The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 25, 1891, Image 3

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;' tu'UJ.! . J..JJ - -lissiijij
tuM RUtri mil HBtjr Official ttptt.
f. Hklkm. Drccmukk 55, 1891.
Matty Clirlilmaa anil a happy New to all.
A full line of rubber good at N. A.
I'my'i, Houluui.
Story books (ur children at the drug
; Holiday gooJs of every description
l Mmtkle Dm.
Manic note and receipt books at thle
office fur aulu cheap. ;
Rev. Coata preached in St. Helens
un MmuUy. morning and evening, to
well tillttd Itoueva.
Mr. Binitli, ropreMiitlncr II. E. Duck
Inn A Co. of Clilougo, was iu 81. Helen
last Haturuay.
Clothing-, flnt claa and beat quality
at Terry 'a. lloiiltoir.
Edwin Roaa liai.a fine etaortmentof
French randies.
1 We arc informed that there will be a
number ol periona bnptited at Milton
creek the coming Sunday.
Mr, R, Henroy ha our thank for a
put. o( Hue milliard dtuke, t reseat, d
laat week.
M tinkle Bros, have a fine assortment
of the luient oovcliiles in holiday gooda
whk-li they are offering very reasonable.
Miiekle Bros, are mnking aoma im-
J.r-.venienta to Ihelr mill in Ihe way of
luildiux drying alied (or dressed lum
ber. .
Meet's. Kililie Walt and Jamea
Cox, who have been attending school
at Corvallie, are at home on a vacation
during the holidaya.
Mr. George Lamont and wife, of
Kuslern Oregon, are the guests of- Mr.
Lament's mother, and Captain K. A.
Lanioiil, an unule of Mr. Oeorge La
wont. We are anxious to balance our
IxMika by January 1, and hope thoae
who are delinquent will And it con
vmiieiit to eetile their account before
that d.ite. There i a ere at di al of
Iflory in Iho newapaper buairea, but
il rvquirea aome money to. carry it on.
. Oeorge Thintf, of Rcrdville, waa run
over lust week by a freight train an I
had hia (xit badly mnshud, nerj.'saiiat
ing an amputation. In attempting to
turned Itie moving train he missed hit
footing and one leg went under ih
wheels, Iheruby causing the loaa of
that member.
Mr. J. II, 8wgrr, well known to rnr
citUetis, line o)ned up a targe stock
fit groceiia and provtsio te in SI. IIiil
ena, in ihe building lorn, eel v occupied
by tie Welifoct ealixin. Mr. Bwag;er
aiya he will sell at low aa the lowest,
mid invitee il many friend to Call
and inH.'cl hi stock. Boyd, the deck hand on the
uleantor Northwest, who, in a fifclil
Willi another dock hand, threw hia ad
versary overboard at Kelso aome lima
ago, causing the death i4 the Litter, of
Which men i Urn was made in these
col u ma at the lime, wa convictwl at
Kahint laat week of manslaughter,
Hud sentenced to fifteen year in the
fiiitenliary. . .
I'oand L mt fi ilnnUy afternoon a
young man and hi girl from a neiKh
ImriiiK town came to Rainier to Ritt
luarrmd, and while MMivhing about,
lie found a bandaome wedding ring at
thettoieof Muckte & Co., for lea
money than be could bay elauwhere.
Alter niakiug a purchase he went ou
Ida way rejoicing. Good boy that I .
Many year practice have given C
A. Know 'dt Co., 4icitora of Patent,
at Wahiogton, D. 0., uniuriiaiwed
aucceva in obtaining patcDt for m!1
flaea of invention.. They make a
apeciatty of rejected eaeee, and have
aeeurei allowanoe of many patent
that had been . prMiuly rejected.
Their advertlemout ia another col
utnn. will be of iutereat to , inventor
(atenteoa, nianufauturera, and all who
liava to do with vatenta.
Albortaon, the Taeoma embezzler,
liaa beeu aentenccd to ten year at
liard labor in the penitentiary. Judge
Allvn. in uawnnit aeutenca on Albert
eon, id: "Tho fact of your firmer
good character, a auowa by tbe evi
dence in the ttaie. only make the
crima tbe n-ore punUhnble;
that vou. havinat been a man woll edu
eated, and f good repute at ono time,
you vhould havo refrained from com
taitting auch a breaeh of truL"
, It Saturday nlnht tlie following
officer were ebioted and imtalled for
HL Helen Lodge No. 32, A. F. ami
A. M.. for tho enmiing yeur: Jacob
Ueorge, W. M. ; 1. J. Switzer, S. W;;
A. Kin, J. W.I Jume Muckl', Tree.;
K. E. Quick, Hoc. j Jnckon Peiinhrr,
Tyler; B. W. Plunimer, S D.; John
f Ky, J.D.i J. II. Bwager, 8. 8.;
Ueorge Andereon, J, 8. After the
election a wee wa taken and t'lie
lodge and viaiiing brethren repwireil to
the St. Helens hotel, where a bounti
ful repuat had been preiwrcd and en
joyed a aplendid nipper. After aup
r the inatallalion Un.k place, in the
reai)CA of quite a number of vinting
lueiubera of the fraternity.
