The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 13, 1891, Image 1

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    784 Subscriber
In Columbia County.
Leading Paper of Colombia Connty.
Advertising Medium In Columbia Co.
VOL. 8.
NO. 46.
Circulation, 1,(
. MY '
J. R. BEEGLE, Publisher.
Th County Oftlqlal Paper.
Nubaerlplloa Mat..
n mil mi. r In wtnauea ......11 AO'.ll Month, , 7(1
Mlu ri
A4v.rtl.lnii Mat..,
Pmh-wlotial nard, on fur.,,.,,,...,.
On milumii on. yrr
IMtl citlumti on. r ,
Unaitrr onlumu u yar.,... ,
II . Inch him mnnlh.. ......
On llll'h IhllHt uimillil. .......
Ou. Inch ill mmiUw.
noilHM, ir tin Inr am lumr
ilon; 10 o, nil w lln. tin .ark HtMwiieil In'
I.. I adrertlxHuint., II. M) t Inch fur Br.t
liiMirilim, ml ' out p I HH'0 lor n uim iiiwriinu.
Count? ORI.era.
Jinlirc. ,. .......
Ol.rk .... ........
.l. i. Hwtu.r.HI, II. Ion
K. K HIIIKS, HI. Ill- .11.
.,.Wiu. Mkr, HI, I Mum
......... .'I, W. Ciilo,!.
riant, ul KVIhkiI.
.......J, (I. Walla, Srainno
Kurr.jor ....
C. t. Iliinil, llalnlrr
A. II, 1,1111., Ml. Il.l.n.
jl.iul rtppiirnr, Vernon1.
III, W, Harill-a, CI.U4.lll.. Nolloa.
. ViHir..-L ll.l.n. U4t: No. !H -IUnlr
cnutmunlratlim, Aral awl Third I4.tnl.tii rsi'li
.mill .1 7 w r. m at Mamlc Hall. Vl.ltlug
wmi-r. a .lanillnt Invllcd
M imiku;.- Ilaliurt aU Hn. w Muuxl I
In.. iMIar'a. on nr lfu wb lull miuii at 1 M
r. m. at Mauinls Hall, owr lti.iirh.r.11. .inr.
Vlillliigaiaaitwralii food llanilliif lurllwl to
riral Haml.r-lMwr Island, 1 1 . M. llekmi.
T OD r H.
Mwiiil Huihlar-Nwr Cliy.ll. H.I It.ulwu,
1 i c. a, -
Third ttmnUy-illllton, It . M.i lluultou, 2 I .
fourth Hula) Haarltt l.laiut (ulllaliau), II
Vhm Malta. ' '
Pown rlrw (hoot) eloam at S . n. ,
l rlwr lxai) nlnam at I r. H. '
Th mall lot Vwnnnia aud rittaharg' Icarea
HI. II.IiuTum.U, Tnur'l. and NUurday at
a. .
Th nail Inr Manhland. and MIM
Hirfia Uulou Monday, lu,l.) anil r'thl.r at
VI p.
Mall lr.ll war) north cIom at 10 a a : lor
Porllaiiil al a r. a).
Tra.alor' UMld.-ltlt.r Koal...
t.ii. W. KHavaalawrM nr. tlalaiii (or
rurllawl al II a 1'undar, 1 Uiirlr aud Mai
ard.r ! HI. IIkIhii. Inr (,'l.i.k.ul. hub
4.. HXiwHlair and Friday to . a.
ttriiaia Jiw.rH kRt,LHiulavr. Ml. Ilclrin
Inr Porilasd dally airi Mund.f at 39 a. a.
Hrwrnlm, laa.a fmU.u.l t J . r. a.
Physician and Surg-eon,
I. H.I.B., Or.
Pbyslolan and Surgeon,
C'lal.kaal.. Columbia V., Or.
T. A, M Hit, A. I, Damunta,
Attorneys ': at '. Law,
lii.f.i CHr. Or.
fronpl altrntlun Ui laud oltlr balnmu
Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
'' , ' ti. Hol.n. Or.
f.'oantjf Biirn jror. Ijtnd iirrin. town nlal
llni and nlnntrlii( wwk piumull. duiw.
, W. T. Btiaxiv. ' . W. Oatra.
