The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 04, 1891, Image 3

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Halted mti ld Coniily Offlclnl Paper.
A. full lin of rubber good at N. A
....,. n.iii.
Culun.bk flountfb.i62M bead of
cftttU that wM aawau
Th Toledo U again ,,M roule-
making lr Aral trip down Tud..y.
Mr. L. F. Baniar, of Denver valley.
was at tbe county seal Tuesday,
Clothing, Are claa. nd beet quality
at Terry'. Howltoo.
'floliool commvnced Monay last with
quite number of outiide pupils lit
Tobaceo, cigar, notion, etc., t
Perry', HouUou.
Marriage Heeuse wm Issued IftJt Hat
unlay by Clerk Quirk to D. J. Barnes
tid Blanche L. Jouei, of ClaUkanle.
Mr. N. E. Dolmau returned last
Week from an extended vUit to 8an
Jote, California,
There wilt b precltlng ia Bt. Hoi
una Sunday evening nest, by Bev
Dauman, of tbeCongregatioi:aloburvb
of Kaluier. :
Tuetday, the first day of the winter,
started la In dead earnest, with all tbe
variation of Oregon weather.
B. F. Gillner purchased a tract of
coal land at the aale Saturday. Mr.
(Jillner ba great faith in the futuiwof
Columbia county.
Bherlff Meeker, Monday aold 140.000
feet of lumber, teven truck and other
iliturea, at Reuben, to satisfy . judg
ment of J. B.Halley for$28agaiiiat
Klrkols and Bovl.
Tlie steamer Kellogg i again on liar
eld route with a. new boiler and a
larger wheeL Blie la tupptawd to make
a lltllo better time Uitn ever before,
nml to her firat appearance in eev
rral week laat Saturday.
The Webfoot and Banquet aaloon
have conaolidated and both occupy the
Uanouet's old quarter. The proprie
tor wisely eanwto Uie conclusion that
tliree saloons waa too much for the
town, hence tha consolidation.
Advice from China report that there
re 4,0(10,000 rebel in that country
under arma at tbe pretent time, and
that tlie government forcea are not
xiual hi lite euiergeuoy. The rauka
of the rebels are daily increasing by
the thousands,
Walter Blakusley and Dan Richard
aon were Ihj maio biddera at the sale
Saturday on lota which already had
i.niiana n them. Whether there i
any significance connected with their
sjrsire to buy we cannot any. We
will ay, however, by way of explana
tion, that one of the gentlemen pur
riiaacd a aliudow at the last eoU-rtaiu-tnrnt.
Manv vear practice have tlven C
A. Snow A Co., Solicitor of Patents,
at Wahington, D. C, unaurpaaaed
aucceaa in obtaining patent for all
rluut-n of Inventions. TIk j make a
pevleUy of rejected casea, aud have
secured allowance of many patent
that had been previooaly rejected.
Their advertiiiomcut in another col
umn, will be of interest 'to inventor
paAenle, manufacturer, and all who
have to do with patent.
At the horir sale of tbe Blakesley
property on Saturday last real eaUti
deemed to be on the boom. Lot sold
for 500 and f 000 readily, and at that
for spot cash. There waa enough
money realised, without eoll ug the
hotel to satisfy the judgment and
rwate, and s little more. The properly
aoM consisted of four lot in St. llelep
three of them with houaea on and
a small tract of coal land a few mile
back of town. The proceed of tlie
ale amounted, to f23O0, the Judgment
amounting to something over 12100.
Mr. BUbealry still holds tbe hotel un
incumbered, '.
Tha Oragonlan, at great expense,
Iim prepared a soctteaal map of Ore
gon and offer it aa a premium for sub
scriptions to the Weekly Oteguniau.
Th map it corrected up to date, is
40x50 iuctie iu site; scalo, six miles to
the inch. It i neatly fluiahed and on
roller, ready to hang up on the wall.
