The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 18, 1891, Image 4

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    The Sham and the Real.
Every good thing hfis its imitators, every genuine article
ha counterfeits. The Ammonia and Alum Baking Powders
sold over the counters are no more like Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder, than the paste is like thereal diamond, or a
counterfeit is like one of the old master's genuine paintings.
When greedy and merciless manufacturers claim their
adulterated and harmful baking powders are as good as Dr.
Price's, they know they are not telling the truth. These
people know they are destroying the stomachs and the com
plexion of the consumers, and there are many grocers reconv
mending such? powders; over Jheir counters- knowing same
to be injurious and worthless simply to make a large profit.
Dr. Priw, a concientious physician, has spent a lifetime
In perfecting and popularizing his Cream Baking Powder,
the only Pare" Cream iTartar Powder now to be obtained.
Multitod;s of imitators all over the land have sprung up,
not to imitate the purity of Price's Cream Baking Powder, .
but to see how cheap they could make their counterfeits and
hoodwink the public.
i Some use Ammonia and others Alum, but all these shams
cry in chorus, "Buy this, its just as good as Dr. Price's and
much cheaper. '
Price's Cream Baking Powder is the standard for purity
and perfection the world over, and is beyond comparison.
Dr. Price stands for Pure Food and a foe to all shams.
The world-renowned success of Hostetter's
Rtomach Btttera, and their continued popularity
for orer a third of a ceuturrjr aa a stoniaehie, ia
searrely mora wonderful than the welcome that
greet the annual appearance of Hosteller's Al
umnae. This valnable medical treatise la pub
lished by The HostetterCompany, Pittsburg, Fa.,
under their own immediate SBpervtiou, employ
ing slaty hands iu that department. They are
running about eleven months in the year on tbia
work, and the iaane of same for li-tt! will be more
than 10,(W).rtO, printed in the English, (ierman,
French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland,
Bohemian and Spanish Uiqnlaires, Refer to a
copy of it for valuable and Interesting reading
concerning health, and numerooa teatimouiala
aa to the efficacy of Hosteller's stomach Bitten,
amusement, varied Information, astronomical
calculations and chrouolofrical items, etc., which
can be depended on for correctness. The Alma
nac for teste can be be obtained free of cost from
druggists and general country dealers la all
parts of the eoantry. ,
Young Author But dun' t you think my humor
is delicate Old Critic Ob, very! Why don't
yon take a tonic lor it?
' 1 TOBACCO . '
There is always , a best even
among a score of good things,
and every pipe smoker who has
tried the Mastiff brand acknowl
edges it to be the sweetest, cool
est smoking tobacco made,; It
does not bite the tongue, and is
positively free from any foreign
J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
' I have been afflict
' ed with biliousness
.. ,...
'and constipation
' for fifteen years ;
' first one and then
"another prepara
" tion was suggested
" to me and tried but
" to no ouroose. At last a fnend
" rvmmended Aueust Flower. I
" took it according to directions and
" its effects were wonderful, reiiev
" ing ' me of those disagreeable
"stomach pains which I had been
" troubled with so long. Words
' cannot describe ; the admiration
"in which I hold your August
"Flower it has given me a new
" lease of life, which before was a
" burden. Such a medicine is a ben-
' aft ri frt tinman itv and it Food
"qualities and
" wonderful mer- Jessd Barker,
"its should be
41 made known to
"everyone suffer
"inewith dyspep-
"sia or biliousness
a G. GREEN, Sole Han'fr.Woodbury.N.J.
the Greatest Temperance Book
Immense Sales
- Lmz Profits
'' a gents wanted every ;
lone No-revloii!ex "
ricuoe Booehsary t
iTiiHuiifl territory ad
. rem, i sni art tie Co .,
ll'tt Market Streak San
i'miietaeo Cal
OhaveaUtheTrrtoesaf the lavrswr ones
eoimllr efToetlvet purely rKUUAM. J
alsw sIuwb In Uils border.
Wsnt'an aKent in every town In Oregon, Wash
luKlon and Idaho to sell
Oa oommlwiou. So stock or capital neeueu.
aiusio tewliers preferred. Special rates on si)
guous. Write lor particulars. ,
hifc if re(;oTl
v. p. s v, $o. m -s. 7. . u. o.
Maa asus Tkalr Law.
Men ireuerally cross their legs when there
ta least pressure on their minds. Yon will
not very often find a man actually enxased
in business with his legs crossed. The
limbs at those times are straigbter than al
any other, because the mind and body
work together. A man engaged in audit
ing accounts will seldom cross his legs;
neither will a man who is writing an arti
cle or who ia employed in any manner
where his brain actively engaged.
