The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 25, 1891, Image 4

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    Testing Ihc Baking Powders.
Comparative Worth Illustrated,
tnr PROF. PETEB COLLIER, XJtxm chkmht im chiz or rmu
dr. PRicics r
Fart Ciaam Tartar.
BOYAf, -f
Contain Anunom.
lam sad Ammonia.
AIM and immwh V
KONARCB .. . - r-
: . Alnas and Amaionia. an
NOW BAIX .. ww-.f-Ahn
and Aauaoaia.l
CALCMKT . ...... . r
Contain Alan. I
am -
WAKKAIX"..... w-i
Atann and Ammonia. I
Atnm and Ammonia, i
Alnm and Ammonia I
BOH BOW . .. ..-
Contain Ahua la.
roRrtrrcrrr -r-
Aiam and ammonia, ha
CRO WW ...... . . w-f-
Aknaaad An
am. a.
doimmw htm f"
Alam and Ammonia. fa.
Above diseram u drawn and verified in all tt aewi V7."Z
ColHerho isnt as . Chemist, and Scientist The lU-g-t ie
mndein accordance with his chemical teat of each brand enumerated
The Carbntc acid eas was calculated to get the Utmmag strength and
the "sntSfvV n.u ascertain ttparveolepmene-j puntr
and oVneral usefulness of the leading Powder. The result of Trot Coiner
ZZSSaSSTt .the ffct, that, with but one exception, ever,
brand tested contained either Ammonia or Alum, and ' n.J
Not one woman in ten thousand would use an Ammonia or AIM "
lewder if she knew it Such Powder not only undermine the health, but
' ammonia imparts a sallow or blotched complexion. . - , rlWa
x-rtTRL f)r Price's Cream Baking Powder, as shown by Frof. Colliers
Powder has never been questioned. . - , ,,
' ' w Indicate the FowAer containing' eitnw Ammonia or Alas.
w. Indicates the Ponder coataiuing botaAmmonia and Alan.
While the diaeram shows some of these Ammonia or Alnm Po
to W higher stnh than clawed below U
that they possess any value. All Ammonia or Alum powuers sdouim
iSdcdai dangerous, no matter how high their strength.
Mrs. Usury Ward Beecher writes:
" 40 Oaosos Street, J
BaooKtiK, X. Y.. Feb. 11, 18904
" I hare used Alu ock' Posor Plastkbs
for soma year for myself and family, and,
as far as able, for the many sufferers who
come to us for assitacr, and have found
them a genuine relief fur moat of the acbes
and pains to which fteh is heir. 1 have
used Allows Pernors Plasters for all
kinds of lameness and acute pain, and by
frequent experiinenw rind that they can
control many cases not noticed in your
Tle above is the only testimonial I have
ever (riven in favor of any plaster, and it
uiy name ban been used to recommend any
other, it is without my authority or sanc
tion. . . . .
The arret ear fnntlnhea the only platform upon
which meu ul every adade of political tieltel will
Das Inamallue Stove Polish.; aodust; nasmau.
Tsr Gantu for breakfast.
If you are willing to pay a few
cents more for a strictly pure
Smoking Tobacco, buy the Mas
tiff cut plug, Packed in patent
canvas pouches, which retain the
moisture and flavor of the to
bacco. f 5
3. B. Paca Tobacco Co., Richmond. Vlrglula.
It is an old-fashion notion
that medicine has to taste
bad to do any good.
Scott's Emulsion is cod
liver oil -with its fish-fat taste
lost -nothing is lost but the
This is more than a mat
ter of comfort. Agreeable
- taste is always a help to di
gestion. A sickening taste
is always a- hindrance.
There is only harm in taking
: cod-liver oil unless you digest
it Avoid the taste. ,
Scott A Bowwa,Clw t, tja South ia Amu.
New York.
Vour dnif M fcaapl Scott'i Fmnliw f Md-mw
tt aUdnuaavarywaaraaa, $u
HABIT! -zee
ftmUteltactnOa.eclayBt. Ban Frauclaon
Porll.Dd. Oresoa. A. P. ArmMrona, Prtn.
oh tml : t:nT-iL sua. oou-nua, iiijWrto
Unsiness, Shorthand,
Tje-ritvr. frmmmnthif.mnd tntlitk Ittparimmtt
j fln MW.KMI lbrmihiut the fw. StodrDU admlt-
fwl at ai'j urn.. vawwKn.
Vs v (N JlmiytuTlJ
N. P. N. U. Ho. 3)-8. r. N. U. No. 47
Ktopcra Chaacd Tw Tbonaaa4 allma.
