The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 16, 1891, Image 3

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.. I fj 1 ) in
llnltrd RUIn nd County Official Paper,
Biiv yourdruM at a regular drug
Court It alill In waalon at prnna hour,
Tho grand jury ha uut ye aujuuriiuu
Oooda can tm purchaawl at furry
tor i at Houlton at ciioap at ruruaiiii
lian.m imvi hlubeat price for
Tho anrvoyoM on Iho Aatoria-Goble
ruilroad aro in ma vininiiy oi Aiaygar,
and aro working down tlio river.
Why go to l'or tin iid whan you can
buy J not at ciieiip at noma.
I, Ilratlloy, of Noer City? waa In St.
Hulotii laat Monday.
A full lino of llavoring extracts for
aiilo at tho driiK atoro.
I'roduoe takon in exchange for good
at i'orry'a, Houlton.
Itov. Hunry Coata will preach in Ht.
Iltilnna next Hunduy, morning and
Liltlo Alice, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. K. K. (juiok, hai bocd quit tick
thia week. ,
Mrs. N. K. Dolman titurla next week
fur a months vUil to her aistort at Hun
J ono, (Jul.
Duoou't farmers alliance ttoro is
always mppliod with tho best gooda
in tho nutrkot.
When in need of drug call ou lions,
His stock is frenh aud puro.
Married. -At the roaidenca of Jos.
Corwlaml. Ootober 10,, 1891, Mrs,
Mary K. Kellogg to Harry V. Fuller,
Kuv. M. liurhiigaine olUcialtng.
W. W. Went, of Scappooso, lias
taut aixty head of Hereford stock
which he is oiTorlng for aale very
Tha steamer Iralda ia atill to be
beard as regular as clock work each
morning at 0 ;30 on her way to Port
land. Tha work of running her oft" the
route does not aeem to bo au eaay task.
VUitors tcTlho ex polt km will And
the Hi Charles Hotel Restaurant f i rt-
cliTM in every rospt'cl. Meal 25 centa,,
' Ht. Charles Hotel building, Kiont and
Morrion ttrcota, Portland.
Notice AfU'r Friday, October, 9th
the Maiuanillo will n)t make reg-ulur
trips, and on Mondays the O. W.
Mmver will go via Went port, Hkamok
aw and (;nthlainet.
In another column will be
the proceedings of the county farmers'
alliance, which met at Mixt on Octo
ber 1, 1891. Tux Miht in alwaya ready
and willing to publish anything in
the shape of news that will bo ot in
terest to its readers. '
In the eM of Laraen and Drew,
charged with bui(hriiine tho store of
Watu & Co., of Hcappoono, tho jrrand
jury found not a true bill against
Jjirson, ho being at once diacharKud.
Drew was sentenced to thirty days in
the county (ail.
Among tho legal fraternity in at
tendance at court this week are: J.
H. Hammond, A. ('. Emmons, II. R,
JSiecll, J. F. Canles, Alex 8wek, T. A.
McBrlde, W. W. Pago, P, J. Bannon,
J. H. Smith, Av L. Fraxer, W. H.
Winfrie. ,
Mr. M. F. lfaxen, of Gillton, Rave a
log-rolling somo tinio ago. and, as is
usual after thnso kind of luxurious
Vxerclsea he gave a dance, which took
plaoo last Friday night. There was a
largo atieuiliiuio (at the ball) and
everyone we Imyj seea report huviug
had au excellent time.
Somo partiea bnrglarixed Mr. A. II.
Illnkonlcy't potato patch ono night
lust week and carried away five sack
of potatoes which had juat beeu dug,
and tho remaining empty sacks that
were found .by the thief were filled
with cnblwgo and carried away also.
Tho man who would steal apuus this
year would rob a last years' birdsncst.
Frank Monro of this place mot with
a painful accident Tuesday. "Whilu
riding in company with another boy
his horno stumbled, throwing his rider
and fulling on top of him breaking tho
mnnll bone iu the boy's loft leg just
nbovethe ankle. The injury ia a pain
ful though not necessarily a serious
.Mr. Newton Perry has purchased
tho 'building and stock ot Roods of
riummer St. Simmons, at Houlton, and
will put-in a new stock of general
merchandise, and in the future con-,
duet tho business in a busineas-'.ike
manner, He expects to handle all
kinds of produco and exchange goods
fottlia same. Wa bcacak for him a
fair portion of the business of this
locality. ,
, Stale Fish Commissioner R. C.
