PROTECT OUR BREAD. I ME CASK Of SOPHY JOHNSTON, Ska Kh he 7118 machinery of the law has not been put to work too pcedily gainst the fraudulent use of ammonia and alum in Baking Powders. Both health and the pocket of the people are demanding protection. The legislature, of New York; Illinois and Minnesota hare taken this matter of adulteration up, and especially that of Baking Powders. It will be in the interest of public health when their sale is made a misdemeanor in every State in the UNION, and the penalties of the law Are rigidly enforced. There is no articled human food more wickedly adulterated than that of Baking Powden Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free from ammonia, alum or taint of any kind of impurity. It makes the sweetest and lightest bread, biscuit and it penecuy aigestiDie whether hot or cold. It more to manufacture Dr. Price's than any other baking powder. It is superior to every other known and the standard for forty years. cake costs Dr. Price's Cream Bating Powder is re ported by aU authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques tioned. ; ' rMK KICl'RIIOit Frem Calirewala, Ctah, MMtaM. 14a, khiihm aM uraaraa la Portia. - ' 1H raratah free? roin4-trtp traainMxtUaa Md!UIMlwlniimu purrhaar Portia www. i mm omr "III Wia S"a4 mat lJ "'V enaaeaeaxHas NoTeuber 1. tmei. rtfce tie ml im ami t 14uU&raltna Mm Bentmalnr Inti will he UM boom Mr fc fucv i.u, rw m-r rneMft. ix aril at a big mi Co, U.u.1. I wheat Uw boroa mm r.r perttmtara a drraa VeaTirt a Kui a4uitu o, 44 Mark sir, rorUaad, Mr. ttotMamru;MMMwiL Tit Omit for breakfast. TaKeS CTvX ALWAYS tSMOKING TbOACCC Packed in patent canvas pouches, which retain the natu ral moisture of the tobacco and insures a cool sweet smoke to the end More solid comfort in one package of "Mastiff" than you can get out of a dozen others. J. fl. Paa Tnbsun CV., Bleataoad, VUftnla. 'German Syrup 99 Ba Oacglea alt DallgB, Wa notice from our (tern exchange that aome of Um popular shade in dm goods this winter are doacribed a "dra goon blood." "elephant breath" and pale pink, called 'Stifled sighs." Wa just RurgW with delight wbra a heard this, because all these colors are Qoiqiut. Wa wvn real glad srilh a regular Pan-America gUdneaM for Um daw girls, for airirllovea to ba unique, ao&t voa know, era if aha haa to wear it under her wrapper. A fir! dratted in elephant s breath, ban in graceful fold and looped up and fastened at Um cor aera with atilled atgh. ith acoraureof aid gold.alaabed with dragoon's gore. wonld be just too lovel far anrthinr Wa hare beva sighing for just aoch a girl for year, bat our ich had'hardlv una eaonga la it to match the new color. We have sent for a remnant of stifled aigh to make a necktie of it. It appear to as that elephant's breath wouki be rather strung for real comfort In the ntmnMr time, especially if tba ele phant was inclined to be dissipated. Dragon blood should only ba worn in pots, a la polka dot, as it were, and should never be worn without being well sprinkled with ashes of rose to tons it down. In tha absence of roses, wood aches or cigar ashes would answer as well. But there ia fullness and a pathos about tha stifled sigh which will make it rank f avorite the moment society corrals it. It is so ilriicate and yet so far reach ing. A sigh at may time is a dear thing to look at, but when it is stifled and worn full in the back, with buz plaiting down tha sides and caught up with sil ver buckles into a double cine lie about tha waist, it is simply a dream. Lassen Advocate.'' .