ess THE OREGON MIST. muiwcrtirnox, ver year. Pt. Hki.knh, Pkckmkkr 11, 1891. RAlLttOAD TO A8TUR1A. This Time the Proflpct I.ook Brighter Thau Ever. Proposition Made to the People of Aatorla A Babsldj or fJOO Avrea Aeked. The people of Astoria have now before them, nay the Oregoaian, the most favora blc proposition yet offered them for sectir- lus; the railroad they o ardently desire. 7 lie proposition conies mini a company formed of men whom they know tu be sue- rmsful business men who ar responsible for whatever they acre to do, and it it robably the only bonaflde proposition that lias yet been mude in this inalter. The or aniier nf the company are Messrs. D. K. Warren, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Alfred Kinney. It. Van Pusen, C. H. Tage, Benjamin Younjr, H. O. Van Dusen, J. H. Hiulth, W. C Smith and K. A. Seeley, all eicept Uie last three well-known citisen of Astoria. The espial stock of the company is J 1. 500, 000, which is much less than the capital represented by the combined members. The cimpany have undertaken the matter In a business-like way, and before making any proposition to the people of A-toris aentont Mr. W. H. Kennedy, well known to be a competent railroad engineer, to make surveys and estimates and ascertain what the road could be built tor. Mr. Ken nedy has submitted his report, which very favorable, and he considers the route surveyed an ideal line for a railroad, v v tiik raorosmox. After carefully examining and di-tming the plans and ex ti mates of cost submitted by Mr. Kennedy, the board of directors de cided to submit to the trustees appointed to raise a laud subsidy to secure the comple tion of a railroad from Astoria to Goble. or with the Southern raciiic, the following proposition : , The company will build and equip with latest improved rolling stock, a stamlard t a-ige single-track railway line to GoUe, or other transcontinental connection, begin ning actual construction upon said line within ten days after the terms of this prop osition are complied with, and continuing work upon the fame with all reasonable dispatch until the same sliall be completed, which shall not be later than December 1. . 113; provided that the property holders of Astoria will donate to said railway com pany 10U0 acres of land, free and clear of encumbrance, fairly selected withiu the city limits, less tlie acreage given to said railroad company direct, which amounts to over 300 acres, leaving less than W0 yet to he subscribed by the people of Astoria. , The land so donated shall be deedej to aaid ColutubU River & Astoria Eailway Company, or its assigns, in four equal in stallments, as follows, each installment to . . be fairly selected from the lands donated: First One-fourth when aaid railway company or its agents shall have connected the Astoria k South Coast railroad with the city of Astoria; or at option of this company or its assigns when JOO,000 shall be expended in the construction of the ma n line of said road ; the connection between Astoria and South Coast railroad and the city of Astoria to be made within four months from the time permission to com plete the draw-bridge across Young's bay shall be obtained from the United States authorities. If the option of expenditure on main lineshall be exercised, then aaid sum of 3j0,000 shall be expended within eight months from date of acceptance of thi proposition. Second One-fourth, when aaid railway company or its agents have expended f 270v Out) upon the construction of the main line of the railroad, and made said connection between Astoria A South Coast railroad and city of Astoria, or in