' - When at work in a sitting posture the
limbs naturally extend to the floor in a
perfectly straight line. A man may cross
his legs if ha is sitting in an office chair
discussing some proposition with another
man. but the Instant he becomes really in
earuest and perceives something to be
gained bis limbs uncross, he bends forward
toward his neighbor and begins to use his
But these observations are made of man
kind in general. There are particular cases
that are otherwise. There an certain men
of distinguished talent who, when en
gaged in literary work, twist their legs into
intricate coils. One of the moat eminent
dramatists iu this country never abandons
himself to deep thought without contort
ing his limbs, which are long and slender,
into a kind of angular scrollwork nnder
the table. Another man, whose poems ap
pear most frequently in the magazines,
seems actually to wring bis emotions out
of his legs, as if they were sponges sopped
in the divine afflatus.
However, these are exceptional cases of
mannerisms by which particular men of
brains are insensibly affected. Some men
twist their beards when tbey are in deep
thought, others scratch their heads ab
stractedly, while others again chew their
finger nails. To this absent mimledgeaus
belongs now and then a man who cannot
ponder severely without making his legs
express all tits emotion of thought. New
York Recorder.
Saperatltloa la a Metropolitan Store.
There was a commotion in. one of the
large dry goods stores up town Thursday
morning. It was caused by six or eight
hysterical shop girls, and was observed by
two customers who happened to be near
the linen counter. The commotion was
started by the discovery of a croton bug on
the counter. .The girl who discovered it
quietly brushed it off on the floor, whereat
another girl started to step on it.
"Oh, don't!" screamed the first girl fran
tically, "You must never kill a croton bug
that way." . '
"No! nol no! Neverstep on a croton bug,"
exclaimed three or (our voices in unison,
and several hands were stretched out to
pall back the daring girl. She paused and
impatiently asked, "For goodness salt,
why not?"
"Because if you step on a croton bug it
will rain all the week," said one of the girls
in an impressive tone of voice.
"Oh, pshawl" said the would be execu
tioner of the bug, which meanwhile had
nestled In a crack in the floor.
"That's sol Ves, indeed. I never knew
the sign to fail," insisted three of the girls
excitedly,, as they gently endeavored to
draw the skeptical girl back to her post of
duty behind the eou nter. But she was un
convinced, and her hatred of croton bngs
was so much stronger than ber supersti
tious tendencies that she brought her foot
down with deadly effect, and met the in
dignant ejaculations of her mates with a
defiant "Well, let it rain." New York
Times. .. . " ' ' v
First Shot at sa bard. . .
"1st roiUl Tires, tirezl" and there, trot
ting along, casting a dark shadow on the
white snow, was an izard. about 173 yards
abora me. I uoslung my rifle and followed
with the sight. - lie stopped for an instant
Crack I lis whirled and trotted ltk again,
stopped, crack! and with a bound he dis
appeared among tba rocks. We watched
in rain for his reappearance, and turned to
mount, exchanging mutual condolences,
Suddenly, "Viola!" and there be wassguiD,
on the other snowfleld at our right.
Crack! went the Winchester, and then
be seamed to understand for the first time
where the trouble came from, for he was
off like the wind, while I emptied the
three remaining cartridge of my magazine
at the flying clouds of snow. Tfca miss
was set down to the natural nervousness
at the first izard, and it was not nntUsonte
hours afterward that I noticed a derange
ment of the rifts sights which would have
nude it impossible to kill sf twenty yards.
It was the first piece of bad luck-PauJ
Van Dyke in Scribner's,
f.. . ,. . ,' . i
; Sons Keys Way Have (ions.
To the best of my belief no boy ever
Learned any barm while eitbsr fishing or
shooting, and ( would unhesitatingly ad
vise parents to encourage is their sons a
taste for field sports and an admiration of
all manly pastimes. But good sound sonir i
mon sense should govern tbs teaching at
the young people, and before giving a boy
gun and permission to ass it I would ad
viae a careful study of bis character and
dlspositiooA If careless and reckless be is
no tit guardian for deadly weapon; bat if
be has sense aud caution enough to be.
trusted there Is no good reasen why he
should pot bare a gun of bis own. I
tiding btv takes proper care of it, makes a
oast Iron rasolra pever to allow the mus
cle to eover anything but legitimate
game and does not neglect bis studies for
tbe pleasure of a tramp afield, tbs uss at a
gun ean do him no posaiOle harm and tu
do Urn much good, Outing.
A Chleaso Lawyer's Idea, Which Will
Be. Ragardaw as Original. .
The Chicago attorney of cleutifJo
turn of uilnd who evolved the lile of
what Is known as the tewn ypw amend
mont to the divorce law, may or may
not have simplified one of the greatest
social problonis. An absolute oonclu
aiou Iu this regard will b Impossible
Bntil th amendment becomes an act
aud the practical working of th new
statute have been tested by a more or
loss Intellhranl and luiDatlent oomuiU'
ulty. It may not tm generally under
stood that the suggested legislation hi
Imperative aaa deduction from oonsld
erution of what Is knowu of the con
stant change ooourrlng In particle ol
the human body.