- Mnamllna Woenaa. ka wsaia Wear a Wig. WII, now, was it not ,mT wi ww,k that a correspomUmt stt me Utlnking on hat nowuuiatl.liowevorstronir l..,l.wl w,.ld lw ev,r likely to do. and that men constantly do; and I docidod tlrnt the one thing isdiejilay a bald jieitdf 1 havo simw writing road an amuxing Illustra tion of the truth of tnv jthlgment. About 1W yenr airo the taint r li.n.... i rifcsltire, asexp,titiKhin and heir, . Bl .MiMinjiiy was rvtlwtmg seriotiHly on u ettucaiion of youth. Ue at length kki ma wir 1 um hi nts opinion it was mistake to try to train chiltrn at .11 wmtld be much Mter to let nature take ner own way, an.t he ha.1 decided that iu neir anouM not be tauiihl anvthino- not em be thwart in any taste or cor rected in any tmbit Need I add that when the expected "wo it lunteu out to be a daughter? Nevermind! Ilvltonkept to u puy Joltnatou acvord' giy grew up as untrained as a wild flower in the woods. Nature mwnJ t., euwr into m j,it heartily; for Soph bad - win wim ti sua loveu sing a man s baxa aotig. Her favorite amusement was blacksuiithing; sbecould shoe a horse better than any man In tha wure, anu ner pnvato apartment con- wmeu a lorge, at whk-h Soph s(ient much of her time. Another pet occupation ", masing. bn was a Nimrod iu tne new. ana a Jehu on the box, fcopn Johnston, when a Tieille Bile of 43 or so, established herself as a permanent guw m Hie camie or her father's friend, th fifth Earl of lUIoarre, whera lnr forga was fitted up tor her, and aha was atKweu to do just as she liked. She had rn-n relatives in Gibraltar, none nearer; and alia frequently said that she eited tliem to invite her to go to them, but added tliat nothiug should maka her leava her ilalearres friends. The two miacuievous eldest girls of tha house. uiay Anna (afterward tha author of "Aum Kotun Uray-) and Ladr Martraret- thought it was a pity Uiat Souh sliould not have an opportunity of proving her uevouon 10 tnem in this way. So, as the expected invitation never came, they wickedly forged a fetter to the name of the rich relation, begging Sonh to do to ; 1... uiurauiar. They intended, when she had written her refusal, to stop its being sent by re vealing to her their little plot. But to their horror poor old geutlemanly Sonh quietly postd a letter to her relatives accepting tha invitation, and tha unhap py guls knew not what she had done till aha confided to the family that she had already begun to maka her traveling ooz ana naa ordered herself a new wig aa article which aha had been suspect ed of but had never before confessed to wearing. So even pot Soph Johnston, with her man's boots, mans voice, man's aungs, man's diversions and with a smithy and a carpenter's bench, was not equal to di.pla.ring a bald head. London Illustrated News. AMMONIA AND SUICIDES.' sr t shi fsrtsln 4tn for . Causing Vaath br Hlnw l'uliiliiC, - Of the number of those senklnu ! elde by awnllowiiiK some form of imlsou, prutwbly there ar few who hav aought W kill llieinwlvet hy menus of ammonia, evrttieleiiiimouU.aUlmugh It is the active sttent in moot of the salts aild to women lurthoir gut decorated and per- funicd scent bottles, is polsoiuuts when tusen iniernsuy in a oonrentrated form 10 SttCSt this there have been rmnintlv in New York several cases, the most re cent betn that of Herman HarawiU, of which lieputy Coroner Jenkins said tlrnt ueatti took place in a coinparatlvelv k. .1. ... 1 " . . enui tune aner me aiumoltl was taken In another cae, that of a child. Dr. Jet kins said death resulted iu tlva minutes aner swallowing the ammonia solution, There are on record also cases of slow poisoning from ammonia administered with intent to commit murder. Further more, trie appearane of workmen in guano factories, where ammonia is act free by grinding (tn, has licen note.!, and in every rase there is an unmistak able system of roi win loir. This is dla. coloration of the skin of the face, which assumes a blotched, dirty amwarance. First to tak on this atuwaranca in the skin of tha nose and forehead. Autop sies o' those who die from auunnloa mil. souiiiK reveal a dark hue on the mucous membrane lining the stomach and intestines. As sn agent for cansinit death bv slow poisoning, ammonia is one of the ni certain and most difficult of detection, owing to Its volatile nature. This Dual ity has led phYRit'ians to believe that some 01 ttie mysterious deaths that have taken place In the history of modern am! niediivval crime are due to smimini. 