case of exercise of option, when $ too ,000 shall be so expended upon the main line, Third One-fourth when the company or its agents shall have so expended $400,000 and so connected the city of Astoria with the Astoria ft South Coast railroad, or in case of exercise of option. When $700,000 shall be so expended upon the main line. Fourth One-fourth when this company or its agents shall have completed said rail road to Oobie, or other transcontinental connection as above stated. . On condition above subsidy is raised. said railway company wilt ah build through and along the city front, provided a suitable and approved right-of-way is granted to said company. The avid railroad company requests prompt action in the premises. limy rest front the fatigue and Km of sleep iu his endeavor to hoodwink the voters of (lie state of Oregon and kit-p Jim Lot an from pelting control of tbo political machinery and spoils which ute so profitable U.liamllt'." There seem to be but one answer lo this probloni, and that la that Simon's candidacy is endorsed by all these people fur thoaoli purpose of gelling him out of the poli tic of TortUnd. The Orvgoiiian, tou. lots its further drop and ya, "after all Simon is a pretty food fellow." The appointment of Simon ia u die grace to the state. He ia not worthy of such an honor. Thb practice of trespassing upon the possessions of other is, of Into, b ing carried to the extreme in thrm prt. For example, three woulJ-b djvk hunters who make'il tliei, business lo intrude on the eiulosun-t of other and shoot duck and othei birds without either the permission o. the owners or regard for the notice. pasted thereon. It seems at presant that the owuers of duck ponda are almost compelled, in order to protect themselves and their lovk, to stand guard almost day and night over their lakes. This class of hunters pay no attention as to what direction they shoot or what the result of their caret less shooting may be. Tnere is no small amount of lliu kind of "bunting' done at this season of the year. Mori of the Witt are rented to parties win either waul them for the orl of shoot ing or else those who shoot for the market, and iu most case they pay a hiirli rental for the privilege. For an outsider to trespass on these rented premises and shoot birds it is absolute larceny and should be puuUhed accor' Jingly. Indeed this annoyance is be coming too common and ghoul be dis continued by all teputable citizens. Some one is liable to be hurt at this business one of these days. Property owners are not expected to tokirate auuh actions forever. CASI-Iv'STORlS!. IUM WXtfEsx-Csa CO. -DRALKR8 lit- General Merchandise Crockery, I Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Queensware.j Furnishing Goods LUMBER, SHINGLES ETC. Produce Taken In Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices RAINIER, - - - OREGON. It seems almost certain that Joseph fcimon, of Foitland, is to be appointed to the circuit judgeship for this dis trict. The Oregon delegation in con gress have indorsed him and ire urg 1 ing upon the president the advisability of his being honored with this Ligh position, Ouveuor Pentioyer, Secretary McBride, Treasurer Metchan and in fact all the prominent official of the state have written letters endorsing Mr. Simoa for the appointment. If Bimon is the awful good, honest, con scientious lawyer thai he is recom mended to be by all these high officials lie has mended his ways very sudden ly. Only five year ago, When acting as chairman of the slate central com mittee, did he cause to be issued bogus tickets on the eve of election which caused the defeat of