Each Individual I uiade op of atoms.
and each day soma of these atoms are
oast off to be replaced by others from
the food we eat, the water we drink
and even the air we breathe. Miss
Jones, though perhaps quite aa charm
ing a she was a week ago, 1 not en
tirwly the same person, nor I Mr. Smith
the same young man he was. Each
has lost a portion of the body and each
has gained an equivalent.
There is the same general contour as
before, but there Is a slight difference
In material In course of time till
change will be complete. Every recant
atom of Mlsa Jone or Mr. Smith will
have gone out into the great world and
new atoms will have taken their re
spective places. Miss J ones and Mr.
Smith will be new people: ' - -
The consensu of learned opinion ia
that the body change entirely ouce in
every seven years. , Now, upposevMr.
Smith and Miss Jone to wed. Mr.
8mith has sworn to cherish the lady
who has just become his wife, not some
other woman, and, vice versa, Mrs.
Smith, nee Jones, ha made pledges of
equal solemnity and Import to love
none other than the man beside ber.
For a time it b all right, that is, rela
tively so, but at the eud of a year only
six-sevenths of the present Mrs. Smith
remain, while Mr. Smith ha suffered
an equal variation. , - ,
At the end of seven year Mrs. Smith
is not the same woman Smith married,
nor Is he the same man whom she prom
ised to cleave to. There is not a particle,
not one jot or tittle, remaining about
either of the couple who were married.
Clearly their relationship is scandalous,
and something should be done about It.
To remedy tbe evil the amendment to
tbe divorce law make a separation at
tbe end of seven yean permissible if
not mandatory. : ' - '
Of course it is claimed by the oppo
nents of the proposed legislation that
neither Mrs. Smith nor Mr. Smith can
properly, be deemed unfaithful, since
neither longer exists, and the argument,
it must be admitted, has it force. But,
admitting tbe assumption, who are the
two people at preseut living together
nnder the name of Smith, and what ex
cuse have they for the relation now
existing? Should not they either sepa
rate or marrv without delay -
la Alana I'olsoaous T '' T
''This oiiection ha caused a good deal
of discussion. Alum is need by many
bakers to whiten their bread, enabling
them to use an inferior floor. It is most
extensively employed aa a cheap substi
tute lor cream ol tartar in tne manu
facture of baking powders. It use has
not been considered immediately dan-
serous, altnouirh if continued it induces
dyspepsia ana obstinate constipation.
But the fact tbat many case ot poison
ing have occurred from tbe use o! alum,
puts the Question, in a more serious as
pect, and prudent people will exercise
caution in tbe selection of baking pow
ders." ' - -:- - ' -'' .
"Under what condition then, does
this substance- formerly used only for
mechanical or medicinal purposes be
come poisonous? . They are certainly
obscure, ana at present we can oniy sur-
: i . t. " I II'. . .
that the cause exists in the individual
poisoned ; some peculiarity of the con
stitution producing a morbid change in
mim vusv uiev ;iuavy . ns ouevcui
tbe secretion ot the (tomacn, wttn
which the alum combine and form an
active poison ; or the secretion may "be
neaitby but in unusual proportions, ami
tbat these less or greater proportion in
combination with the alum constitute s
poison." " .-.--. -.-i.-;..'.; s;.
"For example, two part oj mercury
and two parts of chlorine form ca'omel,
which is not poisonous, bnt change the
proportions to one part mercury and two
parts of chlorine, and we get corrosive
eublimate, which is a deadly poison."
"Then again we know nothing of the
constitutional peculiarities. Why is It
that one person can eat all kinds of
green frn it and vegetable with impu
nity, while the same course might cost
anotherindividnal bis life? One person
can handle poison ivy and sumac with
out being in the least affected ; another
ia poisoned if be approaches to within
ten feet of them. Oat of a family resid
ing in a malarial district, some ol the
members will suffer half the year with
fever and ague, while tbe others will en
joy excellent health daring the entir
year. Food that are wholesome t
some person are actually poisonous to
others. Thi is especially trne of some
kinds of fish. There is no safety in tak
ing alum into the stomach, as it is shown
to be always injurious, and often dan
The fkitnlific American published in
a recent number list of alum and am
monia baking powders, which i of great
value st thi time. Following is a con
densed list compiled from official reports
Powders marked with a eter eeem to
have a general sale, they are men
tioned in at least two of tbe official re
nAVIB'O.K, 8XOWDhin. ,
There are, In addition to the forego
ing list from the SeUnlifio Ai'Urtcan.
number of such powder sold in tin
western that were not found in Vt
eastern store. v-
Following i S lBt of the most prom
inent: ANDREWS' I'KAKL ;. Contains Ammonia
(C. E. Andrews it Co., Mllwskee )
ACME Contains Ammonia.
ffhos. Wood Co., Philadelphia.)