11 is known now that months have elapsed between the first svmitoms of airknea. and the death of a person from ammonia Kisouing. un the other hand, death s resulted in four minutes from the time a large draught of ammonia has been swallowed, it has been found in cases of gradual absorption of ammonia in the human system that there Is a nep ers! elimination of healthy oxidat'on of me oioou ana a consequent lowering of me WHtiiy strength, in tha cases oi Im mediate poisoning, death comes with frightful agony, as Jn the rasa of liaro witx. Wood gushed from his nose and month. .Statistics in Emi.and tint ammonia thirteenth in frequency in tha list of poison. Alexander inter myth, med ical OfticFr of health in the SI Marvl. bone district. Ioiulon. ci'ee thirtv eases 01 poisoning oy aimuotua swallowed for tha purpose of eonimttting suicl-ls. or aammistereii with tha purpose ol com mitting murder, or uktnrhed u h in fond. Of tba suicidal cases six were fatal. Of twenty accidental cases twelve wars fatal. Of cases of murder with ammonia, Dr. Itlvth notes two, both of vuem cniiuren. new 1 ork pun. We have selected two of Croup, three lines from letters freshly received from pa rents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these. because they come from pood, sub- j stsntui people, -nappy in nnaing what so many families lack a med icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. KOl l, WltXJTS. of Mrs. J A W. KISK, Alma, Neb. 1 give it Daughters' College, tumMiSDarr, a.y. have depended npoa it in attack of Croop with mv little dangk ter, and find it aa ia valaable retneay. Is my children wbca tresbM with Crosp sad aever saw ssy rparatioa act hks it is sinpiy aai-caruloux. Fully one-balf of our customers are mothers who use Boscbee's Ger man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping cough, croup, diph theria and the dangerous inflamma tions of delicate throats and lungs. TIPS FnoLSion IvEaaHWH-W Cf Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypoplwsphites Cf Lime and Soda. swMaMMS mm wirsna Wm (Mr SS snil mkimmwd mam wmtmm ruSna mm rrmmmm. Tr as NMW MM SMKS asswis'Sl' m aVfaSi Mw mm UmwrmU mm a mnk M SMliiUlSls S WMW mtmmuu-hm, SeaSf'S HH(Marr(J" mimm rn. -t-ltiM ttlC sawiSlswl mM'h Uummht-t. m tm ims mmuummm mm "" kta tnmtmm mm tweti mm fmr Ihm furl Kiautonai mmmtottm mr Mtrmm mkmn-minm, imtieimmm rtMwrt prm- COTXSUXIPTIOXr, SrKOt'g4. MMOKCUint mad en ttiM& vovan bkvxmu wux ji i iimmi mw , as as swrs pmm mmt mmt m mtmrm aw iwmr inn Thm Trip W.issit Um WorM. A good deal of stir has been madeover tha journey round tha world undertaken by aa enterprising young American lady, who hopes to accomplish the feat in a matter of seventy days. In point of fact, however, an expedition of the kind has bat little to recommend it, and to a cer tain degres reminds one of wagers Boada by foolish individuals to swallow a given number of bard eggs without drinking, or to go a given number of days without eating, and so forth. The journey undertaken by the young Amer ican lady is wholly devoid of scientific interest and can offer no charm to the traveler. It is simply a matter of calcu lation and of railway and steamer guides. Sitting in one's own home, it is easy to maka calculations of this nature and to map out one's journey on paper. In ex ecuting tba plan afterward the only anx iety tha traveler round the world has is not to miss a boat or train; and provided there is no bitch in this direction, tba feat can be easily accomplished, unless perchance aa accident occurs en route, or the traveler is detained a few hours by a sudden attack of illness. For a wager, of course, enterprises of the kind may be undertaken; but with all the fa cilities for a rapid tour round the world afforded by railways, steamers and other means of transit, it is a foregone con clusion that the traveler will accomplish the Journey unless aome unforeseen ao-1 are your rear lights?" "Oh, I vas put cident interrupt it. London ritandara. 