784 Subscribers la Cnlnmhla Cnnnt. HKfT ; Advertising Medium la Colnmbli Co. Leading Paper of Columbia Connly. - NO. 50. voi;. 8. ST. HELENS, ( ) 11 EG ON; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1801. Circulation, 1,000. f OREGON THIS OHWiON MIST. IftNIIKIt KVKRT KllllV MOIIMINU V J. R. BEEGLE, Publisher. -Th County Official Paper. Miilarrl'lill liatea. Oiiv rnpr year In advaiHHi...., '. fl 1.0 mm impy an inunlli ..... 7j HI n a 'iiy ' Ail vrtlalnj( lll-a. I'mfi'Mlnnat canls niic ymr I itti milium! line yrar,, ..,.,,. II l( imIiihiii nu ar .... ... larier I'liliimu yr 1'J .,1'JA ,, ;i ifiiu Mini ima inoiiui . ........ . .two iiixli Hint ininilh. , A on, lui'h l tiwiilli...... -. Liaal niilli'iui, Meatus mr Mim fur flrat hi"er tlmil loiwilt ir lino lor t'w ll sltliarIH'llt In- "" '"" . . . . . Ii(al ailvartlamneiita, JI M) r Itinti for Art , Iiim'NIiiii, ami 76cvnia M r lii" fur caeh .iiU. llltll tuattitltm. COLUMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Commit OlHirra. JIK1IIB......M.... II. J. awtiaaf. Hi. Il,li.ii I'lvrk ..,,..,.. K. K Oiilek.Ht. Hi. I'll. Mhitrlif Wm M.nkr, XI. Helen. ''I'waatlmr 'I. I'nln. HI. Helena Hlll'l. Ill HeliiNlla. ..,., J. II. Wl., Wrtl'lHKI-.' A .MWNir. i.. I!. K. Imaii, Italiilnr Hlinrxyftr... A. II. I.lllln, Ml. Helen. l'..,.n..l........ U'n Mra-nivr, Ver In l.uimnlMluiii-r., J w ii,,,,,.,. naiaaaai. Hoelrtr Niillrea. . MmiiNlil. HI. Helen. ljlu. No. S3 K'gtilar ciHiiiniiiilrallnii. Una mi. I I hint Mumly lui'wli m..liili ,1 Villi r u m Ma-mile Hail. VlaltliiK miMnlmr. In 'l .unilliiir Im lrt I" attewl. M inic. lolulcr No. lit Huir.1 m t ItnKSaoif' a no or rliirc iwh lull tii.-in MJ.w r. H. i Mnnlc Hall, ovur niaiiehar ia amre. Vltlllni inaiiilMim In '1 innilinn Invlinl ui linnil. atvangellrMl AiHiltittnffMla. Firm H inlay lJr Llaml.H . .: Ht. Helen. Mum. h.w.iii.1 rlmiiUf-Nwr !lly, II a. ,! Kulu, 7 Ml CM. I fourth Nanday Haaitra l.l.inl (Olllahaii), II a. h ; Kcwivi'., Ir. U. UI'HUNUAMK, I'aalor. The Malta. Iiown rlvar (Ihhm) clmea al ) . . rivar (iHiall elaae. at I r. at. Th mall tor Varmnila ami l'lll.tmra; lwi Hi. IIiIiii Tuomlay, 'I liurailay au4 haturtlay at a.-M. Ilia mall lor Manlilan.t, (.'!atkaiilr am! Mint lran l(iillin iluuUa), Knliiawlay aii.t Krllay at III. . Mall, (railway) north oIom at 10 4 M.; lor 'Poitl.ml at a r. - Trairvkara' ClMlilnltlr HoHtra. . U'.UHM.l U' III. IV M.M(I II..Ihiim Ittr rnrllaml ai II . M. 1n-ily, l liurwlny awl Hal- rilay laima HI. Ilnlfii. for Clai.kauln Mou Day. Wixlnaolay and Krl ia ai Bit. HrN4M.R Jinrnfn Kkuhio lavra HI. Ili'lfii for Porilaml dally ! Hunrtay at ( 911 a. M. Kxlnntliiar. Iai-a I'.irU.a.l at '.!. r, 1'HOKKKHIONAL DR. H. R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon, ' ft. Ilelvaa, Or. 'OR. J. E. HALL, Physician v and Surgeon, ClKlalianl. Columlit Co., Or. ' T. A. MrHail.lt. A. H. l)mi.iia. McBRIOE k DRESSER, Attorneys , at v Law, Orriroa City. Or. Prompt alttimi tlven ttt latliil olti om.Iiipu A. B. LITTLE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer, . .aft llrl.nn. Or. I 'omit y Nurr. yor. land aurvaylinr. town lal tiny antl viiKlmwrliii aoik iiouiilly ilimv. W. T. BlIUHKir. . W. IRAI . BURNEY & DRAPER, Attorneys V at V Law, ' Oregon 1-lty. Or. Tlv yuara' ru"i,li'tii' aa lli'itlatrr of the UiiHnil Hta n I. ami ottliw hero womuarr ila In our aiHii'l.Uy of allklmlaof bualMi.a ovf'tre the Uiiil nllliw or Ilic i oiina, ami liivuWIiiii Ilia uraullii In Ilia tleimral I'jiiiiI Ollloa. . J. B. BROCKENBROUQH. ATTORNEY v AT LAW, i ... Orvcon t'Hri Or. (I.ala Hpci'lal Aiifiit of (liuxral IjiiuI Offlcf.i lliiniKilrail, rri- euiillon ami I Iioiht I.huiI Ai iiII at oii. ami oilier lnl ottlin lliinliiiiaa a Hin'i'lally. tiltli'o, ui J floor, IjiimI Dillon HlllllllllK. CHAS. W. PYGEkV Notary Public -AND- ; INSURANCE AGENT, MAVCIKK, OH. . MlHCKIXANKOim. D. J. SWITZER, GENERAL INSURANCE -AND- ." Real Estate Agent, St. Hblenb, Oregon. John A. Beck, Watehmakep, and Jeuieler, - KOIt YOllll ELEGANT JEWELRY. Tilt Plna.t Aaaortntnnt of Watchc, lUonka and Jowulry ol all Ltvurtlloni, OPPOIITI THC tSMONO, PORTLAND, ORf 1 PIANOS