the omocm MIST, UOIWCRlPTrOH, 11.50 PER YEAR. . HELM, Octobk S3, 1891. nix gkaxd jcftrs scoxoxr. Tfrt grand Jury spent Ave day the la lra ol court, that i they' drs. iwjr lor tm day' attendance. One day out of th Art tin Jury tu ad Journed, aod no one but tliemselv. oem to know why tliey adjourned 1 bay wty in tfretr Anal report that We have examined into all cfiargs Of crime brought before 0, and have returned indictment iu all caeea where, iu tdt judgment, the evidence H umcicnt to aupport a conviction. 2hey do not aay in their report whether or not they found any true bill, or in fact whether tliey reafty aocottit'liehed anything or not. They did Dot even examine the county re cord , claiming (hat it would occupy too much time and finally concluded the five-dffy aeeiioa by junrjiing onto (be county court for it extravagance in allowing certain fee bill for search- lng 'r criminal,. Xbia i a very grave error. Are we to allow burglars, thug and Villain of all cUscee to feaat and fatten off our citisena and make no effort to capture them Morality and common decency criee aloud for pro tection in all auch casea at any coat, (he report of the grand jury nolwith atanding. They .teormpty that the tonnty ooort ie too tree to allow ex orbnant caum againtt the eouniy, which charge ia wholly unwarranted. In former year, when we had but one eeaaioo of court year, the grand jury would complete iu labor ia de tail and get through in about three day. Now we hare a term every ait ntonlha and H Ukea five daya to a aeaaion. And yet the grand jury raulkmi the county court to uae more ttgid econonry la allowing claim gainst the oounty. Thia come with fattier poor grace from the "five-day memon" grand jury, and the economy may eomnwue when the grand jorora' bilW are preeeoted to the coon BoSTMAaTEE-GBXEBAL WUililn la about to take a atep beyond any thing previously accompluihed ia the eatabliahment of a acheme for collect ing leUara, paper and package from dwelling to dwelling and from ahop to ehop, so that no one need ever be ob liged to go ontaide of bia domicile for the purpose of sending such matter in t'ocl Sam's care. The new plaa will be put into operation early ia the com ing year. Last October a circular waa issued by the department, asVing the Inventor of the country to exercise their wit in devising a suitable letter box for attaching to each citizen' door in every town and city in the Union. It was explained that the ob ject waa to aave the postman's time in waiting for an answer to the bell, and to render the delivery of mail a con venient to the recipient a possible. Bequiremeot was made that the re ceptacle should be cheap, neat in ap pearance, simple of operation, swore a gain it thtevea.and so constructed that iu oontrnU should be protected against- rain, aleet, mow and dust Tnrthermore, the mail waa not to be aoceesible at the eatae time to the postman and the recipient. In re sponse to this advertisement 400 model were submitted, but none of them Were deemed aalisfactory, and so a second circular, to similar effect, was sent ouL Ten hundred aod thirty-fire model rewarded this fecond appeal, aod among the number several de aign were thought deserving of com mendation by the commissi appoint ed for judging the competition. Only ms. however, was actually recom mended, and thia pattern will un doubtedly receive the official approval of the postmaster general. Helen tht they were frt tft teat could not distinguish the difference between black and whiu, yet they are kept in the postal service and the peo ple are forced to submit to their in competency. It takee all the way from three hours to three week to get a letter from Portland under the present statu ol tliinge.