The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 18, 1891, Image 3

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Unite. Matf. Md Comity Official Paper.
8T. lUUWH. llrWKwrt"". 18. 1891.
tf tho printer.
(ObitwlniM g nefU at M nettle
A lull line f ritiiwttr ' f
X'rxry't, llmtlum.
fiolumn Iim mnie lit Kretot, kiwi
est candy rut of nil.
Kitwln & Iim nrilereii lfK P"
jjly ol ChrintiMM gxl.
Tin Columbia in nrvcml feel blither
than usual at till "on 11,0 '""
Clothing, first clu) quality
rt Ferry', llmtltoit. -
Mr. I. U Beet;io Iim been quit ill
!ur rtKiat two week.
At Dolman'. A choice electlon of
edegant holiday kochI. I'rice low or
than ever known belore.
Tin run of iteellil hM kmn
IHlle totter Utolv, itd ("nht-rmeo arc
doing fairly well. '
EUW Blltner. of the Evangelical
AMiitrnh, preached In Ht, Helena lat
tar am Informed that the proper
Mtnua are being taken loerecl church
At Uowlion under tie auspice of the
l2,vMgelical denomination.
Kest Friday la Christ and Hi.
Me.i la to have a mllio Chrlttrriai
tree. Kverybmly are Invited to take
lart and heyi to make It a auceeaa.
It you om to town In a email boat
don't forget to take the oarlock out
before you leeve It , if you don't eoroe
gly eUwili. . .
Here'e jronr miilel The very flnoat
aney and Frenrtj .tvandtre, ld k'
down at IMman'a.
If fan intend lo fill all the alw-klng
en Christina Eve. you should examine
ll fliwltaeof hinirb good at Mnckle
Broa. before Ute atock la aold out
If yon wih to preeent y'Htr friend,
your mother, your sister, or anmbody
lau'a lf". with a ChristmM irveni
call at the dmg etore and examine the
took of holiday goode.
Lire to wed were iaiued ly the
eHMiity elerk lust 8attirdy to Joint
rVottantlMr M. J. M.N11I7 ot HI.
Ilelene, and Mr. Harold Byvenwn and
MyrUa Tingle, of lower Beaver.
There will be a grand ball .riven a I
ffeapponiMi on Chrbjtmaa Kve., Decern
r 84. HcapiKMiaa la noU d f..r food
alaneceand Una who attenu will no
doubt have a good time.
The Harvest Moon brought a emw
ilown from ForiUml to loan uiooaa.
. . . ..f U. Iff. Id lA
l neat rev v nTinn; ...
. ...i, I,...;.,..... I..
IIM TKIOIiy V CTI llram ' " ,.' - '
tat quite a i?a t.u". i -
iiiada being thlpped from hire every,
aeaaon. - ."",''. '
The OlirUtruee tree finance com-;
niiltee, MUmetCox and BUkestey, were
oery auoeevatul la rawing imiaa wr
t'hriatmaa tree jMirpoaea. In a few
imura they rained f!4 forilt urpow.
At U characterise of the 8t. Helen
ieo4e, they reepouded promptly with
the eaeh, . '
W. J.Muckle A Co. buy all their
jrwelry from J. P. Juhniton one of the
4det oatatiliohed and boat known
whtdrMle Jewrlora in the Unitd Htatea.
Mr. Johnrtoa la alo the author of
"Twenty Year of Hns'tling," a book
t ovr COO page; why houlln't
M uckle Co. deal with a Hua'llcrT
They are Hua'tlerathemaclvet!
Our Clatfkanie correepondent liaa
our anology number of tyograph
kal arrow whM-h wenrred in hia com
immicalion laat week. We know ht
will forgivo na when we inform him
that we were (offering from hoila.h ad
t'tie, and other idewant remindora
moatalt of the week.
The high wetrlq th Columbia la
lipt to eaue eoniderabie delay iu thi
jetty work at Watfcer'a island and ahm
at PoaUiRlce bar. The contractor has
just barely time, under the muni favor
iible cireurretancea, to complete the
work, and the delay f aoawl by the win
ter rise in the river will rwrhape cause
. considoraUe lota to the contractor.
llaay yeara practice hare given C
A. Know A Co., Solicitors of Tatenta,
m Washington, D. C, unsurpassed
euoeeaa in obtaining patents for all
bwaee of InvaoUoo They make a
specialty of rejected caaea, and have
aeoured allowance of many patenta
that had been preiously n-joctod.
Their ad veKisemeitt in another col
umn, will be of interest to inventors
patentee, manufacturer, and all who
lisve to do with patenta.