One of the most thrilling elopements
of modern time culminated recently at
Tacoma, Wash., in the marriage of
William Reno, of Milaca, Minn., and
Mis Mary Ellen Reed, of Spokane Falls,
Wash. Mr. Reno was a Protestant and
Hiss Reed was a Catholic, and her par
ents tried to veto the union. The young
folks were determined to get married,
however, and planned to meet in Ogden,
Utah. But Mr. and Mrs. Reed had kept
close watch of their daughter's move
ments, and made their appearance soon
enough to prevent the marriajre.
Mr. Reno and Miss Ueed decided to go
to San Francisco, but again the parents
divined their scheme and were in San
Francisco to meet the fugitive lovers
when they arrived there. Finding them
selves defeated the third time, the young
couple quietly left San Francmco for
Tacoma, where Mr. Reno's aunt gave
them every assistance and went with
them to a justice and saw them safely
united. They traveled over 3,000 miles,
but accomplished their object They are
now way back in Minnesota Uor. bt.
Lonis Republic
Elopnd on a Charter! LoeoaMtlvn.
Expense did not keep William C.
Trudeau and Miss Beatrice Harrig from
elooinar to Jefferson villa Tuesday night
and becoming man and wife. The
couple intended to cross on the ferry,
but reached the wharf some time after
the last boat had gone. Delays were
dangerous in the eyes of the prospective
groom, and, hurrying with the young
lady to Fourteenth and Main streets,
after much parleying an engine was
chartered to carry them over. They
reached Jeffersonville about 4 o'clock,
and meeting a conple of policemen asked
to' be shown the residence of County
Clerk Stealer..' Arousing him, a license
was pnxmred, and half an hour later the
.vime couple wen standing in the dimly
lighted parlor of Magistrate Keigwin,
who, robed in a dressing gown, made
the couple one. Louisville Courier-Journal.
.-. , ' . ' -' ' -' '' - l-r
Mrs. Chriatiancn'a Aacaat an n Braomatlek.
' Two mile east of Fonda is a farm
owned by Byron Christiance. His wife,
when cleaning a well stoop, fell head
long into the well, striking the water
ten feet below. Fortunately she did not
release her grasp on the broom she had
been using, and, as it struck the water
broadside, ber body turned in the seven
feet of water and ber feet landed on the
bottom. On coming to the surface she
grasped a projecting stone in the shaft
and stuck the end of the broom handle
in a crevice. Thus gaining support, she
screamed for help, but without avail
The shaft was ten feet in diameter, so
that she could not get a purchase for ber
hands and feet on both sides.
Clinging to the stone with her right
hand and resting ber right foot oa a
projecting stone, she drew herself np to
the surface of th water, getting sup
port on the left from the broom. Then
she raised the broom and stack it in
crevice on a level with her head, getting
support with her right hand and foot.
Then she raised herself np as before, and
in this way reached the curb and finally
terra firms. Mrs. Christiance will not
part with the broom, to which she cred
its her marvelous escape. Albany Jour
nal. ' . . . i
Mlta Monaroad'a Poaltion.
Miss Rebecca Stoneroad, of Meadrille.
Pa., is superintendent of physical cult
ure over all the schools, numbering 623,
in the District of Columbia, and ha
three division snperintendMits under
her direction. , Miss Stoneroad has the
honor of being the first to introduce phys
ical culture into the public schools in
the United States. She has been em
ployed in the schools of Washington five
years and has been promoted 'each
year, until now she stand next to the
bead of the faculty. Ber salary in her
new and important position will be
1,000 per school year of nine months
Boston Woman's Journal.
An Onteaal Talla of Vnannanaaral KB
la land an Ruaamklo Link
Among a number of depraved looking
character who were arraigned in th
Tuuiba ouliott court for sentence on run-
ons charges, from burglary to felonious
aiwanlt. I noticed wuticnlarly on refined
looking young fellow who, despite his
ragged attire, apjieared to b ont of plaos
in the prisoners pen. ; ' ,
Hia features were delicate and clearly
defined, with non of. the sullen, servile
appearance that is usually one of the
chief characteristics or a criminal coun
tenance! His eve were law aud clear,
bis forehead high, while his chin and
mouth denoted high spirit and an ab
normally sensitive disposition.
Us occupied seat as far distant from
hia fellow unfortunate in crims as
the burly court officers would permit.
His eyes were cast on th floor, and from
his dejected appenrano It was obvious
that he felt keenly hi position.
1 eneaced htm in conversation, and
year will not remors from memory the
fierce bitterness with wmeo oe renewea
his unsuccessful attempts to secure bon
orable employment after the first convic
tion for some trifling crime.