This i tbe finest map of Oregon ever
iaaued, aud should b in every house
hold In the date. Anyone eendiug
93.00 will receive the Weekly Ore
gon ian for fifteen month (if the ub
acriptiou i received prior to January
1,1892,) and one oi these map aa a
j.renilum. The price of the map with
out the paper I 92.00. Adre: Ore
Sonian Publishing Co., Portland, Or.
ateamer Eastern Orogon was burned
t Olvnuiii Tuesday night last. The
steamer was on the gridiron for repairs,
having been placed there Tuesday.
The Eastern Oregon waa in the Flor
ida trad for some time and was then
called the Palatka. Later she was
iiurchased by the Oregoa Pacific rail
road company to ply between Yaquina
and Ban Francisco ana snout sin. teen
month ago wag aold to the Oregon
Improvement Company and ainoe that
time had been on -the Whateom-Ta-
ooma route for the Canadian Pacific,
A orrlHg licenso wm Issued by
Clmk Quick, Tuuduy, iba coiitrnctlng
. u.lir Ul..fJ..lllK, liHrkinnil,",a"!"
Mr, K. 1'. Mi-Cluis, o( Olulsk.iiiiH
T' TYlwp-lioiiu U attain on ler
route, coming down Monday morning
fur the lirsl tune fur sevuml wrek. Hlio
has had a new shaft put In mid a linle
iielutlng, done, which both together
make here little prettier aud faslot
The building formerly occupied as a
saloon by Mr, Cooper l being reniodletj
aud preparations made by Messrs,
Hwnger A Deekir to put in s stock of
general merchaniliae.
liOg Will lie Towed From the Co.
Iambi to Han Francisco.
' Portland Telegram.
The qnesllon of how to Improve the
lumber maikel so a to make it more
profitable alike to shipper and loggers
seems in a fqir way to solve itself. It is
a recognised fact that the prosperity of
the lumber interest on tbe Columbia
depend upon two things: First, the
ability to get the W to market at a
minimum cost; aud second, to have
tlie lumber manufactured as near the
basis of consumption and diatribiilion
aa possible. IHtring the past month
California parlies have purchased ovor
8,000,000 feel of log in the Cowlits
river alone, and it is prooud to tow
the logs to Han Francisco by construct
ing s Juggins' patent raft to achieve
tin end. It lias been demonstrated
by building a raft iu the form of a
cigar and lashing togvthor with wire
rope, It can be successfully towed uny
distance wiih perfect safety, nays the
Cathlamet Osteite. The tirt raft con
structed on the Joggius principle in
Nova Scotia aud towod to New York
proved s failure owing to being iuutU
cluntly lashed, but several similar rafts,
modeled after this pUn, have shown
conclusively that the Jogfcini flau of
towing logs is nu experiment, but a
realised scientific fact.
The distance from tbe Columbia
river to San Fra.icisco is no greater
thn between Nova Scotia and New
York, and storms and heavy seas on
the Pacific coast are not as common as
on the Atlantic seaboard. This is on
strong argument in favor of tbe new
plan proposed. It is calculated that
the refuse material from the log can
be aold in San Fiancisco for enough
to almost pay the cost of towing;, if
not more. Even the sawdust is counted
. . .i i. : ti
on a a consiaeraoie noni. nuuu
lumber is quoted in San Francisco at
14 per th iintand feet iu cargo lou,
while dressed lumber Is quoted nil the
way from 118 to 920 per thousand feet,
dependent upon the sue and quality
The logs are worth probably 96 in the
Cowlits. hence it can be seen If the
cost of building the raft and towing ill'
not too exenrive, it would leave
good mara-i i for the skipper. It is
claimed that the eiNit of building one
of these raft is very slight, after the
necessary machinery is once iu posi
tion and Iu working order.
This now departure, in the handling
of loga will be looked upon with great
interest by the people of Washington
and Oregon, as depressed lumber
market is s very considerable factor In
tha growth or otherwise of tlie twin
state. -
Captain Nichols ia now In chare of
the poxtofnee, a an assistant before
his full authority arrive.