Robert Day. who murdered Thomaa
C. Buebe at Woodland, of which men
tion waa made in thia paper about two
inontba it go, waa tried at Kalania laat
week and convicted of murder in tho
tint degree. On Thursday nixht of
the aame week Day attempted to com
Hitt (uteide. While eating hi aupper
the iheriff turned and went out of the
eell for few minute and left Day by
liimaelf. On the rctiirn of the sheriff
lie discovered blood flowing from D iy'e
arm. On examinution it wa found
that wih the table knife which he had
bees eating with he had uit hi arm to
thu bone JuHt above the elbow in au
endeavor to cever en artery, which be
evidently thought would cutiae him to
bleed to death. In tliii. however, he
failed, aa he mined tho artery. The
town physician was at once summoned
end d roused the wound and the
doomed man, ut Uet accounts, wae iin-iovne;.
Major;. JuMph Bmitli, who reside
at-out two tuilea above Kulama, wnea
caller at thla ItK( Saturday, Mr,
ftiiitli haa laudy eoinptutd a wood
lliime two niilo In length frnm bin
plus to the Columbia, atChnrltts Huff-
min i place, where lie Inn a lurjp
wharl, lately ooiiiuucteU, lor the pur
mite of supplying steamer with wood.
Mr. Smith uifurtna ua tlutl Ii ao arrune
ed the flume ae to have an mImiihi-
mice of whiit lu float WihmI all the
year. The'llume ha coat $3000, and in
one of Him tiiostsiib-ianliuJIy construct
I'd of any flume atonic the river. Wood
at I lie wharf, wile readily at 12 AO per
cord, and Mr. Smith, hiving a dirge
boly of flue timber in cloaii proximity
lo'lhe fltiiiie, haa a bonanza Ui any tin
There is a popular idea provnlcnt ih t
the minute lei ter "M" to lie eeu at the
base of Liberty tin the face of the prev
ent Issue of silver dollar stands for
"Miut," and la an evidence of the gen
uineness of the coin bearing It, This is
a mistake, say the I'lulndi lphia
Uncord. TImi "M" stands for Moijfan
George T. Morgan, who is the origin
ator of tbe design. Upon tho same
aide there is another "M" also the in
iiittl of the dexitcnor. Thia is to lie found
in the wuvinir lock of the fair goddess,
and i so cleverly concealed in the
lines of tbe desiftn that it can only be
seen after a Iouk scrutiny. A prom
Inent mint ofll il, in sieakiuir of tlii.
other initial, id he Innl it sliow.i to
him scores of times, but he could never
find it niiassisled.
Tulk about biiilfinne the t-lz" of
goose kks; Wedueaday it bad'd in
til. Helens for hImuiI ten miuiiiva and
the drops wre like ostrich ckk snd
hard enoiiKh for street iHivini; On III
approach of the etorni it soon led like
rumblaof a heavy freight tni,,
on a Iroaty moininK. J lie people
weie attracted to the streets and flood
in Hrf"cl nnnizsiinent wailinx for tin
Dakota blizxuril to wipe them off of tin
face of (he earth, and it wn HiuiMiiiK
to see thei'hanireof expresi-ion when
it waa discovered to be nothing but a
fiiendly litil storm. . ,
We annouMcw the msrriaa of Mr
Charles II. Enisliidi to MiasMattie M.
Bevls, laith of Deer Wand. Mr. En-
vlisli ia ihn youiifiest son of Mr.