"Mr name." said he. in answer to my
question, "what do you want with itf
To publish it so that those who have
sent me here this Urns will snow now
wall their Drejudice did It work?
"Well, Thomas' will do Charles
Thomas. That is what I am called now.
It is not mi real name. I have a few
relative and I respect them. They have
moved from where they lived when 1
was first sent away gone to a new
borne to escape my shame that is why
J'm Thomas."
There is np criminal so hardened but
what he will Fhsrjah aomewhera behind
his rongb exterior tender thought of a
past association a friend, perhaps, or
probably a sister. For that reason wbea
Thomas turned away bis bead I remain
ed silent I thought 1 distinguished a
suspicious moisture In his eyes, but I
may have been mistaken.
It is very easy to start, ne connnueu,
-but once started you cannot stop. Peo
ple will not jet you.
"With a crowd or companions one uay
1 drank more than 1 pould stand. A
quarrel followed and I stabbed on fel
low with my pen tntr waa arreNiea,
tried and couvicted and sentenced to
Sing Sing for three year.
'That was enough for me, ana wn
I came back I tried to start over again,
1 secured employment a a driver. I
had been a clerk in a building material
dealer's yard on West Thirtieth street 1
had no trouble, worked bard and was
complimented by o.j employer. Then 1
noticed that my associates began to
avoid ine. Two or three would get to
gether, point at me and talk a boot me in
an undertone.
"Finally, one day the proprietor cam
to me and said, 'Thomas, 1 have no
fault to find with yon; yon have worked
faithfully and bard, bnt the other men
say you have been a convict and that
they will leave if yon don't 1 will bav
to discharge you, although I am sorry.'
He gave me two weeks wages and I had
to leave.
'1 tried again with a like result Then,
in desperation. I robbed a store and was
sent away again.
"Yon wanted to know, mister, BOW I
got here; well, that's how.
Tin eoina to Sing Siug for burglary,
and when I get out I'll probably go back
for the same crime. Nobody cares, ana
I don't
' A man who has not been unfortunate
won't work with ma I could not get
married even if 1 tried to settle down
and be respectable. No self respecting
woman would hare ma.
"Go where I'm not known? Yes, I
conld do that bnt a man can't succeed
when ha is acting a lis. It would be
found out and 1 woold bars to go to an
other place where Fro not known."
"Thomas!" shouted a court officer.
"Here." replied the unfortunate.
"Yon are charged with burglary," said
the justice as he approached the bar.
"Guilty or not guilty?"
' "Remanded for sentence."
Thomas was led away to a cell in the
prison beneath the floor Of the court
New York Herald.
Doafctra Dlffar Anna Ovsr Hair.
Some authorities seem to regard the
graying of the hair as a mechanical and
incidental phenomena due to defective
functions, and others regard it as an or
ganic or chemical process. -The location
and character of the coloring substance
in the hair is also a question about which
authorities differ greatly.. Watts' "Dic
tionary of Chemistry," also Dr. Bichat
and Dr. Draper, have advanced the view
that the color is in the central portion of
the hair, while no leas an authority
than Cnvier asserts qui to the reverse.
that the peripheral portion contains the
color. Other authorities, as ura uar-
penter, Todd and Bowman, state that the
pigmentary grannies are sometimes in
one part and sometimes in another of
the hair shaft .while "Kolliker suppose
that the dark pigment of the medulla
are nothing more than the globules of
air in the sir cejja" Hyland C. Kirk in
New York Times. , ;
A Girl Whn Wouldn't Black Boat.
1 have known a wedding appointed,
and the doors cf the chapel open, and
every one waiting, but no one arrive,
and the parties remain unmarried. In
one case a foolish dispnta occurred a
the young couple were walking across
the fields to the place of worship about
who ought to clean the husband's boots.
At first it was only a joke, but it was
taken in earnest, and the bride elect
seated berself on a stile to argue the mat
ter out Neither would give in, the vil
lage clock struck twelve and they re
turned hn ie nnmarried. London Tit-
Bit ''. ' ;'. "V ' - '' '" ' . Kalatlns
, He After we are married, darling, I
trust your wealth won't incessantly li.
thrown np to me.
She No, I rely npon yon to keep it
down, dear. New York Bpoco.
Wmtton-" Ueonm W Child' conn
trr home at Bryn Mawr, is regarded as
one or toe mosi expensively pisinmuwi
country plana la th United States.
'rhm nr&irMi of the servants alone amount
to $1,000 month. A new stable la in
process of oraction oq the ground at an
estimated cost or awjav.