Campbell slates that tho salmon out
put from the hatchery at Clackamas
will fall far abort of last years hatch,
.last year the hatchery turning out
' 41,000,000 little million and this season
only about 1,500,000. Mr. Campbell
auya tho shortage is bocause of the de
lays in stalling tha operations when
tho spawning season commenced,
Last Sunday afternoon Dan Boyd, a
deck hand on tho steamer Northwest,
"while slightly intoxicated, threw
Chnrlfa Mcline, another dock hand,
into the Cowliti river near Freeport,
resulting in tho death of tho lattei.
There was no provocation for tho
crime. Boyd is now in custody. While
guaiilinn him, Constable Modlock ac
cidentally dropped a revolver and
shot hinmolt through the kneo.
Many years praolica have given C.
A. Snow 4 Co., Solicitors of Futonts,
at Washington, D. C., unsurpassed
success in 'obtaining patents for all
classoa of invention. They mako a
specially of rcjootod oases, and have
sooured allowanco of many patents
that had boon previously rejected.
Their advertisement in another col
umn, will bO of interest to inventors
atnntoee, manufacturers, and all who
lave to do with patents.
'A fine Mine of stationery at Ross'
drug store open to inspection,
Mr. W, II. Kyter, of Tryou, wivi In
town this week.
Mr. Webb, of tha Portland Daily
Dijutch, paid 'J'iik Miht olllco a visit
on TtitmUay.
Mr. L. Malcolm, of Tryon, proved
up on IiIh ncimeetoad on Tti-'lny liiHt
with W. II. Kyaer act! W, K. Traylor
a wiinumct.
Ammonia and Alum In linking T'ovv
ders. How U letect 'J'liem,
In view of what the Minnesota Sim
ato has done, it is hoped that legiula
live iiodies in oilier win soon
take up the subject of food adulters
turn, ibo subjoined list of bilking
powders containing ammonia and
alum, compiled from oluciul reports
and published iu a recent, number of
the Hcientlllo American, latilvun below
It ueuis in a uiicct manner wuu an
evil which most bo cut down" snid
tho Chicago Tribune in commenting
on tlio Hciennuo American report.
Following Is the list of
Powders marked with a star 'cum to
have a Kenerul aulo, as they are men
tioned in at lc ist two ot the reports,
rooa'a rAVOKtiis. acurro.
tlAVia' O. K.
OKM. -fll.OIIK.
Tliero are, in addition to the forego
ing list from tho Hcientiiio American
a number of such powders sold i.i the
Western that were not found iuotbc
Eastern stores.
Following I the list to date:
CAM? MKT, Contain Alum
(( uliniwl Hnklna l'ownrru.1Chtcain. )
J'OKKein'ITY. oulatm Ammoni Alum
(Vouwlii HriM., CluvduiiU.)
CHICAGO YKAST, Contains Ammonia
Aiuin. (I'lianmaii E eiuitli t'o., lilcairn.l
BON HON. . I'on tains Alum
iloTICI,. Contains Ammonia Alum
(1. i: (Irunt Iluklna I'owuvr I n., t liicxo.
UNKIVAI.KII, CT.uitaitiii Alum
( hi.ririiR. Warner lirinwoui, ciiIchkh.)
ONli til'OOS, TA Y MIK'H.A m monU Alum
( Tavlor Ml. Co., at.
YAUMAbL'ri. - Cnti.lus Alum
( Ysrnsll Mix. Co.. Hi. I.nni.l
HHAVV'rtfcNOVV VViV, Conutn. Alum
( MiTi haiiln Miff. Aw)ciiilloii, Hi. Louio.)
IiUiLSON A Itll.S, - foiiinim Alum
(t),,n & lllla. 8t. Uuih.l
SHKI'A Ul)'(. ('onuilnn Ammonia Alum.
(Wm H. Milliard. Ht. U'liH.I
11A1N H, - Coutni.m Alum.
(Mfvt'r Bnln Mf. Co., Hi. I.ouis.l
MON'AKCII. Contain Ammonia Alum
( lttil. Muraock lo,. lili in,l
SNOW HAM,. - - Coniidn Alr.m.
(Ilingl Coll'ee S Nplus Mill, t; IiIchko.)
