THE OREGON MIST. United RUtri and Coootjr Official Paper ST. IiILKNI, Novbubkii 13, 1891, LOCAL AND GENERAL. tea, f The be brand of coffee, iiilce. eld., M Bacon', GMton. Mturi. DonnU and Loo Perry iponl Sunday Ut in Bi. UuWrt. Bee the IraluVi time ub! In an other oolumn. Mr, E. Ooi ha been confined to hi Iioum for tomo liuio, tiifltiriiig with hU lame log Mm. Frank Terry, of Molalla, Ik visiting with Mr. Irry't mother Mr. Elliubnth 1'orry, ol Huulton. Mr. Laura Logan, of AMorla, lis boon visiting br mother, Mra. Butler, ol tltl place, recently. Uucon r'y l'lhct price lor all kind of produce. Quarterly examination of teacher began Wednesday under tho direction of Buporiulfloduut Walt. Teadier proMnt: Mis NulUe Warnock, Mary Altlaon, Carrie B. Dibtlee and Mary Hornier. Mr. Edward Weaver, wlto clerked aome titneaiuue fur Mr. Dolman in St, Helen, came down Saturday on a visit to hit old friend here. Ho U at present oondtietar on the electric street car from Portland to Alblna, and like liia position well. ' Mr. Jamca Co, who reaUloa at Mil ton, got back Monday morning from Alaska, where he ha been since last pring, having been In charge of a San Francisco salmon cannery at Cliih at llusinea haa boon quit- good up there. 27,000 case of aalmon having boen put up by hia cannery alone. Edward Constable, of Ilitlsboro, has brought suit against the Climax Mill ing Company for 110,000 damage for injurhia eustainod by falling through a Hap door In the fbior of the mill, caus ing, aa I alleged, serious Itijurii'. The oil will be tried at the coming term of the circuit court in Washington county, which eommonce the luat Monday in thi month. The M. E. church, of ClaUUnle, give an entertainment thia (Friday) evening. We hope to hear that it was wall nalronlxad, and that it wa a uc real, at leaal financially. Church work hould bo eticouraged by nil, and there i no better way of Knowing your good will than by attending thia entertain ment. Many year practice have given C A.Sitow. Co.. Solicitor of Patents, at Washington, D. C, tuurpaed lit a Us in obtaining- patent for all rlaaaet of Invention. They make specially of rejected cast;, and have ancured allowauce of many patent that had been proiooly rejected Tlieir advertisement la another col ...on .ill ba of interest to inventor latente, manufacturer, and all who have to do with patent. The ateamer O. W. Shaver, com meneing on the first of thi mouth, I miuumeer to and from Cla'.skauie and intermediate point, a i.. U rxt, t which were in existence Wore the formation of the steamboat combination. The Shaver brother are alwaya alive to the beat interest ii.. ir.v.liiia nublic. and from the beginning rcmouatrated agaiust any increase in rate, and were also one ui the last comiianica to enter the com naot. Captain Shaver inform ua that the old rate will prevail iu the future on their line. The largo barn of Connoll Bro.,on Peer Island burned Wednesday morn i,ig about 3 o'clock. It contained evonty-three head of cattle, muei of which wore milch cow, ten head l horse and 125 tone o hay. Among the Dr. II. R. Cliff' trotter. Prince, and a Una blooded horae be longing to Portland partie. These two were valued at about $1500. The Cotioell Bro. have been running a dairy and tipplying milk to the Port land market, and have been aaelng thia ! Iircost barn on the island for tailing and milking purpose prlnoi pally, on the ground floor, and over head the hay waa atored. - The lose will reach about f 7500, none of which waa insured excepting a f2000 policy on the barn. It la believed that the barn wa set on fire aa there wsa noth ing near for It to catch from. It is terrlblo to think af tho apootaole that present ltolf on the apot where that barn stood. Eighty throe heud of atock