The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 27, 1891, Image 3

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I. . I '.I..U..H-
lnlttil Matm end
I'wiiily Uffleliil rupcr.
Ht. Hki.knh, Novumiikh 27, 1801.
Thoro U more aiiip I" I'wIImimI Just
ik.w tlmii ever Uifore nl wy '
'1-i.a n.mii,. rnnia down with tie
nmil lor Astnrla Monday.
. A.. K. Wilson, rPrciUng 11. W
.. Dunn A Co. nmrcimlilo aKmiiy ; of Pori-
C I,. ml win in Ht. Huluim Tiiomluy,
Jutko W. W. PK, of J'ortlitiHl.wii
,Mn Bt, Helmut TuuatUy lusl looking nf
tor togal niutUTi.
Mr. Hum JUfTt'ity, of Moiintnlniliilui
Vimtilngtin county wn in Ht. Hitluns
., A motor linn ii In be luiilfc between
forlliiixl unci IlilUboro, tllsUiico of
twenty-ono u
'"""".Mr. II. r. '
ivo Improvm
twfiit.V'ono inili'i.
Watkin in having exton
iirovmiienU iiiikIo to hi rci
dune, in ii king U coiialderublu larger.
Momra. J. R. Bacon ami R. O. Haimi,
of (iillton, were in twn lat ffoturtlay
night, in Attendance at Masonic lodgo
Judiio WiiiKrt, of Itouben, was in
Ht. llcluiii luiil Baliirilay and Hunday.
Mr. 1. C. Tedford linn imrclmsed an
Inierwrt in lhu flora at Jiuiuiur which
ltuti been coudui'U'd under the firm
immo of W. J. Muckle i Cuniimny.
Mr. A. L. KiclmrdiKiu, of Rainier,
wa culler t Tim MibT olllco last
llcforo gntntt to Portland for your
job printing givo Tiik Mit chance
to hid on it. Hun our nile.
Mr. K. Copcland, of the Woodland
NuviyHtKin Oonimy, Portland, w in
Ht. HeUm Saturday last.
Mesar. Thimni lLodgkin ami
J.iniea Qiiinit, of Qninn, woru at the
county at Monday on legal business.
The duck season le fairly on. Messrs
JiiHtidi llayburnatid it. Cox aticceudetl
in ciiotuiing about forty flue bird luai
The peojierly valuation of Portia nd
find suburb, for 1891 ist.W.OOO.OO'J, be
inicaii increase of 1U,000,(XK) over
last year. ,
From twi length of the court docket
in Waahinghia county Mitt wholr
of the county must iniend to
mt in the winter at that lucrative
A horatt belonging to At Robinson
nine near bleeding to demh Moudity,
c.iused by fullinjj oil a rock cutting an
eru-ry. It in uncorttina yot wbulbor !
iht uniinid will live or not.
A nmn by the twine of Obi Dnbl wan
cxHinini'd at The llollc a few day
iio iid pronounced insaiio. Puhl i
n NMiwcuiuii and tUiui to own a
runch on Cedar creek, near L Cooler,
J. It. Bwgle, editor of the St. lleln
Miht. and wif, vinited relatives' in
Ifillsbnro but Sund-iy. Mr. Dnbglu
I ims improved tbe Miht until udw it
in one of the Ih'bI local paper in the
tali', Uilbboro Independent.
Mr. L. Samuel and Judge l'ngri, of
Portia ml were in Hi. Helena Friday
laat, the former repreaentin ; tbe
K.quiUihlo luauranee company, if New
York, awl tiio latter lookingl after
legal niHltera.
Mr. C. I. Crandull, repreaentihg D.
A. Iilodget, wan in 8t. Helena Mi1
lookinv alter the tnxe for lus rtrni.
Air. Crandull iiaa examined tbe hobcs
ment roll in xiveral cotiutiee of the
etate, including Wavliiugtou, and tay
(be roll of Colnmbia county ia iu tl
best abape til any be baa yet seen.
TIih Emm well known
to tha old aeiilur along the lower Vy
lumbio, la again on her old route carry
lug pusneiiKora and mail to Anibria
The Ifaywiird wan taken to tbe Scjund
itbout lU year ago where she has
in active aervice there ever since
nboiit aix weeks ago the was rotui
to Portland where she has been
ough'.y overhauled and painted
punitory to going on this route.