('htrle English and ia Well known
throughout ihe county, having been
reared among ua. The brid.i we are
not ttcOUHinted with but will say lliut
, It j is well and favorably known to t he
Hindu iu tl at, locality. Th Mist
wishes Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. E
Kli'h many a merry, Christina and
happy New Year. ;
Henator Plumb, of Kansas, di d in
Washington Sunday morning. He
had been uiliiiK for aouie lime lmt h
wae aupposed that notions: serious was
the mailer. Renlor I'lnnib was 54
yes is old and had been iu the Unitxl
Htau-e senate from Kansas since 1670
lifleen year. As llio leuirlalure of
Kansas ilia's not convene lor one year
yet, the governo will bf cull, d iiion to
siipoint teuator l liiinti successor,
and from present report that successor
will be ex-Senator Ingalla,
The Christina tree last night was
a derided success. The little ones were
especially happy in osaession of the
many irvsents which were di tributcd
an.otiK thorn from the heavy laden tree
that wae fairly groaniuic roller it
load of rich glfla. Tif h"Ue w.i fill
ed to ovei flowing and nil eupyed the
itir.iir from the bottom of their hearts.
The city council lis purchased lot
11 in block 11 in 8'. Helens of A. H.
fllakesluy. Tbie is the lot at tbe north-
rtn intersection of front atrnet, next to
Captain Lamont's iirooeity, and the
purchase price waa $,'iU0. Don't the
city council think tliat corner lot are
just a little bit hih in 8t, HeleusT
The atorm waa so severe at Astoria
Tuesday night i hut, the steamer Tele
ohone could not cet around Tongue
Miiut on lier way up, consequently we
got no mail from Portland by river ou
Wednesday, us there waa no boat in
Portland to take the place of the Tele
' Mra. J. R. Recgle and her alster,
Miss Eva Aruhbold, who has been vis-
ili iir her for some weeks, left Tuesday
for Hdlsboro, the home of the latter, to
speud Christ maa.
' Dr. Cliff wa snmmoned to Mus
grove on Kuues I, laud Tuesday
niirlit to see Mr. Musgrove, who has
been quite sick of 1 de but is a resent
Rook consisting nf Dickena' ''Lit'le
Paul," Qrimm'a "Fairv Tale,' "Robin
son CrtiBoe," "Gulliver'a Travel."
Whittter' Poem, Ect., at the drug
tote, cheap.
Loi One of W. J. Muckle fc Co,'
clerk lost the sale of a pair of ruff Imt
tons the otheday because he wouldn't
reduce the price
Tbe oarlock thieves about St. Helen
are gelling altogether too numerous.
and unless thia petty thieving ia soon
stopped somebody will gut into serious
tiouble. t
Tuesday wa Ihe moat stormy, di-
greuble day experienced so far this
season. A continual downpour of rain
prevailed all day, from early morning.
If vou intend to fill all tho stockings
on Chris nias Eve. you should examine
he line line of h liilay goods at Mu kle
Bros, before the stock is sold out
Dr Cliff Waecalled t" Rainier Wi d-
ncsdiiv mtcnt to aiteuu iu nine son oi
Mr. M. M. Pomroy, wh i ia aid to have
scarlet fever.
Agiiftu Qniroto, a native of Itnly,
iloolarod hi intention to tiecome a
citizen of lli United H tales before tbe
county elurk Monday.
Messrs. George Foiter of Gohle, Reu
ben Foster of Reuben and D. C. Ted
ford of Rainier, were in St. Helens
laat Saturday. -
Mr. Adam Stump, accompanied by
Mrs. Stump, of Smippoose, wero in St.
Hel- ns last Tuesday. . .
The entertainment at the Masonic
hull last Thursday night is said to have
been first claea.
Tohaeeo, cigar, notions, etc., at
Perry', Houltoii.
The In tost novels and' other choice
reading mutter at the drug store.
C m. Curry, of Coweeman, Wash.,
was in St. Helen Monday.
Judge Wingert, qf Ooble, ws a
caller at The Misroffloe last Saturday.
Ki ad l-i a I of J. II. Swager in an
other column. ; . i
Also a general assortment of .NOTIONS
Wmdmful Sepry ls SI KswfaMt
ldss VMM r Travslm.
We leave Coriente. at 0 p. in., and
at a diatunoe of eighteen mile reaeb
the Tree Boons, the confluence of the
Paraguay and Parana rivers, In broad
daylight It is carious to observe the two
stream at the point where a long sandy
spit mark their Junction. The water
of the Parana areof a dirty green eolor,
while thoee of the Paraguay are yel-
towisn orown, will tor wvenuiuu..
iww lliisjuty BLrowiw. nu mriM,i hmi
unmixed, the meeting of the two being
marked by a long line of foam, form
big, as it were, a white eord stretching
down the middle of the river, and sep
arating the green waters from tbe
brown waters.
The Parana tuakea a sharp turn east
ward, and under the name of Alto
Parana uiay be followed on the map
up to about the nineteenth parallel of
latitude, where it ia formed by the eoe
Ouenoe of the two rivers Paranahyba
and Rio Grande. A few league lower
down the course of the stream is inter
rupted by the cataract of Urubupunga.