lying chared and crisp in one heap, presumably a reault oi the hell ishuewof some worthless tramp who, after finding shelter under the barn's roof on that cold rainy night, was not content to leave unmolested what he could not carry away with hlra. Thanksgiving Pay. The following Thanksgiving procla mation was Issued by Governor Pen noyer Monday : Inasmuch as the gratitude for favor,U find due expression. I do hereby appoint Thursday, the 26th j,u i Vno.mhvr. as a day of public thank.glving to AlmiRhty God, lobe nhtatved bv the whole people of Ore gon in the usual appropriate manner, in return for the blessings of peace and plenty which have been bestowed upon them durlug tho past year. The school concert and entertain ment given in the M. E. church on Saturday night by the St. Helens pub lic si hoot, with the assistance of aome outside help, for the purpose of pur Dinning an orgin for the school-house, was a success both financially and untcrlainiiigly, The house waa lllled to its utmost seating captcity by peo ple from Columbia City, Iloullon, Olllton, anil, in fact for a radius of about fifteen miles around. Promptly at 8 p, m. tb performance commenced with a song by the school, ''A Happy Welcome," which was wvll rendered. Next following, a per grogrammo, wa the opening addre by Alfred Bund by and Winnie Way children of about 9 or 10 years each in turn, Alfred speaking first. These two little one were, in fact, the best of the whole entertainment and were lou lly applauded at the conclusion of their respective parts. It scorned a univer sal comfort to all to see these litlte ones make such a masterly effort be lore a crowded house of strangers. Alfred Sundhy Is a natural born genius( as was shown in a dialogue later on iu the evening. Little Winnie, in addi tion to being an apt scholar on the stage, show that alio ha the pioper training at homo, which always speaks for itself. The song. "Up In a Tree," by Daisy Watkins, Amy George and Maud Wiit is wa well rendered, and tho recitation, "The New Bonnet," by Mis Tunnie Way almost brought down tho house. The dialogue, Forlune'a Wheel," by Mise Wal kin, George, Decker and w liitucy wa one of the bwt rendition of the uvenine. Hie entertainment wouiu have been incomplete without tho tia ngue, "Too Much Mother-in-law," by the Missea Docker. Blake.ley and Perry, and Messrs. Watkins and Whii ney, which wa excellent. The dia- igue, "Reefing House," by Miss Maltie Perry and several small boys was the hit of the evening, and here it was that little Sundhy showed himelf lo be more than ordinary in his line, (.liying hi part right up to the mark Prominent on the prolamine wore the ic lection by Miss Mabel Hanegan iind Mis Sarah Swt-lt, of Gilllon. Miss llanegau'a recitation, "The Drunkard's Death," waa well rendered, and her solo, ' The Lovers' Quarrel," wa first clans, while Mis Swell's lecitation was favorably commented upon, and was nil that coi:ld be desired. We have not the puce to give a detailed des riotlon of the different parts, but we must not forget to mention tho quar tette, "Old Farmer John," by Miasc Moore and Miles, and Messrs. Hoss and Jones, which wa fine. In con elusion, we wish to ay that the enter tainment waa a grand success, and that each did their part and did it we I Too much cannot be aaid in praise of he smaller children. On behalf of the school, we wish to thank those from abroad who so generously con iribulod toward the nieces of the en teriainmont both by their renditions and patronitge. The city of Portland has purchased the Mudiaoii street bridge at a coat of 1112,600, and hereafter the tame will bo free to travel. Why did thy not purchase the Oregon City bridge also for tho accommodation of the Portland people. Frank A. Mason