Mis Nellie Edeerton it spending the
time with her slater on the James Burr
place, v
Turkeys for Thanksgiving were not
plentiful this year, but dinks and
cnickeiie came in a gnoa aooonu sou
were enjoyed just a w-H.
Mr. and Mrs. Kimpel and son spent
Thanksgiving at Grandpa Myers' and
had a good time. Tue grandparent
take great interest in the mall boy,
who ia growing finely.
A. T. Laws and H. A. Bloom, former
soiourners here, who have taken tlvm-
aflivea to the wood near the mouth of
Nohalem, made the town visit of a
day or two laat week and report their
families gettiug on nicely in tbuir new
A meetins of tbe citiien ia called
for next Saturday afternoon to devise
mean to have a new school Building
erected without sny additional tax. It
ia thought that if a strong and united
effort can be made, a sufficient amount
mav be secured in labor and mate lal
when added to the tax already levied,
to build a good school-house .without
the necessity of bonding -the district,
as the school board nave been in
structed to do. The plan commends
itself to the consideration of taxpayers
geueratly in the district, and it is to be
hoped it will meet witn success.
The city hull may now be reached
by a good substantial plank walk from
Nehalom avenue.
Swan Nelson, who has been working
for Norman Merrill during the past
season, leaves this week ou a visit to
his parents in the East.
On last Saturday a second meeting
of those Interested was held in Vow
vers' hall to hoar the report of the
committee a i pointed at a former meet'
ing to ascertain the cost of erection a
dam across tha Upper OtaWkanie suffi
ciently Urge to be efficient in driving
logs, snd an estimate of the expanse
Involved in clearing out the stream
and building a boom somewhere about
its mouth. Tbe committee made Iu
renort. and after considerable of an in
terchange of sentiment, it was decided
to ascertain what could be see urea on
subscription toward the objects men
tloned. Another meeting will be
called later. The matter of driving
; logs from the Upper Clatxtuie com
jtueeds itself to our oitiieue geuorally,
and It la exptcied that Ilia aniieiiloK
conitnltt will meet with anoouraif-
Tbe street lamp prove a great com
fort to pedestrians these dark nights.
Mr. and Mr. E. J. McConiiell, for
! trier residents of our villas, are back
tins w. ex looking alter aiiairs in mis
Kev. Coat is on buslnes at Port
land this week.
A Thanksgiving service was held on
Thursday evening last, at which itev.
Coats gave a very able addn'ss.
Mrs J oil Hill died last Wednesday,
of uropxy, following heart diaease she
hua been an invalid for years, but it
was not thought by her friend that
the end was so near. She was a Very
patient woman, aud in all lieraunering
was uncomplaining and rusiitnud. The
funeral look place on Friday afternoon.
F. C. Gales expect to remove to
Mint with hi family in the near future.
Clalskanie wil be sorry to lose him as
a citizen, but wish him aiiocen wher
ever he ftoe.
The Clatnkaiile Chief seemed lolose
nothing of its iutereet l ist week iu the
absence of the editor, winch argues
that the hotter half, who was left In
charge, ia posneiised of an ability and
enterprise equal to any emeigeuc.y.
School Is tirngrcsHing nirely under
the management of l'nfi'wir Clowe.
Tbe attendance is small owing to the
fuel several families have moved
out of the district the hkI cummer.
Mr. Case's family moved into th
newly erected nonae hi me mm c
paoy's. His reaaous an- to et close
to school.
Behind in di-friut 18 oi-ntl lat
Monday for 'he wimer term, wiihW.
A. Woods as teacher,
J. F. Kerr ba been making some
noticeable improvement of lain in the
way of clearing land.
Surveyor Little has been doing some
wik for Andrew Elliott the 't week.
He established the !iu between El
liott's and Oeorge Older'a claims.
Mrs. Pnngle haa hww quite icV, bnl
St last accouuis sue wna oiiimmujj.
Quite a number of young people
met at Mr. Brigga' for a "sing" last
Sunday evening. They express them
selves as having a huge time.