From this point It run sooth noothwest
aa far aa the twenty-fourth parallel.
where It la again interrupted by tbe
cataract of Guayra.
The region traversed thus far belongs
to, and was occupied by Jesuit
"reductions in the Sixteenth century,
Doubt let In the more or lea distant
future, when way of ooiuiuunlcation
have been created, all thia fertile terri
tory will once more be occupied. . At
the cataract of Guayra the frontier of
Paraguay begins, and the river run
from north to south, bounding tbe re
public, and then from east to west, un
til it Joins the Paraguay. The few
travelers who have seen tbe cataract of
Guayra describe the falls a being as
fine as those of Niagara, but unfort
unately they are atill in the midst of
solitudes to which acoeaa Is difficult.
The Sulto de Victoria, some twenty
mile, from the confluence of the Y-Gua,
in and the Parana, ia also said to be
very luagnilleent, and soiuewliat easier
of aoceea, but a yet few travelers have
aeon It The navigation of the Alto
Parana is difficult, but practical np to
a certain point The Platense com
pany runs a passenger steamer three
tluies a month from Corrientea to Po
sada and the intermediate ports Lo-
uias, Santa Isabel, Ituzalngo. Posadas,
on the Corrientea tide, la 223 mile from
the confluence of the Parana and Panv
guay rivers. From Posadas a smaller
steamer of the same company runs
twice a month np to Tacuru Pucu, a few
miles above the confluence of the
V-Guaxu, and about 400 miles from
1 Beyond thla point no aorew or paddle
steamer lias been able to eonqner the
mpida, current and eddies. The whole
of the bank of the Alto Parana, from
Villa Enoarnaolon np to tbe Sal to da
Guayra, are covered with forests of
yerba mate, or Paraguayan tea, and
the chief traflle ia the transport of thia
article. Theodore Child in Harper's.
:., Oal frea Palnl
A new prooesa for the manufacture
of gas from petroleum haa been put
into practice at Kittanniug, Pa., by
which it ia claimed that gas ean be
manufactured at one-half the cost of
the old, and fat much better for illumi
nating purpose. The method is a very
simple one, consisting of a feeder and a
system of retorts. These retorts are
kept at u certain heat, and tbe oil forced
through them Into a receiving ' tank
filled with water. When the heated oil
strike Uie water it turns Into gas, and
is conveyed from thereto the supply
tank, ready for usa It is said that
4,000 feet of gas ean be manufactured
from one barrel of Lima oil. New
York Telegram.
DsMrlblug Wale.
The average British rough has not
much respect for his future king. Th
day at Epsom I was on the track,
and a crowd was watching H. R. II..
who waa standing In the Jockey club
stand. One tough, better informed as
toll. R. II. s personality than hia fel
low, waa pointing "Tutu Turn" out.
. "That's Mm there with the white
clobber round hia choker," said one.
"No, no, that ain't Mm." said the
other; "that's Mm a rubblu' of 'la
bloomln' snout" f !'
A nloe way to describe a prinee blow
lug his uoee. London Letter.
' Bemaravawle itescae.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. PUiufleld, III.,
makes the statement that she cauftht cold,
which settled on her lungs; she was treat
ed for a month by her family physician, but
grew worse. He told her she was a hope
less victim of consumption and that no
medicine could cur her. Her druggist
suggosted I'r. King's new dlioovery for
Consumption; she bought a bottle and to
her delight found herself benefited from'
lb first dose. 8h oontlnued its use and
after taking ten bottles, found herself sound
nd welt, now does her own housework and
is as well a ever she was. Free trial bot
tle ef ttit Great Discovery at Edwin Hoaa'
Drug store.
Chewing and
t' ...... . i '.
Smoking Tobacco.
A Fine line of
too numerous lo mention. .
St. Helens, - - -
Two More Prominent People Hade
to ttejoice.
Mr. Wise, of Perrydale, Oregon, and
Mr. Georste Gradt, of Portland,
" ' the Happy Patleata.
Pkrbydale, Or., Dee. 3, 1891.
Da. Dabbih Dear Sir: The electric
and m. dical treatment you gave nie
for a discharging ear perfectly and
arman fitly cured me. Refer to me.
. Mr. Editor For years I have been
troubled with chronic bronchitis and
atarrh, untill at time it wa impossi'
ble to sl'i'p or breathe with any degree
of con i foil. Under Dr. Darrin' elec
tric-medical treatment I am cured. 1
live at 1018 Oregon st , East Portland
Dr. Darrin continue to treat all
classes, tbe rich and poor alike, free of
charge, at 70 Washington street, Port
land Or., from 10 to 11 A. M. daily.