OlANi , Coittams Alum.
Mll.h, Minuino aiuin.
. I W. F. Mcl-sualillii A Co.. Chic. I
ECHO, - - Conlsm Alum.
(Snrm-cr Klulne'vanills Co.. Chicago.
KALUFEI.I.a PvlUTY, Contains Alum
(Kalbfell MfK. Co., t' iiK
RltilMihCN, - Cunbiinn Ammonia
( i'liiH'iiix Clicmli al W'oikn. (.'bleaao .)
Will i K KOMK, I'oiu n Ammonia Alum.
((ilui CtiH.-i' npl Mills, Minneapolis )
WliUD 8 Al'MK, - (Xmtains Ammonia
( l'h.i. Wonit A Co.. I'liil'ldtliia.)
ANPUKWM' I'KAHL, Cnlitaina Ammoiiiii.
ii . K, Andrew A ( o., MilMaimeu l
tltlKH' PAVOltlTK. Contains Alum
III. IT. liuriei. Minnvuiioli. 1
FinKI.ITY, Contain Alum.
SO I. A It. - Contains Alum,
liermn Itro.. Clil'-aito.)
PUTNAM'! H MT. . Contains Alum.
I Welti", Putnam Co., Cbleno.)
CHINA "T" IIOCSK, Coulaiua Alum
(Noah McDowell. 8t. Paul, Minn )
TWIN CITY , - Contains Alum
(J K. Kermiwm, Minnrapoli. Minn.)
HKItl'l I.KH. - Contains Ammonia
(llereult HuklnR Powder Co. , 8. K. Cl.)
CLIMAX. - Contain Ammonia.
(Climax Having Powder Co., Indiauapoli.)
Ammonia and alum are the most
common adulterants used in the man
ufacturs of baking powders. The Gov
ernment report shows that a large
percentage of the baking powders on
the market contain either one or the
other, or .both these pernicious drugs.
What woman would uso an ammo
nia or alum baking powder if she
knew it? 8ueh powders not only un
dermine tho health, but ammonia
irivea to tho complexion a sallow or
blotched appearance. The presence of
ammonia or alum in a baking powder,
bewever, can easily be detected.
To Vbtbct Ammonia.- Mix one
heaping teaspoonful of baking powder
with one toaspoonful of water in a tin
cup; boil thoroughly for a few
moments' stir to prevent burning, and
if ammonia ia present you can smell it
in the rising steam. Or place a can of
the suspected owder top down on a
hot stove for a minuto or two, then
take off the cover and smell.
To Dktrct ALPM.-Alnm powder can
be tested by putting a couplo of tea
aiiooufula of the powder in a klaas of
cold water. If no effervescence, that
is bubbling or simmering, takes place,
condemn the powder and return it at
Home alum powders, howover, like
the "Calumet," "Bon Bon," "Chioauo
Yeast," etc., contain phosphates in
combination with alum, and with
these brands the following tost is sim
ple and sure:
Take ono half Icaspmiiful of bakitm
powder In lid of say half pound can J
char thoroughly over a strong alcohol
flame, a good gas jot; or red hut ooula.
After charing (that is, burning until
the whole masa is black) add a tea
spoonful of water and place a bright
piece of silvor colli in tho solution.
Stir forjono minute, then take out the
silver. If the powihir prove ft cream of
tartar powder tho coin will be blight;
if an alum powder it will havo sulphur
stai s.
Now pour a littlo vinegar into the
lid and smell the fumes. Alum powders
givo off sulphuretted hydrogen, which
may bo detected by its foul odor.
We aro havini? vory pleasant weather
hero now after tho long continnous
rain that has been coming down of
late. ,
Jack Frost paid us a visit on Sun
day morning, September 2, but doing
no damage;
Mr. J. While has jut finished build
ing a fine frame dwelling house on
Ijis homestead. "
JPelaakey brought home a fine
milch cow with her calf last week.
They say she gives thirty quarts of
millt daily. What do you thiuk of
that for a cowf
Mr, Hiulak filed on a claim iu this
vicinity, Jut week. ,
Mr. W. Form came In on his home
stead the other day. He intends to
stay aud make a big slushing.
It la very fine weather now for liny
lug. W, Miller has started cutting the
second crop of timothy,
' ' jit IN IKK.