- .WASHINGTON L15TTER. Thkbi ia not another city in this Ut ao comfortably situated in every particular a ia St. Helen. We have three round-trip steamers daily to Portland and three trains, beeidea several other a teamen including those that carry the mail, in fact we have transportation facilities nnequaled by any city in the Ute outside pf Fort- land. The fnll length fcl uoiumou county i abundantly supplied with transportation lines, so that at almost any hour of the day or night our citi aan may board a steamboat or rail road train and hie themselves away to m. market at either end of the route- Portland or Astoria. If you have pro duce for the market you can board a steamer in the morning, lke it to the .rVt and return home the same dev. making 100 mile of travel, if you aUrt from Eainier.and allow you four or five hours in Portland. It i with prid we call attention to these facts when w compare them with the In convenience suffered by a great many ether part of the Utv Wi advise people who have im portant message to end in this state, and especially in this particular part of the state, to go in person and de liver them. If yon depend upon the mail to do It for you tt may reach ita donation nod it may not, or if it doe get through there U no telling how long U will take. W believe there are reruin poul clerk on tome of the ranoportatkin liu p' P 8t! (frern'Oac Corutpondtnt.) WrwTos, D. C, Oct. ia, MM. The president and hi official advisors formed what might b aptly called a "nappy family" at the last cabinet meeting, and there was ample cans for happiness on the part o( the men whe socHrol and shape the policy of the present administration, which promises to occupy a proud portion in the eiatory or onr country, particularly that portion treating of tlx enlargement and ex tension of A nieriran commerce with foreign conu tries. Although the efflcM announce ment cannot yet be made, it is known that a reciprocity agreement has been mad with Ucrmeny that will either allow Amer ican wheat to enter that country free of duty or admit ail American grain at a merely nominal duty, hn'l that goo newer i-amcularlj when it is estimated that Germany, on acconnt of her short crop, will want at iesst 100.000.000 bushels of our surplus wheat this year. There waa also another raas for rejokiixa at the cabinet meeting. Minister Porter, who represents the Coiled States at Rome. Italy, has succeeded in svtiine the luliaa government to follow the lead of tiermanv and Denmark and agree te remove alt re- strictivos upon the importation of Ameri can pork. No wonder Secretary Rusk's kindly face bearaa these days, lie aecepted the agricultural portfolio because he be ne red that be could be ol service to the farmers of the country, and be is justly pmud to be a saember of an administration which has already don aaor tor American farmers then any single administration in the history of the country. Reciprocity has extended and will continue to extend our commerce, while the meat inspection law, the passage uf which waa largely due to the personal effort of Secretary Busk, is nobly doing its part towards enriching the Atuer lean farmer. The democrat hire been unusually un fortunate ia their Vecent misstatements. Everybody remembers toe announcement made with a great flourish of trumpets ia democratic newspapers about the time that Hoa. Frederick Donglaae resigned as United 6tste minister to Hsvti, to the effect that Mr. Douglas waa very much down on the administration, and that be proposed lead ing a revolt among the colored voters against if r. Harrison'a renominstion. Of course nobody who knew Mr. Douglas placed toe slightest credence in the story at the time it was started, and now, for the benefit of those who do not know him , k can be stated that he made the most affect ive denial possible, In a lectors here this week, by announcing himself as being in favor of a second term for Mr. Harrison. The loss of the United Ktates steamer. Dispatch, which fue some years has been known as the "president's boat," removes a veasei that has long been called by sailors Jonah," because of Uia many accidents which have happened te her. It is proba ble that