One would Infer, from the turnout,
that the farmer' alliance was pro
gressing. If ao, it m ight be a good
scheme for some one to go into the
goat business.
Some of the "kids," among whom
were Sol M. Ooou and George Pear
son, attended the shooting match at
MoNutt's ou Thanksgiving, but have
not showed us any turkeys as yet.
Thankaeivinc has come sml gone.
It waa paawM very ploasantlv by the
favored onus who had turkey.
Prenrelinn are being made for
Christmas tree and festival at the
school hiue. The ironrsmme that is
arranged prolines a very enjojraiun
R- v. M. Batunan has moved into
nanus in the house of Mr. J. Brous
not being able to secure a vacant
Genree and Harry Broua are build
ing a house in which ihey will opou a
confectionery stoie.
Itunert Dihblee came home from
Portland to spend Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Elizabeth Perrv, of St, Helena
passed ber Thanksgiving here with
her daughter, Mra, J. Brous.
Mrs. VY J. Deils spent last week
with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Dobel
A eocial party at the residence of
Mr. Dobast ou French Ridge, 8atur
day evening, was reported a very
Mr. ami Mr. Clark are moving; Into
their elegant residence on the hill.
Frauk Allen has also moved into his
new eottace and ia lnkm- around
girl, don't all apeak at once I
Tha residents ol the lower part of
the city are having a must enjoyable
time among themselves. Candy pull
ings, dances, etc., follow each other in
Phil. Drout.wnuuded his hand very
badly on a oro-scut saw. He haa
taken oold in the wound and it is giv
ing him a great deal of trouble.
, Our school is getting along "swim
mingly," (at least tbe children have to
almost swim to get there,) under the
elllcient mnnagement of Mi-a Carrie
Dibble, ably assisted by ber sister,
Miss Etbel.
The rain catches many empty wood
shed around. '
The masquerade ball at Moore' mill
waa grand success, and well attended.
They had both good music and good
order. . : . ;
The potato crop is a failure around
here. One man hna tiven updigging,
claiming that it will not pay lor the
trouble. Ia that case let the bogs dig
E. W. Fowler has just completed a
new house at Neer City, which adds
one more to the town.
Mr. Mitchell i buldiug a new bouse
at Uoble.
Adolpb Hanson Is going to build his
house next week:. 1
L. Archibald ia nursing a felon on
his finger.
A very sudden death occurred here
Friday night. ' The mother of Mr.
Paul Rupach, who has been inakiug
her home in Portland, came dowu
Friday lo make her home with ber son
for the winter. She retired in good
health and tbe next morning was
found dead in bed. Heart failure was
the cause.
Hauling ia almost out of the question
since the rain.
The bookeeper at Moore' mill bad a
close call last week ; so close that he
had hi will wrote out: but aioce he
got over il he say he will change itre
November 27, 1891.
Editor Mist. The gloomy weather
still continues, but it is to be hoped
that the weather clerk will soon re.
tuiu to his duty and givo us a change
Elder Barkley delivered a very uble
sermon to a numerous and attentive
congregation at the Sunnyside school
house hint Sunday. We regard the
cider aa being the right man in the
right place. Would It not be advisa
ble, under all circumstances, for the
different churches to not allow any but
competent persons to undertake to
fulfill a calling so very important as
i he preaching of the Oospclf Ritflit
heie I wish' to correct an error, or
rather an exaggeration that was made
by "Lead Pencil" a few weeks ago. He
stated that a certain minister (?)
preached to a large congregation, when
tlie fact i there was but two or thine
persons present besides the Would-he
preiicher. The Lord knows that Ni-
hiilcin has been sorely afflicted with
almost all of the modern humbugs;
therefore, let us not try to mislead a
confiding publ'c bv mUre presentation,
for the truth, in that case, would be
bad enough, but a i worse.
If all reKrls are true there i one
bachelor less 4u these parts. We un
derstand that M. 8. Sheafi-r went to
Portland to get him a wife.
Ha iy a man may ans his life.
