THE OREGON MIST. Halted Matn ud Conntjr Official Paper. Bt. Helms, Octobbk 80, 1891. LbCAL' AND GENERAL. Why 0 to Portland when you cnn buy Jual M ohMp a uomt. Tha best brands of cigars and tobsooo t N. X'. Parry's, Houlton. A full Una of flavoring extracts for Mia at tha dnut stora. Baoon'a farmers alllanoa store always supplied with the beat goods Id thamarkak Mr. Jamas Qulnn reapeolftiily warns all parsons against slioollng, hunting or otherwise trespassing ou his prom lacs. License to wed were issued by Clerk Quick on Saturday lust to Edmund II. Lane and Merton D. Shrouds. Commissioner 8enoer, of Nehalem, was at the county's metropolis on Tuesday last. When In need of drugs call on Boss. Bis stock Is fresh and pure. A very enjoyable time waa observed by the Milton folks last Friday evening ml the residence of John Lamberson. it being the birthday of his oldest son, John Lamberson, jr. Visitors to the exposition will find the St. Charlea Hotel Restaurant first class la every respect Meals 25 cents. St. Chsrlee Hotel building, Front and Beginning neat Monday the steamer lratda makes round trips from Stella in Cowlits county, Washington, to Portland and return, thereby proving a great convenience to many along the Columbia. There will be a concert given by the St. Helena school assisted by some of the older people, on Saturday evening November ?th. The receipts of the entertainment are to be applied on the payment for anew organ which has lately been purchased tor the school. A party of experts from Portland and Oswego are now examining the Iron; mines of Bunker Hill with the Idea of purchasing. It is to be hoped that when they are sold, that immedi ate steps will be taken for their develop stent, and not held as the iron beds on Milton creek sre, simply to keep some one out who would Improve the prop erty, and thereby benefit the county. Many yeara practice have given C. A. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patents, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suoceas in obtaining patenta for all classes of inveutiona. They make specialty of rejected oases, and have aecured allowance of many patents that bad been previously rejected. Their advertisement in another col umn, will be of interoes to Inventors patentee, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. The Lewis river has been on the rise lately. Last Saturday it was suffi ciently high to bring down a large drive of logs which were safely landed In lbs large boom at the mouth of the river. The plan of putting in sub atanlial booms at the intersection of the smaller streams with the Columbia for the purpose of catching and rait Ing the logs in safety is a cood one. Millions of feet af logs have been lost along the Columbia for want of atrong booms to hold them In case of a flood in the small rivers. Ellas Peterson' of the Lower Beaver, waa brought before Judge SwiUer Fri day for a mental examination and was ... . .... 1 ..1...- f l. ooramtuea to mo iiibhdq wjimu. principal trouble seems to be softening of the brain. After an examination by the judge and Dr. Cliff, Sheriff Meeker aurted for Salem with him late Friday evening. Last apring Mr. Peterson was brought to 8t. Helens on the same complaint, but Dr. Cliff gave him medicine which seemed to re lieve him, only temporsry, however, sod this lime be seunied so bad that it waa necessary to send him to the asylum. The fact that St. Helens la a place of activity was mora clearly demon strated last Saturday, perhaps, than ever before. On that day aeventeen ateamers, bargee and ships were either i.ndl at or riassed by this place. In the morning at about 6:30, for Port land, there were the steamers, first, the Iralda, next the Kellogg and a few minutes later the Mascot. These three boats make the round trip, ar riving at Portland at 10 a. m., and leaving again at 2:30 p. m.t arriving at St. Helens at from 6 to 6 in the eve ning Then, about 10 In the morning the steamer Shaver passed up for Port land; at S the R. R. Thompson, carry ing the United States mail, passed. In the mornlnoF t O tha TVlonliona ar