she would hsve been condemned soon B she had not been wrecked. Secretary Tracy and Comiataadcr Folder, chief of the bureau of ordnance of the navy, paid an official visit to the Bethlehem Iron Works at Bethlehem, Peon., thia week) in order to inspect the forging of the steel that is being used to make the new guns for our aavy gun which experts pronounce to be the best of their class in the world. The secretary expresses himself as being pleased with what he saw. Thisia the first week of the October term of the supreme court, bat all the big cases have been postponed until next month. owing to the absence of Chief Justice Ful ler and the illness of Justices Gray and Bradley. The president broke the record this week while receiving- the members of the Ep worth Lescue by shskinr hands with 7u0 people in twenty-three minute. It is understood thst the vacancy in the court of etaim will be filled before the court meet for the fail term, which it will do on the last Monday in thia month, and there is an impression among those usually well Informed thst ex-BepresentaUve Thorn peon, of Ohio, will receive the ap pointment. Mr. Hatford, the president's private see retary, who has been quite ill, ia now im proving, though not yet able to resume his duties. lie is sadly missed when absent from the White house, particularly by the newspaper men, who alwaya find him ready to extend sll the courtesies in his power to them and to tell them anything which be may properly tell. BecraUry Foster will leave for Ohio in a day or two to remain during the rest of tits cam palgn, in wbkh be proposes to take an active part. and slewing certain txK-eKlii.MiHlel Encyclopedia, eomvllvd by &tf jaVw and Fireside. Greenback, "A popular uatn for the paper money of the United Mates, first bsued in IS83; so called trout the hack of we note being of a green color. The term is some time used to include the United out txtna iM.te.-'Model KncvcloiHKlla. "On the !th day of February. l.2. I.el dent Lincoln approved the tetfsf temler act passed by congrex. By it the secretary of the treasury Is authorised to issue notes o not less than 15, to the amount of l(W,000.- wj, not bearing Interest, payable in Wash ington and New York, the notes to be legal tender for all debts, public and nrivate. and to be received and paid by the internment tor all purposes, except duties on imports and interest On public debt, those to be paid in gttd."rited States History. This Is proof (hat arceubacks was flat money, and therefor the depreciation be cause those government note (Hat money) were not naseu on gold. Supposing 1 owe "I. C. Q." ftono, for which he holds my note payable in United States gold eoiu, and I mortaag my farm on me sub-treasury plan and get the gov ernmcnt note (flat money ) to that amount and offer it to "I. 0. y." for my note, which he holds. lie would not be obllgvd to accept it as it is not gold coin; therefore t shall have to get It cashed. When I offer the same to a capitalist will he not "shave' it; and tell me as It is only bearing per cenv be cannot cash it for its face; and therefore depreciate the note to the very "gtrre he chooses. Moreover, when he brings those notes back to the government to be paid, if the government cannot pay it tor want ol funds, will it not be obliged to give up the security 1 deposited; and leave me to the men y ol the capitalist, and the last error be worse than the first t AlsoI. C. V." Insists thst I "did net try" to get enlightened on ths sub-treasury plan. Mow I would Ilk to have him mail me ail the sub-treasury plans that are in his possession, in care of pos toffies bvx lg , Deer Island, Oregon. He may have some thing that I have not yet seen. Dose it not look reasonable that the sob' treaswry scheme is a plan the capitalists have invented to turner all the gold and put somethtnglu circulation so that gold will bring a premium; and If the sub- treasury advocate the loan on land and other