When hi,'s Kot'eriiol hv a wi'e;
Wli- n free from mutrtmo .l;it chain
lle' ure to miff r for liU in.
Mips Eva and Edith Shaffer, ol
Jewell, accompanied by their friend,
Mr. Newt. Foster, were up to attend
quarterly meeting and to visit with
their many friends.
The old ienioner, McDonald, has
moved out of .he valley.
Mrs. Flora Daywult has been suffer
ing for some time with neuialgia but
nt preaent is much better.
Thanksgiving day was not generally
observed iu this vicinity.
W. D. Smith, of Mist, has been con
fined to his bed for several weeks, at
Jewell, wiih iiiHiiiiimutory rheumatism
At last accounts he wt improving
slowly. .
We bsve, at l"sst, one among us
that knows what the letter "A" is.
Extract of Utter From Sr. E. B.
ChamberU'n, or Woods, Tilla
mook County, Oregoa.
(Oregonian November 30, 1891.)
Dear Dr. D.irrin : I canuot let this
opportunity pass without ex)ressing
my gratitude to you. I am iu very
good health, and far better than I ever
expected to be after my afflictions of
pain in my stomach, dyspepsia, liver
aud kidney complaint of fifty year's
standing. You cured me three years
ago. It i truly, wonderful what you
doctors can do, aud how scientifically
you do il with electricity aud medicines
These far-famed ' physicians have
achieved a great reputation throughout
the Northwest, and are highly recom
mended with testimonials from throgu-
oul the state and the authenticated
report of the cure seem nothing
short of miraculous. Their consulta
tion is free, ao that should the"e Joe
any case that are incurable they im
mediately discover them, thus saving
their patron any further expenditure
of money aud time, which they might
otherwise squander. Unlike other
physicians who have become eminent
iu their profession, the doctors charges
are extremely moderate, and they will
not undertake any case that they can
not cure or benefit.
They make a specialty of all diseases
of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat aud
Lungs and all nervous, chronic aud
private disease, such a Lose of Man
hood, Blood Taints, Syphilis, Gleet,
Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Files, Sperma
torrhoea, 8eminal Weakness or loaa of
Desire of Sectual Power iu man or
woman. All peculiar Female Troubles,
Irregular Meustruation, Displacements
etc., are confidentially and successfully
treated. Charge at half their former
prices. Cure of private disease guar
anteed and never published in the
papera. Most oaaea can receive home
treatment after a visit to the doctor's
office. Inquiries answered. Circulars
snd Question blanks lent free. Office
704 Washington St., Portland and
The Normandy, Seattle, Wash, office
hours 10 to 6 dally ; evenings, 7 to 8 ;
8unday,10 to 12.
Electric Bitters.
"This remedy Is becoming so well known
and so popular ss to need no special men
tion. All who have uned Electric Bitters
sing the ssrae song of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist snd it is guaran
teed to do all is claimed. Electric Bitters
will euro all diseases of the I.Ivor and Kid -neys.will
remove Hmples.Bofla.Salt Riicum
and other affections caused by impure
blood Will drive Malaria from the sys
tem and prevent as well ss cure si I Malarial
fevers. Kor cure of Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Klectrla Bitters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money
refunded. Fries 50c snd tl.OO per bolt Is st
Edwin Ross' Drugstore.
Tharadrt Dee. S.
WHKAT-Valley, $1 OS; Walla Walla
11 00 to l 01 tier ittutal.
KlUlt tttsiidurd, 15; Walla Walla.
$1 Ml; Krahani, $1; ,urtlne. .') per barrel
OATH New, 4i'W14c ir bushel.
II A Y l 1C0 18 nor ton.
MILITCr'K4llriin, 19tf20; shorts,
Jmi ; chop fted, ltoU wr tn, barley ,
AJ rl',ti.
HUTTKK Oreaon fsncv cresnierv. 3"8
We; fancy dairy, 83c; fair loxcxxf, 25',27'4c
common, UtmJS'Ae; Esatcru, 'JdlilJl'ic ir
J li KE.S B Oregon, mtWAc; Eastern.