1 them out, as I tliot wa vouid needs them if wa vas out late, Ulncionatl Junes , Ttoas Terrible Win. I BUT, It is a certain thing that ail electric Me Was la Um Style. One day, when Thomas Cratty, the Chicago lawyer, was a young man, he received aa invitation to a swell ball. la the lower left hand corner of the in vitation were the letters "it. H. V. P.; and they were too much for Cratty. He puzzled over them for a while and then went to a friend. What does 'R. a V. P. stand for? ha asked. "Repondes s"U vous plait," replied the mend. " "EVeponde silver plater exclaimed Cratty. hat does that mean? Have I got to send my regrets on a saiverr "No; it means 'Beapood if you please.' ine nostess wants an answer." "All right. I ll send one. urauy went out ana bought some cream colored note paper and then penned bis regrets. They read: 'Mr. Cratty regrets bis inability to ac cept Mrs. IMank s kind invitation. "T. IL N. C." Of course the hostess was puzzled. She couldn't make bead or tail out of T. II. N. C, and so submitted the strange ailnsive to her husband, lie promptly gave tt up, but resolved to secure an ex planation. Ha met -Cratty aad asked bun about it. "Oh, I like to 1ms In styi," said Crat ty. 'Proper thing to put letters down in that corner, you know. : "But don't they mean anything?1 "Of course they do. T. IL N. C Tom Has No Clothes." Chicago Tribune. STilatiiraV UM Trmls Is Savs OiL The following story is to id of a Ger man railroad brakeman who lives in this city: The train on which ha was braking chanced to be out after dark, and, as Jske bad neglected to fill with oil the lamps in the rear end of tha hind coach, ha concluded that if the train should happen to be out lata tha supply of oil might be exhausted. So Jake modestly takes the lamps down, blows them out, and places tiiein inside ilia coach. Ihiring the night the passenger train was side tracked to allow a fast mail to pass, and in turning tha switch a fellow brakeman notiond that there were no lights in tba rear end of tba coach. Going to Jake, be said, "Where Whm tVIIUnsas llrinl Par. "IXilltvnna rays, does Itl" he rvmarkal tarrastlrally ; "you twt It ihsvint, and I ran p-ovs Itl" "Oh, phwt Of course II iliwa, said amis Mis, who wantml to draw him out. "Hut it (loiou't You am. It Waa tlilt m. t rmvs boon tM thst It wss Impolite to pna s tains man ou tlte ati-not, mi tlila aftorniMtii IlKHigbt I'd try It It was Huh I at the oornnr sr tjm'x autl A('iftun not much of a crowd klonR titers, you know, and Uiera was niimls rk-ht in fnmi of nav 1 nu in lurry, but I it htm kwp shwul, snd just as wa iiirniHi inu aiii, uin strvvlH-MV. iltui'l toll nw Mlitonis always psys,1 and hs PSUMHI. "lio on with ths story, "Well, Jut as ws tunisd Into Aimlnbai rtwl what ih.l Uilsrrlimleilohiitstoniidowu Hid wck up a brlaht twmty dollar gold piece from tlw sidownlkl folltxuws tys, dts itl u natui t nw m nsiureil uouia 1 ui irhl 'a bad that dolihls wiiila l"ui solii out now to uuiiii inui an tn woinvn and old tttsu I s -Iawriics Itaily Amertosa. A Sues Curs. lady Visitor (at olllcs of emliionl nhvat. . a. .... stain 1 nav caiiMt, ducur, to sk If tbnrs a any curs (or slnp walklii(. I havs had ths Iwhit fcir years, and latoly It turn bsvoins www ' Dr. HlL-hnrtoIt oan bs eurwl. inailam Tsk tliU irvMriitioii. and have tt filial at xjouhs HtvM l-o.i! Why. that la not a urug suira it to a hardware ttrin. , madaiu. The nrtacrimioo calls fur a iwiier ot lacita ikiso two lahtanwunfiila fwmiaiitn nuor nstors rsurlng." Kw York Wwnkly. todlaiw ml Trra lal Wmmmm, Rousson and Willems have eiDlnred Uia northern part of the bland of Terra del Irucgo between S3 deg, 30 win. and 63 deg. 30 win. south latitude, traveling all along tlie north coast and across the bduru. about sixty miles south of the Straits of Ma gellan, They iimpped all the little rivers, and found that tlie Cullen river, which eiitptit- into the Atlantic ocean. quite au important stream. Tha valley of this river la a fine country. and the rich hrbjun afforded abun dant nourUliiuciit for the borses upon wbu .itlie party rod. Tliey met tha Otia Indians nil through their Journey. Quite a number of tiiein were 8 feet 8 biclics. bigli and very muscular. They are nearly naked, wearing only over their shoulders ill made capes of guantteo skin. The only ornament which they pwj coiiKisis of a brace- i let or a cili.r of shIK These Indians ! inhabit alx.ut