A Kansas map sank a shaft oa his
farm the other day, and In going down
100 feet, it Is said, struck two ove toot
veins of mineral paint a ten foot strata in
of brick clay, a twenty inch rein of coal
and a lira foot stratum of marws.
Baklna- IowW BUI Paaeo by th Mia
aeaots Vaantn. .
CM. Paul Maeatokl
The recent newapaper discussion of Uis
dsngerons qualities of ammonia Domes
from the alarming Increase of it use in
baking powder. People who absorb It
In small quantities iroin uay to iay
suffer from slow ammonia polaoning.
Taken internally In auttieient quantities,
it eats away the coating of the toincn
and intestines and reuses death. Slow
ammonia poisoning produces various
lormaol stomach troubles.
Not one woman in ten thousand would
use an smnionia baking powder if she
knew it Sueh powders not only under
mine the health, bnt Ammonia imparts
a sallow and blotched complexion.
Following is the bill recently passed
by the Minnesota senate. It's the dan
ger signal which the law throw out for
tha protection of the people:
Section 1. Any person who (hall know
ingly sell or procure the sale, or offer for
sale of any package or can of Baking
Powder, containing any Ammonia in It,
not distinctly, legibly and durably land
ed, stamped or marked in a conspicuous
place with the words in the Knglish Ian
gnsge "This Baking Powder contains
Ammonia" In letter of great pica, or
any letters equivalent thereto in length,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
punished by a fine not lea than 20 nor
more than fSO; shall be confined in the
County Jail not less than ten or more
than twenty days, or by both fine and
imprisonment, at the discretion of the
court ' " '.''
Sec 2. Tlie sale or offer for sale of the
substance mentioned in the foregolnv
section in package not stamped, marked,
branded or labeled as therein required,
hall be orinis-facie evidence of knowl
edge of the character of said substance,
on the oart of the person so selling or
offering for sale and bis employer.
Sec. 3. This Act shall be in force on
and after its passage. v
Noya. An incident occurred in the
house when the senate bill cams np foi
passage, In reference to an amendment
proposed br Mr. IMinent. This waa op
pooed by several members. Mr. Feig
said that if the bill as it came from the
senate was all right then the amendment
was all wrong. Tha amendment com
pelting the printing of the word "Am
monia "on the label only affected the
Royal Baking Powder, and no wonder
they (el the senate bill was a blow al
them. :
KBjaahm a rnatawe pamfnnv.
The re wait. of Johaqq Cbrtstopo
Ulock. th great com poser, were aa-
hunwd at the Matsleinsdorf oetnetery
Vienna, where tboy bad rested sine
I7W7. and reioterred at ths Central cem
etery, in ths Mnsknans' corner, near
those of Beethoven and Sobubert and
close to the Motart monument Ths
grave was in a disgraceful state. Tha
grass mound had fallen in and was
overgrown with weeds: toe gravestone
had disappeared, and only an obelisk
bearing Uluck a nam marked th spot
Tha workmen bad some difficulty in
clearing away the roots and shrubs.
The first thing brought np was a por
tion of a rotten wooden coffin, followed
by fragtneutaof bones a shoulder blade,
portions of the skull, a collar hone, arm
bones, the nnder jaw, with three teeth,
a double tooth, one or two ribs, and
finally some flowing brown hair, proba
bly from a periwig. The earth was
sifted for an hour, and aa nothing mora
oonld be found a wooden case was filled
with tha remain and placed in a hand
some metal coffin, over which the Vienna
Men' Amateur choir afterward aang
selections from Gluck's Vienna operas,
performing in theeverring bis "Arnolds."
St James' Gasetta.
A PromUIng Wastara Indnstry.
The sugar beet factory at Grand
Island. Neb., began operations recently .
and manufactured over 800 barrels of
refined sugar, ready for market during
the first twenty-four hour It was in
operation. The statement is made that
It is the largest and most complete beet
sugar factory in the world. The long
drought cut the crop of beet short.
therefore the new factory Will only have
surmliea for a ninety day run. This is
an enterprise, of wonderful interest to
the farmers of tha great grain raising
It sugar beet raising proves successful
tha manufacture of our own sugar will
be of inestimable benefit to all the
people of tb nation. When onr shops
and factories consume all the farm prod
ucts the days of depression and over
production are past, and farming wiu
be prosperous business at all times.
The Grand Island mill has a capacity
of SH0 tons of beet per day, which yield
tV) barrel of sugar. Every particle of
the beet I saved, cattle being fed on the
refuse, and chewing gum being made of
certain parts that are loft over, Iowa
Btate Register.
Light Pint. red with HI Taalk.
