The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 30, 1891, Image 4

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    I- I
.1- OC ff lm AN K rirjiVLi. ' "
foil "OSON A SOU,"?""
eujnt was :Mm lit T-Trn
' A av . . .
" wbiii wnmn la ata, -.
PiwKStaH - an . AetastSMtl,
No on who ha art upon on of tb bsacbes
a m smpuHUealr around the nmou
table vw forjreta hi Brat visit there. It
wn n sees that Indelibly Ira
PJNww hi rnmwry a muoh as Um Indsarrtb
abl emotions which perhaps overwhelm him
when th urnwn i ready to mak thHrl
wwcu oi um siur, Tdh it hi that an In.
""" uissinea mim mm iw onruer. To
mmnnra air amus miffomtiua. A
anusrw, Uk tt,to that of seaaiokiweeTriods
hh atonmoh. U feel um blood kav hi
fnce, aiwl if ha la hl by a treroeodou affort
of Um will to crush dowa Um waakncat.
Motors and blindiieaa that ar fast deprir
la him of hi hmh, b dot well. Hi eves
J. C. Davis, Rector of St James1
Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Al.:
' My son has been hadlv aDtu
with fearful and IhreateniugcouRh !Ld riL1.!'0' 00 -Hlf Pm,u
forralnioath.,, and tifteftr, XtKrr
wveral prescriptions from physicians thwy. ifheatansitt. ini,ei,2
which failed to relieve him, he has Wl" tw f step and then tumw fa
been jwrfecUy restored by the use of. !.lT,500."r whK, iu b w
two bottles of rJv fw'dl--KiMdaby
An Episcopal schee's German Syr- hiiita incnu of tuu .Snraoill
Up. 1 Can recotn- rrequent at Uw incomlus of a oaw claat la
Ructor. ructid it without
hesitation." Chronic
evtre, deep-seated coughs like this
are as severe tests as a remedy can
be subjected to. It is for these long
standing cases that Boschee'a Ger
man Syrup is made a specialty.
Many others afflicted as this lad
was, will do well to make a note ol
J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,
writes: I always use German Syrup
for a Cold on the Lunjjs. I have
never found an equal to it far less
a superior. 9
G. C GREEN, Sole Uaafr.Woodbtiry.lJ.
For sportsmen, tourists and
others who spend their time in
the open air. Mastiff cut plug
smoking tobacco is absolutely
the best. Packed in patent can
vas pouches which retain the
moisture arid flavor. More soli J
comfort in one package of Mastifl
than you can get out of a dozen
others. ' '
i. B. IN Tvfaaoa Co ItU-hmu 1 Ybytoia.
Um tail It b a ooouikhi tight at that
jjr rwo or 16 new atudntt with wvwbaxoo
. " mm rm4om of tna-
Mckmaa ia Um yard outside Um anthiUMati
" muner off Nandy Hook who lh
i mnw aaa TbtatM aiw aailing la
F" i paralyiiiig wmkum to r
pwraoM. otuxf naaof Mrooc
Vbuat tMnperannnt, who doet know what
f".T" imr M, and who ar anr that tb
mgw v a liat bknd would ovr aaak
them wiuo. ar axn fraqucaUy Um rictina
of Uu involuntary faiatDaa Uaa ar their
wvuer ciaauaavtMk
To tna.1T Um fuamof aUm-ar cMuaaaUng,
and thafft of their atnotion arwthu i
' Vour currwipotKlHtt waa cavaful
toaatrib hia aqotamhihni oa th w i aaiua
of hi ftnt visit to thi nuuav Maa aamuv
tar with tb fhaaUy foatunw of (raat rail
rad acvHkft. autotiuo. mortW r.l
Uar horror had. howwror. mad aim proof
again Um mora rtoleat tvinptoina of tb
arafiaiiiMatiw cnalady. tli own inunuaity
Wd him to maka a aariou miataka a fw
wmkaago. BayiakUl to UMioliottatioasof
ayoun; auui who waa annuo to m tb
myataMiaatof Um optraUno; room, and a to
vitad him to nak a rtmit anm amii. .1..
Tha youiif man had aebjad oar toronsor
,1 wo rwiMof aeddtnt, and wa quits
Z- I "'" would nut fir way at ago! of any
mount or Mood letting. Tb writar bad
anOM igimg, and a botel
youoa man batUd at Brat take a back at
o a ould niak hi way oat quiatly ia
hi feelings oiweua him. Tb Orat
- rr .iti oaiy Tha Who Its I
i as I uuitii-vhaiid.
vnMoay, wtnd rrwh and alMam, tb ship
staggurliig l,uig under UHKUntalls, tb
ery wa heard, "Man ovwlioardr" Thoa
-w osvw otn at w too what thlt
o own written up nuuiy
jiim, but no writing can Xrw J.ut what
" mvy. Yim ihtnd on
"" ' "M ship rutting and sheer
ing uirougn in boisterous wave. You
in. th pit of peac, and Uuuik your
Ilhsar1 Sl..a u . ,
j uafuu arv mH a,, tt, M.
Ped to danger from bora cars, poUwinen,
are engines and tb liko, but safe on tward
food ship with a strong breea and a ctwu
asa. But look. If you rOeass, beyond tb k but-'
wnrks, aud WeUire. if vuu nan th. ...,.,n
chain- a man would hav If fewtwl Into that
"uruing man or nro waves. They www
9 kap and (run out nr a (..,.. Vk..