Attorneys at Law,
roa Cltr, Or, mm" iHiimir aa RHl.tor'of thi
Uulll tat Unit OBi liar rortitnm.nda u
In our .pui'laliy ol all kind, ul bu.lunu lwlr
th. Uud Otriu or Hi. ('.urn, and Involving lb
liraatlu la th, (J.u.ral Utnd Orllo..
Oroa t'llri Or.
(fU Sprclal A(nt ol General taud Ofllm.)
lliiunxtoad, l'romillon and Tluibvr l.ud An
iiU.anoiu and iillirr laud llltlc. llu.lunaa a
Aiwolaliy, omr, Htoud Kloor, Und Olllc.
Hotary Public tud Seal Estita Agent
K.uliaa, Colombia Co., Or.
Th nnil.r.lKn.d will atlnd to and wrllly to
II bn.lni'M iMiUlnliiii u til traiutiTrln ol
ral cataUt, and anawer iounlrlM rvlatliiK to
liH'allnn and advaiitavin. IxiUlntli. Inwin ol
Noar, (Inlii or Kriilwn. will alo attend to
r.ii.lnni'lalma, twlnar aHtlmrlavd to hr lHl
raouioltluu limn th n( lilt" r nr. ,
, . K. WINtiBltT.
Real Estate Agent,
St. Helins, Oheqon. - '
-(10 TO-.
John A. Beck,
Watchmaker and Jeuieler,
, : , ; . -FOIl YOUR-
Th rluMt AtMtrtin.ut of Watobai, Clock, and
. J.welty ol all lieni'iiniuni.
Front Street, Portland, Oregon,
Hay, Shingles, Lime, Land Plaster. Also Flour, Bacon
Wliith we dell cJioitp
01a,tstea,xiie Line.
J. W. SHAVER, Master.
IifTUTH I'lirtliind from AMer-strcpt dock Monday, via Wcatport,
Hkaiiiokttwa and Cuthluuwt, Wt'dnemlay and Friduy for CJatskanie,
UnicliiiiK at HauvifH Inland, St. Hvlona, Columliia City, Kulania, Necr
City, Kniniur, Ctnlitr Landing, Mt. Cotl'tn, Ilradlmrv, .Stella, Oak Point
and all intermediate pointH, returning TuondnjTliuriiday and Saturday.
Tliis (Ifhirklilo jirojxirty adjoins Milton Stationon the Northern Pacific
And in only 1 J mil." from St, Helens,
river. Milton week, a wautitul mountain stream, runs wunin
2i)0 yards of thin jroerty, furniBliingan inexliu ustiblo
supply of water fur all puriMJHes.
LOTS, 50x100 FEET,
Banging in price from 50 td $100, can bo secured from
D. J. Switzer, St. Helens, Oregon
Joseph Kellogg
Il uxU...MM4. Leaves KELSO Monday, Wetlnenday anafri
II O rtnWGST day at 5 a. m. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 0 a. m.
JOSEPH KELLOGG daily, Sunday excepted, arriv
ing at Portland at 10:30 a. m. Returning, leaves PORTLAND at 2:30
i m., arriving at l". m.
W rarrv a
th vanv
Trl, Bam, r.rtlllier,,
Etc., B..K..p.r' Suppll,
Ulv n. a tilal order.
F. L. POSSON c SON, 209
Huroe.aora to Miller Broa.
Freshest, Purest and Best of Everything
DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor.
and get MORE POWER ..
and use LESS WATER
, Writ, tor enr W.w C.tloo. of
fur ciibJi. Give m a call.
et own.
tho county-seat, on tho Columbia
fi CO.'S STEiipRS
and Northwest
1 SON.
full atork ol.
R.aT S..dl,
Second Street. Portland, Or.
Catalou. Fro.
8 lllLILsU
Fine Lithograpic Stone
Found in Utah.
Cl&us Sprenkels' Son Purohases the
Entire Street Railway Sys
tem at San Diego.
ficarlot fever ii at E'ko, Nov.
Pen 1 leton is cleaning oat the gamblen.
Tortland ii determined to enforce the
Sunday law.
In Millard county, Utah, fine litho
graphic atone ha been found.
U Angelee is being flooded by "green
goou." circular! from New York.
The wreck of th. bark Charle Devena
at Coo Bay ia to be removed at once.