and ORGANS. Jliilli'U DaviH ami Nw Koaln Kimball 1'iainm ami Kimlmll Or Kiiiih, 1 invilit iiiKicctioii, nml defy (,(iiiiii titiiiii, L. V. MOORE, 105 Washington St., Portland, Or. W rltfi lur ciititlnKiii) huh rli ca. Muntloii tlili Hwr. EVERDING & FARRELL Front Street, Portland, Oregon. DKALKKH IN WHEAT, OATS AND MILL FEED OF ALL KINDS, Hay, Shingles, Lime, Land Plaster. Also Flour, Bacon, AND A (iKNKKAL ASSORTMENT OK G-3? o c eries, Which we hcII diap fur caHh. Ciive uh a call. EVERDING 6V FARRELL. ClsbtslceLXiie 3L-ixie. HiV i i at m ' n rmnirmi mi 11 'i mn mwinTTrTtn(tN'ltf'iWimm ''t" STEAMER C. J. W. SHAVER, Master. Tnvos I'tirtliinil from Alder-Btrcet Bkamokawa and Cuthlanii't, Wcdm-mlay and Friday for Clatskanie, toui liiiiK at Hauvii iHland, 8t. Hckina, Columbia City, Kalama, Nwr City, Ituinirr, Crdar Landing, Mt. Collin, ISradburv, Htolla, Oak Point and all intermedium imintu, rottiniingTiiuHtlay, Thursday and Saturday. 40W IS THE TIME -IN- eorgeiown TWs dMirablo iirojmrty adjoins Milton Station, on the Northern Pacific nuiirouu, ONE HOUR'S RIDE FROM PORTLAND, And ia only 1 J tiiils from HI. Helens, tho county-scat, on the Columbii river. Milton crock, a Iwautiful mountain tream, runs within 200 yania of this projierty, Airmailing an incxhatiBtible supply of water for all iurponon. LOTS. 50x100 FEET,- Uftnging in pr'ico from .r to 100, can s Heenred from D. J. Switzer. St. JOSEPH KELLOGG El Joseph Kellogg and Northwest FOR COWLITZ RIVER. : . -N . IV I .uaL....m4. Leaves M O rtnWGST day at f) Thursday and Saturday at 0 a. m. IACCDU lCI I nOP leaves KAlNltK ai a. m. JUOtrH CLLWMV daily, Sunday excepted, arriv ing at Portland at 10:30 a. m. Returning, leaves PORTLAND at 2:30 i. m., arriving at 7 i'. m. DON'T BUY YOUR DRUGS AN Y W 1 1 K B K BUT AT A BKGULAB IDrxxg Store. YOU WILL FIND THE Freshest, Purest and Best of Everything - ' AT THE CLATSKAN I E " y DRUG '' STORE. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. nnrl rrnt MORE POWER , " and ' Writ. Car nr N.w lUu.tr.Wrf t!.HU.. f l9U , THE VEFFEL WATER HEEL 4 ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0n U.S.A. W. SHAVER. tlin'k Monday, via Wcstport. TO SECURE fi LOT Helens, Oregon & CO.'S STEALERS tUta'-r'- . i.:l.l . t rt'.;.. Momlay, weitncMuay anur n- a. m. Leavos POUT LAND Tuesday, use LESS WATER PACIFIC COAST. Hie Apachos Again on the Warpath. OLIVE CULTURE IN SAN DIEGO The Drain Tunnel in the Ontario Mine at Park City, U. T, Cuts Into a Water Vein. The Arizona penitentiary ha 1C4 con- vicU. Ibiine City. Idaho, iiae a female faro dealer. The old Virtue mine near Baker City In to Ntart tip attain. Cattle thieved are mi moron, aimntthe Umatilla reservation. Olive eultnre In Han Iiietw is to be ex- tenaively imliiltfeil in. Klectric headlitchte are to be need on the Houtiiern Pacific. Napa' wine product for the season will reach nearly S.MXl.tHX) Rallone. Work is to lie roiiiiiicnced soon on the railroad lietween liable and Astoria, Or. Oregon and Waaliinnton are being thoroughly organized by the Prohibition ism. Coy.'tes are plentiful In the vicinity of Forest (irove, and a wolf hunt will soon ocenr. The California Fruit Association has jiiMt Nhipied seventeen earloails of dried Iruit from Vacaville, (!al. Astoria is to celebrate next May, the centennial of the discovery of the Co lumbia river by Captain Gtay. American wreckers will not be per mitted to attempt the raining of f lie Ban I'edro, recently wrecked near Victoria, B. C. The Ptiite Constitution of Arizona will lie adopted by about 5,000 majority. The Arizomans who lavor fuaienoou are pleased with the vote. The icrnss valuation of property in Multnomah comity, Or., for 18SI1. as re turned by the Aswssor, ii $01,2 D.l.'tf), as against t,ri4,IUi,4!iO in W0. Nine Knglirh partridites have been re ceived at Portland. They are in six between the Oregon ouail and pliesaant, and will be turned loose to increase, but in w hat portion of the Htate has not yet been determined. T. W. Carpenter, assistant cashier for the A. P. Ilotaling Company at Poi t lan', has disappeared, and there ia no clue ui his whereabout. It