WUld MISS TOU. U tiur nuiLt ..4 k. I
buffet you about, twist kiiul aiwl H...K
nut it ached, and dash their mad f twin aonwa
your face until no mora free air could mi Ui
poor gasping lungs, ik more free action could
M had from th tired limbs, and th war wuuui uasnorer rou nut mi i
UMir mad triumph. Every sailur know ail
this, whenever be to aluft nr nmau ku
calling in any part of Um ship, and so h
cnrfui and alert, and tries ssiety all Um
Bermuda Bottled, i
1MI a-w
rHS 4m BMM t wtil mm BM
m. ir im mmm iraee.- atui,
-, Sor wrllkf-r ur
liner- smr III erj- - ,l m
km la tasawtslMc, try
I saaarMsa rail It atrawa mf
Ued, sa stssy rsMsei .
ItivinhitiSf Cougb
or ftorere CoUI
I ban rt'BRat wHh It; aa4 tka
lvawisur t tttat iie am aekr-
MMirk raw sahw It. Istlstf
laitsMr watrfc) wiaarwsVi It ia tsta
' swwsMrriiM mi taw Mv
at ysMsr
It lee-
Will ))
srMra-l4' awf are yaw art
Malawi fcCWITTl KMl LftMM."
Waal aa sjrest in rrerr town la Orrspos, Wash- i
litskm and UttdM la awi) j
cane brought lo era an infant requiring a
sugns operauoa apoa tb bead. The child
was too young an U put oadar aiMMsbetioa
Th Ant tourh of tb knit facowrht a Uar
drop uf bkwd. Tb moment M appeared tb
writesr beard from tbaat behind him, wber
ua rrseaa ml, a awg drasra "tia-a-a," and
tbea a tfaumn. The young man who thought
h wooid eujoy seeing a leg sawed off had
fcerinl over at to sight of a atngla drop of
Due. ...
Tb. preifminaries and armories of aa
opsratto. at a poUtc hoepitsi ar worth d
rrtbing. Tb only differaoo ia tb treat.
meat of s free patient as compared with oa
wno py raguiar res at Um tb formr
pasas under ibe snrRcona band in Um pre
antwof a class of studmtta. Ueanrally speak
ing, ft ia a wis course for any on requu-ing
sorgkwJ tnsuawut to enter a hospital bar tb
pnrpuarratber taaa snbaul to aa operation
at butne. Tb reasun are almost obeioas.
Withia arm's reach almost of the surgeuo at
(frmt bosiital ivery instntmant and ap
pliancw known to srienoa for dealing with
any mergwn-y that can possibly arts. Thar
araJjn.rsjlsijlc conrwirnt snacbanical
arrangements that oontribnta to speed and
Uwroughnes la th work, which ran oat pos
sibly bamatsrus of In s private dwelling.
It frwjucolly bappeus, tbsrefocw, that par
son of wealth, and with good booms, who
require the aid of a snrgsrsi skill, maka a
vttut twath hospital for Um parpos.
As a 'rule the patient never mm Um operat
ing room where be ha been treated H
goc la completely uucuiisrinus, and he is
snugly tucked up in bad bsfor he realises
that be ha faord the ordeal which
boss dreading Even Um free patienta never
know that they bav p saw vl aasler Um eves
of more than th doctorsaiHi Um Dorse. Tb
etherisation of th paUetrl ia always dotM In
a email rom outside Um operating tbaatra.
Uhs prows which son. people dread mora
than an operation itself. Others enjoy H,
and wen indulge ocosMlonally in aa "ether
'trunk. so ptnasursMa ar the sensations It
trios them. Patients attacked by
and suff' vexing sensations sometimes bar
a hard time, and so do the attendant who
have them in charge. Tb antic of a patient
in .Um iciuanawt stag and before stops
faction begin are often ainosing. Just as in
Um owe of a mas noder'th influence of
liquor, only la a more esaggeratad degrea, a
peraua partially antler um effects uf
u wben th running ship, towering on
T!! miattf . dashes suddenly
onward and down, burying bar bead boom
" we ooiung sea. ana tears Uwm out again
with a tembM strain, as was the cam on this
occasion, no living thing can hold ou, and ro
our poor shipmate was dashed tutotu snt,
was struck and pamd over by the ship and
was never seen more by any living man. It
occurred InatanUy and was over in a second.
It was awn and the cry raleedi "Man over
board." Bailor must act promptly at all
Ume. In sms tun than 1 can write about it
Uf buoy were thrown over, Um ship hove to
and a boat was overboard manned by deter
mined men, resotut to ream a shipmate If
possibla. Tb effort was vain: the ! iw
turned, wa hoisted again with difficulty aud
w proceeded on our coumctM man lea.
rorast and twraam.
Ma. boaew-s Cerrwpaweisasa.
n "ta In Um aiteniooo, and yet
of correspondence mnainnd mm Uw
oesa. 1 was never mure stronirl
eonvlnced that great men occasionally bav
Why cant Deool a-rita letters .
pager n exclaimed with a pleasant amrarv
w wnu. a aa neiti no huiirw
suit of sonw oorrSDoudent effort. "1
w anything in mv life which onuldnth.
nasdetHwdtoBtasaee of good sited letter
The rapidity with which Mr. Denew mt
through his pile of letters nanrYln m
mu aaoruug onara BianasustaBt was truly
surprlsiBg. He ha evidcoUy acquired the
artof gating at "the nwwf of astory in tb
sbortw poauUe tan. To see bim do it give
mssmooo suuiiar to that produced by
te wimderful feauof a Juggler, you nut
not help admiring the perfect control of tb
racultw necessary to such celerity.