rived down with the mail en route to Astoria ; at 11 the Northwest for Cow lits river came into port, and at 3 in the afternoon the farmers' steamer, Toledo, for Lewis river, came : alonff. Besides this fleet of paesenger steam ers that touch it 8l Helena daily. (three of them twice a day), six days out oi ins wee, tue ocean steamers, State of California Dlvlna between Portland and San Francisco, the City of Willana of the Qrav'a Harbor lino and ona of the large Japan steamers, . pasted up during the day ; also tha government steamer Cascades passed up towing three barges, and the steamers Oklahema and Harvest Queen, esoh with a ship in tow, passed down, This may seem like a buaat to some people, but this statement can be proven almost any day, as it a com mon occurrence to see three or four steamers lying at our wharves at one time. We are Informed that Joseph Du pont who has the reputation of being the mojt successful hunter in Carico, met with quite an adventure a few days since. While hunting near Thompson's ranch he wouiidwl a lurge deer, The deer fell and Dupont ran hastily toward him, and just as he readied him bis deershlp rose and started off. On the spur of the mom ent Dupont sprang upon bis back and away wont doer and hunter over hills and gulches, with the rapidity f tha wiud ; but the speed was too much for our friend Dupont. He became faint and fell from the deer's back, sus taining several severe bruises from the fall. Dupont says he likes fast riding but he don't want It sguio on a deer's back. A MoMinnville paper has recoived the following Interesting uews. "En closed you will find two dollars for my subscription. I know it is rulable to pay for a paper in wood or potatoes but I didn't have a very good wood crop this year, and if you will accept the money this one time, I will try and do better next year. That is all the ex cuse 1 have for not paying it sooner." The engagement of Mr. Marshall Cunning, private secretary to Pot- masteKJeneral Wanamaker, and Mrs. Isabel McBride Palmer, daughter o' Hon. John R. McBride, formerly member of congres f am Oregon snd chief justice of Idaho, and niece of Seoretary of State McBride of Oregon, is announced. The weddiug will take place at the residence of Hon. George Williams, in Salem, sometime during December. Dr. Cliff purchased, lately, from Mr. James Qultm, two fine blooded animals. One a bay gelding, Rock wood; by O. James (Kedinond) Rockwood J dam, Maud by Milton Modinm. The other a brown Mare, Almanelta by Hamble toniau; (DeLaabmutt.) dam Gip by Durock Prince. One ia three and the otbor six years old, and are perfect beauties. The steamer Agusta of the Yaquinn route on Wednesday, October Sttth, ran on the reef of rocka about 1000 yards sbove the Warrior Rock light station at about 9 :50 in the morning The steamer got off all right, however. and proceeded on bur way down the river. The pilot must have had mud in his eyes, as there waa no fog and it was broad daylight. For a thoiough business education i he Portland Business College has no superiors. Professor Armstrong ha had msny years experience in this work and his business methods are considered first clans. Rev. M. Builingame moved yester day, with his family, to LsFayette.Or., where they will in future reside. The beat wishes of msny friends go with them. A well attended and enjoyable en tertainment was given at Gill ton Wednesday night. Chalchiua Alexandre a subject of Belgium declared his intention to be come a cititeu of the United 8 la tee on Saturday last. The Harvest Queen Is running on the Astoria route in place of the Tele phone this week. Editor Blackford of the Clatakanie Chief waa a caller at this office on Tuesday. A fine line of stationery at Rott drug store open to inspection. Genu' furnishing goods at N, A. Perry's store, Houlton. Trespass notices on cloth for sale at this offlne. . Buy your drugs at a regular drug store. Probata court will be in session next Mondsy and Tuesday. A line of shoe leather at N. A. Fer ry's, Houlton. County court convenes on Wednes day next. Bacon pays highest price for produce. What's