is charged that lie forged a check and secured (5,1100 on the paper. In view of the expected visitation of grasshoppers in some parts of California next j ear the Htato Board of Horticult ure lias arranged for a supply of para sites from New Bottth Wales to be ready for distribution in March. The report sent ont that Apache In dians had killed naniels and wounded Major Downing in the Chiraeuhoa Mountains in Arizona, turns out to be ialse. The fhooting was done by a man named Fav, who wore moccasins. Twn nw veina of rich ore have been pierced in the mining operations of the lenie'CHl tin mines, near rouin mver jsitle, during the past week, and the most annunina expectations of the miner havA lima fur bpn realized. The trustees of the Congregational College of Pomona have decided to use the recent gift of 75,iHX) to that insti tution in erectinit a dormitory and laboratory building for the college, and work upon the simclnre will begin in rVbrlinrv. The Apaches are reported to be on the warpath in Arizona again. R. H. Dan iels was killed hv them the other night at a place nlwnt thirtv-live miles irom Wilcox, and Mastr Downev .was am bushed and shot nt the same point. Oreat excitement exists among the set tlers, who fear a raid from the Indians in the Chiriciihua Mountains. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency retMtrts ton failures in the Pacinc Coast Slates, and Territories for the week, as compared Willi thirteen for the previous week and fourteen for the correspond ing week of m The failures for the past week are divided among the trades aa follows: Three saloons, one builder, one cigar and tobacco, one dairy, one manufacturer ol extracts, one naruware, and grocer, and one tailor. v p The drain tunnel in the OnUrioV tne at Park City, U. T., cut into a largVwa ter vein, and thp water carried every thing before it The tunnel to the length of 2.000 feet is under water from six to twelve inches deep. In the engine house the fly wheel, pits of the engine and compresser are filled, and operations are completely blocked. At least 10,000 gal lons of water are fl iwine per minute. Operations will not be resumed for some time. Samuel Pittenborf, better known aa "Navajo 8am," end who conduct small general merchandise store on the Navajo .Indian reservation, about 150 miles west of Albuquerque, N. M., was shot and killed by his clerk Hunday. Tho deceased filled the position of Indian Agent during the bloody raids of the Amu-he chiefs Victoria and Oeronimo, and hia history is replete with thrill- inir and hair-breadth escapes, tie was about 45 years of age. Charles N. Fox testified before the grand iurv of Sacramento that J. B. I. iima liut M.ireh eintiloved him as conn el to renresent him before the legisla tive, investigating committee, and that Jones requested a certain person to pay the fee of (5 0, and it was paid. On Fox refiisinu to tell who paid him the fore man of the jury reported the fact to Judge Catlin, who ordered Fox cited to appear and show cause why ne snouid not ne nupuiged gnmy oi contempt.. Colonel Bouglass Ounn, ex-Mayor of San Diego, formerly proprietor 01 tne daily f riit'B anil one of the most promi nent men in (Southern Caliiornia, and at one time a resident of San t rancisco, was found dead in his private office Sat urday. The family, who had not seen him since Wednesday, thought he had f;one to Kl Cajon on business, and were lorritled to learn that he had been dead a dav or so and had died all alone. Phy sicians say death was instantaneous and was caused by paralysis ol the heart. PERSONAL MENTION. The Kalier Will Not Tclerate Gam bling Among the Officer in Hi Army. It is asserted that Channcev Penew has bad 2,000 American infants named after hlrn. Josetih Jefferson will nlav a season of only ten weeks next year, and " RipJVan winxie win oe vne oniy piay in which he will tie teen. It was through the influence of B;shop Pbillips Brooks that the Salvation Army was allowed to parade the streets of Bos ton with music. Another monument is projected in New York. This one is General Han cock's, and it is