14c per ikiuii'I.
KIO-3232Wo per dozen.
POUIrKY Old chickens. 1 8fil 50;
young chickens. i flOuta A); ducks, 7;
seeiw. noiiiinat , tll& 12 per Uuifii ; turkeya,
14c tier pound.
VEiiBrAIII,B-Csbbsire. nominal. 7flc
tl percental;'ic(gtl per cental,
potatoes, 40ic per sack ; toraatoea, 40 to
50i per box.
FKUliH Apple, 60 to 80c per box
v- stArta oaocEBiu.
COFFER Coxta Blia, 21c; Wo. 20r;
Hulrador. 2le; Mocha, 30c; Java. 25c; Ar
buckle'a, I0i-kiuikI raw. Z1H' per Mund.
Ml (lAK- lioiiii'n K. 4ic; extra y.c:
irraniilated, bv.
BKANS Hmsll whites. 3Kc; pink. 8c;
lisyiM. 4c; .butter, limai, 4c xr
U IBKI-li'i "e per P""""
HALT l.lvcrixol. 114 .V) to $15 SO; stock.
til t VI per ton in carload lots.
HYUUl Ea-i-ern, iu barrcln, 42 to 45c;
55 t . no r gallon; $2 25 to $2 60 per ker;
California. In bsrrels, 80c r gallon ; fl 75
Hita so vapcrcenuii.
BI.KC Live. dresed. S tote.
MUTTON Live, sheared SUc ; dreswd ,
7c . . .
H0O8 Uve. Be; tlrcsred. 7e.
VKAIj 5 to "c per pound.
ern ham. 12 to l!c; otht-r vadctii-s, 12Mc;
Isnl. coMip iunu, mc; pure, v.y, v i.ic;
Oregon, Vs lo 124c; breakfast liscon,
13 to uk:; ma -nea douuii. ii hi iit,c.
P. Araftrofic. FYlo.
Bnacfa th-bwul : Capital Bus. Colmwb, 81
Portia, Orttfoa.
mm of Initio.
& Shorthavd,
mm-ln iMolofi ttarausbout tb yt tt. St f jtaif WsT
Ki ( avijr Ucm. Cataloffiw trvf r IU 'f fc VW
The Gclelratcd Frencli
Wsnted A OU Dft mT! N ""PY
to curt miuNvi
Is 6ou Of A
olnenou d tarao
or an diordrol
tbo ptaerattveor-
gnns oi eunor3x, y
Otooi Btiniulant. AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or through ouUifnl imiin?T-
tloa, over lndulrenro, fi.e , wn as lom oi sraia
Power, 'akrf'Uiira,kiriiirdown Paloiinth
bck,SitilnlWikmi,Hyteri,Nrou Irs
Uatlou. NtM-turoal Emi:!oua, 1 e icorrbrra, 1)1
cineu, Weak Mumorv, I A of power snd Impo
tfnc,whl h!lues!tlr,ften lradto premature
old im n 1 iu.anitv. Prtce S1.U0 a bn, Sixties
lortidO. Bontliy m!l on rnrrh.t of price-
A WltlTTEN (iVARAMTEK l (Tlren for
everr f 5LUOor.lor rwHiiv.1. ti refuni the mouev U
a I'ermnnent r,ira Is not cilertnL We here
trioujfturiscif htlmontle frcmoid and yonce.
nt both hxm. who here hero rrnianoUr cnrt-if
Lrtbeuseof Aphroditina Clrrularlree. Address
WaUera BraucX Box Z7. Poan ua. Ob.
For sale by EDWIN KOS8, Dkuooist,
St. Helena. Or.
.Notions, Etc
Canned Goods and Fresh Fruits,
Tobacco and Cigars
St. Helens,
The Photographer,
First and Taylor Street.
Work and prices that cannot be brstro.
Final Settlement
Notice is herebv isiveii that I, Wm. II.