Many years practice hate given C
A, Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patouta,
At Washington, 1). C, unaiirpHseed
aueceas in obtaining patents for all
classes of Inventions, They make a
(ipecinlly of rejected cases, and have
secured allowance of ninny patents
that bud been previously rejected.
Their advertisement iu another col
umn, will be of interest to inventors
lattcuteee, manufacturers, and ull who
linva to do witb patents.
John August Buonielii made proof
on the e J of se ami lots 6 A 0, sec
SO, and ne t, ne J ofseo 29, tp 8 n, r 4
west in Columbia county. This is a
tract of land which waa purchased by
Thomas Hodgkins from the stato in
1889, as swamp land, and holds a war
ranty need from the state for the same,
and lias tiled u protest against tlio land
ollh-o issuing a patont to tbe said
Ituomula. Duomela's filiiiK dates back to
January 2, 1880, but the protest sets up
thai tho land was strictly swamp l.ind
as declarod by the act of 1860 and
therefore is not Btiblect to homestead
entry. This is a cnee that will be
watched with marked interest as it in
volves thousand of acre of land in tlb
state already deeded, and the ftiint outNXlLUr. UifT lie has somewhat improv
come will be the most important land
case yet scut up from Oregon,
The steamer' Jfarvest 0,ueen, on her
way down last Friday, broke down be
tween Ht, Helens and Portland and
was compelled to tie up until the
I Mascot iMime along, by which steamer
she sent her passengers and mail back
to Portland ; consequently w received
no in nil by boat on that day ; neither
did wo get any mail up from Astoria
Halurdav. The Union Pacific lias
number of steamers lying at tbe bone
yard in Portland, yet tbe mail contract,
for which they receive several thous
and dollar a a year for carrying, was
violated for two days. There was no
good reason why we should not have
had the mall every day. If Uncle
Ham would deal as strictly with the
corporation as lie dot with the indi
vidual contractor our mail facilities
would be in a groat deal better condi
tion. The Union Pacific ami its pre
decessors have always treated the peo
ple along this route just aa they
pleased, and when complaint has been
made would simply ask: "What ire
you going to do about it?" We long
for the day when tbe Astoria mail
will be carried by rail.
The social at the Masonic ball Fri
day night, as usual, was a success, the
shadow market being good. Tbe lead
Ing feature of tbe entortainment was
tbe sale of the young ladys' shadows to
the highest bidder for cash. A white
curtain was drawn across tho Jiall and
the lady would stand between a lighted
lamp and the curtain, thereby magni
fying their shadow on tbe curtain, and
the auctioneer, (who, iu this case, was
Mr. Wm. II. Dolman,) would cry them
the same as any other sale. The aud
ience would bid on them, and after the
purchase was made tbe successful
bidder would have the privilege of eat
ing lunch with his prise. One shadow
brought 95 0, Walter Blakesley being
the successful bidder. The supper wa
doualed by tho good ladies of tbe
city and waa excellent. The proceed
were about f 30, part of which were ap
plied Vo tbe orgau fuud. Tbe organ
for the scbool-liouse i now paid for.
The entertainment is said to have been
the moat ptcaBunt one of the season.
The Oregouian, at great expense,
tas prepared a sectional map of Ore
gon and offers it as a premium for sub
scriplions to the Weekly Oiegouian.
The map 1 corrected up to date, is
10x50 inches in sixe ; scale, aix miles to
the inch. Itia neatly finished and on
rollers, ready to hang up on the wall. :
This is tho (litest map of Oregon ever
issued, and should b iu every house
hold in the state. Anyone sending
13.00 will receive tbe Weekly Ore
goniau for fifteen months (if the sub
scription is received prior to January
1.1SD2,) and one o these maps as a
premium. The price of the map with
out the paper is $2.00. A dress: Ora-
goniau Publihbing Co., Portland, Or,
The full term of school closed
Wednesday, after a successful three
month run. there will bo a vacation
for the rest of this week and the
winter term will commence next Mon
day. Professor Jones ha given splen
did satisfaction so far and has been
re-engaged to teacli the winter term,
with Mr. Way as aesittant, having
charge of the primary depart
ment. Mrs. Way has had considerable
experience in teaching and will bo an
able assistant. If anyone from outside
of tho diulriet desire to attend school
here the tuition has been placed at
11 60 per term of three month. Re
member the new term commences next
ere seems t be a gang of thiovd
i.. it.i.. ..... i. :, i.:.
ness to avail themselves of every oppor
tunity to carry oil such articles as
they can get their hands on. Last
Saturday night an entrance waa ef
fected to the warehouse and a keg of
powder carried away, on the same
night a boat belonging to Muckle Bros,
was stolen from tho wharf and has not
yet been recovered ; and also a valise
was taken from tbe r.sidcnce of Mr.