proposed to erect it in Hancock square, llarlem. The wife of General A. W. Greely has recently been so seriously ill as to occa sion her friends great anxiety, but her condition is now much improved. Bismarck is in Germany what they call a "chain smoker" that is, he smokes from morning till night without a bread, lighting one cigar with the end of another. A son of Joseph Je erson, the famous American comedian of "Kip Van Win kle" fame, has been in Ixjndnn on a visit to his sister, who is the wife of B. J. Farjeon, the novelist. Walt Whitman has of late 'refused to e the visitors who come in numliere to call on him. He has been compelled to take this precaution 'in self-de'ense auainst the idle curiosity which brings them to bis doors. The Beau Brnmmcl of New York's middle-aged millionaires is 1). O. Mills, who follow the fashions in male attire very closely, wears his clothes well, and is altogether a model for a metropolitan Cronus to pjttern after. The Dne of Leinster's country house la said to have passed into the owner ship of an Irish farmer, who was former ly Ilia tenant, nnuer me uiieriuion oi i.n new Irish land laws. This is the build ing after which the White House at Washington was modeled. Sir Edwin Arnold's resemblance to Charles Dickens attracts general atten tion among New Yorkers. If Sir Edwin is si much lietter a speaker according to American ideas than most ot the other leeturem Great Biitain has sent or lent us, it may be because he is so much bet ter a journalist. Dr. G itling save bis famonsgnn shonld he regarded a. a philanthropic inven tion, for it has saved no end of lives by Scaring riotous people into submission. So he calls the deadly gun me peace maker." The Doctor ia growing old, but he is still one of the handsomest men that visit Washington. He is tall and portly, with snow-white hair and whisk ers and a kindly eye. and in thought and action lie is youthful and vigorous. ; John Buskin -.will soon complete his 2d vear. and for sixty-five of those years he has been a poet, though for the most part using proe aa the vehicle of expression for highly poetic thought. At the age of 7 he wrote in blank verse a singular essay on "Time." The next year he wrote an invocation to the sun to shine on his garden, which is an amusing, almost a pathetic, mixture of poetry and pathos. At tne age oi zu ne gained the Newdigate prize for English . . i i i . . i . (Mjetry, ana sMin a ter aiatuuont-'i mo muse because, as he said, he could not express his ideas in verse. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Commodore Ramsey Devotes Much Attention In His Report to the Naval Academy. Dnrinff the last four and a half days of last week the general land office issued 4,252 land patents. This is the highest record ever made by the office. There re now approved for patents 820 min- i : , l n. VV.t ernl eiliriro ill vai tun. iai,n n nj , vow, and a iorce of clerks have been detailed to write these patents, so that within ninety days it it is expected the whole number will be in the hands oi uie en- trymen. In reply to inquiry the Treasury De partment has informed a Philadelphia firm tint the department holds that im ported black plates dipped in this conn try for the purpose of making tin and Utl aies are ineiuiieu wiiuiii unnrapu u:tnf schedule G of the tariff act. and black plates rolled from imported bars nr billets should be similarly classified. There ia no provision in the law restrict ing manufacturers to use American tin. Representative Cooper of Indiana, who introduced in the last Congress the resolution providing for an investigation of Commissioner Kautn's administration of the pension ollice, and who personally nrosecnt' d hiecharueesuainst Mr. Rauin iiefore the House Committee on Invalid Pensions, save that if Rauin retires within a month or so he believes there will lie no investigation of the nenBion office hv the Fifty-second Congress. He added that if the President was deter mined to keen Itaum the fight would be renewed. It was for the President to say, said Mr. Cooper, whether there wouId.be a renewal of