Rancher around Idaho Falls, Idaho,
are offering potato e In the field at 10
nanta ner 100 ooundl. ihlnmenta from are now
averaging twenty cirloadi a day. The
total alnpment. nu reacn l.uuucarieaus.
Tl.rt KM.nuJa it.m Ilia Amnfllptinn of .
railroad from Salt Lake to Lo. Angeles
are lair accoraing urepornuvreiH;iic
bos Angeiei.
. t, QnMr.WAl. inn a! Plana flnrar.k
el, hsi purchaeed the entire system of
. 1 . . i: -. u r.,. ,. ,1 M..II
sireevcar uiiev ai. ou u.ugv, ...
apply electricity in operating them.
. nitlcAjfrt nnnrtlnir
man, was robbed of nearly $8,000 be
tween AlDuquerqu. nu ruiiuu. o
.rriA.1 tha monev in a small handbag.
Oeorze Clark, who ts charged witn tna
killing 01 Bupennmnueu. vjiwm
while the latter was taking a bar of gold
tn Navada Citv. has surrendered to the
. n ' . 1 . ,ll...,,l
Prof. Martin V. Bampson. professor of
KngllBa I" W0 OlW IIIITDIO". w ,
of English in the Leland Btanford (Jr.)
rA .alLimnwn niinhlim at Portland
chanre that there is a gambling trust in
that city, ana tnai irom .j,wj
U collected monthly and given to officials
to insure the gamblers from being inter
It Is just announced that three East
ern parties, whose names are withheld,
have donated 150,000 to the endowment
fund of the Pomona College and 125,000
for a building to be erected during the
coming spring. ,
The United States government has sent
a told watch and chain to be presented
to Csptain D. D. Boop of the British
bark Norcros at Victoria, B. C, for the
rescue ol the crew of the American ship
William McUilvray in August, 1889.
While the penitentiary commission
ers were in session at the Santa Fe
prison, three prisoners, with "wooden
revolvers," wrapped with tin toll, held
up the guard, and two escaped in a car
riage which was in front of the building.
La. Mnnvta r.a,tnrUi1 frnm frtllt TOW-
ers in all parts of California south of
r resno 11 is iouna mat mo wwi HJ"""
rop in mat region mi. annuo n u
ine-eiuhth of a full crop. In Pomona
Valley it has been even smaller than
Je'm Moron, a section bos on the
i.lunilA anrl lai
n lltllklt esiiu nvniv .vv--F -
arrested at Albuquerque, and property
.;..!. mram .tolan frnm ft Pullman .lefiDer
onthe20tb nit. and belonging to Mrs.
Mcuiernana 01 rori ningaio wo
on his person.
Specimens of ore which assays $14.68
in silver, with traces of gold, lead and
arsenic, have been taken to San Jose by
Charles Sohaeffer, who has located the
mine In the L,lagaa, near iew Aimeuan,
in Sunt Clsra county. The ledge is
twenty feet thick.
ri. nf ll,o V.m n I. In flnnAf.
Alio op. latii. v. ...w . , 1
wa, caused by the settlement of lands
.... . 1. .. : . uflavnallnn hnl tA rKlfh
OUMUIO fcUCH Irani muvti, . -
tliev lay claim, 01 Mexican iarnui. to.
if ,i,noA fumlllp hAva been
destroyed by fire, and the Vaquis have
retreated to tna mountain..
The Union Pacific has decided not to
f..ll.. il. ...mnla ii tbn NArthom Pa-
IU1IU. , , ,u . . fi v. . - -
cine by withdrawing one of its trans
continental trains during the winter.
The officials of the company at Portland
say that the line is doing a big business
and can anora two trains uaity.
TheWeBt Coast Fire and Marine In-
- nAn.Knn.. , TMnma lift. KoPn
declare! insolvent, and Its officers will
be criminally mulcted, tne company
appearing to have been run in their
, TUunwm ran hahlnd ii i -
1111113. . ..V'.iw... " ' ,
000 last year, but paid dividends every
three montns.
Henry Villard In a speech at Portland
thought the depression In railroad inter
ests in the Northwest is due to so many
new lines without immediate compen
sating returns. He thinks the situation
Is growing worse, and a crisis may be
expected within the next six months,
caused by competition and rate wars.
