The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 25, 1891, Image 2

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B. ltKUUfR, Decbmbsr S3, 1801.
BBBg!W ., II, 111
In referent to the corrupt methods
prsuliced by tho Tminany Society for
t lis purpose ot controlling New l nrk
jx.Uiicsl machinery, snd sh tlicuU-,
if possible, the affairs of the nstioj, we
ttot the Plowing from 'Brick" Pi
vroy's Advance Thought, published in
that city, end (sets which no msu wlto
)im wslched the workings of that so
t ioty closely, will doubt:
"Th city of New York Is In the hsiida of
a pint; of thus greater and morsdsmsgin;
- U life anil decency than ever were the
llinin of Indis or China. This sans la con
irul of Kew York did not corns over with
1 lie ruritnnt, but troni Ireland. From the
r.untr of all factions except astbfactlon,
From a mercurial, rstles, witty, eotWic
al. bellserently-lnclinsd reonle, never so
happy as when Inflicting Injury npon others,
i-racking heads and having fun In a rough
way. This element dominates New York
to Its disrafts snd detriment. It is the
chief blood ot the veins of Tsmmany.
"This Is the organisation that rules and
1 running the ity. It it a minority, but
by organisation aijulrrs and wields the
liwer of city government. To obtain this
power it caters to the lowest paraians of
man. It baa no regard for virtue or de
cency. Its recruiting stations are in the
saloons, slum, noises of ill fame, the hid
, Ing places of thieves, the runways of mur
derers, the promenades of buneo-eteerors
and sll other swindlers. Its selected e
lid.ites and elected or appointed office
holders Angering the keys and moneys of
the public are, as a rule, thieves or Ignor
amuses.' They overflow Into prisons or fly
to foreign count rles to escape arrest snd en
Joy plunder. They breed vice to Ignorance
and unite monstrocides for the production
if (till greater ones. They organise .the
thieves, bunders and panel-house keepers
and crime inciters into a common band of
mutual protection. They elect as mayor
the dnde son of a laboring father, and with
him have a pnll that opens the doors of pub
lic places to the vilest, most incompetent
and dishonest of heelers. They fill ins
public places with clerks, helpers snd serv-
: ants no good business maa would have in
bis employ, and thus administer npon the
affsirs of a great city.
"The one object of this gang known as
Tammany is plunder, office, perquisites,
stealing, places for friends who are en
route to or graduates fiom prison. It has
no thought to better the structure of tene
ment houses orto educate the poor and ig
norant that are swarming npon our shores
to link the scale of America still lower.
Thus Tammany is breeding Vice and dis
order. It is sinking decency and democ
racy lower and still lower lower and yet
lower, till the slime of Sew York's hell
holes reaches to the windows of the churches
the counters of business bouses and the
bsnnta of society.
"How long can the city or state of 5ew
York endure this injection ot increasine
rottenness T Kew York may be blind but
tits country la not. It baa no voice in the
location of worlds' fairs. It lias no influ
ence hi locating national conventions. It
has no influence with chnrches. It la Ids.
ing sll its power and influence ii nat'onal
affairs. Decent people all over the country
are looking to Kew York and spurning its
touch and influence. Its leaders of fashion
are arraigned for smuggling and robbing
the government of its dues. The 400 select
families are raising dudes, dudelets, spend
thrifts, forgers, Imbeciles, idiots and law
suits, and its director of traita and appe
tites is now eliminating 1800 of names from
the social bosk, so as to reduce the sacred
element to 1300. Its banks are brcaJcing.
'Its life insurance companies convicted of
falsifying and swindling, its prisons and
insane asylnms full to overflowing: Its
board of aldermen is a nest of plun
derers. Its udg es are corrupt men who are
elected, not by merit, but .by mouey.' Its
democracy U the selection of candidates
who have money enough to pay the ma
i bine for voting or counting them in. Its
streets are the dirtiest of any in the civilised
world. Its workhouses are full to over flow
ing, while men and women who, by uniting
in behalf of decency, could rescue the city
from its despoilers, are Indifferent or too
timid to speak againat evils that exist and
detericus Influences that are hourly in-
Thus we truthfully picture the city of
New York under the rule and debauchery
of Tammany, the dictator of democracy
and rot tener of the republic."