Pat Hughes of Deer Island. They
will steal potatoes, turnips, clothing,
rtl In tti ftpvtlllnir that ll,AV j.qm nttl
"" J - Sijl
.old of. Look out for them. y
A very pretty wedding took place a!
the residence of Mr. C. S. Emerson on
Milton creek last Sunday, the contract
ing parties being Mis Jennie M. Emer
son and Mr. J. H. Meranda. Tbe mar
riage ceremony was performod by Rev.
M. Burlingiime, after which the gather
ing, composed of the many friends of
the young couple sat down to an elabor
ate dinner which consisted of a variety
of every thing that is good. The young
couple left on the evening train for
California, where they will reside in
the future. The best wishes of Tbb
'Miht go with them.
A new schooner, the Charles R. Wil
son, was launched about the middle of
this month at Eureka, Cal., being
named in honor of C. R. Wilson, a
lormer millman of Beaver valley ; is
138.0 feel length of keel, 36 feet beam
and 11 6 feet deep. She will carry
500,000 feet of lumber, and is owned
by the Wilson Bros., and will run be
tween Sau Francisco and Gray's
Harbor. ,
'Mr Charles Englinh, of Deer Island,
is seriously ill with intermittent fever,
However, under the skillful treatment
K9f.. Helen wa treated to a bear par)
laJe on the tretR Monday laat.
Yosterduy wa Thanksgiving Day,
and from tho deserted appearance of
tho streets about noon the turkeys
must have been suffering In most
every household.
Mr, L. V. Moore, the leading music
dealer of Portland ha an ad in this
weeks Mist on tho Ant page. Write
to him for catalogue and prices , You
will get the best rates going.
The following persons mode proof
on their claims this week : J. A. Bu
nmela, Herman Hendrickson, on Mon
day ; and on Tuesday Peter Suomela,
Kniil Lunta and L. 0. Hendrickson, all
of Clatakanie, Oregon,
Tho national repulican convention
for the nomination of candidates for
president and vice president will be
held in Minneapolis, Minn., on tbe 7b
day of June, 1802, this being tbe day
fixed by the national committee at
Washington last Tuesday.
Mr. Isaac H. Copeland, formerly of
Qillton, but now of Ban Bernardino,
Cal., who has been spending a few
weeks visiting friends and relatives In
Oregon, will start for his borne in Cab
iforniain a few days. He i Interested
in fruit raising In that state, having an
orange grove iu the Immediate vicinity
of San Benardino.
Advices from San Francisco state
that the Southern Pacific's steam col
lier, Sun Pedro, is ashore off Victoria,
B. C, with a largo hole in her aide.
Tbe San Pedro loaded a cargo of coal
at tbe Union calliery for San Francisco
which wa valued at 124,000, con
signed to the Southern Pacific- Bail
road Company, The vessel is tha lar
gest of her class on this Coast and is
valued at 1350,000 without any insur
ance on either vessel or cargo.
Charles W. Jones ha gon to As
toria with his witnesses thia week to
make final proof on hi claim iu Clat
sop eouuty.
E. S. Bryant is spending a little time
along tho Columbia river on pleasure
hut with some bill 111 his pocket for
collection to pay expense.
John Campbell, the shingle man,
has taken himself to Montana for a
more lucrative field of labor.
John Liudgren had quite a large
supply of chicken for shipment 011
Monday brought iu from Mist. Port
land can have chicken for Thanks
giving ; or if duck is preferred W. E.
Couyers sent off a crato to the city by
ha same steamer.
The Bryant k Conway mill ha sus
pended oieraiions for a lime owing to
a scarcity of logs.
Rev. Baikley of the United Brethren
church wo in town on Sunday eve
ning and attended the preaching serv
ice by Rev. Coats in Merrill' hall.