The people of CericovaHoy are mak
ing an earnest endeavor to build a
ebool-house. In Carlco district
there are now thirty-tour children of
achool age, and yet they have no
aohool building in that valley. This
atsta of affaire la deplorable Indeed.
If the people io. that valley emmot
f,fftrd at tlis tinio to erect a fine frame
itiildiiig they certainly can afford to
(HHifrihute-labor enough to put up a
log house for temporary use, and when
jliey feel more able erect a better boil
Ming. The interested one in that lo
cality should insist on something be
ng done in the premtsee.
The Japan stenmerH.ZAmboi, towed
the ajiaabled steamer Charles W. Wet
niore into Astoria last week, having
ikeil her up in a disabled condition
(Mtiklde of the Columbia bar in the
terribla galeof last week- The Wet
more had lost her rudder and was drift
ing toward shore when alghted by the
Zambesi, who towed her for twouty
f'tur hours before being abla to cros
the bar. The Wetmore wa bound
for fuget sound with a cargo of niu
chiuery fur a shipyard, having come
from Dulutb, Minn., out through the
yreat lake and down the St. Lawrenoe
fiver to the Atlantic ocean and then
arounJCape Horn, and had almott
rradted her dutination Port Town
aend when the accident happened.
The ahip and cargo are valued at
about $1,000,000. The Zambesi claim
. I25Q.OOO at aalvage for picking her up,
claiming that alio would have boon
etherm tost.
A man claiming to be a frenchman
(?) who reside In Carlco vnlluy, and
,wlm fllHO IMWiaw o ueuiK oner
I hunter without an equal, la described
a follow! "Tin certain man weni out
hunting last wek, and after shooting
At everything that mad a noise for
several hours his ammunition became
exhausted. Then mister hunter was
at a loos to know what courts to pur
sue. Finally the thought aucurred to
him that he oould pull the nails out of
bis shoos and use thorn for shot. This
he did and no sooner bud he charged
hi gun with shoe nails than along
ciime a fine deer, the ilrst one he had
seen all day. This wile hunter fired
at the deer and it happened to be just
a hi deership was panning in front of
a largo tree, and to hi utteramazoment
the deer stopped short on the spot.
Ou closer examination it wai discov
ered that the shoa nails had pierced
the deer' ear through and Into the
tree, nailing him faat, leaving the hun
ler nothing to do but (I red hit deer
hanging in the tame position.
The tteamer Maggie Rota, from Coo
bay for Ban Francisco, was towed Into
Yaquina bay last Friday morning by
the Mummer Willamette Valley, whish
picked Iter op ten mile woat of there.
The vessel was badly disabled. The
hody of a dead seaman wm found on
board, aapiiosod to be that of the stew
ard, H. C. Annensea, and the remain
der ot the crew are believed to have
either abandoned the vessel during,
the great storm which hss bean raging
off the oostt or wen wished overboard.
The steamer Macglo Boat wat built at
Pleasant Point, Or., in 188S, and wat
251 72 grot tonage. She wa 116 feet
long, 32 lout broad and 10 foet and 6
inoliee deep, Tho managing owner,
O. Qreeuwaid, reside in Port Town
tend, Mr. Annensen, wife of the stew
ard, resides in Ban Francisco, and was
overcome at the report of her hus
band's deslh. It ia believed he was
killed by the fulling smokestack. The
crew number fourUien all told.
A force of men are at work on Lewis
river getting out piling for the govern
ment wuik at Walker Island and
Pontoffiue bar. Mr. Hamilton, who
ibe sub-contractor, eameilown to Lewis
river Tuesday to see wht progreo wa
being made, and also to see about get
ting out brush for the work. He in
formed a representative of thia paper
that although the time for tho work to
k completed was April 1, it would
take a great deal louger. and that an
extension of lime would be granted, s
a provision in the contract specifies
(hat the work shall be finUhcd if the
water does not rome too high dining thf
winter and prevent operations. The
water i "too"' high now for the work.
Mfcnrding to the "provisions" of this
contract, and if the wo'k is completed
within the next year the contractors
will have done welt.
Mr. Alfred llolman, whose mother
,mJ lter reside in Si. Helens, and
who for many yoara was the loading
pint on the editorial staff of the Ore
gnnian, but for the past lour year ha
tieen managing editor of the Seattle
Post-Intuliiiteucer, Iim recently severed
his oouiteciion with that Journal and
purchased an interest id the publica
tions of the 'Dewey Publishing Corn
piny of Sao Francisco. Theae are the
Paeilic Rural Prow and the Mining and
rtau Francisco Press, two journal?
widely known in their sphere of work,
ami of which, if prvscnt plan are car
ried out, Mr. Holman will become gen
eral manager. Mr Holman is well
known in Columbia county and tli Mte
who know him heat have no (ear at to
his tuceest in the undertaking.