the strife. Commodore Folger. chief of the bu reau of ordnance, in hiB annual report estimates the expense of his bureau for the next fiscal year at 4,780,2l, of which S4,138,iT)0 will be applied toward the armanent of new vessels. The num ber of nuns required is placed at 1,347, ranuinu in caliber from four to thirteen Inches. Although none of the ships au thorized to be built require guns of six-teen-inch caliber, it is believed such guns may lie needed ; so necessary plans have lieen made to authorize the con struction of one of them. It is believed the difficulties experienced abroad with these large guns can tie overcome. ' In hie annual report Commodore Ram sey, chief of the bureau of navigation, devotes much attention to the Naval Academy. He says a large number of candidates or admission failed to pass the lequired examination. He believes tliii ia chiefly due to the want of proper instructions. He recommends that the statutes be amended so that the ap pointments lie made a year in advance of the time of admission. Other changes iu the existing statutes are recommend ed so that the laws governing the Naval Academy will be similar to those govern ing the Military Academy. Among the changes recommended are fixing the age lor admission between 14 and 18. aban donment of the two years' cruise and the dismissal of surplus graduates upon tne completion ol a lour year' coarse. EASTERN ITEMS. Diphtheria Rages in an Illinois City. JACK DEMPSEY, THE SLOGGER The Amount of Wheat America Has Shipped to Europe in the Last Two Months. There are 2.000 women school teachers of Philadelphia. An epidemic of diphtheria is raging in Belleville, 111. Illinois offers a bounty of 2 cents for each Kngliah sparrow head. The First National Bank of Damaris- cotta, Me., has resumed business. A eirl at Brenhatn. Tex., was found to be alive after having been placed in a coffin. It is reported that the old town of Alexandria, Vs., has a boom and is growing. A new herring fishing bank has been discovered off the west coast of New found and. Two large freight houses are to be erected at St. Louis, with a capacity of 100 cars at a time. Minneapolis is already estimating the work necess.irv to take care of next June's convention. Iowa fanners who experimented with sugar beets the past season are enthusi astic over the results.. The Vsnderbilt lines propose to mn tourist sleeping cars through from New York to Han 1 rancisco. The Island of Na" i i will ?ie connected with the coast of Florida by cable about the middle ot January. At least sixteen men hive been killed thus far in the work of drilling the new tunnel at Niagara Falls. Evidence is accumulating that New York has baen heavily swindled in the erection of school buildings. The sufferers by the great Boston fire nineteen years ago who stiil survive were paid (2 3,i0 during the past year. . The next Republican National Con vention will be co'iiposed of 8!)8 dele gates, or 000 in case Alaska is repre sented. W. K. Sullivan, who recently resigned the editorship of the Chicago Krtning Journal on account of ill health, has been appointed united States Consul at Bermuda. r David T. Reals, the Kansas City banker, has recovered his child, which was stolen, on paying $5,000 reward for its recovery. In Kansas during the past five months and a half there has been a net reduc tion in the farm-mortgage indebtedness of 2,300,000. The survey of the United States au thorities from Atlantic City to Cape May has established an inland channel for torpedo boats. Commodore Melville of the steam en gineering bureau recommends that the number ol engineer otneera snouiu do increased to 300. Reciprocity with the United States is growing so strongly in public favor in Uanada that many ot tne lory papers now advocate it. The State of Massachusetts has de cided to give financial and other aid to 103 of its towns that they may secure free public libraries. America has shipped 87.000.000 bush els of wheat to Europe in the last two months, and has received .''