Judge Waldo and came within a very few votes of de feating George W, McBride for secre tary of state; and yet he is indorsed by these same men for the judgeship; even Jim Lotau, who is known to be Simon's greatest enemy, indorses him. In the face of all the trickery, jobbery and treachery that Simon ha been guilty of, the history of which is well known to every voter i a the state, all these promiuent officials bury the hatchet and say "poor Simon pure Joe, who has been maligned and persecuted for so long, now Uui ls Sanii take him into your protecting embrace and fat ten hitn with a life position that he Bemembkb, youug mechanic, that the mechanic who studies and thinks, who Seek good society, who is clean in person, who is self-reliable, indns- trious, obliging and courteous, is the mechanic Who is bound to rise in hit profession. Remember, also, the re verse, mat ttie mecuanic who never studies or thinks, who seeks low as soviatesand indulge in vicious dissipa tions, who is slovenly, slouchy and un pleasant in person, who is shiftless, discontented, discourteous and dis obliging, is the future inhabitant of the gutter, the almshouse and the prison, and me luture occupant ol a pauper grave. TUB fifty second congress met at Washington last Monday. The con test for speaker of the house of repre sentees was, after a bard fought battle, won by Crbp of Georgia, he receiving 119 to Dills 105 vote. Whether the defeat of Mill for speaker has any bearing on the tolicy of the democrats in regard to the tariff, is a question One thing ia certain, that the defeat of Mills ha nut strengthened or encour aged IbeMills policy of tariff reformed will have a tendency to torn the issue fro.n the tariff to the silver question. Mill was the recoguized leader of the tariff-reform principle, and his dtfeat at this time for the speakership is a signal victory for the opponents of the Cleveland policy. STKWAItn C'HKKK. Your correspondent was compelled lobe absent from the valley for some time, and are greatly elated to find that so many w. re anxious to read the news from our pen. We are well aware of the fact that some corre spondents, on first starting out, flour ish for awhile "like a green bay tree" then suddenly wink out. Knowing this, we should have made arrange ments with some one tu write up the news during our absence. Mr. Popham is making preparation to move on hi place in tin valley, i WOulil but will lie hindered some by Jeatb of his black mare, Gyps;, which occurred last Saturday morning. Mr. Popham drove this mare accross the plains and mountains from Kansas about iwo yens ago . and canuot re- luce her for lees than 200. Mr. Lyman Jones contemplates building a new house; he now has pleasant evenliH' Willi plays, games, Vik'uI and instrumental music, Willi Mi? Lou Ilnrr presiding at the nrgHii and Mrs. Welter and Mrs. Rtnter among the eiilertuiners, a person who could not forget hard times ami shake off the influence of the blues tvoiild be mnde of curious material. We there fore feel making a motion to Wis continue our OimI Templar lodge and all join the alliance. Rev. Coats preached to a large congregation fcuiKUy, much larger than usuul from the fuel that a rtuort had cone out that there ..i.i -....1 if . .. i . , wuni i'o n wruiiitiir ni ine cioat the ; of the seavice. The report moved to be true and just at 12 o'clock the bride and groom made their appear auee. i nu groom Air. u.j. Karnes Is a young, iinliutrimia man with tin bid habits and his bride is Mis lllan.'he Joues, young"", daughter of Mr. C. II. Jones. A deep silence prevailed a they entered the house and walked to about 