on Thursday made final proof on el of noj and e of at1 seS 11, tp 5 n. 3 w, with Jesso Hcnd ricks and C. F. Fowler as witnesses, Marriage licence was issued by County Clerk Quick, Thursday, to A drew CUrk and Mis Edith Dibblee ol Rainier. Harper Rittenhouse made proof Wednesday on the of nej lota 1 and 2 aeo 4, tp 5 n, 5 w witnesses, George Fisher and Alex Houston. In tho last session of county court, in the ease of Everding & Farrel vs. Johu Devisand J. W. Bevis, judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $443 29 and $19 CO costs. -The children of Mr, Dupont, of Car ico Valley, are attending school in Vancouver thia winter. Misa Mitita Wilcox, of Portland, spent several days the fore part of the week in St. Helena the finest of her niece, Mr. J. R. Boeglo. Produce taken in exchange for gnoda at Bacon's farmers' alliance store. Wednesday a very successful drive of log wa made in Milton creek, esti mated at over a million feet. Blank note and receipt pook for sale at thiofllce. COUNTY COVHT. Proceeding of the November See- alon, lM9t. gab-Treasury. Why doa not "I. C. Q." give us fact about lits hobby of his sub-treatury scheme alnce hs thinks It a cur all kind of medi cine. If Ilia nub-treasury schema will prove rood nil lis advocates claim for It, certainly wa want it: " 11 does not prove what they cinim certulnly we dont wsnt it. II has promised a laudable work on It; why does h not produce itt Mud is a poor thing to feed the hungry for knowledge and enlight enment. No sane man has discovered a wonderful cure-all-pain, and then keep from his patients, and give them mud when they are orylng for hia wonderful dis covery. We hnve heard strong wind and saw its affects. The next time he'll blow np a cyclone poem like his last production, It will undoubtedly show the length of his ears In arguing a subject so Important as the sub-treasury plan. Come, uiva us plain facts j undeniable faots, which we will glad ly exchange. vjdekt, Bend In the new horn your neigh borhood. Court opened November i, 1891. resent! D.J. Swilier, fudge; Israol Spencer and G. W, Barnes, commis sioners; I. K. Uulca, cler; W, A, eekor, sheriff. Court opened in due form of law, In the matter of the viewer s report on the E. C. Simons road ; now on this day thi matter coming on regularly i be heard, the iane wa read In open court for the first time. In Ilia matter ol the application ni On-iu A. Wood to sell cpirttoua and malt liquors in toss quantities than one gallon In Deer I dand pre- net i Now, on this day tills mutter coming on tegularly for hearing, and aniieariiiK to the court irom me pe tition of the suid applicant Hint a nia- irltv of all the leual voters ol the aia precinct had signed the said petition ; that the suld petition had been pub. ished a required by law for the nec essary time, and there being no re monstrance thereto, it Is tnereiore now ordered by the court that a license be nd the same is hereby msucd to me id Orrin A. Wtsal, to cll splnlous, vinous and mall liquors in quantities ss than one Ballon in De-r Island precinct, In the suid county and slule for such a time not less than six months as shall appear by the county treasurer's receipt: Mid it is further ordered by the court that when the said Orrin A. Wood shall present ami file the bond in manner and f )rm as required by the statute to be approved that the county clerk be and he is lu-reby authorised and directed to exe cute and deliver to the said Orrin A. Wood license as aforesaid lor said term aa aforesaid uKn receipt of the mi ntv treasurer's receipt, and tho saio license shall bear date and be in force rom and after its issuance by the said lerk for the term paid for. , In the matter of the application ol he Tide Creek Dam A Boom