Thk country newspaper ia the most
useful and least compensated of all the
agencies which stamp tba impress of
progress upon villages and inland cities-
Without the aid of a local newspaper,
towns are as a rule thriftless and dead.
It ia common for small great men to
apeak with contempt of the local news
papers, but the village newspaper
makes more great men out of less
material, more bricks without straw,
than any other factor in politics, and
it is the one ladder on which men
climb to local distinction as the begin
ning of wider fame. The advent of
the local newspaper has always dated
the Increased thrift of the community
The local newspaper is the life of the
locality, and the measure of its support
measures the advancement of the peo
ple, i
Tin appointment of Stephen B.
Elkios aa secretary of war by the presi
dent, will not meet with the approval
of the majority of the American peo
ple. . The objection to Elkins is that
he has made a record as a boodler, and
was the chief instigator of the Star
Route mail frauds, in which the gov
ernment was swindled oat of several
millions of dollars. This, however,
was many years ago, and tlie people
may now be consoled by the fact that
the once famous boodle king may
have repented. The transfer et Bee re
ts ry Proctor from the war department
to the United States supreme bench is
conceded by all to be a wise and de
served honor. Sir. Proctor's course as
secretary of war cannot be criticised. :
When a Chilittn mob fell upon the
sailiiri of the Baltimore iu lh streets
of Yulparolso and killed and wounded
some of them, because of hatred to
Ameiiiaita, and when the alh'gcd gov
ernment of that country showed a dis
position to ttpprovc their conduct and
ref um-d to a iHilogiXe or muke rcpn rut inn ,
the United States govciiimenl w
bused by lit European, powers f bully
ing and trying to niske a bluster fi
Hlitiiiil effect, because In a firm ami
dignified Way it demanded SMtisfiiction
for the outrage. Now th little Bui
itsriu has luert-ly kicked an off usivi
Frenchman out of its kingdom, and
the great French nation is breathing
of its threatening and slaughter, which
are accepted as a very mil urn I thing
for a European tuition to do under such
circumstances. From this it appears
that a mere insult to the honor ot
France is a more grave offence limit a
series of such instills to the United
States, with the shedding of blood
added. There seems to be one law tor
i he Jew and aaolher for theGt-ntil in
this matter of national offense. Ore
Bonis n.
, If Governor Paunoyer can induce
Speaker Crisp to favor a portage root
Irom this city to Culilo, and thereby
secure the passage of such a bill by
congreti, we believe help would come
sooner to Ihf producer of Eustern Ore
gon, in the slmi e of cheaper freights,
llian b' the ship ra Iwty, cnnttrticte-t
on the "locks method." Senator Mito
t-U's bill for the ship railway pasaitl lie
senate at the 1 at SA-riim ; but there if
no reasonable hrp of it parsing the
lower houre for many years. In vi.-w
of this, we believe the Oregon dt-le
gatiou will be acting for the be-t in
terests of their rouslitut-nls by soir
porting a bill for the construction of a
portage road on the Oregon side, to
overcome the obstructions to naviga
tion above tbia point Timea-Mouut-aincer.
In support of President Harrison's
message to congress regarding the
Chilian controversy, and which has
beea the cause of considerable un
called for comment by a great number
of newspapers, the New York World
COem,) has t is to say:
"A good many newspapers which
should know better are echoing with
approval the Cjiliiin assertiou that
President Hitrrinon, in his nntsate,
adopted a 'thrcaWaiiig tone' toward
Nothing could be more uniiia'. or
further from the tru h. No fair nfloil
can find in that part of the ineage
which relates to .Chilian matters any
other tone than one of dignity , courtesy
and a calm-ininded Waiting for events,
a tone such as an American previd- ut
should adopt in cominu-icatin to
congress the facts touching such a
matter. ; . .