An annex ia being added to the new
city hall.
Bert, ton of Mr. and Mr. Samuel
Kelly, i quite ill from malarial fever
Tbe shooting match season is upon
i. J J c , .1.- .......
iu again, aim on rjaturuay vim iiinv
.1 oonteNt of the season took place at
Blood's. Samuel Uruham was up
frAui Marshland and carried off the
honors by securing three turkey. He
hail very c-ioae second in Ernest Dry
antAwho got two turkeys and was not
an inch off on tho third one. Mr.
QrabHin says be is getting old now and
tbe bbys ought to beat bint shooting,
but hi docs not find them able to do
so yed
Ths) Mist of last week was scarcely
fair ill making the statement that the
success of the entertainment on the
evtmuig of the 13lh was not due to any
cflorl on the part of the people of Si.
Helens. Tbe lady and gentleman
it I w, lnvrkMI 114 with llialp lircAAIIAM
...... ....... v.
I bolh contributed to the enjoyment and
jaia-ccesof the evening. Other were
! injected and would have been wel
cornea, nut we leit grateiui to tne two
who cam.
On last Friday evening a social
ailiering convened at Conyer' ball
,nd coon reeponded lo the (train of
music by indulging iu the merry dance.
The weather was very unfavorable
without but seemed to have no terror
lo thoso who warned to bear the good
muMc that had been promised. So far
aa keard from everything passed off
pleksaiuly. Mr. Shute looked very
sleepy the next moruiug, having been
kept up most of the uight supplying
refreshments. ,
'Judge F. A. Monro, of tho county
sSat, ia spending a few days here in
eompany with Mr. Mann, securing the
right-ot way lor the Astoria-Uoblo rail
road. Letter of administration have been
taken out by E. 8. Bryant for the
estate of his fattier, the late E. O. Bry
ant, deceased. W. A. Eigerton, W.
II. Conyer and Adam Barr have been
appointed appraisers, and have been
doing tne work required of them in
that direction.
Frank Merrill and family hare re
turned from Deer Island and are now
arranging tho new bouse for their
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Bryant went over
to Beaver on Sunday morning to at
tend tbe services, which was 111 the
nature of a funeral sermon upon the
death of Mrs. Rutter, whose death and
burial were mentioned Inst week.
Oar present mail facilities are much
more latisfaetory than the old mail
route to Quinu's landing.
Road are in a bad condition
to the late heavy rain.
Slribleak, the wife-beater, was up
before Justice Weal thia week and will
need to mend bis way or find hiimelf
in the law's hand.
A shooting match for turkeys will
take place here today.
M. Knylert has moved into town.
II. Burnett is now keeping boarding- at Bosppoose.
An old-fashioned Thauksgiving din
ner will bo given in tbe churuh Thurs
day the 26tb. . , t-
The report that Sun Jew scale cxiul
in our orchard is qnettioned by good
authority. At any rate the matter
sbonld bo thoroughly investigated,
and if the peat is here we should know
it and prepare for it extermination.
Superintendent Watt will, thi
week, send out the clerk' and teach
ers' record books, etc., for the use of
tbe various school districts during the
next year.
William White, who left here last
siimmei to prospect in Harney county,
has been heard from, lie has locuteJ
the celebrated BJue Bucket gold mine,
which was known to early settlers, but
afterward lost.
II. Sharringhausen and family, long
residents of this place, have removed
to Portland where they will reside
hereafter. .
O. D. Garrison came down from
Portland 011 a Ashing andbuuiinic trip
laal Sunday.
Whooping cough is reported in the
upper settlement.
A good deal of attention is being
given to setting out fruit tree thi fall.
All kinds of produce is dirt cheap
and money is scarce welland lo!
taxpaying time Is approaching.
Ths following Is a report of the school in
district No. 2, fur the month ending Nov
ember 25, 18U1:
Days attendance, S13; davs ahsrnt, 47;
times tsnlv. 38 nuplls enrolled. 43: dally
average attendance, 41.
I'umls In nrstarraue wlio liava not neen
absent during- tbe month are: Itobert
OeorKC, Arthur Moore, Tom Km-kle. Nrw-
ton Mu iriby, Frankin Way. Mattie ferry
Kinily Ox, Mary Ilurke, TilUe Mm He. Ku-
crne Wbltney, l.en lllakesley and elilt
Hecond ;rnle Not absent Frl Wat
kins, Eusene lllakesley, Daisy Wntkins,
Krauk Watts. Amv (Jeoraw, Mary Gihuore.