Married At the residence of the
bride'a parents, October 13, at 8 o'clock
p. in., in Httiuier, by Itcv. Wine, Mian
Julia Bilvor and Mr, Mat tin .Both.
Only relatives and a few intimate
friends of the parties witnessed the
ceremony, i lie house was beuiiti
fully decorated for the occasion with
plants, ferns aud evergreens, I tie
presents were holh beautiful and use
(til. Immediately after the wedding
ceremony the bride and groom," with
it'cir guests, repaired to their future
rcnidence which hud been previously
luriiinhed and prepared and a- beauti
fill luncli"ou provided. After a pleas
ant hour wavspenllhe gueats departed
one and all wixliing Mr. and Mrs.
Both many hnppy days. Those pa-scnt
were: J he brides parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Silver, Charlie Silver,
Minses Daisy and Bertha Hilver, Miss
Alice Hooker, Miss Ktta Whitney,
Nellie Dohulhower, Kdith Dibblee,
Bessie Mneck, Adna Timoncy, Messrs.
Dean Blancliurd, A. Clark, W. N.
Forrcstor, William Huycke, Craig
Gilhreath and Itev. W. C. Wise. Miss
Kdith Dibblee was bridesmaid and
Mr. Andrew Clark bsl man. They
each performed their duties in a grace
ful manner, and when their turn
conn a will bo slightly used to it.
Mr. S. K. Hudson and daughter,
Miss elusie, and Miss Eille Tryon
vixited the metropolis lately. Query :
"Where was Totiimyr'
Mrs. Minnie Tryon visited friends
hero recently,
W. J. Deitz has, this week, purchased
from Dean Blanchsrd 100 feet of river
frontage in Uaimer for 11000 cash.
The machinery of tho sawmill of M.
13. rhlllips which was burned down
aome time since was recently sold at
constable's sain, Mr. J. Silver being
the buyer for IISJS.
M. J. Kettering's new store on the
hill is almost completed aud will soon
bo ready for occupancy.
Home unknown person entered the
aaloon of Joseph Silver last Friday
night and took the till with what
money, papers, etc. that it contained
and made his escape by stealing Bob
Winchentcr's boat and leaving for
pat la as yet unknown. "Bob" hua not
found hi boat bill has found a guff
liook that was in the boat, on tho
oilier side of the river. Tho till aud
papers were also found.
Tho boom company across tho river
are putting in two new piers. Dean
IJIiincliard Ima di'iTbn tho pilinir.
Craig Gilbreath, furnished the piling
and crib limbers.
Painting is the order of the day in
Rainier and vicinity. Tho Masonio
hall, town hull and the residence of
Mr. Perry and other building are re
ceiving the attention of the artists.
Mr. J. B. E. Bourne has just cut his
oats. Kosher lute in tho day, Joseph.
You should make hay when the sun
hi tics.
Mr. John Atkins passed through
town Tuesday lust.
Mr. Blunchard run his mill Monday
but suspended operations the next
lay on account of bis employes going
to court.
The lathers on the Masonic hall aro
wailing for the mill to saw out the
ground work around the window
casing. Why don't you "get a move
on you," Mr, Blunchard, and Baw them
Mr. D. Bearco, the general con
tractor, carpenter, etc., for this place,
is agaiu at work after nearly a week s
vacation, proving up on his homo-
Bteud and visiting his wife iu Portlund.
John Online and C. P. Ostrom,
among olhors, visited Portland this
week to take in tho fair. Ihcy bad a
good time and came home iu good
ahape. , w
W. M. Higgs and wife are at La,
Center, Wash., on a visit to the parents
of Mrs. Hi SKI.
Camille Wants Is holding down
French Kidge in the absenoe of the
other residents. .
Henry Wickersham is again abroad
n the land , aeckitiff subscriptions for
his books of which be has a good
selection. . . ., .
Frank Allen went to Portland to
take in the town but from his quick
return it is supposed that the town
took him iu. Hard times, Frank, will
bring any one home aoon.
Miss Dibble, our efficient achool
marm," contemplates visiting tne
fair on the lust day.
Tho next sociable will bo held at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Brunio
n Saturday evening, Ootober 17.
Don't forget it. Bring your dimes
and have 50 cents worth of enjoyment.
A petition is being circulated to di-
ide this school district, setting apart
the eastern portion, it being too far for
be children to attend tho school in
Rainier. It ia being generally signed.