.bout SS5,000, 000 in gold in return. Jack Dempsey. the slogger, is being treated by physicians for incipient con sumption, lie is in New York, and his condition is quite soriona. The Execntive Committee of the Na tional Conference of Olinrities and Cor rections decided ti hold the next annual meeting in Denver on Jnne 27. By the decision of the Supreme Court of New York in the Ogdi n will case the Unlver-itv ol Chicago lows 300,000. The decision may lie reversed by the Court of Appeals The beet sugar industry in Nebraska has proven so successful and profitable that Omaha is preparing to put np a large sugar factory and have it ready lor operation next season. The blue book of New York shows more bachelors than married men in the ranks of blue blood and money. Mar riage is decried as too expensive by the members of lashionatiie emus. The order of Confederate soldiers known as the United Confederate Vet erans. General John B. Gordon com manding, with headquarters at New Or leans, is to extend its organization. General J. H. Rice, the father of the Alliance party in Kansas, has grown very tired of the practices of that organ ization, and is writing letters denounc ing the recklessness of its managers. Benjamin Beien?en. a dry-gooda job ber at Boston and one of the best-known and most-trnstetl members of the Jewish eolonv. has disappeared, taking with him, it is aliegeil, between (10,0,10 and $15,000 in cash and valuables belonging to other Hebrews. . Inspector Byrnes' detectives at New York have again arrested Iini Armand, the crazy Frenchman who has been an noying Mrs. Alexander, the daughter of millionaire Crocker. He was recently released from the asylum, and had be gun his persecutions. A special on the Boston and Maine road, containing the Pieaiden of the com nan v and other hiirh officials, was flagged by a tramp the other day in time to prevent its running upon a burning bridge. The tramp was given a purse of money and a free pass. - - Edward M. Field, son of Cyrus W. Field and senior memler of the" firm of Field, Lindley, Weichers & Co., which failed last week in New York, has been sent to the insane asylum. He not only rehypothecated the railway bonds placed with him as collateral, but he misappro-. iriated large sums of money, lie. raised oans on worthless securities foisted by him on many banks and on iiv-ate in dividuals as well, and has left a blot on Uie escutcheon of an illustrious family. EDUCATIONAL Four Hundred Young Lad:es Unable to Gain Admission to Vassar . College Miss Higgles. High schools will be added to New York'city's public system. It Is said that 23,000 Indians can read English, and only 10,0 10 can read their own language. Sixty three students are now said to lie working their way through Yale Col lege and paying all their expenses. The scholarship which carries with it a permit to live five years in Paris on $Ud0 a year was won the other day in Boston by J. B. Potter. Four hundred young ladies were un ahle to gain admission to Vassar College this season, the institution being filled to its utmost capacity. A fine ten-inch equatorial telescope in Lawrence University at Appleton, Wis., was made entirely by the colored pupils in the School of Mechanical Arts at Nashville, Tenn. The execntors of the Fayerweather es tate now say that the bequests to the varions colleges named in the will and the execntor's deed of gift will be paid over about January 1. The statistics of university attendance in Germany show a gradual decrease. Iluring the recent summer tem the total was 28,025, while last winter it was 28, 711, and one year ago it was 2!) .3 1 7. The President of San Salvador, Cen tral America, has ordered that govern ment schools be established for the free instruction of women who aspire to the duties of poatoflice clerks, printers, te Kjgraphera, etc. Chancell r Snow of the Kanas State University has returned from the East. He brought with him the Spooner lie quest to the nniversity of 01,618 IKS. It is said to be the largest gift ever made to a State institution by a private indi vidual. The preparatory school for Yale, which Mrs. Maria B. Hotchkias gives $:4',itl0 to found, will be established