18,000 feel of lumber on the ward the , altar; the bank near Ila'vey Tinule'a Imtisf. quickly terformed. after Tub new company who propose to constrct a railroad from Astoria to Oo bie, offer the most favorable looking proposition we have yet seen. They have takn a business like method -of securing the desired subsidy and also offer the beat guarantee that the read ill be built. If the Astoria people are awake to their best interests they will not long deley raiding this subsidy. which he brought around froui Clala kanre in a raft. Mr. Young, our teacher, dismissed school for a week on account of sick- new. " Our commissioner, G. W. Barnes, who looks after county affairs, is nlso doing good work by circulating a peti tion for a postoftice. Mr. K. Butter, the store keeper, will be the new P. M., and Quincv, the name of the office. If our petition is granted it will give us a daily mail, as it is on the present route from Maygcr to Clatekanic. Mrs. Peterson, whose husband wa sent to the insane asylum a mouth ago, is now living with her sister, Mrs. A. Lewiston. 1 Mr. Parelins has jut finished hi barn. It is fifty by sixty feet, and is well arranged on the inside. One ot Mr. Lttlick's boys, Guy, was serioin-Iy injured by an accident last week in which their best ox was kill ed We did not learn the particulars but may be able to give them next week. During the recent high water Ben son Bros., have been running logs down the Beaver. the help of two or three men they succeeded in getting about three hundred to tide water. We are Informed by one who was present, that there were several filia tions in the farmers alliance last Sat urday night. The occasion will long be remembered by those present as one little bright spot in their lives, for when the business of tin alliance was over, the members and visitors (the meeting was held at- the residence of C. Parelins) sat down to one of the grandest suppers ever held in this vi cinity. Miss Barr says that she likes her coffee without pickles in in It; and Mr. Young , says that he prefers lea. Ahr supper young and old passed a ceremony w which tlx- happy couple were congratulated by numerous friends and relatives. The bride was dressed iu purple silk and all admit that she looked very beautl ful. The Miser correspondent wisln. Mr. Barnes and his young wife much joy with the hope all their trou bles may be "little ones." . v The New tiesverr Yoti have lu'Sfil your friends sn.l ni-iih bor4 utiki b nbut it. Yiiu limy vourxll be one of the many who know froin'H.'r-mn-al experience Just how (tood a thin it in. If you have ever tried it. jon a'tt one of its taiint-b friends, bctaiew the Wonderful thing hIkhU it ii, thai whin micu given a trial, Dr. Kilifrs Sew Discovery cvrr after holds a place la th lim.e. Jf have never ucd it and should be atlilt led with a roiwh, eoiil or any Thnal. Lunn or Chmt trouble, srcuie a bottle at once and pive it a fair trial. J I U (ruarsn.-ed every time, or money refunded 1 rial Bottles Free at Edwin ltuss' Jlnurstore. Bnckls Sraica lialvs. ThS Be Snlrs In the world for Cuts, RriitMn, Sores, ri-r. Salt Khvtim, Kevsr Dorrs, Teller, t'hspred Hand, C:hli,l.lin. Corns ud sll Hkln Ernpthm. and ponltlrsljr cure. pi!M, or no xmj renulrwt. It In Kusrsutecd to iitv twlrrt utlt taction, or money n (un,:l. Irlr W rent rr rorSslsBrKtlwInKoM. Aid. :14Q FrUST STKEET 140 I'.NDKH TIIK OILMAN HOrSE. J.M.MOYER&CO. Are now prepared to oftVr their Itcnownsd Ali-Wonl flitnds al a tlrcut Idtliii'llon from prlivs. In connection Willi our All WYol t'lotlilhB from Ilin Alliany Woolen Mills we luive sei.ured from lliu tnoxt prominent Kitein and Kon ln Mills all ih Latest l-tjjtia. VY warrant nil our goods as llonrst and Iteliahlu. Let Nw. tfOOtt. Irk llinv T l Hull. Htrlrd Wnrslml Siilu , Hlrlnv.1 l lim-da Holt. Mrnioli Cheviot !iilt..,...... liron n I'lahl Snlcs , MolllHl'hsvlol fiiiils limvi'liei siilt , ., ranejr t'livvhil Nulla llron a Tcii Siilts...,..m. l.ol I a. SO 10. Iitown Cheviot Hull. .,,.., lisid CttM.tinere SiittM ........ . Ksnev ('.xtiitet Kiillt,.... Hmwu Tweeil Miiltn. ....... K.iit-y llerrlit iUnis Kiillfc..., Vflunr K"il 'till. . tlrajr Tweed Hull. .., Lai !. Vtlfft). ' II row n ( hiwt Siiln CioH'k f ilftlrtr4 hi,ivy HnlN I tl'eil I '!ntr t vv mill. i.rny chrt l.-l. henvy, Hi'ilts iirown ne-.., y mih... Ili svv Hln Twt-wt siill nii-k slid Whfl Mlw.1 I'm- iiiiere Nulla l.nt Hm. 030. HmB rrld Wnrotitl'Sulta liluek IHnsonsl tnlw. Hlai'k furksrieqr NliHi. llnirjr Hlue Mrllnn Nulla Ilvavr Cliet-k CAMUmerr Nulla Kn nrv Wids tVnlc Woralrd Pulls , ,. Hrown PlaH Uomtl Husa,,... IHtrk Pr..wn ( h i.. Hhiu.... !. VOIO. PswyrhiH'k Cadm.rt ault. trttirdriiMimrrw heavy auHa ir. Oral- f li.vto .ulla Irnh Tweed vvlotir Hulh atilla .. . Faney l"l 1001 1- nil.. raw v orleil au MI'i Mlxr I I'muimf" ulta iakH tiiM-s I'kmIiuvi. tulta Hrown Tava-t lt , Lai a. UOIO. N'.luml (trar Ca&alintr. no It sum Brown rlitvtot SivMi ulta... 'nil, nrown ivivi nulla. Iisrk ilrny Turml, Xi-ouiii- ShKla. avdt-.,... ... lark iltuv i:inv cut ttfta... Mark Wor-twt anita van Trml, il ouif- (ouda. 'lt , XXX iluk-TateJ suits M At 3 8 CO At 10 00 At 12 00 At 13 GU At 14 50 At 15 00 Int N. KlNlO. ' lllack Wide Wn Hiitla. lliu Wide Mala Nulls,. , llruwii Mtllun Nulla Kum y chmk I ho viol auiu.w I'ark llrny Woral,) ulla., , HUeli CorkM-wir aulla , lllm k lilammnl nulla. ..,.... Ik a. OVO. Irk HMitn Twel ulla..,. Ils ivy llluo I'iiritiilllv iiilla. trlm Ksimy WkkicmI aulla... Kaira llnaiy luik Oray Caa- alinsir HiifU. , I'lald Wuralwt, until paliTll aulla m, llrokcn l laltl Wornvd aulla,.. Silk Ml.xad W,f,i,J .ulla, Mo, (NO. Klsrk Wide W'.ls mil Kioirjr hlier.l aulia ...., Kins lrh Kni.y aalls.,..,,,,,,, Kin. Wmttd N.iare ,,w liark tlrav IVor.tml anlt,. 1 1 raw lima ii(-t'r -oil. 'Ilk MU.I Csmuiviv aulla,,, rsai'V liald Woi-.lwl aulla..,, aiuall ChK k Woroted aulu,., I'lulti llrowu Mi linn aulla Klr llaavy XX Sulla ,., , Ik. 0IK). Park Umy yel.iur Kn. f's. mem itiiila Ktnr lllark Woralcv! (Horlia) atilla ,, lllack I IikiIoi ihiu auirv.,.., Ihirk (Irimn Mrtion aittta I(k Kaiire Wor,u.. aulH.,,.. v.ury llniilv nale sulia Kusllali ll.Ttllia lion aulla,,, lurk t lierkl Worwed aulla fuin-y I'lotd Wrlrl aulla!.., Hirnlttht Nitliw Wrld aiilM. Kairvualu Coikwi.waulu . SltMI. XXXX vst uir Hlark t h.vlot ault , t tm llwvy W,if WnUuiha ranry wiifd Wofled uiu. It.. .KM v.l r1rw M fy Whiii Coi.l H'ttl. lllark I'luld Wurahd, Niiuai. eul. aitlta, , ,. ...,., Herring linite Ktrliw VVoraliS aillta ...., . Ir Kar.r) aull.. .,..,. Slats K rwy aulta..... ,...,. Sml llrowtt aulla.....,,,.., ,.,. Illui- I tilt-t. M'alr iiratuils lu-kfi W,iri(u mu. Heavy liiam.inil aulu, liar tiny IVoratvd iiUj.. At 910 00 At 17 50 At IS 00 At 20 00 At 22 50 Portland Seed Co., ('. W. MILLER; Mgr.,) t'KAI.KII IN SEHDS, TREES, Fertilizers, Bee Supplies, Spraying Apparatus and Material, PoHltry Supplies, Etc., Etc 171 Hecnnd HI. IVrtland, Oregon. Meud for Ciiliilogne, novSO-Otu , TIIK ft-f-ttAMi:. IRA3LDA 1 now luaklim regular reoiwl tilpa Innn OAK POINT TO PORTUHO Daily Except Wednesdays, Lkavinu OAK liINT 4 t A. M. KrKI.I.A i.m . ' " ItAlMlUt ,ti i(V " KAI. tM.V 7, " HT. HrlLKN'S sm Asmyi.iitiitri.AMi. Mm RETURNING l1inTI,.NU Askiv M KI.I.A IOTP. M. W. E. NEWSOM. Silelmock! J. JL MOV