We are glad to announce the mat
risge in Kt Portland, on Thursday,
December 10, of Mr. W. D. Conuell to
Mias Kste Bwager. Only a few rela
Uvea and Intimate friends were present,
and after the ceremony Mi. and Mrs.
Connell left for an extended trip over
to (ho Sound and British Columbia.
Mr. Connell hai been a resident of
Deer Island tor several years, and has
been known m one of Columbia county
most successful dairymen. The bride
Misa Bwager wa torn and raised iu
this county, and ia well known to most
of our reader. Th Mtirr Joins with
the many friends of Mr. aud Mrs.
Connell in welcoming them among us,
and trust that they may be abundantly
blessed through life with that hap
piness which only comes through
unity of heart.
LmI Wednesday there wat consider
able excitement created at tho etore of
W. J. Mucklo A Co. When Mr.
&f uckle returned from supper he found
not less than a doxen people congrega
ted about the ahow case of jewelry, all
talking and making wild jest ores in
the most exeited manner. It soon
transpired, however, that they were on
their way to a wedding aud had stop
ped in to secure suitable present for
the occasion. After making aereral
purchases, the crowd dispersed quietly
without any further demonstration.
There la no end of trouble among
steamboat mon on the Sound. Because
a captain and an engineer had a disa
greement the engineers nsaoniation on
the Sound have tented an order that
no engineer thall work on a boat com
manded by Captain McAlplne. On the
other hand the Masters and Pilots'
association say that Captain McAlpine
shall take the steamer Sehomeoutaml
that if no engineer will go they will tie
up every ateamboat on the Souud.
"For the merry Christmas maidens,
and the boys." Dolman it in tho Held
with silks and linen; silvorware and
gold jewelry; picture books for chil
dren ; novels, pootiy, and biography
for everybody, , .
We furnish,- in supplement form
this week, President Harrison' mes
sage to congress. It should have been
issued last week only for a mistake iu
thipplug the paper, ;
The following proofa have been
maue tha week before the oounty
clerk; Tuetday, James W. Qoorgo;
Wednesday, Nicholas Long and John
Bloy ; Thursday, Lar Carlson.
The county clerk issued a marriage
license last Tuesday to Samuel P. Bal
lard and Harriot Schoonover, of Ver
noniu, thia oounty.
Hang up your ttockingl Peanuts,
walnuts, hiukorynutt, filbert, Brasil
nut, haxelnuta . and almond, way
down at Dolman'.
Muokle Bros, have a fine assortment
of the latest novelities in holiday goodt
which they eraofflring very reasonable.
Mr. W, J, Fullorton, formerly of
OillUm, but now of (ireen Valley, Cel.,
writes us thai the weather ia clear anil
the farmers are busr flowing and seed
ing; he also ay that himself and
family will spend tUe wiutor tttere.
. Wo are authorised to announce that
a aeries ofrevlval mealing will be com
menced in St. Helens on tho third
Sunday in January under the efficient
leadership of Kev. Coats.
Hold your horse) Plain mixed and
stick candle, only one bit a iHiund, at
Tobacco, cigar, notion, etc., at
Perry's, Houlton.
' Mr, and Mis Helena Holman left
for Salora yesterday,
,r ' A
(ianrnn fllallnr whn IIMul tfl live in
this neighborhood, has jtt't arrived
irora southern uatitornia.
' Kit. Pnali commenced a aerie of
meeting at the Steward creek achool
hmiu Wadnmiliv the ttlli. but wan na.
able lo Dreach Sunday on accoaot of
Wa Ik vii iIapIiIa.1 Ia have a. Christ-
ma tree, and the committee were ap
pointed last Sunday, to make the nec
essary arrangement.
The accident we spoke of last week
happened in this way : The oxen were
tied to a slump and in rescuing tor
aometnralp one of them fell, pulling
the other on top of him in such a way
as to break hi neck. The boy wa
hurt in jumping from the hay-loft to
go for an ax with which to cut the bow.
We again have the pleasure of giv-
Ina tfia nariiniiUra of unoLher areddine
in this valley. Harry Syveraou ami
Mist Myrtle Tingle were marrtea at
the residence of the bride's parent
Sunday at three o'clock. It wa not en
tirely unlocked for, but very few bail
any idea that it would occur o soon.
