uunty Judge.
All In went of RarCarnataMn ),-
made by Mrs. J. W. Tinkhsra, Gillton. Co
lumbia county. Oregon. jSmi
Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Ages 14 to 19 Years
All Our Sttds AreTesteii
OurdogueTelljlre R$Hj-
0 y(S (o) n
I DLL jA I see
Son. Portland. Or.
Hard war E
Table and Pocket Cutlery
and Household
Cooking,' and Heating
Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware,
2 1 2 First and ccr. Salmoa Street PORTLAlID-
" NOTICE. ' " '
D. a land OlSee, Orepa City. Or,
Complaint havlne been enurad aa thl. oalca
by Joseph Powers, Snal homestead entryssaa
no. jmo, against ciuna T. reel lor abandoning
his donation claim notification Ma Ittt, settle-
smi Diunea hut. w, mm, apon tn ae
sc. iu, eMsww anaeew aw w. see. a tT
a, range 4 w. In Columbia eeunty, Orecoa. with
a view to the eaneellatiea at said donation
elalm, the said portieeare hereby eamnened te
appear a viawxaaia, urafon, naiore n. a.
convert, notary pu&ue. en toe isttt ear of Fed
ruary, ISM, at 10 o'clock a. bl, te respond sad
luraisa lesumoaj concerning eaia alleged
akaadonment, and on tke testimony then sub
soitted a hearing will be bad at this atlas aa
saarea ia, isn, at ivo oiocx a. m.
j. t. ArriKsuw, Register.
)1M11 - B. F. BUitCH, Beeaiver.
One Dollar Weekly
Bnvs a rood cold watch bv ear elnb svs
tern. Oarlt-karet gold-filledeaaesars war-
raniea tor 20 years, r ine aigin ana wat
tham mivenient Stem wind and set
Lady's or gent s size. Equal to any SS0
waicn. 10 secure agents wnere we nave
none, we sen one ai tne nunung ease
watches (or tbe elnb price S2S aad sand C.
O. D. bv exoress with nrrvileaeaf eiamlna-
W " . . f.
lion neiore paying lor tne same.
Onr agent at Durham, K. C, writes;
'Ow-iewelars have eoBMsrsd tksv da.'t know
aow you cbb lurnua sucb wers for tae money."
Oar agent at Heath Springs, 8. O. , writes :
"Tear watches Use at rirht. Tha aaatlanun
wkegotthe but watch eaid that he examined
and priced a ieweler s watchee la Laaeaeter,
that were ae better than yours, bat the arlce
Onr agent at Pennington, Tex., writes:
AmlBMeaiBteitbe wateh. and am Blessed
without measure. Alt who have eeea It say It
would be cheap at ."
One good reliable agent wanted foe each
place. Write for jparucalars.
snriBB watcb uo., nsw Tors,.
names rsm rtmLicATieuv.
Land Offlos at Oregon City. Or.. Dee. tl. MM.
Notice Is hereby siren that tbe fol'owlng
named settler haa Sled notice ol hie intention
to moke final proof la support of his claim and
that said proof will be mi
of Columbia oonntv.
gon, oa February IS, 1891, els:
before the Count
at St. Helens, Ore-
Homestead entry No. 107s. for the nwW of see.
SO, tpln.rSw. He names the fallowing wlt-
aassea 10 prove ma continuous residence epon
and oultlTation of sold land, vis: John Thomp
son, J. W. Campbell, William Roes sod A. H.
Deardeff: all ot aeappooes t. O., Colnmbls
eooBt?, Oregon. J. T. Arr.JUW.
ji aafwer.
."v "te.
Notice Is hereby given that the nader
id, Ksnasa Lengscher, bos been duly
appointed administratrix of the estate ol
Frederick Lengscher, deceased, by the
county coort of the state ot Oreran for
Colnmbia eonnty. All pereoM having
claims against said deceased ..we hereby
required to present tbeee, under oath, with
the necessary voachers, within six snonths
from the date hereof to the said edsalnis.
tratrix, at her home, sear Huatcr, ia Co
lumbia coanty , Oreron. :
Adrninistratrix of the estate of Fred
enek Lengscher , deceased. ja
Dated Jan. 7,1802.
t-??I!5B rusBssxA-rieMi.
Land Ofllee at Oraroa City, Or., Jaaaarr a WL
Notice ia harab7 f r, 1 1. . . ,i - ,
oomed I settler haa Sled notice et km
nuke final proof in eupport of hie elum ix2-
that eaid proof will be rnZ bifoVJtlS
and Reeefrer ef the United States iMdosXee. -
st Oregon City. Ongon, on Merck IMS tT
rremptioa D. S. N., mt, for Ue nw M of see.
JljtpSn, rSw. He names tha foUowlBg wll
Beeseetoproeehie eenUnuoue rwldenee upon,
aad ealUTatioB of said land, vie: Philip Oarer
Jamee PJrkm.n wiiii.m 1-5 H
ereeee; ail t Dixie, Washlagto. eoutyrore-
Oeorce B. Clmmermaa. wha wtmA k.uj
appaor at
try 01 sold tract shonld act
7802. is Barabv MMi4.tlw
i uuw nsa wot JC
BjetiSad la
T. ArrXKSON, BeciaUr.
Mettee te Creetlteera.
Notice is herebv eieen that k.
court of Columbia nonnrv f
iProbfc 1W on th aridey ol December.
18?1! pP2.lnt ,x(Cutr of the will In the
estate of Tberesie Raupach. deeeased. AH
persons having olsims against said eeute
fill Present them to me at the office of
afoore A Cole, ia at Hal... r.Zul
eonnty. Oregon, on or before six moaths
from the date hereof, duly verified, aecof
ding to law. PAUL KAUPACH.
Dated DeembrHS. 1801.
Bdentiflcally treated by est aarist ef world,
wide repuUtion. Deoneee eradieatad and
entirely cured, of from SO to 10 years' stead.
Ing, after all other treatments have tailed
now tne aimcuity is reached aad the oauaa
removed, fullv axnlalnMl in .i...
afBdaviU end testimonials of eM.'nL?
prominent people, mailed free.
DR. A. FONTAINE, Taeoma, Vssh.