two thirds of tha kuuiiL The men occupy thcutHelve wholly witli procuring IikkI. Tlwir bows and arrows are always with them, and tbey use Hint arrow heads. Much of their time is given U limiting weapons of tha chase and war. They are oontlnuajly in trouble with the Indians to the west and south of them, from whom they differ greatly. Chicago Times. Taking a Ni Advantaas. "I uivlen.tflo.1 you to ay, dldnt I, that ths nasttiaii snawa nns sudod I" suitgwrted a UarV ioim nouMwits to iwr biuuand. "Yes, my dear." 1 110 you won't havs to go down towa to ss tiw score any morel" "Well, r, r not. sxartlyt but then, ytm know, one must sn bis (rionda ones Iu a while," "Why not maka friwxU with thnaa of ronr own household f Ami that is just Ins way a woman acta. Hartford poat. THK WKITKHM SKTTtKR S SIR( irtu. CIIOSKN With svary sdrauiv ol mlnraUon Inm tho tar npat m UW fl.maiid 1m .in.i..l I. 11 .... . Moinarh Hliura. Nowlv propM rmlona an liw qiicnil)r Ina Mluhrloua than uldrv viilnl 1ih-.I1 tin ou aoi.iiiu o( ilia uilaama whlrk rim Iron rwvntljr vlmivd UiM, Millntlarly al.,i, iha bauka of rivvra thai am aulijovt to Inalnb. Th. asrtciiliurai or mlulni viuiinuit aoon Irarua, aliru lir., ant alrvwljr ktmw, thai ths Hlilvis ait.'nl ihinlr aura asaliut malaria aud tltiiM dlairtlvr ..I lha aiimia., llvor and Ixmai., lowhlrk oilman ckaiism. .inwnro and siwrvuatonunl or unhealthy walar ur.ll.-t aub;rl min. . ..iir.i-miy na iava au aailtnaw Ua Ihla tn-.l bouavh.iM auM-IAc ami Mnmiln euiumauauntla with Iu iturttula inertia, ami la mtvlul ui krrp on band a. naturaUta and pp w umiiiiiii j hi av muni umjs UI Uow ol naaxl. ft.bai ' and thoushu aro fouetaU)' brvreited lt be danlimt. tlaOMCHITia. .Fur ll.iaraaiiMa and R.. Throat "frown's Ttuthet" are a speciilc. A hnv'a Ollleki-al. aurval isaana at hanunlna su aimt-i la all..nUi by Itic tiarvll. IMITATOItS ANU IMfOMTllKN, The uiiiiUuUhI siioiich of Ald.coes's I'd hoiis riiASTKHsas an exlorunt rennly ailUIIUStVll IIIIRCrilpUlDIIS plll'tics In put luriu inumiioii--, whlnh they eml.mvnr t sou on tne rvp.iintlon nf am cock's. It an nhatinllty to snonk or thnm In u... ....,, i. . - ' . - w vatKry ua his Kciuinie ntxl orliiml iioi-hns jdsaler, I heir preteiialoiis nr linliiiiiidrd, ..... ........ it. i, , lv uiiniiiHiriKI (iv hul n. tliolr alleged smariorlly to or einallty with 1 hi. ahlMit iiituli.,.il .......nil .. i . . ..-.-.... H.ii,, n.ii.irn aim onenilsts Slid thniianmls of umleiul ... llnnlM llliMM I., il.u.l ...... A . . .... ... . . i . . ' :. " '." ui. inn ni.i.1 to a a i iiiku'i 1 Marsua the heat nxtvriial reinmly kmm ii Wartl to wed and v...i.... . . wmllhy.euvlvdaiid Hia, The Rank of KiiKlanci rwwlves and iava out itold hy weight, nuil aa every plug of oiar loimeee la varsflilly weiKhcl to sea that it Is a full sUttHn-ouii(i pmuid hefors wing paokttd In ths box, it would seem thst ths luauulautursrsorHlarl'liig are de termined tottlve Util.lkllltttirH M Stt k taistllitiliii. I"". WltiKY II. A LI. K.N A (Ml., 111 rim Ml., tNirilaiKl, nr., Hay kaoomml iha mn. um aiui maiiaavhieiil m Ilia MWiioav fiaiiua. All IhaillllWniil ivl rnmi i niiiwrl lli,,u, it.. .in ..III br l'Ul In .1.1. k ami ravuralila li-rma aiv.i, i., " .. .-i ... n.i.r,.i(,.i,ii. Both tbft ttiethoJ anil l.-anlfa whan Syrup of Fim la taken! tt la i.l..n..,i nl refrosliing to ths tasla, ami jcU eenu jet jironiptl on tha Kidneys, Uver anj Bowels, cleanses the sys- l -It .. l a. a . m nueciuailyv UWpelS colds, bend whas soj fevers and cures hahltuiil 'jonsttpation jiermaiiehUy. For sals in ouo ami 1 1 botUos by all druggists. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. MS H,CIC0. out. mMWIIUt,tr. MIW tOMK. M.r. 1 Baiting Povder A rur Cresro of Tsrlsr Towdcr Superior to every other known! Uged in Millions of Home 40 Year the SUtidard. Deilcloui Csks snd JPastiy, lJuht Vlmk, Biscuit, Orlddls Cskss, i'slstsUa and Wholesome. Ka other baking powder does such work, I, i' t . jmmt tn n r .Wiiiir rht: AM. KkroKMIK Art, ItetlslttN nr It iirU llacaa Slave ths birota. fa- opls , Wash.. Aug. 19. H't. lllumlaallus tValblng Mlefca. A novel cjjK'riiiient of the chloride of silver buttery has btn iiuuie in the manufiti-ture of tiie el.