Maud Dcck. r and'Mav Wbilnev.
Third grade-Not alnwnt-Maud Watts.
Percy Ururge, Urftie Cootwr, Grace Miles,
l.ulu George and Cliariie Utile.
Kourlh grade Nut alixent Florence
Oeorge, Annatienrge, Nellie Cooper, Ktl
gene Miles, (ilea Wxtklns, Alfred 8undl,y,
Alliert Hondliy and Mnrle Dufour. Omis
sion Eugene Iilakesley'snameshould bavt
ntineared in Inst month's renorl.
George. Kflieami Willie Htrar-han, Lena
Ruiloft'. Nora and Delia Henrici have not
bean in school tbls mouth on account of the
bad weathrr; and Anna, May and Cora
Itorllngauie hare moved from trie district.
Persons who visited the school are: Mr
Frank Miles. Cora Milea. Kiltie Moore, S.
A Miles, Mary Allison, Carrie Diuulee and
Mary Hornier.
Days taught, 00; days attendance, 2G72;
days ubntnl, 170; times tardy lit); pupils
enrolled, 63; belonging, 'A; average daily
attendance. 44M-. number of visitors. 27.
Not absent during the term: Florence
George, Anna (Jeorge, Alfred bundliy. Maud
Watts, Percy Utorge, Grace Miles, Fred
Watkins. Frank Wntts. Daisy Wntkins
Maud Decker, May Whitney, Pobert George
Arthur Moure, Tom Muckle and Mary
Burke. The second term will commence Monday.
Xoveiiilwr 30. 1801. Outside uunila are in
viled to attend. A reasonable tuition will
I wish to tliak those who have so kindly
helptsl .ne to rniie money to pay for the
school organ. The organ la nnid for and 1
have some money left. .The following state
ment wUI show from what source the organ
fund was raised sub-crilitions : F. A.
Moore Si, Mr. Little fl, W. A. Meekerfl,
J. It. Hurt II .O.W. Harris 90 cents. K. K,
quick SI, L. Decker $1, ft. Augutine 91, A.
II. lllakeslev '. Mrs. Watts 11. W. H.
Dolman ft, Joseph Havburn tl, Mrs. Me
NultvSI. Junies Hurt SI 60, J. L. Cloning, r
t ao, lira. Wavfl, sir. reamer zo cent,
Charles Muckle fl. Mrs. Laiuont II, V.n
Richardson SI.
Toial amount subscripted $1 75
Proceed of school entertainment.... 'JO SO
Proceeds of social supper 26 6X1
Total amount raised . . . . . .... .970 85
Cost of organ ..! m
Freight ta same 1 00
Kxiense of entertainment. ... 7 M
Kxpcnse of supper 1 Hi
Total amount expended. $70 SO 70 80
Balance on band S 0 Od
C. H. JONES, Teacher.
Prsaattncesf neless. Vet Bstresl,
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E, D., we quote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on ray
Lungs, cough set in and finally terminated
in Consumption Four doctors gave me
up saying I could not live but a short tims.
I gave my self up to my tiavior, determined
if I could not stay with my friends on earth
I would meet my absent one above. My
husband wa advised to get Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds. I gave it a trial , took in ail
eight bottles ; it has cured me and thank
God I am now a well and hearty woman."
Trial bottles free at Edwiu Ross' Drugstore
regular else, 50c and $1.00.
The Following Remarkable Cures
Performed Two Tears Ajco,
Tha Showing the Permanency
Kiev trio Cnrea.
(Oregonian, November 23, 1891.)
Ex-Sheriff A. T. Schoep' daughter,
proprietor Northwestern hotel, corner
Front and Clay streets, Portland, loss
of appetite, liver complaint, and rheu
matic neuralgia fornix months, cured.
Mrs. A. Banister, Meadow, Lewis
county, Wash., excruciating pains in
eyeball, liver and kidney complaint,
deafness thirty-one years, and a lump
in her side thought to bo an ovarian
tumor, cured. -
William M. Colwell, Skamokawa,
Wash., sciatic rheumatism and liver
,Jiu.iii,..i.n i,.
complaint, restored to health j also hi
brother, George L, Colwell, Skamok-
awa, Wash., was cured ol a numbness
o( the arm.