the matter with the street lamps these dark nights t ABCBBN. Nuts are ripe. So are pumpkin pies. Tater diggin' time. A liA unA mm modions warehouse has just been completed at Reuben. Turkeys and chickens will soon realize the meaning of full crops. There are a few cases oi typnoict fever In this neighborhood. n T Tt CranahaW. wno reiurneu to Kansas some weeks ago, writes he will soon be with us again as he has not found any place ne uaes a won Oregon. An old squaw counting ner warn- a a .1.. .lu.,1 Tailmn pum waa proDoiy uie ongiuw tin mm Af. We often hear the Inquiry: How many motions baa the earth? Thats according to how you mix your driuks, and which way you go home. Also, what part of the globe is water! About three-fourths. Sometimes they add a little gin and nutmeg to it. Mr.G.C. Jaquish is sinking a well at Oil piece, which will be appreciated by all, and it will also di apense with carrying water fiotn the Columbia river. The dance given at Moorcsvilln Sat urday evening, October 24, was large ly attended, and all report a splondid tune. Hjinta Ci.aus. HAI.MKIl. The following correspondence arrived too late for publication lent week.) James Kenton, a sawyer in the shingle mill of L. Ashman had the bad luck to taw the end of a fingor off on Tuesday last. Mrs. Besrue returned home this week after a six weeks' absence in Portland. Mrs. Fannie Duke and Mrs. Mc Bride, of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Brame over last Sunday. There ia considerable sick.tess at present around here, although nothing serious so far. Mrs. Jacob. Benseh returned from Porllund on Wednesday last after a soversl days' visit. Slio took a sample of mineral water to Portland from a spring on their farm, where it was analysed by J. II. Fish, and pro nounced very fine for medicinal pur poses, and superior to the water of Medical Lake, WHAT 80MK FOLKS ARK DOINO. Fred Coolidge and Jim Fenton are nursing cripled fingers. A. Clark, wailing for the new bouse to 1)0 flinched. William lluycke, wishing that the two weeks' sojourn in the country was ended. D. Bearce, looking for a bouse to rent. Frank Allen, waiting for the Kellogg. W. J. Deitx, sharpening his pencil for the winter trade. ' W. J. M tickle opening up new goods. Will Forrester looking for a build ing lot. Oilbieatb and Skeen. rustling saw logs. And all wondering who The Mist reporter is. APIAKY GLEANINGS. Rsther damp of late. Wintry show ers seem to be setting in. S. D. Oirt has of late, by the ail of the carpenters and painters, greatly added t) the beauty of his snug man sion. John ana Uliurley Know now to ling paint. Mr. M. Itossear has within the last few days put sn edging saw in his mill and will soon put in a shingle de partment, also a planer. Mr. Rosaear intends when his customers come to him, to see their wants are satisfied fiom a hill of lumber to a bill of fare. Where did Jack and Charlie goon the 26 inal., Walter! Lewis Butts has rented his farm for one year to Mr. Beckwill. Lew intends to make a visit to several parts of Ould" Oregon, having provided him- elf with a suitable conveyance he iu tends to spend a few months to the improvement of his health. Wooder what he may bring back with him. The all observing eye of the Mist re porter is upon you, son. SCAPPOOHE. Joseph Holiday returned from a weeks visit on Lewis river. Claud Baker, the thief who stole the tools of the carpenters' working on the church was apprehended in Port, land and is now in jail under a thou sand dollar bond. The Ladies Aid Society will give theii first social in Watts Hall Nov ember 0. All are invited. J. M. Sbntluck gave the initiatory ball of the season on Tuesday evening iu Shaltuck's hall. Over sixty number were sold. George Allshouse has moved his paint and oil shop to Gillton where he has located permanently. U. West is settiug out about one hundred black republican cherry-trees. Gravers Nelson and his bride have removed to his California home. Duck shooting privileges are in de mand. Nearly all the huntiug grounds are leased. Miss Carrie Freeman is visiting at tha home of her parents. The infant