BON BON ...;,...: ........UJoritalne Alum.
(J. C. Grant Ituklu fJoW'ler Co., Chicago.)
CAM-MKT Contains Alum,
(Calumet uaning rowaer uo., inicago.j
CLIMAX..,,,.,., , ..Contains Ammonia.
(Climax Raking powder Co., Indianapolis.) :
POBEBTCITY.,..i...ftontalni Ammonia Alum.
(Vouwie lro., Cleveland.
HOTKL Contains Ammonia Alum.
O. C. Grant risking 1'owdcr Co., Chicago.)
HKRCI'I-ES ..Contains Ammonia
(Hercules Baking Powder Co., Han Franelseo.)
ONE 8P0OH, TAYLOR'S'..;...,... Ammonls Alum.
CTsrWNfg, f . Louis.)
RWISOHt'N .r Contains Ammonia.
(I'nujulx Chemical Works, Chicago.)
ROY A I Contains Ammonia.
(Royal linking I'owderCo., New York.)
Kali's auras! of Ifeslttj,
Tba Tatal Woke la Mia Mastar'a boa
to rind the Madinaw Slttlnsj the
; tarvant's Hod j with a Death Oraap oa
she. Uafbrtuuate Man's Throat.
1 am a trained nurse. My specialty Is
the car of the Insane. I was formerly
corporal, in the British Murlv artillery,
and on my discharge, flndluii my penslou
not sufficient to keep me, I looked about
for employment, . Having excellent good
conduct papers I was not long In obtaining
a situation as personal attendant, or what
Is called body servant to a young geutle
nian named Frank Hardy, the son of a
wealthy Eiiultah olerayman, who was
studying tor the army examination.
Young Mr. Hardy was as flu a specimen
ot physical manhood aa I erer set eyes
upon, but be waa a living lustano of th
old saylnKi "The nearer the church th
further from God." Hewasnot only wild;
he was licentious. When I Joined Olni
even there were slgus of tbe breaking up of
a magnificent constitution and powerful
Intellect, though he was out twenty-six
years of airs. '
In the suite ot rooms Mr. Hardy rented
on Kusaell sunare, London, I occupied a
like chamber at the back, connect I uk who
the main rooms through the bathroom and
his bedroom, which opened on to his study
by a single door, aud that, by a large pair
of lolilltig doors, upon th large front re
ception room. I was also able to reach
this fro ut room by the hall passage with
out entering my master' rooms at all. lie-
sides my duties ot keeping his clothe and
rooms in order, prepariug 'bis toilet and
looking after hi wants generally, I was
expected to he la readiness at any hour of
the day or night to attend upon mm.
As be generally came home iu the small
hours of the morning you may guess that
my office was no sinecure. On these occa
sions be was more like a wild beast than a
human being. I will not bother to tell
how for some weeks I had noticed a re
markable change coming over the young
man, until in sheer self protection J bad
con titled certain fears to our landlady's
husband (himself an old soldier), and bad
requested blm, should I at any time not
appear at my usual hour, to burst open
my door, for 1 should probably be In want
of assistauce. I felt better after I had
done this anyway. ;
It was on Aug. , 18TB. I am not likely
to forget tbe date, for it was one of the
narrowest squeaks for wing my last day 1
ever bad. The young master bad for so me
days been In a sort of sullen mood, morose
and irritable, occasionally brenking out
luto spasmodic pasaious and destroying
whatever was within his Immediate reach.
I did not ilka the prospect, and was even
more anxious from the fact tbat be had.
daring those days, entirely given up drink
and tobacco. If he had stuck to the latter
perhaps this adventure would never have
happened to me. I am a great believer In
tbe southing effects of nicotine, and I have
seen it produce calming results of tbe most
satisfactory nature upon many dangerous
rabid lunatics.
On tbe morning of Aug. 4 my master
came borne at 3 o'clock and at ouos called
upon me to attend him. I was so used to
bis eccentricities that I was not very much
surprised when he ordered m to bring, my
iicms iron cot ueq ana nx n op in nis room.
He was not feeling well, he said, and was
rather afraid of sleeping alone. Of course
I did as I was commanded, and in 0ve min
utes I was enacouced in bis apartment.
I was not quit satianed with bis strange
behavior nor with the peculiar way-la
which h watched my every movement,
and I determined to be in readiness for any
emergency. It was not long before It
sroae. . After assisting biio to get off bis
clothes and get into bed I lay down on my
own cot, and I confess to having fallen off
to sleep very quickly. The awakening
came with equal suddenness in this wsy.
. I felt a heavy weight pressing upon me,
While some one seemed to be making an
effort to strangle- me. You know what a
pightmars utf Well, haven't yon some
times sort ot said to yourself during an in
digestion dream that you knew It was
only a dream and would pass awaysoonf
have, and that is how I acted that night.