The bride 1 the only child i f Mr. and
Mr. Harvey Tingle. She ia young
but very well educated, and accom
plished in music, ect. una curious
thingaboutthe four weddings that have
taken place in this valley the last six
month Is that the bride in each case
a, tiftaan vir nlil. The bachelor.
uld and young are becoming very lm-
patient, ana tne girt seem to oe jut,
at anxious. This makes us believe
more than ever that we are to have a
alniiif H.rrv and Mvrtie
begin married life under very favorable
circumstance. J ney tett eariy Mon
day morning for roruana, wnere tney
will spend; a portion of their honey
moon. On Sunday night the brass
band from Clatakanie did not serenade
them, but the tln-can-pan-bell-and cow-
h..-n.liwl nf HLHWini creek did.
This band hat twenty member. They
were all present on tins oca ion oui
one. The boy caused a terrible up
roar untill the bride and groom ap
peared and invited them in to supper.
The next morning Mr. Tingle's door
yard looked like a back alley in some
unincorporated town.
Peter By versoo ha purchased a new
Xtr 'Vmmn Ulkt of brinetnff suit
against Benson Broa. for damage done
hia meauow uy running i"g.
Jack Sharp.of the Nehalem country,
ia (pending a lew day at Reuben.
Our postmaster is under the weather
with an attack of la grippe.
. Mr. Shatto Iim moved to Neer City
where he will work thia winter for
Fink k Fomot.
Mr. Blaka has lust received some
black current bushes from Missouri;
also some beech nuts. They were
sent by Misa Weber, late of Neer City
Albert Johnson Is hauling piling to
be used in finishing up the dock at
the end of the county road.
Enterprise wis upside down to a
good mauy Saturday jssi.
Adolph Uaorou tt putting the rib
bons again.
A man from British Columbia was
over looking for a site for a dam on S.
A. Fowler's place on uobie crees.
There will probably be a tramway
built up Gobi creek in the near future.
Mr. Fraier has recovered from hi-
sickness and once mora enjoys good
The scow, Pirate, I lying beached
at Neer City undergoing repair.
The river la (till falling and the
roads ere almost impassable. The
mud and water ia nearly boot-top deep
between here and St. Helena.
W are going to have a new school
house, which will be a great benefit to
this place for school and church pur
poses. " ', :...:
8. Rock hat been pulling carrots
and storing them away for winter the
past few days. He raised such an
enormous crop that he has to leave
them standing in the ground for want
of room to store them away. :
D. II. Pope came borne Saturday
night to sea hia pareula.
We understand there are protraoted
meeting in progress down at the
Briggs' school-house, oonduuted by
Rev. Beauohamp, with several addi
tions to the church already.
Jesse Hendricks wm at St. Helens
Mr. Vosberg it coming back to our
part of the country to live again.
The weather I most lovely since
the storm of the 7th inst Ac
cording to report the storm was not
so heavy here as elsewhere, even Fort
land. . ' i'7.
The sobool will close this week after
a successful term of three mouths.
Miss Allison i an able and a masterly
teaoher.and taught an exoellent school.
Thi Mist wat perfectly right In stat
ing lust week that it was "absurd to
throw loose dirt on mud." Until the
Mist will sharpen hia pencil and goad
those supervisors into desperation
they will never stop this foolish mothod
of road making.
Charley Merrill met with a painful
accident last Monday. He wm riding
the running gear of a lumber wagon
dowu a hill wheu tho coupling polo
broke and letting the brake beam down
on hi ankles hurting hii.i very snrvere
ly and hiving him up, for the present,
but did not break any bones.
Mr. Swan Nelson ctmo tip from
In lk ante laet week anil spent a few
day visiting friend Wore starting
buck to vldit hi old homo, Appleton,
111., whore his parent reside. Mr
Nelson came out here some four years
ago and has been principally employed
by N. Merrill. He has, by his bard
earnings and economical sating,
bought some valuable property in the
vicinity of Woodland, Wash. Jf I a
sober, honest, honorable young man
Such a citizen i desirable in any com
munity. ;,: V -
Would it not be an excellent ami:.
ment for the young and also old folk
of thi neighborhood, to get some good
singing muster for a term, who would
teach us some new songs ana also tne
art of singing, Singing is charming, en
tertaining:, enchanting, even ''Murk
Twain wy that "it fa the most elo
quent of all the vehicles intended by
man for the conveying oi feeling."
F. II. Swarer Iim moved to Hunters
with his family, where he it to reside
and raft loga for the Tide Creek Dam
k Boom company. .
B. C. Knyert hss a new barn covered
which i 48x50 feet.
Much rain aad more mud.
Cord wood cutting is under way
quite extensively, hut sale are alow
owing to mild weather.
D. A. James and wife have returned
to their home in Iowa.