Co., a miH.ruiion. to lease line creea ior floating, booming and rafting logs for n,ll : the suid company to lease Tide reek in the said county irom ine m.inili of ayiil ereek: thance up (aid creek to a point where the east line of ecliOii IU in lownsnip 0 aomn, r,iBr west of the Willamette meridian cronies said ereek ; and it appearing lo the court from the testimony ottered that Tide creek is wholly within Co lumbia county ; that the said creek has never been declared by law to ne navigable, and that the aaid creek is not in fact navigable for commercial imna. to be a hiiihway lor ttie Hotti ng and transportation i,l log, timber and lumber ; it la therefore ordered that the aaid Tide creek wnlim the wo points above referred to, be ami ilmsumeia herobv declared Ml oe a nlli, lithwav for the purpose of floating and transporting within the id two noiiiU loss, timber and lum ber. It ia further nmerea tnai me ml within the said points ue ana il nuinn in liereliv leased to the Tide r.rm.k lt.w.m On., its , uccossor and ..;,. for a oeiiod of twenty years from this date for the purpose of float ing, booming and rafting logs, limber Hint lumber therein, ana uiai a con tract be entered into with aaid corpor aiiid lease, ana that said Cur poration be and It is hereby aulliorued lo build erect and maintain such ncc uuarv luinma and dams as it may re- miiiwtnnronublv float and hold said logs, tininer anu lumuer, aim w "n n h work it maV be and sliull receive the following sums a toll, to-wit: or llotiintr oir. limtjor or lumoer in sam nrftnW 2.1 cants tier thousand : lor booniiiiR such, 23 cents per uiouonnu and for rafting such. 25 cents per thousand, which the court Inula reason u,1h for bill: that said corporation exe enta & bond in the sum of $1600 for the faithful performance of the outiei required by law, and that the suretie: ibitrnin itiatifv to the extent of $3000 that at the expiration of thia louse the said properly, together wun an me improvements now or hereafU'r to be made be turned over U the county in good repair, free of all coat or expense m Mm (huintv. and that said booms, dams and other improvements be kept in good repair during the terms of this November. 5.1891. In the matter of the vie'wora report on road survey No. 66, known aa the E. C. Simons road, beginning 32 rods north of section comer of ctions 2, 3, 10 and II, tp 6 n, r 3 w, running to and terminating at what is known as tho Nicolai road in said town and ran, as follows: Commencing at a slake marked "A" on the section line between sections t and 3 on thenar Linilioff road 32 i rods north of seo tion comer of sections 2, 3, 10 and H in township 6 north, range 3 west, in f!, ,ln, ii hi eotuilv. Oreitoui. thence south half a mile to stake marked "B' on quarter corner of sections 10 and 11; thence west on quarter line of sec tion 10 about 215 rods to slake ma'ked C. i.hmien 14 doirrces east of aoulh : . . ..r. .. ., .i . do to stuko marked "Uj" tnence aooui. jo degrees south of west to stake marked E ;" thence about 8 degrees south of west to stake markei "Fj" thence about 10 degrees outh of west to stake marked "G ;" thence about 6 degree north of west to take marked "H ;" thence about 20 degrees south of west, to stake marked "I;" thence about 31 ,im,Mu anuLh of west to stake marked "J ;" thenoe about 84, degrees west of south to stake marked "Ki" thence about 17 degrees east of south to stake marked "L;" thence about 10 degrees west of south to tree marked "M ;" thence oommoncing at the aforesaid mentioned stake marked "B;" thence south on or near section lines, 3 and one-half miloe to ttiko marked '-N," on ih northwest corner of section 35 ; thenoe east about 302 rods to stake narked "O." on what l commonly known a the