child of John Brain of Rainier waa interred iu Fail-view cem etery Mouday, II. Sharringhaueen haa sold his farm o Portland parties who will con vert it into a milk ranch. Tommy Calahan who recently shot himself through tbo log with a revol ver is again able to be around. OLATSKANIB NEWS. AC. UilKDI Ul l. KIIIWI .......... m .lDw lit feturn lust tvnnlc oil Ilia W1V to his appointment in the Nehateiu Valley. A. M. Tlchenor left on Friday nigm lor Portland ona abort business trip. The Wood mill is doing a little sawing this week, the lirst lor aouie months. Mrs. Schlotn returned on Wednesday eve ning from Portland where she had been making quite an extended visit. Misses Fannie. Ahbie and Maud Bryant were homo on Thursday and Friday, com lns here from Oentralia. Wash., to attend the funeral of their brother George, They returned on Saturday. Editor Blackford of the Ohlof is visiting i v.mhlll eountv thia week. Arrangements are being wane to noiu a Brand musical and literary entertainment Fn Convert Hall ou the evening of fcriday. Novenirjer imu. j - -- sioal friends from St. Helens and elsewhere will bs present and that the entertainment will be the best of the kind ever hsidin tha village. The tons of the rain on the roof has been a very appropriate ons for the past week and the man is happy who can singi " What a Joy to press ths pillow of s cottage chamber bed. At we llnteii to the patter of the soft rani overuenu. Every tinkle on the shingle haa an echo in ths heart. And a dreamy fancies into busy ueings start." The street lamps established by city or dinance tor the benefit of citizens on dark nights are not established anywhere else that any person can see. and this week In the dark of the moon, while the ruins des cends and mud abounds, tlieir Unlit would be very greatly appreciated. Wbere are they. The ntiarlerlv meeting of ths Methodist church, for this circuit was held at this plsce Hatnrday snd Sunday. Owing to the disability til the presiding elder Kev. John I'srsons, oi rorest Mrove, mica nis plane and preached oo three occasions very ac ceptably. It Is gratifying to the school board as well as to thecitizen to sea tliat the school tar Is being paid, and Ibat the prospscta for a new school bouse are improving. This week will complete the time for holding the tax roll in the clerk's bands, after which delinquents may have a chance to settle wnn the county onn iais. The steel cage used for cooling purposes has been moved from its place in tlio black smith shoo across the atrett and placed in a foundation to lie surrounded by the walls and covered by ths roof of a bouse. Per hsps It may prove a prison; perhaps not. Wait and see. The funeral services of George Bryant wereverv generally attended last Thurs day At 10 a. ni. the remains were brought rr..n ,t,. I.n.,u. . r!nnur' kail h(.h Was soon lllled to Its utmost seating ca pacity, a number being compelled to stand in addition, while lie v. Coats preached a very auie.serinon ou " ins jtesnrre. uou oi the Body." Following the rellidoua exer cises a last look was tuken of the deceased, afler which a lara-e portion of the crowd proceeded to the cemetery in a pouring rain, and to add to the discomfort, it was tound. on reaching it, that the grays dig- ring was not completed owing to tne very Jjmltt. .nmmitjinNt An Ikiiim' Ho. lav was thus occasioned, after which the casket was lowered and the friends dis persed. Many i-ame from quite a long dis tance to nay their respects to the son and grandson of the pioneer family of this section. SCHOOL KEPOKTH. MILTON CREKK 8CIIOOL. Report of Milton Creek school for the month ending October 16, 1891: Number pupils enrolled, 28; daily average attendance, 23. Those neither abseul nor turdy : Cbarley Gray, Stella Brown, Dannie Brown, Perley Brown, Sidney Smith, Oliver Smith, Harry Sherman, Charley Sherman, Pearl Sherman and Clarence Beauchamp. Those not abeeul since time tbey en rolled: George Emerson, Harry Beaudiamp, Jessie Beauchamp, Ed. 8tanwood, George Barger. Those who visited the school: Mr. Barger, Mr. Plummerand Mr. Bonney. Katib