KU & CO.. Hueeeaaora U llrowiialll Woden M IN, 40 I-II.ST STKKBT, CORNER ALDIiK. PORTLAXD. S.IilOTfaY t)IK I'ltlCK. NO DKVIATIOJf, TIIK RETAIL MERCHANT k thenccenmiry X Medium of Trade between tlio Miuuif;tcturT Mid the Consumer. He immt protetrt the interont of hi ctiHtonicrs by purehatting ir the lowcut and und best inurkctx, and by selling to Lin patrons at the Lowest 1'onnihle Price. There will Iw suldat Msyjer, Orsfon, an December 19, at 2 P.M., rVvfiity Hh.n-sof thvl'spllal Shi of tha Green Creel Lumbering and MannfactnriDg Co,, Ma.Mtrr, ()rr,n M ,r nnU w( mhk h ! I'sul up, h. .l,Mrr 111 t auld in tlv fau!l of ayniant of an aascuiu.m af lr rnt. hua dua. . f G. C. L & M. Co. If. HKXDKUSOX, ike'y. C. R. HART, rmtirivtor W. ET. 130LJi:i st- M Market PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, Kn-l. snd Malinl I and Vrip-wlilaa Can't Cook as Mother Did! One Dollar Weekly Buys a rood eold walrh hy our clilh ays. u ni. tiur i nsnil gll-nilili'awssrr wnr rantel f.r 'JO years. Hue fcliriu and VI- uiain m.Vfit-rat. ticm aiod and art lily's or K'l't s rUr, Kijiial to miy $-' aainu. jo hi cure ain-ni wlirre w have noii, we sell one uf the hunting ca-e aatclirv lur lliecluh irice 124 and wnl I; O. O. hv expreaa with r,vil-s;uf cxuiuiua lion ucinre l-ayilig lor Hie asms. Our attentat Uurhaiu, N. C, writes: "Onr Jew.lera hare confel they dna't know bww you van lunimn aurn wors tor int iimii.y. Our Sffeut at Heath H.rfng, H. t;., writes "Your watches take al alhl. Th. sentlemsn whofntlhe ll wai-h aaid Ihst lie eMiulncd and wired a lewelcr a wad'hes In Ijinnotrr. thai w no aatlor lhau tuura, but the prk-e Our agent at f'cnninptnn, Tex., writes: "Am In receipt of the wslrh, and sin pleated without meaure. All who have awn It say il would be fliro at f iu." One pood relinlile agent wanted for each place. Write lor cartii-ulara. Kmiiib Watch (-'., Kew York. How many a young; wife's heart has been saddened by hearing the above remark ! And yet how often the words are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are in question I The reason is plain, yet it is "like telling a secret" Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. They cannot be misled into using any of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow complexions, when mother did the cooking. The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says a New York paper, which appear among those who work in ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore head. This gradually extends over the face until the com plexion has a stained, blotched and unsightly appearance Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact the parity of this ideal powder has never been ques- tioncd. . .. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, ft-lentiftr-ally treated hy an anrlst of world- wiiie reputation JXurne.s ermlu-aterf ml entirely curi ii, ol irom a) towyears' aland niK. alter nil oilier treatments wire fail-,! How tin. diftVulty iarein hed and the cause removed fully explained In circular, with allidavita and textinioninli of cures from prominent people, mailed tree. DR. A. VOSTAINE, Tscoma, Wash nolle l Credllar.. Notice la herehv irhen that t! nmlrr. ahrned, Mary llraim, has been duly ap ninte.l administratrix ol the estate of H'H ianl R Hraiin. deceased, by the countv court of the state of Oregon for Coliimbia county, and Hint letters have been duly Is sued to her. Ail iwraons hating cluiuis ag d it said dcceaied are hcieby n-quired to present them with I Ik- neevsaary vouchers witliin six months from tiie date hereof to the said administratrix at her liome nrnr Scuppoose, C'oliiniblu