William White, the gold-hunter, hs
returned. He report finding good
'dircing in Ha'uey county, but
owing to deep mow work ha sus
pended for the winter.
P. A. Frakes, our prosperous dairy
man, hss just received from Wiscon
sin a thoroughbred Holstein -Triesian
bull, costing f 500. The animal is ont
of the finest ever brought to Oregon
and is a valuable addition to Mr.
Frakes' already choice stock of cattle.
A grand entertainment is to lx
given in the church on the evening oi
the 30th. An .extensive ana vanea
programme is being prepared. Ad
mission, 25 cents.
No news 8cappoose is ao dead that
nothing happen.
Our ChrUtma tree and socompsnvinr tx
ercims will be held in Mssouic ball in
steud l tbe school bouse. All ere taking
frreat intcrect in the approaching event am.
t croiniss to be s (rest su.-cess. Come on
and all and see ths little ones mad bappy
The ntnrM are settine in t stock of holi
Ami Mvuta. thua avin j Deonle ths trouble
ana expense ei a irip w iu ciij. sm.
irouDM to snow goouti. . .
Jm Doueliertv has reslrncd his bositioi.
ss boom tender "at tbe shingle mill.
W. M. Perry Is sgsln keepinc books foi
Miss Alice Hooker spent part of hut week
ia Portland.
Wm. 8'aughter tnd Charles Miyrcr, oi
Maveer. were In town an Haturday lat.
Al Lee baa begun the construction of
new building;, mbetlier for a residence or
buMnets we are enable to state st present
Dr Moore, of East Portland, was called
bere laat week to attend iim nora runups
who is seriously 111 with typhoid pueuiuonia
Victor Fievy, of Lewis river, visited bu
relatives on tbe ridge recently.
Colds and sore throats or quite prevalent
lust now.
Mis Olive Fsrr is lust recovering from
sever attack ot tonntlida;
Mr. Harmon and wife went to Portland
tbi week.
Editob Mist Sir: It seems that
you are ill-informed about those "mor
tar bed, if you refer to those in my
part of the Mad district. There i a
mudhole at Columbia City which i
almost Impaasahte, but it I not caused
from any amount of late work, but b)
recent heavy rain. Tbi piece of road
was done last spring and summer, iu
April and May, (according to my day
book.) The work which wm done
rince wm a few days of new men. Thir
was done in ditching and the dirt wa
carried into a fill which wm eroea-laid
with bridge plank, which will have lo
be used on bridge in the spring.
Yea, it ia absurd "to throw loose dirl
on top of mud." But this ia the right
time of year to cross-lay those deep
muddy holes and "mortar beds.
A. F. McDonald, Supervisor.
Deer Island, Dec 14, 1891.
X Bate estaaetiu
Is ana which h guaranteed to bring roe satis
factory results, or la any east of failure a re
turn of purehaas price. On thta safe plan rou
sen buy from our adverUaed Druggiit a bottle
of Dr. King's Mew Dlaeoreiy for Cotuumptlea.
It t guaranteed to bring relief In tTery eeas,
when used for say affection of Throat. Lring
or Cktat. eucb as Consumption, InSamatlea of
Lungs, Bronchitis. Aatama, Whooping Cough.
Croup, etc., etc It Is pleasant and agreeable
to taite. perfectly safe, and ean always be de
pended upon.
Trial bottle fret at Edwin Boea' Drugstore.
On Dollar Weekly
Buys a good gold watch by our club sys
tem. Our H-karat gold-filled easei are war
ranted for SO years. Fine Elgin and Wal
tham meven:ent. Stem wind and set.
Lady's or gent's site. Equal to any fdo
watch. To secure agents where we hare
none, we sell one of the hunting cae
watches for the club price $28 and eend G.
O. D. by express with privilegeot examina
tion before paying for the same.
Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes:
"Our Jewelers have confessed they don't know
how you oau furniih auch work tor tbe money."
Our agent at Heath Springs, 8. C. . writes :
"Your wntchet take st ilaht. The gentleman
who got the last watch mid that he examined
and priced a lewelcr s watches In Lanceilor,
that were ao better than youra, but Uie price
wast." , .
Our tgtnt at Pennington, Tex., writes:
'Am In receipt of th watch, and amplcaaed
without meaaure, All who have Men It say It
would be cheap at ."
One good reliable agent wanted for etch
place. Writo for particulars.
Emmkb Watcm Co., New York.
coitavnrTao wrr.