"This 1 must read mvself "Omnlv with
this request;" "Put Uiat with other papers
""" so um csw, ne sua. almust wita-
out a pausa His assistant retired with both
hands full of papers. Then Mr. Oorw turned
to hi visitors. Two were lunnuianM- mm
who bad com to ask bim what be thnucht
of the atrtka, I bar never seen snvthinir
neater than the way In whkb be refuatd to
any a word, and at Um asms time put the
journausu to good buuwr. Afterward.
weew came my turn, be Had not the mine
reason to keep silent oa the subject about
waicn I wuned to questioa him. and be di
cussed clearly and concisely. New Vork
fvor. Uiob-UeuKX-ras.
WW a BS 0 A . jm, mm gm. m m a mm I persun janMij ibuw mm eneci ut an
PIAriOS ana OKUAllOlMetlMW wsuetiinns derelups qoslities uf
liueie iKMierml. Mwiai nus on ail B"od disposition that are, to my the
Mimic (wk'n wml sweisiai rates on ail
gooda, rlv lor particulars.
' rosumD, oa.
MUM ewetwe of SUM jr , mmm Mmmm w whww.
Kusinexic Shorthand,
a! mmmm Uuvmft-mt n rsr. StwtreW aimu
fi M muf um. Calahwa Ovm etttav sraeel. n
Othty liver tills 0
atwveall UulrUMM 1 irat-v"ri fm
nnsaspected and aurprrnng. Others,
oa the contrary, yield calmly and without a
struggle to the auporiltc influence of th
ether eon, and are soun deep In an inat
sitMlity that no surgeon's scalpel can disturb,
Tbere ar two and aometiine three or tour
artrtsnu to the operating surgeon la any
caan. The duty of on is n tend sxclosiveliy
to the sjliiunistratioa of ether, ttometima
tb young man assigned to this duty has his
hand full The ether is sdmiuistered either
by mean of a large, shell shaped sponge,
which covers the muutb and noes, or with a
eon of similar aim, covered with a napkin
and partly filled with small sponge, which
hold the ether. Every two or three minute
spoonful or two of the anawthetie Is poured
tutu Lbs spouse or cuur, sod must of the time,
unless tb operatios is upua Um face, the
noa and mouth are left exrvered. If the pa.
beat should m attacked with choking or
nausea, or if toe teeth become tightly set, as
fmjuently happens, the young man with Um
Carole Pewete of ladle.
Our farmers need never fear India for cnod
wheat These people are too slovenly In their
manner or cleaning it ever to send a rood
arUi-ie to England, and, as the conimissioner
(governor) of this district tuM me. they w ill
sot chang their habits. Tbev band weed
Um fields, so Umt no foreign sels mix with
the wheat, but they clean it ia Um ground.
and the middlemen throw In dirt and com
and lo increase Um wmght 1 have examined
Quit a quantity here in bags in tb baaantr.
and found it shamefully dirty. One siler
wanted me to buy. I told him I was from
Chicago in Anwrica. He iunocenUy ensured
dm ne would mas his hags tight so that
could take it home with me. By the way, I
rill explain that in band weeding tteldt
everything I saved; what is pulled up tt
necessary food for cattle. '
Another thing wUI ultimately tell against
uuiiaasa wheat country. Uauure is care
fully picked op and dried for fuel The UiA
needs it and cannot get it. Tree ar scams;
leaves, coarse grass, and xcrement of raul
keep th natives In fuel. Tiese people ar
nour oeyontf any otners I hareever seen, and
will not become well enough off to become
land Improvers. They are not buy they
work bard, but keep themselves poor by Um
ceremonies which their very religion awins
to make necessary wbea Uieir children
Thi hardly aeems credible, but i
informed by intelligent people that tbey
mv aluwat exchsnvely for this purpose, ami
cover tbemeelves with debt and ntortgages
when saving prove inadwiuata. Carter
iiarnsoo In lbtos-o aLuL .
D...allv .Cr-ltvel IHan-lr
gm. frequMOtiy ballpens, tn young man wim um
OOOOOOOOVOV ether oooe must apply Um proper remedy.
tailing back or um tongue into um rear oi
the luuuui, causing danger of su If. cat ion,
and toavohl this Um pateut's bead m always
kejit turned to on side. Th duty ot the
utn-r aaueuuita. who ar graduate of th
medieval school getting hospital practice be
fore opening ofhVx. fur tliemselves, Is to act
ively aasist the surgeon in all part of th
operation. Tbey tie up or ligat th bkxd
reewil which may be cut, and which Um
surgeon bus seiami with the artery fore!.
VVuvti it is neccHstry to use more than on
instrument at a tiiiw an assistant lends hi
aid. One of Uiein taiuis by constantly with
a siionge, with w hich to follow the course of
an instrument, awl to cleans the wound in
orih-r Uiat Um surgeon limy get a clear v. w
uf the tusue. Au assisUuit also generally
avws up tht- wounds and applies Um bandage
wben the work uf the surgeon is uoo.iK
tun Cor Now York rkiu. .
The m X A M I M It K " tt I'M E. V ef CI. A I M i
iki thk niem-rioe or-
San Frnnclaco Examiner;
1 vu hsv- rlsiin of mny IiitIiIii tis(--ver
' ..... l kllu 1 i... (I.RtIll MJlfl
Ulllfl, UW '..w."
wiill U ..lily .ymlMvul, sAlnws
JflUS WKUUKKItritlf. Manager,
III r sue, N. W. Waehlagtea. I. C.
$28. Cd.ll Typewriter. JZO.
fuMiiut; per' ellKumcni; hsrl;
hiv: sltuine; durable. H-
lmartti rhrular A lircnt
ii..ii.ijf k'tlt.
a. lit! la, t'l M..iur"ery H.,
Km fiaiwtwi. v"1''-
nirllsthsesnnwleutea j
; smisw
irfiii rtiv ail mj
KnnstUfSI SI-llnP mmm
ttf witi a
eenaia cr lo lUe oebili-
' tsilu weaaaess ymMm
! ' : ell urlrem.