"The World has not hesitated to
criticise the president . for sending
Egan to Chili in the first place and for
keeping him there it became
apparent tbat his presence was offeii
sive to the Chilians. But the World
likes truth and fairness, and it is not
true or fair to say that the president
has adopted a 'threatening tone' to
wards Chili in bis message,
"He has told congress what has been
done and for what acta npon Chili's
part the administration is waitiug. lie
has added:
"If these just expectations should be
disappointed or further needles delay
intervene, I will, by a epecial message,
bring this matter again to the atten
tion of congress for such action as tuny
be necessary. The entire correspond
ence with the government of Chili
will, at an early day, be submitted to
congress.' .,'..;',;...
There is nothing in the mesge
more 'threatening than this, ami it is
clearly a perversion of language to
apply that term to such a passage."
The president has appointed Hon.
Warren Truit, who is now register of
the land office at Lakeview, Or., and
who was a Blaine elector in 1884, as
United States district judge for the
district of Alaska. This appointment
is a good one. Mr, Truit has - made a
reputation ss an able jurist, and, un
like Simon, has not been wrapped up
in every political job that presented
itself. The appointment ia commend
The Best Baking Powder
Is that of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. It is prepared
with greater care and accuracy, from finer and more ex
pensive materials, competent chemists test every ingredient
nothing is left to chance. No ammonia, alum or other
adulterant taints this purest of human food products.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the embodiment of all
the excellence that it is possible to attain. It is always
uniform and reliable and retains its full strength until used.
It is not only more economical because of its wonderful
raising power, but by reason of its greater bulk, the cans
being much larger than the ordinary kind; it will go
farther and do better work; It never disappoints. Dr. Price
is the only baking powder that contains the whites of eggs.
W. J. rJutUCKUI z CO.
-niauiaa is-
General Merchandise,
Crockery, I Boots, Shoes,
Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods,
Queensware. Furnishing Goods
Produce Taken In Exchange.
It Will Pay You
able upon the good judgment of Presi
dent Hnriison.
People in a large number of citiesln
the stale of Washington arj not ser
iously alarmed at the efforts of one or
two rising young journalists who have
declared that the recent elections in sll
these cities were void because of some
sliitht informality in the priming of
the tickets voted. There is very little
probability that any witless man to
avoid paying some small license, would
ever attempt to showau illegal election
in the courts, but were it done, the
courts would undotibielly .hold thai
the intent oi the law had been compli
ed with and the election which wur
fair and honest, w-ml I be dt-l rv I
gaily hell. Borrowing rouble over tri
ll s is a common ittlli-tioi wi'li mu.iI)
minds. iOreironinn
Mr. Dolph. Oregon's stoinr senator
haa teciired the cliniriiimii-liip of the
senate committee on rivers and har
bors. This ia a very important com
mittee for the Pacific coast, and it
affords an opportunity for Senator
Dolph to do some good work on behalf
of river and harbor improvements.
Heavy rains and winds lately.
Don Mc Kemie haa returned from
eclujol to spend the holidays.
J. C. Johnson spent a few days lal
week vieiiiug fiiemls on Pug-1 sound.
lie la not v, ry Weil pleased Willi that
cllon. ;
II. II. Brown, who came here Wt
iut-r, ha ekippt-d I here parts, leav
ing numerous creditors to mourn ho
Midden flight. Lie bus n i property
Burala s entered Watt& Co.'a slO'e
on the night of the lStb by brew. in
in a wiudoW. AIhiiu 2 Hi cast! xitd
t-5 worth of tolmcco und ntiois wr
titkrn. No clue was had to ibe cut
prits. :
'the dedicatory exercises of the new
ebun-li will uke i l.u- next Sumlay
the 27lh, at 12" .SO o'eba-k Uvs. Clapp
aud Cur. is, ol Fort land will be present.