Mrs. Etta Whitney hua been on the
sick list bu(we aro glad to see her out
A large drive of bolts is coming
down the Cowlitx river into the boom
for the Suffolk Mill. About 2000 cords
re expected enough to keep tho
boys busy for some lime. .
Fred Coolidge tested tho sharpness
!of a knot saw lust Saturday resulting
in the loss of a poition of his thumb.
He is now a full fledged shinglo
Miss Alice Hooker and Miss Nellie
Pobelbowor visited Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Brant on Sunday last. They
say tho baby looks just like Its papa.
' Competition ia quite lively at this
end of the route between tho steamers
Kellogg and Irnlda. The purser of the
Iralda is starting competition ashore
also, us he was seen walking a race
last Sunday afternoon. He overtook
her all right enough.
Two young ladies were seen getting
off the Telephone on a return trip
from Portland, ono of them looking
very lonesome. Whore .was he,
BossieT ' "
G. F. Moock doe not smoke the
best cigars lately. Uo says three for
times and no cord wood selling.
Captain Hugh Groves ha been
huntinir in the neighborhood Intel v.
He succeeded in bagging quite a nuiri
ber of grouse and pheaaau la.
Neil McPheo has quit tho shingle
mill and will work at blacksmithiug
with Mr. Downing. -
Several person have visited Port
land and the fair within tho past week.
Mr. avid Mrs. W. J. Deitz spent Inst
Saturday in Kulama, the guests of
Mr. Ben Deitz of that place
Mr. J. L. Jones, the foreman of tho
Suffolk Mill Company, visited Kelso
in tho interest of tho mill on Tuesday
Thomas Allraan, well known in this
community at present a citizen of
Caihlumot, spent a part of last week
iu our town.
Mrs. Lovell of Fishhawk came over
on Saturday to visit her brother, El
liott Wood, returning next day.
Peter Donklo was over the first of
the week with a pair of mules which
he hitched onto a new Harrison wagon
just received from the factory.
Charles Houdrickson a Finn boy of
10 died oa the prairie last week and
was buried last Friday at Beaver. We
did not learn the cause of his death
which followed a reported illness of
ono week.
Mr. J. Johnson was seen on Monday
with his family, household goods and
cow moving out near Tichenor's mill
where he expects to spend the winter,
Mrs. Rosenberg and family who
have beeu holding down a claim for
aeveral months were in town Friday
on their way to Portland where they
expect to spend the winter.
A littlo judicious carpenter work
and followed by paint well applied
have made a wonderful change in the
appearance of the house occupied by
Mr. and JUrs. Hughes on JNehalom
avenue. The house was not a thing of
beauty bef jre but now looks well and
ia a credit to the owners who rent il.
We thought as a white horse was
standing hitched, the otber day, with
a pack on bis back that at one side
something presented looking very
much like ears and on the opposite
side of the horse something resembling
a deer's hoofs, tho part between these
ends was wrapped up bo the aa-
nial may have been a swine.
An apple tree wa noticed to be in
bloom last week.
If any one wants to see bow giant
and Judsou powder will lift out stumps
and root g an exhibition is offered in
ono of Jim Fink's fields along the road
to licaver.
A gentleman coming from Mist on
Thursday reports meeting seven teams
on their way to that village, four of
them loaded with supplies for the
Another session of recorders court
was held last Friday to dispose of a dis
lurber of the peace. The prisoner was
allowed his liberty on condition of his
leaving and remaining out of town
and . promptly availed himself of the
condition to far as the leaving was
concerned, the staying away will de
velop with time.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bloom came in
from Mishuwuka the first of the week
and will remain a few days in town
before returning to their claim on the
lower riehalem.
If the way to a man's heart is through
his stomach, F. T. Shute is goiug to
try and find it. He expects to keep
freth ovsters, serves lunches and has
on baud a fine supply of fruit, vegeta
bles and canned goods. This might be
huiked upon as an advertisement but
it is a matter of interest to the public
to know that such an establishment
has just been opened in our town.
R. S. Hat ton has an additional
member added to. his stall family
whose safe arrival was duly heralded
on Monday last.
Tho sale of the Edirerton property
and business in town to Captain Nich
ols it Kelly has awakened some interest
in the transfer of the fostolhco. Air.
Edirerton would naturally like to
have his successors in business succeed
him in the office, but an additional
aspirant ia out with a petition expedi
ting to secure it if possible. Two peti
tions are therefore iu citculation and
an opportunity is given to sign either
or both.