-trio light cane. Four cell-' are placed end to end in a small tu lie of canlbotml aud inserted in hollriw cane. The stiver wire at one end is coniirciud tu one end of .the ear bon fllaiiifiit of a suinll iucHtiilewairit lamp, snugly placed at tlie head of tba cane, and a small brii st rip or spring is ex tend wl upward from the line bottom, so as to make ciMiU.ct pomible with tlie other end of the corlioii lilaiiient. When a bright liht is required, press- nre on a suuill ptih button on tlie side of the enne cloe tlie eircult and Ig nites the lamp. Tin) houl of tha cans , is solid silver, which makes a good re flector for tlie liht, mid a very thick lens is flttod Into the top. These canes have been owed with great success for theatrical pnrpuHp, am have a very pi catting t'ffeet. New l ork Tehgram. Have at some time bwn called natu, renegades. And a peonls have stoned a prophet to whose nieuiory the nest grneraiion hss ralaed a monument for ine greatness of Ills dnsts. ftsoflOMMH IPf.J. Audfltf JAfilatk. Srttltt U'n.J. ... 1 1 . H norma: w lit have to write yon that 1 am surprisi-d to llnd niyanlfaoKnwtiy improved in so little time, and am pleaaed to any that I could not give your uiedicinrw loo grrat praiae. My health was gone. I that ineliolns could do ins no good. 1 was hoHlnw of ever recovering. I thought Uk imir, hi iry your mruimnes, out witn ili'nlll startiiK m iu the fac I deUirmined to do . I am tileaaml that I did It. for at Una date I have received tenfold the price of ma nmiiiiiiHa, 11 i annum say one nun dm fold, it would not he overvaluing the dillrrenc in my health. I feel like another man. I ours reiipecuuiiy, Jamb II. Itvsoa Of all klnda and Iu an nnautllvwbol. aalvaiul rvuil-at tmlrork prlnw. E. J. BOWEN, S front 8treet, Portland, Or. Amid fnr esuinf ns, Knur tlnvsn, Waah., As. IJI, Unit. Dr. 1, Kttntnr Jordan, rvntilr. H luk,-Dais Mia It baa Iwru anno) lima alma I havs wrttlru to y.iii, Mil I Have Iwea . ltliiK alons ao aril that I old not thlnK II neevaMarjr. I haveaiOiMMllaklitt mm irvauneni now, aiei i ueiieva i am etitirt.1 well. Your mwlU'liiea bare dune what you lol. oa they would ! th. y have niade a sww wosiaa ol m. I now leet like uixaell asaln. after au( ItrlnK (oretshl year wlih ratarrh nl in head and bronchi, sod Uiat very painful thlne-ueu-rnlitla d Hi abiuiM-ti. I Uak three muiiihe' nwllHue. ilirtlt my htniliatid and uiyaelf Iwl aa Ihiuiicli we cannot be ihankfnlmumicb to ynu lot w rial you nave anneinr me. i nolw uial every line who la aMlterlnit aa I waa will bear nl I'r. J'.nian and hi. miart valuable mvlleliH-a. Youra nuait rwMH:iliilly, Msa. it. Aasraoso. ; Dr. Jordan's ofllc Is at the realdsnos of ex-Mayor Vialsr. Third and Jamas streets, Seattle, Wash. tkituiultaUoiis and prescriptions sbsolute- imn& Utr free book explaining the H bio genetic ayvprm. CstfTios. Tha Hlstograetlo Medicines are sold in but one sgsitoy in each town. The label around ths bottle hears ths fol lowing inscription: "Or. 1, Kugens Jor dsn, Hlstorenetie Medicine." K very other device is a fraud. lady or gentleman wanted to represent aaen elatliiu ol irtmtt palntera. Permanent al Uiki. Vnt fnartlctilara addreee lMiiardoAaaottla tlon, 101 Meat UH, Sew York lly . wires will have to go under ground, and tha oulcker tha work is performed tha better for the people of tiu Louis. It is m l i ..n Pf - ' Krtly interested In Agassiz'f lectures, the ear trumpet of a '2., I naturalist, quite as a matter of - n . - - "r ,rmm wrote a note to his fellow sclen Acaaals mmt Desa Padre. When Agassi was lecturing in Rio da Janeiro. Dout Pedro was then abeut go ing to war In Paraguay; but ha had been withThe Zm enl rld U ft I .!. If 1.