Potman, the s lministrtor of the esiste of
Msry limine' t, deccssed. bare Bird srilh
the clerk of the comity conit of Columbia
cmtiitv, state of Oregon, my tins! account
of niy'adniinistralioii ujwm the said estate,
tORi-ther with mv petition fur rimil s-tlle-nunt
and li-triljut on of the resi.hic of said
e-t.ite renrainiiiK in my humls; and that the
Judge ot siiid court has fixed Monduy, the
I Hh dav of December, 18tl. at 10 o'clock A.
M.of siiid dav and the courtroom of said
court as the time and place for the heiirinjr
and settlement of said account and eti
liun for distribution, at which time and
place any and all persons interested luuy
appear aud contest the same.
' WJt h. DOLMAS,
Administrator of the estate of Mary Ben
nett, deceased.
Hated November 12. 1301. . nl3dll
Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to
an order of the county court of the State of
Oregon for Columbia countv, made on the
30th day of July, A. D.- ltfttl, the under
Mimed administrator of the estate of N. I.
Berg,- decease.!, will sell at public auction,
to the highest hidder for cash in hand, or
for one-half cash snd the balnnceon a cedit
of one year, the same to be secured by
mortgage upon the land sold, at the court
bouse door in the town of St. Helens, Co
lumbia countv , Oregon, on Tuesday, the
26th day of January ,'A. D. 1892, at the hour
of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, ths following
described re:il property belonging to the
estate ot N. L. Berif. deceased, to-wit : The
southwest M of seetion 4 in township 6
north, range S west, and also ths southeast
of section 4, lu township o norm, range
5 west, situate in Columbia county, Oregon,
and containing three hundred and twenty
seres, more or less, according to United
States survey. A. M. BEKO,
Administrator of said estate.
St. Helens, Oregon, Dec. 3, 18!1. d4jl
consumrTioM iihf.d.
An old physician, retired from practice,
havine- had ulaced in his bands hv an
India missionary, the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy lor tlie speedy ana per
manent cure ot cotisuniption , bronchlttix,
catarrh, asthma and all turost sml lung af
fection, also a positive and rscical cure
fnr nArvmiH delillltv and all nervous com
nloints. after havins tested ita wonderful
curative powers in thousands of cases, has
felt it his dutv to make it known to ins suf
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human aurlertng I
will send free of charge, to all who desire it,
this rectie, in Oernian, French or English.
wiih lull directions for preparing and using.
Bent ty man ty addressing witn stamp,
naming thin paper. W. A. Novas,
WO Powers Kock, Ecchustir, N. Y.
t i i w sw r a .
King Clothiers of the Northwest.
Bias rarncr. lltwrrlsaa mn4 eecenit Street", fartland.
$1.50 75cts 75Cts: 35cents
CLARK LaundriedK,"n,,B5'" PONGEE
& SHIRTS. Regular $1, SILK
PLAGO'S A reat $1.25 $1.50 -Ji.f,
gloves bargain ones. HanaKercnieis.
$1.50 75cts 75cts 35 csnts
All Our Sttds AreTested
Our dogue Tellj le l5t
is.""'. -,ie,7tf
F.LPosson & Son. Portland. Or,
Sheet-Iron, Tin
212 First and co. Salmon Street.
You are r pectfullj Invited to call at the office of tbe
And examine our li.t of
Hawthorne's First
LOTS 50X100 FT.
Parties who desire to vWt and examine this property will And our agsattnd team ready at any
liuie ires of expense. .. .
We offer 109 10-acre tract belonclnir lo
the Hawthorne estate at IIillsdoro, Washlnft'VD
couutv, 14 miles west ot Portland, ou hour's ride
by rail, three times dally.
cLiToisr mi,ri colony.
White Salxoh. Wash, August SO, ISM.