Aa old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hsnds by an East
India missionary, th formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and per
manent cure of consumption, broncliittis,
catarrh, ast hma and all turoat and lung af
fections, also a positive and racical cure
for nervous debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having tested its wonderful
curative powers In thousands of coses, hss
felt It bis duty to make It known to Ms suf
fering follows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human eu tiering. I
will Send free of charge, to all whodesire It,
this recipe, in Herman, French or English,
with full directions for preparing and lining,
bent by mall bv addressing with stamp,
miming this paper. W. A. Novas,
KD rewcrV Block, Rochester, N. V
How the Subtle FlnM 1 Karnes.
ed and lrla bj Medical
Cara of Different Disease Two
Prominent People Itelate Their
Experience. .
Mo. Editor Aftor a Successful elec
tric treatment by Dr. Dan in of a. ma
lignant 'canceoua sore on my face, I
deem it my duty to the afflicted to lei
it bs known. I give you permission
to refer to me at 69 North Fifth st.,
Porllsnd. II. JONES.
Eaolb Polar, Or., Dec. 7, 1891.
Da. Dabbm Dear Sir : Last February
I called on you for electric and medical
treatment fur lung trouble and a larg
tumor in my side. Your treatment
worked like a charm. I am now able
o work and enjoy good health, and
my trouble have about disappeared.
liefer any one lo tne. Gratefully yours,
Dr. Darrin continues to treat all
classes, the rich and poor alike, free of
charge, at 70 Washington (treet,
Portland, Or., from 10 to 11 A. M
laily. Those willing to pay, from. 11
A. M. le 5 P. M.; evening, 7 to 8,
aunday 10 to 12 A. M., at one-half bh
former price. He give free and con
fidential examination to all at tbe of
fice or by letter. He treat all curable
chronic, acuta and private diaeaaes,
with electricity and medicine when re
quired. The cure of private dieeases,
uch as secret error of youth, impo
tcncystriclure, aad other disc see oi
t delicate nature, guaranteed and
never publiahed. Write for cireulat
and question list.
Tba Ccletrated French Sort,
( Sot OH A .
toenrwanv form
olnemnu dlieato
or aay diaorderol
tba aesieimlive or-
gana of elUier ,
whether artiina'ij
BFFOOF imoI Stlmnhuita. AFTrB
vlon, over Indulgence, e:c , auto aa Lom of Brain
Power, Wakef'dntea, Beariugdows fain in the
back, Seminal Weakneei, Hraterla, Karvoaa fma
trattoa. Nocturnal Kmtniona, Lencorrhvo, liis
Jneaa,Vcak Memory, Lom of Power and Impo
ency,wblcblf neglected often lead to premature
ld an tnl insanity. Price f IjOO a box, tboxes
(or'Voa. Heat by ma:I on receipt of price-
A WMTntNeuABAXTIK ia given for
every S.V00 onler received, to re f wad tlM mooey If
a fenaaaen euro la not effected. We have
thoniandaof teatlaaooiala from old and young,
j( bothMXe,wbohavebeeniwrmanenUyrnrpl
ny taenaeof AphrodlUno. ctrrularlree. Addieas
Western Branch. Sox 8.
For tale by EDWIN ROSS, Dauooirr,
St. Helen, Or.
Tharwelairt atee. IT
Vf HEAT Valley . tl 65; Walla Walla.
It 60 to tt fr per cental.
FIAHlR-StandeH, 5; Walla Wall
ft 80; graham, ft; aunernn. as per nerrei.
OATS Mew, 44c per bushel.
W aVllf3ISncr ton.
14 1 t.f JtTU KFH Bran. (taftM: shorts,
)-io2l : chop feed, ltl per ton, barley ,
t perto.
BCTTKK Oregon fancy creamery,
We; fancy dairy, 3c:fair to good, 25,427v
oorumon,15S2TKe; Eastern, sSMc per
pound. .
CH EES K Oregon, U4UXe: Eastern.
14c per pound.
KOO-S2fflKSe per dosen.
POULTRY Old chickens. (3 50 90:
young chicken. i SOtfS SO; ducks, A7;
geese, nominal ,111312 per doxen ; turkeys,
lc per iiound.
VEGETABLES Cabbage, nominal, 73c
gel per cental; eu)ua.auc?$l per cental,
potatoes. OSeOc per sack; tomatoes, to to
iOc per box. ,
FkClTa-Apples, SO to 80o per box.
. mar lb eaocsBio.
COFFEE Costa Rica. 2te; Rio. c;
Snlvad w. ile; Mocba. 30c; Java. c; Ar
huckle's, 100-pon nd cases. 21 c per pound.
bl OAR-Gulden C.tJic; extra C, Ac;
granulated, Sc.