The Clatskanie hotel in the Merrill
building is again opened to the public
under the management of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Springstoad.
George Bryant's condition is such
that he is not expected to live through
the week. . . .
Mrs. English and daughtof Annie,
were passengers on the Shaver Tues
day for Portland.
George Jaquish ia building a ware
house which when completed will
greatly accomodate the citizens of
this place.
We miss Dr. .Cranshaw's face from
Reuben. -
Frank Foater is carpenter on the
warehouse. ' .
D. J. Moore has built a fine house
on his claim and has had considerable
clearing done. S. A. Fowler done the
work. -
W. H. Rnyer is doing considerable
work on his claim. : He has just fin
ished a house 22x4A feet, including a
woodshed 14x22 feet
Adolph Hanson expects to com
mence the erection of a house next
week. '
Tho county road to Beaver valley is
open for travel. ,
8. A. Fowler sank a well fifty-three
feet laat week without striking water.
E. Killfeather has had a new house
built to replace the oue that was
burned some time ago.
We saw in Reuben the other day,
Hanson J. Bordeu, J. Kennedy, S. A.
Fowler, E. Killfeather and the fat man
on the way o Oregod City.
" : . ' - Rover.
R. P. Graham purchased tho full
blooded durham bull at the McEldow-ney-Hawthorn
sale at Hillsboro hut
week. This is one ot tho finest of the
durham breed and weighs about 2500
pounds. Mr. Graham will take the au
imul down on his farm at Marshland.
10 cents are good enough these
Proceeding of the October Term,
Taylor, Judge.
The following is a list of grand
jurors drawn foi this term of court:
A. Seffurt, Reuben; A. King, St. Hel
ena ; J. Burr, Clulskaoie; O. E. Bacon,
Gillton ; J. M. Blackford, Clatskanie;
G. C. Barger, St. Helens; T. H, Wood
ruff, Rainier. The court appointed J.
Barr, foreman.
F. Meeker and 8. Saul? or wore ap
pointed by the court as bailiffs for the
John Seffert vb. The Tide Creek
Boom & Darn Co.; dismissed at plain
tiffs cost. .
C. Saline vs. Phillip Pli rakes; dis
misitcd at plaintiff cost.
In the matter of the agreement of
the Columbia City -.Lumber Co., In
solvent debtors; cortinued for the
8. If. Walker vs. J. P. Dunn and K.
A. Garret; continued for the term. and Kysor vs. Mcscrvo Bros. ;
continued for the term.
Joseph Copcland vs. Allen; dis
missed at plaintiffs cost.
R. W. McNntt vs. S. J. Brown ; judg
ment for plaintiff.
Frankie Dunn vs. AV. A. Dunn ; de
cree of divorce granted and plaintiff
allowed to assume hor maiden name,
Bemhard Bukenfeld, Christian
Felher, Frank Soukey were admitted
to citizenship.
Klosterman & Co. vs. F. A. Smith;
judgment for plaintiff.
Aiken, Selling & Co. vs. II. S. Ting
ling; sale confirmed.
Bevis, Nicholas & Bevis vg. J. II.
Haley; judgment for plaintiff.
P. N. Carnahan vs. R. G. Davey;
dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Surah J. Mason va. J. C. Mason ; dis
missed at plaintiffs cost.
Muckle Bros, vb. Dean Blunchard ;
judgment for plaintiff.
G. S. Foster vs. G. A. Gore ; dis
missed at plaintiffs cost.
Fleckensteiu & Meyer vs. A. Mc
Graw; judgment for plaintiff.
Wolf Bros. vs. Dean Blanchard;
judgment for plaintiff.
It. L. Sabin vs. Dean Blanchard
judgment for plaintiff.
C. F. Adams vs. Dean Blanchard ;
judgment for plaintiff.
Brous Mfg Co. vs. Wm. Lee; decree
lor plaintiff.
This is what you ought to bare, in fact
yon must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thous
ands are searching for it daily, and niourn-
ina because they find it not. Thousands
upon thousands of dollars are spent an
nually by our people in the hope that thoy
may attain this boon. And yet it may be
had by all. We guarantee that Electric
Bitters, if used according to direction! and
the use persisted in, will bring you good
Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia
and installs instead Eupepay. We recom
mend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all
diseases of Liver,' Etomacti and Kidneys
Hold at 50c and $1.00 per bottle by Edwin
Koss , Druggist.