I kind of smiled to myself, and said it had
to go If I only waited long enough.
Hut, somehow it did not go, Instead of
going H gut great deal worse, and when
at last I opened my eyes, through tbe dim
light of tbe morning I saw the face of my
young master glaring down at me, while
with hi t hum be at my throat- be was
quietly choking the life out of we, 1 bad
sens enough not to make an effort to
move, and then I discovered that be was
sitting across my body, with bis knees
upon my arms, aud I was therefore power
less. What was I to dor He was grad
ually bnt surely killing met Just a all
these things Sashed across my mind he no
ticed tbat my eye war open.
"Ah! I'v got ypu powl You'll play
the detective op me, wil yoaf You'll play
the eavesdropper, eht We shall seel" and
be squeezed me a little tighter.
ft was a matter of a few momenta only
I knew that. It is not difficult q recog
nize inoral U linger wbeq t is so close aa all
that, Strategy wag my only chance. I
gave a little strqggl to put him off tbe
scent! he on ly squeezed tighter and laughed.
Then, with a gasp, I let my jaw drop and
my limbs fall loose and limp beneath the
madman. Would my trick succeed? The
few seconds tbat followed my ruse passed
like hours!
Yesl He felt tbe difference. What would
hedof JuKtwbatl hoped he would. Raised
my bend and shoulders from tbe pillows,
and after one mors squeese, which nearly
did have tbe desired effect, Aung me back
on th pillows. Hut In so doing be loosened
his bold of my throat and bis knees slipped
from my arms. That instant saved my
life. Quicker than I can say it I was awake,
slive and fighting for supremacy with a
raving murderous lunatic!
I bad no knowledge of how to treat such
people, but self preservation Is a wonder
ful teacher. With my arms free I could
wrestle, and wrestle I did. By good luck
or acclqeiit, n the course of (.hat struggle
we came to the floor with tbe madman un
lurntsuth, and then ( policed (.hut I had
got him Into aa Inextricable tangle w)th
the sheet. It was wound round and round
him, forming a most complete strait jacket,
and I was safe.
All I hod to do was to sit still until the
landlord come in the morning. I did not
go to sleep any more that night, I can tell
tell you. When Mr. Hardy's friends came
and tbe doctors advised his removal to au
nsylnm tbey asked me to go with blm.
The Increase in the pay tempted me.
stayed with him till he died, twelve month
later. New York Recorder,'
Color of Byes la Mea and Women.
M. da Candolie, Krencb investigator,
has come to tbe conclusion from bis re
searches tbat women have a jarger propor
tion pf brown eyes than men- He also
jlnds tbat where both parent bare eye of
a tike color th chance Hrigbty-eght to
twelve that the children, whsq they arrive
at tbs age of ten (when the color of. tbe
eye I flxsd), wiU have eye of th same
color. When tbs parents have eyes of dlf
(brent colors tbe chance are flfty-flvs to
forty-five in favor of brown a against blue
or gray ayes in tbs children, if Is also of
th opinion that th health of t he brunette
typ Is, aa a rule, superior to that of th
blond.-St. Louis Kewublla.
Nsttlislts lit In Ladies' Hands.
A Freuoiiu'iiin, wlio wwiii to have bad
uuumihI opportunities for studying th
matter, says that IrUh women 'ha ill
prettiest hands, but that those of1 EuglWh
women are too thick aui fleshy. America,
laillea' hands are long ami tlilu; German
hava short hand with long finger, Th
Polish ladles are said to be the best after
th Ii iah. Udk'' bund in Italy, Krano
and rtiinln are tiotir. .
a iik I, !,! iMoii.lMinan doaa not com.
ullment Kngllsh ladles, b doe not oWn
them with his own country womeu. van
ity r'alr.
Travel Then and Mew. -
r?tw facts mora strikingly show th
progress mads during the Inst half century
thau a caae of an aged eulipl who have re
turned to Connecticut after an absence of
fifty-three yearn. It took them In 1MD8 to
m from Glastonbury to their new western
home in wild Illinois three weeks and two
dAys. They have come back In on day and
two nights! Hartford ilbies.
Where Vauity Begins.
. Olwerv tiny mite of four dressed for a
Bhildreu's iiarty. With What delight doe
the twlat herself round to admire a new
wish; what pride her diminutive feature
sxprva at th crimpy mas ol hair tuat
waves around her face; how complacently
lb smooths bar silk frock; with what In
most Joy does she regard ber Sue stockings
md daintily shod feet. UiuUou News.
Dr. Brisley miorta th ens of a French
woman, aged sixty-six, whoa silver white
hair chuuged to Jet black. Th hair of
Niima d Cugna, a Ueugaleae, who at
tained, according to history, an almost In
credible age, changed several time In tbs
course ot his life from black to gray aud
from gray to black.