Thoe willing to pay, from 11 A. M. to
3 P. M ; evenings, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10
io 12 A. M., at one-half his former
iiricca. lie gives free and confidential
examination to all at the olfiu or by
letter. He treats all curable chronic.
acute and private diseases, with elec
tricity and medicine. The cure of
private diseases, such ss secret errors
of youth, irregularities in women, or
feiiule troubles, i in potency, stricture
and other diseases of a delicate nature,
guaranteed and never published. The
cure of deafness, catarrh, bronchitis,
consumption, dyspepsia, skin diseases,
liver, kidney and piles a specialty.
Write for queclion list.
All persons indebted to me will kindlv
call ind settle un. aa I siu anxious to ksl
nice my honks. Unsettled accounts UI
b placed in the hands of a collector Jan
jury Ul. UAKKY R. CLIKK, it. V.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that II. P Wat-
kins has retired from the urm of W. J
Muctde& Co., doing business st Ka.nicr.
Oregon, all debts one said film will he
pavuble to, and all debts due from said
arm, wtu ee psid ty
Rainier, Or., Nov. 17. ml. . dlljft
One Dollar Weekly
Buys a aood gold watch by our club sys
tem. Our 14-karat gold-Mlcd esses are war
ranted for !20 years Kin. Klftin and Wal
ibam in tv.went.' Stem wind and et.
Laity's or gent's ize. Equal to any 150
aich, tosi-eure agent where we have
none, we sell one of tbe bunting ca-e
watches for Ihe club price S2S and tend C.
O. U. hy express witii pr.vilegeof examina
tion before paying for the same. -
Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes: '
Our Jewelers have eunfeswl ther don't know
how you call furuiHh such work for the money."
Our agent at Heath Spring, 8. C, writes;
"Your wstehei tske at ilslit. Ths ceutleinsn
who got the Ian wsli'h ssiil that he examined
and priced a ieweler s watches In Lsncanler,
thsl sera so butler than yours, but the price
waa f is."
Our sgent at Pennington, Tex., writes:
"Am in receipt of the wsteh, and am pleased
without measure. All who have sees it say it
would bs cheap at tat." ,
One good reliable agent wanted for each
place. Write for particulars.
KariBi Watch Do., New York.
TljaGsloWsd French to,
Warranted " A P U OO fi ITI N C ' or ni7
to our
ns reiuaurtu
Is Sold o A
to curs any form
oraur eiaoMerof
the generative or
gan oi euneraex.
whuther arislua
BEFORE ueol stimulants, AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or through m liner-
Fower. Wskrl'iuiess, Ecarluxdown Painiintke
1 baok,8eminalWwikn(s,!yster!a, Nervous Pros
iiuu, overiujuircnco, .aucnaa ioiwol uraia
tration, MX'iurnu luminous. Le icorrna-s, Ills
stuens, Wi-ak Mmflorr, I.nnof Power and Impo
tency.wlid hlf neRleeteil often lead to premature
eld sire and lrmnitr. JTIre tl.UO a box, Cboxos
for Kent hy wa'lo.i receipt of price-
every IM0 order welved. to refund the mom-y if
a fermauent cure la not effeetrd. Ws have
fiouiiantiaet tMtitnonlala from old and younir.
of both sexes, who hnv'M been iermanenUy enrcit
by theme of Apbroditine. Circular tree. Address
Vtulru lirauob. Box 27. Posti mn. "a
For sale by KDWIN ROSS, Druggist,
St. Helen, Or.
" 'SIl'111PTIO . t'UHIiV.
An old iihysicliin, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by an Kail
India missionary , the formula uf a simple
veui'tabl remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure of co:suniptl n , brnncidtti,
catarrh, asthma and stl turost and lung af
fections, mImi a positive and rsciral cure
for nervous debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having tested its wonderful
curative powers In thousand of cacs, has
felt It his duty to make it known to Ids suf
fering fellows'. Actuated by this motive
and a deire to relieve human Buffering I
will send free of charge, to all wlmdesirc it,
this reciiie, in Herman, Krencli or English,
with fnlldircrtioiis for preparing and using.
Bent by mail by addressing with stamp,
nuiniiiK thii paper. V. A. Novgs,
8i"0 Powers1 B.ock, Koclicstcr, H. Y.
Key West
Domestic Cigars.
. " TksrsSart Bee. It .
raooot's, rxeiT, rrc.
WHK AT-Valley: tl Walla Wall.
II bb to ft T, per cental.
KbuliK Biai.ilurd, 6; Walla Walla.