A Christmas tree will be held on
South Scappooee X'nius Eve.
A. II. Matthews thinks of applying
for a pension as he has been l-tid up
for some time with a sore band.
The teacher in this district snrprised
the "kids" one day hist week by adopt-
! ing more severe rules. The directors
say, Amen.. '
Parties wishing to secure a .turkey
for Christmas will . do well to attend
l lie shooting match at Wilkinsons
net Thttr-day.
The alliance will give an entertain'
ment Jnn.ry 1 at 1:30 o'clock.
Everybody is invited to attend. Come
early and avoid the ru-li.
J- hn Prin gle sprained bia ankle one
day last week, which is a very Sure
affair. The accident haM'ued y the
staging giving awuy which he was
work 'ng on.
Andrew Elliott visited the county
seat List we, k on ouainess.
E. O. Darling returned from the
Lower Ntlinb-m Saturday, where he
bad been on business.
What are we going to do Christmas.
' Uao.
School will adjourn Wednesday for
the Cbiistmas holidays. - -
Last week the gr -nd jury inspected
i he State Normal School buddings,
and recommend an addition building
necessitated on account of the crowded
condition of the school.
The athletic association gave an eh
tcitsinment Saturday evening. ' The
receipts were over $00. which will he
to Consult Our Prices.
used In purchaso apparatus for the
A number of (ho former craduato
viatied schiMil litft week. It seems the
former students Hie always glad to
visit their alma mater.
The Athenian society had a special
programme r nduy evening, oonsiatiim
of a mock trial of a presumed miinlcr.
Invitations were given to the other
societies, wile responded and were
highly entertained. :
The frame work of a 13000 hotel ir
now to be seen on our streets and will
he a convenience that haa long been
needed. Wilhklm II. Phoctob.
Tom Bennett w. s unlucky enough
to cut his baud ou a cross cut saw.
W. E. Conyers, sftcr spending a few
d iva in Portland in the interest of t! e
firm, returned Monday.
A corn wpi'ing psrly came off ai
E. W. C-uyers' resilience on Monday
veiling. The results of the popping
mid stringing are to be seen on Thurs
d,iy ev uiug at the entertainment.
Miss Cora Bryant returned Monday
evening from a short visit to Portland.
Mm V. Schloih and boys went to
the city to srend Christmas, leavitiu
on the Shaver Tuesday morning.
Mias'Jewell Wheeler was a vigil or
last week from the Lower Nebalem
and Mist.' ;.- . .
Another boy has been added to the
family of Mi. and Mrs. M. O. Bryant.
With a family of four hoys, Milton ex-
pi-cls mniii in lie shle to run a bigginir
camp, though it will be some time be-
'oie I lie lau-at arrival will be able to do
much work there.
With practicing niuic for the can
tata Thursday evening, and work al
decoration tor the tn e and in the ;
ball for a ChriKtmas entertainment, to- j
ucther with the many surprises being
piep-ireil at home these day a, th re
porter ia allowed to tell very little
ii wa In the newspaper until after
Christina-. HoThk Mist must wait
until next week for items at lungth
from the town, ;
Messrs. Savery and Moore, special
l.i lei aiitmi, " representing Uncle 8am.
l-eiit 'Thursday and Friday of lasi
week in our village.
Person ho go after mail matter in
town were surprised last Monday eve
niiic t see rows of empty shelves in
the poelollice room, aud upon inquiry,
learned that the giaala in the Edger
ton store had been taken across the
street to Prank Merrill's store room,
where Ed rage is busy rearranging
them in a most attractive manner for
the benefit of purchasers. ' Ed will act
ss salesman, and expec s to build up s
eood biiaiuess in the new location,
Whether Captain Nichols and his
partner lutein! to bring on a m w stock
of goods or not is, si preseut, unknown
to the writer. : .
ma mr ik v.