(j,. . j., ,,o ,n-svn,m.
V w .Aa .1 bhM lrss
4 TsmMssv't ISMristlss,
Tucr is a tablet lo an Eugllsh cemetery ,
with the following iiMcription: "Iter lie
the bodv of . who for many year con-
duct-ed a highly rsiqjectalile-general bosluesi
toanadj-'ining village, winch it now con
tinued by tu ' widow, M. BL No trust
given." New York Tribune. I
It la better to take a Utile liver medicine
than to grumble and fwl blue, aud Um bum
wbo has bad rru it aunng uie wumww wui
aut ed the lumUcine. j
"Yes, sir," said Po)injay, empliatlcally,
Orubail is a nuui uf limited mean, but aa.
Iiuited ' KuriiugtuM Vra iTeM.
Fevieae's freah With Twlaa.
Borne suggestive figures are given In toe
report of Um registrar general of births.
death and morrtsKHS in Scotland for the year
IBHO, Just issued. During the year in question
1,437 women in Bcotlaud bore mors than ou
child at a birth, of which AJH were twin
sm, and U triplet. Tb number of moth
an bearing ebihlrea during Uw year was
VHJ&m, of srbum one In every ( bore twins.
and one in every , bore tnpleta.
On Inquiry into Um occupation of the
fathers uf the twins It is fuund that In SU
ease tbey wer workmen of various kinds,
as carpautera, masons, plasterers, smiths,
etc: in Sou tb occupation wa that of
Carmer, steward, pluwman, laborer, nr
these cuanected with Um working of land,
la M ease mining was Uw work of the
fathers; 10 were ttshermen or eeamea; 79
aerchanta and shopkeepers, a grocers,
bakers, eta.; 75 were engineer or connected
with such work; Kt wer clerks, travelers,
agent, etc; 09 wer factory bands, 01
irruutus. carters, and others connectod aitli
harass- in 30 case only the mole parent be
longed to one of the "learned rjrufeatipns;"
go wer tboeinaker or satldiera, a liae nun?
bar being hotel keepers, brewers, waiters,
etc. : '& were tailor; 21 soldier or policemen;
4 were watchmakers, and printers, while
lit Mease the birth wer fllegiUinat and
the vwtioo of the father not known.
It certainly seems a strange irony of fat
that twins so often appear in families lnal
able to giv tliem a cordial weltxniM. bt
Jam' Uatwtto.
A. Important Innovation.
' Several newly orgsniaxi manufacturing j
eomisuiies ar now working ujon sulphite
Bber, mart irons refuse of sawmuu anu uxeii
for paiwr tock. Tber I one conipauy in
vVatertown. N. y., on in ctiicugo anu one i
in Iietroit, Tb Detroit factory produce j
from ten to twelve too of Bbr a day. It I
tli most important Innovation in the manu
facture of paper stock sine wood pulp was
introduced. Ciilago limes.
Th Mustoa Iwot Womea of New Orleans.
Lents!!!- Canlwsslua rhlladslphla.
Chleegu' ClassM VaderstaadlBg Th
lrl of (iaiham. '
Though avers to rousing any Uonal
f'lilig, it will be tweeaaary to ntkk uim
w.nnw conipariKoii twtweeu th iwlsl pnd-
" uiiit'reiit paruof th country
Our Ikwtou cornwisuidtuit went sn .
dosviiof th bout and oldest estaliliohmoiiti
luiuscuy. -ih senior partner of on Bim
says or th iUwton (mil: u th foot of
an Migland very long and uarrowj In
fiict, Uw. narruwest in Uh whol country. In
mi south tli foul ( not so kwig, but It Is
broad and thick. Oil. we. Its a fa. ti,.i ik.
snspe or iwi tlimrs In difTwent parts of Um
vuumry. nny wuoiesaler know that
Auotiwr un eftisitiv ou th tubler.
mt: "Th average sis ia four and a half.
This sound rather 1, butUw New Kngland
fiiot makes up by being long and narrow,
now atbserv the aniuiusi. in N.. v.u-s k.
feet are shiirtor than ours. inrhsi U.t i.u
and Out Out West their feet an. Itro. .11
otw." tt Is mid Uw Boston wouuut arwrnor
renrnsa walkors than their New York sisters.
wi vwwitvu tm IOOK.
lie antiinguxi wonmn has a small and
wcwMiugiy pretty band and foot Tb
latter Das not the tliickum comiiKin to whim
purts of the south, but, which vr way you
look at it, show Uw absolute arob thai is the
test or perfection and the stamp of thortwiili
breeding. 11m WasliingUm sroiiuui varkw
irom uu ana a naif to two aud half In
Th women of New Or Units have ft nr,i
xreskiveiy small, but Uwutifully uioldwland
free from Uw 1hiiu aud vxcrestwuce Uutt
sjoil runny a font nature meant to be perfect
Kreoch idea and French traditions have n
ouunt a great deal to do with this, and like
oer i-ariuan cousin Um New (Mean belle
is most etai ting as to bur foot gear. Ou
special occasions her satin shoes ar sewed
tDellier Uwn her foot, that neither wrinkle,
button nor lace may mar Its sculptured out
lines. is um averag su worn by
the women of New Orleans. -
This U a site burger than Louisville con
feme to, and about Um Louuuvill foot tber
ran only be only on opinion, it is, as bick
er would my. a tiuy, precious, bkwsed little
foot, that trainplv on a man s heart with im
punity, and is given to all manner of fasci
nating liuoUt The Louisville girl Is a better
walker than her sex furtlwr south. HIm ba
hit uiwn a happy medium, a combination of
the graceful languor of New Orb-ans and tt
sprightly, springy gait of New York.