A handful of raw pig Iron, weighing
bout Uv pounds, I worth five oeuta. it
would make about sixty table knife blade
worth fifteen dollars; converted Into steal
watch springs, there would b about 110,
8U0 of these llttl coils, which, at th rat
of tt.75 a dosen, would be valued at 113,
070.83. . i
What spectacle is nior disgusting than
that of a man or woman with a skin dis
ease which shows Itself In pimple or
blotches on hands, arms, fao and neck f
It is simply Impure blood. Be what Bsam-
drkth's Pit,!, did for a chronic rasei
ueorge Chapman, PlnoeniiiK, Mioh..says
" For lour years I was in the mounted
Infantry in the United States army, resid
nig uuriua mat cinie principally iu lexaa,
Almost all of that time I had a chiti
skin dbtraa. characterised by an eruption
over tbe entire surface of my legs ami
thighs, arms and chest The doctors termed
it ecrema. 1 hsd-ariven un all hones of
ever being cured, when liKASliHSt H's 1'llLS
were recommend to me. I Cfliiuluueu to
rm 1 1. ..... u..,l .If.l .... ..n.I f K ...... tl.A.,k.ul
Hod daily since then that I did so. 1 think
used them altogether for slniut three
montlis. and v that time waa ooinnlcl
cured, and have never bad any trouble
since. M y skin is as clear as any one's."
A eynie Is one who sneaks rlotit out what
verywMJ suows, Dili u ivo caantaDie to say,
Leans ouwy from superstition and blind
idolatry or iaiua aud lea allonathin in
cluded. It leans fwonf universal, all-deter-
mining law ; towards facts, not faitoiea. It
leans toward Immutable principles and in
vulnerable truth, and away from superan
nuated authority, organized ignorance and
dyed-in-the-wool prejudice. Illind empir
icism in medicine has. with other fossilised
bivalves, bad its day. Yes, titer are plenty
of "belated crabs," nut being born of dark
ness and icar twin sisters or tiileileolual
infancy they cannot much longer with
stand the civilising influence of advanmna-
science. Tbey are slowly but surely "dy
ing Kgypt, dyinn," before the " search
light" of investigation. The advancing
inmxer wonuers now it was possible lor
thut monstrosity the medical science ( T)
extant now to have survived to this late
day I Hut where was the reform to come
irouiT it is not only pass to attempt re
form, It is outright dangerous. It requires
a boldness akin to recklessness, legion is
the name who have tried : they have left 1. 1. ...!,. lw,.,x . i ,.
tempi at reforming theology brands you a
liereiio, in politics you are charged with
every infamy under the sun, and in medi
cine every duck Intellect "ciuscks " at you
and you are accused of having no dipUma
when your diploma is on tile in the court
house under the very eye of the slander
ers. All this is caused by besotted Ignor
ance, and since books sreseiitl'reeof charg
to every applicant ana we pay tne postage,
there ia no excuse for Ignorance when it
coats nothing to be Informed, people who
berate the Uiatogriietlo system of medi
cine are either intellectual pariahs incapa
ble of counting live in auooessloii orinder
(tandiiisT anv 2i4 problem, or thev are
mental sluggards and cannot screw tliein-
wi ves up, to tne point or information ry
reading up and forming a conclusion. In
either case their opinions are as valuable
ss mat oi in ruget souna oyster.
Dr. Jordan's office Is at th residence of
ex-Mayor i esler. Third and James street,
Seattle. Wash.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute-
Send for free book explaining tbs Histo
genetic system.
Oa ottos. The Mitogenetic Medlaliun
are sold in but on agency in each town.
lae laoei arouno iu uome Dears tne fol
lowing Insonntion t " llr. J. kluirene Jne-
dan. Histoirenetlo Medloin." Kvsrvotbei
aevice is a trauu.
stop taa.,u
Chronic Cough How i
Por It yon da not it may beeome con
sumptive, fnt CbnsMMtufton, AWayWa,
Vmmtl JtrbUHi anil Uifling IMaasuwa,
there Is nothing Ilka
Of Pure CtKl Urer Oil and
; Tf Zrfaaaw Met Moda.
It Is almost ss palntahl ss milk. Vuf
better than ether so-ealle4 Sniulslous.
A wonderfu) flash producer, ,
Scott's Emulsion
There are poor Imitations. 0f Iho gemUtu.