- . . ii I use wa emperor. DnusiuK vi u na lowea Of mm aeau. o. xua care - f war thl.M ara li0 Xfm tlmn s.700 wiUiln iVTn, ot turn ebtrio wire. Tak. a t "P0 conusMsandwatxh bow ettMlf It '"J'VZ tZ liZ7lm tZk. Z tha ' A Wonderful flron PaciMla, A niltwiuimry who has -ttll in tha province of Ht VUwm, ci-ntrd China, and who lias visited the great Bad dhlst teak, Moiint Omcl. dcseribiM the teuiplcs around the mm as still snow ing tunny wonderful works of art. Near the foot of the mountain there still stands a pagoda of brouzo fifteen stories high, believed U be upward of a thousand years old. From tha ground to the polished Ivory tip this immense structure is literally eovereo with delicate figures of men, beasts, birds and reptiles. Of figures of Bud- can be upset by simply bringing tha ear trumpet of this phone within a foot or H. This ought not to be tlie ease, and ft plainly shows that the wires are highly charged with electricity, which accounts for the loud bunting sou ml beard when a person endeavors to use the telephone. If an exposed electric wire slumld corns in contact with a piece or metal on a roof, tlie result would be a conflagration which could nut be put out, as it is use less to throw water on an electric wirs with the idea of stopping the flames which ensue, as water would make non-conductor a conductor, and the firs would rapidly spread. The damage to various buildings, telephones and switch boards Inflicted during tlie past week was only the worn or we wuv. . mm , conseqnenceof rJ the comtMUiies which have contract; ja 1 to UJomimite the city, and what the re- professor serenely responded that ths em- ' peror, as a naturalist, wouki not misun derstand his request; and the professor's student instinct was correct, for speci mens of Paraguaysn fish, forwarded by tba emperor, now enrich tba cabinet of natural history, left by Agassis to iiar eard university, New York Letter. A wonderful "And" has Just been made in tha Harvard college library; nothing leas than thirty volumes of Goethe's writings, marked "Gift of tba Author." They were presented to tha library through Dr. Cornwall, who was a warm personal friend of tba poet. , i Tha river at Linkville, Ore., was so the province, niotrt of them In tha Im mediate vicinity of the sacred peax. 8t Louis Republic suit will be when all the lights are ready to be lit, nobody can foreshadow. Inter view in St. Louis UUbe-iletuocrat. the heavy, steady south wind blowing across the lake, that tba trout eoold be seen everywhere flopping In tha water holes. Tba boys went a-ttahing with dubs, i - Kara Preeene f Mind. Just as a lover hod dropped on bis knees and begun popping the question a pet poonie, wno inongiu uia proceed ing rather strange, made a dash for him. With remarkable , nerve for s woman, the girl reached over, soixed the dog by the throat, and at the same time calmly uttered; "Go on, Georga, dnar; I'm listening to what you are saying. "EicliAtiga. Ha Iloe.n'l Call Any Mors. He had never kissed lier, and was somewhat anxious to uiako up for lust time, so he said: "You might let me kiss you Just once." "Ho," she said, playfully shaking hsr head; "I know what Just once means j it means half dowm of timns. You are like ail tha rest "New Vork Frses. ooooooooooo THE 8MAU.EST PlU IW THE WORLO P BUTT'S Otiny liver PILLS Ohaivn41 tlvirtis4iuf tH Wrfr.rnssj -sIMt.f ilfsHlv rfllf Va-lfseiswiitcw t-:pvr4tea ttwwn In th ixwtWr OOOOOOOOOOO mtist iKipular braiul of smoking toljucco in the Unititl Statt s. Jt in inatlc frxm to bacco at bast tfirce years old. Its' rich indbw smoke has never Ix-en ttjualtd. Seal ( Narlh t'arellaa la sow tairkMl Is fateut Chdh huchiw, aa wall aa Is lull, ..iaoo,u(I.iK.I. UtM.oit- prion, ......,,,. t a in iu Sli.iloa, al lMi Jrid ur.pai, ras .) m,.. Mamma, , lb ,., Priinaa, i..., gt Bl.cktiarrl.i, ,,,, Charrlat, plu.,1. nu,,., risa, Hoi. U.k Ck..... ll"HI. N.l.,, Mwja. Iteln. ami alhri lata '""n- J art nnn m mi lap,,. v?a t a aenerai aarlaly of aaifi for family sea ll ctifc art., ami . -J . . . f"el.ul.f,M. addewa SMITHS CASH STORE. -I0",'!?. ?Trn a Krsnelsee 1C E T,, "I in ftir ilar. anmt Klrle t 'nnata a ai irn-iaiiiM. iaii.r'wi tH,.ni aim Iioira. iwiiifu. IK. Ill llr.I,n.ii,H.)iN y a. m, tt 1. a. io io. n 8. 