The fair fbiuukfiphlan likes good boot,
well made, but xho is not su particular a to
the style as Um New Yorker. Bu Inclines
rather to Uw Krilwh iU uf low beets and
ruiorurtalit toes, takes short but nut springy
stops, and is Imnentably ImliiTurmit to miss
ing huttmis on her bwta. According to the
testimony of luilf a tfcwn sho dwtler, tlire
and three and a half are Um slaws uxat snsru
in the (Quaker Wty. This la better thau w
wotiki anticipate in a putos where Um pave
ment are prone to muk griddle of th
pedtstrian font.
It is wilh a timid pen one approaches the iositow how utterly morlnd
and iulUiiH-d the Chicago mind is on the sub
ject, tiie crrMisn.lciit there, instead of oou-
oning ninneir to fact, begin hi commuut-
tl.xi with a mighty blast at the HI UkiIs
r, awl follows it up with whack al "th
intellectual iusUwof Um bean eatliie tcbuul
of Iluaton lie wmtiuuea! "The Cliicago
toot w solHl. ana withal does not average an
sees of oue-eigbtb over Um sum usually
eremieu my t.7ncagit) to laastern foot."
this on eighth, however, becomes inslu
alliinut, when, insteail of the ararage, the
actual i sum are cunsddtTed. It will then
be found that only In two out of eicht case
the eruttocnu c dinuuutlv of three
reai'heil, while the happy medium of four ob
tains In but one case. In four caws out of
tgut fully SO per rent. tb generuu pro
portions or four and a half prevail, and In
one one Uie soud flgur flr presenu Itself,
suggesting the largruea and ttiuiualiOed
auptt-inrity of everyUiiug pertaining to Chl
cag vei In frsA wear."
Two tit, Lou I eorreeponden ta writ on th
subject. Our rvguiar, wbo has vlsitnl th
lutt; snd pouhir hoi the other a lady,
wnocunuiieil her Inquiries to th more exclu
sive and expenslv shoe iIioia The first
ays that three is the average site; the sec
ond that two and a half prevails in fashiona
ble society, tin midst "Two is a common
sis among our good families, and In the
custom urn-la orders tber is a plentiful
s(iriiikliiij( of one and a butf. The Hi, Louis
girls have btlle. gemlike fuel, ami dress them
with exquisite bwt Tbere I ou young
truly bore who never ha he tiuui twenty
five pair uf loots and sllsrs in stuck, and
nt-vcr wear trie sum pair twice In succes
sion, one of Uw sneret for keeping both boot
and foot In shape.
The Ulna lis cortmpondcttt place a con
struction, western in It liberality, on Um
word average. Ho Bays; "LAilk' average
is in shoes is from three and a half up to
nine. In dim instance twelve was worn."
tier comes tb saving rlaus; "The latter
sise are wild to Bohemian and BwvxImb."
A notba-r resident of the town sdils: "Omaha
girls don't bother much about their feet
Tbey ns them to walk with, and they can
beat any girls dancing I ever saw, las ana
tbey don't wear tight shorn."
Cuming nearer butiM, to Urooklyn, we find
It women prtaerv a hamy HMdiunt Let a
stranger stand at any of Its big church doors
on a Dim tiuiiday. and be wnl watch with an
interest not strange to bis sex Um k-gion of
well iuid. weii buotud fuel Uiat peep from
aodcr the meet immaculate of starched skirta.
TIm Brslro woman is esw.-ntially neat In
her bouse and toilet, ami in nothing dues that
pleasing trait show mora than In nor bout.
Xvi-r a bottoa missing or trace of mud
about Uieia.
To see or to admire It I quit th i
tbingUie New York foot one must frequent
Fifth avenue and hover aliout th theatre
entrances on a aiiuuy naturday aileriioun.
As Um multitude of little feet pstter over Um
tone aivient on is reminded of a Aui;k of
tiny black binia. Now tbey advance, now
they paitae, turn this way and turn that, to
Oiwlly skim Um- gruuml and hup into a candy
shop or a waiting carriage. The New York
girl knows a good boot when sIm sbos It, and
to see with her means to faava eleven dollar!
a UHxI'tt sum to pay fur bur choice, aud
or tl.t n thinks reasiHiabla
A gtsxl deal abroad, ami having brought
home many bit f foreign folly, the girl of
iollittln lias imput-Wid one solid little chunk
of wukIuui. It is not to onbiu, crib and cm
Aim her sinull fo"t in a suiaJIr shoe, but to
let it l at ie In a cover made to order, oue
that will can-w but never squeeze Uie little
t.s Unit uiiKht to strslglit, rosy anil
free froui I.I. mili ns the dnlicate (lng-r tl
Hue Is proud of. A uerf.-t utitlit of Kroiicb
iA. sny two and a half In size, owl a box
ttf Mwede slippers, nnnilr two, are the do
lik'ht of a fw York girl, especially the
linis-rs, for llioy (It und fwl like gluven, and
In Um'Iii every tue cmii be uufle to talk with
el'simi,-Mrs. ItoiMrt t'orter In New
kurk Was.