Another Long List of Cases Added
to the Thousands Accomplish"
ed bj Electricity.
So much has been said in praise of
Dr. Darrin and his new cure by elec
tricity, and so many cards and letters
from grateful patient that it seems
useless to publish them ; we will, how
ever, give their names and adie.scs,
that people may refer to them :
Stephen Wyhe.Aasel, Pacific county
Wash. ; liver complaint and an aggra
vated case of piles, cured.
V. t. Knotts, Hulino. Clackamas
county, Or.; nervous debility and piuv
pies on the face, cured.
William Gates. Hillsdale, Or. ; total
deafness in one ear and partially so in
the other, cured in ten minutes. ,
Mrs. II. J. Miller, corner Fifth and
Alder streets. East Portland, general
debility, cured and gained eight
Mrs. A. C. Landis, 805 West street,
Seattle; cured of a scrofulous sore on
leg twenty years ago by Dr. Darrin.
Prof. J P. Looney, p-iocinu.1 Hills
boro school, chronic catarrh for seven
years, permanently cured in two
mouths.- ' i
J. W. Keeney, Long Creek, Grant
county, Or.; kidney complaint and-
pains down the back , and down the
sciatio nerves, restored. ;
Linton Paine, Mulino, Or. i rheuma
tism all his life . in different parts of
the system, enlarged liver and diseased
kidneys, restored to health.
Dr. Darrin still continues free treat
ments to all from 10 to 11 A. M. daily,
arid those willing to pay at half price
10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Snndays, 10 to 12.
Confidential constitution by letter or
at tho office free. Office, 70$ Washing
ton street, Portland. Question blanks
and circulars sent free. Dr. Darrin
treats all curable private, chroma and
nervous diseases, seminal weakness,
secret blood and skin diseases, nervous
debility, impotence and other weak
nesses of manhood, tumors and irreg
ularities in women, female weaknesses,
etc ' v.- i
I have a larie snan mare mulea. rood to
work, single or double, gen tie and kind ;
weight about 1200 pounda, I wish to trade
for a Mpan ot young geldings, weight about
uoo poll n us. (, ail on or auureaa, Jt. u.
Brown, lteubeu, Oregon. olOnrt .
Sale ofStock!
There will be sold at Maygar, Oregon, on
November 9, 1891,
Seventy Shares of the Capital Stock of the
Green Creek Luraberins: and
Manufacturing Co.,
"Of Maygar, Oregon, 10 per ocnt. of which
is paiu up. 1 new anares win oe sola in de
fault of. payment of an assessment of 10 per
ceuU now due.
G. C. L. & M. Co. .
All Our .Seeds AreTested ;
fir si v -
F.L.Posson &
The.." Great Portland Industrial Exposition,
With its world of wonders, -OPENS
SEPT. 17, 1891; CLOSES OCT. 17, 1891.
Music by (be irreat Zapadorea Band, direct from the City of Mexico. Art from tlis area
master of Europe anil America, valued at a quarter million dollars Wonderful
Electrii-al Adaptation in full operation. A Splendid Herlr-s of Mineral
Exhibits. Every Department filled with tho Novel and I teres ting
A preater number of exhibit than evr before prewnted upon the coaat. The stock
department made a prominent fr-ntnre. $5000 In premium. The largest
display of fruit and the lined exhibit of aritu!ture ever made in the Pacific North weat
All manufacture In full mot on. Everything- new. No dead exhibits.
Admission as wiual. Greatly reduced rates for round-trip on all paaaenger line.
Sheet-Iron, Tin
..... ..." . V
2 1 2 First and cor. Salmon Street PORTLAND
Yon are respectfully Invited to call at the office of the
And examine ourlUtof
Hawthorne's First Addition to Portland,
LOTS 50X100 FT.
Partiea who desire to visit and examine this property will find oar agent aad team ready at aay
We afro offer 100 10-acra tracts belondns' to
tha Hawthorne estate at HiLLSHoao. Wasblujttoa
count y, U uiles wea of Portlaud, oue hour ride
by rail, three times daily.