KXUl.lplH-riEVlS.-In Portland. 1) tm
ber 23; by Rev. T. L. Elliots, t harks ii
: Engliah in Mlia Mutlie M. Bevii.
it 1HSEV. At l)il:ton, to the wife of Mr,
Maaaey, Wednesday. Dec. 33. a aim.
UMppr Halr.
Win. Tinimnns,: PiMtmnster of Idsvlllr,
,n1., writes: "hketic Bitters has done
miw for ms than all other medicines coin
blued, for that bad feeling arl-lng from
Kidney and Uver trouble." John lolie,
farmer ami stockman, of the ssme place.
ay: "Find Klectric B ttcrs to be the beof
kidney and I.Ivor medicine, made rus feel
like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hard
ware merchant In the same t-.wn. say:
Electric Hitters l jmt the thins for a man
who is all run d wn and don't care whether
he Uvea or dies; he found new strsustb,
food appetite snd feft just like he bsd a
new teste en life, Only 60c. a bottle, at
Edwin Boss' Drug Store.
. Stacklsre arsiiesi mi vs.
Ths Beat Sslrs la Ids wU for Cuts, Brulnea,
Sores, Ulcers, Salt ghsina, Kever Sarss, Tetter,
Chapped Hertdn. Chilblain. Coma and all Skin
Irnptlnna, and potlllvsljr cures Piles, or ao pay
required. It la guaranteed to slra perfect salla-
faction, or moner refunded, Pries it eentt per
box. Por Sals Br Edwin Bom.
. Proprietor of
Oriental : Hotel.
The house has Wen fully refurnished
throughout snd ths bent of accom-
modalious will he given.
.-.(. .
v RTAOE run In connection with .
. the hotel conriSclliiK with the North,
em Pacilic Railroad at Mil Inn. Blase
for Tacoma traina 10 p. in. For Portland
train at j p. m.
Job Department
Ara ,.. nranared to oftiir their Kttnowns l All-Wool Oonda at a Orat tteilllelliin
fiom ler Jlv n mi lil. our All-W.ol Chilhlng from ths
Al l any W mle MUl. w have aeciired f'u Hi moat prominent fcWn and
KorTliii Mills ail lbs Uteat Designs. Ws warrant sll our souils as Uuneatsiid
Lai IK a. IOOO.
nark Gray Tweed Salts,.
4tried WoralMl Sulla..,,.,
rt(Hl Cheviot Sulla
K-otoli t'hrvliH Sulla.
Hniwa I'dild Sulla ,
Moltlnl t'lievha Hulta.,.,.,
At $ 8 50
ilrayl:htk Siilln MHH
raney OhevkH Nulla..,,,,,.,....,.
Drown Tweed Sulla......
( Its, soto.
Brown Cheviot Sull. ..
PlaM faaalmsrs Hulta
Faacv Caaalnisrs Sulla-,.. .
RmwuTweeitSultii. At 10 00
Fancy llerrlnn Bone Sull.... al V WU
Vvlour Ki'J fU... ......
Uray Tweed Suits.-, a
. Lei IS. SOSO. ,
llrflwn Cheek Sulta..
(.'heck rawlinsre heavy 8nlt
ltlet Cawlmers heavy tulia
ilray Cheviot, heavy. Sulla.... At 19 f0
llrown Chevlol, hcivySulU... vvi
llvavv nine Tweed Suit
alack aud While Mlisdt'aa-
aimers Sulla. , .
Lei Nw SOSO.
Srown Striped WoMeo Sulti
lllat-k lUneoual Sull.... .
Hlark Cnrkacrew Sulla.,...,,,.,
Heavy Blue Mellon Suds
Heavy Check Ca.ntmere Sulla A 19 Ril
rancy Wide Wale Worat.d A i vl
Mrowa Plaid Wonile,) Sultn,.. -Park
Brows Chevl4 Suits-M.