This is to eertlfv that the ''Oregon Homestead Company" has secured forns rood aud well locate
hommeads, reoiiiring little, if any clearing with Hrat-elaas soil, well adapted to grain and vee
tables, aa well as to t ho production ol every variety of grain aud (ruita that can be grown in Cnli
toruia. Oreiron and Washington, and we have located thereon. Said homesteads are situated ou
the Woshiuxinn side of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing of a daily line of steamers,
aud oiipostie to UwkI Riv. r'statluu, ou the line ol the Union Pacittc railway, 65 miles east ol tha
city oi I'orUaud. We cordially recoinuieud our friends aud others to Join our colony.
There are now sixty settlers In the colony sad claims enough for 18 to 11 mors families,
and obtain full particulars.
We are also locating a eolony about three miles
Also a colony at Hlllsboro, Or. on U
40 acre farm miles from St. Helens, all good
springs, new rouui ovuw, amau iwwu. uuu p.
-. 0
We have the largest and moct valuable traetsof land In the states ef Oregon and Waaklata"-
wa .ivA vn lor subdivision or sale that we cannot have endoned by the ieadinc reel-
dents of the district iu which such lands are
absolute penect utie.
We have 500 S-acre tracts near PORT ANGELES,
sere; ,1UU acres iu a body i
re: S.20U acres iu a body near tne above.
Four Homesteads,
Ws have for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a 1:0
vation, rrtee Sl.tiw. leruiatl.xw cann,
horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, wsftous
iarui,tAouu. terms, a.tssieatin,
U seres fine cleared land near Roscburg. Oregon, nearly all level, dotted with beautiful sak
trees. i per acre. Speudid (rutt and graiu form. .
One 10-acre tract, near Port Angeles, ra per acre. cash.
-Special !
A party la forming here to visit the ('silted States et Calwmkla. Hanth Asnerlea,
du'rln the month of leceinber. to be absent three or four months. The Inducements offend
are far superior to those of California lu 1S.8. without the hardships then eodurad. The
mines olCslsaisia exceed in rtehnesa anv ever discovered In Calif rnlat or SsvaSs,
The climate isiust the same as la Caltlarisiai, the fanning lands rsndni la prlrefrem W
centstotl per acre. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes and grain gn-wuhi California and
Oregon, in addition to coffee, cocoa and all the troplrul fruits.
Is forming to visit Saws !!( and the Clly af EaitssSa, Lavrar Callfavala Is
Pecambe.Tto spend the winter, explorlne the mines aud examining the r tuntry with a views!
locatiug a eolony of rrst-rlass farmers ami fruit raisers. For full luforuatl s. sand t-ceut etaanp If,
Oregon Homestead Co.
BO,n.. .CS I- nilXICH ..OIFT.II
0 '
Table and Pocket Cutlery
0 "
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating:
and Copper Ware,
Properties, the Quest and best
which is
Addition to Portland,
PRICES $700 TO $850 EACH.- TERMS .
41 acres. Improved farm 7 miles south ot Port
land, nearClacBanita. Clackamas station, a. P.
K. B., food houne, land all fenced, good water,
some timber; price 1150 per acre, easy terms.
8. A. CAi-rs, 455 T st., rortison.
W. J. Kolb, Oak st., Portland.
W. 1. Batb-s, cor. Front and Hail sts., Portland.
Oas. H. Chidson, 271 Fourth St., Portland.
O. F. Coos, cor. fourth and J sts., E. Portland.
C. B. Blackwsxl, cor. 4th aed J sta, E. Fortlaltd,
M. W. KiNCAto'iS Porter St.. Portland. . .
F. Pisacs, eor. Third aud Ash sta, Portland. -
from Port Aagelea. Five, IS snd 20 acre tracts.
snd 30-acre tracU at $109 and 1125 per acre.
land. erOk running through the center, splendid
sUuaied. We receive none except such ss have) aa
WAS., an eleganHraet for a eolouy-
per acre. cry uuerai lorma.
Acri6Each, $0 S.Gb.
acres. 80 acres under fence. SO seres under culti
naiauce on oiuw. niw huuimpiiihi. iiiiiiuia
aud everything suitable fur a arst-elaae
iwiane on lime, vaitwiua
PLACE, Car. of our office.