TluvaUnin every man. w.inmii ori-liild llvlnn In
s tviiion in coiiniry iun wversim bku i"yv
alittit. sliii-e the uoiiim of uiatarial iIImwh are in
lialixl Irom tlx- air sml sr' swslltiwvtt Inun the
naterij mii'h rt'tllou, Medicinal tah-Kuanl U
alwolulclv ili'Wnrv to niilllly Hi In tlmiiicr. An
a miiwiwiiI torlllvluii ami at'Htmatliiii Uie sys
,i to riKlnl Uie malarial wiiwm,
h llltlcra la llii-itninarahly lilt
lh-.l ami llie uiual iMinular. Im'tinlarllltwoi Ihv
Ifin h . to ! alilc lo nn al I ne malarial r
Itoalctlcr's Kloiimch III! lets la liii-oniiiamlily llir
loniach, Huh- slid IhiwiiIs eiiiwiraiio mala
rial lint those are bi-IIIv icclllttll liy tliv Kit
lrs. 'l lir liint'tloiia ul tlliiivlloii snd awri'llon
arc aaalaUxl by ll tna1, ami a vlnoniua aa well a
roHUUrroiiilltinn n( the avatcni imnnntiMl by It.
t'oiiallliillon ami pliyatipie are timet tlcd-iuleil
SKaiiial IlieliiroaiUot malaria hv llila malDhliw
lin'ventlvv, h lili'h la aim. curiam ami tltiinmsli
ivmrdy in (he wurat cssus ul lukiruiltlvtll ami
remittent levers.
Tile man hn wanU Uie ourth uvmt mil exHi-t
ui l('l it uu icaa lie Biivin'llwa.
A Mi IIKroitMKItll
Art. Itcllaloa or Nelene Nine th
liluota. fn-
nrld lieaan
llavo at smite lima been called
unties, reueKailt-s, And a people have
Blount a prophet to whose memory the
next Keiirmlioii bus raised a moiitiiiienl for
the grt'iit lices or Ilia ilenls.
Wioiiomihi. Wash.. Aug. Ill, Wl
Ihr.J. A'ft-Hii.firiiin. Htntlle, lt'uA,-lKt
Ihicros! N in liuve in wr le vim tlmt 1 am
surpriaeil lo Hud inyMell'aiiKrt-iitly impnivril
III mi little time, Mini am pleased to any tlmt
I could not give vour mnliciiie too great
pniise. My benltli wa gonv, I It'll that
itieilieliH-a oould do tue no itoimI. I was
hnpehws of ever rvcovvriiiK, 1 tlioiinht uh
laic to Irv your medicine, but wilh diHtli
slitrlng ma in the luce I dctertnliiil to do
so. I am pleased Hint I did It. lor at this
(late I haw received tenfold the price uf the
medicines, ii i annum anv one aiiminHi
fold, it would nut be overvuluinu the lil
fervnee in my benltli. 1 feel like auothrr
mail, tours rt-apiiittiillv,
JAMIW It, IIvkom.
K.r Hm'Hn, Waah , Aug. i:i, l"l.
TH.. Kuorm, JenhiM. .Vulllr. UViaA I in a Ml a
It ha. been atftne time aiut-e 1 have a rtllim lo
Sou, tint 1 have hccii setllns slims ao srell tltal I
Ul not llillik It neccaanry, I Itai v atoniail tiikltis
i treatment now. aiHt I believe I am t'lillrclv
sell. Vour meiltelm-a have done w. lint yon toltf
us Iheyanulil lo they have madea near aoutau
of me. I imh h-el like myaell asaln, alter auf
ferltiK lorelKbt vrara with ralatrli ol ihv head
end limneiil. aud that yen naluiiil thins - lien-
ratKla f the aumtaeh. I tiHik three montlia'
miHtleine. Ilotli my liualiatiit aud niMlf h-i-l aa
llminrh ae eauiuit lie tltattkltil euimxh to you for
tttiat yon hsveiliuie lot me. I hoia that every
one ami la aiillerlng aa I was sill hear of lir.
nlauaml hl moat raliiat-le mnlleliuHa. nura
moat rvaclfulty, Ihm. t', smktsosu.
lr. Jordan's ottice Is at th reeideno of
x-Mayi'r Vesler, Third and James street,
aeailie, nasit.
tkmsultatioii and ireeoriiitloislioliite-
for free buuk iplalnlng tli Ilite
genetic system .
i'-AUTiuN. Tb litstogenetlo Neliiilne
are sold In but oue agency in each town.
The lal-rl aroulnl the buttle bear Ui ful-
low i nir iiuMiriptiun; " lir. J, KugeiM Jor
dan, liistogeuetia Metlluine." Kvery other
device is a fraud. .
ritKK kXt l KSlllN
I'rora t'allforwla, I tab, Mowlaaa. Idabe,
rVaahlogton and Oregea la fwrtlaad.
Kollowlng Is hii Itilercntinit Utter fumi
V, H. Cnaaull, oil of Hie iiiiiiik''i' it' Hi
WtwU'rn (Tnloii Tlt'gi'Hili I'O.i
" Ul.OOMIrUiTON, Intl., Jnii, 14, InniI,
" Mill ve Ixwii In thu luli'KIMI'li bllallieaa
ftir niiire limn twenty years, mid fur the
past live year liavn laun troiililcit with
what la called VI filer's Cramp, or Imckiii
phor's I'lirulyala, At limes mv linn Ikhhiuc
so weak iiihi l rotiiii not ua It in MciHlliirf
illapiiti'luw, and had to ua my left. Ii,
silent ninny rcatleaa nlulils, the pulti reueli
lug huiii my IuiikI up into my alioiililer,
i rledtiverylliliiKl oould lienr of, lull with
aclinicly any relief. Having alinliinl my
leii. sine n lew with iiuii, i uiu one ul a i.i.
iim'K's I'l AatKin. ua I iiami vdn In siuili
ouaea, ami atwlilunlclly lni'eneil to see
where some one had mired a weak wrist by
llallig Oil of tliraf) 1'lliattira. I silt Mimtlie'r
at once, and cut ll In two and put one lmll'
sronmi my rial. Ill leas tiuui two ilnvs
altnr the pulli liml entirely left inv wrlal
and arm, ami In two weeks I cotil, semi
nearly as well as ever, I write this lioplim
ll will roavli the eyes uf ollicrs who may lie
alllioled iw 1 was, as I know therearv snore
III 111111, '
' ahoiilil slaaya loiuliu our enemies
dally tlma aeeau'i whip.