Best in th 3 World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Eyerywherel
71 MarriMH Street, fortland, Or.
tw box o. -i
SCJ 3AJirf I00f "; sm "fralu aaS
trslt TriM'WrMa. Jmr
Uitrtitinw. Suv.l, USrvi,,tatkslat. ttrungiJudii
rnrmtT' asiy wrma; ws.r isvusasTius.l'al.
frwl Ormctr: l.rprloni LOW prKaat Sppls, hu.Oair
!OSRS--M,.rrAlnfl. MoUmrstocklstrs. HsSlTTKa
Ssoassswr HTA HK llltllH,, MMtk St., Iul.lnn,
sr s. saisssa i40 vuiwi iwuwsj jbaauasT
nnwi THI
Wsoln'rOtiatlundiiiil litillrsKewsntl;r iiy
ease ott'stsnh that cannot b t'liwl by taking
W, the iint.riguM, have kiinwn r, J.i heney
tor the last Hlteen years, suit lllev hlni . ar
feellv hoiioishle III all bushieioi tra iwiet tons,
and ptisiH'Islly able to esrr) out any obligations
wTrliMAToleast frtiggla... T.jlK
Waldliig, Kliinan t Marvin, Wholesale Urug
guts, Teh-do, l, .
It'll's Caurrh t'lire l taken Internally, ai'tlug
dlrw'tlv uisili the blood suit niiieou atirlSM o
the aystKiu. I'rlee, J.W put botlls. Hold by all
i'rugglala, :
i n, lir ..i Whul la a tkilllleal lesson.
0rit?'' "Well, generally sis'sklng, It Is one
which tends to lessen s previous nig umjoriv
Hullcrsrs from uoiigh, or thrust. tn.,
Sliollld try "ffre'n s nnnnmi i'wwi,
Hay Kevef Victim.--Doctor, can't you tell I m
how 1 nan find relict fmra this miislant liicllna-
UOII tOSUoeSUT I'UysieiSH -ies,sir. fluww ;
"It pay to study tbe Interest of the
consumer," said a dealer to a drummer
who waa trving to sell hint sbort-wslght
plug tobuooo, "Take, for example, Blar
I'ltig, wiiicn is useu ny me irw on
filiewers iiinuHoou i.,,,".
8tar I'lug is not only the beat and ni't
satisfactory chew, hut every plug Is a full
wixttieii-uuinie pound."
Dst luaaultua Wot rolUh ; aodustl uo smell.
Tv Q brmia for breakfast.
.Stamped out
Mood-poison of every name and
nature, by Dr. Fiuroo'i Golden Med
ical Discovery.
It's a motfioiito tbat starts, from
the beginning. It rouse every or
gan into healthy action, tmrillr and
enriches the blood, and through it
cleanse and renew the whole sys
tem. All Blood, Skin, and Scalp
Disease, from a common blotch
or eruption to tho worst Scrofula,
are cured by it, . For Tetter, Salt
rlioiim, Kczoma, Kryaipoln, ISoila,
Carbuncles, Soro Eye, Goitre or
Thick Keck, and Kulartrml Gland,
Tumor, and Swellings, it's an uite
qunled remedy.
Don't think it's like the Banana
rillaa. They claim to bo good for
tho blood in March, April, and May,
Golden Modicr.l Discovery " work
equally well at all season. And It
not only claim to do good it
guarantee it. If it doesn't benefit
or euro, in every caeo, you have
your money back.
You pay only for the good you
get .
The uccet of this Great Cough nre Is
without s parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggisit sre suthorized to sell it on pos
itive guarantee, a twt that so other cure csn sue.
eeaslully stand. That it may become known,
tne rroptieiora, st an enormous expense, ai
alscing Sample liittlo Free into every horns
n the United Slates snd Csnsds. If yon have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, ne it, for
it will car yon. If your child ha the Croup,
or Whooping Couh, am it promptly, snd relief
1 re. If yos dread that InsnliiHis disease
Consumption, It, Ask your Druggist for
HlllUJII'S CUKE. Price locts.. ta rts. snd
Ni oo. If your Langs art sore or hack lame.
use Htiiloh's parous I'lutor, i'rke 15 cts.
"tlSIOl t PATtMTS"-'
esnaa a mawinai ov
' San franolaoe Examiner.
If yon have a Oalm of OMerlptkw whMwvr
asainM oia iiaiimi mso's tiuvsinuialit alia
wlll llonlily ,ljuaii-lMl, autlrsss
lllfr.l,K W Waahlnrtnn. I. CI
Old Oold sad WlTar nnaaht: a4 mu, ula (Mi
sad SllVMT bf aisil Sf tfcs uld mttA ntlultla hrtua Mi a
Oolamao, 41 Third swm. Haa rYanstwui 1 IU awd kf
ftaura null tlw ub, aoaitfilius Iu Msajr; It ia aawaail
msHwHwr vinmnmaiH,
r 0memmv (mulish, Re a Cuoat CHamoho Bao A
lftV'Ii.J.M5!,a"lVM """" Tft.aalrSaSs Sara, SMMUW. nit Krla Vi
W ", """""XM"-. Takaaaaiharklad. Mw aUSiJSiSJ XZlZm. V
... .... pin. .rvsn mn aMBraa aialarn-lts. Al !,.,. I m mm as
i" " m wMMm wnaiw, as "-.JJ CTrts a slit
fi. iwr. CHieaasvsa 0aYaaLca?.,Ji:
st kr
WILSON'S i22(?