Nicolai road, all in tiie aforesaid mentioned township aud mma. and the said viewer Having made their report in writing 10 me court, statins thoir opinion in favor ol the establishment ot said proposed nnuntv road and riving their reasons for the same which report together with the surveyor's field note and plat of the survey had been delivered to the county clerk by one ot the viewers nn or hefora the third day of the term of the county court next ensuing the appointment of said viewers. Ordered tw. th route aa viewed and surveyed u viwer and surveyor be m'nA tlA same is hereby declared county road and that it shall be con sidered a public highway and the su pervisor of the road district in which said road is established is hereby or dered to open the same. In the matter ol lbs opening oi uk county road In road district No. iu, known us the Mayirer and uiatsaauie road, Columbia county, Oregon. Now, Kellogg, t , on this day this matter coming on Burnetts, i j, regularly to be heard, and it appear- , Imr to the court that portions of said Wilson, 0 II, county road wai not owjd tuMcioiu ior Hr, iu, oubliu need and use, ana me court ue- inir f nil v advised in the matter, it is therefore now ordered and adjudged by the court that the road aoperviaor ol road district No. 10. be and he I here by ordered to open that portion of said Mayger and uiatskanie county roaa lying in said road district No. 10. In the matter of the transcript and cost bill in the case ol ttie state oi Watson, John, witness before grand Jury Armstrong, J L, " West, WW, " " West, II, " . " James, DA, " " Wutts, J 0, 4 40 8 60 8 80 6 60 0 80 8 80 4 80 4 80 7 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 t 20 230 2 20 2 20 2 20 10 00 Hunt, J 0, " " Peacber, Jackson, " lilakeslry, Kendall, " Miles, 8 A, " " Cliff, H n, " " Sundhy, Nicbolai. Ulakesley, A H. boardlnn prisoners MOT ALLOW SD. ; Mary McOraw, washing tor Mrs. Stoughton "tO SILLS LAID OVIB fOB THC TSSM. m. T.lan.t n,.in,-i. and files Bonier, h. lumber furnished road V, l"", ... I , ia : ira.,.,.ri,,. .nH nat hill in the above district Mo. 0 matter, aud it appearing to me coun oaniBr, u. ....... that ssid transcript and coat bill is dlitrict No. dulj cert.ficd to by said Justice of the Tichenor A M and W K, lumber eace a by law required, it is llierefore furnished road ulstr oi. Ho 10 ... 209 18 OYERWHELMNIKG PROOF. Oregon v. Fred Straight; now on this day come B. J. Burnett, jutice of the King Clothiers of the Northwest. Blai wiai,HrlMa sal ImisI llniu, rnlUad. SALE 1000 Far Hats 75c Each Will be Sold Regardless of Former Price and Value. , 1000 STIFF HATS 10o Eacli Reason for this Slaughter: BROKEN SIZES. SEE DISPLAY IN CORNER WINDOW. ordered and adiudiced by the court that ,iid cost bill be and the same is allowed, and it is further ordered by the court that the clerk draw warrants on the oounly treasurer for the eeral amounts named in said Cost bill and in favor of the several persous therein named. In the matter of the county sur veyor's reiwrt on the St Helens and Nehalem county road Now on this day this matter coming on regularly to be heard the same was read in open court. It was ordered by 'lie court that said report be and the same is hereby accepted and approved. Tn lh matter of the county survey or's report on the re-survey ol roau survey No. 8, beginning at the ap proximate center of section 13, tp 4 n, r 2 west. Now, on this day this matter coming on regularly to be heard, the same wa read in open court, and it .nfuurlno In tha court that the said report is in all particulars correet, it is therefore ordered and adjudged by the court that said report and plat of said re-survey be and the aame l nereoy approved and accepted and it is f urth'-r ordered that said rejiort of the sur veyor on said re-survey and plat ol the same be recorded in full. BILLS OF COUHTY EXPENSE. All Our Seeds AreTestecl . n..iA.u rt5n( TpIU hf Kevr Now on this dav bill of county ex pense heretofore tiled with the clerk were presented to the court and after an exam iuaiion of the same the clerk is hereby ordered to draw warrants on the county treasurer in payment of the said bills of county expense aa follows: Weat, Harry, rhainman on road . . I 2 Mavger, C 4 Co., support of paupers, 34 16 Switior. D J, supplies for county ... . 