A. McGvibe, Teacher. BT. HRLEN8 BCHOOL. The following is a report of district No. 2 for month ending October 23 : Days attendance, 9S0; day 8 absent, 76; times tardy, 54; pupils enrolled, 53; daily average attendance, 49; First grade Pupils who were not absent during tbo month: Eugene Wbituey, Mary Bnrke, Mattie Perry, Anna Burlingame, Newton Sundby, Tom Muckle, Arthur Moore, and Rob ert George. Secoud grade Not absent: May Whitney, Maud Docker, Amy George, Daisy Watkios, Fred Watkins, Frank Watte. Third grade Not absent: Charlie Little, Cora Burlingame, Grace Miles, Percy George and Maude Wutts. Fourth grade Not absent: Alfred Sundby, Albert Sundbr, Glen Watkins, Eugene Miles, Auua George, and Flora George. Persons who vieited the school were Ed Hayburn, Kate Swager, J. L. Jones, Cora Johnson. S. A. Miles, Mrs. Han egiin, Mabel Hanegan.and Miss Powell. C. U. Jones, Teacher. Tks New UieTrr. Yon have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself bs ons of the many who know from person al experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a 'rial, Dr. Kings New Discovery ever Vter holds s place iu the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a j cough, cold or any Throat. Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It Is guaranteed every time, or money refunded Trial Bottles Free st i Ed win Ross drugstore. PRIYATE WORDS FOR WOMEN. The eminent and successful electric physicians, Drs. Darrin, have discover ed and perfected a system of treatment that has caused a revolution in the treatment of female diseases. Wher ever their treatment is tested and known it has done .away with nearly all dosing with nauseous drugs and surgical operations, whereby so' many precious lives have been lost. It has proved In thousands of oases to be s positive cure for the following female diseases: Ovarian tumors, polypus ulceration and dropsy of womb, inflammation, congestion and falling of womb, leucor rhoea, painful and suppressed men struation, flooding, frequent urinatiou, bearing down pains, backache, head ache, hacking cough, melancholy, ab sence of ambition or desire to live, or, in fact, any complaint having its origin in a disordered state of the gen erative and accompanying . organs, whether from contagious diseases, hereditary, accident, tight-lacing, mis carriage or other causes. Their meth od of treatment is harmless, pleasant aud mild. Drs. Darrin refrain from making public the names of hundreds ol ladies who have been restored to health, with due deference to the delioacy of their afflictions. The Doctors are permanently located at 70 J Washington street, Portland. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. M. j Sundays, 10 to 12. They are equally successful in the treatment of all curable chronic, acute and private diseases, such as errors of youth and impotenoy. EleO' trioity is the principal factor in their treatment. POIiTLAND MARKETS. Tfenrsdar Oct. S9. PRODCCS, VRU1T, STC. WHKAT-Vallcy.ll 62; Walla Walla, 1 i( to Si 42 W per cental. KlAitlK utsi.dard, fl eO; Walla Walla. I 60 per barrel. O ATM New, WVMi per bosbel. HAY l 10, 13 per ton. MILIJSTUKKrf 11 ran, flRCilOi shorts, ), 11 ; chop feed, 22(gf23 per toil, barley, 8t per toil. HV IT EH Oregon fancy creamery, 32 35c; fancy dairy, 80c; fair to good, 2S common, Ui&i2.v; Kaitern, 'i'ilts per pound. CHERSR-Oregon, UV,c; Eastern. 13c per pound, EOOfJ-iiS27J4c per dozen. POUI.TUV Old chickens. Si 60(35; young chickens, 12 60; ducks, .',48; scene, nominal, ID 10 peruozeu; turkeys, 166510c per pound. VEtJErABLKjJ-Cabbage. nominal. 75c $1 per cental: onions, 8x.'$l per cental, potatoes, 4o400c per sack; tomatoes, 40 to 6oc per box. FltUiTS-Apples, 60 to 80c per box; plums, 25 to 60c per box; watermelons, $1 to $2 per dozen ; cantelopes, $1 to It SO and 11 75 per dozen, l per crate: grapes, Tokay St 09 per box, muscat ami black, 75c per box; pears, 75c; Bartlett, fl 00 per box, nectarines, 00 to 70c per crate; pumpkins, fl 60 per dozen. STAPLE OSOCKMES. COFFEE Costa Rics. V) to 21c; Rio. 23c; Mocha, 30c; Java. 20 S; Arbuvkie's, lOU-pnund cases. 