A few days ago John Benxley, a well
known sporting man, appeared at th
Four Courts and complained to tha po
lice that be had been robbed of a 41a
mond stud valued at $500, for th recov
ery of which he would give $300. Be
(tated that be was in company with a
man named Fnerst alias Forrest, ami
that wbus be awoke next morning hia
diamond was gone. As ths screw part
til) remained in hia shirt he came to
the conclusion that it could not bar
been lost, consequently the thief must
hare embraced him and bitten the dia
mond out of the setting.
Hardly had Mr. Benzley reported his
robbery when Nettie May complained to
tba police that she had had bitten out of
her ear a diamond earring raiuea at fuv,
She said that she waa in company with
Fnerst While they were in the house
be placed hitfurins around ber neck ana
hugged and kissed her. After his de
parture she discovered the loss of one of
ber diamond earrings, although the set
ting still remained in her ear, the thief
having bitten the diamond ont t
Louis Globe-Democrat
An Aruoatook Prodaet.
The annnal "potato raid" is in progress
in Aroostook, Me., as the starch facto
ries are beginning their season s work
This is one of the most novel sights to
be witnessed in this section or the conn
try the long ine pf teams bauling the
potatoes to the factories and waiting
. . , . . i , m l l - . .. .
tactr turn to uniouu. uero )a a (
crop In Aroostook this year, the largest
for many years, iu fact, and there will
be a good supply for the factories, as the
bitter are paying very good price
There are about forty factories tn Aroos
took county and on its border, and a
they nse ppward of two million bushels
yearly. It IS seen mai potato raising auu
starch making in Aroosioon are mau
tries of considerable magnitude. Cor.
Boston Transcript
ISws nl Wlnta.
TU graceful sea gull put In an ap
pearance in Baltimore' harbor earlier
than usual this season, and old salts pre
dict a hard winter. Whether tha sea
gn!la are weather indicator or not
their presence la very desirable. As
Bcaveturers ther are useful, aud even th
ordinary observer I struck by their
beauty and gnu. Their predominating
color is white, with a gray mantle, vary
ing in shade from a delicate pearl gray
to dark, blackish slate or nearly black.
Som hare black beads, and their black
cap turn white in winter. Th bill
and feet are generally bright red or yel
low, and mak a brilliant contrast with
the other coloring as the birds dart rap
idly oast or sail slowly overhead. They
are a clamorous, noisy set, with thrill,
penetrating rotoaa They go in flocks
or scatter like scouts or sentinel They
mar be seen floating on th water In
small companies, or drawn npon shore
like soldiers, or standing in group on a
land bar on one foot quiet and solemn.
When not busy eating up such material
as they And to their taste floating on
the aurfao of the water they watch
other bird and rob them of any special
tidbit they have secured.
Passeuirers on steamers entering or
leaving Uneeustown harbor, Ireland,
have a tiloawwt diversion feeding the
sea gulls The bird are quite tame, and
com close to the vessel to be fed. Frt
queotly the bird will caich the food a
soon aa it strike the water. When they
are given any article particularly dia
agreeabte they express their indignation
by discordant sureaina They follow the
steamer far out to ana. picking np any
edible matter thrown from the ship
The man who for the first time shoot
one of these birds, expecting to secure a
large and plump specimen, get only a
misers bl. lean carcass sunk in a large
mass of feather, and may be said to be
gulled. Baltimore American,
111 Minus' ato far a WatleUa-. '
Mr. Will E. Robinson, of BeeJlsviUe,
and Miss Loq Jeffrey, of East Bethle
hem, boarded the train at West Browns
ville and eoutrived to get married oa the
fly while coming to this city.
The party did not wish to be married
at the home of the groom, and Mr Rob
inson could not gut a ware of absence
sr as to get a marriage license in this
rttjjr, and bow to get married away from
home, take a trip and be back for duty
on Monday morning was the question to
be emred, ana sir. U watt roper
Intendtmt of the Monougabele division
of the PentMylvania railroad, aud Col.
Chill Bassard helped the interested
eoopls out of aq interesting dilemma.
Mr watt had the train stopped at
Monongahela City Editor Haaaard bad
secured the attendance of the Rev. J. T
Riley, of the Methodist Episcopal church.
on the depot platform. Mr. Robinson
and Mis Jeffrey atopped from the train
to the platform, and the Rer. Mr. Riley
pronounced the ceremony without wast
ing any time. '
The train stopped at l:U o'clock p. in.
and was again on its way at 8:21, the
ceremony occupying just three minute.
An immense crowd bad assembled, at
the station, and a band was playing the
reuamg nisren as toe onue anq grooui
stepped npon the platform. : Aa tba
happy pair stepped back aboard, the train
the crowd showered rice upon them, un
til they were literally eorereq. nvta-
burg Plapateb,
Klcht Waaal Etvetrt Sieanl Car.