- I.e He. OtO. ', '
raney Cheek Casdmere in I la
Urliied Cajwlniere heavy alllla
Oarfe Orav I'havinl nulla. ,
Drab Tweed valour Subb
aulta .
rancy Camlineie aullaw
At 14 50
Fam-r Wortlen iltn .
silk Mixed CatMtmere aulta.,.,
Haskrl ChwK Canlihere aulta
Urowu Tweed aulta .
sm. soao.
Salnral Cray Caaatnirrs, BO
die "iilln.......
KrowD Cheviot Sentch nulla-,
Hark Brown Twee-I mil.
Dark Uray Tweed. Iti-aiiurs
ooa. auua.
Oark Blue aouare cut. inlu ..
At 15 00
Illack Wonted aulta
Tan Tweed. 21-ouoce gouda,
aulta M........M
XXX klole Tiie4sult..-..
J. M. MOYER & CO.,
9uccea'nr to Orowusville W len M lis,
THE RETAIL MERCHANT is tho nccemxry
Medium of Trade between the Miuiufitctur!r
and the Consumer. lie must protect the intercut
of bis customers by purchiieing io the lowest and
and best markettt, and by ncliing to his patrons
at tho Lowest Possible Prices.
In keeping these true principles of trade always in'
view ; often leaves the old track and striken "ncroHs
lots'' for Bargains for his customers. Ills stock of
US? General Herchandise
Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day.
It ia not rnnrcn'e it to name ths msny different art'cles kjt
nn ante, s-l le from Urv (hda,t1',thiiiR. l.-ullea' Wrsr tleiulenien's
Wear, tieail Wear. r""bl Wear, Klour and Fred, tinatr'sa and Can
not Uuoda, Naila and Hardware, I nx kerv and Otaawar. Oranite
and Tinware, Pow.ler and Knot, Hats and Cap, lloo'e aud Hhues,
Patent Medii luea, Tol'.it Artitlea, tic.
Diamonds, Clocks,
Watches, Jewelerv,
Fine 7atoH and
Orders from the
I6S First Street Between Morrison end Yamhill. Portland, Or.
Pealers ia
Paints, Oils, Glassware, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps. -
.Dry Goods and Groceries,
General :-:
ST, HELENS, OREGON. Km. Sfrflf!.
Slack whle Wale Salia..,,,,.,,.
Ilhie Vlite Wale Him m
llrown Meltnu Hulu
Fancv t'liat'k t lievlot anlta.,,,,
Hark dray Woraled alllla.......
Illatik Corkni-rtw aulta '
Ulai-k Ulagoiml aulia. ,.
Lei Ne. SOTO.
Park Brown Tweed nulla ,
Hixivy blue rii-ca-illly anils ..
SiMih) Fancy Wnrlml aulla ..
Katra Heavy Park Uray liaa-
luieie aiilt4.,,..-
I'lald Woraleil, ueat palern
aulta - ..
Broken Plaid Wor.tedaulla,.
Milk Mixed Woraled aulia
Lei Nat. SOSO.
Hlark Wide Wal lulu .,
Fancy Whipcord aulia
Fine brab kaiisy aulta.....,,,.
Flue Woraleil par, ,
Park Oray WorMed llll....
Hcarv Dine Heaver aulta
ill k Mlae-I Ciiontiere aulia.,.
Fancy Plaid Woraled aulia,.u
Small CliacS Woraled aulia..
Plain Brown Mi-llun aulia......
Calra Heavy XX Ceaatuiers
ttlitdtaaaiawS MiininiiHtMiiii
Lsil !. SIMM).
Park dray vol jur Eng. Caasl
mors tulta , ,.
Fine lllatk Woraled (Koeka
auila ................
Black Chevha (MH) aulta.....
Paik Browa Mellon aulia,..,.
Park Fancy Wonaed aiilta..
Fancy Katlla Sua We aulia,..,.
Kuvllah llerrlns Hon aulia,.,
Neat Park Clivvked Wviated
Fancy I'lald Wnrled aulia....