ample securities, bow much can the railroad companies borrow on the same plant Qtiav. STATE SCHOOL STATISTICS. Fig- re From All the Cownty School Saperintendeat. The school statistic presented in the annual repotla of the aeveral county school superintendents for the year 1S91 haf e been collated and tabu lated in the office of the slate superin tendent of public instruction. These statistics are compiled from the re- porta which were made by the superin tendents of March lat, aa provided by law. Below are presented some of the most interesting poiuts of these report. Persons No. Counties. Baker Benton Clackamas... Clatsop Columbia ..... Coos Crook Curry Douglas....... Orant .... Gilliam Harney ....... Jackson ...... Josephine..... Klamath Lake Lane Linn School Age. Enrolled ...sjtn ...3.628 ..6,414 ...1,51 J ...1.770 .. S.419 ... 145 ... 645 ...4.403 ...1.773 .,..1.270 ... 791 ,...4,143 .. ,1,739 ... SOT ... 785 ...5 ...6,fl00 SCB-TREAStHRT. E ottos Mist; Sir In your issue of Octo ber 2, "I. C. 0," contemplate that green backs Is not fiat money. Flat means. ''Let It be done; a degree; a command to do something. "Webster. Flat, "A derfslre or effective command;" in Jaw, "a short order or warrant by a jodaefor making ont Malheur 7X Marion 9MI Morrow.. 1,427 M ultuomah. . . ........... 17.J0 Pelk .....8.2S5 Bberman.. 664 Tillamook .1,103 Umatilla .4.797 Union 4.1U Wallowa ; 128 Wasco 2,909 Washington ............. 4C4 Yamhill ..4,300 1,619 3.107 4,337 1.263 S06 2,12! 1,4A 331 3.212 1,108 tfO 673 2.0 1.428 009 842 7.6S3 4J07 431 8.108 1,UW 9.9S 2,125 439 090 3.117 2,914 1.091 1.742 3M 8.007 Total....; 100,172 72,322 The (ummarie below are for the thirty-one countie of the state : Number of resident pupils enrolled in public schools, during the year, un der 6 year of age, 3327; number of teacher employed during the year male 10&a, female 1082, total ztui; applicant for teacher' certificate ex amined daring the year, 1574; num ber failing to obtain certificate, 428 , number of children between the age of 4 and 20 not attending any achool during the year, 29,616; number of teacher employed In private school, 294 ; private achool attendance, 6666 ; stimaled value of school booses and j grounds, f 1.906.431 90; value furni ture, 1160,012 39; value apparatus, etc., 158,357 76 ; Inaurance on achool bouse and property, $728,447 60 average amoinn of (alary paid teachei msle fl id, female $4t tuniuer 0 achool district in the state 1747; num ber of school houses built duriug the your lm 12, frame 108, brick 1 j num. btr of vIhm1 houses in the slate stone 3, brick 9, log 113, Irume K40; number of universiiiott, college am) acadetnioa 60, employing 234 teachers, with an attendance of 487l: number of legal voter for school purposes, 54,487. . During the year twcnty.eighi couuty institutes were held and these were attended by 1661 teachers. Forty five local institute were held daring the year, -fl.hjm Statesman. DISTRICT COl'K. !roceetna of the October Term, lMUITayhr, Judge, (Continued from hvt week.) Mut'kle Bros. vs. A. II. filakesley et at. ; uecree oi loreckmire. A. Setfort waa excused a a grand Juror on account of sickness and I.. Archibald Was appointed by the court iu his etead. F. M. FowUr vs. D. 11. Harrell; talc confirmed. Emma June v. W. K. Jones; de cree of divorce granted -and plaintiff auoweu tne ouatouy oi lira minor heir. W. 3. lie vis vs. J. I). Haley; judg ment for plaintiff for cost. State of Oregon vs. W. 3. Drew ; de fendant Convicted of simple larceny and waa sentenced to thiity day io the county jail. State of Oregon t. A- 11. Larsen ; dismissed. State of Oregon vs. Fred Straight; dismissed. State of Oregon v. Alex Brown; continued for the term. mix ALLOWED. K.K. Quick, clerk, fees..,..., I5 00 2S 00 15 00 13 00 as oo 10 00 HABIGHORST & CONANT, W. A. Meeker, sher.ff F. Meeker, bailiff 8. Saulser. bailiff T. A. McBriile, district attorney... C. E. Kunyon, reporter. Adjourned sine die. A Woaaer Wartar. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of ftulinxton, Ohio, states that be haa heea under the care of two prominent physicians and used their treatment until he was not able to get around, lie wss persuaded to try Dr. King's 5ew Discover) for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, aad at that Urns wss not able to walk acmes the street with out resting. He found, before he ha i; used half of a dollar bottle, that he was muh better; he eoiitmoed to ns it and is today en laying good health. If yoa have any Throat, Lung, or Chest Trouble, try It. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Kdwin Ross' Drugstore. Tbs Best 8alvs la the world for Cuts. Brnlsst, Bores, Ulcers, Hall Khstim. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma aad all Dklo ErapUooa, and poslUvslr eores Piles, or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to (Irs pet-feet aUS faotkm, or money refunded. Price 0 eanls per bos. For Sale Bv Kdwla Kuss, FOR SALE! At Pcappoose PhnmpsMre Bucks aad Hereford block. Call on oraddrnw. W. W. WKjT, Ol0n20 ficappoose, Oregon. nor sets rot rima.vATien. Land Offtr at Ore; ran Cttr. Or.. Oetoher a, 11. Nolle t berebr stten Uisl the lullowliie- named ml onr heir of James loxjley, daveaaed, has Sled notice of her Intention to miki anal .root in uiport of her claim, and that aald Drool will be made before the Itevliter sad ft. eeiter of Ilia United etate land office al Ore gon city, orefon, en jiovemuer ir, iisji, rut: tia vtKiurir, ranaerlr Jennie tioulev. on of the minor heir of James iitmler. erMed, hnmeataad entry (is. S73S for the ae of aee. , l S o, r 1 w, ah name the following- wttneaaea to prove ih eon Uaouus residenc of James Doolay, deevased. urwn and cultivation of aald land, els: Lewi plfer. rraos M. Totnpktna, John O. Taaieatas sad Mtenhea llaioes: all of Scwopuoa noeioOke, Columbia county, orrgon tSAMOsS iriiiiiTwrwaijrrTS hu rssj n gj Jtl iiiUwTsI ls "ran ri nf rflf f flf f Hrf Hf f nTTflTTrlf "nr r nvvnr r n r " - L.oers' ai id Wood"Choxlort4 Simpliene EIwairclWwEeiire m Saws, Under Cutters, Mann's Axes, Wedges, Sledges, Pcavys, Chains, Etc. 1M IHS.1t BTWRKT. rFOHITB BaSIOKO HWTKI ) It T !" MnMiAmKH IRALDA FARE Between Cedar Landing PORTLAND. and , .......... ' "se ! Lsaetau. wv ratr. RAINIER II 00 II 0 CARKOl.L'H 1'OINT...., 1 0 1 80 O0I1LB 1 0U 1 SO KALAM A.,....,.. 1 00 1 90 IIOKFMAN'8 1 0U 1 BYBKK'0 75 I tO DEER ISLAND.,.. I 00 MARTIN'S Tr 100 CAPLK8'. 78 COLl'UBIA CITY- St 75 ST. HELENS..... 80 78 Ths IrsKIs wul carry all kinds of freight except hsy snd lumber al ll per ton. W. E. NEWSOM. Webfoot Saloon. T1I0S. COOPER, Propr. ST. HELENS, - - - OREGON Cps Noble's WlMies. A I.SRO BTOCK OK Excellent Wines, Liquors and Cigars, -KKPf COMTASThr OH 1U!D.- An Excellent Pool and Billiard Table FOR THE USE OF PATRONS ! CITS US A CALL ', DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Hclenurtrslly treated by sn aurlst of world wlile repuUlnin. Lleafnsas enullrsted sm entirely cured, of from 20 to 30 years' stand inir. alter all other tresunenu iisve lauea How Uieilimrutty tsresMtea smt ineeauM removed, fully eiplaliied In circulars, with afliilavits and testimonial uf cures from prominent people, malted free. DR. A. FONTAINK, Tacoma, Wash, notice rem rtvut.iVAiio.'v. land Offlea at Oregon City, Or., Sept Jl, 1S0L Notice I herabr sisen that the fol'owloa aaacd settler has Died notlr of her Inleorlua to make fioal pnl In snpuort of her claim a art that aald wool will be mail before Hi Uexlaier snd Receiver of tii UolUfl sutea laul me at OreonClty, trrejton, November 10, Isvl, vis: mrritia a4ftr.i, nomesuao nur ro. iw, tor inv nr., ot hb Hon M.tplD,lt. hh naaie the following atttnnsaes to oror hsr eonU annus ridnr uoon. and cnltiesuon of said land, under o u.m 'Zstti K. M - Andrew J. Aoiell. C'lluu-n Hon aer, John W. (.'line, V. Joy; all of ffcap- porwm. voinmirja eonntr, vrrngtm. aoie -(wm , w ii niau picTin