The Springfield avenue electrto rail
road waa started in Newark Oct 4, with
eight wheel cars a large a ordinary
team railroad coaches, and capable of
carrying sixty paMnrager. The line
runs from Market street station through
toe busiest part of the city, and the cars
were sandwiched in between the bora
cars of other line, but increased speed
waa made, and the day passed without a
horse being seriously frightened or a col
liaion occurring One passenger bad hie
arm broken by coming In contact with
one of the central poles while waving a
salute out of the window to a friend on
the sidewalk- .
Bach car was equipped with two twen
ty horse power motor geared to one
axle of each truck. They surmounted
the steep hills on Springfield avenue
without much diminution of speed.
New York Bun.
A fanr Thoaannd Found Cfcaaae,
At the cheese factory in East Otto re
cently there waa put in the hoop the big
gest cheese ever made in this region, and
probably the largest ever made in the
United State It measures Ave feet tn
diameter and if thirty-nine Inches high,
ft weight when cured will be 4.000
pounds, and fully 88,000 pounds of milk
waa used in Its manufacture. - The
abundant pasturage made the September
milk unusually rich, so this huge cheese
la expected to be of prime quality.
About four weeks will be required to
cure it thoroughly. This record breaker
was made for a grocery house of Cincin
nati, who are about to occupy a large
new building. It is wanted as an at
traction for toe opening. Baffao Oom
niarctal. The Buffalo Are department has lately
received k novel Are engine which has
excited much interest in that city. The
carriage is constructed entirely of papier
macha, all the different parte of the
body, wheels, pole and the rest being
finished in ths best possible manner
While the durability end power of re
sistance possessed by tbi material are
fully as great as those of wood, the
weight is of course much leas.
Id 15 L'ifloles.
I suffered
with face
neuralgia, but in 15
minutes after applica
tion of
was asleep; have not
been troubled with it
since. No return since
1883. ..V:'.
F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Ma
Tha wotM-rsnowned ius ,Mo,tW,'l'
Hlonmnh IHtlors, ami ttaotr tvulluuwl uuvularlt)
hr ovw a third ol a twiiiumr a a hmiafbla, Ij
marmly mikw wwilrful than lb wlme lnt
rwtU in annual awram' of HiwmlU-r
Human, Thl Ihi! mseinal uaallaa " P""
lUhwt by Tha lloatnrfmiiri I'Umlmin, la
timlur Ibflr uwn lHimwllUMwrvlloii,mliy
lu ility hKinln In thai department. 1 boy aw
rimuliiKabullvVn muntha In tha ymruntlio
work, and thn Inn of aaiii fur 1M will w
than I0,II,(KI), lirltilMl III Ui Kiisllub, '"''
Kronen, WVIh, Nurwaglan, SwwIUh. Ilnlianil,
UiihomUii ami Hwnlh laiisimra. Meter to
eoiiy of It lor valuabla and lutnrvaltn reaitliis
mimwriilns health, ami niimr1m wHni"itl
aa to tha nVi'y uf llwtmr' Nloumnn HI Hum,
aniiiwiiioiil, artl Infnnnalhm, aatmuonitoal
oalculalloiw and rhmuuUwtloal ttiiia,t.,whln
iwil txi uivtiitwl on for eomwtiK-na, The Alma
into for m oau lie bo obtained fro ol from
dniKKUu and sonoral uuuutry daalera lu ail
parla ol Uis ooaiitry.
tlmi.1 1'antor I tlltl not ar yon at obureh laal
malar. Averaso Wornlilr Noi t had UothloK
mm than a qtuulor about ma,
Btiddim ohangn of the weather ' often
oauss pulmonary. Immohlnl and aathmstifl
troubles. "Jr-m-a's "re- ZVoram " will
allay th Irritation which induces oouglilng,
giving immediate relief,
i -
Aa no road ar an mush as those tnat hsva
Jual btwu no atmiotaareao Intolerant
aa thus who hava Jut turiiod aolnta.
''- HOW'I THIS '
W oltVr One Hnmlivd Hollar Reward for any
nam of Catarrh that eannot bo vwtud by latin
liaU'at'atarrh t'urv.
r. J. i IH NKV CO Pro)"-. Toledo, 0.
We, tha timtrnlk'iMHi, hava known K. i, ( Iwimy
for Uio Inat llftvou years, and bollov him mt
foot! honorable In all bHatnvna Iranaw'tlnua,
ami DiMdolally alila to earry out any ukUgaUoiia
man iy uinir nrui.