8 00 HmIi. I R.countv nrintina w Roberts, William, lumber furnished road dl-trict No. 17 U3 Quick, K K. county clerk's fees...... 803 17 Conyrrs, K W, support of paupers. . 180 00 Simons, E O, cbainbearer oil roaa survev No. AS Nlt-ostead, F H, chainbearrr on road survey No. 65. .. Nienntead.J C, marker Rc-icbardts, E, t lewer on . " Kilbty.JC, " " Young, riiilllp, " " Little, A B, county surveyor s lees. Spencer, Iarael, supplies lurnisnea paupers . Dolman. W H. three eases coal oil . Solomon, J T, building three bridges iu road district No. 18. Cliff, II R, medical attendance, b Peterson, insane Julius. Frances, indexing county jnurnal James, D A, guarding Laraen and Drew, and boarding them White. Henry. " ' Watts, J 0, team conveying prison ers. Laraen and Drew ... ' W 00 Z Do Of the Superiority of Electricity iu the tore of Diseases by Dr. Darrin. Who Can Doubt When So Many Testltjt (Oregonian, November 9, 1891.) So much ha been said iu the praise of Dr. Darrin that it seems useless to I add further proof of his wonderful skill. We take pleasure in publish ing, however, the following open card with other references: Mr. Editor, Deal Sir: About three j or four years ago I took my boy to Dr. Darin and put him under treatment for scrofulous blod poiso.iing and dropsy. The doctor oon cured bim and he has not had a return of the trouble since, so the cure i permanent j to thi dav. I had the boy at the hos pital, under the care of several physi- ciana, and they gave him up, when I Mnoloved the services of Dr. Darrin, with the result as above stated. I re side at Slauchter. Wash., and can be referred to. JOHN HOWLEY. iv-i- j Xt --2 F.L.Posson 6 Son. a s"" 1 1 & Y,n. ,e ir1IUi0N..kRlf Tr-ll Portland. Or. F. R. CHOWN, ' IMPORTER OF 10 40 10 35 10 55 12 40 12 40 10 40 03 20 7 00 6 76 100 0Q! 500 72 75 10 00 800 3 60 S 20 S 60 1 00 2 20 15 00 Gill. J K. court house supplies Holt, William, assistant on resurvey of road survey No. 8 Haicn.M F, " " Slavens, John, " " Heeglev. Jacob, " " ........ Haxou. M. " " Good 8amariton Hospital, hospital attendance of Mrs. Btoughton ..... Kejley, Penumbra, boarding prison ers. Strahrht. Laraen and Urew... aia oi Good Snmnritan Hospital, hospital attendance Wm. McGulnness 81 TO Burnctte, R J, justice of the peace, fees, state of Oregon vs. Btraigin. . Burns, George, nonstable " ..... Kellogg. O B, witness " .... Still, John, .... Spencer. Israel, tees a county com missioner Muckle Bros. , supplies furnished N D McCoy-.... Muckle Bros., supplies furnished road district No. 8 ........ Saulser , S, tees ss deputy sheriff . . . Tingle, Nathan, attendance on fclias Peterson, insane ......... .... Meeker, Frank, cutting wood lor court-house - U'tndrlcks, Jesse, bounty on scalps.. Parker, N J, More People Cured by Dr. Darrin. George Schmidt, Astoria; deafness, cured. Rev. J. E. Coenour, Portland, Or. ; skin disease, cured. Miss Maggie Svnboest, La Grande, Or.: cross-eye, mired. Isaao Thompson. La Ceo Wash. ; deafness, cured. James New York hotel. Portland; deafness, fifteen years, cured. Millon Jones. Perrydale, Or. ; cured of polypus of the nose. Dr. Damn continues to treat all classes, the rich and po r alike, free of charce. at 