M9 . 'JO0 Vine Knffravln, flnn1iimii rlr1 PUlr..
ormaUun. Otisi of lh umtt rtiniI otAlu puiriuli!, lHtribl
iarPH, r ivwrr spa r iria Fffim, fruit ni
i. viewer end Field Neada, KriiU and
! jlwjwn llare, ,Vo. Hani fVitr, on apnlle'iilon. A,!-ti.M, aii-nlloiilna this twimr,
est to use. Cheapest. - Relief is immedli
It i an Ointment, of whl' -
to the nostrils. Price fiOo.
mail. Address: K. T.
Buy Tour Own Goods if Tour
. : "" ""t; - ' I
B.fti.IlV'?."!.1fl jtlnrnlihiiri, Hr Boss and Usparlraant MiipplHe, Btoani U'7 4
pn 2 JZA ti,mi"i2' ",B"1.. "" l"', 1 snd nttliiirs, flsnwM k Insiilratort, Marine Work
2?iik.lSVh Sim' L'ibrlestliif oils, Chiireh, kkniw" and Farm Balls. nliian Hollsi..
rii ii J, 5, n1 ,'"r?a "nifKlea, surrltd, Hnrloa and Kxpreas Watroua. the larsvst assoiunaV..
ol UrU In Portland. Daalors, writs tor prtos. or furttaer liilormallou call oa or s,tdrM -
i t. um, rest ut csika w Fcmn, ci--
W hsv a hlg stiM'k of Kiitilair (Iimk1 iHiughl
of a lea-ling buMs raUrlii fnirn busiuass uu
this ("nasi.
Chilli's ruhlwr hiaa, A to 10 , ...'J.So
MlaatV fisithohls, 10 to t ,,,, ,. r
M la' iivershiaa ; jiSs ;sm
Mlsaea' arctliai awl hlah nils,.... .. , li.oo, i it)
laullea' ovarahoiM, all slylva - V', US', :k, lion
lawllea" art'llcs awl snow eavlmlvra. .. It mi, l ,a
I a, lies' high cut gllrs ,,,,, ii :o, 11 u
laities' Isaits, sawlal bargains.,...,.. II II ta
Child's boots., , . , Il IU, It JA
Mtsaaa'lMsiM. , (I , l )
Hoys' bisila, , II .re to l' 00
Man's short bonis, es Ira..,, K; ;i tnti l
Men's bin bouts i ,l In k to
Men's nvarahiKis, alght styles . . 4Ao, 1sh, isH. 7i '
Men's alettes sml snow rarluitars H i., II 10
Ku til wr i lntlilna of all klmls al a bis ,lluuiu
from ntsular prliHw. Ask for our lull list ol
babbnr Uomla. A,lilreas
41 1 rroalMlreel, Saa r ratMlsea, Cal.
Sportsman, Attention!
If you want to shoot semirkUiiv, (tou t fab 10
sts-bt your 1 11 n wltb th taMebiaUKl .
lmr tu lit aiiv rill. rhiKUI.W; trmy ik-a.l
r'Miit Hiitht,li Ivory limiting Kt.o.i hfght, Ml
eeuu. Hum tir mall 1,11 n-vlpl ol itt..
H. T. HUDSON, 13 First Street, Ptri!;nd, Or.
Meud Un new tlluatratiMl 1 ataluiw.
-mm kok ruicRs to
173 rourth St., Portland, Or.
The most popular brand of
smoking tobacco in the United '
States. It is made from to
bacco at least three years old.
Its rich- mellow smoke has
np.vtir been equaled. ,
mmsI ml Nsrtb Carwllwa I bow pacsed
la falotit Cloth hmrhra, aa wall aa In foil.
II ItV EC VCD comb to am cured.
Iim I
Vtt want Ike oaas and ail
dressof wary suff errr in ths
D, lOTUFlB U.S. snd Canada. Andrew,
fit flU I llltirt ).hiwlWU,hnli,l.l
1 B C Tmada 7I la four dars aa atr KkKArie i.raa
m9 ' and Mpsclalllaa, laonarannl pnuNt aod eah
"" aammIW. n Mrtflnnaa IraHnf.K V. , ,
Villi of SmTal snd iKlroellv ,
irlblse all Ittadaaf arnlasl
Ornamaatal Tree., sisiall frulia, ( liolia
immediate. A
wsskwij mmSsT0 tl
h a small nartivle Is annlieil
Holt) by tlruKglst or sent by
HatLTiN, Warren, l'a.
Osaler ta Kst Carry Ifea.
t aria Ohpwt In tho Wor(d.
Cart!, SI5 lip. Waas, J-3 C?.