WmtATruai, Whulaaala prtiiralata, Toledo, O.
rYaliliiiit, Klniiati A Marvin, VYholeaais bru
Stats, Toledo, .
Hall's Catarrh I'ura la taken Internally, afttna
rtlrvvtly noon th blood ami niuooua aurfaiw oj
th ayaU'iu, 1'rli-a, Joe per twllle. Hold by all
Olrl violtnlats ar beeomlitf numerous, tilrla
an always altar lieaua.
It is said that the amies used by the
manufacturers of Star t'ltig for weiKhlng
tli tobacco for a plug of tttar ar no con
structed that, if anything leas than sixteen
ounces is put Into the aoahw, an electric
hell rinn automatically. Moat toliaouo
ohewera throuKhmit ths I' lilted Mlates use
Hur 1'Iuk, It beitiR the peat.
th tha tnotUmi and results wheo
iyrup of Fiffi ia taken; it is pleasant
ud retreabing w tba taste, aud acu
.eutly vet prompt) on tha Kidneys
liver ami Bowels, cleanses the ey
era ' effectually, dutpts cohis, head
che ami foveri end cure habitu,
iiatition frniUuenUy. For sak
n 50o and f 1 bottle by all druggisu
rtAtHwm. em,,
louiatiut at. way wm r.
The iucerw of this Oml Cough Care is
without parallel in th htatorr of mcditina,
All drugniats ar authorised to sell it on s fwfc
itiv guarantee, a teat thi aa ether cur can sue,
osalully staad. That it Buy become known,
the iYoprielort, tt an anormona expeass, sr
piscina Sample JUVHtl Free into every bone
In th United States snd Canada. U yon have
Cough, Sore Thrmt, or fiVnncbhis, use k, fee
tt will car you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Coaith, ust It promptly, and relief
Is aura. If yoa dread that buidion dtMaat
CoaMmptkin, nae it. Auk your Druggist b
SIIILOII'S CURE, Price locls., Jo c7a. and
itMk If yonr Lanes sr sore or Back Uuna,
as Shiloh'i rorou l'laater, frfc J tt,
Otiwy liver pills o
OKa rm nil Mas virtues nl tha larawr ia a.
mtunHy alRMillvwl si" venwtnbl). J
y.xm ataa ahown In thla banter.
oo oqo ooQOOQ
Want an asaul Is evarv Iowa la Oregon, Wash
tiujton ana Idaho lo aell
in oomtmaaian. No aUMik or naalul uoouad
Muate taar-Jbera prfrnid. Hoadal raws oa all
roods. Writ tor parUoulara,
: , '- :. . FORTH. A WD. OH.
Old Gold aa Mrn- Bmarjili an4 nw aM Oo
mi nam bfnail an tha old aiut lu,li amaa at S
hlamaa, Thud SmU, Saa traaauaal I will aaad nj
raaura auui aw oaaa. aaauvnias w aaaaf, n as
tOav)i7l Ut fuartlftjraoa myM.9etro Conmu
Mild MDwWMtlaM. S'N Berf narnt irmflt mtlA OfaaU
wflitM. Hnti. fVwaa, r,HfldmiM Hrtmt)mjn.X
W muat have room., W nnat kiwi' huay.
moat hava mouvynd untck, Ui and thla
mesna linih-r, btaa, rednutlotis, mcrllliw, axlu
to our untnina aud every tnliia but imHta to our
aelvea; tun atia k muat iw iut lu omlur for atook
taking right away, Wsoovri.
JW Hat. soikI dry praebea ,..'...,..4t es
ai ll. white iir . 1 oo
lOltai. white or eolnred'taMiM 1 0(1
aewlns and ilarulug uoeilka I no
alba, aairo or nilnea ,,... 1 iin
Soana table anrioou, fine ,...,,..,...... 1 in
s ana tnlile plum, sraia-a oy ilta,,,, oo
I patr ludlaa flu to nl lfawra.,.,.,...,,,..,., 1 m
I inir mlaaea' HtwUahird j of)
i pairs mlaaea' uira aamlala Mm.. ., I W
I iwlrul lace I'lirUitua,. ..,..,., ... 1 txi
k llj. Chrl-tiiina eaiely, 'oUwl , j Hi
10 ladlea' fine llnon taillar or eullk , , i mi
r0 doa. aaaurMot button for family tiae I lai
Ih baii'tke nhlefa for mi'ii. womvii. ehllilran. 1 10
Ai m. Kreitob prtiiioa, sihhI, not Inrsi. , 1 im
VI yda, haiidaomo eaahinerv, ikl In. wide , 1 ut
Hend for full Hat of barsafuaiif all klmla to
Smith's Cash Store,
Beat tiaUBh Medinin.