70i Washington street, Portland, from 10 to 11 A. M. daily. Those willing to pay, from 11 A.M. to 8 P. M at one-half his former charges. He treat all curable nervous, chronic, acute and private disease, and makes a speciaty of all diseases of Eye. Eir Nose, Throat and Lung. Loss of Mim hood, Blood Taints, Syphillis, G'e -t, Gonorrhea l, Stricturo, Spermatorrhea i. Seminal Weakness or Loes of Deaire of Sexual Power in man or woman. All peculiar Female Troubles, Leucorrhoea, Displacements, ect., are confidentially and successfully treated, aud will un der no circumstances take a case that ho cannot cure or benefit. Consulation free. Cures ot private diseases guar anteed and never published in the papers. Circulars and question blanks sent free. Inquiries answered. 1 frK HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. -o Cooking an d Beating Stoves. MANUFACTURERS OF )- K Sheet-Iron, Tin and Copper Ware, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.- 212 First and cor. Salmon Street. PORTLAND 10ft FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. OPP. LADD & TILTON'S BANK. You are reiectlullv Invited to call at the office of the , OREGON HOmSTBAD CO. And examine our lUt of Properties , the finest ai best .. ot which ia Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland, LOTS 50X100 FT. EAST SIDE. PRICES $700 TO $850 EACH. LIBERAL. TERMS Partiw who deslralovialt and siamint thia property will And our agent and team ready at suf tltua Jres ot expena S 50 7 50 1 50 1 50 Bcnaarfcakle Kcacne. commissioner, Mason, Milton, Lamberson, E, Solomon, O,. Wilson, J H. ' Mason, Milton, CarhUI. D. Brinson, It B, Aaron Austin, ' Huber, Jucob, t 1 Kessy.KW, Baker, Albert, ' Cnle.RD, ' Conyers. WK, ' Barnes, G W, fees and supplies. ., Meeker, W A, fees as aheriff Lane, Edward. Juror, circuitcouit.. UW, Casper, " " Hlackforn. J M. " " Ungfeldt, C, " " ........ Quiun, J'umes, " " Br(rer, O C, " Burr, James, " " Frante, John, " " ........ Baton, OE. " " ........ Rwlciick, J M, " " ........ Archibald, t, " " ........ Hosier, C W, " " Morrill, Edwin. " " Hnyburn.J. " " ........ Woodham, F, " Cualiman, E A, " Doerr, Henry, " ' Woodruff, IU, ' " King, A, " " Wilson. John, " " Howard, H, " " - Page, Edward, " " ........ Soffert, Albert, " " Jepon, EL, " "' Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfteld, 10., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treat ed for a month by her family physician, but Krew worse. He told her she was a hope less victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist nuggested Dr. King's new discovery for 10 60 Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found , herself uenentea irom the first dose. 8h continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housswork and is as well as evr she was. Free trial bot tles of this Great Discovery at Edwin Robs' Drugstore. We also offer 109 10-acra tracts belonging to th Hawthorne eetat. at HULSBoao, Washington county, U milea vest of Portland, one hour's ndt by rail, three timea daily. 41 acraa. Improved (arm 7 mllss eouth of Port land, nearClackamM. Clackiunaa elation, a r. R. K.. cood hauae. land all fenced, good water, aome timber; price 1150 per acre, oaay torms. 