Warra Sataoa. Waan, August 20,
This Isto eertifv that the "Orecon ITomestoad Conrosnv" has seeurwd funis mod and well loratpri
homesteads, requiring Hule, if any clearing, with first-class soil, well adapted to grain and rexv
tablas. as well as to the production o( every variety of grain and fruits that can be Krown in Call
foruia. Oretiou aud Washington, and we have located thereon. Said homestMsds ara situated on
th Washington side of the Columbia river, convenient to thelandiiiK Of a dally line of sieamer.
UKivuwutcw uuiuniirraisuuu. tju uieiiwin uin ulilou rat.ull' rniin y, 00 Ullies east UI IUSJ
city 01 Portlaud. Wo cotdlally recommend our friends and others to join our colony.
. (Signed,
There are now sixty settlors in the colony aad claims enough for 10 to 16 mora families,
and obtain full particulars.
We are also locating a colony about three miles
sou per acre.
Also a colour at Hillsboro, Or. on 10 and 20-acre tracts at tlQO and 1129 per acre.
40 acre farm 8 miles from St. Helens, all good
springs, new a room nouso, snutu garoeu, irtui trees; sk per acre.
Wa have the larvest and mort valuable trarta of land in the states of Orearwn and Waihlar-
taa. We receive none for subdivision or sale
dtnta of the district in which such lands are situated. We receive none tJtcept such as hava aa
absolute perfect tile. .
We have 309 it-acre tracts near PORT ANGELES,
acre; b,20 acres in a body near the above. fc
Four Homesteads,
We have for aale a beautiful fruit farm of a 130
vation, t-rica ti.tmu. terras si.oxicasn, balance on time, m itn nousenoiu lurnitura
horses, cattle, hogs, poultry, wagons and everything suitable tor a first-clata
farm, 13,800. Terms, 12, Ox) cash, balance on time, Cull and get
full particulars. .
IIS aoresflne cleared land near Rosebnrgr. Oregon,
trees, i ft per acre. Bpenam trutt ana grata larni.
One 10-acre tract, near Port Angeles, ft per acre, cash.
-r-Special !-
A party la forming here to visit the United
auriug me nioiun oi iiecemuer, in neaoseat tnreeor rour niontns. trie waiiceineui oncrea .
are far Minerior to those oi California In 1MD, without the hardships then endured. Tho
mines ofCalunibia exceed in richueis anv ever discovered in Caalaforitia or ftevaela..
The climate tsjust the same as in California, the farming lands ramtlng in price from M
cents to 1 peraere. Produce, any kind of fruit, grapes ami grain grown in California and
Oregon, in addition to cofl'ea, oocoa aud all the tropical fruits.
Is forming to visit San Picejo and the City af Rnaenarta, Lower California in
IWemho.. to sixmri the winter, exnlorintr the minus and examinlnir the emintrv with a view of
locatiitjf a colony ot l'rt-c!aas farmers and fruit
Oregon Homestead Co.
-13. DISNEY,
All Work Warranted.
fSX"tt AS
Son. Portland. On
Table and Pocket Cutlery
Dairy and Household
Cooking and Heating
and Copper Ware,"
Properties, the finest and best
which is
PRICES $700 TO $850 EACH.
41 acres. Improved farm 7 miles south of Port
land, nearClarkaiuas, Clat'kamas station, 8. P.
R. R., aood house, land all feneed, Rood water,
soma timber; price ilaD per acra, easy terms.
S. A. Capps. sfiSTst., Portland.
W. J. Kolb. 28 Oak St., Portland.
W. J. Bates, cor. Krontaud Hall sta.. Portland. .
Vras. H. Chidhon. 274 Fourth st., Portland.
O. F. Cook, cor. Fourth and J sta., E. Portland.
C. B. Blackwbm., eor. 4th and J sta. IS, Portland.
M. W. Kikcaiu, at Porter St.. Portland.
F. Pikbcc cor. Third and Ash sta., Portland.
from Port Angeles. Fire, 10 and 20 acre tracts
land, creek running thmngtt the center, splendid
that we cannot have endorsed bv the leading rest-
WASH., an oleisnt tract for a colony 150 mr
par acre. Very liberal terms.
160 .
$130 Each.
j Acres Each,
acres, go acres under fence, !W acres tinder culti
nearly all level, dotted with beautiful oak
Stale of CalnmMa. Month America,
raisers. For full information, sand 2'eot stamp to .
PLACE, Care of our office.
Repairing a Specialty. ;