2Ac. per pound. BUO AK Oolden C,ic; extra C, 4c; granulated. 5c. BEAN4 ftmall whites, Sc; pink, 8c; bay oa. 4c; butter, 3c; iinias, 4c per pound. HONEY Hit' to lc per pound. HALT Liverpool, 14 SO to 115 50; stock. $11 to $12 per ton iu carload low. BYKUP-Eastem, in barrels, 47 to 65c; 65 to HOc per gallon : 12 25 to 12 50 per keg; California, in barrels, 30c per gallon; $1 76 per aeg. BICE-16 75 per cental. THIt HEAT KABKIT. IJKEF l ive, 2Ji"c ; dressed. 6 to 6c. MUTTON Live, sheared 3xiu ; dressed , 7c JIOOS Live. 6c; dressed, 7c. VEAL 6 to 7c per pound. 8MOK.ED MEATS ANO LARD East ern ham. 13 to U'Ac; other varieties, 124c; lard, compound, 10c; pure, to 13c; Oregon, 10 !4 to 12c; breakfast bacon, 13 to 15c; smoked bacon, 11 to llc. SHERIFFS SALE. STATE OF OREGON, I County of Columbia, f Bv virtue of a decree and order of sate is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, to me directed, in favor of James Muckle. Jr., and Clinrlca Muckle, copartners, doing business as Mockle Brothers, plaintiff, and against A. H. Blakesiey, Jesse M. Biakesley, Charles W. Biakesley, Walter Blakcsley, lyena tiiakesiey. Kentiau oiaaesiey. cugenc Blakealey and Mary BlakeNley, defendant, for the sum of Two Thousand One Hundred and Hixty-two Dollars. 2,162 00). snd the further sum of Twenty-eight aud fciglity Bve Hundredths (i2S fo). Dollars coals and disbursement-, and accruing costs, com manding me to levy nion and make sale of tiie following described property, to-mlt: Lots nnm bored ten (10). eleven (11) and twelve (12) in b'ock number eleven (11) in the town of St. He.ene, Oregon. Also the following: Cmimenuiog at a point which bears noith seventy-four degrees and thirty minutes east, two hundred and seventy (270) links from the corner of lots fourteen (141 and fifteen (15). In block ten (10), in the town of St. Helens, Oregon, and ? - i: :.u .1.. .,:jn ... ;.! Ill m riUk IIIH3 nil;, tun hi..." ivii aiitu vi nam lot fourteen (14) and fifte. n (15), and run ning thence noith seventy-four degrees and thirty minutes eat ninety-seven (V7) links to low water mark; thence south eighteen degrees and seven minutes east with low water mark eighty-eiht (SS) links; thence south seventy-four degrees and thirty minutes wet ninety-one wi ) una; in t nee to the nlace of besiun ng in township four (4) north, range one (1) west of the Will amette meridian, aim oemg uoe iana in front of section three (3) in said township aud range. Also the undivided one-halt () of the northwest quarter (W) of the northeast quarter (K) ol section eighteen I1A1. in townsliio live (5) north, raneone (l)we-t of the said meridian. Also lot number ntteen (13) in diocz numoer icn (10) in the said town'of St. Helens, nil in Columbia county, State of Oregon, together with all the tenements aud improvvmeats thereon. I dnlv levied upen said premise" on the 27th day of October, ISJl. Now. in oursuance of said deoree and order of sale, I will, on Saturday the 28th dav of November. 1M)1. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the courthouse door in said county and state, sell tne aoove oe ribed real property at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, for cash, to satisfy said decree and order of sale and coats. W. A. MEKKEK. Hhertffof Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE. This is to certify that mv wife has left mv bed and board without my consent, and hereafter I will not be responsible for any debts that she may contrnct. t.23n20 r . C. WINCHESTER. NOTICE. I have a large span mare mules, good to work, single or double, gentle and kind; weieht about 1200 pounds. I wish to trade for a -pan of young geldings, weight about tuoo pounas. iau on or aaurcss, a. v. Brown, Reuben, Oregon. , ol6nS Sale of Stock! There will be sold st Maygar, Oregon, on November 9, 1891, Seventy Shares of the Capital Stock ot the Green Creek Lumbering and . Manufacturing Co., Of Maygar, Oregon, 10 rwr eent of which I. -CI..U ..Ill K .nl.l In .. I.