Mrs. R. II. Htimphy, 432 L street,
Portland, cured after nine doctor had
failed, of painful menstruation and
womb trouble in every Conceivable way,
general debility, paiu hrough the
heart and luugs.
Dr. Darriu continues to treat all
classes, the rich and poor alike, free of
charge, at T0 Washington atreet, Port
land, from 10 to 11 A. M. daily. Those
willing to pay, from 11 A. M to 8 P. M.
at one-half Ins former prices. He gives
free and confidential examinations to
all at the office or by letter, lie treats
all curable chronic, acute and private
diaeaees with electricity, and medi
cine when required.
Thursday, (6, ,
raonuei, rauiT, Tf.
WHKAT-Vallev. ! f: Walla Walla.
i no to i yi'A per cental.
FLOUKHtandard, $1 76; Walla Walla.
i iw per narrei.
OATH New, 42045c per bushel.
HAY 11 M 13 ocr ton.
MILLBTCFFd- ltran, lfK?'20; shorts,
WWU ; enop iieu, sitttzu per ton, barley ,
S.D per ton.
IIUTTKrt Oregon fancy creamery. S5&
.'17c; fancy dairy. Soc; fair to good, 26t27'4e
common, 15 22 Je j Kastern, &(g31jc per
CHKKSB-Oregon, 1212Kcj Eastern.
He tier pound.
EIKIH-2a32lc per dozen.
1'OULTKV Old chickens. $4 5005:
young chickens, $2 503 60: ducks, -'Xfc7;
ieese, nominal, iffiiu pcrunzvii; turkeys,
lomiric nerpouito.
ViCGErABLKH-Cabbage. nominal. 7.'t
(fill per cental; onions. 80e$l er cental,
uotatous, 4nuWc iier sack: tomatoes, 40 it
jOr iier box.
FUUITU-Apples, 60 to 80c per box
rr A tlx oioctaiits.
COFFEE-Cosia Rica, mi to 21e; T!o,
21c; Moclia.SOc: Java. 2;"H; Arbueklc's,
ltfj-pounii cases. iiy,r per pound.
MUMAlt-Oolden C. 4Kc; extra C. 4c:
granulated, 6c.
BEAN8 Hinall whites. 3V,c: pink. 3c:
bayos, 4c; butter, :c; ihnaj, 4o pei
iiuwin 174 to lie per poinm.
BALT 4 60tiS16 50: stock.
Ill t- $12 er ton hi carload lots.
HYKUf Kastern. in barrels, vnovvc;
55 to aO..- r gallon: $2 25 Ui $2 50 per keg;
California, hi barrels, 30c per gallon ; $1 75
per aeg. .
itlvis o 75 per cental.
BF.EF Live, 2c: dresse.1. 6 to fie.
M UTTOJi Live, sheared 3Xc j dressed ,
' HOOB-l.lye. 5ej dressed. 7c.
V K A Iy 5 lo "c per pound.
ern ham. 12 to 13e; other varieties, 12c;
am. coinp.mnu, luc; pare, l-"A 13c;
Oregon, 10X to 12J4c; breakfast bacon,
13 to loc; smoked bacon. 11 to llc.
PoftlBJ, Otvgoa. A. P. ArwitfiNir, twin.
Bruch ftrbuol : furiTAL But. Colleok, fteltm, Onon,
Ksuns) (XMirMs) of Mud, Mun nim ot UiiUo$s.
Business, Sborthaid
TyPritiKt,Ptnmu$kiptud kflitk Ftfirfmrmtk
Mr In twrinfi tiimufhoui Um yt ,x. Btf jpt
ltd U any Uia. CftUlvvut Uiti cittM Vn
to rare any fori
ofaervous dlwue
or any disorder o(
tne generauva or
gans oi eiiavrsex,
wb,jthr arltlnc
f rfttn hrt itM: v
BEFBHE nieof ailmuiants, AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or U, rougb vontn fnl millsees
tloa. orer inaulgtMiee. & . sucd as hnm ot Brala
Power, Wnkf!ilness, cariugaoten Fftlnslnth
teck, Seminal Wrakueis, Hysteria. Xervaus Fm
tration, Noctunial Kmlseious, Le icorrha-a, l!s
2lneia, Weak Meuiorr, Ixwsof Poweraml Impo
tcacy. wblrb If nertlectcl often lead to prematura
eld aee aa4 iuiuxoltr. Prire 11.00 a bni, 6 boxes
tor t i 00. KeDt by ma!l on nerlrt of price-
A V. RITrEV .UAKAKTEK Is glTen for
every order reeeiv,!. torefnnrt tmouey If
a 1'armanent mm Is not effected. W bar
thousauds of testimonials f mm oM and yoeng.