"HrtMVH't Hnmrhitil 7WA- " rire eteellcnl
for the relief of lUuirseiieas or Horn iiiroul.
They urn etceiiliuitly elleelivv, .SiM im'y
ia (Kuril, I'rluv, llfl uciils,
. I
The wiirht la bill a Hoetltui aliovr, and In mm)
Ol lis Uie tfiaal aoals have all Immmi itikeu.
In 15 Minutes.
(M 1 fiufrcrctl
with face
neuralgia, but in 15
miiHUc.i after apjilica
lion of
was asleep ; have not
been troubled with it
since. No return since
P. D.' ADAMS, Terry, Mo.
If vim waul I'OWIil'H lur Miuhiii.
Itiillnmd Work, Htniiip lllniling or Tree
I'laiiling, avipl lor I'flic) List.
oisris uivjov
Roth tli DMitliml ami irnultx whnn
Hymn of Fitrt ia Ukcn: it I ulcaaaul
and nfrMliing t ij,8 tajdo, a
Snuj yet promptl 011 lh KtIntr,
ver antl Ituwol, rlckiiww the mt-
em efloctnalljr, tii'tx-la cpI.Is, iit'mi-
co and levrra ami cure hahitii.'i
ointlimlion ix-riiiaiieiiUr. For mIu
in 60c ami f 1 bottle by all druggwu
140 ffaiKMCO. CH.
lowriut. nr. im to, r.
We will furnhih frta- round trip traMaiaiilatliiit
Ut any -rauU reaiiliu In sny ol the alaxe-
uamiHl HLau-a who lealrea to imrrha-e l-orttaml Ihlaort r will holt:
I 'l (of alalf
11-a, eoiiiiiieuctos oemia-r i, iwi.
MrlU' lia al ouee am! set hleutllHalfolt latia-ra.
Kemeni'M-r i-v,- will la- the laami year for I'orv
tan-1. Ittiy turn while cheap, am! aril at s hi
until! wlo-n the Imsmii cornea r'or Mrtli olnra ad
itreaa t'oK.KSv tTtvs llsii. l:vi4TK Jt Tseirr I'll.,
.No, II i-Urk street, i'Wllali.l, lf.
It U said that Ibe scnlca uaed by, Die
iiinuiiracturvr of Htar I'lug fur weighing
the tobacco for a (dug of rilur are so run
atrticlrd t tint , if anything !- than sixteen
ounces ia put into the scales, nil electric
hell riiix uiitumulicnlly. Muet IoImiini
elirwer llirouitlioni lh Vlilted Htulea line
Stur Plug, it Idling tlw- best.
Innnlerlo imoli a ll, V'AMtl.V UATWrC.
Ihe hrlalile.1 w-rHallesl l AaierM-m, we ortl-r like
f,iUewil,s irlx Ui any imfMHi aeiellliK ua et-iita
f.ilveri fr three HHMOlia' atiiaM-fl,lti,iii l (am ta
the ,a-r-MHt mai.iiiK the chaw-at gu" lo the aiimher
'tt imilla III a IN,r.-l!llle: m.4t to an-tirtH chMW-al. Sll'l
f it, m the Mora Ahln- V A Ml I, H A.Ml K
l-t It. UK, Kan nvo laitl. 1 al.
Dm Insmsilu Stove rollh; so dust; not
TtV OxasiiA fur breakfast.
Uf stl kliHlasret In snv aiistilliy - whole
asle and relall at bed tiaili prlcea,
5 Pront 8trat, Portland, Or.
Dclul lor t'atal,l -vgal
t II MAT Hat
VIM Jt t tilt It u I l,m 1.111,-
Ah ymt" !!, -w II, crarotl h.r r'PMiWuWr lo
JVt.ilnm. Janitwiiir la, .vtstliiimt, CuL
HUNTtltllOUI'MfNTI w.-JCfl
nm T4' le, Kt'. llrrsl VeH. aw l-'W..
111,111 iiaia-oiilntraiie. Semi f;.r IWlaloswa. IlklL
A. aHUKta, ttaeaayni.,aa ITou.iVk
Siisqi Opens for Trest April Irt.
1 o
a first atreeN rertlaad, OrM
At.aa ia-
sad aw aew UliwuaMa sstaiu.
Hue Bmi Imllited, But Hater Ei:lt4 Tbo in Beiead Cfimurlua I
1- tlL .! . " r
" 1 .U Y V - - What
Ml per neut.
Ol th
Sold in
ft It
i.ii4l a, im ft;-i-i,
man nrLKAIMK."
t 1 - r . 1 - - .- 1
1 ' ..
ia. 1 - iMurlasa, ,
K A Kverlaalliui
sf Ami "ileal."
ms (Kt rnttf mm ha hru ittj tttlskt tttMi tMfiuMl HiarHm '
"-o lnl!n , ll....).-, .M I lll,,.,fnir,l I ul 11- !.,. .1 I
II lltT" IH TH Bk lit w
SaBsaaaaaSSSBV ' .
II If A II waaHlal 11
III" II if WfjJlll . U.
v.. -m Lr-
laUL0r,,?.'.?-ta-?ii.,"U.'"..I't " V--) "S w -as
lM.r?T " Tat.aaWSaeHa. mTZ.T?."ri FT"?..
ziz Z"r;r.',iri,r''j..',j'-r r-r.'-s-1"-. ""-a.