Jinn. So. M6 for said land Is reclally notlned. ozas i. T. ArrauauM, Kister. )o foil Dili OF COURSE YOU DO. the Secret of Fine Pastry. Itt wholly la twin Dr. Pric' Cream Baking: Powder. Th only pafe Crem Trter Powder old oa the nurket. Other brand contain either ammonia, alom or ome other adulterant Ammonia or alom powdm dry out, make the dough too poroua, leaYing a bitter taste, etc Ho agency haa aited ao much toward perfection to tookery a Price'e Cream Baking Powder. Ita ingredienta re aimple and ao blended aa to exist in exact chemical pro portion, ao af ter ue there ia never any excesa of either left ia the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left to the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakei of thai natural sweet fiavor of the flour and keeps moist ana fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes each delicious pastry, contains the white of eggs. Petition for JJquor JLirenw. To tb Honorable Commtasioners snd Countv court or ins mate oi ureaoa tor voiumuia County: - IVe. Ih undenrli-ood. hrssl voter la Deer Island prerliH t, t'olumhiaeounlr, suite ol Or aoa, roapACtlulIjr petition sour honorable body inal a lli-ena h ranted Urrln A. Wood to ssfl pirltuous liquors In IMMr Inland precinct In iMaaiiuiuuM inu on ebuui. iruw fin, iv. November, A. I. Iml; and your petitioner "p ifushea. i'p Vtber, C Wheelrton. C Olsen, I fnimeardnar. C L Smith. John Maedonald, Charles Unmssrdner. Peter Sjrnltn, i.nsrle Cordes, i Csuarett, I If "pesrjer. C II nixneer, l Ujabirfjt. H J Wilitarns. n t uon. d i. r.nrert. av r Humvardnar. Ilia Olann. K H fllrtr. H A Oner, K i Hsrnes, F Chsto, H Bevls. W O Tui'ker, W I. Nlehols, H II Spencer, K HelTert, p H rilsr. 8 r Uuoter, ) B Hsller, Wm Heotl, I. Canty. oeph Booth, J K Crook, g it Jones, Kmll Kltspaoer, Jtoon mrner, imo noo;, dolph Anllker, J iron, tls. Joel JHsta, W Miliar, W H mlth, P M Burns, Heetor Holer, J K Cowhov. Jaroe Flsnlsao, II t' Brown, II Bur rows, H Poster, Kd Butt. E O rotter, A Kevin, Ah Neer. R J Burnett, J W Collier, a Ore. .7. t- v v,.. M B M.ithwl.-k, p p porter. C 1 lepprt, Cfenyert, J W Knosrles, C I Uro- arrfl. K ti Jobnaon. nenaon, wenrr uiaae, n a Maklnster, Jsines llsrt, If Dtehman, Ilsrld ui,.,i if red Hiintt. Ted Hleott. C V Anderson, A W MclAjnald, frank Jubiisue, F Pip'"- J'e'sr Turaer, PO Allln, at M Both, aflehsel Me lt are, Ouatar Klonme MoAoablon, Uwl Hall, Jnn aci-ewi, -"' st-.i ( nowen, II O WoHes, Fran hlshop. W K Wil , . ... i, u lilannt. A H Urlswold. Dsn BrjIoesren.UOkorner.flosoerr;, O toyw, W JrAnaon. 6 Bennett, O WlaLysr, J Hmi h, B Sal ViMter. A R fwUtr. O C Ja-iulah, Wm Wllsos, A I, lUevsa. Frank Kad ellffe. U I) Unk, E W Fowler, 1 Onodersp, 4m W Kt.'H.nsrd, B Howard, VV Lord, M A Andrew. Fred Woodham. h .0 Masinawr, w rnwler. FW M K Inner, T Tborapaon, Fred a inner, hhjiuf ."," Nntfliamsr, Klrbsrd Fhelsn, i.O kn. c:nanea inw. r nni, n wu- Brad) der'jl Plnekney, 1 (ialttens, O Trim. Baiter, (J C aklnrter, Tbornss NnaalMiiner, Jsroo Peter Ureen, at W Wslllnen, losac I. A. P. Aratr. rrta. I o4 atodr. aaata mm of uniiea. roruaaa, trrafoa. "7' . rjj ih acaoM : Ar IT t. nvm. :.! Itosiness, Hhoirttioad, maritime. fnmukU, mml V'"J lfT" 'aril aawiM tbnwet tb . Wf a-la led at aa tint. No other i THWAITES. Tho Photographer. CABINETS. - 1250 PEE VOZEH. ' CARDS, 12.00 PES DOZEX, 167 snd 169, First Street, Portland Or. SCCIT BBINO THE C'AHE. It behoove yoa to ttnd ths roost desirable place to purchase your invigoraior." rTrrTr T A TJATTfT A,i i aJAAvwadat Keeps constantly oa band tbe famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tbs finest line of Wines Manors and of rorv Clears hi be found this side land. And if yon wish engage io a (am of to POOL OR BILLIARDS, They csn asnr yott that tliey have the best table In town. Kverytiiinif new and neat, and your patrouage Is respectfully sonuitsri. "THE BANQUET" flt. Helens. Oregon. h a saaphlat of Information aad as.0 J V.Mreetof lb