It 80; irralism, 14; superfine, f per barrel.
O VTd--N;-w, bKit; per bushel.
M I LlJj I LKK- llrnn. tlOaaO: short.
, 3ut H : chop f ed, It) per t n, bai ley ,
'J0 i.erto .
' ftll T I'P.H YWmn f.m..
40c: fancy dairy. iHc; fair togooil, 26 vrllv
common, io&2llic; Kastirn, Jaitb'&c per
CHEESE Oregon, 13gUc; Eastern.
He per pound.
Klifavs AKHSma per dosen.
fOUbTRV Ci Ukens, ;0O to :5;
diu'ki. ts 6U to i 60; geese, $12 per dozen:
tnrk' y. ltc per pnund.
VKliErAllMU-Calibage. nominal. 1
f 1 JWier cental pinions. B0c(g$l per cental ,
nntatoes. 40(8 00c per sack; tomatoes, 40 to
50c per box.
Apples, 75 tOfl 25 per box
COFFEE Cora Kica. 2lc; Rio. 20c;
Salvador. 2le; Mocha. 30c; Java. 25c; Ar
buckle's, 100-iKiuiid cases. 21 Kc per wnnd.
bt'OAR-Oolden C,4)ic; extra C, 4,c;
BKAN.S Small whites, 3 He; pink. 3c;
bayns. 4c; butter, 3c; limas, 4c per
II.iNEY 17X to lc per pound.
B A I, I' .Liverpool, 114 50 to IIS 40; stock
fit to $1' per ton in rarload lots.
8YKUP-Kaeru, in barrels, 4210 4.:
M t HO - er gullnii ; S2 lit lo 2 30 par keg ;
California, in barrels, 30c per gallon ;1 75
per keg.
KiCJi-$5 75 per cental.
BKEF-livc. 2c: dressed. S tote.
MUTTON Live, sheared 8c ; dressed ,
7C. ' '
HOflSJ Mve. 4i toUe; dressed, 6c.
VKAL 4 to fie per pound.
'rn bam. 12 t-i lsl'-ir; othi r va h-tii-s, 12 Wc;
lard, compound, 10c; pure, to l.Sc;
Oregon, 10H to V24c; hrenkfait bacon,
13 ti 15c; sin ked bacon, II to HJic.
8aid Sawmill is situated on the St. Helens
road, about 2Vf miles southeast of Oh-ncoe,
Washington county, Oreson. Machinery
in perfect running order; Engine is 45-horr-e
power, ten hy twenty; Boiler SO inches in
diameter and 14 ect Ioiir; New bead b ock
( Ketchet); Ah o sawdust carrier; Lsree lot
oi eedar now on band for sale. Terms
made known on aryihi ation to the under
signed. Would exchange for city or im
proved farm property.
Hillsboro. Oregon.
Every teacher, student or music
lover should hsve this volume. Itcontains
212 putces of yal.ilile musical inforiuution,
with full description of over 10.000 pieces
of tpusic and ruM-ie bnok. bi grupl.icul
iketches of over ISO coniOser.. with por
traits and ether illustration. Also s choice
-election of new voc.,1 and m.-triin ent I
iiiu-iu and other atlia.-tive fe tinei. Upon
receipt oi ciem z cent stamps, to prepay
i-oatag . we wilt mail free, a eopy ot 1 he
Stus clans' Ouide, also a sample copv of
Krainard's Maeical World, conuining 42.n0
worth of new music and iatercs:ing readiiig
inaiti-r. Aunreaa
- - Cl.i -ego, 111
Nwtlce Credllars.
Notice is hereby given that the under
lined. Marv lira.nt. has been rlnlv un
ninteil administratrix of the estate of Wil
is iu It Braini. deceased, bv tbe countr
court of tbe slate of Oregon for Columbia
county, and that U tters have been duly is
sued to ber. All persons bating claims
aguinst said deceased are herehy required
t presenttliem with the necessary vouchers six moot is iron, n e .lata nereot to
ihe said sdmini-tratrix at her lion. near
ilciippoose, Columbia countv, Orep.n
Administrntrix of the estute of William
R. ltraini. deceased. dills
Dated Di e. 10, 1801.
Land Office st Oregon Cily, Oregon, Dee. S, 1891.
Notice ia hereby civen that the fotlowins
named settler has filed notice of hiaintentien to
make final proof In sunDort of hia claim, and
that said proof will be aiade before the County
Clerk of Columbia county, at St, Helens, Oregon,
on January 26, !, viz:
tlomertead entry No. SSOS. for nnr i of sec. 4.
tp I o.rtwol. He names the following wit
nevseato prove his continuous residence upon.
and eultlvatiou of, aaid laud, via: t-u-tave II.