MS kr stl LaMil INweetua'
"7 - ""llrf lai. a. MM, ., Meaa m.lL
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powdar.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard
Delidou Cake and Psstrr, Light risky
Biscuit, Griddle Cskcs, Palatablt
and Wholesome.
Vo other baking powder doc such work.
JtutikM ttm.
'sclnv M'll. ii Co., BV0 l lay HI.. Man Prsnelsen,
wuui.aeAi.aAMn skvaii-'
Plsmesr' an falari' SuseUe, Msad
sad Slsssi Phs: fls. Nama, Fip
Cevsrla. luhrlcsun-t, Wilar Motert, fiat
a Vsntllslert, Cstk allsr, it.
Write for prices.
rvmtrsrlors en beatlli sml veiitllstlnff
buiuliiisa. KniIimsu-b furnlalied.
Wa Cetllng ilea pa-rate.
Aa orerheard diaJotru tietween women:
The World' Ilest tnt tax,
The swiK!bi, bmderml, and moxt rwilatable
triutbio in the world 1 that raisud iu Ireland.
The Iruib nhoep grow lurjfi-r than ours, thy
fl on la-tuir isviture, and their meat if
wholly free from that strong, "shepyn taste
winch makes ours so duaKreeolile to many
palates. Mo American who has eotcu Uie
niuttim served in the Irish hotels will take
any other kind of meat while h stays tliera
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
JW that Unrrf is gating deirrjerat. He left fV, , ?, ,TAT 7
rnTin a terriblv aitltated sUuTl-v evening, our, far In erior to the Irish. Atnertaw
mM threatMritdow..hlngUUitb.iuil.l ' "'"f iT i ii7 (Lir .
riretaUbUlif- "Did belTben Itmeam 'ut 14 from tlirweto
iMba. really ituvi up hi mind to art you to 'r In "'und
nhrv'orkuMrc.uiLv, rLrrmiz
I ,'1;.t-!!tiil!;)i- ?t '
l?.f,.1fil.rilf'.v M.j.n
uav crvrn cuEo T cuto
nill rLltfl We want tli nsin snd so
drewof every auflerer in tlw
&RQTUP11 U. a. ml Canada. AAitrtn.
AO I HflA MarsUllarS l,l.fsb,l I.
S. F. N. V. No. 412-6. r. N. U. No. m
l(et titlrh Meillclne. K,i onimetnled be I'hvaiclana.
Cure where all els fails. I'll sannt anil sicreealile to lh
Children tsk it without objection, liy druffffUla,
tylmtwMt if Tour Dealer Does Hot. Carry Hia.
Carts, M Dp. Mm tSJ
tMltwlPlM aafia stwl KrtstTiUK
. r ti DB taw oa mil aisSaflal hmh (A,
IHaf a4 Hose, Wisnnaas, bebrtnatlii
Plr Una and Dmsrhaaat aemall
Xt i '22'"?' " liMlrsinrs, Marts
m Miai fh.t.tmmW ta. t m a...'u ." .
L I K3, Fct if CTka VskX VJIUIX a
r Jt&SW ' ' ' " w , -mm
L:atliiifj medical authoriti;s
state that new antl improixTly
curcil tobacco wlu n heated in
pijx; produces a rank vei'e-
able poison.
Tobacco like llipinr can only lie Immmd i ayf.
I his is the reason why "Seal
of North Carolina" is the most
xHilar brand of smoking to
bacco in the United States, It
made from tobacco, at least
bree years old.; Its rich mel-
ow smoke has never been
Ssl f Nortk Cirellai Is now narked III I'nliint
ioin I'oueiiea, sa wen na in loll.
fifTiiale7lliiloiirilyiin myHleelriei'iir
""aiidMraa'lBllh-a. ii ir eenl i.n.m a.i.
! imp.. naip,iip iraa,
Will Upl.alr and clmip thk rear. NewAraKOTt,
i'SM iisa, Nw vAaiNaa, Arris, CusiHt VtAi
aa a a I a. avw vn.liu, w qutsw-" .
a orient , has...,.
Paschal, chok. ,
nsislsrinss, aura....
Appla., trriaht ,.
Ap.tles, aldsn dried..,
Oraosa, iH'Ki, liaxi .
llaMns, i-o, ir lb,,
Prunes, iluu, s,ul.
Bl ickbsrrlas, ii, Has,
unsrris., piitau, oiotw,,
rit, 1S91, Uatk CaU
Oiliar IrnlK In varlaly. Tin sbrws Ms far Rn qutllirl
aaor, 0111, oi interior hit ws uflar haaar, Kissii uixoitK
in llia.K, Hnanliiif liiaim, IlasUra, snd wkiila'l
-..T.e, 10, iaj
IU, Id
1, a, 10
10, 12
a. a
a, a, Ti
7. a, a
is, is
to. 21
Hue la
Ur. llrl,laiuaii,ll,aulH u ,N . . ,
Mtr a gensral varlsly of aeo for mll
al cIom h icea, anil want a thars sf Viaif Iraiia. AM
f"r lo-p.jt tauJuju. fra. AJJraaa ,
Alfl-Alol Front Sk, 8CI VwisatolsiuO
'-llEAMCIW IN ' - !
RosM Harbor tlmt. r.rllaas Ctiasal. !
San Hals and lllah Plttttr, Hah, rir Rrlgk
an Fir Glif. IAMB PLAIlHR.
00 Worth Front Ntieet, Cor, H, .
Morrlaon Street, Portland)
far mx sutf. tU