4 s, a. t'i 7. S, la, is so. ta Hse Emb ImltiN, Bui Never Eicelled Tbfff in Bejond Conpirlual Why fl(csllas We Mats U0 r nent, Ol the Wire lisle Boiilln America. a i'als, il..i ..'ltl,iJ.liAiiL ' fMArTMANrtUIUlt",Sil 111 J-. . - J TwmrfreenapnaawifUMillll4ria.e They are Odurless, Kverlaatlnit And " llesl." If.MTW.M HARTMAN MG. COMPANY, Works, UtAvtR FALLS. PA. BAKER 4t HAMILTON BAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA. XV fIN. Tm, ..r 1 r-llniiiiat Miwil. H'l n.l ltl.i.ltilil f ii..tfu - MHr.I rt-r SS" mm lliat rimr mai I.ita nri i miariiMl 4miiiimm1 CMiftHfsiftt luatitH, Rib Ctott 1 Oituono Bo A rmuwrirmu ?uis m m oaiaiaai las aaauiNt Vfc.,i,SaaiSaea,Ma..eiuaa. WJ ftm mm rtll MM. r.k. mm MSar kl-4. Una ?T - , V I - I liestOiush Meilirine. kocimmenilad h PknUm, 1 Cures where all else falls. Pleasant and agreeable to Iha tsste. Children Uka It without objection. Hy drurgbits. 3 O lost nr.iE Newton, 111, fpROM 1863 to 1885 I L about a a years- I r I suffered with i rheumatism of the a hip. I was cured by the use of ST. JACOBS OIL. T. C. D0DD. V tOILV&k rALL RIGHT I T. JACOBS Oil 010 IT." 1 ZAWTHOW A N0VKI1 llv iktmm fxiSAH, $20. Odell Tfpawrltor. $20. Euat to trrf $100 Machfoe, ("peerti fdliiiiil $100 FOR $20. WALL PAPER lOeiMilaM'rrtuuhleriill. Heml '1-eent atainp Un aanuile. Kl lloKlF.l.ll it MOIliiAN, ' I'.rj TlilM atrwlVirtluniMir liaV CrUCDCUHED TO ITAV CURED. HII f rClLil Wa want ths name ami mi- dreaacf every auflerrr in Uie 0 AOTUPIA U.S. and Canada. Addreia, U Ad I llisln r.lanMlara.ll l.hfala.l.t elenn Inilireaalon; inanl- iitf : iierlLTi hi Kiiini'iii: nara liilnl t)at 1iii.Ii. iluralile, II iuatrntial ''Ircillnr flee. A great llnl 1. In T Ul H. M. iraVls.l.'l MimtKOir.i.ryW., I Hail rrsnelaeu, AgenU Wmiled. f-W pp. lllMiHUtalrS fa per Cavern, IS tlenlsi tnlll ioib, Tlila wnrk ahtiwa rfiinarkalile venlua nl eon. triH'llon, loree nl c-1. i i-t, ii r ol Mix rli. lion. Uitri'ther villi wll ami liuiiinr. Ita llirme la einolfiiiial. It alma at tha reeimdilnllim of elaaava throuiih the liinlr.imunUlltr nl li,w. ll. fMifiie are full of 111,-rnry Ijraiity, imt aiirpsaat-il oj mnj wnier oi iiniif.u in nionerii iiinea. Koranle by all iKMiliavllMra. Hunt hy mull, (mat psll, un n-tl(it of iirln., l,y the i'ilillln ra. THE BAXCROFr COMPANY, JT I Market Street, Man, -al. Wsnt sn sxent In every town In Orevou, W'aih iiiKU.u ami Mulio to avll PIANOS and ORGANS On (iltiitiiaainli. No aloes or rauttul nmlml. Miialn utarhnra nrolerret. Hiaielal rsuw un all (onila. wrils lor particuiara. rOUTLANU, OH. PPHSJ31JIEM1 mA 4 3.P",5MFWi MORPHINE HABIT I Hmka free. SURE CURE Padlls MwUiins Co llay Kt. Mas Francteea. J. MoCRAKEN It -DKAIiKKM IK- CO. Racks Harkar lima, Porllaad Csawnt, Ssl Sas Sala snS Ulak Plsatsr, Hair, firs Brisk sas Firs Clay. LAND PLAIItS. SO Murth Front Street, Oor. I, rOKTLANII, OH, PIANOS '"ORGANS. WINTER HAHPEB. Morrison Street, Portland, Or. car-Mx son. -wi JUDS0I1 Dynamite s POWDER CO., II CALIFORNIA IT., SAN FRANCISCO. If vou want POWDIMt for Allninif. knllroad Work. Mtiiinn Hlimtlni or Trns I'lanting, send for I'rli'o Lint, AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or riimrnlaeloii, li liaii'Ue Ilia New fnliml i 'lieitilnil ,..1. Ailulll. llll.Lll.ll Ail! ,11.1. !lu.ll stouriw Kraasr U l:t Vu,, lACroaae, Wla. lint Dal. J 1 YOU NO MENIi Tha Speolllo A Ho. I. (lirea, wlllinul full, all ream nl ianrr. M H Birii i.ud ailrei, no nmiu-r uf fiuw Ions & iMiar. I'li'VtiilK aiiliriiirn, it lii'h.itiui n- m li-rntil ti'iiieiie. curi'N when rvuryililiui elaa H I;.l. l,y nil lrKl,i ' I J Uuiiuluetlirurai I'tlu ,,H'liitei,liell MMHllS B g l, Irr. S;i.lKI. C'n.,rlaiiJiaM,CaL im TICK c ri 11 XT 1C H 'P mt'lmtt a fhirhrn l.irm Killer. Aak your dealaM It, or send for Proa Oirmlar m JHilurna Inmhatnr Co., t'elaluma, Cal ureal HUNTfR Kl'hlns Tai k 1, Hi mi arb.iy, Ixiw riu-t. . lllllaH,SiOkr.rn,HI., OMll' imln'i, iiliilrmK C.n.l r,,r I ullu,ii.. UKu. Kranrlwii. Ml i I niir fstlBthMllknnwIffrlMMl if'itdlfiaT rnir(itr ifir u tn 1pnv'tiiaiHitrUrornirn, . I:trlalnniirii fur th ihll ' titthif wwknuH imwuIIm , Mfd.iTvr . IrTftwiritmUnnilfMlMf i rWifctinMlfctfi! In rtfi(mu.iiullP U M L CliiiCitriAlt,'i H urTisruri. I A, 4 , B'Hrirn, m U ,l'fnAIDeTrM u. xno. ah -h. y. u. iNo, m ft JfUkriiia.4 rl M J llt. s M, X "- -Stl S.I'.N.