The Santa Fe Company is making
preparations to thoroughly develop the
business of raising early vegetables in
Southern California for the Chicago
market. It is expected shortly to send
solid vegetable trains through on the
same time as passenger trains, the esti
mate being that Chicago can consume
and distribute 10J cars of vegetables a
E. J. Livernash, the LIvermore editor
who created a sensation in San Fran
cisco by a masquerading episode, went
to Cloverdale Wednesday night and
shot four times at an old man seventy
vears of age, named Etheridge, whom
he imaged to be Judge Joachimsen of
8n Fmnclsco. The wounds are flesh
wounds. I.ivernash is pronounced In
ane, and will be taken to Napa.
It Ib confidently stated that the Iron
moldera' strike at San Francisco, which
has been going on over twenty months,
is soon to be declared off by the men.
The terms upon which this will be
brought about are not as yet known in
detail. The molders will make large
concessions, the principal of which is
that in the future all foundries will be
what are called' "open" shops, the
union allowing its members to work in
hops where non-union men are employed.
Bardiley's Occupation In the Pennsyl-
VIHIIU rsiiiiviiiimf mnnx'H,
Pepper Boxes.
It is no longer good form to call the
Emperor of Japan the Mikado. He is
now called Kotei, and the Chinese Em
peror answers to the title Bakudahan.
Chsrlea Stewart Parnell according to
Thorns. Biggar Harrison was the person
who dubbed fnnce Albert victor, ijueen
Victoria's eldest grandson, "Uoliars ana
"Honest" John Bardsloy's present
occupation in the Pennsylvania peniten
tiary is making pepper boxes. He has
gained twenty pounds in weight since
his term began,
Einile Orainer, a wealthy Frenchmen,
has taken the liveliest interest in the
building-np of the commercial prosperity
of the Ktate of Wyoming, and has al
ready spent $100,000 in the work, upon
which he has been engaged for the past
eight years.
Von Mumm, the German Secretary of
Legation and Charge d'Affaires, will con
tinue to represent his government at
Washington until a successor to the late
Count von Arco-Valley is appointed.
Milium is a very proper name for a dis
creet diplomate.
Of the land pertaining to the late
Chief Jnstice Cbnse's home nesr Wash
ington, D. C, called "Edgewood," about
seventeen acres have been laid out for a
villa site, but the remaining thirty-six
acres Kate Chase still retains with the
old mansion, which continues to be her
Even the famous people have their
vanities. Meissonier was proud of his
shapely and delicate hands. He said
that his fingers were so sensitive that be
could with his eyes shut lay on the ex
act amount of color that he wanted on a
gi,en sp-t if somebody placed the point
of the hruah upon it.
Achille PerelH, who died a few days
go in New Orleans, was one of the most
dictingu shed sculptor, in the United
States. He was born in Milan, Italy,
and was a pnpil of Galli, a celebrated
Italian sculptor. After fiVhting many
battles while in Garibaldi's army he
came to this country, and resumed his
artistic work in Louisiana.
Old man Adams, who founded the
Adam Krnre.e Company, was aa a lad
a staliln helper and bartender in Boston.
An old iadv, who took pity on the desti
tute six-year-old adrift in the world, got
him nimn in a trrorerv. The whirligig
of time has so brought t hinge aronnd, as
th. story goes, that the dauguter 01 trial
nn nl.l Iadv ia now said to owe much
of the comforts of her life to Waldo
Adams, the son ol the irienuiess Doy.
Prof. James Hall of New York is a
grand example of well-preserved powers,
phveicnl and mental. He has been an
incessant worker all his life, and at 81
h haaviimr and strength that msny men
at 40 would envy. He is the Nestor of
American geologists, and the recent I n
trnutimia.l (ieoiMnhical Congress at
Waahinnton. which he attended, hon
ored him with a special greeting in writ
ing, signed by many of the most emi
nent geologisti iu the world.
The skilled hand of Miss Abigail
DoHge. better knuwn to the public aa Himiln.n mv the New York Prf:
is to be eeen in the announcement that
a petition for the pardon of Mrs. May
brick, the American lady who was con
YieteH nf noimning her husband in Eng
land and sentenced to penal servitude
for life, has been signed by Mrs. Presi
dent Harrison and the wives of all the
Cabinet members and sent for presenta
tion, to Queen Victoria.
The Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Depatment Files His Report
for the Fiscal Year.