Slralht atrl Wornted null,
Kxlis gualli) Corkavrawaulis
XXXX valour Black Cheviot
FatmlleaV) Wl,!s Watsanlls
Fancy sirloje Wonle-I .alia.
Bound Wide Wale. ir...,
Heavy Whip Curd aulia
lllack I'lald Wonud, Sijliaio
cut, aulia..... .,
llerrlns Hons Htrli Woralid
aulia .
PrakKeraey auln. ...... .....
Male K.rmv aulia.,,,,., .........
Seal Brown siiIis..a.
Illue Thlhet, Wahr patera aulta
Banket ttor.le-l aulta ......
Heavy ptaemial aulia
Park Cray Wsietcd anlta,...
At $16 00
At 17 50
At 18 00
At 20 0Q
At 22 50
and Optical Goods.
Jewelry Repairing;
Country Solicited.
all Kinds of
Portland Seed Co.,
(F. W. MILLER, fgr.,)
Fertilizers, Bca Supplies,
Spraying Apparatos and
Material, Fooltr;
Supplies, Etc, Etc,
171 Ri-oond 81, 1'ortlaiid, Orrooii,
Pond tor Catntngtia. novSOOin
la now rnakln regnlsr round
tilia from
Daily Except Wednesdays,
Latvian OAK POINT... ......4:40 A. H.
pi n.i.1,1 . , ,, ,,,,s:iai
" KAINIKK, ., ,., ,fl:l
KAl AMA 7i(j .
AsstTisalOKTI.ANU.. tlHn "
Liavts mnTLAND .. ....... .t onr. M.
A shits TE I. LA
Sale ojStock!
Thsrosilll l tutdst Maypr, Oregon,
December 19, at a P.M.,
feeenly ftliarraof ths Capital Vtetkofliis
Green Creek LnmteriEg and
annfactnriiii Co.,
Of Msvirrr. On-gnn, 10 per rent, of akirh
'm, ,., ,o r fnmtwm win ue pi,mi in ew
fault of e mailt of sm saevouieiil f 19 aer
ftlll. Iiuw due. . ,, . . ,,.. . , . ,
G. C. L & M. Co.
. Proiritor ,
St. Helens Meat Market
rrrsh an l PalteJ Mesta, Jsiwajre, Kk.ll
sud Vi'fi taliles
Mesli by sbuleaals st stweial tnk.
Kapresa waiton run Uiall wrla ot tt
ml i-lisrices resaonabl.
J. S. doMNGER, PrepV.
ST. HELENS, . . . OREOO.f,
Choice Wines,
licucrs and Cigars. Bssr 5 Cts.
Billard and Pool Till
for tlxt Pooommodation st Ptfrca
Do You Drink?
yi ia to tinil Hi. must drairslle plSoa t ,
purclisas vour ' invljpirator."
Keeps eoiiMstitly 011 band Uas famsua
Cuban Blossom Cigars.
Tbs flni'tt lln. of WInss Uonora snd
Cl(ara tu be founn tlila aide of Port
, land. And If vou slab tu
t" rnuans in s saui. of ...
They ran scaurs you tlist tbsv lisvs Iks
lieat table in town. - KrerytMwe; new and
ni-nt, snd your iiniroiiiiiKi Is NMaH-ifuilr
sollclis.1. ..." .
tit. Helena. Oregon.
.... . , . .
Agency for
SSS' &)SiVMOHT, Sts.
iJJKteat hanaul InrMKmrlii. eaUmta la Amerloe.
Ifrerr vuent taken out kf hi la Immebl bf
tba pqoU. bf s Mattes sieen frss of enarsa Is tas
Tho Photographer.
l7 And 109, First Btrect, rortUni Ot.
Mweat etrealatlna sf anr aehmtlSe seaer'a tna
aua ahoiiM b. M.ol In, wealijr. ...I,.
r'usuauisa.WIBroaSwar. Haw tat. -