coun'v, Oregon MAltr 1IKAI.M, Admlnistrutrix of the estate of Will nm U. Braiui, deceased. dills liated Ds. 10, inn. notice run fidlica rioi. Land Office at Oroeon rt, Oroxon. Dee. , 1S0I. Notice la hereby alven that tii. followiutf named rettler baa file I notice of hlalnipnilim u, i muse nuai prinn in auppon 01 in. cuiIih, and iiiui aaio proof win oe mane oeiorn uie uoiinlr nu January 26, 1, rtt: IIK.AK1 I'lJIIP.Il. Ifomeotesd entry No. Slim, for nw A of ee. 4. tp X n, r 1 wel. lie names the followlnr wlt neaeato prove his coriilriuoua realdence upon, alio cilliivaooil phiij mull, viz: liliaiava fi. H!ereka. Kmnk M, Toiiipkiua, JuMua .leamsim and Alexander T. t'roecjr ; all "f Hi-h,iioi., (jo- lumoia couuty, urexon, i, i. Afrr.itoN. oujio iteiater. In keeping these true princixle of trnde alwayn iu view ; often leaves t lie oil tntck nnd HtrikeH "iwrntiH lots'1 for liiirgnins for hisctiptomorn. Htg stock of C-S?General Merchandise Is being enlarged by 'ew Goods Uvery Day. ft Is not ronren'eut to name the uisnv ilifP-rent art'rles kept on sale, -l le from llrv )!, 1 1 (tliins. I.'oliv' Wer Ueulleiiien's War, lit ad Wear, K Wi-ar, flour and Kail, tiio, ef! nd tin ned Itixida, NhI a mid ilurdware, 1'rm kery and tila-awsm. Ilrsiiite und liuwarr, I'ow.ler and hliot, llata and Cups, Hoots and Hhoes, r"oti lit Mrdiiinea, Toilet Artii Ira, He. Urals, Fauaaer, fhiK West, by whideaale at aprclil rale. Kxpreaa wsenu run loall pari of town. and t'hniyes r.aaoiuihlv. aaia UNCLE MYEES, THE PORTLAND JEWELER. IMrOItltlt AND IlKAi-Elt IN Biai Londs Clocks Watches, Jewelerv, and Optical Goods. ' Fine Watch and Jewelrv Repairing. Orders from the Country Solicited. 165 First Street. Between Morrison ond Yamhill. Portland, Or. WOT1X E fOH PIBMCATIOI. Land OIHceat OroionClty, (ireifon Pec. 1, m. Notli-e la "lereby siren that tlie follnwlna- named settler baa filed notice of bla Intention to make llnul r,roof In aupport of hla claim, and that aaid proof will be mule hofor the county clerk of Columbia eounlr. strlt. Helena. Oreiron. on Jauaaiy TH. law, via: i makijKh i.;. tjAiiK, Horns lead entry No. U0rt, for the w U nl 'JH, Ipsn.rl weat. He iiumea the following wllbeaaea lo pr"e hla coiilliiiioua realdeme nHn, and culilvallon of. asld land, viz: K. A, CinOimwi. r. Hlaliop. (i. I'. Jaciiilab mid K. R, Coaler: all of Kcutx'it I. O., rolumhia roiiiny, Orcjou. dlljli t. T. AITtitfty.N, Sv.Utcr. CO Q O O O z z CD z I 3 o lUGRLE BROS THE MODEL SALOOIl J. S. (I-OM.NGER. rnp'r. ST. HELENS. - . . OKEflOV Choice Wines. Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Fab! for (ht pJuorflrrio3J.ioa of Pttromts CALL AROUND. Do l'l Drink? OF COURSE YOU DO. QI'I H IlKINd TIIK CARR. it behoof. O roil lo nnd lli maw ilolrable plat lo purchase voar invlgnrator." ! a ll f-w a aay wa. .... XXXZi XSiVXw U ati r. 1 " Keep etinslanlly nn bsnil th fnuiittt Dealers in all Kinds of 5 UK Faints, Oils, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Dry Goods and Groceries, FEED AND HAY. Q HI Cuban Blossom Cigars ine nnesl Hue of Wines liquor an.4 Clgiira hi h found ihlaald of Port land. And If you wlidi Iu iiriik in a name uf POOL OR BILLIARDS, m J3 r ITheyean asnr you that they hav th be it Ulde in town. Kvervtblna Haw an I wl"oile?d y"Ur ,m,ro"k' li MPtfuilf "THE BANQUET' Mt. Helens, Ori'Kon, General :-: Merchandise. UCKLE BROS ST, HELENS, OREGON. m ; - D"" ft A sasiPblaJ of InfonaaUew sa a. i J .tnalof the lawa.iburlne lloa toff f r u'? pt"". fa.sala, Tn' Vla, Onrnbla, a7 . jn vps m H o THWAITES. The Photographer. CABINETS 92.SO PER POZErf. CARDS, 13.00 TER frOZEX. 167 and 109, First Street, rortlaud Of.