Careiiil fflolliers.
V r?
Cure wher all else fall. Weaaant and agnwable tots
taste. ChlldrvntaksltwiiluiutfiMiintlnn. R,Jmi.t.
r,7,Z,f.?.?, 7.?? ?'". ""rlna, llandaania
... , , rviuinia oatahwiina
HZ 7mil?"lr!' .Plant and II u I ha. Tkaraaabbrad I..,i44 IVaisr iiawla. tteclataa-
1 Mllri tii a 2' ai7i,1" '1'!. aPM'w' lion. Aiidiaaa. m.-ti.uliiK tlna,
A the entm
womanhood, arorr young girl munis
the wisest oaro. Troubles Wpinninu;
then may make her whole lifo mi,
But the troubles that are to ho
feared hava ..positive nnnody. Dr.
Pioroe'i Favorite l'rtoriptioii builds
np and stronrthena the system, and
rcgultttoe and proutoU every proper
funotion. It's a gonoroua, support
ing toitio, and a quieting, toothing
nervino a legitimate tMtlivine, not
a boverage, free front al(Hhol and
injurious drug. It correots and
euros, siiMy and luroly, all those
dolioato durangomenta, weaknosnea,
and diseasoi puoultnr to the tax,
A remedy that don oure is one
that oan bo gutratttel That '
what the proprietors of "Favorite
Proscription " think. If it doosn't
give aatisfaotion, in evory case for
whioh ita reoommonded, they'll re
fund the money. No otlu r inodiinna
for women is sold on eiudi term.
Dooida for yoursulf whuthor some
thing t'lse sold by the dealer, ie
likely to be "ituit aa , good for
you to buy. ,
Sportsman, Attention I
If yo want in amMl seeuralaiy.aMi't fall to
lht your sun with lb mlabraMd ,
ntMlU, f-'iil by mU a
I. T. 8UB3.X, 13 First ttrtit, Pirttui, Or.
smm sw n iiiuatratMl 'abUooa.
Leading mediatl authorities
state that new and improperly
cured tobacco when heated in
the pipe produces a rank vege
table poison.
rirtavteo Ilk liquor aan oily Im Maptvmf hf ay.
This is the reason why "Seal
of North Carolina" is the most
e a ' a a " e
popular brand ol smoking to
bacco in the United States. ; II
is made from tobacco, at lea
thrtfis years bjd. , , .Its richX' (
low.,. smoke has "nrjjv y
equaled. t
taal af Narrk Csraliaa Is now aarkd l jmuinl
Clotb rnunlua, a wli aa lu foil. '
ilAI I C t L.l Wawant th nam and aaV-
1QTI! 11 V.aandnaaa, A44rm.
Ad I llialfl f.laiwVaWma.asSKl.l
.an. - - a aaaa m wnot
ar J wimjci
uoV tTCMi aa "Vralu aa
fvmit fiaaa" -ra. A mrr.
irJaaaa HurrkUSaHIM ttrw,oJu44
fnrmtr iMf wrWaa. M raar laroSSlATIOS l ot.
VmK lrtnnr! SararlXai LOW plMl AaM. hn na.
rr riaa.raoai, rnaa. anna,
IMM-mwMMii. ttafarawataeaiaB.S. MaSBTTSa.
Ixkaw ariKK IHUWlUl a,..Irfuilall,iia1
raiti i ei!?b. ;
71 Morriaen traet, Partland, Or.
rar so.
Best is tht roridlf) R IT A 0 T
If you went TOWDKR for Mining,
Railroad Work, Htutnp Blasting or Tree
Plantinif, send for (?rloe List.
-DiAUtaa in- .
Rack Harbar Iin. fartlaa etiaant eH '
n Sat an Utah latr. Hair, Fir irla
as Fir Ctey. LAND PURlcR.
OO Ksrtk Vraat Slraatt, (tar, D,
Hit n lathara nnwl.i
Ifartln ramaoy lor all llta
onnatural aianharw aaa
nrlwuiadlaaaaaaoluirn. A
aartal armrttfortbaaabllpi
ilnt WMkaa Bacullas
r h.1 ii. ra
I Tf IxalOaHn'MOn in rwv muvaadlag it la)
, auciiiilijOt m aumrara.
al rmtvm ate
4 -"fw-
(,'alarad Plmra, rai
niihll.had. Iteaxrthlaa all htmu
oitfr94i riRifrtt. rttl ul ttiwniiiria.ntiriiiiuM
i I'rrfrx. pastiHii praMDf i """i
wlit It
4 UMmMai t )
1 '
Ht-at saale tM