-. ' ' U up. l.vm. I J " ' w 1 fault of payment of sn assessment of 10 per ...... . MA.U Jn. GXL&M.Co. H, HENDERSON, Sec'y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., 8ep. 21, 1S91. Notice Is hereby given that the fol'owlug uamed settler hits Sled notice of her intention to make nna.1 proof In support of her claim and that said proof will be made before the Keijlsler and Receiver of the United States laud oftlceat Oregon City, Oregon, Novemt er 10, 18S1, via: SOPHIA MANZEY, Homestead entry So, SH72, for the ne of sec tion 81, f p . u, r 2 w. She names the following wltneB. ' U prove her continuous residence noon, and cultivation of said, laud, under sec Linn '2M)i R. a. : Andrew J. Ainetl, Clinton Bon ier, John W. Cline, James V; Joy; all of Bcap- poof e, uuiuuiDia county, urvgon. James Carson, who Hied pre-emption D. 8. No. mb for said land is specially untitled. 0'iuS J. T. AfPEKbON, Register. CONSUMPTION Cl'HEU. ft - -1 ..I (-! , ...t.A nwaniinA having had placed In his hands by an East India missionary , tne tormina oi a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption, broncblttis. catarrh, asthma and all turoat and lung af fections, also a positive and racical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated by this motive snd a desire to relieve numan sunenng. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. this recine. in German. French or English with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming rnu papr. w. a. ooira, 820 Powers' B'.ock, Rochester, K. y, All Our Seeds Are rj F.L.Posson & Son. Portland. On. F. R. CHOWN, IMPORTER OF - -i MANUFACTUEERS OF - Sheet-Iron, Tin WHOLESALE 212 First and cor. Salmon Street. PORTLAND- m FIRST STREET, OPP. LADD & TILTON'S BANK. Yon arc respectfully invited to call at the office of the OREGON HOMESTEAD CO. And examine ourliotof Properties, the finest and best of which is - Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland, EAST LOTS 50X100 FT. PRICES LIBERAL. Parties who desire to visit and examine this property wSl And oar agent and team ttmir at say We also offer 100 10-acre tracts belonsine to the Hawthorne estate at HiLx.saoao, Washington ootimv, h nines west oi v oruauo, one nour s nae bv rail, three times dally. GLrFTOlST Tblsisto certify that the "Oreron Homestead homwte,t, reqTiirinr Uitle, if any clearing, with tnuies, u wvii s wtM pruu.icuun oi every vanetv ox grain ana lruics mat can De grown In Calfc torn ! a, Oregon and Washington, and we have lovated tnereon. Said homesteads are situated on the Washington side of the Columbia river, convenient to thch&ndinrof &d&ilr line at MArnm sad opposite In Uotid Uiv.Tstation, ou the bne of the Union Pacific railway, US milea east of Ua cltj of Portland. We cordially recommend our friends and others to join our colony. (Signed, There an now sixty settler in the colony and claims enonrh for 10 to 15 mora families, and obtain lull particulars. We are also locating a colony abont three miles ou per acre. . Also a colony at Hillsboro, Or. on 10 and 20-acr tracts at tlOO and S12S per acre, 40 acre farm 8 miles from St. Helens, all good . . , We have the largest and moct valuable tracts a. Wa wcaive none for snbdtvision or aale dents of the district in which such lands aia situated. Ws receive none except such aa havSy a absolute perfect title. ., We have 200 5-acre tracts near PORTAKGELE8, WASH., an elegant tract far a colony 150 per acre; 8,200 acres la a body near the above. X25 per acre. Very liberal terms. fUUr nUiUC&lCttUS, Acres Each, PA0U MUI1. ; We have for sale a beautiful fruit farm of a ISO vation, fsiee fi.tjou. lermssi.xuueasn, naiance on time, with bou-ienoid lurmturs horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, wagons aod everything snitable for a nrst-clasa tann, 2,S0o. Terms, SS.oos cash, balance on time. Call and get , , full particulara, IU acres fine cleared land near Roseburg, Oregon, trees, to per acre, apenaia inut ana grain larm. Ons 10-acre tract, near Port Angeles, S2S per acre, cash. Special !- A party la forming here to visit the United during the month of December, to be absent are tsrsiirerlor to those ol California in 18W, without tne naraanips theu enilure-t. Tha mines of Col-rrt-wbia exceed in richness any ever discovered to Calif oriila or NevaSa, The climate Is just the same as In Calif srais, the farming lands ranj-inr la price front W cents to fl per acre. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes and grain gn.wu in California and Oregon, in addition to coffee, cocoa aud all the tropical fruits.. . AilOTHEB PARTI. Is formtngtoVistt San llesr aud tha City sf Knteaada, Lswer California In lecembe., to spend the whiter, exploring the mines and examining the country with avlewot locating a oolony of I'rst-elass farmers and fruit Miters. For full information, send S-eant stamp to MR. GEORGE E. Oregon Homestead Go. nonce rott pubii.catiom. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Or., October 8, 1881. Notice is hereby riven that the following- named minor heir of James Dooley. deceased, has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof iu support ot her claim, ana mat saia proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver of the United .ctates Land Office at Ore gon City, Oregon, on November 27, 1891, vis: JENNIE WRIGHT, Formerly Jennie Dooley, one of the minor heirs of James Dooley. .deceased, homestead entry NO. 6730 lor tne se;t oi sec. s, ip s n, r a w, one names the following witnesses to prove the eon Unuous residence of James Dooley, deceased, upon and cultivation of said land, via: Lewis Piper, Frank M. Tompkins, John O. Tompkins and Stephen Haines; all of Scappoose postotBce, Columbia county, Oregon. oI6n J. T. APPEBSON, Register. Notice) ft Creoltwra. Tha nnrleraicned bavins been duly ap pointed administrator of tbs estate of Joseph Dooley, deceased, all persons hay ing claims against said estate are requested to present the same to me at the law office of Moors st cole, ai et. xieiens. v.uiumui county, Oregon, within six months from the data hereof. WILLIAM WBIOHT. Administrator of the estata of JosepJ Dooley, deceaaed. Dated October 1, 1831. 2r30 Tested. HardwarE Table and Pocket Cutlery Dairy and Household Goods. Cooking an d Heating Stoves. and Copper Ware, AND RETAIL. PORTLAND, OREGON. SIDE. $700 TO $850 EACH. TERMS 41 acres. Improved farm T miles south of Port land, near Clackamas. Clackamas station, 8. V. R. K., rood house, land all fenced, rood water, km uuioer; price siau per acre, easy J Whits fumoa. Wash, August SO. 18S1. Comoanv" has secured for nit rami nd irll InMtM tint-class soil, well adapted tu rralo and vere- S. A. Capfs, 459 T st, Portland. W. J. Ko La, 2S Oak st, Portland. W. J. Baths, eor. Front and Hall sta., Portland. Cu-as. H. G'hiuson, 271 Fourth St., Portland. O. t. Cook, eor. Fonrth and J nts., S. Portland. C. B. Blackwsll, eor. 4th and Jts,K. Portland. M. W. KiNCAin, 2S Porter St., Portland. T. Pisbcs, eor. Third and Ash sta., iortlaad.- Call from Port Angeles. Five, 10 and aOeere tracts land, creek running through Uie ceutar aplaQdid 0 ' :.:; ol land fn the states of Oresrwn and W emit tat - that we cannot have endorse;! hv tha laar1lii iv&t- acres, SO acres mirier fence, M acres under culti nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oak States of Celwmbla. Month America. three or four months. The inducements offered PLACE, Care of our office, 1041 FIRST ST. PurtlsmH Orwsmn. A V a (trsaMsMaaar fbaytta. Bnncb School : Capital But. Oounoa, ttrOMB, Origan, banwmurtMM of ul7, hum nam oi UUioii. Business. ShoTthamd, - " T. - r. i ii (. S"ln action throuahout the n sr. Sic Sua atLatti tea at any time. Uatalogue frufi otbe' Ssm t Final Scttkraeat. Notice is hereby given that I, ths under signed administrator of the estateof Dennis F. Murphy, deceased, hare filed with ths clerk of the county court of Columbia coanty. Stats of Oregon . my report and final account of said ejtate, and thai ths judge of eaid court has fixed Monday tbs 7th day of December. 11. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and the court room of said court as the time and place for lbs bearing of said report and account, at which time snd plooa any and all persons interested B. P. GRAHAM, Admlniitrator of to estate of lxnnii Murphv, deceased. -Dated October 30, 1891,. . . o30n27