of both sexes, who hav been trmanently enrt4
bySkeuieof Apliroditine. Circular ire. Address
WdSloru liraucli. Box 27. Pokti utn. Oa.
For sale by EDWIN ROSS, DncaatsT,
St. Helens, Or.
Notions, Etc.
Canned Goods and Fresh Fmits.
Tobacco and Cigars
Sr. IIklens,
The Photographer,
First and Taylor Streets.
Work and price that cannot be beaten.
A fine tract of 160 acres Iu rlcsver valley, com
prisluK Ihe.-c'i of nwVi.sw'i ' ne'.
. and ni ol sw'4, see. 2a. township ? north,
range U wot. This is a t-.act ot Isml that is
mostly aRricuitural after the timber in removed.
Terms reasonable. Apply at this office.
sept 4-tf
Final Setl lenient
Kotiee is hereby given that I, Wra. H.
Oolnian, the administrator of the estate of
Marv Benneit. deceased, have tiled with
the clerk of the comity court of Columbia
county, stte of Oregon, my final account
of my administration upon the auiil estate,
together with my petition fur final settle
ment and (attribution ol the resbiue of said
e-tute rem annua in my nanus : ami that tne
Judge ot said court has fixed Monday, tbe
lltb day of December, 1801, at 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day and the courtroom of said
court as the time and place for the hearing
and settlement of said account and peti
tion for distribution, at which time and
pl.iee any and all persons interested may
appear and contest the sniue.
It Al. 11. DUbllAJ,
Administrator of the estate of Mary Ben
nett, deceased.
vated BovemDer twi. maun
Final Settlemenf.
Notice is hereby given that I. the under
signed administrator of the estate of Dennis
F. Murphy, deceased, have filed with the
clerk of the county court of Columbia
0"Unty, State of Oregon . my report and
nnai account ot sain estete. ami tnal tne
inoge ot sai.i court nas nxea Monday tne
$,u of December. MM. t lo o olock A.
M. of said day, and iho court room of raid
of said report and account, at which time
and place any and all persons interested
may appear and contest the pain.
Adminl-trator of tl.e estate of Dennb
Murphy, deceased.
Dated October , 1891. o30n27
An old physician, retired from practice,
having bad placed in his hands by an East
India missionary, the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and r
nianent cure of consumption, bronchittis,
catarrh, asthma anil nil turont and lung af
feotious, iilso a positive and raeical cure
tor nervous debility and a'l nervous com
plaints, alter having tested its wonderful
curative powers lit thousands of eases, bas
felt it his duty to make it known to his suf
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a de-ire to relieve human suffering I
will send free uf charge, to all who desire it,
thlsvrcrte, In Gennau, French or Knglisb.
wiih full direction for preparing and using.
Sent by tail by addressing with stamp,
iiamtng this pier. W. K. Korix.
20 Power' Bock, Kfchcstcr, S. V.
King Clothiers of the Northwest.
Blst Cre, Marrlsen Bt 8een4 Btreeta. rirtlsi4. ,
OVERCOATS FROM $10.00 TO $25.00 EAC1 1.
1000 STIFF HATS 1.5b Each
Reason for this Slaughter: BROKEN SIZES.
All Our Seeds AreTestee) .
OurtAlogueTell5lle K5t
jr mi s,i
FL.Posson & Son. Portland. Or.
Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware,
2I2 First and cor. Salmon Street. PORTLAND-
You are respectfully Invited to call at tbe office of the
And examiue our list of
Hawthorne's -First Addition to Portland,
Parties who desire to Tislt and s.eaaine this property will Hod cur agent and team ready at any
- tlice tree of expense. , -
We alsa offer 100 1-v-re tracts belonirlnc to I 41 aeres. tmnroTed farm T miles south of Port-
the Hawttaoruc estate al IliLLsaoao, Washlupon
county, 14 miles vast of Portland, oue hour's ride
oy ran, lure times aaiiy.
wnm eULMos?. vsh, August 20. 1W1.