Assistant Secretary Bussy, of the In
terior Department, has filed his report
for the fiscal year. The report reviews
the work of the board of pension ap
peala. It shows that January 1, 1-91,
there were 5,023 appeals pending before
the beard, aa against o,wu juiv 1, isi.
Mr. Bussey points out several defects in
nenainn legislation, and makes a num
ber of recommendations looking to their
correction. He asks that Congress be
rea nested to enact a law that shall ex
pressly authorise the department to
treat all improper, illegal aud excessive
Momenta of nensions. whether caused
by fraud or mistake, as payments to be
charged against tne current pension,
with a view to readjust or equal the cur
rent nen.inn navments within the dis
cretion of the Secretary. He suggests
tnai in case 01 iiisnuo, miui.u; ui w.v,
wiw. helnlejia children of deceased pen
sioners, of pensionable age, the limit be
ahnlinhed. so aa to admit such children
at any date to the pension roll. He
aim recommends that persons who
.ervml in the Confederate army and
afterwards enlisted in the navy of the
United States be given tne same pen
sion accorded those who served the Con
federate cause and then enlisted In the
army of the United States.
Under the authority of. the act of
Congress, approved September 28, 1800,
the Director of the Mint has prepared a
new design for silver coin, which has
been approved by the Secretary of the
Treasury. The design is intended for
1 , JllnM m,aura rwl in.Aft On
11n.11 UUUIIID. .,..,, 1 u m..v. v.
the obverse lace of the coin is a female
head representative of liberty looking to
.. . . . -. 1 , , t .1 IY. .
tne rigni Wlin an onvo Miu iiu3
naeian can on the back of the head. On
the band, or fillet, over the front of the
head is the word "Liberty," and over
the head at the top of the coin, "in uou
We Trust." Around the medallion are
thirteen stars, and at the bottom the
date of coinage. On the reverse side
annears the seal of the United States,
as adopted in 1782, an eagle with open
wings, on tne Dreasi a buiciu arguni,
.ii nnllets irules. a chief azure. In his
dexter claw the eagle holds an olive
branch, representing peace, ana in tne
sinister claw a aheaf of thirteen arrows.
representing war. In his beak the eagle
holds a scroll containing "E Pluribus
Unnm " entwined above and about the
head with thirteen stars, environed by
clouds. This will be the design of halves
and quarters. The dime on the obverse
side, in place of the stars, will have
"United States of America." "In God
We Trust" will be omitted from the
dime. The reverse of the dime will be
the same as the present dime in use.
The reverse of the half and quarter ia a
return to the deelgn of almost the first
coinage of the ooantry.
River Making Inroads
on New Orleans.
Black Diphtheria Spreads at Alarm
ing Rate in an Iowa Nor
' wegian Settlement
Iron is to be made at Chattanooga by
an electrical process.
The Supreme Court of North Dakota
sustains the prohibition law in every
The people of Broeklyn have sounded
an emphatic call for another bridge
across the East river.
Nicaragua needs water badly, and
American well drillers with pumping
outfits are in demand.
Georgia statesmen have resolved to
return to ths eld custom of annual meet
ings of the Legislature.
A rich amber deposit, it ia reported,
has been discovered in Ontario, the esti
mated value of which is $7,000,000.
Louisiana sugar men are objecting
strongly to the appointment of negroes
1 inspectors under ine oouniy iaw.
The inroads of the river en New
Orleans continue, and may prove a
rather serious matter for a part ol tne
A canal to connect Jamaica Bay with
the Great South Bay, on tue south
shore of Long Island, is spoken cf as
Before the eloee of the year four new
cruisers two at Baltimore, one as. Nor.
folk and one in Philadelphia will have
been launched.
The number of DOStoffieea in the
United States is officially stated to be
64,391, showing an increase of 2,000 over
last year at tuts time.
Bv an order tbe Secretary of War baa
reduced from thirty-five to thirty years
the maximum age at which army re
cruits will be accepted.
Iimatios Donnelly has begun two
more libel suits against the St. Paul
Pioneer-Preu. He ia not satisfied with
the verdict just given to him.
The Delaware Indiana have lust re
ceived S454.000. being one-half of the
sum given them by the government for
lands in tbe Indian territory.
An ingenious person in Chicago has
invented an automatic Adelma Patti.