in Sa'is bury, Conn., the moat northwe-tern town of the State and in the foothills of the Berkshire?. The building ia to lie of an ideal school character. The nnmber of American gtndents in Berlin this season is nniisui'liy great. At the nniversity alone the number is 204 out of a total of 5 547. Then there are many more than this attending pri vate clinics, studying Koch's methods, acquiring the German lamrn-ige or pur suing studies in art and music The honors of entrance into the Uni versity of London were recently carried off over l.ft'lO male students by a young Scotch girl, Charlotte Higgins. Her fa ther died when she was but 8 years old, and it is through the efforts of her mother that she has been able at 20 to be in possession of ber fine education, A project for the introduction of a uni versity course into Boston's public school system is before the Bost n Board of Al dermen. It provides that the course shall be free to such scholars as exhibit the necessary proficiency, and that all the expense of it shall be borne by the city. It is not unlike educational schemes that exist in France and Ger Bany. Last year the University of Michigan had 168 more students than Harvard University, whicb had 2,252; but this year Harvard has 118 more than Mich- ' u I. I n .. c W 1. : 1.. 1 1 .. ..... -.1 lgHU, WII1CU lltVS ,ti,.J. , 111 IC iimiwii has sained 361. Michigan has gained only 75. These two institutions of learn ing are the foremost in tne country no far as their enrollment books are con cerned. ' . "' A reference to the feminine . students in Sage College, Cornell University, ia made in the report of President Adams, who says: "A vast majority of the young women are not only earnestly de voted to the working out of great and noble purposes, but are also disposed on every occasion to exert their influence in behalf of a cultivated anci renneo so cial life." WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. France Asks for 150,000 Square Feet of Space at the Chicago Co lumbian Exposition. Up to the prese nt time there have been over 1,700 applications for space at the Chicago Fair. The Mikado of japan will, it is said, send some of his private art treasures to the World's Fair at Chicago. ,: Governor Willey has appointed James M. Wells of Kootenai county World's Fair Commissioner for Idaho, vice Dele mar resigned. Morocco will spend 150,000 in showing -manners, customs and products of that country at the Chicago Fair. There will be a full tribe of Berbers on exhibition. ... Prof. Ives of the art department re ports that the artists of Russia are deep ly interested in the exposition and have promised Him to send to it a tine collec tion of their best work. The native flora of each State and Ter ritory will be shown at the exposition under the direction of Chief Thorpe, who has enlisted the lady managers to undertake the collection of specimens. One of the most interesting exhibits at the World's Fair will be the models now being made by the Smithsonian In stitution, showing the various pluses in seal and walrus catching and killing in Alaska waters. ' The Government Department ot Agri culture is taking steps to make very elaborate exhibit of every kind of wool clipped in this country. Thedepartment will issue a small pamphlet npon eack branch of the exhibits it will make, con taining "information not widely known and of great practical value to agricult urists. . On the roof of the horticultural build ing, around the central dome, an elabor ate display of roof gardening w.ll- lie made. It is expected that this w II not only be pleasurable to visitors, but will afford valuable suggestions that will lie utilized by persons who live in Isrire cities and are deprived of duor yards and lawns. France through Edward Brnwaert, the French Consul at Chicago, has aked for l;"0,tX) ) square feet of space in theext tion buildings lOO.UHl feet in the manu facturers' buildine, ?0,0o in the tine arts, 10,000 in the live stock sr.d 10 IX" in the machinery. Mr. Brnwaert imi--mated that in all probability more space would be atked for later on.