This is to certify that the "Oregon Homestead Company" has secured for us rood and well located
homesteads, rwqulriug little, ft any clearfnx. with first class soil, well adapted to grain and reae
tablttd. aa well a to the production ot everv varietv of vrain and fruits thiit can be erou-n in f-ali.
forma, Oregon and Washington, and aa hav located tnereon. Said homesteads are situated on
tbe WaidmiKlon side of the Columbia riter. convenient to thelaitdingof a daily line of steamers,
and opptnlie In lifMid Rlvrrstation, ou the line ol tbe Union Pacific railway, 6& miles east of the
city ot rortlaud. We coadially recomuiead our friends and others to join our colony. .
There are now slaty settlors in the colony snd claims enough lor 10 to U more families,
and obtain lull particulars.
Wa are alsolocatlng a colony about three miles
. too pee acre.
Also a colony at HiUsboro, Or. on 19 and 30-cre tracts at 1100 and 112 per acre.
40 acre farm 3 miles from St. Helms, all good
spriugs, new a nwut uuiuc. aiunu
. ..I
We hsrethelareestand mt valuable tracts of
tatH. We reivive none for subdivision or sale thai we cannot have endorsed by the leading resi
dents of the district In which such lands are situated. We receive noua except such as have a
absolute perfect title.
We have 300 -acre tracts near PORT ANGELES, WASH., aa elegant tract for a colony IMpet
acre; 8,200 acres in a body near the above, 2 por acre. Very liberal terms.
Four Homesteads,
W hare for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a 1.10
vation. l'rica si.wu. terms si.unicasn, balance ou time, witn notiMUnld luriiltur
horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, wagons and everything suitable for a (rat-clae
furut, S2.S0Q. terrua, eV.OUflcash. balance on time. Call and get -full
lis acres fine cleared land near Roseburg, Oregon,
trees, to y-vr acre, bpouaia truu ami gram larro.
One 10-acre tract, near Port Angeles. 125 per acre. cash.
A party Is forming here to visit the Visited Kiiatea f Calasnbla. Haaiih America.
durinx the month of lecember, to be absent three or four monlbs. Tbeindui-en-ents otret en
are farsnierior fc those of California iu 1N49, without the hardsbfpn then endured. Th
mines of ralstaaaiat exceed in richness anv ever discovered in C alilorala or Kevaala,
The climate Is Just the same as Iu t'alllarma, Ibe farmfug lands ranaing la arlrefrom M
cents toll per acre. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes and grain grown ia California aud
Oregon, til addition I Ouffoa. eocoa and all the tropical fruits
Is forming to visit dad fttec end the CUT af Cateaada, l.a-rrer Callfarnta In
Uecembe., to spend the winter, exploring the mines and examining the c luulry with view ol
location a colony of I'rst-elaae farmers and fralt raisers. For full informal! n, send 3-rot Msaip ta
MR. GEORGE E. PLACE, Car, of our office,
Oregon Homestead Co.
U 7ALJd AO i
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating:
Properties, the finest aud best
w hich ia
land, nearClaokamas, C'lactanins station, 8. P.
J R. R.. aood house, land alt fenced, rood water,
some uuiuer; price uau per acie, easy terms.
8. A. dees. 45 Tat., Portland.
W. J. Kols, 28 Oak st., Portland.
W. 1. Batks, cor. Front and Mall sts., Portland.
Chab. H. Chidson, S7I Fourth St., Portland.
G. P. Cook, cor. Fourth and J sts., K. Ponland.
C. B. Blackwsll, cor. 41 h and J sts. E. Portland.
M. W. Kikcaid, Porter St., Portland.
F. Piaaca, cor. Third and Ash sts., Portland.
from Port Angeles. Fire, 10 and 20-acre tracts
land, creek running through the center, splendid
sarueu, irun irveai o per acre.
0 .
laad in the states of Oreaan and Wafclnr-
AeAch, $130 Each.
acres, SO acres under fence, M acres under colH-
nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oak