It ia a life-sized wax figure, which imi
tates her smiles, gestures and poses.
Tmrino' the last eight months the
number of locomotive engines exported
from the United States was 259. against
ninety-three in the corresponding period
of 1890.
The Naw York naval reserve artillery
ia rapidly tilling up its ranks to the
maximum, and is inaugurating a fixed
programme lor tbe winter a arm.
Ail the liauor dealers in Bar Harbor.
Me., including proprietors of summer
restaurants, have been lndtctetZ lor al
leged violation of the liquor laws.
The government propose, to build
annlhdr timhor iloelr in the nAV vara
at Brooklyn, the accommodations of the
other two docks being maun eieni. it
is to be about 600 feet in length.
The Commercial Club of Kansas City
has called a convention to meet Decem
ber 15 and 16, to urge upon Congress
systematic improvements of tu Mis
souri and lower Mississippi rivers.
The Governor of Tenneesee has oJered
reward of S5.000 for the arre-1 and
conviction of the leaier of the Brice-
ville riot, and a reward of $25 each for
the capture of the escaped convicts.
An agreement has been concluded
with the Tonkawa tribe of Indians of
the Indian Territoay. by which the
Indians cede to the United States 80,000
acres of land, the consideration being
Kansas City officials have been
wrought up to a high state of excite
ment by the discovery ol gold in samples
of strata pierced by a drill while drilling
for the water-worka tunnel under the
Missouri river.
President Noel of the Olympic Club at
New Orleans has telegraphed Sullivan's
agents in New York offering $25,000 for
the Blavm-ouinvan contest lor aiarcn:
also a solid gold pitcher emblematic of
the world's supremacy. '
Black diphtheria is spreading at an
alarming rate in a Norwegian settle
ment lnooiuier vauey, Harrison county,
Iowa.- Fourteen persons recently died
of the disease. One family of ten lost
six members. The place has just been
quarantined. '
Attachments aggregating $700,000 have
been issued against tue iron ana i.ana
Comnanv of Minnesota at Duluth.' The
nnrnnratmn is comnosed nrincinallv ol
Englishmen, and it ia charged that the
English holders nave a scheme to loos
after their individual interests regard-
less of the interests of the Ainericar
The Dormanent 'conrmittee ' at New
York a uniform "bills of lading has
adopted a new export bill of lading, em
bracing the conditions ot tne present
bill of lading and the conditions of the
ocean bit's at present in use in New
York. This bill will be used for all
business originating in the West, and
will go into effect December 1. , ,
' Collis P. Huntington, the railroad
king, is defendant in a suit brought by
Perkins, Goodwin & Co., paper dealers,
to recover frouitiim $15,627.40 for paper
furnished in 1888 to the Star Printing
Company. Mr. Huntington held $0J,
000 of the $300,000 of tbe capital stock
of the company. It is now sought to
hold him as a stockholder.
The recent wreck of the EI Dorado on
the Bahama banks has led to the dis
covery of an ingenious method of cheat
ing the government. Nine cases were
marked linen goods, while only three
contained toweling, the rest having
costly kid gloves. The goods were dam
aged, but being in bond were shipped
to New York, and the government ap-
traisere in seeking to ascertain the
osa discovered the cheat. There is a
hint that the San Francisco Custom
house would be involved.
Western University Student. In Alle
ghany Abandon the Cane Rush,
nd Substitute Boxing.
New York has sixteen night schools.
Missouri has 10,000 country school
Onlv er cent, of the population of
India can read and write.
The Imperial University of Toklo. Ja
pan, baa 2,000 scholars enrolled.
An eleven-vear-o d Kansas boy waa
granted a teacher's certificate last week.
Members of the same family seem to
have a tendency for the same kind of
work. Of the 44,000 lady teachers 11,-
000 are sisters.
Wantern TTnivnrsit.v students in Alle
ghany abandoned their cane rush and
substituted a boxing match for point
between leading freshmen and sopno
mores. It is now announced that the unknown
giver of $50,000 to found a scholarship
at Clark University, Worcester, in De
cember, 1889, was the late Hon. George
The directors ol.tbe Lutheran Theo
logical Seminary, now located at Get
tysburg, have been considering lor some
time the plan of removing that institu
tion to Washington. .