lav,snuwln lloar tf f -fT Otrtaln patent, :aral, Trad W Mara. (JoprneMs. saaf h-J . VVataa SSUNSl t QQ.Jrf i . Set BraaSwar. sS I CjwsrkiLV TJNCLEMTEES, THE PORTLAND JEWELER. . lalt'OKTEK AXI) DKALKR IN onds5 Clocks. Watches. Jewelerv. ani Opdcaf Goods. Fine Watch and Jewelry Renairinrr. Orders from the Country Solicited. I6S First Street Between Morrison and Yamhill. Portland, Or. THE RETAIL MERCHANT i the noce-wtry Medium of Trudo k'twecri the Manufiwcturrir mid the Conmimcr. He miwt protect tli intercut of Iiih cuntomorii by purchasing in the lowevt and find bct market-, and by nclling to his patrons ttt the Lowest Powibio Prices. W. Iff. DOLMAN PROPRIETOR OP THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping thew true principle of trade alwaya in viw ; often loaves theold triu:kami strikes "acrowi lots" for Bargains for hiscuntomere. Ills stock of RSGenerol Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day, It Is not eonvenlsnt to nsme ths msny different srtleles fcet.t on sale, a.) I from Ir Uo.K,t,.g. ...iea' Weal Osnliemen's Wesr, llisrl Wear. Koot Wear, Hour and tl, Ormerte afwl t neti doods, Nsltssnd Hartlwar. Croeksry sn4 tlisr. Orantta snd 1 tiiw.r. Vow.ler siid Bhot, Hat snd Uses, Koo snj buves, l-alenl ToHet Art k lea, ete. (f) Q O O O o z Ll. Q Z CD Z X H O O MUCKLE BROS, Dealers in all Kinds of Liikkl Faints, Oils, Qlasswaro, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Dry Goods and Groceries, FEED AND HAY. General :: Merchandise. MUCKLE BROS ST. HELENS, OREGON. Q m m r m j) o x z o m o THE MODEL SALOON. J. 8. tXOMXCEn, Prop'r. ST. HELENS, OREGON Tha Celelratsd FrencHurB, noref inoeo. laDUPnniTIMr"ormmej - iniuviiinh rami Wsrrsntsd tt to sue ' IS Bold OS A POaiTIV OUASANTtt toenrsanr form ot oervotu alaaaa orao dlwrlrof th (eneratlr or- gansoiaitneraaa wliather arl.lni mmi tliamM.I. BEFORE uwol BtlniMiaou, AF TER orer ladnlseoe, Aa , turn at im. of Jlraln Poer, WaknfulneM. l)erlndown fslntinlli twek.aemlnal Weakneaa, llr'leiia, Xarvous fme tratloo, Nh lanial Kmlialmia, liieorrhfra, lit, sloaas, Weak Memory, Um of I'owwand Impo ttner, w)il:b if nettleet.) often li a-1 to tiremstur old are and Inwnltr. fries l.40 s bos, SbosoS lorfVotl. Kent hr meil on reeelpto) prim A WBItfKSI UUAKANTKCli si ran for ereir 16 00 or'ler received. Urefnn4 the moor r If .rm.ii.'ll rniB la liu eiieeieo. , W fiBI thotlMtntl.ot testlmonlala fnjmoWl anil .mine. of both aexes, who hsre reeii rermsuontlr enrM bjruiuoiapnrooiun. (ircHiarire. AadreaS THS APHRO MEDICINE CO. ' Wstro Bruocli. box 27, Poiti - . For sale bjr EDWIN BOSS, Dbcqoht, Bt. Helens, Or, Choice Wines, Honors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool ubl forth PooommodaCicra of PuCront CALL AROUND. C. R. HART, -Propriotor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh snd Palled and vegetables Meats, Sausage, Pish Meati by wholenals t spr ,1 riites. Expires wsron ran to sll Dart of town. and diaries ressoniibl. . A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor tl Oriental : Hotel. 8T. HELENS, 0RE00N. The bonus has been fully rsfnrniiibwl throughout snd ths beat of accom modations will b (Ivea. CHARGES REASONABLE. RTAOR run In oonnse.tlon with the hntleontisutltif( with ths North ern I'siiitle ilallrosd at Milmn. Btsss for Tacoma train. 10 p. m. for rorlUnd train at J p. ro. DAVIES, The Photographer, First and Taylor Street. PORTLAND - - OREU0N Work and pries that cannot b be ten. itoTicB ron ruBLiCATiorf. Und OBItts st Oreaoa City, Or.. Sspfc !. '; Nntlia la hereby lvn thst the follow n named settler has Blsd nolle of hi """! to nisk Anal proof In support ol hla el!","" Uisl ssldpror will os msdsbefors lbs Wiioif tilers of Columbia oounty, a 8t. Hslsna Or., os Novsubsr 1J IWi, rli- If. . wlt;RBrini , 1 J Homertssd snlrr No. for lbs H of. s H " nee. SS.tpTn.r 4 w. Hs aamss In ";'"! to pros hl contintiom resissu" iipfi,iid!iilllvtion of said lniaiT,V .5 C, iX'OSnt, v w. wo.nar, , .""f? nii.os,