20 00 S3 40 14 751 18 75 IS 00 2 00 4 00 300 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 16 00 23 00 43 50 151 55 12 00 22 00 20 00 20 00 17 00 10 80 20 00 10 00 U 20 20 00 12 80 13 20 11 20 2 20 I8 60 14 00 20 00 13 60 10 20 22 00 10 80 20 00 T20 21 00 CLrFTOisr hilx. colony. Warra Salhoh. Waan, AugurtW, Ml. This Is to certify that the "Oregon Homestead Company" haa secured forms ood home'teads. requiring Utile, if any eleariux. with nrst-claae soil, f Call iablM as well as to the production of every variety of grain and (nilta that can be grown in juall tornia "reran and Washington, and we have located tnereon. Said homesteada are aituated oas he Washington aide of the Columbia river, convenient to the landing or a daily 1 ne of x'" indopiletoHo.JRlvataaon,oiitheUneoithe Union PciH railway. ' city of Portland. Wscotdially recommend our Irienda and othera to Join our colony. (Signed, 8. A. Cinr. 4i5 T 'at.. Fortland. W.J.KotB.a Oak at., Portland. -W. . Batis, cor. Front and Hall sta., Portland. Chib. H. Cutbsoa, 271 Fourth at., Piirtland. 0. r. Cooa, cor. Fourth and i rta., . Porlland. C. B. BiAcawBU.. cor. 4th and J at. . Portland. r ur t-.v..n. M prfr .t. . Pnrtlaitn. F.'Piiaca, cor. Third and Aah aia., Portland. , There are now aiity aetllcrs In the colony and claims enoogh for 10 to li more families. Call and obtain full particulars. : Five, 10 and M-aere tracts Portland, Oraa. A. P. Armstrong. Prla k ri.i riL Aim. CSnLLKSB. U.I.D.. ii Bam ooursH of study, sum rs at wilioa. Bnsi ness, Shotrthaad, inmmmhif.iutdemtlitk tm Immtt i Ihnughool the VI ar. M Xilt atjtk tad at any Uua. Cauiogus Iron altu We are alao locating a colony about three miles from Port Angeles. Alsoacolonyat Hillsboro, Or. on W and 9-aere tracU at 100 and t US per acre. 4. farm mile, from St., TZT "P ipniwj, wn iuw. wuwi .'..;';'. 0 ' We have thelanrost and m-t Talnabletractaoilandin the atateaof 0'aT and v"'"" .... wirve none for subdivision or sale that we cannot have endorsed by the leading d?"tioUneiatric?TwK situated. W. receive none except such a. ha am 'lS!.lK?-rt.., PORTASOELB8. WASH., -an eleiant tract tor a colony- tSBper - hot ice. This is to certify thatiny wife has left my Mre; a.aao acrea ia a body near the above. as par acre. .-a Knorrt wit.hnut in conAent. and 1 hereafurlwillnotberesrnsible EatiiV HaiTI Aotfir) do 160 o23n20 V. 0. WINCHESTER. PUBLIC SALE! Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, November 21, 1891, At 10 o'clock A. M.. we will offer for sale at Bublio auction , at the residence of W. 1. oi.nell, Deer Manet, Columbia county, Oreiroii, the following-described property: 31 head of horses and mules; 18 wheel scrapers; 24 slip scrapers: 1 larpnulin; 2 plows; 1 wagon, andSsets of chain harness. Said live stock and tool having been left in our charge by one K. M. Cnrr during the month of Iicemter, isho, ana tne icea ana atorage charges thereon to date, amounting to SdtiS 8ft, and remainiint unpaid ; therefore in accordance with the statute made and provided in such coses we have caused this notice to be posted. It such nnpaid charges, with ch;irgea still accruing rumain unpaid at the date hereinbefore written; aaid live stock, tools, ate will be sold to the highest bidder. Terms of sale, Cash. S. W. ALDRICH & CO. Fonr Hofflesteadach, $130 Each. W.h.v..forl.a beautiful frulttarm hori's Va,urh..rull auitable for a r,MUse farm 12,1100. Terma, cash, balance oaltroo. Cailandget full parliculara. M aorea fine cleawd land near Roaeburg. Oregon, nearly all level dotted with beautiful oak trcL j per acre. Bpendtd fruit and grain farm. One lere tract, near Port Angeles, t2S per acre. eaah. J Special !- A party ia forming her to visit the Vn"e ?!" ?' F"'".r!b,n Hurlna the month ot Dcceraoer. to oeaDwui tumyi ... fuaiinorlor to those ot California la llwS, Tli Inaicamanta offei without the hardshipa then endured. Thi Moats Anaerlr. rea e far superior to those oi vamornia iu "ir--:'.- 1--; rai. ine" of 5elwaajiia exceed In richness anv ever discovered In Catl.s)rialaj Oregon. In addition to coffee, cocoa and all the tropical fruit. ANOTHER PAHT. l?an awlony of frrt TeUMfarnVri aSS fruit ralsera. For full lnlormattoa. aend a atamps M R. GEORGE E. PLACE, Care of our. office, Oregon Homestead Co. FiRSTST.