Biereks, Frank M. Toinpkln. Julius Ziesmsnn
and Alsiander T. Creecy: all ef Scnnpnose. Uo-
luinbia county, Oregon.
J. T.
f.snd Office st Oregon City. Oregon Dec. f , 1HS1.
Notice is hereby given that tbe follnwlng
namsd settler has nled notice of his intention
to make tiuul proof iu support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the countv
clerk of Columbia county, atst. Uelena, Otegon,
on Jauuaiy 23, ISM, vis:
1-iiAKi.r.a u. cijAiik,
Homestead entry No. SUM. for theswWofsee.
fi, tpn, r 1 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon, and cultivation uf. ssUt land, vis: K. A
Cuohman. F. Hiahop, (1. C. Jacqniah and R. K.
Foster; all of Reuben P. O. Colunibla renuty,
Oregon, dlljli J. T. APPRRHON, KegUtcr.
Landomcest Oregon City, Or., Pec. . m.
Notb is hftrehv irlven that tha followtnv
named aetltcr hu filed notice of his Intention
to make flnal proof in supKrt of his claim, and
that aald proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Columbia county, at 8t. Helens. Or., eu
Jauuary 36, 1HM, vis:
Homeitsad entry .No. 7160. for the ne t of ne.
It. IpSn, r t wert. He names the following
witnesses to prove his eonllauoua reiifdencc
upon, and cultivation nf, said land, vis: K.
Keirhardt. Elmer K. Orindle. J. P. Yonn snd
William C King; all of Apian'. Columbia
county. Oregon. . J. T. APPERSOS,
dlljla . Register.
My son, William E. Bonner, hnvlne left
home without my cooiwnt, I will not be re
sponsible lor any debts he mav contract.
8cappoose,Or., Dec. 10. 1001. dlMm
The Photographer,
First and Taylor Streets.
Work and r-ricoN tlvni oanuot be beaten
King Clothiers , of the Northwest.
Ola Corner, nvrlsn sa 8eena: atreels. fartlasid.
rait or Overcoat
NO- ;
Boys' Suits land Overcoats, Ages 14 to 19 Years
I .At J
II fl ,
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First and car. Salmon Street PORTLA17D
Yon are respectfully Invited to call at the office of the
And examine onrliotof Properties, the finest and best
of which is
Hawthorne's First Addition to. Portland,
LOTS 50X100 FT.
Psrtlcs who desire to visit snd exsviine this property win find onr sgent sad team read; st any
time tree
'e also offer 100 10-cre tracts belonxtnx to
ths Hawthorueeslaieat IliLLSBoao, WsflbiiiKtoa
county, 11 miles wet ot rortlana, one Hour nae
by rail, three liuiea daily.
Thin tatn CArtifT that th "Orarnn tTomMttMd
mneweads. rvouirins little, if anr clearinr. with
tables, aa well a lo the production of every variety of grain and fruits that ean be grown in Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington, and we have located tnerenn. atd homesteads are aituated oa
the W aifhinglon itlde of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing of a daily line of steaa'.era,
and eppo4ie le Hood Rl 'station, on the line of the llmou Pacltio railway, SS miles eaU of taa
city el tonlaad. Ws cordially recommend our friends and othera to iota our colony. ...
(Signed, 8. A. Cares. 4M T st.. Portland. .
' ... W. J. Kols, 2S Oak at., Portland.
W. J. Batcs, eor. Front and Hall sts., Portland,
' Chas. H. CaiDSoa, 274 Fourth St., Portland.
G. r. Cook, cor. Fourth and J u., E. Porlland.
C. B. Hlackwsi,l. cor. 4th and J sta R. 1'orllaud.
M. W. KiNcain, 26 Porter at., Portland,
r. Pixacx.eor. Third and Asb sts.. Portland.
There are bow sixty settlers ia the eoleny sad claims enough for 16 to U more families. Call
and obtain full particulars. .
: ' ;i...".-':'T:, .., : o n;, :; .X Tt":':'L,:J:'-'y-'::';' J:r'
We are also locating a colony about three miles from Port Angeles. . Five, 10 and it-aere tracts
150 per acrs. . , t
: Also a eolon; at Hillsboro, Or. on 1 and JD-acre tracts at 1100 and $125 per sere.
10 acre farm I miles h?m St. Helaus, all good land, creek running through ths center, splendid
springs, new room house, small gsrden, fruit trees; M per acre. .