BKASS flmall whites." SUc; pink. Sc;
bayos. c; butter, 3&e; iiuiaa, 4c per
M0XEY-1TX to lite per pnnnd.
8AI.T IJvoruuol.fU 50 to $15 50; stock
ell to 112 per ton in carload lots.
8YKUP Eastern, In barrels, 12 to 15c:
55 to 0o per gallon; $2 25 to i 50 per keg;
California, in barrels, 30c per gallon; tt ?&
per keg.
' itICK-5 73 per cental.
BKEF-t.ive. 2Xc; dressed. 5 to 6e.
MI TTON-Uve, sheared 3Hc; dressed.
'CHOOU-Uve. Se; dressed. Te,
VEAL t to 7c tier pound.
ern ham. 12 to 13c; other varieties, IZ.'c;
lard, compound, 10c; pure, 12 K to 13c;
Oregon, 10M to 12Sc; breakfast bacon,
13 U 15c; smoked bacon. It to lljc.
notice ron ri DLIClTie.l.
Land Odlce at Oregon City, Or., re. S. 19.
Notice Is hereby etven that the following
named aettler haa filed notice of hia intention
to make Snal proof in support of h la claim, and
that laid proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena. Or., ou
January tt, 1S2, via:
Homestead entry No. 71(0. for the ne U of pee.
It. tptn, r t went, lie namea the following
wltneacea to prove hia contlnuoua residence
upon, and cnlUvatiou of, said land, via: R.
Reichardt, Elmer K. Orindle, i. P. Voun; and
William C. King; all of Apiary, rointabia
conntv, Oregon. 1, V. AV PERSON,
diljlt Kegister.
My son. William K. Bonner, having left
home wlihc-ut.niv consent, I will not be re
sponsible for any debts lie rntv contract.
Bcoppoose, Or., Dec 10, 101. dl8-3ra
Clssolutloa of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that K. P. Wat
kins lias retired from the firm of W. J.
M uckle at t;o., doing business at Rainier,
Oregon. AU debts one said llrm will be
Savable to, and all debt due front said
rut, will be paid by
Rainier, Or., Nov. 17. 1KU. di!J3
The Photographer,
First and Taylor Streets.
Weil and prices thai cannot be tauten,
King Clothiers of the Northwest.
fJlue Corner, Slorrleow nnA Meeonii Streets. PorilawdU
your cnoioE or any
nnit of Overcoat
m i n aa
1 1 ,0.1111
Boys Suits and Overcoats, Ages 14 to iq Years
" tOTe3
Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware,
212 Fifstand col Salmon Street PORTLAND-
Yon are respectfully invited
And examine onr Hot of Properties, the finest end bett
of which is
Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland,
Pardee who desire te visit and examine rati property will tadenr cataad ready at as
. tla: free of expena.
We lse offer 10 ie-ere traets belontrins e I 41 aerea, Improved farm T mllea aonlh ef Fert
the Uawthorne eatateat Hiluboso, Waakinrtoa 1 land, nearCiaeliaaiaa. Clackaeaaa atallon, e. r,
coumy, It milea ml of rortland, oae hour a ride I R. K.. rood aouae. land all fenced, awxt water,
by rail, thrm Umea dally. some Umber; price 10S per aero, eaaj If rs,
Warn Sauiasr. W&sa, AufxttK. lsei.
Thislatoeertify that tbe "Oreeen Honeetesd Company" has aeeurad braeeaod aad well located
homeateeda, roqiiirina Hula. U any fleering, with rat-daaa aotl, weU adapted to (Tela andvaice
laVlea, aa well aa to the production ot every variety of train and fruitatbat can lis frown in Cali
fornia. Oreesa and Washington, aad wa have located thereon. Said homaMoada art alloaled ea
tne Washington aide of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing of a daily line of eteanwre,
aad opposite to HoodRivrr atallon. en the line of the Union Pacitta railway, at miles east ef lee
city ef rerllaad. We cordially recommend our frieada and others to Join oar eoloiiy.
iniraad. S. A. Cam. (ISTit.. Portland.
W. J. Kolb, 2t Oak at., Portland.
, . W. i. Bans, eor. Front sod Hall ta., Portland.
' ('eas. U. Cninaos. 274 rourth at., Portland.
G. F. Coos, cor. fourth and t Xa., E. Ponlaad.
C. X. TiLacKwxLk cor. 4th and J ate. X. Portland.
M. W. KincaiD.St Porter M.. Portland.
F. Piaac. cor. Third aud Ash eta., rorllaad.
There ore new sixty settle ra ia tbe oolony aad claims eaoneh for H te II more families. Call
- . aad obtain full particulars.