At the Northwestern University (co
educational) at Evanston, 111., this
year, the young women are not permit
ted to receive callers except dnring the
hour from 7 to 8 p. m. On Fridays the
young men stay until 9 :30 p. m.
October 8 Colonel Amos A. rarker
of Eitzwilliam, N. H., celebrated his one
hundredth birthday. Ho ur as is known
he is the oldest college graduate in
America, having finished the course at
the University of Vermont in 1813.
The Fayerweather bequest will go far
toward meeting tho exjense 0 many
necessary improvements in Dartmouth
College. More apparatus, baths ami
lockers will soon be aauea to ine gym
nasium, and improvements in Reed
Hall will also be made.
The Methodist University of Wash
inirtnn is ranidlv taking Bhape, and in a
short time the fine site, which has been
purchased by means of the contribu
tions of the . residents of the Capital
City, will present an active scene as the
various buildings are erecieu.
In 1642 Harvard graduated a class of
nine members. A hundred years later
the graduating class numbered twenty
four. A century later yet the number
hsd doubled sgam, and in lauo Har
vard graduated her first class of 100
members. Twenty years later the
classes hsd more than donbied again,
and now the entering class 01 tins year
more than quadruples that number.
The Lady Managers Decide to Establish
a Model Sanitary Kitchen in the
Woman's Building.
Florida's World's Fair building will
reproduce old Fort Marion.
Nicarauga wants hall an acre tor tue
lite of its building at the exposition.
The government building lor tne
World's Fair is making satisfactory
progress. ,
A bill to appropriate $550,000 for the
World's Fair exhibit has been intro-
duced in the Brazilian Congress.
The old curiosity shop which Dick
ens immortalized will be one of the in
teresting exhibits at the World's Fair.
The World's Fair at Chicago will con
tain a pumping plant of 40,000,000 gal- '
Ions per day, and its coat will be $15),
000. The Hamburg-Ameriean Packet Com
pany, of which Carl Scburs is tbe New
York director, has subscribed $5,000 to
tbe exposition stock.
Quartish, the noted London book
dealer, intends to send to the exposi
tion an autograph letter of Christopher
Columbus, for which he paid $5,000.
Commissioner Shufeldt has cabled
from Cape Town, South Africa, that an
exhibit of diamonds and feathers worth
.$300,000 will be sent from Cape Town.
Virginia's building at the exposition
will be of the old colonial type, meas
uring .13x76 feet, two stories high and
surrounded by a plaza fifteen feet wide.
Ita cost will be $20,000.
The little old building on Arch street,
Philadelphia, where Betsy Rosa made
tbe first flag for the United States army,
is likely to be removed bodily and
taken to Chicago for exhibition at the
World's Fair.
The great imitation coast-line battle
ship, which is to constitute and contain
the government's naval exhibit, is in an
advanced state of construction. It will
ail be inclosed before winter weather
seta in, and all the interior work will be
completed by spring.
Dr. John E. Owens, the medical dl
rictor of the exposition, has promised
Mqg. Potter Palmer that women shall
receive official recognition upon the med
ical staff. The number to be appointed
has not yet been announced, but assur
ance has been given that women phy
sicians will professionally rank equal
with men and share the duties of the
exposition hospital.
The art palace on the lake front, which
will be built by the art institute, assist
ed to the extent of $200,000 by the exposition-
company, will cost about $700,-
000,000. Tbe designs and plans of
8hepley, Rutan & Coolidge of Boston,
have been adopted. . During the expo
sition the building will be used by tbe
World's Congress auxilliary for some of
its numerous meetings. -.
California is the first State to respond
to Chief Buchanan's request that each
State coutributajhe trunks of three tt
ita most characterictic trees, to be used
in constructing a rustic eolonade for the
forestry building.--'California's contri
bution includes a sugar pine furnished
by theTowle Bros, Company of Altaj a
redwood by J. F, Cunningham of Santa
Cruz, and a sequoia, by Smith Comstock
of Tulare. .;
One of the unique features of the
Mexican exhibit at the fair will be the
celebrated Panduza famly, consisting of
five persons, who are probably the most
expert workers in clay and modelers of
figures in the world. The family will be
sent to Chicago by the State of Guadala
jara. It Is the intention to provide a
Mexican house for them to live in dur
ing the fair and a work shop, whese their
work may be inspected, -