Wa hsve thelsrgest snd mof t valuable tract! of land In Ihe states of Oresr-sas snd 'Wnshlstgj-
. We receive none for subdivision or sale that we cannot have endorsed by the leading rel
denta of the district in which aucb lands are situated. W e receive none except suca ss hava aa
abaolute perfect title.
We hsve 203 5-acre tracts near PORT ANGELES, WASH., an eleesnt tract for a Colony M par
acre; ,3D0 acres in a body near the above. 124 per acie. Very liberal terms.
Four Homesteads, AJXeih $130 Each.
We have for sale a beautiful fruit farm nf a ISO acres. M acres nnder fence, 80 seres nrutsr eultr
vation. Price tl, nOO. Terms 11.200 eaah, balance on time. With hourehold furniture
horses, cattle, bogs, potiltrv. wagons sud everything suitable for a firt-cuua
, iarru, tAW- Terma, lAOiie cask, balanve on time. Call and get
full particulars,
116 acres fine cleared land near Roeburg, Oregon, nesrly all level, dotted with beautiful eak
trees. I per acre. Bpcndid fruit snd grain farm.
One 19-aere tract, near Port Angeles, 36 pec acre, cash. ; , ,
A party ia forming here to visit the United
aunuv ine mouiu oi tceinoer. to oeaowni inresor tour moninn. tue mauceieenta oneveu
sre far minerlor to those of California in lms, without the hsrdhips then endured. The
mines of Columbus exceed in rlchnexs anv ever rlincoverudln California or Mevsina.
The climate la.ost ibe sameaa in Calitarma, the terming lsnds ranging is price frsta SO
rents to It per sere. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes and grain gn.wn In California and
Oregon, in addition to coffee, coeoa and a!i the tropical fruits. .
Is forming to vlrlt Ran Blega attd the City af Enaenada, Lavrer Callfarala la
OecaoilM), , to apehi the winter, exploring the mines and examining the r untry with aviewaf
locating a colon v of I'rnt-elaes farmers and fruit raisers. For full informatl n.ssnd t-eent utampte
Oregon Homestead Co.
Scientifically treated bv an anrist of world
wide reputation Drafneis eradicated and
entirely cured, of frnm 20 to 30 years' stand
ing, after all other treatmenta have faded.
How thi'dimi'Ulty Is reni-liccl and tho cause
removed fill I v explained itt cirt'ular-i. with
altldavits and testimonials of cures from
prominent people, resiled free.
PR. A. FONTAINE, Tacoma, Wash.
Portland, orviron. a. F. Armatrons, me.
Bcanrh stiiool : :AriT. L boa, IIollkub, ealam. Or
Business. Shorthaod,
'arln a-wlon thnaiirhiut lh v, rr. Stl .Vjw a
lad at an; tliuc. Cauliiu On i titlta.' k fUl
-'..--: -HO
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,
PRICES $700 TO $850 EACH.
ot expense. .
41 acres, improved farm 7 miles south of Port
land, nesrCtackauias. Clackamas station, 0. P.
K. It.. (tx-rt houxe, laud all fenced, good water,
aome timber; price SliiQ per sere, eaajr terma.
Watts 8ai.mok. Wash, August so, latt.
ffinninr" haa Hpcnrad ftima rood and wH 1fM-atri
tlrct clau soil, well ariaotea to arsin and vera- .
States at Ca!mtta. Mentis Aaaertea.
PLACE, Cart of our office.
Adiiuuibtnttor'R Sale.
Kotlce I hereby given thnt ptirsiisr.t to
an order of the county court of the Stale of
Oregon for Columbia countv, made on the
20th day of July, A. I. loi)l, the nmler
sfcned adiniiii-lrnti.r nf the estnte of X. I..
I5erg. deceaived. will sell at public auction ,
to Hie highest bidder for cssb In band, or
for one-half cash and the bain rice on a credit
nf one year, the same to be secured hy
mortgage ti)on the lund sold, at the court
house door in the town of rH. Helens. Co
lumbia county , Oregon, oti Tuemtny. the
26th day of January, A. P. 1882, at the hour
of 2 o'clock I'. M. if said day, the following
descriiied renl propertv !ltiiglng to the
estute ot N. U. Berg, deceased, ta-wlt : The
southwest !- nt section 4 In township U
north, range ft west, and also ihe southest
X "f section 4. In township. 0 north, ranre
5 weft. Mluate in Cnliimhin county. Urcirof,
and contstning three hundi-ed snd twe tv
ares, mora or less, according tr Cuitcd
btates survey. A. .M. HKKU.
Administrator of said es m.
St. Hc'.nn, Or(ta-.,i, Vm. . tflil