W are also locating a colony about three miles
sav per acre.
Alsoaeolony at HUlahoro, Or. Ou IS and 20-acre tracU at $10f and 1H per arre.
et aer farm t milea from St. Helens, all good
springs, new t room aouae, small
Wa have thelareeat and moat rahuble traetaof
tem. We reeeive none for ubdivtalon or sale that we cannot hare endorsed by the leading resi
dents of the district In which such lands are situated. We receive none except aueh at havo aa
absolute perfect title. '
We hare 200 t-acra tracts near POST ANOf LE8, WASH., an elarant tract fort colony IMpsr
acre; S.3O0 acri In a body near tbe above, 2h per acre. Very liberal terms.
Four Homesteads, A, $130 Each.
Ws hsva for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a in
vauon. erica si.tuu. lermRsi.wcaan. oaianca on time, w tin wuihmu miniiwe
horses, rsttle, bogs, poultry, wagons snd everylhint suitable for a (rat-clsM
farm, t i,K). Terma, t3,nue cajh, balance ou time. Call aad get
full particniars. . , .
115 teres flat cleared land near Roaebnre, Oregon,
trees, ia per acre, epewua iron ana grata term.
' On 10-sere tract, near Port Angeles. t2i par acre. cash.
-Special !-
ApartyUforalug here to visit the I'm Med States at Catmanbla. haw tat America.
during the month ot Peeembcr. to be absent Ihreeor four month. The iadurementi ottered
are far superior ts those ot California In 1IM9, without the harriKhipa thea endured. Tho
mine of Calstaabisi exceed in richness any ever discovered in Calif arsis or Sns4.
The climate iajusl the same as in Catllarniat, the farming lsnis ranting In price from Ml
cents toll per acre. Produce, any kind of fruit, grspea and grain gn,wa la California snd
Oregon, in sdditioa to coffee, cocoa and all the tropical fruits. ,
It forming to visit ftan Dtega and the CUT at Ewaemaela, Lawn ttatllfarmlsk in
Deeembc-.lo spend thewinter. exploring the mines and examining the riuntry with aviewef
locating a colony of frrt-claaalanners and fruit raisers. For fnll Intormati n.sendt-cent stamp I
Oregon Homestead Go.
Bclentirtcallv treated by on aurlst of world
wide reputation. Deofnes eradicated nnd
entirely cured , of from 20 e DOyears' stand
ing, alter su oiner inratnienis nava isucu.
How thedifBenlty is reached and the cause
removed fully explained In circulars, with
till davits and testimonials of cures from
prominent people, mailed free.
DR. A. FONTAINE, Tacoma. Wash.
Peruana, Oregon. A. P. Anmtraaar , Prla.
Biaaoh Srboul: Ct-rri ho. Usluns, nlo, Orsta.
ammeeaunneer stady, sauMaaist ef tuuioa.
BnslneaR, ShoTthattd,
ntmriHnr. PntmutnAif, mm tngiiik ritmtrj
-lMloliruhniihivr. Sl are j .
ltd at any lime. Celsiuses ftiA rttUsi am
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heatins
to call at tbe office of the
from Port Angelas. Flvt, 1 aad M-acrt tract
land, creek running throngh the easts, splendid
garaen, iruu trass. es per sere.
land la th states of reaem aad Washlmr-
acres, se acres nnrfer fence. M arret under niltt-
nearly all level, dotted with beautiful eat
PLACE, Cart of our office,
Auitutiisirttuir tSHitj.
Notice it hereby- given that pnrsusnt In
sn order of the county court el tbe Mate of
Oregon. for Oolnnibi count v, made on the
Jnth day of July, A. P. the umier-
signed a!tninilratirof thectste of N. I..
Berg, dereaeed. will sell at public auction ,
to tit highest bidder for cah in band, or
for one-half cash and the balanreon a cnlit
of one year, the same t be seenrod by
mortgage upon the land sold, at th conn,
house door in tbe town of Ht. Ueimta, Co
lumbia county , Oregon, on Tuesday, tho
lth day of January, A. I). 1N93, at the bon
of i o'clock P. M. of said dsy, the follow insj
deeeribetl re:il property liclongiug to tha
estate of N. I. Berg, deceased, to-wit: Tha
southwest M of section 4 in twnbfp H
north, rnge 5 west, and also the southrat
H of section 4. in township 8 nortli, range
5 west, situate in Colninbiaomnty. Or (.,
and containing three hundred nud twi t
aoree, mora or lets, according U- I. iriud
Mates survey. A. M. liKIif j.
Administrator of uv
Ht. nelrna, Oregnn. Vn .1, 11 d ijl